doc: update/fix FSM charts

These reflect the plan for refactoring, and will be implemented by
I82e3f918295daa83274a4cf803f046979f284366 and

Change-Id: I29e31b753e23a4207662e0e385a337e7df836f45
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..732a894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+digraph G {
+labelloc=t; label="LEGEND FOR FSM GRAPHS"
+	box [label="function_call()\nputs FSM into state",shape="box"]
+	STATE [label="FSM_STATE"]
+	STATE2 [label="FSM_STATE"]
+	STATE3 [label="FSM_STATE"]
+	box -> STATE
+	STATE -> STATE2 [label="state transition"]
+	STATE -> STATE3 [label="transition\non error",style=dashed]
+	other [label="other FSM\ninstance\nor remote program",shape=box3d]
+	STATE2 -> other [label="event",style=dotted]
+	other -> STATE2 [label="event",style=dotted]
+	terminate [shape=octagon]
+	STATE3 -> terminate
+	err [label="common error\ntransition",shape=box,style=dashed]
+	err -> STATE3 [style=dashed]