remove sgsn, gbproxy and gtphub from openbsc.git

The GPRS related programs osmo-sgsn, osmo-gtphub and osmo-gbproxy
have been split off into the separate osmo-sgsn repository, which
can be found at

This is technically unrelated but conceptually part of the larger
NITB-split activities.

I did a brief log of all changes in src/gprs and couldn't find any
commits that we might have applied here but which are missing from

Change-Id: If60e28b23f5cfb2c4eb354951363a2bb63f3e0de
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 87b6f07..58e8966 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
-               libgtp-dev,
@@ -16,7 +15,6 @@
-               libc-ares-dev,
 Standards-Version: 3.9.8
 Vcs-Git: git://
@@ -62,31 +60,6 @@
  Additionally, it contains one tool for making use of an ISDN-card and the
  public telephone network as frequency standard for the E1 line.
-Package: osmocom-sgsn
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
-         ${misc:Depends}
-Suggests: osmocom-bsc
-Description: Osmocom Serving GPRS Support Node
- This is an implementation of the GPRS Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN). As
- such it implements the GPRS Mobility Management (GMM) and SM (Session
- Management).
- .
- The SGSN connects via the Gb-interface to the BSS (like the osmo-pcu or an
- ip.access nanoBTS), and it connects via the GTP protocol to a Gateway GPRS
- Support Node (GGSN) like openggsn.
-Package: osmocom-gbproxy
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
-         ${misc:Depends}
-Recommends: osmocom-sgsn
-Description: Osmocom GPRS Gb Interface Proxy
- The purpose of the Gb proxy is to aggregate the Gb links of multiple
- BSS's and present them in one Gb link to the SGSN.
- .
- This package is part of OpenBSC and closely related to osmocom-sgsn.
 Package: osmocom-bsc-nat
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
@@ -110,12 +83,6 @@
  The directory structure is copied after the structure in the repository
  and the header and .c file are installed into /usr/src/osmocom/openbsc/.
-Package: osmo-gtphub
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Osmocom GTP Hub
- Proxy for comms between multiple SGSNs and GGSNs.
 Package: osmocom-bsc-dbg
 Architecture: any
 Section: debug
@@ -148,22 +115,6 @@
 Description: Debug symbols for the OpenBSC BS11 utils
  Make debugging possible
-Package: osmocom-sgsn-dbg
-Architecture: any
-Section: debug
-Priority: extra
-Depends: osmocom-sgsn (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Debug symbols for the OpenBSC Serving GPRS Support Node
- Make debugging possible
-Package: osmocom-gbproxy-dbg
-Architecture: any
-Section: debug
-Priority: extra
-Depends: osmocom-gbproxy (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Debug symbols for the OpenBSC GPRS GBProxy
- Make debugging possible
 Package: osmocom-bsc-nat-dbg
 Architecture: any
 Section: debug
@@ -171,11 +122,3 @@
 Depends: osmocom-bsc-nat (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
 Description: Debug symbols for the OpenBSC Network Address Translation
  Make debugging possible
-Package: osmo-gtphub-dbg
-Architecture: any
-Section: debug
-Priority: extra
-Depends: osmo-gtphub (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Debug symbols for Osmocom GTP Hub
- Make debugging possible
diff --git a/debian/osmo-gtphub.default b/debian/osmo-gtphub.default
deleted file mode 100644
index 6af82da..0000000
--- a/debian/osmo-gtphub.default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/osmo-gtphub.examples b/debian/osmo-gtphub.examples
deleted file mode 100644
index 48c2dc0..0000000
--- a/debian/osmo-gtphub.examples
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/osmo-gtphub.init b/debian/osmo-gtphub.init
deleted file mode 100755
index 160d55b..0000000
--- a/debian/osmo-gtphub.init
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# Provides:          osmo-gtphub
-# Required-Start:    $network $local_fs
-# Required-Stop:
-# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
-# Short-Description: Osmocom GTP hub
-# Description:       Osmocom GTP hub
-# Author: Neels Hofmeyr <>
-# PATH should only include /usr/* if it runs after the script
-NAME=osmo-gtphub                         # Introduce the short server's name here
-DESC="Osmocom GTP hub"                   # Introduce a short description here
-DAEMON=/usr/bin/osmo-gtphub              # Introduce the server's location here
-# Exit if the package is not installed
-[ -x $DAEMON ] || exit 0
-# Read configuration variable file if it is present
-[ -r /etc/default/osmo-gtphub ] && . /etc/default/osmo-gtphub
-# Load the VERBOSE setting and other rcS variables
-. /lib/init/
-# Define LSB log_* functions.
-# Depend on lsb-base (>= 3.0-6) to ensure that this file is present.
-. /lib/lsb/init-functions
-# Function that starts the daemon/service
-	# Return
-	#   0 if daemon has been started
-	#   1 if daemon was already running
-	#   2 if daemon could not be started
-	start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON --test > /dev/null \
-		|| return 1
-	start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON -- \
-		|| return 2
-	# Add code here, if necessary, that waits for the process to be ready
-	# to handle requests from services started subsequently which depend
-	# on this one.  As a last resort, sleep for some time.
-# Function that stops the daemon/service
-	# Return
-	#   0 if daemon has been stopped
-	#   1 if daemon was already stopped
-	#   2 if daemon could not be stopped
-	#   other if a failure occurred
-	start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --name $NAME
-	RETVAL="$?"
-	[ "$RETVAL" = 2 ] && return 2
-	# Wait for children to finish too if this is a daemon that forks
-	# and if the daemon is only ever run from this initscript.
-	# If the above conditions are not satisfied then add some other code
-	# that waits for the process to drop all resources that could be
-	# needed by services started subsequently.  A last resort is to
-	# sleep for some time.
-	start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --retry=0/30/KILL/5 --exec $DAEMON
-	[ "$?" = 2 ] && return 2
-	return "$RETVAL"
-# Function that sends a SIGHUP to the daemon/service
-do_reload() {
-	#
-	# If the daemon can reload its configuration without
-	# restarting (for example, when it is sent a SIGHUP),
-	# then implement that here.
-	#
-	start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 --quiet $PIDFILE --name $NAME
-	return 0
-case "$1" in
-  start)
-    [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC " "$NAME"
-    do_start
-    case "$?" in
-		0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
-		2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
-	esac
-  ;;
-  stop)
-	[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
-	do_stop
-	case "$?" in
-		0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
-		2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
-	esac
-	;;
-  status)
-       status_of_proc "$DAEMON" "$NAME" && exit 0 || exit $?
-       ;;
-  #reload|force-reload)
-	#
-	# If do_reload() is not implemented then leave this commented out
-	# and leave 'force-reload' as an alias for 'restart'.
-	#
-	#log_daemon_msg "Reloading $DESC" "$NAME"
-	#do_reload
-	#log_end_msg $?
-	#;;
-  restart|force-reload)
-	#
-	# If the "reload" option is implemented then remove the
-	# 'force-reload' alias
-	#
-	log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC" "$NAME"
-	do_stop
-	case "$?" in
-	  0|1)
-		do_start
-		case "$?" in
-			0) log_end_msg 0 ;;
-			1) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Old process is still running
-			*) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to start
-		esac
-		;;
-	  *)
-		# Failed to stop
-		log_end_msg 1
-		;;
-	esac
-	;;
-  *)
-	#echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
-	echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}" >&2
-	exit 3
-	;;
diff --git a/debian/osmo-gtphub.install b/debian/osmo-gtphub.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 908c1a5..0000000
--- a/debian/osmo-gtphub.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/osmocom-gbproxy.init b/debian/osmocom-gbproxy.init
deleted file mode 100755
index 924f32d..0000000
--- a/debian/osmocom-gbproxy.init
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-# Provides:          osmo-gbproxy
-# Required-Start:    $network $local_fs
-# Required-Stop:
-# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
-# Short-Description: Osmocom GBproxy
-# Description:       A tool to proxy the GPRS Gb interface.
-# Author: Harald Welte <>
-# PATH should only include /usr/* if it runs after the script
-NAME=osmo-gbproxy                      # Introduce the short server's name here
-DESC="Osmocom GBProxy" # Introduce a short description here
-DAEMON=/usr/bin/osmo-gbproxy           # Introduce the server's location here
-# Exit if the package is not installed
-[ -x $DAEMON ] || exit 0
-# Read configuration variable file if it is present
-[ -r /etc/default/osmocom-gbproxy ] && . /etc/default/osmocom-gbproxy
-# Load the VERBOSE setting and other rcS variables
-. /lib/init/
-# Define LSB log_* functions.
-# Depend on lsb-base (>= 3.0-6) to ensure that this file is present.
-. /lib/lsb/init-functions
-# Function that starts the daemon/service
-	# Return
-	#   0 if daemon has been started
-	#   1 if daemon was already running
-	#   2 if daemon could not be started
-	start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON --test > /dev/null \
-		|| return 1
-	start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON -- \
-		|| return 2
-	# Add code here, if necessary, that waits for the process to be ready
-	# to handle requests from services started subsequently which depend
-	# on this one.  As a last resort, sleep for some time.
-# Function that stops the daemon/service
-	# Return
-	#   0 if daemon has been stopped
-	#   1 if daemon was already stopped
-	#   2 if daemon could not be stopped
-	#   other if a failure occurred
-	start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --name $NAME
-	RETVAL="$?"
-	[ "$RETVAL" = 2 ] && return 2
-	# Wait for children to finish too if this is a daemon that forks
-	# and if the daemon is only ever run from this initscript.
-	# If the above conditions are not satisfied then add some other code
-	# that waits for the process to drop all resources that could be
-	# needed by services started subsequently.  A last resort is to
-	# sleep for some time.
-	start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --retry=0/30/KILL/5 --exec $DAEMON
-	[ "$?" = 2 ] && return 2
-	return "$RETVAL"
-# Function that sends a SIGHUP to the daemon/service
-do_reload() {
-	#
-	# If the daemon can reload its configuration without
-	# restarting (for example, when it is sent a SIGHUP),
-	# then implement that here.
-	#
-	start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 --quiet $PIDFILE --name $NAME
-	return 0
-case "$1" in
-  start)
-    [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC " "$NAME"
-    do_start
-    case "$?" in
-		0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
-		2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
-	esac
-  ;;
-  stop)
-	[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
-	do_stop
-	case "$?" in
-		0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
-		2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
-	esac
-	;;
-  status)
-       status_of_proc "$DAEMON" "$NAME" && exit 0 || exit $?
-       ;;
-  #reload|force-reload)
-	#
-	# If do_reload() is not implemented then leave this commented out
-	# and leave 'force-reload' as an alias for 'restart'.
-	#
-	#log_daemon_msg "Reloading $DESC" "$NAME"
-	#do_reload
-	#log_end_msg $?
-	#;;
-  restart|force-reload)
-	#
-	# If the "reload" option is implemented then remove the
-	# 'force-reload' alias
-	#
-	log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC" "$NAME"
-	do_stop
-	case "$?" in
-	  0|1)
-		do_start
-		case "$?" in
-			0) log_end_msg 0 ;;
-			1) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Old process is still running
-			*) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to start
-		esac
-		;;
-	  *)
-	  	# Failed to stop
-		log_end_msg 1
-		;;
-	esac
-	;;
-  *)
-	#echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
-	echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}" >&2
-	exit 3
-	;;
diff --git a/debian/osmocom-gbproxy.install b/debian/osmocom-gbproxy.install
deleted file mode 100644
index ba3f6ee..0000000
--- a/debian/osmocom-gbproxy.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/osmocom-sgsn.default b/debian/osmocom-sgsn.default
deleted file mode 100644
index 77c9679..0000000
--- a/debian/osmocom-sgsn.default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/osmocom-sgsn.examples b/debian/osmocom-sgsn.examples
deleted file mode 100644
index 15de78d..0000000
--- a/debian/osmocom-sgsn.examples
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/osmocom-sgsn.init b/debian/osmocom-sgsn.init
deleted file mode 100755
index 0794dc1..0000000
--- a/debian/osmocom-sgsn.init
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# Provides:          osmo-sgsn
-# Required-Start:    $network $local_fs
-# Required-Stop:
-# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
-# Short-Description: Osmocom Serving GPRS Support Node
-# Description:       Osmocom Serving GPRS Support Node
-# Author: Harald Welte <>
-# PATH should only include /usr/* if it runs after the script
-NAME=osmo-sgsn                           # Introduce the short server's name here
-DESC="Osmocom Serving GPRS Support Node" # Introduce a short description here
-DAEMON=/usr/bin/osmo-sgsn                # Introduce the server's location here
-# Exit if the package is not installed
-[ -x $DAEMON ] || exit 0
-# Read configuration variable file if it is present
-[ -r /etc/default/osmocom-sgsn ] && . /etc/default/osmocom-sgsn
-# Load the VERBOSE setting and other rcS variables
-. /lib/init/
-# Define LSB log_* functions.
-# Depend on lsb-base (>= 3.0-6) to ensure that this file is present.
-. /lib/lsb/init-functions
-# Function that starts the daemon/service
-	# Return
-	#   0 if daemon has been started
-	#   1 if daemon was already running
-	#   2 if daemon could not be started
-	start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON --test > /dev/null \
-		|| return 1
-	start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON -- \
-		|| return 2
-	# Add code here, if necessary, that waits for the process to be ready
-	# to handle requests from services started subsequently which depend
-	# on this one.  As a last resort, sleep for some time.
-# Function that stops the daemon/service
-	# Return
-	#   0 if daemon has been stopped
-	#   1 if daemon was already stopped
-	#   2 if daemon could not be stopped
-	#   other if a failure occurred
-	start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --name $NAME
-	RETVAL="$?"
-	[ "$RETVAL" = 2 ] && return 2
-	# Wait for children to finish too if this is a daemon that forks
-	# and if the daemon is only ever run from this initscript.
-	# If the above conditions are not satisfied then add some other code
-	# that waits for the process to drop all resources that could be
-	# needed by services started subsequently.  A last resort is to
-	# sleep for some time.
-	start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --retry=0/30/KILL/5 --exec $DAEMON
-	[ "$?" = 2 ] && return 2
-	return "$RETVAL"
-# Function that sends a SIGHUP to the daemon/service
-do_reload() {
-	#
-	# If the daemon can reload its configuration without
-	# restarting (for example, when it is sent a SIGHUP),
-	# then implement that here.
-	#
-	start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 --quiet $PIDFILE --name $NAME
-	return 0
-case "$1" in
-  start)
-    [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC " "$NAME"
-    do_start
-    case "$?" in
-		0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
-		2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
-	esac
-  ;;
-  stop)
-	[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
-	do_stop
-	case "$?" in
-		0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
-		2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
-	esac
-	;;
-  status)
-       status_of_proc "$DAEMON" "$NAME" && exit 0 || exit $?
-       ;;
-  #reload|force-reload)
-	#
-	# If do_reload() is not implemented then leave this commented out
-	# and leave 'force-reload' as an alias for 'restart'.
-	#
-	#log_daemon_msg "Reloading $DESC" "$NAME"
-	#do_reload
-	#log_end_msg $?
-	#;;
-  restart|force-reload)
-	#
-	# If the "reload" option is implemented then remove the
-	# 'force-reload' alias
-	#
-	log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC" "$NAME"
-	do_stop
-	case "$?" in
-	  0|1)
-		do_start
-		case "$?" in
-			0) log_end_msg 0 ;;
-			1) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Old process is still running
-			*) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to start
-		esac
-		;;
-	  *)
-	  	# Failed to stop
-		log_end_msg 1
-		;;
-	esac
-	;;
-  *)
-	#echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
-	echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}" >&2
-	exit 3
-	;;
diff --git a/debian/osmocom-sgsn.install b/debian/osmocom-sgsn.install
deleted file mode 100644
index d89c456..0000000
--- a/debian/osmocom-sgsn.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 4e187a6..d1d74a5 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -21,10 +21,7 @@
 	dh_strip -posmocom-nitb --dbg-package=osmocom-nitb-dbg
 	dh_strip -posmocom-ipaccess-utils --dbg-package=osmocom-ipaccess-utils-dbg
 	dh_strip -posmocom-bs11-utils --dbg-package=osmocom-bs11-utils-dbg
-	dh_strip -posmocom-sgsn --dbg-package=osmocom-sgsn-dbg
-	dh_strip -posmocom-gbproxy --dbg-package=osmocom-gbproxy-dbg
 	dh_strip -posmocom-bsc-nat --dbg-package=osmocom-bsc-nat-dbg
-	dh_strip -posmo-gtphub --dbg-package=osmo-gtphub-dbg
 	echo $(VERSION) > openbsc/.tarball-version
diff --git a/openbsc/.gitignore b/openbsc/.gitignore
index 3dabea9..f54aa59 100644
--- a/openbsc/.gitignore
+++ b/openbsc/.gitignore
@@ -52,9 +52,6 @@
@@ -70,26 +67,16 @@
@@ -97,7 +84,5 @@
diff --git a/openbsc/ b/openbsc/
index 48c5c82..a0df05f 100644
--- a/openbsc/
+++ b/openbsc/
@@ -105,22 +105,6 @@
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBGTP, libgtp >= 0.92, , found_libgtp=no)
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBGTP, test "$found_libgtp" = yes)
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBCARES], [libcares], [], [found_libcares=no])
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBCARES, test "$found_libcares" = yes)
-if test "$found_libgtp" = "yes" -a "$found_libcares" = "yes"; then
-    found_libgtp_and_libcares=yes
 dnl checks for header files
 AC_CHECK_HEADERS(dbi/dbd.h,,AC_MSG_ERROR(DBI library is not installed))
@@ -240,7 +224,6 @@
-    src/gprs/Makefile
@@ -250,20 +233,11 @@
-    tests/gprs/Makefile
-    tests/gbproxy/Makefile
-    tests/sgsn/Makefile
-    tests/oap/Makefile
-    tests/gtphub/Makefile
-    tests/xid/Makefile
-    tests/sndcp_xid/Makefile
-    tests/slhc/Makefile
-    tests/v42bis/Makefile
diff --git a/openbsc/contrib/gprs/ b/openbsc/contrib/gprs/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0cd4b87..0000000
--- a/openbsc/contrib/gprs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-demonstrate a unblock bug on the GB Proxy..
-bts_ns_reset = "\x02\x00\x81\x01\x01\x82\x1f\xe7\x04\x82\x1f\xe7"
-ns_reset_ack = "\x03\x01\x82\x1f\xe7\x04\x82\x1f\xe7"
-bts_ns_unblock = "\x06"
-ns_unblock_ack = "\x07"
-bts_bvc_reset_0 = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x22\x04\x82\x00\x00\x07\x81\x03\x3b\x81\x02"
-ns_bvc_reset_0_ack = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x23\x04\x82\x00\x00"
-bts_bvc_reset_8167 = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x22\x04\x82\x1f\xe7\x07\x81\x08\x08\x88\x72\xf4\x80\x10\x1c\x00\x9c\x40"
-import socket
-socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
-socket.bind(("", 0))
-import sys
-port = int(sys.argv[1])
-print "Sending data to port: %d" % port
-def send_and_receive(packet):
-    socket.sendto(packet, ("", port))
-    try:
-        data, addr = socket.recvfrom(4096)
-    except socket.error, e:
-        print "ERROR", e
-        import sys
-        sys.exit(0)
-    return data
-#send stuff once
-to_send = [
-    (bts_ns_reset, ns_reset_ack, "reset ack"),
-    (bts_ns_unblock, ns_unblock_ack, "unblock ack"),
-    (bts_bvc_reset_0, ns_bvc_reset_0_ack, "BVCI=0 reset ack"),
-for (out, inp, type) in to_send:
-    res = send_and_receive(out)
-    if res != inp:
-        print "Failed to get the %s" % type
-        sys.exit(-1)
-import time
-res = send_and_receive(bts_bvc_reset_8167)
-print "Sent all messages... check wireshark for the last response"
diff --git a/openbsc/contrib/gprs/gprs-bssgp-histogram.lua b/openbsc/contrib/gprs/gprs-bssgp-histogram.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b1ab5df..0000000
--- a/openbsc/contrib/gprs/gprs-bssgp-histogram.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
--- Simple LUA script to print the size of BSSGP messages over their type...
-	local ip_bucket = {}
-	local pdu_types = {}
-	pdu_types[ 6] = "PAGING"
-	pdu_types[11] = "SUSPEND"
-	pdu_types[12] = "SUSPEND-ACK"
-	pdu_types[32] = "BVC-BLOCK"
-	pdu_types[33] = "BVC-BLOCK-ACK"
-	pdu_types[34] = "BVC-RESET"
-	pdu_types[35] = "BVC-RESET-ACK"
-	pdu_types[36] = "UNBLOCK"
-	pdu_types[37] = "UNBLOCK-ACK"
-	pdu_types[38] = "FLOW-CONTROL-BVC"
-	pdu_types[39] = "FLOW-CONTROL-BVC-ACK"
-	pdu_types[40] = "FLOW-CONTROL-MS"
-	pdu_types[41] = "FLOW-CONTROL-MS-ACK"
-	pdu_types[44] = "LLC-DISCARDED"
-	local function init_listener()
-		-- handle the port as NS over IP
-		local udp_port_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
-		local gprs_ns_dis = Dissector.get("gprs_ns")
-		udp_port_table:add(23000,gprs_ns_dis)
-		-- bssgp filters
-		local bssgp_pdu_get ="bssgp.pdu_type")
-		local udp_length_get ="udp.length")
-		local tap ="ip", "udp.port == 23000")
-		function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb,ip)
-			local pdu = bssgp_pdu_get()
-			local len = udp_length_get()
-			-- only handle bssgp, but we also want the IP frame
-			if not pdu then
-				return
-			end
-			pdu = tostring(pdu)
-			if tonumber(pdu) == 0 or tonumber(pdu) == 1 then
-				return
-			end
-			local ip_src = tostring(ip.ip_src)
-			local bssgp_histo = ip_bucket[ip_src]
-			if not bssgp_histo then
-				bssgp_histo = {}
-				ip_bucket[ip_src] = bssgp_histo
-			end
-			local key = pdu
-			local bucket = bssgp_histo[key]
-			if not bucket then
-				bucket = {}
-				bssgp_histo[key] = bucket
-			end
-			table.insert(bucket, tostring(len))
-			print("IP: " .. ip_src .. " PDU: " .. pdu_types[tonumber(pdu)] .. " Length: " .. tostring(len))
-		end
-		function tap.draw()
-			-- well... this will not be called...
---			for ip,bssgp_histo in pairs(dumpers) do
---				print("IP " .. ip)
---			end
-		end
-		function tap.reset()
-			-- well... this will not be called...
-		end
-	end
-	init_listener()
diff --git a/openbsc/contrib/gprs/gprs-buffer-count.lua b/openbsc/contrib/gprs/gprs-buffer-count.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ca8864a..0000000
--- a/openbsc/contrib/gprs/gprs-buffer-count.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
--- I count the buffer space needed for LLC PDUs in the worse case and print it
-	local function init_listener()
-		-- handle the port as NS over IP
-		local udp_port_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
-		local gprs_ns_dis = Dissector.get("gprs_ns")
-		udp_port_table:add(23000,gprs_ns_dis)
-		-- bssgp filters
-		local bssgp_pdu_get ="bssgp.pdu_type")
-		local bssgp_delay_get ="bssgp.delay_val")
-		local llcgprs_get ="llcgprs")
-		local pdus = nil
-		print("START...")
-		local tap ="ip", "udp.port == 23000 && bssgp.pdu_type == 0")
-		function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb,ip)
-			local pdu = bssgp_pdu_get()
-			local len = llcgprs_get().len
-			local delay = bssgp_delay_get()
-			-- only handle bssgp, but we also want the IP frame
-			if not pdu then
-				return
-			end
-			if tonumber(tostring(delay)) == 65535 then
-				pdus = { next = pdus,
-					 len = len,
-					 expires = -1 }
-			else
-				local off = tonumber(tostring(delay)) / 100.0
-				pdus = { next = pdus,
-					 len = len,
-					 expires = pinfo.rel_ts + off }
-			end
-			local now_time = tonumber(tostring(pinfo.rel_ts))
-			local now_size = 0
-			local l = pdus
-			local prev = nil
-			local count = 0
-			while l do
-				if now_time < l.expires or l.expires == -1 then
-					now_size = now_size + l.len
-					prev = l
-					l =
-					count = count + 1
-				else
-					-- delete things
-					if prev == nil then
-						pdus = nil
-						l = nil
-					else
- =
-						l =
-					end
-				end
-			end
---			print("TOTAL: " .. now_time .. " PDU_SIZE: " .. now_size)
-			print(now_time .. " " .. now_size / 1024.0 .. " " .. count)
---			print("NOW: " .. tostring(pinfo.rel_ts) .. " Delay: " .. tostring(delay) .. " Length: " .. tostring(len))
-		end
-		function tap.draw()
-			-- well... this will not be called...
---			for ip,bssgp_histo in pairs(dumpers) do
---				print("IP " .. ip)
---			end
-			print("END")
-		end
-		function tap.reset()
-			-- well... this will not be called...
-		end
-	end
-	init_listener()
diff --git a/openbsc/contrib/gprs/gprs-split-trace-by-tlli.lua b/openbsc/contrib/gprs/gprs-split-trace-by-tlli.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 018c377..0000000
--- a/openbsc/contrib/gprs/gprs-split-trace-by-tlli.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
--- Create a file named by_ip/''ip_addess''.cap with all ip traffic of each ip host. (works for tshark only)
--- Dump files are created for both source and destination hosts
-	local dir = "by_tlli"
-	local dumpers = {}
-	local function init_listener()
-		local udp_port_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
-		local gprs_ns_dis = Dissector.get("gprs_ns")
-		udp_port_table:add(23000,gprs_ns_dis)
-		local field_tlli ="bssgp.tlli")
-		local tap ="ip", "udp.port == 23000")
-		-- we will be called once for every IP Header.
-		-- If there's more than one IP header in a given packet we'll dump the packet once per every header
-		function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb,ip)
-			local tlli = field_tlli()
-			if not tlli then
-				return
-			end
-			local tlli_str = tostring(tlli)
-			tlli_dmp = dumpers[tlli_str]
-			if not tlli_dmp then
-				local tlli_hex = string.format("0x%x", tonumber(tlli_str))
-				print("Creating dump for TLLI " .. tlli_hex)
-				tlli_dmp = Dumper.new_for_current(dir .. "/" .. tlli_hex .. ".pcap")
-				dumpers[tlli_str] = tlli_dmp
-			end
-			tlli_dmp:dump_current()
-			tlli_dmp:flush()
-		end
-		function tap.draw()
-			for tlli,dumper in pairs(dumpers) do
-				 dumper:flush()
-			end
-		end
-		function tap.reset()
-			for tlli,dumper in pairs(dumpers) do
-				 dumper:close()
-			end
-			dumpers = {}
-		end
-	end
-	init_listener()
diff --git a/openbsc/contrib/gprs/gprs-verify-nu.lua b/openbsc/contrib/gprs/gprs-verify-nu.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e44fdd1..0000000
--- a/openbsc/contrib/gprs/gprs-verify-nu.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
--- This script verifies that the N(U) is increasing...
-	local nu_state_src = {}
-	local function init_listener()
-		-- handle the port as NS over IP
-		local udp_port_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
-		local gprs_ns_dis = Dissector.get("gprs_ns")
-		udp_port_table:add(23000,gprs_ns_dis)
-		-- we want to look here...
-		local llc_sapi_get ="llcgprs.sapib")
-		local llc_nu_get ="")
-		local bssgp_tlli_get ="bssgp.tlli")
-		local tap ="ip", "udp.port == 23000")
-		function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb,ip)
-			local llc_sapi = llc_sapi_get()
-			local llc_nu = llc_nu_get()
-			local bssgp_tlli = bssgp_tlli_get()
-			if not llc_sapi or not llc_nu or not bssgp_tlli then
-				return
-			end
-			local ip_src = tostring(ip.ip_src)
-			local bssgp_tlli = tostring(bssgp_tlli)
-			local llc_nu = tostring(llc_nu)
-			local llc_sapi = tostring(llc_sapi)
-			local src_key = ip_src .. "-" .. bssgp_tlli .. "-" .. llc_sapi
-			local last_nu = nu_state_src[src_key]
-			if not last_nu then
-				-- print("Establishing mapping for " .. src_key)
-				nu_state_src[src_key] = llc_nu
-				return
-			end
-			local function tohex(number)
-				return string.format("0x%x", tonumber(number))
-			end
-			nu_state_src[src_key] = llc_nu
-			if tonumber(last_nu) + 1 ~= tonumber(llc_nu) then
-				print("JUMP in N(U) on TLLI " .. tohex(bssgp_tlli) .. " and SAPI: " .. llc_sapi .. " src: " .. ip_src)
-				print("\t last: " .. last_nu .. " now: " .. llc_nu)
-			end
-		end
-		function tap.draw()
-		end
-		function tap.reset()
-		end
-	end
-	init_listener()
diff --git a/openbsc/contrib/systemd/osmo-gbproxy.service b/openbsc/contrib/systemd/osmo-gbproxy.service
deleted file mode 100644
index a0b7829..0000000
--- a/openbsc/contrib/systemd/osmo-gbproxy.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Description=Osmocom Gb proxy
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/osmo-gbproxy -c /etc/osmocom/osmo-gbproxy.cfg
diff --git a/openbsc/contrib/systemd/osmo-sgsn.service b/openbsc/contrib/systemd/osmo-sgsn.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 674d786..0000000
--- a/openbsc/contrib/systemd/osmo-sgsn.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Description=OpenBSC SGSN
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/osmo-sgsn -c /etc/osmocom/osmo-sgsn.cfg
diff --git a/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy-legacy.cfg b/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy-legacy.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 15fd74a..0000000
--- a/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy-legacy.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-! OsmoGbProxy (UNKNOWN) configuration saved from vty
-log stderr
-  logging filter all 1
-  logging color 1
-  logging timestamp 0
-  logging level all debug
-  logging level gprs debug
-  logging level ns info
-  logging level bssgp debug
-  logging level lglobal notice
-  logging level llapd notice
-  logging level linp notice
-  logging level lmux notice
-  logging level lmi notice
-  logging level lmib notice
-  logging level lsms notice
-line vty
- no login
- nse 666 nsvci 666
- nse 666 remote-role sgsn
-! nse 666 encapsulation framerelay-gre
-! nse 666 remote-ip
-! nse 666 fr-dlci 666
- timer tns-block 3
- timer tns-block-retries 3
- timer tns-reset 3
- timer tns-reset-retries 3
- timer tns-test 30
- timer tns-alive 3
- timer tns-alive-retries 10
- encapsulation udp local-port 23000
-! encapsulation framerelay-gre enabled 1
- sgsn nsei 666
- core-mobile-country-code 666
- core-mobile-network-code 6
- core-access-point-name none match-imsi ^666066|^66607
- tlli-list max-length 200
diff --git a/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.cfg b/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c3917a..0000000
--- a/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-! Osmocom Gb Proxy ( configuration saved from vty
-line vty
- no login
- sgsn nsei 101
- nse 101 nsvci 101
- nse 101 remote-role sgsn
- nse 101 encapsulation udp
- nse 101 remote-ip
- nse 101 remote-port 7777
- timer tns-block 3
- timer tns-block-retries 3
- timer tns-reset 3
- timer tns-reset-retries 3
- timer tns-test 30
- timer tns-alive 3
- timer tns-alive-retries 10
- encapsulation framerelay-gre enabled 0
- encapsulation framerelay-gre local-ip
- encapsulation udp local-port 23000
diff --git a/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/gtphub-example.txt b/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/gtphub-example.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c65f92..0000000
--- a/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/gtphub-example.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-Here is a simple setup to test GTPHub operations. The IP addresses picked will
-work well only on a system that creates local addresses ( on the
-fly (like linux) -- you may pick of course different IP addresses.
-Overview of the example setup:
-    sgsnemu               gtphub             ggsn
- <--> <-->
-Prerequisites: openggsn.
-Have a local directory where you store config files and from which you launch
-the GSNs and the hub (they will store restart counter files in that dir).
-In it, have these config files:
-    # GGSN local address
-    listen
-    # End User Addresses are picked from this range
-    net
-    pcodns1
-    logfile /tmp/foo
-    gtphub
-     bind-to-sgsns
-     bind-to-ggsns
-     ggsn-proxy
-    end
-You may omit the ggsn-proxy if GRX ares is working, or if you add the GRX
-address and GGSN IP address to /etc/hosts something like:
- internet.mnc070.mcc901.gprs
-Once the config files are in place, start the programs, in separate terminals.
-GGSN and SGSN need to be started with root priviliges to be able to create tun
-interfaces. GTPHub may run as unprivileged user.
-The LD_LIBRARY_PATH below may be needed if OpenGGSN installed to /usr/local.
-1. GGSN:
-    sudo -s
-    cd <your-test-dir>
-    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib /usr/local/bin/ggsn -f -c ./ggsn.conf
-2. GTPHub:
-    cd <your-test-dir>
-    path/to/openbsc/openbsc/src/gprs/osmo-gtphub -c gtphub.conf #-e 1 #for DEBUG level
-3. SGSN tests:
-    sudo -s
-    cd <your-test-dir>
-    /usr/local/bin/sgsnemu --createif -l -r --imsi 420001214365100 --contexts=3
-Add more SGSNs using different IMSIs and local ports (if the same IMSI is used,
-the GGSN will reuse TEIs and tunnels will be discarded automatically):
-    /usr/local/bin/sgsnemu --createif -l -r --imsi 420001214365300 --contexts=3
-This shows the basic setup of GTPHub. Testing internet traffic via sgsnemu
-still needs some effort to announce a mobile subscriber or the like (I have
-used a real BTS, osmo-sgsn and a testing SIM in a web phone, instead).
-The core capability of GTPHub is to manage more than two GSNs, e.g. an SGSN
-contacting various GGSNs over the single GTPHub link. You would configure the
-SGSN to use one fixed GGSN (sending to gtphub) and gtphub will resolve the
-GGSNs once it has received the messages. So the SGSN may be behind NAT (add
-"sgsn-use-sender" to gtphub.conf) and communicate to various GGSNs over a
-single link to gtphub.
-I hope this helps to get you going.
-Any suggestions/patches are welcome!
diff --git a/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/osmo-gtphub-1iface.cfg b/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/osmo-gtphub-1iface.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 3913d2c..0000000
--- a/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/osmo-gtphub-1iface.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-! Osmocom gtphub configuration
-! This file is used for VTY tests, referenced by openbsc/
-! For the test, try to use most config commands.
-line vty
- no login
- ! Local addresses to listen on and send from, both on one interface.
- ! The side towards SGSN uses nonstandard ports.
- bind-to-sgsns ctrl 12123 user 12153
- ! The GGSN side with standard ports.
- bind-to-ggsns
- ! Proxy: unconditionally direct all traffic to...
- sgsn-proxy
- ! Proxy with nonstandard ports or separate IPs:
- ggsn-proxy ctrl 2123 user 2152
- ! Add a name server for GGSN resolution
- grx-dns-add
diff --git a/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/osmo-gtphub.cfg b/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/osmo-gtphub.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dc4150..0000000
--- a/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/osmo-gtphub.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-! Osmocom gtphub configuration
-line vty
- no login
- ! Local addresses to listen on and send from, each on standard ports
- ! 2123 and 2152. Setting these addresses is mandatory.
- bind-to-sgsns
- bind-to-ggsns
- ! Local nonstandard ports or separate IPs:
- !bind-to-sgsns ctrl 2342 user 4223
- ! Proxy: unconditionally direct all traffic to...
- !ggsn-proxy
- !sgsn-proxy
- ! Proxy with nonstandard ports or separate IPs:
- !ggsn-proxy ctrl 2123 user 2152
- ! Add a name server for GGSN resolution
- !grx-dns-add
diff --git a/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-sgsn/osmo-sgsn.cfg b/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-sgsn/osmo-sgsn.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 4955983..0000000
--- a/openbsc/doc/examples/osmo-sgsn/osmo-sgsn.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-! Osmocom SGSN configuration
-line vty
- no login
- gtp local-ip
- ggsn 0 remote-ip
- ggsn 0 gtp-version 1
- timer tns-block 3
- timer tns-block-retries 3
- timer tns-reset 3
- timer tns-reset-retries 3
- timer tns-test 30
- timer tns-alive 3
- timer tns-alive-retries 10
- encapsulation udp local-ip
- encapsulation udp local-port 23000
- encapsulation framerelay-gre enabled 0
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/ b/openbsc/include/openbsc/
index db03caa..126b115 100644
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/
+++ b/openbsc/include/openbsc/
@@ -16,24 +16,10 @@
 	chan_alloc.h \
 	common_bsc.h \
 	common_cs.h \
-	crc24.h \
 	ctrl.h \
 	db.h \
 	debug.h \
 	e1_config.h \
-	gb_proxy.h \
-	gprs_gb_parse.h \
-	gprs_gmm.h \
-	gprs_llc.h \
-	gprs_llc_xid.h \
-	gprs_sgsn.h \
-	gprs_sndcp.h \
-	gprs_sndcp_comp.h \
-	gprs_sndcp_dcomp.h \
-	gprs_sndcp_pcomp.h \
-	gprs_sndcp_xid.h \
-	gprs_subscriber.h \
-	gprs_utils.h \
 	gsm_04_08.h \
 	gsm_04_11.h \
 	gsm_04_14.h \
@@ -42,7 +28,6 @@
 	gsm_data_shared.h \
 	gsm_subscriber.h \
 	gsup_client.h \
-	gtphub.h \
 	handover.h \
 	handover_decision.h \
 	ipaccess.h \
@@ -72,10 +57,8 @@
 	rrlp.h \
 	rs232.h \
 	rtp_proxy.h \
-	sgsn.h \
 	signal.h \
 	silent_call.h \
-	slhc.h \
 	smpp.h \
 	sms_queue.h \
 	socket.h \
@@ -86,8 +69,6 @@
 	trau_upqueue.h \
 	ussd.h \
 	vty.h \
-	v42bis.h \
-	v42bis_private.h \
 openbsc_HEADERS = \
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/crc24.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/crc24.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 756638c..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/crc24.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _CRC24_H
-#define _CRC24_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#define INIT_CRC24	0xffffff
-uint32_t crc24_calc(uint32_t fcs, uint8_t *cp, unsigned int len);
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gb_proxy.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gb_proxy.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e10894f..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gb_proxy.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _GB_PROXY_H
-#define _GB_PROXY_H
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_ns.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/command.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <regex.h>
-struct rate_ctr_group;
-struct gprs_gb_parse_context;
-struct tlv_parsed;
-enum gbproxy_global_ctr {
-enum gbproxy_peer_ctr {
-enum gbproxy_keep_mode {
-enum gbproxy_match_id {
-struct gbproxy_match {
-	int   enable;
-	char *re_str;
-	regex_t re_comp;
-struct gbproxy_config {
-	/* parsed from config file */
-	uint16_t nsip_sgsn_nsei;
-	/* misc */
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi;
-	/* Linked list of all Gb peers (except SGSN) */
-	struct llist_head bts_peers;
-	/* Counter */
-	struct rate_ctr_group *ctrg;
-	/* force mcc/mnc */
-	int core_mnc;
-	int core_mcc;
-	uint8_t* core_apn;
-	size_t core_apn_size;
-	int tlli_max_age;
-	int tlli_max_len;
-	/* Experimental config */
-	int patch_ptmsi;
-	int acquire_imsi;
-	int route_to_sgsn2;
-	uint16_t nsip_sgsn2_nsei;
-	enum gbproxy_keep_mode keep_link_infos;
-	/* IMSI checking/matching */
-	struct gbproxy_match matches[GBPROX_MATCH_LAST];
-struct gbproxy_patch_state {
-	int local_mnc;
-	int local_mcc;
-	/* List of TLLIs for which patching is enabled */
-	struct llist_head logical_links;
-	int logical_link_count;
-struct gbproxy_peer {
-	struct llist_head list;
-	/* point back to the config */
-	struct gbproxy_config *cfg;
-	/* NSEI of the peer entity */
-	uint16_t nsei;
-	/* BVCI used for Point-to-Point to this peer */
-	uint16_t bvci;
-	int blocked;
-	/* Routeing Area that this peer is part of (raw 04.08 encoding) */
-	uint8_t ra[6];
-	/* Counter */
-	struct rate_ctr_group *ctrg;
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state patch_state;
-struct gbproxy_tlli_state {
-	uint32_t current;
-	uint32_t assigned;
-	int bss_validated;
-	int net_validated;
-	uint32_t ptmsi;
-struct gbproxy_link_info {
-	struct llist_head list;
-	struct gbproxy_tlli_state tlli;
-	struct gbproxy_tlli_state sgsn_tlli;
-	uint32_t sgsn_nsei;
-	time_t timestamp;
-	uint8_t *imsi;
-	size_t imsi_len;
-	int imsi_acq_pending;
-	struct llist_head stored_msgs;
-	unsigned vu_gen_tx_bss;
-	int is_deregistered;
-	int is_matching[GBPROX_MATCH_LAST];
-/* gb_proxy_vty .c */
-int gbproxy_vty_init(void);
-int gbproxy_parse_config(const char *config_file, struct gbproxy_config *cfg);
-/* gb_proxy.c */
-int gbproxy_init_config(struct gbproxy_config *cfg);
-/* Main input function for Gb proxy */
-int gbprox_rcvmsg(struct gbproxy_config *cfg, struct msgb *msg, uint16_t nsei, uint16_t ns_bvci, uint16_t nsvci);
-int gbprox_signal(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
-		  void *handler_data, void *signal_data);
-/* Reset all persistent NS-VC's */
-int gbprox_reset_persistent_nsvcs(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi);
-void gbprox_reset(struct gbproxy_config *cfg);
-/* TLLI info handling */
-void gbproxy_delete_link_infos(struct gbproxy_peer *peer);
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_update_link_state_ul(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer, time_t now,
-	struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx);
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_update_link_state_dl(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer, time_t now,
-	struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx);
-int gbproxy_update_link_state_after(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer, struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info,
-	time_t now, struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx);
-int gbproxy_remove_stale_link_infos(struct gbproxy_peer *peer, time_t now);
-void gbproxy_delete_link_info(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-			 struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info);
-void gbproxy_link_info_discard_messages(struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info);
-void gbproxy_attach_link_info(struct gbproxy_peer *peer, time_t now,
-			      struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info);
-void gbproxy_update_link_info(struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info,
-			      const uint8_t *imsi, size_t imsi_len);
-void gbproxy_detach_link_info(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-			      struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info);
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_link_info_alloc( struct gbproxy_peer *peer);
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer, uint32_t tlli);
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer, const uint8_t *imsi, size_t imsi_len);
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_link_info_by_any_sgsn_tlli(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer, uint32_t tlli);
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-	uint32_t tlli, uint32_t sgsn_nsei);
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_link_info_by_ptmsi(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-	uint32_t ptmsi);
-int gbproxy_imsi_matches(
-	struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-	enum gbproxy_match_id match_id,
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info);
-uint32_t gbproxy_map_tlli(
-	uint32_t other_tlli, struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info, int to_bss);
-/* needed by gb_proxy_tlli.h */
-uint32_t gbproxy_make_bss_ptmsi(struct gbproxy_peer *peer, uint32_t sgsn_ptmsi);
-uint32_t gbproxy_make_sgsn_tlli(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer, struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info,
-	uint32_t bss_tlli);
-void gbproxy_reset_link(struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info);
-int gbproxy_check_imsi(
-	struct gbproxy_match *match, const uint8_t *imsi, size_t imsi_len);
-/* Message patching */
-void gbproxy_patch_bssgp(
-	struct msgb *msg, uint8_t *bssgp, size_t bssgp_len,
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer, struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info,
-	int *len_change, struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx);
-int gbproxy_patch_llc(
-	struct msgb *msg, uint8_t *llc, size_t llc_len,
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer, struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info,
-	int *len_change, struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx);
-int gbproxy_set_patch_filter(
-	struct gbproxy_match *match, const char *filter, const char **err_msg);
-void gbproxy_clear_patch_filter(struct gbproxy_match *match);
-/* Peer handling */
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_by_bvci(
-	struct gbproxy_config *cfg, uint16_t bvci);
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(
-	struct gbproxy_config *cfg, uint16_t nsei);
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_by_rai(
-	struct gbproxy_config *cfg, const uint8_t *ra);
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_by_lai(
-	struct gbproxy_config *cfg, const uint8_t *la);
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_by_lac(
-	struct gbproxy_config *cfg, const uint8_t *la);
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_by_bssgp_tlv(
-	struct gbproxy_config *cfg, struct tlv_parsed *tp);
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_alloc(struct gbproxy_config *cfg, uint16_t bvci);
-void gbproxy_peer_free(struct gbproxy_peer *peer);
-int gbproxy_cleanup_peers(struct gbproxy_config *cfg, uint16_t nsei, uint16_t bvci);
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_gb_parse.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_gb_parse.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2468392..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_gb_parse.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-struct gprs_gb_parse_context {
-	/* Pointer to protocol specific parts */
-	struct gsm48_hdr *g48_hdr;
-	struct bssgp_normal_hdr *bgp_hdr;
-	struct bssgp_ud_hdr *bud_hdr;
-	uint8_t *bssgp_data;
-	size_t bssgp_data_len;
-	uint8_t *llc;
-	size_t llc_len;
-	/* Extracted information */
-	struct gprs_llc_hdr_parsed llc_hdr_parsed;
-	struct tlv_parsed bssgp_tp;
-	int to_bss;
-	uint8_t *tlli_enc;
-	uint8_t *old_tlli_enc;
-	uint8_t *imsi;
-	size_t imsi_len;
-	uint8_t *apn_ie;
-	size_t apn_ie_len;
-	uint8_t *ptmsi_enc;
-	uint8_t *new_ptmsi_enc;
-	uint8_t *raid_enc;
-	uint8_t *old_raid_enc;
-	uint8_t *bssgp_raid_enc;
-	uint8_t *bssgp_ptmsi_enc;
-	/* General info */
-	const char *llc_msg_name;
-	int invalidate_tlli;
-	int await_reattach;
-	int need_decryption;
-	uint32_t tlli;
-	int pdu_type;
-	int old_raid_is_foreign;
-	int peer_nsei;
-int gprs_gb_parse_dtap(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len,
-		       struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx);
-int gprs_gb_parse_llc(uint8_t *llc, size_t llc_len,
-		      struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx);
-int gprs_gb_parse_bssgp(uint8_t *bssgp, size_t bssgp_len,
-			struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx);
-const char *gprs_gb_message_name(const struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx,
-				 const char *default_msg_name);
-void gprs_gb_log_parse_context(int log_level,
-			       struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx,
-			       const char *default_msg_name);
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_gmm.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_gmm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d210a35..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_gmm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _GPRS_GMM_H
-#define _GPRS_GMM_H
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-int gsm48_tx_gsm_deact_pdp_req(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp, uint8_t sm_cause);
-int gsm48_tx_gsm_act_pdp_rej(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, uint8_t tid,
-			     uint8_t cause, uint8_t pco_len, uint8_t *pco_v);
-int gsm48_tx_gsm_act_pdp_acc(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp);
-int gsm48_tx_gsm_deact_pdp_acc(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp);
-int gsm0408_gprs_rcvmsg_gb(struct msgb *msg, struct gprs_llc_llme *llme,
-			   bool drop_cipherable);
-int gsm0408_gprs_rcvmsg_iu(struct msgb *msg, struct gprs_ra_id *ra_id,
-			   uint16_t *sai);
-int gsm0408_gprs_force_reattach(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx);
-int gsm0408_gprs_force_reattach_oldmsg(struct msgb *msg,
-				       struct gprs_llc_llme *llme);
-void gsm0408_gprs_access_granted(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx);
-void gsm0408_gprs_access_denied(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, int gmm_cause);
-void gsm0408_gprs_access_cancelled(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, int gmm_cause);
-void gsm0408_gprs_authenticate(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx);
-int gprs_gmm_rx_suspend(struct gprs_ra_id *raid, uint32_t tlli);
-int gprs_gmm_rx_resume(struct gprs_ra_id *raid, uint32_t tlli,
-		       uint8_t suspend_ref);
-time_t gprs_max_time_to_idle(void);
-int iu_rab_act_ps(uint8_t rab_id, struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp, bool use_x213_nsap);
-#endif /* _GPRS_GMM_H */
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_llc.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_llc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bc2267..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_llc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _GPRS_LLC_H
-#define _GPRS_LLC_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc_xid.h>
-/* Section 4.7 LLC Layer Structure */
-enum gprs_llc_sapi {
-	GPRS_SAPI_TOM2		= 2,
-	GPRS_SAPI_TOM8		= 8,
-/* Section 6.4 Commands and Responses */
-enum gprs_llc_u_cmd {
-	GPRS_LLC_U_DM_RESP		= 0x01,
-	GPRS_LLC_U_DISC_CMD		= 0x04,
-	GPRS_LLC_U_UA_RESP		= 0x06,
-	GPRS_LLC_U_SABM_CMD		= 0x07,
-	GPRS_LLC_U_XID			= 0x0b,
-	GPRS_LLC_U_NULL_CMD		= 0x00,
-/* Section / Table 6 */
-enum gprs_llc_xid_type {
-	GPRS_LLC_XID_T_T200		= 3,
-	GPRS_LLC_XID_T_N200		= 4,
-	GPRS_LLC_XID_T_N201_U		= 5,
-	GPRS_LLC_XID_T_N201_I		= 6,
-	GPRS_LLC_XID_T_mD		= 7,
-	GPRS_LLC_XID_T_mU		= 8,
-	GPRS_LLC_XID_T_kD		= 9,
-	GPRS_LLC_XID_T_kU		= 10,
-	GPRS_LLC_XID_T_L3_PAR		= 11,
-extern const struct value_string gprs_llc_xid_type_names[];
-/* TS 04.64 Section 7.1.2 Table 7: LLC layer primitives (GMM/SNDCP/SMS/TOM) */
-/* TS 04.65 Section 5.1.2 Table 2: Service primitives used by SNDCP */
-enum gprs_llc_primitive {
-	/* GMM <-> LLME */
-	LLGMM_ASSIGN_REQ,	/* GMM tells us new TLLI: TLLI old, TLLI new, Kc, CiphAlg */
-	LLGMM_RESET_REQ,	/* GMM tells us to perform XID negotiation: TLLI */
-	LLGMM_RESET_CNF,	/* LLC informs GMM that XID has completed: TLLI */
-	LLGMM_SUSPEND_REQ,	/* GMM tells us MS has suspended: TLLI, Page */
-	LLGMM_RESUME_REQ,	/* GMM tells us MS has resumed: TLLI */
-	LLGMM_PAGE_IND,		/* LLC asks GMM to page MS: TLLI */
-	LLGMM_IOV_REQ,		/* GMM tells us to perform XID: TLLI */
-	LLGMM_STATUS_IND,	/* LLC informs GMM about error: TLLI, Cause */
-	/* LLE <-> (GMM/SNDCP/SMS/TOM) */
-	LL_ESTABLISH_IND,	/* TLLI, XID Req, N201-I, N201-U */
-	LL_ESTABLISH_RESP,	/* TLLI, XID Negotiated */
-	LL_ESTABLISH_CONF,	/* TLLI, XID Neg, N201-i, N201-U */
-	LL_RELEASE_REQ,		/* TLLI, Local */
-	LL_RELEASE_IND,		/* TLLI, Cause */
-	LL_XID_REQ,		/* TLLI, XID Requested */
-	LL_XID_IND,		/* TLLI, XID Req, N201-I, N201-U */
-	LL_XID_RESP,		/* TLLI, XID Negotiated */
-	LL_XID_CONF,		/* TLLI, XID Neg, N201-I, N201-U */
-	LL_DATA_REQ,		/* TLLI, SN-PDU, Ref, QoS, Radio Prio, Ciph */
-	LL_DATA_CONF,		/* TLLI, Ref */
-	LL_UNITDATA_REQ,	/* TLLI, SN-PDU, Ref, QoS, Radio Prio, Ciph */
-	LL_STATUS_IND,		/* TLLI, Cause */
-/* Section 4.5.2 Logical Link States + Annex C.2 */
-enum gprs_llc_lle_state {
-	GPRS_LLES_ASSIGNED_ADM	= 2,	/* TLLI assigned */
-	GPRS_LLES_LOCAL_EST	= 3,	/* Local Establishment */
-	GPRS_LLES_REMOTE_EST	= 4,	/* Remote Establishment */
-	GPRS_LLES_LOCAL_REL	= 6,	/* Local Release */
-	GPRS_LLES_TIMER_REC 	= 7,	/* Timer Recovery */
-enum gprs_llc_llme_state {
-	GPRS_LLMS_ASSIGNED	= 2,	/* TLLI assigned */
-/* Section 8.9.9 LLC layer parameter default values */
-struct gprs_llc_params {
-	uint16_t iov_i_exp;
-	uint16_t t200_201;
-	uint16_t n200;
-	uint16_t n201_u;
-	uint16_t n201_i;
-	uint16_t mD;
-	uint16_t mU;
-	uint16_t kD;
-	uint16_t kU;
-/* Section 4.7.1: Logical Link Entity: One per DLCI (TLLI + SAPI) */
-struct gprs_llc_lle {
-	struct llist_head list;
-	uint32_t sapi;
-	struct gprs_llc_llme *llme;
-	enum gprs_llc_lle_state state;
-	struct osmo_timer_list t200;
-	struct osmo_timer_list t201;	/* wait for acknowledgement */
-	uint16_t v_sent;
-	uint16_t v_ack;
-	uint16_t v_recv;
-	uint16_t vu_send;
-	uint16_t vu_recv;
-	/* non-standard LLC state */
-	uint16_t vu_recv_last;
-	uint16_t vu_recv_duplicates;
-	/* Overflow Counter for ABM */
-	uint32_t oc_i_send;
-	uint32_t oc_i_recv;
-	/* Overflow Counter for unconfirmed transfer */
-	uint32_t oc_ui_send;
-	uint32_t oc_ui_recv;
-	unsigned int retrans_ctr;
-	struct gprs_llc_params params;
-#define NUM_SAPIS	16
-struct gprs_llc_llme {
-	struct llist_head list;
-	enum gprs_llc_llme_state state;
-	uint32_t tlli;
-	uint32_t old_tlli;
-	/* Crypto parameters */
-	enum gprs_ciph_algo algo;
-	uint8_t kc[16];
-	uint8_t cksn;
-	/* 3GPP TS 44.064 § 8.9.2: */
-	uint32_t iov_ui;
-	/* over which BSSGP BTS ctx do we need to transmit */
-	uint16_t bvci;
-	uint16_t nsei;
-	struct gprs_llc_lle lle[NUM_SAPIS];
-	/* Copy of the XID fields we have sent with the last
-	 * network originated XID-Request. Since the phone
-	 * may strip the optional fields in the confirmation
-	 * we need to remeber those fields in order to be
-	 * able to create the compression entity. */
-	struct llist_head *xid;
-	/* Compression entities */
-	struct {
-		/* In these two list_heads we will store the
-		 * data and protocol compression entities,
-		 * together with their compression states */
-		struct llist_head *proto;
-		struct llist_head *data;
-	} comp;
-	/* Internal management */
-	uint32_t age_timestamp;
-#define GPRS_LLME_RESET_AGE (0)
-extern struct llist_head gprs_llc_llmes;
-/* LLC low level types */
-enum gprs_llc_cmd {
-struct gprs_llc_hdr_parsed {
-	uint8_t sapi;
-	uint8_t is_cmd:1,
-		 ack_req:1,
-		 is_encrypted:1;
-	uint32_t seq_rx;
-	uint32_t seq_tx;
-	uint32_t fcs;
-	uint32_t fcs_calc;
-	uint8_t *data;
-	uint16_t data_len;
-	uint16_t crc_length;
-	enum gprs_llc_cmd cmd;
-int gprs_llc_rcvmsg(struct msgb *msg, struct tlv_parsed *tv);
-/* LL-UNITDATA.req */
-int gprs_llc_tx_ui(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t sapi, int command,
-		   struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, bool encryptable);
-/* Chapter LLGMM-RESET.req */
-int gprs_llgmm_reset(struct gprs_llc_llme *llme);
-int gprs_llgmm_reset_oldmsg(struct msgb* oldmsg, uint8_t sapi,
-			    struct gprs_llc_llme *llme);
-/* Set of LL-XID negotiation (See also: TS 101 351, Section */
-int gprs_ll_xid_req(struct gprs_llc_lle *lle,
-		    struct gprs_llc_xid_field *l3_xid_field);
-/* 04.64 Chapter LLGMM-ASSIGN */
-int gprs_llgmm_assign(struct gprs_llc_llme *llme,
-		      uint32_t old_tlli, uint32_t new_tlli);
-int gprs_llgmm_unassign(struct gprs_llc_llme *llme);
-int gprs_llc_init(const char *cipher_plugin_path);
-int gprs_llc_vty_init(void);
- * \short Check if N(U) should be considered a retransmit
- *
- * Implements the range check as of GSM 04.64 8.4.2
- * Receipt of unacknowledged information.
- *
- * @returns Returns 1 if  (V(UR)-32) <= N(U) < V(UR)
- * @param nu N(U) unconfirmed sequence number of the UI frame
- * @param vur V(UR) unconfirmend received state variable
- */
-static inline int gprs_llc_is_retransmit(uint16_t nu, uint16_t vur)
-	int delta = (vur - nu) & 0x1ff;
-	return 0 < delta && delta < 32;
-/* LLC low level functions */
-void gprs_llme_copy_key(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, struct gprs_llc_llme *llme);
-/* parse a GPRS LLC header, also check for invalid frames */
-int gprs_llc_hdr_parse(struct gprs_llc_hdr_parsed *ghp,
-		       uint8_t *llc_hdr, int len);
-void gprs_llc_hdr_dump(struct gprs_llc_hdr_parsed *gph, struct gprs_llc_lle *lle);
-int gprs_llc_fcs(uint8_t *data, unsigned int len);
-/* LLME handling routines */
-struct llist_head *gprs_llme_list(void);
-struct gprs_llc_lle *gprs_lle_get_or_create(const uint32_t tlli, uint8_t sapi);
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_llc_xid.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_llc_xid.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d340d40..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_llc_xid.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS LLC XID field encoding/decoding as per 3GPP TS 44.064 */
-/* (C) 2016 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-/* 3GPP TS 44.064 Exchange Identification (XID)
-   command/response parameter field */
-struct gprs_llc_xid_field {
-	struct llist_head list;
-	uint8_t type;		/* See also Table 6: LLC layer parameter
-				   negotiation */
-	uint8_t *data;		/* Payload data (memory is owned by the
-				 * creator of the struct) */
-	unsigned int data_len;	/* Payload length */
-/* Transform a list with XID fields into a XID message (dst) */
-int gprs_llc_compile_xid(uint8_t *dst, int dst_maxlen,
-			 const struct llist_head *xid_fields);
-/* Transform a XID message (dst) into a list of XID fields */
-struct llist_head *gprs_llc_parse_xid(const void *ctx, const uint8_t *src,
-				      int src_len);
-/* Create a duplicate of an XID-Field */
-struct gprs_llc_xid_field *gprs_llc_dup_xid_field(const void *ctx,
-				const struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field);
-/* Copy an llist with xid fields */
-struct llist_head *gprs_llc_copy_xid(const void *ctx,
-				     const struct llist_head *xid_fields);
-/* Dump a list with XID fields (Debug) */
-void gprs_llc_dump_xid_fields(const struct llist_head *xid_fields,
-			      unsigned int logl);
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e49c08..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _GPRS_SGSN_H
-#define _GPRS_SGSN_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/timer.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48.h>
-#include <osmocom/crypt/gprs_cipher.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_23_003.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_data.h>
-#define GSM_APN_LENGTH 102
-struct gprs_llc_lle;
-struct ctrl_handle;
-struct gprs_subscr;
-enum gsm48_gsm_cause;
-/* TS 04.08 GMM mobility management states on the network side */
-enum gprs_gmm_state {
-/* TS 23.060 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 Mobility management states A/Gb and Iu mode */
-enum gprs_pmm_state {
-enum gprs_mm_ctr {
-enum gprs_pdp_ctx {
-enum gprs_t3350_mode {
-/* Authorization/ACL handling */
-enum sgsn_auth_state {
-enum sgsn_ggsn_lookup_state {
-struct sgsn_ggsn_lookup {
-	int state;
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx;
-	/* APN string */
-	char apn_str[GSM_APN_LENGTH];
-	/* the original data */
-	struct msgb *orig_msg;
-	struct tlv_parsed tp;
-	/* for dealing with re-transmissions */
-	uint8_t nsapi;
-	uint8_t sapi;
-	uint8_t ti;
-enum sgsn_ran_type {
-	/* GPRS/EDGE via Gb */
-	/* UMTS via Iu */
-	/* GPRS/EDGE via Iu */
-struct service_info {
-	uint8_t type;
-	uint16_t pdp_status;
-struct ue_conn_ctx;
-/* According to TS 03.60, Table 5: SGSN MM and PDP Contexts */
-/* Extended by 3GPP TS 23.060, Table 6: SGSN MM and PDP Contexts */
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx {
-	struct llist_head	list;
-	enum sgsn_ran_type	ran_type;
-	char 			imsi[GSM23003_IMSI_MAX_DIGITS+1];
-	enum gprs_gmm_state	gmm_state;
-	enum gprs_pmm_state	pmm_state;	/* Iu: page when in PMM-IDLE mode */
-	uint32_t 		p_tmsi;
-	uint32_t 		p_tmsi_old;	/* old P-TMSI before new is confirmed */
-	uint32_t 		p_tmsi_sig;
-	char 			imei[GSM23003_IMEISV_NUM_DIGITS+1];
-	/* Opt: Software Version Numbber / TS 23.195 */
-	char 			msisdn[GSM_EXTENSION_LENGTH];
-	struct gprs_ra_id	ra;
-	struct {
-		uint16_t		cell_id;	/* Gb only */
-		uint32_t		cell_id_age;	/* Gb only */
-		uint8_t			radio_prio_sms;
-		/* Additional bits not present in the GSM TS */
-		uint16_t		nsei;
-		uint16_t		bvci;
-		struct gprs_llc_llme	*llme;
-		uint32_t		tlli;
-		uint32_t		tlli_new;
-	} gb;
-	struct {
-		int			new_key;
-		uint16_t		sac;		/* Iu: Service Area Code */
-		uint32_t		sac_age;	/* Iu: Service Area Code age */
-		/* CSG ID */
-		/* CSG Membership */
-		/* Access Mode */
-		/* Seelected CN Operator ID (TS 23.251) */
-		/* CSG Subscription Data */
-		/* LIPA Allowed */
-		/* Voice Support Match Indicator */
-		struct ue_conn_ctx	*ue_ctx;
-		struct service_info	service;
-	} iu;
-	/* VLR number */
-	uint32_t		new_sgsn_addr;
-	/* Authentication Triplet */
-	struct gsm_auth_tuple	auth_triplet;
-	/* Kc */
-	/* Iu: CK, IK, KSI */
-	/* CKSN */
-	enum gprs_ciph_algo	ciph_algo;
-	/* Auth & Ciphering Request reference from 3GPP TS 24.008 § */
-	uint8_t ac_ref_nr_used;
-	struct {
-		uint8_t	len;
-		uint8_t	buf[50];	/* GSM 04.08, extended in TS 24.008 */
-	} ms_radio_access_capa;
-	/* Supported Codecs (SRVCC) */
-	struct {
-		uint8_t	len;
-		uint8_t	buf[8];		/* GSM 04.08, extended in TS 24.008 */
-	} ms_network_capa;
-	/* UE Netowrk Capability (E-UTRAN) */
-	uint16_t		drx_parms;
-	/* Active Time value for PSM */
-	int			mnrg;	/* MS reported to HLR? */
-	int			ngaf;	/* MS reported to MSC/VLR? */
-	int			ppf;	/* paging for GPRS + non-GPRS? */
-	/* Subscribed Charging Characteristics */
-	/* Trace Reference */
-	/* Trace Type */
-	/* Trigger ID */
-	/* OMC Identity */
-	/* SMS Parameters */
-	int			recovery;
-	/* Access Restriction */
-	/* GPRS CSI (CAMEL) */
-	/* MG-CSI (CAMEL) */
-	/* Subscribed UE-AMBR */
-	/* UE-AMBR */
-	/* APN Subscribed */
-	struct llist_head	pdp_list;
-	struct rate_ctr_group	*ctrg;
-	struct osmo_timer_list	timer;
-	unsigned int		T;		/* Txxxx number */
-	unsigned int		num_T_exp;	/* number of consecutive T expirations */
-	enum gprs_t3350_mode	t3350_mode;
-	uint8_t			t3370_id_type;
-	uint8_t			pending_req;	/* the request's message type */
-	/* TODO: There isn't much semantic difference between t3350_mode
-	 * (refers to the timer) and pending_req (refers to the procedure),
-	 * where mm->T == 3350 => mm->t3350_mode == f(mm->pending_req). Check
-	 * whether one of them can be dropped. */
-	enum sgsn_auth_state	auth_state;
-	int			is_authenticated;
-	/* the string representation of the current hlr */
-	char 			hlr[GSM_EXTENSION_LENGTH];
-	/* the current GGSN look-up operation */
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_lookup *ggsn_lookup;
-	struct gprs_subscr	*subscr;
-#define LOGMMCTXP(level, mm, fmt, args...) \
-	LOGP(DMM, level, "MM(%s/%08x) " fmt, (mm) ? (mm)->imsi : "---", \
-	     (mm) ? (mm)->p_tmsi : GSM_RESERVED_TMSI, ## args)
-/* look-up a SGSN MM context based on TLLI + RAI */
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(uint32_t tlli,
-					const struct gprs_ra_id *raid);
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_by_ptmsi(uint32_t tmsi);
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_by_imsi(const char *imsi);
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_by_ue_ctx(const void *uectx);
-/* look-up by matching TLLI and P-TMSI (think twice before using this) */
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli_and_ptmsi(uint32_t tlli,
-					const struct gprs_ra_id *raid);
-/* Allocate a new SGSN MM context */
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_alloc_gb(uint32_t tlli,
-					const struct gprs_ra_id *raid);
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_alloc_iu(void *uectx);
-void sgsn_mm_ctx_cleanup_free(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx);
-struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_find_ggsn_ctx(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx,
-						struct tlv_parsed *tp,
-						enum gsm48_gsm_cause *gsm_cause,
-						char *apn_str);
-enum pdp_ctx_state {
-	/* 04.08 / Figure 6.2 / */
-enum pdp_type {
-struct sgsn_pdp_ctx {
-	struct llist_head	list;	/* list_head for mmctx->pdp_list */
-	struct llist_head	g_list;	/* list_head for global list */
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx	*mm;	/* back pointer to MM CTX */
-	int			destroy_ggsn; /* destroy it on destruction */
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx	*ggsn;	/* which GGSN serves this PDP */
-	struct rate_ctr_group	*ctrg;
-	//unsigned int		id;
-	struct pdp_t		*lib;	/* pointer to libgtp PDP ctx */
-	enum pdp_ctx_state	state;
-	enum pdp_type		type;
-	uint32_t		address;
-	char 			*apn_subscribed;
-	//char 			*apn_used;
-	uint16_t		nsapi;	/* SNDCP */
-	uint16_t		sapi;	/* LLC */
-	uint8_t			ti;	/* transaction identifier */
-	int			vplmn_allowed;
-	uint32_t		qos_profile_subscr;
-	//uint32_t		qos_profile_req;
-	//uint32_t		qos_profile_neg;
-	uint8_t			radio_prio;
-	//uint32_t		charging_id;
-	struct osmo_timer_list	timer;
-	unsigned int		T;		/* Txxxx number */
-	unsigned int		num_T_exp;	/* number of consecutive T expirations */
-	struct osmo_timer_list	cdr_timer;	/* CDR record wird timer */
-	struct timespec		cdr_start;	/* The start of the CDR */
-	uint64_t		cdr_bytes_in;
-	uint64_t		cdr_bytes_out;
-	uint32_t		cdr_charging_id;
-#define LOGPDPCTXP(level, pdp, fmt, args...) \
-	LOGP(DGPRS, level, "PDP(%s/%u) " \
-	     fmt, (pdp)->mm ? (pdp)->mm->imsi : "---", (pdp)->ti, ## args)
-/* look up PDP context by MM context and NSAPI */
-struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *sgsn_pdp_ctx_by_nsapi(const struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm,
-					   uint8_t nsapi);
-/* look up PDP context by MM context and transaction ID */
-struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *sgsn_pdp_ctx_by_tid(const struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm,
-					 uint8_t tid);
-struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *sgsn_pdp_ctx_alloc(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm,
-					uint8_t nsapi);
-void sgsn_pdp_ctx_terminate(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp);
-void sgsn_pdp_ctx_free(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp);
-struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx {
-	struct llist_head list;
-	uint32_t id;
-	unsigned int gtp_version;
-	struct in_addr remote_addr;
-	int remote_restart_ctr;
-	struct gsn_t *gsn;
-struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *sgsn_ggsn_ctx_alloc(uint32_t id);
-void sgsn_ggsn_ctx_free(struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggc);
-struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *sgsn_ggsn_ctx_by_id(uint32_t id);
-struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *sgsn_ggsn_ctx_by_addr(struct in_addr *addr);
-struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *sgsn_ggsn_ctx_find_alloc(uint32_t id);
-struct apn_ctx {
-	struct llist_head list;
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggsn;
-	char *name;
-	char *imsi_prefix;
-	char *description;
-struct apn_ctx *sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc(const char *name, const char *imsi_prefix);
-void sgsn_apn_ctx_free(struct apn_ctx *actx);
-struct apn_ctx *sgsn_apn_ctx_by_name(const char *name, const char *imsi_prefix);
-struct apn_ctx *sgsn_apn_ctx_match(const char *name, const char *imsi_prefix);
-extern struct llist_head sgsn_mm_ctxts;
-extern struct llist_head sgsn_ggsn_ctxts;
-extern struct llist_head sgsn_apn_ctxts;
-extern struct llist_head sgsn_pdp_ctxts;
-uint32_t sgsn_alloc_ptmsi(void);
-void sgsn_inst_init(void);
-/* High-level function to be called in case a GGSN has disappeared or
- * ottherwise lost state (recovery procedure) */
-int drop_all_pdp_for_ggsn(struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggsn);
-char *gprs_pdpaddr2str(uint8_t *pdpa, uint8_t len);
- * ctrl interface related work
- */
-struct gsm_network;
-struct ctrl_handle *sgsn_controlif_setup(struct gsm_network *,
-					 const char *bind_addr, uint16_t port);
-int sgsn_ctrl_cmds_install(void);
- * Authorization/ACL handling
- */
-struct imsi_acl_entry {
-	struct llist_head list;
-	char imsi[16+1];
-/* see GSM 09.02, 17.7.1, PDP-Context and GPRSSubscriptionData */
-/* see GSM 09.02, B.1, gprsSubscriptionData */
-struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data {
-	struct llist_head	list;
-	unsigned int		context_id;
-	uint16_t		pdp_type;
-	char			apn_str[GSM_APN_LENGTH];
-	uint8_t			qos_subscribed[20];
-	size_t			qos_subscribed_len;
-	uint8_t			pdp_charg[2];
-	bool			has_pdp_charg;
-struct sgsn_subscriber_data {
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx	*mm;
-	struct gsm_auth_tuple	auth_triplets[5];
-	int			auth_triplets_updated;
-	struct llist_head	pdp_list;
-	int			error_cause;
-	uint8_t			msisdn[9];
-	size_t			msisdn_len;
-	uint8_t			hlr[9];
-	size_t			hlr_len;
-	uint8_t			pdp_charg[2];
-	bool			has_pdp_charg;
-#define LOGGSUBSCRP(level, subscr, fmt, args...) \
-	LOGP(DGPRS, level, "SUBSCR(%s) " fmt, \
-	     (subscr) ? (subscr)->imsi : "---", \
-	     ## args)
-struct sgsn_config;
-struct sgsn_instance;
-extern const struct value_string *sgsn_auth_state_names;
-void sgsn_auth_init(void);
-struct imsi_acl_entry *sgsn_acl_lookup(const char *imsi, struct sgsn_config *cfg);
-int sgsn_acl_add(const char *imsi, struct sgsn_config *cfg);
-int sgsn_acl_del(const char *imsi, struct sgsn_config *cfg);
-/* Request authorization */
-int sgsn_auth_request(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm);
-enum sgsn_auth_state sgsn_auth_state(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm);
-void sgsn_auth_update(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm);
-struct gsm_auth_tuple *sgsn_auth_get_tuple(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx,
-					   unsigned key_seq);
- * GPRS subscriber data
- */
-#define GPRS_SUBSCRIBER_CANCELLED			(1 << 18)
-int gprs_subscr_init(struct sgsn_instance *sgi);
-int gprs_subscr_request_update_location(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx);
-int gprs_subscr_request_auth_info(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx,
-				  const uint8_t *auts,
-				  const uint8_t *auts_rand);
-int gprs_subscr_auth_sync(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-			  const uint8_t *auts, const uint8_t *auts_rand);
-void gprs_subscr_cleanup(struct gprs_subscr *subscr);
-struct gprs_subscr *gprs_subscr_get_or_create(const char *imsi);
-struct gprs_subscr *gprs_subscr_get_or_create_by_mmctx( struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx);
-struct gprs_subscr *gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(const char *imsi);
-void gprs_subscr_cancel(struct gprs_subscr *subscr);
-void gprs_subscr_update(struct gprs_subscr *subscr);
-void gprs_subscr_update_auth_info(struct gprs_subscr *subscr);
-int gprs_subscr_rx_gsup_message(struct msgb *msg);
-/* Called on subscriber data updates */
-void sgsn_update_subscriber_data(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx);
-int gprs_sndcp_vty_init(void);
-struct sgsn_instance;
-int sgsn_gtp_init(struct sgsn_instance *sgi);
-void sgsn_rate_ctr_init();
-#endif /* _GPRS_SGSN_H */
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d970240..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _INT_SNDCP_H
-#define _INT_SNDCP_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-/* A fragment queue header, maintaining list of fragments for one N-PDU */
-struct defrag_state {
-	/* PDU number for which the defragmentation state applies */
-	uint16_t npdu;
-	/* highest segment number we have received so far */
-	uint8_t highest_seg;
-	/* bitmask of the segments we already have */
-	uint32_t seg_have;
-	/* do we still expect more segments? */
-	unsigned int no_more;
-	/* total length of all segments together */
-	unsigned int tot_len;
-	/* linked list of defrag_queue_entry: one for each fragment  */
-	struct llist_head frag_list;
-	struct osmo_timer_list timer;
-	/* Holds state to know which compression mode is used
-	 * when the packet is re-assembled */
-	uint8_t pcomp;
-	uint8_t dcomp;
-	/* Holds the pointers to the compression entity list
-	 * that is used when the re-assembled packet is decompressed */
-	struct llist_head *proto;
-	struct llist_head *data;
-/* See Reassembly */
-enum sndcp_rx_state {
-struct gprs_sndcp_entity {
-	struct llist_head list;
-	/* FIXME: move this RA_ID up to the LLME or even higher */
-	struct gprs_ra_id ra_id;
-	/* reference to the LLC Entity below this SNDCP entity */
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	/* The NSAPI we shall use on top of LLC */
-	uint8_t nsapi;
-	/* NPDU number for the GTP->SNDCP side */
-	uint16_t tx_npdu_nr;
-	/* SNDCP eeceiver state */
-	enum sndcp_rx_state rx_state;
-	/* The defragmentation queue */
-	struct defrag_state defrag;
-extern struct llist_head gprs_sndcp_entities;
-/* Set of SNDCP-XID negotiation (See also: TS 144 065,
- * Section 6.8 XID parameter negotiation) */
-int sndcp_sn_xid_req(struct gprs_llc_lle *lle, uint8_t nsapi);
-/* Process SNDCP-XID indication (See also: TS 144 065,
- * Section 6.8 XID parameter negotiation) */
-int sndcp_sn_xid_ind(struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field_indication,
-		     struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field_response,
-		     struct gprs_llc_lle *lle);
-/* Process SNDCP-XID indication
- * (See also: TS 144 065, Section 6.8 XID parameter negotiation) */
-int sndcp_sn_xid_conf(struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field_conf,
-		      struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field_request,
-		      struct gprs_llc_lle *lle);
-#endif	/* INT_SNDCP_H */
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp_comp.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp_comp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 87ab638..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp_comp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS SNDCP header compression entity management tools */
-/* (C) 2016 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_xid.h>
-/* Header / Data compression entity */
-struct gprs_sndcp_comp {
-	struct llist_head list;
-	/* Serves as an ID in case we want to delete this entity later */
-	unsigned int entity;	/* see also: and */
-	/* Specifies to which NSAPIs the compression entity is assigned */
-	uint8_t nsapi_len;	/* Number of applicable NSAPIs (default 0) */
-	uint8_t nsapi[MAX_NSAPI];	/* Applicable NSAPIs (default 0) */
-	/* Assigned pcomp values */
-	uint8_t comp_len;	/* Number of contained PCOMP / DCOMP values */
-	uint8_t comp[MAX_COMP];	/* see also: and */
-	/* Algorithm parameters */
-	int algo;		/* Algorithm type (see gprs_sndcp_xid.h) */
-	int compclass;		/* See gprs_sndcp_xid.h/c */
-	void *state;		/* Algorithm status and parameters */
-#define MAX_COMP 16	/* Maximum number of possible pcomp/dcomp values */
-#define MAX_NSAPI 11	/* Maximum number usable NSAPIs */
-/* Allocate a compression enitiy list */
-struct llist_head *gprs_sndcp_comp_alloc(const void *ctx);
-/* Free a compression entitiy list */
-void gprs_sndcp_comp_free(struct llist_head *comp_entities);
-/* Delete a compression entity */
-void gprs_sndcp_comp_delete(struct llist_head *comp_entities, unsigned int entity);
-/* Create and Add a new compression entity
- * (returns a pointer to the compression entity that has just been created) */
-struct gprs_sndcp_comp *gprs_sndcp_comp_add(const void *ctx,
-					    struct llist_head *comp_entities,
-					    const struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field
-					    *comp_field);
-/* Find which compression entity handles the specified pcomp/dcomp */
-struct gprs_sndcp_comp *gprs_sndcp_comp_by_comp(const struct llist_head
-						*comp_entities, uint8_t comp);
-/* Find which compression entity handles the specified nsapi */
-struct gprs_sndcp_comp *gprs_sndcp_comp_by_nsapi(const struct llist_head
-						 *comp_entities, uint8_t nsapi);
-/* Find a comp_index for a given pcomp/dcomp value */
-uint8_t gprs_sndcp_comp_get_idx(const struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity,
-				uint8_t comp);
-/* Find a pcomp/dcomp value for a given comp_index */
-uint8_t gprs_sndcp_comp_get_comp(const struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity,
-			         uint8_t comp_index);
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp_dcomp.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp_dcomp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a76b4a4..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp_dcomp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS SNDCP data compression handler */
-/* (C) 2016 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_comp.h>
-/* Note: The decompressed packet may have a maximum size of:
- * Return value * MAX_DATADECOMPR_FAC */
-/* Note: In unacknowledged mode (SN_UNITDATA), the comression state is reset
- * for every NPDU. The compressor needs a reasonably large payload to operate
- * effectively (yield positive compression gain). For packets shorter than 100
- * byte, no positive compression gain can be expected so we will skip the
- * compression for short packets. */
-#define MIN_COMPR_PAYLOAD 100
-/* Initalize data compression */
-int gprs_sndcp_dcomp_init(const void *ctx, struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity,
-			  const struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field);
-/* Terminate data compression */
-void gprs_sndcp_dcomp_term(struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity);
-/* Expand packet */
-int gprs_sndcp_dcomp_expand(uint8_t *data, unsigned int len, uint8_t pcomp,
-			    const struct llist_head *comp_entities);
-/* Compress packet */
-int gprs_sndcp_dcomp_compress(uint8_t *data, unsigned int len, uint8_t *pcomp,
-			      const struct llist_head *comp_entities,
-			      uint8_t nsapi);
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp_pcomp.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp_pcomp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e15b9b..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp_pcomp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS SNDCP header compression handler */
-/* (C) 2016 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_comp.h>
-/* Note: The decompressed packet may have a maximum size of:
- * Return value + MAX_DECOMPR_INCR */
-/* Initalize header compression */
-int gprs_sndcp_pcomp_init(const void *ctx, struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity,
-			  const struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field);
-/* Terminate header compression */
-void gprs_sndcp_pcomp_term(struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity);
-/* Expand packet header */
-int gprs_sndcp_pcomp_expand(uint8_t *data, unsigned int len, uint8_t pcomp,
-			    const struct llist_head *comp_entities);
-/* Compress packet header */
-int gprs_sndcp_pcomp_compress(uint8_t *data, unsigned int len, uint8_t *pcomp,
-			      const struct llist_head *comp_entities,
-			      uint8_t nsapi);
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp_xid.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp_xid.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e64bc52..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_sndcp_xid.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS SNDCP XID field encoding/decoding as per 3GPP TS 44.065 */
-/* (C) 2016 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#define DEFAULT_SNDCP_VERSION 0	/* See 3GPP TS 44.065, clause 8 */
-#define MAX_ENTITIES 32		/* 3GPP TS 44.065 reserves 5 bit
-				 * for compression enitity number */
-#define MAX_COMP 16	/* Maximum number of possible pcomp/dcomp values */
-#define MAX_NSAPI 11	/* Maximum number usable NSAPIs */
-#define MAX_ROHC 16	/* Maximum number of ROHC compression profiles */
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, Format of the protocol control
- * information compression field (Figure 7) and 3GPP TS 44.065, 
- * Format of the data compression field (Figure 9) */
-struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field {
-	struct llist_head list;
-	/* Propose bit (P), see also: and */
-	unsigned int p;
-	/* Entity number, see also: and */
-	unsigned int entity;
-	/* Algorithm identifier, see also: and */
-	int algo;
-	/* Number of contained PCOMP / DCOMP values */
-	uint8_t comp_len;
-	/* PCOMP / DCOMP values, see also: and */
-	uint8_t comp[MAX_COMP];
-	/* Note: Only one of the following struct pointers may,
-	   be used. Unused pointers must be set to NULL! */
-	struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc1144_params *rfc1144_params;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc2507_params *rfc2507_params;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rohc_params *rohc_params;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v42bis_params *v42bis_params;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v44_params *v44_params;
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, Algorithm identifier */
-enum gprs_sndcp_hdr_comp_algo {
-	RFC_1144,		/* TCP/IP header compression, see also 6.5.2 */
-	RFC_2507,		/* TCP/UDP/IP header compression, see also: 6.5.3 */
-	ROHC			/* Robust Header Compression, see also 6.5.4 */
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, Algorithm identifier */
-enum gprs_sndcp_data_comp_algo {
-	V42BIS,			/* V.42bis data compression, see also 6.6.2 */
-	V44			/* V44 data compression, see also: 6.6.3 */
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, 8 SNDCP XID parameters */
-enum gprs_sndcp_xid_param_types {
-	SNDCP_XID_DATA_COMPRESSION,	/* See also: subclause 6.6.1 */
-	SNDCP_XID_PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION,	/* See also: subclause 6.5.1 */
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, Parameters (Table 5) */
-struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc1144_params {
-	uint8_t nsapi_len;		/* Number of applicable NSAPIs
-					 * (default 0) */
-	uint8_t nsapi[MAX_NSAPI];	/* Applicable NSAPIs (default 0) */
-	int s01;			/* (default 15) */
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, Assignment of PCOMP values */
-enum gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc1144_pcomp {
-	RFC1144_PCOMP1,			/* Uncompressed TCP */
-	RFC1144_PCOMP2,			/* Compressed TCP */
-	RFC1144_PCOMP_NUM		/* Number of pcomp values */
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, Parameters (Table 6) */
-struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc2507_params {
-	uint8_t nsapi_len;		/* Number of applicable NSAPIs
-					 * (default 0) */
-	uint8_t nsapi[MAX_NSAPI];	/* Applicable NSAPIs (default 0) */
-	int f_max_period;		/* (default 256) */
-	int f_max_time;			/* (default 5) */
-	int max_header;			/* (default 168) */
-	int tcp_space;			/* (default 15) */
-	int non_tcp_space;		/* (default 15) */
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, Assignment of PCOMP values for RFC2507 */
-enum gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc2507_pcomp {
-	RFC2507_PCOMP1,			/* Full Header */
-	RFC2507_PCOMP2,			/* Compressed TCP */
-	RFC2507_PCOMP3,			/* Compressed TCP non delta */
-	RFC2507_PCOMP4,			/* Compressed non TCP */
-	RFC2507_PCOMP5,			/* Context state */
-	RFC2507_PCOMP_NUM		/* Number of pcomp values */
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, Parameter (Table 10) */
-struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rohc_params {
-	uint8_t nsapi_len;		/* Number of applicable NSAPIs
-					 * (default 0) */
-	uint8_t nsapi[MAX_NSAPI];	/* Applicable NSAPIs (default 0) */
-	int max_cid;			/* (default 15) */
-	int max_header;			/* (default 168) */
-	uint8_t profile_len;		/* (default 1) */
-	uint16_t profile[MAX_ROHC];	/* (default 0, ROHC uncompressed) */
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, Assignment of PCOMP values for ROHC */
-enum gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rohc_pcomp {
-	ROHC_PCOMP1,			/* ROHC small CIDs */
-	ROHC_PCOMP2,			/* ROHC large CIDs */
-	ROHC_PCOMP_NUM			/* Number of pcomp values */
-/* ROHC compression profiles, see also:
- */
-enum gprs_sndcp_xid_rohc_profiles {
-	ROHC_UNCOMPRESSED = 0x0000,	/* ROHC uncompressed    [RFC5795] */
-	ROHC_RTP = 0x0001,		/* ROHC RTP             [RFC3095] */
-	ROHCV2_RTP = 0x0101,		/* ROHCv2 RTP           [RFC5225] */
-	ROHC_UDP = 0x0002,		/* ROHC UDP             [RFC3095] */
-	ROHCv2_UDP = 0x0102,		/* ROHCv2 UDP           [RFC5225] */
-	ROHC_ESP = 0x0003,		/* ROHC ESP             [RFC3095] */
-	ROHCV2_ESP = 0x0103,		/* ROHCv2 ESP           [RFC5225] */
-	ROHC_IP = 0x0004,		/* ROHC IP              [RFC3843] */
-	ROHCV2_IP = 0x0104,		/* ROHCv2 IP            [RFC5225] */
-	ROHC_LLA = 0x0005,		/* ROHC LLA             [RFC4362] */
-	ROHC_LLA_WITH_R_MODE = 0x0105,	/* ROHC LLA with R-mode [RFC3408] */
-	ROHC_TCP = 0x0006,		/* ROHC TCP             [RFC6846] */
-	ROHC_RTP_UDP_LITE = 0x0007,	/* ROHC RTP/UDP-Lite    [RFC4019] */
-	ROHCV2_RTP_UDP_LITE = 0x0107,	/* ROHCv2 RTP/UDP-Lite  [RFC5225] */
-	ROHC_UDP_LITE = 0x0008,		/* ROHC UDP-Lite        [RFC4019] */
-	ROHCV2_UDP_LITE = 0x0108,	/* ROHCv2 UDP-Lite      [RFC5225] */
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, Parameters (Table 7a) */
-struct gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v42bis_params {
-	uint8_t nsapi_len;		/* Number of applicable NSAPIs
-					 * (default 0) */
-	uint8_t nsapi[MAX_NSAPI];	/* Applicable NSAPIs (default 0) */
-	int p0;				/* (default 3) */
-	int p1;				/* (default 2048) */
-	int p2;				/* (default 20) */
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, Assignment of DCOMP values */
-enum gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v42bis_dcomp {
-	V42BIS_DCOMP1,			/* V.42bis enabled */
-	V42BIS_DCOMP_NUM		/* Number of dcomp values */
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, Parameters (Table 7c) */
-struct gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v44_params {
-	uint8_t nsapi_len;		/* Number of applicable NSAPIs
-					 * (default 0) */
-	uint8_t nsapi[MAX_NSAPI];	/* Applicable NSAPIs (default 0) */
-	int c0;				/* (default 10000000) */
-	int p0;				/* (default 3) */
-	int p1t;			/* Refer to subclause */
-	int p1r;			/* Refer to subclause */
-	int p3t;			/* (default 3 x p1t) */
-	int p3r;			/* (default 3 x p1r) */
-/* According to: 3GPP TS 44.065, Assignment of DCOMP values */
-enum gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v44_dcomp {
-	V44_DCOMP1,			/* Packet method compressed */
-	V44_DCOMP2,			/* Multi packet method compressed */
-	V44_DCOMP_NUM			/* Number of dcomp values */
-/* Transform a list with compression fields into an SNDCP-XID message (dst) */
-int gprs_sndcp_compile_xid(uint8_t *dst, unsigned int dst_maxlen,
-			   const struct llist_head *comp_fields, int version);
-/* Transform an SNDCP-XID message (src) into a list of SNDCP-XID fields */
-struct llist_head *gprs_sndcp_parse_xid(int *version,
-					const void *ctx,
-					const uint8_t *src,
-					unsigned int src_len,
-					const struct llist_head
-					*comp_fields_req);
-/* Find out to which compression class the specified comp-field belongs
- * (header compression or data compression?) */
-int gprs_sndcp_get_compression_class(
-				const struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field);
-/* Dump a list with SNDCP-XID fields (Debug) */
-void gprs_sndcp_dump_comp_fields(const struct llist_head *comp_fields,
-				 unsigned int logl);
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_subscriber.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_subscriber.h
deleted file mode 100644
index be78feb..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_subscriber.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS subscriber details for use in SGSN land */
-#pragma once
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_23_003.h>
-extern struct llist_head * const gprs_subscribers;
-struct gprs_subscr {
-	struct llist_head entry;
-	int use_count;
-	char imsi[GSM23003_IMSI_MAX_DIGITS+1];
-	uint32_t tmsi;
-	char imei[GSM23003_IMEISV_NUM_DIGITS+1];
-	bool authorized;
-	bool keep_in_ram;
-	uint32_t flags;
-	uint16_t lac;
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_data *sgsn_data;
-struct gprs_subscr *_gprs_subscr_get(struct gprs_subscr *gsub,
-				     const char *file, int line);
-struct gprs_subscr *_gprs_subscr_put(struct gprs_subscr *gsub,
-				     const char *file, int line);
-#define gprs_subscr_get(gsub) _gprs_subscr_get(gsub, __BASE_FILE__, __LINE__)
-#define gprs_subscr_put(gsub) _gprs_subscr_put(gsub, __BASE_FILE__, __LINE__)
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_utils.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_utils.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 574f5c5..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gprs_utils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS utility functions */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010-2014 by On-Waves
- * (C) 2013 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-struct msgb;
-struct gprs_ra_id;
-struct msgb *gprs_msgb_copy(const struct msgb *msg, const char *name);
-int gprs_msgb_resize_area(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t *area,
-			    size_t old_size, size_t new_size);
-int gprs_str_to_apn(uint8_t *apn_enc, size_t max_len, const char *str);
-/* GSM 04.08, GPRS Timer */
-int gprs_tmr_to_secs(uint8_t tmr);
-uint8_t gprs_secs_to_tmr_floor(int secs);
-int gprs_is_mi_tmsi(const uint8_t *value, size_t value_len);
-int gprs_is_mi_imsi(const uint8_t *value, size_t value_len);
-int gprs_parse_mi_tmsi(const uint8_t *value, size_t value_len, uint32_t *tmsi);
-void gprs_parse_tmsi(const uint8_t *value, uint32_t *tmsi);
-int gprs_ra_id_equals(const struct gprs_ra_id *id1, const struct gprs_ra_id *id2);
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gsm_subscriber.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gsm_subscriber.h
index 7e65614..df3eee6 100644
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gsm_subscriber.h
+++ b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gsm_subscriber.h
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
 struct vty;
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx;
-struct sgsn_subscriber_data;
 struct subscr_request;
@@ -71,9 +69,6 @@
 	/* pending requests */
 	int is_paging;
 	struct llist_head requests;
-	/* GPRS/SGSN related fields */
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_data *sgsn_data;
 enum gsm_subscriber_field {
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gtphub.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/gtphub.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cb7605..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/gtphub.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-/* GTP Hub Implementation */
-/* (C) 2015 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Neels Hofmeyr
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/select.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/timer.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h>
-/* support */
-/* TODO move to osmocom/core/socket.c ? */
-#include <netdb.h> /* for IPPROTO_* etc */
-struct osmo_sockaddr {
-	struct sockaddr_storage a;
-	socklen_t l;
-/* TODO move to osmocom/core/socket.c ? */
-/*! \brief Initialize a sockaddr
- * \param[out] addr  Valid osmo_sockaddr pointer to write result to
- * \param[in] family  Address Family like AF_INET, AF_INET6, AF_UNSPEC
- * \param[in] type  Socket type like SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_STREAM
- * \param[in] proto  Protocol like IPPROTO_TCP, IPPROTO_UDP
- * \param[in] host Remote host name or IP address in string form
- * \param[in] port Remote port number in host byte order
- * \returns 0 on success, otherwise an error code (from getaddrinfo()).
- *
- * Copy the first result from a getaddrinfo() call with the given parameters to
- * *addr and *addr_len. On error, do not change *addr and return nonzero.
- */
-int osmo_sockaddr_init(struct osmo_sockaddr *addr,
-		       uint16_t family, uint16_t type, uint8_t proto,
-		       const char *host, uint16_t port);
-/* Conveniently pass AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_DGRAM and IPPROTO_UDP to
- * osmo_sockaddr_init(). */
-static inline int osmo_sockaddr_init_udp(struct osmo_sockaddr *addr,
-					 const char *host, uint16_t port)
-	return osmo_sockaddr_init(addr, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP,
-				  host, port);
-/*! \brief convert sockaddr to human readable string.
- * \param[out] addr_str  Valid pointer to a buffer of length addr_str_len.
- * \param[in] addr_str_len  Size of buffer addr_str points at.
- * \param[out] port_str  Valid pointer to a buffer of length port_str_len.
- * \param[in] port_str_len  Size of buffer port_str points at.
- * \param[in] addr  Binary representation as returned by osmo_sockaddr_init().
- * \param[in] flags  flags as passed to getnameinfo().
- * \returns  0 on success, an error code on error.
- *
- * Return the IPv4 or IPv6 address string and the port (a.k.a. service) string
- * representations of the given struct osmo_sockaddr in two caller provided
- * char buffers. Flags of (NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV) return numeric
- * address and port. Either one of addr_str or port_str may be NULL, in which
- * case nothing is returned there.
- *
- * See also osmo_sockaddr_to_str() (less flexible, but much more convenient). */
-int osmo_sockaddr_to_strs(char *addr_str, size_t addr_str_len,
-			  char *port_str, size_t port_str_len,
-			  const struct osmo_sockaddr *addr,
-			  int flags);
-/*! \brief concatenate the parts returned by osmo_sockaddr_to_strs().
- * \param[in] addr  Binary representation as returned by osmo_sockaddr_init().
- * \param[in] buf  A buffer to use for string operations.
- * \param[in] buf_len  Length of the buffer.
- * \returns  Address string (in buffer).
- *
- * Compose a string of the numeric IP-address and port represented by *addr of
- * the form "<ip-addr> port <port>". The returned string is valid until the
- * next invocation of this function.
- */
-const char *osmo_sockaddr_to_strb(const struct osmo_sockaddr *addr,
-				  char *buf, size_t buf_len);
-/*! \brief conveniently return osmo_sockaddr_to_strb() in a static buffer.
- * \param[in] addr  Binary representation as returned by osmo_sockaddr_init().
- * \returns  Address string in static buffer.
- *
- * See osmo_sockaddr_to_strb().
- *
- * Note: only one osmo_sockaddr_to_str() call will work per print/log
- * statement. For two or more, use osmo_sockaddr_to_strb() with a separate
- * buffer each.
- */
-const char *osmo_sockaddr_to_str(const struct osmo_sockaddr *addr);
-/*! \brief compare two osmo_sockaddr.
- * \param[in] a  The first address to compare.
- * \param[in] b  The other address to compare.
- * \returns 0 if equal, otherwise -1 or 1.
- */
-int osmo_sockaddr_cmp(const struct osmo_sockaddr *a,
-		      const struct osmo_sockaddr *b);
-/*! \brief Overwrite *dst with *src.
- * Like memcpy(), but copy only the valid bytes. */
-void osmo_sockaddr_copy(struct osmo_sockaddr *dst,
-			const struct osmo_sockaddr *src);
-/* general */
-enum gtphub_plane_idx {
-enum gtphub_side_idx {
-#define for_each_side(I)	for (I = 0; I < GTPH_SIDE_N; I++)
-#define for_each_plane(I)	for (I = 0; I < GTPH_PLANE_N; I++)
-#define for_each_side_and_plane(I,J)	for_each_side(I) for_each_plane(J)
-static inline int other_side_idx(int side_idx)
-	return (side_idx + 1) & 1;
-extern const char* const gtphub_plane_idx_names[GTPH_PLANE_N];
-extern const uint16_t gtphub_plane_idx_default_port[GTPH_PLANE_N];
-extern const char* const gtphub_side_idx_names[GTPH_SIDE_N];
-/* A host address in the form that is expected in the 7.7.32 GSN Address IE.
- * len is either 4 (IPv4) or 16 (IPv6), any other value is invalid. If no
- * address is set, len shall be 0. */
-struct gsn_addr {
-	uint16_t len;
-	uint8_t buf[16];
-void gsn_addr_copy(struct gsn_addr *gsna, const struct gsn_addr *src);
-int gsn_addr_from_str(struct gsn_addr *gsna, const char *numeric_addr_str);
-/* Return gsna in numeric string form, in a static buffer. */
-const char *gsn_addr_to_str(const struct gsn_addr *gsna);
-/* note: strbuf_len doesn't need to be larger than INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1. */
-const char *gsn_addr_to_strb(const struct gsn_addr *gsna,
-			     char *strbuf, int strbuf_len);
-/* Return 1 on match, zero otherwise. */
-int gsn_addr_same(const struct gsn_addr *a, const struct gsn_addr *b);
-/* Decode sa to gsna. Return 0 on success. If port is non-NULL, the port number
- * from sa is also returned. */
-int gsn_addr_from_sockaddr(struct gsn_addr *gsna, uint16_t *port,
-			   const struct osmo_sockaddr *sa);
-/* expiry */
-struct expiring_item;
-typedef void (*del_cb_t)(struct expiring_item *);
-struct expiring_item {
-	struct llist_head entry;
-	time_t expiry;
-	del_cb_t del_cb;
-struct expiry {
-	int expiry_in_seconds;
-	struct llist_head items;
-/* Initialize an expiry queue. */
-void expiry_init(struct expiry *exq, int expiry_in_seconds);
-/* Add a new mapping, or restart the expiry timeout for an already listed
- * mapping. */
-void expiry_add(struct expiry *exq, struct expiring_item *item, time_t now);
-/* Initialize to all-empty; must be called before using the item in any way. */
-void expiring_item_init(struct expiring_item *item);
-/* Remove the given item from its expiry queue, and call item->del_cb, if set.
- * This sets item->del_cb to NULL and is harmless when run a second time on the
- * same item, so the del_cb may choose to call this function, too, to allow
- * deleting items from several code paths. */
-void expiring_item_del(struct expiring_item *item);
-/* Carry out due expiry of mappings. Must be invoked regularly.
- * 'now' is the current clock count in seconds and must correspond to the clock
- * count passed to nr_map_add(). A monotonous clock counter should be used. */
-int expiry_tick(struct expiry *exq, time_t now);
-/* Expire all items. */
-void expiry_clear(struct expiry *exq);
-/* number map */
-/* A number map assigns a "random" mapped number to each user provided number.
- * If the same number is requested multiple times, the same mapped number is
- * returned.
- *
- * Number maps plug into possibly shared pools and expiry queues, for example:
- *
- *     mapA -----------+-> pool1           <-+-- mapB
- *     {10->1, 11->5}  |   {1, 2, 3, ...}    |   {10->2, 11->3}
- *                     |                     |
- *                     |                     |
- *                 /-> \-> expiry1         <-/
- *                 |       (30 seconds)
- *                 |
- *     mapC -------+-----> pool2           <-+-- mapD
- *     {10->1, 11->3}      {1, 2, 3, ...}    |   {10->2, 11->5}
- *                                           |
- *                         expiry2         <-/
- *                         (60 seconds)
- *
- * A map contains mappings ("10->1"). Each map needs a number pool, which can
- * be shared with other maps. Each new mapping receives a number from the pool,
- * which is then unavailable to any other map using the same pool.
- *
- * A map may point at an expiry queue, in which case all mappings added to it
- * are also appended to the expiry queue (using a separate llist entry in the
- * mapping). Any number of maps may submit to the same expiry queue, if they
- * desire the same expiry timeout. An expiry queue stores the mappings in
- * chronological order, so that expiry checking is needed only from the start
- * of the queue; hence only mappings with identical expiry timeout can be added
- * to the same expiry queue. Upon expiry, a mapping is dropped from the map it
- * was submitted at. expiry_tick() needs to be called regularly for each expiry
- * queue.
- *
- * A nr_mapping can be embedded in a larger struct: each mapping can have a
- * distinct destructor (del_cb), and each del_cb can figure out the container
- * struct's address and free that upon expiry or manual deletion. So in expiry
- * queues (and even maps), mappings of different container types can be mixed.
- * This can help to drastically reduce the amount of unnecessary visits during
- * expiry checking, for the case that no expiry is pending. An expiry queue
- * always knows which mappings to expire next, because they are right at the
- * start of its list.
- *
- * Mapping allocation and a del_cb are provided by the caller. If del_cb is
- * NULL, no deallocation will be done (allowing statically allocated entries).
- */
-typedef unsigned int nr_t;
-/* Generator for unused numbers. So far this counts upwards from zero, but the
- * implementation may change in the future. Treat this like an opaque struct.
- * If this becomes random, the tests need to be fixed. */
-struct nr_pool {
-	nr_t last_nr;
-	nr_t nr_min;
-	nr_t nr_max;
-struct nr_mapping {
-	struct llist_head entry;
-	struct expiring_item expiry_entry;
-	void *origin;
-	nr_t orig;
-	nr_t repl;
-struct nr_map {
-	struct nr_pool *pool; /* multiple nr_maps can share a nr_pool. */
-	struct expiry *add_items_to_expiry;
-	struct llist_head mappings;
-void nr_pool_init(struct nr_pool *pool, nr_t nr_min, nr_t nr_max);
-/* Return the next unused number from the nr_pool. */
-nr_t nr_pool_next(struct nr_pool *pool);
-/* Initialize the nr_mapping to zero/empty values. */
-void nr_mapping_init(struct nr_mapping *mapping);
-/* Remove the given mapping from its parent map and expiry queue, and call
- * mapping->del_cb, if set. */
-void nr_mapping_del(struct nr_mapping *mapping);
-/* Initialize an (already allocated) nr_map, and set the map's number pool.
- * Multiple nr_map instances may use the same nr_pool. Set the nr_map's expiry
- * queue to exq, so that all added mappings are automatically expired after the
- * time configured in exq. exq may be NULL to disable automatic expiry. */
-void nr_map_init(struct nr_map *map, struct nr_pool *pool,
-		 struct expiry *exq);
-/* Add a new entry to the map. mapping->orig, mapping->origin and
- * mapping->del_cb must be set before calling this function. The remaining
- * fields of *mapping will be overwritten. mapping->repl is set to the next
- * available mapped number from map->pool. 'now' is the current clock count in
- * seconds; if no map->expiry is used, just pass 0 for 'now'. */
-void nr_map_add(struct nr_map *map, struct nr_mapping *mapping,
-		time_t now);
-/* Restart the timeout for the given mapping. mapping must be a member of map.
- */
-void nr_map_refresh(struct nr_map *map, struct nr_mapping *mapping,
-		    time_t now);
-/* Return a known mapping from nr_orig and the given origin. If nr_orig is
- * unknown, return NULL. */
-struct nr_mapping *nr_map_get(const struct nr_map *map,
-			      void *origin, nr_t nr_orig);
-/* Return a known mapping to nr_repl. If nr_repl is unknown, return NULL. */
-struct nr_mapping *nr_map_get_inv(const struct nr_map *map, nr_t nr_repl);
-/* Remove all mappings from map. */
-void nr_map_clear(struct nr_map *map);
-/* Return 1 if map has no entries, 0 otherwise. */
-int nr_map_empty(const struct nr_map *map);
-/* config */
-static const int GTPH_EXPIRE_QUICKLY_SECS = 30; /* TODO is there a spec for this? */
-static const int GTPH_EXPIRE_SLOWLY_MINUTES = 6 * 60; /* TODO is there a spec for this? */
-struct gtphub_cfg_addr {
-	const char *addr_str;
-	uint16_t port;
-struct gtphub_cfg_bind {
-	struct gtphub_cfg_addr bind;
-struct gtphub_cfg {
-	struct gtphub_cfg_bind to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_N][GTPH_PLANE_N];
-	struct gtphub_cfg_addr proxy[GTPH_SIDE_N][GTPH_PLANE_N];
-	int sgsn_use_sender; /* Use sender, not GSN addr IE with std ports */
-/* state */
-struct gtphub_peer {
-	struct llist_head entry;
-	struct llist_head addresses; /* Alternatives, not load balancing. */
-	struct nr_pool seq_pool;
-	struct nr_map seq_map;
-struct gtphub_peer_addr {
-	struct llist_head entry;
-	struct gtphub_peer *peer;
-	struct gsn_addr addr;
-	struct llist_head ports;
-struct gtphub_peer_port {
-	struct llist_head entry;
-	struct gtphub_peer_addr *peer_addr;
-	uint16_t port;
-	unsigned int ref_count; /* references from other peers' seq_maps */
-	struct osmo_sockaddr sa; /* a "cache" for (peer_addr->addr, port) */
-	int last_restart_count; /* 0..255 = valid, all else means unknown */
-	struct rate_ctr_group *counters_io;
-struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint {
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *peer;
-	uint32_t tei_orig; /* from/to peer */
-	struct rate_ctr_group *counters_io;
-struct gtphub_tunnel {
-	struct llist_head entry;
-	struct expiring_item expiry_entry;
-	uint32_t tei_repl; /* unique TEI to replace peers' TEIs */
-	struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint endpoint[GTPH_SIDE_N][GTPH_PLANE_N];
-struct gtphub_bind {
-	struct gsn_addr local_addr;
-	uint16_t local_port;
-	struct osmo_fd ofd;
-	/* list of struct gtphub_peer */
-	struct llist_head peers;
-	const char *label; /* For logging */
-	struct rate_ctr_group *counters_io;
-struct gtphub_resolved_ggsn {
-	struct llist_head entry;
-	struct expiring_item expiry_entry;
-	/* The APN OI, the Operator Identifier, is the combined address,
-	 * including parts of the IMSI and APN NI, and ending with ".gprs". */
-	char apn_oi_str[GSM_APN_LENGTH];
-	/* Which address and port we resolved that to. */
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *peer;
-struct gtphub {
-	struct gtphub_bind to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_N][GTPH_PLANE_N];
-	/* pointers to an entry of to_gsns[s][p].peers */
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *proxy[GTPH_SIDE_N][GTPH_PLANE_N];
-	/* The TEI numbers will simply wrap and be reused, which will work out
-	 * in practice. Problems would arise if one given peer maintained the
-	 * same TEI for a time long enough for the TEI nr map to wrap an entire
-	 * uint32_t; if a new TEI were mapped every second, this would take
-	 * more than 100 years (in which a single given TEI must not time out)
-	 * to cause a problem. */
-	struct nr_pool tei_pool;
-	struct llist_head tunnels; /* struct gtphub_tunnel */
-	struct llist_head pending_deletes; /* opaque (gtphub.c) */
-	struct llist_head ggsn_lookups; /* opaque (gtphub_ares.c) */
-	struct llist_head resolved_ggsns; /* struct gtphub_resolved_ggsn */
-	struct osmo_timer_list gc_timer;
-	struct expiry expire_quickly;
-	struct expiry expire_slowly;
-	uint8_t restart_counter;
-	int sgsn_use_sender;
-struct gtp_packet_desc;
-/* api */
-int gtphub_vty_init(struct gtphub *global_hub, struct gtphub_cfg *global_cfg);
-int gtphub_cfg_read(struct gtphub_cfg *cfg, const char *config_file);
-/* Initialize and start gtphub: bind to ports, run expiry timers. */
-int gtphub_start(struct gtphub *hub, struct gtphub_cfg *cfg,
-		 uint8_t restart_counter);
-/* Close all sockets, expire all maps and peers and free all allocations. The
- * struct is then unusable, unless gtphub_start() is run on it again. */
-void gtphub_stop(struct gtphub *hub);
-time_t gtphub_now(void);
-/* Remove expired items, empty peers, ... */
-void gtphub_gc(struct gtphub *hub, time_t now);
-/* Return the string of the first address for this peer. */
-const char *gtphub_peer_str(struct gtphub_peer *peer);
-/* Return a human readable description of tun in a static buffer. */
-const char *gtphub_tunnel_str(struct gtphub_tunnel *tun);
-/* Return 1 if all of tun's endpoints are fully established, 0 otherwise. */
-int gtphub_tunnel_complete(struct gtphub_tunnel *tun);
-int gtphub_handle_buf(struct gtphub *hub,
-		      unsigned int side_idx,
-		      unsigned int port_idx,
-		      const struct osmo_sockaddr *from_addr,
-		      uint8_t *buf,
-		      size_t received,
-		      time_t now,
-		      uint8_t **reply_buf,
-		      struct osmo_fd **to_ofd,
-		      struct osmo_sockaddr *to_addr);
-struct gtphub_peer_port *gtphub_port_have(struct gtphub *hub,
-					  struct gtphub_bind *bind,
-					  const struct gsn_addr *addr,
-					  uint16_t port);
-struct gtphub_peer_port *gtphub_port_find_sa(const struct gtphub_bind *bind,
-					     const struct osmo_sockaddr *addr);
-void gtphub_resolved_ggsn(struct gtphub *hub, const char *apn_oi_str,
-			  struct gsn_addr *resolved_addr,
-			  time_t now);
-const char *gtphub_port_str(struct gtphub_peer_port *port);
-int gtphub_write(const struct osmo_fd *to,
-		 const struct osmo_sockaddr *to_addr,
-		 const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_len);
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/sgsn.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/sgsn.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ede2c9..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/sgsn.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SGSN_H
-#define _SGSN_H
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/crypt/gprs_cipher.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_ns.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/oap_client.h>
-#include <ares.h>
-struct gprs_gsup_client;
-struct hostent;
-enum sgsn_auth_policy {
-enum sgsn_rate_ctr_keys {
-	/* PDP single packet counter / GSM 04.08 9.5.1 - 9.5.9 */
-	CTR_PDP_MODIFY_REQUEST, /* unsued */
-	CTR_PDP_MODIFY_ACCEPT, /* unused */
-struct sgsn_cdr {
-	char *filename;
-	int interval;
-struct sgsn_config {
-	/* parsed from config file */
-	char *gtp_statedir;
-	struct sockaddr_in gtp_listenaddr;
-	/* misc */
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi;
-	enum sgsn_auth_policy auth_policy;
-	enum gprs_ciph_algo cipher;
-	struct llist_head imsi_acl;
-	struct sockaddr_in gsup_server_addr;
-	int gsup_server_port;
-	int require_authentication;
-	int require_update_location;
-	/* CDR configuration */
-	struct sgsn_cdr cdr;
-	struct {
-		int T3312;
-		int T3322;
-		int T3350;
-		int T3360;
-		int T3370;
-		int T3313;
-		int T3314;
-		int T3316;
-		int T3385;
-		int T3386;
-		int T3395;
-		int T3397;
-	} timers;
-	int dynamic_lookup;
-	struct oap_client_config oap;
-	/* RFC1144 TCP/IP header compression */
-	struct {
-		int active;
-		int passive;
-		int s01;
-	} pcomp_rfc1144;
-	/* V.42vis data compression */
-	struct {
-		int active;
-		int passive;
-		int p0;
-		int p1;
-		int p2;
-	} dcomp_v42bis;
-struct sgsn_instance {
-	char *config_file;
-	struct sgsn_config cfg;
-	/* File descriptor wrappers for LibGTP */
-	struct osmo_fd gtp_fd0;
-	struct osmo_fd gtp_fd1c;
-	struct osmo_fd gtp_fd1u;
-	/* Timer for libGTP */
-	struct osmo_timer_list gtp_timer;
-	/* GSN instance for libgtp */
-	struct gsn_t *gsn;
-	/* Subscriber */
-	struct gsup_client *gsup_client;
-	/* LLME inactivity timer */
-	struct osmo_timer_list llme_timer;
-	/* c-ares event loop integration */
-	struct osmo_timer_list ares_timer;
-	struct llist_head ares_fds;
-	ares_channel ares_channel;
-	struct ares_addr_node *ares_servers;
-	struct rate_ctr_group *rate_ctrs;
-extern struct sgsn_instance *sgsn;
-/* sgsn_vty.c */
-int sgsn_vty_init(void);
-int sgsn_parse_config(const char *config_file, struct sgsn_config *cfg);
-/* sgsn.c */
-/* Main input function for Gb proxy */
-int sgsn_rcvmsg(struct msgb *msg, struct gprs_nsvc *nsvc, uint16_t ns_bvci);
-struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *sgsn_create_pdp_ctx(struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggsn,
-					 struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx,
-					 uint16_t nsapi,
-					 struct tlv_parsed *tp);
-int sgsn_delete_pdp_ctx(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pctx);
-void sgsn_pdp_upd_gtp_u(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp, void *addr, size_t alen);
-/* gprs_sndcp.c */
-/* Entry point for the SNSM-ACTIVATE.indication */
-int sndcp_sm_activate_ind(struct gprs_llc_lle *lle, uint8_t nsapi);
-/* Entry point for the SNSM-DEACTIVATE.indication */
-int sndcp_sm_deactivate_ind(struct gprs_llc_lle *lle, uint8_t nsapi);
-/* Called by SNDCP when it has received/re-assembled a N-PDU */
-int sgsn_rx_sndcp_ud_ind(struct gprs_ra_id *ra_id, int32_t tlli, uint8_t nsapi,
-			 struct msgb *msg, uint32_t npdu_len, uint8_t *npdu);
-int sndcp_unitdata_req(struct msgb *msg, struct gprs_llc_lle *lle, uint8_t nsapi,
-			void *mmcontext);
-int sndcp_llunitdata_ind(struct msgb *msg, struct gprs_llc_lle *lle,
-			 uint8_t *hdr, uint16_t len);
- * CDR related functionality
- */
-int sgsn_cdr_init(struct sgsn_instance *sgsn);
- * C-ARES related functionality
- */
-int sgsn_ares_init(struct sgsn_instance *sgsn);
-int sgsn_ares_query(struct sgsn_instance *sgsm, const char *name, ares_host_callback cb, void *data);
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/signal.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/signal.h
index d4ccf80..9749250 100644
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/signal.h
+++ b/openbsc/include/openbsc/signal.h
@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@
 /* SS_PAGING signals */
@@ -241,22 +240,4 @@
 	uint16_t rach_access_count;
-/* GPRS SGSN signals SS_SGSN */
-enum signal_sgsn {
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx;
-struct sgsn_signal_data {
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm;
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;	/* non-NULL for PDP_ACT, PDP_DEACT, PDP_FREE */
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/slhc.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/slhc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cd5a47c..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/slhc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SLHC_H
-#define _SLHC_H
- * Definitions for tcp compression routines.
- *
- * $Header: slcompress.h,v 1.10 89/12/31 08:53:02 van Exp $
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1989 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
- * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
- * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
- * by the University of California, Berkeley.  The name of the
- * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *	Van Jacobson (, Dec 31, 1989:
- *	- Initial distribution.
- *
- *
- * modified for KA9Q Internet Software Package by
- * Katie Stevens (
- * University of California, Davis
- * Computing Services
- *	- 01-31-90	initial adaptation
- *
- *	- Feb 1991
- *			variable number of conversation slots
- *			allow zero or one slots
- *			separate routines
- *			status display
- */
- * Compressed packet format:
- *
- * The first octet contains the packet type (top 3 bits), TCP
- * 'push' bit, and flags that indicate which of the 4 TCP sequence
- * numbers have changed (bottom 5 bits).  The next octet is a
- * conversation number that associates a saved IP/TCP header with
- * the compressed packet.  The next two octets are the TCP checksum
- * from the original datagram.  The next 0 to 15 octets are
- * sequence number changes, one change per bit set in the header
- * (there may be no changes and there are two special cases where
- * the receiver implicitly knows what changed -- see below).
- *
- * There are 5 numbers which can change (they are always inserted
- * in the following order): TCP urgent pointer, window,
- * acknowledgment, sequence number and IP ID.  (The urgent pointer
- * is different from the others in that its value is sent, not the
- * change in value.)  Since typical use of SLIP links is biased
- * toward small packets (see comments on MTU/MSS below), changes
- * use a variable length coding with one octet for numbers in the
- * range 1 - 255 and 3 octets (0, MSB, LSB) for numbers in the
- * range 256 - 65535 or 0.  (If the change in sequence number or
- * ack is more than 65535, an uncompressed packet is sent.)
- */
- * Packet types (must not conflict with IP protocol version)
- *
- * The top nibble of the first octet is the packet type.  There are
- * three possible types: IP (not proto TCP or tcp with one of the
- * control flags set); uncompressed TCP (a normal IP/TCP packet but
- * with the 8-bit protocol field replaced by an 8-bit connection id --
- * this type of packet syncs the sender & receiver); and compressed
- * TCP (described above).
- *
- * LSB of 4-bit field is TCP "PUSH" bit (a worthless anachronism) and
- * is logically part of the 4-bit "changes" field that follows.  Top
- * three bits are actual packet type.  For backward compatibility
- * and in the interest of conserving bits, numbers are chosen so the
- * IP protocol version number (4) which normally appears in this nibble
- * means "IP packet".
- */
-#include <linux/ip.h>
-#include <linux/tcp.h>
-/* SLIP compression masks for len/vers byte */
-#define SL_TYPE_IP 0x40
-#define SL_TYPE_ERROR 0x00
-/* Bits in first octet of compressed packet */
-#define NEW_C	0x40	/* flag bits for what changed in a packet */
-#define NEW_I	0x20
-#define NEW_S	0x08
-#define NEW_A	0x04
-#define NEW_W	0x02
-#define NEW_U	0x01
-/* reserved, special-case values of above */
-#define SPECIAL_I (NEW_S|NEW_W|NEW_U)		/* echoed interactive traffic */
-#define SPECIAL_D (NEW_S|NEW_A|NEW_W|NEW_U)	/* unidirectional data */
-#define TCP_PUSH_BIT 0x10
- * data type and sizes conversion assumptions:
- *
- *	VJ code		KA9Q style	generic
- *	u_char		byte_t		unsigned char	 8 bits
- *	u_short		int16		unsigned short	16 bits
- *	u_int		int16		unsigned short	16 bits
- *	u_long		unsigned long	unsigned long	32 bits
- *	int		int32		long		32 bits
- */
-typedef __u8 byte_t;
-typedef __u32 int32;
- * "state" data for each active tcp conversation on the wire.  This is
- * basically a copy of the entire IP/TCP header from the last packet
- * we saw from the conversation together with a small identifier
- * the transmit & receive ends of the line use to locate saved header.
- */
-struct cstate {
-	byte_t	cs_this;	/* connection id number (xmit) */
-	struct cstate *next;	/* next in ring (xmit) */
-	struct iphdr cs_ip;	/* ip/tcp hdr from most recent packet */
-	struct tcphdr cs_tcp;
-	unsigned char cs_ipopt[64];
-	unsigned char cs_tcpopt[64];
-	int cs_hsize;
-#define NULLSLSTATE	(struct cstate *)0
- * all the state data for one serial line (we need one of these per line).
- */
-struct slcompress {
-	struct cstate *tstate;	/* transmit connection states (array)*/
-	struct cstate *rstate;	/* receive connection states (array)*/
-	byte_t tslot_limit;	/* highest transmit slot id (0-l)*/
-	byte_t rslot_limit;	/* highest receive slot id (0-l)*/
-	byte_t xmit_oldest;	/* oldest xmit in ring */
-	byte_t xmit_current;	/* most recent xmit id */
-	byte_t recv_current;	/* most recent rcvd id */
-	byte_t flags;
-#define SLF_TOSS	0x01	/* tossing rcvd frames until id received */
-	int32 sls_o_nontcp;	/* outbound non-TCP packets */
-	int32 sls_o_tcp;	/* outbound TCP packets */
-	int32 sls_o_uncompressed;	/* outbound uncompressed packets */
-	int32 sls_o_compressed;	/* outbound compressed packets */
-	int32 sls_o_searches;	/* searches for connection state */
-	int32 sls_o_misses;	/* times couldn't find conn. state */
-	int32 sls_i_uncompressed;	/* inbound uncompressed packets */
-	int32 sls_i_compressed;	/* inbound compressed packets */
-	int32 sls_i_error;	/* inbound error packets */
-	int32 sls_i_tossed;	/* inbound packets tossed because of error */
-	int32 sls_i_runt;
-	int32 sls_i_badcheck;
-#define NULLSLCOMPR	(struct slcompress *)0
-/* In slhc.c: */
-struct slcompress *slhc_init(const void *ctx, int rslots, int tslots);
-void slhc_free(struct slcompress *comp);
-int slhc_compress(struct slcompress *comp, unsigned char *icp, int isize,
-		  unsigned char *ocp, unsigned char **cpp, int compress_cid);
-int slhc_uncompress(struct slcompress *comp, unsigned char *icp, int isize);
-int slhc_remember(struct slcompress *comp, unsigned char *icp, int isize);
-int slhc_toss(struct slcompress *comp);
-void slhc_i_status(struct slcompress *comp);
-void slhc_o_status(struct slcompress *comp);
-#endif	/* _SLHC_H */
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/v42bis.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/v42bis.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 607a58e..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/v42bis.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
- * SpanDSP - a series of DSP components for telephony
- *
- * v42bis.h
- *
- * Written by Steve Underwood <>
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005, 2011 Steve Underwood
- *
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1,
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
-/*! \page v42bis_page V.42bis modem data compression
-\section v42bis_page_sec_1 What does it do?
-The v.42bis specification defines a data compression scheme, to work in
-conjunction with the error correction scheme defined in V.42.
-\section v42bis_page_sec_2 How does it work?
-#include <stdint.h>
-#if !defined(_SPANDSP_V42BIS_H_)
-#define _SPANDSP_V42BIS_H_
-#define SPAN_DECLARE(x) x
-#define V42BIS_MIN_STRING_SIZE      6
-#define V42BIS_MAX_STRING_SIZE      250
-#define V42BIS_MAX_BITS             12
-#define V42BIS_MAX_CODEWORDS        4096    /* 2^V42BIS_MAX_BITS */
-#define V42BIS_MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH    1024
-typedef void (*put_msg_func_t)(void *user_data, const uint8_t *msg, int len);
-    V.42bis compression/decompression descriptor. This defines the working state for a
-    single instance of V.42bis compress/decompression.
-typedef struct v42bis_state_s v42bis_state_t;
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C"
-/*! Compress a block of octets.
-    \param s The V.42bis context.
-    \param buf The data to be compressed.
-    \param len The length of the data buffer.
-    \return 0 */
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) v42bis_compress(v42bis_state_t *s, const uint8_t buf[], int len);
-/*! Flush out any data remaining in a compression buffer.
-    \param s The V.42bis context.
-    \return 0 */
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) v42bis_compress_flush(v42bis_state_t *s);
-/*! Decompress a block of octets.
-    \param s The V.42bis context.
-    \param buf The data to be decompressed.
-    \param len The length of the data buffer.
-    \return 0 */
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) v42bis_decompress(v42bis_state_t *s, const uint8_t buf[], int len);
-/*! Flush out any data remaining in the decompression buffer.
-    \param s The V.42bis context.
-    \return 0 */
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) v42bis_decompress_flush(v42bis_state_t *s);
-/*! Set the compression mode.
-    \param s The V.42bis context.
-    \param mode One of the V.42bis compression modes -
-SPAN_DECLARE(void) v42bis_compression_control(v42bis_state_t *s, int mode);
-/*! Initialise a V.42bis context.
-    \param s The V.42bis context.
-    \param negotiated_p0 The negotiated P0 parameter, from the V.42bis spec.
-    \param negotiated_p1 The negotiated P1 parameter, from the V.42bis spec.
-    \param negotiated_p2 The negotiated P2 parameter, from the V.42bis spec.
-    \param encode_handler Encode callback handler.
-    \param encode_user_data An opaque pointer passed to the encode callback handler.
-    \param max_encode_len The maximum length that should be passed to the encode handler.
-    \param decode_handler Decode callback handler.
-    \param decode_user_data An opaque pointer passed to the decode callback handler.
-    \param max_decode_len The maximum length that should be passed to the decode handler.
-    \return The V.42bis context. */
-SPAN_DECLARE(v42bis_state_t *) v42bis_init(const void *ctx,
-                                           v42bis_state_t *s,
-                                           int negotiated_p0,
-                                           int negotiated_p1,
-                                           int negotiated_p2,
-                                           put_msg_func_t encode_handler,
-                                           void *encode_user_data,
-                                           int max_encode_len,
-                                           put_msg_func_t decode_handler,
-                                           void *decode_user_data,
-                                           int max_decode_len);
-/*! Release a V.42bis context.
-    \param s The V.42bis context.
-    \return 0 if OK */
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) v42bis_release(v42bis_state_t *s);
-/*! Free a V.42bis context.
-    \param s The V.42bis context.
-    \return 0 if OK */
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) v42bis_free(v42bis_state_t *s);
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-/*- End of file ------------------------------------------------------------*/
diff --git a/openbsc/include/openbsc/v42bis_private.h b/openbsc/include/openbsc/v42bis_private.h
deleted file mode 100644
index daa5ea3..0000000
--- a/openbsc/include/openbsc/v42bis_private.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
- * SpanDSP - a series of DSP components for telephony
- *
- * private/v42bis.h
- *
- * Written by Steve Underwood <>
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Steve Underwood
- *
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1,
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
-#if !defined(_SPANDSP_PRIVATE_V42BIS_H_)
-    V.42bis dictionary node.
-    Note that 0 is not a valid node to point to (0 is always a control code), so 0 is used
-    as a "no such value" marker in this structure.
-typedef struct
-    /*! \brief The value of the octet represented by the current dictionary node */
-    uint8_t node_octet;
-    /*! \brief The parent of this node */
-    uint16_t parent;
-    /*! \brief The first child of this node */
-    uint16_t child;
-    /*! \brief The next node at the same depth */
-    uint16_t next;
-} v42bis_dict_node_t;
-    V.42bis compression or decompression. This defines the working state for a single instance
-    of V.42bis compression or decompression.
-typedef struct
-    /*! \brief Compression enabled. */
-    int v42bis_parm_p0;
-    /*! \brief Compression mode. */
-    int compression_mode;
-    /*! \brief Callback function to handle output data. */
-    put_msg_func_t handler;
-    /*! \brief An opaque pointer passed in calls to the data handler. */
-    void *user_data;
-    /*! \brief The maximum amount to be passed to the data handler. */
-    int max_output_len;
-    /*! \brief TRUE if we are in transparent (i.e. uncompressable) mode */
-    int transparent;
-    /*! \brief Next empty dictionary entry */
-    uint16_t v42bis_parm_c1;
-    /*! \brief Current codeword size */
-    uint16_t v42bis_parm_c2;
-    /*! \brief Threshold for codeword size change */
-    uint16_t v42bis_parm_c3;
-    /*! \brief The current update point in the dictionary */
-    uint16_t update_at;
-    /*! \brief The last entry matched in the dictionary */
-    uint16_t last_matched;
-    /*! \brief The last entry added to the dictionary */
-    uint16_t last_added;
-    /*! \brief Total number of codewords in the dictionary */
-    int v42bis_parm_n2;
-    /*! \brief Maximum permitted string length */
-    int v42bis_parm_n7;
-    /*! \brief The dictionary */
-    v42bis_dict_node_t dict[V42BIS_MAX_CODEWORDS];
-    /*! \brief The octet string in progress */
-    uint8_t string[V42BIS_MAX_STRING_SIZE];
-    /*! \brief The current length of the octet string in progress */
-    int string_length;
-    /*! \brief The amount of the octet string in progress which has already
-        been flushed out of the buffer */
-    int flushed_length;
-    /*! \brief Compression performance metric */
-    uint16_t compression_performance;
-    /*! \brief Outgoing bit buffer (compression), or incoming bit buffer (decompression) */ 
-    uint32_t bit_buffer;
-    /*! \brief Outgoing bit count (compression), or incoming bit count (decompression) */ 
-    int bit_count;
-    /*! \brief The output composition buffer */
-    uint8_t output_buf[V42BIS_MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH];
-    /*! \brief The length of the contents of the output composition buffer */    
-    int output_octet_count;
-    /*! \brief The current value of the escape code */
-    uint8_t escape_code;
-    /*! \brief TRUE if we just hit an escape code, and are waiting for the following octet */
-    int escaped;
-} v42bis_comp_state_t;
-    V.42bis compression/decompression descriptor. This defines the working state for a
-    single instance of V.42bis compress/decompression.
-struct v42bis_state_s
-    /*! \brief Compression state. */
-    v42bis_comp_state_t compress;
-    /*! \brief Decompression state. */
-    v42bis_comp_state_t decompress;
-    /*! \brief Error and flow logging control */
-/*- End of file ------------------------------------------------------------*/
diff --git a/openbsc/ b/openbsc/
index 76f03fc..ba6d954 100644
--- a/openbsc/
+++ b/openbsc/
@@ -31,25 +31,18 @@
     "osmo-bsc": ["doc/examples/osmo-bsc/osmo-bsc.cfg"],
     "nat": ["doc/examples/osmo-bsc_nat/osmo-bsc_nat.cfg"],
     "mgcp": ["doc/examples/osmo-bsc_mgcp/mgcp.cfg"],
-    "gbproxy": ["doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.cfg",
-             "doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy-legacy.cfg"],
-    "sgsn": ["doc/examples/osmo-sgsn/osmo-sgsn.cfg"],
     "nitb": ["doc/examples/osmo-nitb/nanobts/openbsc-multitrx.cfg",
-    "gtphub": ["doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/osmo-gtphub-1iface.cfg"]
 apps = [(4242, "src/osmo-bsc/osmo-bsc", "OsmoBSC", "osmo-bsc"),
         (4244, "src/osmo-bsc_nat/osmo-bsc_nat",  "OsmoBSCNAT", "nat"),
         (4243, "src/osmo-bsc_mgcp/osmo-bsc_mgcp", "OpenBSC MGCP", "mgcp"),
-        (4246, "src/gprs/osmo-gbproxy", "OsmoGbProxy", "gbproxy"),
-        (4245, "src/gprs/osmo-sgsn", "OsmoSGSN", "sgsn"),
         (4242, "src/osmo-nitb/osmo-nitb", "OpenBSC", "nitb"),
-        (4253, "src/gprs/osmo-gtphub", "OsmoGTPhub", "gtphub")
 vty_command = ["./src/osmo-nitb/osmo-nitb", "-c",
-vty_app = apps[5] # reference apps[] entry for osmo-nitb
+vty_app = apps[3] # reference apps[] entry for osmo-nitb
diff --git a/openbsc/src/ b/openbsc/src/
index cfad7df..e579ea0 100644
--- a/openbsc/src/
+++ b/openbsc/src/
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
 	osmo-bsc_mgcp \
 	utils \
 	ipaccess \
-	gprs \
 # Conditional Programs
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/.gitignore b/openbsc/src/gprs/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cfefba..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/ b/openbsc/src/gprs/
deleted file mode 100644
index cb09979..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-	$(all_includes) \
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/include \
-	-I$(top_builddir) \
-	$(NULL)
-	-Wall \
-	-fno-strict-aliasing \
-	$(NULL)
-	$(NULL)
-	$(NULL)
-bin_PROGRAMS = \
-	osmo-gbproxy \
-	$(NULL)
-bin_PROGRAMS += \
-	osmo-sgsn \
-	osmo-gtphub \
-	$(NULL)
-osmo_gbproxy_SOURCES = \
-	gb_proxy.c \
-	gb_proxy_main.c \
-	gb_proxy_vty.c \
-	gb_proxy_patch.c \
-	gb_proxy_tlli.c \
-	gb_proxy_peer.c \
-	gprs_gb_parse.c \
-	gprs_llc_parse.c \
-	crc24.c \
-	gprs_utils.c \
-	$(NULL)
-osmo_gbproxy_LDADD = \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libcommon/libcommon.a \
-	$(OSMO_LIBS) \
-	-lrt \
-	$(NULL)
-osmo_sgsn_SOURCES = \
-	gprs_gmm.c \
-	gprs_sgsn.c \
-	gprs_sndcp.c \
-	gprs_sndcp_comp.c \
-	gprs_sndcp_dcomp.c \
-	gprs_sndcp_pcomp.c \
-	gprs_sndcp_vty.c \
-	gprs_sndcp_xid.c \
-	sgsn_main.c \
-	sgsn_vty.c \
-	sgsn_libgtp.c \
-	gprs_llc.c \
-	gprs_llc_parse.c \
-	gprs_llc_vty.c \
-	crc24.c \
-	sgsn_ctrl.c \
-	sgsn_auth.c \
-	gprs_subscriber.c \
-	gprs_utils.c \
-	sgsn_cdr.c \
-	sgsn_ares.c \
-	slhc.c \
-	gprs_llc_xid.c \
-	v42bis.c \
-	$(NULL)
-osmo_sgsn_LDADD = \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libcommon/libcommon.a \
-	$(OSMO_LIBS) \
-	-lrt \
-	-lm \
-	$(NULL)
-osmo_sgsn_LDADD += \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libiu/libiu.a \
-	$(NULL)
-osmo_gtphub_SOURCES = \
-	gtphub_main.c \
-	gtphub.c \
-	gtphub_sock.c \
-	gtphub_ares.c \
-	gtphub_vty.c \
-	sgsn_ares.c \
-	gprs_utils.c \
-	$(NULL)
-osmo_gtphub_LDADD = \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libcommon/libcommon.a \
-	-lrt \
-	$(NULL)
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/crc24.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/crc24.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a420ed..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/crc24.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS LLC CRC-24 Implementation */
-/* (C) 2008-2009 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <openbsc/crc24.h>
-/* CRC24 table - FCS */
-static const uint32_t tbl_crc24[256] = {
-	0x00000000, 0x00d6a776, 0x00f64557, 0x0020e221, 0x00b78115, 0x00612663, 0x0041c442, 0x00976334,
-	0x00340991, 0x00e2aee7, 0x00c24cc6, 0x0014ebb0, 0x00838884, 0x00552ff2, 0x0075cdd3, 0x00a36aa5,
-	0x00681322, 0x00beb454, 0x009e5675, 0x0048f103, 0x00df9237, 0x00093541, 0x0029d760, 0x00ff7016,
-	0x005c1ab3, 0x008abdc5, 0x00aa5fe4, 0x007cf892, 0x00eb9ba6, 0x003d3cd0, 0x001ddef1, 0x00cb7987,
-	0x00d02644, 0x00068132, 0x00266313, 0x00f0c465, 0x0067a751, 0x00b10027, 0x0091e206, 0x00474570,
-	0x00e42fd5, 0x003288a3, 0x00126a82, 0x00c4cdf4, 0x0053aec0, 0x008509b6, 0x00a5eb97, 0x00734ce1,
-	0x00b83566, 0x006e9210, 0x004e7031, 0x0098d747, 0x000fb473, 0x00d91305, 0x00f9f124, 0x002f5652,
-	0x008c3cf7, 0x005a9b81, 0x007a79a0, 0x00acded6, 0x003bbde2, 0x00ed1a94, 0x00cdf8b5, 0x001b5fc3,
-	0x00fb4733, 0x002de045, 0x000d0264, 0x00dba512, 0x004cc626, 0x009a6150, 0x00ba8371, 0x006c2407,
-	0x00cf4ea2, 0x0019e9d4, 0x00390bf5, 0x00efac83, 0x0078cfb7, 0x00ae68c1, 0x008e8ae0, 0x00582d96,
-	0x00935411, 0x0045f367, 0x00651146, 0x00b3b630, 0x0024d504, 0x00f27272, 0x00d29053, 0x00043725,
-	0x00a75d80, 0x0071faf6, 0x005118d7, 0x0087bfa1, 0x0010dc95, 0x00c67be3, 0x00e699c2, 0x00303eb4,
-	0x002b6177, 0x00fdc601, 0x00dd2420, 0x000b8356, 0x009ce062, 0x004a4714, 0x006aa535, 0x00bc0243,
-	0x001f68e6, 0x00c9cf90, 0x00e92db1, 0x003f8ac7, 0x00a8e9f3, 0x007e4e85, 0x005eaca4, 0x00880bd2,
-	0x00437255, 0x0095d523, 0x00b53702, 0x00639074, 0x00f4f340, 0x00225436, 0x0002b617, 0x00d41161,
-	0x00777bc4, 0x00a1dcb2, 0x00813e93, 0x005799e5, 0x00c0fad1, 0x00165da7, 0x0036bf86, 0x00e018f0,
-	0x00ad85dd, 0x007b22ab, 0x005bc08a, 0x008d67fc, 0x001a04c8, 0x00cca3be, 0x00ec419f, 0x003ae6e9,
-	0x00998c4c, 0x004f2b3a, 0x006fc91b, 0x00b96e6d, 0x002e0d59, 0x00f8aa2f, 0x00d8480e, 0x000eef78,
-	0x00c596ff, 0x00133189, 0x0033d3a8, 0x00e574de, 0x007217ea, 0x00a4b09c, 0x008452bd, 0x0052f5cb,
-	0x00f19f6e, 0x00273818, 0x0007da39, 0x00d17d4f, 0x00461e7b, 0x0090b90d, 0x00b05b2c, 0x0066fc5a,
-	0x007da399, 0x00ab04ef, 0x008be6ce, 0x005d41b8, 0x00ca228c, 0x001c85fa, 0x003c67db, 0x00eac0ad,
-	0x0049aa08, 0x009f0d7e, 0x00bfef5f, 0x00694829, 0x00fe2b1d, 0x00288c6b, 0x00086e4a, 0x00dec93c,
-	0x0015b0bb, 0x00c317cd, 0x00e3f5ec, 0x0035529a, 0x00a231ae, 0x007496d8, 0x005474f9, 0x0082d38f,
-	0x0021b92a, 0x00f71e5c, 0x00d7fc7d, 0x00015b0b, 0x0096383f, 0x00409f49, 0x00607d68, 0x00b6da1e,
-	0x0056c2ee, 0x00806598, 0x00a087b9, 0x007620cf, 0x00e143fb, 0x0037e48d, 0x001706ac, 0x00c1a1da,
-	0x0062cb7f, 0x00b46c09, 0x00948e28, 0x0042295e, 0x00d54a6a, 0x0003ed1c, 0x00230f3d, 0x00f5a84b,
-	0x003ed1cc, 0x00e876ba, 0x00c8949b, 0x001e33ed, 0x008950d9, 0x005ff7af, 0x007f158e, 0x00a9b2f8,
-	0x000ad85d, 0x00dc7f2b, 0x00fc9d0a, 0x002a3a7c, 0x00bd5948, 0x006bfe3e, 0x004b1c1f, 0x009dbb69,
-	0x0086e4aa, 0x005043dc, 0x0070a1fd, 0x00a6068b, 0x003165bf, 0x00e7c2c9, 0x00c720e8, 0x0011879e,
-	0x00b2ed3b, 0x00644a4d, 0x0044a86c, 0x00920f1a, 0x00056c2e, 0x00d3cb58, 0x00f32979, 0x00258e0f,
-	0x00eef788, 0x003850fe, 0x0018b2df, 0x00ce15a9, 0x0059769d, 0x008fd1eb, 0x00af33ca, 0x007994bc,
-	0x00dafe19, 0x000c596f, 0x002cbb4e, 0x00fa1c38, 0x006d7f0c, 0x00bbd87a, 0x009b3a5b, 0x004d9d2d
-#define INIT_CRC24	0xffffff
-uint32_t crc24_calc(uint32_t fcs, uint8_t *cp, unsigned int len)
-	while (len--)
-		fcs = (fcs >> 8) ^ tbl_crc24[(fcs ^ *cp++) & 0xff];
-	return fcs;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cd38d23..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1438 +0,0 @@
-/* NS-over-IP proxy */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010-2013 by On-Waves
- * (C) 2013 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/select.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/stats.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_ns.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm_utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/signal.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gb_parse.h>
-#include <openbsc/gb_proxy.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_04_08.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08_gprs.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <openssl/rand.h>
-static const struct rate_ctr_desc global_ctr_description[] = {
-	{ "inv-bvci",	    "Invalid BVC Identifier          " },
-	{ "inv-lai",	    "Invalid Location Area Identifier" },
-	{ "inv-rai",	    "Invalid Routing Area Identifier " },
-	{ "inv-nsei",	    "No BVC established for NSEI     " },
-	{ "proto-err.bss",  "BSSGP protocol error      (BSS )" },
-	{ "proto-err.sgsn", "BSSGP protocol error      (SGSN)" },
-	{ "not-supp.bss",   "Feature not supported     (BSS )" },
-	{ "not-supp.sgsn",  "Feature not supported     (SGSN)" },
-	{ "restart.sgsn",   "Restarted RESET procedure (SGSN)" },
-	{ "tx-err.sgsn",    "NS Transmission error     (SGSN)" },
-	{ "error",          "Other error                     " },
-	{ "mod-peer-err",   "Patch error: no peer            " },
-static const struct rate_ctr_group_desc global_ctrg_desc = {
-	.group_name_prefix = "",
-	.group_description = "GBProxy Global Statistics",
-	.num_ctr = ARRAY_SIZE(global_ctr_description),
-	.ctr_desc = global_ctr_description,
-static int gbprox_relay2peer(struct msgb *old_msg, struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-			  uint16_t ns_bvci);
-static int gbprox_relay2sgsn(struct gbproxy_config *cfg, struct msgb *old_msg,
-			     uint16_t ns_bvci, uint16_t sgsn_nsei);
-static void gbproxy_reset_imsi_acquisition(struct gbproxy_link_info* link_info);
-static int check_peer_nsei(struct gbproxy_peer *peer, uint16_t nsei)
-	if (peer->nsei != nsei) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "Peer entry doesn't match current NSEI "
-		     "BVCI=%u via NSEI=%u (expected NSEI=%u)\n",
-		     peer->bvci, nsei, peer->nsei);
-		rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_INV_NSEI]);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-/* strip off the NS header */
-static void strip_ns_hdr(struct msgb *msg)
-	int strip_len = msgb_bssgph(msg) - msg->data;
-	msgb_pull(msg, strip_len);
-/* Transmit Chapter 9.2.10 Identity Request */
-static void gprs_put_identity_req(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t id_type)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	id_type &= GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK;
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh) + 1);
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_REQ;
-	gh->data[0] = id_type;
-/* Transmit Chapter Detach Accept (mobile originated detach) */
-static void gprs_put_mo_detach_acc(struct msgb *msg)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh) + 1);
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK;
-	gh->data[0] = 0; /* no force to standby */
-static void gprs_push_llc_ui(struct msgb *msg,
-			     int is_uplink, unsigned sapi, unsigned nu)
-	const uint8_t e_bit = 0;
-	const uint8_t pm_bit = 1;
-	const uint8_t cr_bit = is_uplink ? 0 : 1;
-	uint8_t *llc;
-	uint8_t *fcs_field;
-	uint32_t fcs;
-	nu &= 0x01ff; /* 9 Bit */
-	llc = msgb_push(msg, 3);
-	llc[0] = (cr_bit << 6) | (sapi & 0x0f);
-	llc[1] = 0xc0 | (nu >> 6); /* UI frame */
-	llc[2] = (nu << 2) | ((e_bit & 1) << 1) | (pm_bit & 1);
-	fcs = gprs_llc_fcs(llc, msgb_length(msg));
-	fcs_field = msgb_put(msg, 3);
-	fcs_field[0] = (uint8_t)(fcs >> 0);
-	fcs_field[1] = (uint8_t)(fcs >> 8);
-	fcs_field[2] = (uint8_t)(fcs >> 16);
-static void gprs_push_bssgp_dl_unitdata(struct msgb *msg,
-					uint32_t tlli)
-	struct bssgp_ud_hdr *budh;
-	uint8_t *llc = msgb_data(msg);
-	size_t llc_size = msgb_length(msg);
-	const size_t llc_ie_hdr_size = 3;
-	const uint8_t qos_profile[] = {0x00, 0x50, 0x20}; /* hard-coded */
-	const uint8_t lifetime[] = {0x02, 0x58}; /* 6s hard-coded */
-	const size_t bssgp_overhead = sizeof(*budh) +
-		TVLV_GROSS_LEN(sizeof(lifetime)) + llc_ie_hdr_size;
-	uint8_t *ie;
-	uint32_t tlli_be = htonl(tlli);
-	budh = (struct bssgp_ud_hdr *)msgb_push(msg, bssgp_overhead);
-	budh->pdu_type = BSSGP_PDUT_DL_UNITDATA;
-	memcpy(&budh->tlli, &tlli_be, sizeof(budh->tlli));
-	memcpy(&budh->qos_profile, qos_profile, sizeof(budh->qos_profile));
-	ie = budh->data;
-	tvlv_put(ie, BSSGP_IE_PDU_LIFETIME, sizeof(lifetime), lifetime);
-	ie += TVLV_GROSS_LEN(sizeof(lifetime));
-	/* Note: Add alignment before the LLC IE if inserting other IE */
-	*(ie++) = BSSGP_IE_LLC_PDU;
-	*(ie++) = llc_size / 256;
-	*(ie++) = llc_size % 256;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ie == llc);
-	msgb_bssgph(msg) = (uint8_t *)budh;
-	msgb_tlli(msg) = tlli;
-/* update peer according to the BSS message */
-static void gbprox_update_current_raid(uint8_t *raid_enc,
-				       struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-				       const char *log_text)
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-	const int old_local_mcc = state->local_mcc;
-	const int old_local_mnc = state->local_mnc;
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid;
-	if (!raid_enc)
-		return;
-	gsm48_parse_ra(&raid, raid_enc);
-	/* save source side MCC/MNC */
-	if (!peer->cfg->core_mcc || raid.mcc == peer->cfg->core_mcc) {
-		state->local_mcc = 0;
-	} else {
-		state->local_mcc = raid.mcc;
-	}
-	if (!peer->cfg->core_mnc || raid.mnc == peer->cfg->core_mnc) {
-		state->local_mnc = 0;
-	} else {
-		state->local_mnc = raid.mnc;
-	}
-	if (old_local_mcc != state->local_mcc ||
-	    old_local_mnc != state->local_mnc)
-		     "Patching RAID %sactivated, msg: %s, "
-		     "local: %d-%d, core: %d-%d\n",
-		     state->local_mcc || state->local_mnc ?
-		     "" : "de",
-		     log_text,
-		     state->local_mcc, state->local_mnc,
-		     peer->cfg->core_mcc, peer->cfg->core_mnc);
-uint32_t gbproxy_make_bss_ptmsi(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-				uint32_t sgsn_ptmsi)
-	uint32_t bss_ptmsi;
-	int max_retries = 23;
-	if (!peer->cfg->patch_ptmsi) {
-		bss_ptmsi = sgsn_ptmsi;
-	} else {
-		do {
-			if (RAND_bytes((uint8_t *) &bss_ptmsi, sizeof(bss_ptmsi)) != 1) {
-				bss_ptmsi = GSM_RESERVED_TMSI;
-				break;
-			}
-			bss_ptmsi = bss_ptmsi | 0xC0000000;
-			if (gbproxy_link_info_by_ptmsi(peer, bss_ptmsi))
-				bss_ptmsi = GSM_RESERVED_TMSI;
-		} while (bss_ptmsi == GSM_RESERVED_TMSI && max_retries--);
-	}
-	if (bss_ptmsi == GSM_RESERVED_TMSI)
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to allocate a BSS P-TMSI\n");
-	return bss_ptmsi;
-uint32_t gbproxy_make_sgsn_tlli(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-				struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info,
-				uint32_t bss_tlli)
-	uint32_t sgsn_tlli;
-	int max_retries = 23;
-	if (!peer->cfg->patch_ptmsi) {
-		sgsn_tlli = bss_tlli;
-	} else if (link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi != GSM_RESERVED_TMSI &&
-		   gprs_tlli_type(bss_tlli) == TLLI_FOREIGN) {
-		sgsn_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi,
-					   TLLI_FOREIGN);
-	} else if (link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi != GSM_RESERVED_TMSI &&
-		   gprs_tlli_type(bss_tlli) == TLLI_LOCAL) {
-		sgsn_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi,
-					   TLLI_LOCAL);
-	} else {
-		do {
-			/* create random TLLI, 0b01111xxx... */
-			if (RAND_bytes((uint8_t *) &sgsn_tlli, sizeof(sgsn_tlli)) != 1) {
-				sgsn_tlli = 0;
-				break;
-			}
-			sgsn_tlli = (sgsn_tlli & 0x7fffffff) | 0x78000000;
-			if (gbproxy_link_info_by_any_sgsn_tlli(peer, sgsn_tlli))
-				sgsn_tlli = 0;
-		} while (!sgsn_tlli && max_retries--);
-	}
-	if (!sgsn_tlli)
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to allocate an SGSN TLLI\n");
-	return sgsn_tlli;
-void gbproxy_reset_link(struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info)
-	gbproxy_reset_imsi_acquisition(link_info);
-/* Returns != 0 iff IMSI acquisition was in progress */
-static int gbproxy_restart_imsi_acquisition(struct gbproxy_link_info* link_info)
-	int in_progress = 0;
-	if (!link_info)
-		return 0;
-	if (link_info->imsi_acq_pending)
-		in_progress = 1;
-	gbproxy_link_info_discard_messages(link_info);
-	link_info->imsi_acq_pending = 0;
-	return in_progress;
-static void gbproxy_reset_imsi_acquisition(struct gbproxy_link_info* link_info)
-	gbproxy_restart_imsi_acquisition(link_info);
-	link_info->vu_gen_tx_bss = GBPROXY_INIT_VU_GEN_TX;
-static int gbproxy_flush_stored_messages(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-					  struct msgb *msg,
-					  time_t now,
-					  struct gbproxy_link_info* link_info,
-					  struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	int rc;
-	struct msgb *stored_msg;
-	/* Got identity response with IMSI, assuming the request had
-	 * been generated by the gbproxy */
-	     "NSEI=%d(BSS) IMSI acquisition succeeded, "
-	     "flushing stored messages\n",
-	     msgb_nsei(msg));
-	/* Patch and flush stored messages towards the SGSN */
-	while ((stored_msg = msgb_dequeue(&link_info->stored_msgs))) {
-		struct gprs_gb_parse_context tmp_parse_ctx = {0};
-		tmp_parse_ctx.to_bss = 0;
-		tmp_parse_ctx.peer_nsei = msgb_nsei(stored_msg);
-		int len_change = 0;
-		gprs_gb_parse_bssgp(msgb_bssgph(stored_msg),
-				    msgb_bssgp_len(stored_msg),
-				    &tmp_parse_ctx);
-		gbproxy_patch_bssgp(msg, msgb_bssgph(stored_msg),
-				    msgb_bssgp_len(stored_msg),
-				    peer, link_info, &len_change,
-				    &tmp_parse_ctx);
-		rc = gbproxy_update_link_state_after(peer, link_info, now,
-				&tmp_parse_ctx);
-		if (rc == 1) {
-			LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_NOTICE, "link_info deleted while flushing stored messages\n");
-			msgb_free(stored_msg);
-			return -1;
-		}
-		rc = gbprox_relay2sgsn(peer->cfg, stored_msg,
-				       msgb_bvci(msg), link_info->sgsn_nsei);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			     "NSEI=%d(BSS) failed to send stored message "
-			     "(%s)\n",
-			     msgb_nsei(msg),
-			     parse_ctx->llc_msg_name ?
-			     parse_ctx->llc_msg_name : "BSSGP");
-		msgb_free(stored_msg);
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int gbproxy_gsm48_to_peer(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-				 struct gbproxy_link_info* link_info,
-				 uint16_t bvci,
-				 struct msgb *msg /* Takes msg ownership */)
-	int rc;
-	/* Workaround to avoid N(U) collisions and to enable a restart
-	 * of the IMSI acquisition procedure. This will work unless the
-	 * SGSN has an initial V(UT) within [256-32, 256+n_retries]
-	 * (see GSM 04.64, 8.4.2). */
-	gprs_push_llc_ui(msg, 0, GPRS_SAPI_GMM, link_info->vu_gen_tx_bss);
-	link_info->vu_gen_tx_bss = (link_info->vu_gen_tx_bss + 1) % 512;
-	gprs_push_bssgp_dl_unitdata(msg, link_info->tlli.current);
-	rc = gbprox_relay2peer(msg, peer, bvci);
-	msgb_free(msg);
-	return rc;
-static void gbproxy_acquire_imsi(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-				 struct gbproxy_link_info* link_info,
-				 uint16_t bvci)
-	struct msgb *idreq_msg;
-	/* Send IDENT REQ */
-	idreq_msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 ACQ IMSI");
-	gprs_put_identity_req(idreq_msg, GSM_MI_TYPE_IMSI);
-	gbproxy_gsm48_to_peer(peer, link_info, bvci, idreq_msg);
-static void gbproxy_tx_detach_acc(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-				  struct gbproxy_link_info* link_info,
-				  uint16_t bvci)
-	struct msgb *detacc_msg;
-	/* Send DETACH ACC */
-	detacc_msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 DET ACC");
-	gprs_put_mo_detach_acc(detacc_msg);
-	gbproxy_gsm48_to_peer(peer, link_info, bvci, detacc_msg);
-/* Return != 0 iff msg still needs to be processed */
-static int gbproxy_imsi_acquisition(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-				    struct msgb *msg,
-				    time_t now,
-				    struct gbproxy_link_info* link_info,
-				    struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	struct msgb *stored_msg;
-	if (!link_info)
-		return 1;
-	if (!link_info->imsi_acq_pending && link_info->imsi_len > 0)
-		return 1;
-	if (parse_ctx->g48_hdr)
-		switch (parse_ctx->g48_hdr->msg_type)
-		{
-		case GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_REQ:
-			if (gbproxy_restart_imsi_acquisition(link_info)) {
-				     "NSEI=%d(BSS) IMSI acquisition was in progress "
-				     "when receiving an %s.\n",
-				     msgb_nsei(msg), parse_ctx->llc_msg_name);
-			}
-			break;
-			/* Nothing has been sent to the SGSN yet */
-			if (link_info->imsi_acq_pending) {
-				     "NSEI=%d(BSS) IMSI acquisition was in progress "
-				     "when receiving a DETACH_REQ.\n",
-				     msgb_nsei(msg));
-			}
-			if (!parse_ctx->invalidate_tlli) {
-				     "NSEI=%d(BSS) IMSI not yet acquired, "
-				     "faking a DETACH_ACC.\n",
-				     msgb_nsei(msg));
-				gbproxy_tx_detach_acc(peer, link_info, msgb_bvci(msg));
-				parse_ctx->invalidate_tlli = 1;
-			}
-			gbproxy_reset_imsi_acquisition(link_info);
-			gbproxy_update_link_state_after(peer, link_info, now,
-							parse_ctx);
-			return 0;
-		}
-	if (link_info->imsi_acq_pending && link_info->imsi_len > 0) {
-		int is_ident_resp =
-			parse_ctx->g48_hdr &&
-			gsm48_hdr_pdisc(parse_ctx->g48_hdr) == GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS &&
-			gsm48_hdr_msg_type(parse_ctx->g48_hdr) == GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_RESP;
-		/* The IMSI is now available. If flushing the messages fails,
-		 * then link_info has been deleted and we should return
-		 * immediately. */
-		if (gbproxy_flush_stored_messages(peer, msg, now, link_info,
-					      parse_ctx) < 0)
-			return 0;
-		gbproxy_reset_imsi_acquisition(link_info);
-		/* This message is most probably the response to the ident
-		 * request sent by gbproxy_acquire_imsi(). Don't forward it to
-		 * the SGSN. */
-		return !is_ident_resp;
-	}
-	/* The message cannot be processed since the IMSI is still missing */
-	/* Enqueue unpatched messages */
-	     "NSEI=%d(BSS) IMSI acquisition in progress, "
-	     "storing message (%s)\n",
-	     msgb_nsei(msg),
-	     parse_ctx->llc_msg_name ? parse_ctx->llc_msg_name : "BSSGP");
-	stored_msg = gprs_msgb_copy(msg, "process_bssgp_ul");
-	msgb_enqueue(&link_info->stored_msgs, stored_msg);
-	if (!link_info->imsi_acq_pending) {
-		     "NSEI=%d(BSS) IMSI is required but not available, "
-		     "initiating identification procedure (%s)\n",
-		     msgb_nsei(msg),
-		     parse_ctx->llc_msg_name ? parse_ctx->llc_msg_name : "BSSGP");
-		gbproxy_acquire_imsi(peer, link_info, msgb_bvci(msg));
-		/* There is no explicit retransmission handling, the
-		 * implementation relies on the MS doing proper retransmissions
-		 * of the triggering message instead */
-		link_info->imsi_acq_pending = 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_find_peer(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-				       struct msgb *msg,
-				       struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer = NULL;
-	if (msgb_bvci(msg) >= 2)
-		peer = gbproxy_peer_by_bvci(cfg, msgb_bvci(msg));
-	if (!peer && !parse_ctx->to_bss)
-		peer = gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(cfg, msgb_nsei(msg));
-	if (!peer)
-		peer = gbproxy_peer_by_bssgp_tlv(cfg, &parse_ctx->bssgp_tp);
-	if (!peer) {
-		     "NSEI=%d(%s) patching: didn't find peer for message, "
-		     "PDU %d\n",
-		     msgb_nsei(msg), parse_ctx->to_bss ? "BSS" : "SGSN",
-		     parse_ctx->pdu_type);
-		/* Increment counter */
-		rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_GLOB_CTR_PATCH_PEER_ERR]);
-	}
-	return peer;
-/* patch BSSGP message */
-static int gbprox_process_bssgp_ul(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-				   struct msgb *msg,
-				   struct gbproxy_peer *peer)
-	struct gprs_gb_parse_context parse_ctx = {0};
-	int rc;
-	int len_change = 0;
-	time_t now;
-	struct timespec ts = {0,};
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info = NULL;
-	uint32_t sgsn_nsei = cfg->nsip_sgsn_nsei;
-	if (!cfg->core_mcc && !cfg->core_mnc && !cfg->core_apn &&
-	    !cfg->acquire_imsi && !cfg->patch_ptmsi && !cfg->route_to_sgsn2)
-		return 1;
-	parse_ctx.to_bss = 0;
-	parse_ctx.peer_nsei = msgb_nsei(msg);
-	/* Parse BSSGP/LLC */
-	rc = gprs_gb_parse_bssgp(msgb_bssgph(msg), msgb_bssgp_len(msg),
-				 &parse_ctx);
-	if (!rc && !parse_ctx.need_decryption) {
-		     "NSEI=%u(BSS) patching: failed to parse invalid %s message\n",
-		     msgb_nsei(msg), gprs_gb_message_name(&parse_ctx, "NS_UNITDATA"));
-		gprs_gb_log_parse_context(LOGL_NOTICE, &parse_ctx, "NS_UNITDATA");
-		     "NSEI=%u(BSS) invalid message was: %s\n",
-		     msgb_nsei(msg), msgb_hexdump(msg));
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* Get peer */
-	if (!peer)
-		peer = gbproxy_find_peer(cfg, msg, &parse_ctx);
-	if (!peer)
-		return 0;
-	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
-	now = ts.tv_sec;
-	gbprox_update_current_raid(parse_ctx.bssgp_raid_enc, peer,
-				   parse_ctx.llc_msg_name);
-	gprs_gb_log_parse_context(LOGL_DEBUG, &parse_ctx, "NS_UNITDATA");
-	link_info = gbproxy_update_link_state_ul(peer, now, &parse_ctx);
-	if (parse_ctx.g48_hdr) {
-		switch (parse_ctx.g48_hdr->msg_type) {
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_ATTACH_REQS]);
-			break;
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_DETACH_REQS]);
-			break;
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_ATTACH_COMPLS]);
-			break;
-		case GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_REQ:
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RA_UPD_REQS]);
-			break;
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RA_UPD_COMPLS]);
-			break;
-		case GSM48_MT_GMM_STATUS:
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_GMM_STATUS_BSS]);
-			break;
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_PDP_ACT_REQS]);
-			break;
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_PDP_DEACT_REQS]);
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (link_info && cfg->route_to_sgsn2) {
-		if (cfg->acquire_imsi && link_info->imsi_len == 0)
-			sgsn_nsei = 0xffff;
-		else if (gbproxy_imsi_matches(cfg, GBPROX_MATCH_ROUTING,
-					      link_info))
-			sgsn_nsei = cfg->nsip_sgsn2_nsei;
-	}
-	if (link_info)
-		link_info->sgsn_nsei = sgsn_nsei;
-	/* Handle IMSI acquisition */
-	if (cfg->acquire_imsi) {
-		rc = gbproxy_imsi_acquisition(peer, msg, now, link_info,
-					      &parse_ctx);
-		if (rc <= 0)
-			return rc;
-	}
-	gbproxy_patch_bssgp(msg, msgb_bssgph(msg), msgb_bssgp_len(msg),
-			    peer, link_info, &len_change, &parse_ctx);
-	gbproxy_update_link_state_after(peer, link_info, now, &parse_ctx);
-	if (sgsn_nsei != cfg->nsip_sgsn_nsei) {
-		/* Send message directly to the selected SGSN */
-		rc = gbprox_relay2sgsn(cfg, msg, msgb_bvci(msg), sgsn_nsei);
-		/* Don't let the calling code handle the transmission */
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-/* patch BSSGP message to use core_mcc/mnc on the SGSN side */
-static void gbprox_process_bssgp_dl(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-				    struct msgb *msg,
-				    struct gbproxy_peer *peer)
-	struct gprs_gb_parse_context parse_ctx = {0};
-	int rc;
-	int len_change = 0;
-	time_t now;
-	struct timespec ts = {0,};
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info = NULL;
-	if (!cfg->core_mcc && !cfg->core_mnc && !cfg->core_apn &&
-	    !cfg->acquire_imsi && !cfg->patch_ptmsi && !cfg->route_to_sgsn2)
-		return;
-	parse_ctx.to_bss = 1;
-	parse_ctx.peer_nsei = msgb_nsei(msg);
-	rc = gprs_gb_parse_bssgp(msgb_bssgph(msg), msgb_bssgp_len(msg),
-				 &parse_ctx);
-	if (!rc && !parse_ctx.need_decryption) {
-		     "NSEI=%u(SGSN) patching: failed to parse invalid %s message\n",
-		     msgb_nsei(msg), gprs_gb_message_name(&parse_ctx, "NS_UNITDATA"));
-		gprs_gb_log_parse_context(LOGL_NOTICE, &parse_ctx, "NS_UNITDATA");
-		     "NSEI=%u(SGSN) invalid message was: %s\n",
-		     msgb_nsei(msg), msgb_hexdump(msg));
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Get peer */
-	if (!peer)
-		peer = gbproxy_find_peer(cfg, msg, &parse_ctx);
-	if (!peer)
-		return;
-	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
-	now = ts.tv_sec;
-	if (parse_ctx.g48_hdr) {
-		switch (parse_ctx.g48_hdr->msg_type) {
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_ATTACH_ACKS]);
-			break;
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_ATTACH_REJS]);
-			break;
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_DETACH_ACKS]);
-			break;
-		case GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_ACK:
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RA_UPD_ACKS]);
-			break;
-		case GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_REJ:
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RA_UPD_REJS]);
-			break;
-		case GSM48_MT_GMM_STATUS:
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_GMM_STATUS_SGSN]);
-			break;
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_PDP_ACT_ACKS]);
-			break;
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_PDP_ACT_REJS]);
-			break;
-			rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_PDP_DEACT_ACKS]);
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	gprs_gb_log_parse_context(LOGL_DEBUG, &parse_ctx, "NS_UNITDATA");
-	link_info = gbproxy_update_link_state_dl(peer, now, &parse_ctx);
-	gbproxy_patch_bssgp(msg, msgb_bssgph(msg), msgb_bssgp_len(msg),
-			    peer, link_info, &len_change, &parse_ctx);
-	gbproxy_update_link_state_after(peer, link_info, now, &parse_ctx);
-	return;
-/* feed a message down the NS-VC associated with the specified peer */
-static int gbprox_relay2sgsn(struct gbproxy_config *cfg, struct msgb *old_msg,
-			     uint16_t ns_bvci, uint16_t sgsn_nsei)
-	/* create a copy of the message so the old one can
-	 * be free()d safely when we return from gbprox_rcvmsg() */
-	struct msgb *msg = gprs_msgb_copy(old_msg, "msgb_relay2sgsn");
-	int rc;
-	DEBUGP(DGPRS, "NSEI=%u proxying BTS->SGSN (NS_BVCI=%u, NSEI=%u)\n",
-		msgb_nsei(msg), ns_bvci, sgsn_nsei);
-	msgb_bvci(msg) = ns_bvci;
-	msgb_nsei(msg) = sgsn_nsei;
-	strip_ns_hdr(msg);
-	rc = gprs_ns_sendmsg(bssgp_nsi, msg);
-	if (rc < 0)
-		rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_GLOB_CTR_TX_ERR_SGSN]);
-	return rc;
-/* feed a message down the NS-VC associated with the specified peer */
-static int gbprox_relay2peer(struct msgb *old_msg, struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-			  uint16_t ns_bvci)
-	/* create a copy of the message so the old one can
-	 * be free()d safely when we return from gbprox_rcvmsg() */
-	struct msgb *msg = gprs_msgb_copy(old_msg, "msgb_relay2peer");
-	int rc;
-	DEBUGP(DGPRS, "NSEI=%u proxying SGSN->BSS (NS_BVCI=%u, NSEI=%u)\n",
-		msgb_nsei(msg), ns_bvci, peer->nsei);
-	msgb_bvci(msg) = ns_bvci;
-	msgb_nsei(msg) = peer->nsei;
-	/* Strip the old NS header, it will be replaced with a new one */
-	strip_ns_hdr(msg);
-	rc = gprs_ns_sendmsg(bssgp_nsi, msg);
-	if (rc < 0)
-		rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_TX_ERR]);
-	return rc;
-static int block_unblock_peer(struct gbproxy_config *cfg, uint16_t ptp_bvci, uint8_t pdu_type)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_bvci(cfg, ptp_bvci);
-	if (!peer) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "BVCI=%u: Cannot find BSS\n",
-			ptp_bvci);
-		rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_GLOB_CTR_INV_BVCI]);
-		return -ENOENT;
-	}
-	switch (pdu_type) {
-		peer->blocked = 1;
-		rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_BLOCKED]);
-		break;
-		peer->blocked = 0;
-		rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_UNBLOCKED]);
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* Send a message to a peer identified by ptp_bvci but using ns_bvci
- * in the NS hdr */
-static int gbprox_relay2bvci(struct gbproxy_config *cfg, struct msgb *msg, uint16_t ptp_bvci,
-			  uint16_t ns_bvci)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_bvci(cfg, ptp_bvci);
-	if (!peer) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "BVCI=%u: Cannot find BSS\n",
-			ptp_bvci);
-		rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_GLOB_CTR_INV_BVCI]);
-		return -ENOENT;
-	}
-	return gbprox_relay2peer(msg, peer, ns_bvci);
-int bssgp_prim_cb(struct osmo_prim_hdr *oph, void *ctx)
-	return 0;
-/* Receive an incoming PTP message from a BSS-side NS-VC */
-static int gbprox_rx_ptp_from_bss(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-				  struct msgb *msg, uint16_t nsei,
-				  uint16_t nsvci, uint16_t ns_bvci)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	struct bssgp_normal_hdr *bgph = (struct bssgp_normal_hdr *) msgb_bssgph(msg);
-	uint8_t pdu_type = bgph->pdu_type;
-	int rc;
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_bvci(cfg, ns_bvci);
-	if (!peer) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "Didn't find peer for "
-		     "BVCI=%u for PTP message from NSVC=%u/NSEI=%u (BSS), "
-		     "discarding message\n",
-		     ns_bvci, nsvci, nsei);
-		return bssgp_tx_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN_BVCI,
-				       &ns_bvci, msg);
-	}
-	check_peer_nsei(peer, nsei);
-	rc = gbprox_process_bssgp_ul(cfg, msg, peer);
-	if (!rc)
-		return 0;
-	switch (pdu_type) {
-		if (!cfg->route_to_sgsn2)
-			break;
-		/* Send a copy to the secondary SGSN */
-		gbprox_relay2sgsn(cfg, msg, ns_bvci, cfg->nsip_sgsn2_nsei);
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	return gbprox_relay2sgsn(cfg, msg, ns_bvci, cfg->nsip_sgsn_nsei);
-/* Receive an incoming PTP message from a SGSN-side NS-VC */
-static int gbprox_rx_ptp_from_sgsn(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-				   struct msgb *msg, uint16_t nsei,
-				   uint16_t nsvci, uint16_t ns_bvci)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	struct bssgp_normal_hdr *bgph = (struct bssgp_normal_hdr *) msgb_bssgph(msg);
-	uint8_t pdu_type = bgph->pdu_type;
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_bvci(cfg, ns_bvci);
-	/* Send status messages before patching */
-	if (!peer) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "Didn't find peer for "
-		     "BVCI=%u for message from NSVC=%u/NSEI=%u (SGSN)\n",
-		     ns_bvci, nsvci, nsei);
-		rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->
-			     ctr[GBPROX_GLOB_CTR_INV_BVCI]);
-		return bssgp_tx_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN_BVCI,
-				       &ns_bvci, msg);
-	}
-	if (peer->blocked) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "Dropping PDU for "
-		     "blocked BVCI=%u via NSVC=%u/NSEI=%u\n",
-		     ns_bvci, nsvci, nsei);
-		rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_DROPPED]);
-		return bssgp_tx_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_BVCI_BLOCKED, &ns_bvci, msg);
-	}
-	switch (pdu_type) {
-		if (cfg->route_to_sgsn2 && nsei == cfg->nsip_sgsn2_nsei)
-			/* Hide ACKs from the secondary SGSN, the primary SGSN
-			 * is responsible to send them. */
-			return 0;
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	/* Optionally patch the message */
-	gbprox_process_bssgp_dl(cfg, msg, peer);
-	return gbprox_relay2peer(msg, peer, ns_bvci);
-/* Receive an incoming signalling message from a BSS-side NS-VC */
-static int gbprox_rx_sig_from_bss(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-				  struct msgb *msg, uint16_t nsei,
-				  uint16_t ns_bvci)
-	struct bssgp_normal_hdr *bgph = (struct bssgp_normal_hdr *) msgb_bssgph(msg);
-	struct tlv_parsed tp;
-	uint8_t pdu_type = bgph->pdu_type;
-	int data_len = msgb_bssgp_len(msg) - sizeof(*bgph);
-	struct gbproxy_peer *from_peer = NULL;
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid;
-	int copy_to_sgsn2 = 0;
-	int rc;
-	if (ns_bvci != 0 && ns_bvci != 1) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "NSEI=%u BVCI=%u is not signalling\n",
-			nsei, ns_bvci);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	/* we actually should never see those two for BVCI == 0, but double-check
-	 * just to make sure  */
-	if (pdu_type == BSSGP_PDUT_UL_UNITDATA ||
-	    pdu_type == BSSGP_PDUT_DL_UNITDATA) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "NSEI=%u UNITDATA not allowed in "
-			"signalling\n", nsei);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	bssgp_tlv_parse(&tp, bgph->data, data_len);
-	switch (pdu_type) {
-		/* We implement RAI snooping during SUSPEND/RESUME, since it
-		 * establishes a relationsip between BVCI/peer and the routeing
-		 * area identification.  The snooped information is then used
-		 * for routing the {SUSPEND,RESUME}_[N]ACK back to the correct
-		 * BSSGP */
-			goto err_mand_ie;
-		from_peer = gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(cfg, nsei);
-		if (!from_peer)
-			goto err_no_peer;
-		memcpy(from_peer->ra, TLVP_VAL(&tp, BSSGP_IE_ROUTEING_AREA),
-			sizeof(from_peer->ra));
-		gsm48_parse_ra(&raid, from_peer->ra);
-			"RAI snooping: RAI %u-%u-%u-%u behind BVCI=%u\n",
-			nsei, raid.mcc, raid.mnc, raid.lac,
-			raid.rac , from_peer->bvci);
-		/* FIXME: This only supports one BSS per RA */
-		break;
-		/* If we receive a BVC reset on the signalling endpoint, we
-		 * don't want the SGSN to reset, as the signalling endpoint
-		 * is common for all point-to-point BVCs (and thus all BTS) */
-			uint16_t bvci = ntohs(tlvp_val16_unal(&tp, BSSGP_IE_BVCI));
-				nsei, bvci);
-			if (bvci == 0) {
-				/* FIXME: only do this if SGSN is alive! */
-				LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "NSEI=%u Tx fake "
-					"BVC RESET ACK of BVCI=0\n", nsei);
-				return bssgp_tx_simple_bvci(BSSGP_PDUT_BVC_RESET_ACK,
-							    nsei, 0, ns_bvci);
-			}
-			from_peer = gbproxy_peer_by_bvci(cfg, bvci);
-			if (!from_peer) {
-				/* if a PTP-BVC is reset, and we don't know that
-				 * PTP-BVCI yet, we should allocate a new peer */
-				LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "Allocationg new peer for "
-				     "BVCI=%u via NSEI=%u\n", bvci, nsei);
-				from_peer = gbproxy_peer_alloc(cfg, bvci);
-				from_peer->nsei = nsei;
-			}
-			if (!check_peer_nsei(from_peer, nsei))
-				from_peer->nsei = nsei;
-				struct gprs_ra_id raid;
-				/* We have a Cell Identifier present in this
-				 * PDU, this means we can extend our local
-				 * state information about this particular cell
-				 * */
-				memcpy(from_peer->ra,
-					sizeof(from_peer->ra));
-				gsm48_parse_ra(&raid, from_peer->ra);
-				     "Cell ID %u-%u-%u-%u\n", nsei,
-				     bvci, raid.mcc, raid.mnc, raid.lac,
-				     raid.rac);
-			}
-			if (cfg->route_to_sgsn2)
-				copy_to_sgsn2 = 1;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	/* Normally, we can simply pass on all signalling messages from BSS to
-	 * SGSN */
-	rc = gbprox_process_bssgp_ul(cfg, msg, from_peer);
-	if (!rc)
-		return 0;
-	if (copy_to_sgsn2)
-		gbprox_relay2sgsn(cfg, msg, ns_bvci, cfg->nsip_sgsn2_nsei);
-	return gbprox_relay2sgsn(cfg, msg, ns_bvci, cfg->nsip_sgsn_nsei);
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "NSEI=%u(BSS) cannot find peer based on NSEI\n",
-		nsei);
-	rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_GLOB_CTR_INV_NSEI]);
-	return bssgp_tx_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_INV_MAND_INF, NULL, msg);
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "NSEI=%u(BSS) missing mandatory RA IE\n",
-		nsei);
-	rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_GLOB_CTR_PROTO_ERR_BSS]);
-	return bssgp_tx_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_MISSING_MAND_IE, NULL, msg);
-/* Receive paging request from SGSN, we need to relay to proper BSS */
-static int gbprox_rx_paging(struct gbproxy_config *cfg, struct msgb *msg, struct tlv_parsed *tp,
-			    uint32_t nsei, uint16_t ns_bvci)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer = NULL;
-		nsei);
-		uint16_t bvci = ntohs(tlvp_val16_unal(tp, BSSGP_IE_BVCI));
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "routing by BVCI to peer BVCI=%u\n",
-			bvci);
-		peer = gbproxy_peer_by_rai(cfg, TLVP_VAL(tp, BSSGP_IE_ROUTEING_AREA));
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "routing by RAI to peer BVCI=%u\n",
-			peer ? peer->bvci : -1);
-		peer = gbproxy_peer_by_lai(cfg, TLVP_VAL(tp, BSSGP_IE_LOCATION_AREA));
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "routing by LAI to peer BVCI=%u\n",
-			peer ? peer->bvci : -1);
-	} else
-	if (!peer) {
-			"unable to route, missing IE\n", nsei);
-		rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->ctr[errctr]);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	return gbprox_relay2peer(msg, peer, ns_bvci);
-/* Receive an incoming BVC-RESET message from the SGSN */
-static int rx_reset_from_sgsn(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-			struct msgb *orig_msg,
-			struct msgb *msg, struct tlv_parsed *tp,
-			uint32_t nsei, uint16_t ns_bvci)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	uint16_t ptp_bvci;
-		rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->
-		return bssgp_tx_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_MISSING_MAND_IE,
-				       NULL, orig_msg);
-	}
-	ptp_bvci = ntohs(tlvp_val16_unal(tp, BSSGP_IE_BVCI));
-	if (ptp_bvci >= 2) {
-		/* A reset for a PTP BVC was received, forward it to its
-		 * respective peer */
-		peer = gbproxy_peer_by_bvci(cfg, ptp_bvci);
-		if (!peer) {
-			LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "NSEI=%u BVCI=%u: Cannot find BSS\n",
-				nsei, ptp_bvci);
-			rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->
-				     ctr[GBPROX_GLOB_CTR_INV_BVCI]);
-			return bssgp_tx_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN_BVCI,
-					       &ptp_bvci, orig_msg);
-		}
-		return gbprox_relay2peer(msg, peer, ns_bvci);
-	}
-	/* A reset for the Signalling entity has been received
-	 * from the SGSN.  As the signalling BVCI is shared
-	 * among all the BSS's that we multiplex, it needs to
-	 * be relayed  */
-	llist_for_each_entry(peer, &cfg->bts_peers, list)
-		gbprox_relay2peer(msg, peer, ns_bvci);
-	return 0;
-/* Receive an incoming signalling message from the SGSN-side NS-VC */
-static int gbprox_rx_sig_from_sgsn(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-				struct msgb *orig_msg, uint32_t nsei,
-				uint16_t ns_bvci)
-	struct bssgp_normal_hdr *bgph =
-		(struct bssgp_normal_hdr *) msgb_bssgph(orig_msg);
-	struct tlv_parsed tp;
-	uint8_t pdu_type = bgph->pdu_type;
-	int data_len;
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	uint16_t bvci;
-	struct msgb *msg;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int cause;
-	if (ns_bvci != 0 && ns_bvci != 1) {
-			"signalling\n", nsei, ns_bvci);
-		/* FIXME: Send proper error message */
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	/* we actually should never see those two for BVCI == 0, but double-check
-	 * just to make sure  */
-	if (pdu_type == BSSGP_PDUT_UL_UNITDATA ||
-	    pdu_type == BSSGP_PDUT_DL_UNITDATA) {
-			"signalling\n", nsei);
-		return bssgp_tx_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_PROTO_ERR_UNSPEC, NULL, orig_msg);
-	}
-	msg = gprs_msgb_copy(orig_msg, "rx_sig_from_sgsn");
-	gbprox_process_bssgp_dl(cfg, msg, NULL);
-	/* Update message info */
-	bgph = (struct bssgp_normal_hdr *) msgb_bssgph(msg);
-	data_len = msgb_bssgp_len(orig_msg) - sizeof(*bgph);
-	rc = bssgp_tlv_parse(&tp, bgph->data, data_len);
-	switch (pdu_type) {
-		rc = rx_reset_from_sgsn(cfg, msg, orig_msg, &tp, nsei, ns_bvci);
-		break;
-		if (cfg->route_to_sgsn2 && nsei == cfg->nsip_sgsn2_nsei)
-			break;
-		/* fall through */
-		/* simple case: BVCI IE is mandatory */
-			goto err_mand_ie;
-		bvci = ntohs(tlvp_val16_unal(&tp, BSSGP_IE_BVCI));
-		rc = gbprox_relay2bvci(cfg, msg, bvci, ns_bvci);
-		break;
-		/* process the paging request (LAI/RAI lookup) */
-		rc = gbprox_rx_paging(cfg, msg, &tp, nsei, ns_bvci);
-		break;
-		/* Some exception has occurred */
-			"NSEI=%u(SGSN) BSSGP STATUS ", nsei);
-			goto err_mand_ie;
-		}
-		cause = *TLVP_VAL(&tp, BSSGP_IE_CAUSE);
-			"cause=0x%02x(%s) ", *TLVP_VAL(&tp, BSSGP_IE_CAUSE),
-			bssgp_cause_str(cause));
-			bvci = ntohs(tlvp_val16_unal(&tp, BSSGP_IE_BVCI));
-			LOGPC(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "BVCI=%u\n", bvci);
-			if (cause == BSSGP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN_BVCI)
-				rc = gbprox_relay2bvci(cfg, msg, bvci, ns_bvci);
-		} else
-		break;
-	/* those only exist in the SGSN -> BSS direction */
-		/* RAI IE is mandatory */
-			goto err_mand_ie;
-		peer = gbproxy_peer_by_rai(cfg, TLVP_VAL(&tp, BSSGP_IE_ROUTEING_AREA));
-		if (!peer)
-			goto err_no_peer;
-		rc = gbprox_relay2peer(msg, peer, ns_bvci);
-		break;
-			goto err_mand_ie;
-		bvci = ntohs(tlvp_val16_unal(&tp, BSSGP_IE_BVCI));
-		if (bvci == 0) {
-			     "%sBLOCK_ACK for signalling BVCI ?!?\n", nsei,
-			     pdu_type == BSSGP_PDUT_BVC_UNBLOCK_ACK ? "UN":"");
-			/* should we send STATUS ? */
-			rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->
-				     ctr[GBPROX_GLOB_CTR_INV_BVCI]);
-		} else {
-			/* Mark BVC as (un)blocked */
-			block_unblock_peer(cfg, bvci, pdu_type);
-		}
-		rc = gbprox_relay2bvci(cfg, msg, bvci, ns_bvci);
-		break;
-		     "NSEI=%u(SGSN) BSSGP INVOKE TRACE not supported\n",nsei);
-		rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->
-		rc = bssgp_tx_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_PDU_INCOMP_FEAT, NULL, orig_msg);
-		break;
-	default:
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "BSSGP PDU type %s not supported\n", bssgp_pdu_str(pdu_type));
-		rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->
-		rc = bssgp_tx_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_PROTO_ERR_UNSPEC, NULL, orig_msg);
-		break;
-	}
-	msgb_free(msg);
-	return rc;
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "NSEI=%u(SGSN) missing mandatory IE\n",
-		nsei);
-	rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->
-	msgb_free(msg);
-	return bssgp_tx_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_MISSING_MAND_IE, NULL, orig_msg);
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "NSEI=%u(SGSN) cannot find peer based on RAI\n",
-		nsei);
-	rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg-> ctr[GBPROX_GLOB_CTR_INV_RAI]);
-	msgb_free(msg);
-	return bssgp_tx_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_INV_MAND_INF, NULL, orig_msg);
-static int gbproxy_is_sgsn_nsei(struct gbproxy_config *cfg, uint16_t nsei)
-	return nsei == cfg->nsip_sgsn_nsei ||
-		(cfg->route_to_sgsn2 && nsei == cfg->nsip_sgsn2_nsei);
-/* Main input function for Gb proxy */
-int gbprox_rcvmsg(struct gbproxy_config *cfg, struct msgb *msg, uint16_t nsei,
-		uint16_t ns_bvci, uint16_t nsvci)
-	int rc;
-	int remote_end_is_sgsn = gbproxy_is_sgsn_nsei(cfg, nsei);
-	/* Only BVCI=0 messages need special treatment */
-	if (ns_bvci == 0 || ns_bvci == 1) {
-		if (remote_end_is_sgsn)
-			rc = gbprox_rx_sig_from_sgsn(cfg, msg, nsei, ns_bvci);
-		else
-			rc = gbprox_rx_sig_from_bss(cfg, msg, nsei, ns_bvci);
-	} else {
-		/* All other BVCI are PTP */
-		if (remote_end_is_sgsn)
-			rc = gbprox_rx_ptp_from_sgsn(cfg, msg, nsei, nsvci,
-						     ns_bvci);
-		else
-			rc = gbprox_rx_ptp_from_bss(cfg, msg, nsei, nsvci,
-						    ns_bvci);
-	}
-	return rc;
-int gbprox_reset_persistent_nsvcs(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi)
-	struct gprs_nsvc *nsvc;
-	llist_for_each_entry(nsvc, &nsi->gprs_nsvcs, list) {
-		if (!nsvc->persistent)
-			continue;
-		gprs_nsvc_reset(nsvc, NS_CAUSE_OM_INTERVENTION);
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* Signal handler for signals from NS layer */
-int gbprox_signal(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
-		  void *handler_data, void *signal_data)
-	struct gbproxy_config *cfg = handler_data;
-	struct ns_signal_data *nssd = signal_data;
-	struct gprs_nsvc *nsvc = nssd->nsvc;
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	int remote_end_is_sgsn = gbproxy_is_sgsn_nsei(cfg, nsvc->nsei);
-	if (subsys != SS_L_NS)
-		return 0;
-	if (signal == S_NS_RESET && remote_end_is_sgsn) {
-		/* We have received a NS-RESET from the NSEI and NSVC
-		 * of the SGSN.  This might happen with SGSN that start
-		 * their own NS-RESET procedure without waiting for our
-		 * NS-RESET */
-		nsvc->remote_end_is_sgsn = 1;
-	}
-	if (signal == S_NS_ALIVE_EXP && nsvc->remote_end_is_sgsn) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "Tns alive expired too often, "
-			"re-starting RESET procedure\n");
-		rate_ctr_inc(&cfg->ctrg->
-		gprs_ns_nsip_connect(nsvc->nsi, &nsvc->ip.bts_addr,
-				  nsvc->nsei, nsvc->nsvci);
-	}
-	if (!nsvc->remote_end_is_sgsn) {
-		/* from BSS to SGSN */
-		peer = gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(cfg, nsvc->nsei);
-		if (!peer) {
-			LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "signal '%s' for unknown peer NSEI=%u/NSVCI=%u\n",
-			     get_value_string(gprs_ns_signal_ns_names, signal), nsvc->nsei, nsvc->nsvci);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		switch (signal) {
-		case S_NS_RESET:
-		case S_NS_BLOCK:
-			if (!peer->blocked)
-				break;
-			LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "Converting '%s' from NSEI=%u/NSVCI=%u into BSSGP_BVC_BLOCK to SGSN\n",
-			     get_value_string(gprs_ns_signal_ns_names, signal), nsvc->nsei, nsvc->nsvci);
-			bssgp_tx_simple_bvci(BSSGP_PDUT_BVC_BLOCK, nsvc->nsei,
-					     peer->bvci, 0);
-			break;
-		}
-	} else {
-		/* Forward this message to all NS-VC to BSS */
-		struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi = cfg->nsi;
-		struct gprs_nsvc *next_nsvc;
-		llist_for_each_entry(next_nsvc, &nsi->gprs_nsvcs, list) {
-			if (next_nsvc->remote_end_is_sgsn)
-				continue;
-			/* Note that the following does not start the full
-			 * procedures including timer based retransmissions. */
-			switch (signal) {
-			case S_NS_RESET:
-				gprs_ns_tx_reset(next_nsvc, nssd->cause);
-				break;
-			case S_NS_BLOCK:
-				gprs_ns_tx_block(next_nsvc, nssd->cause);
-				break;
-			case S_NS_UNBLOCK:
-				gprs_ns_tx_unblock(next_nsvc);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-void gbprox_reset(struct gbproxy_config *cfg)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer, *tmp;
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(peer, tmp, &cfg->bts_peers, list)
-		gbproxy_peer_free(peer);
-	rate_ctr_group_free(cfg->ctrg);
-	gbproxy_init_config(cfg);
-int gbproxy_init_config(struct gbproxy_config *cfg)
-	struct timespec tp;
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&cfg->bts_peers);
-	cfg->ctrg = rate_ctr_group_alloc(tall_bsc_ctx, &global_ctrg_desc, 0);
-	if (!cfg->ctrg) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot allocate global counter group!\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp);
-	return 0;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_main.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index caff27f..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-/* NS-over-IP proxy */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010 by On-Waves
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/select.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/stats.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_ns.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h>
-#include <openbsc/signal.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/vty.h>
-#include <openbsc/gb_proxy.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/command.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/telnet_interface.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/stats.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/ports.h>
-#include "../../bscconfig.h"
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <getopt.h>
-void *tall_bsc_ctx;
-const char *openbsc_copyright =
-	"Copyright (C) 2010 Harald Welte and On-Waves\r\n"
-	"License AGPLv3+: GNU AGPL version 3 or later <>\r\n"
-	"This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\r\n"
-	"There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\r\n";
-static char *config_file = "osmo_gbproxy.cfg";
-struct gbproxy_config gbcfg = {0};
-static int daemonize = 0;
-/* Pointer to the SGSN peer */
-extern struct gbprox_peer *gbprox_peer_sgsn;
-/* call-back function for the NS protocol */
-static int proxy_ns_cb(enum gprs_ns_evt event, struct gprs_nsvc *nsvc,
-		      struct msgb *msg, uint16_t bvci)
-	int rc = 0;
-	switch (event) {
-		rc = gbprox_rcvmsg(&gbcfg, msg, nsvc->nsei, bvci, nsvc->nsvci);
-		break;
-	default:
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "SGSN: Unknown event %u from NS\n", event);
-		if (msg)
-			msgb_free(msg);
-		rc = -EIO;
-		break;
-	}
-	return rc;
-static void signal_handler(int signal)
-	fprintf(stdout, "signal %u received\n", signal);
-	switch (signal) {
-	case SIGINT:
-	case SIGTERM:
-		osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_L_GLOBAL, S_L_GLOBAL_SHUTDOWN, NULL);
-		sleep(1);
-		exit(0);
-		break;
-	case SIGABRT:
-		/* in case of abort, we want to obtain a talloc report
-		 * and then return to the caller, who will abort the process */
-	case SIGUSR1:
-		talloc_report(tall_vty_ctx, stderr);
-		talloc_report_full(tall_bsc_ctx, stderr);
-		break;
-	case SIGUSR2:
-		talloc_report_full(tall_vty_ctx, stderr);
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-static void print_usage()
-	printf("Usage: bsc_hack\n");
-static void print_help()
-	printf("  Some useful help...\n");
-	printf("  -h --help this text\n");
-	printf("  -d option --debug=DNS:DGPRS,0:0 enable debugging\n");
-	printf("  -D --daemonize Fork the process into a background daemon\n");
-	printf("  -c --config-file filename The config file to use.\n");
-	printf("  -s --disable-color\n");
-	printf("  -T --timestamp Prefix every log line with a timestamp\n");
-	printf("  -V --version. Print the version of OpenBSC.\n");
-	printf("  -e --log-level number. Set a global loglevel.\n");
-static void handle_options(int argc, char **argv)
-	while (1) {
-		int option_index = 0, c;
-		static struct option long_options[] = {
-			{ "help", 0, 0, 'h' },
-			{ "debug", 1, 0, 'd' },
-			{ "daemonize", 0, 0, 'D' },
-			{ "config-file", 1, 0, 'c' },
-			{ "disable-color", 0, 0, 's' },
-			{ "timestamp", 0, 0, 'T' },
-			{ "version", 0, 0, 'V' },
-			{ "log-level", 1, 0, 'e' },
-			{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-		};
-		c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hd:Dc:sTVe:",
-				long_options, &option_index);
-		if (c == -1)
-			break;
-		switch (c) {
-		case 'h':
-			print_usage();
-			print_help();
-			exit(0);
-		case 's':
-			log_set_use_color(osmo_stderr_target, 0);
-			break;
-		case 'd':
-			log_parse_category_mask(osmo_stderr_target, optarg);
-			break;
-		case 'D':
-			daemonize = 1;
-			break;
-		case 'c':
-			config_file = optarg;
-			break;
-		case 'T':
-			log_set_print_timestamp(osmo_stderr_target, 1);
-			break;
-		case 'e':
-			log_set_log_level(osmo_stderr_target, atoi(optarg));
-			break;
-		case 'V':
-			print_version(1);
-			exit(0);
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-extern int bsc_vty_go_parent(struct vty *vty);
-static struct vty_app_info vty_info = {
-	.name 		= "OsmoGbProxy",
-	.version	= PACKAGE_VERSION,
-	.go_parent_cb	= bsc_vty_go_parent,
-	.is_config_node	= bsc_vty_is_config_node,
-/* default categories */
-static struct log_info_cat gprs_categories[] = {
-	[DGPRS] = {
-		.name = "DGPRS",
-		.description = "GPRS Packet Service",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-	[DNS] = {
-		.name = "DNS",
-		.description = "GPRS Network Service (NS)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_INFO,
-	},
-	[DBSSGP] = {
-		.name = "DBSSGP",
-		.description = "GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-static const struct log_info gprs_log_info = {
-	.filter_fn = gprs_log_filter_fn,
-	.cat = gprs_categories,
-	.num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(gprs_categories),
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	struct gsm_network dummy_network;
-	int rc;
-	tall_bsc_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "nsip_proxy");
-	msgb_talloc_ctx_init(tall_bsc_ctx, 0);
-	signal(SIGINT, &signal_handler);
-	signal(SIGTERM, &signal_handler);
-	signal(SIGABRT, &signal_handler);
-	signal(SIGUSR1, &signal_handler);
-	signal(SIGUSR2, &signal_handler);
-	osmo_init_ignore_signals();
-	osmo_init_logging(&gprs_log_info);
-	vty_info.copyright = openbsc_copyright;
-	vty_init(&vty_info);
-	logging_vty_add_cmds(NULL);
-	osmo_stats_vty_add_cmds(&gprs_log_info);
-	gbproxy_vty_init();
-	handle_options(argc, argv);
-	rate_ctr_init(tall_bsc_ctx);
-	osmo_stats_init(tall_bsc_ctx);
-	bssgp_nsi = gprs_ns_instantiate(&proxy_ns_cb, tall_bsc_ctx);
-	if (!bssgp_nsi) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to instantiate NS\n");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	gbproxy_init_config(&gbcfg);
-	gbcfg.nsi = bssgp_nsi;
-	gprs_ns_vty_init(bssgp_nsi);
-	gprs_ns_set_log_ss(DNS);
-	bssgp_set_log_ss(DBSSGP);
-	osmo_signal_register_handler(SS_L_NS, &gbprox_signal, &gbcfg);
-	rc = gbproxy_parse_config(config_file, &gbcfg);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_FATAL, "Cannot parse config file\n");
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	/* start telnet after reading config for vty_get_bind_addr() */
-	rc = telnet_init_dynif(tall_bsc_ctx, &dummy_network,
-			       vty_get_bind_addr(), OSMO_VTY_PORT_GBPROXY);
-	if (rc < 0)
-		exit(1);
-	if (!gprs_nsvc_by_nsei(gbcfg.nsi, gbcfg.nsip_sgsn_nsei)) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_FATAL, "You cannot proxy to NSEI %u "
-			"without creating that NSEI before\n",
-			gbcfg.nsip_sgsn_nsei);
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	rc = gprs_ns_nsip_listen(bssgp_nsi);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_FATAL, "Cannot bind/listen on NSIP socket\n");
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	rc = gprs_ns_frgre_listen(bssgp_nsi);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_FATAL, "Cannot bind/listen GRE "
-			"socket. Do you have CAP_NET_RAW?\n");
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	if (daemonize) {
-		rc = osmo_daemonize();
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			perror("Error during daemonize");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-	}
-	/* Reset all the persistent NS-VCs that we've read from the config */
-	gbprox_reset_persistent_nsvcs(bssgp_nsi);
-	while (1) {
-		rc = osmo_select_main(0);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			exit(3);
-	}
-	exit(0);
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_patch.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_patch.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 210fb2b..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_patch.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-/* Gb-proxy message patching */
-/* (C) 2014 by On-Waves
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <openbsc/gb_proxy.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gb_parse.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_data.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/protocol/gsm_08_18.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/apn.h>
-/* patch RA identifier in place */
-static void gbproxy_patch_raid(uint8_t *raid_enc, struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-			       int to_bss, const char *log_text)
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-	int old_mcc;
-	int old_mnc;
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid;
-	enum gbproxy_peer_ctr counter =
-		to_bss ?
-	if (!state->local_mcc || !state->local_mnc)
-		return;
-	gsm48_parse_ra(&raid, raid_enc);
-	old_mcc = raid.mcc;
-	old_mnc = raid.mnc;
-	if (!to_bss) {
-		/* BSS -> SGSN */
-		if (state->local_mcc)
-			raid.mcc = peer->cfg->core_mcc;
-		if (state->local_mnc)
-			raid.mnc = peer->cfg->core_mnc;
-	} else {
-		/* SGSN -> BSS */
-		if (state->local_mcc)
-			raid.mcc = state->local_mcc;
-		if (state->local_mnc)
-			raid.mnc = state->local_mnc;
-	}
-	     "Patching %s to %s: "
-	     "%d-%d-%d-%d -> %d-%d-%d-%d\n",
-	     log_text,
-	     to_bss ? "BSS" : "SGSN",
-	     old_mcc, old_mnc, raid.lac, raid.rac,
-	     raid.mcc, raid.mnc, raid.lac, raid.rac);
-	gsm48_construct_ra(raid_enc, &raid);
-	rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[counter]);
-static void gbproxy_patch_apn_ie(struct msgb *msg,
-				 uint8_t *apn_ie, size_t apn_ie_len,
-				 struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-				 size_t *new_apn_ie_len, const char *log_text)
-	struct apn_ie_hdr {
-		uint8_t iei;
-		uint8_t apn_len;
-		uint8_t apn[0];
-	} *hdr = (void *)apn_ie;
-	size_t apn_len = hdr->apn_len;
-	uint8_t *apn = hdr->apn;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(apn_ie_len == apn_len + sizeof(struct apn_ie_hdr));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(apn_ie_len > 2 && apn_ie_len <= 102);
-	if (peer->cfg->core_apn_size == 0) {
-		char str1[110];
-		/* Remove the IE */
-		     "Patching %s to SGSN: Removing APN '%s'\n",
-		     log_text,
-		     osmo_apn_to_str(str1, apn, apn_len));
-		*new_apn_ie_len = 0;
-		gprs_msgb_resize_area(msg, apn_ie, apn_ie_len, 0);
-	} else {
-		/* Resize the IE */
-		char str1[110];
-		char str2[110];
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->cfg->core_apn_size <= 100);
-		     "Patching %s to SGSN: "
-		     "Replacing APN '%s' -> '%s'\n",
-		     log_text,
-		     osmo_apn_to_str(str1, apn, apn_len),
-		     osmo_apn_to_str(str2, peer->cfg->core_apn,
-				       peer->cfg->core_apn_size));
-		*new_apn_ie_len = peer->cfg->core_apn_size + 2;
-		gprs_msgb_resize_area(msg, apn, apn_len, peer->cfg->core_apn_size);
-		memcpy(apn, peer->cfg->core_apn, peer->cfg->core_apn_size);
-		hdr->apn_len = peer->cfg->core_apn_size;
-	}
-	rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_APN_PATCHED]);
-static int gbproxy_patch_tlli(uint8_t *tlli_enc,
-			      struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-			      uint32_t new_tlli,
-			      int to_bss, const char *log_text)
-	uint32_t tlli_be;
-	uint32_t tlli;
-	enum gbproxy_peer_ctr counter =
-		to_bss ?
-	memcpy(&tlli_be, tlli_enc, sizeof(tlli_be));
-	tlli = ntohl(tlli_be);
-	if (tlli == new_tlli)
-		return 0;
-	     "Patching %ss: "
-	     "Replacing %08x -> %08x\n",
-	     log_text, tlli, new_tlli);
-	tlli_be = htonl(new_tlli);
-	memcpy(tlli_enc, &tlli_be, sizeof(tlli_be));
-	rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[counter]);
-	return 1;
-static int gbproxy_patch_ptmsi(uint8_t *ptmsi_enc,
-			       struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-			       uint32_t new_ptmsi,
-			       int to_bss, const char *log_text)
-	uint32_t ptmsi_be;
-	uint32_t ptmsi;
-	enum gbproxy_peer_ctr counter =
-		to_bss ?
-	memcpy(&ptmsi_be, ptmsi_enc, sizeof(ptmsi_be));
-	ptmsi = ntohl(ptmsi_be);
-	if (ptmsi == new_ptmsi)
-		return 0;
-	     "Patching %ss: "
-	     "Replacing %08x -> %08x\n",
-	     log_text, ptmsi, new_ptmsi);
-	ptmsi_be = htonl(new_ptmsi);
-	memcpy(ptmsi_enc, &ptmsi_be, sizeof(ptmsi_be));
-	rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[counter]);
-	return 1;
-int gbproxy_patch_llc(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t *llc, size_t llc_len,
-		     struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-		     struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info, int *len_change,
-		     struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	struct gprs_llc_hdr_parsed *ghp = &parse_ctx->llc_hdr_parsed;
-	int have_patched = 0;
-	int fcs;
-	struct gbproxy_config *cfg = peer->cfg;
-	if (parse_ctx->ptmsi_enc && link_info &&
-	    !parse_ctx->old_raid_is_foreign && peer->cfg->patch_ptmsi) {
-		uint32_t ptmsi;
-		if (parse_ctx->to_bss)
-			ptmsi = link_info->tlli.ptmsi;
-		else
-			ptmsi = link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi;
-		if (ptmsi != GSM_RESERVED_TMSI) {
-			if (gbproxy_patch_ptmsi(parse_ctx->ptmsi_enc, peer,
-						ptmsi, parse_ctx->to_bss, "P-TMSI"))
-				have_patched = 1;
-		} else {
-			/* TODO: invalidate old RAI if present (see below) */
-		}
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc && link_info && cfg->patch_ptmsi) {
-		uint32_t ptmsi;
-		if (parse_ctx->to_bss)
-			ptmsi = link_info->tlli.ptmsi;
-		else
-			ptmsi = link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi;
-		OSMO_ASSERT(ptmsi);
-		if (gbproxy_patch_ptmsi(parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc, peer,
-					ptmsi, parse_ctx->to_bss, "new P-TMSI"))
-			have_patched = 1;
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->raid_enc) {
-		gbproxy_patch_raid(parse_ctx->raid_enc, peer, parse_ctx->to_bss,
-				   parse_ctx->llc_msg_name);
-		have_patched = 1;
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->old_raid_enc && !parse_ctx->old_raid_is_foreign) {
-		/* TODO: Patch to invalid if P-TMSI unknown. */
-		gbproxy_patch_raid(parse_ctx->old_raid_enc, peer, parse_ctx->to_bss,
-				   parse_ctx->llc_msg_name);
-		have_patched = 1;
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->apn_ie &&
-	    cfg->core_apn &&
-	    !parse_ctx->to_bss &&
-	    gbproxy_imsi_matches(cfg, GBPROX_MATCH_PATCHING, link_info) &&
-	    cfg->core_apn) {
-		size_t new_len;
-		gbproxy_patch_apn_ie(msg,
-				     parse_ctx->apn_ie, parse_ctx->apn_ie_len,
-				     peer, &new_len, parse_ctx->llc_msg_name);
-		*len_change += (int)new_len - (int)parse_ctx->apn_ie_len;
-		have_patched = 1;
-	}
-	if (have_patched) {
-		llc_len += *len_change;
-		ghp->crc_length += *len_change;
-		/* Fix FCS */
-		fcs = gprs_llc_fcs(llc, ghp->crc_length);
-		LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Updated LLC message, CRC: %06x -> %06x\n",
-		     ghp->fcs, fcs);
-		llc[llc_len - 3] = fcs & 0xff;
-		llc[llc_len - 2] = (fcs >> 8) & 0xff;
-		llc[llc_len - 1] = (fcs >> 16) & 0xff;
-	}
-	return have_patched;
-/* patch BSSGP message to use core_mcc/mnc on the SGSN side */
-void gbproxy_patch_bssgp(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t *bssgp, size_t bssgp_len,
-			 struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-			 struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info, int *len_change,
-			 struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	const char *err_info = NULL;
-	int err_ctr = -1;
-	if (parse_ctx->bssgp_raid_enc)
-		gbproxy_patch_raid(parse_ctx->bssgp_raid_enc, peer,
-				   parse_ctx->to_bss, "BSSGP");
-	if (parse_ctx->need_decryption &&
-	    (peer->cfg->patch_ptmsi || peer->cfg->core_apn)) {
-		/* Patching LLC messages has been requested
-		 * explicitly, but the message (including the
-		 * type) is encrypted, so we possibly fail to
-		 * patch the LLC part of the message. */
-		err_info = "GMM message is encrypted";
-		goto patch_error;
-	}
-	if (!link_info && parse_ctx->tlli_enc && parse_ctx->to_bss) {
-		/* Happens with unknown (not cached) TLLI coming from
-		 * the SGSN */
-		/* TODO: What shall be done with the message in this case? */
-		err_info = "TLLI sent by the SGSN is unknown";
-		goto patch_error;
-	}
-	if (!link_info)
-		return;
-	if (parse_ctx->tlli_enc && peer->cfg->patch_ptmsi) {
-		uint32_t tlli = gbproxy_map_tlli(parse_ctx->tlli,
-						 link_info, parse_ctx->to_bss);
-		if (tlli) {
-			gbproxy_patch_tlli(parse_ctx->tlli_enc, peer, tlli,
-					   parse_ctx->to_bss, "TLLI");
-			parse_ctx->tlli = tlli;
-		} else {
-			/* Internal error */
-			err_info = "Replacement TLLI is 0";
-			goto patch_error;
-		}
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->bssgp_ptmsi_enc && peer->cfg->patch_ptmsi) {
-		uint32_t ptmsi;
-		if (parse_ctx->to_bss)
-			ptmsi = link_info->tlli.ptmsi;
-		else
-			ptmsi = link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi;
-		if (ptmsi != GSM_RESERVED_TMSI)
-			gbproxy_patch_ptmsi(
-				parse_ctx->bssgp_ptmsi_enc, peer,
-				ptmsi, parse_ctx->to_bss, "BSSGP P-TMSI");
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->llc) {
-		uint8_t *llc = parse_ctx->llc;
-		size_t llc_len = parse_ctx->llc_len;
-		int llc_len_change = 0;
-		gbproxy_patch_llc(msg, llc, llc_len, peer, link_info,
-				  &llc_len_change, parse_ctx);
-		/* Note that the APN might have been resized here, but no
-		 * pointer int the parse_ctx will refer to an adress after the
-		 * APN. So it's possible to patch first and do the TLLI
-		 * handling afterwards. */
-		if (llc_len_change) {
-			llc_len += llc_len_change;
-			/* Fix LLC IE len */
-			/* TODO: This is a kludge, but the a pointer to the
-			 * start of the IE is not available here */
-			if (llc[-2] == BSSGP_IE_LLC_PDU && llc[-1] & 0x80) {
-				/* most probably a one byte length */
-				if (llc_len > 127) {
-					err_info = "Cannot increase size";
-					err_ctr = GBPROX_PEER_CTR_PATCH_ERR;
-					goto patch_error;
-				}
-				llc[-1] = llc_len | 0x80;
-			} else {
-				llc[-2] = (llc_len >> 8) & 0x7f;
-				llc[-1] = llc_len & 0xff;
-			}
-			*len_change += llc_len_change;
-		}
-		/* Note that the tp struct might contain invalid pointers here
-		 * if the LLC field has changed its size */
-		parse_ctx->llc_len = llc_len;
-	}
-	return;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(err_ctr >= 0);
-	rate_ctr_inc(&peer->ctrg->ctr[err_ctr]);
-	     "NSEI=%u(%s) failed to patch BSSGP message as requested: %s.\n",
-	     msgb_nsei(msg), parse_ctx->to_bss ? "SGSN" : "BSS",
-	     err_info);
-void gbproxy_clear_patch_filter(struct gbproxy_match *match)
-	if (match->enable) {
-		regfree(&match->re_comp);
-		match->enable = 0;
-	}
-	talloc_free(match->re_str);
-	match->re_str = NULL;
-int gbproxy_set_patch_filter(struct gbproxy_match *match, const char *filter,
-		const char **err_msg)
-	static char err_buf[300];
-	int rc;
-	gbproxy_clear_patch_filter(match);
-	if (!filter)
-		return 0;
-	rc = regcomp(&match->re_comp, filter,
-	if (rc == 0) {
-		match->enable = 1;
-		match->re_str = talloc_strdup(tall_bsc_ctx, filter);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (err_msg) {
-		regerror(rc, &match->re_comp,
-			 err_buf, sizeof(err_buf));
-		*err_msg = err_buf;
-	}
-	return -1;
-int gbproxy_check_imsi(struct gbproxy_match *match,
-		       const uint8_t *imsi, size_t imsi_len)
-	char mi_buf[200];
-	int rc;
-	if (!match->enable)
-		return 1;
-	rc = gprs_is_mi_imsi(imsi, imsi_len);
-	if (rc > 0)
-		rc = gsm48_mi_to_string(mi_buf, sizeof(mi_buf), imsi, imsi_len);
-	if (rc <= 0) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "Invalid IMSI %s\n",
-		     osmo_hexdump(imsi, imsi_len));
-		return -1;
-	}
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Checking IMSI '%s' (%d)\n", mi_buf, rc);
-	rc = regexec(&match->re_comp, mi_buf, 0, NULL, 0);
-	if (rc == REG_NOMATCH) {
-		       "IMSI '%s' doesn't match pattern '%s'\n",
-		       mi_buf, match->re_str);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_peer.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_peer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8909687..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_peer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-/* Gb proxy peer handling */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010-2013 by On-Waves
- * (C) 2013 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <openbsc/gb_proxy.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_data.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_data_shared.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/protocol/gsm_08_18.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/stats.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <string.h>
-static const struct rate_ctr_desc peer_ctr_description[] = {
-	{ "blocked",	   "BVC Block                       " },
-	{ "unblocked",	   "BVC Unblock                     " },
-	{ "dropped",	   "BVC blocked, dropped packet     " },
-	{ "inv-nsei",	   "NSEI mismatch                   " },
-	{ "tx-err",	   "NS Transmission error           " },
-	{ "raid-mod.bss",  "RAID patched              (BSS )" },
-	{ "raid-mod.sgsn", "RAID patched              (SGSN)" },
-	{ "apn-mod.sgsn",  "APN patched                     " },
-	{ "tlli-mod.bss",  "TLLI patched              (BSS )" },
-	{ "tlli-mod.sgsn", "TLLI patched              (SGSN)" },
-	{ "ptmsi-mod.bss", "P-TMSI patched            (BSS )" },
-	{ "ptmsi-mod.sgsn","P-TMSI patched            (SGSN)" },
-	{ "mod-crypt-err", "Patch error: encrypted          " },
-	{ "mod-err",	   "Patch error: other              " },
-	{ "attach-reqs",   "Attach Request count            " },
-	{ "attach-rejs",   "Attach Reject count             " },
-	{ "attach-acks",   "Attach Accept count             " },
-	{ "attach-cpls",   "Attach Completed count          " },
-	{ "ra-upd-reqs",   "RoutingArea Update Request count" },
-	{ "ra-upd-rejs",   "RoutingArea Update Reject count " },
-	{ "ra-upd-acks",   "RoutingArea Update Accept count " },
-	{ "ra-upd-cpls",   "RoutingArea Update Compltd count" },
-	{ "gmm-status",    "GMM Status count           (BSS)" },
-	{ "gmm-status",    "GMM Status count          (SGSN)" },
-	{ "detach-reqs",   "Detach Request count            " },
-	{ "detach-acks",   "Detach Accept count             " },
-	{ "pdp-act-reqs",  "PDP Activation Request count    " },
-	{ "pdp-act-rejs",  "PDP Activation Reject count     " },
-	{ "pdp-act-acks",  "PDP Activation Accept count     " },
-	{ "pdp-deact-reqs","PDP Deactivation Request count  " },
-	{ "pdp-deact-acks","PDP Deactivation Accept count   " },
-	{ "tlli-unknown",  "TLLI from SGSN unknown          " },
-	{ "tlli-cache",    "TLLI cache size                 " },
-osmo_static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(peer_ctr_description) == GBPROX_PEER_CTR_LAST, everything_described);
-static const struct rate_ctr_group_desc peer_ctrg_desc = {
-	.group_name_prefix = "gbproxy.peer",
-	.group_description = "GBProxy Peer Statistics",
-	.num_ctr = ARRAY_SIZE(peer_ctr_description),
-	.ctr_desc = peer_ctr_description,
-	.class_id = OSMO_STATS_CLASS_PEER,
-/* Find the gbprox_peer by its BVCI */
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_by_bvci(struct gbproxy_config *cfg, uint16_t bvci)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	llist_for_each_entry(peer, &cfg->bts_peers, list) {
-		if (peer->bvci == bvci)
-			return peer;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-/* Find the gbprox_peer by its NSEI */
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-					  uint16_t nsei)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	llist_for_each_entry(peer, &cfg->bts_peers, list) {
-		if (peer->nsei == nsei)
-			return peer;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-/* look-up a peer by its Routeing Area Identification (RAI) */
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_by_rai(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-					 const uint8_t *ra)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	llist_for_each_entry(peer, &cfg->bts_peers, list) {
-		if (!memcmp(peer->ra, ra, 6))
-			return peer;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-/* look-up a peer by its Location Area Identification (LAI) */
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_by_lai(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-					 const uint8_t *la)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	llist_for_each_entry(peer, &cfg->bts_peers, list) {
-		if (!memcmp(peer->ra, la, 5))
-			return peer;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-/* look-up a peer by its Location Area Code (LAC) */
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_by_lac(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-					 const uint8_t *la)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	llist_for_each_entry(peer, &cfg->bts_peers, list) {
-		if (!memcmp(peer->ra + 3, la + 3, 2))
-			return peer;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_by_bssgp_tlv(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-					       struct tlv_parsed *tp)
-		uint16_t bvci;
-		bvci = ntohs(tlvp_val16_unal(tp, BSSGP_IE_BVCI));
-		if (bvci >= 2)
-			return gbproxy_peer_by_bvci(cfg, bvci);
-	}
-		uint8_t *rai = (uint8_t *)TLVP_VAL(tp, BSSGP_IE_ROUTEING_AREA);
-		/* Only compare LAC part, since MCC/MNC are possibly patched.
-		 * Since the LAC of different BSS must be different when
-		 * MCC/MNC are patched, collisions shouldn't happen. */
-		return gbproxy_peer_by_lac(cfg, rai);
-	}
-		uint8_t *lai = (uint8_t *)TLVP_VAL(tp, BSSGP_IE_LOCATION_AREA);
-		return gbproxy_peer_by_lac(cfg, lai);
-	}
-	return NULL;
-struct gbproxy_peer *gbproxy_peer_alloc(struct gbproxy_config *cfg, uint16_t bvci)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	peer = talloc_zero(tall_bsc_ctx, struct gbproxy_peer);
-	if (!peer)
-		return NULL;
-	peer->bvci = bvci;
-	peer->ctrg = rate_ctr_group_alloc(peer, &peer_ctrg_desc, bvci);
-	if (!peer->ctrg) {
-		talloc_free(peer);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	peer->cfg = cfg;
-	llist_add(&peer->list, &cfg->bts_peers);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&peer->patch_state.logical_links);
-	return peer;
-void gbproxy_peer_free(struct gbproxy_peer *peer)
-	llist_del(&peer->list);
-	gbproxy_delete_link_infos(peer);
-	rate_ctr_group_free(peer->ctrg);
-	peer->ctrg = NULL;
-	talloc_free(peer);
-int gbproxy_cleanup_peers(struct gbproxy_config *cfg, uint16_t nsei, uint16_t bvci)
-	int counter = 0;
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer, *tmp;
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(peer, tmp, &cfg->bts_peers, list) {
-		if (peer->nsei != nsei)
-			continue;
-		if (bvci && peer->bvci != bvci)
-			continue;
-		gbproxy_peer_free(peer);
-		counter += 1;
-	}
-	return counter;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_tlli.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_tlli.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b3b976..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_tlli.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,723 +0,0 @@
-/* Gb-proxy TLLI state handling */
-/* (C) 2014 by On-Waves
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48.h>
-#include <openbsc/gb_proxy.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gb_parse.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm_utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-					    uint32_t tlli)
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-	if (!tlli)
-		return NULL;
-	llist_for_each_entry(link_info, &state->logical_links, list)
-		if (link_info->tlli.current == tlli ||
-		    link_info->tlli.assigned == tlli)
-			return link_info;
-	return NULL;
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_link_info_by_ptmsi(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-	uint32_t ptmsi)
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-	if (ptmsi == GSM_RESERVED_TMSI)
-		return NULL;
-	llist_for_each_entry(link_info, &state->logical_links, list)
-		if (link_info->tlli.ptmsi == ptmsi)
-			return link_info;
-	return NULL;
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_link_info_by_any_sgsn_tlli(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-	uint32_t tlli)
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-	if (!tlli)
-		return NULL;
-	/* Don't care about the NSEI */
-	llist_for_each_entry(link_info, &state->logical_links, list)
-		if (link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == tlli ||
-		     link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == tlli)
-			return link_info;
-	return NULL;
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-	uint32_t tlli, uint32_t sgsn_nsei)
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-	if (!tlli)
-		return NULL;
-	llist_for_each_entry(link_info, &state->logical_links, list)
-		if ((link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == tlli ||
-		     link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == tlli) &&
-		    link_info->sgsn_nsei == sgsn_nsei)
-			return link_info;
-	return NULL;
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-	const uint8_t *imsi,
-	size_t imsi_len)
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-	if (!gprs_is_mi_imsi(imsi, imsi_len))
-		return NULL;
-	llist_for_each_entry(link_info, &state->logical_links, list) {
-		if (link_info->imsi_len != imsi_len)
-			continue;
-		if (memcmp(link_info->imsi, imsi, imsi_len) != 0)
-			continue;
-		return link_info;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-void gbproxy_link_info_discard_messages(struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info)
-	struct msgb *msg, *nxt;
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(msg, nxt, &link_info->stored_msgs, list) {
-		llist_del(&msg->list);
-		msgb_free(msg);
-	}
-void gbproxy_delete_link_info(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-			 struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info)
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-	gbproxy_link_info_discard_messages(link_info);
-	llist_del(&link_info->list);
-	talloc_free(link_info);
-	state->logical_link_count -= 1;
-	peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_TLLI_CACHE_SIZE].current =
-		state->logical_link_count;
-void gbproxy_delete_link_infos(struct gbproxy_peer *peer)
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info, *nxt;
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(link_info, nxt, &state->logical_links, list)
-		gbproxy_delete_link_info(peer, link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(state->logical_link_count == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(llist_empty(&state->logical_links));
-void gbproxy_attach_link_info(struct gbproxy_peer *peer, time_t now,
-			      struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info)
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-	link_info->timestamp = now;
-	llist_add(&link_info->list, &state->logical_links);
-	state->logical_link_count += 1;
-	peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_TLLI_CACHE_SIZE].current =
-		state->logical_link_count;
-int gbproxy_remove_stale_link_infos(struct gbproxy_peer *peer, time_t now)
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-	int exceeded_max_len = 0;
-	int deleted_count = 0;
-	int check_for_age;
-	if (peer->cfg->tlli_max_len > 0)
-		exceeded_max_len =
-			state->logical_link_count - peer->cfg->tlli_max_len;
-	check_for_age = peer->cfg->tlli_max_age > 0;
-	for (; exceeded_max_len > 0; exceeded_max_len--) {
-		struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-		OSMO_ASSERT(!llist_empty(&state->logical_links));
-		link_info = llist_entry(state->logical_links.prev,
-					struct gbproxy_link_info,
-					list);
-		     "Removing TLLI %08x from list "
-		     "(stale, length %d, max_len exceeded)\n",
-		     link_info->tlli.current, state->logical_link_count);
-		gbproxy_delete_link_info(peer, link_info);
-		deleted_count += 1;
-	}
-	while (check_for_age && !llist_empty(&state->logical_links)) {
-		time_t age;
-		struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-		link_info = llist_entry(state->logical_links.prev,
-					struct gbproxy_link_info,
-					list);
-		age = now - link_info->timestamp;
-		/* age < 0 only happens after system time jumps, discard entry */
-		if (age <= peer->cfg->tlli_max_age && age >= 0) {
-			check_for_age = 0;
-			continue;
-		}
-		     "Removing TLLI %08x from list "
-		     "(stale, age %d, max_age exceeded)\n",
-		     link_info->tlli.current, (int)age);
-		gbproxy_delete_link_info(peer, link_info);
-		deleted_count += 1;
-	}
-	return deleted_count;
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_link_info_alloc( struct gbproxy_peer *peer)
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-	link_info = talloc_zero(peer, struct gbproxy_link_info);
-	link_info->tlli.ptmsi = GSM_RESERVED_TMSI;
-	link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi = GSM_RESERVED_TMSI;
-	link_info->vu_gen_tx_bss = GBPROXY_INIT_VU_GEN_TX;
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&link_info->stored_msgs);
-	return link_info;
-void gbproxy_detach_link_info(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info)
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-	llist_del(&link_info->list);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(state->logical_link_count > 0);
-	state->logical_link_count -= 1;
-	peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_TLLI_CACHE_SIZE].current =
-		state->logical_link_count;
-void gbproxy_update_link_info(struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info,
-			      const uint8_t *imsi, size_t imsi_len)
-	if (!gprs_is_mi_imsi(imsi, imsi_len))
-		return;
-	link_info->imsi_len = imsi_len;
-	link_info->imsi =
-		talloc_realloc_size(link_info, link_info->imsi, imsi_len);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi != NULL);
-	memcpy(link_info->imsi, imsi, imsi_len);
-void gbproxy_reassign_tlli(struct gbproxy_tlli_state *tlli_state,
-			   struct gbproxy_peer *peer, uint32_t new_tlli)
-	if (new_tlli == tlli_state->current)
-		return;
-	     "The TLLI has been reassigned from %08x to %08x\n",
-	     tlli_state->current, new_tlli);
-	/* Remember assigned TLLI */
-	tlli_state->assigned = new_tlli;
-	tlli_state->bss_validated = 0;
-	tlli_state->net_validated = 0;
-uint32_t gbproxy_map_tlli(uint32_t other_tlli,
-			  struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info, int to_bss)
-	uint32_t tlli = 0;
-	struct gbproxy_tlli_state *src, *dst;
-	if (to_bss) {
-		src = &link_info->sgsn_tlli;
-		dst = &link_info->tlli;
-	} else {
-		src = &link_info->tlli;
-		dst = &link_info->sgsn_tlli;
-	}
-	if (src->current == other_tlli)
-		tlli = dst->current;
-	else if (src->assigned == other_tlli)
-		tlli = dst->assigned;
-	return tlli;
-static void gbproxy_validate_tlli(struct gbproxy_tlli_state *tlli_state,
-				  uint32_t tlli, int to_bss)
-	     "%s({current = %08x, assigned = %08x, net_vld = %d, bss_vld = %d}, %08x)\n",
-	     __func__, tlli_state->current, tlli_state->assigned,
-	     tlli_state->net_validated, tlli_state->bss_validated, tlli);
-	if (!tlli_state->assigned || tlli_state->assigned != tlli)
-		return;
-	/* TODO: Is this ok? Check spec */
-	if (gprs_tlli_type(tlli) != TLLI_LOCAL)
-		return;
-	/* See GSM 04.08, */
-	if (to_bss)
-		tlli_state->net_validated = 1;
-	else
-		tlli_state->bss_validated = 1;
-	if (!tlli_state->bss_validated || !tlli_state->net_validated)
-		return;
-	     "The TLLI %08x has been validated (was %08x)\n",
-	     tlli_state->assigned, tlli_state->current);
-	tlli_state->current = tlli;
-	tlli_state->assigned = 0;
-static void gbproxy_touch_link_info(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-				    struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info,
-				    time_t now)
-	gbproxy_detach_link_info(peer, link_info);
-	gbproxy_attach_link_info(peer, now, link_info);
-static int gbproxy_unregister_link_info(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-					 struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info)
-	if (!link_info)
-		return 1;
-	if (link_info->tlli.ptmsi == GSM_RESERVED_TMSI && !link_info->imsi_len) {
-		     "Removing TLLI %08x from list (P-TMSI or IMSI are not set)\n",
-		     link_info->tlli.current);
-		gbproxy_delete_link_info(peer, link_info);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	link_info->tlli.current = 0;
-	link_info->tlli.assigned = 0;
-	link_info->sgsn_tlli.current = 0;
-	link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned = 0;
-	link_info->is_deregistered = 1;
-	gbproxy_reset_link(link_info);
-	return 0;
-int gbproxy_imsi_matches(struct gbproxy_config *cfg,
-			 enum gbproxy_match_id match_id,
-			 struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info)
-	struct gbproxy_match *match;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(match_id >= 0 && match_id < ARRAY_SIZE(cfg->matches));
-	match = &cfg->matches[match_id];
-	if (!match->enable)
-		return 1;
-	return link_info != NULL && link_info->is_matching[match_id];
-void gbproxy_assign_imsi(struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-			 struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info,
-			 struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	int imsi_matches;
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *other_link_info;
-	enum gbproxy_match_id match_id;
-	/* Make sure that there is a second entry with the same IMSI */
-	other_link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(
-		peer, parse_ctx->imsi, parse_ctx->imsi_len);
-	if (other_link_info && other_link_info != link_info) {
-		char mi_buf[200];
-		mi_buf[0] = '\0';
-		gsm48_mi_to_string(mi_buf, sizeof(mi_buf),
-				   parse_ctx->imsi, parse_ctx->imsi_len);
-		     "Removing TLLI %08x from list (IMSI %s re-used)\n",
-		     other_link_info->tlli.current, mi_buf);
-		gbproxy_delete_link_info(peer, other_link_info);
-	}
-	/* Update the IMSI field */
-	gbproxy_update_link_info(link_info,
-				 parse_ctx->imsi, parse_ctx->imsi_len);
-	/* Check, whether the IMSI matches */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(link_info->is_matching) ==
-		    ARRAY_SIZE(peer->cfg->matches));
-	for (match_id = 0; match_id < ARRAY_SIZE(link_info->is_matching);
-	     ++match_id) {
-		imsi_matches = gbproxy_check_imsi(
-			&peer->cfg->matches[match_id],
-			parse_ctx->imsi, parse_ctx->imsi_len);
-		if (imsi_matches >= 0)
-			link_info->is_matching[match_id] = imsi_matches;
-	}
-static int gbproxy_tlli_match(const struct gbproxy_tlli_state *a,
-			      const struct gbproxy_tlli_state *b)
-	if (a->current && a->current == b->current)
-		return 1;
-	if (a->assigned && a->assigned == b->assigned)
-		return 1;
-	if (a->ptmsi != GSM_RESERVED_TMSI && a->ptmsi == b->ptmsi)
-		return 1;
-	return 0;
-static void gbproxy_remove_matching_link_infos(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer, struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info)
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *info, *nxt;
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-	/* Make sure that there is no second entry with the same P-TMSI or TLLI */
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(info, nxt, &state->logical_links, list) {
-		if (info == link_info)
-			continue;
-		if (!gbproxy_tlli_match(&link_info->tlli, &info->tlli) &&
-		    (link_info->sgsn_nsei != info->sgsn_nsei ||
-		     !gbproxy_tlli_match(&link_info->sgsn_tlli, &info->sgsn_tlli)))
-			continue;
-		     "Removing TLLI %08x from list (P-TMSI/TLLI re-used)\n",
-		     info->tlli.current);
-		gbproxy_delete_link_info(peer, info);
-	}
-static struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_get_link_info_ul(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-	int *tlli_is_valid,
-	struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info = NULL;
-	if (parse_ctx->tlli_enc) {
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, parse_ctx->tlli);
-		if (link_info) {
-			*tlli_is_valid = 1;
-			return link_info;
-		}
-	}
-	*tlli_is_valid = 0;
-	if (!link_info && parse_ctx->imsi) {
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(
-			peer, parse_ctx->imsi, parse_ctx->imsi_len);
-	}
-	if (!link_info && parse_ctx->ptmsi_enc && !parse_ctx->old_raid_is_foreign) {
-		uint32_t bss_ptmsi;
-		gprs_parse_tmsi(parse_ctx->ptmsi_enc, &bss_ptmsi);
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_ptmsi(peer, bss_ptmsi);
-	}
-	if (!link_info)
-		return NULL;
-	link_info->is_deregistered = 0;
-	return link_info;
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_update_link_state_ul(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-	time_t now,
-	struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-	int tlli_is_valid;
-	link_info = gbproxy_get_link_info_ul(peer, &tlli_is_valid, parse_ctx);
-	if (parse_ctx->tlli_enc && parse_ctx->llc) {
-		uint32_t sgsn_tlli;
-		if (!link_info) {
-			LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "Adding TLLI %08x to list\n",
-			    parse_ctx->tlli);
-			link_info = gbproxy_link_info_alloc(peer);
-			gbproxy_attach_link_info(peer, now, link_info);
-			/* Setup TLLIs */
-			sgsn_tlli = gbproxy_make_sgsn_tlli(peer, link_info,
-							   parse_ctx->tlli);
-			link_info->sgsn_tlli.current = sgsn_tlli;
-			link_info->tlli.current = parse_ctx->tlli;
-		} else if (!tlli_is_valid) {
-			/* New TLLI (info found by IMSI or P-TMSI) */
-			link_info->tlli.current = parse_ctx->tlli;
-			link_info->tlli.assigned = 0;
-			link_info->sgsn_tlli.current =
-				gbproxy_make_sgsn_tlli(peer, link_info,
-						       parse_ctx->tlli);
-			link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned = 0;
-			gbproxy_touch_link_info(peer, link_info, now);
-		} else {
-			sgsn_tlli = gbproxy_map_tlli(parse_ctx->tlli, link_info, 0);
-			if (!sgsn_tlli)
-				sgsn_tlli = gbproxy_make_sgsn_tlli(peer, link_info,
-								   parse_ctx->tlli);
-			gbproxy_validate_tlli(&link_info->tlli,
-					      parse_ctx->tlli, 0);
-			gbproxy_validate_tlli(&link_info->sgsn_tlli,
-					      sgsn_tlli, 0);
-			gbproxy_touch_link_info(peer, link_info, now);
-		}
-	} else if (link_info) {
-		gbproxy_touch_link_info(peer, link_info, now);
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->imsi && link_info && link_info->imsi_len == 0)
-		gbproxy_assign_imsi(peer, link_info, parse_ctx);
-	return link_info;
-static struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_get_link_info_dl(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-	struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info = NULL;
-	/* Which key to use depends on its availability only, if that fails, do
-	 * not retry it with another key (e.g. IMSI). */
-	if (parse_ctx->tlli_enc)
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, parse_ctx->tlli,
-							   parse_ctx->peer_nsei);
-	/* TODO: Get link_info by (SGSN) P-TMSI if that is available (see
-	 * GSM 08.18, 7.2) instead of using the IMSI as key. */
-	else if (parse_ctx->imsi)
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(
-			peer, parse_ctx->imsi, parse_ctx->imsi_len);
-	if (link_info)
-		link_info->is_deregistered = 0;
-	return link_info;
-struct gbproxy_link_info *gbproxy_update_link_state_dl(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-	time_t now,
-	struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info = NULL;
-	link_info = gbproxy_get_link_info_dl(peer, parse_ctx);
-	if (parse_ctx->tlli_enc && parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc && link_info) {
-		/* A new P-TMSI has been signalled in the message,
-		 * register new TLLI */
-		uint32_t new_sgsn_ptmsi;
-		uint32_t new_bss_ptmsi = GSM_RESERVED_TMSI;
-		gprs_parse_tmsi(parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc, &new_sgsn_ptmsi);
-		if (link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi == new_sgsn_ptmsi)
-			new_bss_ptmsi = link_info->tlli.ptmsi;
-		if (new_bss_ptmsi == GSM_RESERVED_TMSI)
-			new_bss_ptmsi = gbproxy_make_bss_ptmsi(peer, new_sgsn_ptmsi);
-		     "Got new PTMSI %08x from SGSN, using %08x for BSS\n",
-		     new_sgsn_ptmsi, new_bss_ptmsi);
-		/* Setup PTMSIs */
-		link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi = new_sgsn_ptmsi;
-		link_info->tlli.ptmsi = new_bss_ptmsi;
-	} else if (parse_ctx->tlli_enc && parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc && !link_info &&
-		   !peer->cfg->patch_ptmsi) {
-		/* A new P-TMSI has been signalled in the message with an unknown
-		 * TLLI, create a new link_info */
-		/* TODO: Add a test case for this branch */
-		uint32_t new_ptmsi;
-		gprs_parse_tmsi(parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc, &new_ptmsi);
-		     "Adding TLLI %08x to list (SGSN, new P-TMSI is %08x)\n",
-		     parse_ctx->tlli, new_ptmsi);
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_alloc(peer);
-		link_info->sgsn_tlli.current = parse_ctx->tlli;
-		link_info->tlli.current = parse_ctx->tlli;
-		link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi = new_ptmsi;
-		link_info->tlli.ptmsi = new_ptmsi;
-		gbproxy_attach_link_info(peer, now, link_info);
-	} else if (parse_ctx->tlli_enc && parse_ctx->llc && !link_info &&
-		   !peer->cfg->patch_ptmsi) {
-		/* Unknown SGSN TLLI, create a new link_info */
-		uint32_t new_ptmsi;
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_alloc(peer);
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "Adding TLLI %08x to list (SGSN)\n",
-		     parse_ctx->tlli);
-		gbproxy_attach_link_info(peer, now, link_info);
-		/* Setup TLLIs */
-		link_info->sgsn_tlli.current = parse_ctx->tlli;
-		link_info->tlli.current = parse_ctx->tlli;
-		if (!parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc)
-			return link_info;
-		/* A new P-TMSI has been signalled in the message */
-		gprs_parse_tmsi(parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc, &new_ptmsi);
-		     "Assigning new P-TMSI %08x\n", new_ptmsi);
-		/* Setup P-TMSIs */
-		link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi = new_ptmsi;
-		link_info->tlli.ptmsi = new_ptmsi;
-	} else if (parse_ctx->tlli_enc && parse_ctx->llc && link_info) {
-		uint32_t bss_tlli = gbproxy_map_tlli(parse_ctx->tlli,
-						     link_info, 1);
-		gbproxy_validate_tlli(&link_info->sgsn_tlli, parse_ctx->tlli, 1);
-		gbproxy_validate_tlli(&link_info->tlli, bss_tlli, 1);
-		gbproxy_touch_link_info(peer, link_info, now);
-	} else if (link_info) {
-		gbproxy_touch_link_info(peer, link_info, now);
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->imsi && link_info && link_info->imsi_len == 0)
-		gbproxy_assign_imsi(peer, link_info, parse_ctx);
-	return link_info;
-int gbproxy_update_link_state_after(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer,
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info,
-	time_t now,
-	struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (parse_ctx->invalidate_tlli && link_info) {
-		int keep_info =
-			peer->cfg->keep_link_infos == GBPROX_KEEP_ALWAYS ||
-			(peer->cfg->keep_link_infos == GBPROX_KEEP_REATTACH &&
-			 parse_ctx->await_reattach) ||
-			(peer->cfg->keep_link_infos == GBPROX_KEEP_IDENTIFIED &&
-			 link_info->imsi_len > 0);
-		if (keep_info) {
-			LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "Unregistering TLLI %08x\n",
-			     link_info->tlli.current);
-			rc = gbproxy_unregister_link_info(peer, link_info);
-		} else {
-			LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "Removing TLLI %08x from list\n",
-			     link_info->tlli.current);
-			gbproxy_delete_link_info(peer, link_info);
-			rc = 1;
-		}
-	} else if (parse_ctx->to_bss && parse_ctx->tlli_enc &&
-		   parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc && link_info) {
-		/* A new PTMSI has been signaled in the message,
-		 * register new TLLI */
-		uint32_t new_sgsn_ptmsi = link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi;
-		uint32_t new_bss_ptmsi = link_info->tlli.ptmsi;
-		uint32_t new_sgsn_tlli;
-		uint32_t new_bss_tlli = 0;
-		new_sgsn_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(new_sgsn_ptmsi, TLLI_LOCAL);
-		if (new_bss_ptmsi != GSM_RESERVED_TMSI)
-			new_bss_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(new_bss_ptmsi, TLLI_LOCAL);
-		     "Assigning new TLLI %08x to SGSN, %08x to BSS\n",
-		     new_sgsn_tlli, new_bss_tlli);
-		gbproxy_reassign_tlli(&link_info->sgsn_tlli,
-				      peer, new_sgsn_tlli);
-		gbproxy_reassign_tlli(&link_info->tlli,
-				      peer, new_bss_tlli);
-		gbproxy_remove_matching_link_infos(peer, link_info);
-	}
-	gbproxy_remove_stale_link_infos(peer, now);
-	return rc;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_vty.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_vty.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 86d65a8..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gb_proxy_vty.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,853 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010 by On-Waves
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_04_08.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_ns.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/apn.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gb_proxy.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/vty.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/command.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/vty.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/misc.h>
-static struct gbproxy_config *g_cfg = NULL;
- * vty code for mgcp below
- */
-static struct cmd_node gbproxy_node = {
-	"%s(config-gbproxy)# ",
-	1,
-static const struct value_string keep_modes[] = {
-	{GBPROX_KEEP_NEVER, "never"},
-	{GBPROX_KEEP_REATTACH, "re-attach"},
-	{GBPROX_KEEP_IDENTIFIED, "identified"},
-	{GBPROX_KEEP_ALWAYS, "always"},
-	{0, NULL}
-static const struct value_string match_ids[] = {
-	{GBPROX_MATCH_PATCHING, "patching"},
-	{GBPROX_MATCH_ROUTING, "routing"},
-	{0, NULL}
-static void gbprox_vty_print_peer(struct vty *vty, struct gbproxy_peer *peer)
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid;
-	gsm48_parse_ra(&raid, peer->ra);
-	vty_out(vty, "NSEI %5u, PTP-BVCI %5u, "
-		"RAI %u-%u-%u-%u",
-		peer->nsei, peer->bvci,
-		raid.mcc, raid.mnc, raid.lac, raid.rac);
-	if (peer->blocked)
-		vty_out(vty, " [BVC-BLOCKED]");
-	vty_out(vty, "%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-static int config_write_gbproxy(struct vty *vty)
-	enum gbproxy_match_id match_id;
-	vty_out(vty, "gbproxy%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " sgsn nsei %u%s", g_cfg->nsip_sgsn_nsei,
-	if (g_cfg->core_mcc > 0)
-		vty_out(vty, " core-mobile-country-code %d%s",
-			g_cfg->core_mcc, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	if (g_cfg->core_mnc > 0)
-		vty_out(vty, " core-mobile-network-code %d%s",
-			g_cfg->core_mnc, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	for (match_id = 0; match_id < ARRAY_SIZE(g_cfg->matches); ++match_id) {
-		struct gbproxy_match *match = &g_cfg->matches[match_id];
-		if (match->re_str)
-			vty_out(vty, " match-imsi %s %s%s",
-				get_value_string(match_ids, match_id),
-				match->re_str, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	}
-	if (g_cfg->core_apn != NULL) {
-	       if (g_cfg->core_apn_size > 0) {
-		       char str[500] = {0};
-		       vty_out(vty, " core-access-point-name %s%s",
-			       osmo_apn_to_str(str, g_cfg->core_apn,
-						 g_cfg->core_apn_size),
-			       VTY_NEWLINE);
-	       } else {
-		       vty_out(vty, " core-access-point-name none%s",
-			       VTY_NEWLINE);
-	       }
-	}
-	if (g_cfg->route_to_sgsn2)
-		vty_out(vty, " secondary-sgsn nsei %u%s", g_cfg->nsip_sgsn2_nsei,
-	if (g_cfg->tlli_max_age > 0)
-		vty_out(vty, " link-list max-age %d%s",
-			g_cfg->tlli_max_age, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	if (g_cfg->tlli_max_len > 0)
-		vty_out(vty, " link-list max-length %d%s",
-			g_cfg->tlli_max_len, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " link-list keep-mode %s%s",
-		get_value_string(keep_modes, g_cfg->keep_link_infos),
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-      cfg_gbproxy_cmd,
-      "gbproxy",
-      "Configure the Gb proxy")
-	vty->node = GBPROXY_NODE;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-      cfg_nsip_sgsn_nsei_cmd,
-      "sgsn nsei <0-65534>",
-      "SGSN information\n"
-      "NSEI to be used in the connection with the SGSN\n"
-      "The NSEI\n")
-	unsigned int nsei = atoi(argv[0]);
-	if (g_cfg->route_to_sgsn2 && g_cfg->nsip_sgsn2_nsei == nsei) {
-		vty_out(vty, "SGSN NSEI %d conflicts with secondary SGSN NSEI%s",
-			nsei, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	g_cfg->nsip_sgsn_nsei = nsei;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define GBPROXY_CORE_MNC_STR "Use this network code for the core network\n"
-      cfg_gbproxy_core_mnc_cmd,
-      "core-mobile-network-code <1-999>",
-      GBPROXY_CORE_MNC_STR "NCC value\n")
-	g_cfg->core_mnc = atoi(argv[0]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-      cfg_gbproxy_no_core_mnc_cmd,
-      "no core-mobile-network-code",
-	g_cfg->core_mnc = 0;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define GBPROXY_CORE_MCC_STR "Use this country code for the core network\n"
-      cfg_gbproxy_core_mcc_cmd,
-      "core-mobile-country-code <1-999>",
-      GBPROXY_CORE_MCC_STR "MCC value\n")
-	g_cfg->core_mcc = atoi(argv[0]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-      cfg_gbproxy_no_core_mcc_cmd,
-      "no core-mobile-country-code",
-	g_cfg->core_mcc = 0;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define GBPROXY_MATCH_IMSI_STR "Restrict actions to certain IMSIs\n"
-      cfg_gbproxy_match_imsi_cmd,
-      "match-imsi (patching|routing) .REGEXP",
-      "Patch MS related information elements on match only\n"
-      "Route to the secondary SGSN on match only\n"
-      "Regular expression for the IMSI match\n")
-	const char *filter = argv[1];
-	const char *err_msg = NULL;
-	struct gbproxy_match *match;
-	enum gbproxy_match_id match_id = get_string_value(match_ids, argv[0]);
-		    match_id < GBPROX_MATCH_LAST);
-	match = &g_cfg->matches[match_id];
-	if (gbproxy_set_patch_filter(match, filter, &err_msg) != 0) {
-		vty_out(vty, "Match expression invalid: %s%s",
-			err_msg, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	g_cfg->acquire_imsi = 1;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-      cfg_gbproxy_no_match_imsi_cmd,
-      "no match-imsi",
-	enum gbproxy_match_id match_id;
-	for (match_id = 0; match_id < ARRAY_SIZE(g_cfg->matches); ++match_id)
-		gbproxy_clear_patch_filter(&g_cfg->matches[match_id]);
-	g_cfg->acquire_imsi = 0;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define GBPROXY_CORE_APN_STR "Use this access point name (APN) for the backbone\n"
-#define GBPROXY_CORE_APN_ARG_STR "Replace APN by this string\n" "Remove APN\n"
-static int set_core_apn(struct vty *vty, const char *apn)
-	int apn_len;
-	if (!apn) {
-		talloc_free(g_cfg->core_apn);
-		g_cfg->core_apn = NULL;
-		g_cfg->core_apn_size = 0;
-		return CMD_SUCCESS;
-	}
-	apn_len = strlen(apn);
-	if (apn_len >= 100) {
-		vty_out(vty, "APN string too long (max 99 chars)%s",
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	if (apn_len == 0) {
-		talloc_free(g_cfg->core_apn);
-		/* TODO: replace NULL */
-		g_cfg->core_apn = talloc_zero_size(NULL, 2);
-		g_cfg->core_apn_size = 0;
-	} else {
-		/* TODO: replace NULL */
-		g_cfg->core_apn =
-			talloc_realloc_size(NULL, g_cfg->core_apn, apn_len + 1);
-		g_cfg->core_apn_size =
-			gprs_str_to_apn(g_cfg->core_apn, apn_len + 1, apn);
-	}
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-      cfg_gbproxy_core_apn_cmd,
-      "core-access-point-name (APN|none)",
-	if (strcmp(argv[0], "none") == 0)
-		return set_core_apn(vty, "");
-	else
-		return set_core_apn(vty, argv[0]);
-      cfg_gbproxy_no_core_apn_cmd,
-      "no core-access-point-name",
-	return set_core_apn(vty, NULL);
-/* TODO: Remove the patch-ptmsi command, since P-TMSI patching is enabled
- * automatically when needed. This command is only left for manual testing
- * (e.g. doing P-TMSI patching without using a secondary SGSN)
- */
-      cfg_gbproxy_patch_ptmsi_cmd,
-      "patch-ptmsi",
-	g_cfg->patch_ptmsi = 1;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-      cfg_gbproxy_no_patch_ptmsi_cmd,
-      "no patch-ptmsi",
-	g_cfg->patch_ptmsi = 0;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-/* TODO: Remove the acquire-imsi command, since that feature is enabled
- * automatically when IMSI matching is enabled. This command is only left for
- * manual testing (e.g. doing IMSI acquisition without IMSI based patching)
- */
-#define GBPROXY_ACQUIRE_IMSI_STR "Acquire the IMSI before establishing a LLC connection (Experimental)\n"
-      cfg_gbproxy_acquire_imsi_cmd,
-      "acquire-imsi",
-	g_cfg->acquire_imsi = 1;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-      cfg_gbproxy_no_acquire_imsi_cmd,
-      "no acquire-imsi",
-	g_cfg->acquire_imsi = 0;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define GBPROXY_SECOND_SGSN_STR "Route matching LLC connections to a second SGSN (Experimental)\n"
-      cfg_gbproxy_secondary_sgsn_cmd,
-      "secondary-sgsn nsei <0-65534>",
-      "NSEI to be used in the connection with the SGSN\n"
-      "The NSEI\n")
-	unsigned int nsei = atoi(argv[0]);
-	if (g_cfg->nsip_sgsn_nsei == nsei) {
-		vty_out(vty, "Secondary SGSN NSEI %d conflicts with primary SGSN NSEI%s",
-			nsei, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	g_cfg->route_to_sgsn2 = 1;
-	g_cfg->nsip_sgsn2_nsei = nsei;
-	g_cfg->patch_ptmsi = 1;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-      cfg_gbproxy_no_secondary_sgsn_cmd,
-      "no secondary-sgsn",
-	g_cfg->route_to_sgsn2 = 0;
-	g_cfg->nsip_sgsn2_nsei = 0xFFFF;
-	g_cfg->patch_ptmsi = 0;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define GBPROXY_LINK_LIST_STR "Set TLLI list parameters\n"
-#define GBPROXY_MAX_AGE_STR "Limit maximum age\n"
-      cfg_gbproxy_link_list_max_age_cmd,
-      "link-list max-age <1-999999>",
-      "Maximum age in seconds\n")
-	g_cfg->tlli_max_age = atoi(argv[0]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-      cfg_gbproxy_link_list_no_max_age_cmd,
-      "no link-list max-age",
-	g_cfg->tlli_max_age = 0;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define GBPROXY_MAX_LEN_STR "Limit list length\n"
-      cfg_gbproxy_link_list_max_len_cmd,
-      "link-list max-length <1-99999>",
-      "Maximum number of logical links in the list\n")
-	g_cfg->tlli_max_len = atoi(argv[0]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-      cfg_gbproxy_link_list_no_max_len_cmd,
-      "no link-list max-length",
-	g_cfg->tlli_max_len = 0;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-      cfg_gbproxy_link_list_keep_mode_cmd,
-      "link-list keep-mode (never|re-attach|identified|always)",
-      GBPROXY_LINK_LIST_STR "How to keep entries for detached logical links\n"
-      "Discard entry immediately after detachment\n"
-      "Keep entry if a re-attachment has be requested\n"
-      "Keep entry if it associated with an IMSI\n"
-      "Don't discard entries after detachment\n")
-	int val = get_string_value(keep_modes, argv[0]);
-	g_cfg->keep_link_infos = val;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_gbproxy, show_gbproxy_cmd, "show gbproxy [stats]",
-       SHOW_STR "Display information about the Gb proxy\n" "Show statistics\n")
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	int show_stats = argc >= 1;
-	if (show_stats)
-		vty_out_rate_ctr_group(vty, "", g_cfg->ctrg);
-	llist_for_each_entry(peer, &g_cfg->bts_peers, list) {
-		gbprox_vty_print_peer(vty, peer);
-		if (show_stats)
-			vty_out_rate_ctr_group(vty, "  ", peer->ctrg);
-	}
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_gbproxy_links, show_gbproxy_links_cmd, "show gbproxy links",
-       SHOW_STR "Display information about the Gb proxy\n" "Show logical links\n")
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	char mi_buf[200];
-	time_t now;
-	struct timespec ts = {0,};
-	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
-	now = ts.tv_sec;
-	llist_for_each_entry(peer, &g_cfg->bts_peers, list) {
-		struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-		struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-		gbprox_vty_print_peer(vty, peer);
-		llist_for_each_entry(link_info, &state->logical_links, list) {
-			time_t age = now - link_info->timestamp;
-			int stored_msgs = 0;
-			struct llist_head *iter;
-			llist_for_each(iter, &link_info->stored_msgs)
-				stored_msgs++;
-			if (link_info->imsi > 0) {
-				snprintf(mi_buf, sizeof(mi_buf), "(invalid)");
-				gsm48_mi_to_string(mi_buf, sizeof(mi_buf),
-						   link_info->imsi,
-						   link_info->imsi_len);
-			} else {
-				snprintf(mi_buf, sizeof(mi_buf), "(none)");
-			}
-			vty_out(vty, "  TLLI %08x, IMSI %s, AGE %d",
-				link_info->tlli.current, mi_buf, (int)age);
-			if (stored_msgs)
-				vty_out(vty, ", STORED %d", stored_msgs);
-			if (g_cfg->route_to_sgsn2)
-				vty_out(vty, ", SGSN NSEI %d",
-					link_info->sgsn_nsei);
-			if (link_info->is_deregistered)
-				vty_out(vty, ", DE-REGISTERED");
-			vty_out(vty, "%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-		}
-	}
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(delete_gb_bvci, delete_gb_bvci_cmd,
-	"delete-gbproxy-peer <0-65534> bvci <2-65534>",
-	"Delete a GBProxy peer by NSEI and optionally BVCI\n"
-	"NSEI number\n"
-	"Only delete peer with a matching BVCI\n"
-	"BVCI number\n")
-	const uint16_t nsei = atoi(argv[0]);
-	const uint16_t bvci = atoi(argv[1]);
-	int counter;
-	counter = gbproxy_cleanup_peers(g_cfg, nsei, bvci);
-	if (counter == 0) {
-		vty_out(vty, "BVC not found%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(delete_gb_nsei, delete_gb_nsei_cmd,
-	"delete-gbproxy-peer <0-65534> (only-bvc|only-nsvc|all) [dry-run]",
-	"Delete a GBProxy peer by NSEI and optionally BVCI\n"
-	"NSEI number\n"
-	"Only delete BSSGP connections (BVC)\n"
-	"Only delete dynamic NS connections (NS-VC)\n"
-	"Delete BVC and dynamic NS connections\n"
-	"Show what would be deleted instead of actually deleting\n"
-	)
-	const uint16_t nsei = atoi(argv[0]);
-	const char *mode = argv[1];
-	int dry_run = argc > 2;
-	int delete_bvc = 0;
-	int delete_nsvc = 0;
-	int counter;
-	if (strcmp(mode, "only-bvc") == 0)
-		delete_bvc = 1;
-	else if (strcmp(mode, "only-nsvc") == 0)
-		delete_nsvc = 1;
-	else
-		delete_bvc = delete_nsvc = 1;
-	if (delete_bvc) {
-		if (!dry_run)
-			counter = gbproxy_cleanup_peers(g_cfg, nsei, 0);
-		else {
-			struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-			counter = 0;
-			llist_for_each_entry(peer, &g_cfg->bts_peers, list) {
-				if (peer->nsei != nsei)
-					continue;
-				vty_out(vty, "BVC: ");
-				gbprox_vty_print_peer(vty, peer);
-				counter += 1;
-			}
-		}
-		vty_out(vty, "%sDeleted %d BVC%s",
-			dry_run ? "Not " : "", counter, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	}
-	if (delete_nsvc) {
-		struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi = g_cfg->nsi;
-		struct gprs_nsvc *nsvc, *nsvc2;
-		counter = 0;
-		llist_for_each_entry_safe(nsvc, nsvc2, &nsi->gprs_nsvcs, list) {
-			if (nsvc->nsei != nsei)
-				continue;
-			if (nsvc->persistent)
-				continue;
-			if (!dry_run)
-				gprs_nsvc_delete(nsvc);
-			else
-				vty_out(vty, "NS-VC: NSEI %5u, NS-VCI %5u, "
-					"remote %s%s",
-					nsvc->nsei, nsvc->nsvci,
-					gprs_ns_ll_str(nsvc), VTY_NEWLINE);
-			counter += 1;
-		}
-		vty_out(vty, "%sDeleted %d NS-VC%s",
-			dry_run ? "Not " : "", counter, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	}
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-	"Delete a GBProxy logical link entry by NSEI and identification\nNSEI number\n"
-DEFUN(delete_gb_link_by_id, delete_gb_link_by_id_cmd,
-	"delete-gbproxy-link <0-65534> (tlli|imsi|sgsn-nsei) IDENT",
-	"Delete entries with a matching TLLI (hex)\n"
-	"Delete entries with a matching IMSI\n"
-	"Delete entries with a matching SGSN NSEI\n"
-	"Identification to match\n")
-	const uint16_t nsei = atoi(argv[0]);
-	enum {MATCH_TLLI = 't', MATCH_IMSI = 'i', MATCH_SGSN = 's'} match;
-	uint32_t ident = 0;
-	const char *imsi = NULL;
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer = 0;
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info, *nxt;
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state;
-	char mi_buf[200];
-	int found = 0;
-	match = argv[1][0];
-	switch (match) {
-	case MATCH_TLLI: ident = strtoll(argv[2], NULL, 16); break;
-	case MATCH_IMSI: imsi = argv[2]; break;
-	case MATCH_SGSN: ident = strtoll(argv[2], NULL, 0); break;
-	};
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(g_cfg, nsei);
-	if (!peer) {
-		vty_out(vty, "Didn't find peer with NSEI %d%s",
-			nsei, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	state = &peer->patch_state;
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(link_info, nxt, &state->logical_links, list) {
-		switch (match) {
-		case MATCH_TLLI:
-			if (link_info->tlli.current != ident)
-				continue;
-			break;
-		case MATCH_SGSN:
-			if (link_info->sgsn_nsei != ident)
-				continue;
-			break;
-		case MATCH_IMSI:
-			if (!link_info->imsi)
-				continue;
-			mi_buf[0] = '\0';
-			gsm48_mi_to_string(mi_buf, sizeof(mi_buf),
-					   link_info->imsi,
-					   link_info->imsi_len);
-			if (strcmp(mi_buf, imsi) != 0)
-				continue;
-			break;
-		}
-		vty_out(vty, "Deleting link with TLLI %08x%s", link_info->tlli.current,
-		gbproxy_delete_link_info(peer, link_info);
-		found += 1;
-	}
-	if (!found && argc >= 2) {
-		vty_out(vty, "Didn't find link entry with %s %s%s",
-			argv[1], argv[2], VTY_NEWLINE);
-	}
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(delete_gb_link, delete_gb_link_cmd,
-	"delete-gbproxy-link <0-65534> (stale|de-registered)",
-	"Delete stale entries\n"
-	"Delete de-registered entries\n")
-	const uint16_t nsei = atoi(argv[0]);
-	enum {MATCH_STALE = 's', MATCH_DEREGISTERED = 'd'} match;
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer = 0;
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info, *nxt;
-	struct gbproxy_patch_state *state;
-	time_t now;
-	struct timespec ts = {0,};
-	int found = 0;
-	match = argv[1][0];
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(g_cfg, nsei);
-	if (!peer) {
-		vty_out(vty, "Didn't find peer with NSEI %d%s",
-			nsei, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	state = &peer->patch_state;
-	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
-	now = ts.tv_sec;
-	if (match == MATCH_STALE) {
-		found = gbproxy_remove_stale_link_infos(peer, now);
-		if (found)
-			vty_out(vty, "Deleted %d stale logical link%s%s",
-				found, found == 1 ? "" : "s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	} else {
-		llist_for_each_entry_safe(link_info, nxt,
-					  &state->logical_links, list) {
-			if (!link_info->is_deregistered)
-				continue;
-			gbproxy_delete_link_info(peer, link_info);
-			found += 1;
-		}
-	}
-	if (found)
-		vty_out(vty, "Deleted %d %s logical link%s%s",
-			found, argv[1], found == 1 ? "" : "s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
- * legacy commands to provide an upgrade path from "broken" releases
- * or pre-releases
- */
-      cfg_gbproxy_broken_apn_match_cmd,
-      "core-access-point-name none match-imsi .REGEXP",
-      "Patch MS related information elements on match only\n"
-      "Route to the secondary SGSN on match only\n"
-      "Regular expression for the IMSI match\n")
-	const char *filter = argv[0];
-	const char *err_msg = NULL;
-	struct gbproxy_match *match;
-	enum gbproxy_match_id match_id = get_string_value(match_ids, "patching");
-	/* apply APN none */
-	set_core_apn(vty, "");
-	/* do the matching... with copy and paste */
-		    match_id < GBPROX_MATCH_LAST);
-	match = &g_cfg->matches[match_id];
-	if (gbproxy_set_patch_filter(match, filter, &err_msg) != 0) {
-		vty_out(vty, "Match expression invalid: %s%s",
-			err_msg, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	g_cfg->acquire_imsi = 1;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define GBPROXY_TLLI_LIST_STR "Set TLLI list parameters\n"
-#define GBPROXY_MAX_LEN_STR "Limit list length\n"
-      cfg_gbproxy_depr_tlli_list_max_len_cmd,
-      "tlli-list max-length <1-99999>",
-      "Maximum number of TLLIs in the list\n")
-	g_cfg->tlli_max_len = atoi(argv[0]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-int gbproxy_vty_init(void)
-	install_element_ve(&show_gbproxy_cmd);
-	install_element_ve(&show_gbproxy_links_cmd);
-	install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &delete_gb_bvci_cmd);
-	install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &delete_gb_nsei_cmd);
-	install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &delete_gb_link_by_id_cmd);
-	install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &delete_gb_link_cmd);
-	install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_cmd);
-	install_node(&gbproxy_node, config_write_gbproxy);
-	vty_install_default(GBPROXY_NODE);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_nsip_sgsn_nsei_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_core_mcc_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_core_mnc_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_match_imsi_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_core_apn_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_secondary_sgsn_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_patch_ptmsi_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_acquire_imsi_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_link_list_max_age_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_link_list_max_len_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_link_list_keep_mode_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_no_core_mcc_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_no_core_mnc_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_no_match_imsi_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_no_core_apn_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_no_secondary_sgsn_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_no_patch_ptmsi_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_no_acquire_imsi_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_link_list_no_max_age_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_link_list_no_max_len_cmd);
-	/* broken or deprecated to allow an upgrade path */
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_broken_apn_match_cmd);
-	install_element(GBPROXY_NODE, &cfg_gbproxy_depr_tlli_list_max_len_cmd);
-	return 0;
-int gbproxy_parse_config(const char *config_file, struct gbproxy_config *cfg)
-	int rc;
-	g_cfg = cfg;
-	rc = vty_read_config_file(config_file, NULL);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse the config file: '%s'\n", config_file);
-		return rc;
-	}
-	return 0;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_gb_parse.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_gb_parse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d5a122b..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_gb_parse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,636 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS Gb message parser */
-/* (C) 2014 by On-Waves
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08_gprs.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gb_parse.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h>
-static int gprs_gb_parse_gmm_attach_req(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len,
-					struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	uint8_t *value;
-	size_t value_len;
-	parse_ctx->llc_msg_name = "ATTACH_REQ";
-	/* Skip MS network capability */
-	if (osmo_shift_lv(&data, &data_len, NULL, &value_len) <= 0 ||
-	    value_len < 1 || value_len > 8)
-		/* invalid */
-		return 0;
-	/* Skip Attach type */
-	/* Skip Ciphering key sequence number */
-	/* Skip DRX parameter */
-	osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 3, NULL);
-	/* Get Mobile identity */
-	if (osmo_shift_lv(&data, &data_len, &value, &value_len) <= 0 ||
-	    value_len < 5 || value_len > 8)
-		/* invalid */
-		return 0;
-	if (gprs_is_mi_tmsi(value, value_len)) {
-		parse_ctx->ptmsi_enc = value + 1;
-	} else if (gprs_is_mi_imsi(value, value_len)) {
-		parse_ctx->imsi = value;
-		parse_ctx->imsi_len = value_len;
-	}
-	if (osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 6, &value) <= 0)
-		return 0;
-	parse_ctx->old_raid_enc = value;
-	return 1;
-static int gprs_gb_parse_gmm_attach_ack(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len,
-					struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	uint8_t *value;
-	size_t value_len;
-	parse_ctx->llc_msg_name = "ATTACH_ACK";
-	/* Skip Attach result */
-	/* Skip Force to standby */
-	/* Skip Periodic RA update timer */
-	/* Skip Radio priority for SMS */
-	/* Skip Spare half octet */
-	osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 3, NULL);
-	if (osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 6, &value) <= 0)
-		return 0;
-	parse_ctx->raid_enc = value;
-	/* Skip P-TMSI signature (P-TMSI signature, opt, TV, length 4) */
-	osmo_match_shift_tv_fixed(&data, &data_len, GSM48_IE_GMM_PTMSI_SIG, 3, NULL);
-	/* Skip Negotiated READY timer value (GPRS timer, opt, TV, length 2) */
-	osmo_match_shift_tv_fixed(&data, &data_len, GSM48_IE_GMM_TIMER_READY, 1, NULL);
-	/* Allocated P-TMSI (Mobile identity, opt, TLV, length 7) */
-	if (osmo_match_shift_tlv(&data, &data_len, GSM48_IE_GMM_ALLOC_PTMSI,
-		      &value, &value_len) > 0 &&
-	    gprs_is_mi_tmsi(value, value_len))
-		parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc = value + 1;
-	return 1;
-static int gprs_gb_parse_gmm_attach_rej(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len,
-					struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	uint8_t *value;
-	parse_ctx->llc_msg_name = "ATTACH_REJ";
-	/* GMM cause */
-	if (osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 1, &value) <= 0)
-		return 0;
-	parse_ctx->invalidate_tlli = 1;
-	return 1;
-static int gprs_gb_parse_gmm_detach_req(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len,
-					struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	uint8_t *value;
-	size_t value_len;
-	int detach_type;
-	int power_off;
-	parse_ctx->llc_msg_name = "DETACH_REQ";
-	/* Skip spare half octet */
-	/* Get Detach type */
-	if (osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 1, &value) <= 0)
-		/* invalid */
-		return 0;
-	detach_type = *value & 0x07;
-	power_off = *value & 0x08 ? 1 : 0;
-	if (parse_ctx->to_bss) {
-		/* Network originated */
-		if (detach_type == GPRS_DET_T_MT_REATT_REQ)
-			parse_ctx->await_reattach = 1;
-	} else {
-		/* Mobile originated */
-		if (power_off)
-			parse_ctx->invalidate_tlli = 1;
-		/* Get P-TMSI (Mobile identity), see GSM 24.008, */
-		if (osmo_match_shift_tlv(&data, &data_len,
-			      GSM48_IE_GMM_ALLOC_PTMSI, &value, &value_len) > 0)
-		{
-			if (gprs_is_mi_tmsi(value, value_len))
-				parse_ctx->ptmsi_enc = value + 1;
-		}
-	}
-	return 1;
-static int gprs_gb_parse_gmm_ra_upd_req(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len,
-					struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	uint8_t *value;
-	parse_ctx->llc_msg_name = "RA_UPD_REQ";
-	/* Skip Update type */
-	/* Skip GPRS ciphering key sequence number */
-	osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 1, NULL);
-	if (osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 6, &value) <= 0)
-		return 0;
-	parse_ctx->old_raid_enc = value;
-	return 1;
-static int gprs_gb_parse_gmm_ra_upd_rej(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len,
-					struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	uint8_t *value;
-	uint8_t cause;
-	int force_standby;
-	parse_ctx->llc_msg_name = "RA_UPD_REJ";
-	/* GMM cause */
-	if (osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 1, &value) <= 0)
-		return 0;
-	cause = value[0];
-	/* Force to standby, 1/2 */
-	/* spare bits, 1/2 */
-	if (osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 1, &value) <= 0)
-		return 0;
-	force_standby = (value[0] & 0x07) == 0x01;
-	if (cause == GMM_CAUSE_IMPL_DETACHED && !force_standby)
-		parse_ctx->await_reattach = 1;
-	parse_ctx->invalidate_tlli = 1;
-	return 1;
-static int gprs_gb_parse_gmm_ra_upd_ack(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len,
-					struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	uint8_t *value;
-	size_t value_len;
-	parse_ctx->llc_msg_name = "RA_UPD_ACK";
-	/* Skip Force to standby */
-	/* Skip Update result */
-	/* Skip Periodic RA update timer */
-	osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 2, NULL);
-	if (osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 6, &value) <= 0)
-		return 0;
-	parse_ctx->raid_enc = value;
-	/* Skip P-TMSI signature (P-TMSI signature, opt, TV, length 4) */
-	osmo_match_shift_tv_fixed(&data, &data_len, GSM48_IE_GMM_PTMSI_SIG, 3, NULL);
-	/* Allocated P-TMSI (Mobile identity, opt, TLV, length 7) */
-	if (osmo_match_shift_tlv(&data, &data_len, GSM48_IE_GMM_ALLOC_PTMSI,
-		      &value, &value_len) > 0 &&
-	    gprs_is_mi_tmsi(value, value_len))
-		parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc = value + 1;
-	return 1;
-static int gprs_gb_parse_gmm_ptmsi_reall_cmd(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len,
-					     struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	uint8_t *value;
-	size_t value_len;
-	parse_ctx->llc_msg_name = "PTMSI_REALL_CMD";
-	     "Got P-TMSI Reallocation Command which is not covered by unit tests yet.\n");
-	/* Allocated P-TMSI */
-	if (osmo_shift_lv(&data, &data_len, &value, &value_len) > 0 &&
-	    gprs_is_mi_tmsi(value, value_len))
-		parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc = value + 1;
-	if (osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 6, &value) <= 0)
-		return 0;
-	parse_ctx->raid_enc = value;
-	return 1;
-static int gprs_gb_parse_gmm_id_resp(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len,
-				     struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	uint8_t *value;
-	size_t value_len;
-	parse_ctx->llc_msg_name = "ID_RESP";
-	/* Mobile identity, Mobile identity, M LV 2-10 */
-	if (osmo_shift_lv(&data, &data_len, &value, &value_len) <= 0 ||
-	    value_len < 1 || value_len > 9)
-		/* invalid */
-		return 0;
-	if (gprs_is_mi_tmsi(value, value_len)) {
-		parse_ctx->ptmsi_enc = value + 1;
-	} else if (gprs_is_mi_imsi(value, value_len)) {
-		parse_ctx->imsi = value;
-		parse_ctx->imsi_len = value_len;
-	}
-	return 1;
-static int gprs_gb_parse_gsm_act_pdp_req(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len,
-					 struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	ssize_t old_len;
-	uint8_t *value;
-	size_t value_len;
-	parse_ctx->llc_msg_name = "ACT_PDP_REQ";
-	/* Skip Requested NSAPI */
-	/* Skip Requested LLC SAPI */
-	osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, 2, NULL);
-	/* Skip Requested QoS (support 04.08 and 24.008) */
-	if (osmo_shift_lv(&data, &data_len, NULL, &value_len) <= 0 ||
-	    value_len < 4 || value_len > 14)
-		/* invalid */
-		return 0;
-	/* Skip Requested PDP address */
-	if (osmo_shift_lv(&data, &data_len, NULL, &value_len) <= 0 ||
-	    value_len < 2 || value_len > 18)
-		/* invalid */
-		return 0;
-	/* Access point name */
-	old_len = osmo_match_shift_tlv(&data, &data_len,
-			    GSM48_IE_GSM_APN, &value, &value_len);
-	if (old_len > 0 && value_len >=1 && value_len <= 100) {
-		parse_ctx->apn_ie = data - old_len;
-		parse_ctx->apn_ie_len = old_len;
-	}
-	return 1;
-int gprs_gb_parse_dtap(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len,
-		       struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *g48h;
-	uint8_t pdisc;
-	uint8_t msg_type;
-	if (osmo_shift_v_fixed(&data, &data_len, sizeof(*g48h), (uint8_t **)&g48h) <= 0)
-		return 0;
-	parse_ctx->g48_hdr = g48h;
-	pdisc = gsm48_hdr_pdisc(g48h);
-	if (pdisc != GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS && pdisc != GSM48_PDISC_SM_GPRS)
-		return 1;
-	msg_type = gsm48_hdr_msg_type(g48h);
-	switch (msg_type) {
-		return gprs_gb_parse_gmm_attach_req(data, data_len, parse_ctx);
-		return gprs_gb_parse_gmm_attach_rej(data, data_len, parse_ctx);
-		return gprs_gb_parse_gmm_attach_ack(data, data_len, parse_ctx);
-		return gprs_gb_parse_gmm_ra_upd_req(data, data_len, parse_ctx);
-		return gprs_gb_parse_gmm_ra_upd_rej(data, data_len, parse_ctx);
-		return gprs_gb_parse_gmm_ra_upd_ack(data, data_len, parse_ctx);
-		return gprs_gb_parse_gmm_ptmsi_reall_cmd(data, data_len, parse_ctx);
-		return gprs_gb_parse_gsm_act_pdp_req(data, data_len, parse_ctx);
-	case GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_RESP:
-		return gprs_gb_parse_gmm_id_resp(data, data_len, parse_ctx);
-		return gprs_gb_parse_gmm_detach_req(data, data_len, parse_ctx);
-		parse_ctx->llc_msg_name = "DETACH_ACK";
-		parse_ctx->invalidate_tlli = 1;
-		break;
-	default:
-		     "Unhandled GSM 04.08 message type %s for protocol discriminator %s.\n",
-		     get_value_string(gprs_msgt_gmm_names, msg_type), get_value_string(gsm48_pdisc_names, pdisc));
-		break;
-	};
-	return 1;
-int gprs_gb_parse_llc(uint8_t *llc, size_t llc_len,
-		      struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	struct gprs_llc_hdr_parsed *ghp = &parse_ctx->llc_hdr_parsed;
-	int rc;
-	int fcs;
-	/* parse LLC */
-	rc = gprs_llc_hdr_parse(ghp, llc, llc_len);
-	gprs_llc_hdr_dump(ghp, NULL);
-	if (rc != 0) {
-		LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Error during LLC header parsing\n");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	fcs = gprs_llc_fcs(llc, ghp->crc_length);
-	LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Got LLC message, CRC: %06x (computed %06x)\n",
-	     ghp->fcs, fcs);
-	if (!ghp->data)
-		return 0;
-	if (ghp->sapi != GPRS_SAPI_GMM)
-		return 1;
-	if (ghp->cmd != GPRS_LLC_UI)
-		return 1;
-	if (ghp->is_encrypted) {
-		parse_ctx->need_decryption = 1;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return gprs_gb_parse_dtap(ghp->data, ghp->data_len, parse_ctx);
-int gprs_gb_parse_bssgp(uint8_t *bssgp, size_t bssgp_len,
-			struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	struct bssgp_normal_hdr *bgph;
-	struct bssgp_ud_hdr *budh = NULL;
-	struct tlv_parsed *tp = &parse_ctx->bssgp_tp;
-	uint8_t pdu_type;
-	uint8_t *data;
-	size_t data_len;
-	int rc;
-	if (bssgp_len < sizeof(struct bssgp_normal_hdr))
-		return 0;
-	bgph = (struct bssgp_normal_hdr *)bssgp;
-	pdu_type = bgph->pdu_type;
-	if (pdu_type == BSSGP_PDUT_UL_UNITDATA ||
-	    pdu_type == BSSGP_PDUT_DL_UNITDATA) {
-		if (bssgp_len < sizeof(struct bssgp_ud_hdr))
-			return 0;
-		budh = (struct bssgp_ud_hdr *)bssgp;
-		bgph = NULL;
-		data = budh->data;
-		data_len = bssgp_len - sizeof(*budh);
-	} else {
-		data = bgph->data;
-		data_len = bssgp_len - sizeof(*bgph);
-	}
-	parse_ctx->pdu_type = pdu_type;
-	parse_ctx->bud_hdr = budh;
-	parse_ctx->bgp_hdr = bgph;
-	parse_ctx->bssgp_data = data;
-	parse_ctx->bssgp_data_len = data_len;
-	if (bssgp_tlv_parse(tp, data, data_len) < 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (budh)
-		parse_ctx->tlli_enc = (uint8_t *)&budh->tlli;
-		parse_ctx->bssgp_raid_enc = (uint8_t *)TLVP_VAL(tp, BSSGP_IE_ROUTEING_AREA);
-		parse_ctx->bssgp_raid_enc = (uint8_t *)TLVP_VAL(tp, BSSGP_IE_CELL_ID);
-		parse_ctx->imsi = (uint8_t *)TLVP_VAL(tp, BSSGP_IE_IMSI);
-		parse_ctx->imsi_len = TLVP_LEN(tp, BSSGP_IE_IMSI);
-	}
-		if (parse_ctx->tlli_enc)
-			/* This is TLLI old, don't confuse it with TLLI current */
-			parse_ctx->old_tlli_enc = (uint8_t *)TLVP_VAL(tp, BSSGP_IE_TLLI);
-		else
-			parse_ctx->tlli_enc = (uint8_t *)TLVP_VAL(tp, BSSGP_IE_TLLI);
-	}
-		parse_ctx->bssgp_ptmsi_enc = (uint8_t *)TLVP_VAL(tp, BSSGP_IE_TMSI);
-		uint8_t *llc = (uint8_t *)TLVP_VAL(tp, BSSGP_IE_LLC_PDU);
-		size_t llc_len = TLVP_LEN(tp, BSSGP_IE_LLC_PDU);
-		rc = gprs_gb_parse_llc(llc, llc_len, parse_ctx);
-		if (!rc)
-			return 0;
-		parse_ctx->llc = llc;
-		parse_ctx->llc_len = llc_len;
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->tlli_enc) {
-		uint32_t tmp_tlli;
-		memcpy(&tmp_tlli, parse_ctx->tlli_enc, sizeof(tmp_tlli));
-		parse_ctx->tlli = ntohl(tmp_tlli);
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->bssgp_raid_enc && parse_ctx->old_raid_enc &&
-	    memcmp(parse_ctx->bssgp_raid_enc, parse_ctx->old_raid_enc, 6) != 0)
-		parse_ctx->old_raid_is_foreign = 1;
-	return 1;
-void gprs_gb_log_parse_context(int log_level,
-			       struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx,
-			       const char *default_msg_name)
-	const char *msg_name;
-	const char *sep = "";
-	if (!parse_ctx->tlli_enc &&
-	    !parse_ctx->ptmsi_enc &&
-	    !parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc &&
-	    !parse_ctx->bssgp_ptmsi_enc &&
-	    !parse_ctx->imsi)
-		return;
-	msg_name = gprs_gb_message_name(parse_ctx, default_msg_name);
-	if (parse_ctx->llc_msg_name)
-		msg_name = parse_ctx->llc_msg_name;
-	LOGP(DGPRS, log_level, "%s: Got", msg_name);
-	if (parse_ctx->tlli_enc) {
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, log_level, "%s TLLI %08x", sep, parse_ctx->tlli);
-		sep = ",";
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->old_tlli_enc) {
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, log_level, "%s old TLLI %02x%02x%02x%02x", sep,
-		     parse_ctx->old_tlli_enc[0],
-		     parse_ctx->old_tlli_enc[1],
-		     parse_ctx->old_tlli_enc[2],
-		     parse_ctx->old_tlli_enc[3]);
-		sep = ",";
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->bssgp_raid_enc) {
-		struct gprs_ra_id raid;
-		gsm48_parse_ra(&raid, parse_ctx->bssgp_raid_enc);
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, log_level, "%s BSSGP RAID %u-%u-%u-%u", sep,
-		     raid.mcc, raid.mnc, raid.lac, raid.rac);
-		sep = ",";
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->raid_enc) {
-		struct gprs_ra_id raid;
-		gsm48_parse_ra(&raid, parse_ctx->raid_enc);
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, log_level, "%s RAID %u-%u-%u-%u", sep,
-		     raid.mcc, raid.mnc, raid.lac, raid.rac);
-		sep = ",";
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->old_raid_enc) {
-		struct gprs_ra_id raid;
-		gsm48_parse_ra(&raid, parse_ctx->old_raid_enc);
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, log_level, "%s old RAID %u-%u-%u-%u", sep,
-		     raid.mcc, raid.mnc, raid.lac, raid.rac);
-		sep = ",";
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->bssgp_ptmsi_enc) {
-		uint32_t ptmsi = GSM_RESERVED_TMSI;
-		gprs_parse_tmsi(parse_ctx->bssgp_ptmsi_enc, &ptmsi);
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, log_level, "%s BSSGP PTMSI %08x", sep, ptmsi);
-		sep = ",";
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->ptmsi_enc) {
-		uint32_t ptmsi = GSM_RESERVED_TMSI;
-		gprs_parse_tmsi(parse_ctx->ptmsi_enc, &ptmsi);
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, log_level, "%s PTMSI %08x", sep, ptmsi);
-		sep = ",";
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc) {
-		uint32_t new_ptmsi = GSM_RESERVED_TMSI;
-		gprs_parse_tmsi(parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc, &new_ptmsi);
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, log_level, "%s new PTMSI %08x", sep, new_ptmsi);
-		sep = ",";
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->imsi) {
-		char mi_buf[200];
-		mi_buf[0] = '\0';
-		gsm48_mi_to_string(mi_buf, sizeof(mi_buf),
-				   parse_ctx->imsi, parse_ctx->imsi_len);
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, log_level, "%s IMSI %s",
-		     sep, mi_buf);
-		sep = ",";
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->invalidate_tlli) {
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, log_level, "%s invalidate", sep);
-		sep = ",";
-	}
-	if (parse_ctx->await_reattach) {
-		LOGPC(DGPRS, log_level, "%s re-attach", sep);
-		sep = ",";
-	}
-	LOGPC(DGPRS, log_level, "\n");
-const char *gprs_gb_message_name(const struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx,
-				 const char *default_msg_name)
-	if (parse_ctx->llc_msg_name)
-		return parse_ctx->llc_msg_name;
-	if (parse_ctx->g48_hdr)
-		return "GMM";
-	if (parse_ctx->llc)
-		return "LLC";
-	if (parse_ctx->bud_hdr)
-		return "BSSGP-UNITDATA";
-	if (parse_ctx->bgp_hdr)
-		return "BSSGP";
-	return "unknown";
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_gmm.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_gmm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e6751db..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_gmm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2939 +0,0 @@
-/* GSM Mobile Radio Interface Layer 3 messages on the A-bis interface
- * 3GPP TS 04.08 version 7.21.0 Release 1998 / ETSI TS 100 940 V7.21.0 */
-/* (C) 2009-2015 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010 by On-Waves
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <openssl/rand.h>
-#include "bscconfig.h"
-#include <openbsc/db.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm_utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/signal.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/crypt/auth.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/apn.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08_gprs.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h>
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-#include <osmocom/ranap/ranap_ies_defs.h>
-#include <osmocom/ranap/ranap_msg_factory.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_data.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_subscriber.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_04_08.h>
-#include <openbsc/paging.h>
-#include <openbsc/transaction.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gmm.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_subscriber.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/signal.h>
-#include <openbsc/iu.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp.h>
-#include <pdp.h>
-#define PTMSI_ALLOC
-extern struct sgsn_instance *sgsn;
-static const struct tlv_definition gsm48_gmm_att_tlvdef = {
-	.def = {
-		[GSM48_IE_GMM_IMEISV]		= { TLV_TYPE_TLV, 0 },
-	},
-static const struct tlv_definition gsm48_sm_att_tlvdef = {
-	.def = {
-		[GSM48_IE_GSM_APN]		= { TLV_TYPE_TLV, 0 },
-		[GSM48_IE_GSM_PDP_ADDR]		= { TLV_TYPE_TLV, 0 },
-		[GSM48_IE_GSM_AA_TMR]		= { TLV_TYPE_TV, 1 },
-		[GSM48_IE_GSM_LSA_ID]		= { TLV_TYPE_TLV, 0 },
-	},
-static const struct value_string gprs_pmm_state_names[] = {
-	{ PMM_IDLE,		"PMM IDLE" },
-	{ MM_IDLE,		"MM IDLE" },
-	{ MM_READY,		"MM READY" },
-	{ 0, NULL }
-static int gsm48_gmm_authorize(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx);
-static void mmctx_change_gtpu_endpoints_to_sgsn(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm_ctx)
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-	llist_for_each_entry(pdp, &mm_ctx->pdp_list, list) {
-		sgsn_pdp_upd_gtp_u(pdp,
-				   &sgsn->cfg.gtp_listenaddr.sin_addr,
-				   sizeof(sgsn->cfg.gtp_listenaddr.sin_addr));
-	}
-void mmctx_set_pmm_state(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, enum gprs_pmm_state state)
-	if (ctx->ran_type != MM_CTX_T_UTRAN_Iu)
-		return;
-	if (ctx->pmm_state == state)
-		return;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_INFO, ctx, "Changing PMM state from %s to %s\n",
-		  get_value_string(gprs_pmm_state_names, ctx->pmm_state),
-		  get_value_string(gprs_pmm_state_names, state));
-	switch (state) {
-	case PMM_IDLE:
-		/* TODO: start RA Upd timer */
-		mmctx_change_gtpu_endpoints_to_sgsn(ctx);
-		break;
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	ctx->pmm_state = state;
-void mmctx_set_mm_state(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, enum gprs_pmm_state state)
-	if (ctx->ran_type != MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb)
-		return;
-	if (ctx->pmm_state == state)
-		return;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_INFO, ctx, "Changing MM state from %s to %s\n",
-		  get_value_string(gprs_pmm_state_names, ctx->pmm_state),
-		  get_value_string(gprs_pmm_state_names, state));
-	ctx->pmm_state = state;
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-int sgsn_ranap_rab_ass_resp(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs_t *setup_ies);
-int sgsn_ranap_iu_event(struct ue_conn_ctx *ctx, enum iu_event_type type, void *data)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm;
-	int rc = -1;
-	mm = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_ue_ctx(ctx);
-	if (!mm) {
-		LOGP(DRANAP, LOGL_NOTICE, "Cannot find mm ctx for IU event %i!\n", type);
-		return rc;
-	}
-	switch (type) {
-		rc = sgsn_ranap_rab_ass_resp(mm, (RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs_t *)data);
-		break;
-		/* fall thru */
-		/* Clean up ue_conn_ctx here */
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_INFO, mm, "IU release for imsi %s\n", mm->imsi);
-		if (mm->pmm_state == PMM_CONNECTED)
-			mmctx_set_pmm_state(mm, PMM_IDLE);
-		rc = 0;
-		break;
-		/* Continue authentication here */
-		mm->iu.ue_ctx->integrity_active = 1;
-		rc = gsm48_gmm_authorize(mm);
-		break;
-	default:
-		LOGP(DRANAP, LOGL_NOTICE, "Unknown event received: %i\n", type);
-		rc = -1;
-		break;
-	}
-	return rc;
-/* Our implementation, should be kept in SGSN */
-static void mmctx_timer_cb(void *_mm);
-static void mmctx_timer_start(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, unsigned int T,
-				unsigned int seconds)
-	if (osmo_timer_pending(&mm->timer))
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, mm, "Starting MM timer %u while old "
-			"timer %u pending\n", T, mm->T);
-	mm->T = T;
-	mm->num_T_exp = 0;
-	/* FIXME: we should do this only once ? */
-	osmo_timer_setup(&mm->timer, mmctx_timer_cb, mm);
-	osmo_timer_schedule(&mm->timer, seconds, 0);
-static void mmctx_timer_stop(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, unsigned int T)
-	if (mm->T != T)
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, mm, "Stopping MM timer %u but "
-			"%u is running\n", T, mm->T);
-	osmo_timer_del(&mm->timer);
-time_t gprs_max_time_to_idle(void)
-	return sgsn->cfg.timers.T3314 + (sgsn->cfg.timers.T3312 + 4 * 60);
-/* Send a message through the underlying layer.
- * For param encryptable, see 3GPP TS 24.008 § and
- * gsm48_hdr_gmm_cipherable(). Pass false for not cipherable messages. */
-static int gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(struct msgb *msg, int command,
-			     struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, bool encryptable)
-	if (mm) {
-		rate_ctr_inc(&mm->ctrg->ctr[GMM_CTR_PKTS_SIG_OUT]);
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-		if (mm->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_UTRAN_Iu)
-			return iu_tx(msg, GPRS_SAPI_GMM);
-	}
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-	/* In Iu mode, msg->dst contains the ue_conn_ctx pointer, in Gb mode
-	 * dst is empty. */
-	/* FIXME: have a more explicit indicator for Iu messages */
-	if (msg->dst)
-		return iu_tx(msg, GPRS_SAPI_GMM);
-	/* caller needs to provide TLLI, BVCI and NSEI */
-	return gprs_llc_tx_ui(msg, GPRS_SAPI_GMM, command, mm, encryptable);
-/* copy identifiers from old message to new message, this
- * is required so lower layers can route it correctly */
-static void gmm_copy_id(struct msgb *msg, const struct msgb *old)
-	msgb_tlli(msg) = msgb_tlli(old);
-	msgb_bvci(msg) = msgb_bvci(old);
-	msgb_nsei(msg) = msgb_nsei(old);
-	msg->dst = old->dst;
-/* Store BVCI/NSEI in MM context */
-static void msgid2mmctx(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, const struct msgb *msg)
-	mm->gb.bvci = msgb_bvci(msg);
-	mm->gb.nsei = msgb_nsei(msg);
-	/* In case a Iu connection is reconnected we need to update the ue ctx */
-	mm->iu.ue_ctx = msg->dst;
-/* Store BVCI/NSEI in MM context */
-static void mmctx2msgid(struct msgb *msg, const struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm)
-	msgb_tlli(msg) = mm->gb.tlli;
-	msgb_bvci(msg) = mm->gb.bvci;
-	msgb_nsei(msg) = mm->gb.nsei;
-	msg->dst = mm->iu.ue_ctx;
-static void mm_ctx_cleanup_free(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, const char *log_text)
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_INFO, ctx, "Cleaning MM context due to %s\n", log_text);
-	/* Mark MM state as deregistered */
-	ctx->gmm_state = GMM_DEREGISTERED;
-	mmctx_set_pmm_state(ctx, PMM_DETACHED);
-	mmctx_set_pmm_state(ctx, MM_IDLE);
-	sgsn_mm_ctx_cleanup_free(ctx);
-/* Chapter 9.4.18 */
-static int _tx_status(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t cause,
-		      struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, int sm)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	/* MMCTX might be NULL! */
-	DEBUGP(DMM, "<- GPRS MM STATUS (cause: %s)\n",
-		get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, cause));
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh) + 1);
-	if (sm) {
-		gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_SM_GPRS;
-		gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GSM_STATUS;
-	} else {
-		gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-		gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_STATUS;
-	}
-	gh->data[0] = cause;
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, mmctx, true);
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_status(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, uint8_t cause)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 GMM STATUS");
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mmctx);
-	return _tx_status(msg, cause, mmctx, 0);
-static int gsm48_tx_sm_status(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, uint8_t cause)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 SM STATUS");
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mmctx);
-	return _tx_status(msg, cause, mmctx, 1);
-static int _tx_detach_req(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t detach_type, uint8_t cause,
-			  struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	/* MMCTX might be NULL! */
-	DEBUGP(DMM, "<- GPRS MM DETACH REQ (type: %s, cause: %s)\n",
-		get_value_string(gprs_det_t_mt_strs, detach_type),
-		get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, cause));
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh) + 1);
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_REQ;
-	gh->data[0] = detach_type & 0x07;
-	msgb_tv_put(msg, GSM48_IE_GMM_CAUSE, cause);
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, mmctx, true);
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_detach_req(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx,
-				   uint8_t detach_type, uint8_t cause)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 DET REQ");
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mmctx);
-	return _tx_detach_req(msg, detach_type, cause, mmctx);
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_detach_req_oldmsg(struct msgb *oldmsg,
-					  uint8_t detach_type, uint8_t cause)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 DET OLD");
-	gmm_copy_id(msg, oldmsg);
-	return _tx_detach_req(msg, detach_type, cause, NULL);
-static struct gsm48_qos default_qos = {
-	.delay_class = 4,	/* best effort */
-	.reliab_class = GSM48_QOS_RC_LLC_UN_RLC_ACK_DATA_PROT,
-	.peak_tput = GSM48_QOS_PEAK_TPUT_32000bps,
-	.preced_class = GSM48_QOS_PC_NORMAL,
-	.traf_class = GSM48_QOS_TC_INTERACTIVE,
-	.deliv_order = GSM48_QOS_DO_UNORDERED,
-	.deliv_err_sdu = GSM48_QOS_ERRSDU_YES,
-	.max_sdu_size = GSM48_QOS_MAXSDU_1520,
-	.max_bitrate_up = GSM48_QOS_MBRATE_63k,
-	.max_bitrate_down = GSM48_QOS_MBRATE_63k,
-	.resid_ber = GSM48_QOS_RBER_5e_2,
-	.sdu_err_ratio = GSM48_QOS_SERR_1e_2,
-	.handling_prio = 3,
-	.xfer_delay = 0x10,	/* 200ms */
-	.guar_bitrate_up = GSM48_QOS_MBRATE_0k,
-	.guar_bitrate_down = GSM48_QOS_MBRATE_0k,
-	.sig_ind = 0,	/* not optimised for signalling */
-	.max_bitrate_down_ext = 0,	/* use octet 9 */
-	.guar_bitrate_down_ext = 0,	/* use octet 13 */
-/* Chapter 9.4.2: Attach accept */
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_att_ack(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 ATT ACK");
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	struct gsm48_attach_ack *aa;
-	uint8_t *mid;
-#if 0
-	uint8_t *ptsig;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_INFO, mm, "<- GPRS ATTACH ACCEPT (new P-TMSI=0x%08x)\n", mm->p_tmsi);
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_GPRS_ATTACH_ACKED]);
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mm);
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh));
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK;
-	aa = (struct gsm48_attach_ack *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*aa));
-	aa->force_stby = 0;	/* not indicated */
-	aa->att_result = 1;	/* GPRS only */
-	aa->ra_upd_timer = gprs_secs_to_tmr_floor(sgsn->cfg.timers.T3312);
-	aa->radio_prio = 4;	/* lowest */
-	gsm48_construct_ra(aa->ra_id.digits, &mm->ra);
-#if 0
-	/* Optional: P-TMSI signature */
-	msgb_v_put(msg, GSM48_IE_GMM_PTMSI_SIG);
-	ptsig = msgb_put(msg, 3);
-	ptsig[0] = mm->p_tmsi_sig >> 16;
-	ptsig[1] = mm->p_tmsi_sig >> 8;
-	ptsig[2] = mm->p_tmsi_sig & 0xff;
-	/* Optional: Negotiated Ready timer value
-	 * (fixed 44s, default value, GSM 04.08, table 11.4a) to safely limit
-	 * the inactivity time READY->STANDBY.
-	 */
-	msgb_tv_put(msg, GSM48_IE_GMM_TIMER_READY,
-		    gprs_secs_to_tmr_floor(sgsn->cfg.timers.T3314));
-	/* Optional: Allocated P-TMSI */
-	mid = msgb_put(msg, GSM48_MID_TMSI_LEN);
-	gsm48_generate_mid_from_tmsi(mid, mm->p_tmsi);
-	mid[0] = GSM48_IE_GMM_ALLOC_PTMSI;
-	/* Optional: MS-identity (combined attach) */
-	/* Optional: GMM cause (partial attach result for combined attach) */
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, mm, true);
-/* Chapter 9.4.5: Attach reject */
-static int _tx_gmm_att_rej(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t gmm_cause,
-			   const struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-		  get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gmm_cause));
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_GPRS_ATTACH_REJECTED]);
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh) + 1);
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REJ;
-	gh->data[0] = gmm_cause;
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, NULL, false);
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_att_rej_oldmsg(const struct msgb *old_msg,
-					uint8_t gmm_cause)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 ATT REJ OLD");
-	gmm_copy_id(msg, old_msg);
-	return _tx_gmm_att_rej(msg, gmm_cause, NULL);
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_att_rej(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm,
-				uint8_t gmm_cause)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 ATT REJ");
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mm);
-	return _tx_gmm_att_rej(msg, gmm_cause, mm);
-/* Chapter Detach accept */
-static int _tx_detach_ack(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t force_stby,
-			  struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	/* MMCTX might be NULL! */
-	DEBUGP(DMM, "<- GPRS MM DETACH ACC (force-standby: %d)\n", force_stby);
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_GPRS_DETACH_ACKED]);
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh) + 1);
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK;
-	gh->data[0] = force_stby;
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, mm, true);
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_det_ack(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, uint8_t force_stby)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 DET ACK");
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mm);
-	return _tx_detach_ack(msg, force_stby, mm);
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_det_ack_oldmsg(struct msgb *oldmsg, uint8_t force_stby)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 DET ACK OLD");
-	gmm_copy_id(msg, oldmsg);
-	return _tx_detach_ack(msg, force_stby, NULL);
-/* Transmit Chapter 9.4.12 Identity Request */
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_id_req(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, uint8_t id_type)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 ID REQ");
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-		  gsm48_mi_type_name(id_type));
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mm);
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh) + 1);
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_REQ;
-	/* ID type 2 + identity type and 'force to standby' IE */
-	gh->data[0] = id_type & 0xf;
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 1, mm, false);
-/* determine if the MS/UE supports R99 or later */
-static bool mmctx_is_r99(const struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm)
-	if (mm->ms_network_capa.len < 1)
-		return false;
-	if (mm->ms_network_capa.buf[0] & 0x01)
-		return true;
-	return false;
-/* 3GPP TS 24.008 Section 9.4.9: Authentication and Ciphering Request */
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_auth_ciph_req(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm,
-				      const struct osmo_auth_vector *vec,
-				      uint8_t key_seq, bool force_standby)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 AUTH CIPH REQ");
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	struct gsm48_auth_ciph_req *acreq;
-	uint8_t *m_rand, *m_cksn, rbyte;
-		  osmo_hexdump(vec->rand, sizeof(vec->rand)));
-	if (mmctx_is_r99(mm) && vec
-	    && (vec->auth_types & OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_UMTS)) {
-		LOGPC(DMM, LOGL_INFO, ", autn = %s)\n",
-		      osmo_hexdump(vec->autn, sizeof(vec->autn)));
-	} else
-		LOGPC(DMM, LOGL_INFO, ")\n");
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mm);
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh));
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_AUTH_CIPH_REQ;
-	acreq = (struct gsm48_auth_ciph_req *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*acreq));
-	acreq->ciph_alg = mm->ciph_algo & 0xf;
-	/* § */
-	acreq->imeisv_req = 0x1;
-	/* § */
-	acreq->force_stby = force_standby;
-	/* 3GPP TS 24.008 § */
-	if (RAND_bytes(&rbyte, 1) != 1) {
-		LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "RAND_bytes failed for A&C ref, falling "
-		     "back to rand()\n");
-		acreq->ac_ref_nr = rand();
-	} else
-		acreq->ac_ref_nr = rbyte;
-	mm->ac_ref_nr_used = acreq->ac_ref_nr;
-	/* Only if authentication is requested we need to set RAND + CKSN */
-	if (vec) {
-		m_rand = msgb_put(msg, sizeof(vec->rand) + 1);
-		m_rand[0] = GSM48_IE_GMM_AUTH_RAND;
-		memcpy(m_rand + 1, vec->rand, sizeof(vec->rand));
-		/* § */
-		m_cksn = msgb_put(msg, 1);
-		m_cksn[0] = (GSM48_IE_GMM_CIPH_CKSN << 4) | (key_seq & 0x07);
-		/* A Release99 or higher MS/UE must be able to handle
-		 * the optional AUTN IE.  If a classic GSM SIM is
-		 * inserted, it will simply ignore AUTN and just use
-		 * RAND */
-		if (mmctx_is_r99(mm) &&
-		    (vec->auth_types & OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_UMTS)) {
-			msgb_tlv_put(msg, GSM48_IE_GMM_AUTN,
-				     sizeof(vec->autn), vec->autn);
-		}
-	}
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 1, mm, false);
-/* Section 9.4.11: Authentication and Ciphering Reject */
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_auth_ciph_rej(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 AUTH CIPH REJ");
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mm);
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh));
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_AUTH_CIPH_REJ;
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, mm, false);
-/* check if the received authentication response matches */
-static bool check_auth_resp(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx,
-			    bool is_utran,
-			    const struct osmo_auth_vector *vec,
-			    const uint8_t *res, uint8_t res_len)
-	const uint8_t *expect_res;
-	uint8_t expect_res_len;
-	enum osmo_sub_auth_type expect_type;
-	const char *expect_str;
-	if (!vec)
-		return true; /* really!? */
-	/* On UTRAN (3G) we always expect UMTS AKA. On GERAN (2G) we sent AUTN
-	 * and expect UMTS AKA if there is R99 capability and our vector
-	 * supports UMTS AKA, otherwise we expect GSM AKA. */
-	if (is_utran
-	    || (mmctx_is_r99(ctx) && (vec->auth_types & OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_UMTS))) {
-		expect_type = OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_UMTS;
-		expect_str = "UMTS RES";
-		expect_res = vec->res;
-		expect_res_len = vec->res_len;
-	} else {
-		expect_type = OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_GSM;
-		expect_str = "GSM SRES";
-		expect_res = vec->sres;
-		expect_res_len = sizeof(vec->sres);
-	}
-	if (!(vec->auth_types & expect_type)) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, ctx, "Auth error: auth vector does"
-			  " not provide the expected auth type:"
-			  " expected %s = 0x%x, auth_types are 0x%x\n",
-			  expect_str, expect_type, vec->auth_types);
-		return false;
-	}
-	if (!res)
-		goto auth_mismatch;
-	if (res_len != expect_res_len)
-		goto auth_mismatch;
-	if (memcmp(res, expect_res, res_len) != 0)
-		goto auth_mismatch;
-	/* Authorized! */
-	return true;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, ctx, "Auth mismatch: expected %s = %s\n",
-		  expect_str, osmo_hexdump_nospc(expect_res, expect_res_len));
-	return false;
-/* Section 9.4.10: Authentication and Ciphering Response */
-static int gsm48_rx_gmm_auth_ciph_resp(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx,
-					struct msgb *msg)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	struct gsm48_auth_ciph_resp *acr = (struct gsm48_auth_ciph_resp *)gh->data;
-	struct tlv_parsed tp;
-	struct gsm_auth_tuple *at;
-	const char *res_name = "(no response)";
-	uint8_t res[16];
-	uint8_t res_len;
-	int rc;
-	if (ctx->auth_triplet.key_seq == GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL) {
-			  "Unexpected Auth & Ciph Response (ignored)\n");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (acr->ac_ref_nr != ctx->ac_ref_nr_used) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, ctx, "Reference mismatch for Auth & Ciph"
-			  " Response: %u received, %u expected\n",
-			  acr->ac_ref_nr, ctx->ac_ref_nr_used);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* Stop T3360 */
-	mmctx_timer_stop(ctx, 3360);
-	tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_gmm_att_tlvdef, acr->data,
-			(msg->data + msg->len) - acr->data, 0, 0);
-	    TLVP_LEN(&tp,GSM48_IE_GMM_AUTH_SRES) != 4) {
-		/* TODO: missing mandatory IE, return STATUS or REJ? */
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, ctx, "Missing mandantory IE\n");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	/* Start with the good old 4-byte SRES */
-	memcpy(res, TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_GMM_AUTH_SRES), 4);
-	res_len = 4;
-	res_name = "GSM SRES";
-	/* Append extended RES as part of UMTS AKA, if any */
-		unsigned int l = TLVP_LEN(&tp, GSM48_IE_GMM_AUTH_RES_EXT);
-		if (l > sizeof(res)-4)
-			l = sizeof(res)-4;
-		memcpy(res+4, TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_GMM_AUTH_RES_EXT), l);
-		res_len += l;
-		res_name = "UMTS RES";
-	}
-	at = &ctx->auth_triplet;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_DEBUG, ctx, "checking auth: received %s = %s\n",
-		  res_name, osmo_hexdump(res, res_len));
-	rc = check_auth_resp(ctx, false, &at->vec, res, res_len);
-	if (!rc) {
-		rc = gsm48_tx_gmm_auth_ciph_rej(ctx);
-		mm_ctx_cleanup_free(ctx, "GPRS AUTH AND CIPH REJECT");
-		return rc;
-	}
-	ctx->is_authenticated = 1;
-	if (ctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_UTRAN_Iu)
-		ctx->iu.new_key = 1;
-	/* FIXME: enable LLC cipheirng */
-	/* Check if we can let the mobile station enter */
-	return gsm48_gmm_authorize(ctx);
-/* Section 9.4.10: Authentication and Ciphering Failure */
-static int gsm48_rx_gmm_auth_ciph_fail(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx,
-					struct msgb *msg)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	struct tlv_parsed tp;
-	const uint8_t gmm_cause = gh->data[0];
-	const uint8_t *auts;
-	int rc;
-		  get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gmm_cause));
-	tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_gmm_att_tlvdef, gh->data+1, msg->len - 1, 0, 0);
-	/* Only if GMM cause is present and the AUTS is provided, we can
-	 * start re-sync procedure */
-	if (gmm_cause == GMM_CAUSE_SYNC_FAIL &&
-		if (TLVP_LEN(&tp, GSM48_IE_GMM_AUTH_FAIL_PAR) != 14) {
-			LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, ctx, "AUTS IE has wrong size:"
-				  " expected %d, got %u\n", 14,
-			return -EINVAL;
-		}
-		auts = TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_GMM_AUTH_FAIL_PAR);
-			  osmo_hexdump_nospc(auts, 14));
-		/* make sure we'll refresh the auth_triplet in
-		 * sgsn_auth_update() */
-		ctx->auth_triplet.key_seq = GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL;
-		/* make sure we'll retry authentication after the resync */
-		ctx->auth_state = SGSN_AUTH_UMTS_RESYNC;
-		/* Send AUTS to HLR and wait for new Auth Info Result */
-		rc = gprs_subscr_request_auth_info(ctx, auts,
-						   ctx->auth_triplet.vec.rand);
-		if (!rc)
-			return 0;
-		/* on error, fall through to send a reject */
-			  "Sending AUTS to HLR failed (rc = %d)\n", rc);
-	}
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, ctx, "Authentication failed\n");
-	rc = gsm48_tx_gmm_auth_ciph_rej(ctx);
-	mm_ctx_cleanup_free(ctx, "GPRS AUTH FAILURE");
-	return rc;
-static void extract_subscr_msisdn(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx)
-	struct gsm_mncc_number called;
-	uint8_t msisdn[sizeof(ctx->subscr->sgsn_data->msisdn) + 1];
-	/* Convert MSISDN from encoded to string.. */
-	if (!ctx->subscr)
-		return;
-	if (ctx->subscr->sgsn_data->msisdn_len < 1)
-		return;
-	/* prepare the data for the decoder */
-	memset(&called, 0, sizeof(called));
-	msisdn[0] = ctx->subscr->sgsn_data->msisdn_len;
-	memcpy(&msisdn[1], ctx->subscr->sgsn_data->msisdn,
-		ctx->subscr->sgsn_data->msisdn_len);
-	/* decode the string now */
-	gsm48_decode_called(&called, msisdn);
-	/* Prepend a '+' for international numbers */
-	if (called.plan == 1 && called.type == 1) {
-		ctx->msisdn[0] = '+';
-		osmo_strlcpy(&ctx->msisdn[1], called.number,
-			     sizeof(ctx->msisdn));
-	} else {
-		osmo_strlcpy(ctx->msisdn, called.number, sizeof(ctx->msisdn));
-	}
-static void extract_subscr_hlr(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx)
-	struct gsm_mncc_number called;
-	uint8_t hlr_number[sizeof(ctx->subscr->sgsn_data->hlr) + 1];
-	if (!ctx->subscr)
-		return;
-	if (ctx->subscr->sgsn_data->hlr_len < 1)
-		return;
-	/* prepare the data for the decoder */
-	memset(&called, 0, sizeof(called));
-	hlr_number[0] = ctx->subscr->sgsn_data->hlr_len;
-	memcpy(&hlr_number[1], ctx->subscr->sgsn_data->hlr,
-		ctx->subscr->sgsn_data->hlr_len);
-	/* decode the string now */
-	gsm48_decode_called(&called, hlr_number);
-	if (called.plan != 1) {
-				"Numbering plan(%d) not allowed\n",
-				called.plan);
-		return;
-	}
-	if (called.type != 1) {
-				"Numbering type(%d) not allowed\n",
-				called.type);
-		return;
-	}
-	osmo_strlcpy(ctx->hlr, called.number, sizeof(ctx->hlr));
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-/* Chapter 9.4.21: Service accept */
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_service_ack(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 SERVICE ACK");
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_INFO, mm, "<- GPRS SERVICE ACCEPT (P-TMSI=0x%08x)\n", mm->p_tmsi);
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mm);
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh));
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_SERVICE_ACK;
-	/* Optional: PDP context status */
-	/* Optional: MBMS context status */
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, mm, false);
-/* Chapter 9.4.22: Service reject */
-static int _tx_gmm_service_rej(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t gmm_cause,
-			   const struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-		  get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gmm_cause));
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh) + 1);
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_SERVICE_REJ;
-	gh->data[0] = gmm_cause;
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, NULL, true);
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_service_rej_oldmsg(const struct msgb *old_msg,
-					uint8_t gmm_cause)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 SERVICE REJ OLD");
-	gmm_copy_id(msg, old_msg);
-	return _tx_gmm_service_rej(msg, gmm_cause, NULL);
-#if 0
--- currently unused --
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_service_rej(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm,
-				uint8_t gmm_cause)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 SERVICE REJ");
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mm);
-	return _tx_gmm_service_rej(msg, gmm_cause, mm);
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_ra_upd_ack(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm);
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-void activate_pdp_rabs(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx)
-	/* Send RAB activation requests for all PDP contexts */
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-	llist_for_each_entry(pdp, &ctx->pdp_list, list) {
-		iu_rab_act_ps(pdp->nsapi, pdp, 1);
-	}
-/* Check if we can already authorize a subscriber */
-static int gsm48_gmm_authorize(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx)
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-	int rc;
-#ifndef PTMSI_ALLOC
-	struct sgsn_signal_data sig_data;
-	/* Request IMSI and IMEI from the MS if they are unknown */
-	if (!strlen(ctx->imei)) {
-		ctx->t3370_id_type = GSM_MI_TYPE_IMEI;
-		mmctx_timer_start(ctx, 3370, sgsn->cfg.timers.T3370);
-		return gsm48_tx_gmm_id_req(ctx, GSM_MI_TYPE_IMEI);
-	}
-	if (!strlen(ctx->imsi)) {
-		ctx->t3370_id_type = GSM_MI_TYPE_IMSI;
-		mmctx_timer_start(ctx, 3370, sgsn->cfg.timers.T3370);
-		return gsm48_tx_gmm_id_req(ctx, GSM_MI_TYPE_IMSI);
-	}
-	/* All information required for authentication is available */
-	ctx->t3370_id_type = GSM_MI_TYPE_NONE;
-	if (ctx->auth_state == SGSN_AUTH_UNKNOWN) {
-		/* Request authorization, this leads to a call to
-		 * sgsn_auth_update which in turn calls
-		 * gsm0408_gprs_access_granted or gsm0408_gprs_access_denied */
-		sgsn_auth_request(ctx);
-		/* Note that gsm48_gmm_authorize can be called recursively via
-		 * sgsn_auth_request iff ctx->auth_info changes to AUTH_ACCEPTED
-		 */
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (ctx->auth_state == SGSN_AUTH_AUTHENTICATE && !ctx->is_authenticated) {
-		struct gsm_auth_tuple *at = &ctx->auth_triplet;
-		mmctx_timer_start(ctx, 3360, sgsn->cfg.timers.T3360);
-		return gsm48_tx_gmm_auth_ciph_req(ctx, &at->vec, at->key_seq,
-						  false);
-	}
-	if (ctx->auth_state == SGSN_AUTH_AUTHENTICATE && ctx->is_authenticated &&
-	    ctx->auth_triplet.key_seq != GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL) {
-		/* Check again for authorization */
-		sgsn_auth_request(ctx);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (ctx->auth_state != SGSN_AUTH_ACCEPTED) {
-			  "authorization is denied, aborting procedure\n");
-		return -EACCES;
-	}
-	/* The MS is authorized */
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-	if (ctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_UTRAN_Iu && !ctx->iu.ue_ctx->integrity_active) {
-		rc = iu_tx_sec_mode_cmd(ctx->iu.ue_ctx, &ctx->auth_triplet, 0, ctx->iu.new_key);
-		ctx->iu.new_key = 0;
-		return rc;
-	}
-	switch (ctx->pending_req) {
-	case 0:
-			  "no pending request, authorization completed\n");
-		break;
-		ctx->pending_req = 0;
-		extract_subscr_msisdn(ctx);
-		extract_subscr_hlr(ctx);
-		/* Start T3350 and re-transmit up to 5 times until ATTACH COMPLETE */
-		mmctx_timer_start(ctx, 3350, sgsn->cfg.timers.T3350);
-		ctx->t3350_mode = GMM_T3350_MODE_ATT;
-		memset(&sig_data, 0, sizeof(sig_data));
- = mmctx;
-		osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_SGSN, S_SGSN_ATTACH, &sig_data);
-		ctx->gmm_state = GMM_REGISTERED_NORMAL;
-		return gsm48_tx_gmm_att_ack(ctx);
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-		ctx->pending_req = 0;
-		mmctx_set_pmm_state(ctx, PMM_CONNECTED);
-		rc = gsm48_tx_gmm_service_ack(ctx);
-		if (ctx->iu.service.type != GPRS_SERVICE_T_SIGNALLING)
-			activate_pdp_rabs(ctx);
-		return rc;
-		ctx->pending_req = 0;
-		/* Send RA UPDATE ACCEPT */
-		return gsm48_tx_gmm_ra_upd_ack(ctx);
-	default:
-			  "only Attach Request is supported yet, "
-			  "got request type %u\n", ctx->pending_req);
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-void gsm0408_gprs_authenticate(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx)
-	ctx->is_authenticated = 0;
-	gsm48_gmm_authorize(ctx);
-void gsm0408_gprs_access_granted(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx)
-	switch (ctx->gmm_state) {
-		     "Authorized, continuing procedure, IMSI=%s\n",
-		     ctx->imsi);
-		/* Continue with the authorization */
-		gsm48_gmm_authorize(ctx);
-		break;
-	default:
-		     "Authorized, ignored, IMSI=%s\n",
-		     ctx->imsi);
-	}
-void gsm0408_gprs_access_denied(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, int gmm_cause)
-	if (gmm_cause == SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE)
-	switch (ctx->gmm_state) {
-			  "Not authorized, rejecting ATTACH REQUEST "
-			  "with cause '%s' (%d)\n",
-			  get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gmm_cause),
-			  gmm_cause);
-		gsm48_tx_gmm_att_rej(ctx, gmm_cause);
-		mm_ctx_cleanup_free(ctx, "GPRS ATTACH REJECT");
-		break;
-			  "Authorization lost, detaching "
-			  "with cause '%s' (%d)\n",
-			  get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gmm_cause),
-			  gmm_cause);
-		gsm48_tx_gmm_detach_req(
-			ctx, GPRS_DET_T_MT_REATT_NOTREQ, gmm_cause);
-		mm_ctx_cleanup_free(ctx, "auth lost");
-		break;
-	default:
-			  "Authorization lost, cause is '%s' (%d)\n",
-			  get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gmm_cause),
-			  gmm_cause);
-		mm_ctx_cleanup_free(ctx, "auth lost");
-	}
-void gsm0408_gprs_access_cancelled(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, int gmm_cause)
-	if (gmm_cause != SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE) {
-			  "Cancelled with cause '%s' (%d), deleting context\n",
-			  get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gmm_cause),
-			  gmm_cause);
-		gsm0408_gprs_access_denied(ctx, gmm_cause);
-		return;
-	}
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_INFO, ctx, "Cancelled, deleting context silently\n");
-	mm_ctx_cleanup_free(ctx, "access cancelled");
-/* Parse Chapter 9.4.13 Identity Response */
-static int gsm48_rx_gmm_id_resp(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, struct msgb *msg)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	uint8_t mi_type = gh->data[1] & GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK;
-	char mi_string[GSM48_MI_SIZE];
-	gsm48_mi_to_string(mi_string, sizeof(mi_string), &gh->data[1], gh->data[0]);
-	if (!ctx) {
-		DEBUGP(DMM, "from unknown TLLI 0x%08x?!? This should not happen\n", msgb_tlli(msg));
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-		gsm48_mi_type_name(mi_type), mi_string);
-	if (ctx->t3370_id_type == GSM_MI_TYPE_NONE) {
-			  "Got unexpected IDENTITY RESPONSE: MI(%s)=%s, "
-			  "ignoring message\n",
-			  gsm48_mi_type_name(mi_type), mi_string);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	if (mi_type == ctx->t3370_id_type)
-		mmctx_timer_stop(ctx, 3370);
-	switch (mi_type) {
-		/* we already have a mm context with current TLLI, but no
-		 * P-TMSI / IMSI yet.  What we now need to do is to fill
-		 * this initial context with data from the HLR */
-		if (strlen(ctx->imsi) == 0) {
-			/* Check if we already have a MM context for this IMSI */
-			struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ictx;
-			ictx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_imsi(mi_string);
-			if (ictx) {
-				/* Handle it like in gsm48_rx_gmm_det_req,
-				 * except that no messages are sent to the BSS */
-				LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, ctx, "Deleting old MM Context for same IMSI "
-				       "p_tmsi_old=0x%08x\n",
-					ictx->p_tmsi);
-				mm_ctx_cleanup_free(ictx, "GPRS IMSI re-use");
-			}
-		}
-		osmo_strlcpy(ctx->imsi, mi_string, sizeof(ctx->imsi));
-		break;
-		osmo_strlcpy(ctx->imei, mi_string, sizeof(ctx->imei));
-		break;
-		break;
-	}
-	/* Check if we can let the mobile station enter */
-	return gsm48_gmm_authorize(ctx);
-/* Section 9.4.1 Attach request */
-static int gsm48_rx_gmm_att_req(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, struct msgb *msg,
-				struct gprs_llc_llme *llme)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	uint8_t *cur = gh->data, *msnc, *mi, *ms_ra_acc_cap;
-	uint8_t msnc_len, att_type, mi_len, mi_type, ms_ra_acc_cap_len;
-	uint16_t drx_par;
-	uint32_t tmsi;
-	char mi_string[GSM48_MI_SIZE];
-	struct gprs_ra_id ra_id;
-	uint16_t cid = 0;
-	enum gsm48_gmm_cause reject_cause;
-	int rc;
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_GPRS_ATTACH_REQUEST]);
-	/* As per TS 04.08 Chapter, the attach request arrives either
-	 * with a foreign TLLI (P-TMSI that was allocated to the MS before),
-	 * or with random TLLI. */
-	/* In Iu mode, msg->dst contains the ue_conn_ctx pointer, in Gb mode
-	 * dst is empty. */
-	/* FIXME: have a more explicit indicator for Iu messages */
-	if (!msg->dst) {
-		/* Gb mode */
-		cid = bssgp_parse_cell_id(&ra_id, msgb_bcid(msg));
-	} else
-		ra_id = ((struct ue_conn_ctx*)msg->dst)->ra_id;
-	/* MS network capability */
-	msnc_len = *cur++;
-	msnc = cur;
-	if (msnc_len > sizeof(ctx->ms_network_capa.buf))
-		goto err_inval;
-	cur += msnc_len;
-	/* TODO: In iu mode - handle follow-on request */
-	/* aTTACH Type */
-	att_type = *cur++ & 0x07;
-	/* DRX parameter */
-	drx_par = *cur++ << 8;
-	drx_par |= *cur++;
-	/* Mobile Identity (P-TMSI or IMSI) */
-	mi_len = *cur++;
-	mi = cur;
-	if (mi_len > 8)
-		goto err_inval;
-	mi_type = *mi & GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK;
-	cur += mi_len;
-	gsm48_mi_to_string(mi_string, sizeof(mi_string), mi, mi_len);
-	DEBUGPC(DMM, "MI(%s) type=\"%s\" ", mi_string,
-		get_value_string(gprs_att_t_strs, att_type));
-	/* Old routing area identification Skip it */
-	cur += 6;
-	/* MS Radio Access Capability */
-	ms_ra_acc_cap_len = *cur++;
-	ms_ra_acc_cap = cur;
-	if (ms_ra_acc_cap_len > sizeof(ctx->ms_radio_access_capa.buf))
-		goto err_inval;
-	cur += ms_ra_acc_cap_len;
-	/* Optional: Old P-TMSI Signature, Requested READY timer, TMSI Status */
-	switch (mi_type) {
-		/* Try to find MM context based on IMSI */
-		if (!ctx)
-			ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_imsi(mi_string);
-		if (!ctx) {
-#if 0
-			return gsm48_tx_gmm_att_rej(msg, GMM_CAUSE_IMSI_UNKNOWN);
-			if (msg->dst)
-				ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_alloc_iu(msg->dst);
-			else
-				ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_alloc_gb(0, &ra_id);
-			if (!ctx) {
-				reject_cause = GMM_CAUSE_NET_FAIL;
-				goto rejected;
-			}
-			osmo_strlcpy(ctx->imsi, mi_string, sizeof(ctx->imsi));
-		}
-		if (ctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb) {
-			ctx->gb.tlli = msgb_tlli(msg);
-			ctx->gb.llme = llme;
-		}
-		msgid2mmctx(ctx, msg);
-		break;
-		memcpy(&tmsi, mi+1, 4);
-		tmsi = ntohl(tmsi);
-		/* Try to find MM context based on P-TMSI */
-		if (!ctx)
-			ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_ptmsi(tmsi);
-		if (!ctx) {
-			/* Allocate a context as most of our code expects one.
-			 * Context will not have an IMSI ultil ID RESP is received */
-			if (msg->dst)
-				ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_alloc_iu(msg->dst);
-			else
-				ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_alloc_gb(msgb_tlli(msg), &ra_id);
-			ctx->p_tmsi = tmsi;
-		}
-		if (ctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb) {
-			ctx->gb.tlli = msgb_tlli(msg);
-			ctx->gb.llme = llme;
-		}
-		msgid2mmctx(ctx, msg);
-		break;
-	default:
-			"MI type %s\n", gsm48_mi_type_name(mi_type));
-		reject_cause = GMM_CAUSE_MS_ID_NOT_DERIVED;
-		goto rejected;
-	}
-	/* Update MM Context with currient RA and Cell ID */
-	ctx->ra = ra_id;
-	if (ctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb)
-		ctx->gb.cell_id = cid;
-	else if (ctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_UTRAN_Iu) {
-		/* DEVELOPMENT HACK: Our current HLR does not support 3G
-		 * authentication tokens. A new HLR/VLR implementation is being
-		 * developed. Until it is ready and actual milenage
-		 * authentication is properly supported, we are hardcoding a
-		 * fixed Ki and use 2G auth. */
-		unsigned char tmp_rand[16];
-		/* Ki 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f */
-		struct osmo_sub_auth_data auth = {
-			.type	= OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_GSM,
-			.algo	= OSMO_AUTH_ALG_COMP128v1,
- = {
-				0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06,
-				0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d,
-				0x0e, 0x0f
-			},
-		};
-		/* XXX: Hack to make 3G auth work with special SIM card */
-		ctx->auth_state = SGSN_AUTH_AUTHENTICATE;
-		RAND_bytes(tmp_rand, 16);
-		memset(&ctx->auth_triplet.vec, 0, sizeof(ctx->auth_triplet.vec));
-		osmo_auth_gen_vec(&ctx->auth_triplet.vec, &auth, tmp_rand);
-		ctx->auth_triplet.key_seq = 0;
-	}
-	/* Update MM Context with other data */
-	ctx->drx_parms = drx_par;
-	ctx->ms_radio_access_capa.len = ms_ra_acc_cap_len;
-	memcpy(ctx->ms_radio_access_capa.buf, ms_ra_acc_cap,
-		ctx->ms_radio_access_capa.len);
-	ctx->ms_network_capa.len = msnc_len;
-	memcpy(ctx->ms_network_capa.buf, msnc, msnc_len);
-	if (!gprs_ms_net_cap_gea_supported(ctx->ms_network_capa.buf, msnc_len,
-					   ctx->ciph_algo)) {
-		reject_cause = GMM_CAUSE_PROTO_ERR_UNSPEC;
-			  "type %s because MS do not support required %s "
-			  "encryption\n", gsm48_mi_type_name(mi_type),
-			  get_value_string(gprs_cipher_names,ctx->ciph_algo));
-		goto rejected;
-	}
-	/* Allocate a new P-TMSI (+ P-TMSI signature) and update TLLI */
-	/* Don't change the P-TMSI if a P-TMSI re-assignment is under way */
-	if (ctx->gmm_state != GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT) {
-		ctx->p_tmsi_old = ctx->p_tmsi;
-		ctx->p_tmsi = sgsn_alloc_ptmsi();
-	}
-	ctx->gmm_state = GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT;
-	if (ctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb) {
-		/* Even if there is no P-TMSI allocated, the MS will
-		 * switch from foreign TLLI to local TLLI */
-		ctx->gb.tlli_new = gprs_tmsi2tlli(ctx->p_tmsi, TLLI_LOCAL);
-		/* Inform LLC layer about new TLLI but keep old active */
-		if (ctx->is_authenticated)
-			gprs_llme_copy_key(ctx, ctx->gb.llme);
-		gprs_llgmm_assign(ctx->gb.llme, ctx->gb.tlli, ctx->gb.tlli_new);
-	}
-	ctx->pending_req = GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ;
-	return gsm48_gmm_authorize(ctx);
-	reject_cause = GMM_CAUSE_SEM_INCORR_MSG;
-	/* Send ATTACH REJECT */
-		  "Rejecting Attach Request with cause '%s' (%d)\n",
-		  get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, reject_cause), reject_cause);
-	rc = gsm48_tx_gmm_att_rej_oldmsg(msg, reject_cause);
-	if (ctx)
-		mm_ctx_cleanup_free(ctx, "GPRS ATTACH REJ");
-	else
-		gprs_llgmm_unassign(llme);
-	return rc;
-/* Section / MO Detach request */
-static int gsm48_rx_gmm_det_req(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, struct msgb *msg)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	uint8_t detach_type, power_off;
-	int rc = 0;
-	detach_type = gh->data[0] & 0x7;
-	power_off = gh->data[0] & 0x8;
-	/* FIXME: In 24.008 there is an optional P-TMSI and P-TMSI signature IE */
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_GPRS_DETACH_REQUEST]);
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_INFO, ctx, "-> GMM DETACH REQUEST TLLI=0x%08x type=%s %s\n",
-		msgb_tlli(msg), get_value_string(gprs_det_t_mo_strs, detach_type),
-		power_off ? "Power-off" : "");
-	/* Only send the Detach Accept (MO) if power off isn't indicated,
-	 * see 04.08, for details */
-	if (!power_off) {
-		/* force_stby = 0 */
-		if (ctx)
-			rc = gsm48_tx_gmm_det_ack(ctx, 0);
-		else
-			rc = gsm48_tx_gmm_det_ack_oldmsg(msg, 0);
-	}
-	if (ctx) {
-		struct sgsn_signal_data sig_data;
-		memset(&sig_data, 0, sizeof(sig_data));
- = ctx;
-		osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_SGSN, S_SGSN_DETACH, &sig_data);
-		mm_ctx_cleanup_free(ctx, "GPRS DETACH REQUEST");
-	}
-	return rc;
-/* Chapter 9.4.15: Routing area update accept */
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_ra_upd_ack(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 UPD ACK");
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	struct gsm48_ra_upd_ack *rua;
-	uint8_t *mid;
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_GPRS_ROUTING_AREA_ACKED]);
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mm);
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh));
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_ACK;
-	rua = (struct gsm48_ra_upd_ack *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*rua));
-	rua->force_stby = 0;	/* not indicated */
-	rua->upd_result = 0;	/* RA updated */
-	rua->ra_upd_timer = gprs_secs_to_tmr_floor(sgsn->cfg.timers.T3312);
-	gsm48_construct_ra(rua->ra_id.digits, &mm->ra);
-#if 0
-	/* Optional: P-TMSI signature */
-	msgb_v_put(msg, GSM48_IE_GMM_PTMSI_SIG);
-	ptsig = msgb_put(msg, 3);
-	ptsig[0] = mm->p_tmsi_sig >> 16;
-	ptsig[1] = mm->p_tmsi_sig >> 8;
-	ptsig[2] = mm->p_tmsi_sig & 0xff;
-	/* Optional: Allocated P-TMSI */
-	mid = msgb_put(msg, GSM48_MID_TMSI_LEN);
-	gsm48_generate_mid_from_tmsi(mid, mm->p_tmsi);
-	mid[0] = GSM48_IE_GMM_ALLOC_PTMSI;
-	/* Optional: Negotiated READY timer value */
-	msgb_tv_put(msg, GSM48_IE_GMM_TIMER_READY,
-		    gprs_secs_to_tmr_floor(sgsn->cfg.timers.T3314));
-	/* Option: MS ID, ... */
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, mm, true);
-/* Chapter 9.4.17: Routing area update reject */
-static int gsm48_tx_gmm_ra_upd_rej(struct msgb *old_msg, uint8_t cause)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 RA UPD REJ");
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_GPRS_ROUTING_AREA_REJECT]);
-	gmm_copy_id(msg, old_msg);
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh) + 2);
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM_GPRS;
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_REJ;
-	gh->data[0] = cause;
-	gh->data[1] = 0; /* ? */
-	/* Option: P-TMSI signature, allocated P-TMSI, MS ID, ... */
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, NULL, false);
-static void process_ms_ctx_status(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx,
-				  const uint8_t *pdp_status)
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp, *pdp2;
-	/* 24.008 If the PDP context status information element is
-	 * included in ROUTING AREA UPDATE REQUEST message, then the network
-	 * shall deactivate all those PDP contexts locally (without peer to
-	 * peer signalling between the MS and the network), which are not in SM
-	 * state PDP-INACTIVE on network side but are indicated by the MS as
-	 * being in state PDP-INACTIVE. */
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(pdp, pdp2, &mmctx->pdp_list, list) {
-		if (pdp->nsapi < 8) {
-			if (!(pdp_status[0] & (1 << pdp->nsapi))) {
-				LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, mmctx, "Dropping PDP context for NSAPI=%u "
-					"due to PDP CTX STATUS IE= 0x%02x%02x\n",
-					pdp->nsapi, pdp_status[1], pdp_status[0]);
-				sgsn_delete_pdp_ctx(pdp);
-			}
-		} else {
-			if (!(pdp_status[1] & (1 << (pdp->nsapi - 8)))) {
-				LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, mmctx, "Dropping PDP context for NSAPI=%u "
-					"due to PDP CTX STATUS IE= 0x%02x%02x\n",
-					pdp->nsapi, pdp_status[1], pdp_status[0]);
-				sgsn_delete_pdp_ctx(pdp);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-/* Chapter 9.4.14: Routing area update request */
-static int gsm48_rx_gmm_ra_upd_req(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, struct msgb *msg,
-				   struct gprs_llc_llme *llme)
-#ifndef PTMSI_ALLOC
-	struct sgsn_signal_data sig_data;
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	uint8_t *cur = gh->data;
-	uint8_t ms_ra_acc_cap_len;
-	struct gprs_ra_id old_ra_id;
-	struct tlv_parsed tp;
-	uint8_t upd_type;
-	enum gsm48_gmm_cause reject_cause = GMM_CAUSE_PROTO_ERR_UNSPEC;
-	int rc;
-	/* TODO: In iu mode - handle follow-on request */
-	/* Update Type */
-	upd_type = *cur++ & 0x07;
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_GPRS_ROUTING_AREA_REQUEST]);
-		get_value_string(gprs_upd_t_strs, upd_type));
-	/* Old routing area identification */
-	gsm48_parse_ra(&old_ra_id, cur);
-	cur += 6;
-	/* MS Radio Access Capability */
-	ms_ra_acc_cap_len = *cur++;
-	if (ms_ra_acc_cap_len > 52) {
-		reject_cause = GMM_CAUSE_PROTO_ERR_UNSPEC;
-		goto rejected;
-	}
-	cur += ms_ra_acc_cap_len;
-	/* Optional: Old P-TMSI Signature, Requested READY timer, TMSI Status,
-	 * DRX parameter, MS network capability */
-	tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_gmm_att_tlvdef, cur,
-			(msg->data + msg->len) - cur, 0, 0);
-	switch (upd_type) {
-	case GPRS_UPD_T_RA_LA:
-		LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Update type %i unsupported in Mode III, is your SI13 corrupt?\n", upd_type);
-		reject_cause = GMM_CAUSE_PROTO_ERR_UNSPEC;
-		goto rejected;
-	case GPRS_UPD_T_RA:
-		break;
-	}
-	if (!mmctx) {
-		/* BSSGP doesn't give us an mmctx */
-		/* TODO: Check if there is an MM CTX with old_ra_id and
-		 * the P-TMSI (if given, reguired for UMTS) or as last resort
-		 * if the TLLI matches foreign_tlli (P-TMSI). Note that this
-		 * is an optimization to avoid the RA reject (impl detached)
-		 * below, which will cause a new attach cycle. */
-		/* Look-up the MM context based on old RA-ID and TLLI */
-		/* In Iu mode, msg->dst contains the ue_conn_ctx pointer, in Gb
-		 * mode dst is empty. */
-		/* FIXME: have a more explicit indicator for Iu messages */
-		if (!msg->dst) {
-			mmctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli_and_ptmsi(msgb_tlli(msg), &old_ra_id);
-		} else if (TLVP_PRESENT(&tp, GSM48_IE_GMM_ALLOC_PTMSI)) {
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-			/* In Iu mode search only for ptmsi */
-			char mi_string[GSM48_MI_SIZE];
-			uint8_t mi_len = TLVP_LEN(&tp, GSM48_IE_GMM_ALLOC_PTMSI);
-			uint8_t *mi = TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_GMM_ALLOC_PTMSI);
-			uint8_t mi_type = *mi & GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK;
-			uint32_t tmsi;
-			gsm48_mi_to_string(mi_string, sizeof(mi_string), mi, mi_len);
-			if (mi_type == GSM_MI_TYPE_TMSI) {
-				memcpy(&tmsi, mi+1, 4);
-				tmsi = ntohl(tmsi);
-				mmctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_ptmsi(tmsi);
-			}
-			goto rejected;
-		}
-		if (mmctx) {
-				"Looked up by matching TLLI and P_TMSI. "
-				"BSSGP TLLI: %08x, P-TMSI: %08x (%08x), "
-				"TLLI: %08x (%08x), RA: %d-%d-%d-%d\n",
-				msgb_tlli(msg),
-				mmctx->p_tmsi, mmctx->p_tmsi_old,
-				mmctx->gb.tlli, mmctx->gb.tlli_new,
-				mmctx->ra.mcc, mmctx->ra.mnc,
-				mmctx->ra.lac, mmctx->ra.rac);
-			mmctx->gmm_state = GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT;
-		}
-	} else if (!gprs_ra_id_equals(&mmctx->ra, &old_ra_id) ||
-		mmctx->gmm_state == GMM_DEREGISTERED)
-	{
-		/* We cannot use the mmctx */
-			"The MM context cannot be used, RA: %d-%d-%d-%d\n",
-			mmctx->ra.mcc, mmctx->ra.mnc,
-			mmctx->ra.lac, mmctx->ra.rac);
-		mmctx = NULL;
-	}
-	if (!mmctx) {
-		if (llme) {
-			/* send a XID reset to re-set all LLC sequence numbers
-			 * in the MS */
-			gprs_llgmm_reset(llme);
-		}
-		/* The MS has to perform GPRS attach */
-		/* Device is still IMSI attached for CS but initiate GPRS ATTACH,
-		 * see GSM 04.08, and G.6 */
-		reject_cause = GMM_CAUSE_IMPL_DETACHED;
-		goto rejected;
-	}
-	/* Store new BVCI/NSEI in MM context (FIXME: delay until we ack?) */
-	msgid2mmctx(mmctx, msg);
-	/* Bump the statistics of received signalling msgs for this MM context */
-	rate_ctr_inc(&mmctx->ctrg->ctr[GMM_CTR_PKTS_SIG_IN]);
-	/* Update the MM context with the new RA-ID */
-	if (mmctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb) {
-		bssgp_parse_cell_id(&mmctx->ra, msgb_bcid(msg));
-		/* Update the MM context with the new (i.e. foreign) TLLI */
-		mmctx->gb.tlli = msgb_tlli(msg);
-	}
-	/* FIXME: Update the MM context with the MS radio acc capabilities */
-	/* FIXME: Update the MM context with the MS network capabilities */
-	rate_ctr_inc(&mmctx->ctrg->ctr[GMM_CTR_RA_UPDATE]);
-	/* Don't change the P-TMSI if a P-TMSI re-assignment is under way */
-	if (mmctx->gmm_state != GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT) {
-		mmctx->p_tmsi_old = mmctx->p_tmsi;
-		mmctx->p_tmsi = sgsn_alloc_ptmsi();
-	}
-	/* Start T3350 and re-transmit up to 5 times until ATTACH COMPLETE */
-	mmctx->t3350_mode = GMM_T3350_MODE_RAU;
-	mmctx_timer_start(mmctx, 3350, sgsn->cfg.timers.T3350);
-	mmctx->gmm_state = GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT;
-	/* Make sure we are NORMAL (i.e. not SUSPENDED anymore) */
-	mmctx->gmm_state = GMM_REGISTERED_NORMAL;
-	memset(&sig_data, 0, sizeof(sig_data));
- = mmctx;
-	osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_SGSN, S_SGSN_UPDATE, &sig_data);
-	if (mmctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb) {
-		/* Even if there is no P-TMSI allocated, the MS will switch from
-	 	* foreign TLLI to local TLLI */
-		mmctx->gb.tlli_new = gprs_tmsi2tlli(mmctx->p_tmsi, TLLI_LOCAL);
-		/* Inform LLC layer about new TLLI but keep old active */
-		gprs_llgmm_assign(mmctx->gb.llme, mmctx->gb.tlli,
-				  mmctx->gb.tlli_new);
-	}
-	/* Look at PDP Context Status IE and see if MS's view of
-	 * activated/deactivated NSAPIs agrees with our view */
-		const uint8_t *pdp_status = TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_GMM_PDP_CTX_STATUS);
-		process_ms_ctx_status(mmctx, pdp_status);
-	}
-	/* Send RA UPDATE ACCEPT. In Iu, the RA upd request can be called from
-	 * a new Iu connection, so we might need to re-authenticate the
-	 * connection as well as turn on integrity protection. */
-	mmctx->pending_req = GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_REQ;
-	return gsm48_gmm_authorize(mmctx);
-		  "Rejecting RA Update Request with cause '%s' (%d)\n",
-		  get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, reject_cause), reject_cause);
-	rc = gsm48_tx_gmm_ra_upd_rej(msg, reject_cause);
-	if (mmctx)
-		mm_ctx_cleanup_free(mmctx, "GPRS RA UPDATE REJ");
-	else {
-		if (llme)
-			gprs_llgmm_unassign(llme);
-	}
-	return rc;
-/* 3GPP TS 24.008 Section 9.4.20 Service request.
- * In Iu, a UE in PMM-IDLE mode can use GSM48_MT_GMM_SERVICE_REQ to switch back
- * to PMM-CONNECTED mode. */
-static int gsm48_rx_gmm_service_req(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, struct msgb *msg)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	uint8_t *cur = gh->data, *mi;
-	uint8_t ciph_seq_nr, service_type, mi_len, mi_type;
-	uint32_t tmsi;
-	struct tlv_parsed tp;
-	char mi_string[GSM48_MI_SIZE];
-	enum gsm48_gmm_cause reject_cause;
-	int rc;
-	/* This message is only valid in Iu mode */
-	if (!msg->dst) {
-		LOGPC(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Invalid if not in Iu mode\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	/* Skip Ciphering key sequence number */
-	ciph_seq_nr = *cur & 0x07;
-	/* Service type */
-	service_type = (*cur++ >> 4) & 0x07;
-	/* Mobile Identity (P-TMSI or IMSI) */
-	mi_len = *cur++;
-	mi = cur;
-	if (mi_len > 8)
-		goto err_inval;
-	mi_type = *mi & GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK;
-	cur += mi_len;
-	gsm48_mi_to_string(mi_string, sizeof(mi_string), mi, mi_len);
-	DEBUGPC(DMM, "MI(%s) type=\"%s\" ", mi_string,
-		get_value_string(gprs_service_t_strs, service_type));
-	/* Optional: PDP context status, MBMS context status, Uplink data status, Device properties */
-	tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_gmm_att_tlvdef, cur, (msg->data + msg->len) - cur, 0, 0);
-	switch (mi_type) {
-		/* Try to find MM context based on IMSI */
-		if (!ctx)
-			ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_imsi(mi_string);
-		if (!ctx) {
-			/* FIXME: We need to have a context for service request? */
-			reject_cause = GMM_CAUSE_NET_FAIL;
-			goto rejected;
-		}
-		msgid2mmctx(ctx, msg);
-		break;
-		memcpy(&tmsi, mi+1, 4);
-		tmsi = ntohl(tmsi);
-		/* Try to find MM context based on P-TMSI */
-		if (!ctx)
-			ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_ptmsi(tmsi);
-		if (!ctx) {
-			/* FIXME: We need to have a context for service request? */
-			reject_cause = GMM_CAUSE_NET_FAIL;
-			goto rejected;
-		}
-		msgid2mmctx(ctx, msg);
-		break;
-	default:
-			"MI type %s\n", gsm48_mi_type_name(mi_type));
-		reject_cause = GMM_CAUSE_MS_ID_NOT_DERIVED;
-		goto rejected;
-	}
-	ctx->gmm_state = GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT;
-	ctx->iu.service.type = service_type;
-	/* TODO: Handle those only in case of accept? */
-	/* Look at PDP Context Status IE and see if MS's view of
-	 * activated/deactivated NSAPIs agrees with our view */
-		const uint8_t *pdp_status = TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_GMM_PDP_CTX_STATUS);
-		process_ms_ctx_status(ctx, pdp_status);
-	}
-	ctx->pending_req = GSM48_MT_GMM_SERVICE_REQ;
-	return gsm48_gmm_authorize(ctx);
-	reject_cause = GMM_CAUSE_SEM_INCORR_MSG;
-		  "Rejecting Service Request with cause '%s' (%d)\n",
-		  get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, reject_cause), reject_cause);
-	rc = gsm48_tx_gmm_service_rej_oldmsg(msg, reject_cause);
-	return rc;
-static int gsm48_rx_gmm_status(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, struct msgb *msg)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_INFO, mmctx, "-> GPRS MM STATUS (cause: %s)\n",
-		get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gh->data[0]));
-	return 0;
-/* GPRS Mobility Management */
-static int gsm0408_rcv_gmm(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, struct msgb *msg,
-			   struct gprs_llc_llme *llme, bool drop_cipherable)
-	struct sgsn_signal_data sig_data;
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	int rc;
-	/* MMCTX can be NULL when called */
-	if (drop_cipherable && gsm48_hdr_gmm_cipherable(gh)) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, mmctx, "Dropping cleartext GMM %s which "
-			  "is expected to be encrypted for TLLI 0x%08x\n",
-			  get_value_string(gprs_msgt_gmm_names, gh->msg_type),
-			  llme->tlli);
-		return -EBADMSG;
-	}
-	if (llme && !mmctx &&
-	    gh->msg_type != GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ &&
-	    gh->msg_type != GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_REQ) {
-		LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Cannot handle GMM for unknown MM CTX\n");
-		/* 4.7.10 */
-		if (gh->msg_type == GSM48_MT_GMM_STATUS) {
-			/* TLLI unassignment */
-			gprs_llgmm_unassign(llme);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		/* Don't reply or establish a LLME on DETACH_ACK */
-		if (gh->msg_type == GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK)
-			return gprs_llgmm_unassign(llme);
-		gprs_llgmm_reset(llme);
-		/* Don't force it into re-attachment */
-		if (gh->msg_type == GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_REQ) {
-			/* Handle Detach Request */
-			rc = gsm48_rx_gmm_det_req(NULL, msg);
-			/* TLLI unassignment */
-			gprs_llgmm_unassign(llme);
-			return rc;
-		}
-		/* Force the MS to re-attach */
-		rc = gsm0408_gprs_force_reattach_oldmsg(msg, llme);
-		/* TLLI unassignment */
-		gprs_llgmm_unassign(llme);
-		return rc;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * For a few messages, mmctx may be NULL. For most, we want to ensure a
-	 * non-NULL mmctx. At the same time, we want to keep the message
-	 * validity check intact, so that all message types appear in the
-	 * switch statement and the default case thus means "unknown message".
-	 * If we split the switch in two parts to check non-NULL halfway, the
-	 * unknown-message check breaks, or we'd need to duplicate the switch
-	 * cases in both parts. Just keep one large switch and add some gotos.
-	 */
-	switch (gh->msg_type) {
-		rc = gsm48_rx_gmm_ra_upd_req(mmctx, msg, llme);
-		break;
-		rc = gsm48_rx_gmm_att_req(mmctx, msg, llme);
-		break;
-		rc = gsm48_rx_gmm_service_req(mmctx, msg);
-		break;
-	/* For all the following types mmctx can not be NULL */
-	case GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_RESP:
-		if (!mmctx)
-			goto null_mmctx;
-		rc = gsm48_rx_gmm_id_resp(mmctx, msg);
-		break;
-		if (!mmctx)
-			goto null_mmctx;
-		rc = gsm48_rx_gmm_status(mmctx, msg);
-		break;
-		if (!mmctx)
-			goto null_mmctx;
-		rc = gsm48_rx_gmm_det_req(mmctx, msg);
-		break;
-		if (!mmctx)
-			goto null_mmctx;
-		mm_ctx_cleanup_free(mmctx, "GPRS DETACH ACK");
-		rc = 0;
-		break;
-		if (!mmctx)
-			goto null_mmctx;
-		/* only in case SGSN offered new P-TMSI */
-		mmctx_timer_stop(mmctx, 3350);
-		mmctx->t3350_mode = GMM_T3350_MODE_NONE;
-		mmctx->p_tmsi_old = 0;
-		mmctx->pending_req = 0;
-		if (mmctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb) {
-			/* Unassign the old TLLI */
-			mmctx->gb.tlli = mmctx->gb.tlli_new;
-			gprs_llme_copy_key(mmctx, mmctx->gb.llme);
-			gprs_llgmm_assign(mmctx->gb.llme, 0xffffffff,
-					  mmctx->gb.tlli_new);
-		}
-		mmctx->gmm_state = GMM_REGISTERED_NORMAL;
-		mmctx_set_pmm_state(mmctx, PMM_CONNECTED);
-		mmctx_set_mm_state(mmctx, MM_READY);
-		rc = 0;
-		memset(&sig_data, 0, sizeof(sig_data));
- = mmctx;
-		osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_SGSN, S_SGSN_ATTACH, &sig_data);
-		break;
-		if (!mmctx)
-			goto null_mmctx;
-		/* only in case SGSN offered new P-TMSI */
-		mmctx_timer_stop(mmctx, 3350);
-		mmctx->t3350_mode = GMM_T3350_MODE_NONE;
-		mmctx->p_tmsi_old = 0;
-		mmctx->pending_req = 0;
-		if (mmctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb) {
-			/* Unassign the old TLLI */
-			mmctx->gb.tlli = mmctx->gb.tlli_new;
-			gprs_llgmm_assign(mmctx->gb.llme, 0xffffffff,
-					  mmctx->gb.tlli_new);
-		}
-		mmctx->gmm_state = GMM_REGISTERED_NORMAL;
-		mmctx_set_pmm_state(mmctx, PMM_CONNECTED);
-		mmctx_set_mm_state(mmctx, MM_READY);
-		rc = 0;
-		memset(&sig_data, 0, sizeof(sig_data));
- = mmctx;
-		osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_SGSN, S_SGSN_UPDATE, &sig_data);
-		break;
-		if (!mmctx)
-			goto null_mmctx;
-		mmctx_timer_stop(mmctx, 3350);
-		mmctx->t3350_mode = GMM_T3350_MODE_NONE;
-		mmctx->p_tmsi_old = 0;
-		mmctx->pending_req = 0;
-		if (mmctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb) {
-			/* Unassign the old TLLI */
-			mmctx->gb.tlli = mmctx->gb.tlli_new;
-			//gprs_llgmm_assign(mmctx->gb.llme, 0xffffffff, mmctx->gb.tlli_new, GPRS_ALGO_GEA0, NULL);
-		}
-		rc = 0;
-		break;
-		if (!mmctx)
-			goto null_mmctx;
-		rc = gsm48_rx_gmm_auth_ciph_resp(mmctx, msg);
-		break;
-		rc = gsm48_rx_gmm_auth_ciph_fail(mmctx, msg);
-		break;
-	default:
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, mmctx, "Unknown GSM 04.08 GMM msg type 0x%02x\n",
-			gh->msg_type);
-		if (mmctx)
-			rc = gsm48_tx_gmm_status(mmctx, GMM_CAUSE_MSGT_NOTEXIST_NOTIMPL);
-		else
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-		break;
-	}
-	return rc;
-	     "Received GSM 04.08 message type 0x%02x,"
-	     " but no MM context available\n",
-	     gh->msg_type);
-	return -EINVAL;
-static void mmctx_timer_cb(void *_mm)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm = _mm;
-	struct gsm_auth_tuple *at;
-	mm->num_T_exp++;
-	switch (mm->T) {
-	case 3350:	/* waiting for ATTACH COMPLETE */
-		if (mm->num_T_exp >= 5) {
-			LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, mm, "T3350 expired >= 5 times\n");
-			mm_ctx_cleanup_free(mm, "T3350");
-			/* FIXME: should we return some error? */
-			break;
-		}
-		/* re-transmit the respective msg and re-start timer */
-		switch (mm->t3350_mode) {
-		case GMM_T3350_MODE_ATT:
-			gsm48_tx_gmm_att_ack(mm);
-			break;
-		case GMM_T3350_MODE_RAU:
-			gsm48_tx_gmm_ra_upd_ack(mm);
-			break;
-			/* FIXME */
-			break;
-		case GMM_T3350_MODE_NONE:
-				  "T3350 mode wasn't set, ignoring timeout\n");
-			break;
-		}
-		osmo_timer_schedule(&mm->timer, sgsn->cfg.timers.T3350, 0);
-		break;
-	case 3360:	/* waiting for AUTH AND CIPH RESP */
-		if (mm->num_T_exp >= 5) {
-			LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, mm, "T3360 expired >= 5 times\n");
-			mm_ctx_cleanup_free(mm, "T3360");
-			break;
-		}
-		/* Re-transmit the respective msg and re-start timer */
-		if (mm->auth_triplet.key_seq == GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL) {
-				  "timeout: invalid auth triplet reference\n");
-			mm_ctx_cleanup_free(mm, "T3360");
-			break;
-		}
-		at = &mm->auth_triplet;
-		gsm48_tx_gmm_auth_ciph_req(mm, &at->vec, at->key_seq, false);
-		osmo_timer_schedule(&mm->timer, sgsn->cfg.timers.T3360, 0);
-		break;
-	case 3370:	/* waiting for IDENTITY RESPONSE */
-		if (mm->num_T_exp >= 5) {
-			LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, mm, "T3370 expired >= 5 times\n");
-			gsm48_tx_gmm_att_rej(mm, GMM_CAUSE_MS_ID_NOT_DERIVED);
-			mm_ctx_cleanup_free(mm, "GPRS ATTACH REJECT (T3370)");
-			break;
-		}
-		/* re-tranmit IDENTITY REQUEST and re-start timer */
-		gsm48_tx_gmm_id_req(mm, mm->t3370_id_type);
-		osmo_timer_schedule(&mm->timer, sgsn->cfg.timers.T3370, 0);
-		break;
-	default:
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, mm, "timer expired in unknown mode %u\n",
-			mm->T);
-	}
-static void pdpctx_timer_cb(void *_mm);
-static void pdpctx_timer_start(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp, unsigned int T,
-				unsigned int seconds)
-	if (osmo_timer_pending(&pdp->timer))
-		LOGPDPCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, pdp, "Starting PDP timer %u while old "
-			"timer %u pending\n", T, pdp->T);
-	pdp->T = T;
-	pdp->num_T_exp = 0;
-	/* FIXME: we should do this only once ? */
-	osmo_timer_setup(&pdp->timer, pdpctx_timer_cb, pdp);
-	osmo_timer_schedule(&pdp->timer, seconds, 0);
-static void pdpctx_timer_stop(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp, unsigned int T)
-	if (pdp->T != T)
-		LOGPDPCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, pdp, "Stopping PDP timer %u but "
-			"%u is running\n", T, pdp->T);
-	osmo_timer_del(&pdp->timer);
-#if 0
-static void msgb_put_pdp_addr_ipv4(struct msgb *msg, uint32_t ipaddr)
-	uint8_t v[6];
-	v[1] = PDP_TYPE_N_IETF_IPv4;
-	*(uint32_t *)(v+2) = htonl(ipaddr);
-	msgb_tlv_put(msg, GSM48_IE_GSM_PDP_ADDR, sizeof(v), v);
-static void msgb_put_pdp_addr_ppp(struct msgb *msg)
-	uint8_t v[2];
-	msgb_tlv_put(msg, GSM48_IE_GSM_PDP_ADDR, sizeof(v), v);
-/* Section 9.5.2: Activate PDP Context Accept */
-int gsm48_tx_gsm_act_pdp_acc(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 PDP ACC");
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	uint8_t transaction_id = pdp->ti ^ 0x8; /* flip */
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_PDP_ACTIVATE_ACCEPT]);
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, pdp->mm);
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh));
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_SM_GPRS | (transaction_id << 4);
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GSM_ACT_PDP_ACK;
-	/* Negotiated LLC SAPI */
-	msgb_v_put(msg, pdp->sapi);
-	/* FIXME: copy QoS parameters from original request */
-	//msgb_lv_put(msg, pdp->lib->qos_neg.l, pdp->lib->qos_neg.v);
-	msgb_lv_put(msg, sizeof(default_qos), (uint8_t *)&default_qos);
-	/* Radio priority */
-	msgb_v_put(msg, pdp->lib->radio_pri);
-	/* PDP address */
-	/* Highest 4 bits of first byte need to be set to 1, otherwise
-	 * the IE is identical with the 04.08 PDP Address IE */
-	pdp->lib->eua.v[0] &= ~0xf0;
-	msgb_tlv_put(msg, GSM48_IE_GSM_PDP_ADDR,
-		     pdp->lib->eua.l, pdp->lib->eua.v);
-	pdp->lib->eua.v[0] |= 0xf0;
-	/* Optional: Protocol configuration options (FIXME: why 'req') */
-	if (pdp->lib->pco_req.l)
-		msgb_tlv_put(msg, GSM48_IE_GSM_PROTO_CONF_OPT,
-			     pdp->lib->pco_req.l, pdp->lib->pco_req.v);
-	/* Optional: Packet Flow Identifier */
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, pdp->mm, true);
-/* Section 9.5.3: Activate PDP Context reject */
-int gsm48_tx_gsm_act_pdp_rej(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, uint8_t tid,
-			     uint8_t cause, uint8_t pco_len, uint8_t *pco_v)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 PDP REJ");
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	uint8_t transaction_id = tid ^ 0x8; /* flip */
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_PDP_ACTIVATE_REJECT]);
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mm);
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh));
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_SM_GPRS | (transaction_id << 4);
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GSM_ACT_PDP_REJ;
-	msgb_v_put(msg, cause);
-	if (pco_len && pco_v)
-		msgb_tlv_put(msg, GSM48_IE_GSM_PROTO_CONF_OPT, pco_len, pco_v);
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, mm, true);
-/* Section 9.5.8: Deactivate PDP Context Request */
-static int _gsm48_tx_gsm_deact_pdp_req(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, uint8_t tid,
-					uint8_t sm_cause)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 PDP DET REQ");
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	uint8_t transaction_id = tid ^ 0x8; /* flip */
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_PDP_DL_DEACTIVATE_REQUEST]);
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mm);
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh));
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_SM_GPRS | (transaction_id << 4);
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GSM_DEACT_PDP_REQ;
-	msgb_v_put(msg, sm_cause);
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, mm, true);
-int gsm48_tx_gsm_deact_pdp_req(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp, uint8_t sm_cause)
-	pdpctx_timer_start(pdp, 3395, sgsn->cfg.timers.T3395);
-	return _gsm48_tx_gsm_deact_pdp_req(pdp->mm, pdp->ti, sm_cause);
-/* Section 9.5.9: Deactivate PDP Context Accept */
-static int _gsm48_tx_gsm_deact_pdp_acc(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, uint8_t tid)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.08 PDP DET ACC");
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
-	uint8_t transaction_id = tid ^ 0x8; /* flip */
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_PDP_DL_DEACTIVATE_ACCEPT]);
-	mmctx2msgid(msg, mm);
-	gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh));
-	gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_SM_GPRS | (transaction_id << 4);
-	gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_GSM_DEACT_PDP_ACK;
-	return gsm48_gmm_sendmsg(msg, 0, mm, true);
-int gsm48_tx_gsm_deact_pdp_acc(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp)
-	return _gsm48_tx_gsm_deact_pdp_acc(pdp->mm, pdp->ti);
-static int activate_ggsn(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx,
-		struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggsn, const uint8_t transaction_id,
-		const uint8_t req_nsapi, const uint8_t req_llc_sapi,
-		struct tlv_parsed *tp, int destroy_ggsn)
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_DEBUG, mmctx, "Using GGSN %u\n", ggsn->id);
-	ggsn->gsn = sgsn->gsn;
-	pdp = sgsn_create_pdp_ctx(ggsn, mmctx, req_nsapi, tp);
-	if (!pdp)
-		return -1;
-	/* Store SAPI and Transaction Identifier */
-	pdp->sapi = req_llc_sapi;
-	pdp->ti = transaction_id;
-	pdp->destroy_ggsn = destroy_ggsn;
-	return 0;
-static void ggsn_lookup_cb(void *arg, int status, int timeouts, struct hostent *hostent)
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggsn;
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_lookup *lookup = arg;
-	struct in_addr *addr = NULL;
-	/* The context is gone while we made a request */
-	if (!lookup->mmctx) {
-		talloc_free(lookup->orig_msg);
-		talloc_free(lookup);
-		return;
-	}
-	if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) {
-		struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx = lookup->mmctx;
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, mmctx, "DNS query failed.\n");
-		/* Need to try with three digits now */
-		if (lookup->state == SGSN_GGSN_2DIGIT) {
-			char *hostname;
-			int rc;
-			lookup->state = SGSN_GGSN_3DIGIT;
-			hostname = osmo_apn_qualify_from_imsi(mmctx->imsi,
-					lookup->apn_str, 1);
-				"Going to query %s\n", hostname);
-			rc = sgsn_ares_query(sgsn, hostname,
-					ggsn_lookup_cb, lookup);
-			if (rc != 0) {
-				LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, mmctx, "Couldn't start GGSN\n");
-				goto reject_due_failure;
-			}
-			return;
-		}
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, mmctx, "Couldn't resolve GGSN\n");
-		goto reject_due_failure;
-	}
-	if (hostent->h_length != sizeof(struct in_addr)) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, lookup->mmctx,
-			"Wrong addr size(%zu)\n", sizeof(struct in_addr));
-		goto reject_due_failure;
-	}
-	/* Get the first addr from the list */
-	addr = (struct in_addr *) hostent->h_addr_list[0];
-	if (!addr) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, lookup->mmctx, "No host address.\n");
-		goto reject_due_failure;
-	}
-	ggsn = sgsn_ggsn_ctx_alloc(UINT32_MAX);
-	if (!ggsn) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, lookup->mmctx, "Failed to create ggsn.\n");
-		goto reject_due_failure;
-	}
-	ggsn->remote_addr = *addr;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, lookup->mmctx,
-		"Selected %s as GGSN.\n", inet_ntoa(*addr));
-	/* forget about the ggsn look-up */
-	lookup->mmctx->ggsn_lookup = NULL;
-	activate_ggsn(lookup->mmctx, ggsn, lookup->ti, lookup->nsapi,
-			lookup->sapi, &lookup->tp, 1);
-	/* Now free it */
-	talloc_free(lookup->orig_msg);
-	talloc_free(lookup);
-	return;
-	gsm48_tx_gsm_act_pdp_rej(lookup->mmctx, lookup->ti,
-	lookup->mmctx->ggsn_lookup = NULL;
-	talloc_free(lookup->orig_msg);
-	talloc_free(lookup);
-static int do_act_pdp_req(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, struct msgb *msg, bool *delete)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	struct gsm48_act_pdp_ctx_req *act_req = (struct gsm48_act_pdp_ctx_req *) gh->data;
-	uint8_t req_qos_len, req_pdpa_len;
-	uint8_t *req_qos, *req_pdpa;
-	struct tlv_parsed tp;
-	uint8_t transaction_id = gsm48_hdr_trans_id(gh);
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggsn;
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-	enum gsm48_gsm_cause gsm_cause;
-	char apn_str[GSM_APN_LENGTH] = { 0, };
-	char *hostname;
-	int rc;
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-		act_req->req_llc_sapi, act_req->req_nsapi);
-	/* FIXME: length checks! */
-	req_qos_len = act_req->data[0];
-	req_qos = act_req->data + 1;	/* */
-	req_pdpa_len = act_req->data[1 + req_qos_len];
-	req_pdpa = act_req->data + 1 + req_qos_len + 1;	/* */
-	switch (req_pdpa[0] & 0xf) {
-	case 0x0:
-		break;
-	case 0x1:
-		break;
-	case 0xf:
-		DEBUGPC(DMM, "Empty ");
-		break;
-	}
-	switch (req_pdpa[1]) {
-	case 0x21:
-		DEBUGPC(DMM, "IPv4 ");
-		if (req_pdpa_len >= 6) {
-			struct in_addr ia;
-			ia.s_addr = ntohl(*((uint32_t *) (req_pdpa+2)));
-			DEBUGPC(DMM, "%s ", inet_ntoa(ia));
-		}
-		break;
-	case 0x57:
-		DEBUGPC(DMM, "IPv6 ");
-		if (req_pdpa_len >= 18) {
-			/* FIXME: print IPv6 address */
-		}
-		break;
-	default:	
-		DEBUGPC(DMM, "0x%02x ", req_pdpa[1]);
-		break;
-	}
-	/* Check if NSAPI is out of range (TS 04.65 / 7.2) */
-	if (act_req->req_nsapi < 5 || act_req->req_nsapi > 15) {
-		/* Send reject with GSM_CAUSE_INV_MAND_INFO */
-		return gsm48_tx_gsm_act_pdp_rej(mmctx, transaction_id,
-						0, NULL);
-	}
-	/* Optional: Access Point Name, Protocol Config Options */
-	if (req_pdpa + req_pdpa_len < msg->data + msg->len)
-		tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_sm_att_tlvdef, req_pdpa + req_pdpa_len,
-			  (msg->data + msg->len) - (req_pdpa + req_pdpa_len), 0, 0);
-	else
-		memset(&tp, 0, sizeof(tp));
-	/* put the non-TLV elements in the TLV parser structure to
-	 * pass them on to the SGSN / GTP code */
-[OSMO_IE_GSM_REQ_QOS].len = req_qos_len;
-[OSMO_IE_GSM_REQ_QOS].val = req_qos;
-[OSMO_IE_GSM_REQ_PDP_ADDR].len = req_pdpa_len;
-[OSMO_IE_GSM_REQ_PDP_ADDR].val = req_pdpa;
-	/* Check if NSAPI is already in use */
-	pdp = sgsn_pdp_ctx_by_nsapi(mmctx, act_req->req_nsapi);
-	if (pdp) {
-		/* We already have a PDP context for this TLLI + NSAPI tuple */
-		if (pdp->sapi == act_req->req_llc_sapi &&
-		    pdp->ti == transaction_id) {
-			/* This apparently is a re-transmission of a PDP CTX
-			 * ACT REQ (our ACT ACK must have got dropped) */
-			rc = gsm48_tx_gsm_act_pdp_acc(pdp);
-			if (rc < 0)
-				return rc;
-			if (pdp->mm->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb) {
-				/* Also re-transmit the SNDCP XID message */
-				lle = &pdp->mm->gb.llme->lle[pdp->sapi];
-				rc = sndcp_sn_xid_req(lle,pdp->nsapi);
-				if (rc < 0)
-					return rc;
-			}
-			return 0;
-		}
-		/* Send reject with GSM_CAUSE_NSAPI_IN_USE */
-		return gsm48_tx_gsm_act_pdp_rej(mmctx, transaction_id,
-						0, NULL);
-	}
-	if (mmctx->ggsn_lookup) {
-		if (mmctx->ggsn_lookup->sapi == act_req->req_llc_sapi &&
-			mmctx->ggsn_lookup->ti == transaction_id) {
-				"Re-transmission while doing look-up. Ignoring.\n");
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Only increment counter for a real activation, after we checked
-	 * for re-transmissions */
-	rate_ctr_inc(&mmctx->ctrg->ctr[GMM_CTR_PDP_CTX_ACT]);
-	/* Determine GGSN based on APN and subscription options */
-	ggsn = sgsn_mm_ctx_find_ggsn_ctx(mmctx, &tp, &gsm_cause, apn_str);
-	if (ggsn)
-		return activate_ggsn(mmctx, ggsn, transaction_id,
-				act_req->req_nsapi, act_req->req_llc_sapi,
-				&tp, 0);
-	if (strlen(apn_str) == 0)
-		goto no_context;
-	if (!sgsn->cfg.dynamic_lookup)
-		goto no_context;
-	/* schedule a dynamic look-up */
-	mmctx->ggsn_lookup = talloc_zero(tall_bsc_ctx, struct sgsn_ggsn_lookup);
-	if (!mmctx->ggsn_lookup)
-		goto no_context;
-	mmctx->ggsn_lookup->state = SGSN_GGSN_2DIGIT;
-	mmctx->ggsn_lookup->mmctx = mmctx;
-	strcpy(mmctx->ggsn_lookup->apn_str, apn_str);
-	mmctx->ggsn_lookup->orig_msg = msg;
-	mmctx->ggsn_lookup->tp = tp;
-	mmctx->ggsn_lookup->ti = transaction_id;
-	mmctx->ggsn_lookup->nsapi = act_req->req_nsapi;
-	mmctx->ggsn_lookup->sapi = act_req->req_llc_sapi;
-	hostname = osmo_apn_qualify_from_imsi(mmctx->imsi,
-				mmctx->ggsn_lookup->apn_str, 0);
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_DEBUG, mmctx, "Going to query %s\n", hostname);
-	rc = sgsn_ares_query(sgsn, hostname,
-				ggsn_lookup_cb, mmctx->ggsn_lookup);
-	if (rc != 0) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, mmctx, "Failed to start ares query.\n");
-		goto no_context;
-	}
-	*delete = 0;
-	return 0;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, mmctx, "No GGSN context found!\n");
-	return gsm48_tx_gsm_act_pdp_rej(mmctx, transaction_id,
-					gsm_cause, 0, NULL);
-/* Section 9.5.1: Activate PDP Context Request */
-static int gsm48_rx_gsm_act_pdp_req(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx,
-				    struct msgb *_msg)
-	bool delete = 1;
-	struct msgb *msg;
-	int rc;
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_PDP_ACTIVATE_REQUEST]);
-	/*
-	 * This is painful. We might not have a static GGSN
-	 * configuration and then would need to copy the msg
-	 * and re-do most of this routine (or call it again
-	 * and make sure it only goes through the dynamic
-	 * resolving. The question is what to optimize for
-	 * and the dynamic resolution will be the right thing
-	 * in the long run.
-	 */
-	msg = gprs_msgb_copy(_msg, __func__);
-	if (!msg) {
-		struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(_msg);
-		uint8_t transaction_id = gsm48_hdr_trans_id(gh);
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, mmctx, "-> ACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT REQ failed copy.\n");
-		/* Send reject with GSM_CAUSE_INV_MAND_INFO */
-		return gsm48_tx_gsm_act_pdp_rej(mmctx, transaction_id,
-						0, NULL);
-	}
-	rc = do_act_pdp_req(mmctx, msg, &delete);
-	if (delete)
-		msgb_free(msg);
-	return rc;
-/* Section 9.5.8: Deactivate PDP Context Request */
-static int gsm48_rx_gsm_deact_pdp_req(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, struct msgb *msg)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	uint8_t transaction_id = gsm48_hdr_trans_id(gh);
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-		get_value_string(gsm48_gsm_cause_names, gh->data[0]));
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_PDP_UL_DEACTIVATE_REQUEST]);
-	pdp = sgsn_pdp_ctx_by_tid(mm, transaction_id);
-	if (!pdp) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, mm, "Deactivate PDP Context Request for "
-			"non-existing PDP Context (IMSI=%s, TI=%u)\n",
-			mm->imsi, transaction_id);
-		return _gsm48_tx_gsm_deact_pdp_acc(mm, transaction_id);
-	}
-	return sgsn_delete_pdp_ctx(pdp);
-/* Section 9.5.9: Deactivate PDP Context Accept */
-static int gsm48_rx_gsm_deact_pdp_ack(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, struct msgb *msg)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	uint8_t transaction_id = gsm48_hdr_trans_id(gh);
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_PDP_UL_DEACTIVATE_ACCEPT]);
-	pdp = sgsn_pdp_ctx_by_tid(mm, transaction_id);
-	if (!pdp) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, mm, "Deactivate PDP Context Accept for "
-			"non-existing PDP Context (IMSI=%s, TI=%u)\n",
-			mm->imsi, transaction_id);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* stop timer 3395 */
-	pdpctx_timer_stop(pdp, 3395);
-	return sgsn_delete_pdp_ctx(pdp);
-static int gsm48_rx_gsm_status(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, struct msgb *msg)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_INFO, ctx, "-> GPRS SM STATUS (cause: %s)\n",
-		get_value_string(gsm48_gsm_cause_names, gh->data[0]));
-	return 0;
-static void pdpctx_timer_cb(void *_pdp)
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp = _pdp;
-	pdp->num_T_exp++;
-	switch (pdp->T) {
-	case 3395:	/* waiting for PDP CTX DEACT ACK */
-		if (pdp->num_T_exp >= 4) {
-			LOGPDPCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, pdp, "T3395 expired >= 5 times\n");
-			pdp->state = PDP_STATE_INACTIVE;
-			sgsn_delete_pdp_ctx(pdp);
-			break;
-		}
-		gsm48_tx_gsm_deact_pdp_req(pdp, GSM_CAUSE_NET_FAIL);
-		break;
-	default:
-		LOGPDPCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, pdp, "timer expired in unknown mode %u\n",
-			pdp->T);
-	}
-/* GPRS Session Management */
-static int gsm0408_rcv_gsm(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, struct msgb *msg,
-			   struct gprs_llc_llme *llme)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	int rc;
-	/* MMCTX can be NULL when called */
-	if (!mmctx) {
-		LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Cannot handle SM for unknown MM CTX\n");
-		/* */
-		if (gh->msg_type == GSM48_MT_GSM_STATUS)
-			return 0;
-		return gsm0408_gprs_force_reattach_oldmsg(msg, llme);
-	}
-	switch (gh->msg_type) {
-		rc = gsm48_rx_gsm_act_pdp_req(mmctx, msg);
-		break;
-		rc = gsm48_rx_gsm_deact_pdp_req(mmctx, msg);
-		break;
-		rc = gsm48_rx_gsm_deact_pdp_ack(mmctx, msg);
-		break;
-		rc = gsm48_rx_gsm_status(mmctx, msg);
-		break;
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, mmctx, "Unimplemented GSM 04.08 GSM msg type 0x%02x: %s\n",
-			gh->msg_type, osmo_hexdump((uint8_t *)gh, msgb_l3len(msg)));
-		rc = gsm48_tx_sm_status(mmctx, GSM_CAUSE_MSGT_NOTEXIST_NOTIMPL);
-		break;
-	default:
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, mmctx, "Unknown GSM 04.08 GSM msg type 0x%02x: %s\n",
-			gh->msg_type, osmo_hexdump((uint8_t *)gh, msgb_l3len(msg)));
-		rc = gsm48_tx_sm_status(mmctx, GSM_CAUSE_MSGT_NOTEXIST_NOTIMPL);
-		break;
-	}
-	return rc;
-int gsm0408_gprs_force_reattach_oldmsg(struct msgb *msg,
-				       struct gprs_llc_llme *llme)
-	int rc;
-	if (llme)
-		gprs_llgmm_reset_oldmsg(msg, GPRS_SAPI_GMM, llme);
-	rc = gsm48_tx_gmm_detach_req_oldmsg(
-	return rc;
-int gsm0408_gprs_force_reattach(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	int rc;
-	if (mmctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb)
-		gprs_llgmm_reset(mmctx->gb.llme);
-	rc = gsm48_tx_gmm_detach_req(
-	mm_ctx_cleanup_free(mmctx, "forced reattach");
-	return rc;
-/* Main entry point for incoming 04.08 GPRS messages from Iu */
-int gsm0408_gprs_rcvmsg_iu(struct msgb *msg, struct gprs_ra_id *ra_id,
-			   uint16_t *sai)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	uint8_t pdisc = gsm48_hdr_pdisc(gh);
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx;
-	int rc = -EINVAL;
-	mmctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_ue_ctx(msg->dst);
-	if (mmctx) {
-		rate_ctr_inc(&mmctx->ctrg->ctr[GMM_CTR_PKTS_SIG_IN]);
-		if (ra_id)
-			memcpy(&mmctx->ra, ra_id, sizeof(mmctx->ra));
-	}
-	/* MMCTX can be NULL */
-	switch (pdisc) {
-		rc = gsm0408_rcv_gmm(mmctx, msg, NULL, false);
-#warning "set drop_cipherable arg for gsm0408_rcv_gmm() from IuPS?"
-		break;
-		rc = gsm0408_rcv_gsm(mmctx, msg, NULL);
-		break;
-	default:
-			"Unknown GSM 04.08 discriminator 0x%02x: %s\n",
-			pdisc, osmo_hexdump((uint8_t *)gh, msgb_l3len(msg)));
-		/* FIXME: return status message */
-		break;
-	}
-	/* MMCTX can be invalid */
-	return rc;
-/* Main entry point for incoming 04.08 GPRS messages from Gb */
-int gsm0408_gprs_rcvmsg_gb(struct msgb *msg, struct gprs_llc_llme *llme,
-			   bool drop_cipherable)
-	struct gsm48_hdr *gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_gmmh(msg);
-	uint8_t pdisc = gsm48_hdr_pdisc(gh);
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx;
-	struct gprs_ra_id ra_id;
-	int rc = -EINVAL;
-	bssgp_parse_cell_id(&ra_id, msgb_bcid(msg));
-	mmctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(msgb_tlli(msg), &ra_id);
-	if (mmctx) {
-		msgid2mmctx(mmctx, msg);
-		rate_ctr_inc(&mmctx->ctrg->ctr[GMM_CTR_PKTS_SIG_IN]);
-		mmctx->gb.llme = llme;
-	}
-	/* MMCTX can be NULL */
-	switch (pdisc) {
-		rc = gsm0408_rcv_gmm(mmctx, msg, llme, drop_cipherable);
-		break;
-		rc = gsm0408_rcv_gsm(mmctx, msg, llme);
-		break;
-	default:
-			"Unknown GSM 04.08 discriminator 0x%02x: %s\n",
-			pdisc, osmo_hexdump((uint8_t *)gh, msgb_l3len(msg)));
-		/* FIXME: return status message */
-		break;
-	}
-	/* MMCTX can be invalid */
-	return rc;
-int gprs_gmm_rx_suspend(struct gprs_ra_id *raid, uint32_t tlli)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx;
-	mmctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(tlli, raid);
-	if (!mmctx) {
-		LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "SUSPEND request for unknown "
-			"TLLI=%08x\n", tlli);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	if (mmctx->gmm_state != GMM_REGISTERED_NORMAL &&
-	    mmctx->gmm_state != GMM_REGISTERED_SUSPENDED) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, mmctx, "SUSPEND request while state "
-			"!= REGISTERED (TLLI=%08x)\n", tlli);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	mmctx->gmm_state = GMM_REGISTERED_SUSPENDED;
-	return 0;
-int gprs_gmm_rx_resume(struct gprs_ra_id *raid, uint32_t tlli,
-		       uint8_t suspend_ref)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx;
-	/* FIXME: make use of suspend reference? */
-	mmctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(tlli, raid);
-	if (!mmctx) {
-		LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "RESUME request for unknown "
-			"TLLI=%08x\n", tlli);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	if (mmctx->gmm_state != GMM_REGISTERED_NORMAL &&
-	    mmctx->gmm_state != GMM_REGISTERED_SUSPENDED) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, mmctx, "RESUME request while state "
-			"!= SUSPENDED (TLLI=%08x)\n", tlli);
-		/* FIXME: should we not simply ignore it? */
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	/* Transition from SUSPENDED to NORMAL */
-	mmctx->gmm_state = GMM_REGISTERED_NORMAL;
-	return 0;
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-int iu_rab_act_ps(uint8_t rab_id, struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp, bool use_x213_nsap)
-	struct msgb *msg;
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm = pdp->mm;
-	struct ue_conn_ctx *uectx;
-	uint32_t ggsn_ip;
-	uectx = mm->iu.ue_ctx;
-	/* Get the IP address for ggsn user plane */
-	memcpy(&ggsn_ip, pdp->lib->gsnru.v, pdp->lib->gsnru.l);
-	ggsn_ip = htonl(ggsn_ip);
-	LOGP(DRANAP, LOGL_DEBUG, "Assigning RAB: rab_id=%d, ggsn_ip=%x,"
-	     " teid_gn=%x, use_x213_nsap=%d\n",
-	     rab_id, ggsn_ip, pdp->lib->teid_gn, use_x213_nsap);
-	msg = ranap_new_msg_rab_assign_data(rab_id, ggsn_ip,
-					    pdp->lib->teid_gn, use_x213_nsap);
-	msg->l2h = msg->data;
-	return iu_rab_act(uectx, msg);
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_llc.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_llc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2be663f..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_llc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1132 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS LLC protocol implementation as per 3GPP TS 04.64 */
-/* (C) 2009-2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <openssl/rand.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/timer.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_data.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gmm.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/crc24.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_subscriber.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc_xid.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_comp.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp.h>
-static struct gprs_llc_llme *llme_alloc(uint32_t tlli);
-static int gprs_llc_tx_xid(struct gprs_llc_lle *lle, struct msgb *msg,
-			   int command);
-static int gprs_llc_tx_u(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t sapi,
-			 int command, enum gprs_llc_u_cmd u_cmd, int pf_bit);
-/* Generate XID message */
-static int gprs_llc_generate_xid(uint8_t *bytes, int bytes_len,
-				 struct gprs_llc_xid_field *l3_xid_field,
-				 struct gprs_llc_llme *llme)
-	/* Note: Called by gprs_ll_xid_req() */
-	LLIST_HEAD(xid_fields);
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field xid_version;
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field xid_n201u;
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field xid_n201i;
-	xid_version.type = GPRS_LLC_XID_T_VERSION;
- = (uint8_t *) "\x00";
-	xid_version.data_len = 1;
-	xid_n201u.type = GPRS_LLC_XID_T_N201_U;
- = (uint8_t *) "\x05\xf0";
-	xid_n201u.data_len = 2;
-	xid_n201i.type = GPRS_LLC_XID_T_N201_I;
- = (uint8_t *) "\x05\xf0";
-	xid_n201i.data_len = 2;
-	/* Add locally managed XID Fields */
-	llist_add(&xid_version.list, &xid_fields);
-	llist_add(&xid_n201u.list, &xid_fields);
-	llist_add(&xid_n201i.list, &xid_fields);
-	/* Append layer 3 XID field (if present) */
-	if (l3_xid_field) {
-		/* Enforce layer 3 XID type (just to be sure) */
-		l3_xid_field->type = GPRS_LLC_XID_T_L3_PAR;
-		/* Add Layer 3 XID field to the list */
-		llist_add(&l3_xid_field->list, &xid_fields);
-	}
-	/* Store generated XID for later reference */
-	talloc_free(llme->xid);
-	llme->xid = gprs_llc_copy_xid(llme, &xid_fields);
-	return gprs_llc_compile_xid(bytes, bytes_len, &xid_fields);
-/* Generate XID message that will cause the GMM to reset */
-static int gprs_llc_generate_xid_for_gmm_reset(uint8_t *bytes,
-					       int bytes_len, uint32_t iov_ui,
-					       struct gprs_llc_llme *llme)
-	/* Called by gprs_llgmm_reset() and
-	 * gprs_llgmm_reset_oldmsg() */
-	LLIST_HEAD(xid_fields);
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field xid_reset;
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field xid_iovui;
-	/* First XID component must be RESET */
-	xid_reset.type = GPRS_LLC_XID_T_RESET;
- = NULL;
-	xid_reset.data_len = 0;
-	/* Add new IOV-UI */
-	xid_iovui.type = GPRS_LLC_XID_T_IOV_UI;
- = (uint8_t *) & iov_ui;
-	xid_iovui.data_len = 4;
-	/* Add locally managed XID Fields */
-	llist_add(&xid_iovui.list, &xid_fields);
-	llist_add(&xid_reset.list, &xid_fields);
-	/* Store generated XID for later reference */
-	talloc_free(llme->xid);
-	llme->xid = gprs_llc_copy_xid(llme, &xid_fields);
-	return gprs_llc_compile_xid(bytes, bytes_len, &xid_fields);
-/* Process an incoming XID confirmation */
-static int gprs_llc_process_xid_conf(uint8_t *bytes, int bytes_len,
-				     struct gprs_llc_lle *lle)
-	/* Note: This function handles the response of a network originated
-	 * XID-Request. There XID messages reflected by the MS are analyzed
-	 * and processed here. The caller is called by rx_llc_xid(). */
-	struct llist_head *xid_fields;
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field;
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field_request;
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field_request_l3 = NULL;
-	/* Pick layer3 XID from the XID request we have sent last */
-	if (lle->llme->xid) {
-		llist_for_each_entry(xid_field_request, lle->llme->xid, list) {
-			if (xid_field_request->type == GPRS_LLC_XID_T_L3_PAR)
-				xid_field_request_l3 = xid_field_request;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Parse and analyze XID-Response */
-	xid_fields = gprs_llc_parse_xid(NULL, bytes, bytes_len);
-	if (xid_fields) {
-		gprs_llc_dump_xid_fields(xid_fields, LOGL_DEBUG);
-		llist_for_each_entry(xid_field, xid_fields, list) {
-			/* Forward SNDCP-XID fields to Layer 3 (SNDCP) */
-			if (xid_field->type == GPRS_LLC_XID_T_L3_PAR &&
-			    xid_field_request_l3) {
-				sndcp_sn_xid_conf(xid_field,
-						  xid_field_request_l3, lle);
-			}
-			/* Process LLC-XID fields: */
-			else {
-				/* FIXME: Do something more useful with the
-				 * echoed XID-Information. Currently we
-				 * just ignore the response completely and
-				 * by doing so we blindly accept any changes
-				 * the MS might have done to the our XID
-				 * inquiry. There is a remainig risk of
-				 * malfunction! */
-				     "Ignoring XID-Field: XID: type %s, data_len=%d, data=%s\n",
-				     get_value_string(gprs_llc_xid_type_names,
-						      xid_field->type),
-				     xid_field->data_len,
-				     osmo_hexdump_nospc(xid_field->data,
-				     xid_field->data_len));
-			}
-		}
-		talloc_free(xid_fields);
-	}
-	/* Flush pending XID fields */
-	talloc_free(lle->llme->xid);
-	lle->llme->xid = NULL;
-	return 0;
-/* Process an incoming XID indication and generate an appropiate response */
-static int gprs_llc_process_xid_ind(uint8_t *bytes_request,
-				    int bytes_request_len,
-				    uint8_t *bytes_response,
-				    int bytes_response_maxlen,
-				    struct gprs_llc_lle *lle)
-	/* Note: This function computes the response that is sent back to the
-	 * MS when a mobile originated XID is received. The function is
-	 * called by rx_llc_xid() */
-	int rc = -EINVAL;
-	struct llist_head *xid_fields;
-	struct llist_head *xid_fields_response;
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field;
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field_response;
-	/* Parse and analyze XID-Request */
-	xid_fields =
-	    gprs_llc_parse_xid(lle->llme, bytes_request, bytes_request_len);
-	if (xid_fields) {
-		xid_fields_response = talloc_zero(lle->llme, struct llist_head);
-		INIT_LLIST_HEAD(xid_fields_response);
-		gprs_llc_dump_xid_fields(xid_fields, LOGL_DEBUG);
-		/* Process LLC-XID fields: */
-		llist_for_each_entry(xid_field, xid_fields, list) {
-			if (xid_field->type != GPRS_LLC_XID_T_L3_PAR) {
-				/* FIXME: Check the incoming XID parameters for
-				 * for validity. Currently we just blindly
-				 * accept all XID fields by just echoing them.
-				 * There is a remaining risk of malfunction
-				 * when a MS submits values which defer from
-				 * the default! */
-				     "Echoing XID-Field: XID: type %s, data_len=%d, data=%s\n",
-				     get_value_string(gprs_llc_xid_type_names,
-						      xid_field->type),
-				     xid_field->data_len,
-				     osmo_hexdump_nospc(xid_field->data,
-							xid_field->data_len));
-				xid_field_response =
-				    gprs_llc_dup_xid_field
-				    (lle->llme, xid_field);
-				llist_add(&xid_field_response->list,
-					  xid_fields_response);
-			}
-		}
-		/* Forward SNDCP-XID fields to Layer 3 (SNDCP) */
-		llist_for_each_entry(xid_field, xid_fields, list) {
-			if (xid_field->type == GPRS_LLC_XID_T_L3_PAR) {
-				xid_field_response =
-				    talloc_zero(lle->llme,
-						struct gprs_llc_xid_field);
-				rc = sndcp_sn_xid_ind(xid_field,
-						      xid_field_response, lle);
-				if (rc == 0)
-					llist_add(&xid_field_response->list,
-						  xid_fields_response);
-				else
-					talloc_free(xid_field_response);
-			}
-		}
-		rc = gprs_llc_compile_xid(bytes_response,
-					  bytes_response_maxlen,
-					  xid_fields_response);
-		talloc_free(xid_fields_response);
-		talloc_free(xid_fields);
-	}
-	return rc;
-/* Dispatch XID indications and responses comming from the MS */
-static void rx_llc_xid(struct gprs_llc_lle *lle,
-		       struct gprs_llc_hdr_parsed *gph)
-	uint8_t response[1024];
-	int response_len;
-	/* FIXME: check if XID is invalid */
-	if (gph->is_cmd) {
-		     "Received XID indication from MS.\n");
-		struct msgb *resp;
-		uint8_t *xid;
-		resp = msgb_alloc_headroom(4096, 1024, "LLC_XID");
-		response_len =
-		    gprs_llc_process_xid_ind(gph->data, gph->data_len,
-					     response, sizeof(response),
-					     lle);
-		if (response_len < 0) {
-			     "invalid XID indication received!\n");
-		} else {
-			xid = msgb_put(resp, response_len);
-			memcpy(xid, response, response_len);
-		}
-		gprs_llc_tx_xid(lle, resp, 0);
-	} else {
-		     "Received XID confirmation from MS.\n");
-		gprs_llc_process_xid_conf(gph->data, gph->data_len, lle);
-		/* FIXME: if we had sent a XID reset, send
-		 * LLGMM-RESET.conf to GMM */
-	}
-/* Set of LL-XID negotiation (See also: TS 101 351, Section */
-int gprs_ll_xid_req(struct gprs_llc_lle *lle,
-		    struct gprs_llc_xid_field *l3_xid_field)
-	/* Note: This functions is calle from gprs_sndcp.c */
-	uint8_t xid_bytes[1024];;
-	int xid_bytes_len;
-	uint8_t *xid;
-	struct msgb *msg;
-	const char *ftype;
-	/* Generate XID */
-	xid_bytes_len =
-	    gprs_llc_generate_xid(xid_bytes, sizeof(xid_bytes),
-				  l3_xid_field, lle->llme);
-	/* Only perform XID sending if the XID message contains something */
-	if (xid_bytes_len > 0) {
-		/* Transmit XID bytes */
-		msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(4096, 1024, "LLC_XID");
-		xid = msgb_put(msg, xid_bytes_len);
-		memcpy(xid, xid_bytes, xid_bytes_len);
-		if (l3_xid_field)
-			ftype = get_value_string(gprs_llc_xid_type_names,
-						 l3_xid_field->type);
-		else
-			ftype = "NULL";
-		LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Sending XID type %s (%d bytes) request"
-		     " to MS...\n", ftype, xid_bytes_len);
-		gprs_llc_tx_xid(lle, msg, 1);
-	} else {
-		     "XID-Message generation failed, XID not sent!\n");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* Entry function from upper level (LLC), asking us to transmit a BSSGP PDU
- * to a remote MS (identified by TLLI) at a BTS identified by its BVCI and NSEI */
-static int _bssgp_tx_dl_ud(struct msgb *msg, struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	struct bssgp_dl_ud_par dup;
-	const uint8_t qos_profile_default[3] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x20 };
-	memset(&dup, 0, sizeof(dup));
-	/* before we have received some identity from the MS, we might
-	 * not yet have a MMC context (e.g. XID negotiation of primarly
-	 * LLC connection from GMM sapi). */
-	if (mmctx) {
-		dup.imsi = mmctx->imsi;
-		dup.drx_parms = mmctx->drx_parms;
-		dup.ms_ra_cap.len = mmctx->ms_radio_access_capa.len;
-		dup.ms_ra_cap.v = mmctx->ms_radio_access_capa.buf;
-		/* make sure we only send it to the right llme */
-		OSMO_ASSERT(msgb_tlli(msg) == mmctx->gb.llme->tlli
-				|| msgb_tlli(msg) == mmctx->gb.llme->old_tlli);
-	}
-	memcpy(&dup.qos_profile, qos_profile_default,
-		sizeof(qos_profile_default));
-	return bssgp_tx_dl_ud(msg, 1000, &dup);
-/* Section 8.9.9 LLC layer parameter default values */
-static const struct gprs_llc_params llc_default_params[NUM_SAPIS] = {
-	[1] = {
-		.t200_201	= 5,
-		.n200		= 3,
-		.n201_u		= 400,
-	},
-	[2] = {
-		.t200_201	= 5,
-		.n200		= 3,
-		.n201_u		= 270,
-	},
-	[3] = {
-		.iov_i_exp	= 27,
-		.t200_201	= 5,
-		.n200		= 3,
-		.n201_u		= 500,
-		.n201_i		= 1503,
-		.mD		= 1520,
-		.mU		= 1520,
-		.kD		= 16,
-		.kU		= 16,
-	},
-	[5] = {
-		.iov_i_exp	= 27,
-		.t200_201	= 10,
-		.n200		= 3,
-		.n201_u		= 500,
-		.n201_i		= 1503,
-		.mD		= 760,
-		.mU		= 760,
-		.kD		= 8,
-		.kU		= 8,
-	},
-	[7] = {
-		.t200_201	= 20,
-		.n200		= 3,
-		.n201_u		= 270,
-	},
-	[8] = {
-		.t200_201	= 20,
-		.n200		= 3,
-		.n201_u		= 270,
-	},
-	[9] = {
-		.iov_i_exp	= 27,
-		.t200_201	= 20,
-		.n200		= 3,
-		.n201_u		= 500,
-		.n201_i		= 1503,
-		.mD		= 380,
-		.mU		= 380,
-		.kD		= 4,
-		.kU		= 4,
-	},
-	[11] = {
-		.iov_i_exp	= 27,
-		.t200_201	= 40,
-		.n200		= 3,
-		.n201_u		= 500,
-		.n201_i		= 1503,
-		.mD		= 190,
-		.mU		= 190,
-		.kD		= 2,
-		.kU		= 2,
-	},
-void *llc_tall_ctx;
-/* lookup LLC Entity based on DLCI (TLLI+SAPI tuple) */
-static struct gprs_llc_lle *lle_by_tlli_sapi(const uint32_t tlli, uint8_t sapi)
-	struct gprs_llc_llme *llme;
-	llist_for_each_entry(llme, &gprs_llc_llmes, list) {
-		if (llme->tlli == tlli || llme->old_tlli == tlli)
-			return &llme->lle[sapi];
-	}
-	return NULL;
-struct gprs_llc_lle *gprs_lle_get_or_create(const uint32_t tlli, uint8_t sapi)
-	struct gprs_llc_llme *llme;
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	lle = lle_by_tlli_sapi(tlli, sapi);
-	if (lle)
-		return lle;
-	LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_NOTICE, "LLC: unknown TLLI 0x%08x, "
-		"creating LLME on the fly\n", tlli);
-	llme = llme_alloc(tlli);
-	lle = &llme->lle[sapi];
-	return lle;
-struct llist_head *gprs_llme_list(void)
-	return &gprs_llc_llmes;
-/* lookup LLC Entity for RX based on DLCI (TLLI+SAPI tuple) */
-static struct gprs_llc_lle *lle_for_rx_by_tlli_sapi(const uint32_t tlli,
-					uint8_t sapi, enum gprs_llc_cmd cmd)
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	/* We already know about this TLLI */
-	lle = lle_by_tlli_sapi(tlli, sapi);
-	if (lle)
-		return lle;
-	/* Maybe it is a routing area update but we already know this sapi? */
-	if (gprs_tlli_type(tlli) == TLLI_FOREIGN) {
-		lle = lle_by_tlli_sapi(tlli, sapi);
-		if (lle) {
-				"LLC RX: Found a local entry for TLLI 0x%08x\n",
-				tlli);
-			return lle;
-		}
-	}
-	/* LLC belonging to unassigned TLLI+SAPI shall be discarded,
-	 * except UID and XID frames with SAPI=1 */
-	if (sapi == GPRS_SAPI_GMM &&
-		    (cmd == GPRS_LLC_XID || cmd == GPRS_LLC_UI)) {
-		struct gprs_llc_llme *llme;
-		/* FIXME: don't use the TLLI but the 0xFFFF unassigned? */
-		llme = llme_alloc(tlli);
-		LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_NOTICE, "LLC RX: unknown TLLI 0x%08x, "
-			"creating LLME on the fly\n", tlli);
-		lle = &llme->lle[sapi];
-		return lle;
-	}
-		"unknown TLLI(0x%08x)/SAPI(%d): Silently dropping\n",
-		tlli, sapi);
-	return NULL;
-static void lle_init(struct gprs_llc_llme *llme, uint8_t sapi)
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle = &llme->lle[sapi];
-	lle->llme = llme;
-	lle->sapi = sapi;
-	lle->state = GPRS_LLES_UNASSIGNED;
-	/* Initialize according to parameters */
-	memcpy(&lle->params, &llc_default_params[sapi], sizeof(lle->params));
-static struct gprs_llc_llme *llme_alloc(uint32_t tlli)
-	struct gprs_llc_llme *llme;
-	uint32_t i;
-	llme = talloc_zero(llc_tall_ctx, struct gprs_llc_llme);
-	if (!llme)
-		return NULL;
-	llme->tlli = tlli;
-	llme->old_tlli = 0xffffffff;
-	llme->state = GPRS_LLMS_UNASSIGNED;
-	llme->age_timestamp = GPRS_LLME_RESET_AGE;
-	llme->cksn = GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL;
-	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(llme->lle); i++)
-		lle_init(llme, i);
-	llist_add(&llme->list, &gprs_llc_llmes);
-	llme->comp.proto = gprs_sndcp_comp_alloc(llme);
-	llme-> = gprs_sndcp_comp_alloc(llme);
-	return llme;
-static void llme_free(struct gprs_llc_llme *llme)
-	gprs_sndcp_comp_free(llme->comp.proto);
-	gprs_sndcp_comp_free(llme->;
-	talloc_free(llme->xid);
-	llist_del(&llme->list);
-	talloc_free(llme);
-#if 0
-/* FIXME: Unused code... */
-static void t200_expired(void *data)
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle = data;
-	/* Expiry of T200 */
-	if (lle->retrans_ctr >= lle->params.n200) {
-		lle->state = GPRS_LLES_ASSIGNED_ADM;
-	}
-	switch (lle->state) {
-		/* FIXME: retransmit SABM */
-		/* FIXME: re-start T200 */
-		lle->retrans_ctr++;
-		break;
-		/* FIXME: retransmit DISC */
-		/* FIXME: re-start T200 */
-		lle->retrans_ctr++;
-		break;
-	default:
-		LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_ERROR, "LLC unhandled state: %d\n", lle->state);
-		break;
-	}
-static void t201_expired(void *data)
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle = data;
-	if (lle->retrans_ctr < lle->params.n200) {
-		/* FIXME: transmit apropriate supervisory frame ( */
-		/* FIXME: set timer T201 */
-		lle->retrans_ctr++;
-	}
-int gprs_llc_tx_u(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t sapi, int command,
-		  enum gprs_llc_u_cmd u_cmd, int pf_bit)
-	uint8_t *fcs, *llch;
-	uint8_t addr, ctrl;
-	uint32_t fcs_calc;
-	/* Identifiers from UP: (TLLI, SAPI) + (BVCI, NSEI) */
-	/* Address Field */
-	addr = sapi & 0xf;
-	if (command)
-		addr |= 0x40;
-	/* 6.3 Figure 8 */
-	ctrl = 0xe0 | u_cmd;
-	if (pf_bit)
-		ctrl |= 0x10;
-	/* prepend LLC UI header */
-	llch = msgb_push(msg, 2);
-	llch[0] = addr;
-	llch[1] = ctrl;
-	/* append FCS to end of frame */
-	fcs = msgb_put(msg, 3);
-	fcs_calc = gprs_llc_fcs(llch, fcs - llch);
-	fcs[0] = fcs_calc & 0xff;
-	fcs[1] = (fcs_calc >> 8) & 0xff;
-	fcs[2] = (fcs_calc >> 16) & 0xff;
-	/* Identifiers passed down: (BVCI, NSEI) */
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_LLC_DL_PACKETS]);
-	rate_ctr_add(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_LLC_DL_BYTES], msg->len);
-	/* Send BSSGP-DL-UNITDATA.req */
-	return _bssgp_tx_dl_ud(msg, NULL);
-/* Send XID response to LLE */
-static int gprs_llc_tx_xid(struct gprs_llc_lle *lle, struct msgb *msg,
-			   int command)
-	/* copy identifiers from LLE to ensure lower layers can route */
-	msgb_tlli(msg) = lle->llme->tlli;
-	msgb_bvci(msg) = lle->llme->bvci;
-	msgb_nsei(msg) = lle->llme->nsei;
-	return gprs_llc_tx_u(msg, lle->sapi, command, GPRS_LLC_U_XID, 1);
-/* encrypt information field + FCS, if needed! */
-static int apply_gea(struct gprs_llc_lle *lle, uint16_t crypt_len, uint16_t nu,
-		     uint32_t oc, uint8_t sapi, uint8_t *fcs, uint8_t *data)
-	uint8_t cipher_out[GSM0464_CIPH_MAX_BLOCK];
-	if (lle->llme->algo == GPRS_ALGO_GEA0)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Compute the 'Input' Paraemeter */
-	uint32_t fcs_calc, iv = gprs_cipher_gen_input_ui(lle->llme->iov_ui, sapi,
-							 nu, oc);
-	/* Compute gamma that we need to XOR with the data */
-	int r = gprs_cipher_run(cipher_out, crypt_len, lle->llme->algo,
-				lle->llme->kc, iv,
-	if (r < 0) {
-		LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_ERROR, "Error producing %s gamma for UI "
-		     "frame: %d\n", get_value_string(gprs_cipher_names,
-						     lle->llme->algo), r);
-		return -ENOMSG;
-	}
-	if (fcs) {
-		/* Mark frame as encrypted and update FCS */
-		data[2] |= 0x02;
-		fcs_calc = gprs_llc_fcs(data, fcs - data);
-		fcs[0] = fcs_calc & 0xff;
-		fcs[1] = (fcs_calc >> 8) & 0xff;
-		fcs[2] = (fcs_calc >> 16) & 0xff;
-		data += 3;
-	}
-	/* XOR the cipher output with the data */
-	for (r = 0; r < crypt_len; r++)
-		*(data + r) ^= cipher_out[r];
-	return 0;
-/* Transmit a UI frame over the given SAPI:
-   'encryptable' indicates whether particular message can be encrypted according
-   to 3GPP TS 24.008 §
- */
-int gprs_llc_tx_ui(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t sapi, int command,
-		   struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, bool encryptable)
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	uint8_t *fcs, *llch;
-	uint8_t addr, ctrl[2];
-	uint32_t fcs_calc;
-	uint16_t nu = 0;
-	uint32_t oc;
-	/* Identifiers from UP: (TLLI, SAPI) + (BVCI, NSEI) */
-	/* look-up or create the LL Entity for this (TLLI, SAPI) tuple */
-	lle = gprs_lle_get_or_create(msgb_tlli(msg), sapi);
-	if (msg->len > lle->params.n201_u) {
-		LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot Tx %u bytes (N201-U=%u)\n",
-			msg->len, lle->params.n201_u);
-		msgb_free(msg);
-		return -EFBIG;
-	}
-	gprs_llme_copy_key(mmctx, lle->llme);
-	/* Update LLE's (BVCI, NSEI) tuple */
-	lle->llme->bvci = msgb_bvci(msg);
-	lle->llme->nsei = msgb_nsei(msg);
-	/* Obtain current values for N(u) and OC */
-	nu = lle->vu_send;
-	oc = lle->oc_ui_send;
-	/* Increment V(U) */
-	lle->vu_send = (lle->vu_send + 1) % 512;
-	/* Increment Overflow Counter, if needed */
-	if ((lle->vu_send + 1) / 512)
-		lle->oc_ui_send += 512;
-	/* Address Field */
-	addr = sapi & 0xf;
-	if (command)
-		addr |= 0x40;
-	/* Control Field */
-	ctrl[0] = 0xc0;
-	ctrl[0] |= nu >> 6;
-	ctrl[1] = (nu << 2) & 0xfc;
-	ctrl[1] |= 0x01; /* Protected Mode */
-	/* prepend LLC UI header */
-	llch = msgb_push(msg, 3);
-	llch[0] = addr;
-	llch[1] = ctrl[0];
-	llch[2] = ctrl[1];
-	/* append FCS to end of frame */
-	fcs = msgb_put(msg, 3);
-	fcs_calc = gprs_llc_fcs(llch, fcs - llch);
-	fcs[0] = fcs_calc & 0xff;
-	fcs[1] = (fcs_calc >> 8) & 0xff;
-	fcs[2] = (fcs_calc >> 16) & 0xff;
-	if (lle->llme->algo != GPRS_ALGO_GEA0 && encryptable) {
-		int rc = apply_gea(lle, fcs - llch, nu, oc, sapi, fcs, llch);
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			msgb_free(msg);
-			return rc;
-		}
-	}
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_LLC_DL_PACKETS]);
-	rate_ctr_add(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_LLC_DL_BYTES], msg->len);
-	/* Identifiers passed down: (BVCI, NSEI) */
-	/* Send BSSGP-DL-UNITDATA.req */
-	return _bssgp_tx_dl_ud(msg, mmctx);
-static int gprs_llc_hdr_rx(struct gprs_llc_hdr_parsed *gph,
-			   struct gprs_llc_lle *lle)
-	switch (gph->cmd) {
-	case GPRS_LLC_SABM: /* Section */
-		lle->v_sent = lle->v_ack = lle->v_recv = 0;
-		if (lle->state == GPRS_LLES_ASSIGNED_ADM) {
-			/* start re-establishment (8.7.1) */
-		}
-		lle->state = GPRS_LLES_REMOTE_EST;
-		/* FIXME: Send UA */
-		lle->state = GPRS_LLES_ABM;
-		/* FIXME: process data */
-		break;
-	case GPRS_LLC_DISC: /* Section */
-		/* FIXME: Send UA */
-		/* terminate ABM */
-		lle->state = GPRS_LLES_ASSIGNED_ADM;
-		break;
-	case GPRS_LLC_UA: /* Section */
-		if (lle->state == GPRS_LLES_LOCAL_EST)
-			lle->state = GPRS_LLES_ABM;
-		break;
-	case GPRS_LLC_DM: /* Section ABM cannot be performed */
-		if (lle->state == GPRS_LLES_LOCAL_EST)
-			lle->state = GPRS_LLES_ASSIGNED_ADM;
-		break;
-	case GPRS_LLC_FRMR: /* Section */
-		break;
-	case GPRS_LLC_XID: /* Section */
-		rx_llc_xid(lle, gph);
-		break;
-	case GPRS_LLC_UI:
-		if (gprs_llc_is_retransmit(gph->seq_tx, lle->vu_recv)) {
-				"TLLI=%08x dropping UI, N(U=%d) not in window V(URV(UR:%d).\n",
-				lle->llme ? lle->llme->tlli : -1,
-				gph->seq_tx, lle->vu_recv);
-			/* HACK: non-standard recovery handling.  If remote LLE
-			 * is re-transmitting the same sequence number for
-			 * three times, don't discard the frame but pass it on
-			 * and 'learn' the new sequence number */
-			if (gph->seq_tx != lle->vu_recv_last) {
-				lle->vu_recv_last = gph->seq_tx;
-				lle->vu_recv_duplicates = 0;
-			} else {
-				lle->vu_recv_duplicates++;
-				if (lle->vu_recv_duplicates < 3)
-					return -EIO;
-				LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_NOTICE, "TLLI=%08x recovering "
-				     "N(U=%d) after receiving %u duplicates\n",
-					lle->llme ? lle->llme->tlli : -1,
-					gph->seq_tx, lle->vu_recv_duplicates);
-			}
-		}
-		/* Increment the sequence number that we expect in the next frame */
-		lle->vu_recv = (gph->seq_tx + 1) % 512;
-		/* Increment Overflow Counter */
-		if ((gph->seq_tx + 1) / 512)
-			lle->oc_ui_recv += 512;
-		break;
-	default:
-		LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Unhandled command: %d\n", gph->cmd);
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* receive an incoming LLC PDU (BSSGP-UL-UNITDATA-IND, */
-int gprs_llc_rcvmsg(struct msgb *msg, struct tlv_parsed *tv)
-	struct gprs_llc_hdr *lh = (struct gprs_llc_hdr *) msgb_llch(msg);
-	struct gprs_llc_hdr_parsed llhp;
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle = NULL;
-	bool drop_cipherable = false;
-	int rc = 0;
-	/* Identifiers from DOWN: NSEI, BVCI, TLLI */
-	memset(&llhp, 0, sizeof(llhp));
-	rc = gprs_llc_hdr_parse(&llhp, (uint8_t *) lh, TLVP_LEN(tv, BSSGP_IE_LLC_PDU));
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Error during LLC header parsing\n");
-		return rc;
-	}
-	switch (gprs_tlli_type(msgb_tlli(msg))) {
-	case TLLI_LOCAL:
-		break;
-	default:
-			"Discarding frame with strange TLLI type\n");
-		break;
-	}
-	/* find the LLC Entity for this TLLI+SAPI tuple */
-	lle = lle_for_rx_by_tlli_sapi(msgb_tlli(msg), llhp.sapi, llhp.cmd);
-	if (!lle) {
-		switch (llhp.sapi) {
-		case GPRS_SAPI_SNDCP11:
-			/* Ask an upper layer for help. */
-			return gsm0408_gprs_force_reattach_oldmsg(msg, NULL);
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	gprs_llc_hdr_dump(&llhp, lle);
-	/* reset age computation */
-	lle->llme->age_timestamp = GPRS_LLME_RESET_AGE;
-	/* decrypt information field + FCS, if needed! */
-	if (llhp.is_encrypted) {
-		if (lle->llme->algo != GPRS_ALGO_GEA0) {
-			rc = apply_gea(lle, llhp.data_len + 3, llhp.seq_tx,
-				       lle->oc_ui_recv, lle->sapi, NULL,
-	;
-			if (rc < 0)
-				return rc;
-		llhp.fcs = *( + llhp.data_len);
-		llhp.fcs |= *( + llhp.data_len + 1) << 8;
-		llhp.fcs |= *( + llhp.data_len + 2) << 16;
-		} else {
-			LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_NOTICE, "encrypted frame for LLC that "
-				"has no KC/Algo! Dropping.\n");
-			return 0;
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (lle->llme->algo != GPRS_ALGO_GEA0 &&
-		    lle->llme->cksn != GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL)
-			drop_cipherable = true;
-	}
-	/* We have to do the FCS check _after_ decryption */
-	llhp.fcs_calc = gprs_llc_fcs((uint8_t *)lh, llhp.crc_length);
-	if (llhp.fcs != llhp.fcs_calc) {
-		LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_INFO, "Dropping frame with invalid FCS\n");
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	/* Update LLE's (BVCI, NSEI) tuple */
-	lle->llme->bvci = msgb_bvci(msg);
-	lle->llme->nsei = msgb_nsei(msg);
-	/* Receive and Process the actual LLC frame */
-	rc = gprs_llc_hdr_rx(&llhp, lle);
-	if (rc < 0)
-		return rc;
-	rate_ctr_inc(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_LLC_UL_PACKETS]);
-	rate_ctr_add(&sgsn->rate_ctrs->ctr[CTR_LLC_UL_BYTES], msg->len);
-	/* is only set when we need to send LL_[UNIT]DATA_IND up */
-	if (llhp.cmd == GPRS_LLC_UI && && llhp.data_len) {
-		msgb_gmmh(msg) =;
-		switch (llhp.sapi) {
-		case GPRS_SAPI_GMM:
-			/* send LL_UNITDATA_IND to GMM */
-			rc = gsm0408_gprs_rcvmsg_gb(msg, lle->llme,
-						    drop_cipherable);
-			break;
-		case GPRS_SAPI_SNDCP11:
-			rc = sndcp_llunitdata_ind(msg, lle,, llhp.data_len);
-			break;
-		case GPRS_SAPI_SMS:
-			/* FIXME */
-		case GPRS_SAPI_TOM2:
-		case GPRS_SAPI_TOM8:
-		default:
-			LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Unsupported SAPI %u\n", llhp.sapi);
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return rc;
-/* Propagate crypto parameters MM -> LLME */
-void gprs_llme_copy_key(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, struct gprs_llc_llme *llme)
-	if (!mm)
-		return;
-	if (mm->ciph_algo != GPRS_ALGO_GEA0) {
-		llme->algo = mm->ciph_algo;
-		if (llme->cksn != mm->auth_triplet.key_seq &&
-		    mm->auth_triplet.key_seq != GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL) {
-			memcpy(llme->kc, mm->auth_triplet.vec.kc,
-			       gprs_cipher_key_length(mm->ciph_algo));
-			llme->cksn = mm->auth_triplet.key_seq;
-		}
-	} else
-		llme->cksn = GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL;
-/* 04.64 Chapter LLGMM-ASSIGN */
-int gprs_llgmm_assign(struct gprs_llc_llme *llme,
-		      uint32_t old_tlli, uint32_t new_tlli)
-	unsigned int i;
-	if (old_tlli == 0xffffffff && new_tlli != 0xffffffff) {
-		/* TLLI Assignment 8.3.1 */
-		/* New TLLI shall be assigned and used when (re)transmitting LLC frames */
-		/* If old TLLI != 0xffffffff was assigned to LLME, then TLLI
-		 * old is unassigned.  Only TLLI new shall be accepted when
-		 * received from peer. */
-		if (llme->old_tlli != 0xffffffff) {
-			llme->old_tlli = 0xffffffff;
-			llme->tlli = new_tlli;
-		} else {
-			/* If TLLI old == 0xffffffff was assigned to LLME, then this is
-			 * TLLI assignmemt according to 8.3.1 */
-			llme->old_tlli = 0xffffffff;
-			llme->tlli = new_tlli;
-			llme->state = GPRS_LLMS_ASSIGNED;
-			/* For all LLE's */
-			for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(llme->lle); i++) {
-				struct gprs_llc_lle *l = &llme->lle[i];
-				l->vu_send = l->vu_recv = 0;
-				l->retrans_ctr = 0;
-				l->state = GPRS_LLES_ASSIGNED_ADM;
-				/* FIXME Set parameters according to table 9 */
-			}
-		}
-	} else if (old_tlli != 0xffffffff && new_tlli != 0xffffffff) {
-		/* TLLI Change 8.3.2 */
-		/* Both TLLI Old and TLLI New are assigned; use New when
-		 * (re)transmitting.  Accept both Old and New on Rx */
-		llme->old_tlli = old_tlli;
-		llme->tlli = new_tlli;
-		llme->state = GPRS_LLMS_ASSIGNED;
-	} else if (old_tlli != 0xffffffff && new_tlli == 0xffffffff) {
-		/* TLLI Unassignment 8.3.3) */
-		llme->tlli = llme->old_tlli = 0;
-		llme->state = GPRS_LLMS_UNASSIGNED;
-		for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(llme->lle); i++) {
-			struct gprs_llc_lle *l = &llme->lle[i];
-			l->state = GPRS_LLES_UNASSIGNED;
-		}
-		llme_free(llme);
-	} else
-		return -EINVAL;
-	return 0;
-/* TLLI unassignment */
-int gprs_llgmm_unassign(struct gprs_llc_llme *llme)
-	return gprs_llgmm_assign(llme, llme->tlli, 0xffffffff);
-/* Chapter LLGMM-RESET.req */
-int gprs_llgmm_reset(struct gprs_llc_llme *llme)
-	struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(4096, 1024, "LLC_XID");
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle = &llme->lle[1];
-	uint8_t xid_bytes[1024];
-	int xid_bytes_len;
-	uint8_t *xid;
-	if (RAND_bytes((uint8_t *) &llme->iov_ui, 4) != 1) {
-		LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_NOTICE, "RAND_bytes failed for LLC XID reset, "
-		     "falling back to rand()\n");
-		llme->iov_ui = rand();
-	}
-	/* Generate XID message */
-	xid_bytes_len = gprs_llc_generate_xid_for_gmm_reset(xid_bytes,
-					sizeof(xid_bytes),llme->iov_ui,llme);
-	if (xid_bytes_len < 0)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	xid = msgb_put(msg, xid_bytes_len);
-	memcpy(xid, xid_bytes, xid_bytes_len);
-	/* Reset some of the LLC parameters. See GSM 04.64, */
-	lle->vu_recv = 0;
-	lle->vu_send = 0;
-	lle->oc_ui_send = 0;
-	lle->oc_ui_recv = 0;
-	/* FIXME: Start T200, wait for XID response */
-	return gprs_llc_tx_xid(lle, msg, 1);
-int gprs_llgmm_reset_oldmsg(struct msgb* oldmsg, uint8_t sapi,
-			    struct gprs_llc_llme *llme)
-	struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(4096, 1024, "LLC_XID");
-	uint8_t xid_bytes[1024];
-	int xid_bytes_len;
-	uint8_t *xid;
-	if (RAND_bytes((uint8_t *) &llme->iov_ui, 4) != 1) {
-		LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_NOTICE, "RAND_bytes failed for LLC XID reset, "
-		     "falling back to rand()\n");
-		llme->iov_ui = rand();
-	}
-	/* Generate XID message */
-	xid_bytes_len = gprs_llc_generate_xid_for_gmm_reset(xid_bytes,
-					sizeof(xid_bytes),llme->iov_ui,llme);
-	if (xid_bytes_len < 0)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	xid = msgb_put(msg, xid_bytes_len);
-	memcpy(xid, xid_bytes, xid_bytes_len);
-	/* FIXME: Start T200, wait for XID response */
-	msgb_tlli(msg) = msgb_tlli(oldmsg);
-	msgb_bvci(msg) = msgb_bvci(oldmsg);
-	msgb_nsei(msg) = msgb_nsei(oldmsg);
-	return gprs_llc_tx_u(msg, sapi, 1, GPRS_LLC_U_XID, 1);
-int gprs_llc_init(const char *cipher_plugin_path)
-	return gprs_cipher_load(cipher_plugin_path);
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_llc_parse.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_llc_parse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a5a7a71..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_llc_parse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS LLC protocol implementation as per 3GPP TS 04.64 */
-/* (C) 2009-2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/timer.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_data.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gmm.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/crc24.h>
-static const struct value_string llc_cmd_strs[] = {
-	{ GPRS_LLC_RR,		"RR" },
-	{ GPRS_LLC_ACK,		"ACK" },
-	{ GPRS_LLC_RNR,		"RNR" },
-	{ GPRS_LLC_DM,		"DM" },
-	{ GPRS_LLC_UA,		"UA" },
-	{ GPRS_LLC_XID,		"XID" },
-	{ GPRS_LLC_UI,		"UI" },
-	{ 0, NULL }
-#define LLC_ALLOC_SIZE 16384
-#define UI_HDR_LEN	3
-#define N202		4
-#define CRC24_LENGTH	3
-int gprs_llc_fcs(uint8_t *data, unsigned int len)
-	uint32_t fcs_calc;
-	fcs_calc = crc24_calc(INIT_CRC24, data, len);
-	fcs_calc = ~fcs_calc;
-	fcs_calc &= 0xffffff;
-	return fcs_calc;
-void gprs_llc_hdr_dump(struct gprs_llc_hdr_parsed *gph, struct gprs_llc_lle *lle)
-	const char *gea;
-	uint32_t iov_ui = 0;
-	if (lle) {
-		gea = get_value_string(gprs_cipher_names, lle->llme->algo);
-		iov_ui = lle->llme->iov_ui;
-	} else
-		gea = "GEA?";
-	DEBUGP(DLLC, "LLC SAPI=%u %c %c %c %s IOV-UI=0x%06x FCS=0x%06x ",
-	       gph->sapi, gph->is_cmd ? 'C' : 'R', gph->ack_req ? 'A' : ' ',
-	       gph->is_encrypted ? 'E' : 'U',
-	       gea, iov_ui, gph->fcs);
-	if (gph->cmd)
-		DEBUGPC(DLLC, "CMD=%s ", get_value_string(llc_cmd_strs, gph->cmd));
-	if (gph->data)
-	DEBUGPC(DLLC, "\n");
-/* parse a GPRS LLC header, also check for invalid frames */
-int gprs_llc_hdr_parse(struct gprs_llc_hdr_parsed *ghp,
-		       uint8_t *llc_hdr, int len)
-	uint8_t *ctrl = llc_hdr+1;
-	if (len <= CRC24_LENGTH)
-		return -EIO;
-	ghp->crc_length = len - CRC24_LENGTH;
-	ghp->ack_req = 0;
-	/* Section 5.5: FCS */
-	ghp->fcs = *(llc_hdr + len - 3);
-	ghp->fcs |= *(llc_hdr + len - 2) << 8;
-	ghp->fcs |= *(llc_hdr + len - 1) << 16;
-	/* Section 6.2.1: invalid PD field */
-	if (llc_hdr[0] & 0x80)
-		return -EIO;
-	/* This only works for the MS->SGSN direction */
-	if (llc_hdr[0] & 0x40)
-		ghp->is_cmd = 0;
-	else
-		ghp->is_cmd = 1;
-	ghp->sapi = llc_hdr[0] & 0xf;
-	/* Section 6.2.3: check for reserved SAPI */
-	switch (ghp->sapi) {
-	case 0:
-	case 4:
-	case 6:
-	case 0xa:
-	case 0xc:
-	case 0xd:
-	case 0xf:
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	if ((ctrl[0] & 0x80) == 0) {
-		/* I (Information transfer + Supervisory) format */
-		uint8_t k;
-		ghp->data = ctrl + 3;
-		if (ctrl[0] & 0x40)
-			ghp->ack_req = 1;
-		ghp->seq_tx  = (ctrl[0] & 0x1f) << 4;
-		ghp->seq_tx |= (ctrl[1] >> 4);
-		ghp->seq_rx  = (ctrl[1] & 0x7) << 6;
-		ghp->seq_rx |= (ctrl[2] >> 2);
-		switch (ctrl[2] & 0x03) {
-		case 0:
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_RR;
-			break;
-		case 1:
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_ACK;
-			break;
-		case 2:
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_RNR;
-			break;
-		case 3:
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_SACK;
-			k = ctrl[3] & 0x1f;
-			ghp->data += 1 + k;
-			break;
-		}
-		ghp->data_len = (llc_hdr + len - 3) - ghp->data;
-	} else if ((ctrl[0] & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
-		/* S (Supervisory) format */
-		ghp->data = NULL;
-		ghp->data_len = 0;
-		if (ctrl[0] & 0x20)
-			ghp->ack_req = 1;
-		ghp->seq_rx  = (ctrl[0] & 0x7) << 6;
-		ghp->seq_rx |= (ctrl[1] >> 2);
-		switch (ctrl[1] & 0x03) {
-		case 0:
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_RR;
-			break;
-		case 1:
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_ACK;
-			break;
-		case 2:
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_RNR;
-			break;
-		case 3:
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_SACK;
-			break;
-		}
-	} else if ((ctrl[0] & 0xe0) == 0xc0) {
-		/* UI (Unconfirmed Inforamtion) format */
-		ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_UI;
-		ghp->data = ctrl + 2;
-		ghp->data_len = (llc_hdr + len - 3) - ghp->data;
-		ghp->seq_tx  = (ctrl[0] & 0x7) << 6;
-		ghp->seq_tx |= (ctrl[1] >> 2);
-		if (ctrl[1] & 0x02) {
-			ghp->is_encrypted = 1;
-			/* FIXME: encryption */
-		}
-		if (ctrl[1] & 0x01) {
-			/* FCS over hdr + all inf fields */
-		} else {
-			/* FCS over hdr + N202 octets (4) */
-			if (ghp->crc_length > UI_HDR_LEN + N202)
-				ghp->crc_length = UI_HDR_LEN + N202;
-		}
-	} else {
-		/* U (Unnumbered) format: 1 1 1 P/F M4 M3 M2 M1 */
-		ghp->data = NULL;
-		ghp->data_len = 0;
-		switch (ctrl[0] & 0xf) {
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_NULL;
-			break;
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_DM;
-			break;
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_DISC;
-			break;
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_UA;
-			break;
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_SABM;
-			break;
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_FRMR;
-			break;
-		case GPRS_LLC_U_XID:
-			ghp->cmd = GPRS_LLC_XID;
-			ghp->data = ctrl + 1;
-			ghp->data_len = (llc_hdr + len - 3) - ghp->data;
-			break;
-		default:
-			return -EIO;
-		}
-	}
-	/* FIXME: parse sack frame */
-	if (ghp->cmd == GPRS_LLC_SACK) {
-		LOGP(DLLC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Unsupported SACK frame\n");
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	return 0;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_llc_vty.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_llc_vty.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bf34e97..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_llc_vty.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-/* VTY interface for our GPRS LLC implementation */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/select.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/signal.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/vty.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/command.h>
-struct value_string gprs_llc_state_strs[] = {
-	{ GPRS_LLES_UNASSIGNED, 	"TLLI Unassigned" },
-	{ GPRS_LLES_LOCAL_EST,		"Local Establishment" },
-	{ GPRS_LLES_REMOTE_EST,		"Remote Establishment" },
-	{ GPRS_LLES_ABM,		"Asynchronous Balanced Mode" },
-	{ GPRS_LLES_LOCAL_REL,		"Local Release" },
-	{ GPRS_LLES_TIMER_REC,		"Timer Recovery" },
-	{ 0, NULL }
-static void vty_dump_lle(struct vty *vty, struct gprs_llc_lle *lle)
-	struct gprs_llc_params *par = &lle->params;
-	vty_out(vty, " SAPI %2u State %s VUsend=%u, VUrecv=%u", lle->sapi, 
-		get_value_string(gprs_llc_state_strs, lle->state),
-		lle->vu_send, lle->vu_recv);
-	vty_out(vty, " Vsent=%u Vack=%u Vrecv=%u, RetransCtr=%u%s",
-		lle->v_sent, lle->v_ack, lle->v_recv,
-		lle->retrans_ctr, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, "  T200=%u, N200=%u, N201-U=%u, N201-I=%u, mD=%u, "
-		"mU=%u, kD=%u, kU=%u%s", par->t200_201, par->n200,
-		par->n201_u, par->n201_i, par->mD, par->mU, par->kD,
-		par->kU, VTY_NEWLINE);
-static uint8_t valid_sapis[] = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11 };
-static void vty_dump_llme(struct vty *vty, struct gprs_llc_llme *llme)
-	unsigned int i;
-	struct timespec now_tp = {0};
-	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now_tp);
-	vty_out(vty, "TLLI %08x (Old TLLI %08x) BVCI=%u NSEI=%u %s: "
-		"IOV-UI=0x%06x CKSN=%d Age=%d: State %s%s", llme->tlli,
-		llme->old_tlli, llme->bvci, llme->nsei,
-		get_value_string(gprs_cipher_names, llme->algo), llme->iov_ui,
-		llme->cksn, llme->age_timestamp == GPRS_LLME_RESET_AGE ? 0 :
-		(int)(now_tp.tv_sec - (time_t)llme->age_timestamp),
-		get_value_string(gprs_llc_state_strs, llme->state), VTY_NEWLINE);
-	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(valid_sapis); i++) {
-		struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-		uint8_t sapi = valid_sapis[i];
-		if (sapi >= ARRAY_SIZE(llme->lle))
-			continue;
-		lle = &llme->lle[sapi];
-		vty_dump_lle(vty, lle);
-	}
-DEFUN(show_llc, show_llc_cmd,
-	"show llc",
-	SHOW_STR "Display information about the LLC protocol")
-	struct gprs_llc_llme *llme;
-	vty_out(vty, "State of LLC Entities%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	llist_for_each_entry(llme, &gprs_llc_llmes, list) {
-		vty_dump_llme(vty, llme);
-	}
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-int gprs_llc_vty_init(void)
-	install_element_ve(&show_llc_cmd);
-	return 0;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_llc_xid.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_llc_xid.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fe63171..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_llc_xid.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS LLC XID field encoding/decoding as per 3GPP TS 44.064 */
-/* (C) 2016 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc_xid.h>
-const struct value_string gprs_llc_xid_type_names[] = {
-	{ GPRS_LLC_XID_T_T200,		"T200"},
-	{ GPRS_LLC_XID_T_N200,		"N200"},
-	{ GPRS_LLC_XID_T_N201_U,	"N201_"},
-	{ GPRS_LLC_XID_T_N201_I,	"N201_I"},
-	{ GPRS_LLC_XID_T_mD,		"mD"},
-	{ GPRS_LLC_XID_T_mU,		"mU"},
-	{ GPRS_LLC_XID_T_kD,		"kD"},
-	{ GPRS_LLC_XID_T_kU,		"kU"},
-	{ 0, NULL },
-/* Parse XID parameter field */
-static int decode_xid_field(struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field,
-			    const uint8_t *src, uint8_t src_len)
-	uint8_t xl;
-	uint8_t type;
-	uint8_t len;
-	int src_counter = 0;
-	/* Exit immediately if it is clear that no
-	 * parseable data is present */
-	if (src_len < 1 || !src)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Extract header info */
-	xl = (*src >> 7) & 1;
-	type = (*src >> 2) & 0x1F;
-	/* Extract length field */
-	len = (*src) & 0x3;
-	src++;
-	src_counter++;
-	if (xl) {
-		if (src_len < 2)
-			return -EINVAL;
-		len = (len << 6) & 0xC0;
-		len |= ((*src) >> 2) & 0x3F;
-		src++;
-		src_counter++;
-	}
-	/* Fill out struct */
-	xid_field->type = type;
-	xid_field->data_len = len;
-	if (len > 0) {
-		if (src_len < src_counter + len)
-			return -EINVAL;
-		xid_field->data =
-			talloc_memdup(xid_field,src,xid_field->data_len);
-	} else
-		xid_field->data = NULL;
-	/* Return consumed length */
-	return src_counter + len;
-/* Encode XID parameter field */
-static int encode_xid_field(uint8_t *dst, int dst_maxlen,
-			    const struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field)
-	int xl = 0;
-	/* When the length does not fit into 2 bits,
-	 * we need extended length fields */
-	if (xid_field->data_len > 3)
-		xl = 1;
-	/* Exit immediately if it is clear that no
-	 * encoding result can be stored */
-	if (dst_maxlen < xid_field->data_len + 1 + xl)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* There are only 5 bits reserved for the type, exit on exceed */
-	if (xid_field->type > 31)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Encode header */
-	memset(dst, 0, dst_maxlen);
-	if (xl)
-		dst[0] |= 0x80;
-	dst[0] |= (((xid_field->type) & 0x1F) << 2);
-	if (xl) {
-		dst[0] |= (((xid_field->data_len) >> 6) & 0x03);
-		dst[1] = ((xid_field->data_len) << 2) & 0xFC;
-	} else
-		dst[0] |= ((xid_field->data_len) & 0x03);
-	/* Append payload data */
-	if (xid_field->data && xid_field->data_len)
-		memcpy(dst + 1 + xl, xid_field->data, xid_field->data_len);
-	/* Return generated length */
-	return xid_field->data_len + 1 + xl;
-/* Transform a list with XID fields into a XID message (dst) */
-int gprs_llc_compile_xid(uint8_t *dst, int dst_maxlen,
-			 const struct llist_head *xid_fields)
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field;
-	int rc;
-	int byte_counter = 0;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(xid_fields);
-	llist_for_each_entry_reverse(xid_field, xid_fields, list) {
-		/* Encode XID-Field */
-		rc = encode_xid_field(dst, dst_maxlen, xid_field);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			return -EINVAL;
-		/* Advance pointer and lower maxlen for the
-		 * next encoding round */
-		dst += rc;
-		byte_counter += rc;
-		dst_maxlen -= rc;
-	}
-	/* Return generated length */
-	return byte_counter;
-/* Transform a XID message (dst) into a list of XID fields */
-struct llist_head *gprs_llc_parse_xid(const void *ctx, const uint8_t *src,
-				      int src_len)
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field;
-	struct llist_head *xid_fields;
-	int rc;
-	int max_loops = src_len;
-	xid_fields = talloc_zero(ctx, struct llist_head);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(xid_fields);
-	while (1) {
-		/* Bail in case decode_xid_field() constantly returns zero */
-		if (max_loops <= 0) {
-			talloc_free(xid_fields);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		/* Decode XID field */
-		xid_field = talloc_zero(xid_fields, struct gprs_llc_xid_field);
-		rc = decode_xid_field(xid_field, src, src_len);
-		/* Immediately stop on error */
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			talloc_free(xid_fields);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		/* Add parsed XID field to list */
-		llist_add(&xid_field->list, xid_fields);
-		/* Advance pointer and lower dst_len for the next
-		 * decoding round */
-		src += rc;
-		src_len -= rc;
-		/* We are (scuccessfully) done when no further byes are left */
-		if (src_len == 0)
-			return xid_fields;
-		max_loops--;
-	}
-/* Create a duplicate of an XID-Field */
-struct gprs_llc_xid_field *gprs_llc_dup_xid_field(const void *ctx, const struct
-						  gprs_llc_xid_field
-						  *xid_field)
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field *dup;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(xid_field);
-	/* Create a copy of the XID field in memory */
-	dup = talloc_memdup(ctx, xid_field, sizeof(*xid_field));
-	dup->data = talloc_memdup(ctx, xid_field->data, xid_field->data_len);
-	/* Unlink duplicate from source list */
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&dup->list);
-	return dup;
-/* Copy an llist with xid fields */
-struct llist_head *gprs_llc_copy_xid(const void *ctx,
-				     const struct llist_head *xid_fields)
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field;
-	struct llist_head *xid_fields_copy;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(xid_fields);
-	xid_fields_copy = talloc_zero(ctx, struct llist_head);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(xid_fields_copy);
-	/* Create duplicates and add them to the target list */
-	llist_for_each_entry(xid_field, xid_fields, list) {
-		llist_add(&gprs_llc_dup_xid_field(ctx, xid_field)->list,
-			  xid_fields_copy);
-	}
-	return xid_fields_copy;
-/* Dump a list with XID fields (Debug) */
-void gprs_llc_dump_xid_fields(const struct llist_head *xid_fields,
-			      unsigned int logl)
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(xid_fields);
-	llist_for_each_entry(xid_field, xid_fields, list) {
-		if (xid_field->data_len) {
-			OSMO_ASSERT(xid_field->data);
-			LOGP(DLLC, logl,
-			     "XID: type %s, data_len=%d, data=%s\n",
-			     get_value_string(gprs_llc_xid_type_names,
-					      xid_field->type),
-			     xid_field->data_len,
-			     osmo_hexdump_nospc(xid_field->data,
-						xid_field->data_len));
-		} else {
-			LOGP(DLLC, logl,
-			     "XID: type=%d, data_len=%d, data=NULL\n",
-			     xid_field->type, xid_field->data_len);
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sgsn.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sgsn.c
deleted file mode 100644
index acaf781..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sgsn.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,923 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS SGSN functionality */
-/* (C) 2009 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/timer.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/stats.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/backtrace.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_ns.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08_gprs.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/apn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_subscriber.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gmm.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/signal.h>
-#include "openbsc/gprs_llc.h"
-#include <openbsc/iu.h>
-#include <pdp.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <openssl/rand.h>
-extern struct sgsn_instance *sgsn;
-static const struct rate_ctr_desc mmctx_ctr_description[] = {
-	{ "",	"Signalling Messages ( In)" },
-	{ "sign.packets.out",	"Signalling Messages (Out)" },
-	{ "",	"User Data  Messages ( In)" },
-	{ "udata.packets.out",	"User Data  Messages (Out)" },
-	{ "",	"User Data  Bytes    ( In)" },
-	{ "udata.bytes.out",	"User Data  Bytes    (Out)" },
-	{ "pdp_ctx_act",	"PDP Context Activations  " },
-	{ "suspend",		"SUSPEND Count            " },
-	{ "",		"Paging Packet Switched   " },
-	{ "paging.cs",		"Paging Circuit Switched  " },
-	{ "ra_update",		"Routing Area Update      " },
-static const struct rate_ctr_group_desc mmctx_ctrg_desc = {
-	.group_name_prefix = "sgsn.mmctx",
-	.group_description = "SGSN MM Context Statistics",
-	.num_ctr = ARRAY_SIZE(mmctx_ctr_description),
-	.ctr_desc = mmctx_ctr_description,
-static const struct rate_ctr_desc pdpctx_ctr_description[] = {
-	{ "",	"User Data  Messages ( In)" },
-	{ "udata.packets.out",	"User Data  Messages (Out)" },
-	{ "",	"User Data  Bytes    ( In)" },
-	{ "udata.bytes.out",	"User Data  Bytes    (Out)" },
-static const struct rate_ctr_group_desc pdpctx_ctrg_desc = {
-	.group_name_prefix = "sgsn.pdpctx",
-	.group_description = "SGSN PDP Context Statistics",
-	.num_ctr = ARRAY_SIZE(pdpctx_ctr_description),
-	.ctr_desc = pdpctx_ctr_description,
-static const struct rate_ctr_desc sgsn_ctr_description[] = {
-	{ "llc.dl_bytes", "Count sent LLC bytes before giving it to the bssgp layer" },
-	{ "llc.ul_bytes", "Count sucessful received LLC bytes (encrypt & fcs correct)" },
-	{ "llc.dl_packets", "Count sucessful sent LLC packets before giving it to the bssgp layer" },
-	{ "llc.ul_packets", "Count sucessful received LLC packets (encrypt & fcs correct)" },
-	{ "gprs.attach_requested", "Received attach requests" },
-	{ "gprs.attach_accepted", "Sent attach accepts" },
-	{ "gprs.attach_rejected", "Sent attach rejects" },
-	{ "gprs.detach_requested", "Received detach requests" },
-	{ "gprs.detach_acked", "Sent detach acks" },
-	{ "gprs.routing_area_requested", "Received routing area requests" },
-	{ "gprs.routing_area_requested", "Sent routing area acks" },
-	{ "gprs.routing_area_requested", "Sent routing area rejects" },
-	{ "pdp.activate_requested", "Received activate requests" },
-	{ "pdp.activate_rejected", "Sent activate rejects" },
-	{ "pdp.activate_accepted", "Sent activate accepts" },
-	{ "pdp.request_activated", "unused" },
-	{ "pdp.request_activate_rejected", "unused" },
-	{ "pdp.modify_requested", "unused" },
-	{ "pdp.modify_accepted", "unused" },
-	{ "pdp.dl_deactivate_requested", "Sent deactivate requests" },
-	{ "pdp.dl_deactivate_accepted", "Sent deactivate accepted" },
-	{ "pdp.ul_deactivate_requested", "Received deactivate requests" },
-	{ "pdp.ul_deactivate_accepted", "Received deactivate accepts" },
-static const struct rate_ctr_group_desc sgsn_ctrg_desc = {
-	"sgsn",
-	"SGSN Overall Statistics",
-	ARRAY_SIZE(sgsn_ctr_description),
-	sgsn_ctr_description,
-void sgsn_rate_ctr_init() {
-	sgsn->rate_ctrs = rate_ctr_group_alloc(tall_bsc_ctx, &sgsn_ctrg_desc, 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn->rate_ctrs);
-/* look-up an SGSN MM context based on Iu UE context (struct ue_conn_ctx)*/
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_by_ue_ctx(const void *uectx)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx;
-	llist_for_each_entry(ctx, &sgsn_mm_ctxts, list) {
-		if (ctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_UTRAN_Iu
-		    && uectx == ctx->iu.ue_ctx)
-			return ctx;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-/* look-up a SGSN MM context based on TLLI + RAI */
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(uint32_t tlli,
-					const struct gprs_ra_id *raid)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx;
-	llist_for_each_entry(ctx, &sgsn_mm_ctxts, list) {
-		if ((tlli == ctx->gb.tlli || tlli == ctx->gb.tlli_new) &&
-		    gprs_ra_id_equals(raid, &ctx->ra))
-			return ctx;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli_and_ptmsi(uint32_t tlli,
-					const struct gprs_ra_id *raid)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx;
-	int tlli_type;
-	/* TODO: Also check the P_TMSI signature to be safe. That signature
-	 * should be different (at least with a sufficiently high probability)
-	 * after SGSN restarts and for multiple SGSN instances.
-	 */
-	tlli_type = gprs_tlli_type(tlli);
-	if (tlli_type != TLLI_FOREIGN && tlli_type != TLLI_LOCAL)
-		return NULL;
-	llist_for_each_entry(ctx, &sgsn_mm_ctxts, list) {
-		if ((gprs_tmsi2tlli(ctx->p_tmsi, tlli_type) == tlli ||
-		     gprs_tmsi2tlli(ctx->p_tmsi_old, tlli_type) == tlli) &&
-		    gprs_ra_id_equals(raid, &ctx->ra))
-			return ctx;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_by_ptmsi(uint32_t p_tmsi)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx;
-	llist_for_each_entry(ctx, &sgsn_mm_ctxts, list) {
-		if (p_tmsi == ctx->p_tmsi ||
-		    (ctx->p_tmsi_old && ctx->p_tmsi_old == p_tmsi))
-			return ctx;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_by_imsi(const char *imsi)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx;
-	llist_for_each_entry(ctx, &sgsn_mm_ctxts, list) {
-		if (!strcmp(imsi, ctx->imsi))
-			return ctx;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-/* Allocate a new SGSN MM context for GERAN_Gb */
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_alloc_gb(uint32_t tlli,
-					const struct gprs_ra_id *raid)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx;
-	ctx = talloc_zero(tall_bsc_ctx, struct sgsn_mm_ctx);
-	if (!ctx)
-		return NULL;
-	memcpy(&ctx->ra, raid, sizeof(ctx->ra));
-	ctx->ran_type = MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb;
-	ctx->gb.tlli = tlli;
-	ctx->gmm_state = GMM_DEREGISTERED;
-	ctx->pmm_state = MM_IDLE;
-	ctx->auth_triplet.key_seq = GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL;
-	ctx->ciph_algo = sgsn->cfg.cipher;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_DEBUG, ctx, "Allocated with %s cipher.\n",
-		  get_value_string(gprs_cipher_names, ctx->ciph_algo));
-	ctx->ctrg = rate_ctr_group_alloc(ctx, &mmctx_ctrg_desc, tlli);
-	if (!ctx->ctrg) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, ctx, "Cannot allocate counter group\n");
-		talloc_free(ctx);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&ctx->pdp_list);
-	llist_add(&ctx->list, &sgsn_mm_ctxts);
-	return ctx;
-/* Allocate a new SGSN MM context */
-struct sgsn_mm_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_alloc_iu(void *uectx)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx;
-	ctx = talloc_zero(tall_bsc_ctx, struct sgsn_mm_ctx);
-	if (!ctx)
-		return NULL;
-	ctx->ran_type = MM_CTX_T_UTRAN_Iu;
-	ctx->iu.ue_ctx = uectx;
-	ctx->iu.new_key = 1;
-	ctx->gmm_state = GMM_DEREGISTERED;
-	ctx->pmm_state = PMM_DETACHED;
-	ctx->auth_triplet.key_seq = GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL;
-	ctx->ctrg = rate_ctr_group_alloc(ctx, &mmctx_ctrg_desc, 0);
-	if (!ctx->ctrg) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, ctx, "Cannot allocate counter group\n");
-		talloc_free(ctx);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	/* Need to get RAID from IU conn */
-	ctx->ra = ctx->iu.ue_ctx->ra_id;
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&ctx->pdp_list);
-	llist_add(&ctx->list, &sgsn_mm_ctxts);
-	return ctx;
-/* this is a hard _free_ function, it doesn't clean up the PDP contexts
- * in libgtp! */
-static void sgsn_mm_ctx_free(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm)
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp, *pdp2;
-	/* Unlink from global list of MM contexts */
-	llist_del(&mm->list);
-	/* Free all PDP contexts */
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(pdp, pdp2, &mm->pdp_list, list)
-		sgsn_pdp_ctx_free(pdp);
-	rate_ctr_group_free(mm->ctrg);
-	talloc_free(mm);
-void sgsn_mm_ctx_cleanup_free(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm)
-	struct gprs_llc_llme *llme = NULL;
-	uint32_t tlli = mm->gb.tlli;
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp, *pdp2;
-	struct sgsn_signal_data sig_data;
-	if (mm->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb)
-		llme = mm->gb.llme;
-	else
-		OSMO_ASSERT(mm->gb.llme == NULL);
-	/* Forget about ongoing look-ups */
-	if (mm->ggsn_lookup) {
-			"Cleaning mmctx with on-going query.\n");
-		mm->ggsn_lookup->mmctx = NULL;
-		mm->ggsn_lookup = NULL;
-	}
-	/* delete all existing PDP contexts for this MS */
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(pdp, pdp2, &mm->pdp_list, list) {
-			  "Dropping PDP context for NSAPI=%u\n", pdp->nsapi);
-		sgsn_pdp_ctx_terminate(pdp);
-	}
-	if (osmo_timer_pending(&mm->timer)) {
-		LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_INFO, mm, "Cancelling MM timer %u\n", mm->T);
-		osmo_timer_del(&mm->timer);
-	}
-	memset(&sig_data, 0, sizeof(sig_data));
- = mm;
-	osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_SGSN, S_SGSN_MM_FREE, &sig_data);
-	/* Detach from subscriber which is possibly freed then */
-	if (mm->subscr) {
-		struct gprs_subscr *subscr = gprs_subscr_get(mm->subscr);
-		gprs_subscr_cleanup(subscr);
-		gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	}
-	sgsn_mm_ctx_free(mm);
-	mm = NULL;
-	if (llme) {
-		/* TLLI unassignment, must be called after sgsn_mm_ctx_free */
-		gprs_llgmm_assign(llme, tlli, 0xffffffff);
-	}
-/* look up PDP context by MM context and NSAPI */
-struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *sgsn_pdp_ctx_by_nsapi(const struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm,
-					   uint8_t nsapi)
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-	llist_for_each_entry(pdp, &mm->pdp_list, list) {
-		if (pdp->nsapi == nsapi)
-			return pdp;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-/* look up PDP context by MM context and transaction ID */
-struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *sgsn_pdp_ctx_by_tid(const struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm,
-					 uint8_t tid)
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-	llist_for_each_entry(pdp, &mm->pdp_list, list) {
-		if (pdp->ti == tid)
-			return pdp;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-/* you don't want to use this directly, call sgsn_create_pdp_ctx() */
-struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *sgsn_pdp_ctx_alloc(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm,
-					uint8_t nsapi)
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-	pdp = sgsn_pdp_ctx_by_nsapi(mm, nsapi);
-	if (pdp)
-		return NULL;
-	pdp = talloc_zero(tall_bsc_ctx, struct sgsn_pdp_ctx);
-	if (!pdp)
-		return NULL;
-	pdp->mm = mm;
-	pdp->nsapi = nsapi;
-	pdp->ctrg = rate_ctr_group_alloc(pdp, &pdpctx_ctrg_desc, nsapi);
-	if (!pdp->ctrg) {
-		LOGPDPCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, pdp, "Error allocation counter group\n");
-		talloc_free(pdp);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	llist_add(&pdp->list, &mm->pdp_list);
-	llist_add(&pdp->g_list, &sgsn_pdp_ctxts);
-	return pdp;
- * This function will not trigger any GSM DEACT PDP ACK messages, so you
- * probably want to call sgsn_delete_pdp_ctx() instead if the connection
- * isn't detached already.
- */
-void sgsn_pdp_ctx_terminate(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp)
-	struct sgsn_signal_data sig_data;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(pdp->mm != NULL);
-	/* There might still be pending callbacks in libgtp. So the parts of
-	 * this object relevant to GTP need to remain intact in this case. */
-	LOGPDPCTXP(LOGL_INFO, pdp, "Forcing release of PDP context\n");
-	if (pdp->mm->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb) {
-		/* Force the deactivation of the SNDCP layer */
-		sndcp_sm_deactivate_ind(&pdp->mm->gb.llme->lle[pdp->sapi], pdp->nsapi);
-	}
-	memset(&sig_data, 0, sizeof(sig_data));
-	sig_data.pdp = pdp;
-	osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_SGSN, S_SGSN_PDP_TERMINATE, &sig_data);
-	/* Detach from MM context */
-	llist_del(&pdp->list);
-	pdp->mm = NULL;
-	sgsn_delete_pdp_ctx(pdp);
- * Don't call this function directly unless you know what you are doing.
- * In normal conditions use sgsn_delete_pdp_ctx and in unspecified or
- * implementation dependent abnormal ones sgsn_pdp_ctx_terminate.
- */
-void sgsn_pdp_ctx_free(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp)
-	struct sgsn_signal_data sig_data;
-	memset(&sig_data, 0, sizeof(sig_data));
-	sig_data.pdp = pdp;
-	osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_SGSN, S_SGSN_PDP_FREE, &sig_data);
-	rate_ctr_group_free(pdp->ctrg);
-	if (pdp->mm)
-		llist_del(&pdp->list);
-	llist_del(&pdp->g_list);
-	/* _if_ we still have a library handle, at least set it to NULL
-	 * to avoid any dereferences of the now-deleted PDP context from
-	 * sgsn_libgtp:cb_data_ind() */
-	if (pdp->lib) {
-		struct pdp_t *lib = pdp->lib;
-		LOGPDPCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, pdp, "freeing PDP context that still "
-		     "has a libgtp handle attached to it, this shouldn't "
-		     "happen!\n");
-		osmo_generate_backtrace();
-		lib->priv = NULL;
-	}
-	if (pdp->destroy_ggsn)
-		sgsn_ggsn_ctx_free(pdp->ggsn);
-	talloc_free(pdp);
-/* GGSN contexts */
-struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *sgsn_ggsn_ctx_alloc(uint32_t id)
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggc;
-	ggc = talloc_zero(tall_bsc_ctx, struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx);
-	if (!ggc)
-		return NULL;
-	ggc->id = id;
-	ggc->gtp_version = 1;
-	ggc->remote_restart_ctr = -1;
-	/* if we are called from config file parse, this gsn doesn't exist yet */
-	ggc->gsn = sgsn->gsn;
-	llist_add(&ggc->list, &sgsn_ggsn_ctxts);
-	return ggc;
-void sgsn_ggsn_ctx_free(struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggc)
-	llist_del(&ggc->list);
-	talloc_free(ggc);
-struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *sgsn_ggsn_ctx_by_id(uint32_t id)
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggc;
-	llist_for_each_entry(ggc, &sgsn_ggsn_ctxts, list) {
-		if (id == ggc->id)
-			return ggc;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *sgsn_ggsn_ctx_by_addr(struct in_addr *addr)
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggc;
-	llist_for_each_entry(ggc, &sgsn_ggsn_ctxts, list) {
-		if (!memcmp(addr, &ggc->remote_addr, sizeof(*addr)))
-			return ggc;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *sgsn_ggsn_ctx_find_alloc(uint32_t id)
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggc;
-	ggc = sgsn_ggsn_ctx_by_id(id);
-	if (!ggc)
-		ggc = sgsn_ggsn_ctx_alloc(id);
-	return ggc;
-/* APN contexts */
-static struct apn_ctx *sgsn_apn_ctx_alloc(const char *ap_name, const char *imsi_prefix)
-	struct apn_ctx *actx;
-	actx = talloc_zero(tall_bsc_ctx, struct apn_ctx);
-	if (!actx)
-		return NULL;
-	actx->name = talloc_strdup(actx, ap_name);
-	actx->imsi_prefix = talloc_strdup(actx, imsi_prefix);
-	llist_add_tail(&actx->list, &sgsn_apn_ctxts);
-	return actx;
-void sgsn_apn_ctx_free(struct apn_ctx *actx)
-	llist_del(&actx->list);
-	talloc_free(actx);
-struct apn_ctx *sgsn_apn_ctx_match(const char *name, const char *imsi)
-	struct apn_ctx *actx;
-	struct apn_ctx *found_actx = NULL;
-	size_t imsi_prio = 0;
-	size_t name_prio = 0;
-	size_t name_req_len = strlen(name);
-	llist_for_each_entry(actx, &sgsn_apn_ctxts, list) {
-		size_t name_ref_len, imsi_ref_len;
-		const char *name_ref_start, *name_match_start;
-		imsi_ref_len = strlen(actx->imsi_prefix);
-		if (strncmp(actx->imsi_prefix, imsi, imsi_ref_len) != 0)
-			continue;
-		if (imsi_ref_len < imsi_prio)
-			continue;
-		/* IMSI matches */
-		name_ref_start = &actx->name[0];
-		if (name_ref_start[0] == '*') {
-			/* Suffix match */
-			name_ref_start += 1;
-			name_ref_len = strlen(name_ref_start);
-			if (name_ref_len > name_req_len)
-				continue;
-		} else {
-			name_ref_len = strlen(name_ref_start);
-			if (name_ref_len != name_req_len)
-				continue;
-		}
-		name_match_start = name + (name_req_len - name_ref_len);
-		if (strcasecmp(name_match_start, name_ref_start) != 0)
-			continue;
-		/* IMSI and name match */
-		if (imsi_ref_len == imsi_prio && name_ref_len < name_prio)
-			/* Lower priority, skip */
-			continue;
-		imsi_prio = imsi_ref_len;
-		name_prio = name_ref_len;
-		found_actx = actx;
-	}
-	return found_actx;
-struct apn_ctx *sgsn_apn_ctx_by_name(const char *name, const char *imsi_prefix)
-	struct apn_ctx *actx;
-	llist_for_each_entry(actx, &sgsn_apn_ctxts, list) {
-		if (strcasecmp(name, actx->name) == 0 &&
-		    strcasecmp(imsi_prefix, actx->imsi_prefix) == 0)
-			return actx;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-struct apn_ctx *sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc(const char *name, const char *imsi_prefix)
-	struct apn_ctx *actx;
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_by_name(name, imsi_prefix);
-	if (!actx)
-		actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_alloc(name, imsi_prefix);
-	return actx;
-uint32_t sgsn_alloc_ptmsi(void)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm;
-	uint32_t ptmsi = 0xdeadbeef;
-	int max_retries = 100;
-	if (RAND_bytes((uint8_t *) &ptmsi, sizeof(ptmsi)) != 1)
-		goto failed;
-	/* Enforce that the 2 MSB are set without loosing the distance between
-	 * identical values. Since rand() has no duplicate values within a
-	 * period (because the size of the state is the same like the size of
-	 * the random value), this leads to a distance of period/4 when the
-	 * distribution of the 2 MSB is uniform. This approach fails with a
-	 * probability of (3/4)^max_retries, only 1% of the approaches will
-	 * need more than 16 numbers (even distribution assumed).
-	 *
-	 * Alternatively, a freeze list could be used if another PRNG is used
-	 * or when this approach proves to be not sufficient.
-	 */
-	if (ptmsi >= 0xC0000000) {
-		if (!max_retries--)
-			goto failed;
-		goto restart;
-	}
-	ptmsi |= 0xC0000000;
-	if (ptmsi == GSM_RESERVED_TMSI) {
-		if (!max_retries--)
-			goto failed;
-		goto restart;
-	}
-	llist_for_each_entry(mm, &sgsn_mm_ctxts, list) {
-		if (mm->p_tmsi == ptmsi) {
-			if (!max_retries--)
-				goto failed;
-			goto restart;
-		}
-	}
-	return ptmsi;
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to allocate a P-TMSI\n");
-static void drop_one_pdp(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp)
-	if (pdp->mm->gmm_state == GMM_REGISTERED_NORMAL)
-		gsm48_tx_gsm_deact_pdp_req(pdp, GSM_CAUSE_NET_FAIL);
-	else  {
-		/* FIXME: GPRS paging in case MS is SUSPENDED */
-		LOGPDPCTXP(LOGL_NOTICE, pdp, "Hard-dropping PDP ctx due to GGSN "
-			"recovery\n");
-		/* FIXME: how to tell this to libgtp? */
-		sgsn_pdp_ctx_free(pdp);
-	}
-/* High-level function to be called in case a GGSN has disappeared or
- * otherwise lost state (recovery procedure) */
-int drop_all_pdp_for_ggsn(struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggsn)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm;
-	int num = 0;
-	llist_for_each_entry(mm, &sgsn_mm_ctxts, list) {
-		struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-		llist_for_each_entry(pdp, &mm->pdp_list, list) {
-			if (pdp->ggsn == ggsn) {
-				drop_one_pdp(pdp);
-				num++;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return num;
-void sgsn_update_subscriber_data(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(mmctx != NULL);
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_INFO, mmctx, "Subscriber data update\n");
-	sgsn_auth_update(mmctx);
-static void insert_extra(struct tlv_parsed *tp,
-			struct sgsn_subscriber_data *data,
-			struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data *pdp)
-	tp->lv[OSMO_IE_GSM_SUB_QOS].len = pdp->qos_subscribed_len;
-	tp->lv[OSMO_IE_GSM_SUB_QOS].val = pdp->qos_subscribed;
-	/* Prefer PDP charging characteristics of per subscriber one */
-	if (pdp->has_pdp_charg) {
-		tp->lv[OSMO_IE_GSM_CHARG_CHAR].len = sizeof(pdp->pdp_charg);
-		tp->lv[OSMO_IE_GSM_CHARG_CHAR].val = &pdp->pdp_charg[0];
-	} else if (data->has_pdp_charg) {
-		tp->lv[OSMO_IE_GSM_CHARG_CHAR].len = sizeof(data->pdp_charg);
-		tp->lv[OSMO_IE_GSM_CHARG_CHAR].val = &data->pdp_charg[0];
-	}
- * The tlv_parsed tp parameter will be modified to insert a
- * OSMO_IE_GSM_SUB_QOS in case the data is available in the
- * PDP context handling.
- */
-struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *sgsn_mm_ctx_find_ggsn_ctx(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx,
-						struct tlv_parsed *tp,
-						enum gsm48_gsm_cause *gsm_cause,
-						char *out_apn_str)
-	char req_apn_str[GSM_APN_LENGTH] = {0};
-	const struct apn_ctx *apn_ctx = NULL;
-	const char *selected_apn_str = NULL;
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data *pdp;
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggsn = NULL;
-	int allow_any_apn = 0;
-	out_apn_str[0] = '\0';
-		if (TLVP_LEN(tp, GSM48_IE_GSM_APN) >= GSM_APN_LENGTH - 1) {
-			LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, mmctx, "APN IE too long\n");
-			*gsm_cause = GSM_CAUSE_INV_MAND_INFO;
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		osmo_apn_to_str(req_apn_str,
-				TLVP_VAL(tp, GSM48_IE_GSM_APN),
-				TLVP_LEN(tp, GSM48_IE_GSM_APN));
-		if (strcmp(req_apn_str, "*") == 0)
-			req_apn_str[0] = 0;
-	}
-	if (mmctx->subscr == NULL)
-		allow_any_apn = 1;
-	if (strlen(req_apn_str) == 0 && !allow_any_apn) {
-		/* No specific APN requested, check for an APN that is both
-		 * granted and configured */
-		llist_for_each_entry(pdp, &mmctx->subscr->sgsn_data->pdp_list, list) {
-			if (strcmp(pdp->apn_str, "*") == 0)
-			{
-				allow_any_apn = 1;
-				selected_apn_str = "";
-				insert_extra(tp, mmctx->subscr->sgsn_data, pdp);
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (!llist_empty(&sgsn_apn_ctxts)) {
-				apn_ctx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match(req_apn_str, mmctx->imsi);
-				/* Not configured */
-				if (apn_ctx == NULL)
-					continue;
-			}
-			insert_extra(tp, mmctx->subscr->sgsn_data, pdp);
-			selected_apn_str = pdp->apn_str;
-			break;
-		}
-	} else if (!allow_any_apn) {
-		/* Check whether the given APN is granted */
-		llist_for_each_entry(pdp, &mmctx->subscr->sgsn_data->pdp_list, list) {
-			if (strcmp(pdp->apn_str, "*") == 0) {
-				insert_extra(tp, mmctx->subscr->sgsn_data, pdp);
-				selected_apn_str = req_apn_str;
-				allow_any_apn = 1;
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (strcasecmp(pdp->apn_str, req_apn_str) == 0) {
-				insert_extra(tp, mmctx->subscr->sgsn_data, pdp);
-				selected_apn_str = req_apn_str;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	} else if (strlen(req_apn_str) != 0) {
-		/* Any APN is allowed */
-		selected_apn_str = req_apn_str;
-	} else {
-		/* Prefer the GGSN associated with the wildcard APN */
-		selected_apn_str = "";
-	}
-	if (!allow_any_apn && selected_apn_str == NULL) {
-		/* Access not granted */
-			  "The requested APN '%s' is not allowed\n",
-			  req_apn_str);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	/* copy the selected apn_str */
-	if (selected_apn_str)
-		strcpy(out_apn_str, selected_apn_str);
-	else
-		out_apn_str[0] = '\0';
-	if (apn_ctx == NULL && selected_apn_str)
-		apn_ctx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match(selected_apn_str, mmctx->imsi);
-	if (apn_ctx != NULL) {
-		ggsn = apn_ctx->ggsn;
-	} else if (llist_empty(&sgsn_apn_ctxts)) {
-		/* No configuration -> use GGSN 0 */
-		ggsn = sgsn_ggsn_ctx_by_id(0);
-	} else if (allow_any_apn &&
-		   (selected_apn_str == NULL || strlen(selected_apn_str) == 0)) {
-		/* No APN given and no default configuration -> Use GGSN 0 */
-		ggsn = sgsn_ggsn_ctx_by_id(0);
-	} else {
-		/* No matching configuration found */
-			  "The selected APN '%s' has not been configured\n",
-			  selected_apn_str);
-		*gsm_cause = GSM_CAUSE_MISSING_APN;
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if (!ggsn) {
-			"No static GGSN configured. Selected APN '%s'\n",
-			selected_apn_str);
-			return NULL;
-	}
-		  "Found GGSN %d for APN '%s' (requested '%s')\n",
-		  ggsn->id, selected_apn_str ? selected_apn_str : "---",
-		  req_apn_str);
-	return ggsn;
-static void sgsn_llme_cleanup_free(struct gprs_llc_llme *llme)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx = NULL;
-	llist_for_each_entry(mmctx, &sgsn_mm_ctxts, list) {
-		if (llme == mmctx->gb.llme) {
-			gsm0408_gprs_access_cancelled(mmctx, SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	/* No MM context found */
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "Deleting orphaned LLME, TLLI 0x%08x\n",
-	     llme->tlli);
-	gprs_llgmm_unassign(llme);
-static void sgsn_llme_check_cb(void *data_)
-	struct gprs_llc_llme *llme, *llme_tmp;
-	struct timespec now_tp;
-	time_t now, age;
-	time_t max_age = gprs_max_time_to_idle();
-	int rc;
-	rc = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now_tp);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0);
-	now = now_tp.tv_sec;
-	     "Checking for inactive LLMEs, time = %u\n", (unsigned)now);
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(llme, llme_tmp, &gprs_llc_llmes, list) {
-		if (llme->age_timestamp == GPRS_LLME_RESET_AGE)
-			llme->age_timestamp = now;
-		age = now - llme->age_timestamp;
-		if (age > max_age || age < 0) {
-			     "Inactivity timeout for TLLI 0x%08x, age %d\n",
-			     llme->tlli, (int)age);
-			sgsn_llme_cleanup_free(llme);
-		}
-	}
-	osmo_timer_schedule(&sgsn->llme_timer, GPRS_LLME_CHECK_TICK, 0);
-void sgsn_inst_init()
-	osmo_timer_setup(&sgsn->llme_timer, sgsn_llme_check_cb, NULL);
-	osmo_timer_schedule(&sgsn->llme_timer, GPRS_LLME_CHECK_TICK, 0);
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a18998f..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1258 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS SNDCP protocol implementation as per 3GPP TS 04.65 */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010 by On-Waves
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/timer.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_data.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc_xid.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_xid.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_pcomp.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_dcomp.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_comp.h>
-#define DEBUG_IP_PACKETS 0	/* 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled */
-/* Calculate TCP/IP checksum */
-static uint16_t calc_ip_csum(uint8_t *data, int len)
-	int i;
-	uint32_t accumulator = 0;
-	uint16_t *pointer = (uint16_t *) data;
-	for (i = len; i > 1; i -= 2) {
-		accumulator += *pointer;
-		pointer++;
-	}
-	if (len % 2)
-		accumulator += *pointer;
-	accumulator = (accumulator & 0xffff) + ((accumulator >> 16) & 0xffff);
-	accumulator += (accumulator >> 16) & 0xffff;
-	return (~accumulator);
-/* Calculate TCP/IP checksum */
-static uint16_t calc_tcpip_csum(const void *ctx, uint8_t *packet, int len)
-	uint8_t *buf;
-	uint16_t csum;
-	buf = talloc_zero_size(ctx, len);
-	memset(buf, 0, len);
-	memcpy(buf, packet + 12, 8);
-	buf[9] = packet[9];
-	buf[11] = (len - 20) & 0xFF;
-	buf[10] = (len - 20) >> 8 & 0xFF;
-	memcpy(buf + 12, packet + 20, len - 20);
-	csum = calc_ip_csum(buf, len - 20 + 12);
-	talloc_free(buf);
-	return csum;
-/* Show some ip packet details */
-static void debug_ip_packet(uint8_t *data, int len, int dir, char *info)
-	uint8_t tcp_flags;
-	char flags_debugmsg[256];
-	int len_short;
-	static unsigned int packet_count = 0;
-	static unsigned int tcp_csum_err_count = 0;
-	static unsigned int ip_csum_err_count = 0;
-	packet_count++;
-	if (len > 80)
-		len_short = 80;
-	else
-		len_short = len;
-	if (dir)
-		DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: MS => SGSN: %s\n", info,
-		       osmo_hexdump_nospc(data, len_short));
-	else
-		DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: MS <= SGSN: %s\n", info,
-		       osmo_hexdump_nospc(data, len_short));
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: Length.: %d\n", info, len);
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: NO.: %d\n", info, packet_count);
-	if (len < 20) {
-		DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: Error: Short IP packet!\n", info);
-		return;
-	}
-	if (calc_ip_csum(data, 20) != 0) {
-		DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: Bad IP-Header checksum!\n", info);
-		ip_csum_err_count++;
-	} else
-		DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: IP-Header checksum ok.\n", info);
-	if (data[9] == 0x06) {
-		if (len < 40) {
-			DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: Error: Short TCP packet!\n", info);
-			return;
-		}
-		DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: Protocol type: TCP\n", info);
-		tcp_flags = data[33];
-		if (calc_tcpip_csum(NULL, data, len) != 0) {
-			DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: Bad TCP checksum!\n", info);
-			tcp_csum_err_count++;
-		} else
-			DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: TCP checksum ok.\n", info);
-		memset(flags_debugmsg, 0, sizeof(flags_debugmsg));
-		if (tcp_flags & 1)
-			strcat(flags_debugmsg, "FIN ");
-		if (tcp_flags & 2)
-			strcat(flags_debugmsg, "SYN ");
-		if (tcp_flags & 4)
-			strcat(flags_debugmsg, "RST ");
-		if (tcp_flags & 8)
-			strcat(flags_debugmsg, "PSH ");
-		if (tcp_flags & 16)
-			strcat(flags_debugmsg, "ACK ");
-		if (tcp_flags & 32)
-			strcat(flags_debugmsg, "URG ");
-		DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: FLAGS: %s\n", info, flags_debugmsg);
-	} else if (data[9] == 0x11) {
-		DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: Protocol type: UDP\n", info);
-	} else {
-		DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: Protocol type: (%02x)\n", info, data[9]);
-	}
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: IP-Header checksum errors: %d\n", info,
-	       ip_csum_err_count);
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "%s: TCP-Checksum errors: %d\n", info,
-	       tcp_csum_err_count);
-/* Chapter 7.2: SN-PDU Formats */
-struct sndcp_common_hdr {
-	/* octet 1 */
-	uint8_t nsapi:4;
-	uint8_t more:1;
-	uint8_t type:1;
-	uint8_t first:1;
-	uint8_t spare:1;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-/* PCOMP / DCOMP only exist in first fragment */
-struct sndcp_comp_hdr {
-	/* octet 2 */
-	uint8_t pcomp:4;
-	uint8_t dcomp:4;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct sndcp_udata_hdr {
-	/* octet 3 */
-	uint8_t npdu_high:4;
-	uint8_t seg_nr:4;
-	/* octet 4 */
-	uint8_t npdu_low;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-static void *tall_sndcp_ctx;
-/* A fragment queue entry, containing one framgent of a N-PDU */
-struct defrag_queue_entry {
-	struct llist_head list;
-	/* segment number of this fragment */
-	uint32_t seg_nr;
-	/* length of the data area of this fragment */
-	uint32_t data_len;
-	/* pointer to the data of this fragment */
-	uint8_t *data;
-/* Check if any compression parameters are set in the sgsn configuration */
-static inline int any_pcomp_or_dcomp_active(struct sgsn_instance *sgsn) {
-	if (sgsn-> || sgsn->cfg.pcomp_rfc1144.passive ||
-	    sgsn-> || sgsn->cfg.dcomp_v42bis.passive)
-		return true;
-	else
-		return false;
-/* Enqueue a fragment into the defragment queue */
-static int defrag_enqueue(struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne, uint8_t seg_nr,
-			  uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_len)
-	struct defrag_queue_entry *dqe;
-	dqe = talloc_zero(tall_sndcp_ctx, struct defrag_queue_entry);
-	if (!dqe)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	dqe->data = talloc_zero_size(dqe, data_len);
-	if (!dqe->data) {
-		talloc_free(dqe);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	dqe->seg_nr = seg_nr;
-	dqe->data_len = data_len;
-	llist_add(&dqe->list, &sne->defrag.frag_list);
-	if (seg_nr > sne->defrag.highest_seg)
-		sne->defrag.highest_seg = seg_nr;
-	sne->defrag.seg_have |= (1 << seg_nr);
-	sne->defrag.tot_len += data_len;
-	memcpy(dqe->data, data, data_len);
-	return 0;
-/* return if we have all segments of this N-PDU */
-static int defrag_have_all_segments(struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne)
-	uint32_t seg_needed = 0;
-	unsigned int i;
-	/* create a bitmask of needed segments */
-	for (i = 0; i <= sne->defrag.highest_seg; i++)
-		seg_needed |= (1 << i);
-	if (seg_needed == sne->defrag.seg_have)
-		return 1;
-	return 0;
-static struct defrag_queue_entry *defrag_get_seg(struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne,
-						 uint32_t seg_nr)
-	struct defrag_queue_entry *dqe;
-	llist_for_each_entry(dqe, &sne->defrag.frag_list, list) {
-		if (dqe->seg_nr == seg_nr) {
-			llist_del(&dqe->list);
-			return dqe;
-		}
-	}
-	return NULL;
-/* Perform actual defragmentation and create an output packet */
-static int defrag_segments(struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne)
-	struct msgb *msg;
-	unsigned int seg_nr;
-	uint8_t *npdu;
-	int npdu_len;
-	int rc;
-	uint8_t *expnd = NULL;
-	LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_DEBUG, "TLLI=0x%08x NSAPI=%u: Defragment output PDU %u "
-		"num_seg=%u tot_len=%u\n", sne->lle->llme->tlli, sne->nsapi,
-		sne->defrag.npdu, sne->defrag.highest_seg, sne->defrag.tot_len);
-	msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(sne->defrag.tot_len+256, 128, "SNDCP Defrag");
-	if (!msg)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	/* FIXME: message headers + identifiers */
-	npdu = msg->data;
-	for (seg_nr = 0; seg_nr <= sne->defrag.highest_seg; seg_nr++) {
-		struct defrag_queue_entry *dqe;
-		uint8_t *data;
-		dqe = defrag_get_seg(sne, seg_nr);
-		if (!dqe) {
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Segment %u missing\n", seg_nr);
-			msgb_free(msg);
-			return -EIO;
-		}
-		/* actually append the segment to the N-PDU */
-		data = msgb_put(msg, dqe->data_len);
-		memcpy(data, dqe->data, dqe->data_len);
-		/* release memory for the fragment queue entry */
-		talloc_free(dqe);
-	}
-	npdu_len = sne->defrag.tot_len;
-	/* FIXME: cancel timer */
-	/* actually send the N-PDU to the SGSN core code, which then
-	 * hands it off to the correct GTP tunnel + GGSN via gtp_data_req() */
-	/* Decompress packet */
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "                                                   \n");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "===================================================\n");
-	if (any_pcomp_or_dcomp_active(sgsn)) {
-		expnd = talloc_zero_size(msg, npdu_len * MAX_DATADECOMPR_FAC +
-		memcpy(expnd, npdu, npdu_len);
-		/* Apply data decompression */
-		rc = gprs_sndcp_dcomp_expand(expnd, npdu_len, sne->defrag.dcomp,
-					     sne->;
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			     "Data decompression failed!\n");
-			talloc_free(expnd);
-			return -EIO;
-		}
-		/* Apply header decompression */
-		rc = gprs_sndcp_pcomp_expand(expnd, rc, sne->defrag.pcomp,
-					     sne->defrag.proto);
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			     "TCP/IP Header decompression failed!\n");
-			talloc_free(expnd);
-			return -EIO;
-		}
-		/* Modify npu length, expnd is handed directly handed
-		 * over to gsn_rx_sndcp_ud_ind(), see below */
-		npdu_len = rc;
-	} else
-		expnd = npdu;
-	debug_ip_packet(expnd, npdu_len, 1, "defrag_segments()");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "===================================================\n");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "                                                   \n");
-	/* Hand off packet to gtp */
-	rc = sgsn_rx_sndcp_ud_ind(&sne->ra_id, sne->lle->llme->tlli,
-				  sne->nsapi, msg, npdu_len, expnd);
-	if (any_pcomp_or_dcomp_active(sgsn))
-		talloc_free(expnd);
-	return rc;
-static int defrag_input(struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne, struct msgb *msg,
-			uint8_t *hdr, unsigned int len)
-	struct sndcp_common_hdr *sch;
-	struct sndcp_udata_hdr *suh;
-	uint16_t npdu_num;
-	uint8_t *data;
-	int rc;
-	sch = (struct sndcp_common_hdr *) hdr;
-	if (sch->first) {
-		suh = (struct sndcp_udata_hdr *) (hdr + 1 + sizeof(struct sndcp_common_hdr));
-	} else
-		suh = (struct sndcp_udata_hdr *) (hdr + sizeof(struct sndcp_common_hdr));
-	data = (uint8_t *)suh + sizeof(struct sndcp_udata_hdr);
-	npdu_num = (suh->npdu_high << 8) | suh->npdu_low;
-	LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_DEBUG, "TLLI=0x%08x NSAPI=%u: Input PDU %u Segment %u "
-		"Length %u %s %s\n", sne->lle->llme->tlli, sne->nsapi, npdu_num,
-		suh->seg_nr, len, sch->first ? "F " : "", sch->more ? "M" : "");
-	if (sch->first) {
-		/* first segment of a new packet.  Discard all leftover fragments of
-		 * previous packet */
-		if (!llist_empty(&sne->defrag.frag_list)) {
-			struct defrag_queue_entry *dqe, *dqe2;
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_INFO, "TLLI=0x%08x NSAPI=%u: Dropping "
-			     "SN-PDU %u due to insufficient segments (%04x)\n",
-			     sne->lle->llme->tlli, sne->nsapi, sne->defrag.npdu,
-			     sne->defrag.seg_have);
-			llist_for_each_entry_safe(dqe, dqe2, &sne->defrag.frag_list, list) {
-				llist_del(&dqe->list);
-				talloc_free(dqe);
-			}
-		}
-		/* store the currently de-fragmented PDU number */
-		sne->defrag.npdu = npdu_num;
-		/* Re-set fragmentation state */
-		sne->defrag.no_more = sne->defrag.highest_seg = sne->defrag.seg_have = 0;
-		sne->defrag.tot_len = 0;
-		/* FIXME: (re)start timer */
-	}
-	if (sne->defrag.npdu != npdu_num) {
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_INFO, "Segment for different SN-PDU "
-			"(%u != %u)\n", npdu_num, sne->defrag.npdu);
-		/* FIXME */
-	}
-	/* FIXME: check if seg_nr already exists */
-	/* make sure to subtract length of SNDCP header from 'len' */
-	rc = defrag_enqueue(sne, suh->seg_nr, data, len - (data - hdr));
-	if (rc < 0)
-		return rc;
-	if (!sch->more) {
-		/* this is suppsed to be the last segment of the N-PDU, but it
-		 * might well be not the last to arrive */
-		sne->defrag.no_more = 1;
-	}
-	if (sne->defrag.no_more) {
-		/* we have already received the last segment before, let's check
-		 * if all the previous segments exist */
-		if (defrag_have_all_segments(sne))
-			return defrag_segments(sne);
-	}
-	return 0;
-static struct gprs_sndcp_entity *gprs_sndcp_entity_by_lle(const struct gprs_llc_lle *lle,
-						uint8_t nsapi)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne;
-	llist_for_each_entry(sne, &gprs_sndcp_entities, list) {
-		if (sne->lle == lle && sne->nsapi == nsapi)
-			return sne;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static struct gprs_sndcp_entity *gprs_sndcp_entity_alloc(struct gprs_llc_lle *lle,
-						uint8_t nsapi)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne;
-	sne = talloc_zero(tall_sndcp_ctx, struct gprs_sndcp_entity);
-	if (!sne)
-		return NULL;
-	sne->lle = lle;
-	sne->nsapi = nsapi;
-	sne-> = sne;
-	//sne->fqueue.timer.cb = FIXME;
-	sne->rx_state = SNDCP_RX_S_FIRST;
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&sne->defrag.frag_list);
-	llist_add(&sne->list, &gprs_sndcp_entities);
-	return sne;
-/* Entry point for the SNSM-ACTIVATE.indication */
-int sndcp_sm_activate_ind(struct gprs_llc_lle *lle, uint8_t nsapi)
-	     "SAPI=%u, NSAPI=%u)\n", lle, lle->llme->tlli, lle->sapi, nsapi);
-	if (gprs_sndcp_entity_by_lle(lle, nsapi)) {
-			"already-existing entity (TLLI=%08x, NSAPI=%u)\n",
-			lle->llme->tlli, nsapi);
-		return -EEXIST;
-	}
-	if (!gprs_sndcp_entity_alloc(lle, nsapi)) {
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Out of memory during ACTIVATE\n");
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* Entry point for the SNSM-DEACTIVATE.indication */
-int sndcp_sm_deactivate_ind(struct gprs_llc_lle *lle, uint8_t nsapi)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne;
-	     "SAPI=%u, NSAPI=%u)\n", lle, lle->llme->tlli, lle->sapi, nsapi);
-	sne = gprs_sndcp_entity_by_lle(lle, nsapi);
-	if (!sne) {
-		     "existing TLLI=%08x SAPI=%u NSAPI=%u\n", lle->llme->tlli,
-		     lle->sapi, nsapi);
-		return -ENOENT;
-	}
-	llist_del(&sne->list);
-	/* frag queue entries are hierarchically allocated, so no need to
-	 * free them explicitly here */
-	talloc_free(sne);
-	return 0;
-/* Fragmenter state */
-struct sndcp_frag_state {
-	uint8_t frag_nr;
-	struct msgb *msg;	/* original message */
-	uint8_t *next_byte;	/* first byte of next fragment */
-	struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne;
-	void *mmcontext;
-/* returns '1' if there are more fragments to send, '0' if none */
-static int sndcp_send_ud_frag(struct sndcp_frag_state *fs,
-			      uint8_t pcomp, uint8_t dcomp)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne = fs->sne;
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle = sne->lle;
-	struct sndcp_common_hdr *sch;
-	struct sndcp_comp_hdr *scomph;
-	struct sndcp_udata_hdr *suh;
-	struct msgb *fmsg;
-	unsigned int max_payload_len;
-	unsigned int len;
-	uint8_t *data;
-	int rc, more;
-	fmsg = msgb_alloc_headroom(fs->sne->lle->params.n201_u+256, 128,
-				   "SNDCP Frag");
-	if (!fmsg) {
-		msgb_free(fs->msg);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	/* make sure lower layers route the fragment like the original */
-	msgb_tlli(fmsg) = msgb_tlli(fs->msg);
-	msgb_bvci(fmsg) = msgb_bvci(fs->msg);
-	msgb_nsei(fmsg) = msgb_nsei(fs->msg);
-	/* prepend common SNDCP header */
-	sch = (struct sndcp_common_hdr *) msgb_put(fmsg, sizeof(*sch));
-	sch->nsapi = sne->nsapi;
-	/* Set FIRST bit if we are the first fragment in a series */
-	if (fs->frag_nr == 0)
-		sch->first = 1;
-	sch->type = 1;
-	/* append the compression header for first fragment */
-	if (sch->first) {
-		scomph = (struct sndcp_comp_hdr *)
-				msgb_put(fmsg, sizeof(*scomph));
-		scomph->pcomp = pcomp;
-		scomph->dcomp = dcomp;
-	}
-	/* append the user-data header */
-	suh = (struct sndcp_udata_hdr *) msgb_put(fmsg, sizeof(*suh));
-	suh->npdu_low = sne->tx_npdu_nr & 0xff;
-	suh->npdu_high = (sne->tx_npdu_nr >> 8) & 0xf;
-	suh->seg_nr = fs->frag_nr % 0xf;
-	/* calculate remaining length to be sent */
-	len = (fs->msg->data + fs->msg->len) - fs->next_byte;
-	/* how much payload can we actually send via LLC? */
-	max_payload_len = lle->params.n201_u - (sizeof(*sch) + sizeof(*suh));
-	if (sch->first)
-		max_payload_len -= sizeof(*scomph);
-	/* check if we're exceeding the max */
-	if (len > max_payload_len)
-		len = max_payload_len;
-	/* copy the actual fragment data into our fmsg */
-	data = msgb_put(fmsg, len);
-	memcpy(data, fs->next_byte, len);
-	/* Increment fragment number and data pointer to next fragment */
-	fs->frag_nr++;
-	fs->next_byte += len;
-	/* determine if we have more fragemnts to send */
-	if ((fs->msg->data + fs->msg->len) <= fs->next_byte)
-		more = 0;
-	else
-		more = 1;
-	/* set the MORE bit of the SNDCP header accordingly */
-	sch->more = more;
-	rc = gprs_llc_tx_ui(fmsg, lle->sapi, 0, fs->mmcontext, true);
-	/* abort in case of error, do not advance frag_nr / next_byte */
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		msgb_free(fs->msg);
-		return rc;
-	}
-	if (!more) {
-		/* we've sent all fragments */
-		msgb_free(fs->msg);
-		memset(fs, 0, sizeof(*fs));
-		/* increment NPDU number for next frame */
-		sne->tx_npdu_nr = (sne->tx_npdu_nr + 1) % 0xfff;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* default: more fragments to send */
-	return 1;
-/* Request transmission of a SN-PDU over specified LLC Entity + SAPI */
-int sndcp_unitdata_req(struct msgb *msg, struct gprs_llc_lle *lle, uint8_t nsapi,
-			void *mmcontext)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne;
-	struct sndcp_common_hdr *sch;
-	struct sndcp_comp_hdr *scomph;
-	struct sndcp_udata_hdr *suh;
-	struct sndcp_frag_state fs;
-	uint8_t pcomp = 0;
-	uint8_t dcomp = 0;
-	int rc;
-	/* Identifiers from UP: (TLLI, SAPI) + (BVCI, NSEI) */
-	/* Compress packet */
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "                                                   \n");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "===================================================\n");
-	debug_ip_packet(msg->data, msg->len, 0, "sndcp_initdata_req()");
-	if (any_pcomp_or_dcomp_active(sgsn)) {
-		/* Apply header compression */
-		rc = gprs_sndcp_pcomp_compress(msg->data, msg->len, &pcomp,
-					       lle->llme->comp.proto, nsapi);
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			     "TCP/IP Header compression failed!\n");
-			return -EIO;
-		}
-		/* Fixup pointer locations and sizes in message buffer to match
-		 * the new, compressed buffer size */
-		msgb_get(msg, msg->len);
-		msgb_put(msg, rc);
-		/* Apply data compression */
-		rc = gprs_sndcp_dcomp_compress(msg->data, msg->len, &dcomp,
-					       lle->llme->, nsapi);
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Data compression failed!\n");
-			return -EIO;
-		}
-		/* Fixup pointer locations and sizes in message buffer to match
-		 * the new, compressed buffer size */
-		msgb_get(msg, msg->len);
-		msgb_put(msg, rc);
-	}
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "===================================================\n");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "                                                   \n");
-	sne = gprs_sndcp_entity_by_lle(lle, nsapi);
-	if (!sne) {
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot find SNDCP Entity\n");
-		msgb_free(msg);
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	/* Check if we need to fragment this N-PDU into multiple SN-PDUs */
-	if (msg->len > lle->params.n201_u - 
-			(sizeof(*sch) + sizeof(*suh) + sizeof(*scomph))) {
-		/* initialize the fragmenter state */
-		fs.msg = msg;
-		fs.frag_nr = 0;
-		fs.next_byte = msg->data;
-		fs.sne = sne;
-		fs.mmcontext = mmcontext;
-		/* call function to generate and send fragments until all
-		 * of the N-PDU has been sent */
-		while (1) {
-			int rc = sndcp_send_ud_frag(&fs,pcomp,dcomp);
-			if (rc == 0)
-				return 0;
-			if (rc < 0)
-				return rc;
-		}
-		/* not reached */
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* this is the non-fragmenting case where we only build 1 SN-PDU */
-	/* prepend the user-data header */
-	suh = (struct sndcp_udata_hdr *) msgb_push(msg, sizeof(*suh));
-	suh->npdu_low = sne->tx_npdu_nr & 0xff;
-	suh->npdu_high = (sne->tx_npdu_nr >> 8) & 0xf;
-	suh->seg_nr = 0;
-	sne->tx_npdu_nr = (sne->tx_npdu_nr + 1) % 0xfff;
-	scomph = (struct sndcp_comp_hdr *) msgb_push(msg, sizeof(*scomph));
-	scomph->pcomp = pcomp;
-	scomph->dcomp = dcomp;
-	/* prepend common SNDCP header */
-	sch = (struct sndcp_common_hdr *) msgb_push(msg, sizeof(*sch));
-	sch->first = 1;
-	sch->type = 1;
-	sch->nsapi = nsapi;
-	return gprs_llc_tx_ui(msg, lle->sapi, 0, mmcontext, true);
-/* Section LL-UNITDATA.ind */
-int sndcp_llunitdata_ind(struct msgb *msg, struct gprs_llc_lle *lle,
-			 uint8_t *hdr, uint16_t len)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne;
-	struct sndcp_common_hdr *sch = (struct sndcp_common_hdr *)hdr;
-	struct sndcp_comp_hdr *scomph = NULL;
-	struct sndcp_udata_hdr *suh;
-	uint8_t *npdu;
-	uint16_t npdu_num __attribute__((unused));
-	int npdu_len;
-	int rc;
-	uint8_t *expnd = NULL;
-	sch = (struct sndcp_common_hdr *) hdr;
-	if (sch->first) {
-		scomph = (struct sndcp_comp_hdr *) (hdr + 1);
-		suh = (struct sndcp_udata_hdr *) (hdr + 1 + sizeof(struct sndcp_common_hdr));
-	} else
-		suh = (struct sndcp_udata_hdr *) (hdr + sizeof(struct sndcp_common_hdr));
-	if (sch->type == 0) {
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_ERROR, "SN-DATA PDU at unitdata_ind() function\n");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	if (len < sizeof(*sch) + sizeof(*suh)) {
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_ERROR, "SN-UNITDATA PDU too short (%u)\n", len);
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	sne = gprs_sndcp_entity_by_lle(lle, sch->nsapi);
-	if (!sne) {
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Message for non-existing SNDCP Entity "
-			"(lle=%p, TLLI=%08x, SAPI=%u, NSAPI=%u)\n", lle,
-			lle->llme->tlli, lle->sapi, sch->nsapi);
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	/* FIXME: move this RA_ID up to the LLME or even higher */
-	bssgp_parse_cell_id(&sne->ra_id, msgb_bcid(msg));
-	if (scomph) {
-		sne->defrag.pcomp = scomph->pcomp;
-		sne->defrag.dcomp = scomph->dcomp;
-		sne->defrag.proto = lle->llme->comp.proto;
-		sne-> = lle->llme->;
-	}
-	/* any non-first segment is by definition something to defragment
-	 * as is any segment that tells us there are more segments */
-	if (!sch->first || sch->more)
-		return defrag_input(sne, msg, hdr, len);
-	npdu_num = (suh->npdu_high << 8) | suh->npdu_low;
-	npdu = (uint8_t *)suh + sizeof(*suh);
-	npdu_len = (msg->data + msg->len) - npdu - 3;	/* -3 'removes' the FCS */
-	if (npdu_len <= 0) {
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Short SNDCP N-PDU: %d\n", npdu_len);
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	/* actually send the N-PDU to the SGSN core code, which then
-	 * hands it off to the correct GTP tunnel + GGSN via gtp_data_req() */
-	/* Decompress packet */
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "                                                   \n");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "===================================================\n");
-	if (any_pcomp_or_dcomp_active(sgsn)) {
-		expnd = talloc_zero_size(msg, npdu_len * MAX_DATADECOMPR_FAC +
-		memcpy(expnd, npdu, npdu_len);
-		/* Apply data decompression */
-		rc = gprs_sndcp_dcomp_expand(expnd, npdu_len, sne->defrag.dcomp,
-					     sne->;
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			     "Data decompression failed!\n");
-			talloc_free(expnd);
-			return -EIO;
-		}
-		/* Apply header decompression */
-		rc = gprs_sndcp_pcomp_expand(expnd, rc, sne->defrag.pcomp,
-					     sne->defrag.proto);
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			     "TCP/IP Header decompression failed!\n");
-			talloc_free(expnd);
-			return -EIO;
-		}
-		/* Modify npu length, expnd is handed directly handed
-		 * over to gsn_rx_sndcp_ud_ind(), see below */
-		npdu_len = rc;
-	} else
-		expnd = npdu;
-	debug_ip_packet(expnd, npdu_len, 1, "sndcp_llunitdata_ind()");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "===================================================\n");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n");
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "                                                   \n");
-	/* Hand off packet to gtp */
-	rc = sgsn_rx_sndcp_ud_ind(&sne->ra_id, lle->llme->tlli,
-				  sne->nsapi, msg, npdu_len, expnd);
-	if (any_pcomp_or_dcomp_active(sgsn))
-		talloc_free(expnd);
-	return rc;
-#if 0
-/* Section LL-RESET.ind */
-static int sndcp_ll_reset_ind(struct gprs_sndcp_entity *se)
-	/* treat all outstanding SNDCP-LLC request type primitives as not sent */
-	/* reset all SNDCP XID parameters to default values */
-	LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_NOTICE, "not implemented.\n");
-	return 0;
-static int sndcp_ll_status_ind()
-	/* inform the SM sub-layer by means of SNSM-STATUS.req */
-	LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_NOTICE, "not implemented.\n");
-	return 0;
-static struct sndcp_state_list {{
-	uint32_t	states;
-	unsigned int	type;
-	int		(*rout)(struct gprs_sndcp_entity *se, struct msgb *msg);
-} sndcp_state_list[] = {
-	  LL_RESET_IND, sndcp_ll_reset_ind },
-	  LL_ESTABLISH_IND, sndcp_ll_est_ind },
-	  LL_ESTABLISH_RESP, sndcp_ll_est_ind },
-	  LL_ESTABLISH_CONF, sndcp_ll_est_conf },
-static int sndcp_rx_llc_prim()
-	case LL_XID_REQ:
-	case LL_DATA_REQ:
-	LL_UNITDATA_REQ,	/* TLLI, SN-PDU, Ref, QoS, Radio Prio, Ciph */
-	switch (prim) {
-	case LL_RESET_IND:
-	case LL_XID_IND:
-	case LL_XID_RESP:
-	case LL_XID_CONF:
-	case LL_DATA_IND:
-	case LL_DATA_CONF:
-	}
-/* Generate SNDCP-XID message */
-static int gprs_llc_gen_sndcp_xid(uint8_t *bytes, int bytes_len, uint8_t nsapi)
-	int entity = 0;
-	LLIST_HEAD(comp_fields);
-	struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc1144_params rfc1144_params;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field rfc1144_comp_field;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v42bis_params v42bis_params;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field v42bis_comp_field;
-	memset(&rfc1144_comp_field, 0, sizeof(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field));
-	memset(&v42bis_comp_field, 0, sizeof(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field));
-	/* Setup rfc1144 */
-	if (sgsn-> {
-		rfc1144_params.nsapi[0] = nsapi;
-		rfc1144_params.nsapi_len = 1;
-		rfc1144_params.s01 = sgsn->cfg.pcomp_rfc1144.s01;
-		rfc1144_comp_field.p = 1;
-		rfc1144_comp_field.entity = entity;
-		rfc1144_comp_field.algo = RFC_1144;
-		rfc1144_comp_field.comp[RFC1144_PCOMP1] = 1;
-		rfc1144_comp_field.comp[RFC1144_PCOMP2] = 2;
-		rfc1144_comp_field.comp_len = RFC1144_PCOMP_NUM;
-		rfc1144_comp_field.rfc1144_params = &rfc1144_params;
-		entity++;
-		llist_add(&rfc1144_comp_field.list, &comp_fields);
-	}
-	/* Setup V.42bis */
-	if (sgsn-> {
-		v42bis_params.nsapi[0] = nsapi;
-		v42bis_params.nsapi_len = 1;
-		v42bis_params.p0 = sgsn->cfg.dcomp_v42bis.p0;
-		v42bis_params.p1 = sgsn->cfg.dcomp_v42bis.p1;
-		v42bis_params.p2 = sgsn->cfg.dcomp_v42bis.p2;
-		v42bis_comp_field.p = 1;
-		v42bis_comp_field.entity = entity;
-		v42bis_comp_field.algo = V42BIS;
-		v42bis_comp_field.comp[V42BIS_DCOMP1] = 1;
-		v42bis_comp_field.comp_len = V42BIS_DCOMP_NUM;
-		v42bis_comp_field.v42bis_params = &v42bis_params;
-		entity++;
-		llist_add(&v42bis_comp_field.list, &comp_fields);
-	}
-	/* Do not attempt to compile anything if there is no data in the list */
-	if (llist_empty(&comp_fields))
-		return 0;
-	/* Compile bytestream */
-	return gprs_sndcp_compile_xid(bytes, bytes_len, &comp_fields,
-/* Set of SNDCP-XID bnegotiation (See also: TS 144 065,
- * Section 6.8 XID parameter negotiation) */
-int sndcp_sn_xid_req(struct gprs_llc_lle *lle, uint8_t nsapi)
-	/* Note: The specification requires the SNDCP-User to set of an
-	 * SNDCP xid request. See also 3GPP TS 44.065, 6.8 XID parameter
-	 * negotiation, Figure 11: SNDCP XID negotiation procedure. In
-	 * our case the SNDCP-User is sgsn_libgtp.c, which calls
-	 * sndcp_sn_xid_req directly. */
-	uint8_t l3params[1024];
-	int xid_len;
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field xid_field_request;
-	/* Wipe off all compression entities and their states to
-	 * get rid of possible leftovers from a previous session */
-	gprs_sndcp_comp_free(lle->llme->comp.proto);
-	gprs_sndcp_comp_free(lle->llme->;
-	lle->llme->comp.proto = gprs_sndcp_comp_alloc(lle->llme);
-	lle->llme-> = gprs_sndcp_comp_alloc(lle->llme);
-	talloc_free(lle->llme->xid);
-	lle->llme->xid = NULL;
-	/* Generate compression parameter bytestream */
-	xid_len = gprs_llc_gen_sndcp_xid(l3params, sizeof(l3params), nsapi);
-	/* Send XID with the SNDCP-XID bytetsream included */
-	if (xid_len > 0) {
-		xid_field_request.type = GPRS_LLC_XID_T_L3_PAR;
- = l3params;
-		xid_field_request.data_len = xid_len;
-		return gprs_ll_xid_req(lle, &xid_field_request);
-	}
-	/* When bytestream can not be generated, proceed without SNDCP-XID */
-	return gprs_ll_xid_req(lle, NULL);
-/* Handle header compression entites */
-static int handle_pcomp_entities(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field,
-				 struct gprs_llc_lle *lle)
-	/* Note: This functions also transforms the comp_field into its
-	 * echo form (strips comp values, resets propose bit etc...)
-	 * the processed comp_fields can then be sent back as XID-
-	 * Response without further modification. */
-	/* Delete propose bit */
-	comp_field->p = 0;
-	/* Process proposed parameters */
-	switch (comp_field->algo) {
-	case RFC_1144:
-		if (sgsn->cfg.pcomp_rfc1144.passive
-		    && comp_field->rfc1144_params->nsapi_len > 0) {
-			       "Accepting RFC1144 header compression...\n");
-			gprs_sndcp_comp_add(lle->llme, lle->llme->comp.proto,
-					    comp_field);
-		} else {
-			       "Rejecting RFC1144 header compression...\n");
-			gprs_sndcp_comp_delete(lle->llme->comp.proto,
-					       comp_field->entity);
-			comp_field->rfc1144_params->nsapi_len = 0;
-		}
-		break;
-	case RFC_2507:
-		/* RFC 2507 is not yet supported,
-		 * so we set applicable nsapis to zero */
-		DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "Rejecting RFC2507 header compression...\n");
-		comp_field->rfc2507_params->nsapi_len = 0;
-		gprs_sndcp_comp_delete(lle->llme->comp.proto,
-				       comp_field->entity);
-		break;
-	case ROHC:
-		/* ROHC is not yet supported,
-		 * so we set applicable nsapis to zero */
-		DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "Rejecting ROHC header compression...\n");
-		comp_field->rohc_params->nsapi_len = 0;
-		gprs_sndcp_comp_delete(lle->llme->comp.proto,
-				       comp_field->entity);
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* Hanle data compression entites */
-static int handle_dcomp_entities(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field,
-				 struct gprs_llc_lle *lle)
-	/* See note in handle_pcomp_entities() */
-	/* Delete propose bit */
-	comp_field->p = 0;
-	/* Process proposed parameters */
-	switch (comp_field->algo) {
-	case V42BIS:
-		if (sgsn->cfg.dcomp_v42bis.passive &&
-		    comp_field->v42bis_params->nsapi_len > 0) {
-			       "Accepting V.42bis data compression...\n");
-			gprs_sndcp_comp_add(lle->llme, lle->llme->,
-					    comp_field);
-		} else {
-			     "Rejecting V.42bis data compression...\n");
-			gprs_sndcp_comp_delete(lle->llme->,
-					       comp_field->entity);
-			comp_field->v42bis_params->nsapi_len = 0;
-		}
-		break;
-	case V44:
-		/* V44 is not yet supported,
-		 * so we set applicable nsapis to zero */
-		DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "Rejecting V.44 data compression...\n");
-		comp_field->v44_params->nsapi_len = 0;
-		gprs_sndcp_comp_delete(lle->llme->,
-				       comp_field->entity);
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* Process SNDCP-XID indication
- * (See also: TS 144 065, Section 6.8 XID parameter negotiation) */
-int sndcp_sn_xid_ind(struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field_indication,
-		     struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field_response,
-		     struct gprs_llc_lle *lle)
-	/* Note: This function computes the SNDCP-XID response that is sent
-	 * back to the ms when a ms originated XID is received. The
-	 * Input XID fields are directly processed and the result is directly
-	 * handed back. */
-	int rc;
-	int compclass;
-	int version;
-	struct llist_head *comp_fields;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(xid_field_indication);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(xid_field_response);
-	/* Parse SNDCP-CID XID-Field */
-	comp_fields = gprs_sndcp_parse_xid(&version, lle->llme,
-					   xid_field_indication->data,
-					   xid_field_indication->data_len,
-					   NULL);
-	if (!comp_fields)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Handle compression entites */
-	gprs_sndcp_dump_comp_fields(comp_fields, LOGL_DEBUG);
-	llist_for_each_entry(comp_field, comp_fields, list) {
-		compclass = gprs_sndcp_get_compression_class(comp_field);
-			rc = handle_pcomp_entities(comp_field, lle);
-		else if (compclass == SNDCP_XID_DATA_COMPRESSION)
-			rc = handle_dcomp_entities(comp_field, lle);
-		else {
-			gprs_sndcp_comp_delete(lle->llme->comp.proto,
-					       comp_field->entity);
-			gprs_sndcp_comp_delete(lle->llme->,
-					       comp_field->entity);
-			rc = 0;
-		}
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			talloc_free(comp_fields);
-			return -EINVAL;
-		}
-	}
-	gprs_sndcp_dump_comp_fields(comp_fields, LOGL_DEBUG);
-	/* Reserve some memory to store the modified SNDCP-XID bytes */
-	xid_field_response->data =
-	    talloc_zero_size(lle->llme, xid_field_indication->data_len);
-	/* Set Type flag for response */
-	xid_field_response->type = GPRS_LLC_XID_T_L3_PAR;
-	/* Compile modified SNDCP-XID bytes */
-	rc = gprs_sndcp_compile_xid(xid_field_response->data,
-				    xid_field_indication->data_len,
-				    comp_fields, 0);
-	if (rc > 0)
-		xid_field_response->data_len = rc;
-	else {
-		talloc_free(xid_field_response->data);
-		xid_field_response->data = NULL;
-		xid_field_response->data_len = 0;
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	talloc_free(comp_fields);
-	return 0;
-/* Process SNDCP-XID indication
- * (See also: TS 144 065, Section 6.8 XID parameter negotiation) */
-int sndcp_sn_xid_conf(struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field_conf,
-		      struct gprs_llc_xid_field *xid_field_request,
-		      struct gprs_llc_lle *lle)
-	/* Note: This function handles an incomming SNDCP-XID confirmiation.
-	 * Since the confirmation fields may lack important parameters we
-	 * will reconstruct these missing fields using the original request
-	 * we have sent. After that we will create (or delete) the
-	 * compression entites */
-	struct llist_head *comp_fields_req;
-	struct llist_head *comp_fields_conf;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field;
-	int rc;
-	int compclass;
-	/* We need both, the confirmation that is sent back by the ms,
-	 * and the original request we have sent. If one of this is missing
-	 * we can not process the confirmation, the caller must check if
-	 * request and confirmation fields are available. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(xid_field_conf);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(xid_field_request);
-	/* Parse SNDCP-CID XID-Field */
-	comp_fields_req = gprs_sndcp_parse_xid(NULL, lle->llme,
-					       xid_field_request->data,
-					       xid_field_request->data_len,
-					       NULL);
-	if (!comp_fields_req)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	gprs_sndcp_dump_comp_fields(comp_fields_req, LOGL_DEBUG);
-	/* Parse SNDCP-CID XID-Field */
-	comp_fields_conf = gprs_sndcp_parse_xid(NULL, lle->llme,
-						xid_field_conf->data,
-						xid_field_conf->data_len,
-						comp_fields_req);
-	if (!comp_fields_conf)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	gprs_sndcp_dump_comp_fields(comp_fields_conf, LOGL_DEBUG);
-	/* Handle compression entites */
-	llist_for_each_entry(comp_field, comp_fields_conf, list) {
-		compclass = gprs_sndcp_get_compression_class(comp_field);
-			rc = handle_pcomp_entities(comp_field, lle);
-		else if (compclass == SNDCP_XID_DATA_COMPRESSION)
-			rc = handle_dcomp_entities(comp_field, lle);
-		else {
-			gprs_sndcp_comp_delete(lle->llme->comp.proto,
-					       comp_field->entity);
-			gprs_sndcp_comp_delete(lle->llme->,
-					       comp_field->entity);
-			rc = 0;
-		}
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			talloc_free(comp_fields_req);
-			talloc_free(comp_fields_conf);
-			return -EINVAL;
-		}
-	}
-	talloc_free(comp_fields_req);
-	talloc_free(comp_fields_conf);
-	return 0;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_comp.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_comp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a12c39a..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_comp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS SNDCP header compression entity management tools */
-/* (C) 2016 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_xid.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_comp.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_pcomp.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_dcomp.h>
-/* Create a new compression entity from a XID-Field */
-static struct gprs_sndcp_comp *gprs_sndcp_comp_create(const void *ctx,
-						      const struct
-						      gprs_sndcp_comp_field
-						      *comp_field)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity;
-	comp_entity = talloc_zero(ctx, struct gprs_sndcp_comp);
-	/* Copy relevant information from the SNDCP-XID field */
-	comp_entity->entity = comp_field->entity;
-	comp_entity->comp_len = comp_field->comp_len;
-	memcpy(comp_entity->comp, comp_field->comp, sizeof(comp_entity->comp));
-	if (comp_field->rfc1144_params) {
-		comp_entity->nsapi_len = comp_field->rfc1144_params->nsapi_len;
-		memcpy(comp_entity->nsapi,
-		       comp_field->rfc1144_params->nsapi,
-		       sizeof(comp_entity->nsapi));
-	} else if (comp_field->rfc2507_params) {
-		comp_entity->nsapi_len = comp_field->rfc2507_params->nsapi_len;
-		memcpy(comp_entity->nsapi,
-		       comp_field->rfc2507_params->nsapi,
-		       sizeof(comp_entity->nsapi));
-	} else if (comp_field->rohc_params) {
-		comp_entity->nsapi_len = comp_field->rohc_params->nsapi_len;
-		memcpy(comp_entity->nsapi, comp_field->rohc_params->nsapi,
-		       sizeof(comp_entity->nsapi));
-	} else if (comp_field->v42bis_params) {
-		comp_entity->nsapi_len = comp_field->v42bis_params->nsapi_len;
-		memcpy(comp_entity->nsapi,
-		       comp_field->v42bis_params->nsapi,
-		       sizeof(comp_entity->nsapi));
-	} else if (comp_field->v44_params) {
-		comp_entity->nsapi_len = comp_field->v44_params->nsapi_len;
-		memcpy(comp_entity->nsapi,
-		       comp_field->v44_params->nsapi,
-		       sizeof(comp_entity->nsapi));
-	} else {
-		/* The caller is expected to check carefully if the all
-		 * data fields required for compression entity creation
-		 * are present. Otherwise we blow an assertion here */
-		OSMO_ASSERT(false);
-	}
-	comp_entity->algo = comp_field->algo;
-	/* Check if an NSAPI is selected, if not, it does not make sense
-	 * to create the compression entity, since the caller should
-	 * have checked the presence of the NSAPI, we blow an assertion
-	 * in case of missing NSAPIs */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity->nsapi_len > 0);
-	/* Determine of which class our compression entity will be
-	 * (Protocol or Data compresson ?) */
-	comp_entity->compclass = gprs_sndcp_get_compression_class(comp_field);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity->compclass != -1);
-	/* Create an algorithm specific compression context */
-	if (comp_entity->compclass == SNDCP_XID_PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION) {
-		if (gprs_sndcp_pcomp_init(ctx, comp_entity, comp_field) != 0) {
-			talloc_free(comp_entity);
-			comp_entity = NULL;
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (gprs_sndcp_dcomp_init(ctx, comp_entity, comp_field) != 0) {
-			talloc_free(comp_entity);
-			comp_entity = NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Bail on failure */
-	if (comp_entity == NULL) {
-		     "Compression entity creation failed!\n");
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	/* Display info message */
-	if (comp_entity->compclass == SNDCP_XID_PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION) {
-		     "New header compression entity (%d) created.\n",
-		     comp_entity->entity);
-	} else {
-		     "New data compression entity (%d) created.\n",
-		     comp_entity->entity);
-	}
-	return comp_entity;
-/* Allocate a compression enitiy list */
-struct llist_head *gprs_sndcp_comp_alloc(const void *ctx)
-	struct llist_head *lh;
-	lh = talloc_zero(ctx, struct llist_head);
-	return lh;
-/* Free a compression entitiy list */
-void gprs_sndcp_comp_free(struct llist_head *comp_entities)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity;
-	/* We expect the caller to take care of allocating a
-	 * compression entity list properly. Attempting to
-	 * free a non existing list clearly points out
-	 * a malfunction. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entities);
-	llist_for_each_entry(comp_entity, comp_entities, list) {
-		/* Free compression entity */
-		if (comp_entity->compclass == SNDCP_XID_PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION) {
-			     "Deleting header compression entity %d ...\n",
-			     comp_entity->entity);
-			gprs_sndcp_pcomp_term(comp_entity);
-		} else {
-			     "Deleting data compression entity %d ...\n",
-			     comp_entity->entity);
-			gprs_sndcp_dcomp_term(comp_entity);
-		}
-	}
-	talloc_free(comp_entities);
-/* Delete a compression entity */
-void gprs_sndcp_comp_delete(struct llist_head *comp_entities,
-			    unsigned int entity)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity_to_delete = NULL;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entities);
-	llist_for_each_entry(comp_entity, comp_entities, list) {
-		if (comp_entity->entity == entity) {
-			comp_entity_to_delete = comp_entity;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!comp_entity_to_delete)
-		return;
-	if (comp_entity_to_delete->compclass == SNDCP_XID_PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION) {
-		     "Deleting header compression entity %d ...\n",
-		     comp_entity_to_delete->entity);
-		gprs_sndcp_pcomp_term(comp_entity_to_delete);
-	} else {
-		     "Deleting data compression entity %d ...\n",
-		     comp_entity_to_delete->entity);
-	}
-	/* Delete compression entity */
-	llist_del(&comp_entity_to_delete->list);
-	talloc_free(comp_entity_to_delete);
-/* Create and Add a new compression entity
- * (returns a pointer to the compression entity that has just been created) */
-struct gprs_sndcp_comp *gprs_sndcp_comp_add(const void *ctx,
-					    struct llist_head *comp_entities,
-					    const struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field
-					    *comp_field)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entities);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_field);
-	/* Just to be sure, if the entity is already in
-	 * the list it will be deleted now */
-	gprs_sndcp_comp_delete(comp_entities, comp_field->entity);
-	/* Create and add a new entity to the list */
-	comp_entity = gprs_sndcp_comp_create(ctx, comp_field);
-	if (!comp_entity)
-		return NULL;
-	llist_add(&comp_entity->list, comp_entities);
-	return comp_entity;
-/* Find which compression entity handles the specified pcomp/dcomp */
-struct gprs_sndcp_comp *gprs_sndcp_comp_by_comp(const struct llist_head
-						*comp_entities, uint8_t comp)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity;
-	int i;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entities);
-	llist_for_each_entry(comp_entity, comp_entities, list) {
-		for (i = 0; i < comp_entity->comp_len; i++) {
-			if (comp_entity->comp[i] == comp)
-				return comp_entity;
-		}
-	}
-	     "Could not find a matching compression entity for given pcomp/dcomp value %d.\n",
-	     comp);
-	return NULL;
-/* Find which compression entity handles the specified nsapi */
-struct gprs_sndcp_comp *gprs_sndcp_comp_by_nsapi(const struct llist_head
-						 *comp_entities, uint8_t nsapi)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity;
-	int i;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entities);
-	llist_for_each_entry(comp_entity, comp_entities, list) {
-		for (i = 0; i < comp_entity->nsapi_len; i++) {
-			if (comp_entity->nsapi[i] == nsapi)
-				return comp_entity;
-		}
-	}
-	return NULL;
-/* Find a comp_index for a given pcomp/dcomp value */
-uint8_t gprs_sndcp_comp_get_idx(const struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity,
-				uint8_t comp)
-	/* Note: This function returns a normalized version of the comp value,
-	 * which matches up with the position of the comp field. Since comp=0
-	 * is reserved for "no compression", the index value starts counting
-	 * at one. The return value is the PCOMPn/DCOMPn value one can find
-	 * in the Specification (see e.g. 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7) */
-	int i;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity);
-	/* A pcomp/dcomp value of zero is reserved for "no comproession",
-	 * So we just bail and return zero in this case */
-	if (comp == 0)
-		return 0;
-	/* Look in the pcomp/dcomp list for the index */
-	for (i = 0; i < comp_entity->comp_len; i++) {
-		if (comp_entity->comp[i] == comp)
-			return i + 1;
-	}
-	     "Could not find a matching comp_index for given pcomp/dcomp value %d\n",
-	     comp);
-	return 0;
-/* Find a pcomp/dcomp value for a given comp_index */
-uint8_t gprs_sndcp_comp_get_comp(const struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity,
-			         uint8_t comp_index)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity);
-	/* A comp_index of zero translates to zero right away. */
-	if (comp_index == 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (comp_index > comp_entity->comp_len) {
-		     "Could not find a matching pcomp/dcomp value for given comp_index value %d.\n",
-		     comp_index);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* Look in the pcomp/dcomp list for the comp_index, see
-	 * note in gprs_sndcp_comp_get_idx() */
-	return comp_entity->comp[comp_index - 1];
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_dcomp.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_dcomp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b0f95b4..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_dcomp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS SNDCP data compression handler */
-/* (C) 2016 by Sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_xid.h>
-#include <openbsc/v42bis.h>
-#include <openbsc/v42bis_private.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_comp.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_dcomp.h>
-/* A struct to capture the output data of compressor and decompressor */
-struct v42bis_output_buffer {
-	uint8_t *buf;
-	uint8_t *buf_pointer;
-	int len;
-/* Handler to capture the output data from the compressor */
-void tx_v42bis_frame_handler(void *user_data, const uint8_t *pkt, int len)
-	struct v42bis_output_buffer *output_buffer =
-	    (struct v42bis_output_buffer *)user_data;
-	memcpy(output_buffer->buf_pointer, pkt, len);
-	output_buffer->buf_pointer += len;
-	output_buffer->len += len;
-	return;
-/* Handler to capture the output data from the decompressor */
-void rx_v42bis_data_handler(void *user_data, const uint8_t *buf, int len)
-	struct v42bis_output_buffer *output_buffer =
-	    (struct v42bis_output_buffer *)user_data;
-	memcpy(output_buffer->buf_pointer, buf, len);
-	output_buffer->buf_pointer += len;
-	output_buffer->len += len;
-	return;
-/* Initalize data compression */
-int gprs_sndcp_dcomp_init(const void *ctx, struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity,
-			  const struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field)
-	/* Note: This function is automatically called from
-	 * gprs_sndcp_comp.c when a new data compression
-	 * entity is created by gprs_sndcp.c */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_field);
-	if (comp_entity->compclass == SNDCP_XID_DATA_COMPRESSION
-	    && comp_entity->algo == V42BIS) {
-		OSMO_ASSERT(comp_field->v42bis_params);
-		comp_entity->state =
-		    v42bis_init(ctx, NULL, comp_field->v42bis_params->p0,
-				comp_field->v42bis_params->p1,
-				comp_field->v42bis_params->p2,
-				&tx_v42bis_frame_handler, NULL,
-				&rx_v42bis_data_handler, NULL,
-		     "V.42bis data compression initalized.\n");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* Just in case someone tries to initalize an unknown or unsupported
-	 * data compresson. Since everything is checked during the SNDCP
-	 * negotiation process, this should never happen! */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(false);
-/* Terminate data compression */
-void gprs_sndcp_dcomp_term(struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity)
-	/* Note: This function is automatically called from
-	 * gprs_sndcp_comp.c when a data compression
-	 * entity is deleted by gprs_sndcp.c */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity);
-	if (comp_entity->compclass == SNDCP_XID_DATA_COMPRESSION
-	    && comp_entity->algo == V42BIS) {
-		if (comp_entity->state) {
-			v42bis_free((v42bis_state_t *) comp_entity->state);
-			comp_entity->state = NULL;
-		}
-		     "V.42bis data compression terminated.\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Just in case someone tries to terminate an unknown or unsupported
-	 * data compresson. Since everything is checked during the SNDCP
-	 * negotiation process, this should never happen! */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(false);
-/* Perform a full reset of the V.42bis compression state */
-static void v42bis_reset(v42bis_state_t *comp)
-	/* This function performs a complete reset of the V.42bis compression
-	 * state by reinitalizing the state withe the previously negotiated
-	 * parameters. */
-	int p0, p1, p2;
-	p0 = comp->decompress.v42bis_parm_p0 | comp->compress.v42bis_parm_p0;
-	p1 = comp->decompress.v42bis_parm_n2;
-	p2 = comp->decompress.v42bis_parm_n7;
-	DEBUGP(DSNDCP, "Resetting compression state: %p, p0=%d, p1=%d, p2=%d\n",
-	       comp, p0, p1, p2);
-	v42bis_init(NULL, comp, p0, p1, p2, &tx_v42bis_frame_handler, NULL,
-		    V42BIS_MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH, &rx_v42bis_data_handler, NULL,
-/* Compress a packet using V.42bis data compression */
-static int v42bis_compress_unitdata(uint8_t *pcomp_index, uint8_t *data,
-				    unsigned int len, v42bis_state_t *comp)
-	/* Note: This implementation may only be used to compress SN_UNITDATA
-	 * packets, since it resets the compression state for each NPDU. */
-	uint8_t *data_o;
-	int rc;
-	int skip = 0;
-	struct v42bis_output_buffer compressed_data;
-	/* Don't bother with short packets */
-	if (len < MIN_COMPR_PAYLOAD)
-		skip = 1;
-	/* Skip if compression is not enabled for TX direction */
-	if (!comp->compress.v42bis_parm_p0)
-		skip = 1;
-	/* Skip compression */
-	if (skip) {
-		*pcomp_index = 0;
-		return len;
-	}
-	/* Reset V.42bis compression state */
-	v42bis_reset(comp);
-	/* Run compressor */
-	data_o = talloc_zero_size(comp, len * MAX_DATADECOMPR_FAC);
-	compressed_data.buf = data_o;
-	compressed_data.buf_pointer = data_o;
-	compressed_data.len = 0;
-	comp->compress.user_data = (&compressed_data);
-	rc = v42bis_compress(comp, data, len);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		     "Data compression failed, skipping...\n");
-		skip = 1;
-	}
-	rc = v42bis_compress_flush(comp);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		     "Data compression failed, skipping...\n");
-		skip = 1;
-	}
-	/* The compressor might yield negative compression gain, in
-	 * this case, we just decide to send the packat as normal,
-	 * uncompressed payload => skip compresssion */
-	if (compressed_data.len >= len) {
-		     "Data compression ineffective, skipping...\n");
-		skip = 1;
-	}
-	/* Skip compression */
-	if (skip) {
-		*pcomp_index = 0;
-		talloc_free(data_o);
-		return len;
-	}
-	*pcomp_index = 1;
-	memcpy(data, data_o, compressed_data.len);
-	talloc_free(data_o);
-	return compressed_data.len;
-/* Expand a packet using V.42bis data compression */
-static int v42bis_expand_unitdata(uint8_t *data, unsigned int len,
-				  uint8_t pcomp_index, v42bis_state_t *comp)
-	/* Note: This implementation may only be used to compress SN_UNITDATA
-	 * packets, since it resets the compression state for each NPDU. */
-	int rc;
-	struct v42bis_output_buffer uncompressed_data;
-	uint8_t *data_i;
-	/* Skip when the packet is marked as uncompressed */
-	if (pcomp_index == 0) {
-		return len;
-	}
-	/* Reset V.42bis compression state */
-	v42bis_reset(comp);
-	/* Decompress packet */
-	data_i = talloc_zero_size(comp, len);
-	memcpy(data_i, data, len);
-	uncompressed_data.buf = data;
-	uncompressed_data.buf_pointer = data;
-	uncompressed_data.len = 0;
-	comp->decompress.user_data = (&uncompressed_data);
-	rc = v42bis_decompress(comp, data_i, len);
-	talloc_free(data_i);
-	if (rc < 0)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	rc = v42bis_decompress_flush(comp);
-	if (rc < 0)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	return uncompressed_data.len;
-/* Expand packet */
-int gprs_sndcp_dcomp_expand(uint8_t *data, unsigned int len, uint8_t pcomp,
-			    const struct llist_head *comp_entities)
-	int rc;
-	uint8_t pcomp_index = 0;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(data);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entities);
-	     "Data compression entity list: comp_entities=%p\n", comp_entities);
-	LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_DEBUG, "Data compression mode: dcomp=%d\n", pcomp);
-	/* Skip on pcomp=0 */
-	if (pcomp == 0) {
-		return len;
-	}
-	/* Find out which compression entity handles the data */
-	comp_entity = gprs_sndcp_comp_by_comp(comp_entities, pcomp);
-	/* Skip compression if no suitable compression entity can be found */
-	if (!comp_entity) {
-		return len;
-	}
-	/* Note: Only data compression entities may appear in
-	 * data compression context */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity->compclass == SNDCP_XID_DATA_COMPRESSION);
-	/* Note: Currently V42BIS is the only compression method we
-	 * support, so the only allowed algorithm is V42BIS */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity->algo == V42BIS);
-	/* Find pcomp_index */
-	pcomp_index = gprs_sndcp_comp_get_idx(comp_entity, pcomp);
-	/* Run decompression algo */
-	rc = v42bis_expand_unitdata(data, len, pcomp_index, comp_entity->state);
-	     "Data expansion done, old length=%d, new length=%d, entity=%p\n",
-	     len, rc, comp_entity);
-	return rc;
-/* Compress packet */
-int gprs_sndcp_dcomp_compress(uint8_t *data, unsigned int len, uint8_t *pcomp,
-			      const struct llist_head *comp_entities,
-			      uint8_t nsapi)
-	int rc;
-	uint8_t pcomp_index = 0;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(data);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(pcomp);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entities);
-	     "Data compression entity list: comp_entities=%p\n", comp_entities);
-	/* Find out which compression entity handles the data */
-	comp_entity = gprs_sndcp_comp_by_nsapi(comp_entities, nsapi);
-	/* Skip compression if no suitable compression entity can be found */
-	if (!comp_entity) {
-		*pcomp = 0;
-		return len;
-	}
-	/* Note: Only data compression entities may appear in
-	 * data compression context */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity->compclass == SNDCP_XID_DATA_COMPRESSION);
-	/* Note: Currently V42BIS is the only compression method we
-	 * support, so the only allowed algorithm is V42BIS */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity->algo == V42BIS);
-	/* Run compression algo */
-	rc = v42bis_compress_unitdata(&pcomp_index, data, len,
-				      comp_entity->state);
-	/* Find pcomp value */
-	*pcomp = gprs_sndcp_comp_get_comp(comp_entity, pcomp_index);
-	LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_DEBUG, "Data compression mode: dcomp=%d\n", *pcomp);
-	     "Data compression done, old length=%d, new length=%d, entity=%p\n",
-	     len, rc, comp_entity);
-	return rc;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_pcomp.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_pcomp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a2236c3..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_pcomp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS SNDCP header compression handler */
-/* (C) 2016 by Sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_xid.h>
-#include <openbsc/slhc.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_comp.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_pcomp.h>
-/* Initalize header compression */
-int gprs_sndcp_pcomp_init(const void *ctx, struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity,
-			  const struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field)
-	/* Note: This function is automatically called from
-	 * gprs_sndcp_comp.c when a new header compression
-	 * entity is created by gprs_sndcp.c */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_field);
-	if (comp_entity->compclass == SNDCP_XID_PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION
-	    && comp_entity->algo == RFC_1144) {
-		OSMO_ASSERT(comp_field->rfc1144_params);
-		comp_entity->state =
-		    slhc_init(ctx, comp_field->rfc1144_params->s01 + 1,
-			      comp_field->rfc1144_params->s01 + 1);
-		     "RFC1144 header compression initalized.\n");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* Just in case someone tries to initalize an unknown or unsupported
-	 * header compresson. Since everything is checked during the SNDCP
-	 * negotiation process, this should never happen! */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(false);
-/* Terminate header compression */
-void gprs_sndcp_pcomp_term(struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity)
-	/* Note: This function is automatically called from
-	 * gprs_sndcp_comp.c when a header compression
-	 * entity is deleted by gprs_sndcp.c */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity);
-	if (comp_entity->compclass == SNDCP_XID_PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION
-	    && comp_entity->algo == RFC_1144) {
-		if (comp_entity->state) {
-			slhc_free((struct slcompress *)comp_entity->state);
-			comp_entity->state = NULL;
-		}
-		     "RFC1144 header compression terminated.\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Just in case someone tries to terminate an unknown or unsupported
-	 * data compresson. Since everything is checked during the SNDCP
-	 * negotiation process, this should never happen! */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(false);
-/* Compress a packet using Van Jacobson RFC1144 header compression */
-static int rfc1144_compress(uint8_t *pcomp_index, uint8_t *data,
-			    unsigned int len, struct slcompress *comp)
-	uint8_t *comp_ptr;
-	int compr_len;
-	uint8_t *data_o;
-	/* Create a working copy of the incoming data */
-	data_o = talloc_zero_size(comp, len);
-	memcpy(data_o, data, len);
-	/* Run compressor */
-	compr_len = slhc_compress(comp, data, len, data_o, &comp_ptr, 0);
-	/* Generate pcomp_index */
-	if (data_o[0] & SL_TYPE_COMPRESSED_TCP) {
-		*pcomp_index = 2;
-		data_o[0] &= ~SL_TYPE_COMPRESSED_TCP;
-		memcpy(data, data_o, compr_len);
-	} else if ((data_o[0] & SL_TYPE_UNCOMPRESSED_TCP) ==
-		*pcomp_index = 1;
-		data_o[0] &= 0x4F;
-		memcpy(data, data_o, compr_len);
-	} else
-		*pcomp_index = 0;
-	talloc_free(data_o);
-	return compr_len;
-/* Expand a packet using Van Jacobson RFC1144 header compression */
-static int rfc1144_expand(uint8_t *data, unsigned int len, uint8_t pcomp_index,
-			  struct slcompress *comp)
-	int data_decompressed_len;
-	int type;
-	/* Note: this function should never be called with pcomp_index=0,
-	 * since this condition is already filtered
-	 * out by gprs_sndcp_pcomp_expand() */
-	/* Determine the data type by the PCOMP index */
-	switch (pcomp_index) {
-	case 0:
-		type = SL_TYPE_IP;
-		break;
-	case 1:
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		break;
-	default:
-		     "rfc1144_expand() Invalid pcomp_index value (%d) detected, assuming no compression!\n",
-		     pcomp_index);
-		type = SL_TYPE_IP;
-		break;
-	}
-	/* Restore the original version nibble on
-	 * marked uncompressed packets */
-		/* Just in case the phone tags uncompressed tcp-data
-		 * (normally this is handled by pcomp so there is
-		 * no need for tagging the data) */
-		data[0] &= 0x4F;
-		data_decompressed_len = slhc_remember(comp, data, len);
-		return data_decompressed_len;
-	}
-	/* Uncompress compressed packets */
-	else if (type == SL_TYPE_COMPRESSED_TCP) {
-		data_decompressed_len = slhc_uncompress(comp, data, len);
-		return data_decompressed_len;
-	}
-	/* Regular or unknown packets will not be touched */
-	return len;
-/* Expand packet header */
-int gprs_sndcp_pcomp_expand(uint8_t *data, unsigned int len, uint8_t pcomp,
-			    const struct llist_head *comp_entities)
-	int rc;
-	uint8_t pcomp_index = 0;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(data);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entities);
-	     "Header compression entity list: comp_entities=%p\n",
-	     comp_entities);
-	LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_DEBUG, "Header compression mode: pcomp=%d\n", pcomp);
-	/* Skip on pcomp=0 */
-	if (pcomp == 0) {
-		return len;
-	}
-	/* Find out which compression entity handles the data */
-	comp_entity = gprs_sndcp_comp_by_comp(comp_entities, pcomp);
-	/* Skip compression if no suitable compression entity can be found */
-	if (!comp_entity) {
-		return len;
-	}
-	/* Note: Only protocol compression entities may appear in
-	 * protocol compression context */
-	/* Note: Currently RFC1144 is the only compression method we
-	 * support, so the only allowed algorithm is RFC1144 */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity->algo == RFC_1144);
-	/* Find pcomp_index */
-	pcomp_index = gprs_sndcp_comp_get_idx(comp_entity, pcomp);
-	/* Run decompression algo */
-	rc = rfc1144_expand(data, len, pcomp_index, comp_entity->state);
-	slhc_i_status(comp_entity->state);
-	slhc_o_status(comp_entity->state);
-	     "Header expansion done, old length=%d, new length=%d, entity=%p\n",
-	     len, rc, comp_entity);
-	return rc;
-/* Compress packet header */
-int gprs_sndcp_pcomp_compress(uint8_t *data, unsigned int len, uint8_t *pcomp,
-			      const struct llist_head *comp_entities,
-			      uint8_t nsapi)
-	int rc;
-	uint8_t pcomp_index = 0;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp *comp_entity;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(data);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(pcomp);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entities);
-	     "Header compression entity list: comp_entities=%p\n",
-	     comp_entities);
-	/* Find out which compression entity handles the data */
-	comp_entity = gprs_sndcp_comp_by_nsapi(comp_entities, nsapi);
-	/* Skip compression if no suitable compression entity can be found */
-	if (!comp_entity) {
-		*pcomp = 0;
-		return len;
-	}
-	/* Note: Only protocol compression entities may appear in
-	 * protocol compression context */
-	/* Note: Currently RFC1144 is the only compression method we
-	 * support, so the only allowed algorithm is RFC1144 */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_entity->algo == RFC_1144);
-	/* Run compression algo */
-	rc = rfc1144_compress(&pcomp_index, data, len, comp_entity->state);
-	slhc_i_status(comp_entity->state);
-	slhc_o_status(comp_entity->state);
-	/* Find pcomp value */
-	*pcomp = gprs_sndcp_comp_get_comp(comp_entity, pcomp_index);
-	LOGP(DSNDCP, LOGL_DEBUG, "Header compression mode: pcomp=%d\n", *pcomp);
-	     "Header compression done, old length=%d, new length=%d, entity=%p\n",
-	     len, rc, comp_entity);
-	return rc;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_vty.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_vty.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 430881f..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_vty.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* VTY interface for our GPRS SNDCP implementation */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/select.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/signal.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/vty.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/command.h>
-static void vty_dump_sne(struct vty *vty, struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne)
-	vty_out(vty, " TLLI %08x SAPI=%u NSAPI=%u:%s",
-		sne->lle->llme->tlli, sne->lle->sapi, sne->nsapi, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, "  Defrag: npdu=%u highest_seg=%u seg_have=0x%08x tot_len=%u%s",
-		sne->defrag.npdu, sne->defrag.highest_seg, sne->defrag.seg_have,
-		sne->defrag.tot_len, VTY_NEWLINE);
-DEFUN(show_sndcp, show_sndcp_cmd,
-	"show sndcp",
-	SHOW_STR "Display information about the SNDCP protocol")
-	struct gprs_sndcp_entity *sne;
-	vty_out(vty, "State of SNDCP Entities%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	llist_for_each_entry(sne, &gprs_sndcp_entities, list)
-		vty_dump_sne(vty, sne);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-int gprs_sndcp_vty_init(void)
-	install_element_ve(&show_sndcp_cmd);
-	return 0;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_xid.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_xid.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dfea5fe..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_xid.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1822 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS SNDCP XID field encoding/decoding as per 3GPP TS 44.065 */
-/* (C) 2016 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_xid.h>
-/* When the propose bit in an SNDCP-XID compression field is set to zero,
- * the algorithm identifier is stripped. The algoritm parameters are specific
- * for each algorithms. The following struct is used to pass the information
- * about the referenced algorithm to the parser. */
-struct entity_algo_table {
-	unsigned int entity;	/* see also: and */
-	unsigned int algo;	/* see also: and */
-	unsigned int compclass;	/* Can be either SNDCP_XID_DATA_COMPRESSION or
-/* Encode applicable sapis (works the same in all three compression schemes) */
-static int encode_pcomp_applicable_sapis(uint8_t *dst,
-					 const uint8_t *nsapis,
-					 uint8_t nsapis_len)
-	/* NOTE: Buffer *dst needs offer at 2 bytes
-	 * of space to store the generation results */
-	uint16_t blob;
-	uint8_t nsapi;
-	int i;
-	/* Bail if number of possible nsapis exceeds valid range
-	 * (Only 11 nsapis possible for PDP-Contexts) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nsapis_len <= 11);
-	/* Encode applicable SAPIs */
-	blob = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < nsapis_len; i++) {
-		nsapi = nsapis[i];
-		/* Only NSAPI 5 to 15 are applicable for user traffic (PDP-
-		 * contexts). Only for these NSAPIs SNDCP-XID parameters
-		 * can apply. See also 3GPP TS 44.065, 5.1 Service primitives */
-		OSMO_ASSERT(nsapi >= 5 && nsapi <= 15);
-		blob |= (1 << nsapi);
-	}
-	/* Store result */
-	*dst = (blob >> 8) & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	*dst = blob & 0xFF;
-	return 2;
-/* Encode rfc1144 parameter field
- * (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 5) */
-static int encode_pcomp_rfc1144_params(uint8_t *dst, unsigned int dst_maxlen,
-				       const struct
-				       gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc1144_params *params)
-	/* NOTE: Buffer *dst should offer at least 3 bytes
-	 * of space to store the generation results */
-	int dst_counter = 0;
-	int rc;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(dst_maxlen >= 3);
-	/* Zero out buffer */
-	memset(dst, 0, dst_maxlen);
-	/* Encode applicable SAPIs */
-	rc = encode_pcomp_applicable_sapis(dst, params->nsapi,
-					   params->nsapi_len);
-	dst += rc;
-	dst_counter += rc;
-	/* Encode s01 (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 5) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->s01 >= 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->s01 <= 255);
-	*dst = params->s01;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	/* Return generated length */
-	return dst_counter;
- * Encode rfc2507 parameter field
- * (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 6)
- */
-static int encode_pcomp_rfc2507_params(uint8_t *dst, unsigned int dst_maxlen,
-				       const struct
-				       gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc2507_params *params)
-	/* NOTE: Buffer *dst should offer at least 3 bytes
-	 * of space to store the generation results */
-	int dst_counter = 0;
-	int rc;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(dst_maxlen >= 9);
-	/* Zero out buffer */
-	memset(dst, 0, dst_maxlen);
-	/* Encode applicable SAPIs */
-	rc = encode_pcomp_applicable_sapis(dst, params->nsapi,
-					   params->nsapi_len);
-	dst += rc;
-	dst_counter += rc;
-	/* Encode F_MAX_PERIOD (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 6) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->f_max_period >= 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->f_max_period <= 65535);
-	*dst = (params->f_max_period >> 8) & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	*dst = (params->f_max_period) & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	/* Encode F_MAX_TIME (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 6) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->f_max_time >= 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->f_max_time <= 255);
-	*dst = params->f_max_time;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	/* Encode MAX_HEADER (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 6) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->max_header >= 60);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->max_header <= 255);
-	*dst = params->max_header;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	/* Encode TCP_SPACE (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 6) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->tcp_space >= 3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->tcp_space <= 255);
-	*dst = params->tcp_space;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	/* Encode NON_TCP_SPACE (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 6) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->non_tcp_space >= 3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->non_tcp_space <= 65535);
-	*dst = (params->non_tcp_space >> 8) & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	*dst = (params->non_tcp_space) & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	/* Return generated length */
-	return dst_counter;
-/* Encode ROHC parameter field
- * (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 10) */
-static int encode_pcomp_rohc_params(uint8_t *dst, unsigned int dst_maxlen,
-				    const struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rohc_params
-				    *params)
-	/* NOTE: Buffer *dst should offer at least 36
-	 * (2 * 16 Profiles + 2 * 3 Parameter) bytes
-	 * of memory space to store generation results */
-	int i;
-	int dst_counter = 0;
-	int rc;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(dst_maxlen >= 38);
-	/* Bail if number of ROHC profiles exceeds limit
-	 * (ROHC supports only a maximum of 16 different profiles) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->profile_len <= 16);
-	/* Zero out buffer */
-	memset(dst, 0, dst_maxlen);
-	/* Encode applicable SAPIs */
-	rc = encode_pcomp_applicable_sapis(dst, params->nsapi,
-					   params->nsapi_len);
-	dst += rc;
-	dst_counter += rc;
-	/* Encode MAX_CID (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 10) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->max_cid >= 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->max_cid <= 16383);
-	*dst = (params->max_cid >> 8) & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	*dst = params->max_cid & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter += 2;
-	/* Encode MAX_HEADER (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 10) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->max_header >= 60);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->max_header <= 255);
-	*dst = (params->max_header >> 8) & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	*dst = params->max_header & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter += 2;
-	/* Encode ROHC Profiles (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 10) */
-	for (i = 0; i < params->profile_len; i++) {
-		*dst = (params->profile[i] >> 8) & 0xFF;
-		dst++;
-		*dst = params->profile[i] & 0xFF;
-		dst++;
-		dst_counter += 2;
-	}
-	/* Return generated length */
-	return dst_counter;
-/* Encode V.42bis parameter field
- * (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7a) */
-static int encode_dcomp_v42bis_params(uint8_t *dst, unsigned int dst_maxlen,
-				      const struct
-				      gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v42bis_params *params)
-	/* NOTE: Buffer *dst should offer at least 6 bytes
-	 * of space to store the generation results */
-	int dst_counter = 0;
-	int rc;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(dst_maxlen >= 6);
-	/* Zero out buffer */
-	memset(dst, 0, dst_maxlen);
-	/* Encode applicable SAPIs */
-	rc = encode_pcomp_applicable_sapis(dst, params->nsapi,
-					   params->nsapi_len);
-	dst += rc;
-	dst_counter += rc;
-	/* Encode P0 (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7a) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p0 >= 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p0 <= 3);
-	*dst = params->p0 & 0x03;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	/* Encode P1 (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7a) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p1 >= 512);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p1 <= 65535);
-	*dst = (params->p1 >> 8) & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	*dst = params->p1 & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter += 2;
-	/* Encode P2 (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7a) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p2 >= 6);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p2 <= 250);
-	*dst = params->p2;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	/* Return generated length */
-	return dst_counter;
-/* Encode V44 parameter field
- * (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-static int encode_dcomp_v44_params(uint8_t *dst, unsigned int dst_maxlen,
-				   const struct gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v44_params
-				   *params)
-	/* NOTE: Buffer *dst should offer at least 12 bytes
-	 * of space to store the generation results */
-	int dst_counter = 0;
-	int rc;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(dst_maxlen >= 12);
-	/* Zero out buffer */
-	memset(dst, 0, dst_maxlen);
-	/* Encode applicable SAPIs */
-	rc = encode_pcomp_applicable_sapis(dst, params->nsapi,
-					   params->nsapi_len);
-	dst += rc;
-	dst_counter += rc;
-	/* Encode C0 (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->c0 == 0x80 || params->c0 == 0xC0);
-	*dst = params->c0 & 0xC0;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	/* Encode P0 (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p0 >= 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p0 <= 3);
-	*dst = params->p0 & 0x03;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	/* Encode P1T (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p1t >= 256);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p1t <= 65535);
-	*dst = (params->p1t >> 8) & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	*dst = params->p1t & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter += 2;
-	/* Encode P1R (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p1r >= 256);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p1r <= 65535);
-	*dst = (params->p1r >> 8) & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	*dst = params->p1r & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter += 2;
-	/* Encode P3T (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p3t >= 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p3t <= 65535);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p3t >= 2 * params->p1t);
-	*dst = (params->p3t >> 8) & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	*dst = params->p3t & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter += 2;
-	/* Encode P3R (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p3r >= 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p3r <= 65535);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(params->p3r >= 2 * params->p1r);
-	*dst = (params->p3r >> 8) & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	*dst = params->p3r & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter += 2;
-	/* Return generated length */
-	return dst_counter;
-/* Encode data or protocol control information compression field
- * (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Figure 9 and
- *            3GPP TS 44.065,, Figure 7) */
-static int encode_comp_field(uint8_t *dst, unsigned int dst_maxlen,
-			     const struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field)
-	int dst_counter = 0;
-	int len;
-	int expected_length;
-	int i;
-	uint8_t payload_bytes[256];
-	int payload_bytes_len = -1;
-	/* If possible, try do encode payload bytes first */
-	if (comp_field->rfc1144_params) {
-		payload_bytes_len =
-		    encode_pcomp_rfc1144_params(payload_bytes,
-						sizeof(payload_bytes),
-						comp_field->rfc1144_params);
-	} else if (comp_field->rfc2507_params) {
-		payload_bytes_len =
-		    encode_pcomp_rfc2507_params(payload_bytes,
-						sizeof(payload_bytes),
-						comp_field->rfc2507_params);
-	} else if (comp_field->rohc_params) {
-		payload_bytes_len =
-		    encode_pcomp_rohc_params(payload_bytes,
-					     sizeof(payload_bytes),
-					     comp_field->rohc_params);
-	} else if (comp_field->v42bis_params) {
-		payload_bytes_len =
-		    encode_dcomp_v42bis_params(payload_bytes,
-					       sizeof(payload_bytes),
-					       comp_field->v42bis_params);
-	} else if (comp_field->v44_params) {
-		payload_bytes_len =
-		    encode_dcomp_v44_params(payload_bytes,
-					    sizeof(payload_bytes),
-					    comp_field->v44_params);
-	} else
-		OSMO_ASSERT(false);
-	/* Bail immediately if payload byte generation failed */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(payload_bytes_len >= 0);
-	/* Bail if comp_len is out of bounds */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_field->comp_len <= sizeof(comp_field->comp));
-	/* Calculate length field of the data block */
-	if (comp_field->p) {
-		len =
-		    payload_bytes_len +
-		    ceil((double)(comp_field->comp_len) / 2.0);
-		expected_length = len + 3;
-	} else {
-		len = payload_bytes_len;
-		expected_length = len + 2;
-	}
-	/* Bail immediately if no sufficient memory space is supplied */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(dst_maxlen >= expected_length);
-	/* Check if the entity number is within bounds */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_field->entity <= 0x1f);
-	/* Check if the algorithm number is within bounds */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_field->algo >= 0 || comp_field->algo <= 0x1f);
-	/* Zero out buffer */
-	memset(dst, 0, dst_maxlen);
-	/* Encode Propose bit */
-	if (comp_field->p)
-		*dst |= (1 << 7);
-	/* Encode entity number */
-	*dst |= comp_field->entity & 0x1F;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	/* Encode algorithm number */
-	if (comp_field->p) {
-		*dst |= comp_field->algo & 0x1F;
-		dst++;
-		dst_counter++;
-	}
-	/* Encode length field */
-	*dst |= len & 0xFF;
-	dst++;
-	dst_counter++;
-	/* Encode PCOMP/DCOMP values */
-	if (comp_field->p) {
-		for (i = 0; i < comp_field->comp_len; i++) {
-			/* Check if submitted PCOMP/DCOMP
-			   values are within bounds */
-			if (comp_field->comp[i] > 0x0F)
-				return -EINVAL;
-			if (i & 1) {
-				*dst |= comp_field->comp[i] & 0x0F;
-				dst++;
-				dst_counter++;
-			} else
-				*dst |= (comp_field->comp[i] << 4) & 0xF0;
-		}
-		if (i & 1) {
-			dst++;
-			dst_counter++;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Append payload bytes */
-	memcpy(dst, payload_bytes, payload_bytes_len);
-	dst_counter += payload_bytes_len;
-	/* Return generated length */
-	return dst_counter;
-/* Find out to which compression class the specified comp-field belongs
- * (header compression or data compression?) */
-int gprs_sndcp_get_compression_class(const struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field
-				     *comp_field)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_field);
-	if (comp_field->rfc1144_params)
-	else if (comp_field->rfc2507_params)
-	else if (comp_field->rohc_params)
-	else if (comp_field->v42bis_params)
-	else if (comp_field->v44_params)
-	else
-		return -EINVAL;
-/* Convert all compression fields to bytstreams */
-static int gprs_sndcp_pack_fields(const struct llist_head *comp_fields,
-				  uint8_t *dst,
-				  unsigned int dst_maxlen, int class)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field;
-	int byte_counter = 0;
-	int rc;
-	llist_for_each_entry_reverse(comp_field, comp_fields, list) {
-		if (class == gprs_sndcp_get_compression_class(comp_field)) {
-			rc = encode_comp_field(dst + byte_counter,
-					       dst_maxlen - byte_counter,
-					       comp_field);
-			/* When input data is correct, there is
-			 * no reason for the encoder to fail! */
-			OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0);
-			byte_counter += rc;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Return generated length */
-	return byte_counter;
-/* Transform a list with compression fields into an SNDCP-XID message (dst) */
-int gprs_sndcp_compile_xid(uint8_t *dst, unsigned int dst_maxlen,
-			   const struct llist_head *comp_fields, int version)
-	int rc;
-	int byte_counter = 0;
-	uint8_t comp_bytes[512];
-	uint8_t xid_version_number[1];
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_fields);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(dst_maxlen >= 2 + sizeof(xid_version_number));
-	/* Prepend header with version number */
-	if (version >= 0) {
-		xid_version_number[0] = (uint8_t) (version & 0xff);
-		dst =
-		    tlv_put(dst, SNDCP_XID_VERSION_NUMBER,
-			    sizeof(xid_version_number), xid_version_number);
-		byte_counter += (sizeof(xid_version_number) + 2);
-	}
-	/* Stop if there is no compression fields supplied */
-	if (llist_empty(comp_fields))
-		return byte_counter;
-	/* Add data compression fields */
-	rc = gprs_sndcp_pack_fields(comp_fields, comp_bytes,
-				    sizeof(comp_bytes),
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0);
-	if (rc > 0) {
-		dst = tlv_put(dst, SNDCP_XID_DATA_COMPRESSION, rc, comp_bytes);
-		byte_counter += rc + 2;
-	}
-	/* Add header compression fields */
-	rc = gprs_sndcp_pack_fields(comp_fields, comp_bytes,
-				    sizeof(comp_bytes),
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0);
-	if (rc > 0) {
-		dst = tlv_put(dst, SNDCP_XID_PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION, rc,
-			      comp_bytes);
-		byte_counter += rc + 2;
-	}
-	/* Return generated length */
-	return byte_counter;
-/* Decode applicable sapis (works the same in all three compression schemes) */
-static int decode_pcomp_applicable_sapis(uint8_t *nsapis,
-					 uint8_t *nsapis_len,
-					 const uint8_t *src,
-					 unsigned int src_len)
-	uint16_t blob;
-	int i;
-	int nsapi_len = 0;
-	/* Exit immediately if no result can be stored */
-	if (!nsapis)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Exit immediately if not enough input data is available */
-	if (src_len < 2)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Read bitmask */
-	blob = *src;
-	blob = (blob << 8) & 0xFF00;
-	src++;
-	blob |= (*src) & 0xFF;
-	blob = (blob >> 5);
-	/* Decode applicable SAPIs */
-	for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
-		if ((blob >> i) & 1) {
-			nsapis[nsapi_len] = i + 5;
-			nsapi_len++;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Return consumed length */
-	*nsapis_len = nsapi_len;
-	return 2;
-/* Decode 16 bit field */
-static int decode_pcomp_16_bit_field(int *value_int, uint16_t * value_uint16,
-				     const uint8_t *src,
-				     unsigned int src_len,
-				     int value_min, int value_max)
-	uint16_t blob;
-	/* Reset values to zero (just to be sure) */
-	if (value_int)
-		*value_int = -1;
-	if (value_uint16)
-		*value_uint16 = 0;
-	/* Exit if not enough src are available */
-	if (src_len < 2)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Decode bit value */
-	blob = *src;
-	blob = (blob << 8) & 0xFF00;
-	src++;
-	blob |= *src;
-	/* Check if parsed value is within bounds */
-	if (blob < value_min)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if (blob > value_max)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Hand back results to the caller */
-	if (value_int)
-		*value_int = blob;
-	if (value_uint16)
-		*value_uint16 = blob;
-	/* Return consumed length */
-	return 2;
-/* Decode 8 bit field */
-static int decode_pcomp_8_bit_field(int *value_int, uint8_t *value_uint8,
-				    const uint8_t *src,
-				    unsigned int src_len,
-				    int value_min, int value_max)
-	uint8_t blob;
-	/* Reset values to invalid (just to be sure) */
-	if (value_int)
-		*value_int = -1;
-	if (value_uint8)
-		*value_uint8 = 0;
-	/* Exit if not enough src are available */
-	if (src_len < 1)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Decode bit value */
-	blob = *src;
-	/* Check if parsed value is within bounds */
-	if (blob < value_min)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if (blob > value_max)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Hand back results to the caller */
-	if (value_int)
-		*value_int = blob;
-	if (value_uint8)
-		*value_uint8 = blob;
-	/* Return consumed length */
-	return 1;
-/* Decode rfc1144 parameter field see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 5) */
-static int decode_pcomp_rfc1144_params(struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc1144_params
-				       *params, const uint8_t *src,
-				       unsigned int src_len)
-	int rc;
-	int byte_counter = 0;
-	/* Mark all optional parameters invalid by default */
-	params->s01 = -1;
-	/* Decode applicable SAPIs */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_applicable_sapis(params->nsapi, &params->nsapi_len,
-					   src, src_len);
-	if (rc > 0) {
-		byte_counter += rc;
-		src += rc;
-	} else
-		return byte_counter;
-	/* Decode parameter S0 -1
-	 * (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 5) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_8_bit_field(&params->s01, NULL, src,
-				      src_len - byte_counter, 0, 255);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Return consumed length */
-	return byte_counter;
-/* Decode rfc2507 parameter field
- * (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 6) */
-static int decode_pcomp_rfc2507_params(struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc2507_params
-				       *params, const uint8_t *src,
-				       unsigned int src_len)
-	int rc;
-	int byte_counter = 0;
-	/* Mark all optional parameters invalid by default */
-	params->f_max_period = -1;
-	params->f_max_time = -1;
-	params->max_header = -1;
-	params->tcp_space = -1;
-	params->non_tcp_space = -1;
-	/* Decode applicable SAPIs */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_applicable_sapis(params->nsapi, &params->nsapi_len,
-					   src, src_len);
-	if (rc > 0) {
-		byte_counter += rc;
-		src += rc;
-	} else
-		return byte_counter;
-	/* Decode F_MAX_PERIOD (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 6) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_16_bit_field(&params->f_max_period, NULL, src,
-				       src_len - byte_counter, 1, 65535);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode F_MAX_TIME (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 6) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_8_bit_field(&params->f_max_time, NULL, src,
-				      src_len - byte_counter, 1, 255);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode MAX_HEADER (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 6) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_8_bit_field(&params->max_header, NULL, src,
-				      src_len - byte_counter, 60, 255);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode TCP_SPACE (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 6) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_8_bit_field(&params->tcp_space, NULL, src,
-				      src_len - byte_counter, 3, 255);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode NON_TCP_SPACE (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 6) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_16_bit_field(&params->non_tcp_space, NULL, src,
-				       src_len - byte_counter, 3, 65535);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Return consumed length */
-	return byte_counter;
-/* Decode ROHC parameter field (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 10) */
-static int decode_pcomp_rohc_params(struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rohc_params *params,
-				    const uint8_t *src, unsigned int src_len)
-	int rc;
-	int byte_counter = 0;
-	int i;
-	/* Mark all optional parameters invalid by default */
-	params->max_cid = -1;
-	params->max_header = -1;
-	/* Decode applicable SAPIs */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_applicable_sapis(params->nsapi, &params->nsapi_len,
-					   src, src_len);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode MAX_CID (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 10) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_16_bit_field(&params->max_cid, NULL, src,
-				       src_len - byte_counter, 0, 16383);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode MAX_HEADER (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 10) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_16_bit_field(&params->max_header, NULL, src,
-				       src_len - byte_counter, 60, 255);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode Profiles (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 10) */
-	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-		params->profile_len = 0;
-		rc = decode_pcomp_16_bit_field(NULL, &params->profile[i], src,
-					       src_len - byte_counter, 0,
-					       65535);
-		if (rc <= 0)
-			return byte_counter;
-		byte_counter += rc;
-		src += rc;
-		params->profile_len = i + 1;
-	}
-	/* Return consumed length */
-	return byte_counter;
-/* Decode V.42bis parameter field
- * (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7a) */
-static int decode_dcomp_v42bis_params(struct gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v42bis_params
-				      *params, const uint8_t *src,
-				      unsigned int src_len)
-	int rc;
-	int byte_counter = 0;
-	/* Mark all optional parameters invalid by default */
-	params->p0 = -1;
-	params->p1 = -1;
-	params->p2 = -1;
-	/* Decode applicable SAPIs */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_applicable_sapis(params->nsapi, &params->nsapi_len,
-					   src, src_len);
-	if (rc > 0) {
-		byte_counter += rc;
-		src += rc;
-	} else
-		return byte_counter;
-	/* Decode P0 (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7a) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_8_bit_field(&params->p0, NULL, src,
-				      src_len - byte_counter, 0, 3);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode P1 (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7a) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_16_bit_field(&params->p1, NULL, src,
-				       src_len - byte_counter, 512, 65535);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode P2 (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7a) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_8_bit_field(&params->p2, NULL, src,
-				      src_len - byte_counter, 6, 250);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Return consumed length */
-	return byte_counter;
-/* Decode V44 parameter field (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-static int decode_dcomp_v44_params(struct gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v44_params *params,
-				   const uint8_t *src, unsigned int src_len)
-	int rc;
-	int byte_counter = 0;
-	/* Mark all optional parameters invalid by default */
-	params->c0 = -1;
-	params->p0 = -1;
-	params->p1t = -1;
-	params->p1r = -1;
-	params->p3t = -1;
-	params->p3r = -1;
-	/* Decode applicable SAPIs */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_applicable_sapis(params->nsapi, &params->nsapi_len,
-					   src, src_len);
-	if (rc > 0) {
-		byte_counter += rc;
-		src += rc;
-	} else
-		return byte_counter;
-	/* Decode C0 (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_8_bit_field(&params->c0, NULL, src,
-				      src_len - byte_counter, 0, 255);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	if ((params->c0 != 0x80) && (params->c0 != 0xC0))
-		return -EINVAL;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode P0 (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_8_bit_field(&params->p0, NULL, src,
-				      src_len - byte_counter, 0, 3);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode P1T (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_16_bit_field(&params->p1t, NULL, src,
-				       src_len - byte_counter, 265, 65535);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode P1R (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_16_bit_field(&params->p1r, NULL, src,
-				       src_len - byte_counter, 265, 65535);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode P3T (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_16_bit_field(&params->p3t, NULL, src,
-				       src_len - byte_counter, 265, 65535);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	if (params->p3t < 2 * params->p1t)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Decode P3R (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Table 7c) */
-	rc = decode_pcomp_16_bit_field(&params->p3r, NULL, src,
-				       src_len - byte_counter, 265, 65535);
-	if (rc <= 0)
-		return byte_counter;
-	if (params->p3r < 2 * params->p1r)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	byte_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	/* Return consumed length */
-	return byte_counter;
-/* Lookup algorithm identfier by entity ID */
-static int lookup_algorithm_identifier(int entity, const struct
-				       entity_algo_table
-				       *lt, unsigned int lt_len, int compclass)
-	int i;
-	if (!lt)
-		return -1;
-	for (i = 0; i < lt_len; i++) {
-		if ((lt[i].entity == entity)
-		    && (lt[i].compclass == compclass))
-			return lt[i].algo;
-	}
-	return -1;
-/* Helper function for decode_comp_field(), decodes
- * numeric pcomp/dcomp values */
-static int decode_comp_values(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field,
-			      const uint8_t *src, int compclass)
-	int src_counter = 0;
-	int i;
-	if (comp_field->p) {
-		/* Determine the number of expected PCOMP/DCOMP values */
-			/* For protocol compression */
-			switch (comp_field->algo) {
-			case RFC_1144:
-				comp_field->comp_len = RFC1144_PCOMP_NUM;
-				break;
-			case RFC_2507:
-				comp_field->comp_len = RFC2507_PCOMP_NUM;
-				break;
-			case ROHC:
-				comp_field->comp_len = ROHC_PCOMP_NUM;
-				break;
-				/* Exit if the algorithem type encodes
-				   something unknown / unspecified */
-			default:
-				return -EINVAL;
-			}
-		} else {
-			/* For data compression */
-			switch (comp_field->algo) {
-			case V42BIS:
-				comp_field->comp_len = V42BIS_DCOMP_NUM;
-				break;
-			case V44:
-				comp_field->comp_len = V44_DCOMP_NUM;
-				break;
-				/* Exit if the algorithem type encodes
-				   something unknown / unspecified */
-			default:
-				return -EINVAL;
-			}
-		}
-		for (i = 0; i < comp_field->comp_len; i++) {
-			if (i & 1) {
-				comp_field->comp[i] = (*src) & 0x0F;
-				src++;
-				src_counter++;
-			} else
-				comp_field->comp[i] = ((*src) >> 4) & 0x0F;
-		}
-		if (i & 1) {
-			src++;
-			src_counter++;
-		}
-	}
-	return src_counter;
-/* Helper function for decode_comp_field(), decodes the parameters
- * which are protocol compression specific */
-static int decode_pcomp_params(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field,
-			       const uint8_t *src, int src_len)
-	int rc;
-	switch (comp_field->algo) {
-	case RFC_1144:
-		comp_field->rfc1144_params = talloc_zero(comp_field, struct
-					gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc1144_params);
-		rc = decode_pcomp_rfc1144_params(comp_field->rfc1144_params,
-						 src, src_len);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			talloc_free(comp_field->rfc1144_params);
-		break;
-	case RFC_2507:
-		comp_field->rfc2507_params = talloc_zero(comp_field, struct
-					gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc2507_params);
-		rc = decode_pcomp_rfc2507_params(comp_field->rfc2507_params,
-						 src, src_len);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			talloc_free(comp_field->rfc1144_params);
-		break;
-	case ROHC:
-		comp_field->rohc_params = talloc_zero(comp_field, struct
-					gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rohc_params);
-		rc = decode_pcomp_rohc_params(comp_field->rohc_params, src,
-					      src_len);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			talloc_free(comp_field->rohc_params);
-		break;
-		/* If no suitable decoder is detected,
-		   leave the remaining bytes undecoded */
-	default:
-		rc = src_len;
-	}
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		comp_field->rfc1144_params = NULL;
-		comp_field->rfc2507_params = NULL;
-		comp_field->rohc_params = NULL;
-	}
-	return rc;
-/* Helper function for decode_comp_field(), decodes the parameters
- * which are data compression specific */
-static int decode_dcomp_params(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field,
-			       const uint8_t *src, int src_len)
-	int rc;
-	switch (comp_field->algo) {
-	case V42BIS:
-		comp_field->v42bis_params = talloc_zero(comp_field, struct
-					gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v42bis_params);
-		rc = decode_dcomp_v42bis_params(comp_field->v42bis_params, src,
-						src_len);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			talloc_free(comp_field->v42bis_params);
-		break;
-	case V44:
-		comp_field->v44_params = talloc_zero(comp_field, struct
-					gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v44_params);
-		rc = decode_dcomp_v44_params(comp_field->v44_params, src,
-					     src_len);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			talloc_free(comp_field->v44_params);
-		break;
-		/* If no suitable decoder is detected,
-		 * leave the remaining bytes undecoded */
-	default:
-		rc = src_len;
-	}
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		comp_field->v42bis_params = NULL;
-		comp_field->v44_params = NULL;
-	}
-	return rc;
-/* Decode data or protocol control information compression field
- * (see also: 3GPP TS 44.065,, Figure 9 and
- *            3GPP TS 44.065,, Figure 7) */
-static int decode_comp_field(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field,
-			     const uint8_t *src, unsigned int src_len,
-			     const struct entity_algo_table *lt,
-			     unsigned int lt_len, int compclass)
-	int src_counter = 0;
-	unsigned int len;
-	int rc;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_field);
-	/* Exit immediately if it is clear that no
-	   parseable data is present */
-	if (src_len < 1 || !src)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Zero out target struct */
-	memset(comp_field, 0, sizeof(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field));
-	/* Decode Propose bit and Entity number */
-	if ((*src) & 0x80)
-		comp_field->p = 1;
-	comp_field->entity = (*src) & 0x1F;
-	src_counter++;
-	src++;
-	/* Decode algorithm number (if present) */
-	if (comp_field->p) {
-		comp_field->algo = (*src) & 0x1F;
-		src_counter++;
-		src++;
-	}
-	/* Alternatively take the information from the lookup table */
-	else
-		comp_field->algo =
-		    lookup_algorithm_identifier(comp_field->entity, lt,
-						lt_len, compclass);
-	/* Decode length field */
-	len = *src;
-	src_counter++;
-	src++;
-	/* Decode PCOMP/DCOMP values */
-	rc = decode_comp_values(comp_field, src, compclass);
-	if (rc < 0)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	src_counter += rc;
-	src += rc;
-	len -= rc;
-	/* Decode algorithm specific payload data */
-		rc = decode_pcomp_params(comp_field, src, len);
-	else if (compclass == SNDCP_XID_DATA_COMPRESSION)
-		rc = decode_dcomp_params(comp_field, src, len);
-	else
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if (rc >= 0)
-		src_counter += rc;
-	else
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Return consumed length */
-	return src_counter;
-/* Helper function for gprs_sndcp_decode_xid() to decode XID blocks */
-static int decode_xid_block(struct llist_head *comp_fields, uint8_t tag,
-			    uint16_t tag_len, const uint8_t *val,
-			    const struct entity_algo_table *lt,
-			    unsigned int lt_len)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field;
-	int byte_counter = 0;
-	int comp_field_count = 0;
-	int rc;
-	byte_counter = 0;
-	do {
-		/* Bail if more than the maximum number of
-		   comp_fields is generated */
-		if (comp_field_count > MAX_ENTITIES * 2) {
-			return -EINVAL;
-		}
-		/* Parse and add comp_field */
-		comp_field =
-		    talloc_zero(comp_fields, struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field);
-		rc = decode_comp_field(comp_field, val + byte_counter,
-				       tag_len - byte_counter, lt, lt_len, tag);
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			talloc_free(comp_field);
-			return -EINVAL;
-		}
-		byte_counter += rc;
-		llist_add(&comp_field->list, comp_fields);
-		comp_field_count++;
-	}
-	while (tag_len - byte_counter > 0);
-	return byte_counter;
-/* Transform an SNDCP-XID message (src) into a list of SNDCP-XID fields */
-static int gprs_sndcp_decode_xid(int *version, struct llist_head *comp_fields,
-				 const uint8_t *src, unsigned int src_len,
-				 const struct entity_algo_table *lt,
-				 unsigned int lt_len)
-	int src_pos = 0;
-	uint8_t tag;
-	uint16_t tag_len;
-	const uint8_t *val;
-	int byte_counter = 0;
-	int rc;
-	int tlv_count = 0;
-	/* Preset version value as invalid */
-	if (version)
-		*version = -1;
-	/* Valid TLV-Tag and types */
-	static const struct tlv_definition sndcp_xid_def = {
-		.def = {
-			},
-	};
-	/* Parse TLV-Encoded SNDCP-XID message and defer payload
-	   to the apporpiate sub-parser functions */
-	while (1) {
-		/* Bail if an the maximum number of TLV fields
-		 * have been parsed */
-		if (tlv_count >= 3) {
-			talloc_free(comp_fields);
-			return -EINVAL;
-		}
-		/* Parse TLV field */
-		rc = tlv_parse_one(&tag, &tag_len, &val, &sndcp_xid_def,
-				   src + src_pos, src_len - src_pos);
-		if (rc > 0)
-			src_pos += rc;
-		else {
-			talloc_free(comp_fields);
-			return -EINVAL;
-		}
-		/* Decode sndcp xid version number */
-		if (version && tag == SNDCP_XID_VERSION_NUMBER)
-			*version = val[0];
-		/* Decode compression parameters */
-		    || (tag == SNDCP_XID_DATA_COMPRESSION)) {
-			rc = decode_xid_block(comp_fields, tag, tag_len, val,
-					      lt, lt_len);
-			if (rc < 0) {
-				talloc_free(comp_fields);
-				return -EINVAL;
-			} else
-				byte_counter += rc;
-		}
-		/* Stop when no further TLV elements can be expected */
-		if (src_len - src_pos <= 2)
-			break;
-		tlv_count++;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* Fill up lookutable from a list with comression entitiy fields */
-static int gprs_sndcp_fill_table(struct
-				 entity_algo_table *lt,
-				 unsigned int lt_len,
-				 const struct llist_head *comp_fields)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field;
-	int i = 0;
-	int rc;
-	if (!comp_fields)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if (!lt)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	memset(lt, 0, sizeof(*lt));
-	llist_for_each_entry(comp_field, comp_fields, list) {
-		if (comp_field->algo >= 0) {
-			lt[i].entity = comp_field->entity;
-			lt[i].algo = comp_field->algo;
-			rc = gprs_sndcp_get_compression_class(comp_field);
-			if (rc < 0) {
-				memset(lt, 0, sizeof(*lt));
-				return -EINVAL;
-			}
-			lt[i].compclass = rc;
-			i++;
-		}
-	}
-	return i;
-/* Complete comp field params
- * (if a param (dst) is not valid, it will be copied from source (src) */
-static int complete_comp_field_params(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field
-				      *comp_field_dst, const struct
-				      gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field_src)
-	if (comp_field_dst->algo < 0)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if (comp_field_dst->rfc1144_params && comp_field_src->rfc1144_params) {
-		if (comp_field_dst->rfc1144_params->s01 < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->rfc1144_params->s01 =
-			    comp_field_src->rfc1144_params->s01;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (comp_field_dst->rfc2507_params && comp_field_src->rfc2507_params) {
-		if (comp_field_dst->rfc2507_params->f_max_period < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->rfc2507_params->f_max_period =
-			    comp_field_src->rfc2507_params->f_max_period;
-		}
-		if (comp_field_dst->rfc2507_params->f_max_time < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->rfc2507_params->f_max_time =
-			    comp_field_src->rfc2507_params->f_max_time;
-		}
-		if (comp_field_dst->rfc2507_params->max_header < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->rfc2507_params->max_header =
-			    comp_field_src->rfc2507_params->max_header;
-		}
-		if (comp_field_dst->rfc2507_params->tcp_space < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->rfc2507_params->tcp_space =
-			    comp_field_src->rfc2507_params->tcp_space;
-		}
-		if (comp_field_dst->rfc2507_params->non_tcp_space < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->rfc2507_params->non_tcp_space =
-			    comp_field_src->rfc2507_params->non_tcp_space;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (comp_field_dst->rohc_params && comp_field_src->rohc_params) {
-		if (comp_field_dst->rohc_params->max_cid < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->rohc_params->max_cid =
-			    comp_field_src->rohc_params->max_cid;
-		}
-		if (comp_field_dst->rohc_params->max_header < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->rohc_params->max_header =
-			    comp_field_src->rohc_params->max_header;
-		}
-		if (comp_field_dst->rohc_params->profile_len > 0) {
-			memcpy(comp_field_dst->rohc_params->profile,
-			       comp_field_src->rohc_params->profile,
-			       sizeof(comp_field_dst->rohc_params->profile));
-			comp_field_dst->rohc_params->profile_len =
-			    comp_field_src->rohc_params->profile_len;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (comp_field_dst->v42bis_params && comp_field_src->v42bis_params) {
-		if (comp_field_dst->v42bis_params->p0 < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->v42bis_params->p0 =
-			    comp_field_src->v42bis_params->p0;
-		}
-		if (comp_field_dst->v42bis_params->p1 < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->v42bis_params->p1 =
-			    comp_field_src->v42bis_params->p1;
-		}
-		if (comp_field_dst->v42bis_params->p2 < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->v42bis_params->p2 =
-			    comp_field_src->v42bis_params->p2;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (comp_field_dst->v44_params && comp_field_src->v44_params) {
-		if (comp_field_dst->v44_params->c0 < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->v44_params->c0 =
-			    comp_field_src->v44_params->c0;
-		}
-		if (comp_field_dst->v44_params->p0 < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->v44_params->p0 =
-			    comp_field_src->v44_params->p0;
-		}
-		if (comp_field_dst->v44_params->p1t < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->v44_params->p1t =
-			    comp_field_src->v44_params->p1t;
-		}
-		if (comp_field_dst->v44_params->p1r < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->v44_params->p1r =
-			    comp_field_src->v44_params->p1r;
-		}
-		if (comp_field_dst->v44_params->p3t < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->v44_params->p3t =
-			    comp_field_src->v44_params->p3t;
-		}
-		if (comp_field_dst->v44_params->p3r < 0) {
-			comp_field_dst->v44_params->p3r =
-			    comp_field_src->v44_params->p3r;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* There should be at least exist one param set
-	 * in the destination struct, otherwise something
-	 * must be wrong! */
-	return -EINVAL;
-/* Complete missing parameters in a comp_field */
-static int gprs_sndcp_complete_comp_field(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field
-					  *comp_field, const struct llist_head
-					  *comp_fields)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field_src;
-	int rc = 0;
-	llist_for_each_entry(comp_field_src, comp_fields, list) {
-		if (comp_field_src->entity == comp_field->entity) {
-			/* Complete header fields */
-			if (comp_field_src->comp_len > 0) {
-				memcpy(comp_field->comp,
-				       comp_field_src->comp,
-				       sizeof(comp_field_src->comp));
-				comp_field->comp_len = comp_field_src->comp_len;
-			}
-			/* Complete parameter fields */
-			rc = complete_comp_field_params(comp_field,
-							comp_field_src);
-		}
-	}
-	return rc;
-/* Complete missing parameters of all comp_field in a list */
-static int gprs_sndcp_complete_comp_fields(struct llist_head
-					   *comp_fields_incomplete,
-					   const struct llist_head *comp_fields)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field_incomplete;
-	int rc;
-	llist_for_each_entry(comp_field_incomplete, comp_fields_incomplete,
-			     list) {
-		rc = gprs_sndcp_complete_comp_field(comp_field_incomplete,
-						    comp_fields);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* Transform an SNDCP-XID message (src) into a list of SNDCP-XID fields */
-struct llist_head *gprs_sndcp_parse_xid(int *version,
-					const void *ctx,
-					const uint8_t *src,
-					unsigned int src_len,
-					const struct llist_head
-					*comp_fields_req)
-	int rc;
-	int lt_len;
-	struct llist_head *comp_fields;
-	struct entity_algo_table lt[MAX_ENTITIES * 2];
-	/* In case of a zero length field, just exit */
-	if (src_len == 0)
-		return NULL;
-	/* We should go any further if we have a field length greater
-	 * zero and a null pointer as buffer! */
-	comp_fields = talloc_zero(ctx, struct llist_head);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(comp_fields);
-	if (comp_fields_req) {
-		/* Generate lookup table */
-		lt_len =
-		    gprs_sndcp_fill_table(lt, MAX_ENTITIES * 2,
-					  comp_fields_req);
-		if (lt_len < 0) {
-			talloc_free(comp_fields);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		/* Parse SNDCP-CID XID-Field */
-		rc = gprs_sndcp_decode_xid(version, comp_fields, src, src_len,
-					   lt, lt_len);
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			talloc_free(comp_fields);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		rc = gprs_sndcp_complete_comp_fields(comp_fields,
-						     comp_fields_req);
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			talloc_free(comp_fields);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-	} else {
-		/* Parse SNDCP-CID XID-Field */
-		rc = gprs_sndcp_decode_xid(version, comp_fields, src, src_len,
-					   NULL, 0);
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			talloc_free(comp_fields);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	return comp_fields;
-/* Helper for gprs_sndcp_dump_comp_fields(),
- * dumps protocol compression parameters */
-static void dump_pcomp_params(const struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field
-			      *comp_field, unsigned int logl)
-	int i;
-	switch (comp_field->algo) {
-	case RFC_1144:
-		if (comp_field->rfc1144_params == NULL) {
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-			     "   gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc1144_params=NULL\n");
-			break;
-		}
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc1144_params {\n");
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-		     "      nsapi_len=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->rfc1144_params->nsapi_len);
-		if (comp_field->rfc1144_params->nsapi_len == 0)
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      nsapi[] = NULL;\n");
-		for (i = 0; i < comp_field->rfc1144_params->nsapi_len; i++) {
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-			     "      nsapi[%d]=%d;\n", i,
-			     comp_field->rfc1144_params->nsapi[i]);
-		}
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      s01=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->rfc1144_params->s01);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   }\n");
-		break;
-	case RFC_2507:
-		if (comp_field->rfc2507_params == NULL) {
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-			     "   gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc2507_params=NULL\n");
-			break;
-		}
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc2507_params {\n");
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-		     "      nsapi_len=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->rfc2507_params->nsapi_len);
-		if (comp_field->rfc2507_params->nsapi_len == 0)
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      nsapi[] = NULL;\n");
-		for (i = 0; i < comp_field->rfc2507_params->nsapi_len; i++) {
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-			     "      nsapi[%d]=%d;\n", i,
-			     comp_field->rfc2507_params->nsapi[i]);
-		}
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-		     "      f_max_period=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->rfc2507_params->f_max_period);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-		     "      f_max_time=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->rfc2507_params->f_max_time);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-		     "      max_header=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->rfc2507_params->max_header);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-		     "      tcp_space=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->rfc2507_params->tcp_space);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-		     "      non_tcp_space=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->rfc2507_params->non_tcp_space);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   }\n");
-		break;
-	case ROHC:
-		if (comp_field->rohc_params == NULL) {
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-			     "   gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rohc_params=NULL\n");
-			break;
-		}
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rohc_params {\n");
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-		     "      nsapi_len=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->rohc_params->nsapi_len);
-		if (comp_field->rohc_params->nsapi_len == 0)
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      nsapi[] = NULL;\n");
-		for (i = 0; i < comp_field->rohc_params->nsapi_len; i++) {
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-			     "      nsapi[%d]=%d;\n", i,
-			     comp_field->rohc_params->nsapi[i]);
-		}
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-		     "      max_cid=%d;\n", comp_field->rohc_params->max_cid);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-		     "      max_header=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->rohc_params->max_header);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-		     "      profile_len=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->rohc_params->profile_len);
-		if (comp_field->rohc_params->profile_len == 0)
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      profile[] = NULL;\n");
-		for (i = 0; i < comp_field->rohc_params->profile_len; i++)
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-			     "      profile[%d]=%04x;\n",
-			     i, comp_field->rohc_params->profile[i]);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   }\n");
-		break;
-	}
-/* Helper for gprs_sndcp_dump_comp_fields(),
- * data protocol compression parameters */
-static void dump_dcomp_params(const struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field
-			      *comp_field, unsigned int logl)
-	int i;
-	switch (comp_field->algo) {
-	case V42BIS:
-		if (comp_field->v42bis_params == NULL) {
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-			     "   gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v42bis_params=NULL\n");
-			break;
-		}
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v42bis_params {\n");
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-		     "      nsapi_len=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->v42bis_params->nsapi_len);
-		if (comp_field->v42bis_params->nsapi_len == 0)
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      nsapi[] = NULL;\n");
-		for (i = 0; i < comp_field->v42bis_params->nsapi_len; i++)
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-			     "      nsapi[%d]=%d;\n", i,
-			     comp_field->v42bis_params->nsapi[i]);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      p0=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->v42bis_params->p0);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      p1=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->v42bis_params->p1);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      p2=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->v42bis_params->p2);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   }\n");
-		break;
-	case V44:
-		if (comp_field->v44_params == NULL) {
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-			     "   gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v44_params=NULL\n");
-			break;
-		}
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v44_params {\n");
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-		     "      nsapi_len=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->v44_params->nsapi_len);
-		if (comp_field->v44_params->nsapi_len == 0)
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      nsapi[] = NULL;\n");
-		for (i = 0; i < comp_field->v44_params->nsapi_len; i++) {
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl,
-			     "      nsapi[%d]=%d;\n", i,
-			     comp_field->v44_params->nsapi[i]);
-		}
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      c0=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->v44_params->c0);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      p0=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->v44_params->p0);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      p1t=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->v44_params->p1t);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      p1r=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->v44_params->p1r);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      p3t=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->v44_params->p3t);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "      p3r=%d;\n",
-		     comp_field->v44_params->p3r);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   }\n");
-		break;
-	}
-/* Dump a list with SNDCP-XID fields (Debug) */
-void gprs_sndcp_dump_comp_fields(const struct llist_head *comp_fields,
-				 unsigned int logl)
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field *comp_field;
-	int i;
-	int compclass;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_fields);
-	llist_for_each_entry(comp_field, comp_fields, list) {
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "SNDCP-XID:\n");
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field {\n");
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   entity=%d;\n", comp_field->entity);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   algo=%d;\n", comp_field->algo);
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   comp_len=%d;\n", comp_field->comp_len);
-		if (comp_field->comp_len == 0)
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   comp[] = NULL;\n");
-		for (i = 0; i < comp_field->comp_len; i++) {
-			LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "   comp[%d]=%d;\n", i,
-			     comp_field->comp[i]);
-		}
-		compclass = gprs_sndcp_get_compression_class(comp_field);
-			dump_pcomp_params(comp_field, logl);
-		} else if (compclass == SNDCP_XID_DATA_COMPRESSION) {
-			dump_dcomp_params(comp_field, logl);
-		}
-		LOGP(DSNDCP, logl, "}\n");
-	}
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_subscriber.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_subscriber.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d13bd83..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_subscriber.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,936 +0,0 @@
-/* MS subscriber data handling */
-/* (C) 2014 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH
- * (C) 2015 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08_gprs.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsup.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/apn.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/logging.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_subscriber.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsup_client.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gmm.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#define LOGGSUPP(level, gsup, fmt, args...) \
-	LOGP(DGPRS, level, "GSUP(%s) " fmt, \
-	     (gsup)->imsi, \
-	     ## args)
-extern void *tall_bsc_ctx;
-struct llist_head * const gprs_subscribers = &_gprs_subscribers;
-static int gsup_read_cb(struct gsup_client *gsupc, struct msgb *msg);
-/* TODO: Some functions are specific to the SGSN, but this file is more general
- * (it has gprs_* name). Either move these functions elsewhere, split them and
- * move a part, or replace the gprs_ prefix by sgsn_. The applies to
- * gprs_subscr_init, gsup_read_cb, and gprs_subscr_tx_gsup_message.
- */
-int gprs_subscr_init(struct sgsn_instance *sgi)
-	const char *addr_str;
-	if (!sgi->cfg.gsup_server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr)
-		return 0;
-	addr_str = inet_ntoa(sgi->cfg.gsup_server_addr.sin_addr);
-	sgi->gsup_client = gsup_client_create(
-		addr_str, sgi->cfg.gsup_server_port,
-		&gsup_read_cb,
-		&sgi->cfg.oap);
-	if (!sgi->gsup_client)
-		return -1;
-	return 1;
-static int gsup_read_cb(struct gsup_client *gsupc, struct msgb *msg)
-	int rc;
-	rc = gprs_subscr_rx_gsup_message(msg);
-	msgb_free(msg);
-	if (rc < 0)
-		return -1;
-	return rc;
-int gprs_subscr_purge(struct gprs_subscr *subscr);
-static struct sgsn_subscriber_data *sgsn_subscriber_data_alloc(void *ctx)
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_data *sdata;
-	int idx;
-	sdata = talloc_zero(ctx, struct sgsn_subscriber_data);
-	sdata->error_cause = SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE;
-	for (idx = 0; idx < ARRAY_SIZE(sdata->auth_triplets); idx++)
-	     sdata->auth_triplets[idx].key_seq = GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL;
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&sdata->pdp_list);
-	return sdata;
-struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data* sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data_alloc(
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_data *sdata)
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data* pdata;
-	pdata = talloc_zero(sdata, struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data);
-	llist_add_tail(&pdata->list, &sdata->pdp_list);
-	return pdata;
-struct gprs_subscr *gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(const char *imsi)
-	struct gprs_subscr *gsub;
-	if (!imsi || !*imsi)
-		return NULL;
-	llist_for_each_entry(gsub, gprs_subscribers, entry) {
-		if (!strcmp(gsub->imsi, imsi))
-			return gprs_subscr_get(gsub);
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static struct gprs_subscr *gprs_subscr_alloc(void)
-	struct gprs_subscr *gsub;
-	gsub = talloc_zero(tall_bsc_ctx, struct gprs_subscr);
-	if (!gsub)
-		return NULL;
-	llist_add_tail(&gsub->entry, gprs_subscribers);
-	gsub->use_count = 1;
-	gsub->tmsi = GSM_RESERVED_TMSI;
-	return gsub;
-struct gprs_subscr *gprs_subscr_get_or_create(const char *imsi)
-	struct gprs_subscr *gsub;
-	gsub = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi);
-	if (!gsub) {
-		gsub = gprs_subscr_alloc();
-		if (!gsub)
-			return NULL;
-		osmo_strlcpy(gsub->imsi, imsi, sizeof(gsub->imsi));
-	}
-	if (!gsub->sgsn_data)
-		gsub->sgsn_data = sgsn_subscriber_data_alloc(gsub);
-	return gsub;
-void gprs_subscr_cleanup(struct gprs_subscr *subscr)
-	if (subscr->sgsn_data->mm) {
-		gprs_subscr_put(subscr->sgsn_data->mm->subscr);
-		subscr->sgsn_data->mm->subscr = NULL;
-		subscr->sgsn_data->mm = NULL;
-	}
-	if (subscr->flags & GPRS_SUBSCRIBER_ENABLE_PURGE) {
-		gprs_subscr_purge(subscr);
-		subscr->flags &= ~GPRS_SUBSCRIBER_ENABLE_PURGE;
-	}
-void gprs_subscr_cancel(struct gprs_subscr *subscr)
-	subscr->authorized = 0;
-	gprs_subscr_update(subscr);
-	gprs_subscr_cleanup(subscr);
-static int gprs_subscr_tx_gsup_message(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-				       struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_msg)
-	struct msgb *msg = gsup_client_msgb_alloc();
-	if (strlen(gsup_msg->imsi) == 0 && subscr)
-		osmo_strlcpy(gsup_msg->imsi, subscr->imsi,
-			     sizeof(gsup_msg->imsi));
-	gsup_msg->cn_domain = OSMO_GSUP_CN_DOMAIN_PS;
-	osmo_gsup_encode(msg, gsup_msg);
-		    "Sending GSUP, will send: %s\n", msgb_hexdump(msg));
-	if (!sgsn->gsup_client) {
-		msgb_free(msg);
-		return -ENOTSUP;
-	}
-	return gsup_client_send(sgsn->gsup_client, msg);
-static int gprs_subscr_tx_gsup_error_reply(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-					   struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_orig,
-					   enum gsm48_gmm_cause cause)
-	struct osmo_gsup_message gsup_reply = {0};
-	osmo_strlcpy(gsup_reply.imsi, gsup_orig->imsi,
-		     sizeof(gsup_reply.imsi));
-	gsup_reply.cause = cause;
-	gsup_reply.message_type =
-		OSMO_GSUP_TO_MSGT_ERROR(gsup_orig->message_type);
-	return gprs_subscr_tx_gsup_message(subscr, &gsup_reply);
-static int gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_auth_res(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-					    struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_msg)
-	unsigned idx;
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_data *sdata = subscr->sgsn_data;
-		"Got SendAuthenticationInfoResult, num_auth_vectors = %zu\n",
-		gsup_msg->num_auth_vectors);
-	if (gsup_msg->num_auth_vectors > 0) {
-		memset(sdata->auth_triplets, 0, sizeof(sdata->auth_triplets));
-		for (idx = 0; idx < ARRAY_SIZE(sdata->auth_triplets); idx++)
-			sdata->auth_triplets[idx].key_seq = GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL;
-	}
-	for (idx = 0; idx < gsup_msg->num_auth_vectors; idx++) {
-		size_t key_seq = idx;
-			"Adding auth tuple, cksn = %zu\n", key_seq);
-		if (key_seq >= ARRAY_SIZE(sdata->auth_triplets)) {
-				"Skipping auth triplet with invalid cksn %zu\n",
-				key_seq);
-			continue;
-		}
-		sdata->auth_triplets[key_seq].vec = gsup_msg->auth_vectors[idx];
-		sdata->auth_triplets[key_seq].key_seq = key_seq;
-	}
-	sdata->auth_triplets_updated = 1;
-	sdata->error_cause = SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE;
-	gprs_subscr_update_auth_info(subscr);
-	return 0;
-static int gprs_subscr_pdp_data_clear(struct gprs_subscr *subscr)
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data *pdp, *pdp2;
-	int count = 0;
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(pdp, pdp2, &subscr->sgsn_data->pdp_list, list) {
-		llist_del(&pdp->list);
-		talloc_free(pdp);
-		count += 1;
-	}
-	return count;
-static struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data *gprs_subscr_pdp_data_get_by_id(
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr, unsigned context_id)
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data *pdp;
-	llist_for_each_entry(pdp, &subscr->sgsn_data->pdp_list, list) {
-		if (pdp->context_id == context_id)
-			return pdp;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static void gprs_subscr_gsup_insert_data(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-					 struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_msg)
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_data *sdata = subscr->sgsn_data;
-	unsigned idx;
-	int rc;
-	if (gsup_msg->msisdn_enc) {
-		if (gsup_msg->msisdn_enc_len > sizeof(sdata->msisdn)) {
-			LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "MSISDN too long (%zu)\n",
-				gsup_msg->msisdn_enc_len);
-			sdata->msisdn_len = 0;
-		} else {
-			memcpy(sdata->msisdn, gsup_msg->msisdn_enc,
-				gsup_msg->msisdn_enc_len);
-			sdata->msisdn_len = gsup_msg->msisdn_enc_len;
-		}
-	}
-	if (gsup_msg->hlr_enc) {
-		if (gsup_msg->hlr_enc_len > sizeof(sdata->hlr)) {
-			LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "HLR-Number too long (%zu)\n",
-				gsup_msg->hlr_enc_len);
-			sdata->hlr_len = 0;
-		} else {
-			memcpy(sdata->hlr, gsup_msg->hlr_enc,
-				gsup_msg->hlr_enc_len);
-			sdata->hlr_len = gsup_msg->hlr_enc_len;
-		}
-	}
-	if (gsup_msg->pdp_charg_enc && gsup_msg->pdp_charg_enc_len >= sizeof(sdata->pdp_charg)) {
-		memcpy(&sdata->pdp_charg, gsup_msg->pdp_charg_enc, sizeof(sdata->pdp_charg));
-		sdata->has_pdp_charg = 1;
-	} else {
-		sdata->has_pdp_charg = 0;
-	}
-	if (gsup_msg->pdp_info_compl) {
-		rc = gprs_subscr_pdp_data_clear(subscr);
-		if (rc > 0)
-			LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "Cleared existing PDP info\n");
-	}
-	for (idx = 0; idx < gsup_msg->num_pdp_infos; idx++) {
-		struct osmo_gsup_pdp_info *pdp_info = &gsup_msg->pdp_infos[idx];
-		size_t ctx_id = pdp_info->context_id;
-		struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data *pdp_data;
-		if (pdp_info->apn_enc_len >= sizeof(pdp_data->apn_str)-1) {
-			     "APN too long, context id = %zu, APN = %s\n",
-			     ctx_id, osmo_hexdump(pdp_info->apn_enc,
-						  pdp_info->apn_enc_len));
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (pdp_info->qos_enc_len > sizeof(pdp_data->qos_subscribed)) {
-				"QoS info too long (%zu)\n",
-				pdp_info->qos_enc_len);
-			continue;
-		}
-		     "Will set PDP info, context id = %zu, APN = %s\n",
-		     ctx_id, osmo_hexdump(pdp_info->apn_enc, pdp_info->apn_enc_len));
-		/* Set PDP info [ctx_id] */
-		pdp_data = gprs_subscr_pdp_data_get_by_id(subscr, ctx_id);
-		if (!pdp_data) {
-			pdp_data = sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data_alloc(subscr->sgsn_data);
-			pdp_data->context_id = ctx_id;
-		}
-		OSMO_ASSERT(pdp_data != NULL);
-		pdp_data->pdp_type = pdp_info->pdp_type;
-		osmo_apn_to_str(pdp_data->apn_str,
-				pdp_info->apn_enc, pdp_info->apn_enc_len);
-		memcpy(pdp_data->qos_subscribed, pdp_info->qos_enc, pdp_info->qos_enc_len);
-		pdp_data->qos_subscribed_len = pdp_info->qos_enc_len;
-		if (pdp_info->pdp_charg_enc && pdp_info->pdp_charg_enc_len >= sizeof(pdp_data->pdp_charg)) {
-			memcpy(&pdp_data->pdp_charg, pdp_info->pdp_charg_enc, sizeof(pdp_data->pdp_charg));
-			pdp_data->has_pdp_charg = 1;
-		} else {
-			pdp_data->has_pdp_charg = 0;
-		}
-	}
-static int gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_upd_loc_res(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-					       struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_msg)
-	/* contrary to MAP, we allow piggy-backing subscriber data onto
-	 * the UPDATE LOCATION RESULT, and don't mandate the use of a
-	 * separate nested INSERT SUBSCRIBER DATA transaction */
-	gprs_subscr_gsup_insert_data(subscr, gsup_msg);
-	subscr->authorized = 1;
-	subscr->sgsn_data->error_cause = SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE;
-	gprs_subscr_update(subscr);
-	return 0;
-static int gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_dsd_req(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-					   struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_msg)
-	struct osmo_gsup_message gsup_reply = {0};
-	if (gsup_msg->cn_domain != OSMO_GSUP_CN_DOMAIN_PS) {
-			    "Rx GSUP message %s not supported for CS\n",
-			    osmo_gsup_message_type_name(gsup_msg->message_type));
-		gsup_reply.cause = GMM_CAUSE_MSGT_NOTEXIST_NOTIMPL;
-		gsup_reply.message_type = OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_DELETE_DATA_ERROR;
-	} else {
-		gsm0408_gprs_access_cancelled(subscr->sgsn_data->mm,
-		gsup_reply.message_type = OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_DELETE_DATA_RESULT;
-	}
-	return gprs_subscr_tx_gsup_message(subscr, &gsup_reply);
-static int gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_isd_req(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-					   struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_msg)
-	struct osmo_gsup_message gsup_reply = {0};
-	gprs_subscr_gsup_insert_data(subscr, gsup_msg);
-	subscr->authorized = 1;
-	subscr->sgsn_data->error_cause = SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE;
-	gprs_subscr_update(subscr);
-	gsup_reply.message_type = OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_INSERT_DATA_RESULT;
-	return gprs_subscr_tx_gsup_message(subscr, &gsup_reply);
-static int check_cause(int cause)
-	switch (cause) {
-		return EACCES;
-	default:
-		return EINVAL;
-	}
-static int gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_auth_err(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-					    struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_msg)
-	unsigned idx;
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_data *sdata = subscr->sgsn_data;
-	int cause_err;
-	cause_err = check_cause(gsup_msg->cause);
-		"Send authentication info has failed with cause %d, "
-		"handled as: %s\n",
-		gsup_msg->cause, strerror(cause_err));
-	switch (cause_err) {
-	case EACCES:
-			"GPRS send auth info req failed, access denied, "
-			"GMM cause = '%s' (%d)\n",
-			get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gsup_msg->cause),
-			gsup_msg->cause);
-		/* Clear auth tuples */
-		memset(sdata->auth_triplets, 0, sizeof(sdata->auth_triplets));
-		for (idx = 0; idx < ARRAY_SIZE(sdata->auth_triplets); idx++)
-			sdata->auth_triplets[idx].key_seq = GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL;
-		subscr->authorized = 0;
-		sdata->error_cause = gsup_msg->cause;
-		gprs_subscr_update_auth_info(subscr);
-		break;
-			"GPRS send auth info req failed, GMM cause = '%s' (%d)\n",
-			get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gsup_msg->cause),
-			gsup_msg->cause);
-		sdata->error_cause = gsup_msg->cause;
-		gprs_subscr_update_auth_info(subscr);
-		break;
-	default:
-	case EINVAL:
-			"GSUP protocol remote error, GMM cause = '%s' (%d)\n",
-			get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gsup_msg->cause),
-			gsup_msg->cause);
-		break;
-	}
-	return -gsup_msg->cause;
-static int gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_upd_loc_err(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-					       struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_msg)
-	int cause_err;
-	cause_err = check_cause(gsup_msg->cause);
-		"Update location has failed with cause %d, handled as: %s\n",
-		gsup_msg->cause, strerror(cause_err));
-	switch (cause_err) {
-	case EACCES:
-			"GPRS update location failed, access denied, "
-			"GMM cause = '%s' (%d)\n",
-			get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gsup_msg->cause),
-			gsup_msg->cause);
-		subscr->authorized = 0;
-		subscr->sgsn_data->error_cause = gsup_msg->cause;
-		gprs_subscr_update_auth_info(subscr);
-		break;
-			"GPRS update location failed, GMM cause = '%s' (%d)\n",
-			get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gsup_msg->cause),
-			gsup_msg->cause);
-		subscr->sgsn_data->error_cause = gsup_msg->cause;
-		gprs_subscr_update_auth_info(subscr);
-		break;
-	default:
-	case EINVAL:
-			"GSUP protocol remote error, GMM cause = '%s' (%d)\n",
-			get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gsup_msg->cause),
-			gsup_msg->cause);
-		break;
-	}
-	return -gsup_msg->cause;
-static int gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_purge_no_subscr(
-	struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_msg)
-	if (OSMO_GSUP_IS_MSGT_ERROR(gsup_msg->message_type)) {
-			 "Purge MS has failed with cause '%s' (%d)\n",
-			 get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gsup_msg->cause),
-			 gsup_msg->cause);
-		return -gsup_msg->cause;
-	}
-	LOGGSUPP(LOGL_INFO, gsup_msg, "Completing purge MS\n");
-	return 0;
-static int gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_purge_res(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-					     struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_msg)
-	LOGGSUBSCRP(LOGL_INFO, subscr, "Completing purge MS\n");
-	/* Force silent cancellation */
-	subscr->sgsn_data->error_cause = SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE;
-	gprs_subscr_cancel(subscr);
-	return 0;
-static int gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_purge_err(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-					     struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_msg)
-		    "Purge MS has failed with cause '%s' (%d)\n",
-		    get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gsup_msg->cause),
-		    gsup_msg->cause);
-	/* In GSM 09.02,, the text and the SDL diagram imply that
-	 * the subscriber data is not removed if the request has failed. On the
-	 * other hand, keeping the subscriber data in either error case
-	 * (subscriber unknown, syntactical message error, connection error)
-	 * doesn't seem to give any advantage, since the data will be restored
-	 * on the next Attach Request anyway.
-	 * This approach ensures, that the subscriber record will not stick if
-	 * an error happens.
-	 */
-	/* TODO: Check whether this behaviour is acceptable and either just
-	 * remove this TODO-notice or change the implementation to not delete
-	 * the subscriber data (eventually resetting the ENABLE_PURGE flag and
-	 * restarting the expiry timer based on the cause).
-	 *
-	 * Subscriber Unknown: cancel subscr
-	 * Temporary network problems: do nothing (handled by timer based retry)
-	 * Message problems (syntax, nyi, ...): cancel subscr (retry won't help)
-	 */
-	gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_purge_res(subscr, gsup_msg);
-	return -gsup_msg->cause;
-static int gprs_subscr_handle_loc_cancel_req(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-					     struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_msg)
-	struct osmo_gsup_message gsup_reply = {0};
-	int is_update_procedure = !gsup_msg->cancel_type ||
-		gsup_msg->cancel_type == OSMO_GSUP_CANCEL_TYPE_UPDATE;
-	LOGGSUBSCRP(LOGL_INFO, subscr, "Cancelling MS subscriber (%s)\n",
-		    is_update_procedure ?
-		    "update procedure" : "subscription withdraw");
-	gsup_reply.message_type = OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_LOCATION_CANCEL_RESULT;
-	gprs_subscr_tx_gsup_message(subscr, &gsup_reply);
-	if (is_update_procedure)
-		subscr->sgsn_data->error_cause = SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE;
-	else
-		/* Since a withdraw cause is not specified, just abort the
-		 * current attachment. The following re-attachment should then
-		 * be rejected with a proper cause value.
-		 */
-		subscr->sgsn_data->error_cause = GMM_CAUSE_IMPL_DETACHED;
-	gprs_subscr_cancel(subscr);
-	return 0;
-static int gprs_subscr_handle_unknown_imsi(struct osmo_gsup_message *gsup_msg)
-	if (OSMO_GSUP_IS_MSGT_REQUEST(gsup_msg->message_type)) {
-		gprs_subscr_tx_gsup_error_reply(NULL, gsup_msg,
-		     "Unknown IMSI %s, discarding GSUP request "
-		     "of type 0x%02x\n",
-		     gsup_msg->imsi, gsup_msg->message_type);
-	} else if (OSMO_GSUP_IS_MSGT_ERROR(gsup_msg->message_type)) {
-		     "Unknown IMSI %s, discarding GSUP error "
-		     "of type 0x%02x, cause '%s' (%d)\n",
-		     gsup_msg->imsi, gsup_msg->message_type,
-		     get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, gsup_msg->cause),
-		     gsup_msg->cause);
-	} else {
-		     "Unknown IMSI %s, discarding GSUP response "
-		     "of type 0x%02x\n",
-		     gsup_msg->imsi, gsup_msg->message_type);
-	}
-int gprs_subscr_rx_gsup_message(struct msgb *msg)
-	uint8_t *data = msgb_l2(msg);
-	size_t data_len = msgb_l2len(msg);
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct osmo_gsup_message gsup_msg = {0};
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	rc = osmo_gsup_decode(data, data_len, &gsup_msg);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		     "decoding GSUP message fails with error '%s' (%d)\n",
-		     get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, -rc), -rc);
-		return rc;
-	}
-	if (!gsup_msg.imsi[0]) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Missing IMSI in GSUP message\n");
-		if (OSMO_GSUP_IS_MSGT_REQUEST(gsup_msg.message_type))
-			gprs_subscr_tx_gsup_error_reply(NULL, &gsup_msg,
-	}
-	if (!gsup_msg.cause && OSMO_GSUP_IS_MSGT_ERROR(gsup_msg.message_type))
-		gsup_msg.cause = GMM_CAUSE_NET_FAIL;
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(gsup_msg.imsi);
-	if (!subscr) {
-		switch (gsup_msg.message_type) {
-			return gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_purge_no_subscr(&gsup_msg);
-		default:
-			return gprs_subscr_handle_unknown_imsi(&gsup_msg);
-		}
-	}
-		    "Received GSUP message %s\n",
-		    osmo_gsup_message_type_name(gsup_msg.message_type));
-	switch (gsup_msg.message_type) {
-		rc = gprs_subscr_handle_loc_cancel_req(subscr, &gsup_msg);
-		break;
-		rc = gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_auth_res(subscr, &gsup_msg);
-		break;
-		rc = gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_auth_err(subscr, &gsup_msg);
-		break;
-		rc = gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_upd_loc_res(subscr, &gsup_msg);
-		break;
-		rc = gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_upd_loc_err(subscr, &gsup_msg);
-		break;
-		rc = gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_purge_err(subscr, &gsup_msg);
-		break;
-		rc = gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_purge_res(subscr, &gsup_msg);
-		break;
-		rc = gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_isd_req(subscr, &gsup_msg);
-		break;
-		rc = gprs_subscr_handle_gsup_dsd_req(subscr, &gsup_msg);
-		break;
-	default:
-			    "Rx GSUP message %s not valid at SGSN\n",
-			    osmo_gsup_message_type_name(gsup_msg.message_type));
-		if (OSMO_GSUP_IS_MSGT_REQUEST(gsup_msg.message_type))
-			gprs_subscr_tx_gsup_error_reply(
-				subscr, &gsup_msg, GMM_CAUSE_MSGT_NOTEXIST_NOTIMPL);
-		break;
-	};
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	return rc;
-int gprs_subscr_purge(struct gprs_subscr *subscr)
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_data *sdata = subscr->sgsn_data;
-	struct osmo_gsup_message gsup_msg = {0};
-	LOGGSUBSCRP(LOGL_INFO, subscr, "purging MS subscriber\n");
-	gsup_msg.message_type = OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_PURGE_MS_REQUEST;
-	/* Provide the HLR number in case it is known */
-	gsup_msg.hlr_enc_len = sdata->hlr_len;
-	gsup_msg.hlr_enc = sdata->hlr;
-	return gprs_subscr_tx_gsup_message(subscr, &gsup_msg);
-static int gprs_subscr_query_auth_info(struct gprs_subscr *subscr,
-				       const uint8_t *auts,
-				       const uint8_t *auts_rand)
-	struct osmo_gsup_message gsup_msg = {0};
-	/* Make sure we have a complete resync or clearly no resync. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT((auts != NULL) == (auts_rand != NULL));
-	LOGGSUBSCRP(LOGL_INFO, subscr, "requesting auth info%s\n",
-		    auts ? " with AUTS (UMTS Resynch)" : "");
-	gsup_msg.message_type = OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_SEND_AUTH_INFO_REQUEST;
-	gsup_msg.auts = auts;
-	gsup_msg.rand = auts_rand;
-	return gprs_subscr_tx_gsup_message(subscr, &gsup_msg);
-int gprs_subscr_location_update(struct gprs_subscr *subscr)
-	struct osmo_gsup_message gsup_msg = {0};
-		"subscriber data is not available\n");
-	return gprs_subscr_tx_gsup_message(subscr, &gsup_msg);
-void gprs_subscr_update(struct gprs_subscr *subscr)
-	LOGGSUBSCRP(LOGL_DEBUG, subscr, "Updating subscriber data\n");
-	if (subscr->sgsn_data->mm)
-		sgsn_update_subscriber_data(subscr->sgsn_data->mm);
-void gprs_subscr_update_auth_info(struct gprs_subscr *subscr)
-		"Updating subscriber authentication info\n");
-	if (subscr->sgsn_data->mm)
-		sgsn_update_subscriber_data(subscr->sgsn_data->mm);
-struct gprs_subscr *gprs_subscr_get_or_create_by_mmctx(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr = NULL;
-	if (mmctx->subscr)
-		return gprs_subscr_get(mmctx->subscr);
-	if (mmctx->imsi[0])
-		subscr = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(mmctx->imsi);
-	if (!subscr) {
-		subscr = gprs_subscr_get_or_create(mmctx->imsi);
-		subscr->flags &= ~GPRS_SUBSCRIBER_ENABLE_PURGE;
-	}
-	osmo_strlcpy(subscr->imei, mmctx->imei, sizeof(subscr->imei));
-	if (subscr->lac != mmctx->ra.lac)
-		subscr->lac = mmctx->ra.lac;
-	subscr->sgsn_data->mm = mmctx;
-	mmctx->subscr = gprs_subscr_get(subscr);
-	return subscr;
-int gprs_subscr_request_update_location(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr = NULL;
-	int rc;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_DEBUG, mmctx, "Requesting subscriber data update\n");
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_or_create_by_mmctx(mmctx);
-	rc = gprs_subscr_location_update(subscr);
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	return rc;
-/*! \brief Send Update Auth Info request via GSUP, with or without resync.
- *  \param[in] mmctx  MM context to request authentication tuples for.
- *  \param[in] auts  14 octet AUTS token for UMTS resync, or NULL.
- *  \param[in] auts_rand  16 octet Random token for UMTS resync, or NULL.
- * In case of normal Authentication Info request, both \a auts and \a auts_rand
- * must be NULL. For resync, both must be non-NULL.
- */
-int gprs_subscr_request_auth_info(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx,
-				  const uint8_t *auts,
-				  const uint8_t *auts_rand)
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr = NULL;
-	int rc;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_DEBUG, mmctx, "Requesting subscriber authentication info\n");
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_or_create_by_mmctx(mmctx);
-	rc = gprs_subscr_query_auth_info(subscr, auts, auts_rand);
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	return rc;
-static void gprs_subscr_free(struct gprs_subscr *gsub)
-	llist_del(&gsub->entry);
-	talloc_free(gsub);
-struct gprs_subscr *_gprs_subscr_get(struct gprs_subscr *gsub,
-				     const char *file, int line)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gsub->use_count < INT_MAX);
-	gsub->use_count++;
-		"subscr %s usage increases to: %d\n",
-		gsub->imsi, gsub->use_count);
-	return gsub;
-struct gprs_subscr *_gprs_subscr_put(struct gprs_subscr *gsub,
-				     const char *file, int line)
-	gsub->use_count--;
-	LOGPSRC(DREF, gsub->use_count >= 0? LOGL_DEBUG : LOGL_ERROR,
-		file, line,
-		"subscr %s usage decreases to: %d%s\n",
-		gsub->imsi, gsub->use_count,
-		gsub->keep_in_ram? ", keep-in-ram flag is set" : "");
-	if (gsub->use_count > 0)
-		return gsub;
-	if (gsub->keep_in_ram)
-		return gsub;
-	gprs_subscr_free(gsub);
-	return NULL;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_utils.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_utils.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 91a09d2..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gprs_utils.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS utility functions */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010-2014 by On-Waves
- * (C) 2013 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_ns.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08_gprs.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* FIXME: this needs to go to libosmocore/msgb.c */
-struct msgb *gprs_msgb_copy(const struct msgb *msg, const char *name)
-	struct libgb_msgb_cb *old_cb, *new_cb;
-	struct msgb *new_msg;
-	new_msg = msgb_alloc(msg->data_len, name);
-	if (!new_msg)
-		return NULL;
-	/* copy data */
-	memcpy(new_msg->_data, msg->_data, new_msg->data_len);
-	/* copy header */
-	new_msg->len = msg->len;
-	new_msg->data += msg->data - msg->_data;
-	new_msg->head += msg->head - msg->_data;
-	new_msg->tail += msg->tail - msg->_data;
-	if (msg->l1h)
-		new_msg->l1h = new_msg->_data + (msg->l1h - msg->_data);
-	if (msg->l2h)
-		new_msg->l2h = new_msg->_data + (msg->l2h - msg->_data);
-	if (msg->l3h)
-		new_msg->l3h = new_msg->_data + (msg->l3h - msg->_data);
-	if (msg->l4h)
-		new_msg->l4h = new_msg->_data + (msg->l4h - msg->_data);
-	/* copy GB specific data */
-	old_cb = LIBGB_MSGB_CB(msg);
-	new_cb = LIBGB_MSGB_CB(new_msg);
-	if (old_cb->bssgph)
-		new_cb->bssgph = new_msg->_data + (old_cb->bssgph - msg->_data);
-	if (old_cb->llch)
-		new_cb->llch = new_msg->_data + (old_cb->llch - msg->_data);
-	/* bssgp_cell_id is a pointer into the old msgb, so we need to make
-	 * it a pointer into the new msgb */
-	if (old_cb->bssgp_cell_id)
-		new_cb->bssgp_cell_id = new_msg->_data +
-			(old_cb->bssgp_cell_id - msg->_data);
-	new_cb->nsei = old_cb->nsei;
-	new_cb->bvci = old_cb->bvci;
-	new_cb->tlli = old_cb->tlli;
-	return new_msg;
-/* TODO: Move this to libosmocore/msgb.c */
-int gprs_msgb_resize_area(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t *area,
-			    size_t old_size, size_t new_size)
-	int rc;
-	uint8_t *rest = area + old_size;
-	int rest_len = msg->len - old_size - (area - msg->data);
-	int delta_size = (int)new_size - (int)old_size;
-	if (delta_size == 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (delta_size > 0) {
-		rc = msgb_trim(msg, msg->len + delta_size);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			return rc;
-	}
-	memmove(area + new_size, area + old_size, rest_len);
-	if (msg->l1h >= rest)
-		msg->l1h += delta_size;
-	if (msg->l2h >= rest)
-		msg->l2h += delta_size;
-	if (msg->l3h >= rest)
-		msg->l3h += delta_size;
-	if (msg->l4h >= rest)
-		msg->l4h += delta_size;
-	if (delta_size < 0)
-		msgb_trim(msg, msg->len + delta_size);
-	return 0;
-int gprs_str_to_apn(uint8_t *apn_enc, size_t max_len, const char *str)
-	uint8_t *last_len_field;
-	int len;
-	/* Can we even write the length field to the output? */
-	if (max_len == 0)
-		return -1;
-	/* Remember where we need to put the length once we know it */
-	last_len_field = apn_enc;
-	len = 1;
-	apn_enc += 1;
-	while (str[0]) {
-		if (len >= max_len)
-			return -1;
-		if (str[0] == '.') {
-			*last_len_field = (apn_enc - last_len_field) - 1;
-			last_len_field = apn_enc;
-		} else {
-			*apn_enc = str[0];
-		}
-		apn_enc += 1;
-		str += 1;
-		len += 1;
-	}
-	*last_len_field = (apn_enc - last_len_field) - 1;
-	return len;
-/* GSM 04.08, GPRS Timer */
-int gprs_tmr_to_secs(uint8_t tmr)
-	switch (tmr & GPRS_TMR_UNIT_MASK) {
-		return 2 * (tmr & GPRS_TMR_FACT_MASK);
-	default:
-		return 60 * (tmr & GPRS_TMR_FACT_MASK);
-		return 360 * (tmr & GPRS_TMR_FACT_MASK);
-		return -1;
-	}
-/* This functions returns a tmr value such that
- *   - f is monotonic
- *   - f(s) <= s
- *   - f(s) == s if a tmr exists with s = gprs_tmr_to_secs(tmr)
- *   - the best possible resolution is used
- * where
- *   f(s) = gprs_tmr_to_secs(gprs_secs_to_tmr_floor(s))
- */
-uint8_t gprs_secs_to_tmr_floor(int secs)
-	if (secs < 0)
-	if (secs < 2 * 32)
-		return GPRS_TMR_2SECONDS | (secs / 2);
-	if (secs < 60 * 2)
-		/* Ensure monotonicity */
-	if (secs < 60 * 32)
-		return GPRS_TMR_MINUTE | (secs / 60);
-	if (secs < 360 * 6)
-		/* Ensure monotonicity */
-	if (secs < 360 * 32)
-		return GPRS_TMR_6MINUTE | (secs / 360);
-/* GSM 04.08, */
-int gprs_is_mi_tmsi(const uint8_t *value, size_t value_len)
-	if (value_len != GSM48_TMSI_LEN)
-		return 0;
-	if (!value || (value[0] & GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK) != GSM_MI_TYPE_TMSI)
-		return 0;
-	return 1;
-/* GSM 04.08, */
-int gprs_is_mi_imsi(const uint8_t *value, size_t value_len)
-	if (value_len == 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (!value || (value[0] & GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK) != GSM_MI_TYPE_IMSI)
-		return 0;
-	return 1;
-int gprs_parse_mi_tmsi(const uint8_t *value, size_t value_len, uint32_t *tmsi)
-	uint32_t tmsi_be;
-	if (!gprs_is_mi_tmsi(value, value_len))
-		return 0;
-	memcpy(&tmsi_be, value + 1, sizeof(tmsi_be));
-	*tmsi = ntohl(tmsi_be);
-	return 1;
-void gprs_parse_tmsi(const uint8_t *value, uint32_t *tmsi)
-	uint32_t tmsi_be;
-	memcpy(&tmsi_be, value, sizeof(tmsi_be));
-	*tmsi = ntohl(tmsi_be);
-int gprs_ra_id_equals(const struct gprs_ra_id *id1,
-			const struct gprs_ra_id *id2)
-	return (id1->mcc == id2->mcc && id1->mnc == id2->mnc &&
-		id1->lac == id2->lac && id1->rac == id2->rac);
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a8e375..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2937 +0,0 @@
-/* GTP Hub Implementation */
-/* (C) 2015 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Neels Hofmeyr
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <gtp.h>
-#include <gtpie.h>
-#include <openbsc/gtphub.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/socket.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/stats.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/apn.h>
-static const int GTPH_GC_TICK_SECONDS = 1;
-void *osmo_gtphub_ctx;
-/* Convenience makro, note: only within this C file. */
-#define LOG(level, fmt, args...) \
-	LOGP(DGTPHUB, level, fmt, ##args)
-#define ZERO_STRUCT(struct_pointer) memset(struct_pointer, '\0', \
-					   sizeof(*(struct_pointer)))
-/* TODO move this to osmocom/core/select.h ? */
-typedef int (*osmo_fd_cb_t)(struct osmo_fd *fd, unsigned int what);
-/* TODO move this to osmocom/core/linuxlist.h ? */
-#define __llist_first(head) (((head)->next == (head)) ? NULL : (head)->next)
-#define llist_first(head, type, entry) \
-	llist_entry(__llist_first(head), type, entry)
-#define __llist_last(head) (((head)->next == (head)) ? NULL : (head)->prev)
-#define llist_last(head, type, entry) \
-	llist_entry(__llist_last(head), type, entry)
-/* TODO move GTP header stuff to openggsn/gtp/ ? See gtp_decaps*() */
-enum gtp_rc {
-	GTP_RC_TINY = 1,    /* no IEs (like ping/pong) */
-	GTP_RC_PDU_C = 2,     /* a real packet with IEs */
-	GTP_RC_PDU_U = 3,     /* a real packet with User data */
-struct gtp_packet_desc {
-	union gtp_packet *data;
-	int data_len;
-	int header_len;
-	int version;
-	uint8_t type;
-	uint16_t seq;
-	uint32_t header_tei_rx;
-	uint32_t header_tei;
-	int rc; /* enum gtp_rc */
-	unsigned int plane_idx;
-	unsigned int side_idx;
-	struct gtphub_tunnel *tun;
-	time_t timestamp;
-	union gtpie_member *ie[GTPIE_SIZE];
-struct pending_delete {
-	struct llist_head entry;
-	struct expiring_item expiry_entry;
-	struct gtphub_tunnel *tun;
-	uint8_t teardown_ind;
-	uint8_t nsapi;
-/* counters */
-enum gtphub_counters_io {
-static const struct rate_ctr_desc gtphub_counters_io_desc[] = {
-	{ "",  "Packets ( In)" },
-	{ "packets.out", "Packets (Out)" },
-	{ "",    "Bytes   ( In)" },
-	{ "bytes.out",   "Bytes   (Out)" },
-static const struct rate_ctr_group_desc gtphub_ctrg_io_desc = {
-	.group_name_prefix = "gtphub.bind",
-	.group_description = "I/O Statistics",
-	.num_ctr = ARRAY_SIZE(gtphub_counters_io_desc),
-	.ctr_desc = gtphub_counters_io_desc,
-/* support */
-static const char *gtp_type_str(uint8_t type)
-	switch (type) {
-	case 1:
-		return " (Echo Request)";
-	case 2:
-		return " (Echo Response)";
-	case 16:
-		return " (Create PDP Ctx Request)";
-	case 17:
-		return " (Create PDP Ctx Response)";
-	case 18:
-		return " (Update PDP Ctx Request)";
-	case 19:
-		return " (Update PDP Ctx Response)";
-	case 20:
-		return " (Delete PDP Ctx Request)";
-	case 21:
-		return " (Delete PDP Ctx Response)";
-	case 255:
-		return " (User Data)";
-	default:
-		return "";
-	}
-void gsn_addr_copy(struct gsn_addr *gsna, const struct gsn_addr *src)
-	*gsna = *src;
-int gsn_addr_from_sockaddr(struct gsn_addr *gsna, uint16_t *port,
-			   const struct osmo_sockaddr *sa)
-	char addr_str[256];
-	char port_str[6];
-	if (osmo_sockaddr_to_strs(addr_str, sizeof(addr_str),
-				  port_str, sizeof(port_str),
-	    != 0) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (port)
-		*port = atoi(port_str);
-	return gsn_addr_from_str(gsna, addr_str);
-int gsn_addr_from_str(struct gsn_addr *gsna, const char *numeric_addr_str)
-	if ((!gsna) || (!numeric_addr_str))
-		return -1;
-	int af = AF_INET;
-	gsna->len = 4;
-	const char *pos = numeric_addr_str;
-	for (; *pos; pos++) {
-		if (*pos == ':') {
-			af = AF_INET6;
-			gsna->len = 16;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	int rc = inet_pton(af, numeric_addr_str, gsna->buf);
-	if (rc != 1) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot resolve numeric address: '%s'\n",
-		    numeric_addr_str);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-const char *gsn_addr_to_str(const struct gsn_addr *gsna)
-	static char buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];
-	return gsn_addr_to_strb(gsna, buf, sizeof(buf));
-const char *gsn_addr_to_strb(const struct gsn_addr *gsna,
-			     char *strbuf,
-			     int strbuf_len)
-	int af;
-	switch (gsna->len) {
-	case 4:
-		af = AF_INET;
-		break;
-	case 16:
-		af = AF_INET6;
-		break;
-	default:
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	const char *r = inet_ntop(af, gsna->buf, strbuf, strbuf_len);
-	if (!r) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot convert gsn_addr to string:"
-		    " %s: len=%d, buf=%s\n",
-		    strerror(errno),
-		    (int)gsna->len,
-		    osmo_hexdump(gsna->buf, sizeof(gsna->buf)));
-	}
-	return r;
-int gsn_addr_same(const struct gsn_addr *a, const struct gsn_addr *b)
-	if (a == b)
-		return 1;
-	if ((!a) || (!b))
-		return 0;
-	if (a->len != b->len)
-		return 0;
-	return (memcmp(a->buf, b->buf, a->len) == 0)? 1 : 0;
-static int gsn_addr_get(struct gsn_addr *gsna, const struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-			int idx)
-	if (p->rc != GTP_RC_PDU_C)
-		return -1;
-	unsigned int len;
-	/* gtpie.h fails to declare gtpie_gettlv()'s first arg as const. */
-	if (gtpie_gettlv((union gtpie_member**)p->ie, GTPIE_GSN_ADDR, idx,
-			 &len, gsna->buf, sizeof(gsna->buf))
-	    != 0)
-		return -1;
-	gsna->len = len;
-	return 0;
-static int gsn_addr_put(const struct gsn_addr *gsna, struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-			int idx)
-	if (p->rc != GTP_RC_PDU_C)
-		return -1;
-	int ie_idx;
-	ie_idx = gtpie_getie(p->ie, GTPIE_GSN_ADDR, idx);
-	if (ie_idx < 0)
-		return -1;
-	struct gtpie_tlv *ie = &p->ie[ie_idx]->tlv;
-	int ie_l = ntoh16(ie->l);
-	if (ie_l != gsna->len) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Not implemented:"
-		    " replace an IE address of different size:"
-		    " replace %d with %d\n", (int)ie_l, (int)gsna->len);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	memcpy(ie->v, gsna->buf, (int)ie_l);
-	return 0;
-/* Validate GTP version 0 data; analogous to validate_gtp1_header(), see there.
- */
-void validate_gtp0_header(struct gtp_packet_desc *p)
-	const struct gtp0_header *pheader = &(p->data->gtp0.h);
-	p->rc = GTP_RC_UNKNOWN;
-	p->header_len = 0;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(p->data_len >= 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(p->version == 0);
-	if (p->data_len < GTP0_HEADER_SIZE) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "GTP0 packet too short: %d\n", p->data_len);
-		p->rc = GTP_RC_TOOSHORT;
-		return;
-	}
-	p->type = ntoh8(pheader->type);
-	p->seq = ntoh16(pheader->seq);
-	p->header_tei_rx = 0; /* TODO */
-	p->header_tei = p->header_tei_rx;
-	if (p->data_len == GTP0_HEADER_SIZE) {
-		p->rc = GTP_RC_TINY;
-		p->header_len = GTP0_HEADER_SIZE;
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Check packet length field versus length of packet */
-	if (p->data_len != (ntoh16(pheader->length) + GTP0_HEADER_SIZE)) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "GTP packet length field (%d + %d) does not"
-		    " match actual length (%d)\n",
-		    GTP0_HEADER_SIZE, (int)ntoh16(pheader->length),
-		    p->data_len);
-		p->rc = GTP_RC_TOOSHORT;
-		return;
-	}
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "GTP v0 TID = %" PRIu64 "\n", pheader->tid);
-	p->header_len = GTP0_HEADER_SIZE;
-	p->rc = GTP_RC_PDU_C;
-/* Validate GTP version 1 data, and update p->rc with the result, as well as
- * p->header_len in case of a valid header. */
-void validate_gtp1_header(struct gtp_packet_desc *p)
-	const struct gtp1_header_long *pheader = &(p->data->gtp1l.h);
-	p->rc = GTP_RC_UNKNOWN;
-	p->header_len = 0;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(p->data_len >= 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(p->version == 1);
-	if ((p->data_len < GTP1_HEADER_SIZE_LONG)
-	    && (p->data_len != GTP1_HEADER_SIZE_SHORT)){
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "GTP packet too short: %d\n", p->data_len);
-		p->rc = GTP_RC_TOOSHORT;
-		return;
-	}
-	p->type = ntoh8(pheader->type);
-	p->header_tei_rx = ntoh32(pheader->tei);
-	p->header_tei = p->header_tei_rx;
-	p->seq = ntoh16(pheader->seq);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "| GTPv1\n");
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "| type = %" PRIu8 " 0x%02" PRIx8 "\n", p->type, p->type);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "| length = %" PRIu16 " 0x%04" PRIx16 "\n", ntoh16(pheader->length), ntoh16(pheader->length));
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "| TEI = %" PRIu32 " 0x%08" PRIx32 "\n", p->header_tei_rx, p->header_tei_rx);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "| seq = %" PRIu16 " 0x%04" PRIx16 "\n", p->seq, p->seq);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "| npdu = %" PRIu8 " 0x%02" PRIx8 "\n", pheader->npdu, pheader->npdu);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "| next = %" PRIu8 " 0x%02" PRIx8 "\n", pheader->next, pheader->next);
-	if (p->data_len <= GTP1_HEADER_SIZE_LONG) {
-		p->rc = GTP_RC_TINY;
-		p->header_len = GTP1_HEADER_SIZE_SHORT;
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Check packet length field versus length of packet */
-	int announced_len = ntoh16(pheader->length) + GTP1_HEADER_SIZE_SHORT;
-	if (p->data_len != announced_len) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "GTP packet length field (%d + %d) does not"
-		    " match actual length (%d)\n",
-		    GTP1_HEADER_SIZE_SHORT, (int)ntoh16(pheader->length),
-		    p->data_len);
-		p->rc = GTP_RC_TOOSHORT;
-		return;
-	}
-	p->rc = GTP_RC_PDU_C;
-	p->header_len = GTP1_HEADER_SIZE_LONG;
-/* Examine whether p->data of size p->data_len has a valid GTP header. Set
- * p->version, p->rc and p->header_len. On error, p->rc <= 0 (see enum
- * gtp_rc). p->data must point at a buffer with p->data_len set. */
-void validate_gtp_header(struct gtp_packet_desc *p)
-	p->rc = GTP_RC_UNKNOWN;
-	/* Need at least 1 byte in order to check version */
-	if (p->data_len < 1) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Discarding packet - too small: %d\n",
-		    p->data_len);
-		p->rc = GTP_RC_TOOSHORT;
-		return;
-	}
-	p->version = p->data->flags >> 5;
-	switch (p->version) {
-	case 0:
-		validate_gtp0_header(p);
-		break;
-	case 1:
-		validate_gtp1_header(p);
-		break;
-	default:
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Unsupported GTP version: %d\n", p->version);
-		break;
-	}
-/* Return the value of the i'th IMSI IEI by copying to *imsi.
- * The first IEI is reached by passing i = 0.
- * imsi must point at allocated space of (at least) 8 bytes.
- * Return 1 on success, or 0 if not found. */
-static int get_ie_imsi(union gtpie_member *ie[], int i, uint8_t *imsi)
-	return gtpie_gettv0(ie, GTPIE_IMSI, i, imsi, 8) == 0;
-/* Analogous to get_ie_imsi(). nsapi must point at a single uint8_t. */
-static int get_ie_nsapi(union gtpie_member *ie[], int i, uint8_t *nsapi)
-	return gtpie_gettv1(ie, GTPIE_NSAPI, i, nsapi) == 0;
-static char imsi_digit_to_char(uint8_t nibble)
-	nibble &= 0x0f;
-	if (nibble > 9)
-		return (nibble == 0x0f) ? '\0' : '?';
-	return '0' + nibble;
-/* Return a human readable IMSI string, in a static buffer.
- * imsi must point at 8 octets of IMSI IE encoded IMSI data. */
-static int imsi_to_str(uint8_t *imsi, const char **imsi_str)
-	static char str[17];
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-		char c;
-		c = imsi_digit_to_char(imsi[i]);
-		if (c == '?')
-			return -1;
-		str[2*i] = c;
-		c = imsi_digit_to_char(imsi[i] >> 4);
-		if (c == '?')
-			return -1;
-		str[2*i + 1] = c;
-	}
-	str[16] = '\0';
-	*imsi_str = str;
-	return 1;
-/* Return 0 if not present, 1 if present and decoded successfully, -1 if
- * present but cannot be decoded. */
-static int get_ie_imsi_str(union gtpie_member *ie[], int i,
-			   const char **imsi_str)
-	uint8_t imsi_buf[8];
-	if (!get_ie_imsi(ie, i, imsi_buf))
-		return 0;
-	return imsi_to_str(imsi_buf, imsi_str);
-/* Return 0 if not present, 1 if present and decoded successfully, -1 if
- * present but cannot be decoded. */
-static int get_ie_apn_str(union gtpie_member *ie[], const char **apn_str)
-	static char apn_buf[GSM_APN_LENGTH];
-	unsigned int len;
-	if (gtpie_gettlv(ie, GTPIE_APN, 0,
-			 &len, apn_buf, sizeof(apn_buf)) != 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (len < 2) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "APN IE: invalid length: %d\n",
-		    (int)len);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (len > (sizeof(apn_buf) - 1))
-		len = sizeof(apn_buf) - 1;
-	apn_buf[len] = '\0';
-	*apn_str = osmo_apn_to_str(apn_buf, (uint8_t*)apn_buf, len);
-	if (!(*apn_str)) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "APN IE: present but cannot be decoded: %s\n",
-		    osmo_hexdump((uint8_t*)apn_buf, len));
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 1;
-/* Validate header, and index information elements. Write decoded packet
- * information to *res. res->data will point at the given data buffer. On
- * error, p->rc is set <= 0 (see enum gtp_rc). */
-static void gtp_decode(const uint8_t *data, int data_len,
-		       unsigned int from_side_idx,
-		       unsigned int from_plane_idx,
-		       struct gtp_packet_desc *res,
-		       time_t now)
-	res->data = (union gtp_packet*)data;
-	res->data_len = data_len;
-	res->side_idx = from_side_idx;
-	res->plane_idx = from_plane_idx;
-	res->timestamp = now;
-	validate_gtp_header(res);
-	if (res->rc <= 0)
-		return;
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "Valid GTP header (v%d)\n", res->version);
-	if (from_plane_idx == GTPH_PLANE_USER) {
-		res->rc = GTP_RC_PDU_U;
-		return;
-	}
-	if (res->rc != GTP_RC_PDU_C) {
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "no IEs in this GTP packet\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	if (gtpie_decaps(res->ie, res->version,
-			 (void*)(data + res->header_len),
-			 res->data_len - res->header_len) != 0) {
-		res->rc = GTP_RC_INVALID_IE;
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "INVALID: cannot decode IEs."
-		    " Dropping GTP packet%s.\n",
-		    gtp_type_str(res->type)
-		    );
-		return;
-	}
-#if 1
-	/* TODO if (<loglevel is debug>)
-	   (waiting for a commit from jerlbeck) */
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-		const char *imsi;
-		if (get_ie_imsi_str(res->ie, i, &imsi) < 1)
-			break;
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "| IMSI %s\n", imsi);
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-		uint8_t nsapi;
-		if (!get_ie_nsapi(res->ie, i, &nsapi))
-			break;
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "| NSAPI %d\n", (int)nsapi);
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-		struct gsn_addr addr;
-		if (gsn_addr_get(&addr, res, i) == 0)
-			LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "| addr %s\n", gsn_addr_to_str(&addr));
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-		uint32_t tei;
-		if (gtpie_gettv4(res->ie, GTPIE_TEI_DI, i, &tei) != 0)
-			break;
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "| TEI DI (USER) %" PRIu32 " 0x%08" PRIx32 "\n",
-		    tei, tei);
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-		uint32_t tei;
-		if (gtpie_gettv4(res->ie, GTPIE_TEI_C, i, &tei) != 0)
-			break;
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "| TEI (CTRL) %" PRIu32 " 0x%08" PRIx32 "\n",
-		    tei, tei);
-	}
-/* expiry */
-void expiry_init(struct expiry *exq, int expiry_in_seconds)
-	exq->expiry_in_seconds = expiry_in_seconds;
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&exq->items);
-void expiry_add(struct expiry *exq, struct expiring_item *item, time_t now)
-	item->expiry = now + exq->expiry_in_seconds;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(llist_empty(&exq->items)
-		    || (item->expiry
-			>= llist_last(&exq->items, struct expiring_item, entry)->expiry));
-	/* Add/move to the tail to always sort by expiry, ascending. */
-	llist_del(&item->entry);
-	llist_add_tail(&item->entry, &exq->items);
-int expiry_tick(struct expiry *exq, time_t now)
-	int expired = 0;
-	struct expiring_item *m, *n;
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(m, n, &exq->items, entry) {
-		if (m->expiry <= now) {
-			expiring_item_del(m);
-			expired ++;
-		} else {
-			/* The items are added sorted by expiry. So when we hit
-			 * an unexpired entry, only more unexpired ones will
-			 * follow. */
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return expired;
-void expiry_clear(struct expiry *exq)
-	struct expiring_item *m, *n;
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(m, n, &exq->items, entry) {
-		expiring_item_del(m);
-	}
-void expiring_item_init(struct expiring_item *item)
-	ZERO_STRUCT(item);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&item->entry);
-void expiring_item_del(struct expiring_item *item)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(item);
-	llist_del(&item->entry);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&item->entry);
-	if (item->del_cb) {
-		/* avoid loops */
-		del_cb_t del_cb = item->del_cb;
-		item->del_cb = 0;
-		(del_cb)(item);
-	}
-/* nr_map, nr_pool */
-void nr_pool_init(struct nr_pool *pool, nr_t nr_min, nr_t nr_max)
-	*pool = (struct nr_pool){
-		.nr_min = nr_min,
-		.nr_max = nr_max,
-		.last_nr = nr_max
-	};
-nr_t nr_pool_next(struct nr_pool *pool)
-	if (pool->last_nr >= pool->nr_max)
-		pool->last_nr = pool->nr_min;
-	else
-		pool->last_nr ++;
-	return pool->last_nr;
-void nr_map_init(struct nr_map *map, struct nr_pool *pool,
-		 struct expiry *exq)
-	map->pool = pool;
-	map->add_items_to_expiry = exq;
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&map->mappings);
-void nr_mapping_init(struct nr_mapping *m)
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&m->entry);
-	expiring_item_init(&m->expiry_entry);
-void nr_map_add(struct nr_map *map, struct nr_mapping *mapping, time_t now)
-	/* Generate a mapped number */
-	mapping->repl = nr_pool_next(map->pool);
-	/* Add to the tail to always yield a list sorted by expiry, in
-	 * ascending order. */
-	llist_add_tail(&mapping->entry, &map->mappings);
-	nr_map_refresh(map, mapping, now);
-void nr_map_refresh(struct nr_map *map, struct nr_mapping *mapping, time_t now)
-	if (!map->add_items_to_expiry)
-		return;
-	expiry_add(map->add_items_to_expiry,
-		   &mapping->expiry_entry,
-		   now);
-void nr_map_clear(struct nr_map *map)
-	struct nr_mapping *m;
-	struct nr_mapping *n;
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(m, n, &map->mappings, entry) {
-		nr_mapping_del(m);
-	}
-int nr_map_empty(const struct nr_map *map)
-	return llist_empty(&map->mappings);
-struct nr_mapping *nr_map_get(const struct nr_map *map,
-			      void *origin, nr_t nr_orig)
-	struct nr_mapping *mapping;
-	llist_for_each_entry(mapping, &map->mappings, entry) {
-		if ((mapping->origin == origin)
-		    && (mapping->orig == nr_orig))
-			return mapping;
-	}
-	/* Not found. */
-	return NULL;
-struct nr_mapping *nr_map_get_inv(const struct nr_map *map, nr_t nr_repl)
-	struct nr_mapping *mapping;
-	llist_for_each_entry(mapping, &map->mappings, entry) {
-		if (mapping->repl == nr_repl) {
-			return mapping;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Not found. */
-	return NULL;
-void nr_mapping_del(struct nr_mapping *mapping)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(mapping);
-	llist_del(&mapping->entry);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&mapping->entry);
-	expiring_item_del(&mapping->expiry_entry);
-/* gtphub */
-const char* const gtphub_plane_idx_names[GTPH_PLANE_N] = {
-	"CTRL",
-	"USER",
-const uint16_t gtphub_plane_idx_default_port[GTPH_PLANE_N] = {
-	2123,
-	2152,
-const char* const gtphub_side_idx_names[GTPH_SIDE_N] = {
-	"SGSN",
-	"GGSN",
-time_t gtphub_now(void)
-	struct timespec now_tp;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now_tp) >= 0);
-	return now_tp.tv_sec;
-/* Remove a gtphub_peer from its list and free it. */
-static void gtphub_peer_del(struct gtphub_peer *peer)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(llist_empty(&peer->addresses));
-	nr_map_clear(&peer->seq_map);
-	llist_del(&peer->entry);
-	talloc_free(peer);
-static void gtphub_peer_addr_del(struct gtphub_peer_addr *pa)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(llist_empty(&pa->ports));
-	llist_del(&pa->entry);
-	talloc_free(pa);
-static void gtphub_peer_port_del(struct gtphub_peer_port *pp)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(pp->ref_count == 0);
-	llist_del(&pp->entry);
-	rate_ctr_group_free(pp->counters_io);
-	talloc_free(pp);
-/* From the information in the gtp_packet_desc, return the address of a GGSN.
- * Return -1 on error. */
-static int gtphub_resolve_ggsn(struct gtphub *hub,
-			       struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-			       struct gtphub_peer_port **pp);
-/* See gtphub_ext.c (wrapped by unit test) */
-struct gtphub_peer_port *gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr(struct gtphub *hub,
-						  const char *imsi_str,
-						  const char *apn_ni_str);
-int gtphub_ares_init(struct gtphub *hub);
-static void gtphub_zero(struct gtphub *hub)
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&hub->ggsn_lookups);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&hub->resolved_ggsns);
-static int gtphub_sock_init(struct osmo_fd *ofd,
-			    const struct gtphub_cfg_addr *addr,
-			    osmo_fd_cb_t cb,
-			    void *data,
-			    int ofd_id)
-	if (!addr->addr_str) {
-		LOG(LOGL_FATAL, "Cannot bind: empty address.\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (!addr->port) {
-		LOG(LOGL_FATAL, "Cannot bind: zero port not permitted.\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	ofd->when = BSC_FD_READ;
-	ofd->cb = cb;
-	ofd->data = data;
-	ofd->priv_nr = ofd_id;
-	int rc;
-	rc = osmo_sock_init_ofd(ofd,
-				addr->addr_str, addr->port,
-	if (rc < 1) {
-		LOG(LOGL_FATAL, "Cannot bind to %s port %d (rc %d)\n",
-		    addr->addr_str, (int)addr->port, rc);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static void gtphub_sock_close(struct osmo_fd *ofd)
-	close(ofd->fd);
-	osmo_fd_unregister(ofd);
-	ofd->cb = NULL;
-static void gtphub_bind_init(struct gtphub_bind *b)
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&b->peers);
-	b->counters_io = rate_ctr_group_alloc(osmo_gtphub_ctx,
-					      &gtphub_ctrg_io_desc, 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(b->counters_io);
-static int gtphub_bind_start(struct gtphub_bind *b,
-			     const struct gtphub_cfg_bind *cfg,
-			     osmo_fd_cb_t cb, void *cb_data,
-			     unsigned int ofd_id)
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "Starting bind %s\n", b->label);
-	if (gsn_addr_from_str(&b->local_addr, cfg->bind.addr_str) != 0) {
-		LOG(LOGL_FATAL, "Invalid bind address for %s: %s\n",
-		    b->label, cfg->bind.addr_str);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (gtphub_sock_init(&b->ofd, &cfg->bind, cb, cb_data, ofd_id) != 0) {
-		LOG(LOGL_FATAL, "Cannot bind for %s: %s\n",
-		    b->label, cfg->bind.addr_str);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	b->local_port = cfg->bind.port;
-	return 0;
-static void gtphub_bind_free(struct gtphub_bind *b)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(llist_empty(&b->peers));
-	rate_ctr_group_free(b->counters_io);
-static void gtphub_bind_stop(struct gtphub_bind *b) {
-	gtphub_sock_close(&b->ofd);
-	gtphub_bind_free(b);
-/* Recv datagram from from->fd, write sender's address to *from_addr.
- * Return the number of bytes read, zero on error. */
-static int gtphub_read(const struct osmo_fd *from,
-		       struct osmo_sockaddr *from_addr,
-		       uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_len)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(from_addr);
-	/* recvfrom requires the available length set in *from_addr_len. */
-	from_addr->l = sizeof(from_addr->a);
-	errno = 0;
-	ssize_t received = recvfrom(from->fd, buf, buf_len, 0,
-				    (struct sockaddr*)&from_addr->a,
-				    &from_addr->l);
-	/* TODO use recvmsg and get a MSG_TRUNC flag to make sure the message
-	 * is not truncated. Then maybe reduce buf's size. */
-	if (received <= 0) {
-		    "error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-		return 0;
-	}
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "Received %d bytes from %s: %s%s\n",
-	    (int)received, osmo_sockaddr_to_str(from_addr),
-	    osmo_hexdump(buf, received > 1000? 1000 : received),
-	    received > 1000 ? "..." : "");
-	return received;
-static inline void gtphub_port_ref_count_inc(struct gtphub_peer_port *pp)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(pp->ref_count < UINT_MAX);
-	pp->ref_count++;
-static inline void gtphub_port_ref_count_dec(struct gtphub_peer_port *pp)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(pp->ref_count > 0);
-	pp->ref_count--;
-static inline void set_seq(struct gtp_packet_desc *p, uint16_t seq)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(p->version == 1);
-	p->data->gtp1l.h.seq = hton16(seq);
-	p->seq = seq;
-static inline void set_tei(struct gtp_packet_desc *p, uint32_t tei)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(p->version == 1);
-	p->data->gtp1l.h.tei = hton32(tei);
-	p->header_tei = tei;
-static void gtphub_mapping_del_cb(struct expiring_item *expi);
-static struct nr_mapping *gtphub_mapping_new()
-	struct nr_mapping *nrm;
-	nrm = talloc_zero(osmo_gtphub_ctx, struct nr_mapping);
-	nr_mapping_init(nrm);
-	nrm->expiry_entry.del_cb = gtphub_mapping_del_cb;
-	return nrm;
-#define APPEND(args...) \
-		l = snprintf(pos, left, args); \
-		pos += l; \
-		left -= l
-static const char *gtphub_tunnel_side_str(struct gtphub_tunnel *tun,
-					  int side_idx)
-	static char buf[256];
-	char *pos = buf;
-	int left = sizeof(buf);
-	int l;
-	struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *c, *u;
-	c = &tun->endpoint[side_idx][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL];
-	u = &tun->endpoint[side_idx][GTPH_PLANE_USER];
-	/* print both only if they differ. */
-	if (!c->peer) {
-		APPEND("(uninitialized)");
-	} else {
-		APPEND("%s", gsn_addr_to_str(&c->peer->peer_addr->addr));
-	}
-	if (!u->peer) {
-		if (c->peer) {
-			APPEND("/(uninitialized)");
-		}
-	} else if ((!c->peer)
-		   || (!gsn_addr_same(&u->peer->peer_addr->addr,
-				      &c->peer->peer_addr->addr))) {
-		APPEND("/%s", gsn_addr_to_str(&u->peer->peer_addr->addr));
-	}
-	APPEND(" (TEI C=%x U=%x)",
-	       c->tei_orig,
-	       u->tei_orig);
-	return buf;
-const char *gtphub_tunnel_str(struct gtphub_tunnel *tun)
-	static char buf[512];
-	char *pos = buf;
-	int left = sizeof(buf);
-	int l;
-	if (!tun)
-		return "null-tunnel";
-	APPEND("TEI=%x: ", tun->tei_repl);
-	APPEND("%s", gtphub_tunnel_side_str(tun, GTPH_SIDE_SGSN));
-	APPEND(" <-> %s", gtphub_tunnel_side_str(tun, GTPH_SIDE_GGSN));
-	return buf;
-#undef APPEND
-void gtphub_tunnel_endpoint_set_peer(struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te,
-				     struct gtphub_peer_port *pp)
-	if (te->peer)
-		gtphub_port_ref_count_dec(te->peer);
-	te->peer = pp;
-	if (te->peer)
-		gtphub_port_ref_count_inc(te->peer);
-int gtphub_tunnel_complete(struct gtphub_tunnel *tun)
-	if (!tun)
-		return 0;
-	if (!tun->tei_repl)
-		return 0;
-	int side_idx;
-	int plane_idx;
-	for_each_side_and_plane(side_idx, plane_idx) {
-		struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te =
-			&tun->endpoint[side_idx][plane_idx];
-		if (!(te->peer && te->tei_orig))
-			return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-static void gtphub_tunnel_del_cb(struct expiring_item *expi)
-	struct gtphub_tunnel *tun = container_of(expi,
-						 struct gtphub_tunnel,
-						 expiry_entry);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "expired: %s\n", gtphub_tunnel_str(tun));
-	llist_del(&tun->entry);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&tun->entry); /* mark unused */
-	expi->del_cb = 0; /* avoid recursion loops */
-	expiring_item_del(&tun->expiry_entry); /* usually already done, but make sure. */
-	int side_idx;
-	int plane_idx;
-	for_each_side_and_plane(side_idx, plane_idx) {
-		struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te = &tun->endpoint[side_idx][plane_idx];
-		/* clear ref count */
-		gtphub_tunnel_endpoint_set_peer(te, NULL);
-		rate_ctr_group_free(te->counters_io);
-	}
-	talloc_free(tun);
-static struct gtphub_tunnel *gtphub_tunnel_new()
-	struct gtphub_tunnel *tun;
-	tun = talloc_zero(osmo_gtphub_ctx, struct gtphub_tunnel);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&tun->entry);
-	expiring_item_init(&tun->expiry_entry);
-	int side_idx, plane_idx;
-	for_each_side_and_plane(side_idx, plane_idx) {
-		struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te = &tun->endpoint[side_idx][plane_idx];
-		te->counters_io = rate_ctr_group_alloc(osmo_gtphub_ctx,
-						       &gtphub_ctrg_io_desc,
-						       0);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(te->counters_io);
-	}
-	tun->expiry_entry.del_cb = gtphub_tunnel_del_cb;
-	return tun;
-static const char *gtphub_peer_strb(struct gtphub_peer *peer, char *buf,
-				    int buflen)
-	if (llist_empty(&peer->addresses))
-		return "(addressless)";
-	struct gtphub_peer_addr *a = llist_first(&peer->addresses,
-						 struct gtphub_peer_addr,
-						 entry);
-	return gsn_addr_to_strb(&a->addr, buf, buflen);
-static const char *gtphub_port_strb(struct gtphub_peer_port *port, char *buf,
-				    int buflen)
-	if (!port)
-		return "(null port)";
-	snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s port %d",
-		 gsn_addr_to_str(&port->peer_addr->addr),
-		 (int)port->port);
-	return buf;
-const char *gtphub_peer_str(struct gtphub_peer *peer)
-	static char buf[256];
-	return gtphub_peer_strb(peer, buf, sizeof(buf));
-const char *gtphub_port_str(struct gtphub_peer_port *port)
-	static char buf[256];
-	return gtphub_port_strb(port, buf, sizeof(buf));
-static const char *gtphub_port_str2(struct gtphub_peer_port *port)
-	static char buf[256];
-	return gtphub_port_strb(port, buf, sizeof(buf));
-static void gtphub_mapping_del_cb(struct expiring_item *expi)
-	expi->del_cb = 0; /* avoid recursion loops */
-	expiring_item_del(expi); /* usually already done, but make sure. */
-	struct nr_mapping *nrm = container_of(expi,
-					      struct nr_mapping,
-					      expiry_entry);
-	llist_del(&nrm->entry);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&nrm->entry); /* mark unused */
-	/* Just for log */
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *from = nrm->origin;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(from);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "expired: %d: nr mapping from %s: %u->%u\n",
-	    (int)nrm->expiry_entry.expiry,
-	    gtphub_port_str(from),
-	    (unsigned int)nrm->orig, (unsigned int)nrm->repl);
-	gtphub_port_ref_count_dec(from);
-	talloc_free(nrm);
-static struct nr_mapping *gtphub_mapping_have(struct nr_map *map,
-					      struct gtphub_peer_port *from,
-					      nr_t orig_nr,
-					      time_t now)
-	struct nr_mapping *nrm;
-	nrm = nr_map_get(map, from, orig_nr);
-	if (!nrm) {
-		nrm = gtphub_mapping_new();
-		nrm->orig = orig_nr;
-		nrm->origin = from;
-		nr_map_add(map, nrm, now);
-		gtphub_port_ref_count_inc(from);
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "peer %s: sequence map %d --> %d\n",
-		    gtphub_port_str(from),
-		    (int)(nrm->orig), (int)(nrm->repl));
-	} else {
-		nr_map_refresh(map, nrm, now);
-	}
-	return nrm;
-static void gtphub_map_seq(struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-			   struct gtphub_peer_port *from_port,
-			   struct gtphub_peer_port *to_port)
-	/* Store a mapping in to_peer's map, so when we later receive a GTP
-	 * packet back from to_peer, the seq nr can be unmapped back to its
-	 * origin (from_peer here). */
-	struct nr_mapping *nrm;
-	nrm = gtphub_mapping_have(&to_port->peer_addr->peer->seq_map,
-				  from_port, p->seq, p->timestamp);
-	/* Change the GTP packet to yield the new, mapped seq nr */
-	set_seq(p, nrm->repl);
-static struct gtphub_peer_port *gtphub_unmap_seq(struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-						 struct gtphub_peer_port *responding_port)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(p->version == 1);
-	struct nr_mapping *nrm =
-		nr_map_get_inv(&responding_port->peer_addr->peer->seq_map,
-			       p->seq);
-	if (!nrm)
-		return NULL;
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "peer %p: sequence unmap %d <-- %d\n",
-	    nrm->origin, (int)(nrm->orig), (int)(nrm->repl));
-	set_seq(p, nrm->orig);
-	return nrm->origin;
-static int gtphub_check_mapped_tei(struct gtphub_tunnel *new_tun,
-				   struct gtphub_tunnel *iterated_tun,
-				   uint32_t *tei_min,
-				   uint32_t *tei_max)
-	if (!new_tun->tei_repl || !iterated_tun->tei_repl)
-		return 1;
-	*tei_min = (*tei_min < iterated_tun->tei_repl)? *tei_min : iterated_tun->tei_repl;
-	*tei_max = (*tei_max > iterated_tun->tei_repl)? *tei_max : iterated_tun->tei_repl;
-	if (new_tun->tei_repl != iterated_tun->tei_repl)
-		return 1;
-	/* new_tun->tei_repl is already taken. Try to find one out of the known
-	 * range. */
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "TEI replacement %d already taken.\n", new_tun->tei_repl);
-	if ((*tei_max) < 0xffffffff) {
-		(*tei_max)++;
-		new_tun->tei_repl = *tei_max;
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "Using TEI %d instead.\n", new_tun->tei_repl);
-		return 1;
-	} else if ((*tei_min) > 1) {
-		(*tei_min)--;
-		new_tun->tei_repl = *tei_min;
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "Using TEI %d instead.\n", new_tun->tei_repl);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	/* None seems to be available. */
-	return 0;
-static int gtphub_check_reused_teis(struct gtphub *hub,
-				    struct gtphub_tunnel *new_tun)
-	uint32_t tei_min = 0xffffffff;
-	uint32_t tei_max = 0;
-	int side_idx;
-	int plane_idx;
-	struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te;
-	struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te2;
-	struct gtphub_tunnel *tun, *ntun;
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(tun, ntun, &hub->tunnels, entry) {
-		if (tun == new_tun)
-			continue;
-		/* Check whether the GSN sent a TEI that it is reusing from a
-		 * previous tunnel. */
-		int tun_continue = 0;
-		for_each_side(side_idx) {
-			for_each_plane(plane_idx) {
-				te = &tun->endpoint[side_idx][plane_idx];
-				te2 = &new_tun->endpoint[side_idx][plane_idx];
-				if ((te->tei_orig == 0)
-				    || (te->tei_orig != te2->tei_orig)
-				    || (!te->peer)
-				    || (!te2->peer)
-				    || !gsn_addr_same(&te->peer->peer_addr->addr,
-						      &te2->peer->peer_addr->addr))
-					continue;
-				/* The peer is reusing a TEI that I believe to
-				 * be part of another tunnel. The other tunnel
-				 * must be stale, then. */
-				    "Expiring tunnel due to reused TEI:"
-				    " %s peer %s sent %s TEI %x,"
-				    " previously used by tunnel %s...\n",
-				    gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-				    gtphub_port_str(te->peer),
-				    gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx],
-				    te->tei_orig,
-				    gtphub_tunnel_str(tun));
-				LOG(LOGL_NOTICE, "...while establishing tunnel %s\n",
-				    gtphub_tunnel_str(new_tun));
-				expiring_item_del(&tun->expiry_entry);
-				/* continue to find more matches. There shouldn't be
-				 * any, but let's make sure. However, tun is deleted,
-				 * so we need to skip to the next tunnel. */
-				tun_continue = 1;
-				break;
-			}
-			if (tun_continue)
-				break;
-		}
-		if (tun_continue)
-			continue;
-		/* Check whether the mapped TEI is already used by another
-		 * tunnel. */
-		if (!gtphub_check_mapped_tei(new_tun, tun, &tei_min, &tei_max)) {
-			    "No mapped TEI is readily available."
-			    " Searching for holes between occupied"
-			    " TEIs not implemented.");
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	return 1;
-static void gtphub_tunnel_refresh(struct gtphub *hub,
-				  struct gtphub_tunnel *tun,
-				  time_t now)
-	expiry_add(&hub->expire_slowly,
-		   &tun->expiry_entry,
-		   now);
-static struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *gtphub_unmap_tei(struct gtphub *hub,
-						       struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-						       struct gtphub_peer_port *from,
-						       struct gtphub_tunnel **unmapped_from_tun)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(from);
-	int other_side = other_side_idx(p->side_idx);
-	struct gtphub_tunnel *tun;
-	llist_for_each_entry(tun, &hub->tunnels, entry) {
-		struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te_from =
-			&tun->endpoint[p->side_idx][p->plane_idx];
-		struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te_to =
-			&tun->endpoint[other_side][p->plane_idx];
-		if ((tun->tei_repl == p->header_tei_rx)
-		    && te_from->peer
-		    && gsn_addr_same(&te_from->peer->peer_addr->addr,
-				     &from->peer_addr->addr)) {
-			gtphub_tunnel_refresh(hub, tun, p->timestamp);
-			if (unmapped_from_tun)
-				*unmapped_from_tun = tun;
-			return te_to;
-		}
-	}
-	if (unmapped_from_tun)
-		*unmapped_from_tun = NULL;
-	return NULL;
-static void gtphub_map_restart_counter(struct gtphub *hub,
-				       struct gtp_packet_desc *p)
-	if (p->rc != GTP_RC_PDU_C)
-		return;
-	int ie_idx;
-	ie_idx = gtpie_getie(p->ie, GTPIE_RECOVERY, 0);
-	if (ie_idx < 0)
-		return;
-	/* Always send gtphub's own restart counter */
-	p->ie[ie_idx]->tv1.v = hton8(hub->restart_counter);
-static int gtphub_unmap_header_tei(struct gtphub_peer_port **to_port_p,
-				   struct gtphub_tunnel **unmapped_from_tun,
-				   struct gtphub *hub,
-				   struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-				   struct gtphub_peer_port *from_port)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(p->version == 1);
-	*to_port_p = NULL;
-	if (unmapped_from_tun)
-		*unmapped_from_tun = NULL;
-	/* If the header's TEI is zero, no PDP context has been established
-	 * yet. If nonzero, a mapping should actually already exist for this
-	 * TEI, since it must have been announced in a PDP context creation. */
-	if (!p->header_tei_rx)
-		return 0;
-	/* to_peer has previously announced a TEI, which was stored and
-	 * mapped in a tunnel struct. */
-	struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *to;
-	to = gtphub_unmap_tei(hub, p, from_port, unmapped_from_tun);
-	if (!to) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Received unknown TEI %" PRIx32 " from %s\n",
-		    p->header_tei_rx, gtphub_port_str(from_port));
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (unmapped_from_tun) {
-		OSMO_ASSERT(*unmapped_from_tun);
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "Unmapped TEI coming from: %s\n",
-		    gtphub_tunnel_str(*unmapped_from_tun));
-	}
-	uint32_t unmapped_tei = to->tei_orig;
-	set_tei(p, unmapped_tei);
-	/* May be NULL for an invalidated tunnel. */
-	*to_port_p = to->peer;
-	return 0;
-static int gtphub_handle_create_pdp_ctx(struct gtphub *hub,
-					struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-					struct gtphub_peer_port *from_ctrl,
-					struct gtphub_peer_port *to_ctrl)
-	int plane_idx;
-	osmo_static_assert((GTPH_PLANE_CTRL == 0) && (GTPH_PLANE_USER == 1),
-			   plane_nrs_match_GSN_addr_IE_indices);
-	struct gtphub_tunnel *tun = p->tun;
-	if (p->type == GTP_CREATE_PDP_REQ) {
-		if (p->side_idx != GTPH_SIDE_SGSN) {
-			LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Wrong side: Create PDP Context"
-			    " Request from the GGSN side: %s",
-			    gtphub_port_str(from_ctrl));
-			return -1;
-		}
-		if (tun) {
-			LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Not implemented: Received"
-			    " Create PDP Context Request for an already"
-			    " established tunnel:"
-			    " from %s, tunnel %s\n",
-			    gtphub_port_str(from_ctrl),
-			    gtphub_tunnel_str(p->tun));
-			return -1;
-		}
-		/* A new tunnel. */
-		p->tun = tun = gtphub_tunnel_new();
-		/* Create TEI mapping */
-		tun->tei_repl = nr_pool_next(&hub->tei_pool);
-		llist_add(&tun->entry, &hub->tunnels);
-		gtphub_tunnel_refresh(hub, tun, p->timestamp);
-		/* The endpoint peers on this side (SGSN) will be set from IEs
-		 * below. Also set the GGSN Ctrl endpoint, for logging. */
-		gtphub_tunnel_endpoint_set_peer(&tun->endpoint[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL],
-						to_ctrl);
-	} else if (p->type == GTP_CREATE_PDP_RSP) {
-		if (p->side_idx != GTPH_SIDE_GGSN) {
-			LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Wrong side: Create PDP Context"
-			    " Response from the SGSN side: %s",
-			    gtphub_port_str(from_ctrl));
-			return -1;
-		}
-		/* The tunnel should already have been resolved from the header
-		 * TEI and be available in tun (== p->tun). Just fill in the
-		 * GSN Addresses below.*/
-		OSMO_ASSERT(tun);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(tun->tei_repl == p->header_tei_rx);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(to_ctrl);
-	}
-	uint8_t ie_type[] = { GTPIE_TEI_C, GTPIE_TEI_DI };
-	int ie_mandatory = (p->type == GTP_CREATE_PDP_REQ);
-	unsigned int side_idx = p->side_idx;
-	for (plane_idx = 0; plane_idx < 2; plane_idx++) {
-		int rc;
-		struct gsn_addr use_addr;
-		uint16_t use_port;
-		uint32_t tei_from_ie;
-		int ie_idx;
-		/* Fetch GSN Address and TEI from IEs. As ensured by above
-		 * static asserts, plane_idx corresponds to the GSN Address IE
-		 * index (the first one = 0 = ctrl, second one = 1 = user). */
-		rc = gsn_addr_get(&use_addr, p, plane_idx);
-		if (rc) {
-			LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot read %s GSN Address IE\n",
-			    gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx]);
-			return -1;
-		}
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "Read %s GSN addr %s (%d)\n",
-		    gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx],
-		    gsn_addr_to_str(&use_addr),
-		    use_addr.len);
-		ie_idx = gtpie_getie(p->ie, ie_type[plane_idx], 0);
-		if (ie_idx < 0) {
-			if (ie_mandatory) {
-				    "Create PDP Context message invalid:"
-				    " missing IE %d\n",
-				    (int)ie_type[plane_idx]);
-				return -1;
-			}
-			tei_from_ie = 0;
-		}
-		else
-			tei_from_ie = ntoh32(p->ie[ie_idx]->tv4.v);
-		/* Make sure an entry for this peer address with default port
-		 * exists.
-		 *
-		 * Exception: if sgsn_use_sender is set, instead use the
-		 * sender's address and port for Ctrl -- the User port is not
-		 * known until the first User packet arrives.
-		 *
-		 * Note: doing this here is just an optimization, because
-		 * gtphub_handle_buf() has code to replace the tunnel
-		 * endpoints' addresses with the sender (needed for User
-		 * plane). We could just ignore sgsn_use_sender here. But if we
-		 * set up a default port here and replace it in
-		 * gtphub_handle_buf(), we'd be creating a peer port just to
-		 * expire it right away. */
-		if (hub->sgsn_use_sender && (side_idx == GTPH_SIDE_SGSN)) {
-			gsn_addr_from_sockaddr(&use_addr, &use_port, &from_ctrl->sa);
-		} else {
-			use_port = gtphub_plane_idx_default_port[plane_idx];
-		}
-		struct gtphub_peer_port *peer_from_ie;
-		peer_from_ie = gtphub_port_have(hub,
-						&hub->to_gsns[side_idx][plane_idx],
-						&use_addr, use_port);
-		gtphub_tunnel_endpoint_set_peer(&tun->endpoint[side_idx][plane_idx],
-						peer_from_ie);
-		if (!tei_from_ie &&
-		    !tun->endpoint[side_idx][plane_idx].tei_orig) {
-			    "Create PDP Context message omits %s TEI, but"
-			    " no TEI has been announced for this tunnel: %s\n",
-			    gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx],
-			    gtphub_tunnel_str(tun));
-			return -1;
-		}
-		if (tei_from_ie) {
-			/* Replace TEI in GTP packet IE */
-			tun->endpoint[side_idx][plane_idx].tei_orig = tei_from_ie;
-			p->ie[ie_idx]->tv4.v = hton32(tun->tei_repl);
-			if (!gtphub_check_reused_teis(hub, tun)) {
-				/* It's highly unlikely that all TEIs are
-				 * taken. But the code looking for an unused
-				 * TEI is, at the time of writing this comment,
-				 * not able to find gaps in the TEI space. To
-				 * explicitly alert the user of this problem,
-				 * rather abort than carry on. */
-				LOG(LOGL_FATAL, "TEI range exhausted. Cannot create TEI mapping, aborting.\n");
-				abort();
-			}
-		}
-		/* Replace the GSN address to reflect gtphub. */
-		rc = gsn_addr_put(&hub->to_gsns[other_side_idx(side_idx)][plane_idx].local_addr,
-				  p, plane_idx);
-		if (rc) {
-			LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot write %s GSN Address IE\n",
-			    gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx]);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
-	if (p->type == GTP_CREATE_PDP_REQ) {
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "New tunnel, first half: %s\n",
-		    gtphub_tunnel_str(tun));
-	} else if (p->type == GTP_CREATE_PDP_RSP) {
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "New tunnel: %s\n",
-		    gtphub_tunnel_str(tun));
-	}
-	return 0;
-static void pending_delete_del_cb(struct expiring_item *expi)
-	struct pending_delete *pd;
-	pd = container_of(expi, struct pending_delete, expiry_entry);
-	llist_del(&pd->entry);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&pd->entry);
-	pd->expiry_entry.del_cb = 0;
-	expiring_item_del(&pd->expiry_entry);
-	talloc_free(pd);
-static struct pending_delete *pending_delete_new(void)
-	struct pending_delete *pd = talloc_zero(osmo_gtphub_ctx, struct pending_delete);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&pd->entry);
-	expiring_item_init(&pd->expiry_entry);
-	pd->expiry_entry.del_cb = pending_delete_del_cb;
-	return pd;
-static int gtphub_handle_delete_pdp_ctx(struct gtphub *hub,
-					struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-					struct gtphub_peer_port *from_ctrl,
-					struct gtphub_peer_port *to_ctrl)
-	struct gtphub_tunnel *known_tun = p->tun;
-	if (p->type == GTP_DELETE_PDP_REQ) {
-		if (!known_tun) {
-			LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot find tunnel for Delete PDP Context Request.\n");
-			return -1;
-		}
-		/* Store the Delete Request until a successful Response is seen. */
-		uint8_t teardown_ind;
-		uint8_t nsapi;
-		if (gtpie_gettv1(p->ie, GTPIE_TEARDOWN, 0, &teardown_ind) != 0) {
-			LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Missing Teardown Ind IE in Delete PDP Context Request.\n");
-			return -1;
-		}
-		if (gtpie_gettv1(p->ie, GTPIE_NSAPI, 0, &nsapi) != 0) {
-			LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Missing NSAPI IE in Delete PDP Context Request.\n");
-			return -1;
-		}
-		struct pending_delete *pd = NULL;
-		struct pending_delete *pdi = NULL;
-		llist_for_each_entry(pdi, &hub->pending_deletes, entry) {
-			if ((pdi->tun == known_tun)
-			    && (pdi->teardown_ind == teardown_ind)
-			    && (pdi->nsapi == nsapi)) {
-				pd = pdi;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if (!pd) {
-			pd = pending_delete_new();
-			pd->tun = known_tun;
-			pd->teardown_ind = teardown_ind;
-			pd->nsapi = nsapi;
-			LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "Tunnel delete pending: %s\n",
-			    gtphub_tunnel_str(known_tun));
-			llist_add(&pd->entry, &hub->pending_deletes);
-		}
-		/* Add or refresh timeout. */
-		expiry_add(&hub->expire_quickly, &pd->expiry_entry, p->timestamp);
-		/* If a pending_delete should expire before the response to
-		 * indicate success comes in, the responding peer will have the
-		 * tunnel deactivated, while the requesting peer gets no reply
-		 * and keeps the tunnel. The hope is that the requesting peer
-		 * will try again and get a useful response. */
-	} else if (p->type == GTP_DELETE_PDP_RSP) {
-		/* Find the Delete Request for this Response. */
-		struct pending_delete *pd = NULL;
-		struct pending_delete *pdi;
-		llist_for_each_entry(pdi, &hub->pending_deletes, entry) {
-			if (known_tun == pdi->tun) {
-				pd = pdi;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if (!pd) {
-			LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Delete PDP Context Response:"
-			    " Cannot find matching request.");
-			/* If we delete the tunnel now, anyone can send a
-			 * Delete response to kill tunnels at will. */
-			return -1;
-		}
-		/* TODO handle teardown_ind and nsapi */
-		expiring_item_del(&pd->expiry_entry);
-		uint8_t cause;
-		if (gtpie_gettv1(p->ie, GTPIE_CAUSE, 0, &cause) != 0) {
-			LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Delete PDP Context Response:"
-			    " Missing Cause IE.");
-			/* If we delete the tunnel now, at least one of the
-			 * peers may still think it is active. */
-			return -1;
-		}
-		if (cause != GTPCAUSE_ACC_REQ) {
-			    "Delete PDP Context Response indicates failure;"
-			    "for %s\n",
-			    gtphub_tunnel_str(known_tun));
-			return -1;
-		}
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "Delete PDP Context: removing tunnel %s\n",
-		    gtphub_tunnel_str(known_tun));
-		p->tun = NULL;
-		expiring_item_del(&known_tun->expiry_entry);
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int gtphub_handle_update_pdp_ctx(struct gtphub *hub,
-					struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-					struct gtphub_peer_port *from_ctrl,
-					struct gtphub_peer_port *to_ctrl)
-	/* TODO */
-	return 0;
-/* Read GSN address IEs from p, and make sure these peer addresses exist in
- * bind[plane_idx] with default ports, in their respective planes (both Ctrl
- * and User). Map TEIs announced in IEs, and write mapped TEIs in-place into
- * the packet p. */
-static int gtphub_handle_pdp_ctx(struct gtphub *hub,
-				 struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-				 struct gtphub_peer_port *from_ctrl,
-				 struct gtphub_peer_port *to_ctrl)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(p->plane_idx == GTPH_PLANE_CTRL);
-	switch (p->type) {
-		return gtphub_handle_create_pdp_ctx(hub, p,
-						    from_ctrl, to_ctrl);
-		return gtphub_handle_delete_pdp_ctx(hub, p,
-						    from_ctrl, to_ctrl);
-		return gtphub_handle_update_pdp_ctx(hub, p,
-						    from_ctrl, to_ctrl);
-	default:
-		/* Nothing to do for this message type. */
-		return 0;
-	}
-static int gtphub_send_del_pdp_ctx(struct gtphub *hub,
-				   struct gtphub_tunnel *tun,
-				   int to_side)
-	static uint8_t del_ctx_msg[16] = {
-		0x32,	/* GTP v1 flags */
-		0x00, 0x08, /* Length in network byte order */
-		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,	/* TEI to be replaced */
-		0, 0,	/* Seq, to be replaced */
-		0, 0,	/* no extensions */
-		0x13, 0xff,  /* 19: Teardown ind = 1 */
-		0x14, 0	/* 20: NSAPI = 0 */
-	};
-	uint32_t *tei = (uint32_t*)&del_ctx_msg[4];
-	uint16_t *seq = (uint16_t*)&del_ctx_msg[8];
-	struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te =
-		&tun->endpoint[to_side][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL];
-	if (! te->peer)
-		return 0;
-	*tei = hton32(te->tei_orig);
-	*seq = hton16(nr_pool_next(&te->peer->peer_addr->peer->seq_pool));
-	struct gtphub_bind *to_bind = &hub->to_gsns[to_side][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL];
-	int rc = gtphub_write(&to_bind->ofd, &te->peer->sa,
-			      del_ctx_msg, sizeof(del_ctx_msg));
-	if (rc != 0) {
-		    "Failed to send out-of-band Delete PDP Context Request to %s\n",
-		    gtphub_port_str(te->peer));
-	}
-	return rc;
-/* Tell all peers on the other end of tunnels that PDP contexts are void. */
-static void gtphub_restarted(struct gtphub *hub,
-			     struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-			     struct gtphub_peer_port *pp)
-	LOG(LOGL_NOTICE, "Peer has restarted: %s\n",
-	    gtphub_port_str(pp));
-	int deleted_count = 0;
-	struct gtphub_tunnel *tun;
-	llist_for_each_entry(tun, &hub->tunnels, entry) {
-		int side_idx;
-		for_each_side(side_idx) {
-			struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te = &tun->endpoint[side_idx][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL];
-			struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te2 = &tun->endpoint[other_side_idx(side_idx)][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL];
-			if ((!te->peer)
-			    || (!te2->tei_orig)
-			    || (pp->peer_addr->peer != te->peer->peer_addr->peer))
-				continue;
-			LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "Deleting tunnel due to peer restart: %s\n",
-			    gtphub_tunnel_str(tun));
-			deleted_count ++;
-			/* Send a Delete PDP Context Request to the
-			 * peer on the other side, remember the pending
-			 * delete and wait for the response to delete
-			 * the tunnel. Clear this side of the tunnel to
-			 * make sure it isn't used.
-			 *
-			 * Should the delete message send fail, or if no
-			 * response is received, this tunnel will expire. If
-			 * its TEIs come up in a new PDP Context Request, it
-			 * will be removed. If messages for this tunnel should
-			 * come in (from the not restarted side), they will be
-			 * dropped because the tunnel is rendered unusable. */
-			gtphub_send_del_pdp_ctx(hub, tun, other_side_idx(side_idx));
-			gtphub_tunnel_endpoint_set_peer(&tun->endpoint[side_idx][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL],
-							NULL);
-			gtphub_tunnel_endpoint_set_peer(&tun->endpoint[side_idx][GTPH_PLANE_USER],
-							NULL);
-		}
-	}
-	if (deleted_count)
-		LOG(LOGL_NOTICE, "Deleting %d tunnels due to restart of: %s\n",
-		    deleted_count,
-		    gtphub_port_str(pp));
-static int get_restart_count(struct gtp_packet_desc *p)
-	int ie_idx;
-	ie_idx = gtpie_getie(p->ie, GTPIE_RECOVERY, 0);
-	if (ie_idx < 0)
-		return -1;
-	return ntoh8(p->ie[ie_idx]->tv1.v);
-static void gtphub_check_restart_counter(struct gtphub *hub,
-					 struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-					 struct gtphub_peer_port *from)
-	/* If the peer is sending a Recovery IE (7.7.11) with a restart counter
-	 * that doesn't match the peer's previously sent restart counter, clear
-	 * that peer and cancel PDP contexts. */
-	int restart = get_restart_count(p);
-	if ((restart < 0) || (restart > 255))
-		return;
-	if ((from->last_restart_count >= 0) && (from->last_restart_count <= 255)) {
-		if (from->last_restart_count != restart) {
-			gtphub_restarted(hub, p, from);
-		}
-	}
-	from->last_restart_count = restart;
-static int from_sgsns_read_cb(struct osmo_fd *from_sgsns_ofd, unsigned int what)
-	unsigned int plane_idx = from_sgsns_ofd->priv_nr;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(plane_idx < GTPH_PLANE_N);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "=== reading from SGSN (%s)\n",
-	    gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx]);
-	if (!(what & BSC_FD_READ))
-		return 0;
-	struct gtphub *hub = from_sgsns_ofd->data;
-	static uint8_t buf[4096];
-	struct osmo_sockaddr from_addr;
-	struct osmo_sockaddr to_addr;
-	struct osmo_fd *to_ofd;
-	int len;
-	uint8_t *reply_buf;
-	len = gtphub_read(from_sgsns_ofd, &from_addr, buf, sizeof(buf));
-	if (len < 1)
-		return 0;
-	len = gtphub_handle_buf(hub, GTPH_SIDE_SGSN, plane_idx, &from_addr,
-				buf, len, gtphub_now(),
-				&reply_buf, &to_ofd, &to_addr);
-	if (len < 1)
-		return 0;
-	return gtphub_write(to_ofd, &to_addr, reply_buf, len);
-static int from_ggsns_read_cb(struct osmo_fd *from_ggsns_ofd, unsigned int what)
-	unsigned int plane_idx = from_ggsns_ofd->priv_nr;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(plane_idx < GTPH_PLANE_N);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "=== reading from GGSN (%s)\n",
-	    gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx]);
-	if (!(what & BSC_FD_READ))
-		return 0;
-	struct gtphub *hub = from_ggsns_ofd->data;
-	static uint8_t buf[4096];
-	struct osmo_sockaddr from_addr;
-	struct osmo_sockaddr to_addr;
-	struct osmo_fd *to_ofd;
-	int len;
-	uint8_t *reply_buf;
-	len = gtphub_read(from_ggsns_ofd, &from_addr, buf, sizeof(buf));
-	if (len < 1)
-		return 0;
-	len = gtphub_handle_buf(hub, GTPH_SIDE_GGSN, plane_idx, &from_addr,
-				buf, len, gtphub_now(),
-				&reply_buf, &to_ofd, &to_addr);
-	if (len < 1)
-		return 0;
-	return gtphub_write(to_ofd, &to_addr, reply_buf, len);
-static int gtphub_unmap(struct gtphub *hub,
-			struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-			struct gtphub_peer_port *from,
-			struct gtphub_peer_port *to_proxy,
-			struct gtphub_peer_port **final_unmapped,
-			struct gtphub_peer_port **unmapped_from_seq)
-	/* Always (try to) unmap sequence and TEI numbers, which need to be
-	 * replaced in the packet. Either way, give precedence to the proxy, if
-	 * configured. */
-	if (unmapped_from_seq)
-		*unmapped_from_seq = NULL;
-	if (final_unmapped)
-		*final_unmapped = NULL;
-	p->tun = NULL;
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *from_seq = NULL;
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *from_tei = NULL;
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *unmapped = NULL;
-	from_seq = gtphub_unmap_seq(p, from);
-	if (gtphub_unmap_header_tei(&from_tei, &p->tun, hub, p, from) < 0)
-		return -1;
-	struct gtphub_peer *from_peer = from->peer_addr->peer;
-	if (from_seq && from_tei && (from_seq != from_tei)) {
-		    "Seq unmap and TEI unmap yield two different peers."
-		    " Using seq unmap."
-		    " (from %s %s: seq %d yields %s, tei %u yields %s)\n",
-		    gtphub_plane_idx_names[p->plane_idx],
-		    gtphub_peer_str(from_peer),
-		    (int)p->seq,
-		    gtphub_port_str(from_seq),
-		    (unsigned int)p->header_tei_rx,
-		    gtphub_port_str2(from_tei)
-		   );
-	}
-	unmapped = (from_seq? from_seq : from_tei);
-	if (unmapped && to_proxy && (unmapped != to_proxy)) {
-		    "Unmap yields a different peer than the configured proxy."
-		    " Using proxy."
-		    " unmapped: %s  proxy: %s\n",
-		    gtphub_port_str(unmapped),
-		    gtphub_port_str2(to_proxy)
-		   );
-	}
-	unmapped = (to_proxy? to_proxy : unmapped);
-	if (!unmapped) {
-		/* Return no error, but returned pointers are all NULL. */
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (unmapped_from_seq)
-		*unmapped_from_seq = from_seq;
-	if (final_unmapped)
-		*final_unmapped = unmapped;
-	return 0;
-static int gsn_addr_to_sockaddr(struct gsn_addr *src,
-				uint16_t port,
-				struct osmo_sockaddr *dst)
-	return osmo_sockaddr_init_udp(dst, gsn_addr_to_str(src), port);
-/* If p is an Echo request, replace p's data with the matching response and
- * return 1. If p is no Echo request, return 0, or -1 if an invalid packet is
- * detected. */
-static int gtphub_handle_echo_req(struct gtphub *hub, struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-				  uint8_t **reply_buf)
-	if (p->type != GTP_ECHO_REQ)
-		return 0;
-	static uint8_t echo_response_data[14] = {
-		0x32,	/* GTP v1 flags */
-		0x00, 14 - 8, /* Length in network byte order */
-		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,	/* Zero TEI */
-		0, 0,	/* Seq, to be replaced */
-		0, 0,	/* no extensions */
-		0x0e,	/* Recovery IE */
-		0	/* Restart counter, to be replaced */
-	};
-	uint16_t *seq = (uint16_t*)&echo_response_data[8];
-	uint8_t *recovery = &echo_response_data[13];
-	*seq = hton16(p->seq);
-	*recovery = hub->restart_counter;
-	*reply_buf = echo_response_data;
-	return sizeof(echo_response_data);
-struct gtphub_peer_port *gtphub_known_addr_have_port(const struct gtphub_bind *bind,
-						     const struct osmo_sockaddr *addr);
-/* Parse buffer as GTP packet, replace elements in-place and return the ofd and
- * address to forward to. Return a pointer to the osmo_fd, but copy the
- * sockaddr to *to_addr. The reason for this is that the sockaddr may expire at
- * any moment, while the osmo_fd is guaranteed to persist. Return the number of
- * bytes to forward, 0 or less on failure. */
-int gtphub_handle_buf(struct gtphub *hub,
-		      unsigned int side_idx,
-		      unsigned int plane_idx,
-		      const struct osmo_sockaddr *from_addr,
-		      uint8_t *buf,
-		      size_t received,
-		      time_t now,
-		      uint8_t **reply_buf,
-		      struct osmo_fd **to_ofd,
-		      struct osmo_sockaddr *to_addr)
-	struct gtphub_bind *from_bind = &hub->to_gsns[side_idx][plane_idx];
-	struct gtphub_bind *to_bind = &hub->to_gsns[other_side_idx(side_idx)][plane_idx];
-	rate_ctr_add(&from_bind->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_BYTES_IN],
-		     received);
-	struct gtp_packet_desc p;
-	gtp_decode(buf, received, side_idx, plane_idx, &p, now);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "%s rx %s from %s %s%s\n",
-	    (side_idx == GTPH_SIDE_GGSN)? "<-" : "->",
-	    gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx],
-	    gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-	    osmo_sockaddr_to_str(from_addr),
-	    gtp_type_str(p.type));
-	if (p.rc <= 0) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "INVALID: dropping GTP packet%s from %s %s %s\n",
-		    gtp_type_str(p.type),
-		    gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-		    gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx],
-		    osmo_sockaddr_to_str(from_addr));
-		return -1;
-	}
-	rate_ctr_inc(&from_bind->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_PKTS_IN]);
-	int reply_len;
-	reply_len = gtphub_handle_echo_req(hub, &p, reply_buf);
-	if (reply_len > 0) {
-		/* It was an echo. Nothing left to do. */
-		osmo_sockaddr_copy(to_addr, from_addr);
-		*to_ofd = &from_bind->ofd;
-		rate_ctr_inc(&from_bind->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_PKTS_OUT]);
-		rate_ctr_add(&from_bind->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_BYTES_OUT],
-			     reply_len);
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "%s Echo response to %s: %d bytes to %s\n",
-		    (side_idx == GTPH_SIDE_GGSN)? "-->" : "<--",
-		    gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-		    (int)reply_len, osmo_sockaddr_to_str(to_addr));
-		return reply_len;
-	}
-	if (reply_len < 0)
-		return -1;
-	*to_ofd = &to_bind->ofd;
-	/* If a proxy is configured, check that it's indeed that proxy talking
-	 * to us. A proxy is a forced 1:1 connection, e.g. to another gtphub,
-	 * so no-one else is allowed to talk to us from that side. */
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *from_peer = hub->proxy[side_idx][plane_idx];
-	if (from_peer) {
-		if (osmo_sockaddr_cmp(&from_peer->sa, from_addr) != 0) {
-			    "Rejecting: %s proxy configured, but GTP packet"
-			    " received on %s bind is from another sender:"
-			    " proxy: %s  sender: %s\n",
-			    gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-			    gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-			    gtphub_port_str(from_peer),
-			    osmo_sockaddr_to_str(from_addr));
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!from_peer) {
-		/* Find or create a peer with a matching address. The sender's
-		 * port may in fact differ. */
-		from_peer = gtphub_known_addr_have_port(from_bind, from_addr);
-	}
-	/* If any PDP context has been created, we already have an entry for
-	 * this GSN. If we don't have an entry, a GGSN has nothing to tell us
-	 * about, while an SGSN may initiate a PDP context. */
-	if (!from_peer) {
-		if (side_idx == GTPH_SIDE_GGSN) {
-			LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Dropping packet%s: unknown GGSN peer: %s\n",
-			    gtp_type_str(p.type),
-			    osmo_sockaddr_to_str(from_addr));
-			return -1;
-		} else {
-			/* SGSN */
-			/* A new peer. If this is on the Ctrl plane, an SGSN
-			 * may make first contact without being known yet, so
-			 * create the peer struct for the current sender. */
-			if (plane_idx != GTPH_PLANE_CTRL) {
-				    "Dropping packet%s: User plane peer was not"
-				    "announced by PDP Context: %s\n",
-				    gtp_type_str(p.type),
-				    osmo_sockaddr_to_str(from_addr));
-				return -1;
-			}
-			struct gsn_addr from_gsna;
-			uint16_t from_port;
-			if (gsn_addr_from_sockaddr(&from_gsna, &from_port, from_addr) != 0)
-				return -1;
-			from_peer = gtphub_port_have(hub, from_bind, &from_gsna, from_port);
-		}
-	}
-	if (!from_peer) {
-		/* This could theoretically happen for invalid address data or
-		 * somesuch. */
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Dropping packet%s: invalid %s peer: %s\n",
-		    gtp_type_str(p.type),
-		    gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-		    osmo_sockaddr_to_str(from_addr));
-		return -1;
-	}
-	rate_ctr_add(&from_peer->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_BYTES_IN],
-		     received);
-	rate_ctr_inc(&from_peer->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_PKTS_IN]);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "from %s peer: %s\n", gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-	    gtphub_port_str(from_peer));
-	gtphub_check_restart_counter(hub, &p, from_peer);
-	gtphub_map_restart_counter(hub, &p);
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *to_peer_from_seq;
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *to_peer;
-	if (gtphub_unmap(hub, &p, from_peer,
-			 hub->proxy[other_side_idx(side_idx)][plane_idx],
-			 &to_peer, &to_peer_from_seq)
-	    != 0) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (p.tun) {
-		struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te = &p.tun->endpoint[p.side_idx][p.plane_idx];
-		rate_ctr_add(&te->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_BYTES_IN],
-			     received);
-		rate_ctr_inc(&te->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_PKTS_IN]);
-	}
-	if ((!to_peer) && (side_idx == GTPH_SIDE_SGSN)) {
-		if (gtphub_resolve_ggsn(hub, &p, &to_peer) < 0)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	if (!to_peer && p.tun && p.type == GTP_DELETE_PDP_RSP) {
-		/* It's a delete confirmation for a tunnel that is partly
-		 * invalid, probably marked unsuable due to a restarted peer.
-		 * Remove the tunnel and be happy without forwarding. */
-		expiring_item_del(&p.tun->expiry_entry);
-		p.tun = NULL;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (!to_peer) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "No %s to send to. Dropping packet%s"
-		    " (type=%" PRIu8 ", header-TEI=%" PRIx32 ", seq=%" PRIx16 ").\n",
-		    gtphub_side_idx_names[other_side_idx(side_idx)],
-		    gtp_type_str(p.type),
-		    p.type, p.header_tei_rx, p.seq
-		    );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (plane_idx == GTPH_PLANE_CTRL) {
-		/* This may be a Create PDP Context response. If it is, there
-		 * are other addresses in the GTP message to set up apart from
-		 * the sender. */
-		if (gtphub_handle_pdp_ctx(hub, &p, from_peer, to_peer)
-		    != 0)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	/* Either to_peer was resolved from an existing tunnel,
-	 * or a PDP Ctx and thus a tunnel has just been created,
-	 * or the tunnel has been deleted due to this message. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(p.tun || (p.type == GTP_DELETE_PDP_RSP));
-	/* If the GGSN is replying to an SGSN request, the sequence nr has
-	 * already been unmapped above (to_peer_from_seq != NULL), and we need not
-	 * create a new mapping. */
-	if (!to_peer_from_seq)
-		gtphub_map_seq(&p, from_peer, to_peer);
-	osmo_sockaddr_copy(to_addr, &to_peer->sa);
-	*reply_buf = (uint8_t*);
-	if (received) {
-		rate_ctr_inc(&to_bind->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_PKTS_OUT]);
-		rate_ctr_add(&to_bind->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_BYTES_OUT],
-			     received);
-		rate_ctr_inc(&to_peer->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_PKTS_OUT]);
-		rate_ctr_add(&to_peer->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_BYTES_OUT],
-			     received);
-	}
-	if (p.tun) {
-		struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te = &p.tun->endpoint[other_side_idx(p.side_idx)][p.plane_idx];
-		rate_ctr_inc(&te->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_PKTS_OUT]);
-		rate_ctr_add(&te->counters_io->ctr[GTPH_CTR_BYTES_OUT],
-			     received);
-	}
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "%s Forward to %s:"
-	    " header-TEI %" PRIx32", seq %" PRIx16", %d bytes to %s\n",
-	    (side_idx == GTPH_SIDE_SGSN)? "-->" : "<--",
-	    gtphub_side_idx_names[other_side_idx(side_idx)],
-	    p.header_tei, p.seq,
-	    (int)received, osmo_sockaddr_to_str(to_addr));
-	return received;
-static void resolved_gssn_del_cb(struct expiring_item *expi)
-	struct gtphub_resolved_ggsn *ggsn;
-	ggsn = container_of(expi, struct gtphub_resolved_ggsn, expiry_entry);
-	gtphub_port_ref_count_dec(ggsn->peer);
-	llist_del(&ggsn->entry);
-	ggsn->expiry_entry.del_cb = 0;
-	expiring_item_del(&ggsn->expiry_entry);
-	talloc_free(ggsn);
-void gtphub_resolved_ggsn(struct gtphub *hub, const char *apn_oi_str,
-			  struct gsn_addr *resolved_addr,
-			  time_t now)
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *pp;
-	struct gtphub_resolved_ggsn *ggsn;
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "Resolved GGSN callback: %s %s\n",
-	    apn_oi_str, osmo_hexdump((unsigned char*)resolved_addr,
-				     sizeof(*resolved_addr)));
-	pp = gtphub_port_have(hub, &hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL],
-			      resolved_addr, 2123);
-	if (!pp) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "Internal: Cannot create/find peer '%s'\n",
-		    gsn_addr_to_str(resolved_addr));
-		return;
-	}
-	ggsn = talloc_zero(osmo_gtphub_ctx, struct gtphub_resolved_ggsn);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ggsn);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&ggsn->entry);
-	expiring_item_init(&ggsn->expiry_entry);
-	ggsn->peer = pp;
-	gtphub_port_ref_count_inc(pp);
-	osmo_strlcpy(ggsn->apn_oi_str, apn_oi_str, sizeof(ggsn->apn_oi_str));
-	ggsn->expiry_entry.del_cb = resolved_gssn_del_cb;
-	expiry_add(&hub->expire_slowly, &ggsn->expiry_entry, now);
-	llist_add(&ggsn->entry, &hub->resolved_ggsns);
-static int gtphub_gc_peer_port(struct gtphub_peer_port *pp)
-	return pp->ref_count == 0;
-static int gtphub_gc_peer_addr(struct gtphub_peer_addr *pa)
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *pp, *npp;
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(pp, npp, &pa->ports, entry) {
-		if (gtphub_gc_peer_port(pp)) {
-			LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "expired: peer %s\n",
-			    gtphub_port_str(pp));
-			gtphub_peer_port_del(pp);
-		}
-	}
-	return llist_empty(&pa->ports);
-static int gtphub_gc_peer(struct gtphub_peer *p)
-	struct gtphub_peer_addr *pa, *npa;
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(pa, npa, &p->addresses, entry) {
-		if (gtphub_gc_peer_addr(pa)) {
-			gtphub_peer_addr_del(pa);
-		}
-	}
-	/* Note that there's a ref_count in each gtphub_peer_port instance
-	 * listed within p->addresses, referenced by TEI mappings from
-	 * hub->tei_map. As long as those don't expire, this peer will stay. */
-	return llist_empty(&p->addresses)
-		&& nr_map_empty(&p->seq_map);
-static void gtphub_gc_bind(struct gtphub_bind *b)
-	struct gtphub_peer *p, *n;
-	llist_for_each_entry_safe(p, n, &b->peers, entry) {
-		if (gtphub_gc_peer(p)) {
-			gtphub_peer_del(p);
-		}
-	}
-void gtphub_gc(struct gtphub *hub, time_t now)
-	int expired;
-	expired = expiry_tick(&hub->expire_quickly, now);
-	expired += expiry_tick(&hub->expire_slowly, now);
-	/* ... */
-	if (expired) {
-		int s, p;
-		for_each_side_and_plane(s, p) {
-			gtphub_gc_bind(&hub->to_gsns[s][p]);
-		}
-	}
-static void gtphub_gc_cb(void *data)
-	struct gtphub *hub = data;
-	gtphub_gc(hub, gtphub_now());
-	osmo_timer_schedule(&hub->gc_timer, GTPH_GC_TICK_SECONDS, 0);
-static void gtphub_gc_start(struct gtphub *hub)
-	osmo_timer_setup(&hub->gc_timer, gtphub_gc_cb, hub);
-	osmo_timer_schedule(&hub->gc_timer, GTPH_GC_TICK_SECONDS, 0);
-/* called by unit tests */
-void gtphub_init(struct gtphub *hub)
-	gtphub_zero(hub);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&hub->tunnels);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&hub->pending_deletes);
-	expiry_init(&hub->expire_quickly, GTPH_EXPIRE_QUICKLY_SECS);
-	expiry_init(&hub->expire_slowly, GTPH_EXPIRE_SLOWLY_MINUTES * 60);
-	nr_pool_init(&hub->tei_pool, 1, 0xffffffff);
-	int side_idx;
-	int plane_idx;
-	for_each_side_and_plane(side_idx, plane_idx) {
-		gtphub_bind_init(&hub->to_gsns[side_idx][plane_idx]);
-	}
-	hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].label = "SGSN Ctrl";
-	hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].label = "GGSN Ctrl";
-	hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].label = "SGSN User";
-	hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].label = "GGSN User";
-/* For the test suite, this is kept separate from gtphub_stop(), which also
- * closes sockets. The test suite avoids using sockets and would cause
- * segfaults when trying to close uninitialized ofds. */
-void gtphub_free(struct gtphub *hub)
-	/* By expiring all mappings, a garbage collection should free
-	 * everything else. A gtphub_bind_free() will assert that everything is
-	 * indeed empty. */
-	expiry_clear(&hub->expire_quickly);
-	expiry_clear(&hub->expire_slowly);
-	int side_idx;
-	int plane_idx;
-	for_each_side_and_plane(side_idx, plane_idx) {
-		gtphub_gc_bind(&hub->to_gsns[side_idx][plane_idx]);
-		gtphub_bind_free(&hub->to_gsns[side_idx][plane_idx]);
-	}
-void gtphub_stop(struct gtphub *hub)
-	int side_idx;
-	int plane_idx;
-	for_each_side_and_plane(side_idx, plane_idx) {
-		gtphub_bind_stop(&hub->to_gsns[side_idx][plane_idx]);
-	}
-	gtphub_free(hub);
-static int gtphub_make_proxy(struct gtphub *hub,
-			     struct gtphub_peer_port **pp,
-			     struct gtphub_bind *bind,
-			     const struct gtphub_cfg_addr *addr)
-	if (!addr->addr_str)
-		return 0;
-	struct gsn_addr gsna;
-	if (gsn_addr_from_str(&gsna, addr->addr_str) != 0)
-		return -1;
-	*pp = gtphub_port_have(hub, bind, &gsna, addr->port);
-	/* This is *the* proxy. Make sure it is never expired. */
-	gtphub_port_ref_count_inc(*pp);
-	return 0;
-int gtphub_start(struct gtphub *hub, struct gtphub_cfg *cfg,
-		 uint8_t restart_counter)
-	gtphub_init(hub);
-	hub->restart_counter = restart_counter;
-	hub->sgsn_use_sender = cfg->sgsn_use_sender? 1 : 0;
-	/* If a Ctrl plane proxy is configured, ares will never be used. */
-	if (!cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].addr_str) {
-		if (gtphub_ares_init(hub) != 0) {
-			LOG(LOGL_FATAL, "Failed to initialize ares\n");
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
-	int side_idx;
-	int plane_idx;
-	for_each_side_and_plane(side_idx, plane_idx) {
-		int rc;
-		rc = gtphub_bind_start(&hub->to_gsns[side_idx][plane_idx],
-				       &cfg->to_gsns[side_idx][plane_idx],
-				       (side_idx == GTPH_SIDE_SGSN)
-					       ? from_sgsns_read_cb
-					       : from_ggsns_read_cb,
-				       hub, plane_idx);
-		if (rc) {
-			LOG(LOGL_FATAL, "Failed to bind for %ss (%s)\n",
-			    gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-			    gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx]);
-			return rc;
-		}
-	}
-	for_each_side_and_plane(side_idx, plane_idx) {
-		if (gtphub_make_proxy(hub,
-				      &hub->proxy[side_idx][plane_idx],
-				      &hub->to_gsns[side_idx][plane_idx],
-				      &cfg->proxy[side_idx][plane_idx])
-		    != 0) {
-			LOG(LOGL_FATAL, "Cannot configure %s proxy"
-			    " %s port %d.\n",
-			    gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-			    cfg->proxy[side_idx][plane_idx].addr_str,
-			    (int)cfg->proxy[side_idx][plane_idx].port);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
-	for_each_side_and_plane(side_idx, plane_idx) {
-		if (hub->proxy[side_idx][plane_idx])
-			LOG(LOGL_NOTICE, "Using %s %s proxy %s\n",
-			    gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-			    gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx],
-			    gtphub_port_str(hub->proxy[side_idx][plane_idx]));
-	}
-	if (hub->sgsn_use_sender)
-		LOG(LOGL_NOTICE, "Using sender address and port for SGSN instead of GSN Addr IE and default ports.\n");
-	gtphub_gc_start(hub);
-	return 0;
-static struct gtphub_peer_addr *gtphub_peer_find_addr(const struct gtphub_peer *peer,
-						      const struct gsn_addr *addr)
-	struct gtphub_peer_addr *a;
-	llist_for_each_entry(a, &peer->addresses, entry) {
-		if (gsn_addr_same(&a->addr, addr))
-			return a;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static struct gtphub_peer_port *gtphub_addr_find_port(const struct gtphub_peer_addr *a,
-						      uint16_t port)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(port);
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *pp;
-	llist_for_each_entry(pp, &a->ports, entry) {
-		if (pp->port == port)
-			return pp;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static struct gtphub_peer_addr *gtphub_addr_find(const struct gtphub_bind *bind,
-						 const struct gsn_addr *addr)
-	struct gtphub_peer *peer;
-	llist_for_each_entry(peer, &bind->peers, entry) {
-		struct gtphub_peer_addr *a = gtphub_peer_find_addr(peer, addr);
-		if (a)
-			return a;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static struct gtphub_peer_port *gtphub_port_find(const struct gtphub_bind *bind,
-						 const struct gsn_addr *addr,
-						 uint16_t port)
-	struct gtphub_peer_addr *a = gtphub_addr_find(bind, addr);
-	if (!a)
-		return NULL;
-	return gtphub_addr_find_port(a, port);
-struct gtphub_peer_port *gtphub_port_find_sa(const struct gtphub_bind *bind,
-					     const struct osmo_sockaddr *addr)
-	struct gsn_addr gsna;
-	uint16_t port;
-	gsn_addr_from_sockaddr(&gsna, &port, addr);
-	return gtphub_port_find(bind, &gsna, port);
-static struct gtphub_peer *gtphub_peer_new(struct gtphub *hub,
-					   struct gtphub_bind *bind)
-	struct gtphub_peer *peer = talloc_zero(osmo_gtphub_ctx,
-					       struct gtphub_peer);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(peer);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&peer->addresses);
-	nr_pool_init(&peer->seq_pool, 0, 0xffff);
-	nr_map_init(&peer->seq_map, &peer->seq_pool, &hub->expire_quickly);
-	/* TODO use something random to pick the initial sequence nr.
-	   0x6d31 produces the ASCII character sequence 'm1', currently used in
- */
-	peer->seq_pool.last_nr = 0x6d31 - 1;
-	llist_add(&peer->entry, &bind->peers);
-	return peer;
-static struct gtphub_peer_addr *gtphub_peer_add_addr(struct gtphub_peer *peer,
-						     const struct gsn_addr *addr)
-	struct gtphub_peer_addr *a;
-	a = talloc_zero(osmo_gtphub_ctx, struct gtphub_peer_addr);
-	a->peer = peer;
-	gsn_addr_copy(&a->addr, addr);
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&a->ports);
-	llist_add(&a->entry, &peer->addresses);
-	return a;
-static struct gtphub_peer_addr *gtphub_addr_have(struct gtphub *hub,
-						 struct gtphub_bind *bind,
-						 const struct gsn_addr *addr)
-	struct gtphub_peer_addr *a = gtphub_addr_find(bind, addr);
-	if (a)
-		return a;
-	/* If we haven't found an address, that means we need to create an
-	 * entirely new peer for the new address. More addresses may be added
-	 * to this peer later, but not via this function. */
-	struct gtphub_peer *peer = gtphub_peer_new(hub, bind);
-	a = gtphub_peer_add_addr(peer, addr);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "New peer address: %s %s\n",
-	    bind->label,
-	    gsn_addr_to_str(&a->addr));
-	return a;
-static struct gtphub_peer_port *gtphub_addr_add_port(struct gtphub_peer_addr *a,
-						     uint16_t port)
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *pp;
-	pp = talloc_zero(osmo_gtphub_ctx, struct gtphub_peer_port);
-	pp->peer_addr = a;
-	pp->port = port;
-	pp->last_restart_count = -1;
-	if (gsn_addr_to_sockaddr(&a->addr, port, &pp->sa) != 0) {
-		talloc_free(pp);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	pp->counters_io = rate_ctr_group_alloc(osmo_gtphub_ctx,
-					       &gtphub_ctrg_io_desc, 0);
-	if (!pp->counters_io) {
-		talloc_free(pp);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	llist_add(&pp->entry, &a->ports);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "New peer port: %s port %d\n",
-	    gsn_addr_to_str(&a->addr),
-	    (int)port);
-	return pp;
-struct gtphub_peer_port *gtphub_port_have(struct gtphub *hub,
-					  struct gtphub_bind *bind,
-					  const struct gsn_addr *addr,
-					  uint16_t port)
-	struct gtphub_peer_addr *a = gtphub_addr_have(hub, bind, addr);
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *pp = gtphub_addr_find_port(a, port);
-	if (pp)
-		return pp;
-	return gtphub_addr_add_port(a, port);
-/* Find a GGSN peer with a matching address. If the address is known but the
- * port not, create a new port for that peer address. */
-struct gtphub_peer_port *gtphub_known_addr_have_port(const struct gtphub_bind *bind,
-						     const struct osmo_sockaddr *addr)
-	struct gtphub_peer_addr *pa;
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *pp;
-	struct gsn_addr gsna;
-	uint16_t port;
-	gsn_addr_from_sockaddr(&gsna, &port, addr);
-	pa = gtphub_addr_find(bind, &gsna);
-	if (!pa)
-		return NULL;
-	pp = gtphub_addr_find_port(pa, port);
-	if (!pp)
-		pp = gtphub_addr_add_port(pa, port);
-	return pp;
-/* Return 0 if the message in p is not applicable for GGSN resolution, -1 if
- * resolution should be possible but failed, and 1 if resolution was
- * successful. *pp will be set to NULL if <1 is returned. */
-static int gtphub_resolve_ggsn(struct gtphub *hub,
-			       struct gtp_packet_desc *p,
-			       struct gtphub_peer_port **pp)
-	*pp = NULL;
-	/* TODO determine from message type whether IEs should be present? */
-	int rc;
-	const char *imsi_str;
-	rc = get_ie_imsi_str(p->ie, 0, &imsi_str);
-	if (rc < 1)
-		return rc;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(imsi_str);
-	const char *apn_str;
-	rc = get_ie_apn_str(p->ie, &apn_str);
-	if (rc < 1)
-		return rc;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(apn_str);
-	*pp = gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr(hub, imsi_str, apn_str);
-	return (*pp)? 1 : -1;
-/* TODO move to osmocom/core/socket.c ? */
-/* use this in osmo_sock_init() to remove dup. */
-/* Internal: call getaddrinfo for osmo_sockaddr_init(). The caller is required
-   to call freeaddrinfo(*result), iff zero is returned. */
-static int _osmo_getaddrinfo(struct addrinfo **result,
-			     uint16_t family, uint16_t type, uint8_t proto,
-			     const char *host, uint16_t port)
-	struct addrinfo hints;
-	char portbuf[16];
-	sprintf(portbuf, "%u", port);
-	memset(&hints, '\0', sizeof(struct addrinfo));
-	hints.ai_family = family;
-	if (type == SOCK_RAW) {
-		/* Workaround for glibc, that returns EAI_SERVICE (-8) if
-		 * SOCK_RAW and IPPROTO_GRE is used.
-		 */
-		hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
-		hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
-	} else {
-		hints.ai_socktype = type;
-		hints.ai_protocol = proto;
-	}
-	return getaddrinfo(host, portbuf, &hints, result);
-/* TODO move to osmocom/core/socket.c ? */
-int osmo_sockaddr_init(struct osmo_sockaddr *addr,
-		       uint16_t family, uint16_t type, uint8_t proto,
-		       const char *host, uint16_t port)
-	struct addrinfo *res;
-	int rc;
-	rc = _osmo_getaddrinfo(&res, family, type, proto, host, port);
-	if (rc != 0) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "getaddrinfo returned error %d\n", (int)rc);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	OSMO_ASSERT(res->ai_addrlen <= sizeof(addr->a));
-	memcpy(&addr->a, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen);
-	addr->l = res->ai_addrlen;
-	freeaddrinfo(res);
-	return 0;
-int osmo_sockaddr_to_strs(char *addr_str, size_t addr_str_len,
-			  char *port_str, size_t port_str_len,
-			  const struct osmo_sockaddr *addr,
-			  int flags)
-       int rc;
-       if ((addr->l < 1) || (addr->l > sizeof(addr->a))) {
-	       LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_ERROR, "Invalid address size: %d\n", addr->l);
-	       return -1;
-       }
-       if (addr->l > sizeof(addr->a)) {
-	       LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_ERROR, "Invalid address: too long: %d\n",
-		    addr->l);
-	       return -1;
-       }
-       rc = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr*)&addr->a, addr->l,
-			addr_str, addr_str_len,
-			port_str, port_str_len,
-			flags);
-       if (rc)
-	       LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_ERROR, "Invalid address: %s: %s\n",
-		    gai_strerror(rc), osmo_hexdump((uint8_t*)&addr->a,
-						   addr->l));
-       return rc;
-const char *osmo_sockaddr_to_strb(const struct osmo_sockaddr *addr,
-				  char *buf, size_t buf_len)
-	const int portbuf_len = 6;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(buf_len > portbuf_len);
-	char *portbuf = buf + buf_len - portbuf_len;
-	buf_len -= portbuf_len;
-	if (osmo_sockaddr_to_strs(buf, buf_len,
-				  portbuf, portbuf_len,
-				  addr,
-		return NULL;
-	char *pos = buf + strnlen(buf, buf_len-1);
-	size_t len = buf_len - (pos - buf);
-	snprintf(pos, len, " port %s", portbuf);
-	buf[buf_len-1] = '\0';
-	return buf;
-const char *osmo_sockaddr_to_str(const struct osmo_sockaddr *addr)
-	static char buf[256];
-	const char *result = osmo_sockaddr_to_strb(addr, buf, sizeof(buf));
-	if (! result)
-		return "(invalid)";
-	return result;
-int osmo_sockaddr_cmp(const struct osmo_sockaddr *a,
-		      const struct osmo_sockaddr *b)
-	if (a == b)
-		return 0;
-	if (!a)
-		return -1;
-	if (!b)
-		return 1;
-	if (a->l != b->l) {
-		/* Lengths are not the same, but determine the order. Will
-		 * anyone ever sort a list by osmo_sockaddr though...? */
-		int cmp = memcmp(&a->a, &b->a, (a->l < b->l)? a->l : b->l);
-		if (cmp == 0) {
-			if (a->l < b->l)
-				return -1;
-			else
-				return 1;
-		}
-		return cmp;
-	}
-	return memcmp(&a->a, &b->a, a->l);
-void osmo_sockaddr_copy(struct osmo_sockaddr *dst,
-			const struct osmo_sockaddr *src)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(src->l <= sizeof(dst->a));
-	memcpy(&dst->a, &src->a, src->l);
-	dst->l = src->l;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub_ares.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub_ares.c
deleted file mode 100644
index afeeda6..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub_ares.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-/* GTP Hub Implementation */
-/* (C) 2015 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * gtphub_ares.c.
- *
- * This file is kept separate so that these functions can be wrapped for
- * gtphub_test.c. When a function and its callers are in the same compilational
- * unit, the wrappability may be optimized away.
- *
- * Author: Neels Hofmeyr
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <openbsc/gtphub.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/apn.h>
-/* TODO split GRX ares from sgsn into a separate struct and allow use without
- * globals. */
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-extern struct sgsn_instance *sgsn;
-struct sgsn_instance sgsn_inst = { 0 };
-struct sgsn_instance *sgsn = &sgsn_inst;
-extern void *osmo_gtphub_ctx;
-int gtphub_ares_init(struct gtphub *hub)
-	return sgsn_ares_init(sgsn);
-struct ggsn_lookup {
-	struct llist_head entry;
-	struct expiring_item expiry_entry;
-	struct gtphub *hub;
-	char imsi_str[GSM23003_IMSI_MAX_DIGITS+1];
-	char apn_ni_str[GSM_APN_LENGTH];
-	char apn_oi_str[GSM_APN_LENGTH];
-	int have_3dig_mnc;
-static int start_ares_query(struct ggsn_lookup *lookup);
-static void ggsn_lookup_cb(void *arg, int status, int timeouts,
-			   struct hostent *hostent)
-	struct ggsn_lookup *lookup = arg;
-	LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_NOTICE, "ggsn_lookup_cb(%p / %p)", lookup,
-	     &lookup->expiry_entry);
-	if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) {
-		LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_ERROR, "DNS query failed.\n");
-		/* Need to try with three digits now */
-		if (!lookup->have_3dig_mnc) {
-			lookup->have_3dig_mnc = 1;
-			if (start_ares_query(lookup) == 0)
-				return;
-		}
-		LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to resolve GGSN. (%p)\n",
-		     lookup);
-		goto remove_from_queue;
-	}
-	struct gsn_addr resolved_addr;
-	if (hostent->h_length > sizeof(resolved_addr.buf)) {
-		LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_ERROR, "Addr size too large: %d > %d\n",
-		     (int)hostent->h_length, (int)sizeof(resolved_addr.buf));
-		goto remove_from_queue;
-	}
-	/* Get the first addr from the list */
-	char *addr0 = hostent->h_addr_list[0];
-	if (!addr0) {
-		LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_ERROR, "No host address.\n");
-		goto remove_from_queue;
-	}
-	memcpy(resolved_addr.buf, addr0, hostent->h_length);
-	resolved_addr.len = hostent->h_length;
-	LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_NOTICE, "resolved addr %s\n",
-	     osmo_hexdump((unsigned char*)&resolved_addr,
-			  sizeof(resolved_addr)));
-	gtphub_resolved_ggsn(lookup->hub, lookup->apn_oi_str, &resolved_addr,
-			     gtphub_now());
-	LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_ERROR, "Removing GGSN lookup. (%p / %p)\n", lookup,
-	     &lookup->expiry_entry);
-	expiring_item_del(&lookup->expiry_entry);
-static void make_addr_str(struct ggsn_lookup *lookup)
-	char *apn_oi_str;
-	apn_oi_str = osmo_apn_qualify_from_imsi(lookup->imsi_str,
-						lookup->apn_ni_str,
-						lookup->have_3dig_mnc);
-	osmo_strlcpy(lookup->apn_oi_str, apn_oi_str,
-		     sizeof(lookup->apn_oi_str));
-static int start_ares_query(struct ggsn_lookup *lookup)
-	LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_DEBUG, "Going to query %s (%p / %p)\n",
-	     lookup->apn_oi_str, lookup, &lookup->expiry_entry);
-	int rc = sgsn_ares_query(sgsn, lookup->apn_oi_str, ggsn_lookup_cb,
-				 lookup);
-	if (rc != 0)
-		LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to start ares query.\n");
-	return rc;
-static void ggsn_lookup_del_cb(struct expiring_item *expi)
-	struct ggsn_lookup *lookup;
-	lookup = container_of(expi, struct ggsn_lookup, expiry_entry);
-	LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_NOTICE, "ggsn_lookup_del_cb(%p / %p)\n", lookup,
-	     expi);
-	lookup->expiry_entry.del_cb = 0;
-	expiring_item_del(expi);
-	llist_del(&lookup->entry);
-	talloc_free(lookup);
-struct gtphub_peer_port *gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr(struct gtphub *hub,
-						  const char *imsi_str,
-						  const char *apn_ni_str)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(imsi_str);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(apn_ni_str);
-	struct ggsn_lookup *lookup = talloc_zero(osmo_gtphub_ctx,
-						 struct ggsn_lookup);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(lookup);
-	LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_DEBUG, "Request to resolve IMSI"
-	     " '%s' with APN-NI '%s' (%p / %p)\n",
-	     imsi_str, apn_ni_str, lookup, &lookup->expiry_entry);
-	expiring_item_init(&lookup->expiry_entry);
-	lookup->hub = hub;
-	osmo_strlcpy(lookup->imsi_str, imsi_str, sizeof(lookup->imsi_str));
-	osmo_strlcpy(lookup->apn_ni_str, apn_ni_str,
-		     sizeof(lookup->apn_ni_str));
-	make_addr_str(lookup);
-	struct ggsn_lookup *active;
-	llist_for_each_entry(active, &hub->ggsn_lookups, entry) {
-		if (strncmp(active->apn_oi_str, lookup->apn_oi_str,
-			    sizeof(lookup->apn_oi_str)) == 0) {
-			     "Query already pending for %s\n",
-			     lookup->apn_oi_str);
-			/* A query already pending. Just tip our hat. */
-			return NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	struct gtphub_resolved_ggsn *resolved;
-	llist_for_each_entry(resolved, &hub->resolved_ggsns, entry) {
-		if (strncmp(resolved->apn_oi_str, lookup->apn_oi_str,
-			    sizeof(lookup->apn_oi_str)) == 0) {
-			     "GGSN resolved from cache: %s -> %s\n",
-			     lookup->apn_oi_str,
-			     gtphub_port_str(resolved->peer));
-			return resolved->peer;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Kick off a resolution, but so far return nothing. The hope is that
-	 * the peer will resend the request (a couple of times), and by then
-	 * the GGSN will be resolved. */
-	     "Sending out DNS query for %s..."
-	     " (Returning failure, hoping for a retry once resolution"
-	     " has concluded)\n",
-	     lookup->apn_oi_str);
-	llist_add(&lookup->entry, &hub->ggsn_lookups);
-	lookup->expiry_entry.del_cb = ggsn_lookup_del_cb;
-	expiry_add(&hub->expire_quickly, &lookup->expiry_entry, gtphub_now());
-	start_ares_query(lookup);
-	return NULL;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub_main.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub_main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b87d19..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub_main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-/* GTP Hub main program */
-/* (C) 2015 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Neels Hofmeyr
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/signal.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/telnet_interface.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/ports.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gtphub.h>
-#include <openbsc/vty.h>
-#include "../../bscconfig.h"
-extern void *osmo_gtphub_ctx;
-const char *gtphub_copyright =
-	"Copyright (C) 2015 sysmocom s.f.m.c GmbH <>\r\n"
-	"License AGPLv3+: GNU AGPL version 2 or later <>\r\n"
-	"This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\r\n"
-	"There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\r\n";
-static struct log_info_cat gtphub_categories[] = {
-	[DGTPHUB] = {
-		.name = "DGTPHUB",
-		.description = "GTP Hub",
-		.color = "\033[1;33m",
-		.enabled = 1,
-		.loglevel = LOGL_INFO,
-	},
-int gtphub_log_filter_fn(const struct log_context *ctx,
-			 struct log_target *tar)
-	return 0;
-static const struct log_info gtphub_log_info = {
-	.filter_fn = gtphub_log_filter_fn,
-	.cat = gtphub_categories,
-	.num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(gtphub_categories),
-void log_cfg(struct gtphub_cfg *cfg)
-	int side_idx, plane_idx;
-	for_each_side_and_plane(side_idx, plane_idx) {
-		struct gtphub_cfg_addr *a;
-		a = &cfg->to_gsns[side_idx][plane_idx].bind;
-		     "to-%ss bind, %s: %s port %d\n",
-		     gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-		     gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx],
-		     a->addr_str, a->port);
-	}
-static void signal_handler(int signal)
-	fprintf(stdout, "signal %d received\n", signal);
-	switch (signal) {
-	case SIGINT:
-	case SIGTERM:
-		osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_L_GLOBAL, S_L_GLOBAL_SHUTDOWN, NULL);
-		sleep(1);
-		exit(0);
-		break;
-	case SIGABRT:
-		/* in case of abort, we want to obtain a talloc report
-		 * and then return to the caller, who will abort the process */
-	case SIGUSR1:
-	case SIGUSR2:
-		talloc_report_full(osmo_gtphub_ctx, stderr);
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-extern int bsc_vty_go_parent(struct vty *vty);
-static struct vty_app_info vty_info = {
-	.name 		= "OsmoGTPhub",
-	.version	= PACKAGE_VERSION,
-	.go_parent_cb	= bsc_vty_go_parent,
-	.is_config_node	= bsc_vty_is_config_node,
-struct cmdline_cfg {
-	const char *config_file;
-	const char *restart_counter_file;
-	int daemonize;
-static uint8_t next_restart_count(const char *path)
-	int umask_was = umask(022);
-	uint8_t counter = 0;
-	FILE *f = fopen(path, "r");
-	if (f) {
-		int rc = fscanf(f, "%hhu", &counter);
-		if (rc != 1)
-			goto failed_to_read;
-		char c;
-		while (fread(&c, 1, 1, f) > 0) {
-			switch (c) {
-			case ' ':
-			case '\t':
-			case '\n':
-			case '\r':
-				break;
-			default:
-				goto failed_to_read;
-			}
-		}
-		fclose(f);
-	}
-	counter ++;
-	f = fopen(path, "w");
-	if (!f)
-		goto failed_to_write;
-	if (fprintf(f, "%" PRIu8 "\n", counter) < 2)
-		goto failed_to_write;
-	if (fclose(f)) {
-		f = NULL;
-		goto failed_to_write;
-	}
-	umask(umask_was);
-	LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_NOTICE, "Restarted with counter %hhu\n", counter);
-	return counter;
-	fclose(f);
-	umask(umask_was);
-	LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_FATAL, "Restart counter file cannot be parsed:"
-	     " %s\n", path);
-	exit(1);
-	if (f)
-		fclose(f);
-	umask(umask_was);
-	LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_FATAL, "Restart counter file cannot be written:"
-	     " %s\n", path);
-	exit(1);
-static void print_help(struct cmdline_cfg *ccfg)
-	printf("gtphub commandline options\n");
-	printf("  -h,--help            This text.\n");
-	printf("  -D,--daemonize       Fork the process into a background daemon.\n");
-	printf("  -d,--debug <cat>     Enable Debugging for this category.\n");
-	printf("                       Pass '-d list' to get a category listing.\n");
-	printf("  -s,--disable-color\n");
-	printf("  -c,--config-file <path>  The config file to use [%s].\n",
-	       ccfg->config_file);
-	printf("  -e,--log-level <nr>      Set a global log level.\n");
-	printf("  -r,--restart-file <path> File for counting restarts [%s].\n",
-	       ccfg->restart_counter_file);
-static void list_categories(void)
-	printf("Avaliable debug categories:\n");
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < gtphub_log_info.num_cat; ++i) {
-		if (![i].name)
-			continue;
-		printf("%s\n",[i].name);
-	}
-static void handle_options(struct cmdline_cfg *ccfg, int argc, char **argv)
-	while (1) {
-		int option_index = 0, c;
-		static struct option long_options[] = {
-			{"help", 0, 0, 'h'},
-			{"debug", 1, 0, 'd'},
-			{"daemonize", 0, 0, 'D'},
-			{"config-file", 1, 0, 'c'},
-			{"disable-color", 0, 0, 's'},
-			{"timestamp", 0, 0, 'T'},
-			{"log-level", 1, 0, 'e'},
-			{"restart-file", 1, 0, 'r'},
-			{NULL, 0, 0, 0}
-		};
-		c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hd:Dc:sTe:r:",
-				long_options, &option_index);
-		if (c == -1) {
-			if (optind < argc) {
-				     "Excess commandline arguments ('%s').\n",
-				     argv[optind]);
-				exit(2);
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		switch (c) {
-		case 'h':
-			//print_usage();
-			print_help(ccfg);
-			exit(0);
-		case 's':
-			log_set_use_color(osmo_stderr_target, 0);
-			break;
-		case 'd':
-			if (strcmp("list", optarg) == 0) {
-				list_categories();
-				exit(0);
-			} else
-				log_parse_category_mask(osmo_stderr_target, optarg);
-			break;
-		case 'D':
-			ccfg->daemonize = 1;
-			break;
-		case 'c':
-			ccfg->config_file = optarg;
-			break;
-		case 'T':
-			log_set_print_timestamp(osmo_stderr_target, 1);
-			break;
-		case 'e':
-			log_set_log_level(osmo_stderr_target, atoi(optarg));
-			break;
-		case 'r':
-			ccfg->restart_counter_file = optarg;
-			break;
-		default:
-			LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_FATAL, "Invalid command line argument, abort.\n");
-			exit(1);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	int rc;
-	struct cmdline_cfg _ccfg;
-	struct cmdline_cfg *ccfg = &_ccfg;
-	memset(ccfg, '\0', sizeof(*ccfg));
-	ccfg->config_file = "./gtphub.conf";
-	ccfg->restart_counter_file = "./gtphub_restart_count";
-	struct gtphub_cfg _cfg;
-	struct gtphub_cfg *cfg = &_cfg;
-	memset(cfg, '\0', sizeof(*cfg));
-	struct gtphub _hub;
-	struct gtphub *hub = &_hub;
-	osmo_gtphub_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "osmo_gtphub");
-	msgb_talloc_ctx_init(osmo_gtphub_ctx, 0);
-	signal(SIGINT, &signal_handler);
-	signal(SIGTERM, &signal_handler);
-	signal(SIGABRT, &signal_handler);
-	signal(SIGUSR1, &signal_handler);
-	signal(SIGUSR2, &signal_handler);
-	osmo_init_ignore_signals();
-	osmo_init_logging(&gtphub_log_info);
-	vty_info.copyright = gtphub_copyright;
-	vty_init(&vty_info);
-	logging_vty_add_cmds(NULL);
-        gtphub_vty_init(hub, cfg);
-	rate_ctr_init(osmo_gtphub_ctx);
-	handle_options(ccfg, argc, argv);
-	rc = gtphub_cfg_read(cfg, ccfg->config_file);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_FATAL, "Cannot parse config file '%s'\n",
-		     ccfg->config_file);
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	/* start telnet after reading config for vty_get_bind_addr() */
-	rc = telnet_init_dynif(osmo_gtphub_ctx, 0, vty_get_bind_addr(),
-	if (rc < 0)
-		exit(1);
-	if (gtphub_start(hub, cfg,
-			 next_restart_count(ccfg->restart_counter_file))
-	    != 0)
-		return -1;
-	log_cfg(cfg);
-	if (ccfg->daemonize) {
-		rc = osmo_daemonize();
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			LOGP(DGTPHUB, LOGL_FATAL, "Error during daemonize");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-	}
-	while (1) {
-		rc = osmo_select_main(0);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			exit(3);
-	}
-	/* not reached */
-	exit(0);
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub_sock.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub_sock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 60bebaa..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub_sock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* GTP Hub Implementation */
-/* (C) 2015 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * gtphub_sock.c.
- *
- * This file is kept separate so that these functions can be wrapped for
- * gtphub_test.c. When a function and its callers are in the same compilational
- * unit, the wrappability may be optimized away.
- *
- * Author: Neels Hofmeyr
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <openbsc/gtphub.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-/* Convenience makro, note: only within this C file. */
-#define LOG(level, fmt, args...) \
-	LOGP(DGTPHUB, level, fmt, ##args)
-int gtphub_write(const struct osmo_fd *to,
-		 const struct osmo_sockaddr *to_addr,
-		 const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_len)
-	errno = 0;
-	ssize_t sent = sendto(to->fd, buf, buf_len, 0,
-			      (struct sockaddr*)&to_addr->a, to_addr->l);
-	LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "to %s\n", osmo_sockaddr_to_str(to_addr));
-	if (sent == -1) {
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	if (sent != buf_len)
-		LOG(LOGL_ERROR, "sent(%d) != data_len(%d)\n",
-		    (int)sent, (int)buf_len);
-	else
-		LOG(LOGL_DEBUG, "Sent %d: %s%s\n",
-		    (int)sent,
-		    osmo_hexdump(buf, sent > 1000? 1000 : sent),
-		    sent > 1000 ? "..." : "");
-	return 0;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub_vty.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub_vty.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a30ad2a..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/gtphub_vty.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
-/* (C) 2015 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Neels Hofmeyr
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <ares.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/command.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/misc.h>
-#include <openbsc/vty.h>
-#include <openbsc/gtphub.h>
-/* TODO split GRX ares from sgsn into a separate struct and allow use without
- * globals. */
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-extern struct sgsn_instance *sgsn;
-static struct gtphub *g_hub = 0;
-static struct gtphub_cfg *g_cfg = 0;
-static struct cmd_node gtphub_node = {
-	"%s(config-gtphub)# ",
-	1,
-static void write_addrs(struct vty *vty, const char *name,
-			struct gtphub_cfg_addr *c, struct gtphub_cfg_addr *u)
-	if ((c->port == GTPH_DEFAULT_CONTROL_PORT)
-	    && (u->port == GTPH_DEFAULT_USER_PORT)
-	    && (strcmp(c->addr_str, u->addr_str) == 0)) {
-		/* Default port numbers and same IP address: write "short"
-		 * variant. */
-		vty_out(vty, " %s %s%s",
-			name,
-			c->addr_str,
-		return;
-	}
-	vty_out(vty, " %s ctrl %s %d user %s %d%s",
-		name,
-		c->addr_str, (int)c->port,
-		u->addr_str, (int)u->port,
-	struct ares_addr_node *server;
-	for (server = sgsn->ares_servers; server; server = server->next)
-		vty_out(vty, " grx-dns-add %s%s", inet_ntoa(server->addr.addr4), VTY_NEWLINE);
-static int config_write_gtphub(struct vty *vty)
-	vty_out(vty, "gtphub%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	write_addrs(vty, "bind-to-sgsns",
-		    &g_cfg->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].bind,
-		    &g_cfg->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].bind);
-	write_addrs(vty, "bind-to-ggsns",
-		    &g_cfg->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].bind,
-		    &g_cfg->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].bind);
-	if (g_cfg->sgsn_use_sender) {
-		vty_out(vty, "sgsn-use-sender%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	}
-	if (g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].addr_str) {
-		write_addrs(vty, "sgsn-proxy",
-			    &g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL],
-			    &g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER]);
-	}
-	if (g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].addr_str) {
-		write_addrs(vty, "ggsn-proxy",
-			    &g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL],
-			    &g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER]);
-	}
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gtphub, cfg_gtphub_cmd,
-      "gtphub",
-      "Configure the GTP hub\n")
-	vty->node = GTPHUB_NODE;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define BIND_ARGS  "ctrl ADDR <0-65535> user ADDR <0-65535>"
-#define BIND_DOCS  \
-	"Set GTP-C bind\n" \
-	"GTP-C local IP address (v4 or v6)\n" \
-	"GTP-C local port\n" \
-	"Set GTP-U bind\n" \
-	"GTP-U local IP address (v4 or v6)\n" \
-	"GTP-U local port\n"
-DEFUN(cfg_gtphub_bind_to_sgsns_short, cfg_gtphub_bind_to_sgsns_short_cmd,
-	"bind-to-sgsns ADDR",
-	"GTP Hub Parameters\n"
-	"Set the local bind address to listen for SGSNs, for both GTP-C and GTP-U\n"
-	"Local IP address (v4 or v6)\n"
-	)
-	int i;
-	for_each_plane(i)
-		g_cfg->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][i].bind.addr_str = talloc_strdup(tall_vty_ctx, argv[0]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gtphub_bind_to_ggsns_short, cfg_gtphub_bind_to_ggsns_short_cmd,
-	"bind-to-ggsns ADDR",
-	"GTP Hub Parameters\n"
-	"Set the local bind address to listen for GGSNs, for both GTP-C and GTP-U\n"
-	"Local IP address (v4 or v6)\n"
-	)
-	int i;
-	for_each_plane(i)
-		g_cfg->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][i].bind.addr_str = talloc_strdup(tall_vty_ctx, argv[0]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-static int handle_binds(struct gtphub_cfg_bind *b, const char **argv)
-	b[GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].bind.addr_str = talloc_strdup(tall_vty_ctx, argv[0]);
-	b[GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].bind.port = atoi(argv[1]);
-	b[GTPH_PLANE_USER].bind.addr_str = talloc_strdup(tall_vty_ctx, argv[2]);
-	b[GTPH_PLANE_USER].bind.port = atoi(argv[3]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gtphub_bind_to_sgsns, cfg_gtphub_bind_to_sgsns_cmd,
-	"bind-to-sgsns " BIND_ARGS,
-	"GTP Hub Parameters\n"
-	"Set the local bind addresses and ports to listen for SGSNs\n"
-	)
-	return handle_binds(g_cfg->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN], argv);
-DEFUN(cfg_gtphub_bind_to_ggsns, cfg_gtphub_bind_to_ggsns_cmd,
-	"bind-to-ggsns " BIND_ARGS,
-	"GTP Hub Parameters\n"
-	"Set the local bind addresses and ports to listen for GGSNs\n"
-	)
-	return handle_binds(g_cfg->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN], argv);
-DEFUN(cfg_gtphub_ggsn_proxy_short, cfg_gtphub_ggsn_proxy_short_cmd,
-	"ggsn-proxy ADDR",
-	"GTP Hub Parameters\n"
-	"Redirect all GGSN bound traffic to default ports on this address (another gtphub)\n"
-	"Remote IP address (v4 or v6)\n"
-	)
-	g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].addr_str = talloc_strdup(tall_vty_ctx, argv[0]);
-	g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].addr_str = talloc_strdup(tall_vty_ctx, argv[0]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gtphub_ggsn_proxy, cfg_gtphub_ggsn_proxy_cmd,
-	"ggsn-proxy " BIND_ARGS,
-	"GTP Hub Parameters\n"
-	"Redirect all GGSN bound traffic to these addresses and ports (another gtphub)\n"
-	)
-	g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].addr_str = talloc_strdup(tall_vty_ctx, argv[0]);
-	g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].port = atoi(argv[1]);
-	g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].addr_str = talloc_strdup(tall_vty_ctx, argv[2]);
-	g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].port = atoi(argv[3]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gtphub_sgsn_proxy_short, cfg_gtphub_sgsn_proxy_short_cmd,
-	"sgsn-proxy ADDR",
-	"GTP Hub Parameters\n"
-	"Redirect all SGSN bound traffic to default ports on this address (another gtphub)\n"
-	"Remote IP address (v4 or v6)\n"
-	)
-	g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].addr_str = talloc_strdup(tall_vty_ctx, argv[0]);
-	g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].addr_str = talloc_strdup(tall_vty_ctx, argv[0]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gtphub_sgsn_proxy, cfg_gtphub_sgsn_proxy_cmd,
-	"sgsn-proxy " BIND_ARGS,
-	"GTP Hub Parameters\n"
-	"Redirect all SGSN bound traffic to these addresses and ports (another gtphub)\n"
-	)
-	g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].addr_str = talloc_strdup(tall_vty_ctx, argv[0]);
-	g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].port = atoi(argv[1]);
-	g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].addr_str = talloc_strdup(tall_vty_ctx, argv[2]);
-	g_cfg->proxy[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].port = atoi(argv[3]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-	"Ignore SGSN's Address IEs, use sender address and port (useful over NAT)\n"
-      cfg_gtphub_sgsn_use_sender_cmd,
-      "sgsn-use-sender",
-	g_cfg->sgsn_use_sender = 1;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-      cfg_gtphub_no_sgsn_use_sender_cmd,
-      "no sgsn-use-sender",
-	g_cfg->sgsn_use_sender = 0;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-/* Copied from sgsn_vty.h */
-DEFUN(cfg_grx_ggsn, cfg_grx_ggsn_cmd,
-	"grx-dns-add A.B.C.D",
-	"Add DNS server\nIPv4 address\n")
-	struct ares_addr_node *node = talloc_zero(tall_bsc_ctx, struct ares_addr_node);
-	node->family = AF_INET;
-	inet_aton(argv[0], &node->addr.addr4);
-	node->next = sgsn->ares_servers;
-	sgsn->ares_servers = node;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-static void show_bind_stats_all(struct vty *vty)
-	int plane_idx;
-	for_each_plane(plane_idx) {
-		vty_out(vty, "- %s Plane:%s",
-			gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx], VTY_NEWLINE);
-		int side_idx;
-		for_each_side(side_idx) {
-			struct gtphub_bind *b = &g_hub->to_gsns[side_idx][plane_idx];
-			vty_out(vty, "  - local addr to/from %ss: %s port %d%s",
-				gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-				gsn_addr_to_str(&b->local_addr), (int)b->local_port,
-			vty_out_rate_ctr_group(vty, "    ", b->counters_io);
-		}
-	}
-static void show_tunnel_stats(struct vty *vty, struct gtphub_tunnel *tun)
-	int plane_idx;
-	for_each_plane(plane_idx) {
-		vty_out(vty, "- %s Plane:%s",
-			gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx], VTY_NEWLINE);
-		int side_idx;
-		for_each_side(side_idx) {
-			struct gtphub_tunnel_endpoint *te = &tun->endpoint[side_idx][plane_idx];
-			vty_out(vty, "  - to/from %s:%s",
-				gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-			vty_out_rate_ctr_group(vty, "    ", te->counters_io);
-		}
-	}
-static void show_peer_summary(struct vty *vty, const char *prefix,
-			      int side_idx, int plane_idx,
-			      struct gtphub_peer *p, int with_io_stats)
-	struct gtphub_peer_addr *pa;
-	int p2l = strlen(prefix) + 4 + 1;
-	char prefix2[p2l];
-	memset(prefix2, ' ', p2l - 1);
-	prefix2[p2l - 1] = '\0';
-	if (with_io_stats) {
-		llist_for_each_entry(pa, &p->addresses, entry) {
-			vty_out(vty, "%s- %s %s %s%s", prefix,
-				gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-				gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx],
-				gsn_addr_to_str(&pa->addr),
-			struct gtphub_peer_port *pp;
-			llist_for_each_entry(pp, &pa->ports, entry) {
-				vty_out(vty, "%s  Port %" PRIu16 "%s", prefix, pp->port, VTY_NEWLINE);
-				vty_out_rate_ctr_group(vty, prefix2, pp->counters_io);
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		llist_for_each_entry(pa, &p->addresses, entry) {
-			vty_out(vty, "%s- %s %s %s", prefix,
-				gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-				gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx],
-				gsn_addr_to_str(&pa->addr));
-			struct gtphub_peer_port *pp;
-			llist_for_each_entry(pp, &pa->ports, entry) {
-				vty_out(vty, ":%" PRIu16, pp->port);
-			}
-			vty_out(vty, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		}
-	}
-static void show_peers_summary(struct vty *vty)
-	int side_idx;
-	int plane_idx;
-	int count[GTPH_SIDE_N][GTPH_PLANE_N] = {{0}};
-	for_each_side(side_idx) {
-		for_each_plane(plane_idx) {
-			struct gtphub_peer *p;
-			llist_for_each_entry(p, &g_hub->to_gsns[side_idx][plane_idx].peers, entry) {
-				count[side_idx][plane_idx] ++;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	vty_out(vty, "Peers Count:%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	for_each_side_and_plane(side_idx, plane_idx) {
-		vty_out(vty, "  %s %s peers: %d%s",
-			gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-			gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx],
-			count[side_idx][plane_idx],
-	}
-static void show_peers_all(struct vty *vty, int with_io_stats)
-	int side_idx;
-	int plane_idx;
-	int count[GTPH_SIDE_N][GTPH_PLANE_N] = {{0}};
-	vty_out(vty, "All Peers%s%s",
-		with_io_stats? " with I/O stats" : "",
-	for_each_side(side_idx) {
-		vty_out(vty, "- %s%s", gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx], VTY_NEWLINE);
-		for_each_plane(plane_idx) {
-			struct gtphub_peer *p;
-			llist_for_each_entry(p, &g_hub->to_gsns[side_idx][plane_idx].peers, entry) {
-				count[side_idx][plane_idx] ++;
-				show_peer_summary(vty, "    ", side_idx, plane_idx, p, with_io_stats);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	for_each_side_and_plane(side_idx, plane_idx) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%s %s peers: %d%s",
-			gtphub_side_idx_names[side_idx],
-			gtphub_plane_idx_names[plane_idx],
-			count[side_idx][plane_idx],
-	}
-static void show_tunnels_summary(struct vty *vty)
-	time_t now = gtphub_now();
-	const int w = 36;
-	int max_expiry = g_hub->expire_slowly.expiry_in_seconds;
-	float seconds_per_step = ((float)max_expiry) / w;
-	/* Print TEI mapping expiry in an ASCII histogram, like:
-	     TEI map summary
-	       Legend:  '_'=0  '.'<=1%  ':'<=2%  '|'<=10%  '#'>10%  (10.0 m/step)
-	       CTRL: 30 mappings, valid for 360m[#  :.    |   .    :  .              ]1m
-	       USER: 30 mappings, valid for 360m[#  :.    |   .    :  .              ]1m
-	       4 TEI mappings in total, last expiry in 359.4 min
-	 */
-	vty_out(vty,
-		"Tunnels summary%s"
-		"  Legend:  ' '=0  '.'<=1%%  ':'<=2%%  '|'<=10%%  '#'>10%%  (%.1f m/step)%s",
-		seconds_per_step / 60.,
-	int last_expiry = 0;
-	unsigned int count = 0;
-	int histogram[w];
-	memset(histogram, 0, sizeof(histogram));
-	struct gtphub_tunnel *t;
-	llist_for_each_entry(t, &g_hub->tunnels, entry) {
-		count ++;
-		int expiry = t->expiry_entry.expiry - now;
-		last_expiry = (last_expiry > expiry) ? last_expiry : expiry;
-		int hi = ((float)expiry) / seconds_per_step;
-		if (hi < 0)
-			hi = 0;
-		if (hi > (w - 1))
-			hi = w - 1;
-		histogram[hi] ++;
-	}
-	vty_out(vty,
-		"  %u tunnels, valid for %dm[",
-		count, max_expiry / 60);
-	int i;
-	for (i = w - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-		char c;
-		int val = histogram[i];
-		int percent = 100. * val / count;
-		if (!val)
-			c = ' ';
-		else if (percent <= 1)
-			c = '.';
-		else if (percent <= 2)
-			c = ':';
-		else if (percent <= 10)
-			c = '|';
-		else c = '#';
-		vty_out(vty, "%c", c);
-	}
-	vty_out(vty, "]1m%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, "  last expiry in %.1f min%s",
-		((float)last_expiry) / 60.,
-static void show_tunnels_all(struct vty *vty, int with_io_stats)
-	time_t now = gtphub_now();
-	vty_out(vty, "All tunnels%s:%s"
-		"Legend: TEI=<hex>: SGSN <-> GGSN (expiry in minutes), with each:%s"
-		"        <IP-Ctrl>[/<IP-User>] (TEI C=<TEI-Ctrl-hex> U=<TEI-User-hex>)%s",
-		with_io_stats? "with I/O stats" : "",
-	unsigned int count = 0;
-	unsigned int incomplete = 0;
-	struct gtphub_tunnel *tun;
-	llist_for_each_entry(tun, &g_hub->tunnels, entry) {
-		vty_out(vty,
-			"%s (expiry in %dm)%s",
-			gtphub_tunnel_str(tun),
-			(int)((tun->expiry_entry.expiry - now) / 60),
-		count ++;
-		if (!gtphub_tunnel_complete(tun))
-			incomplete ++;
-		if (with_io_stats)
-			show_tunnel_stats(vty, tun);
-	}
-	vty_out(vty, "Total: %u tunnels (of which %u incomplete)%s",
-		count, incomplete, VTY_NEWLINE);
-#define SHOW_GTPHUB_STRS   SHOW_STR "Show info on running GTP hub\n"
-#define SHOW_GTPHUB_TUNS_STRS  SHOW_GTPHUB_STRS "Active tunnels\n"
-DEFUN(show_gtphub_peers_summary, show_gtphub_peers_summary_cmd, "show gtphub peers summary",
-      SHOW_GTPHUB_PEERS_STRS "Summary of all peers\n")
-	show_peers_summary(vty);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_gtphub_peers_list, show_gtphub_peers_list_cmd, "show gtphub peers list",
-      SHOW_GTPHUB_PEERS_STRS "List all peers\n")
-	show_peers_all(vty, 0);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_gtphub_peers_stats, show_gtphub_peers_stats_cmd, "show gtphub peers stats",
-      SHOW_GTPHUB_PEERS_STRS "List all peers with I/O stats\n")
-	show_peers_all(vty, 1);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_gtphub_tunnels_summary, show_gtphub_tunnels_summary_cmd, "show gtphub tunnels summary",
-      SHOW_GTPHUB_TUNS_STRS "Summary of all tunnels\n")
-	show_tunnels_summary(vty);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_gtphub_tunnels_list, show_gtphub_tunnels_list_cmd, "show gtphub tunnels list",
-      SHOW_GTPHUB_TUNS_STRS "List all tunnels\n")
-	show_tunnels_all(vty, 0);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_gtphub_tunnels_stats, show_gtphub_tunnels_stats_cmd, "show gtphub tunnels stats",
-      SHOW_GTPHUB_TUNS_STRS "List all tunnels with I/O stats\n")
-	show_tunnels_all(vty, 1);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_gtphub, show_gtphub_cmd, "show gtphub all",
-      SHOW_GTPHUB_STRS "Summarize everything about the GTP hub\n")
-	show_bind_stats_all(vty);
-	show_peers_summary(vty);
-	show_tunnels_summary(vty);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-int gtphub_vty_init(struct gtphub *global_hub, struct gtphub_cfg *global_cfg)
-	g_hub = global_hub;
-	g_cfg = global_cfg;
-	install_element_ve(&show_gtphub_cmd);
-	install_element_ve(&show_gtphub_peers_summary_cmd);
-	install_element_ve(&show_gtphub_peers_list_cmd);
-	install_element_ve(&show_gtphub_peers_stats_cmd);
-	install_element_ve(&show_gtphub_tunnels_summary_cmd);
-	install_element_ve(&show_gtphub_tunnels_list_cmd);
-	install_element_ve(&show_gtphub_tunnels_stats_cmd);
-	install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_gtphub_cmd);
-	install_node(&gtphub_node, config_write_gtphub);
-	vty_install_default(GTPHUB_NODE);
-	install_element(GTPHUB_NODE, &cfg_gtphub_bind_to_sgsns_short_cmd);
-	install_element(GTPHUB_NODE, &cfg_gtphub_bind_to_sgsns_cmd);
-	install_element(GTPHUB_NODE, &cfg_gtphub_bind_to_ggsns_short_cmd);
-	install_element(GTPHUB_NODE, &cfg_gtphub_bind_to_ggsns_cmd);
-	install_element(GTPHUB_NODE, &cfg_gtphub_ggsn_proxy_short_cmd);
-	install_element(GTPHUB_NODE, &cfg_gtphub_ggsn_proxy_cmd);
-	install_element(GTPHUB_NODE, &cfg_gtphub_sgsn_proxy_short_cmd);
-	install_element(GTPHUB_NODE, &cfg_gtphub_sgsn_proxy_cmd);
-	install_element(GTPHUB_NODE, &cfg_gtphub_sgsn_use_sender_cmd);
-	install_element(GTPHUB_NODE, &cfg_gtphub_no_sgsn_use_sender_cmd);
-	install_element(GTPHUB_NODE, &cfg_grx_ggsn_cmd);
-	return 0;
-int gtphub_cfg_read(struct gtphub_cfg *cfg, const char *config_file)
-	int rc;
-	rc = vty_read_config_file(config_file, NULL);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse the config file: '%s'\n", config_file);
-		return rc;
-	}
-	return 0;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/osmo_sgsn.cfg b/openbsc/src/gprs/osmo_sgsn.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index c4c9ec1..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/osmo_sgsn.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-! Osmocom SGSN ( configuration saved from vty
-line vty
- no login
- gtp local-ip
- ggsn 0 remote-ip
- ggsn 0 gtp-version 1
- timer tns-block 3
- timer tns-block-retries 3
- timer tns-reset 3
- timer tns-reset-retries 3
- timer tns-test 30
- timer tns-alive 3
- timer tns-alive-retries 10
- encapsulation udp local-ip
- encapsulation udp local-port 23000
- encapsulation framerelay-gre enabled 0
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_ares.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_ares.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d94d184..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_ares.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-/* C-ARES DNS resolver integration */
- * (C) 2015 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-struct cares_event_fd {
-	struct llist_head head;
-	struct osmo_fd fd;
-struct cares_cb_data {
-	ares_host_callback cb;
-	void *data;
-static void osmo_ares_reschedule(struct sgsn_instance *sgsn);
-static void ares_cb(void *_arg, int status, int timeouts, struct hostent *hostent)
-	struct cares_cb_data *arg = _arg;
-	arg->cb(arg->data, status, timeouts, hostent);
-	osmo_ares_reschedule(sgsn);
-	talloc_free(arg);
-static int ares_osmo_fd_cb(struct osmo_fd *fd, unsigned int what)
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_DEBUG, "C-ares fd(%d) ready(%d)\n", fd->fd, what);
-	ares_process_fd(sgsn->ares_channel,
-			(what & BSC_FD_READ) ? fd->fd : ARES_SOCKET_BAD,
-			(what & BSC_FD_WRITE) ? fd->fd : ARES_SOCKET_BAD);
-	osmo_ares_reschedule(sgsn);
-	return 0;
-static void ares_timeout_cb(void *data)
-	struct sgsn_instance *sgsn = data;
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_DEBUG, "C-ares triggering timeout\n");
-	ares_process_fd(sgsn->ares_channel, ARES_SOCKET_BAD, ARES_SOCKET_BAD);
-	osmo_ares_reschedule(sgsn);
-static void osmo_ares_reschedule(struct sgsn_instance *sgsn)
-	struct timeval *timeout, tv;
-	osmo_timer_del(&sgsn->ares_timer);
-	timeout = ares_timeout(sgsn->ares_channel, NULL, &tv);
-	if (timeout) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_DEBUG, "C-ares scheduling timeout %llu.%llu\n",
-			(unsigned long long) tv.tv_sec,
-			(unsigned long long) tv.tv_usec);
-		osmo_timer_setup(&sgsn->ares_timer, ares_timeout_cb, sgsn);
-		osmo_timer_schedule(&sgsn->ares_timer, tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
-	}
-static void setup_ares_osmo_fd(void *data, int fd, int read, int write)
-	struct cares_event_fd *ufd, *tmp;
-	/* delete the entry */
-	if (read == 0 && write == 0) {
-		llist_for_each_entry_safe(ufd, tmp, &sgsn->ares_fds, head) {
-			if (ufd->fd.fd != fd)
-				continue;
-				"Removing C-ares watched fd (%d)\n", fd);
-			osmo_fd_unregister(&ufd->fd);
-			llist_del(&ufd->head);
-			talloc_free(ufd);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Search for the fd or create a new one */
-	llist_for_each_entry(ufd, &sgsn->ares_fds, head) {
-		if (ufd->fd.fd != fd)
-			continue;
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Updating C-ares fd (%d)\n", fd);
-		goto update_fd;
-	}
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Registering C-ares fd (%d)\n", fd);
-	ufd = talloc_zero(tall_bsc_ctx, struct cares_event_fd);
-	ufd->fd.fd = fd;
-	ufd->fd.cb = ares_osmo_fd_cb;
-	ufd-> = data;
-	if (osmo_fd_register(&ufd->fd) != 0)
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to register C-ares fd (%d)\n", fd);
-	llist_add(&ufd->head, &sgsn->ares_fds);
-	if (read)
-		ufd->fd.when |= BSC_FD_READ;
-	else
-		ufd->fd.when &= ~BSC_FD_READ;
-	if (write)
-		ufd->fd.when |= BSC_FD_WRITE;
-	else
-		ufd->fd.when &= ~BSC_FD_WRITE;
-	osmo_ares_reschedule(sgsn);
-int sgsn_ares_query(struct sgsn_instance *sgsn, const char *name,
-			ares_host_callback cb, void *data)
-	struct cares_cb_data *cb_data;
-	cb_data = talloc_zero(tall_bsc_ctx, struct cares_cb_data);
-	cb_data->cb = cb;
-	cb_data->data = data;
-	ares_gethostbyname(sgsn->ares_channel, name, AF_INET, ares_cb, cb_data);
-	osmo_ares_reschedule(sgsn);
-	return 0;
-int sgsn_ares_init(struct sgsn_instance *sgsn)
-	struct ares_options options;
-	int optmask;
-	int rc;
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&sgsn->ares_fds);
-	memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options));
-	options.sock_state_cb = setup_ares_osmo_fd;
-	options.sock_state_cb_data = sgsn;
-	if (sgsn->ares_servers)
-		optmask |= ARES_OPT_SERVERS;
-	ares_library_init(ARES_LIB_INIT_ALL);
-	rc = ares_init_options(&sgsn->ares_channel, &options, optmask);
-	if (rc != ARES_SUCCESS)
-		return rc;
-	if (sgsn->ares_servers)
-		rc = ares_set_servers(sgsn->ares_channel, sgsn->ares_servers);
-	return rc;
-osmo_static_assert(ARES_SUCCESS == 0, ares_success_zero);
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_auth.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_auth.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a64339c..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_auth.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-/* MS authorization and subscriber data handling */
-/* (C) 2009-2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08_gprs.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gmm.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_subscriber.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-const struct value_string auth_state_names[] = {
-	{ SGSN_AUTH_ACCEPTED,	"accepted"},
-	{ SGSN_AUTH_REJECTED,	"rejected"},
-	{ SGSN_AUTH_UNKNOWN,	"unknown"},
-	{ SGSN_AUTH_AUTHENTICATE, "authenticate" },
-	{ 0, NULL }
-const struct value_string *sgsn_auth_state_names = auth_state_names;
-void sgsn_auth_init(void)
-	INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&sgsn->cfg.imsi_acl);
-/* temporary IMSI ACL hack */
-struct imsi_acl_entry *sgsn_acl_lookup(const char *imsi, struct sgsn_config *cfg)
-	struct imsi_acl_entry *acl;
-	llist_for_each_entry(acl, &cfg->imsi_acl, list) {
-		if (!strcmp(imsi, acl->imsi))
-			return acl;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-int sgsn_acl_add(const char *imsi, struct sgsn_config *cfg)
-	struct imsi_acl_entry *acl;
-	if (sgsn_acl_lookup(imsi, cfg))
-		return -EEXIST;
-	acl = talloc_zero(NULL, struct imsi_acl_entry);
-	if (!acl)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	osmo_strlcpy(acl->imsi, imsi, sizeof(acl->imsi));
-	llist_add(&acl->list, &cfg->imsi_acl);
-	return 0;
-int sgsn_acl_del(const char *imsi, struct sgsn_config *cfg)
-	struct imsi_acl_entry *acl;
-	acl = sgsn_acl_lookup(imsi, cfg);
-	if (!acl)
-		return -ENODEV;
-	llist_del(&acl->list);
-	talloc_free(acl);
-	return 0;
-enum sgsn_auth_state sgsn_auth_state(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	char mccmnc[16];
-	int check_net = 0;
-	int check_acl = 0;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(mmctx);
-	switch (sgsn->cfg.auth_policy) {
-		check_net = 1;
-		check_acl = 1;
-		break;
-		check_acl = 1;
-		break;
-		if (!mmctx->subscr)
-			return mmctx->auth_state;
-		if (mmctx->subscr->flags & GPRS_SUBSCRIBER_UPDATE_PENDING_MASK)
-			return mmctx->auth_state;
-		if (sgsn->cfg.require_authentication &&
-		    (!mmctx->is_authenticated ||
-		     mmctx->subscr->sgsn_data->auth_triplets_updated))
-		if (mmctx->subscr->authorized)
-	}
-	if (!strlen(mmctx->imsi)) {
-			  "Missing IMSI, authorization state not known\n");
-	}
-	if (check_net) {
-		/* We simply assume that the IMSI exists, as long as it is part
-		 * of 'our' network */
-		snprintf(mccmnc, sizeof(mccmnc), "%03d%02d",
-			 mmctx->ra.mcc, mmctx->ra.mnc);
-		if (strncmp(mccmnc, mmctx->imsi, 5) == 0)
-	}
-	if (check_acl && sgsn_acl_lookup(mmctx->imsi, &sgsn->cfg))
- * This function is directly called by e.g. the GMM layer. It returns either
- * after calling sgsn_auth_update directly or after triggering an asynchronous
- * procedure which will call sgsn_auth_update later on.
- */
-int sgsn_auth_request(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	struct gsm_auth_tuple *at;
-	int need_update_location;
-	int rc;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_DEBUG, mmctx, "Requesting authorization\n");
-	if (sgsn->cfg.auth_policy != SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_REMOTE) {
-		sgsn_auth_update(mmctx);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	need_update_location = sgsn->cfg.require_update_location &&
-		(mmctx->subscr == NULL ||
-		 mmctx->pending_req == GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ);
-	/* This has the side effect of registering the subscr with the mmctx */
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_or_create_by_mmctx(mmctx);
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(mmctx->subscr != NULL);
-	if (sgsn->cfg.require_authentication && !mmctx->is_authenticated) {
-		/* Find next tuple */
-		at = sgsn_auth_get_tuple(mmctx, mmctx->auth_triplet.key_seq);
-		if (!at) {
-			/* No valid tuple found, request fresh ones */
-			mmctx->auth_triplet.key_seq = GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL;
-				  "Requesting authentication tuples\n");
-			rc = gprs_subscr_request_auth_info(mmctx, NULL, NULL);
-			if (rc >= 0)
-				return 0;
-			return rc;
-		}
-		mmctx->auth_triplet = *at;
-	} else if (need_update_location) {
-			  "Missing information, requesting subscriber data\n");
-		rc = gprs_subscr_request_update_location(mmctx);
-		if (rc >= 0)
-			return 0;
-		return rc;
-	}
-	sgsn_auth_update(mmctx);
-	return 0;
-void sgsn_auth_update(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	enum sgsn_auth_state auth_state;
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr = mmctx->subscr;
-	struct gsm_auth_tuple *at;
-	int gmm_cause;
-	auth_state = sgsn_auth_state(mmctx);
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_DEBUG, mmctx, "Updating authorization (%s -> %s)\n",
-		  get_value_string(sgsn_auth_state_names, mmctx->auth_state),
-		  get_value_string(sgsn_auth_state_names, auth_state));
-	if (auth_state == SGSN_AUTH_UNKNOWN && subscr &&
-	    !(subscr->flags & GPRS_SUBSCRIBER_UPDATE_PENDING_MASK)) {
-		/* Reject requests if gprs_subscr_request_update_location fails */
-			  "Missing information, authorization not possible\n");
-		auth_state = SGSN_AUTH_REJECTED;
-	}
-	if (auth_state == SGSN_AUTH_AUTHENTICATE &&
-	    mmctx->auth_triplet.key_seq == GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL) {
-		/* The current tuple is not valid, but we are possibly called
-		 * because new auth tuples have been received */
-		at = sgsn_auth_get_tuple(mmctx, mmctx->auth_triplet.key_seq);
-		if (!at) {
-				  "Missing auth tuples, authorization not possible\n");
-			auth_state = SGSN_AUTH_REJECTED;
-		} else {
-			mmctx->auth_triplet = *at;
-		}
-	}
-	if (mmctx->auth_state == auth_state)
-		return;
-	LOGMMCTXP(LOGL_INFO, mmctx, "Got authorization update: state %s -> %s\n",
-		  get_value_string(sgsn_auth_state_names, mmctx->auth_state),
-		  get_value_string(sgsn_auth_state_names, auth_state));
-	mmctx->auth_state = auth_state;
-	switch (auth_state) {
-		if (subscr)
-			subscr->sgsn_data->auth_triplets_updated = 0;
-		gsm0408_gprs_authenticate(mmctx);
-		break;
-		gsm0408_gprs_access_granted(mmctx);
-		break;
-		gmm_cause =
-			subscr ? subscr->sgsn_data->error_cause :
-		if (subscr && (subscr->flags & GPRS_SUBSCRIBER_CANCELLED) != 0)
-			gsm0408_gprs_access_cancelled(mmctx, gmm_cause);
-		else
-			gsm0408_gprs_access_denied(mmctx, gmm_cause);
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-struct gsm_auth_tuple *sgsn_auth_get_tuple(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx,
-					   unsigned key_seq)
-	unsigned count;
-	unsigned idx;
-	struct gsm_auth_tuple *at = NULL;
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_data *sdata;
-	if (!mmctx->subscr)
-		return NULL;
-	if (key_seq == GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL)
-		/* Start with 0 after increment module array size */
-		idx = ARRAY_SIZE(sdata->auth_triplets) - 1;
-	else
-		idx = key_seq;
-	sdata = mmctx->subscr->sgsn_data;
-	/* Find next tuple */
-	for (count = ARRAY_SIZE(sdata->auth_triplets); count > 0; count--) {
-		idx = (idx + 1) % ARRAY_SIZE(sdata->auth_triplets);
-		if (sdata->auth_triplets[idx].key_seq == GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL)
-			continue;
-		if (sdata->auth_triplets[idx].use_count == 0) {
-			at = &sdata->auth_triplets[idx];
-			at->use_count = 1;
-			return at;
-		}
-	}
-	return NULL;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_cdr.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_cdr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ea9d4..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_cdr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS SGSN CDR dumper */
-/* (C) 2015 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/signal.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/apn.h>
-#include <openbsc/vty.h>
-#include <gtp.h>
-#include <pdp.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-/* TODO...avoid going through a global */
-extern struct sgsn_instance *sgsn;
- * The CDR module will generate an entry like:
- *
- * IMSI, # Subscriber IMSI
- * IMEI, # Subscriber IMEI
- * MSISDN, # Subscriber MISDN
- * Charging_Timestamp, # Event start Time
- * Charging_UTC, # Time zone of event start time
- * Duration, # Session DURATION
- * Cell_Id, # CELL_ID
- * Location_Area, # LAC
- * APNI, # APNI
- * VOL_IN, # VOL_IN in Bytes
- * VOL_OUT, # VOL_OUT in Bytes
- */
-static void maybe_print_header(FILE *cdr_file)
-	if (ftell(cdr_file) != 0)
-		return;
-	fprintf(cdr_file, "timestamp,imsi,imei,msisdn,cell_id,lac,hlr,event,pdp_duration,ggsn_addr,sgsn_addr,apni,eua_addr,vol_in,vol_out,charging_id\n");
-static void cdr_log_mm(struct sgsn_instance *inst, const char *ev,
-			struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	FILE *cdr_file;
-	struct tm tm;
-	struct timeval tv;
-	if (!inst->cfg.cdr.filename)
-		return;
-	cdr_file = fopen(inst->cfg.cdr.filename, "a");
-	if (!cdr_file) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to open %s\n",
-			inst->cfg.cdr.filename);
-		return;
-	}
-	maybe_print_header(cdr_file);
-	gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
-	gmtime_r(&tv.tv_sec, &tm);
-	fprintf(cdr_file, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%03d,%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%s,%s\n",
-		tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday,
-		tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec,
-		(int)(tv.tv_usec / 1000),
-		mmctx->imsi,
-		mmctx->imei,
-		mmctx->msisdn,
-		mmctx->gb.cell_id,
-		mmctx->ra.lac,
-		mmctx->hlr,
-		ev);
-	fclose(cdr_file);
-static void extract_eua(struct ul66_t *eua, char *eua_addr)
-	if (eua->l < 2)
-		return;
-	/* there is no addr for ETSI/PPP */
-	if ((eua->v[0] & 0x0F) != 1) {
-		strcpy(eua_addr, "ETSI");
-		return;
-	}
-	if (eua->v[1] == 0x21 && eua->l == 6)
-		inet_ntop(AF_INET, &eua->v[2], eua_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
-	else if (eua->v[1] == 0x57 && eua->l == 18)
-		inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &eua->v[2], eua_addr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
-	else {
-		/* e.g. both IPv4 and IPv6 */
-		strcpy(eua_addr, "Unknown address");
-	}
-static void cdr_log_pdp(struct sgsn_instance *inst, const char *ev,
-			struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp)
-	FILE *cdr_file;
-	char apni[(pdp->lib ? pdp->lib->apn_use.l : 0) + 1];
-	char ggsn_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];
-	char sgsn_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];
-	char eua_addr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];
-	struct tm tm;
-	struct timeval tv;
-	time_t duration;
-	struct timespec tp;
-	if (!inst->cfg.cdr.filename)
-		return;
-	memset(apni, 0, sizeof(apni));
-	memset(ggsn_addr, 0, sizeof(ggsn_addr));
-	memset(eua_addr, 0, sizeof(eua_addr));
-	if (pdp->lib) {
-		osmo_apn_to_str(apni, pdp->lib->apn_use.v, pdp->lib->apn_use.l);
-		inet_ntop(AF_INET, &pdp->lib->hisaddr0.s_addr, ggsn_addr, sizeof(ggsn_addr));
-		extract_eua(&pdp->lib->eua, eua_addr);
-	}
-	if (pdp->ggsn)
-		inet_ntop(AF_INET, &pdp->ggsn->gsn->gsnc.s_addr, sgsn_addr, sizeof(sgsn_addr));
-	cdr_file = fopen(inst->cfg.cdr.filename, "a");
-	if (!cdr_file) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to open %s\n",
-			inst->cfg.cdr.filename);
-		return;
-	}
-	maybe_print_header(cdr_file);
-	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tp);
-	gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
-	/* convert the timestamp to UTC */
-	gmtime_r(&tv.tv_sec, &tm);
-	/* Check the duration of the PDP context */
-	duration = tp.tv_sec - pdp->cdr_start.tv_sec;
-	fprintf(cdr_file,
-		"%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%03d,%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%s,%s,%ld,%s,%s,%s,%s,%" PRIu64 ",%" PRIu64 ",%u\n",
-		tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday,
-		tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec,
-		(int)(tv.tv_usec / 1000),
-		pdp->mm ? pdp->mm->imsi : "N/A",
-		pdp->mm ? pdp->mm->imei : "N/A",
-		pdp->mm ? pdp->mm->msisdn : "N/A",
-		pdp->mm ? pdp->mm->gb.cell_id : -1,
-		pdp->mm ? pdp->mm->ra.lac : -1,
-		pdp->mm ? pdp->mm->hlr : "N/A",
-		ev,
-		(unsigned long ) duration,
-		ggsn_addr,
-		sgsn_addr,
-		apni,
-		eua_addr,
-		pdp->cdr_bytes_in,
-		pdp->cdr_bytes_out,
-		pdp->cdr_charging_id);
-	fclose(cdr_file);
-static void cdr_pdp_timeout(void *_data)
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp = _data;
-	cdr_log_pdp(sgsn, "pdp-periodic", pdp);
-	osmo_timer_schedule(&pdp->cdr_timer, sgsn->cfg.cdr.interval, 0);
-static int handle_sgsn_sig(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
-			void *handler_data, void *_signal_data)
-	struct sgsn_signal_data *signal_data = _signal_data;
-	struct sgsn_instance *inst = handler_data;
-	if (subsys != SS_SGSN)
-		return 0;
-	switch (signal) {
-		cdr_log_mm(inst, "attach", signal_data->mm);
-		break;
-		cdr_log_mm(inst, "update", signal_data->mm);
-		break;
-		cdr_log_mm(inst, "detach", signal_data->mm);
-		break;
-	case S_SGSN_MM_FREE:
-		cdr_log_mm(inst, "free", signal_data->mm);
-		break;
-	case S_SGSN_PDP_ACT:
-		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &signal_data->pdp->cdr_start);
-		signal_data->pdp->cdr_charging_id = signal_data->pdp->lib->cid;
-		cdr_log_pdp(inst, "pdp-act", signal_data->pdp);
-		osmo_timer_setup(&signal_data->pdp->cdr_timer, cdr_pdp_timeout,
-				 signal_data->pdp);
-		osmo_timer_schedule(&signal_data->pdp->cdr_timer, inst->cfg.cdr.interval, 0);
-		break;
-		cdr_log_pdp(inst, "pdp-deact", signal_data->pdp);
-		osmo_timer_del(&signal_data->pdp->cdr_timer);
-		break;
-		cdr_log_pdp(inst, "pdp-terminate", signal_data->pdp);
-		osmo_timer_del(&signal_data->pdp->cdr_timer);
-		break;
-		cdr_log_pdp(inst, "pdp-free", signal_data->pdp);
-		osmo_timer_del(&signal_data->pdp->cdr_timer);
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-int sgsn_cdr_init(struct sgsn_instance *sgsn)
-	/* register for CDR related events */
-	sgsn->cfg.cdr.interval = 10 * 60;
-	osmo_signal_register_handler(SS_SGSN, handle_sgsn_sig, sgsn);
-	return 0;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_ctrl.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_ctrl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 31ac74f..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_ctrl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-/* Control Interface Implementation for the SGSN */
- * (C) 2014 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * (C) 2014 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/ctrl/control_if.h>
-#include <osmocom/ctrl/control_cmd.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_data.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <pdp.h>
-extern vector ctrl_node_vec;
-static int get_subscriber_list(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *d)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm;
-	cmd->reply = talloc_strdup(cmd, "");
-	llist_for_each_entry(mm, &sgsn_mm_ctxts, list) {
-		char *addr = NULL;
-		struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-		if (strlen(mm->imsi) == 0)
-			continue;
-		llist_for_each_entry(pdp, &mm->pdp_list, list)
-			addr = gprs_pdpaddr2str(pdp->lib->eua.v,
-						pdp->lib->eua.l);
-		cmd->reply = talloc_asprintf_append(
-					cmd->reply,
-					"%s,%s\n", mm->imsi, addr ? addr : "");
-	}
-	return CTRL_CMD_REPLY;
-CTRL_CMD_DEFINE_RO(subscriber_list, "subscriber-list-active-v1");
-int sgsn_ctrl_cmds_install(void)
-	int rc = 0;
-	rc |= ctrl_cmd_install(CTRL_NODE_ROOT, &cmd_subscriber_list);
-	return rc;
-struct ctrl_handle *sgsn_controlif_setup(struct gsm_network *net,
-					 const char *bind_addr, uint16_t port)
-	return ctrl_interface_setup_dynip(net, bind_addr, port, NULL);
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_libgtp.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_libgtp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e90b66d..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_libgtp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,874 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS SGSN integration with libgtp of OpenGGSN */
-/* libgtp implements the GPRS Tunelling Protocol GTP per TS 09.60 / 29.060 */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010 by On-Waves
- * (C) 2015 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "bscconfig.h"
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/select.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08_gprs.h>
-#include <openbsc/signal.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gmm.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_subscriber.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp.h>
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-#include <openbsc/iu.h>
-#include <osmocom/ranap/ranap_ies_defs.h>
-#include <gtp.h>
-#include <pdp.h>
-/* TS 23.003: The MSISDN shall take the dummy MSISDN value composed of
- * 15 digits set to 0 (encoded as an E.164 international number) when
- * the MSISDN is not available in messages in which the presence of the
- * MSISDN parameter */
-static const uint8_t dummy_msisdn[] =
-	{ 0x91, /* No extension, international, E.164 */
-	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 14 digits of zeroes */
-	  0xF0 /* 15th digit of zero + padding */ };
-const struct value_string gtp_cause_strs[] = {
-	{ GTPCAUSE_REQ_IMSI, "Request IMSI" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_REQ_IMEI, "Request IMEI" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_NO_ID_NEEDED, "No identity needed" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_MS_REFUSES_X, "MS refuses" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_MS_NOT_RESP_X, "MS is not GPRS responding" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_ACC_REQ, "Request accepted" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_NON_EXIST, "Non-existent" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_INVALID_MESSAGE, "Invalid message format" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_IMSI_NOT_KNOWN, "IMSI not known" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_MS_DETACHED, "MS is GPRS detached" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_MS_NOT_RESP, "MS is not GPRS responding" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_MS_REFUSES, "MS refuses" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_NO_RESOURCES, "No resources available" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Service not supported" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_MAN_IE_INCORRECT, "Mandatory IE incorrect" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_MAN_IE_MISSING, "Mandatory IE missing" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_OPT_IE_INCORRECT, "Optional IE incorrect" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_SYS_FAIL, "System failure" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_ROAMING_REST, "Roaming restrictions" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_PTIMSI_MISMATCH, "P-TMSI Signature mismatch" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_CONN_SUSP, "GPRS connection suspended" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_AUTH_FAIL, "Authentication failure" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_USER_AUTH_FAIL, "User authentication failed" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND, "Context not found" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_ADDR_OCCUPIED, "All dynamic PDP addresses occupied" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_NO_MEMORY, "No memory is available" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_RELOC_FAIL, "Relocation failure" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_UNKNOWN_MAN_EXTHEADER, "Unknown mandatory ext. header" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_SEM_ERR_TFT, "Semantic error in TFT operation" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_SYN_ERR_TFT, "Syntactic error in TFT operation" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_SEM_ERR_FILTER, "Semantic errors in packet filter" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_SYN_ERR_FILTER, "Syntactic errors in packet filter" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_MISSING_APN, "Missing or unknown APN" },
-	{ GTPCAUSE_UNKNOWN_PDP, "Unknown PDP address or PDP type" },
-	{ 0, NULL }
-/* Generate the GTP IMSI IE according to 09.60 Section 7.9.2 */
-static uint64_t imsi_str2gtp(char *str)
-	uint64_t imsi64 = 0;
-	unsigned int n;
-	unsigned int imsi_len = strlen(str);
-	if (imsi_len > 16) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "IMSI length > 16 not supported!\n");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	for (n = 0; n < 16; n++) {
-		uint64_t val;
-		if (n < imsi_len)
-			val = (str[n]-'0') & 0xf;
-		else
-			val = 0xf;
-		imsi64 |= (val << (n*4));
-	}
-	return imsi64;
-/* generate a PDP context based on the IE's from the 04.08 message,
- * and send the GTP create pdp context request to the GGSN */
-struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *sgsn_create_pdp_ctx(struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggsn,
-					 struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx,
-					 uint16_t nsapi,
-					 struct tlv_parsed *tp)
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid;
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pctx;
-	struct pdp_t *pdp;
-	uint64_t imsi_ui64;
-	size_t qos_len;
-	const uint8_t *qos;
-	int rc;
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Create PDP Context\n");
-	pctx = sgsn_pdp_ctx_alloc(mmctx, nsapi);
-	if (!pctx) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate PDP Ctx\n");
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	imsi_ui64 = imsi_str2gtp(mmctx->imsi);
-	rc = pdp_newpdp(&pdp, imsi_ui64, nsapi, NULL);
-	if (rc) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Out of libgtp PDP Contexts\n");
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	pdp->priv = pctx;
-	pctx->lib = pdp;
-	pctx->ggsn = ggsn;
-	//pdp->peer =	/* sockaddr_in of GGSN (receive) */
-	//pdp->ipif =	/* not used by library */
-	pdp->version = ggsn->gtp_version;
-	pdp->hisaddr0 =	ggsn->remote_addr;
-	pdp->hisaddr1 = ggsn->remote_addr;
-	//pdp->cch_pdp = 512;	/* Charging Flat Rate */
-	/* MS provided APN, subscription was verified by the caller */
-	pdp->selmode = 0xFC | 0x00;
-	/* IMSI, TEID/TEIC, FLLU/FLLC, TID, NSAPI set in pdp_newpdp */
-	/* Put the MSISDN in case we have it */
-	if (mmctx->subscr && mmctx->subscr->sgsn_data->msisdn_len) {
-		pdp->msisdn.l = mmctx->subscr->sgsn_data->msisdn_len;
-		if (pdp->msisdn.l > sizeof(pdp->msisdn.v))
-			pdp->msisdn.l = sizeof(pdp->msisdn.v);
-		memcpy(pdp->msisdn.v, mmctx->subscr->sgsn_data->msisdn,
-			pdp->msisdn.l);
-	} else {
-		/* use the dummy 15-digits-zero MSISDN value */
-		pdp->msisdn.l = sizeof(dummy_msisdn);
-		memcpy(pdp->msisdn.v, dummy_msisdn, pdp->msisdn.l);
-	}
-	/* End User Address from GMM requested PDP address */
-	pdp->eua.l = TLVP_LEN(tp, OSMO_IE_GSM_REQ_PDP_ADDR);
-	if (pdp->eua.l > sizeof(pdp->eua.v))
-		pdp->eua.l = sizeof(pdp->eua.v);
-	memcpy(pdp->eua.v, TLVP_VAL(tp, OSMO_IE_GSM_REQ_PDP_ADDR),
-		pdp->eua.l);
-	/* Highest 4 bits of first byte need to be set to 1, otherwise
-	 * the IE is identical with the 04.08 PDP Address IE */
-	pdp->eua.v[0] |= 0xf0;
-	/* APN name from GMM */
-	pdp->apn_use.l = TLVP_LEN(tp, GSM48_IE_GSM_APN);
-	if (pdp->apn_use.l > sizeof(pdp->apn_use.v))
-		pdp->apn_use.l = sizeof(pdp->apn_use.v);
-	memcpy(pdp->apn_use.v, TLVP_VAL(tp, GSM48_IE_GSM_APN),
-		pdp->apn_use.l);
-	/* Protocol Configuration Options from GMM */
-	pdp->pco_req.l = TLVP_LEN(tp, GSM48_IE_GSM_PROTO_CONF_OPT);
-	if (pdp->pco_req.l > sizeof(pdp->pco_req.v))
-		pdp->pco_req.l = sizeof(pdp->pco_req.v);
-	memcpy(pdp->pco_req.v, TLVP_VAL(tp, GSM48_IE_GSM_PROTO_CONF_OPT),
-		pdp->pco_req.l);
-	/* QoS options from GMM or remote */
-	if (TLVP_LEN(tp, OSMO_IE_GSM_SUB_QOS) > 0) {
-		qos_len = TLVP_LEN(tp, OSMO_IE_GSM_SUB_QOS);
-	} else {
-		qos_len = TLVP_LEN(tp, OSMO_IE_GSM_REQ_QOS);
-	}
-	if (qos_len <= 3) {
-		pdp->qos_req.l = qos_len + 1;
-		if (pdp->qos_req.l > sizeof(pdp->qos_req.v))
-			pdp->qos_req.l = sizeof(pdp->qos_req.v);
-		pdp->qos_req.v[0] = 0; /* Allocation/Retention policy */
-		memcpy(&pdp->qos_req.v[1], qos, pdp->qos_req.l - 1);
-	} else {
-		pdp->qos_req.l = qos_len;
-		if (pdp->qos_req.l > sizeof(pdp->qos_req.v))
-			pdp->qos_req.l = sizeof(pdp->qos_req.v);
-		memcpy(pdp->qos_req.v, qos, pdp->qos_req.l);
-	}
-	/* charging characteristics if present */
-	if (TLVP_LEN(tp, OSMO_IE_GSM_CHARG_CHAR) >= sizeof(pdp->cch_pdp))
-		pdp->cch_pdp = tlvp_val16be(tp, OSMO_IE_GSM_CHARG_CHAR);
-	/* SGSN address for control plane */
-	pdp->gsnlc.l = sizeof(sgsn->cfg.gtp_listenaddr.sin_addr);
-	memcpy(pdp->gsnlc.v, &sgsn->cfg.gtp_listenaddr.sin_addr,
-		sizeof(sgsn->cfg.gtp_listenaddr.sin_addr));
-	/* SGSN address for user plane
-	 * Default to the control plane addr for now. If we are connected to a
-	 * hnbgw via IuPS we'll need to send a PDP context update with the
-	 * correct IP address after the RAB Assignment is complete */
-	pdp->gsnlu.l = sizeof(sgsn->cfg.gtp_listenaddr.sin_addr);
-	memcpy(pdp->gsnlu.v, &sgsn->cfg.gtp_listenaddr.sin_addr,
-		sizeof(sgsn->cfg.gtp_listenaddr.sin_addr));
-	/* Encode RAT Type according to TS 29.060 7.7.50 */
-	pdp->rattype.l = 1;
-	if (mmctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_UTRAN_Iu)
-		pdp->rattype.v[0] = 1;
-	else
-		pdp->rattype.v[0] = 2;
-	pdp->rattype_given = 1;
-	/* Include RAI and ULI all the time */
-	pdp->rai_given = 1;
-	pdp->rai.l = 6;
-	raid = mmctx->ra;
-	raid.lac = 0xFFFE;
-	raid.rac = 0xFF;
-	gsm48_construct_ra(pdp->rai.v, &raid);
-	/* Encode User Location Information accordint to TS 29.060 7.7.51 */
-	pdp->userloc_given = 1;
-	pdp->userloc.l = 8;
-	if (mmctx->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_UTRAN_Iu) {
-		pdp->userloc.v[0] = 1; /* SAI for UTRAN */
-		/* SAI is like CGI but with SAC instead of CID, so we can abuse this function */
-		bssgp_create_cell_id(&pdp->userloc.v[1], &mmctx->ra, mmctx->iu.sac);
-	} else {
-		pdp->userloc.v[0] = 0; /* CGI for GERAN */
-		bssgp_create_cell_id(&pdp->userloc.v[1], &mmctx->ra, mmctx->gb.cell_id);
-	}
-	/* include the IMEI(SV) */
-	pdp->imeisv_given = 1;
-	gsm48_encode_bcd_number(&pdp->imeisv.v[0], 8, 0, mmctx->imei);
-	pdp->imeisv.l = pdp->imeisv.v[0];
-	memmove(&pdp->imeisv.v[0], &pdp->imeisv.v[1], 8);
-	/* change pdp state to 'requested' */
-	pctx->state = PDP_STATE_CR_REQ;
-	rc = gtp_create_context_req(ggsn->gsn, pdp, pctx);
-	/* FIXME */
-	return pctx;
-/* SGSN wants to delete a PDP context */
-int sgsn_delete_pdp_ctx(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pctx)
-	LOGPDPCTXP(LOGL_ERROR, pctx, "Delete PDP Context\n");
-	/* FIXME: decide if we need teardown or not ! */
-	return gtp_delete_context_req(pctx->ggsn->gsn, pctx->lib, pctx, 1);
-struct cause_map {
-	uint8_t cause_in;
-	uint8_t cause_out;
-static uint8_t cause_map(const struct cause_map *map, uint8_t in, uint8_t deflt)
-	const struct cause_map *m;
-	for (m = map; m->cause_in && m->cause_out; m++) {
-		if (m->cause_in == in)
-			return m->cause_out;
-	}
-	return deflt;
-/* how do we map from gtp cause to SM cause */
-static const struct cause_map gtp2sm_cause_map[] = {
-	{ 0, 0 }
-static int send_act_pdp_cont_acc(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pctx)
-	struct sgsn_signal_data sig_data;
-	int rc;
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	/* Inform others about it */
-	memset(&sig_data, 0, sizeof(sig_data));
-	sig_data.pdp = pctx;
-	osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_SGSN, S_SGSN_PDP_ACT, &sig_data);
-	/* Send PDP CTX ACT to MS */
-	rc = gsm48_tx_gsm_act_pdp_acc(pctx);
-	if (rc < 0)
-		return rc;
-	if (pctx->mm->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb) {
-		/* Send SNDCP XID to MS */
-		lle = &pctx->mm->gb.llme->lle[pctx->sapi];
-		rc = sndcp_sn_xid_req(lle,pctx->nsapi);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			return rc;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* The GGSN has confirmed the creation of a PDP Context */
-static int create_pdp_conf(struct pdp_t *pdp, void *cbp, int cause)
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pctx = cbp;
-	uint8_t reject_cause;
-	LOGPDPCTXP(LOGL_INFO, pctx, "Received CREATE PDP CTX CONF, cause=%d(%s)\n",
-		cause, get_value_string(gtp_cause_strs, cause));
-	if (!pctx->mm) {
-		     "No MM context, aborting CREATE PDP CTX CONF\n");
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	/* Check for cause value if it was really successful */
-	if (cause < 0) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "Create PDP ctx req timed out\n");
-		if (pdp && pdp->version == 1) {
-			pdp->version = 0;
-			gtp_create_context_req(sgsn->gsn, pdp, cbp);
-			return 0;
-		} else {
-			reject_cause = GSM_CAUSE_NET_FAIL;
-			goto reject;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Check for cause value if it was really successful */
-	if (cause != GTPCAUSE_ACC_REQ) {
-		reject_cause = cause_map(gtp2sm_cause_map, cause,
-		goto reject;
-	}
-	if (pctx->mm->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb) {
-		/* Activate the SNDCP layer */
-		sndcp_sm_activate_ind(&pctx->mm->gb.llme->lle[pctx->sapi], pctx->nsapi);
-		return send_act_pdp_cont_acc(pctx);
-	} else if (pctx->mm->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_UTRAN_Iu) {
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-		/* Activate a radio bearer */
-		iu_rab_act_ps(pdp->nsapi, pctx, 1);
-		return 0;
-		return -ENOTSUP;
-	}
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Unknown ran_type %d\n",
-	     pctx->mm->ran_type);
-	reject_cause = GSM_CAUSE_PROTO_ERR_UNSPEC;
-	/*
-	 * In case of a timeout pdp will be NULL but we have a valid pointer
-	 * in pctx->lib. For other rejects pctx->lib and pdp might be the
-	 * same.
-	 */
-	pctx->state = PDP_STATE_NONE;
-	if (pctx->lib && pctx->lib != pdp)
-		pdp_freepdp(pctx->lib);
-	pctx->lib = NULL;
-	if (pdp)
-		pdp_freepdp(pdp);
-	/* Send PDP CTX ACT REJ to MS */
-	gsm48_tx_gsm_act_pdp_rej(pctx->mm, pctx->ti, reject_cause,
-					0, NULL);
-	sgsn_pdp_ctx_free(pctx);
-	return EOF;
-void sgsn_pdp_upd_gtp_u(struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp, void *addr, size_t alen)
-	pdp->lib->gsnlu.l = alen;
-	memcpy(pdp->lib->gsnlu.v, addr, alen);
-	gtp_update_context(pdp->ggsn->gsn, pdp->lib, pdp, &pdp->lib->hisaddr0);
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-/* Callback for RAB assignment response */
-int sgsn_ranap_rab_ass_resp(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs_t *setup_ies)
-	uint8_t rab_id;
-	bool require_pdp_update = false;
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp = NULL;
-	RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItem_t *item = &setup_ies->raB_SetupOrModifiedItem;
-	rab_id = item->rAB_ID.buf[0];
-	pdp = sgsn_pdp_ctx_by_nsapi(ctx, rab_id);
-	if (!pdp) {
-		LOGP(DRANAP, LOGL_ERROR, "RAB Assignment Response for unknown RAB/NSAPI=%u\n", rab_id);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (item->transportLayerAddress) {
-		LOGPC(DRANAP, LOGL_INFO, " Setup: (%u/%s)", rab_id, osmo_hexdump(item->transportLayerAddress->buf,
-								     item->transportLayerAddress->size));
-		switch (item->transportLayerAddress->size) {
-		case 7:
-			/* It must be IPv4 inside a X213 NSAP */
-			memcpy(pdp->lib->gsnlu.v, &item->transportLayerAddress->buf[3], 4);
-			break;
-		case 4:
-			/* It must be a raw IPv4 address */
-			memcpy(pdp->lib->gsnlu.v, item->transportLayerAddress->buf, 4);
-			break;
-		case 16:
-			/* TODO: It must be a raw IPv6 address */
-		case 19:
-			/* TODO: It must be IPv6 inside a X213 NSAP */
-		default:
-			LOGP(DRANAP, LOGL_ERROR, "RAB Assignment Resp: Unknown "
-				"transport layer address size %u\n",
-				item->transportLayerAddress->size);
-			return -1;
-		}
-		require_pdp_update = true;
-	}
-	/* The TEI on the RNC side might have changed, too */
-	if (item->iuTransportAssociation &&
-	    item->iuTransportAssociation->present == RANAP_IuTransportAssociation_PR_gTP_TEI &&
-	    item->iuTransportAssociation->choice.gTP_TEI.buf &&
-	    item->iuTransportAssociation->choice.gTP_TEI.size >= 4) {
-		uint32_t tei = osmo_load32be(item->iuTransportAssociation->choice.gTP_TEI.buf);
-		LOGP(DRANAP, LOGL_DEBUG, "Updating TEID on RNC side from 0x%08x to 0x%08x\n",
-			pdp->lib->teid_own, tei);
-		pdp->lib->teid_own = tei;
-		require_pdp_update = true;
-	}
-	if (require_pdp_update)
-		gtp_update_context(pdp->ggsn->gsn, pdp->lib, pdp, &pdp->lib->hisaddr0);
-	if (pdp->state != PDP_STATE_CR_CONF) {
-		send_act_pdp_cont_acc(pdp);
-		pdp->state = PDP_STATE_CR_CONF;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* Confirmation of a PDP Context Delete */
-static int delete_pdp_conf(struct pdp_t *pdp, void *cbp, int cause)
-	struct sgsn_signal_data sig_data;
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pctx = cbp;
-	int rc = 0;
-	LOGPDPCTXP(LOGL_INFO, pctx, "Received DELETE PDP CTX CONF, cause=%d(%s)\n",
-		cause, get_value_string(gtp_cause_strs, cause));
-	memset(&sig_data, 0, sizeof(sig_data));
-	sig_data.pdp = pctx;
-	osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_SGSN, S_SGSN_PDP_DEACT, &sig_data);
-	if (pctx->mm) {
-		if (pctx->mm->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_GERAN_Gb) {
-			/* Deactivate the SNDCP layer */
-			sndcp_sm_deactivate_ind(&pctx->mm->gb.llme->lle[pctx->sapi], pctx->nsapi);
-		} else {
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-			/* Deactivate radio bearer */
-			iu_rab_deact(pctx->mm->iu.ue_ctx, 1);
-			return -ENOTSUP;
-		}
-		/* Confirm deactivation of PDP context to MS */
-		rc = gsm48_tx_gsm_deact_pdp_acc(pctx);
-	} else {
-			   "Not deactivating SNDCP layer since the MM context "
-			   "is not available\n");
-	}
-	/* unlink the now non-existing library handle from the pdp
-	 * context */
-	pctx->lib = NULL;
-	sgsn_pdp_ctx_free(pctx);
-	return rc;
-/* Confirmation of an GTP ECHO request */
-static int echo_conf(struct pdp_t *pdp, void *cbp, int recovery)
-	if (recovery < 0) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "GTP Echo Request timed out\n");
-		/* FIXME: if version == 1, retry with version 0 */
-	} else {
-		DEBUGP(DGPRS, "GTP Rx Echo Response\n");
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* Any message received by GGSN contains a recovery IE */
-static int cb_recovery(struct sockaddr_in *peer, uint8_t recovery)
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggsn;
-	ggsn = sgsn_ggsn_ctx_by_addr(&peer->sin_addr);
-	if (!ggsn) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "Received Recovery IE for unknown GGSN\n");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	if (ggsn->remote_restart_ctr == -1) {
-		/* First received ECHO RESPONSE, note the restart ctr */
-		ggsn->remote_restart_ctr = recovery;
-	} else if (ggsn->remote_restart_ctr != recovery) {
-		/* counter has changed (GGSN restart): release all PDP */
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_NOTICE, "GGSN recovery (%u->%u), "
-		     "releasing all PDP contexts\n",
-		     ggsn->remote_restart_ctr, recovery);
-		ggsn->remote_restart_ctr = recovery;
-		drop_all_pdp_for_ggsn(ggsn);
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* libgtp callback for confirmations */
-static int cb_conf(int type, int cause, struct pdp_t *pdp, void *cbp)
-	DEBUGP(DGPRS, "libgtp cb_conf(type=%d, cause=%d, pdp=%p, cbp=%p)\n",
-		type, cause, pdp, cbp);
-	if (cause == EOF)
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "libgtp EOF (type=%u, pdp=%p, cbp=%p)\n",
-			type, pdp, cbp);
-	switch (type) {
-	case GTP_ECHO_REQ:
-		/* libgtp hands us the RECOVERY number instead of a cause */
-		return echo_conf(pdp, cbp, cause);
-		return create_pdp_conf(pdp, cbp, cause);
-		return delete_pdp_conf(pdp, cbp, cause);
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* Called whenever a PDP context is deleted for any reason */
-static int cb_delete_context(struct pdp_t *pdp)
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "PDP Context was deleted\n");
-	return 0;
-/* Called when we receive a Version Not Supported message */
-static int cb_unsup_ind(struct sockaddr_in *peer)
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "GTP Version not supported Indication "
-		"from %s:%u\n", inet_ntoa(peer->sin_addr),
-		ntohs(peer->sin_port));
-	return 0;
-/* Called when we receive a Supported Ext Headers Notification */
-static int cb_extheader_ind(struct sockaddr_in *peer)
-	LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "GTP Supported Ext Headers Noficiation "
-		"from %s:%u\n", inet_ntoa(peer->sin_addr),
-		ntohs(peer->sin_port));
-	return 0;
-/* Called whenever we recive a DATA packet */
-static int cb_data_ind(struct pdp_t *lib, void *packet, unsigned int len)
-	struct bssgp_paging_info pinfo;
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm;
-	struct msgb *msg;
-	uint8_t *ud;
-	pdp = lib->priv;
-	if (!pdp) {
-		     "GTP DATA IND from GGSN for unknown PDP\n");
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	mm = pdp->mm;
-	if (!mm) {
-		     "PDP context (address=%u) without MM context!\n",
-		     pdp->address);
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	DEBUGP(DGPRS, "GTP DATA IND from GGSN for %s, length=%u\n", mm->imsi,
-	       len);
-	if (mm->ran_type == MM_CTX_T_UTRAN_Iu) {
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-		/* Ignore the packet for now and page the UE to get the RAB
-		 * reestablished */
-		iu_page_ps(mm->imsi, &mm->p_tmsi, mm->ra.lac, mm->ra.rac);
-		return 0;
-		return -ENOTSUP;
-	}
-	msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(len+256, 128, "GTP->SNDCP");
-	ud = msgb_put(msg, len);
-	memcpy(ud, packet, len);
-	msgb_tlli(msg) = mm->gb.tlli;
-	msgb_bvci(msg) = mm->gb.bvci;
-	msgb_nsei(msg) = mm->gb.nsei;
-	switch (mm->gmm_state) {
-		/* initiate PS PAGING procedure */
-		memset(&pinfo, 0, sizeof(pinfo));
-		pinfo.mode = BSSGP_PAGING_PS;
-		pinfo.scope = BSSGP_PAGING_BVCI;
-		pinfo.bvci = mm->gb.bvci;
-		pinfo.imsi = mm->imsi;
-		pinfo.ptmsi = &mm->p_tmsi;
-		pinfo.drx_params = mm->drx_parms;
-		pinfo.qos[0] = 0; // FIXME
-		bssgp_tx_paging(mm->gb.nsei, 0, &pinfo);
-		rate_ctr_inc(&mm->ctrg->ctr[GMM_CTR_PAGING_PS]);
-		/* FIXME: queue the packet we received from GTP */
-		break;
-		break;
-	default:
-			"%u\n", mm->gb.tlli, mm->gmm_state);
-		msgb_free(msg);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	rate_ctr_inc(&pdp->ctrg->ctr[PDP_CTR_PKTS_UDATA_OUT]);
-	rate_ctr_add(&pdp->ctrg->ctr[PDP_CTR_BYTES_UDATA_OUT], len);
-	rate_ctr_inc(&mm->ctrg->ctr[GMM_CTR_PKTS_UDATA_OUT]);
-	rate_ctr_add(&mm->ctrg->ctr[GMM_CTR_BYTES_UDATA_OUT], len);
-	/* It is easier to have a global count */
-	pdp->cdr_bytes_out += len;
-	return sndcp_unitdata_req(msg, &mm->gb.llme->lle[pdp->sapi],
-				  pdp->nsapi, mm);
-/* Called by SNDCP when it has received/re-assembled a N-PDU */
-int sgsn_rx_sndcp_ud_ind(struct gprs_ra_id *ra_id, int32_t tlli, uint8_t nsapi,
-			 struct msgb *msg, uint32_t npdu_len, uint8_t *npdu)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx;
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-	/* look-up the MM context for this message */
-	mmctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(tlli, ra_id);
-	if (!mmctx) {
-			"Cannot find MM CTX for TLLI %08x\n", tlli);
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	/* look-up the PDP context for this message */
-	pdp = sgsn_pdp_ctx_by_nsapi(mmctx, nsapi);
-	if (!pdp) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot find PDP CTX for "
-			"TLLI=%08x, NSAPI=%u\n", tlli, nsapi);
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	if (!pdp->lib) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "PDP CTX without libgtp\n");
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	rate_ctr_inc(&pdp->ctrg->ctr[PDP_CTR_PKTS_UDATA_IN]);
-	rate_ctr_add(&pdp->ctrg->ctr[PDP_CTR_BYTES_UDATA_IN], npdu_len);
-	rate_ctr_inc(&mmctx->ctrg->ctr[GMM_CTR_PKTS_UDATA_IN]);
-	rate_ctr_add(&mmctx->ctrg->ctr[GMM_CTR_BYTES_UDATA_IN], npdu_len);
-	/* It is easier to have a global count */
-	pdp->cdr_bytes_in += npdu_len;
-	return gtp_data_req(pdp->ggsn->gsn, pdp->lib, npdu, npdu_len);
-/* libgtp select loop integration */
-static int sgsn_gtp_fd_cb(struct osmo_fd *fd, unsigned int what)
-	struct sgsn_instance *sgi = fd->data;
-	int rc;
-	if (!(what & BSC_FD_READ))
-		return 0;
-	switch (fd->priv_nr) {
-	case 0:
-		rc = gtp_decaps0(sgi->gsn);
-		break;
-	case 1:
-		rc = gtp_decaps1c(sgi->gsn);
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		rc = gtp_decaps1u(sgi->gsn);
-		break;
-	default:
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		break;
-	}
-	return rc;
-static void sgsn_gtp_tmr_start(struct sgsn_instance *sgi)
-	struct timeval next;
-	/* Retrieve next retransmission as struct timeval */
-	gtp_retranstimeout(sgi->gsn, &next);
-	/* re-schedule the timer */
-	osmo_timer_schedule(&sgi->gtp_timer, next.tv_sec, next.tv_usec/1000);
-/* timer callback for libgtp retransmissions and ping */
-static void sgsn_gtp_tmr_cb(void *data)
-	struct sgsn_instance *sgi = data;
-	/* Do all the retransmissions as needed */
-	gtp_retrans(sgi->gsn);
-	sgsn_gtp_tmr_start(sgi);
-int sgsn_gtp_init(struct sgsn_instance *sgi)
-	int rc;
-	struct gsn_t *gsn;
-	rc = gtp_new(&sgi->gsn, sgi->cfg.gtp_statedir,
-		     &sgi->cfg.gtp_listenaddr.sin_addr, GTP_MODE_SGSN);
-	if (rc) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to create GTP: %d\n", rc);
-		return rc;
-	}
-	gsn = sgi->gsn;
-	sgi->gtp_fd0.fd = gsn->fd0;
-	sgi->gtp_fd0.priv_nr = 0;
-	sgi-> = sgi;
-	sgi->gtp_fd0.when = BSC_FD_READ;
-	sgi->gtp_fd0.cb = sgsn_gtp_fd_cb;
-	rc = osmo_fd_register(&sgi->gtp_fd0);
-	if (rc < 0)
-		return rc;
-	sgi->gtp_fd1c.fd = gsn->fd1c;
-	sgi->gtp_fd1c.priv_nr = 1;
-	sgi-> = sgi;
-	sgi->gtp_fd1c.when = BSC_FD_READ;
-	sgi->gtp_fd1c.cb = sgsn_gtp_fd_cb;
-	rc = osmo_fd_register(&sgi->gtp_fd1c);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		osmo_fd_unregister(&sgi->gtp_fd0);
-		return rc;
-	}
-	sgi->gtp_fd1u.fd = gsn->fd1u;
-	sgi->gtp_fd1u.priv_nr = 2;
-	sgi-> = sgi;
-	sgi->gtp_fd1u.when = BSC_FD_READ;
-	sgi->gtp_fd1u.cb = sgsn_gtp_fd_cb;
-	rc = osmo_fd_register(&sgi->gtp_fd1u);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		osmo_fd_unregister(&sgi->gtp_fd0);
-		osmo_fd_unregister(&sgi->gtp_fd1c);
-		return rc;
-	}
-	/* Start GTP re-transmission timer */
-	osmo_timer_setup(&sgi->gtp_timer, sgsn_gtp_tmr_cb, sgi);
-	sgsn_gtp_tmr_start(sgi);
-	/* Register callbackcs with libgtp */
-	gtp_set_cb_delete_context(gsn, cb_delete_context);
-	gtp_set_cb_conf(gsn, cb_conf);
-	gtp_set_cb_recovery(gsn, cb_recovery);
-	gtp_set_cb_data_ind(gsn, cb_data_ind);
-	gtp_set_cb_unsup_ind(gsn, cb_unsup_ind);
-	gtp_set_cb_extheader_ind(gsn, cb_extheader_ind);
-	return 0;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_main.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c1da585..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-/* GPRS SGSN Implementation */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010 by On-Waves
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/select.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/stats.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_ns.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/telnet_interface.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/stats.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/ports.h>
-#include <osmocom/ctrl/control_vty.h>
-#include <openbsc/signal.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/vty.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gmm.h>
-#include <openbsc/iu.h>
-#include <osmocom/ctrl/control_if.h>
-#include <osmocom/ctrl/ports.h>
-#include <gtp.h>
-#include "../../bscconfig.h"
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <getopt.h>
-void *tall_bsc_ctx;
-struct gprs_ns_inst *sgsn_nsi;
-static int daemonize = 0;
-const char *openbsc_copyright =
-	"Copyright (C) 2010 Harald Welte and On-Waves\r\n"
-	"License AGPLv3+: GNU AGPL version 3 or later <>\r\n"
-	"This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\r\n"
-	"There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\r\n";
-static struct sgsn_instance sgsn_inst = {
-	.config_file = "osmo_sgsn.cfg",
-	.cfg = {
-		.gtp_statedir = "./",
-		.auth_policy = SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_CLOSED,
-	},
-struct sgsn_instance *sgsn = &sgsn_inst;
-/* call-back function for the NS protocol */
-static int sgsn_ns_cb(enum gprs_ns_evt event, struct gprs_nsvc *nsvc,
-		      struct msgb *msg, uint16_t bvci)
-	int rc = 0;
-	switch (event) {
-		/* hand the message into the BSSGP implementation */
-		rc = bssgp_rcvmsg(msg);
-		break;
-	default:
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "SGSN: Unknown event %u from NS\n", event);
-		if (msg)
-			msgb_free(msg);
-		rc = -EIO;
-		break;
-	}
-	return rc;
-/* call-back function for the BSSGP protocol */
-int bssgp_prim_cb(struct osmo_prim_hdr *oph, void *ctx)
-	struct osmo_bssgp_prim *bp;
-	bp = container_of(oph, struct osmo_bssgp_prim, oph);
-	switch (oph->sap) {
-	case SAP_BSSGP_LL:
-		switch (oph->primitive) {
-			return gprs_llc_rcvmsg(oph->msg, bp->tp);
-		}
-		break;
-		switch (oph->primitive) {
-			return gprs_gmm_rx_suspend(bp->ra_id, bp->tlli);
-			return gprs_gmm_rx_resume(bp->ra_id, bp->tlli,
-						  bp->u.resume.suspend_ref);
-		}
-		break;
-	case SAP_BSSGP_NM:
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static void signal_handler(int signal)
-	fprintf(stdout, "signal %u received\n", signal);
-	switch (signal) {
-	case SIGINT:
-	case SIGTERM:
-		osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_L_GLOBAL, S_L_GLOBAL_SHUTDOWN, NULL);
-		sleep(1);
-		exit(0);
-		break;
-	case SIGABRT:
-		/* in case of abort, we want to obtain a talloc report
-		 * and then return to the caller, who will abort the process */
-	case SIGUSR1:
-		talloc_report(tall_vty_ctx, stderr);
-		talloc_report_full(tall_bsc_ctx, stderr);
-		break;
-	case SIGUSR2:
-		talloc_report_full(tall_vty_ctx, stderr);
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-/* NSI that BSSGP uses when transmitting on NS */
-extern struct gprs_ns_inst *bssgp_nsi;
-extern int bsc_vty_go_parent(struct vty *vty);
-static struct vty_app_info vty_info = {
-	.name 		= "OsmoSGSN",
-	.version	= PACKAGE_VERSION,
-	.go_parent_cb	= bsc_vty_go_parent,
-	.is_config_node	= bsc_vty_is_config_node,
-static void print_help(void)
-	printf("Some useful help...\n");
-	printf("  -h --help\tthis text\n");
-	printf("  -D --daemonize\tFork the process into a background daemon\n");
-	printf("  -d option --debug\tenable Debugging\n");
-	printf("  -s --disable-color\n");
-	printf("  -c --config-file\tThe config file to use [%s]\n", sgsn->config_file);
-	printf("  -e --log-level number\tSet a global log level\n");
-static void handle_options(int argc, char **argv)
-	while (1) {
-		int option_index = 0, c;
-		static struct option long_options[] = {
-			{"help", 0, 0, 'h'},
-			{"debug", 1, 0, 'd'},
-			{"daemonize", 0, 0, 'D'},
-			{"config-file", 1, 0, 'c'},
-			{"disable-color", 0, 0, 's'},
-			{"timestamp", 0, 0, 'T'},
-			{ "version", 0, 0, 'V' },
-			{"log-level", 1, 0, 'e'},
-			{NULL, 0, 0, 0}
-		};
-		c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hd:Dc:sTVe:",
-				long_options, &option_index);
-		if (c == -1)
-			break;
-		switch (c) {
-		case 'h':
-			//print_usage();
-			print_help();
-			exit(0);
-		case 's':
-			log_set_use_color(osmo_stderr_target, 0);
-			break;
-		case 'd':
-			log_parse_category_mask(osmo_stderr_target, optarg);
-			break;
-		case 'D':
-			daemonize = 1;
-			break;
-		case 'c':
-			sgsn_inst.config_file = strdup(optarg);
-			break;
-		case 'T':
-			log_set_print_timestamp(osmo_stderr_target, 1);
-			break;
-		case 'V':
-			print_version(1);
-			exit(0);
-			break;
-		case 'e':
-			log_set_log_level(osmo_stderr_target, atoi(optarg));
-			break;
-		default:
-			/* ignore */
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-/* default categories */
-static struct log_info_cat gprs_categories[] = {
-	[DMM] = {
-		.name = "DMM",
-		.description = "Layer3 Mobility Management (MM)",
-		.color = "\033[1;33m",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_NOTICE,
-	},
-	[DPAG]	= {
-		.name = "DPAG",
-		.description = "Paging Subsystem",
-		.color = "\033[1;38m",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_NOTICE,
-	},
-	[DMEAS] = {
-		.name = "DMEAS",
-		.description = "Radio Measurement Processing",
-		.enabled = 0, .loglevel = LOGL_NOTICE,
-	},
-	[DREF] = {
-		.name = "DREF",
-		.description = "Reference Counting",
-		.enabled = 0, .loglevel = LOGL_NOTICE,
-	},
-	[DGPRS] = {
-		.name = "DGPRS",
-		.description = "GPRS Packet Service",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-	[DNS] = {
-		.name = "DNS",
-		.description = "GPRS Network Service (NS)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_INFO,
-	},
-	[DBSSGP] = {
-		.name = "DBSSGP",
-		.description = "GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-	[DLLC] = {
-		.name = "DLLC",
-		.description = "GPRS Logical Link Control Protocol (LLC)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-	[DSNDCP] = {
-		.name = "DSNDCP",
-		.description = "GPRS Sub-Network Dependent Control Protocol (SNDCP)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-	[DRANAP] = {
-		.name = "DRANAP",
-		.description = "RAN Application Part (RANAP)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-	[DSUA] = {
-		.name = "DSUA",
-		.description = "SCCP User Adaptation (SUA)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-	[DSLHC] = {
-		.name = "DSLHC",
-		.description = "RFC1144 TCP/IP Header compression (SLHC)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-	[DV42BIS] = {
-		.name = "DV42BIS",
-		.description = "V.42bis data compression (SNDCP)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	}
-static const struct log_info gprs_log_info = {
-	.filter_fn = gprs_log_filter_fn,
-	.cat = gprs_categories,
-	.num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(gprs_categories),
-/* Implement the extern asn_debug from libasn1c to indicate whether the ASN.1
- * binary code decoded and encoded during Iu communication should be logged to
- * stderr. See osmocom's libasn1c, asn_internal.h, at "if (asn_debug)":
- * */
-int asn_debug = 0;
-int sgsn_ranap_iu_event(struct ue_conn_ctx *ctx, enum iu_event_type type, void *data);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	struct ctrl_handle *ctrl;
-	struct gsm_network dummy_network;
-	int rc;
-	srand(time(NULL));
-	tall_bsc_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "osmo_sgsn");
-	msgb_talloc_ctx_init(tall_bsc_ctx, 0);
-	signal(SIGINT, &signal_handler);
-	signal(SIGTERM, &signal_handler);
-	signal(SIGABRT, &signal_handler);
-	signal(SIGUSR1, &signal_handler);
-	signal(SIGUSR2, &signal_handler);
-	osmo_init_ignore_signals();
-	osmo_init_logging(&gprs_log_info);
-	osmo_stats_init(tall_bsc_ctx);
-	vty_info.copyright = openbsc_copyright;
-	vty_init(&vty_info);
-	logging_vty_add_cmds(NULL);
-	osmo_stats_vty_add_cmds(&gprs_log_info);
-	sgsn_vty_init();
-	ctrl_vty_init(tall_bsc_ctx);
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-	iu_vty_init(&asn_debug);
-	handle_options(argc, argv);
-	rate_ctr_init(tall_bsc_ctx);
-	gprs_ns_set_log_ss(DNS);
-	bssgp_set_log_ss(DBSSGP);
-	sgsn_nsi = gprs_ns_instantiate(&sgsn_ns_cb, tall_bsc_ctx);
-	if (!sgsn_nsi) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to instantiate NS\n");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	bssgp_nsi = sgsn_inst.cfg.nsi = sgsn_nsi;
-	gprs_llc_init("/usr/local/lib/osmocom/crypt/");
-	sgsn_rate_ctr_init();
-	sgsn_inst_init();
-	gprs_ns_vty_init(bssgp_nsi);
-	bssgp_vty_init();
-	gprs_llc_vty_init();
-	gprs_sndcp_vty_init();
-	sgsn_auth_init();
-	sgsn_cdr_init(&sgsn_inst);
-	/* FIXME: register signal handler for SS_L_NS */
-	rc = sgsn_parse_config(sgsn_inst.config_file, &sgsn_inst.cfg);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_FATAL, "Error in config file\n");
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	/* start telnet after reading config for vty_get_bind_addr() */
-	rc = telnet_init_dynif(tall_bsc_ctx, &dummy_network,
-			       vty_get_bind_addr(), OSMO_VTY_PORT_SGSN);
-	if (rc < 0)
-		exit(1);
-	/* start control interface after reading config for
-	 * ctrl_vty_get_bind_addr() */
-	ctrl = sgsn_controlif_setup(NULL, ctrl_vty_get_bind_addr(),
-	if (!ctrl) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to create CTRL interface.\n");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if (sgsn_ctrl_cmds_install() != 0) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to install CTRL commands.\n");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	rc = sgsn_gtp_init(&sgsn_inst);
-	if (rc) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_FATAL, "Cannot bind/listen on GTP socket\n");
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	rc = gprs_subscr_init(&sgsn_inst);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_FATAL, "Cannot set up subscriber management\n");
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	rc = gprs_ns_nsip_listen(sgsn_nsi);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_FATAL, "Cannot bind/listen on NSIP socket\n");
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	rc = gprs_ns_frgre_listen(sgsn_nsi);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_FATAL, "Cannot bind/listen GRE "
-			"socket. Do you have CAP_NET_RAW?\n");
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	if (sgsn->cfg.dynamic_lookup) {
-		if (sgsn_ares_init(sgsn) != 0) {
-				"Failed to initialize c-ares(%d)\n", rc);
-			exit(4);
-		}
-	}
-#ifdef BUILD_IU
-	iu_init(tall_bsc_ctx, "", 14001, gsm0408_gprs_rcvmsg_iu, sgsn_ranap_iu_event);
-	if (daemonize) {
-		rc = osmo_daemonize();
-		if (rc < 0) {
-			perror("Error during daemonize");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-	}
-	while (1) {
-		rc = osmo_select_main(0);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			exit(3);
-	}
-	/* not reached */
-	exit(0);
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_vty.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_vty.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d4447e1..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/sgsn_vty.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1312 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010-2016 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010 by On-Waves
- * (C) 2015 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08_gprs.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/apn.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_ns.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/vty.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsup_client.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/command.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/vty.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/misc.h>
-#include <osmocom/crypt/gprs_cipher.h>
-#include <osmocom/abis/ipa.h>
-#include <pdp.h>
-static struct sgsn_config *g_cfg = NULL;
-const struct value_string sgsn_auth_pol_strs[] = {
-	{ SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_OPEN,	"accept-all" },
-	{ SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_CLOSED,	"closed" },
-	{ SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_ACL_ONLY,    "acl-only" },
-	{ SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_REMOTE,      "remote" },
-	{ 0, NULL }
-/* Section 11.2.2 / Table 11.3a GPRS Mobility management timers – MS side */
-#define GSM0408_T3312_SECS	(10*60)	/* periodic RAU interval, default 54min */
-/* Section 11.2.2 / Table 11.4 MM timers netwokr side */
-#define GSM0408_T3322_SECS	6	/* DETACH_REQ -> DETACH_ACC */
-#define GSM0408_T3350_SECS	6	/* waiting for ATT/RAU/TMSI COMPL */
-#define GSM0408_T3360_SECS	6	/* waiting for AUTH/CIPH RESP */
-#define GSM0408_T3370_SECS	6	/* waiting for ID RESP */
-/* Section 11.2.2 / Table 11.4a MM timers network side */
-#define GSM0408_T3313_SECS	30	/* waiting for paging response */
-#define GSM0408_T3314_SECS	44	/* force to STBY on expiry, Ready timer */
-#define GSM0408_T3316_SECS	44
-/* Section 11.3 / Table 11.2d Timers of Session Management - network side */
-#define GSM0408_T3385_SECS	8	/* wait for ACT PDP CTX REQ */
-#define GSM0408_T3386_SECS	8	/* wait for MODIFY PDP CTX ACK */
-#define GSM0408_T3395_SECS	8	/* wait for DEACT PDP CTX ACK */
-#define GSM0408_T3397_SECS	8	/* wait for DEACT AA PDP CTX ACK */
-#define DECLARE_TIMER(number, doc) \
-    DEFUN(cfg_sgsn_T##number,					\
-      cfg_sgsn_T##number##_cmd,					\
-      "timer t" #number  " <0-65535>",				\
-      "Configure GPRS Timers\n"					\
-      doc "\nTimer Value in seconds\n")				\
-{								\
-	int value = atoi(argv[0]);				\
-								\
-	if (value < 0 || value > 65535) {			\
-		vty_out(vty, "Timer value %s out of range.%s",	\
-		        argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE);			\
-		return CMD_WARNING;				\
-	}							\
-								\
-	g_cfg->timers.T##number = value;			\
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;					\
-DECLARE_TIMER(3312, "Periodic RA Update timer (s)")
-DECLARE_TIMER(3322, "Detach request -> accept timer (s)")
-DECLARE_TIMER(3350, "Waiting for ATT/RAU/TMSI_COMPL timer (s)")
-DECLARE_TIMER(3360, "Waiting for AUTH/CIPH response timer (s)")
-DECLARE_TIMER(3370, "Waiting for IDENTITY response timer (s)")
-DECLARE_TIMER(3313, "Waiting for paging response timer (s)")
-DECLARE_TIMER(3314, "Force to STANDBY on expiry timer (s)")
-DECLARE_TIMER(3316, "AA-Ready timer (s)")
-DECLARE_TIMER(3385, "Wait for ACT PDP CTX REQ timer (s)")
-DECLARE_TIMER(3386, "Wait for MODIFY PDP CTX ACK timer (s)")
-DECLARE_TIMER(3395, "Wait for DEACT PDP CTX ACK timer (s)")
-DECLARE_TIMER(3397, "Wait for DEACT AA PDP CTX ACK timer (s)")
-#define GSM48_MAX_APN_LEN	102	/* */
-/** Copy apn to a static buffer, replacing the length octets in apn_enc with '.'
- * and terminating with a '\0'. Return the static buffer.
- * len: the length of the encoded APN (which has no terminating zero).
- */
-static char *gprs_apn2str(uint8_t *apn, unsigned int len)
-	static char apnbuf[GSM48_MAX_APN_LEN+1];
-	if (!apn)
-		return "";
-	osmo_apn_to_str(apnbuf, apn, len);
-	return apnbuf+1;
-char *gprs_pdpaddr2str(uint8_t *pdpa, uint8_t len)
-	static char str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 10];
-	if (!pdpa || len < 2)
-		return "none";
-	switch (pdpa[0] & 0x0f) {
-		switch (pdpa[1]) {
-		case PDP_TYPE_N_IETF_IPv4:
-			if (len < 2 + 4)
-				break;
-			strcpy(str, "IPv4 ");
-			inet_ntop(AF_INET, pdpa+2, str+5, sizeof(str)-5);
-			return str;
-		case PDP_TYPE_N_IETF_IPv6:
-			if (len < 2 + 8)
-				break;
-			strcpy(str, "IPv6 ");
-			inet_ntop(AF_INET6, pdpa+2, str+5, sizeof(str)-5);
-			return str;
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-		if (pdpa[1] == PDP_TYPE_N_ETSI_PPP)
-			return "PPP";
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	return "invalid";
-static struct cmd_node sgsn_node = {
-	"%s(config-sgsn)# ",
-	1,
-static int config_write_sgsn(struct vty *vty)
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *gctx;
-	struct imsi_acl_entry *acl;
-	struct apn_ctx *actx;
-	struct ares_addr_node *server;
-	vty_out(vty, "sgsn%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " gtp local-ip %s%s",
-		inet_ntoa(g_cfg->gtp_listenaddr.sin_addr), VTY_NEWLINE);
-	llist_for_each_entry(gctx, &sgsn_ggsn_ctxts, list) {
-		if (gctx->id == UINT32_MAX)
-			continue;
-		vty_out(vty, " ggsn %u remote-ip %s%s", gctx->id,
-			inet_ntoa(gctx->remote_addr), VTY_NEWLINE);
-		vty_out(vty, " ggsn %u gtp-version %u%s", gctx->id,
-			gctx->gtp_version, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	}
-	if (sgsn->cfg.dynamic_lookup)
-		vty_out(vty, " ggsn dynamic%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	for (server = sgsn->ares_servers; server; server = server->next)
-		vty_out(vty, " grx-dns-add %s%s", inet_ntoa(server->addr.addr4), VTY_NEWLINE);
-	if (g_cfg->cipher != GPRS_ALGO_GEA0)
-		vty_out(vty, " encryption %s%s",
-			get_value_string(gprs_cipher_names, g_cfg->cipher),
-	if (g_cfg->gsup_server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr)
-		vty_out(vty, " gsup remote-ip %s%s",
-			inet_ntoa(g_cfg->gsup_server_addr.sin_addr), VTY_NEWLINE);
-	if (g_cfg->gsup_server_port)
-		vty_out(vty, " gsup remote-port %d%s",
-			g_cfg->gsup_server_port, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " auth-policy %s%s",
-		get_value_string(sgsn_auth_pol_strs, g_cfg->auth_policy),
-	vty_out(vty, " gsup oap-id %d%s",
-		(int)g_cfg->oap.client_id, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	if (g_cfg->oap.secret_k_present != 0)
-		vty_out(vty, " gsup oap-k %s%s",
-			osmo_hexdump_nospc(g_cfg->oap.secret_k, sizeof(g_cfg->oap.secret_k)),
-	if (g_cfg->oap.secret_opc_present != 0)
-		vty_out(vty, " gsup oap-opc %s%s",
-			osmo_hexdump_nospc(g_cfg->oap.secret_opc, sizeof(g_cfg->oap.secret_opc)),
-	llist_for_each_entry(acl, &g_cfg->imsi_acl, list)
-		vty_out(vty, " imsi-acl add %s%s", acl->imsi, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	if (llist_empty(&sgsn_apn_ctxts))
-		vty_out(vty, " ! apn * ggsn 0%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	llist_for_each_entry(actx, &sgsn_apn_ctxts, list) {
-		if (strlen(actx->imsi_prefix) > 0)
-			vty_out(vty, " apn %s imsi-prefix %s ggsn %u%s",
-				actx->name, actx->imsi_prefix, actx->ggsn->id,
-		else
-			vty_out(vty, " apn %s ggsn %u%s", actx->name,
-				actx->ggsn->id, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	}
-	if (g_cfg->cdr.filename)
-		vty_out(vty, " cdr filename %s%s", g_cfg->cdr.filename, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	else
-		vty_out(vty, " no cdr filename%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " cdr interval %d%s", g_cfg->cdr.interval, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " timer t3312 %d%s", g_cfg->timers.T3312, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " timer t3322 %d%s", g_cfg->timers.T3322, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " timer t3350 %d%s", g_cfg->timers.T3350, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " timer t3360 %d%s", g_cfg->timers.T3360, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " timer t3370 %d%s", g_cfg->timers.T3370, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " timer t3313 %d%s", g_cfg->timers.T3313, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " timer t3314 %d%s", g_cfg->timers.T3314, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " timer t3316 %d%s", g_cfg->timers.T3316, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " timer t3385 %d%s", g_cfg->timers.T3385, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " timer t3386 %d%s", g_cfg->timers.T3386, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " timer t3395 %d%s", g_cfg->timers.T3395, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, " timer t3397 %d%s", g_cfg->timers.T3397, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	if (g_cfg-> {
-		vty_out(vty, " compression rfc1144 active slots %d%s",
-			g_cfg->pcomp_rfc1144.s01 + 1, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	} else if (g_cfg->pcomp_rfc1144.passive) {
-		vty_out(vty, " compression rfc1144 passive%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	} else
-		vty_out(vty, " no compression rfc1144%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	if (g_cfg-> && g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p0 == 1) {
-		vty_out(vty,
-			" compression v42bis active direction sgsn codewords %d strlen %d%s",
-			g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p1, g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p2,
-	} else if (g_cfg-> && g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p0 == 2) {
-		vty_out(vty,
-			" compression v42bis active direction ms codewords %d strlen %d%s",
-			g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p1, g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p2,
-	} else if (g_cfg-> && g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p0 == 3) {
-		vty_out(vty,
-			" compression v42bis active direction both codewords %d strlen %d%s",
-			g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p1, g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p2,
-	} else if (g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.passive) {
-		vty_out(vty, " compression v42bis passive%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	} else
-		vty_out(vty, " no compression v42bis%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define SGSN_STR	"Configure the SGSN\n"
-#define GGSN_STR	"Configure the GGSN information\n"
-DEFUN(cfg_sgsn, cfg_sgsn_cmd,
-	"sgsn",
-	vty->node = SGSN_NODE;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_sgsn_bind_addr, cfg_sgsn_bind_addr_cmd,
-	"gtp local-ip A.B.C.D",
-	"GTP Parameters\n"
-	"Set the IP address for the local GTP bind\n"
-	"IPv4 Address\n")
-	inet_aton(argv[0], &g_cfg->gtp_listenaddr.sin_addr);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_remote_ip, cfg_ggsn_remote_ip_cmd,
-	"ggsn <0-255> remote-ip A.B.C.D",
-	GGSN_STR "GGSN Number\n" IP_STR "IPv4 Address\n")
-	uint32_t id = atoi(argv[0]);
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggc = sgsn_ggsn_ctx_find_alloc(id);
-	inet_aton(argv[1], &ggc->remote_addr);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#if 0
-DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_remote_port, cfg_ggsn_remote_port_cmd,
-	"ggsn <0-255> remote-port <0-65535>",
-	"")
-	uint32_t id = atoi(argv[0]);
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggc = sgsn_ggsn_ctx_find_alloc(id);
-	uint16_t port = atoi(argv[1]);
-DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_gtp_version, cfg_ggsn_gtp_version_cmd,
-	"ggsn <0-255> gtp-version (0|1)",
-	GGSN_STR "GGSN Number\n" "GTP Version\n"
-	"Version 0\n" "Version 1\n")
-	uint32_t id = atoi(argv[0]);
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggc = sgsn_ggsn_ctx_find_alloc(id);
-	if (atoi(argv[1]))
-		ggc->gtp_version = 1;
-	else
-		ggc->gtp_version = 0;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_dynamic_lookup, cfg_ggsn_dynamic_lookup_cmd,
-	"ggsn dynamic",
-	GGSN_STR "Enable dynamic GRX based look-up (requires restart)\n")
-	sgsn->cfg.dynamic_lookup = 1;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_grx_ggsn, cfg_grx_ggsn_cmd,
-	"grx-dns-add A.B.C.D",
-	"Add DNS server\nIPv4 address\n")
-	struct ares_addr_node *node = talloc_zero(tall_bsc_ctx, struct ares_addr_node);
-	node->family = AF_INET;
-	inet_aton(argv[0], &node->addr.addr4);
-	node->next = sgsn->ares_servers;
-	sgsn->ares_servers = node;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define APN_STR	"Configure the information per APN\n"
-#define APN_GW_STR "The APN gateway name optionally prefixed by '*' (wildcard)\n"
-static int add_apn_ggsn_mapping(struct vty *vty, const char *apn_str,
-				const char *imsi_prefix, int ggsn_id)
-	struct apn_ctx *actx;
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggsn;
-	ggsn = sgsn_ggsn_ctx_by_id(ggsn_id);
-	if (ggsn == NULL) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% a GGSN with id %d has not been defined%s",
-			ggsn_id, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc(apn_str, imsi_prefix);
-	if (!actx) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% unable to create APN context for %s/%s%s",
-			apn_str, imsi_prefix, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	actx->ggsn = ggsn;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_apn_ggsn, cfg_apn_ggsn_cmd,
-	"apn APNAME ggsn <0-255>",
-	"Select the GGSN to use when the APN gateway prefix matches\n"
-	"The GGSN id")
-	return add_apn_ggsn_mapping(vty, argv[0], "", atoi(argv[1]));
-DEFUN(cfg_apn_imsi_ggsn, cfg_apn_imsi_ggsn_cmd,
-	"apn APNAME imsi-prefix IMSIPRE ggsn <0-255>",
-	"Restrict rule to a certain IMSI prefix\n"
-	"An IMSI prefix\n"
-	"Select the GGSN to use when APN gateway and IMSI prefix match\n"
-	"The GGSN id")
-	return add_apn_ggsn_mapping(vty, argv[0], argv[1], atoi(argv[2]));
-const struct value_string gprs_mm_st_strs[] = {
-	{ 0, NULL }
-static char *gtp_ntoa(struct ul16_t *ul)
-	if (ul->l == 4) {
-		struct in_addr *ia = (struct in_addr *) ul;
-		return inet_ntoa(*ia);
-	} else {
-		return "UNKNOWN";
-	}
-static void vty_dump_pdp(struct vty *vty, const char *pfx,
-			 struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp)
-	const char *imsi = pdp->mm ? pdp->mm->imsi : "(detaching)";
-	vty_out(vty, "%sPDP Context IMSI: %s, SAPI: %u, NSAPI: %u, TI: %u%s",
-		pfx, imsi, pdp->sapi, pdp->nsapi, pdp->ti, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	if (pdp->lib) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%s  APN: %s%s", pfx,
-			gprs_apn2str(pdp->lib->apn_use.v, pdp->lib->apn_use.l),
-		vty_out(vty, "%s  PDP Address: %s%s", pfx,
-			gprs_pdpaddr2str(pdp->lib->eua.v, pdp->lib->eua.l),
-		vty_out(vty, "%s  GTP Local Control(%s / TEIC: 0x%08x) ", pfx,
-			gtp_ntoa(&pdp->lib->gsnlc), pdp->lib->teic_own);
-		vty_out(vty, "Data(%s / TEID: 0x%08x)%s",
-			gtp_ntoa(&pdp->lib->gsnlu), pdp->lib->teid_own, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		vty_out(vty, "%s  GTP Remote Control(%s / TEIC: 0x%08x) ", pfx,
-			gtp_ntoa(&pdp->lib->gsnrc), pdp->lib->teic_gn);
-		vty_out(vty, "Data(%s / TEID: 0x%08x)%s",
-			gtp_ntoa(&pdp->lib->gsnru), pdp->lib->teid_gn, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	}
-	vty_out_rate_ctr_group(vty, " ", pdp->ctrg);
-static void vty_dump_mmctx(struct vty *vty, const char *pfx,
-			   struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm, int pdp)
-	vty_out(vty, "%sMM Context for IMSI %s, IMEI %s, P-TMSI %08x%s",
-		pfx, mm->imsi, mm->imei, mm->p_tmsi, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, "%s  MSISDN: %s, TLLI: %08x%s HLR: %s",
-		pfx, mm->msisdn, mm->gb.tlli, mm->hlr, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, "%s  MM State: %s, Routeing Area: %u-%u-%u-%u, "
-		"Cell ID: %u%s", pfx,
-		get_value_string(gprs_mm_st_strs, mm->gmm_state),
-		mm->ra.mcc, mm->ra.mnc, mm->ra.lac, mm->ra.rac,
-		mm->gb.cell_id, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out_rate_ctr_group(vty, " ", mm->ctrg);
-	if (pdp) {
-		struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-		llist_for_each_entry(pdp, &mm->pdp_list, list)
-			vty_dump_pdp(vty, "  ", pdp);
-	}
-DEFUN(show_sgsn, show_sgsn_cmd, "show sgsn",
-      SHOW_STR "Display information about the SGSN")
-	if (sgsn->gsup_client) {
-		struct ipa_client_conn *link = sgsn->gsup_client->link;
-		vty_out(vty,
-			"  Remote authorization: %sconnected to %s:%d via GSUP%s",
-			sgsn->gsup_client->is_connected ? "" : "not ",
-			link->addr, link->port,
-	}
-	/* FIXME: statistics */
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define MMCTX_STR "MM Context\n"
-#define INCLUDE_PDP_STR "Include PDP Context Information\n"
-#if 0
-DEFUN(show_mmctx_tlli, show_mmctx_tlli_cmd,
-	"show mm-context tlli HEX [pdp]",
-	uint32_t tlli;
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm;
-	tlli = strtoul(argv[0], NULL, 16);
-	mm = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(tlli);
-	if (!mm) {
-		vty_out(vty, "No MM context for TLLI %08x%s",
-			tlli, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	vty_dump_mmctx(vty, "", mm, argv[1] ? 1 : 0);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(swow_mmctx_imsi, show_mmctx_imsi_cmd,
-	"show mm-context imsi IMSI [pdp]",
-	SHOW_STR MMCTX_STR "Identify by IMSI\n" "IMSI of the MM Context\n"
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm;
-	mm = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_imsi(argv[0]);
-	if (!mm) {
-		vty_out(vty, "No MM context for IMSI %s%s",
-			argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	vty_dump_mmctx(vty, "", mm, argv[1] ? 1 : 0);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(swow_mmctx_all, show_mmctx_all_cmd,
-	"show mm-context all [pdp]",
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mm;
-	llist_for_each_entry(mm, &sgsn_mm_ctxts, list)
-		vty_dump_mmctx(vty, "", mm, argv[0] ? 1 : 0);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_pdpctx_all, show_pdpctx_all_cmd,
-	"show pdp-context all",
-	SHOW_STR "Display information on PDP Context\n" "Show everything\n")
-	struct sgsn_pdp_ctx *pdp;
-	llist_for_each_entry(pdp, &sgsn_pdp_ctxts, g_list)
-		vty_dump_pdp(vty, "", pdp);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(imsi_acl, cfg_imsi_acl_cmd,
-	"imsi-acl (add|del) IMSI",
-	"Access Control List of foreign IMSIs\n"
-	"Add IMSI to ACL\n"
-	"Remove IMSI from ACL\n"
-	"IMSI of subscriber\n")
-	char imsi_sanitized[GSM23003_IMSI_MAX_DIGITS+1];
-	const char *op = argv[0];
-	const char *imsi = imsi_sanitized;
-	int rc;
-	/* Sanitize IMSI */
-	if (strlen(argv[1]) > GSM23003_IMSI_MAX_DIGITS) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% IMSI (%s) too long -- ignored!%s",
-			argv[1], VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	memset(imsi_sanitized, '0', sizeof(imsi_sanitized));
-	strcpy(imsi_sanitized+GSM23003_IMSI_MAX_DIGITS-strlen(argv[1]),argv[1]);
-	if (!strcmp(op, "add"))
-		rc = sgsn_acl_add(imsi, g_cfg);
-	else
-		rc = sgsn_acl_del(imsi, g_cfg);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% unable to %s ACL%s", op, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_encrypt, cfg_encrypt_cmd,
-      "encryption (GEA0|GEA1|GEA2|GEA3|GEA4)",
-      "Set encryption algorithm for SGSN\n"
-      "Use GEA0 (no encryption)\n"
-      "Use GEA1\nUse GEA2\nUse GEA3\nUse GEA4\n")
-	enum gprs_ciph_algo c = get_string_value(gprs_cipher_names, argv[0]);
-	if (c != GPRS_ALGO_GEA0) {
-		if (!gprs_cipher_supported(c)) {
-			vty_out(vty, "%% cipher %s is unsupported in current version%s", argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE);
-			return CMD_WARNING;
-		}
-		if (!g_cfg->require_authentication) {
-			vty_out(vty, "%% unable to use encryption %s without authentication: please adjust auth-policy%s",
-				argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE);
-			return CMD_WARNING;
-		}
-	}
-	g_cfg->cipher = c;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_auth_policy, cfg_auth_policy_cmd,
-	"auth-policy (accept-all|closed|acl-only|remote)",
-	"Autorization Policy of SGSN\n"
-	"Accept all IMSIs (DANGEROUS)\n"
-	"Accept only home network subscribers or those in the ACL\n"
-	"Accept only subscribers in the ACL\n"
-	"Use remote subscription data only (HLR)\n")
-	int val = get_string_value(sgsn_auth_pol_strs, argv[0]);
-	g_cfg->auth_policy = val;
-	g_cfg->require_authentication = (val == SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_REMOTE);
-	g_cfg->require_update_location = (val == SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_REMOTE);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-/* Subscriber */
-#include <openbsc/gprs_subscriber.h>
-static void subscr_dump_full_vty(struct vty *vty, struct gprs_subscr *gsub, int pending)
-#if 0
-	char expire_time[200];
-	struct gsm_auth_tuple *at;
-	int at_idx;
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data *pdp;
-	vty_out(vty, "    Authorized: %d%s",
-		gsub->authorized, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, "    LAC: %d/0x%x%s",
-		gsub->lac, gsub->lac, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	vty_out(vty, "    IMSI: %s%s", gsub->imsi, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	if (gsub->tmsi != GSM_RESERVED_TMSI)
-		vty_out(vty, "    TMSI: %08X%s", gsub->tmsi,
-	if (gsub->sgsn_data->msisdn_len > 0)
-		vty_out(vty, "    MSISDN (BCD): %s%s",
-			osmo_hexdump(gsub->sgsn_data->msisdn,
-				     gsub->sgsn_data->msisdn_len),
-	if (strlen(gsub->imei) > 0)
-		vty_out(vty, "    IMEI: %s%s", gsub->imei, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	for (at_idx = 0; at_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(gsub->sgsn_data->auth_triplets);
-	     at_idx++) {
-		at = &gsub->sgsn_data->auth_triplets[at_idx];
-		if (at->key_seq == GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL)
-			continue;
-		vty_out(vty, "    A3A8 tuple (used %d times): ",
-			at->use_count);
-		vty_out(vty, "     CKSN: %d, ",
-			at->key_seq);
-		if (at->vec.auth_types & OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_GSM) {
-			vty_out(vty, "RAND: %s, ",
-				osmo_hexdump(at->vec.rand,
-					     sizeof(at->vec.rand)));
-			vty_out(vty, "SRES: %s, ",
-				osmo_hexdump(at->vec.sres,
-					     sizeof(at->vec.sres)));
-			vty_out(vty, "Kc: %s%s",
-				osmo_hexdump(at->vec.kc,
-					     sizeof(at->vec.kc)), VTY_NEWLINE);
-		}
-		if (at->vec.auth_types & OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_UMTS) {
-			vty_out(vty, "     AUTN: %s, ",
-				osmo_hexdump(at->vec.autn,
-					     sizeof(at->vec.autn)));
-			vty_out(vty, "RES: %s, ",
-				osmo_hexdump(at->vec.res, at->vec.res_len));
-			vty_out(vty, "IK: %s, ",
-				osmo_hexdump(at->vec.ik, sizeof(at->vec.ik)));
-			vty_out(vty, "CK: %s, ",
-				osmo_hexdump(at->, sizeof(at->;
-		}
-	}
-	llist_for_each_entry(pdp, &gsub->sgsn_data->pdp_list, list) {
-		vty_out(vty, "    PDP info: Id: %d, Type: 0x%04x, APN: '%s' QoS: %s%s",
-			pdp->context_id, pdp->pdp_type, pdp->apn_str,
-			osmo_hexdump(pdp->qos_subscribed, pdp->qos_subscribed_len),
-	}
-#if 0
-	/* print the expiration time of a subscriber */
-	if (gsub->expire_lu) {
-		strftime(expire_time, sizeof(expire_time),
-			 "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z", localtime(&gsub->expire_lu));
-		expire_time[sizeof(expire_time) - 1] = '\0';
-		vty_out(vty, "    Expiration Time: %s%s", expire_time, VTY_NEWLINE);
-	}
-	if (gsub->flags)
-		vty_out(vty, "    Flags: %s%s%s%s%s%s",
-			"FIRST_CONTACT " : "",
-			"CANCELLED " : "",
-			"AUTH_INFO_PENDING " : "",
-			"ENABLE_PURGE " : "",
-	vty_out(vty, "    Use count: %u%s", gsub->use_count, VTY_NEWLINE);
-      show_subscr_cache_cmd,
-      "show subscriber cache",
-	SHOW_STR "Show information about subscribers\n"
-	"Display contents of subscriber cache\n")
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	llist_for_each_entry(subscr, gprs_subscribers, entry) {
-		vty_out(vty, "  Subscriber:%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-		subscr_dump_full_vty(vty, subscr, 0);
-	}
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define UPDATE_SUBSCR_STR "update-subscriber imsi IMSI "
-#define UPDATE_SUBSCR_HELP "Update subscriber list\n" \
-	"Use the IMSI to select the subscriber\n" \
-	"The IMSI\n"
-#define UPDATE_SUBSCR_INSERT_HELP "Insert data into the subscriber record\n"
-DEFUN(update_subscr_insert_auth_triplet, update_subscr_insert_auth_triplet_cmd,
-	UPDATE_SUBSCR_STR "insert auth-triplet <1-5> sres SRES rand RAND kc KC",
-	"Update authentication triplet\n"
-	"Triplet index\n"
-	"Set SRES value\nSRES value (4 byte) in hex\n"
-	"Set RAND value\nRAND value (16 byte) in hex\n"
-	"Set Kc value\nKc value (8 byte) in hex\n")
-	const char *imsi = argv[0];
-	const int cksn = atoi(argv[1]) - 1;
-	const char *sres_str = argv[2];
-	const char *rand_str = argv[3];
-	const char *kc_str = argv[4];
-	struct gsm_auth_tuple at = {0,};
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi);
-	if (!subscr) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% unable get subscriber record for %s%s",
-			imsi, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	OSMO_ASSERT(subscr->sgsn_data);
-	if (osmo_hexparse(sres_str, &at.vec.sres[0], sizeof(at.vec.sres)) < 0) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% invalid SRES value '%s'%s",
-			sres_str, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		goto failed;
-	}
-	if (osmo_hexparse(rand_str, &at.vec.rand[0], sizeof(at.vec.rand)) < 0) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% invalid RAND value '%s'%s",
-			rand_str, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		goto failed;
-	}
-	if (osmo_hexparse(kc_str, &at.vec.kc[0], sizeof(at.vec.kc)) < 0) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% invalid Kc value '%s'%s",
-			kc_str, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		goto failed;
-	}
-	at.key_seq = cksn;
-	subscr->sgsn_data->auth_triplets[cksn] = at;
-	subscr->sgsn_data->auth_triplets_updated = 1;
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(update_subscr_cancel, update_subscr_cancel_cmd,
-	UPDATE_SUBSCR_STR "cancel (update-procedure|subscription-withdraw)",
-	"Cancel (remove) subscriber record\n"
-	"The MS moved to another SGSN\n"
-	"The subscription is no longer valid\n")
-	const char *imsi = argv[0];
-	const char *cancel_type = argv[1];
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi);
-	if (!subscr) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% no subscriber record for %s%s",
-			imsi, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	if (strcmp(cancel_type, "update-procedure") == 0)
-		subscr->sgsn_data->error_cause = SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE;
-	else
-		subscr->sgsn_data->error_cause = GMM_CAUSE_IMPL_DETACHED;
-	gprs_subscr_cancel(subscr);
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(update_subscr_create, update_subscr_create_cmd,
-	"Create a subscriber entry\n")
-	const char *imsi = argv[0];
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi);
-	if (subscr) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% subscriber record already exists for %s%s",
-			imsi, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_or_create(imsi);
-	subscr->keep_in_ram = 1;
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(update_subscr_destroy, update_subscr_destroy_cmd,
-	UPDATE_SUBSCR_STR "destroy",
-	"Destroy a subscriber entry\n")
-	const char *imsi = argv[0];
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi);
-	if (!subscr) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% subscriber record does not exist for %s%s",
-			imsi, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	subscr->keep_in_ram = 0;
-	subscr->sgsn_data->error_cause = SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE;
-	gprs_subscr_cancel(subscr);
-	if (subscr->use_count > 1)
-		vty_out(vty, "%% subscriber is still in use%s",
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define UL_ERR_STR "system-failure|data-missing|unexpected-data-value|" \
-		   "unknown-subscriber|roaming-not-allowed"
-#define UL_ERR_HELP \
-		"Force error code SystemFailure\n" \
-		"Force error code DataMissing\n" \
-		"Force error code UnexpectedDataValue\n" \
-		"Force error code UnknownSubscriber\n" \
-		"Force error code RoamingNotAllowed\n"
-DEFUN(update_subscr_update_location_result, update_subscr_update_location_result_cmd,
-	UPDATE_SUBSCR_STR "update-location-result (ok|" UL_ERR_STR ")",
-	"Complete the update location procedure\n"
-	"The update location request succeeded\n"
-	const char *imsi = argv[0];
-	const char *ret_code_str = argv[1];
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	const struct value_string cause_mapping[] = {
-		{ GMM_CAUSE_NET_FAIL,		"system-failure" },
-		{ GMM_CAUSE_INV_MAND_INFO,	"data-missing" },
-		{ GMM_CAUSE_PROTO_ERR_UNSPEC,   "unexpected-data-value" },
-		{ GMM_CAUSE_IMSI_UNKNOWN,       "unknown-subscriber" },
-		{ GMM_CAUSE_GPRS_NOTALLOWED,    "roaming-not-allowed" },
-		{ 0, NULL }
-	};
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi);
-	if (!subscr) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% unable to get subscriber record for %s%s",
-			imsi, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	if (strcmp(ret_code_str, "ok") == 0) {
-		subscr->sgsn_data->error_cause = SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE;
-		subscr->authorized = 1;
-	} else {
-		subscr->sgsn_data->error_cause =
-			get_string_value(cause_mapping, ret_code_str);
-		subscr->authorized = 0;
-	}
-	gprs_subscr_update(subscr);
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(update_subscr_update_auth_info, update_subscr_update_auth_info_cmd,
-	UPDATE_SUBSCR_STR "update-auth-info",
-	"Complete the send authentication info procedure\n")
-	const char *imsi = argv[0];
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi);
-	if (!subscr) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% unable to get subscriber record for %s%s",
-			imsi, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	gprs_subscr_update_auth_info(subscr);
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gsup_remote_ip, cfg_gsup_remote_ip_cmd,
-	"gsup remote-ip A.B.C.D",
-	"GSUP Parameters\n"
-	"Set the IP address of the remote GSUP server\n"
-	"IPv4 Address\n")
-	inet_aton(argv[0], &g_cfg->gsup_server_addr.sin_addr);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gsup_remote_port, cfg_gsup_remote_port_cmd,
-	"gsup remote-port <0-65535>",
-	"GSUP Parameters\n"
-	"Set the TCP port of the remote GSUP server\n"
-	"Remote TCP port\n")
-	g_cfg->gsup_server_port = atoi(argv[0]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gsup_oap_id, cfg_gsup_oap_id_cmd,
-	"gsup oap-id <0-65535>",
-	"GSUP Parameters\n"
-	"Set the SGSN's OAP client ID\nOAP client ID (0 == disabled)\n")
-	/* VTY ensures range */
-	g_cfg->oap.client_id = (uint16_t)atoi(argv[0]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gsup_oap_k, cfg_gsup_oap_k_cmd,
-	"gsup oap-k K",
-	"GSUP Parameters\n"
-	"Set the OAP shared secret K\nK value (16 byte) hex\n")
-	const char *k = argv[0];
-	g_cfg->oap.secret_k_present = 0;
-	if ((!k) || (strlen(k) == 0))
-		goto disable;
-	int k_len = osmo_hexparse(k,
-				  g_cfg->oap.secret_k,
-				  sizeof(g_cfg->oap.secret_k));
-	if (k_len != 16) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% need exactly 16 octets for oap-k, got %d.%s",
-			k_len, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		goto disable;
-	}
-	g_cfg->oap.secret_k_present = 1;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-	if (g_cfg->oap.client_id > 0) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% OAP client ID set, but invalid oap-k value disables OAP.%s",
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gsup_oap_opc, cfg_gsup_oap_opc_cmd,
-	"gsup oap-opc OPC",
-	"GSUP Parameters\n"
-	"Set the OAP shared secret OPC\nOPC value (16 byte) hex\n")
-	const char *opc = argv[0];
-	g_cfg->oap.secret_opc_present = 0;
-	if ((!opc) || (strlen(opc) == 0))
-		goto disable;
-	int opc_len = osmo_hexparse(opc,
-				    g_cfg->oap.secret_opc,
-				    sizeof(g_cfg->oap.secret_opc));
-	if (opc_len != 16) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% need exactly 16 octets for oap-opc, got %d.%s",
-			opc_len, VTY_NEWLINE);
-		goto disable;
-	}
-	g_cfg->oap.secret_opc_present = 1;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-	if (g_cfg->oap.client_id > 0) {
-		vty_out(vty, "%% OAP client ID set, but invalid oap-opc value disables OAP.%s",
-		return CMD_WARNING;
-	}
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_apn_name, cfg_apn_name_cmd,
-	"access-point-name NAME",
-	"Configure a global list of allowed APNs\n"
-	"Add this NAME to the list\n")
-	return add_apn_ggsn_mapping(vty, argv[0], "", 0);
-DEFUN(cfg_no_apn_name, cfg_no_apn_name_cmd,
-	"no access-point-name NAME",
-	NO_STR "Configure a global list of allowed APNs\n"
-	"Remove entry with NAME\n")
-	struct apn_ctx *apn_ctx = sgsn_apn_ctx_by_name(argv[0], "");
-	if (!apn_ctx)
-		return CMD_SUCCESS;
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(apn_ctx);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_cdr_filename, cfg_cdr_filename_cmd,
-	"cdr filename NAME",
-	"CDR\nSet filename\nname\n")
-	talloc_free(g_cfg->cdr.filename);
-	g_cfg->cdr.filename = talloc_strdup(tall_vty_ctx, argv[0]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_no_cdr_filename, cfg_no_cdr_filename_cmd,
-	"no cdr filename",
-	NO_STR "CDR\nDisable CDR generation\n")
-	talloc_free(g_cfg->cdr.filename);
-	g_cfg->cdr.filename = NULL;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_cdr_interval, cfg_cdr_interval_cmd,
-	"cdr interval <1-2147483647>",
-	"CDR\nPDP periodic log interval\nSeconds\n")
-	g_cfg->cdr.interval = atoi(argv[0]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define COMPRESSION_STR "Configure compression\n"
-DEFUN(cfg_no_comp_rfc1144, cfg_no_comp_rfc1144_cmd,
-      "no compression rfc1144",
-      NO_STR COMPRESSION_STR "disable rfc1144 TCP/IP header compression\n")
-	g_cfg-> = 0;
-	g_cfg->pcomp_rfc1144.passive = 0;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_comp_rfc1144, cfg_comp_rfc1144_cmd,
-      "compression rfc1144 active slots <1-256>",
-      "RFC1144 Header compresion scheme\n"
-      "Compression is actively proposed\n"
-      "Number of compression state slots\n"
-      "Number of compression state slots\n")
-	g_cfg-> = 1;
-	g_cfg->pcomp_rfc1144.passive = 1;
-	g_cfg->pcomp_rfc1144.s01 = atoi(argv[0]) - 1;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_comp_rfc1144p, cfg_comp_rfc1144p_cmd,
-      "compression rfc1144 passive",
-      "RFC1144 Header compresion scheme\n"
-      "Compression is available on request\n")
-	g_cfg-> = 0;
-	g_cfg->pcomp_rfc1144.passive = 1;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_no_comp_v42bis, cfg_no_comp_v42bis_cmd,
-      "no compression v42bis",
-      NO_STR COMPRESSION_STR "disable V.42bis data compression\n")
-	g_cfg-> = 0;
-	g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.passive = 0;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_comp_v42bis, cfg_comp_v42bis_cmd,
-      "compression v42bis active direction (ms|sgsn|both) codewords <512-65535> strlen <6-250>",
-      "V.42bis data compresion scheme\n"
-      "Compression is actively proposed\n"
-      "Direction in which the compression shall be active (p0)\n"
-      "Compress ms->sgsn direction only\n"
-      "Compress sgsn->ms direction only\n"
-      "Both directions\n"
-      "Number of codewords (p1)\n"
-      "Number of codewords\n"
-      "Maximum string length (p2)\n" "Maximum string length\n")
-	g_cfg-> = 1;
-	g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.passive = 1;
-	switch (argv[0][0]) {
-	case 'm':
-		g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p0 = 1;
-		break;
-	case 's':
-		g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p0 = 2;
-		break;
-	case 'b':
-		g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p0 = 3;
-		break;
-	}
-	g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p1 = atoi(argv[1]);
-	g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.p2 = atoi(argv[2]);
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_comp_v42bisp, cfg_comp_v42bisp_cmd,
-      "compression v42bis passive",
-      "V.42bis data compresion scheme\n"
-      "Compression is available on request\n")
-	g_cfg-> = 0;
-	g_cfg->dcomp_v42bis.passive = 1;
-	return CMD_SUCCESS;
-int sgsn_vty_init(void)
-	install_element_ve(&show_sgsn_cmd);
-	//install_element_ve(&show_mmctx_tlli_cmd);
-	install_element_ve(&show_mmctx_imsi_cmd);
-	install_element_ve(&show_mmctx_all_cmd);
-	install_element_ve(&show_pdpctx_all_cmd);
-	install_element_ve(&show_subscr_cache_cmd);
-	install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &update_subscr_insert_auth_triplet_cmd);
-	install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &update_subscr_create_cmd);
-	install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &update_subscr_destroy_cmd);
-	install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &update_subscr_cancel_cmd);
-	install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &update_subscr_update_location_result_cmd);
-	install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &update_subscr_update_auth_info_cmd);
-	install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_cmd);
-	install_node(&sgsn_node, config_write_sgsn);
-	vty_install_default(SGSN_NODE);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_bind_addr_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_remote_ip_cmd);
-	//install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_remote_port_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_gtp_version_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_imsi_acl_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_auth_policy_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_encrypt_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_gsup_remote_ip_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_gsup_remote_port_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_gsup_oap_id_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_gsup_oap_k_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_gsup_oap_opc_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_apn_ggsn_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_apn_imsi_ggsn_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_apn_name_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_no_apn_name_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_cdr_filename_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_no_cdr_filename_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_cdr_interval_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_dynamic_lookup_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_grx_ggsn_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_T3312_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_T3322_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_T3350_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_T3360_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_T3370_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_T3313_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_T3314_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_T3316_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_T3385_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_T3386_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_T3395_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_sgsn_T3397_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_no_comp_rfc1144_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_comp_rfc1144_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_comp_rfc1144p_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_no_comp_v42bis_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_comp_v42bis_cmd);
-	install_element(SGSN_NODE, &cfg_comp_v42bisp_cmd);
-	return 0;
-int sgsn_parse_config(const char *config_file, struct sgsn_config *cfg)
-	int rc;
-	g_cfg = cfg;
-	g_cfg->timers.T3312 = GSM0408_T3312_SECS;
-	g_cfg->timers.T3322 = GSM0408_T3322_SECS;
-	g_cfg->timers.T3350 = GSM0408_T3350_SECS;
-	g_cfg->timers.T3360 = GSM0408_T3360_SECS;
-	g_cfg->timers.T3370 = GSM0408_T3370_SECS;
-	g_cfg->timers.T3313 = GSM0408_T3313_SECS;
-	g_cfg->timers.T3314 = GSM0408_T3314_SECS;
-	g_cfg->timers.T3316 = GSM0408_T3316_SECS;
-	g_cfg->timers.T3385 = GSM0408_T3385_SECS;
-	g_cfg->timers.T3386 = GSM0408_T3386_SECS;
-	g_cfg->timers.T3395 = GSM0408_T3395_SECS;
-	g_cfg->timers.T3397 = GSM0408_T3397_SECS;
-	rc = vty_read_config_file(config_file, NULL);
-	if (rc < 0) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse the config file: '%s'\n", config_file);
-		return rc;
-	}
-	if (g_cfg->auth_policy == SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_REMOTE
-	    && !(g_cfg->gsup_server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr
-		 && g_cfg->gsup_server_port)) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Configuration error:"
-			" 'auth-policy remote' requires both"
-			" 'gsup remote-ip' and 'gsup remote-port'\n");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	return 0;
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/slhc.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/slhc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cbdf8db..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/slhc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,813 +0,0 @@
- * Routines to compress and uncompress tcp packets (for transmission
- * over low speed serial lines).
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1989 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
- * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
- * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
- * by the University of California, Berkeley.  The name of the
- * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *	Van Jacobson (, Dec 31, 1989:
- *	- Initial distribution.
- *
- *
- * modified for KA9Q Internet Software Package by
- * Katie Stevens (
- * University of California, Davis
- * Computing Services
- *	- 01-31-90	initial adaptation (from 1.19)
- *	PPP.05	02-15-90 [ks]
- *	PPP.08	05-02-90 [ks]	use PPP protocol field to signal compression
- *	PPP.15	09-90	 [ks]	improve mbuf handling
- *	PPP.16	11-02	 [karn]	substantially rewritten to use NOS facilities
- *
- *	- Feb 1991
- *			variable number of conversation slots
- *			allow zero or one slots
- *			separate routines
- *			status display
- *	- Jul 1994	Dmitry Gorodchanin
- *			Fixes for memory leaks.
- *      - Oct 1994      Dmitry Gorodchanin
- *                      Modularization.
- *	- Jan 1995	Bjorn Ekwall
- *			Use ip_fast_csum from ip.h
- *	- July 1995	Christos A. Polyzols
- *			Spotted bug in tcp option checking
- *
- *
- *	This module is a difficult issue. It's clearly inet code but it's also clearly
- *	driver code belonging close to PPP and SLIP
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <openbsc/slhc.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#define ERR_PTR(x) x
-static unsigned char *encode(unsigned char *cp, unsigned short n);
-static long decode(unsigned char **cpp);
-static unsigned char * put16(unsigned char *cp, unsigned short x);
-static unsigned short pull16(unsigned char **cpp);
-/* Replacement for kernel space function ip_fast_csum() */
-static uint16_t ip_fast_csum(uint8_t *iph, int ihl)
-	int i;
-	uint16_t temp;
-	uint32_t accumulator = 0xFFFF;
-	for(i=0;i<ihl*2;i++)
-	{
-		temp = ((*iph) << 8)&0xFF00;
-		iph++;
-		temp |= (*iph)&0xFF;
-		iph++;
-		accumulator+=temp;
-		if(accumulator>0xFFFF)
-		{
-			accumulator++;
-			accumulator&=0xFFFF;
-		}
-	}
-    return (uint16_t)(htons(~accumulator)&0xFFFF);
-/* Replacement for kernel space function put_unaligned() */
-static void put_unaligned(uint16_t val, void *ptr)
-	memcpy(ptr,&val,sizeof(val));
-/* Allocate compression data structure
- *	slots must be in range 0 to 255 (zero meaning no compression)
- * Returns pointer to structure or ERR_PTR() on error.
- */
-struct slcompress *
-slhc_init(const void *ctx, int rslots, int tslots)
-	register short i;
-	register struct cstate *ts;
-	struct slcompress *comp;
-	if (rslots < 0 || rslots > 255 || tslots < 0 || tslots > 255)
-		return NULL;
-	comp = (struct slcompress *)talloc_zero_size(ctx,sizeof(struct slcompress));
-	if (! comp)
-		goto out_fail;
-	if (rslots > 0) {
-		size_t rsize = rslots * sizeof(struct cstate);
-		comp->rstate = (struct cstate *) talloc_zero_size(ctx, rsize);
-		if (! comp->rstate)
-			goto out_free;
-		comp->rslot_limit = rslots - 1;
-	}
-	if (tslots > 0) {
-		size_t tsize = tslots * sizeof(struct cstate);
-		comp->tstate = (struct cstate *) talloc_zero_size(ctx, tsize);
-		if (! comp->tstate)
-			goto out_free2;
-		comp->tslot_limit = tslots - 1;
-	}
-	comp->xmit_oldest = 0;
-	comp->xmit_current = 255;
-	comp->recv_current = 255;
-	/*
-	 * don't accept any packets with implicit index until we get
-	 * one with an explicit index.  Otherwise the uncompress code
-	 * will try to use connection 255, which is almost certainly
-	 * out of range
-	 */
-	comp->flags |= SLF_TOSS;
-	if ( tslots > 0 ) {
-		ts = comp->tstate;
-		for(i = comp->tslot_limit; i > 0; --i){
-			ts[i].cs_this = i;
-			ts[i].next = &(ts[i - 1]);
-		}
-		ts[0].next = &(ts[comp->tslot_limit]);
-		ts[0].cs_this = 0;
-	}
-	return comp;
-	talloc_free(comp->rstate);
-	talloc_free(comp);
-	return NULL;
-/* Free a compression data structure */
-slhc_free(struct slcompress *comp)
-	DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_free(): Freeing compression states...\n");
-	if ( comp == NULLSLCOMPR )
-		return;
-	if ( comp->tstate != NULLSLSTATE )
-		talloc_free(comp->tstate );
-	if ( comp->rstate != NULLSLSTATE )
-		talloc_free( comp->rstate );
-	talloc_free( comp );
-/* Put a short in host order into a char array in network order */
-static inline unsigned char *
-put16(unsigned char *cp, unsigned short x)
-	*cp++ = x >> 8;
-	*cp++ = x;
-	return cp;
-/* Encode a number */
-static unsigned char *
-encode(unsigned char *cp, unsigned short n)
-	if(n >= 256 || n == 0){
-		*cp++ = 0;
-		cp = put16(cp,n);
-	} else {
-		*cp++ = n;
-	}
-	DEBUGP(DSLHC, "encode(): n=%04x\n",n);
-	return cp;
-/* Pull a 16-bit integer in host order from buffer in network byte order */
-static unsigned short
-pull16(unsigned char **cpp)
-	short rval;
-	rval = *(*cpp)++;
-	rval <<= 8;
-	rval |= *(*cpp)++;
-	return rval;
-/* Decode a number */
-static long
-decode(unsigned char **cpp)
-	register int x;
-	x = *(*cpp)++;
-	if(x == 0){
-		return pull16(cpp) & 0xffff;	/* pull16 returns -1 on error */
-	} else {
-		return x & 0xff;		/* -1 if PULLCHAR returned error */
-	}
- * icp and isize are the original packet.
- * ocp is a place to put a copy if necessary.
- * cpp is initially a pointer to icp.  If the copy is used,
- *    change it to ocp.
- */
-slhc_compress(struct slcompress *comp, unsigned char *icp, int isize,
-	unsigned char *ocp, unsigned char **cpp, int compress_cid)
-	register struct cstate *ocs = &(comp->tstate[comp->xmit_oldest]);
-	register struct cstate *lcs = ocs;
-	register struct cstate *cs = lcs->next;
-	register unsigned long deltaS, deltaA;
-	register short changes = 0;
-	int hlen;
-	unsigned char new_seq[16];
-	register unsigned char *cp = new_seq;
-	struct iphdr *ip;
-	struct tcphdr *th, *oth;
-	__sum16 csum;
-	/*
-	 *	Don't play with runt packets.
-	 */
-	if(isize<sizeof(struct iphdr))
-		return isize;
-	ip = (struct iphdr *) icp;
-	/* Bail if this packet isn't TCP, or is an IP fragment */
-	if (ip->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP || (ntohs(ip->frag_off) & 0x3fff)) {
-		/* Send as regular IP */
-		if(ip->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP)
-			comp->sls_o_nontcp++;
-		else
-			comp->sls_o_tcp++;
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Not a TCP packat, will not touch...\n");
-		return isize;
-	}
-	/* Extract TCP header */
-	th = (struct tcphdr *)(((unsigned char *)ip) + ip->ihl*4);
-	hlen = ip->ihl*4 + th->doff*4;
-	/*  Bail if the TCP packet isn't `compressible' (i.e., ACK isn't set or
-	 *  some other control bit is set). Also uncompressible if
-	 *  it's a runt.
-	 */
-	if(hlen > isize || th->syn || th->fin || th->rst ||
-	    ! (th->ack)){
-		/* TCP connection stuff; send as regular IP */
-		comp->sls_o_tcp++;
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Packet is part of a TCP connection, will not touch...\n");
-		return isize;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Packet is compressible -- we're going to send either a
-	 * COMPRESSED_TCP or UNCOMPRESSED_TCP packet.  Either way,
-	 * we need to locate (or create) the connection state.
-	 *
-	 * States are kept in a circularly linked list with
-	 * xmit_oldest pointing to the end of the list.  The
-	 * list is kept in lru order by moving a state to the
-	 * head of the list whenever it is referenced.  Since
-	 * the list is short and, empirically, the connection
-	 * we want is almost always near the front, we locate
-	 * states via linear search.  If we don't find a state
-	 * for the datagram, the oldest state is (re-)used.
-	 */
-	DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Compressible packet detected!\n");
-	for ( ; ; ) {
-		if( ip->saddr == cs->cs_ip.saddr
-		 && ip->daddr == cs->cs_ip.daddr
-		 && th->source == cs->cs_tcp.source
-		 && th->dest == cs->cs_tcp.dest)
-			goto found;
-		/* if current equal oldest, at end of list */
-		if ( cs == ocs )
-			break;
-		lcs = cs;
-		cs = cs->next;
-		comp->sls_o_searches++;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Didn't find it -- re-use oldest cstate.  Send an
-	 * uncompressed packet that tells the other side what
-	 * connection number we're using for this conversation.
-	 *
-	 * Note that since the state list is circular, the oldest
-	 * state points to the newest and we only need to set
-	 * xmit_oldest to update the lru linkage.
-	 */
-	DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Header not yet seen, will memorize header for the next turn...\n");
-	comp->sls_o_misses++;
-	comp->xmit_oldest = lcs->cs_this;
-	goto uncompressed;
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Header already seen, trying to compress...\n");
-	/*
-	 * Found it -- move to the front on the connection list.
-	 */
-	if(lcs == ocs) {
- 		/* found at most recently used */
-	} else if (cs == ocs) {
-		/* found at least recently used */
-		comp->xmit_oldest = lcs->cs_this;
-	} else {
-		/* more than 2 elements */
-		lcs->next = cs->next;
-		cs->next = ocs->next;
-		ocs->next = cs;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Make sure that only what we expect to change changed.
-	 * Check the following:
-	 * IP protocol version, header length & type of service.
-	 * The "Don't fragment" bit.
-	 * The time-to-live field.
-	 * The TCP header length.
-	 * IP options, if any.
-	 * TCP options, if any.
-	 * If any of these things are different between the previous &
-	 * current datagram, we send the current datagram `uncompressed'.
-	 */
-	oth = &cs->cs_tcp;
-	/* Display a little more debug information about which of the
-	 * header fields changed unexpectedly */
-	if(ip->version != cs->cs_ip.version)
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Unexpected change: ip->version != cs->cs_ip.version\n");
-	if(ip->ihl != cs->cs_ip.ihl)
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Unexpected change: ip->ihl != cs->cs_ip.ihl\n");
-	if(ip->tos != cs->cs_ip.tos)
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Unexpected change: ip->tos != cs->cs_ip.tos\n");
-	if((ip->frag_off & htons(0x4000)) != (cs->cs_ip.frag_off & htons(0x4000)))
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Unexpected change: (ip->frag_off & htons(0x4000)) != (cs->cs_ip.frag_off & htons(0x4000))\n");
-	if(ip->ttl != cs->cs_ip.ttl)
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Unexpected change: ip->ttl != cs->cs_ip.ttl\n");
-	if(th->doff != cs->cs_tcp.doff)
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Unexpected change: th->doff != cs->cs_tcp.doff\n");
-	if(ip->ihl > 5 && memcmp(ip+1,cs->cs_ipopt,((ip->ihl)-5)*4) != 0) {
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Unexpected change: (ip->ihl > 5 && memcmp(ip+1,cs->cs_ipopt,((ip->ihl)-5)*4) != 0)\n");
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): ip->ihl = %i\n", ip->ihl);
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): ip+1 =          %s\n",
-		       osmo_hexdump_nospc((uint8_t*)(ip+1),((ip->ihl)-5)*4));
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Unexpected change: cs->cs_ipopt =  %s\n",
-		       osmo_hexdump_nospc((uint8_t*)(cs->cs_ipopt),((ip->ihl)-5)*4));
-	}
-	if(th->doff > 5 && memcmp(th+1,cs->cs_tcpopt,((th->doff)-5)*4) != 0) {
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Unexpected change: (th->doff > 5 && memcmp(th+1,cs->cs_tcpopt,((th->doff)-5)*4) != 0)\n");
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): th->doff = %i\n", th->doff);
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): th+1 =          %s\n",
-		       osmo_hexdump_nospc((uint8_t*)(th+1),((th->doff)-5)*4));
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): cs->cs_tcpopt = %s\n",
-		       osmo_hexdump_nospc((uint8_t*)cs->cs_tcpopt,
-					  ((th->doff)-5)*4));
-	}
-	if(ip->version != cs->cs_ip.version || ip->ihl != cs->cs_ip.ihl
-	 || ip->tos != cs->cs_ip.tos
-	 || (ip->frag_off & htons(0x4000)) != (cs->cs_ip.frag_off & htons(0x4000))
-	 || ip->ttl != cs->cs_ip.ttl
-	 || th->doff != cs->cs_tcp.doff
-	 || (ip->ihl > 5 && memcmp(ip+1,cs->cs_ipopt,((ip->ihl)-5)*4) != 0)
-	 || (th->doff > 5 && memcmp(th+1,cs->cs_tcpopt,((th->doff)-5)*4) != 0)){
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): The header contains unexpected changes, can't compress...\n");
-		goto uncompressed;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Figure out which of the changing fields changed.  The
-	 * receiver expects changes in the order: urgent, window,
-	 * ack, seq (the order minimizes the number of temporaries
-	 * needed in this section of code).
-	 */
-	if(th->urg){
-		deltaS = ntohs(th->urg_ptr);
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): flag: Urgent Pointer (U) = 1\n");
-		cp = encode(cp,deltaS);
-		changes |= NEW_U;
-	} else if(th->urg_ptr != oth->urg_ptr){
-		/* argh! URG not set but urp changed -- a sensible
-		 * implementation should never do this but RFC793
-		 * doesn't prohibit the change so we have to deal
-		 * with it. */
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): URG not set but urp changed, can't compress...\n");
-		goto uncompressed;
-	}
-	if((deltaS = ntohs(th->window) - ntohs(oth->window)) != 0){
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): flag: Delta Window (W) = 1\n");
-		cp = encode(cp,deltaS);
-		changes |= NEW_W;
-	}
-	if((deltaA = ntohl(th->ack_seq) - ntohl(oth->ack_seq)) != 0L){
-		if(deltaA > 0x0000ffff)	{
-			DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): (deltaA = ntohl(th->ack_seq) - ntohl(oth->ack_seq)) != 0L, can't compress...\n");
-			goto uncompressed;
-		}
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): flag: Delta Ack (A) = 1\n");
-		cp = encode(cp,deltaA);
-		changes |= NEW_A;
-	}
-	if((deltaS = ntohl(th->seq) - ntohl(oth->seq)) != 0L){
-		if(deltaS > 0x0000ffff)	{
-			DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): (deltaS = ntohl(th->seq) - ntohl(oth->seq)) != 0L, can't compress...\n");
-			goto uncompressed;
-		}
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): flag: Delta Sequence (S) = 1\n");
-		cp = encode(cp,deltaS);
-		changes |= NEW_S;
-	}
-	switch(changes){
-	case 0:	/* Nothing changed. If this packet contains data and the
-		 * last one didn't, this is probably a data packet following
-		 * an ack (normal on an interactive connection) and we send
-		 * it compressed.  Otherwise it's probably a retransmit,
-		 * retransmitted ack or window probe.  Send it uncompressed
-		 * in case the other side missed the compressed version.
-		 */
-		if(ip->tot_len != cs->cs_ip.tot_len &&
-		   ntohs(cs->cs_ip.tot_len) == hlen)
-			break;
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Retransmitted packet detected, can't compress...\n");
-		goto uncompressed;
-	case SPECIAL_I:
-	case SPECIAL_D:
-		/* actual changes match one of our special case encodings --
-		 * send packet uncompressed.
-		 */
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Special case detected, can't compress...\n");
-		goto uncompressed;
-	case NEW_S|NEW_A:
-		if(deltaS == deltaA &&
-		    deltaS == ntohs(cs->cs_ip.tot_len) - hlen){
-			/* special case for echoed terminal traffic */
-			DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Special case for echoed terminal traffic detected...\n");
-			DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): flag: Delta Sequence (S) = 1, Delta Window (W) = 1, Urgent Pointer (U) = 1\n");
-			changes = SPECIAL_I;
-			cp = new_seq;
-		}
-		break;
-	case NEW_S:
-		if(deltaS == ntohs(cs->cs_ip.tot_len) - hlen){
-			/* special case for data xfer */
-			DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Special case for data xfer detected...\n");
-			DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): flag: Delta Sequence (S) = 1, Delta Ack (A) = 1, Delta Window (W) = 1, Urgent Pointer (U) = 1\n");
-			changes = SPECIAL_D;
-			cp = new_seq;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	deltaS = ntohs(ip->id) - ntohs(cs->;
-	if(deltaS != 1){
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): flag: Delta IP ID (I) = 1\n");
-		cp = encode(cp,deltaS);
-		changes |= NEW_I;
-	}
-	if(th->psh) {
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): flag: Push (P) = 1\n");
-		changes |= TCP_PUSH_BIT;
-	}
-	/* Grab the cksum before we overwrite it below.  Then update our
-	 * state with this packet's header.
-	 */
-	csum = th->check;
-	memcpy(&cs->cs_ip,ip,20);
-	memcpy(&cs->cs_tcp,th,20);
-	/* We want to use the original packet as our compressed packet.
-	 * (cp - new_seq) is the number of bytes we need for compressed
-	 * sequence numbers.  In addition we need one byte for the change
-	 * mask, one for the connection id and two for the tcp checksum.
-	 * So, (cp - new_seq) + 4 bytes of header are needed.
-	 */
-	deltaS = cp - new_seq;
-	if(compress_cid == 0 || comp->xmit_current != cs->cs_this){
-		cp = ocp;
-		*cpp = ocp;
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): flag: Connection number (C) = 1\n");
-		*cp++ = changes | NEW_C;
-		*cp++ = cs->cs_this;
-		comp->xmit_current = cs->cs_this;
-	} else {
-		cp = ocp;
-		*cpp = ocp;
-		*cp++ = changes;
-	}
-	*(__sum16 *)cp = csum;
-	cp += 2;
-/* deltaS is now the size of the change section of the compressed header */
-	DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Delta-list length (deltaS) = %li\n",deltaS);
-	DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Original header len (hlen) = %i\n",hlen);
-	memcpy(cp,new_seq,deltaS);	/* Write list of deltas */
-	memcpy(cp+deltaS,icp+hlen,isize-hlen);
-	comp->sls_o_compressed++;
-	return isize - hlen + deltaS + (cp - ocp);
-	/* Update connection state cs & send uncompressed packet (i.e.,
-	 * a regular ip/tcp packet but with the 'conversation id' we hope
-	 * to use on future compressed packets in the protocol field).
-	 */
-	DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_compress(): Packet will be sent uncompressed...\n");
-	memcpy(&cs->cs_ip,ip,20);
-	memcpy(&cs->cs_tcp,th,20);
-	if (ip->ihl > 5)
-	  memcpy(cs->cs_ipopt, ip+1, ((ip->ihl) - 5) * 4);
-	if (th->doff > 5)
-	  memcpy(cs->cs_tcpopt, th+1, ((th->doff) - 5) * 4);
-	comp->xmit_current = cs->cs_this;
-	comp->sls_o_uncompressed++;
-	memcpy(ocp, icp, isize);
-	*cpp = ocp;
-	ocp[9] = cs->cs_this;
-	return isize;
-slhc_uncompress(struct slcompress *comp, unsigned char *icp, int isize)
-	register int changes;
-	long x;
-	register struct tcphdr *thp;
-	register struct iphdr *ip;
-	register struct cstate *cs;
-	int len, hdrlen;
-	unsigned char *cp = icp;
-	/* We've got a compressed packet; read the change byte */
-	comp->sls_i_compressed++;
-	if(isize < 3){
-		comp->sls_i_error++;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	changes = *cp++;
-	if(changes & NEW_C){
-		/* Make sure the state index is in range, then grab the state.
-		 * If we have a good state index, clear the 'discard' flag.
-		 */
-		x = *cp++;	/* Read conn index */
-		if(x < 0 || x > comp->rslot_limit)
-			goto bad;
-		comp->flags &=~ SLF_TOSS;
-		comp->recv_current = x;
-	} else {
-		/* this packet has an implicit state index.  If we've
-		 * had a line error since the last time we got an
-		 * explicit state index, we have to toss the packet. */
-		if(comp->flags & SLF_TOSS){
-			comp->sls_i_tossed++;
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	cs = &comp->rstate[comp->recv_current];
-	thp = &cs->cs_tcp;
-	ip = &cs->cs_ip;
-	thp->check = *(__sum16 *)cp;
-	cp += 2;
-	thp->psh = (changes & TCP_PUSH_BIT) ? 1 : 0;
- * we can use the same number for the length of the saved header and
- * the current one, because the packet wouldn't have been sent
- * as compressed unless the options were the same as the previous one
- */
-	hdrlen = ip->ihl * 4 + thp->doff * 4;
-	switch(changes & SPECIALS_MASK){
-	case SPECIAL_I:		/* Echoed terminal traffic */
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_uncompress(): Echoed terminal traffic detected\n");
-		{
-		register short i;
-		i = ntohs(ip->tot_len) - hdrlen;
-		thp->ack_seq = htonl( ntohl(thp->ack_seq) + i);
-		thp->seq = htonl( ntohl(thp->seq) + i);
-		}
-		break;
-	case SPECIAL_D:			/* Unidirectional data */
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_uncompress(): Unidirectional data detected\n");
-		thp->seq = htonl( ntohl(thp->seq) +
-				  ntohs(ip->tot_len) - hdrlen);
-		break;
-	default:
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_uncompress(): default packet type detected\n");
-		if(changes & NEW_U){
-			thp->urg = 1;
-			if((x = decode(&cp)) == -1) {
-				goto bad;
-			}
-			thp->urg_ptr = htons(x);
-		} else
-			thp->urg = 0;
-		if(changes & NEW_W){
-			if((x = decode(&cp)) == -1) {
-				goto bad;
-			}
-			thp->window = htons( ntohs(thp->window) + x);
-		}
-		if(changes & NEW_A){
-			if((x = decode(&cp)) == -1) {
-				goto bad;
-			}
-			thp->ack_seq = htonl( ntohl(thp->ack_seq) + x);
-		}
-		if(changes & NEW_S){
-			if((x = decode(&cp)) == -1) {
-				goto bad;
-			}
-			thp->seq = htonl( ntohl(thp->seq) + x);
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	if(changes & NEW_I){
-		if((x = decode(&cp)) == -1) {
-			goto bad;
-		}
-		ip->id = htons (ntohs (ip->id) + x);
-	} else
-		ip->id = htons (ntohs (ip->id) + 1);
-	/*
-	 * At this point, cp points to the first byte of data in the
-	 * packet.  Put the reconstructed TCP and IP headers back on the
-	 * packet.  Recalculate IP checksum (but not TCP checksum).
-	 */
-	len = isize - (cp - icp);
-	if (len < 0)
-		goto bad;
-	len += hdrlen;
-	ip->tot_len = htons(len);
-	ip->check = 0;
-	DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_uncompress(): making space for the reconstructed header...\n");
-	memmove(icp + hdrlen, cp, len - hdrlen);
-	cp = icp;
-	memcpy(cp, ip, 20);
-	cp += 20;
-	if (ip->ihl > 5) {
-	  memcpy(cp, cs->cs_ipopt, (ip->ihl - 5) * 4);
-	  cp += (ip->ihl - 5) * 4;
-	}
-	put_unaligned(ip_fast_csum(icp, ip->ihl),
-		      &((struct iphdr *)icp)->check);
-	memcpy(cp, thp, 20);
-	cp += 20;
-	if (thp->doff > 5) {
-	  memcpy(cp, cs->cs_tcpopt, ((thp->doff) - 5) * 4);
-	  cp += ((thp->doff) - 5) * 4;
-	}
-	return len;
-	DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_uncompress(): bad packet detected!\n");
-	comp->sls_i_error++;
-	return slhc_toss( comp );
-slhc_remember(struct slcompress *comp, unsigned char *icp, int isize)
-	register struct cstate *cs;
-	unsigned ihl;
-	unsigned char index;
-	if(isize < 20) {
-		/* The packet is shorter than a legal IP header */
-		comp->sls_i_runt++;
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_remember(): The packet is shorter than a legal IP header ==> slhc_toss()\n");
-		return slhc_toss( comp );
-	}
-	/* Peek at the IP header's IHL field to find its length */
-	ihl = icp[0] & 0xf;
-	if(ihl < 20 / 4){
-		/* The IP header length field is too small */
-		comp->sls_i_runt++;
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_remember(): The IP header length field is too small ==> slhc_toss()\n");
-		return slhc_toss( comp );
-	}
-	index = icp[9];
-	icp[9] = IPPROTO_TCP;
-	if (ip_fast_csum(icp, ihl)) {
-		/* Bad IP header checksum; discard */
-		comp->sls_i_badcheck++;
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_remember(): Bad IP header checksum; discard ==> slhc_toss()\n");
-		return slhc_toss( comp );
-	}
-	if(index > comp->rslot_limit) {
-		comp->sls_i_error++;
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_remember(): index > comp->rslot_limit ==> slhc_toss()\n");
-		return slhc_toss(comp);
-	}
-	/* Update local state */
-	cs = &comp->rstate[comp->recv_current = index];
-	comp->flags &=~ SLF_TOSS;
-	memcpy(&cs->cs_ip,icp,20);
-	memcpy(&cs->cs_tcp,icp + ihl*4,20);
-	if (ihl > 5)
-	  memcpy(cs->cs_ipopt, icp + sizeof(struct iphdr), (ihl - 5) * 4);
-	if (cs->cs_tcp.doff > 5)
-	  memcpy(cs->cs_tcpopt, icp + ihl*4 + sizeof(struct tcphdr), (cs->cs_tcp.doff - 5) * 4);
-	cs->cs_hsize = ihl*2 + cs->cs_tcp.doff*2;
-	/* Put headers back on packet
-	 * Neither header checksum is recalculated
-	 */
-	comp->sls_i_uncompressed++;
-	return isize;
-slhc_toss(struct slcompress *comp)
-	DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_toss(): Reset compression state...\n");
-	if ( comp == NULLSLCOMPR )
-		return 0;
-	comp->flags |= SLF_TOSS;
-	return 0;
-void slhc_i_status(struct slcompress *comp)
-	if (comp != NULLSLCOMPR) {
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_i_status(): %d Cmp, %d Uncmp, %d Bad, %d Tossed\n",
-			comp->sls_i_compressed,
-			comp->sls_i_uncompressed,
-			comp->sls_i_error,
-			comp->sls_i_tossed);
-	}
-void slhc_o_status(struct slcompress *comp)
-	if (comp != NULLSLCOMPR) {
-		DEBUGP(DSLHC, "slhc_o_status(): %d Cmp, %d Uncmp, %d AsIs, %d NotTCP %d Searches, %d Misses\n",
-			comp->sls_o_compressed,
-			comp->sls_o_uncompressed,
-			comp->sls_o_tcp,
-			comp->sls_o_nontcp,
-			comp->sls_o_searches,
-			comp->sls_o_misses);
-	}
diff --git a/openbsc/src/gprs/v42bis.c b/openbsc/src/gprs/v42bis.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a04b0af..0000000
--- a/openbsc/src/gprs/v42bis.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,767 +0,0 @@
- * SpanDSP - a series of DSP components for telephony
- *
- * v42bis.c
- *
- * Written by Steve Underwood <>
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005, 2011 Steve Underwood
- *
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1,
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
-   Currently it performs the core compression and decompression functions OK.
-   However, a number of the bells and whistles in V.42bis are incomplete. */
-/*! \file */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <openbsc/v42bis.h>
-#include <openbsc/v42bis_private.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#define span_log(x,y,msg, ...) DEBUGP(DV42BIS,msg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define span_log_init(x,y,z)
-#define span_log_set_protocol(x,y)
-#define FALSE 0
-#define TRUE 1
-/* Fixed parameters from the spec. */
-/* Character size (bits) */
-#define V42BIS_N3                           8
-/* Number of characters in the alphabet */
-#define V42BIS_N4                           256
-/* Index number of first dictionary entry used to store a string */
-#define V42BIS_N5                           (V42BIS_N4 + V42BIS_N6)
-/* Number of control codewords */
-#define V42BIS_N6                           3 
-/* V.42bis/9.2 */
-#define V42BIS_ESC_STEP                     51
-/* Compreeibility monitoring parameters for assessing automated switches between
-   transparent and compressed mode */
-#define COMPRESSIBILITY_MONITOR             (256*V42BIS_N3)
-/* Control code words in compressed mode */
-    V42BIS_ETM = 0,         /* Enter transparent mode */
-    V42BIS_FLUSH = 1,       /* Flush data */
-    V42BIS_STEPUP = 2       /* Step up codeword size */
-/* Command codes in transparent mode */
-    V42BIS_ECM = 0,         /* Enter compression mode */
-    V42BIS_EID = 1,         /* Escape character in data */
-    V42BIS_RESET = 2        /* Force reinitialisation */
-static __inline__ void push_octet(v42bis_comp_state_t *s, int octet)
-    s->output_buf[s->output_octet_count++] = (uint8_t) octet;
-    if (s->output_octet_count >= s->max_output_len)
-    {
-        s->handler(s->user_data, s->output_buf, s->output_octet_count);
-        s->output_octet_count = 0;
-    }
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static __inline__ void push_octets(v42bis_comp_state_t *s, const uint8_t buf[], int len)
-    int i;
-    int chunk;
-    i = 0;
-    while ((s->output_octet_count + len - i) >= s->max_output_len)
-    {
-        chunk = s->max_output_len - s->output_octet_count;
-        memcpy(&s->output_buf[s->output_octet_count], &buf[i], chunk);
-        s->handler(s->user_data, s->output_buf, s->max_output_len);
-        s->output_octet_count = 0;
-        i += chunk;
-    }
-    chunk = len - i;
-    if (chunk > 0)
-    {
-        memcpy(&s->output_buf[s->output_octet_count], &buf[i], chunk);
-        s->output_octet_count += chunk;
-    }
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static __inline__ void push_compressed_code(v42bis_comp_state_t *s, int code)
-    s->bit_buffer |= code << s->bit_count;
-    s->bit_count += s->v42bis_parm_c2;
-    while (s->bit_count >= 8)
-    {
-        push_octet(s, s->bit_buffer & 0xFF);
-        s->bit_buffer >>= 8;
-        s->bit_count -= 8;
-    }
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static __inline__ void push_octet_alignment(v42bis_comp_state_t *s)
-    if ((s->bit_count & 7))
-    {
-        s->bit_count += (8 - (s->bit_count & 7));
-        while (s->bit_count >= 8)
-        {
-            push_octet(s, s->bit_buffer & 0xFF);
-            s->bit_buffer >>= 8;
-            s->bit_count -= 8;
-        }
-    }
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static __inline__ void flush_octets(v42bis_comp_state_t *s)
-    if (s->output_octet_count > 0)
-    {
-        s->handler(s->user_data, s->output_buf, s->output_octet_count);
-        s->output_octet_count = 0;
-    }
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static void dictionary_init(v42bis_comp_state_t *s)
-    int i;
-    memset(s->dict, 0, sizeof(s->dict));
-    for (i = 0;  i < V42BIS_N4;  i++)
-        s->dict[i + V42BIS_N6].node_octet = i;
-    s->v42bis_parm_c1 = V42BIS_N5;
-    s->v42bis_parm_c2 = V42BIS_N3 + 1;
-    s->v42bis_parm_c3 = V42BIS_N4 << 1;
-    s->last_matched = 0;
-    s->update_at = 0;
-    s->last_added = 0;
-    s->bit_buffer = 0;
-    s->bit_count = 0;
-    s->flushed_length = 0;
-    s->string_length = 0;
-    s->escape_code = 0;
-    s->transparent = TRUE;
-    s->escaped = FALSE;
-    s->compression_performance = COMPRESSIBILITY_MONITOR;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static uint16_t match_octet(v42bis_comp_state_t *s, uint16_t at, uint8_t octet)
-    uint16_t e;
-    if (at == 0)
-        return octet + V42BIS_N6;
-    e = s->dict[at].child;
-    while (e)
-    {
-        if (s->dict[e].node_octet == octet)
-            return e;
-        e = s->dict[e].next;
-    }
-    return 0;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static uint16_t add_octet_to_dictionary(v42bis_comp_state_t *s, uint16_t at, uint8_t octet)
-    uint16_t newx;
-    uint16_t next;
-    uint16_t e;
-    newx = s->v42bis_parm_c1;
-    s->dict[newx].node_octet = octet;
-    s->dict[newx].parent = at;
-    s->dict[newx].child = 0;
-    s->dict[newx].next = s->dict[at].child;
-    s->dict[at].child = newx;
-    next = newx;
-    /* 6.5 Recovering a dictionary entry to use next */
-    do
-    {
-        /* 6.5(a) and (b) */
-        if (++next == s->v42bis_parm_n2)
-            next = V42BIS_N5;
-    }
-    while (s->dict[next].child);
-    /* 6.5(c) We need to reuse a leaf node */
-    if (s->dict[next].parent)
-    {
-        /* 6.5(d) Detach the leaf node from its parent, and re-use it */
-        e = s->dict[next].parent;
-        if (s->dict[e].child == next)
-        {
-            s->dict[e].child = s->dict[next].next;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            e = s->dict[e].child;
-            while (s->dict[e].next != next)
-                e = s->dict[e].next;
-            s->dict[e].next = s->dict[next].next;
-        }
-    }
-    s->v42bis_parm_c1 = next;
-    return newx;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static void send_string(v42bis_comp_state_t *s)
-    push_octets(s, s->string, s->string_length);
-    s->string_length = 0;
-    s->flushed_length = 0;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static void expand_codeword_to_string(v42bis_comp_state_t *s, uint16_t code)
-    int i;
-    uint16_t p;
-    /* Work out the length */
-    for (i = 0, p = code;  p;  i++)
-        p = s->dict[p].parent;
-    s->string_length += i;
-    /* Now expand the known length of string */
-    i = s->string_length - 1;
-    for (p = code;  p;  )
-    {
-        s->string[i--] = s->dict[p].node_octet;
-        p = s->dict[p].parent;
-    }
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static void send_encoded_data(v42bis_comp_state_t *s, uint16_t code)
-    int i;
-    /* Update compressibility metric */
-    /* Integrate at the compressed bit rate, and leak at the pre-compression bit rate */
-    s->compression_performance += (s->v42bis_parm_c2 - s->compression_performance*s->string_length*V42BIS_N3/COMPRESSIBILITY_MONITOR);
-    if (s->transparent)
-    {
-        for (i = 0;  i < s->string_length;  i++)
-        {
-            push_octet(s, s->string[i]);
-            if (s->string[i] == s->escape_code)
-            {
-                push_octet(s, V42BIS_EID);
-                s->escape_code += V42BIS_ESC_STEP;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* Allow for any escape octets in the string */
-        for (i = 0;  i < s->string_length;  i++)
-        {
-            if (s->string[i] == s->escape_code)
-                s->escape_code += V42BIS_ESC_STEP;
-        }
-        /* 7.4 Encoding - we now have the longest matchable string, and will need to output the code for it. */
-        while (code >= s->v42bis_parm_c3)
-        {
-            /* We need to increase the codeword size */
-            /* 7.4(a) */
-            push_compressed_code(s, V42BIS_STEPUP);
-            /* 7.4(b) */
-            s->v42bis_parm_c2++;
-            /* 7.4(c) */
-            s->v42bis_parm_c3 <<= 1;
-            /* 7.4(d) this might need to be repeated, so we loop */
-        }
-        /* 7.5 Transfer - output the last state of the string */
-        push_compressed_code(s, code);
-    }
-    s->string_length = 0;
-    s->flushed_length = 0;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static void go_compressed(v42bis_state_t *ss)
-    v42bis_comp_state_t *s;
-    s = &ss->compress;
-    if (!s->transparent)
-        return;
-    span_log(&ss->logging, SPAN_LOG_FLOW, "Changing to compressed mode\n");
-    /* Switch out of transparent now, between codes. We need to send the octet which did not
-       match, just before switching. */
-    if (s->last_matched)
-    {
-        s->update_at = s->last_matched;
-        send_encoded_data(s, s->last_matched);
-        s->last_matched = 0;
-    }
-    push_octet(s, s->escape_code);
-    push_octet(s, V42BIS_ECM);
-    s->bit_buffer = 0;
-    s->transparent = FALSE;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static void go_transparent(v42bis_state_t *ss)
-    v42bis_comp_state_t *s;
-    s = &ss->compress;
-    if (s->transparent)
-        return;
-    span_log(&ss->logging, SPAN_LOG_FLOW, "Changing to transparent mode\n");
-    /* Switch into transparent now, between codes, and the unmatched octet should
-       go out in transparent mode, just below */
-    if (s->last_matched)
-    {
-        s->update_at = s->last_matched;
-        send_encoded_data(s, s->last_matched);
-        s->last_matched = 0;
-    }
-    s->last_added = 0;
-    push_compressed_code(s, V42BIS_ETM);
-    push_octet_alignment(s);
-    s->transparent = TRUE;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static void monitor_for_mode_change(v42bis_state_t *ss)
-    v42bis_comp_state_t *s;
-    s = &ss->compress;
-    switch (s->compression_mode)
-    {
-        /* 7.8 Data compressibility test */
-        if (s->transparent)
-        {
-            {
-                /* 7.8.1 Transition to compressed mode */
-                go_compressed(ss);
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if (s->compression_performance > COMPRESSIBILITY_MONITOR)
-            {
-                /* 7.8.2 Transition to transparent mode */
-                go_transparent(ss);
-            }
-        }
-        /* 7.8.3 Reset function - TODO */
-        break;
-        if (s->transparent)
-            go_compressed(ss);
-        break;
-        if (!s->transparent)
-            go_transparent(ss);
-        break;
-    }
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static int v42bis_comp_init(v42bis_comp_state_t *s,
-                            int p1,
-                            int p2,
-                            put_msg_func_t handler,
-                            void *user_data,
-                            int max_output_len)
-    memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));
-    s->v42bis_parm_n2 = p1;
-    s->v42bis_parm_n7 = p2;
-    s->handler = handler;
-    s->user_data = user_data;
-    s->max_output_len = (max_output_len < V42BIS_MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH)  ?  max_output_len  :  V42BIS_MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH;
-    s->output_octet_count = 0;
-    dictionary_init(s);
-    return 0;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-static int comp_exit(v42bis_comp_state_t *s)
-    s->v42bis_parm_n2 = 0;
-    return 0;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) v42bis_compress(v42bis_state_t *ss, const uint8_t buf[], int len)
-    v42bis_comp_state_t *s;
-    int i;
-    uint16_t code;
-    s = &ss->compress;
-    if (!s->v42bis_parm_p0)
-    {
-        /* Compression is off - just push the incoming data out */
-        push_octets(s, buf, len);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    for (i = 0;  i < len;  )
-    {
-        /* 6.4 Add the string to the dictionary */
-        if (s->update_at)
-        {
-            if (match_octet(s, s->update_at, buf[i]) == 0)
-                s->last_added = add_octet_to_dictionary(s, s->update_at, buf[i]);
-            s->update_at = 0;
-        }
-        /* Match string */
-        while (i < len)
-        {
-            code = match_octet(s, s->last_matched, buf[i]);
-            if (code == 0)
-            {
-                s->update_at = s->last_matched;
-                send_encoded_data(s, s->last_matched);
-                s->last_matched = 0;
-                break;
-            }
-            if (code == s->last_added)
-            {
-                s->last_added = 0;
-                send_encoded_data(s, s->last_matched);
-                s->last_matched = 0;
-                break;
-            }
-            s->last_matched = code;
-            /* 6.3(b) If the string matches a dictionary entry, and the entry is not that entry
-                      created by the last invocation of the string matching procedure, then the
-                      next character shall be read and appended to the string and this step
-                      repeated. */
-            s->string[s->string_length++] = buf[i++];
-            /* 6.4(a) The string must not exceed N7 in length */
-            if (s->string_length + s->flushed_length == s->v42bis_parm_n7)
-            {
-                send_encoded_data(s, s->last_matched);
-                s->last_matched = 0;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        monitor_for_mode_change(ss);
-    }
-    return 0;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) v42bis_compress_flush(v42bis_state_t *ss)
-    v42bis_comp_state_t *s;
-    int len;
-    s = &ss->compress;
-    if (s->update_at)
-        return 0;
-    if (s->last_matched)
-    {
-        len = s->string_length;
-        send_encoded_data(s, s->last_matched);
-        s->flushed_length += len;
-    }
-    if (!s->transparent)
-    {
-        s->update_at = s->last_matched;
-        s->last_matched = 0;
-        s->flushed_length = 0;
-        push_compressed_code(s, V42BIS_FLUSH);
-        push_octet_alignment(s);
-    }
-    flush_octets(s);
-    return 0;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) v42bis_decompress(v42bis_state_t *ss, const uint8_t buf[], int len)
-    v42bis_comp_state_t *s;
-    int i;
-    int j;
-    int yyy;
-    uint16_t code;
-    uint16_t p;
-    uint8_t ch;
-    uint8_t in;
-    s = &ss->decompress;
-    if (!s->v42bis_parm_p0)
-    {
-        /* Compression is off - just push the incoming data out */
-        push_octets(s, buf, len);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    for (i = 0;  i < len;  )
-    {
-        if (s->transparent)
-        {
-            in = buf[i];
-            if (s->escaped)
-            {
-                /* Command */
-                s->escaped = FALSE;
-                switch (in)
-                {
-                case V42BIS_ECM:
-                    /* Enter compressed mode */
-                    span_log(&ss->logging, SPAN_LOG_FLOW, "Hit V42BIS_ECM\n");
-                    send_string(s);
-                    s->transparent = FALSE;
-                    s->update_at = s->last_matched;
-                    s->last_matched = 0;
-                    i++;
-                    continue;
-                case V42BIS_EID:
-                    /* Escape symbol */
-                    span_log(&ss->logging, SPAN_LOG_FLOW, "Hit V42BIS_EID\n");
-                    in = s->escape_code;
-                    s->escape_code += V42BIS_ESC_STEP;
-                    break;
-                case V42BIS_RESET:
-                    /* Reset dictionary */
-                    span_log(&ss->logging, SPAN_LOG_FLOW, "Hit V42BIS_RESET\n");
-                    /* TODO: */
-                    send_string(s);
-                    dictionary_init(s);
-                    i++;
-                    continue;
-                default:
-                    span_log(&ss->logging, SPAN_LOG_FLOW, "Hit V42BIS_???? - %" PRIu32 "\n", in);
-                    return -1;
-                }
-            }
-            else if (in == s->escape_code)
-            {
-                s->escaped = TRUE;
-                i++;
-                continue;
-            }
-            yyy = TRUE;
-            for (j = 0;  j < 2  &&  yyy;  j++)
-            {
-                if (s->update_at)
-                {
-                    if (match_octet(s, s->update_at, in) == 0)
-                        s->last_added = add_octet_to_dictionary(s, s->update_at, in);
-                    s->update_at = 0;
-                }
-                code = match_octet(s, s->last_matched, in);
-                if (code == 0)
-                {
-                    s->update_at = s->last_matched;
-                    send_string(s);
-                    s->last_matched = 0;
-                }
-                else if (code == s->last_added)
-                {
-                    s->last_added = 0;
-                    send_string(s);
-                    s->last_matched = 0;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    s->last_matched = code;
-                    s->string[s->string_length++] = in;
-                    if (s->string_length + s->flushed_length == s->v42bis_parm_n7)
-                    {
-                        send_string(s);
-                        s->last_matched = 0;
-                    }
-                    i++;
-                    yyy = FALSE;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* Get code from input */
-            while (s->bit_count < s->v42bis_parm_c2  &&  i < len)
-            {
-                s->bit_buffer |= buf[i++] << s->bit_count;
-                s->bit_count += 8;
-            }
-            if (s->bit_count < s->v42bis_parm_c2)
-                continue;
-            code = s->bit_buffer & ((1 << s->v42bis_parm_c2) - 1);
-            s->bit_buffer >>= s->v42bis_parm_c2;
-            s->bit_count -= s->v42bis_parm_c2;
-            if (code < V42BIS_N6)
-            {
-                /* We have a control code. */
-                switch (code)
-                {
-                case V42BIS_ETM:
-                    /* Enter transparent mode */
-                    span_log(&ss->logging, SPAN_LOG_FLOW, "Hit V42BIS_ETM\n");
-                    s->bit_count = 0;
-                    s->transparent = TRUE;
-                    s->last_matched = 0;
-                    s->last_added = 0;
-                    break;
-                case V42BIS_FLUSH:
-                    /* Flush signal */
-                    span_log(&ss->logging, SPAN_LOG_FLOW, "Hit V42BIS_FLUSH\n");
-                    s->bit_count = 0;
-                    break;
-                case V42BIS_STEPUP:
-                    /* Increase code word size */
-                    span_log(&ss->logging, SPAN_LOG_FLOW, "Hit V42BIS_STEPUP\n");
-                    s->v42bis_parm_c2++;
-                    s->v42bis_parm_c3 <<= 1;
-                    if (s->v42bis_parm_c2 > (s->v42bis_parm_n2 >> 3))
-                        return -1;
-                    break;
-                }
-                continue;
-            }
-            /* Regular codeword */
-            if (code == s->v42bis_parm_c1)
-                return -1;
-            expand_codeword_to_string(s, code);
-            if (s->update_at)
-            {
-                ch = s->string[0];
-                if ((p = match_octet(s, s->update_at, ch)) == 0)
-                {
-                    s->last_added = add_octet_to_dictionary(s, s->update_at, ch);
-                    if (code == s->v42bis_parm_c1)
-                        return -1;
-                }
-                else if (p == s->last_added)
-                {
-                    s->last_added = 0;
-                }
-            }
-            s->update_at = ((s->string_length + s->flushed_length) == s->v42bis_parm_n7)  ?  0  :  code;
-            /* Allow for any escapes which may be in this string */
-            for (j = 0;  j < s->string_length;  j++)
-            {
-                if (s->string[j] == s->escape_code)
-                    s->escape_code += V42BIS_ESC_STEP;
-            }
-            send_string(s);
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) v42bis_decompress_flush(v42bis_state_t *ss)
-    v42bis_comp_state_t *s;
-    int len;
-    s = &ss->decompress;
-    len = s->string_length;
-    send_string(s);
-    s->flushed_length += len;
-    flush_octets(s);
-    return 0;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-SPAN_DECLARE(void) v42bis_compression_control(v42bis_state_t *s, int mode)
-    s->compress.compression_mode = mode;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-SPAN_DECLARE(v42bis_state_t *) v42bis_init(const void *ctx,
-                                           v42bis_state_t *s,
-                                           int negotiated_p0,
-                                           int negotiated_p1,
-                                           int negotiated_p2,
-                                           put_msg_func_t encode_handler,
-                                           void *encode_user_data,
-                                           int max_encode_len,
-                                           put_msg_func_t decode_handler,
-                                           void *decode_user_data,
-                                           int max_decode_len)
-    int ret;
-    if (negotiated_p1 < V42BIS_MIN_DICTIONARY_SIZE  ||  negotiated_p1 > 65535)
-        return NULL;
-    if (negotiated_p2 < V42BIS_MIN_STRING_SIZE  ||  negotiated_p2 > V42BIS_MAX_STRING_SIZE)
-        return NULL;
-    if (s == NULL)
-    {
-        if ((s = (v42bis_state_t *) talloc_zero_size(ctx,sizeof(*s))) == NULL)
-            return NULL;
-    }
-    memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));
-    span_log_init(&s->logging, SPAN_LOG_NONE, NULL);
-    span_log_set_protocol(&s->logging, "V.42bis");
-    if ((ret = v42bis_comp_init(&s->compress, negotiated_p1, negotiated_p2, encode_handler, encode_user_data, max_encode_len)))
-        return NULL;
-    if ((ret = v42bis_comp_init(&s->decompress, negotiated_p1, negotiated_p2, decode_handler, decode_user_data, max_decode_len)))
-    {
-        comp_exit(&s->compress);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    s->compress.v42bis_parm_p0 = negotiated_p0 & 2;
-    s->decompress.v42bis_parm_p0 = negotiated_p0 & 1;
-    return s;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) v42bis_release(v42bis_state_t *s)
-    return 0;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) v42bis_free(v42bis_state_t *s)
-    comp_exit(&s->compress);
-    comp_exit(&s->decompress);
-    talloc_free(s);
-    return 0;
-/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*- End of file ------------------------------------------------------------*/
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/ b/openbsc/tests/
index 9cbc1c1..7208a2f 100644
--- a/openbsc/tests/
+++ b/openbsc/tests/
@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
 	db \
 	channel \
 	mgcp \
-	gprs \
 	abis \
-	gbproxy \
 	trau \
 	subscr \
 	mm_auth \
@@ -28,22 +26,6 @@
 	smpp \
-	gtphub \
-	$(NULL)
-	sgsn \
-	oap \
-	xid \
-	sndcp_xid \
-	slhc \
-	v42bis \
-	$(NULL)
 # The `:;' works around a Bash 3.2 bug when the output is not writeable.
 $(srcdir)/package.m4: $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/ b/openbsc/tests/
index 362bfa9..542a78e 100644
--- a/openbsc/tests/
+++ b/openbsc/tests/
@@ -2,6 +2,3 @@
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/ b/openbsc/tests/
index 0a99c89..46c4dcf 100644
--- a/openbsc/tests/
+++ b/openbsc/tests/
@@ -605,21 +605,6 @@
         # TODO.. find a way to actually see if this rule has been
         # added. e.g. by implementing a get for the list.
-class TestCtrlSGSN(TestCtrlBase):
-    def ctrl_command(self):
-        return ["./src/gprs/osmo-sgsn", "-c",
-                "doc/examples/osmo-sgsn/osmo-sgsn.cfg"]
-    def ctrl_app(self):
-        return (4251, "./src/gprs/osmo-sgsn", "OsmoSGSN", "sgsn")
-    def testListSubscribers(self):
-        # TODO. Add command to mark a subscriber as active
-        r = self.do_get('subscriber-list-active-v1')
-        self.assertEquals(r['mtype'], 'GET_REPLY')
-        self.assertEquals(r['var'], 'subscriber-list-active-v1')
-        self.assertEquals(r['value'], None)
 def add_bsc_test(suite, workdir):
     if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(workdir, "src/osmo-bsc/osmo-bsc")):
         print("Skipping the BSC test")
@@ -638,13 +623,6 @@
     test = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestCtrlNAT)
-def add_sgsn_test(suite, workdir):
-    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(workdir, "src/gprs/osmo-sgsn")):
-        print("Skipping the SGSN test")
-        return
-    test = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestCtrlSGSN)
-    suite.addTest(test)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     import argparse
     import sys
@@ -678,6 +656,5 @@
     add_bsc_test(suite, workdir)
     add_nitb_test(suite, workdir)
     add_nat_test(suite, workdir)
-    add_sgsn_test(suite, workdir)
     res = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbose_level).run(suite)
     sys.exit(len(res.errors) + len(res.failures))
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/gbproxy/ b/openbsc/tests/gbproxy/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dd66df..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/gbproxy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-	$(all_includes) \
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/include \
-	$(NULL)
-	-Wall \
-	-ggdb3 \
-	$(NULL)
-	$(NULL)
-	gbproxy_test.ok \
-	$(NULL)
-noinst_PROGRAMS = \
-	gbproxy_test \
-	$(NULL)
-gbproxy_test_SOURCES = \
-	gbproxy_test.c \
-	$(NULL)
-gbproxy_test_LDFLAGS = \
-	-Wl,--wrap=RAND_bytes \
-	$(NULL)
-gbproxy_test_LDADD = \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gb_proxy.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gb_proxy_patch.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gb_proxy_peer.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gb_proxy_tlli.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_gb_parse.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_llc_parse.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/crc24.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_utils.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libcommon/libcommon.a \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libbsc/libbsc.a \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libtrau/libtrau.a \
-	-lrt \
-	$(NULL)
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/gbproxy/gbproxy_test.c b/openbsc/tests/gbproxy/gbproxy_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 577daa9..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/gbproxy/gbproxy_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4971 +0,0 @@
-/* test routines for gbproxy
- * send NS messages to the gbproxy and dumps what happens
- * (C) 2013 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH
- * Author: Jacob Erlbeck <>
- */
-#undef _GNU_SOURCE
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/signal.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm_utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08_gprs.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_ns.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h>
-#include <openbsc/gb_proxy.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gb_parse.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openssl/rand.h>
-#define REMOTE_BSS_ADDR 0x01020304
-#define REMOTE_SGSN_ADDR 0x05060708
-#define SGSN_NSEI 0x0100
-#define REMOTE_SGSN2_ADDR 0x15161718
-#define SGSN2_NSEI 0x0102
-#define MATCH_ANY (-1)
-struct gbproxy_config gbcfg = {0};
-struct llist_head *received_messages = NULL;
-/* override, requires '-Wl,--wrap=RAND_bytes' */
-int __real_RAND_bytes(unsigned char *buf, int num);
-int mock_RAND_bytes(unsigned char *buf, int num);
-int (*RAND_bytes_cb)(unsigned char *, int) =
-  &mock_RAND_bytes;
-int __wrap_RAND_bytes(unsigned char *buf, int num)
-	return (*RAND_bytes_cb)(buf, num);
-static int rand_seq_num = 0;
-int mock_RAND_bytes(unsigned char *buf, int num)
-	uint32_t val;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(num == sizeof(val));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(__real_RAND_bytes(buf, num) == 1);
-	val = 0x00dead00 + rand_seq_num;
-	rand_seq_num++;
-	memcpy(buf, &val, num);
-	return 1;
-static void cleanup_test()
-	rand_seq_num = 0;
-static int dump_global(FILE *stream, int indent)
-	unsigned int i;
-	const struct rate_ctr_group_desc *desc;
-	int rc;
-	rc = fprintf(stream, "%*sGbproxy global:\n", indent, "");
-	if (rc < 0)
-		return rc;
-	desc = gbcfg.ctrg->desc;
-	for (i = 0; i < desc->num_ctr; i++) {
-		struct rate_ctr *ctr = &gbcfg.ctrg->ctr[i];
-		if (ctr->current) {
-			rc = fprintf(stream, "%*s    %s: %llu\n",
-				     indent, "",
-				     desc->ctr_desc[i].description,
-				     (long long)ctr->current);
-			if (rc < 0)
-				return rc;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int dump_peers(FILE *stream, int indent, time_t now,
-		      struct gbproxy_config *cfg)
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid;
-	unsigned int i;
-	const struct rate_ctr_group_desc *desc;
-	int rc;
-	rc = fprintf(stream, "%*sPeers:\n", indent, "");
-	if (rc < 0)
-		return rc;
-	llist_for_each_entry(peer, &cfg->bts_peers, list) {
-		struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-		struct gbproxy_patch_state *state = &peer->patch_state;
-		gsm48_parse_ra(&raid, peer->ra);
-		rc = fprintf(stream, "%*s  NSEI %u, BVCI %u, %sblocked, "
-			     "RAI %u-%u-%u-%u\n",
-			     indent, "",
-			     peer->nsei, peer->bvci,
-			     peer->blocked ? "" : "not ",
-			     raid.mcc, raid.mnc, raid.lac, raid.rac);
-		if (rc < 0)
-			return rc;
-		desc = peer->ctrg->desc;
-		for (i = 0; i < desc->num_ctr; i++) {
-			struct rate_ctr *ctr = &peer->ctrg->ctr[i];
-			if (ctr->current) {
-				rc = fprintf(stream, "%*s    %s: %llu\n",
-					     indent, "",
-					     desc->ctr_desc[i].description,
-					     (long long)ctr->current);
-				if (rc < 0)
-					return rc;
-			}
-		}
-		fprintf(stream, "%*s    TLLI-Cache: %d\n",
-			indent, "", state->logical_link_count);
-		llist_for_each_entry(link_info, &state->logical_links, list) {
-			char mi_buf[200];
-			time_t age = now ? now - link_info->timestamp : 0;
-			int stored_msgs = 0;
-			struct llist_head *iter;
-			enum gbproxy_match_id match_id;
-			llist_for_each(iter, &link_info->stored_msgs)
-				stored_msgs++;
-			if (link_info->imsi_len > 0) {
-				snprintf(mi_buf, sizeof(mi_buf), "(invalid)");
-				gsm48_mi_to_string(mi_buf, sizeof(mi_buf),
-						   link_info->imsi,
-						   link_info->imsi_len);
-			} else {
-				snprintf(mi_buf, sizeof(mi_buf), "(none)");
-			}
-			fprintf(stream, "%*s      TLLI %08x",
-				     indent, "", link_info->tlli.current);
-			if (link_info->tlli.assigned)
-				fprintf(stream, "/%08x", link_info->tlli.assigned);
-			if (link_info->sgsn_tlli.current) {
-				fprintf(stream, " -> %08x",
-					link_info->sgsn_tlli.current);
-				if (link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned)
-					fprintf(stream, "/%08x",
-						link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned);
-			}
-			fprintf(stream, ", IMSI %s, AGE %d",
-				mi_buf, (int)age);
-			if (stored_msgs)
-				fprintf(stream, ", STORED %d", stored_msgs);
-			for (match_id = 0; match_id < ARRAY_SIZE(cfg->matches);
-			     ++match_id) {
-				if (cfg->matches[match_id].enable &&
-				    link_info->is_matching[match_id]) {
-					fprintf(stream, ", IMSI matches");
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if (link_info->imsi_acq_pending)
-				fprintf(stream, ", IMSI acquisition in progress");
-			if (cfg->route_to_sgsn2)
-				fprintf(stream, ", SGSN NSEI %d",
-					link_info->sgsn_nsei);
-			if (link_info->is_deregistered)
-				fprintf(stream, ", DE-REGISTERED");
-			rc = fprintf(stream, "\n");
-			if (rc < 0)
-				return rc;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-const uint8_t *convert_ra(struct gprs_ra_id *raid)
-	static uint8_t buf[6];
-	gsm48_construct_ra(buf, raid);
-	return buf;
-/* DTAP - Attach Request */
-static const unsigned char dtap_attach_req[] = {
-	0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0xf5, 0xe0, 0x21, 0x08, 0x02,
-	0x05, 0xf4, 0xfb, 0xc5, 0x46, 0x79, 0x11, 0x22,
-	0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x19, 0x18, 0xb3, 0x43,
-	0x2b, 0x25, 0x96, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0x9a,
-	0xc2, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0xba, 0xc8,
-	0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0x00,
-/* DTAP - Attach Request (invalid RAI) */
-static const unsigned char dtap_attach_req2[] = {
-	0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0xf5, 0xe0, 0x21, 0x08, 0x02,
-	0x05, 0xf4, 0xfb, 0x00, 0xbe, 0xef, 0x99, 0x99,
-	0x99, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x19, 0x18, 0xb3, 0x43,
-	0x2b, 0x25, 0x96, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0x9a,
-	0xc2, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0xba, 0xc8,
-	0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0x00,
-/* DTAP - Attach Request (P-TMSI 0x3f32b700) */
-static const unsigned char dtap_attach_req3[] = {
-	0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0xf5, 0xe0, 0x21, 0x08, 0x02,
-	0x05, 0xf4, 0xef, 0xe2, 0xb7, 0x00, 0x11, 0x22,
-	0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x19, 0x18, 0xb3, 0x43,
-	0x2b, 0x25, 0x96, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0x9a,
-	0xc2, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0xba, 0xc8,
-	0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0x00,
-/* DTAP - Attach Request (IMSI 12131415161718) */
-static const unsigned char dtap_attach_req4[] = {
-	0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0xf5, 0xe0, 0x21, 0x08, 0x02,
-	0x08, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
-	0x18, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x19,
-	0x18, 0xb3, 0x43, 0x2b, 0x25, 0x96, 0x62, 0x00,
-	0x60, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60,
-	0x80, 0xba, 0xc8, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80,
-	0x00,
-/* DTAP - Identity Request */
-static const unsigned char dtap_identity_req[] = {
-	0x08, 0x15, 0x01
-/* DTAP - Identity Response */
-static const unsigned char dtap_identity_resp[] = {
-	0x08, 0x16, 0x08, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15,
-	0x16, 0x17, 0x18
-/* DTAP - Identity Response, IMSI 2 */
-static const unsigned char dtap_identity2_resp[] = {
-	0x08, 0x16, 0x08, 0x11, 0x12, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99,
-	0x16, 0x17, 0x18
-/* DTAP - Identity Response, IMSI 3 */
-static const unsigned char dtap_identity3_resp[] = {
-	0x08, 0x16, 0x08, 0x11, 0x12, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99,
-	0x26, 0x27, 0x28
-/* DTAP - Attach Accept */
-static const unsigned char dtap_attach_acc[] = {
-	0x08, 0x02, 0x01, 0x49, 0x04, 0x21, 0x63, 0x54,
-	0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x19, 0xcd, 0xd7, 0x08, 0x17,
-	0x16, 0x18, 0x05, 0xf4, 0xef, 0xe2, 0xb7, 0x00
-/* DTAP - Attach Accept, P-TMSI 2 */
-static const unsigned char dtap_attach_acc2[] = {
-	0x08, 0x02, 0x01, 0x49, 0x04, 0x21, 0x63, 0x54,
-	0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x19, 0xcd, 0xd7, 0x08, 0x17,
-	0x16, 0x18, 0x05, 0xf4, 0xe0, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54
-/* DTAP - Attach Complete */
-static const unsigned char dtap_attach_complete[] = {
-	0x08, 0x03
-/* DTAP - Attach Reject (GPRS services not allowed) */
-static const unsigned char dtap_attach_rej7[] = {
-	0x08, 0x04, 0x07
-/* DTAP - GMM Information */
-static const unsigned char dtap_gmm_information[] = {
-	0x08, 0x21
-/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Request */
-static const unsigned char dtap_ra_upd_req[] = {
-	0x08, 0x08, 0x10, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50,
-	0x60, 0x1d, 0x19, 0x13, 0x42, 0x33, 0x57, 0x2b,
-	0xf7, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x13, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8,
-	0x48, 0x02, 0x14, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02,
-	0x17, 0x49, 0x10, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x00, 0x19,
-	0x8b, 0xb2, 0x92, 0x17, 0x16, 0x27, 0x07, 0x04,
-	0x31, 0x02, 0xe5, 0xe0, 0x32, 0x02, 0x20, 0x00
-/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Accept */
-static const unsigned char dtap_ra_upd_acc[] = {
-	0x08, 0x09, 0x00, 0x49, 0x21, 0x63, 0x54,
-	0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x19, 0x54, 0xab, 0xb3, 0x18,
-	0x05, 0xf4, 0xef, 0xe2, 0xb7, 0x00, 0x17, 0x16,
-/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Accept, P-TMSI 2 */
-static const unsigned char dtap_ra_upd_acc2[] = {
-	0x08, 0x09, 0x00, 0x49, 0x21, 0x63, 0x54,
-	0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x19, 0x54, 0xab, 0xb3, 0x18,
-	0x05, 0xf4, 0xe0, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x17, 0x16,
-/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Accept, P-TMSI 3 */
-static const unsigned char dtap_ra_upd_acc3[] = {
-	0x08, 0x09, 0x00, 0x49, 0x21, 0x63, 0x54,
-	0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x19, 0x54, 0xab, 0xb3, 0x18,
-	0x05, 0xf4, 0xe0, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10, 0x17, 0x16,
-/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Complete */
-static const unsigned char dtap_ra_upd_complete[] = {
-	0x08, 0x0a
-/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Reject */
-/* cause = 10 ("Implicitly detached"), force_standby = 0 */
-static const unsigned char dtap_ra_upd_rej[] = {
-	0x08, 0x0b, 0x0a, 0x00,
-/* DTAP - Activate PDP Context Request */
-static const unsigned char dtap_act_pdp_ctx_req[] = {
-	0x0a, 0x41, 0x05, 0x03, 0x0c, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x1f, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x21, 0x28, 0x03,
-	0x02, 0x61, 0x62, 0x27, 0x14, 0x80, 0x80, 0x21,
-	0x10, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x81, 0x06, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x83, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00
-/* DTAP - Detach Request (MO) */
-/* normal detach, power_off = 1 */
-static const unsigned char dtap_detach_po_req[] = {
-	0x08, 0x05, 0x09, 0x18, 0x05, 0xf4, 0xef, 0xe2,
-	0xb7, 0x00, 0x19, 0x03, 0xb9, 0x97, 0xcb
-/* DTAP - Detach Request (MO) */
-/* normal detach, power_off = 0 */
-static const unsigned char dtap_detach_req[] = {
-	0x08, 0x05, 0x01, 0x18, 0x05, 0xf4, 0xef, 0xe2,
-	0xb7, 0x00, 0x19, 0x03, 0xb9, 0x97, 0xcb
-/* DTAP - Detach Accept (MO) */
-static const unsigned char dtap_detach_acc[] = {
-	0x08, 0x06, 0x00
-/* DTAP - Detach Request (MT) */
-/* normal detach, reattach required, implicitly detached */
-static const unsigned char dtap_mt_detach_rea_req[] = {
-	0x08, 0x05, 0x01, 0x25, 0x0a
-/* DTAP - Detach Request (MT) */
-/* normal detach, reattach not required, implicitly detached */
-static const unsigned char dtap_mt_detach_req[] = {
-	0x08, 0x05, 0x02, 0x25, 0x0a
-/* DTAP - Detach Accept (MT) */
-static const unsigned char dtap_mt_detach_acc[] = {
-	0x08, 0x06
-static const unsigned char llc_u_xid_ul[] = {
-	0x41, 0xfb, 0x01, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x64, 0x11,
-	0x05, 0x16, 0x01, 0x90, 0x66, 0xb3, 0x28
-static const unsigned char llc_u_xid_dl[] = {
-	0x41, 0xfb, 0x30, 0x84, 0x10, 0x61, 0xb6, 0x64,
-	0xe4, 0xa9, 0x1a, 0x9e
-/* GPRS-LLC - SAPI: LL11, UI, NSAPI 5, DNS query */
-static const unsigned char llc_ui_ll11_dns_query_ul[] = {
-	0x0b, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x65, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x38, 0x95, 0x72, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45,
-	0x11, 0x20, 0x85, 0x0a, 0xc0, 0x07, 0xe4, 0xac,
-	0x10, 0x01, 0x0a, 0xad, 0xab, 0x00, 0x35, 0x00,
-	0x24, 0x0e, 0x1c, 0x3b, 0xe0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
-	0x6d, 0x05, 0x68, 0x65, 0x69, 0x73, 0x65, 0x02,
-	0x64, 0x65, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x47,
-	0x8f, 0x07
-/* GPRS-LLC - SAPI: LL11, UI, NSAPI 5, DNS query */
-static const unsigned char llc_ui_ll11_dns_resp_dl[] = {
-	0x4b, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x65, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0xc6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x3e,
-	0x11, 0x7c, 0x69, 0xac, 0x10, 0x01, 0x0a, 0x0a,
-	0xc0, 0x07, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x35, 0xad, 0xab, 0x00,
-	0xb2, 0x74, 0x4e, 0x3b, 0xe0, 0x81, 0x80, 0x00,
-	0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
-	0x6d, 0x05, 0x68, 0x65, 0x69, 0x73, 0x65, 0x02,
-	0x64, 0x65, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc0,
-	0x0c, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e,
-	0x10, 0x00, 0x04, 0xc1, 0x63, 0x90, 0x58, 0xc0,
-	0x0e, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e,
-	0x10, 0x00, 0x16, 0x03, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x32, 0x0c,
-	0x70, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x2d, 0x68, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x6e,
-	0x6f, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x03, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x74,
-	0x00, 0xc0, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x00, 0x10, 0x02, 0x6e, 0x73,
-	0x01, 0x73, 0x08, 0x70, 0x6c, 0x75, 0x73, 0x6c,
-	0x69, 0x6e, 0x65, 0xc0, 0x14, 0xc0, 0x0e, 0x00,
-	0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x00,
-	0x05, 0x02, 0x6e, 0x73, 0xc0, 0x0e, 0xc0, 0x0e,
-	0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x10,
-	0x00, 0x05, 0x02, 0x6e, 0x73, 0xc0, 0x5f, 0xc0,
-	0x0e, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e,
-	0x10, 0x00, 0x12, 0x02, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x0c, 0x70,
-	0x6f, 0x70, 0x2d, 0x68, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x6f,
-	0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0xc0, 0x14, 0xaa, 0xdf, 0x31
-static int gprs_process_message(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, const char *text,
-				struct sockaddr_in *peer, const unsigned char* data,
-				size_t data_len);
-static void send_ns_reset(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct sockaddr_in *src_addr,
-			  enum ns_cause cause, uint16_t nsvci, uint16_t nsei)
-	/* GPRS Network Service, PDU type: NS_RESET,
-	 */
-	unsigned char msg[12] = {
-		0x02, 0x00, 0x81, 0x01, 0x01, 0x82, 0x11, 0x22,
-		0x04, 0x82, 0x11, 0x22
-	};
-	msg[3] = cause;
-	msg[6] = nsvci / 256;
-	msg[7] = nsvci % 256;
-	msg[10] = nsei / 256;
-	msg[11] = nsei % 256;
-	gprs_process_message(nsi, "RESET", src_addr, msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void send_ns_reset_ack(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct sockaddr_in *src_addr,
-			      uint16_t nsvci, uint16_t nsei)
-	/* GPRS Network Service, PDU type: NS_RESET_ACK,
-	 */
-	unsigned char msg[9] = {
-		0x03, 0x01, 0x82, 0x11, 0x22,
-		0x04, 0x82, 0x11, 0x22
-	};
-	msg[3] = nsvci / 256;
-	msg[4] = nsvci % 256;
-	msg[7] = nsei / 256;
-	msg[8] = nsei % 256;
-	gprs_process_message(nsi, "RESET_ACK", src_addr, msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void send_ns_alive(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct sockaddr_in *src_addr)
-	/* GPRS Network Service, PDU type: NS_ALIVE */
-	unsigned char msg[1] = {
-		0x0a
-	};
-	gprs_process_message(nsi, "ALIVE", src_addr, msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void send_ns_alive_ack(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct sockaddr_in *src_addr)
-	/* GPRS Network Service, PDU type: NS_ALIVE_ACK */
-	unsigned char msg[1] = {
-		0x0b
-	};
-	gprs_process_message(nsi, "ALIVE_ACK", src_addr, msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void send_ns_unblock(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct sockaddr_in *src_addr)
-	/* GPRS Network Service, PDU type: NS_UNBLOCK */
-	unsigned char msg[1] = {
-		0x06
-	};
-	gprs_process_message(nsi, "UNBLOCK", src_addr, msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void send_ns_unblock_ack(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct sockaddr_in *src_addr)
-	/* GPRS Network Service, PDU type: NS_UNBLOCK_ACK */
-	unsigned char msg[1] = {
-		0x07
-	};
-	gprs_process_message(nsi, "UNBLOCK_ACK", src_addr, msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void send_ns_unitdata(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, const char *text,
-			     struct sockaddr_in *src_addr, uint16_t nsbvci,
-			     const unsigned char *bssgp_msg, size_t bssgp_msg_size)
-	/* GPRS Network Service, PDU type: NS_UNITDATA */
-	unsigned char msg[4096] = {
-		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
-	};
-	OSMO_ASSERT(bssgp_msg_size <= sizeof(msg) - 4);
-	msg[2] = nsbvci / 256;
-	msg[3] = nsbvci % 256;
-	memcpy(msg + 4, bssgp_msg, bssgp_msg_size);
-	gprs_process_message(nsi, text ? text : "UNITDATA", src_addr, msg, bssgp_msg_size + 4);
-static void send_bssgp_ul_unitdata(
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, const char *text,
-	struct sockaddr_in *src_addr, uint16_t nsbvci, uint32_t tlli,
-	struct gprs_ra_id *raid, uint16_t cell_id,
-	const uint8_t *llc_msg, size_t llc_msg_size)
-	/* GPRS Network Service, PDU type: NS_UNITDATA */
-	/* Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol: UL_UNITDATA */
-	unsigned char msg[4096] = {
-		0x01, /* TLLI */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04,
-		0x08, 0x88, /* RAI */ 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60,
-		/* CELL ID */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x0e, /* LLC LEN */ 0x00, 0x00,
-	};
-	size_t bssgp_msg_size = 23 + llc_msg_size;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(bssgp_msg_size <= sizeof(msg));
-	gsm48_construct_ra(msg + 10, raid);
-	msg[1] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 24);
-	msg[2] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 16);
-	msg[3] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 8);
-	msg[4] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 0);
-	msg[16] = cell_id / 256;
-	msg[17] = cell_id % 256;
-	msg[21] = llc_msg_size / 256;
-	msg[22] = llc_msg_size % 256;
-	memcpy(msg + 23, llc_msg, llc_msg_size);
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, text ? text : "BSSGP UL UNITDATA",
-			 src_addr, nsbvci, msg, bssgp_msg_size);
-static void send_bssgp_dl_unitdata(
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, const char *text,
-	struct sockaddr_in *src_addr, uint16_t nsbvci, uint32_t tlli,
-	int with_racap_drx, const uint8_t *imsi, size_t imsi_size,
-	const uint8_t *llc_msg, size_t llc_msg_size)
-	/* Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol: DL_UNITDATA */
-	unsigned char msg[4096] = {
-		0x00, /* TLLI */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x20,
-		0x16, 0x82, 0x02, 0x58,
-	};
-	unsigned char racap_drx[] = {
-		0x13, 0x99, 0x18, 0xb3, 0x43, 0x2b, 0x25, 0x96,
-		0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xc6, 0x62,
-		0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0xba, 0xc8, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00,
-		0x60, 0x80, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x82, 0x08, 0x02
-	};
-	size_t bssgp_msg_size = 0;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(51 + imsi_size + llc_msg_size <= sizeof(msg));
-	msg[1] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 24);
-	msg[2] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 16);
-	msg[3] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 8);
-	msg[4] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 0);
-	bssgp_msg_size = 12;
-	if (with_racap_drx) {
-		memcpy(msg + bssgp_msg_size, racap_drx, sizeof(racap_drx));
-		bssgp_msg_size += sizeof(racap_drx);
-	}
-	if (imsi) {
-		OSMO_ASSERT(imsi_size <= 127);
-		msg[bssgp_msg_size] = BSSGP_IE_IMSI;
-		msg[bssgp_msg_size + 1] = 0x80 | imsi_size;
-		memcpy(msg + bssgp_msg_size + 2, imsi, imsi_size);
-		bssgp_msg_size += 2 + imsi_size;
-	}
-	if ((bssgp_msg_size % 4) != 0) {
-		size_t abytes = (4 - (bssgp_msg_size + 2) % 4) % 4;
-		msg[bssgp_msg_size] = BSSGP_IE_ALIGNMENT;
-		msg[bssgp_msg_size + 1] = 0x80 | abytes;
-		memset(msg + bssgp_msg_size + 2, 0, abytes);
-		bssgp_msg_size += 2 + abytes;
-	}
-	msg[bssgp_msg_size] = BSSGP_IE_LLC_PDU;
-	if (llc_msg_size < 128) {
-		msg[bssgp_msg_size + 1] = 0x80 | llc_msg_size;
-		bssgp_msg_size += 2;
-	} else {
-		msg[bssgp_msg_size + 1] = llc_msg_size / 256;
-		msg[bssgp_msg_size + 2] = llc_msg_size % 256;
-		bssgp_msg_size += 3;
-	}
-	memcpy(msg + bssgp_msg_size, llc_msg, llc_msg_size);
-	bssgp_msg_size += llc_msg_size;
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, text ? text : "BSSGP DL UNITDATA",
-			 src_addr, nsbvci, msg, bssgp_msg_size);
-static void send_bssgp_reset(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct sockaddr_in *src_addr,
-			     uint16_t bvci)
-	/* GPRS Network Service, PDU type: NS_UNITDATA, BVCI 0
-	unsigned char msg[18] = {
-		0x22, 0x04, 0x82, 0x4a,
-		0x2e, 0x07, 0x81, 0x08, 0x08, 0x88, 0x11, 0x22,
-		0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x10, 0x00
-	};
-	msg[3] = bvci / 256;
-	msg[4] = bvci % 256;
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, "BVC_RESET", src_addr, 0, msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void send_bssgp_reset_ack(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi,
-				 struct sockaddr_in *src_addr, uint16_t bvci)
-	/* GPRS Network Service, PDU type: NS_UNITDATA, BVCI 0
-	static unsigned char msg[5] = {
-		0x23, 0x04, 0x82, 0x00,
-		0x00
-	};
-	msg[3] = bvci / 256;
-	msg[4] = bvci % 256;
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, "BVC_RESET_ACK", src_addr, 0, msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void send_bssgp_suspend(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi,
-			       struct sockaddr_in *src_addr,
-			       uint32_t tlli,
-			       struct gprs_ra_id *raid)
-	/* Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol, BSSGP SUSPEND */
-	unsigned char msg[15] = {
-		0x0b, 0x1f, 0x84, /* TLLI */ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1b,
-		0x86, /* RAI */ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
-	};
-	msg[3] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 24);
-	msg[4] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 16);
-	msg[5] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 8);
-	msg[6] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 0);
-	gsm48_construct_ra(msg + 9, raid);
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, "BVC_SUSPEND", src_addr, 0, msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void send_bssgp_suspend_ack(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi,
-				   struct sockaddr_in *src_addr,
-				   uint32_t tlli,
-				   struct gprs_ra_id *raid)
-	/* Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol, BSSGP SUSPEND ACK */
-	unsigned char msg[18] = {
-		0x0c, 0x1f, 0x84, /* TLLI */ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1b,
-		0x86, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1d,
-		0x81, 0x01
-	};
-	msg[3] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 24);
-	msg[4] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 16);
-	msg[5] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 8);
-	msg[6] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 0);
-	gsm48_construct_ra(msg + 9, raid);
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, "BVC_SUSPEND_ACK", src_addr, 0, msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void send_bssgp_llc_discarded(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi,
-				     struct sockaddr_in *src_addr,
-				     uint16_t bvci, uint32_t tlli,
-				     unsigned n_frames, unsigned n_octets)
-	/* Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol: LLC-DISCARDED (0x2c) */
-	unsigned char msg[] = {
-		0x2c, 0x1f, 0x84, /* TLLI */ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f,
-		0x81, /* n frames */ 0xff, 0x04, 0x82, /* BVCI */ 0xff, 0xff, 0x25, 0x83,
-		/* n octets */ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
-	};
-	msg[3] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 24);
-	msg[4] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 16);
-	msg[5] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 8);
-	msg[6] = (uint8_t)(tlli >> 0);
-	msg[9] = (uint8_t)(n_frames);
-	msg[12] = (uint8_t)(bvci >> 8);
-	msg[13] = (uint8_t)(bvci >> 0);
-	msg[16] = (uint8_t)(n_octets >> 16);
-	msg[17] = (uint8_t)(n_octets >> 8);
-	msg[18] = (uint8_t)(n_octets >> 0);
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, "LLC_DISCARDED", src_addr, 0, msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void send_bssgp_paging(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi,
-			      struct sockaddr_in *src_addr,
-			      const uint8_t *imsi, size_t imsi_size,
-			      struct gprs_ra_id *raid, uint32_t ptmsi)
-	/* Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol, BSSGP SUSPEND */
-	unsigned char msg[100] = {
-		0x06,
-	};
-	const unsigned char drx_ie[] = {0x0a, 0x82, 0x07, 0x04};
-	const unsigned char qos_ie[] = {0x18, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
-	size_t bssgp_msg_size = 1;
-	if (imsi) {
-		OSMO_ASSERT(imsi_size <= 127);
-		msg[bssgp_msg_size] = BSSGP_IE_IMSI;
-		msg[bssgp_msg_size + 1] = 0x80 | imsi_size;
-		memcpy(msg + bssgp_msg_size + 2, imsi, imsi_size);
-		bssgp_msg_size += 2 + imsi_size;
-	}
-	memcpy(msg + bssgp_msg_size, drx_ie, sizeof(drx_ie));
-	bssgp_msg_size += sizeof(drx_ie);
-	if (raid) {
-		msg[bssgp_msg_size] = BSSGP_IE_ROUTEING_AREA;
-		msg[bssgp_msg_size+1] = 0x86;
-		gsm48_construct_ra(msg + bssgp_msg_size + 2, raid);
-		bssgp_msg_size += 8;
-	}
-	memcpy(msg + bssgp_msg_size, qos_ie, sizeof(qos_ie));
-	bssgp_msg_size += sizeof(qos_ie);
-	if (ptmsi != GSM_RESERVED_TMSI) {
-		const uint32_t ptmsi_be = htonl(ptmsi);
-		msg[bssgp_msg_size] = BSSGP_IE_TMSI;
-		msg[bssgp_msg_size+1] = 0x84;
-		memcpy(msg + bssgp_msg_size + 2, &ptmsi_be, 4);
-		bssgp_msg_size += 6;
-	}
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, "PAGING_PS", src_addr, 0, msg, bssgp_msg_size);
-static void send_bssgp_flow_control_bvc(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi,
-					struct sockaddr_in *src_addr,
-					uint16_t bvci, uint8_t tag)
-	/* GPRS Network Service, PDU type: NS_UNITDATA,
-	unsigned char msg[] = {
-		0x26, 0x1e, 0x81, /* Tag */ 0xff, 0x05, 0x82, 0x01, 0xdc,
-		0x03, 0x82, 0x02, 0x76, 0x01, 0x82, 0x00, 0x50,
-		0x1c, 0x82, 0x02, 0x58, 0x06, 0x82, 0x00, 0x03
-	};
-	msg[3] = tag;
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, "FLOW_CONTROL_BVC", src_addr, bvci,
-			 msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void send_bssgp_flow_control_bvc_ack(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi,
-					    struct sockaddr_in *src_addr,
-					    uint16_t bvci, uint8_t tag)
-	/* GPRS Network Service, PDU type: NS_UNITDATA,
-	unsigned char msg[] = {
-		0x27, 0x1e, 0x81, /* Tag */ 0xce
-	};
-	msg[3] = tag;
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, "FLOW_CONTROL_BVC_ACK", src_addr, bvci,
-			 msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void send_llc_ul_ui(
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, const char *text,
-	struct sockaddr_in *src_addr, uint16_t nsbvci, uint32_t tlli,
-	struct gprs_ra_id *raid, uint16_t cell_id,
-	unsigned sapi, unsigned nu,
-	const uint8_t *msg, size_t msg_size)
-	unsigned char llc_msg[4096] = {
-		0x00, 0xc0, 0x01
-	};
-	size_t llc_msg_size = 3 + msg_size + 3;
-	uint8_t e_bit = 0;
-	uint8_t pm_bit = 1;
-	unsigned fcs;
-	nu &= 0x01ff;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(llc_msg_size <= sizeof(llc_msg));
-	llc_msg[0] = (sapi & 0x0f);
-	llc_msg[1] = 0xc0 | (nu >> 6); /* UI frame */
-	llc_msg[2] = (nu << 2) | ((e_bit & 1) << 1) | (pm_bit & 1);
-	memcpy(llc_msg + 3, msg, msg_size);
-	fcs = gprs_llc_fcs(llc_msg, msg_size + 3);
-	llc_msg[3 + msg_size + 0] = (uint8_t)(fcs >> 0);
-	llc_msg[3 + msg_size + 1] = (uint8_t)(fcs >> 8);
-	llc_msg[3 + msg_size + 2] = (uint8_t)(fcs >> 16);
-	send_bssgp_ul_unitdata(nsi, text ? text : "LLC UI",
-			       src_addr, nsbvci, tlli, raid, cell_id,
-			       llc_msg, llc_msg_size);
-static void send_llc_dl_ui(
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, const char *text,
-	struct sockaddr_in *src_addr, uint16_t nsbvci, uint32_t tlli,
-	int with_racap_drx, const uint8_t *imsi, size_t imsi_size,
-	unsigned sapi, unsigned nu,
-	const uint8_t *msg, size_t msg_size)
-	/* GPRS Network Service, PDU type: NS_UNITDATA */
-	/* Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol: UL_UNITDATA */
-	unsigned char llc_msg[4096] = {
-		0x00, 0x00, 0x01
-	};
-	size_t llc_msg_size = 3 + msg_size + 3;
-	uint8_t e_bit = 0;
-	uint8_t pm_bit = 1;
-	unsigned fcs;
-	nu &= 0x01ff;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(llc_msg_size <= sizeof(llc_msg));
-	llc_msg[0] = 0x40 | (sapi & 0x0f);
-	llc_msg[1] = 0xc0 | (nu >> 6); /* UI frame */
-	llc_msg[2] = (nu << 2) | ((e_bit & 1) << 1) | (pm_bit & 1);
-	memcpy(llc_msg + 3, msg, msg_size);
-	fcs = gprs_llc_fcs(llc_msg, msg_size + 3);
-	llc_msg[3 + msg_size + 0] = (uint8_t)(fcs >> 0);
-	llc_msg[3 + msg_size + 1] = (uint8_t)(fcs >> 8);
-	llc_msg[3 + msg_size + 2] = (uint8_t)(fcs >> 16);
-	send_bssgp_dl_unitdata(nsi, text ? text : "LLC UI",
-			       src_addr, nsbvci, tlli,
-			       with_racap_drx, imsi, imsi_size,
-			       llc_msg, llc_msg_size);
-static void setup_ns(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct sockaddr_in *src_addr,
-		     uint16_t nsvci, uint16_t nsei)
-	printf("Setup NS-VC: remote 0x%08x:%d, "
-	       "NSVCI 0x%04x(%d), NSEI 0x%04x(%d)\n\n",
-	       ntohl(src_addr->sin_addr.s_addr), ntohs(src_addr->sin_port),
-	       nsvci, nsvci, nsei, nsei);
-	send_ns_reset(nsi, src_addr, NS_CAUSE_OM_INTERVENTION, nsvci, nsei);
-	send_ns_alive(nsi, src_addr);
-	send_ns_unblock(nsi, src_addr);
-	send_ns_alive_ack(nsi, src_addr);
-static void setup_bssgp(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct sockaddr_in *src_addr,
-		     uint16_t bvci)
-	printf("Setup BSSGP: remote 0x%08x:%d, "
-	       "BVCI 0x%04x(%d)\n\n",
-	       ntohl(src_addr->sin_addr.s_addr), ntohs(src_addr->sin_port),
-	       bvci, bvci);
-	send_bssgp_reset(nsi, src_addr, bvci);
-static void connect_sgsn(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct sockaddr_in *sgsn_peer,
-			 uint32_t sgsn_nsei)
-	gprs_ns_nsip_connect(nsi, sgsn_peer, sgsn_nsei, sgsn_nsei+1);
-	send_ns_reset_ack(nsi, sgsn_peer, sgsn_nsei+1, sgsn_nsei);
-	send_ns_alive_ack(nsi, sgsn_peer);
-	send_ns_unblock_ack(nsi, sgsn_peer);
-	send_ns_alive(nsi, sgsn_peer);
-static void configure_sgsn_peer(struct sockaddr_in *sgsn_peer)
-	sgsn_peer->sin_family = AF_INET;
-	sgsn_peer->sin_port = htons(32000);
-	sgsn_peer->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(REMOTE_SGSN_ADDR);
-static void configure_sgsn2_peer(struct sockaddr_in *sgsn_peer)
-	sgsn_peer->sin_family = AF_INET;
-	sgsn_peer->sin_port = htons(32001);
-	sgsn_peer->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(REMOTE_SGSN2_ADDR);
-static void configure_bss_peers(struct sockaddr_in *bss_peers, size_t size)
-	size_t i;
-	for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-		bss_peers[i].sin_family = AF_INET;
-		bss_peers[i].sin_port = htons((i + 1) * 1111);
-		bss_peers[i].sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(REMOTE_BSS_ADDR);
-	}
-int gprs_ns_rcvmsg(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct msgb *msg,
-		   struct sockaddr_in *saddr, enum gprs_ns_ll ll);
-/* override */
-int gprs_ns_callback(enum gprs_ns_evt event, struct gprs_nsvc *nsvc,
-			 struct msgb *msg, uint16_t bvci)
-	printf("CALLBACK, event %d, msg length %zu, bvci 0x%04x\n%s\n\n",
-			event, msgb_bssgp_len(msg), bvci,
-			osmo_hexdump(msgb_l2(msg), msgb_l2len(msg)));
-	switch (event) {
-		return gbprox_rcvmsg(&gbcfg, msg, nsvc->nsei, bvci, nsvc->nsvci);
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* override */
-ssize_t sendto(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags,
-		const struct sockaddr *dest_addr, socklen_t addrlen)
-	typedef ssize_t (*sendto_t)(int, const void *, size_t, int,
-			const struct sockaddr *, socklen_t);
-	static sendto_t real_sendto = NULL;
-	uint32_t dest_host = htonl(((struct sockaddr_in *)dest_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr);
-	int      dest_port = htons(((struct sockaddr_in *)dest_addr)->sin_port);
-	if (!real_sendto)
-		real_sendto = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "sendto");
-	if (dest_host == REMOTE_BSS_ADDR)
-		printf("MESSAGE to BSS at 0x%08x:%d, msg length %zu\n%s\n\n",
-		       dest_host, dest_port,
-		       len, osmo_hexdump(buf, len));
-	else if (dest_host == REMOTE_SGSN_ADDR)
-		printf("MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x%08x:%d, msg length %zu\n%s\n\n",
-		       dest_host, dest_port,
-		       len, osmo_hexdump(buf, len));
-	else if (dest_host == REMOTE_SGSN2_ADDR)
-		printf("MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x%08x:%d, msg length %zu\n%s\n\n",
-		       dest_host, dest_port,
-		       len, osmo_hexdump(buf, len));
-	else
-		return real_sendto(sockfd, buf, len, flags, dest_addr, addrlen);
-	return len;
-/* override */
-int gprs_ns_sendmsg(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct msgb *msg)
-	typedef int (*gprs_ns_sendmsg_t)(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct msgb *msg);
-	static gprs_ns_sendmsg_t real_gprs_ns_sendmsg = NULL;
-	uint16_t bvci = msgb_bvci(msg);
-	uint16_t nsei = msgb_nsei(msg);
-	size_t len = msgb_length(msg);
-	if (!real_gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-		real_gprs_ns_sendmsg = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "gprs_ns_sendmsg");
-	if (nsei == SGSN_NSEI)
-		printf("NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x%04x, "
-		       "msg length %zu (%s)\n",
-		       bvci, len, __func__);
-	else if (nsei == SGSN2_NSEI)
-		printf("NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x%04x, "
-		       "msg length %zu (%s)\n",
-		       bvci, len, __func__);
-	else
-		printf("NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x%04x, "
-		       "msg length %zu (%s)\n",
-		       bvci, len, __func__);
-	if (received_messages) {
-		struct msgb *msg_copy;
-		msg_copy = gprs_msgb_copy(msg, "received_messages");
-		llist_add_tail(&msg_copy->list, received_messages);
-	}
-	return real_gprs_ns_sendmsg(nsi, msg);
-/* Get the next message from the receive FIFO
- *
- * \returns a pointer to the message which will be invalidated at the next call
- *          to expect_msg. Returns NULL, if there is no message left.
- */
-static struct msgb *expect_msg(void)
-	static struct msgb *msg = NULL;
-	msgb_free(msg);
-	msg = NULL;
-	if (!received_messages)
-		return NULL;
-	if (llist_empty(received_messages))
-		return NULL;
-	msg = llist_entry(received_messages->next, struct msgb, list);
-	llist_del(&msg->list);
-	return msg;
-struct expect_result {
-	struct msgb *msg;
-	struct gprs_gb_parse_context parse_ctx;
-static struct expect_result *expect_bssgp_msg(
-	int match_nsei, int match_bvci, int match_pdu_type)
-	static struct expect_result result;
-	static const struct expect_result empty_result = {0,};
-	static struct msgb *msg;
-	uint16_t nsei;
-	int rc;
-	memcpy(&result, &empty_result, sizeof(result));
-	msg = expect_msg();
-	if (!msg)
-		return NULL;
-	nsei = msgb_nsei(msg);
-	if (match_nsei != MATCH_ANY && match_nsei != nsei) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: NSEI mismatch (expected %u, got %u)\n",
-			__func__, match_nsei, nsei);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if (match_bvci != MATCH_ANY && match_bvci != msgb_bvci(msg)) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: BVCI mismatch (expected %u, got %u)\n",
-			__func__, match_bvci, msgb_bvci(msg));
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	result.msg = msg;
-	result.parse_ctx.to_bss = nsei != SGSN_NSEI && nsei != SGSN2_NSEI;
-	result.parse_ctx.peer_nsei = nsei;
-	if (!msgb_bssgph(msg)) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Expected BSSGP\n", __func__);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	rc = gprs_gb_parse_bssgp(msgb_bssgph(msg), msgb_bssgp_len(msg),
-				 &result.parse_ctx);
-	if (!rc) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to parse message\n", __func__);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if (match_pdu_type != MATCH_ANY &&
-	    match_pdu_type != result.parse_ctx.pdu_type) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: PDU type mismatch (expected %u, got %u)\n",
-			__func__, match_pdu_type, result.parse_ctx.pdu_type);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return &result;
-static struct expect_result *expect_llc_msg(
-	int match_nsei, int match_bvci, int match_sapi, int match_type)
-	static struct expect_result *result;
-	result = expect_bssgp_msg(match_nsei, match_bvci, MATCH_ANY);
-	if (!result)
-		return NULL;
-	if (!result-> {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Expected LLC message\n", __func__);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if (match_sapi != MATCH_ANY &&
-	    match_sapi != result->parse_ctx.llc_hdr_parsed.sapi) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: LLC SAPI mismatch (expected %u, got %u)\n",
-			__func__, match_sapi, result->parse_ctx.llc_hdr_parsed.sapi);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if (match_type != MATCH_ANY &&
-	    match_type != result->parse_ctx.llc_hdr_parsed.cmd) {
-		fprintf(stderr,
-			"%s: LLC command/type mismatch (expected %u, got %u)\n",
-			__func__, match_type, result->parse_ctx.llc_hdr_parsed.cmd);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return result;
-static struct expect_result *expect_gmm_msg(int match_nsei, int match_bvci,
-					    int match_type)
-	static struct expect_result *result;
-	result = expect_llc_msg(match_nsei, match_bvci, GPRS_SAPI_GMM, GPRS_LLC_UI);
-	if (!result)
-		return NULL;
-	if (!result->parse_ctx.g48_hdr) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Expected GSM 04.08 message\n", __func__);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if (match_type != MATCH_ANY &&
-	    match_type != result->parse_ctx.g48_hdr->msg_type) {
-		fprintf(stderr,
-			"%s: GSM 04.08 message type mismatch (expected %u, got %u)\n",
-			__func__, match_type, result->parse_ctx.g48_hdr->msg_type);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return result;
-static void dump_rate_ctr_group(FILE *stream, const char *prefix,
-			    struct rate_ctr_group *ctrg)
-	unsigned int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < ctrg->desc->num_ctr; i++) {
-		struct rate_ctr *ctr = &ctrg->ctr[i];
-		if (ctr->current && !strchr(ctrg->desc->ctr_desc[i].name, '.'))
-			fprintf(stream, " %s%s: %llu%s",
-				prefix, ctrg->desc->ctr_desc[i].description,
-				(long long)ctr->current,
-				"\n");
-	};
-/* Signal handler for signals from NS layer */
-static int test_signal(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
-		  void *handler_data, void *signal_data)
-	struct ns_signal_data *nssd = signal_data;
-	int rc;
-	if (subsys != SS_L_NS)
-		return 0;
-	switch (signal) {
-	case S_NS_RESET:
-		printf("==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x%04x/%s\n",
-		       nssd->nsvc->nsvci,
-		       gprs_ns_ll_str(nssd->nsvc));
-		break;
-	case S_NS_ALIVE_EXP:
-		printf("==> got signal NS_ALIVE_EXP, NS-VC 0x%04x/%s\n",
-		       nssd->nsvc->nsvci,
-		       gprs_ns_ll_str(nssd->nsvc));
-		break;
-	case S_NS_BLOCK:
-		printf("==> got signal NS_BLOCK, NS-VC 0x%04x/%s\n",
-		       nssd->nsvc->nsvci,
-		       gprs_ns_ll_str(nssd->nsvc));
-		break;
-	case S_NS_UNBLOCK:
-		printf("==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x%04x/%s\n",
-		       nssd->nsvc->nsvci,
-		       gprs_ns_ll_str(nssd->nsvc));
-		break;
-		printf("==> got signal NS_REPLACED: 0x%04x/%s",
-		       nssd->nsvc->nsvci,
-		       gprs_ns_ll_str(nssd->nsvc));
-		printf(" -> 0x%04x/%s\n",
-		       nssd->old_nsvc->nsvci,
-		       gprs_ns_ll_str(nssd->old_nsvc));
-		break;
-	default:
-		printf("==> got signal %d, NS-VC 0x%04x/%s\n", signal,
-		       nssd->nsvc->nsvci,
-		       gprs_ns_ll_str(nssd->nsvc));
-		break;
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-	rc = gbprox_signal(subsys, signal, handler_data, signal_data);
-	return rc;
-static int gprs_process_message(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, const char *text, struct sockaddr_in *peer, const unsigned char* data, size_t data_len)
-	struct msgb *msg;
-	int ret;
-	if (data_len > NS_ALLOC_SIZE - NS_ALLOC_HEADROOM) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "message too long: %zu\n", data_len);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	msg = gprs_ns_msgb_alloc();
-	memmove(msg->data, data, data_len);
-	msg->l2h = msg->data;
-	msgb_put(msg, data_len);
-	printf("PROCESSING %s from 0x%08x:%d\n%s\n\n",
-	       text, ntohl(peer->sin_addr.s_addr), ntohs(peer->sin_port),
-	       osmo_hexdump(data, data_len));
-	ret = gprs_ns_rcvmsg(nsi, msg, peer, GPRS_NS_LL_UDP);
-	printf("result (%s) = %d\n\n", text, ret);
-	msgb_free(msg);
-	return ret;
-static void gprs_dump_nsi(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi)
-	struct gprs_nsvc *nsvc;
-	printf("Current NS-VCIs:\n");
-	llist_for_each_entry(nsvc, &nsi->gprs_nsvcs, list) {
-		struct sockaddr_in *peer = &(nsvc->ip.bts_addr);
-		printf("    VCI 0x%04x, NSEI 0x%04x, peer 0x%08x:%d%s%s\n",
-		       nsvc->nsvci, nsvc->nsei,
-		       ntohl(peer->sin_addr.s_addr), ntohs(peer->sin_port),
-		       nsvc->state & NSE_S_BLOCKED ? ", blocked" : "",
-		       nsvc->state & NSE_S_ALIVE   ? "" : ", dead"
-		      );
-		dump_rate_ctr_group(stdout, "        ", nsvc->ctrg);
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-static void test_gbproxy()
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi = gprs_ns_instantiate(gprs_ns_callback, NULL);
-	struct sockaddr_in bss_peer[4] = {{0},};
-	struct sockaddr_in sgsn_peer= {0};
-	bssgp_nsi = nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsi = bssgp_nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsip_sgsn_nsei = SGSN_NSEI;
-	configure_sgsn_peer(&sgsn_peer);
-	configure_bss_peers(bss_peer, ARRAY_SIZE(bss_peer));
-	printf("=== %s ===\n", __func__);
-	printf("--- Initialise SGSN ---\n\n");
-	connect_sgsn(nsi, &sgsn_peer, SGSN_NSEI);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	printf("--- Initialise BSS 1 ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1001, 0x1000);
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x1002);
-	printf("--- Initialise BSS 2 ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[1], 0x2001, 0x2000);
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[1], 0x2002);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x2002);
-	printf("--- Move BSS 1 to new port ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[2], 0x1001, 0x1000);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Move BSS 2 to former BSS 1 port ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x2001, 0x2000);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Move BSS 1 to current BSS 2 port ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x2001, 0x2000);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Move BSS 2 to new port ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[3], 0x2001, 0x2000);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Move BSS 2 to former BSS 1 port ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[2], 0x2001, 0x2000);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Move BSS 1 to original BSS 1 port ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1001, 0x1000);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Reset BSS 1 with a new BVCI ---\n\n");
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1012);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x1012);
-	printf("--- Reset BSS 1 with the old BVCI ---\n\n");
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x1002);
-	printf("--- Reset BSS 1 with the old BVCI again ---\n\n");
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x1002);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1012 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &bss_peer[0], 0x1012, (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Send message from SGSN to BSS 1, BVCI 0x1012 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, 0x1012, (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &bss_peer[0], 0x1012, (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Send message from SGSN to BSS 1, BVCI 0x1002 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, 0x1012, (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 2 to SGSN, BVCI 0x2002 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &bss_peer[0], 0x2002, (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Send message from SGSN to BSS 2, BVCI 0x2002 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, 0x2002, (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Reset BSS 1 with the old BVCI on BSS2's link ---\n\n");
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[2], 0x1002);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x1002);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &bss_peer[0], 0x1012, (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Send message from SGSN to BSS 1, BVCI 0x1002 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, 0x1012, (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Send message from SGSN to BSS 1, BVCI 0x10ff (invalid) ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, 0x10ff, (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	/* Find peer */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_bvci(&gbcfg, 0xeeee) == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_bvci(&gbcfg, 0x1000) == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_bvci(&gbcfg, 0x1012) != NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(&gbcfg, 0xeeee) == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(&gbcfg, 0x1012) == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(&gbcfg, 0x1000) != NULL);
-	/* Cleanup */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_cleanup_peers(&gbcfg, 0, 0) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_cleanup_peers(&gbcfg, 0x1000, 0xeeee) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_cleanup_peers(&gbcfg, 0, 0x1002) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_cleanup_peers(&gbcfg, 0x1000, 0x1012) == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_cleanup_peers(&gbcfg, 0x1000, 0x1012) == 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	gbprox_reset(&gbcfg);
-	gprs_ns_destroy(nsi);
-	nsi = NULL;
-static void test_gbproxy_ident_changes()
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi = gprs_ns_instantiate(gprs_ns_callback, NULL);
-	struct sockaddr_in bss_peer[1] = {{0},};
-	struct sockaddr_in sgsn_peer= {0};
-	uint16_t nsei[2] = {0x1000, 0x2000};
-	uint16_t nsvci[2] = {0x1001, 0x2001};
-	uint16_t bvci[4] = {0x1002, 0x2002, 0x3002, 0x4002};
-	bssgp_nsi = nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsi = bssgp_nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsip_sgsn_nsei = SGSN_NSEI;
-	configure_sgsn_peer(&sgsn_peer);
-	configure_bss_peers(bss_peer, ARRAY_SIZE(bss_peer));
-	printf("=== %s ===\n", __func__);
-	printf("--- Initialise SGSN ---\n\n");
-	connect_sgsn(nsi, &sgsn_peer, SGSN_NSEI);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	printf("--- Initialise BSS 1 ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], nsvci[0], nsei[0]);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	printf("--- Setup BVCI 1 ---\n\n");
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], bvci[0]);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, bvci[0]);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Setup BVCI 2 ---\n\n");
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], bvci[1]);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, bvci[1]);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 1 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &bss_peer[0], bvci[0], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, bvci[0], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 2 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &bss_peer[0], bvci[1], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, bvci[1], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Change NSEI ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], nsvci[0], nsei[1]);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	printf("--- Setup BVCI 1 ---\n\n");
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], bvci[0]);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, bvci[0]);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Setup BVCI 3 ---\n\n");
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], bvci[2]);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, bvci[2]);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 1 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &bss_peer[0], bvci[0], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, bvci[0], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 2 "
-	       " (should fail) ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &bss_peer[0], bvci[1], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, bvci[1], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 3 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &bss_peer[0], bvci[2], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, bvci[2], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Change NSVCI ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], nsvci[1], nsei[1]);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	printf("--- Setup BVCI 1 ---\n\n");
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], bvci[0]);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, bvci[0]);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Setup BVCI 4 ---\n\n");
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], bvci[3]);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, bvci[3]);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 1 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &bss_peer[0], bvci[0], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, bvci[0], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 2 "
-	       " (should fail) ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &bss_peer[0], bvci[1], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, bvci[1], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 3 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &bss_peer[0], bvci[2], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, bvci[2], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 4 ---\n\n");
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &bss_peer[0], bvci[3], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	send_ns_unitdata(nsi, NULL, &sgsn_peer, bvci[3], (uint8_t *)"", 0);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	gbprox_reset(&gbcfg);
-	gprs_ns_destroy(nsi);
-	nsi = NULL;
-static void test_gbproxy_ra_patching()
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi = gprs_ns_instantiate(gprs_ns_callback, NULL);
-	struct sockaddr_in bss_peer[1] = {{0},};
-	struct sockaddr_in sgsn_peer= {0};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_bss =
-		{.mcc = 112, .mnc = 332, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_sgsn =
-		{.mcc = 123, .mnc = 456, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_unknown =
-		{.mcc = 1, .mnc = 99, .lac = 99, .rac = 96};
-	uint16_t cell_id = 0x7530;
-	const char *err_msg = NULL;
-	const uint32_t ptmsi = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t local_tlli = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t foreign_tlli = 0xbbc54679;
-	const uint32_t foreign_tlli2 = 0xbb00beef;
-	const uint8_t imsi[] = {0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18};
-	const char *patch_re = "^9898|^121314";
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	LLIST_HEAD(rcv_list);
-	struct expect_result *expect_res;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_tlli == gprs_tmsi2tlli(ptmsi, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	bssgp_nsi = nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsi = bssgp_nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsip_sgsn_nsei = SGSN_NSEI;
-	gbcfg.core_mcc = 123;
-	gbcfg.core_mnc = 456;
-	gbcfg.core_apn = talloc_zero_size(NULL, 100);
-	gbcfg.core_apn_size = gprs_str_to_apn(gbcfg.core_apn, 100, "");
-	gbcfg.patch_ptmsi = 0;
-	configure_sgsn_peer(&sgsn_peer);
-	configure_bss_peers(bss_peer, ARRAY_SIZE(bss_peer));
-	if (gbproxy_set_patch_filter(&gbcfg.matches[GBPROX_MATCH_PATCHING],
-				     patch_re, &err_msg) != 0) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to compile RE '%s': %s\n",
-			patch_re, err_msg);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	printf("=== %s ===\n", __func__);
-	printf("--- Initialise SGSN ---\n\n");
-	connect_sgsn(nsi, &sgsn_peer, SGSN_NSEI);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	printf("--- Initialise BSS 1 ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1001, 0x1000);
-	received_messages = &rcv_list;
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(&gbcfg, 0x1000);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(peer != NULL);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x1002);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_bssgp_msg(0x1000, 0, BSSGP_PDUT_BVC_RESET_ACK));
-	send_bssgp_suspend(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0xccd1758b, &rai_bss);
-	send_bssgp_suspend_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0xccd1758b, &rai_sgsn);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_bssgp_msg(0x1000, 0, BSSGP_PDUT_SUSPEND_ACK));
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(2 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_BSS].current);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(1 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_SGSN].current);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---\n\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 0,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(4 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_BSS].current);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "IDENT REQUEST", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 0, NULL, 0,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 0,
-		       dtap_identity_req, sizeof(dtap_identity_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_REQ));
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 3,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_RESP));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(5 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_BSS].current);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(1 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_SGSN].current);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 1,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(2 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_SGSN].current);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_rai(&gbcfg, convert_ra(&rai_bss)) != NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_rai(&gbcfg, convert_ra(&rai_sgsn)) == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_rai(&gbcfg, convert_ra(&rai_unknown)) == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_lai(&gbcfg, convert_ra(&rai_bss)) != NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_lai(&gbcfg, convert_ra(&rai_sgsn)) == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_lai(&gbcfg, convert_ra(&rai_unknown)) == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_lac(&gbcfg, convert_ra(&rai_bss)) != NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_lac(&gbcfg, convert_ra(&rai_sgsn)) != NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_peer_by_lac(&gbcfg, convert_ra(&rai_unknown)) == NULL);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current != local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current != local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 4,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_COMPL));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(6 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_BSS].current);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current != local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current != local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	/* Replace APN (1) */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ACT PDP CTX REQ (REPLACE APN)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 3,
-		       dtap_act_pdp_ctx_req, sizeof(dtap_act_pdp_ctx_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GSM_ACT_PDP_REQ));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(7 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_BSS].current);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current != local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current != local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 2,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_INFO));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(2 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_SGSN].current);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == local_tlli);
-	/* Replace APN (2) */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ACT PDP CTX REQ (REPLACE APN)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 3,
-		       dtap_act_pdp_ctx_req, sizeof(dtap_act_pdp_ctx_req));
-	expect_res = expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GSM_ACT_PDP_REQ);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_res != NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_res->parse_ctx.apn_ie_len == gbcfg.core_apn_size + 2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(8 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_BSS].current);
-	gbcfg.core_apn[0] = 0;
-	gbcfg.core_apn_size = 0;
-	/* Remove APN */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ACT PDP CTX REQ (REMOVE APN)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 3,
-		       dtap_act_pdp_ctx_req, sizeof(dtap_act_pdp_ctx_req));
-	expect_res = expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GSM_ACT_PDP_REQ);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_res != NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_res->parse_ctx.apn_ie_len == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(9 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_BSS].current);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Detach */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 6,
-		       dtap_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_REQ));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(10 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_BSS].current);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(2 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_SGSN].current);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 5,
-		       dtap_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_detach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- RA update ---\n\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "RA UPD REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, 0x7080,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 5,
-		       dtap_ra_upd_req, sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_REQ));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(12 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_BSS].current);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "RA UPD ACC", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 6,
-		       dtap_ra_upd_acc, sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_ACK));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(3 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_SGSN].current);
-	/* Remove APN */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ACT PDP CTX REQ (REMOVE APN)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 3,
-		       dtap_act_pdp_ctx_req, sizeof(dtap_act_pdp_ctx_req));
-	expect_res = expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GSM_ACT_PDP_REQ);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_res != NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_res->parse_ctx.apn_ie_len == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(13 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_BSS].current);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Detach (power off -> no Detach Accept) */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ (PWR OFF)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 6,
-		       dtap_detach_po_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_po_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_REQ));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(14 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_BSS].current);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Bad cases ---\n\n");
-	/* The RAI in the Attach Request message differs from the RAI in the
-	 * BSSGP message, only patch the latter */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST (foreign RAI)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli2, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 0,
-		       dtap_attach_req2, sizeof(dtap_attach_req2));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(15 == peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_RAID_PATCHED_BSS].current);
-	printf("TLLI is already detached, shouldn't patch\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ACT PDP CTX REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 3,
-		       dtap_act_pdp_ctx_req, sizeof(dtap_act_pdp_ctx_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GSM_ACT_PDP_REQ));
-	printf("Invalid RAI, shouldn't patch\n");
-	send_bssgp_suspend_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0xccd1758b, &rai_unknown);
-	/* TODO: The following breaks with the current libosmocore, enable it
-	 * again (and remove the plain expect_msg), when the msgb_bssgph patch
-	 * is integrated */
-	/* OSMO_ASSERT(expect_bssgp_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0, BSSGP_PDUT_STATUS)); */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_msg());
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!expect_msg());
-	received_messages = NULL;
-	gbproxy_clear_patch_filter(&gbcfg.matches[GBPROX_MATCH_PATCHING]);
-	gbprox_reset(&gbcfg);
-	gprs_ns_destroy(nsi);
-	nsi = NULL;
-static void test_gbproxy_ptmsi_assignment()
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi = gprs_ns_instantiate(gprs_ns_callback, NULL);
-	struct sockaddr_in bss_peer[1] = {{0},};
-	struct sockaddr_in sgsn_peer= {0};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_bss =
-		{.mcc = 112, .mnc = 332, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_unknown =
-		{.mcc = 1, .mnc = 99, .lac = 99, .rac = 96};
-	uint16_t cell_id = 0x1234;
-	const uint32_t ptmsi = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t local_tlli = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t foreign_tlli1 = 0x8000dead;
-	const uint32_t foreign_tlli2 = 0x8000beef;
-	const uint8_t imsi1[] = {0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18};
-	const uint8_t imsi2[] = {0x11, 0x12, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18};
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info, *link_info2;
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	unsigned bss_nu = 0;
-	unsigned sgsn_nu = 0;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_tlli == gprs_tmsi2tlli(ptmsi, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	bssgp_nsi = nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsi = bssgp_nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsip_sgsn_nsei = SGSN_NSEI;
-	gbcfg.core_mcc = 0;
-	gbcfg.core_mnc = 0;
-	gbcfg.core_apn = talloc_zero_size(NULL, 100);
-	gbcfg.core_apn_size = gprs_str_to_apn(gbcfg.core_apn, 100, "");
-	gbcfg.patch_ptmsi = 0;
-	configure_sgsn_peer(&sgsn_peer);
-	configure_bss_peers(bss_peer, ARRAY_SIZE(bss_peer));
-	printf("=== %s ===\n", __func__);
-	printf("--- Initialise SGSN ---\n\n");
-	connect_sgsn(nsi, &sgsn_peer, SGSN_NSEI);
-	printf("--- Initialise BSS 1 ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1001, 0x1000);
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002);
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(&gbcfg, 0x1000);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(peer != NULL);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x1002);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Establish first LLC connection ---\n\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli1, &rai_unknown, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "IDENT REQUEST", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli1, 0, NULL, 0,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_req, sizeof(dtap_identity_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli1, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli1, 1, imsi1, sizeof(imsi1),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli1);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_tlli1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == ptmsi);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_tlli1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == ptmsi);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi1, sizeof(imsi1),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == ptmsi);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi2, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi2)));
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == ptmsi);
-	printf("--- Establish second LLC connection with the same P-TMSI ---\n\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli2, &rai_unknown, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "IDENT REQUEST", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli2, 0, NULL, 0,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_req, sizeof(dtap_identity_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli2, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity2_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity2_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli2, 1, imsi2, sizeof(imsi2),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli2);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == ptmsi);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == ptmsi);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi2, sizeof(imsi2),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi2, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi2));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == ptmsi);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1)));
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == ptmsi);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	gbprox_reset(&gbcfg);
-	gprs_ns_destroy(nsi);
-	nsi = NULL;
-	cleanup_test();
-static void test_gbproxy_ptmsi_patching()
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi = gprs_ns_instantiate(gprs_ns_callback, NULL);
-	struct sockaddr_in bss_peer[1] = {{0},};
-	struct sockaddr_in sgsn_peer= {0};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_bss =
-		{.mcc = 112, .mnc = 332, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_sgsn =
-		{.mcc = 123, .mnc = 456, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_wrong_mcc_sgsn =
-		{.mcc = 999, .mnc = 456, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_unknown =
-		{.mcc = 1, .mnc = 99, .lac = 99, .rac = 96};
-	uint16_t cell_id = 0x1234;
-	const uint32_t sgsn_ptmsi = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t sgsn_ptmsi2 = 0xe0987654;
-	const uint32_t sgsn_ptmsi3 = 0xe0543210;
-	const uint32_t local_sgsn_tlli = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t local_sgsn_tlli2 = 0xe0987654;
-	const uint32_t local_sgsn_tlli3 = 0xe0543210;
-	const uint32_t random_sgsn_tlli = 0x78dead00;
-	const uint32_t unknown_sgsn_tlli = 0xeebadbad;
-	const uint32_t bss_ptmsi = 0xc0dead01;
-	const uint32_t bss_ptmsi2 = 0xc0dead02;
-	const uint32_t bss_ptmsi3 = 0xc0dead03;
-	const uint32_t local_bss_tlli = 0xc0dead01;
-	const uint32_t local_bss_tlli2 = 0xc0dead02;
-	const uint32_t local_bss_tlli3 = 0xc0dead03;
-	const uint32_t foreign_bss_tlli = 0x8000dead;
-	const uint8_t imsi[] = {0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18};
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	unsigned bss_nu = 0;
-	unsigned sgsn_nu = 0;
-	int old_ctr;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_sgsn_tlli == gprs_tmsi2tlli(sgsn_ptmsi, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_sgsn_tlli2 == gprs_tmsi2tlli(sgsn_ptmsi2, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_sgsn_tlli3 == gprs_tmsi2tlli(sgsn_ptmsi3, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_bss_tlli == gprs_tmsi2tlli(bss_ptmsi, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_bss_tlli2 == gprs_tmsi2tlli(bss_ptmsi2, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_bss_tlli3 == gprs_tmsi2tlli(bss_ptmsi3, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	bssgp_nsi = nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsi = bssgp_nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsip_sgsn_nsei = SGSN_NSEI;
-	gbcfg.core_mcc = 123;
-	gbcfg.core_mnc = 456;
-	gbcfg.core_apn = talloc_zero_size(NULL, 100);
-	gbcfg.core_apn_size = gprs_str_to_apn(gbcfg.core_apn, 100, "");
-	gbcfg.patch_ptmsi = 1;
-	configure_sgsn_peer(&sgsn_peer);
-	configure_bss_peers(bss_peer, ARRAY_SIZE(bss_peer));
-	printf("=== %s ===\n", __func__);
-	printf("--- Initialise SGSN ---\n\n");
-	connect_sgsn(nsi, &sgsn_peer, SGSN_NSEI);
-	printf("--- Initialise BSS 1 ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1001, 0x1000);
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002);
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(&gbcfg, 0x1000);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(peer != NULL);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x1002);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---\n\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_unknown, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "IDENT REQUEST", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli, 0, NULL, 0,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_req, sizeof(dtap_identity_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, random_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == bss_ptmsi);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == random_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi == sgsn_ptmsi);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == random_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == 0);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ACT PDP CTX REQ (REPLACE APN)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_act_pdp_ctx_req, sizeof(dtap_act_pdp_ctx_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Non-DTAP */
-	send_bssgp_ul_unitdata(nsi, "XID (UL)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-			       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-			       llc_u_xid_ul, sizeof(llc_u_xid_ul));
-	send_bssgp_dl_unitdata(nsi, "XID (DL)", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-			       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-			       llc_u_xid_dl, sizeof(llc_u_xid_dl));
-	send_bssgp_ul_unitdata(nsi, "LL11 DNS QUERY (UL)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-			       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-			       llc_ui_ll11_dns_query_ul,
-			       sizeof(llc_ui_ll11_dns_query_ul));
-	send_bssgp_dl_unitdata(nsi, "LL11 DNS RESP (DL)", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-			       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-			       llc_ui_ll11_dns_resp_dl,
-			       sizeof(llc_ui_ll11_dns_resp_dl));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Repeated RA Update Requests */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "RA UPD REQ (P-TMSI 2)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, 0x7080,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_ra_upd_req, sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_req));
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "RA UDP ACC (P-TMSI 2)", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_ra_upd_acc2, sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_acc2));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli2, SGSN_NSEI) != NULL);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == bss_ptmsi2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi == sgsn_ptmsi2);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "RA UPD REQ (P-TMSI 3)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli2, &rai_bss, 0x7080,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_ra_upd_req, sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_req));
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "RA UDP ACC (P-TMSI 3)", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli2, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_ra_upd_acc3, sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_acc3));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli2, SGSN_NSEI) == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli3, SGSN_NSEI) != NULL);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == bss_ptmsi3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi == sgsn_ptmsi3);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "RA UPD COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli3, &rai_bss, 0x7080,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_ra_upd_complete, sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_complete));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_bss_tlli3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli3, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli3, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == local_bss_tlli3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == local_sgsn_tlli3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == 0);
-	/* Other messages */
-	send_bssgp_llc_discarded(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-				 local_bss_tlli3, 1, 12);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_suspend(nsi, &bss_peer[0], local_bss_tlli3, &rai_bss);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_suspend_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, local_sgsn_tlli3, &rai_sgsn);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	old_ctr = peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_PTMSI_PATCHED_SGSN].current;
-	send_bssgp_paging(nsi, &sgsn_peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi), &rai_bss, sgsn_ptmsi3);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(old_ctr + 1 ==
-		    peer->ctrg->ctr[GBPROX_PEER_CTR_PTMSI_PATCHED_SGSN].current);
-	/* Bad case: Invalid BVCI */
-	send_bssgp_llc_discarded(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0xeee1,
-				 local_bss_tlli3, 1, 12);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	/* Bad case: Invalid RAI */
-	send_bssgp_suspend_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, local_sgsn_tlli3, &rai_unknown);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	/* Bad case: Invalid MCC (LAC ok) */
-	send_bssgp_suspend_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, local_sgsn_tlli3,
-			       &rai_wrong_mcc_sgsn);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	/* Bad case: Invalid TLLI from SGSN (IMSI unknown) */
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       unknown_sgsn_tlli, 1, NULL, 0,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 2,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	/* Bad case: Invalid TLLI from SGSN (IMSI known) */
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       unknown_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, 3,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	/* Detach */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli3, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli3, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_detach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	gbprox_reset(&gbcfg);
-	gprs_ns_destroy(nsi);
-	nsi = NULL;
-	cleanup_test();
-static void test_gbproxy_ptmsi_patching_bad_cases()
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi = gprs_ns_instantiate(gprs_ns_callback, NULL);
-	struct sockaddr_in bss_peer[1] = {{0},};
-	struct sockaddr_in sgsn_peer= {0};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_bss =
-		{.mcc = 112, .mnc = 332, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_unknown =
-		{.mcc = 1, .mnc = 99, .lac = 99, .rac = 96};
-	uint16_t cell_id = 0x1234;
-	const uint32_t sgsn_ptmsi = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t local_sgsn_tlli = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t random_sgsn_tlli = 0x78dead00;
-	const uint32_t bss_ptmsi = 0xc0dead01;
-	const uint32_t local_bss_tlli = 0xc0dead01;
-	const uint32_t foreign_bss_tlli = 0x8000dead;
-	const uint8_t imsi[] = {0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18};
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	unsigned bss_nu = 0;
-	unsigned sgsn_nu = 0;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_sgsn_tlli == gprs_tmsi2tlli(sgsn_ptmsi, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_bss_tlli == gprs_tmsi2tlli(bss_ptmsi, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	bssgp_nsi = nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsi = bssgp_nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsip_sgsn_nsei = SGSN_NSEI;
-	gbcfg.core_mcc = 123;
-	gbcfg.core_mnc = 456;
-	gbcfg.core_apn = talloc_zero_size(NULL, 100);
-	gbcfg.core_apn_size = gprs_str_to_apn(gbcfg.core_apn, 100, "");
-	gbcfg.patch_ptmsi = 1;
-	configure_sgsn_peer(&sgsn_peer);
-	configure_bss_peers(bss_peer, ARRAY_SIZE(bss_peer));
-	printf("=== %s ===\n", __func__);
-	printf("--- Initialise SGSN ---\n\n");
-	connect_sgsn(nsi, &sgsn_peer, SGSN_NSEI);
-	printf("--- Initialise BSS 1 ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1001, 0x1000);
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002);
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(&gbcfg, 0x1000);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(peer != NULL);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x1002);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---\n\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_unknown, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "IDENT REQUEST", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli, 0, NULL, 0,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_req, sizeof(dtap_identity_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, random_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == bss_ptmsi);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == random_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi == sgsn_ptmsi);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT (duplicated)", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, random_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == bss_ptmsi);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == random_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi == sgsn_ptmsi);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == random_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == 0);
-	/* Detach */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_detach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	gbprox_reset(&gbcfg);
-	gprs_ns_destroy(nsi);
-	nsi = NULL;
-	cleanup_test();
-static void test_gbproxy_imsi_acquisition()
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi = gprs_ns_instantiate(gprs_ns_callback, NULL);
-	struct sockaddr_in bss_peer[1] = {{0},};
-	struct sockaddr_in sgsn_peer= {0};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_bss =
-		{.mcc = 112, .mnc = 332, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_sgsn =
-		{.mcc = 123, .mnc = 456, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_wrong_mcc_sgsn =
-		{.mcc = 999, .mnc = 456, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_unknown =
-		{.mcc = 1, .mnc = 99, .lac = 99, .rac = 96};
-	uint16_t cell_id = 0x1234;
-	const uint32_t sgsn_ptmsi = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t local_sgsn_tlli = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t random_sgsn_tlli = 0x78dead00;
-	const uint32_t random_sgsn_tlli2 = 0x78dead02;
-	const uint32_t bss_ptmsi = 0xc0dead01;
-	const uint32_t local_bss_tlli = 0xc0dead01;
-	const uint32_t foreign_bss_tlli = 0x8000dead;
-	const uint32_t other_bss_tlli = 0x8000beef;
-	const uint8_t imsi[] = {0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18};
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	unsigned bss_nu = 0;
-	unsigned sgsn_nu = 0;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_sgsn_tlli == gprs_tmsi2tlli(sgsn_ptmsi, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	bssgp_nsi = nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsi = bssgp_nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsip_sgsn_nsei = SGSN_NSEI;
-	gbcfg.core_mcc = 123;
-	gbcfg.core_mnc = 456;
-	gbcfg.core_apn = talloc_zero_size(NULL, 100);
-	gbcfg.core_apn_size = gprs_str_to_apn(gbcfg.core_apn, 100, "");
-	gbcfg.patch_ptmsi = 1;
-	gbcfg.acquire_imsi = 1;
-	configure_sgsn_peer(&sgsn_peer);
-	configure_bss_peers(bss_peer, ARRAY_SIZE(bss_peer));
-	printf("=== %s ===\n", __func__);
-	printf("--- Initialise SGSN ---\n\n");
-	connect_sgsn(nsi, &sgsn_peer, SGSN_NSEI);
-	printf("--- Initialise BSS 1 ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1001, 0x1000);
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002);
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(&gbcfg, 0x1000);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(peer != NULL);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x1002);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---\n\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "IDENT REQUEST", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli, 0, NULL, 0,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_req, sizeof(dtap_identity_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, random_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == bss_ptmsi);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == random_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi == sgsn_ptmsi);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == random_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == 0);
-	/* Non-DTAP */
-	send_bssgp_ul_unitdata(nsi, "XID (UL)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-			       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-			       llc_u_xid_ul, sizeof(llc_u_xid_ul));
-	send_bssgp_dl_unitdata(nsi, "XID (DL)", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-			       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-			       llc_u_xid_dl, sizeof(llc_u_xid_dl));
-	send_bssgp_ul_unitdata(nsi, "LL11 DNS QUERY (UL)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-			       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-			       llc_ui_ll11_dns_query_ul,
-			       sizeof(llc_ui_ll11_dns_query_ul));
-	send_bssgp_dl_unitdata(nsi, "LL11 DNS RESP (DL)", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-			       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-			       llc_ui_ll11_dns_resp_dl,
-			       sizeof(llc_ui_ll11_dns_resp_dl));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Other messages */
-	send_bssgp_llc_discarded(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-				 local_bss_tlli, 1, 12);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_llc_discarded(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-				 local_sgsn_tlli, 1, 12);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_suspend(nsi, &bss_peer[0], local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_suspend_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, local_sgsn_tlli, &rai_sgsn);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Bad case: Invalid BVCI */
-	send_bssgp_llc_discarded(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0xeee1,
-				 local_bss_tlli, 1, 12);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	/* Bad case: Invalid RAI */
-	send_bssgp_suspend_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, local_sgsn_tlli, &rai_unknown);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	/* Bad case: Invalid MCC (LAC ok) */
-	send_bssgp_suspend_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, local_sgsn_tlli,
-			       &rai_wrong_mcc_sgsn);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	/* Detach */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_detach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* RA Update request */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "RA UPD REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_unknown, 0x7080,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_ra_upd_req, sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_req));
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "RA UDP ACC", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli2, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_ra_upd_acc, sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Detach */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_detach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Special case: Repeated Attach Requests */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_unknown, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_unknown, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Special case: Detach from an unknown TLLI */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ (unknown TLLI)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       other_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Special case: Repeated RA Update Requests */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "RA UPD REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_unknown, 0x7080,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_ra_upd_req, sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_req));
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "RA UPD REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_unknown, 0x7080,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_ra_upd_req, sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_req));
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	gbprox_reset(&gbcfg);
-	gprs_ns_destroy(nsi);
-	nsi = NULL;
-	cleanup_test();
-static void test_gbproxy_secondary_sgsn()
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi = gprs_ns_instantiate(gprs_ns_callback, NULL);
-	struct sockaddr_in bss_peer[1] = {{0},};
-	struct sockaddr_in sgsn_peer[2]= {{0},};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_bss =
-		{.mcc = 112, .mnc = 332, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_sgsn =
-		{.mcc = 123, .mnc = 456, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_unknown =
-		{.mcc = 1, .mnc = 99, .lac = 99, .rac = 96};
-	uint16_t cell_id = 0x1234;
-	const uint32_t sgsn_ptmsi = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t local_sgsn_tlli = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t random_sgsn_tlli = 0x78dead00;
-	const uint32_t bss_ptmsi = 0xc0dead01;
-	const uint32_t local_bss_tlli = 0xc0dead01;
-	const uint32_t foreign_bss_tlli = 0x8000dead;
-	const uint32_t sgsn_ptmsi2 = 0xe0987654;
-	const uint32_t local_sgsn_tlli2 = 0xe0987654;
-	const uint32_t random_sgsn_tlli2 = 0x78dead02;
-	const uint32_t bss_ptmsi2 = 0xc0dead03;
-	const uint32_t local_bss_tlli2 = 0xc0dead03;
-	const uint32_t foreign_bss_tlli2 = 0x8000beef;
-	const uint32_t random_sgsn_tlli3 = 0x78dead04;
-	const uint32_t bss_ptmsi3 = 0xc0dead05;
-	const uint32_t local_bss_tlli3 = 0xc0dead05;
-	const uint32_t foreign_bss_tlli3 = 0x8000feed;
-	const uint8_t imsi1[] = {0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18};
-	const uint8_t imsi2[] = {0x11, 0x12, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18};
-	const uint8_t imsi3[] = {0x11, 0x12, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28};
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *other_info;
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	unsigned bss_nu = 0;
-	unsigned sgsn_nu = 0;
-	const char *err_msg = NULL;
-	const char *filter_re = "999999";
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_sgsn_tlli == gprs_tmsi2tlli(sgsn_ptmsi, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_sgsn_tlli2 == gprs_tmsi2tlli(sgsn_ptmsi2, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	bssgp_nsi = nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsi = bssgp_nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsip_sgsn_nsei = SGSN_NSEI;
-	gbcfg.core_mcc = 123;
-	gbcfg.core_mnc = 456;
-	gbcfg.core_apn = talloc_zero_size(NULL, 100);
-	gbcfg.core_apn_size = gprs_str_to_apn(gbcfg.core_apn, 100, "");
-	gbcfg.patch_ptmsi = 1;
-	gbcfg.acquire_imsi = 1;
-	gbcfg.route_to_sgsn2 = 1;
-	gbcfg.nsip_sgsn2_nsei = SGSN2_NSEI;
-	if (gbproxy_set_patch_filter(&gbcfg.matches[GBPROX_MATCH_ROUTING],
-				     filter_re, &err_msg) != 0) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "gbprox_set_patch_filter: got error: %s\n",
-			err_msg);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(err_msg == NULL);
-	}
-	configure_sgsn_peer(&sgsn_peer[0]);
-	configure_sgsn2_peer(&sgsn_peer[1]);
-	configure_bss_peers(bss_peer, ARRAY_SIZE(bss_peer));
-	printf("=== %s ===\n", __func__);
-	printf("--- Initialise SGSN 1 ---\n\n");
-	connect_sgsn(nsi, &sgsn_peer[0], SGSN_NSEI);
-	printf("--- Initialise SGSN 2 ---\n\n");
-	connect_sgsn(nsi, &sgsn_peer[1], SGSN2_NSEI);
-	printf("--- Initialise BSS 1 ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1001, 0x1000);
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x0);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer[0], 0x0);
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer[0], 0x1002);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer[1], 0x1002);
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(&gbcfg, 0x1000);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(peer != NULL);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Flow control ---\n\n");
-	send_bssgp_flow_control_bvc(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002, 1);
-	send_bssgp_flow_control_bvc_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer[0], 0x1002, 1);
-	send_bssgp_flow_control_bvc_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer[1], 0x1002, 1);
-	printf("--- Establish GPRS connection (SGSN 1) ---\n\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_unknown, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "IDENT REQUEST", &sgsn_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli, 0, NULL, 0,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_req, sizeof(dtap_identity_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi1, sizeof(imsi1),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN2_NSEI));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, random_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == bss_ptmsi);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == random_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi == sgsn_ptmsi);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN2_NSEI));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == random_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi1, sizeof(imsi1),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN2_NSEI));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == local_bss_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == 0);
-	/* Non-DTAP */
-	send_bssgp_ul_unitdata(nsi, "XID (UL)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-			       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-			       llc_u_xid_ul, sizeof(llc_u_xid_ul));
-	send_bssgp_dl_unitdata(nsi, "XID (DL)", &sgsn_peer[0], 0x1002,
-			       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi1, sizeof(imsi1),
-			       llc_u_xid_dl, sizeof(llc_u_xid_dl));
-	send_bssgp_ul_unitdata(nsi, "LL11 DNS QUERY (UL)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-			       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-			       llc_ui_ll11_dns_query_ul,
-			       sizeof(llc_ui_ll11_dns_query_ul));
-	send_bssgp_dl_unitdata(nsi, "LL11 DNS RESP (DL)", &sgsn_peer[0], 0x1002,
-			       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi1, sizeof(imsi1),
-			       llc_ui_ll11_dns_resp_dl,
-			       sizeof(llc_ui_ll11_dns_resp_dl));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Other messages */
-	send_bssgp_llc_discarded(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-				 local_bss_tlli, 1, 12);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_llc_discarded(nsi, &sgsn_peer[0], 0x1002,
-				 local_sgsn_tlli, 1, 12);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_suspend(nsi, &bss_peer[0], local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_suspend_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer[0], local_sgsn_tlli, &rai_sgsn);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Establish GPRS connection (SGSN 2) ---\n\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli2, &rai_unknown, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli2, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity2_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity2_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "IDENT REQUEST", &sgsn_peer[1], 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli2, 0, NULL, 0,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_req, sizeof(dtap_identity_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli2, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity2_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity2_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer[1], 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli2, 1, imsi2, sizeof(imsi2),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc2, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc2));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, random_sgsn_tlli2, SGSN_NSEI));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, random_sgsn_tlli2, SGSN2_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_bss_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == bss_ptmsi2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == random_sgsn_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi == sgsn_ptmsi2);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli2, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli2, SGSN_NSEI));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli2, SGSN2_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_bss_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == random_sgsn_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer[1], 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli2, 1, imsi2, sizeof(imsi2),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli2, SGSN_NSEI));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli2, SGSN2_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == local_bss_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == local_sgsn_tlli2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == 0);
-	/* Non-DTAP */
-	send_bssgp_ul_unitdata(nsi, "XID (UL)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-			       local_bss_tlli2, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-			       llc_u_xid_ul, sizeof(llc_u_xid_ul));
-	send_bssgp_dl_unitdata(nsi, "XID (DL)", &sgsn_peer[1], 0x1002,
-			       local_sgsn_tlli2, 1, imsi2, sizeof(imsi2),
-			       llc_u_xid_dl, sizeof(llc_u_xid_dl));
-	send_bssgp_ul_unitdata(nsi, "LL11 DNS QUERY (UL)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-			       local_bss_tlli2, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-			       llc_ui_ll11_dns_query_ul,
-			       sizeof(llc_ui_ll11_dns_query_ul));
-	send_bssgp_dl_unitdata(nsi, "LL11 DNS RESP (DL)", &sgsn_peer[1], 0x1002,
-			       local_sgsn_tlli2, 1, imsi2, sizeof(imsi2),
-			       llc_ui_ll11_dns_resp_dl,
-			       sizeof(llc_ui_ll11_dns_resp_dl));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Other messages */
-	send_bssgp_llc_discarded(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-				 local_bss_tlli2, 1, 12);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_llc_discarded(nsi, &sgsn_peer[1], 0x1002,
-				 local_sgsn_tlli2, 1, 12);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_suspend(nsi, &bss_peer[0], local_bss_tlli2, &rai_bss);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_bssgp_suspend_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer[1], local_sgsn_tlli2, &rai_sgsn);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Establish GPRS connection (SGSN 2, P-TMSI collision) ---\n\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli3, &rai_unknown, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli3, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity3_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity3_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "IDENT REQUEST", &sgsn_peer[1], 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli3, 0, NULL, 0,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_req, sizeof(dtap_identity_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_bss_tlli3, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity3_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity3_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT (P-TMSI 1)", &sgsn_peer[1], 0x1002,
-		       random_sgsn_tlli3, 1, imsi3, sizeof(imsi3),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, random_sgsn_tlli3, SGSN_NSEI));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, random_sgsn_tlli3, SGSN2_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_bss_tlli3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.ptmsi == bss_ptmsi3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == random_sgsn_tlli3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.ptmsi == sgsn_ptmsi);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli3, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	other_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(other_info);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN2_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info != other_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == local_bss_tlli3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == foreign_bss_tlli3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->tlli.net_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == random_sgsn_tlli3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.bss_validated);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->sgsn_tlli.net_validated);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer[1], 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi3, sizeof(imsi3),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	other_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(other_info);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_sgsn_tlli(peer, local_sgsn_tlli, SGSN2_NSEI);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info != other_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == local_bss_tlli3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.assigned == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == local_sgsn_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == 0);
-	printf("--- Shutdown GPRS connection (SGSN 1) ---\n\n");
-	/* Detach */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &sgsn_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi1, sizeof(imsi1),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_detach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Shutdown GPRS connection (SGSN 2) ---\n\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli2, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &sgsn_peer[1], 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli2, 1, imsi2, sizeof(imsi2),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_detach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Shutdown GPRS connection (SGSN 2, P-TMSI 1) ---\n\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_bss_tlli3, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &sgsn_peer[1], 0x1002,
-		       local_sgsn_tlli, 1, imsi3, sizeof(imsi3),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_detach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	gbproxy_clear_patch_filter(&gbcfg.matches[GBPROX_MATCH_ROUTING]);
-	gbprox_reset(&gbcfg);
-	gprs_ns_destroy(nsi);
-	nsi = NULL;
-	cleanup_test();
-static void test_gbproxy_keep_info()
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi = gprs_ns_instantiate(gprs_ns_callback, NULL);
-	struct sockaddr_in bss_peer[1] = {{0},};
-	struct sockaddr_in sgsn_peer= {0};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_bss =
-		{.mcc = 112, .mnc = 332, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	uint16_t cell_id = 0x1234;
-	const uint32_t ptmsi = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t local_tlli = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t foreign_tlli = 0xafe2b700;
-	const uint8_t imsi[] = {0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18};
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info, *link_info2;
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	unsigned bss_nu = 0;
-	unsigned sgsn_nu = 0;
-	LLIST_HEAD(rcv_list);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_tlli == gprs_tmsi2tlli(ptmsi, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	bssgp_nsi = nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsi = bssgp_nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsip_sgsn_nsei = SGSN_NSEI;
-	gbcfg.patch_ptmsi = 0;
-	gbcfg.acquire_imsi = 1;
-	gbcfg.core_mcc = 0;
-	gbcfg.core_mnc = 0;
-	gbcfg.core_apn = NULL;
-	gbcfg.core_apn_size = 0;
-	gbcfg.route_to_sgsn2 = 0;
-	gbcfg.nsip_sgsn2_nsei = 0xffff;
-	gbcfg.keep_link_infos = GBPROX_KEEP_ALWAYS;
-	configure_sgsn_peer(&sgsn_peer);
-	configure_bss_peers(bss_peer, ARRAY_SIZE(bss_peer));
-	printf("=== %s ===\n", __func__);
-	printf("--- Initialise SGSN ---\n\n");
-	connect_sgsn(nsi, &sgsn_peer, SGSN_NSEI);
-	printf("--- Initialise BSS 1 ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1001, 0x1000);
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002);
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(&gbcfg, 0x1000);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(peer != NULL);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x1002);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---\n\n");
-	received_messages = &rcv_list;
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len > 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_tlli_type(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current) == TLLI_FOREIGN);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "IDENT REQUEST", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 0, NULL, 0,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_req, sizeof(dtap_identity_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_RESP));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len > 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi)));
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_COMPL));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_INFO));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	/* Detach (MO) */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_REQ));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_detach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!expect_msg());
-	/* Re-Attach */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req3, sizeof(dtap_attach_req3));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len != 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_tlli_type(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current) == TLLI_FOREIGN);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_COMPL));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Detach (MT) */
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ (re-attach)", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_rea_req, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_rea_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!expect_msg());
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->is_deregistered);
-	/* Re-Attach */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req3, sizeof(dtap_attach_req3));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len != 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_COMPL));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Detach (MT) */
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!expect_msg());
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->is_deregistered);
-	/* Re-Attach with IMSI */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST (IMSI)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req4, sizeof(dtap_attach_req4));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len != 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == foreign_tlli);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_COMPL));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Detach (MT) */
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!expect_msg());
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->is_deregistered);
-	/* Re-Attach */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req3, sizeof(dtap_attach_req3));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len != 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_COMPL));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* RA update procedure (reject -> Detach) */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "RA UPD REQ", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, 0x7080,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_ra_upd_req, sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_REQ));
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "RA UDP REJ", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_ra_upd_rej, sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_rej));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_REJ));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!expect_msg());
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->is_deregistered);
-	/* Bad case: Re-Attach with wrong (initial) P-TMSI */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info != link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len != 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len > 0);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_COMPL));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Detach (MT) */
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!expect_msg());
-	/* Bad case: Re-Attach with local TLLI */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST (local TLLI)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req3, sizeof(dtap_attach_req3));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len != 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == local_tlli);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_COMPL));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Detach (MT) */
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ (re-attach)", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_rea_req, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_rea_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!expect_msg());
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->is_deregistered);
-	/* Bad case: Unexpected Re-Attach with IMSI after completed attachment
-	 * procedure */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req3, sizeof(dtap_attach_req3));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len != 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_COMPL));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_INFO));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST (unexpected, IMSI)",
-		       &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req4, sizeof(dtap_attach_req4));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len != 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == 0);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_COMPL));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Detach (MT) */
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!expect_msg());
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->is_deregistered);
-	/* Bad case: Unexpected Re-Attach with P-TMSI after completed attachment
-	 * procedure */
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req3, sizeof(dtap_attach_req3));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len != 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_COMPL));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "GMM INFO", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_gmm_information, sizeof(dtap_gmm_information));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_INFO));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST (unexpected)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req3, sizeof(dtap_attach_req3));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len != 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.current == foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->sgsn_tlli.assigned == 0);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH ACCEPT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_acc, sizeof(dtap_attach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH COMPLETE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_complete, sizeof(dtap_attach_complete));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_COMPL));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	/* Detach (MT) */
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       local_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_acc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!expect_msg());
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, local_tlli));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->is_deregistered);
-	/* Attach rejected */
-	gbproxy_delete_link_infos(peer);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info2 = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info == link_info2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len != 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REJECT", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_rej7, sizeof(dtap_attach_rej7));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REJ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!expect_msg());
-	/* Attach (incomplete) and Detach (MO) */
-	gbproxy_delete_link_infos(peer);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ (MO)", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_detach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!expect_msg());
-	/* Attach (incomplete) and Detach (MT) */
-	gbproxy_delete_link_infos(peer);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_len == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->imsi_acq_pending);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "DETACH REQ (MT)", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, 1, imsi, sizeof(imsi),
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_req, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(0x1000, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_REQ));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACC", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_mt_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_mt_detach_acc));
-	/* TODO: The stored messaged should be cleaned when receiving a Detach
-	 * Ack. Remove the first OSMO_ASSERT when this is fixed. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_REQ));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expect_gmm_msg(SGSN_NSEI, 0x1002, GSM48_MT_GMM_DETACH_ACK));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, foreign_tlli));
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, sizeof(imsi));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->is_deregistered);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!expect_msg());
-	received_messages = NULL;
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	gbprox_reset(&gbcfg);
-	gprs_ns_destroy(nsi);
-	nsi = NULL;
-	cleanup_test();
-struct gbproxy_link_info *register_tlli(
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer, uint32_t tlli,
-	const uint8_t *imsi, size_t imsi_len, time_t now)
-	struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-	int imsi_matches = -1;
-	int tlli_already_known = 0;
-	struct gbproxy_config *cfg = peer->cfg;
-	/* Check, whether the IMSI matches */
-	if (gprs_is_mi_imsi(imsi, imsi_len)) {
-		imsi_matches = gbproxy_check_imsi(
-			&cfg->matches[GBPROX_MATCH_PATCHING], imsi, imsi_len);
-		if (imsi_matches < 0)
-			return NULL;
-	}
-	link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_tlli(peer, tlli);
-	if (!link_info) {
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi, imsi_len);
-		if (link_info) {
-			/* TLLI has changed somehow, adjust it */
-			     "The TLLI has changed from %08x to %08x\n",
-			     link_info->tlli.current, tlli);
-			link_info->tlli.current = tlli;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!link_info) {
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_alloc(peer);
-		link_info->tlli.current = tlli;
-	} else {
-		gbproxy_detach_link_info(peer, link_info);
-		tlli_already_known = 1;
-	}
-	OSMO_ASSERT(link_info != NULL);
-	if (!tlli_already_known)
-		LOGP(DGPRS, LOGL_INFO, "Adding TLLI %08x to list\n", tlli);
-	gbproxy_attach_link_info(peer, now, link_info);
-	gbproxy_update_link_info(link_info, imsi, imsi_len);
-	if (imsi_matches >= 0)
-		link_info->is_matching[GBPROX_MATCH_PATCHING] = imsi_matches;
-	return link_info;
-static void test_gbproxy_tlli_expire(void)
-	struct gbproxy_config cfg = {0};
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	const char *err_msg = NULL;
-	const uint8_t imsi1[] = { GSM_MI_TYPE_IMSI, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26 };
-	const uint8_t imsi2[] = { GSM_MI_TYPE_IMSI, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29 };
-	const uint8_t imsi3[] = { GSM_MI_TYPE_IMSI | 0x10, 0x32, 0x54, 0x76, 0xf8 };
-	const uint32_t tlli1 = 1234 | 0xc0000000;
-	const uint32_t tlli2 = 5678 | 0xc0000000;
-	const uint32_t tlli3 = 3456 | 0xc0000000;
-	const char *filter_re = ".*";
-	time_t now = 1407479214;
-	printf("Test TLLI info expiry\n\n");
-	gbproxy_init_config(&cfg);
-	if (gbproxy_set_patch_filter(&cfg.matches[GBPROX_MATCH_PATCHING],
-				     filter_re, &err_msg) != 0) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "gbprox_set_patch_filter: got error: %s\n",
-			err_msg);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(err_msg == NULL);
-	}
-	{
-		struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-		printf("Test TLLI replacement:\n");
-		cfg.tlli_max_len = 0;
-		cfg.tlli_max_age = 0;
-		peer = gbproxy_peer_alloc(&cfg, 20);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 0);
-		printf("  Add TLLI 1, IMSI 1\n");
-		link_info = register_tlli(peer, tlli1,
-						  imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1), now);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == tlli1);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 1);
-		/* replace the old entry */
-		printf("  Add TLLI 2, IMSI 1 (should replace TLLI 1)\n");
-		link_info = register_tlli(peer, tlli2,
-						  imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1), now);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == tlli2);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 1);
-		dump_peers(stdout, 2, now, &cfg);
-		/* verify that 5678 has survived */
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1));
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == tlli2);
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi2, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi2));
-		OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info);
-		printf("\n");
-		gbproxy_peer_free(peer);
-	}
-	{
-		struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-		printf("Test IMSI replacement:\n");
-		cfg.tlli_max_len = 0;
-		cfg.tlli_max_age = 0;
-		peer = gbproxy_peer_alloc(&cfg, 20);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 0);
-		printf("  Add TLLI 1, IMSI 1\n");
-		link_info = register_tlli(peer, tlli1,
-						  imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1), now);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == tlli1);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 1);
-		/* try to replace the old entry */
-		printf("  Add TLLI 1, IMSI 2 (should replace IMSI 1)\n");
-		link_info = register_tlli(peer, tlli1,
-						  imsi2, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi2), now);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == tlli1);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 1);
-		dump_peers(stdout, 2, now, &cfg);
-		/* verify that 5678 has survived */
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1));
-		OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info);
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi2, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi2));
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == tlli1);
-		printf("\n");
-		gbproxy_peer_free(peer);
-	}
-	{
-		struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-		int num_removed;
-		printf("Test TLLI expiry, max_len == 1:\n");
-		cfg.tlli_max_len = 1;
-		cfg.tlli_max_age = 0;
-		peer = gbproxy_peer_alloc(&cfg, 20);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 0);
-		printf("  Add TLLI 1, IMSI 1\n");
-		register_tlli(peer, tlli1, imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1), now);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 1);
-		/* replace the old entry */
-		printf("  Add TLLI 2, IMSI 2 (should replace IMSI 1)\n");
-		register_tlli(peer, tlli2, imsi2, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi2), now);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 2);
-		num_removed = gbproxy_remove_stale_link_infos(peer, now + 2);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(num_removed == 1);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 1);
-		dump_peers(stdout, 2, now, &cfg);
-		/* verify that 5678 has survived */
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1));
-		OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info);
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi2, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi2));
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == tlli2);
-		printf("\n");
-		gbproxy_peer_free(peer);
-	}
-	{
-		struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-		int num_removed;
-		printf("Test TLLI expiry, max_age == 1:\n");
-		cfg.tlli_max_len = 0;
-		cfg.tlli_max_age = 1;
-		peer = gbproxy_peer_alloc(&cfg, 20);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 0);
-		printf("  Add TLLI 1, IMSI 1 (should expire after timeout)\n");
-		register_tlli(peer, tlli1, imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1), now);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 1);
-		printf("  Add TLLI 2, IMSI 2 (should not expire after timeout)\n");
-		register_tlli(peer, tlli2, imsi2, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi2),
-				     now + 1);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 2);
-		num_removed = gbproxy_remove_stale_link_infos(peer, now + 2);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(num_removed == 1);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 1);
-		dump_peers(stdout, 2, now + 2, &cfg);
-		/* verify that 5678 has survived */
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1));
-		OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info);
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi2, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi2));
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == tlli2);
-		printf("\n");
-		gbproxy_peer_free(peer);
-	}
-	{
-		struct gbproxy_link_info *link_info;
-		int num_removed;
-		printf("Test TLLI expiry, max_len == 2, max_age == 1:\n");
-		cfg.tlli_max_len = 0;
-		cfg.tlli_max_age = 1;
-		peer = gbproxy_peer_alloc(&cfg, 20);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 0);
-		printf("  Add TLLI 1, IMSI 1 (should expire)\n");
-		register_tlli(peer, tlli1, imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1), now);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 1);
-		printf("  Add TLLI 2, IMSI 2 (should expire after timeout)\n");
-		register_tlli(peer, tlli2, imsi2, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi2),
-				     now + 1);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 2);
-		printf("  Add TLLI 3, IMSI 3 (should not expire after timeout)\n");
-		register_tlli(peer, tlli3, imsi3, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi3),
-				      now + 2);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 3);
-		dump_peers(stdout, 2, now + 2, &cfg);
-		printf("  Remove stale TLLIs\n");
-		num_removed = gbproxy_remove_stale_link_infos(peer, now + 3);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(num_removed == 2);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(peer->patch_state.logical_link_count == 1);
-		dump_peers(stdout, 2, now + 2, &cfg);
-		/* verify that tlli3 has survived */
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1));
-		OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info);
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi2, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi2));
-		OSMO_ASSERT(!link_info);
-		link_info = gbproxy_link_info_by_imsi(peer, imsi3, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi3));
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(link_info->tlli.current == tlli3);
-		printf("\n");
-		gbproxy_peer_free(peer);
-	}
-	gbproxy_clear_patch_filter(&cfg.matches[GBPROX_MATCH_PATCHING]);
-	gbprox_reset(&cfg);
-	cleanup_test();
-static void test_gbproxy_imsi_matching(void)
-	const char *err_msg = NULL;
-	const uint8_t imsi1[] = { GSM_MI_TYPE_IMSI | 0x10, 0x32, 0x54, 0xf6 };
-	const uint8_t imsi2[] = { GSM_MI_TYPE_IMSI | GSM_MI_ODD | 0x10, 0x32, 0x54, 0x76 };
-	const uint8_t imsi3_bad[] = { GSM_MI_TYPE_IMSI | 0x10, 0xee, 0x54, 0xff };
-	const uint8_t tmsi1[] = { GSM_MI_TYPE_TMSI | 0xf0, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44 };
-	const uint8_t tmsi2_bad[] = { GSM_MI_TYPE_TMSI | 0xf0, 0x11, 0x22 };
-	const uint8_t imei1[] = { GSM_MI_TYPE_IMEI | 0x10, 0x32, 0x54, 0xf6 };
-	const uint8_t imei2[] = { GSM_MI_TYPE_IMEI | GSM_MI_ODD | 0x10, 0x32, 0x54, 0x76 };
-	const char *filter_re1 = ".*";
-	const char *filter_re2 = "^1234";
-	const char *filter_re3 = "^4321";
-	const char *filter_re4_bad = "^12[";
-	struct gbproxy_match match = {0,};
-	printf("=== Test IMSI/TMSI matching ===\n\n");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(match.enable == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_set_patch_filter(&match, filter_re1, &err_msg) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(match.enable == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_set_patch_filter(&match, filter_re2, &err_msg) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(match.enable == 1);
-	err_msg = NULL;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_set_patch_filter(&match, filter_re4_bad, &err_msg) == -1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(err_msg != NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(match.enable == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_set_patch_filter(&match, filter_re2, &err_msg) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(match.enable == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_set_patch_filter(&match, NULL, &err_msg) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(match.enable == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_set_patch_filter(&match, filter_re2, &err_msg) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(match.enable == 1);
-	gbproxy_clear_patch_filter(&match);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(match.enable == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_set_patch_filter(&match, filter_re2, &err_msg) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(match.enable == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1)) == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, imsi2, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi2)) == 1);
-	/* imsi3_bad contains 0xE and 0xF digits, but the conversion function
-	 * doesn't complain, so gbproxy_check_imsi() doesn't return -1 in this
-	 * case. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, imsi3_bad, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi3_bad)) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, tmsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(tmsi1)) == -1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, tmsi2_bad, ARRAY_SIZE(tmsi2_bad)) == -1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, imei1, ARRAY_SIZE(imei1)) == -1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, imei2, ARRAY_SIZE(imei2)) == -1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_set_patch_filter(&match, filter_re3, &err_msg) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(match.enable == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, imsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi1)) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, imsi2, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi2)) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, imsi3_bad, ARRAY_SIZE(imsi3_bad)) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, tmsi1, ARRAY_SIZE(tmsi1)) == -1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, tmsi2_bad, ARRAY_SIZE(tmsi2_bad)) == -1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, imei1, ARRAY_SIZE(imei1)) == -1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gbproxy_check_imsi(&match, imei2, ARRAY_SIZE(imei2)) == -1);
-	/* TODO: Check correct length but wrong type with is_mi_tmsi */
-	gbproxy_clear_patch_filter(&match);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(match.enable == 0);
-	cleanup_test();
-static void test_gbproxy_stored_messages()
-	struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi = gprs_ns_instantiate(gprs_ns_callback, NULL);
-	struct sockaddr_in bss_peer[1] = {{0},};
-	struct sockaddr_in sgsn_peer= {0};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_bss =
-		{.mcc = 112, .mnc = 332, .lac = 16464, .rac = 96};
-	struct  gprs_ra_id rai_unknown =
-		{.mcc = 1, .mnc = 99, .lac = 99, .rac = 96};
-	uint16_t cell_id = 0x1234;
-	const uint32_t ptmsi = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t local_tlli = 0xefe2b700;
-	const uint32_t foreign_tlli1 = 0x8000dead;
-	struct gbproxy_peer *peer;
-	unsigned bss_nu = 0;
-	unsigned sgsn_nu = 0;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(local_tlli == gprs_tmsi2tlli(ptmsi, TLLI_LOCAL));
-	bssgp_nsi = nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsi = bssgp_nsi;
-	gbcfg.nsip_sgsn_nsei = SGSN_NSEI;
-	gbcfg.core_mcc = 0;
-	gbcfg.core_mnc = 0;
-	gbcfg.core_apn = talloc_zero_size(NULL, 100);
-	gbcfg.core_apn_size = gprs_str_to_apn(gbcfg.core_apn, 100, "");
-	gbcfg.patch_ptmsi = 0;
-	gbcfg.acquire_imsi = 1;
-	gbcfg.keep_link_infos = 0;
-	configure_sgsn_peer(&sgsn_peer);
-	configure_bss_peers(bss_peer, ARRAY_SIZE(bss_peer));
-	printf("=== %s ===\n", __func__);
-	printf("--- Initialise SGSN ---\n\n");
-	connect_sgsn(nsi, &sgsn_peer, SGSN_NSEI);
-	printf("--- Initialise BSS 1 ---\n\n");
-	setup_ns(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1001, 0x1000);
-	setup_bssgp(nsi, &bss_peer[0], 0x1002);
-	peer = gbproxy_peer_by_nsei(&gbcfg, 0x1000);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(peer != NULL);
-	send_bssgp_reset_ack(nsi, &sgsn_peer, 0x1002);
-	gprs_dump_nsi(nsi);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	printf("--- Establish first LLC connection ---\n\n");
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "ATTACH REQUEST", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli1, &rai_unknown, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_attach_req, sizeof(dtap_attach_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_dl_ui(nsi, "IDENT REQUEST", &sgsn_peer, 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli1, 0, NULL, 0,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, sgsn_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_req, sizeof(dtap_identity_req));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "DETACH ACCEPT", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli1, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_detach_acc, sizeof(dtap_detach_acc));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	send_llc_ul_ui(nsi, "IDENT RESPONSE", &bss_peer[0], 0x1002,
-		       foreign_tlli1, &rai_bss, cell_id,
-		       GPRS_SAPI_GMM, bss_nu++,
-		       dtap_identity_resp, sizeof(dtap_identity_resp));
-	dump_peers(stdout, 0, 0, &gbcfg);
-	dump_global(stdout, 0);
-	gbprox_reset(&gbcfg);
-	gprs_ns_destroy(nsi);
-	nsi = NULL;
-	cleanup_test();
-static struct log_info_cat gprs_categories[] = {
-	[DGPRS] = {
-		.name = "DGPRS",
-		.description = "GPRS Packet Service",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-	[DNS] = {
-		.name = "DNS",
-		.description = "GPRS Network Service (NS)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_INFO,
-	},
-	[DBSSGP] = {
-		.name = "DBSSGP",
-		.description = "GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-static struct log_info info = {
-	.cat = gprs_categories,
-	.num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(gprs_categories),
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	msgb_talloc_ctx_init(NULL, 0);
-	osmo_init_logging(&info);
-	log_set_use_color(osmo_stderr_target, 0);
-	log_set_print_filename(osmo_stderr_target, 0);
-	osmo_signal_register_handler(SS_L_NS, &test_signal, &gbcfg);
-	log_set_print_filename(osmo_stderr_target, 0);
-	log_set_log_level(osmo_stderr_target, LOGL_DEBUG);
-	log_set_all_filter(osmo_stderr_target, 1);
-	rate_ctr_init(NULL);
-	setlinebuf(stdout);
-	printf("===== GbProxy test START\n");
-	gbproxy_init_config(&gbcfg);
-	test_gbproxy();
-	test_gbproxy_ident_changes();
-	test_gbproxy_imsi_matching();
-	test_gbproxy_ptmsi_assignment();
-	test_gbproxy_ra_patching();
-	test_gbproxy_ptmsi_patching();
-	test_gbproxy_ptmsi_patching_bad_cases();
-	test_gbproxy_imsi_acquisition();
-	test_gbproxy_secondary_sgsn();
-	test_gbproxy_keep_info();
-	test_gbproxy_tlli_expire();
-	test_gbproxy_stored_messages();
-	printf("===== GbProxy test END\n\n");
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/gbproxy/gbproxy_test.ok b/openbsc/tests/gbproxy/gbproxy_test.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index 737aec0..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/gbproxy/gbproxy_test.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7244 +0,0 @@
-===== GbProxy test START
-=== test_gbproxy ===
---- Initialise SGSN ---
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 12
-02 00 81 01 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-PROCESSING RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-03 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (RESET_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x0101/
-result (UNBLOCK_ACK) = 0
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
---- Initialise BSS 1 ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x1001(4097), NSEI 0x1000(4096)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
---- Initialise BSS 2 ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:2222, NSVCI 0x2001(8193), NSEI 0x2000(8192)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:2222
-02 00 81 01 01 82 20 01 04 82 20 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x2001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:2222, msg length 9
-03 01 82 20 01 04 82 20 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:2222, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:2222
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:2222, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:2222
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x2001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:2222, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:2222
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:2222, BVCI 0x2002(8194)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:2222
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 20 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 20 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 20 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x2001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x01020304:2222
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 20 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 20 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:2222, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 20 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
---- Move BSS 1 to new port ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:3333, NSVCI 0x1001(4097), NSEI 0x1000(4096)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:3333
-02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:3333, msg length 9
-03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:3333, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:3333
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:3333, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:3333
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:3333, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:3333
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x2001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x01020304:2222
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:3333
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Move BSS 2 to former BSS 1 port ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x2001(8193), NSEI 0x2000(8192)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 20 01 04 82 20 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x2001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 20 01 04 82 20 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x2001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x2001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:3333
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Move BSS 1 to current BSS 2 port ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x2001(8193), NSEI 0x2000(8192)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 20 01 04 82 20 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x2001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 20 01 04 82 20 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x2001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x2001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:3333
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Move BSS 2 to new port ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:4444, NSVCI 0x2001(8193), NSEI 0x2000(8192)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:4444
-02 00 81 01 01 82 20 01 04 82 20 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x2001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:4444, msg length 9
-03 01 82 20 01 04 82 20 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:4444, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:4444
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:4444, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:4444
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x2001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:4444, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:4444
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x2001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x01020304:4444
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:3333
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Move BSS 2 to former BSS 1 port ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:3333, NSVCI 0x2001(8193), NSEI 0x2000(8192)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:3333
-02 00 81 01 01 82 20 01 04 82 20 00 
-==> got signal NS_REPLACED: 0x2001/ -> 0x1001/
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x2001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:3333, msg length 9
-03 01 82 20 01 04 82 20 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:3333, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:3333
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:3333, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:3333
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x2001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:3333, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:3333
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x2001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x01020304:3333
-         NS-VC replaced other count: 1
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x00000000:0
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Move BSS 1 to original BSS 1 port ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x1001(4097), NSEI 0x1000(4096)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x2001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x01020304:3333
-         NS-VC replaced other count: 1
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Reset BSS 1 with a new BVCI ---
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1012(4114)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 12 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 12 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 12 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x2001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x01020304:3333
-         NS-VC replaced other count: 1
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4114, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 12 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 12 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 12 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
---- Reset BSS 1 with the old BVCI ---
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x2001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x01020304:3333
-         NS-VC replaced other count: 1
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4114, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
---- Reset BSS 1 with the old BVCI again ---
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x2001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x01020304:3333
-         NS-VC replaced other count: 1
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4114, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1012 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 12 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x1012
-00 00 10 12 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1012, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 4
-00 00 10 12 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Send message from SGSN to BSS 1, BVCI 0x1012 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 12 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x1012
-00 00 10 12 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1012, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 4
-00 00 10 12 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 12 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x1012
-00 00 10 12 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1012, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 4
-00 00 10 12 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Send message from SGSN to BSS 1, BVCI 0x1002 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 12 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x1012
-00 00 10 12 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1012, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 4
-00 00 10 12 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Send message from BSS 2 to SGSN, BVCI 0x2002 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 20 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x2002
-00 00 20 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x2002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 4
-00 00 20 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Send message from SGSN to BSS 2, BVCI 0x2002 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 20 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x2002
-00 00 20 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x2002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:3333, msg length 4
-00 00 20 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Reset BSS 1 with the old BVCI on BSS2's link ---
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:3333, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:3333
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x2001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x01020304:3333
-         NS-VC replaced other count: 1
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4114, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-Gbproxy global:
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:3333, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 12 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x1012
-00 00 10 12 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1012, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 4
-00 00 10 12 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Send message from SGSN to BSS 1, BVCI 0x1002 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 12 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x1012
-00 00 10 12 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1012, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 4
-00 00 10 12 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Send message from SGSN to BSS 1, BVCI 0x10ff (invalid) ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 ff 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x10ff
-00 00 10 ff 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 10 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 14
-00 00 00 00 41 07 81 05 04 82 10 ff 15 80 
-result (UNITDATA) = 14
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-Gbproxy global:
-    Invalid BVC Identifier          : 1
-=== test_gbproxy_ident_changes ===
---- Initialise SGSN ---
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 12
-02 00 81 01 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-PROCESSING RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-03 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (RESET_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x0101/
-result (UNBLOCK_ACK) = 0
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
---- Initialise BSS 1 ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x1001(4097), NSEI 0x1000(4096)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
---- Setup BVCI 1 ---
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Setup BVCI 2 ---
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x2002(8194)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 20 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 20 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 20 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 20 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 20 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 20 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 1 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 4
-00 00 10 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 4
-00 00 10 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 2 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 20 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x2002
-00 00 20 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x2002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 4
-00 00 20 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 20 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x2002
-00 00 20 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x2002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 4
-00 00 20 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Change NSEI ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x1001(4097), NSEI 0x2000(8192)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 20 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 10 01 04 82 20 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-         NS-VC changed NSEI count  : 1
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
---- Setup BVCI 1 ---
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Setup BVCI 3 ---
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x3002(12290)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 30 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 30 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 30 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 30 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 30 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 30 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 12290, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 1 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 4
-00 00 10 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 4
-00 00 10 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 2  (should fail) ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 20 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x2002
-00 00 20 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x2002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 4
-00 00 20 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 12290, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 20 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x2002
-00 00 20 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x2002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-result (UNITDATA) = -22
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 12290, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    NS Transmission error           : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 3 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 30 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x3002
-00 00 30 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x3002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 4
-00 00 30 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 30 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x3002
-00 00 30 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x3002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 4
-00 00 30 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Change NSVCI ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x2001(8193), NSEI 0x2000(8192)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 20 01 04 82 20 00 
-==> got signal NS_REPLACED: 0x2001/ -> 0x1001/
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x2001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 20 01 04 82 20 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x2001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x2001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-         NS-VC replaced other count: 1
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x2000, peer 0x00000000:0
-         NS-VC changed NSEI count  : 1
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
---- Setup BVCI 1 ---
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 12290, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    NS Transmission error           : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Setup BVCI 4 ---
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x4002(16386)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 40 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 40 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 40 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 40 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 40 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 40 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 16386, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 12290, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    NS Transmission error           : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 1 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 4
-00 00 10 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 4
-00 00 10 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 2  (should fail) ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 20 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x2002
-00 00 20 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x2002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 4
-00 00 20 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 16386, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 12290, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 2
-    NS Transmission error           : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 20 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x2002
-00 00 20 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x2002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-result (UNITDATA) = -22
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 16386, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 12290, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 2
-    NS Transmission error           : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 3 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 30 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x3002
-00 00 30 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x3002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 4
-00 00 30 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 30 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x3002
-00 00 30 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x3002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 4
-00 00 30 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN and back, BVCI 4 ---
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 40 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x4002
-00 00 40 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x4002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 4
-00 00 40 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
-PROCESSING UNITDATA from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 40 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 0, bvci 0x4002
-00 00 40 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x4002, msg length 0 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 4
-00 00 40 02 
-result (UNITDATA) = 4
-Gbproxy global:
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 16386, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 12290, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 8194, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 2
-    NS Transmission error           : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-  NSEI 8192, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    NSEI mismatch                   : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-=== Test IMSI/TMSI matching ===
-=== test_gbproxy_ptmsi_assignment ===
---- Initialise SGSN ---
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 12
-02 00 81 01 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-PROCESSING RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-03 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (RESET_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x0101/
-result (UNBLOCK_ACK) = 0
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
---- Initialise BSS 1 ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x1001(4097), NSEI 0x1000(4096)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-Gbproxy global:
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Establish first LLC connection ---
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 79
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 8000dead, IMSI (none), AGE 0
-PROCESSING IDENT REQUEST from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 23, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 23 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 27
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-result (IDENT REQUEST) = 27
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 8000dead, IMSI (none), AGE 0
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 40 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 44
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 44
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 8000dead, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead/efe2b700 -> 8000dead/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 09 08 03 39 d7 bc 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 09 08 03 39 d7 bc 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 09 08 03 39 d7 bc 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead/efe2b700 -> 8000dead/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
---- Establish second LLC connection with the same P-TMSI ---
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 0d 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 46 42 6e 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 0d 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 46 42 6e 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 0d 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 46 42 6e 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 79
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI 8000beef -> 8000beef, IMSI (none), AGE 0
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING IDENT REQUEST from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 be ef 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 0d 08 15 01 0c a6 18 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 23, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 be ef 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 0d 08 15 01 0c a6 18 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 23 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 27
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 be ef 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 0d 08 15 01 0c a6 18 
-result (IDENT REQUEST) = 27
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI 8000beef -> 8000beef, IMSI (none), AGE 0
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 11 08 16 08 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 bf d2 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 11 08 16 08 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 bf d2 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 40 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 44
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 11 08 16 08 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 bf d2 01 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 44
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI 8000beef -> 8000beef, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 be ef 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 11 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 3a 6d d4 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 be ef 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 11 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 3a 6d d4 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 be ef 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 11 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 3a 6d d4 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000beef/efe2b700 -> 8000beef/efe2b700, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 15 08 03 86 ac 47 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 15 08 03 86 ac 47 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 15 08 03 86 ac 47 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000beef/efe2b700 -> 8000beef/efe2b700, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 15 08 21 bb c1 c6 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 15 08 21 bb c1 c6 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 15 08 21 bb c1 c6 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0
-Gbproxy global:
-=== test_gbproxy_ra_patching ===
---- Initialise SGSN ---
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 12
-02 00 81 01 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-PROCESSING RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-03 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (RESET_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x0101/
-result (UNBLOCK_ACK) = 0
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
---- Initialise BSS 1 ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x1001(4097), NSEI 0x1000(4096)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 cc d1 75 8b 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 15, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 cc d1 75 8b 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 15 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 19
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 cc d1 75 8b 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND) = 19
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 cc d1 75 8b 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 cc d1 75 8b 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 cc d1 75 8b 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND_ACK) = 22
-Gbproxy global:
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 2
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI from SGSN unknown          : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 bb c5 46 79 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 bb c5 46 79 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 bb c5 46 79 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 8e cd 32 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 79
-PROCESSING IDENT REQUEST from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 bb c5 46 79 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 23, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 bb c5 46 79 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 23 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 27
-00 00 10 02 00 bb c5 46 79 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-result (IDENT REQUEST) = 27
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 bb c5 46 79 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 0d 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 b7 1b 9a 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 bb c5 46 79 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 0d 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 b7 1b 9a 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 40 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 44
-00 00 10 02 01 bb c5 46 79 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 0d 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 b7 1b 9a 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 44
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 bb c5 46 79 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 bb c5 46 79 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 bb c5 46 79 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 be 38 c0 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 11 08 03 ea 67 11 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 11 08 03 ea 67 11 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 11 08 03 ea 67 11 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 35 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 03 02 61 62 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 5a ff 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 76, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 35 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 03 02 61 62 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 5a ff 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 81 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 85
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 3a 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 08 03 66 6f 6f 03 62 61 72 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 24 9d 75 
-result (ACT PDP CTX REQ (REPLACE APN)) = 85
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 35 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 03 02 61 62 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 5a ff 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 76, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 35 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 03 02 61 62 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 5a ff 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 81 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 85
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 3a 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 08 03 66 6f 6f 03 62 61 72 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 24 9d 75 
-result (ACT PDP CTX REQ (REPLACE APN)) = 85
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 35 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 03 02 61 62 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 5a ff 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 76, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 35 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 03 02 61 62 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 5a ff 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 71 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 75
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 30 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 85 fa 60 
-result (ACT PDP CTX REQ (REMOVE APN)) = 75
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 9
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    APN patched                     : 3
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 3
-    TLLI from SGSN unknown          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, IMSI matches
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 19 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 7e e1 41 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 19 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 7e e1 41 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 44 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 48
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 19 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 7e e1 41 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 48
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 15 08 06 00 f7 35 f0 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 67, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 15 08 06 00 f7 35 f0 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 67 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 71
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 15 08 06 00 f7 35 f0 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 71
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 10
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    APN patched                     : 3
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 3
-    TLLI from SGSN unknown          : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- RA update ---
-PROCESSING RA UPD REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 bb c5 46 79 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 15 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 96 3e 97 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 85, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 bb c5 46 79 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 15 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 96 3e 97 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 85 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 89
-00 00 10 02 01 bb c5 46 79 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 15 08 08 10 21 63 54 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 1d f0 41 
-result (RA UPD REQ) = 89
-PROCESSING RA UPD ACC from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 bb c5 46 79 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9d 41 c0 19 08 09 00 49 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 54 ab b3 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 17 16 d7 59 65 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 87, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 bb c5 46 79 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9d 41 c0 19 08 09 00 49 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 54 ab b3 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 17 16 d7 59 65 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 87 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 91
-00 00 10 02 00 bb c5 46 79 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9d 41 c0 19 08 09 00 49 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 54 ab b3 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 17 16 3a 03 54 
-result (RA UPD ACC) = 91
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 35 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 03 02 61 62 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 5a ff 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 76, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 35 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 03 02 61 62 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 5a ff 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 71 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 75
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 30 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 85 fa 60 
-result (ACT PDP CTX REQ (REMOVE APN)) = 75
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 13
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    APN patched                     : 4
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 4
-    TLLI from SGSN unknown          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI bbc54679/efe2b700 -> bbc54679/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, IMSI matches
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ (PWR OFF) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 19 08 05 09 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 84 0c eb 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 19 08 05 09 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 84 0c eb 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 44 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 48
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 19 08 05 09 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 84 0c eb 
-result (DETACH REQ (PWR OFF)) = 48
-Gbproxy global:
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 14
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    APN patched                     : 4
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 2
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 4
-    TLLI from SGSN unknown          : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Bad cases ---
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST (foreign RAI) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 bb 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb 00 be ef 99 99 99 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 2d c7 df 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 bb 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb 00 be ef 99 99 99 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 2d c7 df 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 bb 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb 00 be ef 99 99 99 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 2d c7 df 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST (foreign RAI)) = 79
-TLLI is already detached, shouldn't patch
-PROCESSING ACT PDP CTX REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 35 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 03 02 61 62 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 5a ff 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 76, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 35 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 03 02 61 62 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 5a ff 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 76 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 80
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 75 30 00 80 0e 00 35 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 03 02 61 62 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 5a ff 02 
-result (ACT PDP CTX REQ) = 80
-Invalid RAI, shouldn't patch
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 cc d1 75 8b 1b 86 00 f1 99 00 63 60 1d 81 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 cc d1 75 8b 1b 86 00 f1 99 00 63 60 1d 81 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 28
-00 00 00 00 41 07 81 21 15 92 0c 1f 84 cc d1 75 8b 1b 86 00 f1 99 00 63 60 1d 81 01 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND_ACK) = 28
-Gbproxy global:
-    Invalid Routing Area Identifier : 1
-    Patch error: no peer            : 1
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 16
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    APN patched                     : 4
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 2
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 5
-    TLLI from SGSN unknown          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI (none), AGE 0
-      TLLI bb00beef -> bb00beef, IMSI (none), AGE 0
-=== test_gbproxy_ptmsi_patching ===
---- Initialise SGSN ---
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 12
-02 00 81 01 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-PROCESSING RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-03 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (RESET_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x0101/
-result (UNBLOCK_ACK) = 0
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
---- Initialise BSS 1 ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x1001(4097), NSEI 0x1000(4096)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-Gbproxy global:
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 78 de ad 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 79
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI (none), AGE 0
-PROCESSING IDENT REQUEST from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 23, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 23 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 27
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-result (IDENT REQUEST) = 27
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 1
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI (none), AGE 0
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 40 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 44
-00 00 10 02 01 78 de ad 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 44
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 c0 de ad 01 0c 0a 29 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 3
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 2
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead/c0dead01 -> 78dead00/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 09 08 03 39 d7 bc 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 09 08 03 39 d7 bc 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 09 08 03 39 d7 bc 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 4
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 3
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 2
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead/c0dead01 -> 78dead00/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 4
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 3
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 3
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 35 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 03 02 61 62 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 5a ff 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 76, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 35 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 03 02 61 62 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 5a ff 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 81 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 85
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 3a 01 c0 0d 0a 41 05 03 0c 00 00 1f 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 21 28 08 03 66 6f 6f 03 62 61 72 27 14 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 24 9d 75 
-result (ACT PDP CTX REQ (REPLACE APN)) = 85
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 5
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    APN patched                     : 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 4
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 3
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING XID (UL) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 0f 41 fb 01 00 0e 00 64 11 05 16 01 90 66 b3 28 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 38, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 0f 41 fb 01 00 0e 00 64 11 05 16 01 90 66 b3 28 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 38 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 42
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 0f 41 fb 01 00 0e 00 64 11 05 16 01 90 66 b3 28 
-result (XID (UL)) = 42
-PROCESSING XID (DL) from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8c 41 fb 30 84 10 61 b6 64 e4 a9 1a 9e 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 70, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8c 41 fb 30 84 10 61 b6 64 e4 a9 1a 9e 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 70 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 74
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8c 41 fb 30 84 10 61 b6 64 e4 a9 1a 9e 
-result (XID (DL)) = 74
-PROCESSING LL11 DNS QUERY (UL) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 42 0b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 38 95 72 00 00 45 11 20 85 0a c0 07 e4 ac 10 01 0a ad ab 00 35 00 24 0e 1c 3b e0 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 47 8f 07 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 89, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 42 0b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 38 95 72 00 00 45 11 20 85 0a c0 07 e4 ac 10 01 0a ad ab 00 35 00 24 0e 1c 3b e0 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 47 8f 07 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 89 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 93
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 42 0b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 38 95 72 00 00 45 11 20 85 0a c0 07 e4 ac 10 01 0a ad ab 00 35 00 24 0e 1c 3b e0 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 47 8f 07 
-result (LL11 DNS QUERY (UL)) = 93
-PROCESSING LL11 DNS RESP (DL) from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 00 d0 4b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 c6 00 00 40 00 3e 11 7c 69 ac 10 01 0a 0a c0 07 e4 00 35 ad ab 00 b2 74 4e 3b e0 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 04 c1 63 90 58 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 16 03 6e 73 32 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 03 6e 65 74 00 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 10 02 6e 73 01 73 08 70 6c 75 73 6c 69 6e 65 c0 14 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0e c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 5f c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 12 02 6e 73 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 c0 14 aa df 31 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 267, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 00 d0 4b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 c6 00 00 40 00 3e 11 7c 69 ac 10 01 0a 0a c0 07 e4 00 35 ad ab 00 b2 74 4e 3b e0 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 04 c1 63 90 58 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 16 03 6e 73 32 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 03 6e 65 74 00 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 10 02 6e 73 01 73 08 70 6c 75 73 6c 69 6e 65 c0 14 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0e c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 5f c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 12 02 6e 73 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 c0 14 aa df 31 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 267 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 271
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 00 d0 4b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 c6 00 00 40 00 3e 11 7c 69 ac 10 01 0a 0a c0 07 e4 00 35 ad ab 00 b2 74 4e 3b e0 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 04 c1 63 90 58 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 16 03 6e 73 32 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 03 6e 65 74 00 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 10 02 6e 73 01 73 08 70 6c 75 73 6c 69 6e 65 c0 14 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0e c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 5f c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 12 02 6e 73 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 c0 14 aa df 31 
-result (LL11 DNS RESP (DL)) = 271
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 7
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    APN patched                     : 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 6
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 5
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING RA UPD REQ (P-TMSI 2) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 11 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 e2 6d 78 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 85, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 11 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 e2 6d 78 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 85 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 89
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 11 08 08 10 21 63 54 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 69 a3 ae 
-result (RA UPD REQ (P-TMSI 2)) = 89
-PROCESSING RA UDP ACC (P-TMSI 2) from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9d 41 c0 0d 08 09 00 49 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 54 ab b3 18 05 f4 e0 98 76 54 17 16 9f e8 ea 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 87, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9d 41 c0 0d 08 09 00 49 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 54 ab b3 18 05 f4 e0 98 76 54 17 16 9f e8 ea 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 87 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 91
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9d 41 c0 0d 08 09 00 49 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 54 ab b3 18 05 f4 c0 de ad 02 17 16 bb 4d a0 
-result (RA UDP ACC (P-TMSI 2)) = 91
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 9
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    APN patched                     : 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 7
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 6
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01/c0dead02 -> efe2b700/e0987654, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING RA UPD REQ (P-TMSI 3) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 02 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 15 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 96 3e 97 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 85, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 02 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 15 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 96 3e 97 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 85 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 89
-00 00 10 02 01 e0 98 76 54 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 15 08 08 10 21 63 54 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 1d f0 41 
-result (RA UPD REQ (P-TMSI 3)) = 89
-PROCESSING RA UDP ACC (P-TMSI 3) from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 98 76 54 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9d 41 c0 11 08 09 00 49 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 54 ab b3 18 05 f4 e0 54 32 10 17 16 1b a3 a8 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 87, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 98 76 54 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9d 41 c0 11 08 09 00 49 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 54 ab b3 18 05 f4 e0 54 32 10 17 16 1b a3 a8 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 87 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 91
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 02 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9d 41 c0 11 08 09 00 49 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 54 ab b3 18 05 f4 c0 de ad 03 17 16 6e 58 26 
-result (RA UDP ACC (P-TMSI 3)) = 91
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 11
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    APN patched                     : 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 8
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 7
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 2
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 2
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01/c0dead03 -> efe2b700/e0543210, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING RA UPD COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 03 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 19 08 0a d5 5f 5e 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 03 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 19 08 0a d5 5f 5e 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 e0 54 32 10 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 19 08 0a d5 5f 5e 
-result (RA UPD COMPLETE) = 35
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 54 32 10 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 15 08 21 bb c1 c6 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 54 32 10 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 15 08 21 bb c1 c6 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 03 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 15 08 21 bb c1 c6 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 12
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    APN patched                     : 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 9
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 8
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 2
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 2
-    RoutingArea Update Compltd count: 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0543210, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING LLC_DISCARDED from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 c0 de ad 03 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 19, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 c0 de ad 03 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 19 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 23
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 e0 54 32 10 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-result (LLC_DISCARDED) = 23
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 12
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    APN patched                     : 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 10
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 8
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 2
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 2
-    RoutingArea Update Compltd count: 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0543210, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 c0 de ad 03 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 15, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 c0 de ad 03 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 15 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 19
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 e0 54 32 10 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND) = 19
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 13
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    APN patched                     : 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 11
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 8
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 2
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 2
-    RoutingArea Update Compltd count: 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0543210, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 e0 54 32 10 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 e0 54 32 10 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 c0 de ad 03 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND_ACK) = 22
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 13
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 4
-    APN patched                     : 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 11
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 9
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 2
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 2
-    RoutingArea Update Compltd count: 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0543210, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING PAGING_PS from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 06 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 0a 82 07 04 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 18 83 00 00 00 20 84 e0 54 32 10 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 34, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 06 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 0a 82 07 04 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 18 83 00 00 00 20 84 e0 54 32 10 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 34 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 38
-00 00 00 00 06 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 0a 82 07 04 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 18 83 00 00 00 20 84 c0 de ad 03 
-result (PAGING_PS) = 38
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 13
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 5
-    APN patched                     : 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 11
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 9
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 4
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 2
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 2
-    RoutingArea Update Compltd count: 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0543210, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING LLC_DISCARDED from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 c0 de ad 03 0f 81 01 04 82 ee e1 25 83 00 00 0c 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 19, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 c0 de ad 03 0f 81 01 04 82 ee e1 25 83 00 00 0c 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 19 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 23
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 e0 54 32 10 0f 81 01 04 82 ee e1 25 83 00 00 0c 
-result (LLC_DISCARDED) = 23
-Gbproxy global:
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 e0 54 32 10 1b 86 00 f1 99 00 63 60 1d 81 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 e0 54 32 10 1b 86 00 f1 99 00 63 60 1d 81 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 28
-00 00 00 00 41 07 81 21 15 92 0c 1f 84 e0 54 32 10 1b 86 00 f1 99 00 63 60 1d 81 01 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND_ACK) = 28
-Gbproxy global:
-    Invalid Routing Area Identifier : 1
-    Patch error: no peer            : 1
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 e0 54 32 10 1b 86 99 69 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 e0 54 32 10 1b 86 99 69 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 c0 de ad 03 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND_ACK) = 22
-Gbproxy global:
-    Invalid Routing Area Identifier : 1
-    Patch error: no peer            : 1
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ee ba db ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 00 83 00 00 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 58, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ee ba db ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 00 83 00 00 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 58 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 62
-00 00 10 02 00 ee ba db ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 00 83 00 00 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-result (GMM INFO) = 62
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ee ba db ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 0d 08 21 68 71 6b 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ee ba db ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 0d 08 21 68 71 6b 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 ee ba db ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 0d 08 21 68 71 6b 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 03 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 1d 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb aa cc a3 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 03 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 1d 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb aa cc a3 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 44 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 48
-00 00 10 02 01 e0 54 32 10 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 1d 08 05 01 18 05 f4 e0 54 32 10 19 03 b9 97 cb ea 6d af 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 48
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 14
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 6
-    APN patched                     : 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 13
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 10
-    P-TMSI patched            (BSS ): 1
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 4
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 2
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 2
-    RoutingArea Update Compltd count: 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 1
-    TLLI from SGSN unknown          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0543210, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 54 32 10 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 19 08 06 00 04 ff 52 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 67, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 54 32 10 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 19 08 06 00 04 ff 52 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 67 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 71
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 03 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 19 08 06 00 04 ff 52 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 71
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 14
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 6
-    APN patched                     : 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 13
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 11
-    P-TMSI patched            (BSS ): 1
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 4
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 2
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 2
-    RoutingArea Update Compltd count: 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    PDP Activation Request count    : 1
-    TLLI from SGSN unknown          : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-Gbproxy global:
-    Invalid Routing Area Identifier : 1
-    Patch error: no peer            : 1
-=== test_gbproxy_ptmsi_patching_bad_cases ===
---- Initialise SGSN ---
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 12
-02 00 81 01 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-PROCESSING RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-03 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (RESET_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x0101/
-result (UNBLOCK_ACK) = 0
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
---- Initialise BSS 1 ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x1001(4097), NSEI 0x1000(4096)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-Gbproxy global:
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 78 de ad 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 79
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI (none), AGE 0
-PROCESSING IDENT REQUEST from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 23, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 23 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 27
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-result (IDENT REQUEST) = 27
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 1
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI (none), AGE 0
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 40 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 44
-00 00 10 02 01 78 de ad 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 44
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 c0 de ad 01 0c 0a 29 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 3
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 2
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead/c0dead01 -> 78dead00/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT (duplicated) from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 09 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 1d 9e 24 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 09 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 1d 9e 24 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 09 08 02 01 49 04 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 c0 de ad 01 42 f6 fc 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT (duplicated)) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 3
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 3
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead/c0dead01 -> 78dead00/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 09 08 03 39 d7 bc 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 09 08 03 39 d7 bc 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 09 08 03 39 d7 bc 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 4
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 3
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 3
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead/c0dead01 -> 78dead00/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 0d 08 21 68 71 6b 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 0d 08 21 68 71 6b 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 0d 08 21 68 71 6b 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 4
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 3
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 4
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 0d 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 37 67 c6 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 0d 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 37 67 c6 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 44 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 48
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 0d 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 37 67 c6 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 48
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 5
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 4
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 4
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 11 08 06 00 cf 8a 58 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 67, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 11 08 06 00 cf 8a 58 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 67 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 71
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 11 08 06 00 cf 8a 58 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 71
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 5
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 4
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 5
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-Gbproxy global:
-=== test_gbproxy_imsi_acquisition ===
---- Initialise SGSN ---
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 12
-02 00 81 01 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-PROCESSING RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-03 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (RESET_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x0101/
-result (UNBLOCK_ACK) = 0
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
---- Initialise BSS 1 ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x1001(4097), NSEI 0x1000(4096)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-Gbproxy global:
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 15 01 b7 f8 36 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI (none), AGE 0, STORED 1, IMSI acquisition in progress
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 78 de ad 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 8e cd 32 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING IDENT REQUEST from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 23, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 23 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 27
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-result (IDENT REQUEST) = 27
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 1
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 09 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ba 14 c3 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 09 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ba 14 c3 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 40 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 44
-00 00 10 02 01 78 de ad 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 09 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ba 14 c3 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 44
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 4
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 c0 de ad 01 0c 0a 29 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 4
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 2
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead/c0dead01 -> 78dead00/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 0d 08 03 55 1c ea 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 0d 08 03 55 1c ea 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 0d 08 03 55 1c ea 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 5
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 3
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 2
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead/c0dead01 -> 78dead00/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 5
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 3
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 3
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING XID (UL) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 0f 41 fb 01 00 0e 00 64 11 05 16 01 90 66 b3 28 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 38, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 0f 41 fb 01 00 0e 00 64 11 05 16 01 90 66 b3 28 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 38 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 42
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 0f 41 fb 01 00 0e 00 64 11 05 16 01 90 66 b3 28 
-result (XID (UL)) = 42
-PROCESSING XID (DL) from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8c 41 fb 30 84 10 61 b6 64 e4 a9 1a 9e 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 70, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8c 41 fb 30 84 10 61 b6 64 e4 a9 1a 9e 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 70 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 74
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8c 41 fb 30 84 10 61 b6 64 e4 a9 1a 9e 
-result (XID (DL)) = 74
-PROCESSING LL11 DNS QUERY (UL) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 42 0b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 38 95 72 00 00 45 11 20 85 0a c0 07 e4 ac 10 01 0a ad ab 00 35 00 24 0e 1c 3b e0 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 47 8f 07 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 89, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 42 0b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 38 95 72 00 00 45 11 20 85 0a c0 07 e4 ac 10 01 0a ad ab 00 35 00 24 0e 1c 3b e0 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 47 8f 07 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 89 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 93
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 42 0b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 38 95 72 00 00 45 11 20 85 0a c0 07 e4 ac 10 01 0a ad ab 00 35 00 24 0e 1c 3b e0 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 47 8f 07 
-result (LL11 DNS QUERY (UL)) = 93
-PROCESSING LL11 DNS RESP (DL) from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 00 d0 4b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 c6 00 00 40 00 3e 11 7c 69 ac 10 01 0a 0a c0 07 e4 00 35 ad ab 00 b2 74 4e 3b e0 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 04 c1 63 90 58 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 16 03 6e 73 32 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 03 6e 65 74 00 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 10 02 6e 73 01 73 08 70 6c 75 73 6c 69 6e 65 c0 14 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0e c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 5f c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 12 02 6e 73 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 c0 14 aa df 31 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 267, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 00 d0 4b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 c6 00 00 40 00 3e 11 7c 69 ac 10 01 0a 0a c0 07 e4 00 35 ad ab 00 b2 74 4e 3b e0 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 04 c1 63 90 58 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 16 03 6e 73 32 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 03 6e 65 74 00 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 10 02 6e 73 01 73 08 70 6c 75 73 6c 69 6e 65 c0 14 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0e c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 5f c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 12 02 6e 73 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 c0 14 aa df 31 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 267 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 271
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 00 d0 4b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 c6 00 00 40 00 3e 11 7c 69 ac 10 01 0a 0a c0 07 e4 00 35 ad ab 00 b2 74 4e 3b e0 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 04 c1 63 90 58 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 16 03 6e 73 32 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 03 6e 65 74 00 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 10 02 6e 73 01 73 08 70 6c 75 73 6c 69 6e 65 c0 14 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0e c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 5f c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 12 02 6e 73 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 c0 14 aa df 31 
-result (LL11 DNS RESP (DL)) = 271
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 7
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 5
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 5
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING LLC_DISCARDED from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 c0 de ad 01 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 19, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 c0 de ad 01 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 19 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 23
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-result (LLC_DISCARDED) = 23
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 7
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 6
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 5
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING LLC_DISCARDED from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 19, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 25 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 29
-00 00 00 00 41 07 81 27 15 93 2c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-result (LLC_DISCARDED) = 29
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 7
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 6
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 6
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 c0 de ad 01 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 15, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 c0 de ad 01 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 15 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 19
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND) = 19
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 8
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 7
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 6
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 c0 de ad 01 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND_ACK) = 22
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 8
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 7
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 7
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING LLC_DISCARDED from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 c0 de ad 01 0f 81 01 04 82 ee e1 25 83 00 00 0c 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 19, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 c0 de ad 01 0f 81 01 04 82 ee e1 25 83 00 00 0c 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 19 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 23
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 0f 81 01 04 82 ee e1 25 83 00 00 0c 
-result (LLC_DISCARDED) = 23
-Gbproxy global:
-    BSSGP protocol error      (SGSN): 1
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 1b 86 00 f1 99 00 63 60 1d 81 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 1b 86 00 f1 99 00 63 60 1d 81 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 28
-00 00 00 00 41 07 81 21 15 92 0c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 1b 86 00 f1 99 00 63 60 1d 81 01 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND_ACK) = 28
-Gbproxy global:
-    Invalid Routing Area Identifier : 1
-    BSSGP protocol error      (SGSN): 1
-    Patch error: no peer            : 1
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 1b 86 99 69 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 1b 86 99 69 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 c0 de ad 01 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND_ACK) = 22
-Gbproxy global:
-    Invalid Routing Area Identifier : 1
-    BSSGP protocol error      (SGSN): 1
-    Patch error: no peer            : 1
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 11 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 6d b1 de 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 11 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 6d b1 de 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 44 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 48
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 11 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 6d b1 de 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 48
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 9
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 9
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 8
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 0d 08 06 00 aa ab ee 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 67, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 0d 08 06 00 aa ab ee 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 67 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 71
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 0d 08 06 00 aa ab ee 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 71
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 9
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 9
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 9
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-PROCESSING RA UPD REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 15 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 96 3e 97 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 85, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 15 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 96 3e 97 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 15 01 b7 f8 36 
-result (RA UPD REQ) = 0
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 19 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 35 23 fc 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 19 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 35 23 fc 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 85 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 89
-00 00 10 02 01 78 de ad 02 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 00 63 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 15 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 96 3e 97 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 10
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 10
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 9
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead02, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING RA UDP ACC from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 02 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9d 41 c0 11 08 09 00 49 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 54 ab b3 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 17 16 36 98 77 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 87, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 02 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9d 41 c0 11 08 09 00 49 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 54 ab b3 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 17 16 36 98 77 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 87 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 91
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9d 41 c0 11 08 09 00 49 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 54 ab b3 18 05 f4 c0 de ad 03 17 16 6e 58 26 
-result (RA UDP ACC) = 91
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 10
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 4
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 10
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 10
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead/c0dead03 -> 78dead02/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 1d 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb aa cc a3 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 1d 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb aa cc a3 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 06 00 11 f5 c0 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 10
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 4
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 10
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 10
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 2
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead/c0dead03 -> 78dead02/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 15 08 06 00 f7 35 f0 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 67, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 15 08 06 00 f7 35 f0 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 67 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 71
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 03 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 15 08 06 00 f7 35 f0 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 71
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 10
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 4
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 10
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 11
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 2
-    Detach Accept count             : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 21 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 44 b6 bb 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 21 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 44 b6 bb 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 15 01 b7 f8 36 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 25 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 1d aa 57 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 25 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 1d aa 57 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 05 08 15 01 8f 47 9e 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 0
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 29 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb d9 1d ef 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 29 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb d9 1d ef 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 09 08 06 00 da 80 ca 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 10
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 4
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 10
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 11
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 3
-    Detach Accept count             : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ (unknown TLLI) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 2d 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 0d 30 0d 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 2d 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 0d 30 0d 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 be ef 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 06 00 11 f5 c0 
-result (DETACH REQ (unknown TLLI)) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 10
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 4
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 10
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 11
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 4
-    Detach Accept count             : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-PROCESSING RA UPD REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 31 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 d8 cf d8 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 85, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 31 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 d8 cf d8 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 15 01 b7 f8 36 
-result (RA UPD REQ) = 0
-PROCESSING RA UPD REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 35 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 ac 9c 37 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 85, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 35 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 ac 9c 37 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 05 08 15 01 8f 47 9e 
-result (RA UPD REQ) = 0
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 39 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 44 b6 8a 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 39 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 44 b6 8a 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 09 08 06 00 da 80 ca 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 10
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 4
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 10
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 11
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 3
-    RoutingArea Update Accept count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 5
-    Detach Accept count             : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-Gbproxy global:
-    Invalid Routing Area Identifier : 1
-    BSSGP protocol error      (SGSN): 1
-    Patch error: no peer            : 1
-=== test_gbproxy_secondary_sgsn ===
---- Initialise SGSN 1 ---
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 12
-02 00 81 01 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-PROCESSING RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-03 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (RESET_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x0101/
-result (UNBLOCK_ACK) = 0
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
---- Initialise SGSN 2 ---
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 12
-02 00 81 01 01 82 01 03 04 82 01 02 
-PROCESSING RESET_ACK from 0x15161718:32001
-03 01 82 01 03 04 82 01 02 
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 1
-result (RESET_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x15161718:32001
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK_ACK from 0x15161718:32001
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x0103/
-result (UNBLOCK_ACK) = 0
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x15161718:32001
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
---- Initialise BSS 1 ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x1001(4097), NSEI 0x1000(4096)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x0000(0)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 00 00 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 00 00 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 00 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 00 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 00 00 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = -2
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 1
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0103, NSEI 0x0102, peer 0x15161718:32001
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-Gbproxy global:
-    Invalid BVC Identifier          : 1
-    Patch error: no peer            : 1
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Flow control ---
-PROCESSING FLOW_CONTROL_BVC from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 26 1e 81 01 05 82 01 dc 03 82 02 76 01 82 00 50 1c 82 02 58 06 82 00 03 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 24, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 26 1e 81 01 05 82 01 dc 03 82 02 76 01 82 00 50 1c 82 02 58 06 82 00 03 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 26 1e 81 01 05 82 01 dc 03 82 02 76 01 82 00 50 1c 82 02 58 06 82 00 03 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 26 1e 81 01 05 82 01 dc 03 82 02 76 01 82 00 50 1c 82 02 58 06 82 00 03 
-result (FLOW_CONTROL_BVC) = 28
-PROCESSING FLOW_CONTROL_BVC_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 27 1e 81 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 4, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 27 1e 81 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 4 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 8
-00 00 10 02 27 1e 81 01 
-result (FLOW_CONTROL_BVC_ACK) = 8
-PROCESSING FLOW_CONTROL_BVC_ACK from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 10 02 27 1e 81 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 4, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 27 1e 81 01 
-result (FLOW_CONTROL_BVC_ACK) = 0
---- Establish GPRS connection (SGSN 1) ---
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 15 01 b7 f8 36 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI (none), AGE 0, STORED 1, IMSI acquisition in progress, SGSN NSEI 65535
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 78 de ad 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING IDENT REQUEST from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 23, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 23 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 27
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-result (IDENT REQUEST) = 27
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 1
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 09 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ba 14 c3 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 09 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ba 14 c3 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 40 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 44
-00 00 10 02 01 78 de ad 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 09 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ba 14 c3 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 44
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 78dead00, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 c0 de ad 01 0c 0a 29 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 3
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 2
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 2
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead/c0dead01 -> 78dead00/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 0d 08 03 55 1c ea 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 0d 08 03 55 1c ea 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 0d 08 03 55 1c ea 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 4
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 3
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 2
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead/c0dead01 -> 78dead00/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 4
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 3
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 3
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING XID (UL) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 0f 41 fb 01 00 0e 00 64 11 05 16 01 90 66 b3 28 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 38, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 0f 41 fb 01 00 0e 00 64 11 05 16 01 90 66 b3 28 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 38 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 42
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 0f 41 fb 01 00 0e 00 64 11 05 16 01 90 66 b3 28 
-result (XID (UL)) = 42
-PROCESSING XID (DL) from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8c 41 fb 30 84 10 61 b6 64 e4 a9 1a 9e 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 70, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8c 41 fb 30 84 10 61 b6 64 e4 a9 1a 9e 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 70 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 74
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8c 41 fb 30 84 10 61 b6 64 e4 a9 1a 9e 
-result (XID (DL)) = 74
-PROCESSING LL11 DNS QUERY (UL) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 42 0b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 38 95 72 00 00 45 11 20 85 0a c0 07 e4 ac 10 01 0a ad ab 00 35 00 24 0e 1c 3b e0 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 47 8f 07 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 89, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 42 0b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 38 95 72 00 00 45 11 20 85 0a c0 07 e4 ac 10 01 0a ad ab 00 35 00 24 0e 1c 3b e0 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 47 8f 07 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 89 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 93
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 42 0b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 38 95 72 00 00 45 11 20 85 0a c0 07 e4 ac 10 01 0a ad ab 00 35 00 24 0e 1c 3b e0 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 47 8f 07 
-result (LL11 DNS QUERY (UL)) = 93
-PROCESSING LL11 DNS RESP (DL) from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 00 d0 4b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 c6 00 00 40 00 3e 11 7c 69 ac 10 01 0a 0a c0 07 e4 00 35 ad ab 00 b2 74 4e 3b e0 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 04 c1 63 90 58 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 16 03 6e 73 32 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 03 6e 65 74 00 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 10 02 6e 73 01 73 08 70 6c 75 73 6c 69 6e 65 c0 14 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0e c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 5f c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 12 02 6e 73 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 c0 14 aa df 31 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 267, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 00 d0 4b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 c6 00 00 40 00 3e 11 7c 69 ac 10 01 0a 0a c0 07 e4 00 35 ad ab 00 b2 74 4e 3b e0 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 04 c1 63 90 58 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 16 03 6e 73 32 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 03 6e 65 74 00 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 10 02 6e 73 01 73 08 70 6c 75 73 6c 69 6e 65 c0 14 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0e c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 5f c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 12 02 6e 73 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 c0 14 aa df 31 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 267 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 271
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 00 d0 4b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 c6 00 00 40 00 3e 11 7c 69 ac 10 01 0a 0a c0 07 e4 00 35 ad ab 00 b2 74 4e 3b e0 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 04 c1 63 90 58 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 16 03 6e 73 32 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 03 6e 65 74 00 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 10 02 6e 73 01 73 08 70 6c 75 73 6c 69 6e 65 c0 14 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0e c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 5f c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 12 02 6e 73 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 c0 14 aa df 31 
-result (LL11 DNS RESP (DL)) = 271
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 6
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 5
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 5
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING LLC_DISCARDED from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 c0 de ad 01 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 19, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 c0 de ad 01 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 19 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 23
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-result (LLC_DISCARDED) = 23
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 6
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 6
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 5
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING LLC_DISCARDED from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 19, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 25 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 29
-00 00 00 00 41 07 81 27 15 93 2c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-result (LLC_DISCARDED) = 29
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 6
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 6
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 6
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 c0 de ad 01 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 15, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 c0 de ad 01 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 15 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 19
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND) = 19
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 7
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 1
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 7
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 6
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 ef e2 b7 00 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 c0 de ad 01 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND_ACK) = 22
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 7
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 7
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 7
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
---- Establish GPRS connection (SGSN 2) ---
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 11 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 bf 00 5c 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 11 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 bf 00 5c 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 be ef 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 15 01 b7 f8 36 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 7
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 7
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 7
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI 8000beef -> 78dead02, IMSI (none), AGE 0, STORED 1, IMSI acquisition in progress, SGSN NSEI 65535
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 15 08 16 08 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 b2 dd 58 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 15 08 16 08 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 b2 dd 58 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 78 de ad 02 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 11 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 bf 00 5c 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 8
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 8
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 7
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI 8000beef -> 78dead02, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING IDENT REQUEST from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 02 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 0d 08 15 01 0c a6 18 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 23, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 02 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 0d 08 15 01 0c a6 18 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 23 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 27
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 be ef 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 0d 08 15 01 0c a6 18 
-result (IDENT REQUEST) = 27
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 8
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 8
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 8
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI 8000beef -> 78dead02, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 19 08 16 08 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 a5 cc b3 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 be ef 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 19 08 16 08 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 a5 cc b3 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 40 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 44
-00 00 10 02 01 78 de ad 02 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 19 08 16 08 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 a5 cc b3 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 9
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 2
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 9
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 8
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 1
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI 8000beef -> 78dead02, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 02 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 11 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 e0 98 76 54 cb 1c 5b 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 02 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 11 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 e0 98 76 54 cb 1c 5b 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 be ef 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 11 08 02 01 49 04 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 c0 de ad 03 32 40 fa 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 9
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 9
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 9
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI 8000beef/c0dead03 -> 78dead02/e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 03 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 1d 08 03 5e 3a ea 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 03 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 1d 08 03 5e 3a ea 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 e0 98 76 54 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 1d 08 03 5e 3a ea 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 10
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 10
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 9
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI 8000beef/c0dead03 -> 78dead02/e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 98 76 54 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 15 08 21 bb c1 c6 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 98 76 54 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 15 08 21 bb c1 c6 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 03 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 15 08 21 bb c1 c6 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 10
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 10
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 10
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING XID (UL) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 03 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 0f 41 fb 01 00 0e 00 64 11 05 16 01 90 66 b3 28 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 38, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 03 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 0f 41 fb 01 00 0e 00 64 11 05 16 01 90 66 b3 28 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 38 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 42
-00 00 10 02 01 e0 98 76 54 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 0f 41 fb 01 00 0e 00 64 11 05 16 01 90 66 b3 28 
-result (XID (UL)) = 0
-PROCESSING XID (DL) from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 98 76 54 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8c 41 fb 30 84 10 61 b6 64 e4 a9 1a 9e 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 70, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 98 76 54 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8c 41 fb 30 84 10 61 b6 64 e4 a9 1a 9e 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 70 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 74
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 03 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8c 41 fb 30 84 10 61 b6 64 e4 a9 1a 9e 
-result (XID (DL)) = 74
-PROCESSING LL11 DNS QUERY (UL) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 03 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 42 0b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 38 95 72 00 00 45 11 20 85 0a c0 07 e4 ac 10 01 0a ad ab 00 35 00 24 0e 1c 3b e0 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 47 8f 07 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 89, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 03 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 42 0b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 38 95 72 00 00 45 11 20 85 0a c0 07 e4 ac 10 01 0a ad ab 00 35 00 24 0e 1c 3b e0 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 47 8f 07 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 89 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 93
-00 00 10 02 01 e0 98 76 54 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 42 0b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 38 95 72 00 00 45 11 20 85 0a c0 07 e4 ac 10 01 0a ad ab 00 35 00 24 0e 1c 3b e0 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 47 8f 07 
-result (LL11 DNS QUERY (UL)) = 0
-PROCESSING LL11 DNS RESP (DL) from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 98 76 54 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 00 d0 4b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 c6 00 00 40 00 3e 11 7c 69 ac 10 01 0a 0a c0 07 e4 00 35 ad ab 00 b2 74 4e 3b e0 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 04 c1 63 90 58 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 16 03 6e 73 32 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 03 6e 65 74 00 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 10 02 6e 73 01 73 08 70 6c 75 73 6c 69 6e 65 c0 14 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0e c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 5f c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 12 02 6e 73 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 c0 14 aa df 31 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 267, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 98 76 54 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 00 d0 4b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 c6 00 00 40 00 3e 11 7c 69 ac 10 01 0a 0a c0 07 e4 00 35 ad ab 00 b2 74 4e 3b e0 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 04 c1 63 90 58 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 16 03 6e 73 32 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 03 6e 65 74 00 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 10 02 6e 73 01 73 08 70 6c 75 73 6c 69 6e 65 c0 14 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0e c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 5f c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 12 02 6e 73 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 c0 14 aa df 31 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 267 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 271
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 03 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 00 d0 4b c0 01 65 00 00 00 45 00 00 c6 00 00 40 00 3e 11 7c 69 ac 10 01 0a 0a c0 07 e4 00 35 ad ab 00 b2 74 4e 3b e0 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 00 01 6d 05 68 65 69 73 65 02 64 65 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 04 c1 63 90 58 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 16 03 6e 73 32 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 03 6e 65 74 00 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 10 02 6e 73 01 73 08 70 6c 75 73 6c 69 6e 65 c0 14 c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0e c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 5f c0 0e 00 02 00 01 00 00 0e 10 00 12 02 6e 73 0c 70 6f 70 2d 68 61 6e 6e 6f 76 65 72 c0 14 aa df 31 
-result (LL11 DNS RESP (DL)) = 271
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 12
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 12
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 12
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING LLC_DISCARDED from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 c0 de ad 03 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 19, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 c0 de ad 03 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 19 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 23
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 e0 98 76 54 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-result (LLC_DISCARDED) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 12
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 13
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 12
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING LLC_DISCARDED from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 e0 98 76 54 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 19, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 2c 1f 84 e0 98 76 54 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 25 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 29
-00 00 00 00 41 07 81 27 15 93 2c 1f 84 e0 98 76 54 0f 81 01 04 82 10 02 25 83 00 00 0c 
-result (LLC_DISCARDED) = 29
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 12
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 13
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 13
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 c0 de ad 03 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 15, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 c0 de ad 03 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 15 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 19
-00 00 00 00 0b 1f 84 e0 98 76 54 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 13
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 3
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 14
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 13
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING BVC_SUSPEND_ACK from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 e0 98 76 54 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 e0 98 76 54 1b 86 21 63 54 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 0c 1f 84 c0 de ad 03 1b 86 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 81 01 
-result (BVC_SUSPEND_ACK) = 22
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 13
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 4
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 14
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 14
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
---- Establish GPRS connection (SGSN 2, P-TMSI collision) ---
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 fe ed 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 21 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 44 b6 bb 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 fe ed 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 21 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 44 b6 bb 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 fe ed 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 15 01 b7 f8 36 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 13
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 4
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 14
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 14
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 3
-    TLLI-Cache: 3
-      TLLI 8000feed -> 78dead04, IMSI (none), AGE 0, STORED 1, IMSI acquisition in progress, SGSN NSEI 65535
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 fe ed 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 25 08 16 08 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 58 c7 cb 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 fe ed 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 25 08 16 08 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 58 c7 cb 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 78 de ad 04 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 21 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 44 b6 bb 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 14
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 4
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 15
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 14
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 3
-    TLLI-Cache: 3
-      TLLI 8000feed -> 78dead04, IMSI 12199999962728, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING IDENT REQUEST from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 04 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 19 08 15 01 a2 f2 a4 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 23, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 04 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 19 08 15 01 a2 f2 a4 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 23 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 27
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 fe ed 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 19 08 15 01 a2 f2 a4 
-result (IDENT REQUEST) = 27
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 14
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 4
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 15
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 15
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 3
-    TLLI-Cache: 3
-      TLLI 8000feed -> 78dead04, IMSI 12199999962728, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 fe ed 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 29 08 16 08 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 4f d6 20 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 fe ed 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 29 08 16 08 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 4f d6 20 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 40 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 44
-00 00 10 02 01 78 de ad 04 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 29 08 16 08 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 4f d6 20 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 15
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 4
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 16
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 15
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 2
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 3
-    TLLI-Cache: 3
-      TLLI 8000feed -> 78dead04, IMSI 12199999962728, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT (P-TMSI 1) from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 04 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 1d 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 74 91 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 78 de ad 04 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 1d 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 74 91 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 fe ed 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 1d 08 02 01 49 04 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 c0 de ad 05 3e 78 6e 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT (P-TMSI 1)) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 15
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 5
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 16
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 16
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 3
-    TLLI-Cache: 3
-      TLLI 8000feed/c0dead05 -> 78dead04/efe2b700, IMSI 12199999962728, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 05 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 2d 08 03 43 50 ea 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 05 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 2d 08 03 43 50 ea 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 2d 08 03 43 50 ea 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 16
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 5
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 17
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 16
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 3
-    TLLI cache size                 : 3
-    TLLI-Cache: 3
-      TLLI 8000feed/c0dead05 -> 78dead04/efe2b700, IMSI 12199999962728, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 21 08 21 ca 60 90 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 21 08 21 ca 60 90 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 05 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 21 08 21 ca 60 90 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 16
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 5
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 17
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 17
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 3
-    TLLI cache size                 : 3
-    TLLI-Cache: 3
-      TLLI c0dead05 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12199999962728, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
---- Shutdown GPRS connection (SGSN 1) ---
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 31 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 57 e6 15 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 01 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 31 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 57 e6 15 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 44 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 48
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 31 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 57 e6 15 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 48
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 17
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 5
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 18
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 17
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 3
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 3
-    TLLI-Cache: 3
-      TLLI c0dead01 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, SGSN NSEI 256
-      TLLI c0dead05 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12199999962728, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 25 08 06 00 4d 09 cd 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 67, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 25 08 06 00 4d 09 cd 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 67 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 71
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 01 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 25 08 06 00 4d 09 cd 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 71
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 17
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 5
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 18
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 18
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 3
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI c0dead05 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12199999962728, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
---- Shutdown GPRS connection (SGSN 2) ---
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 03 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 35 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 83 cb f7 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 03 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 35 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 83 cb f7 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 44 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 48
-00 00 10 02 01 e0 98 76 54 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 35 08 05 01 18 05 f4 e0 98 76 54 19 03 b9 97 cb b4 31 31 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 18
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 5
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 19
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 18
-    P-TMSI patched            (BSS ): 1
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 3
-    Detach Request count            : 2
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI c0dead03 -> e0987654, IMSI 12199999961718, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-      TLLI c0dead05 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12199999962728, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 98 76 54 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 29 08 06 00 be c3 6f 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 67, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 e0 98 76 54 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 29 08 06 00 be c3 6f 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 67 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 71
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 03 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 29 08 06 00 be c3 6f 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 71
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 18
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 5
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 19
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 19
-    P-TMSI patched            (BSS ): 1
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 3
-    Detach Request count            : 2
-    Detach Accept count             : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead05 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12199999962728, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
---- Shutdown GPRS connection (SGSN 2, P-TMSI 1) ---
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 05 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 39 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 44 b6 8a 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 c0 de ad 05 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 39 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 44 b6 8a 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN 2, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 44 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN 2 at 0x15161718:32001, msg length 48
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 21 63 54 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 39 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 44 b6 8a 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 19
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 5
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 20
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 19
-    P-TMSI patched            (BSS ): 1
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 3
-    Detach Request count            : 3
-    Detach Accept count             : 2
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI c0dead05 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12199999962728, AGE 0, IMSI matches, SGSN NSEI 258
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x15161718:32001
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 2d 08 06 00 86 7c c7 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 67, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 2d 08 06 00 86 7c c7 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 67 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 71
-00 00 10 02 00 c0 de ad 05 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 99 99 99 26 27 28 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 2d 08 06 00 86 7c c7 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 71
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    RAID patched              (BSS ): 19
-    RAID patched              (SGSN): 5
-    TLLI patched              (BSS ): 20
-    TLLI patched              (SGSN): 20
-    P-TMSI patched            (BSS ): 1
-    P-TMSI patched            (SGSN): 3
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 3
-    Detach Request count            : 3
-    Detach Accept count             : 3
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-Gbproxy global:
-    Invalid BVC Identifier          : 1
-    BSSGP protocol error      (SGSN): 2
-    Patch error: no peer            : 1
-=== test_gbproxy_keep_info ===
---- Initialise SGSN ---
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 12
-02 00 81 01 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-PROCESSING RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-03 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (RESET_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x0101/
-result (UNBLOCK_ACK) = 0
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
---- Initialise BSS 1 ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x1001(4097), NSEI 0x1000(4096)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-Gbproxy global:
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Send message from BSS 1 to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002 ---
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 15 01 b7 f8 36 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI (none), AGE 0, STORED 1, IMSI acquisition in progress
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 05 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ad 05 28 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING IDENT REQUEST from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 23, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 23 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 27
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-result (IDENT REQUEST) = 27
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 09 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ba 14 c3 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 09 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ba 14 c3 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 40 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 44
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 09 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ba 14 c3 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 44
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 05 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 53 62 f1 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 0d 08 03 55 1c ea 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 0d 08 03 55 1c ea 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 0d 08 03 55 1c ea 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 09 08 21 04 ba 3d 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 11 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 6d b1 de 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 11 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 6d b1 de 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 44 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 48
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 11 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 6d b1 de 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 48
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 0d 08 06 00 aa ab ee 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 67, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 0d 08 06 00 aa ab ee 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 67 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 71
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 0d 08 06 00 aa ab ee 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 71
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 00000000, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, DE-REGISTERED
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 15 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 e6 71 c7 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 15 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 e6 71 c7 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 15 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 e6 71 c7 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 79
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 1
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 11 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 3a 6d d4 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 11 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 3a 6d d4 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 11 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 3a 6d d4 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 19 08 03 32 f1 bc 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 19 08 03 32 f1 bc 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 19 08 03 32 f1 bc 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ (re-attach) from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 15 08 05 01 25 0a 67 0e 96 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 69, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 15 08 05 01 25 0a 67 0e 96 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 69 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 73
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 15 08 05 01 25 0a 67 0e 96 
-result (DETACH REQ (re-attach)) = 73
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 1d 08 06 3d 1c 8b 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 1d 08 06 3d 1c 8b 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 1d 08 06 3d 1c 8b 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 2
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 00000000, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, DE-REGISTERED
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 21 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 44 db cc 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 21 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 44 db cc 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 21 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 44 db cc 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 79
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 2
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 19 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 27 3c 84 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 19 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 27 3c 84 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 19 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 27 3c 84 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 2
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 25 08 03 9b c6 47 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 25 08 03 9b c6 47 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 25 08 03 9b c6 47 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 3
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 1d 08 05 02 25 0a dd 56 6c 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 69, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 1d 08 05 02 25 0a dd 56 6c 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 69 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 73
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 1d 08 05 02 25 0a dd 56 6c 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 73
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 3
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 29 08 06 4c bd dd 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 29 08 06 4c bd dd 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 29 08 06 4c bd dd 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 3
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 3
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 00000000, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, DE-REGISTERED
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST (IMSI) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 37 01 c0 2d 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 a5 85 76 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 78, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 37 01 c0 2d 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 a5 85 76 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 78 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 82
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 37 01 c0 2d 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 a5 85 76 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST (IMSI)) = 82
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 4
-    Attach Accept count             : 3
-    Attach Completed count          : 3
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 21 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 cf 80 6e 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 21 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 cf 80 6e 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 21 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 cf 80 6e 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 4
-    Attach Accept count             : 4
-    Attach Completed count          : 3
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 31 08 03 fc 2b 11 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 31 08 03 fc 2b 11 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 31 08 03 fc 2b 11 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 4
-    Attach Accept count             : 4
-    Attach Completed count          : 4
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 25 08 05 02 25 0a 8e ee 85 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 69, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 25 08 05 02 25 0a 8e ee 85 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 69 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 73
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 25 08 05 02 25 0a 8e ee 85 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 73
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 4
-    Attach Accept count             : 4
-    Attach Completed count          : 4
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 35 08 06 f3 c6 26 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 35 08 06 f3 c6 26 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 35 08 06 f3 c6 26 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 4
-    Attach Accept count             : 4
-    Attach Completed count          : 4
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 00000000, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, DE-REGISTERED
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 39 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 e4 85 12 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 39 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 e4 85 12 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 39 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 e4 85 12 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 79
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 5
-    Attach Accept count             : 4
-    Attach Completed count          : 4
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 29 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 d2 d1 3e 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 29 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 d2 d1 3e 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 29 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 d2 d1 3e 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 5
-    Attach Accept count             : 5
-    Attach Completed count          : 4
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 3d 08 03 48 76 ea 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 3d 08 03 48 76 ea 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 3d 08 03 48 76 ea 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 5
-    Attach Accept count             : 5
-    Attach Completed count          : 5
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING RA UPD REQ from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 41 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 30 73 32 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 85, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 41 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 30 73 32 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 85 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 89
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 70 80 00 80 0e 00 3e 01 c0 41 08 08 10 11 22 33 40 50 60 1d 19 13 42 33 57 2b f7 c8 48 02 13 48 50 c8 48 02 14 48 50 c8 48 02 17 49 10 c8 48 02 00 19 8b b2 92 17 16 27 07 04 31 02 e5 e0 32 02 20 00 30 73 32 
-result (RA UPD REQ) = 89
-PROCESSING RA UDP REJ from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8a 41 c0 2d 08 0b 0a 00 41 30 a7 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 68, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8a 41 c0 2d 08 0b 0a 00 41 30 a7 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 68 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 72
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8a 41 c0 2d 08 0b 0a 00 41 30 a7 
-result (RA UDP REJ) = 72
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 5
-    Attach Accept count             : 5
-    Attach Completed count          : 5
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 00000000, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, DE-REGISTERED
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 45 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 50 cc c3 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 45 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 50 cc c3 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 15 01 b7 f8 36 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 6
-    Attach Accept count             : 5
-    Attach Completed count          : 5
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 2
-    TLLI-Cache: 2
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI (none), AGE 0, STORED 1, IMSI acquisition in progress
-      TLLI 00000000, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, DE-REGISTERED
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 49 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 86 ca 3f 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 49 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 86 ca 3f 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 45 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 50 cc c3 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 6
-    Attach Accept count             : 5
-    Attach Completed count          : 5
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 31 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 f5 22 ce 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 31 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 f5 22 ce 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 31 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 f5 22 ce 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 6
-    Attach Accept count             : 6
-    Attach Completed count          : 5
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 4d 08 03 79 84 ea 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 4d 08 03 79 84 ea 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 4d 08 03 79 84 ea 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 6
-    Attach Accept count             : 6
-    Attach Completed count          : 6
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 35 08 05 02 25 0a 9b fa 57 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 69, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 35 08 05 02 25 0a 9b fa 57 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 69 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 73
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 35 08 05 02 25 0a 9b fa 57 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 73
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 6
-    Attach Accept count             : 6
-    Attach Completed count          : 6
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 51 08 06 a5 d9 70 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 51 08 06 a5 d9 70 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 51 08 06 a5 d9 70 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 6
-    Attach Accept count             : 6
-    Attach Completed count          : 6
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 00000000, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, DE-REGISTERED
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST (local TLLI) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 55 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 f9 cc e9 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 55 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 f9 cc e9 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 55 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 f9 cc e9 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST (local TLLI)) = 79
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 7
-    Attach Accept count             : 6
-    Attach Completed count          : 6
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 39 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 e8 73 9e 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 39 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 e8 73 9e 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 39 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 e8 73 9e 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 7
-    Attach Accept count             : 7
-    Attach Completed count          : 6
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 59 08 03 1e 69 bc 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 59 08 03 1e 69 bc 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 59 08 03 1e 69 bc 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 7
-    Attach Accept count             : 7
-    Attach Completed count          : 7
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ (re-attach) from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 3d 08 05 01 25 0a 21 a2 ad 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 69, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 3d 08 05 01 25 0a 21 a2 ad 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 69 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 73
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 3d 08 05 01 25 0a 21 a2 ad 
-result (DETACH REQ (re-attach)) = 73
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 7
-    Attach Accept count             : 7
-    Attach Completed count          : 7
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 5d 08 06 11 84 8b 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 5d 08 06 11 84 8b 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 5d 08 06 11 84 8b 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 7
-    Attach Accept count             : 7
-    Attach Completed count          : 7
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 00000000, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, DE-REGISTERED
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 61 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 5b 66 e2 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 61 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 5b 66 e2 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 61 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 5b 66 e2 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 79
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 8
-    Attach Accept count             : 7
-    Attach Completed count          : 7
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 41 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 9e 50 40 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 41 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 9e 50 40 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 41 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 9e 50 40 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 8
-    Attach Accept count             : 8
-    Attach Completed count          : 7
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 65 08 03 b7 5e 47 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 65 08 03 b7 5e 47 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 65 08 03 b7 5e 47 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 8
-    Attach Accept count             : 8
-    Attach Completed count          : 8
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 45 08 21 9c 7f c6 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 45 08 21 9c 7f c6 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 45 08 21 9c 7f c6 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 8
-    Attach Accept count             : 8
-    Attach Completed count          : 8
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST (unexpected, IMSI) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 37 01 c0 69 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 e1 11 8e 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 78, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 37 01 c0 69 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 e1 11 8e 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 78 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 82
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 37 01 c0 69 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 e1 11 8e 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST (unexpected, IMSI)) = 82
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 9
-    Attach Accept count             : 8
-    Attach Completed count          : 8
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 49 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 83 01 10 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 49 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 83 01 10 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 49 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 83 01 10 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 9
-    Attach Accept count             : 9
-    Attach Completed count          : 8
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 6d 08 03 6f c8 ea 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 6d 08 03 6f c8 ea 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 6d 08 03 6f c8 ea 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 9
-    Attach Accept count             : 9
-    Attach Completed count          : 9
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 4d 08 05 02 25 0a 51 0e 1b 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 69, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 4d 08 05 02 25 0a 51 0e 1b 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 69 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 73
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 4d 08 05 02 25 0a 51 0e 1b 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 73
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 9
-    Attach Accept count             : 9
-    Attach Completed count          : 9
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 71 08 06 b3 95 70 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 71 08 06 b3 95 70 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 71 08 06 b3 95 70 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 9
-    Attach Accept count             : 9
-    Attach Completed count          : 9
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 00000000, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, DE-REGISTERED
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 75 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 ab 17 53 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 75 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 ab 17 53 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 75 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 ab 17 53 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 79
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 10
-    Attach Accept count             : 9
-    Attach Completed count          : 9
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 51 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 a4 f2 e0 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 51 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 a4 f2 e0 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 51 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 a4 f2 e0 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 10
-    Attach Accept count             : 10
-    Attach Completed count          : 9
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 79 08 03 08 25 bc 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 79 08 03 08 25 bc 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 79 08 03 08 25 bc 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 10
-    Attach Accept count             : 10
-    Attach Completed count          : 10
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING GMM INFO from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 55 08 21 97 59 c6 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 66, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 55 08 21 97 59 c6 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 66 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 70
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 88 41 c0 55 08 21 97 59 c6 
-result (GMM INFO) = 70
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 10
-    Attach Accept count             : 10
-    Attach Completed count          : 10
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST (unexpected) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 7d 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 a2 24 d0 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 7d 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 a2 24 d0 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 7d 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 a2 24 d0 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST (unexpected)) = 79
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 11
-    Attach Accept count             : 10
-    Attach Completed count          : 10
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH ACCEPT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 59 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 b9 a3 b0 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 88, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 59 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 b9 a3 b0 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 88 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 92
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 9e 41 c0 59 08 02 01 49 04 21 63 54 40 50 60 19 cd d7 08 17 16 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 b9 a3 b0 
-result (ATTACH ACCEPT) = 92
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 11
-    Attach Accept count             : 11
-    Attach Completed count          : 10
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH COMPLETE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 81 08 03 b9 71 10 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 81 08 03 b9 71 10 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 81 08 03 b9 71 10 
-result (ATTACH COMPLETE) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 11
-    Attach Accept count             : 11
-    Attach Completed count          : 11
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700/efe2b700 -> afe2b700/efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 5d 08 05 02 25 0a 44 1a c9 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 69, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 5d 08 05 02 25 0a 44 1a c9 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 69 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 73
-00 00 10 02 00 ef e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 5d 08 05 02 25 0a 44 1a c9 
-result (DETACH REQ) = 73
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 11
-    Attach Accept count             : 11
-    Attach Completed count          : 11
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI efe2b700 -> efe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 85 08 06 b6 9c 27 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 85 08 06 b6 9c 27 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 ef e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 85 08 06 b6 9c 27 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 11
-    Attach Accept count             : 11
-    Attach Completed count          : 11
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 00000000, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, DE-REGISTERED
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 89 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 21 24 df 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 89 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 21 24 df 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 15 01 b7 f8 36 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 12
-    Attach Accept count             : 11
-    Attach Completed count          : 11
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI (none), AGE 0, STORED 1, IMSI acquisition in progress
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 8d 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 74 ac 38 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 8d 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 74 ac 38 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 89 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 21 24 df 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 12
-    Attach Accept count             : 11
-    Attach Completed count          : 11
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH REJECT from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 61 08 04 07 79 ba a5 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 67, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 61 08 04 07 79 ba a5 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 67 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 71
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 89 41 c0 61 08 04 07 79 ba a5 
-result (ATTACH REJECT) = 71
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 12
-    Attach Reject count             : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 11
-    Attach Completed count          : 11
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 00000000, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, DE-REGISTERED
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 91 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 81 7a 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 91 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 81 7a 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 15 01 b7 f8 36 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 13
-    Attach Reject count             : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 11
-    Attach Completed count          : 11
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 1
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI (none), AGE 0, STORED 1, IMSI acquisition in progress
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ (MO) from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 95 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 9c dc fc 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 44, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 15 01 c0 95 08 05 01 18 05 f4 ef e2 b7 00 19 03 b9 97 cb 9c dc fc 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 05 08 06 00 29 4a 68 
-result (DETACH REQ (MO)) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 13
-    Attach Reject count             : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 11
-    Attach Completed count          : 11
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 2
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 99 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 88 49 82 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 99 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 88 49 82 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 15 01 b7 f8 36 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 14
-    Attach Reject count             : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 11
-    Attach Completed count          : 11
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 2
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI (none), AGE 0, STORED 1, IMSI acquisition in progress
-PROCESSING DETACH REQ (MT) from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 65 08 05 02 25 0a 17 a2 20 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 69, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 65 08 05 02 25 0a 17 a2 20 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 69 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 73
-00 00 10 02 00 af e2 b7 00 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 13 99 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 0a 82 08 02 0d 88 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00 81 00 0e 8b 41 c0 65 08 05 02 25 0a 17 a2 20 
-result (DETACH REQ (MT)) = 73
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 14
-    Attach Reject count             : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 11
-    Attach Completed count          : 11
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 2
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI afe2b700 -> afe2b700, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, STORED 1, IMSI acquisition in progress
-PROCESSING DETACH ACC from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 9d 08 06 65 2c 8a 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 31, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 9d 08 06 65 2c 8a 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 99 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 88 49 82 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 31 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 35
-00 00 10 02 01 af e2 b7 00 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 08 01 c0 9d 08 06 65 2c 8a 
-result (DETACH ACC) = 35
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 14
-    Attach Reject count             : 1
-    Attach Accept count             : 11
-    Attach Completed count          : 11
-    RoutingArea Update Request count: 1
-    RoutingArea Update Reject count : 1
-    Detach Request count            : 2
-    Detach Accept count             : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 00000000, IMSI 12131415161718, AGE 0, DE-REGISTERED
-Gbproxy global:
-Test TLLI info expiry
-Test TLLI replacement:
-  Add TLLI 1, IMSI 1
-  Add TLLI 2, IMSI 1 (should replace TLLI 1)
-  Peers:
-    NSEI 0, BVCI 20, not blocked, RAI 0-0-0-0
-      TLLI cache size                 : 1
-      TLLI-Cache: 1
-        TLLI c000162e, IMSI 03242526, AGE 0, IMSI matches
-Test IMSI replacement:
-  Add TLLI 1, IMSI 1
-  Add TLLI 1, IMSI 2 (should replace IMSI 1)
-  Peers:
-    NSEI 0, BVCI 20, not blocked, RAI 0-0-0-0
-      TLLI cache size                 : 1
-      TLLI-Cache: 1
-        TLLI c00004d2, IMSI 06272829, AGE 0, IMSI matches
-Test TLLI expiry, max_len == 1:
-  Add TLLI 1, IMSI 1
-  Add TLLI 2, IMSI 2 (should replace IMSI 1)
-  Peers:
-    NSEI 0, BVCI 20, not blocked, RAI 0-0-0-0
-      TLLI cache size                 : 1
-      TLLI-Cache: 1
-        TLLI c000162e, IMSI 06272829, AGE 0, IMSI matches
-Test TLLI expiry, max_age == 1:
-  Add TLLI 1, IMSI 1 (should expire after timeout)
-  Add TLLI 2, IMSI 2 (should not expire after timeout)
-  Peers:
-    NSEI 0, BVCI 20, not blocked, RAI 0-0-0-0
-      TLLI cache size                 : 1
-      TLLI-Cache: 1
-        TLLI c000162e, IMSI 06272829, AGE 1, IMSI matches
-Test TLLI expiry, max_len == 2, max_age == 1:
-  Add TLLI 1, IMSI 1 (should expire)
-  Add TLLI 2, IMSI 2 (should expire after timeout)
-  Add TLLI 3, IMSI 3 (should not expire after timeout)
-  Peers:
-    NSEI 0, BVCI 20, not blocked, RAI 0-0-0-0
-      TLLI cache size                 : 3
-      TLLI-Cache: 3
-        TLLI c0000d80, IMSI 12345678, AGE 0, IMSI matches
-        TLLI c000162e, IMSI 06272829, AGE 1, IMSI matches
-        TLLI c00004d2, IMSI 03242526, AGE 2, IMSI matches
-  Remove stale TLLIs
-  Peers:
-    NSEI 0, BVCI 20, not blocked, RAI 0-0-0-0
-      TLLI cache size                 : 1
-      TLLI-Cache: 1
-        TLLI c0000d80, IMSI 12345678, AGE 0, IMSI matches
-=== test_gbproxy_stored_messages ===
---- Initialise SGSN ---
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 12
-02 00 81 01 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-PROCESSING RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-03 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (RESET_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x0101/
-result (UNBLOCK_ACK) = 0
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x05060708:32000
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
---- Initialise BSS 1 ---
-Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x1001(4097), NSEI 0x1000(4096)
-PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (RESET) = 9
-PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (ALIVE) = 1
-PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111
-==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1001/
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 1
-result (UNBLOCK) = 1
-PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111
-result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0
-Setup BSSGP: remote 0x01020304:1111, BVCI 0x1002(4098)
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 22
-00 00 00 00 22 04 82 10 02 07 81 08 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 10 00 
-result (BVC_RESET) = 22
-PROCESSING BVC_RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 5, bvci 0x0000
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 5 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 9
-00 00 00 00 23 04 82 10 02 
-result (BVC_RESET_ACK) = 9
-Current NS-VCIs:
-    VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111
-    VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000
-         NS-VC Block count         : 1
-Gbproxy global:
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
---- Establish first LLC connection ---
-PROCESSING ATTACH REQUEST from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 75, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 24 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 28
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 00 09 41 c4 01 08 15 01 b7 f8 36 
-result (ATTACH REQUEST) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 8000dead, IMSI (none), AGE 0, STORED 1, IMSI acquisition in progress
-PROCESSING IDENT REQUEST from 0x05060708:32000
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 23, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to BSS, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 23 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to BSS at 0x01020304:1111, msg length 27
-00 00 10 02 00 80 00 de ad 00 50 20 16 82 02 58 0e 89 41 c0 01 08 15 01 ff 6c ba 
-result (IDENT REQUEST) = 27
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 8000dead, IMSI (none), AGE 0, STORED 1, IMSI acquisition in progress
-PROCESSING DETACH ACCEPT from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 09 01 c0 05 08 06 00 f8 92 41 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 32, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 09 01 c0 05 08 06 00 f8 92 41 
-result (DETACH ACCEPT) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI cache size                 : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 1
-      TLLI 8000dead -> 8000dead, IMSI (none), AGE 0, STORED 2, IMSI acquisition in progress
-PROCESSING IDENT RESPONSE from 0x01020304:1111
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 09 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ba 14 c3 
-CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 40, bvci 0x1002
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 11 22 33 40 50 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 11 01 c0 09 08 16 08 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ba 14 c3 
-NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x1002, msg length 75 (gprs_ns_sendmsg)
-MESSAGE to SGSN at 0x05060708:32000, msg length 79
-00 00 10 02 01 80 00 de ad 00 00 04 08 88 00 f1 99 00 63 60 12 34 00 80 0e 00 34 01 c0 01 08 01 02 f5 e0 21 08 02 05 f4 fb c5 46 79 11 22 33 40 50 60 19 18 b3 43 2b 25 96 62 00 60 80 9a c2 c6 62 00 60 80 ba c8 c6 62 00 60 80 00 16 6d 01 
-result (IDENT RESPONSE) = 0
-  NSEI 4096, BVCI 4098, not blocked, RAI 112-332-16464-96
-    Attach Request count            : 1
-    TLLI-Cache: 0
-Gbproxy global:
-===== GbProxy test END
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/gprs/ b/openbsc/tests/gprs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 902313f..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/gprs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-AM_CPPFLAGS = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir)/include
-EXTRA_DIST = gprs_test.ok
-noinst_PROGRAMS = gprs_test
-gprs_test_SOURCES = gprs_test.c $(top_srcdir)/src/gprs/gprs_utils.c
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/gprs/gprs_test.c b/openbsc/tests/gprs/gprs_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index aac9bb8..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/gprs/gprs_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsup.h>
-#define ASSERT_FALSE(x) if (x)  { printf("Should have returned false.\n"); abort(); }
-#define ASSERT_TRUE(x)  if (!x) { printf("Should have returned true.\n"); abort(); }
- * GSM 04.64 8.4.2 Receipt of unacknowledged information
- */
-static int nu_is_retransmission(uint16_t nu, uint16_t vur)
-	int ret = gprs_llc_is_retransmit(nu, vur);
-	printf("N(U) = %d, V(UR) = %d => %s\n", nu, vur,
-	       ret == 1 ? "retransmit" : "new");
-	return ret;
-static void test_8_4_2()
-	printf("Testing gprs_llc_is_retransmit.\n");
-	ASSERT_FALSE(nu_is_retransmission(0, 0));
-	ASSERT_TRUE (nu_is_retransmission(0, 1));
-	/* expect 1... check for retransmissions */
-	ASSERT_TRUE (nu_is_retransmission(0, 1));
-	ASSERT_TRUE (nu_is_retransmission(511, 1));
-	ASSERT_TRUE (nu_is_retransmission(483, 1));
-	ASSERT_TRUE (nu_is_retransmission(482, 1));
-	ASSERT_FALSE(nu_is_retransmission(481, 1));
-	/* expect 511... check for retransmissions */
-	ASSERT_FALSE(nu_is_retransmission(0, 240)); // ahead
-	ASSERT_FALSE(nu_is_retransmission(0, 511)); // ahead
-	ASSERT_FALSE(nu_is_retransmission(1, 511)); // ahead
-	ASSERT_FALSE(nu_is_retransmission(511, 511)); // same
-	ASSERT_TRUE (nu_is_retransmission(510, 511)); // behind
-	ASSERT_TRUE (nu_is_retransmission(481, 511)); // behind
-	ASSERT_FALSE(nu_is_retransmission(479, 511)); // wrapped
-static void test_gprs_timer_enc_dec(void)
-	int i, u, secs, tmr;
-	const int upper_secs_test_limit = 12000;
-	int dec_secs, last_dec_secs = -1;
-	printf("Test GPRS timer decoding/encoding\n");
-	/* Check gprs_tmr_to_secs with all 256 encoded values */
-	for (u = 0; u <= GPRS_TMR_DEACTIVATED; u += 32) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Testing decoding with timer value unit %u\n",
-			u / 32);
-		for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
-			switch (u) {
-				OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_tmr_to_secs(u + i) == 2 * i);
-				break;
-			default:
-				OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_tmr_to_secs(u + i) == 60 * i);
-				break;
-			case GPRS_TMR_6MINUTE:
-				OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_tmr_to_secs(u + i) == 360 * i);
-				break;
-				OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_tmr_to_secs(u + i) == -1);
-				break;
-			}
-			OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_tmr_to_secs(u + i) < upper_secs_test_limit);
-		}
-	}
-	/* Check gprs_secs_to_tmr_floor for secs that can exactly be
-	 * represented as GPRS timer values */
-	for (i = 0; i < GPRS_TMR_DEACTIVATED; i++) {
-		int j;
-		secs = gprs_tmr_to_secs(i);
-		tmr = gprs_secs_to_tmr_floor(secs);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(secs == gprs_tmr_to_secs(tmr));
-		/* Check that the highest resolution is used */
-		for (j = 0; j < tmr; j++)
-			OSMO_ASSERT(secs != gprs_tmr_to_secs(j));
-	}
-	OSMO_ASSERT(GPRS_TMR_DEACTIVATED == gprs_secs_to_tmr_floor(-1));
-	/* Check properties of gprs_secs_to_tmr_floor */
-	for (secs = 0; secs <= upper_secs_test_limit; secs++) {
-		int tmr = gprs_secs_to_tmr_floor(secs);
-		int delta_secs = gprs_tmr_to_secs((tmr & ~0x1f) | 1);
-		dec_secs = gprs_tmr_to_secs(tmr);
-		/* Check floor */
-		OSMO_ASSERT(dec_secs <= secs);
-		/* Check monotonicity */
-		OSMO_ASSERT(dec_secs >= last_dec_secs);
-		/* Check max distance (<= resolution) */
-		OSMO_ASSERT(dec_secs - last_dec_secs <= delta_secs);
-		last_dec_secs = dec_secs;
-	}
-const struct log_info_cat default_categories[] = {
-	[DGPRS] = {
-		.name = "DGPRS",
-		.description = "GPRS Packet Service",
-		.enabled = 0, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-static struct log_info info = {
-	.cat = default_categories,
-	.num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(default_categories),
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	osmo_init_logging(&info);
-	test_8_4_2();
-	test_gprs_timer_enc_dec();
-	printf("Done.\n");
-	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/gprs/gprs_test.ok b/openbsc/tests/gprs/gprs_test.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index da7888c..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/gprs/gprs_test.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Testing gprs_llc_is_retransmit.
-N(U) = 0, V(UR) = 0 => new
-N(U) = 0, V(UR) = 1 => retransmit
-N(U) = 0, V(UR) = 1 => retransmit
-N(U) = 511, V(UR) = 1 => retransmit
-N(U) = 483, V(UR) = 1 => retransmit
-N(U) = 482, V(UR) = 1 => retransmit
-N(U) = 481, V(UR) = 1 => new
-N(U) = 0, V(UR) = 240 => new
-N(U) = 0, V(UR) = 511 => new
-N(U) = 1, V(UR) = 511 => new
-N(U) = 511, V(UR) = 511 => new
-N(U) = 510, V(UR) = 511 => retransmit
-N(U) = 481, V(UR) = 511 => retransmit
-N(U) = 479, V(UR) = 511 => new
-Test GPRS timer decoding/encoding
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/gtphub/ b/openbsc/tests/gtphub/
deleted file mode 100644
index f2a6b88..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/gtphub/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-	$(all_includes) \
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/include \
-	$(NULL)
-	-Wall \
-	-ggdb3 \
-	$(NULL)
-	gtphub_test.ok \
-	$(NULL)
-noinst_PROGRAMS = \
-	gtphub_test \
-	$(NULL)
-gtphub_test_SOURCES = \
-	gtphub_test.c \
-	$(NULL)
-gtphub_test_LDFLAGS = \
-	-Wl,--wrap=gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr \
-	-Wl,--wrap=gtphub_ares_init \
-	-Wl,--wrap=gtphub_write \
-	$(NULL)
-gtphub_test_LDADD = \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gtphub.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_utils.o \
-	-lrt \
-	$(NULL)
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/gtphub/gtphub_test.c b/openbsc/tests/gtphub/gtphub_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e7c27d2..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/gtphub/gtphub_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1786 +0,0 @@
-/* Test the GTP hub */
-/* (C) 2015 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Neels Hofmeyr <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gtphub.h>
-#include <gtp.h>
-#include <gtpie.h>
-#define ZERO_STRUCT(struct_pointer) memset(struct_pointer, '\0', \
-					   sizeof(*(struct_pointer)))
-#define LVL2_ASSERT(exp) LVL2_ASSERT_R(exp, return 0)
-#define LVL2_ASSERT_R(exp, ret)    \
-	if (!(exp)) { \
-		fprintf(stderr, "LVL2 Assert failed %s %s:%d\n", #exp, \
-			__FILE__, __LINE__); \
-		osmo_generate_backtrace(); \
-		ret; \
-	}
-/* Convenience makro, note: only within this C file. */
-#define LOG(label) \
-	{ fprintf(stderr, "\n" label "\n"); \
-	  printf(label "\n"); }
-void gtphub_init(struct gtphub *hub);
-void gtphub_free(struct gtphub *hub);
-void *osmo_gtphub_ctx;
-static void nr_mapping_free(struct expiring_item *e)
-	struct nr_mapping *m = container_of(e, struct nr_mapping,
-					    expiry_entry);
-	nr_mapping_del(m);
-	talloc_free(m);
-static struct nr_mapping *nr_mapping_alloc(void)
-	struct nr_mapping *m;
-	m = talloc(osmo_gtphub_ctx, struct nr_mapping);
-	nr_mapping_init(m);
-	m->expiry_entry.del_cb = nr_mapping_free;
-	return m;
-static struct nr_mapping *nr_map_have(struct nr_map *map, void *origin,
-				      nr_t orig, time_t now)
-	struct nr_mapping *mapping;
-	mapping = nr_map_get(map, origin, orig);
-	if (!mapping) {
-		mapping = nr_mapping_alloc();
-		mapping->origin = origin;
-		mapping->orig = orig;
-		nr_map_add(map, mapping, now);
-	}
-	return mapping;
-static nr_t nr_map_verify(const struct nr_map *map, void *origin, nr_t orig,
-			  nr_t expect_repl)
-	struct nr_mapping *m;
-	m = nr_map_get(map, origin, orig);
-	if (!m) {
-		printf("mapping not found for %p %d\n", origin, orig);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (m->repl != expect_repl) {
-		printf("mapping found, but nr mismatches: expect %d, got %d\n",
-		       (int)expect_repl, (int)m->repl);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-static int nr_map_verify_inv(const struct nr_map *map, nr_t repl,
-			     void *expect_origin, nr_t expect_orig)
-	struct nr_mapping *m;
-	m = nr_map_get_inv(map, repl);
-	if (!m) {
-		printf("mapping not found for %d\n", (int)repl);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (m->origin != expect_origin) {
-		printf("mapping found, but origin mismatches:"
-		       " expect %p, got %p\n",
-		       expect_origin, m->origin);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (m->orig != expect_orig) {
-		printf("mapping found, but nr mismatches: expect %d, got %d\n",
-		       (int)expect_orig, (int)m->orig);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-static void test_nr_map_basic(void)
-	struct nr_pool _pool;
-	struct nr_pool *pool = &_pool;
-	struct nr_map _map;
-	struct nr_map *map = &_map;
-	nr_pool_init(pool, 1, 1000);
-	nr_map_init(map, pool, NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(llist_empty(&map->mappings));
-#define TEST_N_HALF 100
-#define TEST_N (2*TEST_N_HALF)
-#define TEST_I 123
-	uint32_t i, check_i;
-	uint32_t m[TEST_N];
-	struct nr_mapping *mapping;
-	/* create half of TEST_N mappings from one origin */
-	void *origin1 = (void*)0x1234;
-	for (i = 0; i < TEST_N_HALF; i++) {
-		nr_t orig = TEST_I + i;
-		mapping = nr_map_have(map, origin1, orig, 0);
-		m[i] = mapping->repl;
-		OSMO_ASSERT(m[i] != 0);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(llist_count(&map->mappings) == (i+1));
-		for (check_i = 0; check_i < i; check_i++)
-			OSMO_ASSERT(m[check_i] != m[i]);
-	}
-	OSMO_ASSERT(llist_count(&map->mappings) == TEST_N_HALF);
-	/* create another TEST_N mappings with the same original numbers, but
-	 * from a different origin */
-	void *origin2 = (void*)0x5678;
-	for (i = 0; i < TEST_N_HALF; i++) {
-		int i2 = TEST_N_HALF + i;
-		nr_t orig = TEST_I + i;
-		mapping = nr_map_have(map, origin2, orig, 0);
-		m[i2] = mapping->repl;
-		OSMO_ASSERT(m[i2] != 0);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(llist_count(&map->mappings) == (i2+1));
-		for (check_i = 0; check_i < i2; check_i++)
-			OSMO_ASSERT(m[check_i] != m[i2]);
-	}
-	OSMO_ASSERT(llist_count(&map->mappings) == TEST_N);
-	/* verify mappings */
-	for (i = 0; i < TEST_N_HALF; i++) {
-		nr_t orig = TEST_I + i;
-		{
-			OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_verify(map, origin1, orig, m[i]));
-			OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_verify_inv(map, m[i], origin1,
-						      orig));
-		}
-		{
-			int i2 = TEST_N_HALF + i;
-			OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_verify(map, origin2, orig, m[i2]));
-			OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_verify_inv(map, m[i2], origin2,
-						      orig));
-		}
-	}
-	/* remove all mappings */
-	for (i = 0; i < TEST_N_HALF; i++) {
-		OSMO_ASSERT(llist_count(&map->mappings) == (TEST_N - 2*i));
-		nr_t orig = TEST_I + i;
-		nr_mapping_del(nr_map_get(map, origin1, orig));
-		nr_mapping_del(nr_map_get(map, origin2, orig));
-	}
-	OSMO_ASSERT(llist_empty(&map->mappings));
-#undef TEST_N
-#undef TEST_I
-static int nr_map_is(struct nr_map *map, const char *str)
-	static char buf[4096];
-	char *pos = buf;
-	size_t len = sizeof(buf);
-	struct nr_mapping *m;
-	llist_for_each_entry(m, &map->mappings, entry) {
-		size_t wrote = snprintf(pos, len, "(%u->%u@%d), ",
-					m->orig,
-					m->repl,
-					(int)m->expiry_entry.expiry);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(wrote < len);
-		pos += wrote;
-		len -= wrote;
-	}
-	*pos = '\0';
-	if (strncmp(buf, str, sizeof(buf)) != 0) {
-		printf("FAILURE: nr_map_is() mismatches expected value:\n"
-		       "expected: \"%s\"\n"
-		       "is:       \"%s\"\n",
-		       str, buf);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-static int test_nr_map_wrap_with(nr_t nr_min, nr_t nr_max, nr_t repl_last,
-				 nr_t orig_start, int orig_n,
-				 const char *expect)
-	struct nr_pool _pool;
-	struct nr_pool *pool = &_pool;
-	struct nr_map _map;
-	struct nr_map *map = &_map;
-	nr_pool_init(pool, nr_min, nr_max);
-	nr_map_init(map, pool, NULL);
-	pool->last_nr = repl_last;
-	void *origin = (void*)0x1234;
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < orig_n; i++)
-		LVL2_ASSERT(nr_map_have(map, origin, orig_start + i, 0));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(nr_map_is(map, expect));
-	nr_map_clear(map);
-	return 1;
-static void test_nr_map_wrap(void)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(test_nr_map_wrap_with(
-		0, UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX - 2,
-		1, 5,
-		"(1->4294967294@0), "
-		"(2->4294967295@0), "
-		"(3->0@0), "
-		"(4->1@0), "
-		"(5->2@0), "
-		));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(test_nr_map_wrap_with(
-		5, 10, 8,
-		1, 5,
-		"(1->9@0), (2->10@0), (3->5@0), (4->6@0), (5->7@0), "
-		));
-static void test_expiry(void)
-	struct expiry expiry;
-	struct nr_pool pool;
-	struct nr_map map;
-	int i;
-	expiry_init(&expiry, 30);
-	nr_pool_init(&pool, 1, 1000);
-	nr_map_init(&map, &pool, &expiry);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_is(&map, ""));
-	/* tick on empty map */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expiry_tick(&expiry, 10000) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_is(&map, ""));
-#define MAP1 \
-	"(10->1@10040), " \
-	""
-#define MAP2 \
-	"(20->2@10050), " \
-	"(21->3@10051), " \
-	"(22->4@10052), " \
-	"(23->5@10053), " \
-	"(24->6@10054), " \
-	"(25->7@10055), " \
-	"(26->8@10056), " \
-	"(27->9@10057), " \
-	""
-#define MAP3 \
-	"(420->10@10072), " \
-	"(421->11@10072), " \
-	"(422->12@10072), " \
-	"(423->13@10072), " \
-	"(424->14@10072), " \
-	"(425->15@10072), " \
-	"(426->16@10072), " \
-	"(427->17@10072), " \
-	""
-	/* add mapping at time 10010. */
-	nr_map_have(&map, 0, 10, 10010);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_is(&map, MAP1));
-	/* tick on unexpired item. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expiry_tick(&expiry, 10010) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expiry_tick(&expiry, 10011) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_is(&map, MAP1));
-	/* Spread mappings at 10020, 10021, ... 10027. */
-	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-		nr_map_have(&map, 0, 20 + i, 10020 + i);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_is(&map, MAP1 MAP2));
-	/* tick on unexpired items. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expiry_tick(&expiry, 10030) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expiry_tick(&expiry, 10039) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_is(&map, MAP1 MAP2));
-	/* expire the first item (from 10010). */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expiry_tick(&expiry, 10010 + 30) == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_is(&map, MAP2));
-	/* again nothing to expire */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expiry_tick(&expiry, 10041) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_is(&map, MAP2));
-	/* Mappings all at the same time. */
-	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-		nr_map_have(&map, 0, 420 + i, 10042);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_is(&map, MAP2 MAP3));
-	/* Eight to expire, were added further above to be chronologically
-	 * correct, at 10020..10027. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expiry_tick(&expiry, 10027 + 30) == 8);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_is(&map, MAP3));
-	/* again nothing to expire */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expiry_tick(&expiry, 10027 + 30) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_is(&map, MAP3));
-	/* Eight to expire, from 10042. Now at 10042 + 30: */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(expiry_tick(&expiry, 10042 + 30) == 8);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_is(&map, ""));
-#undef MAP1
-#undef MAP2
-#undef MAP3
-char resolve_ggsn_got_imsi[GSM23003_IMSI_MAX_DIGITS+1];
-char resolve_ggsn_got_ni[GSM_APN_LENGTH];
-struct osmo_sockaddr resolved_ggsn_addr;
-static int resolve_to_ggsn(const char *addr, uint16_t port)
-	LVL2_ASSERT(osmo_sockaddr_init_udp(&resolved_ggsn_addr,
-					   addr, port)
-		    == 0);
-	return 1;
-struct osmo_sockaddr resolved_sgsn_addr;
-static int resolve_to_sgsn(const char *addr, uint16_t port)
-	LVL2_ASSERT(osmo_sockaddr_init_udp(&resolved_sgsn_addr,
-					   addr, port)
-		    == 0);
-	return 1;
-struct osmo_sockaddr sgsn_sender;
-static int send_from_sgsn(const char *addr, uint16_t port)
-	LVL2_ASSERT(osmo_sockaddr_init_udp(&sgsn_sender,
-					   addr, port)
-		    == 0);
-	return 1;
-struct osmo_sockaddr ggsn_sender;
-static int send_from_ggsn(const char *addr, uint16_t port)
-	LVL2_ASSERT(osmo_sockaddr_init_udp(&ggsn_sender,
-					   addr, port)
-		    == 0);
-	return 1;
-/* override, requires '-Wl,--wrap=gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr' */
-struct gtphub_peer_port *__real_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr(struct gtphub *hub,
-							 const char *imsi_str,
-							 const char *apn_ni_str);
-struct gtphub_peer_port *__wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr(struct gtphub *hub,
-							 const char *imsi_str,
-							 const char *apn_ni_str)
-	struct gsn_addr resolved_gsna;
-	uint16_t resolved_port;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gsn_addr_from_sockaddr(&resolved_gsna, &resolved_port,
-					   &resolved_ggsn_addr) == 0);
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *pp;
-	pp = gtphub_port_have(hub, &hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL],
-			      &resolved_gsna, resolved_port);
-	printf("- __wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr():\n"
-	       "  returning GGSN addr from imsi %s ni %s: %s\n",
-	       imsi_str, apn_ni_str, gtphub_port_str(pp));
-	if (!imsi_str)
-		imsi_str = "(null)";
-	osmo_strlcpy(resolve_ggsn_got_imsi, imsi_str,
-		     sizeof(resolve_ggsn_got_imsi));
-	if (!apn_ni_str)
-		apn_ni_str = "(null)";
-	osmo_strlcpy(resolve_ggsn_got_ni, apn_ni_str,
-		     sizeof(resolve_ggsn_got_ni));
-	return pp;
-#define was_resolved_for(IMSI,NI) _was_resolved_for(IMSI, NI, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-static int _was_resolved_for(const char *imsi, const char *ni, const char
-			     *file, int line)
-	int cmp0 = strncmp(imsi, resolve_ggsn_got_imsi,
-			   sizeof(resolve_ggsn_got_imsi));
-	if (cmp0 != 0) {
-		printf("\n%s:%d: was_resolved_for(): MISMATCH for IMSI\n"
-		       "  expecting: '%s'\n"
-		       "        got: '%s'\n\n",
-		       file,
-		       line,
-		       imsi, resolve_ggsn_got_imsi);
-	}
-	int cmp1 = strncmp(ni, resolve_ggsn_got_ni,
-			   sizeof(resolve_ggsn_got_ni));
-	if (cmp1 != 0) {
-		printf("\n%s:%d: was_resolved_for(): MISMATCH for NI\n"
-		       "  expecting: '%s'\n"
-		       "        got: '%s'\n\n",
-		       file,
-		       line,
-		       ni, resolve_ggsn_got_ni);
-	}
-	return (cmp0 == 0) && (cmp1 == 0);
-/* override, requires '-Wl,--wrap=gtphub_ares_init' */
-int __real_gtphub_ares_init(struct gtphub *hub);
-int __wrap_gtphub_ares_init(struct gtphub *hub)
-	/* Do nothing. */
-	return 0;
-/* override, requires '-Wl,--wrap=gtphub_write' */
-int __real_gtphub_write(const struct osmo_fd *to,
-			const struct osmo_sockaddr *to_addr,
-			const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_len);
-int __wrap_gtphub_write(const struct osmo_fd *to,
-			const struct osmo_sockaddr *to_addr,
-			const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_len)
-	printf("Out-of-band gtphub_write(%d):\n"
-	       "to %s\n"
-	       "%s\n",
-	       (int)buf_len,
-	       osmo_sockaddr_to_str(to_addr),
-	       osmo_hexdump(buf, buf_len));
-	return 0;
-#define buf_len 1024
-static uint8_t buf[buf_len];
-static uint8_t *reply_buf;
-static unsigned int msg(const char *hex)
-	unsigned int l = osmo_hexparse(hex, buf, buf_len);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(l > 0);
-	return l;
-/* Compare static buf to given string constant. The amount of bytes is obtained
- * from parsing the GTP header in buf.  hex must match an osmo_hexdump() of the
- * desired message. Return 1 if size and content match. */
-#define reply_is(MSG) _reply_is(MSG, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-static int _reply_is(const char *hex, const char *file, int line)
-	struct gtp1_header_long *h = (void*)reply_buf;
-	int len = ntoh16(h->length) + 8;
-	const char *dump = osmo_hexdump_nospc(reply_buf, len);
-	int cmp = strcmp(dump, hex);
-	if (cmp != 0) {
-		printf("\n%s:%d: reply_is(): MISMATCH\n"
-		       "  expecting:\n'%s'\n"
-		       "        got:\n'%s'\n\n",
-		       file,
-		       line,
-		       hex, dump);
-		int i;
-		int l = strlen(hex);
-		int m = strlen(dump);
-		if (m < l)
-			l = m;
-		for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-			if (hex[i] != dump[i]) {
-				printf("First mismatch at position %d:\n"
-				       "  %s\n  %s\n", i, hex + i, dump + i);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return cmp == 0;
-#define same_addr(GOT, EXPECTED) _same_addr((GOT),(EXPECTED), __FILE__, __LINE__)
-static int _same_addr(const struct osmo_sockaddr *got,
-		      const struct osmo_sockaddr *expected,
-		      const char *file, int line)
-	int cmp = osmo_sockaddr_cmp(got, expected);
-	if (!cmp)
-		return 1;
-	char buf[256];
-	printf("\n%s:%d: addr_is(): MISMATCH\n"
-	       "  expecting: '%s'\n"
-	       "        got: '%s'\n\n",
-	       file, line,
-	       osmo_sockaddr_to_str(expected),
-	       osmo_sockaddr_to_strb(got, buf, sizeof(buf)));
-	return 0;
-time_t now;
-static struct gtphub _hub;
-static struct gtphub *hub = &_hub;
-static int setup_test_hub()
-	/* Not really needed, but to make 100% sure... */
-	gtphub_init(hub);
-	/* Tell this mock gtphub its local address for this test. */
-	LVL2_ASSERT(gsn_addr_from_str(&hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].local_addr,
-				      "") == 0);
-	LVL2_ASSERT(gsn_addr_from_str(&hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].local_addr,
-				      "") == 0);
-	LVL2_ASSERT(gsn_addr_from_str(&hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].local_addr,
-				      "") == 0);
-	LVL2_ASSERT(gsn_addr_from_str(&hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].local_addr,
-				      "") == 0);
-	hub->restart_counter = 0x23;
-	now = 345;
-	LVL2_ASSERT(send_from_sgsn("", 423));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(resolve_to_ggsn("", 2123));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(send_from_ggsn("", 434));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(resolve_to_sgsn("", 2123));
-#define GGSNS_CTRL_FD 1
-#define GGSNS_USER_FD 2
-#define SGSNS_CTRL_FD 3
-#define SGSNS_USER_FD 4
-	hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].ofd.priv_nr = GGSNS_CTRL_FD;
-	hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].ofd.priv_nr = GGSNS_USER_FD;
-	hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL].ofd.priv_nr = SGSNS_CTRL_FD;
-	hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER].ofd.priv_nr = SGSNS_USER_FD;
-	return 1;
-static int clear_test_hub()
-	/* expire all */
-	gtphub_gc(hub, now + (60 * GTPH_EXPIRE_SLOWLY_MINUTES) + 1);
-	int plane_idx;
-	plane_idx = GTPH_PLANE_CTRL;
-	LVL2_ASSERT(llist_empty(&hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][plane_idx].peers));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(llist_empty(&hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][plane_idx].peers));
-	plane_idx = GTPH_PLANE_USER;
-	LVL2_ASSERT(llist_empty(&hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][plane_idx].peers));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(llist_empty(&hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][plane_idx].peers));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(llist_empty(&hub->tunnels));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(llist_empty(&hub->pending_deletes));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(llist_empty(&hub->ggsn_lookups));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(llist_empty(&hub->resolved_ggsns));
-	gtphub_free(hub);
-	return 1;
-static int tunnels_are(const char *expect)
-	static char buf[4096];
-	char *pos = buf;
-	size_t len = sizeof(buf);
-	struct gtphub_tunnel *t;
-	llist_for_each_entry(t, &hub->tunnels, entry) {
-		size_t wrote = snprintf(pos, len, "%s @%d\n",
-					gtphub_tunnel_str(t),
-					(int)t->expiry_entry.expiry);
-		LVL2_ASSERT(wrote < len);
-		pos += wrote;
-		len -= wrote;
-	}
-	*pos = '\0';
-	if (strncmp(buf, expect, sizeof(buf)) != 0) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "FAILURE: tunnels_are() mismatches expected value:\n"
-		       "EXPECTED:\n%s\n"
-		       "IS:\n%s\n",
-		       expect, buf);
-		LVL2_ASSERT("tunnels do not match expected listing.");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-static void test_echo(void)
-	LOG("test_echo");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(setup_test_hub());
-	now = 123;
-	struct osmo_fd *to_ofd;
-	struct osmo_sockaddr to_addr;
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *pp;
-	int send;
-	const char *gtp_ping_from_sgsn =
-		"32"	/* 0b001'1 0010: version 1, protocol GTP, with seq nr */
-		"01"	/* type 01: Echo request */
-		"0004"	/* length of 4 after header TEI */
-		"00000000" /* header TEI == 0 in Echo */
-		"abcd"	/* some 2 octet sequence nr */
-		"0000"	/* N-PDU 0, no extension header (why is this here?) */
-		;
-	const char *gtp_pong_to_sgsn =
-		"32"
-		"02"	/* type 02: Echo response */
-		"0006"	/* length of 6 after header TEI */
-		"00000000" /* header TEI == 0 in Echo */
-		"abcd"	/* same sequence nr */
-		"0000"
-		"0e23"	/* Recovery with restart counter */
-		;
-	to_ofd = NULL;
-	ZERO_STRUCT(&to_addr);
-	send = gtphub_handle_buf(hub, GTPH_SIDE_SGSN, GTPH_PLANE_CTRL,
-				 &sgsn_sender, buf, msg(gtp_ping_from_sgsn),
-				 now, &reply_buf, &to_ofd, &to_addr);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(send > 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(to_addr.l);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(same_addr(&to_addr, &sgsn_sender));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(to_ofd && (to_ofd->priv_nr == SGSNS_CTRL_FD));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(reply_is(gtp_pong_to_sgsn));
-	pp = gtphub_port_find_sa(&hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL],
-				 &sgsn_sender);
-	/* We don't record Echo peers. */
-	const char *gtp_ping_from_ggsn =
-		"32"	/* 0b001'1 0010: version 1, protocol GTP, with seq nr */
-		"01"	/* type 01: Echo request */
-		"0004"	/* length of 4 after header TEI */
-		"00000000" /* header TEI == 0 in Echo */
-		"cdef"	/* some 2 octet sequence nr */
-		"0000"	/* N-PDU 0, no extension header (why is this here?) */
-		;
-	const char *gtp_pong_to_ggsn =
-		"32"
-		"02"	/* type 02: Echo response */
-		"0006"	/* length of 6 after header TEI */
-		"00000000" /* header TEI == 0 in Echo */
-		"cdef"	/* same sequence nr */
-		"0000"
-		"0e23"	/* Recovery with restart counter */
-		;
-	to_ofd = NULL;
-	ZERO_STRUCT(&to_addr);
-	send = gtphub_handle_buf(hub, GTPH_SIDE_GGSN, GTPH_PLANE_CTRL,
-				 &ggsn_sender, buf, msg(gtp_ping_from_ggsn),
-				 now, &reply_buf, &to_ofd, &to_addr);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(send > 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(same_addr(&to_addr, &ggsn_sender));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(to_ofd && (to_ofd->priv_nr == GGSNS_CTRL_FD));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(reply_is(gtp_pong_to_ggsn));
-	pp = gtphub_port_find_sa(&hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL],
-				 &sgsn_sender);
-	/* And all the same on the user plane. */
-	to_ofd = NULL;
-	ZERO_STRUCT(&to_addr);
-	send = gtphub_handle_buf(hub, GTPH_SIDE_SGSN, GTPH_PLANE_USER,
-				 &sgsn_sender, buf, msg(gtp_ping_from_sgsn),
-				 now, &reply_buf, &to_ofd, &to_addr);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(send > 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(to_addr.l);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(same_addr(&to_addr, &sgsn_sender));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(to_ofd && (to_ofd->priv_nr == SGSNS_USER_FD));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(reply_is(gtp_pong_to_sgsn));
-	pp = gtphub_port_find_sa(&hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_SGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER],
-				 &sgsn_sender);
-	to_ofd = NULL;
-	ZERO_STRUCT(&to_addr);
-	send = gtphub_handle_buf(hub, GTPH_SIDE_GGSN, GTPH_PLANE_USER,
-				 &ggsn_sender, buf, msg(gtp_ping_from_ggsn),
-				 now, &reply_buf, &to_ofd, &to_addr);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(send > 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(same_addr(&to_addr, &ggsn_sender));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(to_ofd && (to_ofd->priv_nr == GGSNS_USER_FD));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(reply_is(gtp_pong_to_ggsn));
-	pp = gtphub_port_find_sa(&hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_USER],
-				 &sgsn_sender);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(clear_test_hub());
-#define MSG_PDP_CTX_REQ(len, seq, restart, imsi, tei_u, tei_c, apn, gsn_c, gsn_u) \
-		"32" 	/* 0b001'1 0010: version 1, protocol GTP, with seq nr. */ \
-		"10" 	/* type 16: Create PDP Context Request */ \
-		len	/* msg length = 8 + len (2 octets) */ \
-		"00000000" /* No TEI yet */ \
-		seq	/* Sequence nr (2 octets) */ \
-		"00"	/* N-PDU 0 */ \
-		"00"	/* No extensions */ \
-		/* IEs */ \
-		"0e" restart /* 14: Recovery (restart counter: 1 octet) */ \
-		"02"	/* 2 = IMSI */ \
-		  imsi	/* (8 octets) */ \
-		"0f01"	/* 15: Selection mode = MS provided APN, subscription not verified*/ \
-		"10"	/* 16: TEI Data I */ \
-		  tei_u	/* (4 octets) */ \
-		"11"	/* 17: TEI Control Plane */ \
-		  tei_c	/* (4 octets) */ \
-		"1400"	/* 20: NSAPI = 0*/ \
-		"1a"	/* 26: Charging Characteristics */ \
-		  "0800" \
-		"80"	/* 128: End User Address */ \
-		  "0002" /* length = 2: empty PDP Address */ \
-		  "f121" /* spare 0xf0, PDP organization 1, PDP type number 0x21 = 33 */ \
-		"83"	/* 131: Access Point Name */ \
-                  apn	/* (2 octets length, N octets encoded APN-NI) */ \
-		"84"	/* 132: Protocol Configuration Options */ \
-		  "0015" /* length = 21 */ \
-		  "80c0231101010011036d69670868656d6d656c6967" \
-		"85"	/* 133: GSN Address */ \
-		  gsn_c /* (2 octets length, N octets addr) */ \
-		"85"	/* 133: GSN Address (second entry) */ \
-		  gsn_u /* (2 octets length, N octets addr) */ \
-		"86"	/* 134: MS International PSTN/ISDN Number (MSISDN) */ \
-		  "0007" /* length */ \
-		  "916407123254f6" /* 1946702123456(f) */ \
-		"87"	/* 135: Quality of Service (QoS) Profile */ \
-		  "0004" /* length */ \
-		  "00"	/* priority */ \
-		  "0b921f" /* QoS profile data */ 
-#define MSG_PDP_CTX_RSP(len, tei_h, seq, restart, tei_u, tei_c, gsn_c, gsn_u) \
-		"32" \
-		"11"	/* Create PDP Context Response */ \
-		len	/* msg length = 8 + len (2 octets) */ \
-		tei_h	/* destination TEI (sent in req above) */ \
-		seq	/* mapped seq */ \
-		"00" "00" \
-		/* IEs */ \
-		"01"	/* 1: Cause */ \
-		  "80"	/* value = 0b10000000 = response, no rejection. */ \
-		"08"	/* 8: Reordering Required */ \
-		  "00"	/* not required. */ \
-		"0e" restart /* 14: Recovery */ \
-		"10"	/* 16: TEI Data I */ \
-		  tei_u \
-		"11"	/* 17: TEI Control */ \
-		  tei_c \
-		"7f"	/* 127: Charging ID */ \
-		  "00000001" \
-		"80"	/* 128: End User Address */ \
-		  "0006" /* length = 6 */ \
-		  "f121" /* spare 0xf0, PDP organization 1, PDP type number 0x21 = 33 */ \
-		  "7f000002" \
-		"84"	/* 132: Protocol Configuration Options */ \
-		  "0014" /* len = 20 */ \
-		  "8080211002000010810608080808830600000000" \
-		"85"	/* 133: GSN Address (Ctrl) */ \
-		  gsn_c \
-		"85"	/* 133: GSN Address (User) */ \
-		  gsn_u \
-		"87"	/* 135: Quality of Service (QoS) Profile */ \
-		  "0004" /* length */ \
-		  "00"	/* priority */ \
-		  "0b921f" /* QoS profile data */
-#define msg_from_sgsn_c(A,B,C,D) msg_from_sgsn(GTPH_PLANE_CTRL, A,B,C,D)
-#define msg_from_sgsn_u(A,B,C,D) msg_from_sgsn(GTPH_PLANE_USER, A,B,C,D)
-static int msg_from_sgsn(int plane_idx,
-			 struct osmo_sockaddr *_sgsn_sender,
-			 struct osmo_sockaddr *ggsn_receiver,
-			 const char *hex_from_sgsn,
-			 const char *hex_to_ggsn)
-	struct osmo_fd *ggsn_ofd = NULL;
-	struct osmo_sockaddr ggsn_addr;
-	int send;
-	send = gtphub_handle_buf(hub, GTPH_SIDE_SGSN, plane_idx, _sgsn_sender,
-				 buf, msg(hex_from_sgsn), now,
-				 &reply_buf, &ggsn_ofd, &ggsn_addr);
-	LVL2_ASSERT(send > 0);
-	LVL2_ASSERT(same_addr(&ggsn_addr, ggsn_receiver));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(reply_is(hex_to_ggsn));
-	return 1;
-#define msg_from_ggsn_c(A,B,C,D) msg_from_ggsn(GTPH_PLANE_CTRL, A,B,C,D)
-#define msg_from_ggsn_u(A,B,C,D) msg_from_ggsn(GTPH_PLANE_USER, A,B,C,D)
-static int msg_from_ggsn(int plane_idx,
-			 struct osmo_sockaddr *ggsn_sender,
-			 struct osmo_sockaddr *sgsn_receiver,
-			 const char *msg_from_ggsn,
-			 const char *msg_to_sgsn)
-	struct osmo_fd *sgsn_ofd;
-	struct osmo_sockaddr sgsn_addr;
-	int send;
-	send = gtphub_handle_buf(hub, GTPH_SIDE_GGSN, plane_idx, ggsn_sender,
-				 buf, msg(msg_from_ggsn), now,
-				 &reply_buf, &sgsn_ofd, &sgsn_addr);
-	if (*msg_to_sgsn) {
-		LVL2_ASSERT(send > 0);
-		LVL2_ASSERT(same_addr(&sgsn_addr, sgsn_receiver));
-		LVL2_ASSERT(reply_is(msg_to_sgsn));
-	}
-	else
-		LVL2_ASSERT(send == 0);
-	return 1;
-static int create_pdp_ctx()
-	const char *gtp_req_from_sgsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_REQ("0068",
-				"abcd",
-				"60",
-				"42000121436587f9",
-				"00000123",
-				"00000321",
-				"0009""08696e7465726e6574", /* "(8)internet" */
-				"0004""c0a82a17", /* same as default sgsn_sender */
-				"0004""c0a82a17"
-			       );
-	const char *gtp_req_to_ggsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_REQ("0068",
-				"6d31",	/* mapped seq ("abcd") */
-				"23",
-				"42000121436587f9",
-				"00000001", /* Data I: tunnel's TEI */
-				"00000001", /* Control: tunnel's TEI */
-				"0009""08696e7465726e6574",
-				"0004""7f000201", /* replaced with gtphub's ggsn ctrl */
-				"0004""7f000202" /* replaced with gtphub's ggsn user */
-			       );
-	LVL2_ASSERT(msg_from_sgsn_c(&sgsn_sender,
-				    &resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    gtp_req_from_sgsn,
-				    gtp_req_to_ggsn));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(was_resolved_for("240010123456789", "internet"));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=0 U=0)"
-		" @21945\n"));
-	const char *gtp_resp_from_ggsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_RSP("004e",
-				"00000001", /* destination TEI (sent in req above) */
-				"6d31", /* mapped seq */
-				"01", /* restart */
-				"00000567", /* TEI U */
-				"00000765", /* TEI C */
-				"0004""c0a82b22", /* GSN addresses */
-				"0004""c0a82b22"  /* (== resolved_ggsn_addr) */
-			       );
-	const char *gtp_resp_to_sgsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_RSP("004e",
-				"00000321", /* unmapped TEI ("001") */
-				"abcd", /* unmapped seq ("6d31") */
-				"23",
-				"00000001", /* mapped TEI from GGSN ("567") */
-				"00000001", /* mapped TEI from GGSN ("765") */
-				"0004""7f000101", /* gtphub's address towards SGSNs (Ctrl) */
-				"0004""7f000102" /* gtphub's address towards SGSNs (User) */
-			       );
-	/* The response should go back to whichever port the request came from
-	 * (unmapped by sequence nr) */
-	LVL2_ASSERT(msg_from_ggsn_c(&resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    &sgsn_sender,
-				    gtp_resp_from_ggsn,
-				    gtp_resp_to_sgsn));
-	return 1;
-#define MSG_DEL_PDP_CTX_REQ(tei, seq) \
-		"32" 	/* 0b001'1 0010: version 1, protocol GTP, with seq nr. */ \
-		"14" 	/* type 20: Delete PDP Context Request */ \
-		"0008"	/* msg length = 8 + len (2 octets) */ \
-		tei	/* TEI Ctrl */ \
-		seq	/* Sequence nr (2 octets) */ \
-		"00"	/* N-PDU 0 */ \
-		"00"	/* No extensions */ \
-		/* IEs */ \
-		"13fe"  /* 19: Teardown ind = 0 */ \
-		"1400"	/* 20: NSAPI = 0*/ \
-#define MSG_DEL_PDP_CTX_RSP(tei, seq) \
-		"32" 	/* 0b001'1 0010: version 1, protocol GTP, with seq nr. */ \
-		"15" 	/* type 21: Delete PDP Context Response */ \
-		"0006"	/* msg length = 8 + len (2 octets) */ \
-		tei	/* TEI Ctrl */ \
-		seq	/* Sequence nr (2 octets) */ \
-		"00"	/* N-PDU 0 */ \
-		"00"	/* No extensions */ \
-		/* IEs */ \
-		"01"	/* 1: Cause */ \
-		  "80"	/* value = 0b10000000 = response, no rejection. */ \
-static int delete_pdp_ctx_from_sgsn(void)
-	gtphub_gc(hub, now);
-	LVL2_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @21945\n"));
-	/* TEI Ctrl from above and next sequence after abcd. */
-	const char *gtp_req_from_sgsn = MSG_DEL_PDP_CTX_REQ("00000001", "abce");
-	const char *gtp_req_to_ggsn = MSG_DEL_PDP_CTX_REQ("00000765", "6d32");
-	LVL2_ASSERT(msg_from_sgsn_c(&sgsn_sender,
-				    &resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    gtp_req_from_sgsn,
-				    gtp_req_to_ggsn));
-	/* 21945 + 31 = 21976 */
-	LVL2_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @21976\n"));
-	const char *gtp_resp_from_ggsn =
-		MSG_DEL_PDP_CTX_RSP("00000001", "6d32");
-	const char *gtp_resp_to_sgsn =
-		MSG_DEL_PDP_CTX_RSP("00000321", "abce");
-	/* The response should go back to whichever port the request came from
-	 * (unmapped by sequence nr) */
-	LVL2_ASSERT(msg_from_ggsn_c(&resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    &sgsn_sender,
-				    gtp_resp_from_ggsn,
-				    gtp_resp_to_sgsn));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(tunnels_are(""));
-	return 1;
-static int delete_pdp_ctx_from_ggsn(void)
-	gtphub_gc(hub, now);
-	LVL2_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @21945\n"));
-	/* TEI Ctrl from above and next sequence after abcd. */
-	const char *gtp_req_from_ggsn = MSG_DEL_PDP_CTX_REQ("00000001", "5432");
-	const char *gtp_req_to_sgsn = MSG_DEL_PDP_CTX_REQ("00000321", "6d31");
-	LVL2_ASSERT(msg_from_ggsn_c(&ggsn_sender,
-				    &resolved_sgsn_addr,
-				    gtp_req_from_ggsn,
-				    gtp_req_to_sgsn));
-	/* 21945 + 31 = 21976 */
-	LVL2_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @21976\n"));
-	const char *gtp_resp_from_sgsn =
-		MSG_DEL_PDP_CTX_RSP("00000001", "6d31");
-	const char *gtp_resp_to_ggsn =
-		MSG_DEL_PDP_CTX_RSP("00000765", "5432");
-	/* The response should go back to whichever port the request came from
-	 * (unmapped by sequence nr) */
-	LVL2_ASSERT(msg_from_sgsn_c(&resolved_sgsn_addr,
-				    &ggsn_sender,
-				    gtp_resp_from_sgsn,
-				    gtp_resp_to_ggsn));
-	LVL2_ASSERT(tunnels_are(""));
-	return 1;
-static void test_one_pdp_ctx(int del_from_side)
-	if (del_from_side == GTPH_SIDE_SGSN)
-		LOG("test_one_pdp_ctx (del from SGSN)")
-	else	LOG("test_one_pdp_ctx (del from GGSN)");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(setup_test_hub());
-	OSMO_ASSERT(create_pdp_ctx());
-	struct gtphub_peer_port *ggsn_port =
-		gtphub_port_find_sa(&hub->to_gsns[GTPH_SIDE_GGSN][GTPH_PLANE_CTRL],
-				    &resolved_ggsn_addr);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ggsn_port);
-	struct gtphub_peer *ggsn = ggsn_port->peer_addr->peer;
-	/* now == 345; now + 30 == 375.
-	 * seq mapping from above:
-	 *   0xabcd == 43981 (sent in the packet)
-	 *   0x6d31 == 27953 (harcoded seq mapping start val) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(nr_map_is(&ggsn->seq_map, "(43981->27953@375), "));
-	/* now == 345; now + (6 * 60 * 60) == 21600 + 345 == 21945.
-	 * 0x00000321 == 801 (TEI from SGSN Ctrl)
-	 * 0x00000123 == 291 (TEI from SGSN User)
-	 * 0x00000765 == 1893 (TEI from GGSN Ctrl)
-	 * 0x00000567 == 1383 (TEI from GGSN User)
-	 * Mapped TEIs should be 1 and 2. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @21945\n"));
-	if (del_from_side == GTPH_SIDE_SGSN) {
-		OSMO_ASSERT(delete_pdp_ctx_from_sgsn());
-	} else {
-		OSMO_ASSERT(delete_pdp_ctx_from_ggsn());
-	}
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(""));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(clear_test_hub());
-static void test_user_data(void)
-	LOG("test_user_data");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(setup_test_hub());
-	OSMO_ASSERT(create_pdp_ctx());
-	/* now == 345; now + (6 * 60 * 60) == 21600 + 345 == 21945. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @21945\n"));
-	LOG("- user data starts");
-	/* Now expect default port numbers for User plane. */
-	resolve_to_ggsn("", 2152);
-	resolve_to_sgsn("", 2152);
-	/* 10 minutes later */
-	now += 600;
-	const char *u_from_ggsn =
-		"32" 	/* 0b001'1 0010: version 1, protocol GTP, with seq nr */
-		"ff"	/* type 255: G-PDU */
-		"0058"	/* length: 88 + 8 octets == 96 */
-		"00000001" /* mapped TEI for SGSN from create_pdp_ctx() */
-		"0070"	/* seq */
-		"0000"	/* No extensions */
-		/* User data (ICMP packet), 96 - 12 = 84 octets  */
-		"45000054daee40004001f7890a172a010a172a02080060d23f590071e3f8"
-		"4156000000007241010000000000101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f"
-		"202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f3031323334353637"
-		;
-	const char *u_to_sgsn =
-		"32" 	/* 0b001'1 0010: version 1, protocol GTP, with seq nr */
-		"ff"	/* type 255: G-PDU */
-		"0058"	/* length: 88 + 8 octets == 96 */
-		"00000123" /* unmapped User TEI */
-		"6d31"	/* new mapped seq */
-		"0000"
-		"45000054daee40004001f7890a172a010a172a02080060d23f590071e3f8"
-		"4156000000007241010000000000101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f"
-		"202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f3031323334353637"
-		;
-	/* This depends on create_pdp_ctx() sending resolved_sgsn_addr as GSN
-	 * Address IEs in the GGSN's Create PDP Ctx Response. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_ggsn_u(&ggsn_sender,
-				    &resolved_sgsn_addr,
-				    u_from_ggsn,
-				    u_to_sgsn));
-	/* Make sure the user plane messages have refreshed the TEI mapping
-	 * timeouts: 21945 + 600 == 22545. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @22545\n"));
-	const char *u_from_sgsn =
-		"32" 	/* 0b001'1 0010: version 1, protocol GTP, with seq nr */
-		"ff"	/* type 255: G-PDU */
-		"0058"	/* length: 88 + 8 octets == 96 */
-		"00000001" /* mapped User TEI for GGSN from create_pdp_ctx() */
-		"1234"	/* unknown seq */
-		"0000"	/* No extensions */
-		/* User data (ICMP packet), 96 - 12 = 84 octets  */
-		"45000054daee40004001f7890a172a010a172a02080060d23f590071e3f8"
-		"4156000000007241010000000000101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f"
-		"202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f3031323334353637"
-		;
-	const char *u_to_ggsn =
-		"32" 	/* 0b001'1 0010: version 1, protocol GTP, with seq nr */
-		"ff"	/* type 255: G-PDU */
-		"0058"	/* length: 88 + 8 octets == 96 */
-		"00000567" /* unmapped User TEI */
-		"6d31"	/* unmapped seq */
-		"0000"
-		"45000054daee40004001f7890a172a010a172a02080060d23f590071e3f8"
-		"4156000000007241010000000000101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f"
-		"202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f3031323334353637"
-		;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_sgsn_u(&sgsn_sender,
-				    &resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    u_from_sgsn,
-				    u_to_ggsn));
-	/* Make sure the user plane messages have refreshed the TEI mapping
-	 * timeouts: 21945 + 600 == 22545. Both timeouts refreshed: */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @22545\n"));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(clear_test_hub());
-static void test_reused_tei(void)
-	LOG("test_reused_tei");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(setup_test_hub());
-	OSMO_ASSERT(create_pdp_ctx());
-	const char *gtp_req_from_sgsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_REQ("0068",
-				"abce", /* Next seq */
-				"60",
-				"42000121436587f9",
-				"00000123", /* Same TEIs as before */
-				"00000321",
-				"0009""08696e7465726e6574", /* "(8)internet" */
-				"0004""c0a82a17", /* same as default sgsn_sender */
-				"0004""c0a82a17"
-			       );
-	const char *gtp_req_to_ggsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_REQ("0068",
-				"6d32",	/* mapped seq ("abce") */
-				"23",
-				"42000121436587f9",
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI Data I ("123") */
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI Control ("321") */
-				"0009""08696e7465726e6574",
-				"0004""7f000201", /* replaced with gtphub's ggsn ctrl */
-				"0004""7f000202" /* replaced with gtphub's ggsn user */
-			       );
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_sgsn_c(&sgsn_sender,
-				    &resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    gtp_req_from_sgsn,
-				    gtp_req_to_ggsn));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(was_resolved_for("240010123456789", "internet"));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=2:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=0 U=0)"
-		" @21945\n"));
-	const char *gtp_resp_from_ggsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_RSP("004e",
-				"00000002", /* destination TEI (sent in req above) */
-				"6d32", /* mapped seq */
-				"01", /* restart */
-				"00000567", /* TEI U */
-				"00000765", /* TEI C */
-				"0004""c0a82b22", /* GSN addresses */
-				"0004""c0a82b22"  /* (== resolved_ggsn_addr) */
-			       );
-	const char *gtp_resp_to_sgsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_RSP("004e",
-				"00000321", /* unmapped TEI ("001") */
-				"abce", /* unmapped seq ("6d32") */
-				"23",
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI from GGSN ("567") */
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI from GGSN ("765") */
-				"0004""7f000101", /* gtphub's address towards SGSNs (Ctrl) */
-				"0004""7f000102" /* gtphub's address towards SGSNs (User) */
-			       );
-	/* The response should go back to whichever port the request came from
-	 * (unmapped by sequence nr) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_ggsn_c(&resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    &sgsn_sender,
-				    gtp_resp_from_ggsn,
-				    gtp_resp_to_sgsn));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(clear_test_hub());
-static void test_peer_restarted(void)
-	LOG("test_peer_restarted");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(setup_test_hub());
-	OSMO_ASSERT(create_pdp_ctx());
-	now += 10;
-	const char *gtp_req_from_sgsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_REQ("0068",
-				"1234", /* brand new seq */
-				"61",	/* DIFFERING restart counter */
-				"42000121436587f9",
-				"00000abc",
-				"00000cba",
-				"0009""08696e7465726e6574", /* "(8)internet" */
-				"0004""c0a82a17", /* same as default sgsn_sender */
-				"0004""c0a82a17"
-			       );
-	const char *gtp_req_to_ggsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_REQ("0068",
-				"6d33",	/* mapped seq ("1234") */
-				"23",
-				"42000121436587f9",
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI Data I ("123") */
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI Control ("321") */
-				"0009""08696e7465726e6574",
-				"0004""7f000201", /* replaced with gtphub's ggsn ctrl */
-				"0004""7f000202" /* replaced with gtphub's ggsn user */
-			       );
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_sgsn_c(&sgsn_sender,
-				    &resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    gtp_req_from_sgsn,
-				    gtp_req_to_ggsn));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(was_resolved_for("240010123456789", "internet"));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=2:"
-		" (TEI C=cba U=abc)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=0 U=0)"
-		" @21955\n"
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (uninitialized) (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @21945\n"
-		));
-	const char *gtp_resp_from_ggsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_RSP("004e",
-				"00000002", /* destination TEI (sent in req above) */
-				"6d33", /* mapped seq */
-				"01", /* restart */
-				"00000def", /* TEI U */
-				"00000fde", /* TEI C */
-				"0004""c0a82b22", /* GSN addresses */
-				"0004""c0a82b22"  /* (== resolved_ggsn_addr) */
-			       );
-	const char *gtp_resp_to_sgsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_RSP("004e",
-				"00000cba", /* unmapped TEI ("005") */
-				"1234", /* unmapped seq ("6d32") */
-				"23",
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI from GGSN ("567") */
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI from GGSN ("765") */
-				"0004""7f000101", /* gtphub's address towards SGSNs (Ctrl) */
-				"0004""7f000102" /* gtphub's address towards SGSNs (User) */
-			       );
-	/* The response should go back to whichever port the request came from
-	 * (unmapped by sequence nr) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_ggsn_c(&resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    &sgsn_sender,
-				    gtp_resp_from_ggsn,
-				    gtp_resp_to_sgsn));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(clear_test_hub());
-static void test_peer_restarted_reusing_tei(void)
-	LOG("test_peer_restarted_reusing_tei");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(setup_test_hub());
-	OSMO_ASSERT(create_pdp_ctx());
-	now += 10;
-	const char *gtp_req_from_sgsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_REQ("0068",
-				"1234", /* brand new seq */
-				"61",	/* DIFFERING restart counter */
-				"42000121436587f9",
-				"00000123", /* SAME TEI */
-				"00000321",
-				"0009""08696e7465726e6574", /* "(8)internet" */
-				"0004""c0a82a17", /* same as default sgsn_sender */
-				"0004""c0a82a17"
-			       );
-	const char *gtp_req_to_ggsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_REQ("0068",
-				"6d33",	/* seq 6d31 + 2, after "out-of-band" Delete PDP Ctx
-					   due to differing restart counter. */
-				"23",
-				"42000121436587f9",
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI Data I ("123") */
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI Control ("321") */
-				"0009""08696e7465726e6574",
-				"0004""7f000201", /* replaced with gtphub's ggsn ctrl */
-				"0004""7f000202" /* replaced with gtphub's ggsn user */
-			       );
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_sgsn_c(&sgsn_sender,
-				    &resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    gtp_req_from_sgsn,
-				    gtp_req_to_ggsn));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(was_resolved_for("240010123456789", "internet"));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=2:" /* being established after restart */
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=0 U=0)"
-		" @21955\n"
-		"TEI=1:" /* invalidated due to restart */
-		" (uninitialized) (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @21945\n"
-		));
-	/* An "out-of-band" delete request should have been sent to the GGSN
-	 * (checked by expected log output in gtphub_test.ok), and the GGSN
-	 * will (usually) send a Delete Response like this: */
-	const char *gtp_del_resp_from_ggsn =
-		MSG_DEL_PDP_CTX_RSP("00000001", "6d32");
-	/* For this response (due to peer restart) we expect no forwarded
-	 * message. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_ggsn_c(&resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    &sgsn_sender,
-				    gtp_del_resp_from_ggsn,
-				    ""));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=2:" /* still being established after restart */
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=0 U=0)"
-		" @21955\n"
-		));
-	const char *gtp_resp_from_ggsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_RSP("004e",
-				"00000002", /* destination TEI (sent in req above) */
-				"6d33", /* mapped seq */
-				"01", /* restart */
-				"00000def", /* TEI U */
-				"00000fde", /* TEI C */
-				"0004""c0a82b22", /* GSN addresses */
-				"0004""c0a82b22"  /* (== resolved_ggsn_addr) */
-			       );
-	const char *gtp_resp_to_sgsn =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_RSP("004e",
-				"00000321", /* unmapped TEI ("005") */
-				"1234", /* unmapped seq ("6d33") */
-				"23",
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI from GGSN ("567") */
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI from GGSN ("765") */
-				"0004""7f000101", /* gtphub's address towards SGSNs (Ctrl) */
-				"0004""7f000102" /* gtphub's address towards SGSNs (User) */
-			       );
-	/* The response should go back to whichever port the request came from
-	 * (unmapped by sequence nr) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_ggsn_c(&resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    &sgsn_sender,
-				    gtp_resp_from_ggsn,
-				    gtp_resp_to_sgsn));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=2:" /* still being established after restart */
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=fde U=def)"
-		" @21955\n"
-		));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(clear_test_hub());
-static void test_sgsn_behind_nat(void)
-	LOG("test_user_data");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(setup_test_hub());
-	hub->sgsn_use_sender = 1; /* <-- Main difference to test_user_data() */
-	resolve_to_sgsn("", 423); /* Same as sender */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(create_pdp_ctx());
-	/* now == 345; now + (6 * 60 * 60) == 21600 + 345 == 21945. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @21945\n"));
-	LOG("- user data starts");
-	/* Now expect default port numbers for User plane -- except SGSN. */
-	resolve_to_ggsn("", 2152);
-	/* 10 minutes later */
-	now += 600;
-	const char *u_from_ggsn =
-		"32" 	/* 0b001'1 0010: version 1, protocol GTP, with seq nr */
-		"ff"	/* type 255: G-PDU */
-		"0058"	/* length: 88 + 8 octets == 96 */
-		"00000001" /* mapped User TEI for SGSN from create_pdp_ctx() */
-		"0070"	/* seq */
-		"0000"	/* No extensions */
-		/* User data (ICMP packet), 96 - 12 = 84 octets  */
-		"45000054daee40004001f7890a172a010a172a02080060d23f590071e3f8"
-		"4156000000007241010000000000101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f"
-		"202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f3031323334353637"
-		;
-	const char *u_to_sgsn =
-		"32" 	/* 0b001'1 0010: version 1, protocol GTP, with seq nr */
-		"ff"	/* type 255: G-PDU */
-		"0058"	/* length: 88 + 8 octets == 96 */
-		"00000123" /* unmapped User TEI */
-		"6d31"	/* new mapped seq */
-		"0000"
-		"45000054daee40004001f7890a172a010a172a02080060d23f590071e3f8"
-		"4156000000007241010000000000101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f"
-		"202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f3031323334353637"
-		;
-	/* This depends on create_pdp_ctx() sending resolved_sgsn_addr as GSN
-	 * Address IEs in the GGSN's Create PDP Ctx Response. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_ggsn_u(&ggsn_sender,
-				    &resolved_sgsn_addr,
-				    u_from_ggsn,
-				    u_to_sgsn));
-	/* Make sure the user plane messages have refreshed the TEI mapping
-	 * timeouts: 21945 + 600 == 22545. */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @22545\n"));
-	const char *u_from_sgsn =
-		"32" 	/* 0b001'1 0010: version 1, protocol GTP, with seq nr */
-		"ff"	/* type 255: G-PDU */
-		"0058"	/* length: 88 + 8 octets == 96 */
-		"00000001" /* mapped User TEI for GGSN from create_pdp_ctx() */
-		"1234"	/* unknown seq */
-		"0000"	/* No extensions */
-		/* User data (ICMP packet), 96 - 12 = 84 octets  */
-		"45000054daee40004001f7890a172a010a172a02080060d23f590071e3f8"
-		"4156000000007241010000000000101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f"
-		"202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f3031323334353637"
-		;
-	const char *u_to_ggsn =
-		"32" 	/* 0b001'1 0010: version 1, protocol GTP, with seq nr */
-		"ff"	/* type 255: G-PDU */
-		"0058"	/* length: 88 + 8 octets == 96 */
-		"00000567" /* unmapped User TEI */
-		"6d31"	/* unmapped seq */
-		"0000"
-		"45000054daee40004001f7890a172a010a172a02080060d23f590071e3f8"
-		"4156000000007241010000000000101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f"
-		"202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f3031323334353637"
-		;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_sgsn_u(&sgsn_sender,
-				    &resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    u_from_sgsn,
-				    u_to_ggsn));
-	/* Make sure the user plane messages have refreshed the TEI mapping
-	 * timeouts: 21945 + 600 == 22545. Both timeouts refreshed: */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @22545\n"));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(clear_test_hub());
-void test_parallel_context_creation(void)
-	LOG("test_parallel_context_creation");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(setup_test_hub());
-	const char *gtp_req_from_sgsn1 =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_REQ("0068",
-				"abcd",
-				"60",
-				"42000121436587f9",
-				"00000123",
-				"00000321",
-				"0009""08696e7465726e6574", /* "(8)internet" */
-				"0004""c0a82a17", /* same as default sgsn_sender */
-				"0004""c0a82a17"
-			       );
-	const char *gtp_req_to_ggsn1 =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_REQ("0068",
-				"6d31",	/* mapped seq ("abcd") */
-				"23",
-				"42000121436587f9",
-				"00000001", /* mapped TEI Data I ("123") */
-				"00000001", /* mapped TEI Control ("321") */
-				"0009""08696e7465726e6574",
-				"0004""7f000201", /* replaced with gtphub's ggsn ctrl */
-				"0004""7f000202" /* replaced with gtphub's ggsn user */
-			       );
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_sgsn_c(&sgsn_sender,
-				    &resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    gtp_req_from_sgsn1,
-				    gtp_req_to_ggsn1));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=0 U=0)"
-		" @21945\n"));
-	now ++;
-	const char *gtp_req_from_sgsn2 =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_REQ("0068",
-				"abce",
-				"60",
-				"42000121436588f9",
-				"00000124",
-				"00000322",
-				"0009""08696e7465726e6574", /* "(8)internet" */
-				"0004""c0a82a17", /* same as default sgsn_sender */
-				"0004""c0a82a17"
-			       );
-	const char *gtp_req_to_ggsn2 =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_REQ("0068",
-				"6d32",	/* mapped seq ("abce") */
-				"23",
-				"42000121436588f9",
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI Data I ("124") */
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI Control ("322") */
-				"0009""08696e7465726e6574",
-				"0004""7f000201", /* replaced with gtphub's ggsn ctrl */
-				"0004""7f000202" /* replaced with gtphub's ggsn user */
-			       );
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_sgsn_c(&sgsn_sender,
-				    &resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    gtp_req_from_sgsn2,
-				    gtp_req_to_ggsn2));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=2:"
-		" (TEI C=322 U=124)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=0 U=0)"
-		" @21946\n"
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=0 U=0)"
-		" @21945\n"
-		));
-	now ++;
-	const char *gtp_resp_from_ggsn1 =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_RSP("004e",
-				"00000001", /* destination TEI (sent in req above) */
-				"6d31", /* mapped seq */
-				"01", /* restart */
-				"00000567", /* TEI U */
-				"00000765", /* TEI C */
-				"0004""c0a82b22", /* GSN addresses */
-				"0004""c0a82b22"  /* (== resolved_ggsn_addr) */
-			       );
-	const char *gtp_resp_to_sgsn1 =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_RSP("004e",
-				"00000321", /* unmapped TEI ("001") */
-				"abcd", /* unmapped seq ("6d31") */
-				"23",
-				"00000001", /* mapped TEI from GGSN ("567") */
-				"00000001", /* mapped TEI from GGSN ("765") */
-				"0004""7f000101", /* gtphub's address towards SGSNs (Ctrl) */
-				"0004""7f000102" /* gtphub's address towards SGSNs (User) */
-			       );
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_ggsn_c(&resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    &sgsn_sender,
-				    gtp_resp_from_ggsn1,
-				    gtp_resp_to_sgsn1));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=2:"
-		" (TEI C=322 U=124)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=0 U=0)"
-		" @21946\n"
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @21947\n"
-		));
-	now ++;
-	const char *gtp_resp_from_ggsn2 =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_RSP("004e",
-				"00000002", /* destination TEI (sent in req above) */
-				"6d32", /* mapped seq */
-				"01", /* restart */
-				"00000568", /* TEI U */
-				"00000766", /* TEI C */
-				"0004""c0a82b22", /* GSN addresses */
-				"0004""c0a82b22"  /* (== resolved_ggsn_addr) */
-			       );
-	const char *gtp_resp_to_sgsn2 =
-		MSG_PDP_CTX_RSP("004e",
-				"00000322", /* unmapped TEI ("001") */
-				"abce", /* unmapped seq ("6d31") */
-				"23",
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI from GGSN ("567") */
-				"00000002", /* mapped TEI from GGSN ("765") */
-				"0004""7f000101", /* gtphub's address towards SGSNs (Ctrl) */
-				"0004""7f000102" /* gtphub's address towards SGSNs (User) */
-			       );
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_from_ggsn_c(&resolved_ggsn_addr,
-				    &sgsn_sender,
-				    gtp_resp_from_ggsn2,
-				    gtp_resp_to_sgsn2));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tunnels_are(
-		"TEI=2:"
-		" (TEI C=322 U=124)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=766 U=568)"
-		" @21948\n"
-		"TEI=1:"
-		" (TEI C=321 U=123)"
-		" <-> (TEI C=765 U=567)"
-		" @21947\n"
-		));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(clear_test_hub());
-static struct log_info_cat gtphub_categories[] = {
-	[DGTPHUB] = {
-		.name = "DGTPHUB",
-		.description = "GTP Hub",
-		.color = "\033[1;33m",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-static struct log_info info = {
-	.cat = gtphub_categories,
-	.num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(gtphub_categories),
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	osmo_init_logging(&info);
-	osmo_gtphub_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "osmo_gtphub");
-	test_nr_map_basic();
-	test_nr_map_wrap();
-	test_expiry();
-	test_echo();
-	test_one_pdp_ctx(GTPH_SIDE_SGSN);
-	test_one_pdp_ctx(GTPH_SIDE_GGSN);
-	test_user_data();
-	test_reused_tei();
-	test_peer_restarted();
-	test_peer_restarted_reusing_tei();
-	test_sgsn_behind_nat();
-	test_parallel_context_creation();
-	printf("Done\n");
-	talloc_report_full(osmo_gtphub_ctx, stderr);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(talloc_total_blocks(osmo_gtphub_ctx) == 1);
-	return 0;
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/gtphub/gtphub_test.ok b/openbsc/tests/gtphub/gtphub_test.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index e60d5f2..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/gtphub/gtphub_test.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-test_one_pdp_ctx (del from SGSN)
-- __wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr():
-  returning GGSN addr from imsi 240010123456789 ni internet: port 2123
-test_one_pdp_ctx (del from GGSN)
-- __wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr():
-  returning GGSN addr from imsi 240010123456789 ni internet: port 2123
-- __wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr():
-  returning GGSN addr from imsi 240010123456789 ni internet: port 2123
-- user data starts
-- __wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr():
-  returning GGSN addr from imsi 240010123456789 ni internet: port 2123
-- __wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr():
-  returning GGSN addr from imsi 240010123456789 ni internet: port 2123
-- __wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr():
-  returning GGSN addr from imsi 240010123456789 ni internet: port 2123
-Out-of-band gtphub_write(16):
-to port 2123
-32 14 00 08 00 00 07 65 6d 32 00 00 13 ff 14 00 
-- __wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr():
-  returning GGSN addr from imsi 240010123456789 ni internet: port 2123
-- __wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr():
-  returning GGSN addr from imsi 240010123456789 ni internet: port 2123
-Out-of-band gtphub_write(16):
-to port 2123
-32 14 00 08 00 00 07 65 6d 32 00 00 13 ff 14 00 
-- __wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr():
-  returning GGSN addr from imsi 240010123456789 ni internet: port 2123
-- __wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr():
-  returning GGSN addr from imsi 240010123456789 ni internet: port 2123
-- user data starts
-- __wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr():
-  returning GGSN addr from imsi 240010123456789 ni internet: port 2123
-- __wrap_gtphub_resolve_ggsn_addr():
-  returning GGSN addr from imsi 240010123456889 ni internet: port 2123
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/nanobts_omlattr/nanobts_omlattr_test.c b/openbsc/tests/nanobts_omlattr/nanobts_omlattr_test.c
index 5c6e519..ec3eb2c 100644
--- a/openbsc/tests/nanobts_omlattr/nanobts_omlattr_test.c
+++ b/openbsc/tests/nanobts_omlattr/nanobts_omlattr_test.c
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc_xid.h>
 #include <openbsc/debug.h>
 #include <openbsc/gsm_data.h>
 #include <openbsc/bts_ipaccess_nanobts_omlattr.h>
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/oap/ b/openbsc/tests/oap/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bb672d..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/oap/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-	$(all_includes) \
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/include \
-	$(NULL)
-	-Wall \
-	-ggdb3 \
-	$(NULL)
-	oap_client_test.ok \
-	oap_client_test.err \
-	$(NULL)
-noinst_PROGRAMS = \
-	oap_client_test \
-	$(NULL)
-oap_client_test_SOURCES = \
-	oap_client_test.c \
-	$(NULL)
-oap_client_test_LDADD = \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_utils.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libcommon/libcommon.a \
-	-lrt
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/oap/oap_client_test.c b/openbsc/tests/oap/oap_client_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e6501cb..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/oap/oap_client_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-/* Test Osmocom Authentication Protocol */
- * (C) 2015 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/oap.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/oap_client.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-static void test_oap_api(void)
-	printf("Testing OAP API\n");
-	struct oap_client_config _config;
-	struct oap_client_config *config = &_config;
-	struct oap_client_state _state;
-	struct oap_client_state *state = &_state;
-	struct osmo_oap_message oap_rx;
-	struct msgb *msg_rx;
-	struct osmo_oap_message oap_tx;
-	struct msgb *msg_tx;
-	memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config));
-	memset(state, 0, sizeof(*state));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(osmo_hexparse("0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10", config->secret_k, 16) == 16);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(osmo_hexparse("1112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f20", config->secret_opc, 16) == 16);
-	fprintf(stderr, "- make sure filling with zeros means uninitialized\n");
-	fprintf(stderr, "- reject messages in uninitialized state\n");
-	memset(&oap_rx, 0, sizeof(oap_rx));
-	state->client_id = 1;
-	oap_rx.message_type = OAP_MSGT_REGISTER_ERROR;
-	msg_rx = oap_client_encoded(&oap_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_client_handle(state, msg_rx, &msg_tx) < 0);
-	msgb_free(msg_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!msg_tx);
-	fprintf(stderr, "- NULL config should disable\n");
-	OSMO_ASSERT( oap_client_init(NULL, state) == 0 );
-	OSMO_ASSERT(state->state == OAP_DISABLED);
-	fprintf(stderr, "- reject messages in disabled state\n");
-	memset(state, 0, sizeof(*state));
-	memset(&oap_rx, 0, sizeof(oap_rx));
-	state->state = OAP_DISABLED;
-	state->client_id = 1;
-	oap_rx.message_type = OAP_MSGT_REGISTER_ERROR;
-	msg_rx = oap_client_encoded(&oap_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_client_handle(state, msg_rx, &msg_tx) < 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(state->state == OAP_DISABLED);
-	msgb_free(msg_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!msg_tx);
-	fprintf(stderr, "- invalid client_id and shared secret\n");
-	memset(state, 0, sizeof(*state));
-	config->client_id = 0;
-	config->secret_k_present = 0;
-	config->secret_opc_present = 0;
-	OSMO_ASSERT( oap_client_init(config, state) == 0 );
-	OSMO_ASSERT(state->state == OAP_DISABLED);
-	fprintf(stderr, "- reset state\n");
-	memset(state, 0, sizeof(*state));
-	fprintf(stderr, "- only client_id is invalid\n");
-	config->client_id = 0;
-	config->secret_k_present = 1;
-	config->secret_opc_present = 1;
-	OSMO_ASSERT( oap_client_init(config, state) == 0 );
-	OSMO_ASSERT(state->state == OAP_DISABLED);
-	memset(state, 0, sizeof(*state));
-	fprintf(stderr, "- valid id, but omitted shared_secret (1/2)\n");
-	config->client_id = 12345;
-	config->secret_k_present = 0;
-	config->secret_opc_present = 1;
-	OSMO_ASSERT( oap_client_init(config, state) == 0 );
-	OSMO_ASSERT(state->state == OAP_DISABLED);
-	memset(state, 0, sizeof(*state));
-	fprintf(stderr, "- valid id, but omitted shared_secret (2/2)\n");
-	config->client_id = 12345;
-	config->secret_k_present = 1;
-	config->secret_opc_present = 0;
-	OSMO_ASSERT( oap_client_init(config, state) == 0 );
-	OSMO_ASSERT(state->state == OAP_DISABLED);
-	memset(state, 0, sizeof(*state));
-	fprintf(stderr, "- mint configuration\n");
-	config->client_id = 12345;
-	config->secret_k_present = 1;
-	config->secret_opc_present = 1;
-	/*config->secret_* buffers are still set from the top */
-	OSMO_ASSERT( oap_client_init(config, state) == 0 );
-	fprintf(stderr, "- Missing challenge data\n");
-	memset(&oap_rx, 0, sizeof(oap_rx));
-	oap_rx.message_type = OAP_MSGT_CHALLENGE_REQUEST;
-	oap_rx.rand_present = 0;
-	oap_rx.autn_present = 0;
-	msg_rx = oap_client_encoded(&oap_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_client_handle(state, msg_rx, &msg_tx) == -2);
-	msgb_free(msg_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!msg_tx);
-	fprintf(stderr, "- AUTN missing\n");
-	osmo_hexparse("0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10",
-		      oap_rx.rand, 16);
-	oap_rx.rand_present = 1;
-	msg_rx = oap_client_encoded(&oap_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_client_handle(state, msg_rx, &msg_tx) == -2);
-	msgb_free(msg_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!msg_tx);
-	fprintf(stderr, "- RAND missing\n");
-	oap_rx.rand_present = 0;
-	osmo_hexparse("cec4e3848a33000086781158ca40f136",
-		      oap_rx.autn, 16);
-	oap_rx.autn_present = 1;
-	msg_rx = oap_client_encoded(&oap_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_client_handle(state, msg_rx, &msg_tx) == -2);
-	msgb_free(msg_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!msg_tx);
-	fprintf(stderr, "- wrong autn (by one bit)\n");
-	osmo_hexparse("0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10",
-		      oap_rx.rand, 16);
-	osmo_hexparse("dec4e3848a33000086781158ca40f136",
-		      oap_rx.autn, 16);
-	oap_rx.rand_present = 1;
-	oap_rx.autn_present = 1;
-	msg_rx = oap_client_encoded(&oap_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_client_handle(state, msg_rx, &msg_tx) == -2);
-	msgb_free(msg_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!msg_tx);
-	fprintf(stderr, "- all data correct\n");
-	osmo_hexparse("cec4e3848a33000086781158ca40f136",
-		      oap_rx.autn, 16);
-	msg_rx = oap_client_encoded(&oap_rx);
-	fprintf(stderr, "- but refuse to evaluate in uninitialized state\n");
-	state->state = OAP_UNINITIALIZED;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_client_handle(state, msg_rx, &msg_tx) < 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!msg_tx);
-	state->state = OAP_DISABLED;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_client_handle(state, msg_rx, &msg_tx) < 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!msg_tx);
-	state->state = OAP_INITIALIZED;
-	fprintf(stderr, "- now everything is correct\n");
-	/* a successful return value here indicates correct autn */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_client_handle(state, msg_rx, &msg_tx) == 0);
-	msgb_free(msg_rx);
-	fprintf(stderr, "- Expect the challenge response in msg_tx\n");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_tx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(osmo_oap_decode(&oap_tx, msg_tx->data, msg_tx->len) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_tx.message_type == OAP_MSGT_CHALLENGE_RESULT);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(strcmp("e2d05b598c61d9ba",
-			   osmo_hexdump_nospc(oap_tx.xres, sizeof(oap_tx.xres)))
-		    == 0);
-	msgb_free(msg_tx);
-	msg_tx = 0;
-	struct oap_client_state saved_state = _state;
-	fprintf(stderr, "- Receive registration error for the first time.\n");
-	memset(&oap_rx, 0, sizeof(oap_rx));
-	oap_rx.message_type = OAP_MSGT_REGISTER_ERROR;
-	oap_rx.cause = GMM_CAUSE_PROTO_ERR_UNSPEC;
-	msg_rx = oap_client_encoded(&oap_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(state->registration_failures == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_client_handle(state, msg_rx, &msg_tx) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(state->registration_failures == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg_tx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(osmo_oap_decode(&oap_tx, msg_tx->data, msg_tx->len) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_tx.message_type == OAP_MSGT_REGISTER_REQUEST);
-	msgb_free(msg_tx);
-	msg_tx = 0;
-	fprintf(stderr, "- Receive registration error for the Nth time.\n");
-	state->registration_failures = 999;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_client_handle(state, msg_rx, &msg_tx) == -11);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!msg_tx);
-	msgb_free(msg_tx);
-	msg_tx = 0;
-	msgb_free(msg_rx);
-	fprintf(stderr, "- Registration success\n");
-	_state = saved_state;
-	memset(&oap_rx, 0, sizeof(oap_rx));
-	oap_rx.message_type = OAP_MSGT_REGISTER_RESULT;
-	msg_rx = oap_client_encoded(&oap_rx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(oap_client_handle(state, msg_rx, &msg_tx) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!msg_tx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(state->state == OAP_REGISTERED);
-	msgb_free(msg_rx);
-static struct log_info_cat oap_client_test_categories[] = {
-static struct log_info info = {
-	.cat = oap_client_test_categories,
-	.num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(oap_client_test_categories),
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	msgb_talloc_ctx_init(NULL, 0);
-	osmo_init_logging(&info);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(osmo_stderr_target);
-	log_set_use_color(osmo_stderr_target, 0);
-	log_set_print_timestamp(osmo_stderr_target, 0);
-	log_set_print_filename(osmo_stderr_target, 0);
-	log_set_print_category(osmo_stderr_target, 1);
-	log_parse_category_mask(osmo_stderr_target, "DLOAP,1");
-	test_oap_api();
-	printf("Done\n");
-	return 0;
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/oap/oap_client_test.err b/openbsc/tests/oap/oap_client_test.err
deleted file mode 100644
index 62ddc9e..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/oap/oap_client_test.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-- make sure filling with zeros means uninitialized
-- reject messages in uninitialized state
-DLOAP Received OAP message 5, but the OAP client is not initialized
-- NULL config should disable
-- reject messages in disabled state
-DLOAP Received OAP message 5, but the OAP client is disabled
-- invalid client_id and shared secret
-- reset state
-- only client_id is invalid
-- valid id, but omitted shared_secret (1/2)
-DLOAP OAP: client ID set, but secret K missing.
-- valid id, but omitted shared_secret (2/2)
-DLOAP OAP: client ID set, but secret OPC missing.
-- mint configuration
-- Missing challenge data
-DLOAP OAP challenge incomplete (rand_present: 0, autn_present: 0)
-- AUTN missing
-DLOAP OAP challenge incomplete (rand_present: 1, autn_present: 0)
-- RAND missing
-DLOAP OAP challenge incomplete (rand_present: 0, autn_present: 1)
-- wrong autn (by one bit)
-DLOAP OAP: AUTN mismatch!
-DLOAP OAP: AUTN from server: dec4e3848a33000086781158ca40f136
-DLOAP OAP: AUTN expected:    cec4e3848a33000086781158ca40f136
-- all data correct
-- but refuse to evaluate in uninitialized state
-DLOAP Received OAP message 8, but the OAP client is not initialized
-DLOAP Received OAP message 8, but the OAP client is disabled
-- now everything is correct
-- Expect the challenge response in msg_tx
-- Receive registration error for the first time.
-DLOAP OAP registration failed
-- Receive registration error for the Nth time.
-DLOAP OAP registration failed
-- Registration success
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/oap/oap_client_test.ok b/openbsc/tests/oap/oap_client_test.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index 59108a7..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/oap/oap_client_test.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Testing OAP API
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/sgsn/ b/openbsc/tests/sgsn/
deleted file mode 100644
index f1606cb..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/sgsn/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-	$(all_includes) \
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/include \
-	$(NULL)
-	-Wall \
-	-ggdb3 \
-	$(NULL)
-	$(NULL)
-	sgsn_test.ok \
-	$(NULL)
-noinst_PROGRAMS = \
-	sgsn_test \
-	$(NULL)
-sgsn_test_SOURCES = \
-	sgsn_test.c \
-	$(NULL)
-sgsn_test_LDFLAGS = \
-	-Wl,--wrap=RAND_bytes \
-	-Wl,--wrap=sgsn_update_subscriber_data \
-	-Wl,--wrap=gprs_subscr_request_update_location \
-	-Wl,--wrap=gprs_subscr_request_auth_info \
-	-Wl,--wrap=gsup_client_send \
-	$(NULL)
-sgsn_test_LDADD = \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_llc_parse.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_llc.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/crc24.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_gmm.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_sgsn.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/sgsn_vty.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/sgsn_libgtp.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/sgsn_auth.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/sgsn_ares.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_utils.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_subscriber.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_gb_parse.o \
-        $(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_llc_xid.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_xid.o \
-        $(top_builddir)/src/gprs/slhc.o \
-        $(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_comp.o \
-        $(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_pcomp.o \
-        $(top_builddir)/src/gprs/v42bis.o \
-        $(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_dcomp.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libcommon/libcommon.a \
-	-lrt \
-	-lm \
-	$(NULL)
-sgsn_test_LDADD += \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libiu/libiu.a \
-	$(NULL)
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/sgsn/sgsn_test.c b/openbsc/tests/sgsn/sgsn_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d66c5dd..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/sgsn/sgsn_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2487 +0,0 @@
-/* Test the SGSN */
- * (C) 2014 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * (C) 2014 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc.h>
-#include <openbsc/sgsn.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gmm.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_subscriber.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsup.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsup_client.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_utils.h>
-#include <openbsc/gprs_gb_parse.h>
-#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm_utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-void *tall_bsc_ctx;
-static struct sgsn_instance sgsn_inst = {
-	.config_file = "osmo_sgsn.cfg",
-	.cfg = {
-		.gtp_statedir = "./",
-		.auth_policy = SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_CLOSED,
-	},
-struct sgsn_instance *sgsn = &sgsn_inst;
-unsigned sgsn_tx_counter = 0;
-struct msgb *last_msg = NULL;
-struct gprs_gb_parse_context last_dl_parse_ctx;
-static void reset_last_msg()
-	if (last_msg)
-		msgb_free(last_msg);
-	last_msg = NULL;
-	memset(&last_dl_parse_ctx, 0, sizeof(last_dl_parse_ctx));
-static void cleanup_test()
-	reset_last_msg();
-static uint32_t get_new_ptmsi(const struct gprs_gb_parse_context *parse_ctx)
-	uint32_t new_ptmsi = GSM_RESERVED_TMSI;
-	if (parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc)
-		gprs_parse_tmsi(parse_ctx->new_ptmsi_enc, &new_ptmsi);
-	return new_ptmsi;
-/* override */
-int bssgp_tx_dl_ud(struct msgb *msg, uint16_t pdu_lifetime,
-		   struct bssgp_dl_ud_par *dup)
-	int rc;
-	reset_last_msg();
-	last_msg = msg;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msgb_data(last_msg) != NULL);
-	rc = gprs_gb_parse_llc(msgb_data(last_msg), msgb_length(last_msg),
-		&last_dl_parse_ctx);
-	fprintf(stderr, "Got DL LLC message: %s\n",
-		gprs_gb_message_name(&last_dl_parse_ctx, "UNKNOWN"));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc > 0);
-	sgsn_tx_counter += 1;
-	return 0;
-/* override, requires '-Wl,--wrap=RAND_bytes' */
-int __real_RAND_bytes(unsigned char *buf, int num);
-int mock_RAND_bytes(unsigned char *buf, int num);
-int (*RAND_bytes_cb)(unsigned char *, int) =
-  &mock_RAND_bytes;
-int __wrap_RAND_bytes(unsigned char *buf, int num)
-	return (*RAND_bytes_cb)(buf, num);
-/* make results of A&C ref predictable */
-int mock_RAND_bytes(unsigned char *buf, int num)
-	if (num > 1)
-		return __real_RAND_bytes(buf, num);
-	buf[0] = 0;
-	return 1;
-/* override, requires '-Wl,--wrap=sgsn_update_subscriber_data' */
-void __real_sgsn_update_subscriber_data(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *);
-void (*update_subscriber_data_cb)(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *) =
-    &__real_sgsn_update_subscriber_data;
-void __wrap_sgsn_update_subscriber_data(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	(*update_subscriber_data_cb)(mmctx);
-/* override, requires '-Wl,--wrap=gprs_subscr_request_update_location' */
-int __real_gprs_subscr_request_update_location(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx);
-int (*subscr_request_update_location_cb)(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx) =
-	&__real_gprs_subscr_request_update_location;
-int __wrap_gprs_subscr_request_update_location(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx) {
-	return (*subscr_request_update_location_cb)(mmctx);
-/* override, requires '-Wl,--wrap=gprs_subscr_request_auth_info' */
-int __real_gprs_subscr_request_auth_info(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, const uint8_t *auts, const uint8_t *auts_rand);
-int (*subscr_request_auth_info_cb)(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, const uint8_t *auts, const uint8_t *auts_rand) =
-	&__real_gprs_subscr_request_auth_info;
-int __wrap_gprs_subscr_request_auth_info(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, const uint8_t *auts, const uint8_t *auts_rand) {
-	return (*subscr_request_auth_info_cb)(mmctx, auts, auts_rand);
-/* override, requires '-Wl,--wrap=gsup_client_send' */
-int __real_gsup_client_send(struct gsup_client *gsupc, struct msgb *msg);
-int (*gsup_client_send_cb)(struct gsup_client *gsupc, struct msgb *msg) =
-	&__real_gsup_client_send;
-int __wrap_gsup_client_send(struct gsup_client *gsupc, struct msgb *msg)
-	return (*gsup_client_send_cb)(gsupc, msg);
-static int count(struct llist_head *head)
-	struct llist_head *cur;
-	int count = 0;
-	llist_for_each(cur, head)
-		count += 1;
-	return count;		
-static struct msgb *create_msg(const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
-	struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc(len + 8, "test message");
-	msg->l1h = msgb_put(msg, 8);
-	msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, len);
-	memcpy(msg->l2h, data, len);
-	msgb_bcid(msg) = msg->l1h;
-	msgb_gmmh(msg) = msg->l2h;
-	return msg;
- * Create a context and search for it
- */
-static struct sgsn_mm_ctx *alloc_mm_ctx(uint32_t tlli, struct gprs_ra_id *raid)
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, *ictx;
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	int old_count = count(gprs_llme_list());
-	lle = gprs_lle_get_or_create(tlli, 3);
-	ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_alloc_gb(tlli, raid);
-	ctx->gmm_state = GMM_REGISTERED_NORMAL;
-	ctx->gb.llme = lle->llme;
-	ictx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(tlli, raid);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ictx == ctx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == old_count + 1);
-	return ctx;
-static void send_0408_message(struct gprs_llc_llme *llme, uint32_t tlli,
-			      const struct gprs_ra_id *bssgp_raid,
-			      const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len)
-	struct msgb *msg;
-	reset_last_msg();
-	sgsn_tx_counter = 0;
-	msg = create_msg(data, data_len);
-	msgb_tlli(msg) = tlli;
-	bssgp_create_cell_id(msgb_bcid(msg), bssgp_raid, 0);
-	gsm0408_gprs_rcvmsg_gb(msg, llme, false);
-	msgb_free(msg);
-static void test_llme(void)
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle, *lle_copy;
-	uint32_t local_tlli;
-	printf("Testing LLME allocations\n");
-	local_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(0x234, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	/* initial state */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	/* Create a new entry */
-	lle = gprs_lle_get_or_create(local_tlli, 3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 1);
-	/* No new entry is created */
-	lle_copy = gprs_lle_get_or_create(local_tlli, 3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(lle == lle_copy);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 1);
-	/* unassign which should delete it*/
-	gprs_llgmm_unassign(lle->llme);
-	/* Check that everything was cleaned up */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	cleanup_test();
-struct gprs_subscr *last_updated_subscr = NULL;
-void my_dummy_sgsn_update_subscriber_data(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	OSMO_ASSERT(mmctx);
-	fprintf(stderr, "Called %s, mmctx = %p, subscr = %p\n",
-		__func__, mmctx, mmctx->subscr);
-	last_updated_subscr = mmctx->subscr;
-static void assert_subscr(const struct gprs_subscr *subscr, const char *imsi)
-	struct gprs_subscr *sfound;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(subscr);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(strcmp(subscr->imsi, imsi) == 0);
-	sfound = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sfound == subscr);
-	gprs_subscr_put(sfound);
-static void show_subscrs(FILE *out)
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	llist_for_each_entry(subscr, gprs_subscribers, entry) {
-		fprintf(out, "  Subscriber: %s, "
-			"use count: %d\n",
-			subscr->imsi, subscr->use_count);
-	}
-static void assert_no_subscrs()
-	show_subscrs(stdout);
-	fflush(stdout);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(llist_empty(gprs_subscribers));
-#define VERBOSE_ASSERT(val, expect_op, fmt) \
-	do { \
-		printf(#val " == " fmt "\n", (val)); \
-		OSMO_ASSERT((val) expect_op); \
-	} while (0);
-static void test_subscriber(void)
-	struct gprs_subscr *s1, *s2, *s3;
-	const char *imsi1 = "1234567890";
-	const char *imsi2 = "9876543210";
-	const char *imsi3 = "5656565656";
-	update_subscriber_data_cb = my_dummy_sgsn_update_subscriber_data;
-	printf("Testing core subscriber data API\n");
-	/* Check for emptiness */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi1) == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi2) == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi3) == NULL);
-	VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(gprs_subscribers), == 0, "%d");
-	/* Allocate entry 1 */
-	s1 = gprs_subscr_get_or_create(imsi1);
-	VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(gprs_subscribers), == 1, "%d");
-	assert_subscr(s1, imsi1);
-	VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(gprs_subscribers), == 1, "%d");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi2) == NULL);
-	/* Allocate entry 2 */
-	s2 = gprs_subscr_get_or_create(imsi2);
-	VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(gprs_subscribers), == 2, "%d");
-	/* Allocate entry 3 */
-	s3 = gprs_subscr_get_or_create(imsi3);
-	VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(gprs_subscribers), == 3, "%d");
-	/* Check entries */
-	assert_subscr(s1, imsi1);
-	assert_subscr(s2, imsi2);
-	assert_subscr(s3, imsi3);
-	/* Update entry 1 */
-	last_updated_subscr = NULL;
-	gprs_subscr_update(s1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_updated_subscr == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->mm == NULL);
-	/* There is no subscriber cache. Verify it */
-	gprs_subscr_cleanup(s1);
-	gprs_subscr_put(s1);
-	s1 = NULL;
-	VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(gprs_subscribers), == 2, "%d");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi1) == NULL);
-	assert_subscr(s2, imsi2);
-	assert_subscr(s3, imsi3);
-	/* Free entry 2 (GPRS_SUBSCRIBER_FIRST_CONTACT is set) */
-	gprs_subscr_cleanup(s2);
-	gprs_subscr_put(s2);
-	s2 = NULL;
-	VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(gprs_subscribers), == 1, "%d");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi1) == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi2) == NULL);
-	assert_subscr(s3, imsi3);
-	/* Try to delete entry 3 */
-	gprs_subscr_cleanup(s3);
-	gprs_subscr_put(s3);
-	s3 = NULL;
-	VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(gprs_subscribers), == 0, "%d");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi3) == NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(llist_empty(gprs_subscribers));
-	update_subscriber_data_cb = __real_sgsn_update_subscriber_data;
-	cleanup_test();
-static void test_auth_triplets(void)
-	struct gprs_subscr *s1, *s1found;
-	const char *imsi1 = "1234567890";
-	struct gsm_auth_tuple *at;
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx;
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid = { 0, };
-	uint32_t local_tlli = 0xffeeddcc;
-	printf("Testing authentication triplet handling\n");
-	/* Check for emptiness */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi1) == NULL);
-	/* Allocate entry 1 */
-	s1 = gprs_subscr_get_or_create(imsi1);
-	s1found = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1found == s1);
-	gprs_subscr_put(s1found);
-	/* Create a context */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	ctx = alloc_mm_ctx(local_tlli, &raid);
-	/* Attach s1 to ctx */
-	ctx->subscr = gprs_subscr_get(s1);
-	ctx->subscr->sgsn_data->mm = ctx;
-	/* Try to get auth tuple */
-	at = sgsn_auth_get_tuple(ctx, GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL);
-	/* Add triplets */
-	s1->sgsn_data->auth_triplets[0].key_seq = 0;
-	s1->sgsn_data->auth_triplets[1].key_seq = 1;
-	s1->sgsn_data->auth_triplets[2].key_seq = 2;
-	/* Try to get auth tuple */
-	at = sgsn_auth_get_tuple(ctx, GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(at->key_seq == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(at->use_count == 1);
-	at = sgsn_auth_get_tuple(ctx, at->key_seq);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(at->key_seq == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(at->use_count == 1);
-	at = sgsn_auth_get_tuple(ctx, at->key_seq);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(at->key_seq == 2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(at->use_count == 1);
-	at = sgsn_auth_get_tuple(ctx, at->key_seq);
-	/* Free MM context and subscriber */
-	gprs_subscr_put(s1);
-	sgsn_mm_ctx_cleanup_free(ctx);
-	s1found = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1found == NULL);
-	cleanup_test();
-#define TEST_GSUP_IMSI1_IE 0x01, 0x05, 0x21, 0x43, 0x65, 0x87, 0x09
-static int rx_gsup_message(const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len)
-	struct msgb *msg;
-	int rc;
-	msg = msgb_alloc(1024, __func__);
-	msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, data_len);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(msg->l2h != NULL);
-	memcpy(msg->l2h, data, data_len);
-	rc = gprs_subscr_rx_gsup_message(msg);
-	msgb_free(msg);
-	return rc;
-static void test_subscriber_gsup(void)
-	struct gprs_subscr *s1, *s1found;
-	const char *imsi1 = "1234567890";
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx;
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid = { 0, };
-	uint32_t local_tlli = 0xffeeddcc;
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data *pdpd;
-	int rc;
-	static const uint8_t send_auth_info_res[] = {
-		0x0a,
-		0x03, 0x22, /* Auth tuple */
-			0x20, 0x10,
-				0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08,
-				0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10,
-			0x21, 0x04,
-				0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24,
-			0x22, 0x08,
-				0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38,
-		0x03, 0x22, /* Auth tuple */
-			0x20, 0x10,
-				0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88,
-				0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x90,
-			0x21, 0x04,
-				0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4,
-			0x22, 0x08,
-				0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8,
-	};
-	static const uint8_t send_auth_info_err[] = {
-		0x09,
-		0x02, 0x01, 0x07 /* GPRS not allowed */
-	};
-#define MSISDN	0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09
-	static const uint8_t s1_msisdn[] = { MSISDN };
-	static const uint8_t update_location_res[] = {
-		0x06,
-		0x08, 0x09, MSISDN,
-		0x04, 0x00, /* PDP info complete */
-		0x05, 0x12,
-			0x10, 0x01, 0x01,
-			0x11, 0x02, 0xf1, 0x21, /* IPv4 */
-			0x12, 0x09, 0x04, 't', 'e', 's', 't', 0x03, 'a', 'p', 'n',
-		0x05, 0x11,
-			0x10, 0x01, 0x02,
-			0x11, 0x02, 0xf1, 0x21, /* IPv4 */
-			0x12, 0x08, 0x03, 'f', 'o', 'o', 0x03, 'a', 'p', 'n',
-	};
-#undef MSISDN
-	static const uint8_t update_location_err[] = {
-		0x05,
-		0x02, 0x01, 0x07 /* GPRS not allowed */
-	};
-	static const uint8_t location_cancellation_req[] = {
-		0x1c,
-		0x06, 0x01, 0x00,
-	};
-	static const uint8_t location_cancellation_req_withdraw[] = {
-		0x1c,
-		0x06, 0x01, 0x01,
-	};
-	static const uint8_t location_cancellation_req_other[] = {
-		0x1c,
-		0x01, 0x05, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x01,
-		0x06, 0x01, 0x00,
-	};
-	static const uint8_t purge_ms_err[] = {
-		0x0d,
-		0x02, 0x01, 0x02, /* IMSI unknown in HLR */
-	};
-	static const uint8_t purge_ms_err_no_cause[] = {
-		0x0d,
-	};
-	static const uint8_t purge_ms_res[] = {
-		0x0e,
-		0x07, 0x00,
-	};
-	static const uint8_t insert_data_req[] = {
-		0x10,
-		0x05, 0x11,
-			0x10, 0x01, 0x03,
-			0x11, 0x02, 0xf1, 0x21, /* IPv4 */
-			0x12, 0x08, 0x03, 'b', 'a', 'r', 0x03, 'a', 'p', 'n',
-	};
-	static const uint8_t delete_data_req[] = {
-		0x14,
-		0x10, 0x01, 0x03,
-	};
-	printf("Testing subscriber GSUP handling\n");
-	update_subscriber_data_cb = my_dummy_sgsn_update_subscriber_data;
-	/* Check for emptiness */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi1) == NULL);
-	/* Allocate entry 1 */
-	s1 = gprs_subscr_get_or_create(imsi1);
-	s1found = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1found == s1);
-	gprs_subscr_put(s1found);
-	/* Create a context */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	ctx = alloc_mm_ctx(local_tlli, &raid);
-	/* Attach s1 to ctx */
-	ctx->subscr = gprs_subscr_get(s1);
-	ctx->subscr->sgsn_data->mm = ctx;
-	/* Inject SendAuthInfoReq GSUP message */
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(send_auth_info_res, sizeof(send_auth_info_res));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_updated_subscr == s1);
-	/* Check triplets */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->auth_triplets[0].key_seq == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->auth_triplets[1].key_seq == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->auth_triplets[2].key_seq == GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL);
-	/* Inject SendAuthInfoErr GSUP message */
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(send_auth_info_err, sizeof(send_auth_info_err));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_updated_subscr == s1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->error_cause == GMM_CAUSE_GPRS_NOTALLOWED);
-	/* Check triplets */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->auth_triplets[0].key_seq == GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->auth_triplets[1].key_seq == GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->auth_triplets[2].key_seq == GSM_KEY_SEQ_INVAL);
-	/* Inject UpdateLocRes GSUP message */
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(update_location_res, sizeof(update_location_res));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_updated_subscr == s1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->error_cause == SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->msisdn_len == sizeof(s1_msisdn));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(memcmp(s1->sgsn_data->msisdn, s1_msisdn, sizeof(s1_msisdn)) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!llist_empty(&s1->sgsn_data->pdp_list));
-	pdpd = llist_entry(s1->sgsn_data->,
-		struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data, list);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(strcmp(pdpd->apn_str, "test.apn") == 0);
-	pdpd = llist_entry(pdpd->,
-		struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data, list);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(strcmp(pdpd->apn_str, "foo.apn") == 0);
-	/* Check authorization */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->authorized == 1);
-	/* Inject UpdateLocErr GSUP message */
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(update_location_err, sizeof(update_location_err));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_updated_subscr == s1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->error_cause == GMM_CAUSE_GPRS_NOTALLOWED);
-	/* Check authorization */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->authorized == 0);
-	/* Inject InsertSubscrData GSUP message */
-	last_updated_subscr = NULL;
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(insert_data_req, sizeof(insert_data_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc == -ENOTSUP);	/* not connected */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_updated_subscr == s1);
-	/* Inject DeleteSubscrData GSUP message */
-	last_updated_subscr = NULL;
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(delete_data_req, sizeof(delete_data_req));
-		printf("Unexpected response to DSD: %d\n", rc);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_updated_subscr == NULL);
-	/* Inject wrong LocCancelReq GSUP message */
-	last_updated_subscr = NULL;
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(location_cancellation_req_other,
-			     sizeof(location_cancellation_req_other));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_updated_subscr == NULL);
-	/* Check cancellation result */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->mm != NULL);
-	/* Inject LocCancelReq GSUP message */
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(location_cancellation_req,
-			     sizeof(location_cancellation_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_updated_subscr == s1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->error_cause == SGSN_ERROR_CAUSE_NONE);
-	/* Check cancellation result */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->mm == NULL);
-	/* Inject LocCancelReq(withdraw) GSUP message */
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(location_cancellation_req_withdraw,
-			     sizeof(location_cancellation_req_withdraw));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1->sgsn_data->error_cause == GMM_CAUSE_IMPL_DETACHED);
-	/* Inject PurgeMsRes GSUP message */
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(purge_ms_res,
-			     sizeof(purge_ms_res));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0);
-	/* Free MM context and subscriber */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->subscr == NULL);
-	sgsn_mm_ctx_cleanup_free(ctx);
-	gprs_subscr_put(s1);
-	s1found = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(s1found == NULL);
-	/* Inject PurgeMsRes GSUP message */
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(purge_ms_res,
-			     sizeof(purge_ms_res));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0);
-	/* Inject PurgeMsErr(IMSI unknown in HLR) GSUP message */
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(purge_ms_err,
-			     sizeof(purge_ms_err));
-	/* Inject PurgeMsErr() GSUP message */
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(purge_ms_err_no_cause,
-			     sizeof(purge_ms_err_no_cause));
-	/* Inject InsertSubscrData GSUP message (unknown IMSI) */
-	last_updated_subscr = NULL;
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(insert_data_req, sizeof(insert_data_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_updated_subscr == NULL);
-	/* Inject DeleteSubscrData GSUP message (unknown IMSI) */
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(delete_data_req, sizeof(delete_data_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_updated_subscr == NULL);
-	/* Inject LocCancelReq GSUP message (unknown IMSI) */
-	rc = rx_gsup_message(location_cancellation_req,
-			     sizeof(location_cancellation_req));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_updated_subscr == NULL);
-	update_subscriber_data_cb = __real_sgsn_update_subscriber_data;
-	cleanup_test();
-int my_gsup_client_send_dummy(struct gsup_client *gsupc, struct msgb *msg)
-	msgb_free(msg);
-	return 0;
- * Test that a GMM Detach will remove the MMCTX and the
- * associated LLME.
- */
-static void test_gmm_detach(void)
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid = { 0, };
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, *ictx;
-	uint32_t local_tlli;
-	printf("Testing GMM detach\n");
-	/* DTAP - Detach Request (MO) */
-	/* normal detach, power_off = 0 */
-	static const unsigned char detach_req[] = {
-		0x08, 0x05, 0x01, 0x18, 0x05, 0xf4, 0xef, 0xe2,
-		0xb7, 0x00, 0x19, 0x03, 0xb9, 0x97, 0xcb
-	};
-	local_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(0x23, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	/* Create a context */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	ctx = alloc_mm_ctx(local_tlli, &raid);
-	/* inject the detach */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, local_tlli, &raid,
-			  detach_req, ARRAY_SIZE(detach_req));
-	/* verify that a single message (hopefully the Detach Accept) has been
-	 * sent by the SGSN */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	/* verify that things are gone */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	ictx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(local_tlli, &raid);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!ictx);
-	cleanup_test();
- * Test that a GMM Detach will remove the MMCTX and the associated LLME but
- * will not sent a Detach Accept message (power_off = 1)
- */
-static void test_gmm_detach_power_off(void)
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid = { 0, };
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx, *ictx;
-	uint32_t local_tlli;
-	printf("Testing GMM detach (power off)\n");
-	/* DTAP - Detach Request (MO) */
-	/* normal detach, power_off = 1 */
-	static const unsigned char detach_req[] = {
-		0x08, 0x05, 0x09, 0x18, 0x05, 0xf4, 0xef, 0xe2,
-		0xb7, 0x00, 0x19, 0x03, 0xb9, 0x97, 0xcb
-	};
-	local_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(0x23, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	/* Create a context */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	ctx = alloc_mm_ctx(local_tlli, &raid);
-	/* inject the detach */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, local_tlli, &raid,
-			  detach_req, ARRAY_SIZE(detach_req));
-	/* verify that no message (and therefore no Detach Accept) has been
-	 * sent by the SGSN */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 0);
-	/* verify that things are gone */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	ictx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(local_tlli, &raid);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!ictx);
-	cleanup_test();
- * Test that a GMM Detach will remove the associated LLME if there is no MMCTX.
- */
-static void test_gmm_detach_no_mmctx(void)
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid = { 0, };
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	uint32_t local_tlli;
-	printf("Testing GMM detach (no MMCTX)\n");
-	/* DTAP - Detach Request (MO) */
-	/* normal detach, power_off = 0 */
-	static const unsigned char detach_req[] = {
-		0x08, 0x05, 0x01, 0x18, 0x05, 0xf4, 0xef, 0xe2,
-		0xb7, 0x00, 0x19, 0x03, 0xb9, 0x97, 0xcb
-	};
-	/* Create an LLME  */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	local_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(0x23, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	lle = gprs_lle_get_or_create(local_tlli, 3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 1);
-	/* inject the detach */
-	send_0408_message(lle->llme, local_tlli, &raid,
-			  detach_req, ARRAY_SIZE(detach_req));
-	/* verify that the LLME is gone */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	cleanup_test();
- * Test that a single GMM Detach Accept message will not cause the SGSN to send
- * any message or leave an MM context at the SGSN.
- */
-static void test_gmm_detach_accept_unexpected(void)
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid = { 0, };
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	uint32_t local_tlli;
-	printf("Testing GMM detach accept (unexpected)\n");
-	/* DTAP - Detach Accept (MT) */
-	/* normal detach */
-	static const unsigned char detach_acc[] = {
-		0x08, 0x06
-	};
-	/* Create an LLME  */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	local_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(0x23, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	lle = gprs_lle_get_or_create(local_tlli, 3);
-	/* inject the detach */
-	send_0408_message(lle->llme, local_tlli, &raid,
-			  detach_acc, ARRAY_SIZE(detach_acc));
-	/* verify that no message (and therefore no Status or XID reset) has been
-	 * sent by the SGSN */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 0);
-	/* verify that things are gone */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	cleanup_test();
- * Test that a GMM Status will remove the associated LLME if there is no MMCTX.
- */
-static void test_gmm_status_no_mmctx(void)
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid = { 0, };
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	uint32_t local_tlli;
-	printf("Testing GMM Status (no MMCTX)\n");
-	/* DTAP - GMM Status, protocol error */
-	static const unsigned char gmm_status[] = {
-		0x08, 0x20, 0x6f
-	};
-	/* Create an LLME  */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	local_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(0x23, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	lle = gprs_lle_get_or_create(local_tlli, 3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 1);
-	/* inject the detach */
-	send_0408_message(lle->llme, local_tlli, &raid,
-			  gmm_status, ARRAY_SIZE(gmm_status));
-	/* verify that no message has been sent by the SGSN */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 0);
-	/* verify that the LLME is gone */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	cleanup_test();
- * Test the GMM Attach procedure
- */
-static void test_gmm_attach(int retry)
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid = { 0, };
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx = NULL;
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ictx;
-	uint32_t ptmsi1;
-	uint32_t foreign_tlli;
-	uint32_t local_tlli = 0;
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	/* DTAP - Attach Request */
-	/* The P-TMSI is not known by the SGSN */
-	static const unsigned char attach_req[] = {
-		0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0xf5, 0xe0, 0x21, 0x08, 0x02, 0x05, 0xf4,
-		0xfb, 0xc5, 0x46, 0x79, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60,
-		0x19, 0x18, 0xb3, 0x43, 0x2b, 0x25, 0x96, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60,
-		0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0xba, 0xc8,
-		0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0x00
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Identity Response IMEI */
-	static const unsigned char ident_resp_imei[] = {
-		0x08, 0x16, 0x08, 0x9a, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12, 0x90, 0x78,
-		0x56
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Identity Response IMSI */
-	static const unsigned char ident_resp_imsi[] = {
-		0x08, 0x16, 0x08, 0x19, 0x32, 0x54, 0x76, 0x98, 0x10, 0x32,
-		0x54
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Authentication and Ciphering Resp */
-	static const unsigned char auth_ciph_resp[] = {
-		0x08, 0x13, 0x00, 0x22, 0x51, 0xe5, 0x51, 0xe5, 0x23, 0x09,
-		0x9a, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12, 0x90, 0x78, 0x56, 0x01
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Attach Complete */
-	static const unsigned char attach_compl[] = {
-		0x08, 0x03
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Detach Request (MO) */
-	/* normal detach, power_off = 0 */
-	static const unsigned char detach_req[] = {
-		0x08, 0x05, 0x01, 0x18, 0x05, 0xf4, 0xeb, 0x8b,
-		0x45, 0x67, 0x19, 0x03, 0xb9, 0x97, 0xcb
-	};
-	printf("Testing GMM attach%s\n", retry ? " with retry" : "");
-	foreign_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(0xc0000023, TLLI_FOREIGN);
-	/* Create a LLE/LLME */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	lle = gprs_lle_get_or_create(foreign_tlli, 3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 1);
-	/* inject the attach request */
-	send_0408_message(lle->llme, foreign_tlli, &raid,
-			  attach_req, ARRAY_SIZE(attach_req));
-	ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(foreign_tlli, &raid);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	/* we expect an identity request (IMEI) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	/* inject the identity response (IMEI) */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, foreign_tlli, &raid,
-			  ident_resp_imei, ARRAY_SIZE(ident_resp_imei));
-	/* we expect an identity request (IMSI) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	/* inject the identity response (IMSI) */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, foreign_tlli, &raid,
-			  ident_resp_imsi, ARRAY_SIZE(ident_resp_imsi));
-	/* check that the MM context has not been removed due to a failed
-	 * authorization */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx == sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(foreign_tlli, &raid));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	if (retry && sgsn_tx_counter == 0) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Retrying attach request\n");
-		/* re-inject the attach request */
-		send_0408_message(lle->llme, foreign_tlli, &raid,
-				  attach_req, ARRAY_SIZE(attach_req));
-	}
-	if (ctx->auth_state == SGSN_AUTH_AUTHENTICATE && sgsn_tx_counter == 1) {
-		/* we got an auth & ciph request */
-		/* inject the auth & ciph response */
-		send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, foreign_tlli, &raid,
-				  auth_ciph_resp, ARRAY_SIZE(auth_ciph_resp));
-		/* check that the MM context has not been removed due to a
-		 * failed authorization */
-		OSMO_ASSERT(ctx == sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(foreign_tlli, &raid));
-		if (ctx->subscr && ctx->subscr->sgsn_data->msisdn_len > 0)
-			OSMO_ASSERT(strcmp(ctx->msisdn, "+49166213323") == 0);
-	}
-	if (retry && sgsn_tx_counter == 0)
-		goto retry_attach_req;
-	/* we expect an attach accept/reject */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	ptmsi1 = get_new_ptmsi(&last_dl_parse_ctx);
-	/* this has been randomly assigned by the SGSN */
-	local_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(ptmsi1, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	/* inject the attach complete */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, local_tlli, &raid,
-			  attach_compl, ARRAY_SIZE(attach_compl));
-	/* we don't expect a response */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 0);
-	/* inject the detach */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, local_tlli, &raid,
-			  detach_req, ARRAY_SIZE(detach_req));
-	/* verify that things are gone */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	ictx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(local_tlli, &raid);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!ictx);
-	cleanup_test();
-static void test_gmm_attach_acl(void)
-	const enum sgsn_auth_policy saved_auth_policy = sgsn->cfg.auth_policy;
-	sgsn_inst.cfg.auth_policy = SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_CLOSED;
-	sgsn_acl_add("123456789012345", &sgsn->cfg);
-	printf("Auth policy 'closed': ");
-	test_gmm_attach(0);
-	sgsn_acl_del("123456789012345", &sgsn->cfg);
-	sgsn->cfg.auth_policy = saved_auth_policy;
-	cleanup_test();
-int my_subscr_request_update_location(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx) {
-	int rc;
-	rc = __real_gprs_subscr_request_update_location(mmctx);
-	if (rc == -ENOTSUP) {
-		OSMO_ASSERT(mmctx->subscr);
-		gprs_subscr_update(mmctx->subscr);
-	}
-	return rc;
-int my_subscr_request_auth_info(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx) {
-	gprs_subscr_update(mmctx->subscr);
-	return 0;
-static void test_gmm_attach_subscr(void)
-	const enum sgsn_auth_policy saved_auth_policy = sgsn->cfg.auth_policy;
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	sgsn_inst.cfg.auth_policy = SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_REMOTE;
-	subscr_request_update_location_cb = my_subscr_request_update_location;
-	subscr_request_auth_info_cb = my_subscr_request_auth_info;
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_or_create("123456789012345");
-	subscr->authorized = 1;
-	printf("Auth policy 'remote': ");
-	test_gmm_attach(0);
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	assert_no_subscrs();
-	sgsn->cfg.auth_policy = saved_auth_policy;
-	subscr_request_update_location_cb = __real_gprs_subscr_request_update_location;
-	subscr_request_auth_info_cb = __real_gprs_subscr_request_auth_info;
-	cleanup_test();
-int my_subscr_request_auth_info_fake_auth(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	/* Fake an authentication */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(mmctx->subscr);
-	mmctx->is_authenticated = 1;
-	gprs_subscr_update_auth_info(mmctx->subscr);
-	return 0;
-static void test_gmm_attach_subscr_fake_auth(void)
-	const enum sgsn_auth_policy saved_auth_policy = sgsn->cfg.auth_policy;
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	sgsn_inst.cfg.auth_policy = SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_REMOTE;
-	subscr_request_update_location_cb = my_subscr_request_update_location;
-	subscr_request_auth_info_cb = my_subscr_request_auth_info_fake_auth;
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_or_create("123456789012345");
-	subscr->authorized = 1;
-	sgsn->cfg.require_authentication = 1;
-	sgsn->cfg.require_update_location = 1;
-	printf("Auth policy 'remote', auth faked: ");
-	test_gmm_attach(0);
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	assert_no_subscrs();
-	sgsn->cfg.auth_policy = saved_auth_policy;
-	subscr_request_update_location_cb = __real_gprs_subscr_request_update_location;
-	subscr_request_auth_info_cb = __real_gprs_subscr_request_auth_info;
-	cleanup_test();
-int my_subscr_request_auth_info_real_auth(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx, const uint8_t *auts, const uint8_t *auts_rand)
-	struct gsm_auth_tuple at = {
-		.vec.sres = {0x51, 0xe5, 0x51, 0xe5},
-		.vec.auth_types = OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_GSM,
-		.key_seq = 0
-	};
-	/* Fake an authentication */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(mmctx->subscr);
-	mmctx->subscr->sgsn_data->auth_triplets[0] = at;
-	gprs_subscr_update_auth_info(mmctx->subscr);
-	return 0;
-static void test_gmm_attach_subscr_real_auth(void)
-	const enum sgsn_auth_policy saved_auth_policy = sgsn->cfg.auth_policy;
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	sgsn_inst.cfg.auth_policy = SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_REMOTE;
-	subscr_request_update_location_cb = my_subscr_request_update_location;
-	subscr_request_auth_info_cb = my_subscr_request_auth_info_real_auth;
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_or_create("123456789012345");
-	subscr->authorized = 1;
-	sgsn->cfg.require_authentication = 1;
-	sgsn->cfg.require_update_location = 1;
-	printf("Auth policy 'remote', triplet based auth: ");
-	test_gmm_attach(0);
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	assert_no_subscrs();
-	sgsn->cfg.auth_policy = saved_auth_policy;
-	subscr_request_update_location_cb = __real_gprs_subscr_request_update_location;
-	subscr_request_auth_info_cb = __real_gprs_subscr_request_auth_info;
-	cleanup_test();
-#define TEST_GSUP_IMSI_LONG_IE 0x01, 0x08, \
-			       0x21, 0x43, 0x65, 0x87, 0x09, 0x21, 0x43, 0xf5
-static int auth_info_skip = 0;
-static int upd_loc_skip = 0;
-int my_subscr_request_auth_info_gsup_auth(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx)
-	static const uint8_t send_auth_info_res[] = {
-		0x0a,
-		0x03, 0x22, /* Auth tuple */
-			0x20, 0x10,
-				0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08,
-				0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10,
-			0x21, 0x04,
-				0x51, 0xe5, 0x51, 0xe5,
-			0x22, 0x08,
-				0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38,
-	};
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!mmctx || mmctx->subscr);
-	if (auth_info_skip > 0) {
-		auth_info_skip -= 1;
-		return -EAGAIN;
-	}
-	/* Fake an SendAuthInfoRes */
-	rx_gsup_message(send_auth_info_res, sizeof(send_auth_info_res));
-	return 0;
-int my_subscr_request_update_gsup_auth(struct sgsn_mm_ctx *mmctx) {
-	static const uint8_t update_location_res[] = {
-		0x06,
-		0x04, 0x00, /* PDP info complete */
-		0x05, 0x12,
-			0x10, 0x01, 0x01,
-			0x11, 0x02, 0xf1, 0x21, /* IPv4 */
-			0x12, 0x09, 0x04, 't', 'e', 's', 't', 0x03, 'a', 'p', 'n',
-		0x08, 0x07, /* MSISDN 49166213323 encoded */
-			0x91, 0x94, 0x61, 0x26, 0x31, 0x23, 0xF3,
-		0x09, 0x07, /* MSISDN 38166213323 encoded */
-			0x91, 0x83, 0x61, 0x26, 0x31, 0x23, 0xF3,
-	};
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!mmctx || mmctx->subscr);
-	if (upd_loc_skip > 0) {
-		upd_loc_skip -= 1;
-		return -EAGAIN;
-	}
-	/* Fake an UpdateLocRes */
-	return rx_gsup_message(update_location_res, sizeof(update_location_res));
-static void test_gmm_attach_subscr_gsup_auth(int retry)
-	const enum sgsn_auth_policy saved_auth_policy = sgsn->cfg.auth_policy;
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	sgsn_inst.cfg.auth_policy = SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_REMOTE;
-	subscr_request_update_location_cb = my_subscr_request_update_gsup_auth;
-	subscr_request_auth_info_cb = my_subscr_request_auth_info_gsup_auth;
-	if (retry) {
-		upd_loc_skip = 3;
-		auth_info_skip = 3;
-	}
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_or_create("123456789012345");
-	subscr->authorized = 1;
-	sgsn->cfg.require_authentication = 1;
-	sgsn->cfg.require_update_location = 1;
-	gprs_subscr_put(subscr);
-	printf("Auth policy 'remote', GSUP based auth: ");
-	test_gmm_attach(retry);
-	assert_no_subscrs();
-	sgsn->cfg.auth_policy = saved_auth_policy;
-	subscr_request_update_location_cb = __real_gprs_subscr_request_update_location;
-	subscr_request_auth_info_cb = __real_gprs_subscr_request_auth_info;
-	upd_loc_skip = 0;
-	auth_info_skip = 0;
-	cleanup_test();
-int my_gsup_client_send(struct gsup_client *gsupc, struct msgb *msg)
-	struct osmo_gsup_message to_peer = {0};
-	struct osmo_gsup_message from_peer = {0};
-	struct msgb *reply_msg;
-	int rc;
-	/* Simulate the GSUP peer */
-	rc = osmo_gsup_decode(msgb_data(msg), msgb_length(msg), &to_peer);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(to_peer.imsi[0] != 0);
-	osmo_strlcpy(from_peer.imsi, to_peer.imsi, sizeof(from_peer.imsi));
-	/* This invalidates the pointers in to_peer */
-	msgb_free(msg);
-	switch (to_peer.message_type) {
-		return my_subscr_request_update_gsup_auth(NULL);
-		return my_subscr_request_auth_info_gsup_auth(NULL);
-		from_peer.message_type = OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_PURGE_MS_RESULT;
-		break;
-	default:
-		if ((to_peer.message_type & 0b00000011) == 0) {
-			/* Unhandled request */
-			/* Send error(NOT_IMPL) */
-			from_peer.message_type = to_peer.message_type + 1;
-			from_peer.cause = GMM_CAUSE_MSGT_NOTEXIST_NOTIMPL;
-			break;
-		}
-		/* Ignore it */
-		return 0;
-	}
-	reply_msg = gsup_client_msgb_alloc();
-	reply_msg->l2h = reply_msg->data;
-	osmo_gsup_encode(reply_msg, &from_peer);
-	gprs_subscr_rx_gsup_message(reply_msg);
-	msgb_free(reply_msg);
-	return 0;
-static void test_gmm_attach_subscr_real_gsup_auth(int retry)
-	const enum sgsn_auth_policy saved_auth_policy = sgsn->cfg.auth_policy;
-	struct gprs_subscr *subscr;
-	sgsn_inst.cfg.auth_policy = SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_REMOTE;
-	gsup_client_send_cb = my_gsup_client_send;
-	sgsn->gsup_client = talloc_zero(tall_bsc_ctx, struct gsup_client);
-	if (retry) {
-		upd_loc_skip = 3;
-		auth_info_skip = 3;
-	}
-	printf("Auth policy 'remote', real GSUP based auth: ");
-	test_gmm_attach(retry);
-	subscr = gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi("123456789012345");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(subscr == NULL);
-	assert_no_subscrs();
-	sgsn->cfg.auth_policy = saved_auth_policy;
-	gsup_client_send_cb = __real_gsup_client_send;
-	upd_loc_skip = 0;
-	auth_info_skip = 0;
-	talloc_free(sgsn->gsup_client);
-	sgsn->gsup_client = NULL;
-	cleanup_test();
- * Test the GMM Rejects
- */
-static void test_gmm_reject(void)
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid = { 0, };
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx = NULL;
-	uint32_t foreign_tlli;
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	int idx;
-	/* DTAP - Attach Request */
-	/* Invalid MI length */
-	static const unsigned char attach_req_inv_mi_len[] = {
-		0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0xf5, 0xe0, 0x21, 0x08, 0x02, 0x09, 0xf4,
-		0xfb, 0xc5, 0x46, 0x79, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x11, 0x22,
-		0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x19, 0x18, 0xb3, 0x43, 0x2b, 0x25,
-		0x96, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00,
-		0x60, 0x80, 0xba, 0xc8, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0x00
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Attach Request */
-	/* Invalid MI type (IMEI) */
-	static const unsigned char attach_req_inv_mi_type[] = {
-		0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0xf5, 0xe0, 0x21, 0x08, 0x02, 0x05, 0xf2,
-		0xfb, 0xc5, 0x46, 0x79, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60,
-		0x19, 0x18, 0xb3, 0x43, 0x2b, 0x25, 0x96, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60,
-		0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0xba, 0xc8,
-		0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0x00
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Request */
-	static const unsigned char dtap_ra_upd_req[] = {
-		0x08, 0x08, 0x10, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50,
-		0x60, 0x1d, 0x19, 0x13, 0x42, 0x33, 0x57, 0x2b,
-		0xf7, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x13, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8,
-		0x48, 0x02, 0x14, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02,
-		0x17, 0x49, 0x10, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x00, 0x19,
-		0x8b, 0xb2, 0x92, 0x17, 0x16, 0x27, 0x07, 0x04,
-		0x31, 0x02, 0xe5, 0xe0, 0x32, 0x02, 0x20, 0x00
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Request */
-	/* Invalid type: GPRS_UPD_T_RA_LA_IMSI_ATT */
-	static const unsigned char dtap_ra_upd_req_inv_type[] = {
-		0x08, 0x08, 0x12, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50,
-		0x60, 0x1d, 0x19, 0x13, 0x42, 0x33, 0x57, 0x2b,
-		0xf7, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x13, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8,
-		0x48, 0x02, 0x14, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02,
-		0x17, 0x49, 0x10, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x00, 0x19,
-		0x8b, 0xb2, 0x92, 0x17, 0x16, 0x27, 0x07, 0x04,
-		0x31, 0x02, 0xe5, 0xe0, 0x32, 0x02, 0x20, 0x00
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Request */
-	/* Invalid cap length */
-	static const unsigned char dtap_ra_upd_req_inv_cap_len[] = {
-		0x08, 0x08, 0x10, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50,
-		0x60, 0x3d, 0x19, 0x13, 0x42, 0x33, 0x57, 0x2b,
-		0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
-		0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
-		0xf7, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x13, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8,
-		0x48, 0x02, 0x14, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02,
-		0x17, 0x49, 0x10, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x00, 0x19,
-		0x8b, 0xb2, 0x92, 0x17, 0x16, 0x27, 0x07, 0x04,
-		0x31, 0x02, 0xe5, 0xe0, 0x32, 0x02, 0x20, 0x00
-	};
-	struct test {
-		const char *title;
-		const unsigned char *msg;
-		unsigned msg_len;
-		unsigned num_resp;
-	};
-	static struct test tests[] = {
-		{
-			.title    = "Attach Request (invalid MI length)",
-			.msg      = attach_req_inv_mi_len,
-			.msg_len  = sizeof(attach_req_inv_mi_len),
-			.num_resp = 1 /* Reject */
-		},
-		{
-			.title   = "Attach Request (invalid MI type)",
-			.msg     = attach_req_inv_mi_type,
-			.msg_len = sizeof(attach_req_inv_mi_type),
-			.num_resp = 1 /* Reject */
-		},
-		{
-			.title   = "Routing Area Update Request (valid)",
-			.msg     = dtap_ra_upd_req,
-			.msg_len = sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_req),
-			.num_resp = 2 /* XID Reset + Reject */
-		},
-		{
-			.title   = "Routing Area Update Request (invalid type)",
-			.msg     = dtap_ra_upd_req_inv_type,
-			.msg_len = sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_req_inv_type),
-			.num_resp = 1 /* Reject */
-		},
-		{
-			.title   = "Routing Area Update Request (invalid CAP length)",
-			.msg     = dtap_ra_upd_req_inv_cap_len,
-			.msg_len = sizeof(dtap_ra_upd_req_inv_cap_len),
-			.num_resp = 1 /* Reject */
-		},
-	};
-	printf("Testing GMM reject\n");
-	/* reset the PRNG used by sgsn_alloc_ptmsi */
-	srand(1);
-	foreign_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(0xc0000023, TLLI_FOREIGN);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	for (idx = 0; idx < ARRAY_SIZE(tests); idx++) {
-		const struct test *test = &tests[idx];
-		printf("  - %s\n", test->title);
-		/* Create a LLE/LLME */
-		lle = gprs_lle_get_or_create(foreign_tlli, 3);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 1);
-		/* Inject the Request message */
-		send_0408_message(lle->llme, foreign_tlli, &raid,
-				  test->msg, test->msg_len);
-		/* We expect a Reject message */
-		fprintf(stderr, "sgsn_tx_counter = %d (expected %d)\n",
-			sgsn_tx_counter, test->num_resp);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == test->num_resp);
-		/* verify that LLME/MM are removed */
-		ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(foreign_tlli, &raid);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(ctx == NULL);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	}
-	cleanup_test();
- * Test cancellation of attached MM contexts
- */
-static void test_gmm_cancel(void)
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid = { 0, };
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx = NULL;
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ictx;
-	uint32_t ptmsi1;
-	uint32_t foreign_tlli;
-	uint32_t local_tlli = 0;
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	const enum sgsn_auth_policy saved_auth_policy = sgsn->cfg.auth_policy;
-	/* DTAP - Attach Request */
-	/* The P-TMSI is not known by the SGSN */
-	static const unsigned char attach_req[] = {
-		0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0xf5, 0xe0, 0x21, 0x08, 0x02, 0x05, 0xf4,
-		0xfb, 0xc5, 0x46, 0x79, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60,
-		0x19, 0x18, 0xb3, 0x43, 0x2b, 0x25, 0x96, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60,
-		0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0xba, 0xc8,
-		0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80, 0x00
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Identity Response IMEI */
-	static const unsigned char ident_resp_imei[] = {
-		0x08, 0x16, 0x08, 0x9a, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12, 0x90, 0x78,
-		0x56
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Identity Response IMSI */
-	static const unsigned char ident_resp_imsi[] = {
-		0x08, 0x16, 0x08, 0x19, 0x32, 0x54, 0x76, 0x98, 0x10, 0x32,
-		0x54
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Attach Complete */
-	static const unsigned char attach_compl[] = {
-		0x08, 0x03
-	};
-	printf("Testing cancellation\n");
-	sgsn_inst.cfg.auth_policy = SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_OPEN;
-	foreign_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(0xc0000023, TLLI_FOREIGN);
-	/* Create a LLE/LLME */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	lle = gprs_lle_get_or_create(foreign_tlli, 3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 1);
-	/* inject the attach request */
-	send_0408_message(lle->llme, foreign_tlli, &raid,
-			  attach_req, ARRAY_SIZE(attach_req));
-	ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(foreign_tlli, &raid);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	/* we expect an identity request (IMEI) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	/* inject the identity response (IMEI) */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, foreign_tlli, &raid,
-			  ident_resp_imei, ARRAY_SIZE(ident_resp_imei));
-	/* we expect an identity request (IMSI) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	/* inject the identity response (IMSI) */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, foreign_tlli, &raid,
-			  ident_resp_imsi, ARRAY_SIZE(ident_resp_imsi));
-	/* check that the MM context has not been removed due to a failed
-	 * authorization */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx == sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(foreign_tlli, &raid));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	/* we expect an attach accept/reject */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	ptmsi1 = get_new_ptmsi(&last_dl_parse_ctx);
-	/* this has been randomly assigned by the SGSN */
-	local_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(ptmsi1, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	/* inject the attach complete */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, foreign_tlli, &raid,
-			  attach_compl, ARRAY_SIZE(attach_compl));
-	/* we don't expect a response */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 0);
-	/* cancel */
-	gsm0408_gprs_access_cancelled(ctx, 0);
-	/* verify that things are gone */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	ictx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(local_tlli, &raid);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!ictx);
-	sgsn->cfg.auth_policy = saved_auth_policy;
-	cleanup_test();
- * Test the dynamic allocation of P-TMSIs
- */
-static void test_gmm_ptmsi_allocation(void)
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid = {332, 112, 16464, 96};
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx = NULL;
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ictx;
-	uint32_t foreign_tlli;
-	uint32_t ptmsi1;
-	uint32_t ptmsi2;
-	uint32_t received_ptmsi;
-	uint32_t old_ptmsi;
-	uint32_t local_tlli = 0;
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	const enum sgsn_auth_policy saved_auth_policy = sgsn->cfg.auth_policy;
-	/* DTAP - Attach Request (IMSI 12131415161718) */
-	static const unsigned char attach_req[] = {
-		0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0xf5, 0xe0, 0x21, 0x08, 0x02,
-		0x08, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
-		0x18, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x19,
-		0x18, 0xb3, 0x43, 0x2b, 0x25, 0x96, 0x62, 0x00,
-		0x60, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60,
-		0x80, 0xba, 0xc8, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80,
-		0x00,
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Identity Response IMEI */
-	static const unsigned char ident_resp_imei[] = {
-		0x08, 0x16, 0x08, 0x9a, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12, 0x90, 0x78,
-		0x56
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Attach Complete */
-	static const unsigned char attach_compl[] = {
-		0x08, 0x03
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Request */
-	static const unsigned char ra_upd_req[] = {
-		0x08, 0x08, 0x10, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50,
-		0x60, 0x1d, 0x19, 0x13, 0x42, 0x33, 0x57, 0x2b,
-		0xf7, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x13, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8,
-		0x48, 0x02, 0x14, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02,
-		0x17, 0x49, 0x10, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x00, 0x19,
-		0x8b, 0xb2, 0x92, 0x17, 0x16, 0x27, 0x07, 0x04,
-		0x31, 0x02, 0xe5, 0xe0, 0x32, 0x02, 0x20, 0x00
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Complete */
-	static const unsigned char ra_upd_complete[] = {
-		0x08, 0x0a
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Detach Request (MO) */
-	/* normal detach, power_off = 1 */
-	static const unsigned char detach_req[] = {
-		0x08, 0x05, 0x09, 0x18, 0x05, 0xf4, 0xef, 0xe2,
-		0xb7, 0x00, 0x19, 0x03, 0xb9, 0x97, 0xcb
-	};
-	sgsn->cfg.auth_policy = SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_OPEN;
-	printf("Testing P-TMSI allocation\n");
-	printf("  - sgsn_alloc_ptmsi\n");
-	/* reset the PRNG used by sgsn_alloc_ptmsi */
-	srand(1);
-	ptmsi1 = sgsn_alloc_ptmsi();
-	ptmsi2 = sgsn_alloc_ptmsi();
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ptmsi1 != ptmsi2);
-	ptmsi1 = ptmsi2 = GSM_RESERVED_TMSI;
-	printf("  - Repeated Attach Request\n");
-	foreign_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(0xc0000023, TLLI_FOREIGN);
-	/* Create a LLE/LLME */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	lle = gprs_lle_get_or_create(foreign_tlli, 3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 1);
-	/* inject the attach request */
-	send_0408_message(lle->llme, foreign_tlli, &raid,
-			  attach_req, ARRAY_SIZE(attach_req));
-	ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(foreign_tlli, &raid);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	ptmsi1 = ctx->p_tmsi;
-	old_ptmsi = ctx->p_tmsi_old;
-	/* we expect an identity request (IMEI) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	/* inject the identity response (IMEI) */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, foreign_tlli, &raid,
-			  ident_resp_imei, ARRAY_SIZE(ident_resp_imei));
-	/* check that the MM context has not been removed due to a failed
-	 * authorization */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx == sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(foreign_tlli, &raid));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi == ptmsi1);
-	/* we expect an attach accept */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	received_ptmsi = get_new_ptmsi(&last_dl_parse_ctx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(received_ptmsi == ptmsi1);
-	/* we ignore this and send the attach again */
-	send_0408_message(lle->llme, foreign_tlli, &raid,
-			  attach_req, ARRAY_SIZE(attach_req));
-	/* the allocated P-TMSI should be the same */
-	ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(foreign_tlli, &raid);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi_old == old_ptmsi);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi == ptmsi1);
-	/* we expect an attach accept */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	received_ptmsi = get_new_ptmsi(&last_dl_parse_ctx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(received_ptmsi == ptmsi1);
-	/* inject the attach complete */
-	local_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(ptmsi1, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, local_tlli, &raid,
-			  attach_compl, ARRAY_SIZE(attach_compl));
-	/* we don't expect a response */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi_old == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi == ptmsi1);
-	printf("  - Repeated RA Update Request\n");
-	/* inject the RA update request */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, local_tlli, &raid,
-			  ra_upd_req, ARRAY_SIZE(ra_upd_req));
-	/* we expect an RA update accept */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi_old == ptmsi1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi != ptmsi1);
-	ptmsi2 = ctx->p_tmsi;
-	/* repeat the RA update request */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, local_tlli, &raid,
-			  ra_upd_req, ARRAY_SIZE(ra_upd_req));
-	/* we expect an RA update accept */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	received_ptmsi = get_new_ptmsi(&last_dl_parse_ctx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(received_ptmsi == ptmsi2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi_old == ptmsi1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi == ptmsi2);
-	/* inject the RA update complete */
-	local_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(ptmsi2, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, local_tlli, &raid,
-			  ra_upd_complete, ARRAY_SIZE(ra_upd_complete));
-	/* we don't expect a response */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi_old == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi == ptmsi2);
-	/* inject the detach */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, local_tlli, &raid,
-			  detach_req, ARRAY_SIZE(detach_req));
-	/* verify that things are gone */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	ictx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(local_tlli, &raid);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!ictx);
-	sgsn->cfg.auth_policy = saved_auth_policy;
-	cleanup_test();
- * Test changing of routing areas
- */
-static void test_gmm_routing_areas(void)
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid1 = {332, 112, 16464, 96};
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid2 = {332, 112, 16464, 97};
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx = NULL;
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ictx;
-	uint32_t ptmsi1;
-	uint32_t received_ptmsi;
-	uint32_t ms_tlli = 0;
-	struct gprs_llc_lle *lle;
-	const enum sgsn_auth_policy saved_auth_policy = sgsn->cfg.auth_policy;
-	/* DTAP - Attach Request (IMSI 12131415161718) */
-	static const unsigned char attach_req[] = {
-		0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0xf5, 0xe0, 0x21, 0x08, 0x02,
-		0x08, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
-		0x18, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x19,
-		0x18, 0xb3, 0x43, 0x2b, 0x25, 0x96, 0x62, 0x00,
-		0x60, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60,
-		0x80, 0xba, 0xc8, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80,
-		0x00,
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Attach Request (IMSI 12131415161718) (RA 2) */
-	static const unsigned char attach_req2[] = {
-		0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0xf5, 0xe0, 0x21, 0x08, 0x02,
-		0x08, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
-		0x18, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x61, 0x19,
-		0x18, 0xb3, 0x43, 0x2b, 0x25, 0x96, 0x62, 0x00,
-		0x60, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60,
-		0x80, 0xba, 0xc8, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x00, 0x60, 0x80,
-		0x00,
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Identity Response IMEI */
-	static const unsigned char ident_resp_imei[] = {
-		0x08, 0x16, 0x08, 0x9a, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12, 0x90, 0x78,
-		0x56
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Attach Complete */
-	static const unsigned char attach_compl[] = {
-		0x08, 0x03
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Request (coming from RA 1) */
-	static const unsigned char ra_upd_req1[] = {
-		0x08, 0x08, 0x10, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50,
-		0x60, 0x1d, 0x19, 0x13, 0x42, 0x33, 0x57, 0x2b,
-		0xf7, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x13, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8,
-		0x48, 0x02, 0x14, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02,
-		0x17, 0x49, 0x10, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x00, 0x19,
-		0x8b, 0xb2, 0x92, 0x17, 0x16, 0x27, 0x07, 0x04,
-		0x31, 0x02, 0xe5, 0xe0, 0x32, 0x02, 0x20, 0x00
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Request (coming from RA 2) */
-	static const unsigned char ra_upd_req2[] = {
-		0x08, 0x08, 0x10, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50,
-		0x61, 0x1d, 0x19, 0x13, 0x42, 0x33, 0x57, 0x2b,
-		0xf7, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x13, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8,
-		0x48, 0x02, 0x14, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02,
-		0x17, 0x49, 0x10, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x00, 0x19,
-		0x8b, 0xb2, 0x92, 0x17, 0x16, 0x27, 0x07, 0x04,
-		0x31, 0x02, 0xe5, 0xe0, 0x32, 0x02, 0x20, 0x00
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Request (coming from RA other) */
-	/* raid_other = {443, 223, 16464, 98}; */
-	static const unsigned char ra_upd_req_other[] = {
-		0x08, 0x08, 0x10, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x40, 0x50,
-		0x62, 0x1d, 0x19, 0x13, 0x42, 0x33, 0x57, 0x2b,
-		0xf7, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x13, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8,
-		0x48, 0x02, 0x14, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02,
-		0x17, 0x49, 0x10, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x02, 0x00, 0x19,
-		0x8b, 0xb2, 0x92, 0x17, 0x16, 0x27, 0x07, 0x04,
-		0x31, 0x02, 0xe5, 0xe0, 0x32, 0x02, 0x20, 0x00
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Routing Area Update Complete */
-	static const unsigned char ra_upd_complete[] = {
-		0x08, 0x0a
-	};
-	/* DTAP - Detach Request (MO) */
-	/* normal detach, power_off = 1 */
-	static const unsigned char detach_req[] = {
-		0x08, 0x05, 0x09, 0x18, 0x05, 0xf4, 0xef, 0xe2,
-		0xb7, 0x00, 0x19, 0x03, 0xb9, 0x97, 0xcb
-	};
-	sgsn->cfg.auth_policy = SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_OPEN;
-	printf("Testing routing area changes\n");
-	/* reset the PRNG used by sgsn_alloc_ptmsi */
-	srand(1);
-	printf("  - Attach Request (RA 1)\n");
-	ms_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(0x00000023, TLLI_RANDOM);
-	/* Create a LLE/LLME */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	lle = gprs_lle_get_or_create(ms_tlli, 3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 1);
-	/* inject the attach request */
-	send_0408_message(lle->llme, ms_tlli, &raid1,
-			  attach_req, ARRAY_SIZE(attach_req));
-	ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(ms_tlli, &raid1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	/* we expect an identity request (IMEI) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_dl_parse_ctx.g48_hdr->msg_type == GSM48_MT_GMM_ID_REQ);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_dl_parse_ctx.tlli == ms_tlli);
-	/* inject the identity response (IMEI) */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, ms_tlli, &raid1,
-			  ident_resp_imei, ARRAY_SIZE(ident_resp_imei));
-	/* check that the MM context has not been removed due to a failed
-	 * authorization */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx == sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(ms_tlli, &raid1));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	/* we expect an attach accept */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_dl_parse_ctx.g48_hdr->msg_type == GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_dl_parse_ctx.tlli == ms_tlli);
-	received_ptmsi = get_new_ptmsi(&last_dl_parse_ctx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(received_ptmsi == ctx->p_tmsi);
-	ptmsi1 = received_ptmsi;
-	/* inject the attach complete */
-	ms_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(ptmsi1, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, ms_tlli, &raid1,
-			  attach_compl, ARRAY_SIZE(attach_compl));
-	/* we don't expect a response */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi_old == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi == ptmsi1);
-	printf("  - RA Update Request (RA 1 -> RA 1)\n");
-	/* inject the RA update request */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, ms_tlli, &raid1,
-			  ra_upd_req1, ARRAY_SIZE(ra_upd_req1));
-	/* we expect an RA update accept */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_dl_parse_ctx.g48_hdr->msg_type == GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_ACK);
-	// OSMO_ASSERT(last_dl_parse_ctx.tlli == ms_tlli);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi_old == ptmsi1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi != ptmsi1);
-	received_ptmsi = get_new_ptmsi(&last_dl_parse_ctx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(received_ptmsi == ctx->p_tmsi);
-	ptmsi1 = received_ptmsi;
-	/* inject the RA update complete */
-	ms_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(ptmsi1, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, ms_tlli, &raid1,
-			  ra_upd_complete, ARRAY_SIZE(ra_upd_complete));
-	/* we don't expect a response */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi_old == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi == ptmsi1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gb.tlli == ms_tlli);
-	printf("  - RA Update Request (RA 1 -> RA 2)\n");
-	/* inject the RA update request */
-	ms_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(ptmsi1, TLLI_FOREIGN);
-	/* It is coming from RA 1 => ra_upd_req1 */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, ms_tlli, &raid2,
-			  ra_upd_req1, ARRAY_SIZE(ra_upd_req1));
-	/* we expect an RA update accept */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_dl_parse_ctx.g48_hdr->msg_type == GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_ACK);
-	printf("  - RA Update Request (RA other -> RA 2)\n");
-	/* inject the RA update request */
-	ms_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(0x12345678, TLLI_FOREIGN);
-	/* It is coming from RA 1 => ra_upd_req1 */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, ms_tlli, &raid2,
-			  ra_upd_req_other, ARRAY_SIZE(ra_upd_req_other));
-	/* we expect an RA update reject (and a LLC XID RESET) */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_dl_parse_ctx.g48_hdr->msg_type == GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_REJ);
-	/* this has killed the LLE/LLME */
-	printf("  - Attach Request (RA 2)\n");
-	/* Create a LLE/LLME */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 1);
-	lle = gprs_lle_get_or_create(ms_tlli, 3);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 1);
-	/* inject the attach request */
-	send_0408_message(lle->llme, ms_tlli, &raid2,
-			  attach_req2, ARRAY_SIZE(attach_req2));
-	ctx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(ms_tlli, &raid2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	/* we expect an attach accept */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_dl_parse_ctx.g48_hdr->msg_type == GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACK);
-	received_ptmsi = get_new_ptmsi(&last_dl_parse_ctx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(received_ptmsi == ctx->p_tmsi);
-	ptmsi1 = received_ptmsi;
-	/* inject the attach complete */
-	ms_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(ptmsi1, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	ictx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(ms_tlli, &raid2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ictx != NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ictx == ctx);
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, ms_tlli, &raid2,
-			  attach_compl, ARRAY_SIZE(attach_compl));
-	/* we don't expect a response */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi_old == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi == ptmsi1);
-	printf("  - RA Update Request (RA 2 -> RA 2)\n");
-	/* inject the RA update request */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, ms_tlli, &raid2,
-			  ra_upd_req2, ARRAY_SIZE(ra_upd_req2));
-	/* we expect an RA update accept */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(last_dl_parse_ctx.g48_hdr->msg_type == GSM48_MT_GMM_RA_UPD_ACK);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gmm_state == GMM_COMMON_PROC_INIT);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi_old == ptmsi1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi != ptmsi1);
-	received_ptmsi = get_new_ptmsi(&last_dl_parse_ctx);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(received_ptmsi == ctx->p_tmsi);
-	ptmsi1 = received_ptmsi;
-	/* inject the RA update complete */
-	ms_tlli = gprs_tmsi2tlli(ptmsi1, TLLI_LOCAL);
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, ms_tlli, &raid2,
-			  ra_upd_complete, ARRAY_SIZE(ra_upd_complete));
-	/* we don't expect a response */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(sgsn_tx_counter == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi_old == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->p_tmsi == ptmsi1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ctx->gb.tlli == ms_tlli);
-	/* inject the detach */
-	send_0408_message(ctx->gb.llme, ms_tlli, &raid2,
-			  detach_req, ARRAY_SIZE(detach_req));
-	/* verify that things are gone */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	ictx = sgsn_mm_ctx_by_tlli(ms_tlli, &raid2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(!ictx);
-	sgsn->cfg.auth_policy = saved_auth_policy;
-	cleanup_test();
-static void test_apn_matching(void)
-	struct apn_ctx *actx, *actxs[9];
-	printf("Testing APN matching\n");
-	actxs[0] = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc("*.test", "");
-	actxs[1] = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc("*.def.test", "");
-	actxs[2] = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc("abc.def.test", "");
-	actxs[3] = NULL;
-	actxs[4] = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc("abc.def.test", "456");
-	actxs[5] = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc("abc.def.test", "456123");
-	actxs[6] = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc("*.def.test", "456");
-	actxs[7] = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc("*.def.test", "456123");
-	actxs[8] = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc("ghi.def.test", "456");
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("abc.def.test", "12345678");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[2]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("aBc.dEf.test", "12345678");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[2]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("xyz.def.test", "12345678");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[1]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("xyz.dEf.test", "12345678");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[1]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("xyz.uvw.test", "12345678");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[0]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("", "12345678");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == NULL);
-	actxs[3] = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc("*", "");
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("", "12345678");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[3]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("abc.def.test", "45699900");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[4]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("xyz.def.test", "45699900");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[6]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("abc.def.test", "45612300");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[5]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("xyz.def.test", "45612300");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[7]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("ghi.def.test", "45699900");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[8]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("ghi.def.test", "45612300");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[7]);
-	/* Free APN contexts and check how the matching changes */
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(actxs[7]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("ghi.def.test", "45612300");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[8]);
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(actxs[8]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("ghi.def.test", "45612300");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[6]);
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(actxs[6]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("ghi.def.test", "45612300");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[1]);
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(actxs[5]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("abc.def.test", "45612300");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[4]);
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(actxs[4]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("abc.def.test", "45612300");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[2]);
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(actxs[2]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("abc.def.test", "12345678");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[1]);
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(actxs[1]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("abc.def.test", "12345678");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[0]);
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(actxs[0]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("abc.def.test", "12345678");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == actxs[3]);
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(actxs[3]);
-	actx = sgsn_apn_ctx_match("abc.def.test", "12345678");
-	OSMO_ASSERT(actx == NULL);
-	cleanup_test();
-struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data* sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data_alloc(
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_data *sdata);
-static void test_ggsn_selection(void)
-	struct apn_ctx *actxs[4];
-	struct sgsn_ggsn_ctx *ggc, *ggcs[3];
-	struct gprs_subscr *s1;
-	const char *imsi1 = "1234567890";
-	struct sgsn_mm_ctx *ctx;
-	struct gprs_ra_id raid = { 0, };
-	uint32_t local_tlli = 0xffeeddcc;
-	enum gsm48_gsm_cause gsm_cause;
-	struct tlv_parsed tp;
-	uint8_t apn_enc[GSM_APN_LENGTH + 10];
-	struct sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data *pdp_data;
-	char apn_str[GSM_APN_LENGTH];
-	printf("Testing GGSN selection\n");
-	gsup_client_send_cb = my_gsup_client_send_dummy;
-	/* Check for emptiness */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(gprs_subscr_get_by_imsi(imsi1) == NULL);
-	/* Create a context */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(count(gprs_llme_list()) == 0);
-	ctx = alloc_mm_ctx(local_tlli, &raid);
-	osmo_strlcpy(ctx->imsi, imsi1, sizeof(ctx->imsi));
-	/* Allocate and attach a subscriber */
-	s1 = gprs_subscr_get_or_create_by_mmctx(ctx);
-	assert_subscr(s1, imsi1);
-[GSM48_IE_GSM_APN].len = 0;
-[GSM48_IE_GSM_APN].val = apn_enc;
-	/* TODO: Add PDP info entries to s1 */
-	ggcs[0] = sgsn_ggsn_ctx_find_alloc(0);
-	ggcs[1] = sgsn_ggsn_ctx_find_alloc(1);
-	ggcs[2] = sgsn_ggsn_ctx_find_alloc(2);
-	actxs[0] = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc("test.apn", "123456");
-	actxs[0]->ggsn = ggcs[0];
-	actxs[1] = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc("*.apn", "123456");
-	actxs[1]->ggsn = ggcs[1];
-	actxs[2] = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc("*", "456789");
-	actxs[2]->ggsn = ggcs[2];
-	pdp_data = sgsn_subscriber_pdp_data_alloc(s1->sgsn_data);
-	pdp_data->context_id = 1;
-	pdp_data->pdp_type = 0x0121;
-	osmo_strlcpy(pdp_data->apn_str, "*", sizeof(pdp_data->apn_str));
-	/* Resolve GGSNs */
-[GSM48_IE_GSM_APN].len =
-		gprs_str_to_apn(apn_enc, sizeof(apn_enc), "Test.Apn");
-	ggc = sgsn_mm_ctx_find_ggsn_ctx(ctx, &tp, &gsm_cause, apn_str);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ggc->id == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(strcmp(apn_str, "Test.Apn") == 0);
-[GSM48_IE_GSM_APN].len =
-		gprs_str_to_apn(apn_enc, sizeof(apn_enc), "Other.Apn");
-	ggc = sgsn_mm_ctx_find_ggsn_ctx(ctx, &tp, &gsm_cause, apn_str);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ggc->id == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(strcmp(apn_str, "Other.Apn") == 0);
-[GSM48_IE_GSM_APN].len = 0;
-[GSM48_IE_GSM_APN].val = NULL;
-	ggc = sgsn_mm_ctx_find_ggsn_ctx(ctx, &tp, &gsm_cause, apn_str);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ggc->id == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(strcmp(apn_str, "") == 0);
-	actxs[3] = sgsn_apn_ctx_find_alloc("*", "123456");
-	actxs[3]->ggsn = ggcs[2];
-	ggc = sgsn_mm_ctx_find_ggsn_ctx(ctx, &tp, &gsm_cause, apn_str);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ggc->id == 2);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(strcmp(apn_str, "") == 0);
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(actxs[3]);
-[GSM48_IE_GSM_APN].val = apn_enc;
-[GSM48_IE_GSM_APN].len =
-		gprs_str_to_apn(apn_enc, sizeof(apn_enc), "Foo.Bar");
-	ggc = sgsn_mm_ctx_find_ggsn_ctx(ctx, &tp, &gsm_cause, apn_str);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(strcmp(apn_str, "Foo.Bar") == 0);
-[GSM48_IE_GSM_APN].len = sizeof(apn_enc);
-	ggc = sgsn_mm_ctx_find_ggsn_ctx(ctx, &tp, &gsm_cause, apn_str);
-	/* Add PDP data entry to subscriber */
-	osmo_strlcpy(pdp_data->apn_str, "Test.Apn", sizeof(pdp_data->apn_str));
-[GSM48_IE_GSM_APN].len =
-		gprs_str_to_apn(apn_enc, sizeof(apn_enc), "Test.Apn");
-	ggc = sgsn_mm_ctx_find_ggsn_ctx(ctx, &tp, &gsm_cause, apn_str);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(ggc->id == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(strcmp(apn_str, "Test.Apn") == 0);
-[GSM48_IE_GSM_APN].len =
-		gprs_str_to_apn(apn_enc, sizeof(apn_enc), "Other.Apn");
-	ggc = sgsn_mm_ctx_find_ggsn_ctx(ctx, &tp, &gsm_cause, apn_str);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(strcmp(apn_str, "") == 0);
-	/* Cleanup */
-	gprs_subscr_put(s1);
-	sgsn_mm_ctx_cleanup_free(ctx);
-	assert_no_subscrs();
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(actxs[0]);
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(actxs[1]);
-	sgsn_apn_ctx_free(actxs[2]);
-	sgsn_ggsn_ctx_free(ggcs[0]);
-	sgsn_ggsn_ctx_free(ggcs[1]);
-	sgsn_ggsn_ctx_free(ggcs[2]);
-	gsup_client_send_cb = __real_gsup_client_send;
-	cleanup_test();
-static struct log_info_cat gprs_categories[] = {
-	[DMM] = {
-		.name = "DMM",
-		.description = "Layer3 Mobility Management (MM)",
-		.color = "\033[1;33m",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-	[DPAG]	= {
-		.name = "DPAG",
-		.description = "Paging Subsystem",
-		.color = "\033[1;38m",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_NOTICE,
-	},
-	[DMEAS] = {
-		.name = "DMEAS",
-		.description = "Radio Measurement Processing",
-		.enabled = 0, .loglevel = LOGL_NOTICE,
-	},
-	[DREF] = {
-		.name = "DREF",
-		.description = "Reference Counting",
-		.enabled = 0, .loglevel = LOGL_NOTICE,
-	},
-	[DGPRS] = {
-		.name = "DGPRS",
-		.description = "GPRS Packet Service",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-	[DNS] = {
-		.name = "DNS",
-		.description = "GPRS Network Service (NS)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_INFO,
-	},
-	[DBSSGP] = {
-		.name = "DBSSGP",
-		.description = "GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-	[DLLC] = {
-		.name = "DLLC",
-		.description = "GPRS Logical Link Control Protocol (LLC)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-	[DSNDCP] = {
-		.name = "DSNDCP",
-		.description = "GPRS Sub-Network Dependent Control Protocol (SNDCP)",
-		.enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-	},
-static struct log_info info = {
-	.cat = gprs_categories,
-	.num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(gprs_categories),
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	void *osmo_sgsn_ctx;
-	void *msgb_ctx;
-	osmo_init_logging(&info);
-	osmo_sgsn_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "osmo_sgsn");
-	tall_bsc_ctx = talloc_named_const(osmo_sgsn_ctx, 0, "bsc");
-	msgb_ctx = msgb_talloc_ctx_init(osmo_sgsn_ctx, 0);
-	sgsn_rate_ctr_init();
-	sgsn_auth_init();
-	gprs_subscr_init(sgsn);
-	test_llme();
-	test_subscriber();
-	test_auth_triplets();
-	test_subscriber_gsup();
-	test_gmm_detach();
-	test_gmm_detach_power_off();
-	test_gmm_detach_no_mmctx();
-	test_gmm_detach_accept_unexpected();
-	test_gmm_status_no_mmctx();
-	test_gmm_attach_acl();
-	test_gmm_attach_subscr();
-	test_gmm_attach_subscr_fake_auth();
-	test_gmm_attach_subscr_real_auth();
-	test_gmm_attach_subscr_gsup_auth(0);
-	test_gmm_attach_subscr_gsup_auth(1);
-	test_gmm_attach_subscr_real_gsup_auth(0);
-	test_gmm_reject();
-	test_gmm_cancel();
-	test_gmm_ptmsi_allocation();
-	test_gmm_routing_areas();
-	test_apn_matching();
-	test_ggsn_selection();
-	printf("Done\n");
-	talloc_report_full(osmo_sgsn_ctx, stderr);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(talloc_total_blocks(msgb_ctx) == 1);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(talloc_total_blocks(tall_bsc_ctx) == 2);
-	return 0;
-/* stubs */
-struct osmo_prim_hdr;
-int bssgp_prim_cb(struct osmo_prim_hdr *oph, void *ctx)
-	abort();
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/sgsn/sgsn_test.ok b/openbsc/tests/sgsn/sgsn_test.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index f38d730..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/sgsn/sgsn_test.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Testing LLME allocations
-Testing core subscriber data API
-llist_count(gprs_subscribers) == 0
-llist_count(gprs_subscribers) == 1
-llist_count(gprs_subscribers) == 1
-llist_count(gprs_subscribers) == 2
-llist_count(gprs_subscribers) == 3
-llist_count(gprs_subscribers) == 2
-llist_count(gprs_subscribers) == 1
-llist_count(gprs_subscribers) == 0
-Testing authentication triplet handling
-Testing subscriber GSUP handling
-Testing GMM detach
-Testing GMM detach (power off)
-Testing GMM detach (no MMCTX)
-Testing GMM detach accept (unexpected)
-Testing GMM Status (no MMCTX)
-Auth policy 'closed': Testing GMM attach
-Auth policy 'remote': Testing GMM attach
-Auth policy 'remote', auth faked: Testing GMM attach
-Auth policy 'remote', triplet based auth: Testing GMM attach
-Auth policy 'remote', GSUP based auth: Testing GMM attach
-Auth policy 'remote', GSUP based auth: Testing GMM attach with retry
-Auth policy 'remote', real GSUP based auth: Testing GMM attach
-Testing GMM reject
-  - Attach Request (invalid MI length)
-  - Attach Request (invalid MI type)
-  - Routing Area Update Request (valid)
-  - Routing Area Update Request (invalid type)
-  - Routing Area Update Request (invalid CAP length)
-Testing cancellation
-Testing P-TMSI allocation
-  - sgsn_alloc_ptmsi
-  - Repeated Attach Request
-  - Repeated RA Update Request
-Testing routing area changes
-  - Attach Request (RA 1)
-  - RA Update Request (RA 1 -> RA 1)
-  - RA Update Request (RA 1 -> RA 2)
-  - RA Update Request (RA other -> RA 2)
-  - Attach Request (RA 2)
-  - RA Update Request (RA 2 -> RA 2)
-Testing APN matching
-Testing GGSN selection
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/slhc/ b/openbsc/tests/slhc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32a3cc4..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/slhc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-AM_CPPFLAGS = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir)/include
-EXTRA_DIST = slhc_test.ok
-noinst_PROGRAMS = slhc_test
-slhc_test_SOURCES = slhc_test.c
-slhc_test_LDADD = \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/slhc.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libcommon/libcommon.a \
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/slhc/slhc_test.c b/openbsc/tests/slhc/slhc_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d2e1cd9..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/slhc/slhc_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-/* Test SLHC/RFC1144 TCP/IP Header compression/decompression */
-/* (C) 2016 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <openbsc/slhc.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-/* Number of compression slots (S0-1) */
-#define SLOTS 8
-/* Maximum packet bytes to display */
-#define DISP_MAX_BYTES 100
-/* Sample packets to test with */
-#define PACKETS_LEN 15
-char *packets[] = {
-	/* With TCP Option 10 (Timestamps) in place (forces UNCOMPRESSED_TCP) */
-	"4510004046dd40004006a9a7c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980100f3ac984d801800e32a1600000101080a000647de06d1bf5efffd18fffd20fffd23fffd27",
-	"4510005b46de40004006a98bc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b8198010cf3ac984d801800e3867500000101080a000647df06d1bf61fffb03fffd1ffffd21fffe22fffb05fffa2001fff0fffa2301fff0fffa2701fff0fffa1801fff0",
-	"4510003746df40004006a9aec0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980133f3ac989f801800e35fd700000101080a000647e106d1bf63fffd01",
-	"4510003746e040004006a9adc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980136f3ac98a2801800e35fd200000101080a000647e106d1bf64fffb01",
-	"4510007446e140004006a96fc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980139f3ac98a5801800e37b9b00000101080a000647e206d1bf640d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0d0a57656c6c636f6d6520746f20706f6c6c75780d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0d0a0d0a",
-	"4510004246e240004006a9a0c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980179f3ac98a5801800e3dab000000101080a000647ec06d1bf6f706f6c6c7578206c6f67696e3a20",
-	/* Regular TCP packets (COMPRESSED_TCP) */
-	"4510003446dd40004006a9b3c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980100f3ac984d501800e371410000fffd18fffd20fffd23fffd27",
-	"4510004f46de40004006a997c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b8198010cf3ac984d501800e3cda40000fffb03fffd1ffffd21fffe22fffb05fffa2001fff0fffa2301fff0fffa2701fff0fffa1801fff0",
-	"4510002b46df40004006a9bac0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980133f3ac989f501800e3a70a0000fffd01",
-	"4510002b46e040004006a9b9c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980136f3ac98a2501800e3a7060000fffb01",
-	"4510006846e140004006a97bc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980139f3ac98a5501800e3c2d000000d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0d0a57656c6c636f6d6520746f20706f6c6c75780d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0d0a0d0a",
-	"4510003646e240004006a9acc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980179f3ac98a5501800e321fb0000706f6c6c7578206c6f67696e3a20",
-	/* UDP packets (TYPE_IP */
-	"450000396e0b40004011a0310a0901650a09170105da003500255489a60f01000001000000000000076f736d6f636f6d036f72670000010001",
-	"450000dc9eeb00004011aeae0a0917010a090165003505da00c83fbaa60f81800001000100030004076f736d6f636f6d036f72670000010001c00c00010001000079be0004904c2b4cc00c000200010000173d00130773756e6265616d08676e756d6f6e6b73c014c00c000200010000173d000603646e73c041c00c000200010000173d000a0767616e65736861c041c058000100010000173d0004d55f2e45c058001c00010000173d0010200107800045f0460000000000690001c06a0001000100006a710004d55f1b78c039000100010000173d000453ecb2cb",
-	"45000037652340004011a91b0a0901650a091701ef1b0035002376a2c3910100000100000000000006676f6f676c650264650000010001",
-	"0050b6162c10000db93a3ff908004500004726a6000038114083080808080a0901650035ef1b00338a8cc3918180000100010000000006676f6f676c650264650000010001c00c000100010000012b0004d83ad503",
-/* Compress a packet using Van Jacobson RFC1144 header compression */
-static int compress(uint8_t *data_o, uint8_t *data_i, int len,
-		    struct slcompress *comp)
-	uint8_t *comp_ptr;	/* Not used */
-	int compr_len;
-	/* Create a working copy of the incoming data */
-	memcpy(data_o, data_i, len);
-	/* Run compressor */
-	compr_len = slhc_compress(comp, data_i, len, data_o, &comp_ptr, 0);
-	return compr_len;
-/* Expand a packet using Van Jacobson RFC1144 header compression */
-static int expand(uint8_t *data_o, uint8_t *data_i, int len,
-		  struct slcompress *comp)
-	int data_decompressed_len;
-	/* Create a working copy of the incoming data */
-	memcpy(data_o, data_i, len);
-	/* Handle an uncompressed packet (learn header information */
-		data_o[0] &= 0x4F;
-		data_decompressed_len = slhc_remember(comp, data_o, len);
-		return data_decompressed_len;
-	}
-	/* Uncompress compressed packets */
-	else if (data_o[0] & SL_TYPE_COMPRESSED_TCP) {
-		data_decompressed_len = slhc_uncompress(comp, data_o, len);
-		return data_decompressed_len;
-	}
-	/* Regular or unknown packets will not be touched */
-	return len;
-/* Calculate IP Header checksum */
-static uint16_t calc_ip_csum(uint8_t *data, int len)
-	int i;
-	uint32_t accumulator = 0;
-	uint16_t *pointer = (uint16_t *) data;
-	for (i = len; i > 1; i -= 2) {
-		accumulator += *pointer;
-		pointer++;
-	}
-	if (len % 2)
-		accumulator += *pointer;
-	accumulator = (accumulator & 0xffff) + ((accumulator >> 16) & 0xffff);
-	accumulator += (accumulator >> 16) & 0xffff;
-	return (~accumulator);
-/* Calculate TCP/IP checksum */
-static uint16_t calc_tcpip_csum(const void *ctx, uint8_t *packet, int len)
-	uint8_t *buf;
-	uint16_t csum;
-	buf = talloc_zero_size(ctx, len);
-	memset(buf, 0, len);
-	memcpy(buf, packet + 12, 8);
-	buf[9] = packet[9];
-	buf[11] = (len - 20) & 0xFF;
-	buf[10] = (len - 20) >> 8 & 0xFF;
-	memcpy(buf + 12, packet + 20, len - 20);
-	csum = calc_ip_csum(buf, len - 20 + 12);
-	talloc_free(buf);
-	return csum;
-/* Check TCP/IP packet */
-static void check_packet(const void *ctx, uint8_t *packet, int len)
-	/* Check IP header */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(len > 20);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(calc_ip_csum(packet, 20) == 0);
-	printf("packet[9]=%02x\n", packet[9]);
-	/* Check TCP packet */
-	if (packet[9] != 0x06)
-		return;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(len > 40);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(calc_tcpip_csum(ctx, packet, len) == 0);
-/* Compress / Decompress packets */
-static void test_slhc(const void *ctx)
-	char packet_ascii[2048];
-	int i;
-	struct slcompress *comp;
-	uint8_t packet[1024];
-	int packet_len;
-	uint8_t packet_compr[1024];
-	int packet_compr_len;
-	uint8_t packet_decompr[1024];
-	int packet_decompr_len;
-	printf("Allocating compression state...\n");
-	comp = slhc_init(ctx, SLOTS, SLOTS);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp);
-	for (i = 0; i < PACKETS_LEN; i++) {
-		printf("Testing with packet No. %d\n", i);
-		/* Read input file */
-		memset(packet_ascii, 0, sizeof(packet_ascii));
-		memset(packet, 0, sizeof(packet));
-		memset(packet_compr, 0, sizeof(packet_compr));
-		memset(packet_decompr, 0, sizeof(packet_decompr));
-		OSMO_ASSERT(strlen(packets[i]) < sizeof(packet_ascii));
-		strcpy(packet_ascii, packets[i]);
-		packet_len =
-		    osmo_hexparse(packet_ascii, packet, sizeof(packet));
-		check_packet(ctx, packet, packet_len);
-		/* Run compression/decompression algorithm */
-		printf("Compressing...\n");
-		packet_compr_len =
-		    compress(packet_compr, packet, packet_len, comp);
-		printf("Decompressing...\n");
-		packet_decompr_len =
-		    expand(packet_decompr, packet_compr, packet_compr_len,
-			   comp);
-		OSMO_ASSERT(packet_decompr_len == packet_len);
-		check_packet(ctx, packet_decompr, packet_decompr_len);
-		/* Display results */
-		printf("Results:\n");
-		if (packet_compr_len > DISP_MAX_BYTES)
-			packet_compr_len = DISP_MAX_BYTES;
-		if (packet_len > DISP_MAX_BYTES)
-			packet_len = DISP_MAX_BYTES;
-		if (packet_decompr_len > DISP_MAX_BYTES)
-			packet_decompr_len = DISP_MAX_BYTES;
-		printf("Original Packet:    (%i bytes) %s\n", packet_len,
-		       osmo_hexdump_nospc(packet, packet_len));
-		printf("DecompressedPacket: (%i bytes) %s\n",
-		       packet_decompr_len, osmo_hexdump_nospc(packet_decompr,
-							      packet_decompr_len));
-		printf("CompressedPacket:   (%i bytes) %s\n", packet_compr_len,
-		       osmo_hexdump_nospc(packet_compr, packet_compr_len));
-		slhc_o_status(comp);
-		slhc_o_status(comp);
-		printf("\n");
-	}
-	printf("Freeing compression state...\n");
-	slhc_free(comp);
-	printf("\n");
-static struct log_info_cat gprs_categories[] = {
-	[DSNDCP] = {
-		    .name = "DSNDCP",
-		    .description =
-		    "GPRS Sub-Network Dependent Control Protocol (SNDCP)",
-		    .enabled = 1,.loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-		    },
-	[DSLHC] = {
-		   .name = "DSLHC",
-		   .description =
-		   "Van Jacobson RFC1144 TCP/IP header compression (SLHC)",
-		   .enabled = 1,.loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-		   }
-static struct log_info info = {
-	.cat = gprs_categories,
-	.num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(gprs_categories),
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	void *ctx;
-	osmo_init_logging(&info);
-	ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "slhc_ctx");
-	test_slhc(ctx);
-	printf("Done\n");
-	talloc_report_full(ctx, stderr);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(talloc_total_blocks(ctx) == 1);
-	return 0;
-/* stubs */
-struct osmo_prim_hdr;
-int bssgp_prim_cb(struct osmo_prim_hdr *oph, void *ctx)
-	abort();
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/slhc/slhc_test.ok b/openbsc/tests/slhc/slhc_test.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index 71f48a1..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/slhc/slhc_test.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-Allocating compression state...
-Testing with packet No. 0
-Original Packet:    (64 bytes) 4510004046dd40004006a9a7c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980100f3ac984d801800e32a1600000101080a000647de06d1bf5efffd18fffd20fffd23fffd27
-DecompressedPacket: (64 bytes) 4510004046dd40004006a9a7c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980100f3ac984d801800e32a1600000101080a000647de06d1bf5efffd18fffd20fffd23fffd27
-CompressedPacket:   (64 bytes) 7510004046dd40004000a9a7c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980100f3ac984d801800e32a1600000101080a000647de06d1bf5efffd18fffd20fffd23fffd27
-Testing with packet No. 1
-Original Packet:    (91 bytes) 4510005b46de40004006a98bc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b8198010cf3ac984d801800e3867500000101080a000647df06d1bf61fffb03fffd1ffffd21fffe22fffb05fffa2001fff0fffa2301fff0fffa2701fff0fffa1801fff0
-DecompressedPacket: (91 bytes) 4510005b46de40004006a98bc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b8198010cf3ac984d801800e3867500000101080a000647df06d1bf61fffb03fffd1ffffd21fffe22fffb05fffa2001fff0fffa2301fff0fffa2701fff0fffa1801fff0
-CompressedPacket:   (91 bytes) 7510005b46de40004000a98bc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b8198010cf3ac984d801800e3867500000101080a000647df06d1bf61fffb03fffd1ffffd21fffe22fffb05fffa2001fff0fffa2301fff0fffa2701fff0fffa1801fff0
-Testing with packet No. 2
-Original Packet:    (55 bytes) 4510003746df40004006a9aec0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980133f3ac989f801800e35fd700000101080a000647e106d1bf63fffd01
-DecompressedPacket: (55 bytes) 4510003746df40004006a9aec0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980133f3ac989f801800e35fd700000101080a000647e106d1bf63fffd01
-CompressedPacket:   (55 bytes) 7510003746df40004000a9aec0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980133f3ac989f801800e35fd700000101080a000647e106d1bf63fffd01
-Testing with packet No. 3
-Original Packet:    (55 bytes) 4510003746e040004006a9adc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980136f3ac98a2801800e35fd200000101080a000647e106d1bf64fffb01
-DecompressedPacket: (55 bytes) 4510003746e040004006a9adc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980136f3ac98a2801800e35fd200000101080a000647e106d1bf64fffb01
-CompressedPacket:   (55 bytes) 7510003746e040004000a9adc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980136f3ac98a2801800e35fd200000101080a000647e106d1bf64fffb01
-Testing with packet No. 4
-Original Packet:    (100 bytes) 4510007446e140004006a96fc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980139f3ac98a5801800e37b9b00000101080a000647e206d1bf640d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0d0a57656c6c636f6d6520746f20706f6c6c75780d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d
-DecompressedPacket: (100 bytes) 4510007446e140004006a96fc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980139f3ac98a5801800e37b9b00000101080a000647e206d1bf640d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0d0a57656c6c636f6d6520746f20706f6c6c75780d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d
-CompressedPacket:   (100 bytes) 7510007446e140004000a96fc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980139f3ac98a5801800e37b9b00000101080a000647e206d1bf640d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0d0a57656c6c636f6d6520746f20706f6c6c75780d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d
-Testing with packet No. 5
-Original Packet:    (66 bytes) 4510004246e240004006a9a0c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980179f3ac98a5801800e3dab000000101080a000647ec06d1bf6f706f6c6c7578206c6f67696e3a20
-DecompressedPacket: (66 bytes) 4510004246e240004006a9a0c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980179f3ac98a5801800e3dab000000101080a000647ec06d1bf6f706f6c6c7578206c6f67696e3a20
-CompressedPacket:   (66 bytes) 7510004246e240004000a9a0c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980179f3ac98a5801800e3dab000000101080a000647ec06d1bf6f706f6c6c7578206c6f67696e3a20
-Testing with packet No. 6
-Original Packet:    (52 bytes) 4510003446dd40004006a9b3c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980100f3ac984d501800e371410000fffd18fffd20fffd23fffd27
-DecompressedPacket: (52 bytes) 4510003446dd40004006a9b3c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980100f3ac984d501800e371410000fffd18fffd20fffd23fffd27
-CompressedPacket:   (52 bytes) 7510003446dd40004000a9b3c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980100f3ac984d501800e371410000fffd18fffd20fffd23fffd27
-Testing with packet No. 7
-Original Packet:    (79 bytes) 4510004f46de40004006a997c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b8198010cf3ac984d501800e3cda40000fffb03fffd1ffffd21fffe22fffb05fffa2001fff0fffa2301fff0fffa2701fff0fffa1801fff0
-DecompressedPacket: (79 bytes) 4510004f46de40004006a997c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b8198010cf3ac984d501800e3cda40000fffb03fffd1ffffd21fffe22fffb05fffa2001fff0fffa2301fff0fffa2701fff0fffa1801fff0
-CompressedPacket:   (43 bytes) df00cda4fffb03fffd1ffffd21fffe22fffb05fffa2001fff0fffa2301fff0fffa2701fff0fffa1801fff0
-Testing with packet No. 8
-Original Packet:    (43 bytes) 4510002b46df40004006a9bac0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980133f3ac989f501800e3a70a0000fffd01
-DecompressedPacket: (43 bytes) 4510002b46df40004006a9bac0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980133f3ac989f501800e3a70a0000fffd01
-CompressedPacket:   (9 bytes) dc00a70a5227fffd01
-Testing with packet No. 9
-Original Packet:    (43 bytes) 4510002b46e040004006a9b9c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980136f3ac98a2501800e3a7060000fffb01
-DecompressedPacket: (43 bytes) 4510002b46e040004006a9b9c0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980136f3ac98a2501800e3a7060000fffb01
-CompressedPacket:   (7 bytes) db00a706fffb01
-Testing with packet No. 10
-Original Packet:    (100 bytes) 4510006846e140004006a97bc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980139f3ac98a5501800e3c2d000000d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0d0a57656c6c636f6d6520746f20706f6c6c75780d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d
-DecompressedPacket: (100 bytes) 4510006846e140004006a97bc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980139f3ac98a5501800e3c2d000000d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0d0a57656c6c636f6d6520746f20706f6c6c75780d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d
-CompressedPacket:   (68 bytes) db00c2d00d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0d0a57656c6c636f6d6520746f20706f6c6c75780d0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0d0a0d0a
-Testing with packet No. 11
-Original Packet:    (54 bytes) 4510003646e240004006a9acc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980179f3ac98a5501800e321fb0000706f6c6c7578206c6f67696e3a20
-DecompressedPacket: (54 bytes) 4510003646e240004006a9acc0a8646ec0a864640017ad8b81980179f3ac98a5501800e321fb0000706f6c6c7578206c6f67696e3a20
-CompressedPacket:   (18 bytes) df0021fb706f6c6c7578206c6f67696e3a20
-Testing with packet No. 12
-Original Packet:    (57 bytes) 450000396e0b40004011a0310a0901650a09170105da003500255489a60f01000001000000000000076f736d6f636f6d036f72670000010001
-DecompressedPacket: (57 bytes) 450000396e0b40004011a0310a0901650a09170105da003500255489a60f01000001000000000000076f736d6f636f6d036f72670000010001
-CompressedPacket:   (57 bytes) 450000396e0b40004011a0310a0901650a09170105da003500255489a60f01000001000000000000076f736d6f636f6d036f72670000010001
-Testing with packet No. 13
-Original Packet:    (100 bytes) 450000dc9eeb00004011aeae0a0917010a090165003505da00c83fbaa60f81800001000100030004076f736d6f636f6d036f72670000010001c00c00010001000079be0004904c2b4cc00c000200010000173d00130773756e6265616d08676e756d6f6e
-DecompressedPacket: (100 bytes) 450000dc9eeb00004011aeae0a0917010a090165003505da00c83fbaa60f81800001000100030004076f736d6f636f6d036f72670000010001c00c00010001000079be0004904c2b4cc00c000200010000173d00130773756e6265616d08676e756d6f6e
-CompressedPacket:   (100 bytes) 450000dc9eeb00004011aeae0a0917010a090165003505da00c83fbaa60f81800001000100030004076f736d6f636f6d036f72670000010001c00c00010001000079be0004904c2b4cc00c000200010000173d00130773756e6265616d08676e756d6f6e
-Testing with packet No. 14
-Original Packet:    (55 bytes) 45000037652340004011a91b0a0901650a091701ef1b0035002376a2c3910100000100000000000006676f6f676c650264650000010001
-DecompressedPacket: (55 bytes) 45000037652340004011a91b0a0901650a091701ef1b0035002376a2c3910100000100000000000006676f6f676c650264650000010001
-CompressedPacket:   (55 bytes) 45000037652340004011a91b0a0901650a091701ef1b0035002376a2c3910100000100000000000006676f6f676c650264650000010001
-Freeing compression state...
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/sndcp_xid/ b/openbsc/tests/sndcp_xid/
deleted file mode 100644
index d09c41b..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/sndcp_xid/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-AM_CPPFLAGS = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir)/include
-EXTRA_DIST = sndcp_xid_test.ok
-noinst_PROGRAMS = sndcp_xid_test
-sndcp_xid_test_SOURCES = sndcp_xid_test.c
-sndcp_xid_test_LDADD = \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_sndcp_xid.o \
-	-lrt -lm
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/sndcp_xid/sndcp_xid_test.c b/openbsc/tests/sndcp_xid/sndcp_xid_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 151dd2b..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/sndcp_xid/sndcp_xid_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-/* Test SNDCP-XID Encoding/Decoding */
-/* (C) 2016 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <openbsc/gprs_sndcp_xid.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* Test SNDCP-XID decoding with a real world sample */
-static void test_xid_decode_realworld(const void *ctx)
-	struct llist_head *comp_fields;
-	int rc;
-	printf("Testing SNDCP XID-Decoder/Encoder (real world data)\n");
-	/* Example of a real world SNDCP-XID message */
-	uint8_t xid[] =
-	    { 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x31, 0x82, 0x02, 0x27, 0x89, 0xff, 0xe0,
-	0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02,
-	0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x03, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x05,
-	0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x07, 0x01, 0x07, 0x00, 0x08, 0x01, 0x08,
-	0x80, 0x00, 0x04, 0x12, 0x00, 0x40, 0x07 };
-	uint8_t xid_r[512];
-	/* Parse and show contained comp fields */
-	comp_fields = gprs_sndcp_parse_xid(NULL, ctx, xid, sizeof(xid), NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_fields);
-	printf("Decoded:\n");
-	gprs_sndcp_dump_comp_fields(comp_fields, DSNDCP);
-	/* Encode comp-fields again */
-	rc = gprs_sndcp_compile_xid(xid_r,sizeof(xid_r), comp_fields,
-	printf("Result length=%i\n",rc);
-	printf("Encoded:  %s\n", osmo_hexdump_nospc(xid, sizeof(xid)));
-	printf("Rencoded: %s\n", osmo_hexdump_nospc(xid_r, rc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc == 54);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(memcmp(xid, xid_r, sizeof(xid)) == 0);
-	/* Free comp fields */
-	talloc_free(comp_fields);
-	printf("\n");
-/* Encode and decode test with artificial test data */
-static void test_xid_encode_decode(const void *ctx)
-	printf("Testing SNDCP XID-Encoder/Decoder\n");
-	LLIST_HEAD(comp_fields);
-	struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc1144_params rfc1144_params;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field rfc1144_comp_field;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rfc2507_params rfc2507_params;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field rfc2507_comp_field;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_pcomp_rohc_params rohc_params;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field rohc_comp_field;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v42bis_params v42bis_params;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field v42bis_comp_field;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_dcomp_v44_params v44_params;
-	struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field v44_comp_field;
-	struct llist_head *comp_fields_dec;
-	uint8_t xid[512];
-	unsigned int xid_len = sizeof(xid);
-	int rc;
-	memset(&rfc1144_comp_field, 0, sizeof(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field));
-	memset(&rfc2507_comp_field, 0, sizeof(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field));
-	memset(&rohc_comp_field, 0, sizeof(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field));
-	memset(&v42bis_comp_field, 0, sizeof(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field));
-	memset(&v44_comp_field, 0, sizeof(struct gprs_sndcp_comp_field));
-	/* Setup which NSAPIs shall make use of rfc1144 */
-	rfc1144_params.nsapi[0] = 5;
-	rfc1144_params.nsapi_len = 1;
-	/* Setup rfc1144 operating parameters */
-	rfc1144_params.s01 = 7;
-	/* Setup rfc1144 compression field */
-	rfc1144_comp_field.p = 1;
-	rfc1144_comp_field.entity = 0;
-	rfc1144_comp_field.algo = RFC_1144;
-	rfc1144_comp_field.comp[RFC1144_PCOMP1] = 1;
-	rfc1144_comp_field.comp[RFC1144_PCOMP2] = 2;
-	rfc1144_comp_field.comp_len = RFC1144_PCOMP_NUM;
-	rfc1144_comp_field.rfc1144_params = &rfc1144_params;
-	/* Setup which NSAPIs shall make use of rfc1144 */
-	rfc2507_params.nsapi[0] = 6;
-	rfc2507_params.nsapi_len = 1;
-	/* Setup rfc2507 operating parameters */
-	rfc2507_params.f_max_period = 256;
-	rfc2507_params.f_max_time = 5;
-	rfc2507_params.max_header = 168;
-	rfc2507_params.tcp_space = 15;
-	rfc2507_params.non_tcp_space = 15;
-	/* Setup rfc2507 compression field */
-	rfc2507_comp_field.p = 1;
-	rfc2507_comp_field.entity = 1;
-	rfc2507_comp_field.algo = RFC_2507;
-	rfc2507_comp_field.comp[RFC2507_PCOMP1] = 3;
-	rfc2507_comp_field.comp[RFC2507_PCOMP2] = 4;
-	rfc2507_comp_field.comp[RFC2507_PCOMP3] = 5;
-	rfc2507_comp_field.comp[RFC2507_PCOMP4] = 6;
-	rfc2507_comp_field.comp[RFC2507_PCOMP5] = 7;
-	rfc2507_comp_field.comp_len = RFC2507_PCOMP_NUM;
-	rfc2507_comp_field.rfc2507_params = &rfc2507_params;
-	/* Setup which NSAPIs shall make use of ROHC */
-	rohc_params.nsapi[0] = 5;
-	rohc_params.nsapi[1] = 6;
-	rohc_params.nsapi[2] = 7;
-	rohc_params.nsapi[3] = 8;
-	rohc_params.nsapi[4] = 9;
-	rohc_params.nsapi[5] = 10;
-	rohc_params.nsapi[6] = 11;
-	rohc_params.nsapi[7] = 12;
-	rohc_params.nsapi[8] = 13;
-	rohc_params.nsapi[9] = 14;
-	rohc_params.nsapi[10] = 15;
-	rohc_params.nsapi_len = 11;
-	/* Setup ROHC operating parameters */
-	rohc_params.max_cid = 15;	/* default */
-	rohc_params.max_header = 168;	/* default */
-	rohc_params.profile[0] = ROHC_UNCOMPRESSED;
-	rohc_params.profile[1] = ROHC_RTP;
-	rohc_params.profile[2] = ROHCV2_RTP;
-	rohc_params.profile[3] = ROHC_UDP;
-	rohc_params.profile[4] = ROHCv2_UDP;
-	rohc_params.profile[5] = ROHC_ESP;
-	rohc_params.profile[6] = ROHCV2_ESP;
-	rohc_params.profile[7] = ROHC_IP;
-	rohc_params.profile[8] = ROHCV2_IP;
-	rohc_params.profile[9] = ROHC_LLA;
-	rohc_params.profile[10] = ROHC_LLA_WITH_R_MODE;
-	rohc_params.profile[11] = ROHC_TCP;
-	rohc_params.profile[12] = ROHC_RTP_UDP_LITE;
-	rohc_params.profile[13] = ROHCV2_RTP_UDP_LITE;
-	rohc_params.profile[14] = ROHC_UDP_LITE;
-	rohc_params.profile[15] = ROHCV2_UDP_LITE;
-	rohc_params.profile_len = 16;
-	/* Setup ROHC compression field */
-	rohc_comp_field.p = 1;
-	rohc_comp_field.entity = 2;
-	rohc_comp_field.algo = ROHC;
-	rohc_comp_field.comp[ROHC_PCOMP1] = 8;
-	rohc_comp_field.comp[ROHC_PCOMP2] = 9;
-	rohc_comp_field.comp_len = ROHC_PCOMP_NUM;
-	rohc_comp_field.rohc_params = &rohc_params;
-	/* Setup which NSAPIs shall make use of v42bis */
-	v42bis_params.nsapi[0] = 5;
-	v42bis_params.nsapi_len = 1;
-	/* Setup v42bis operating parameters */
-	v42bis_params.p0 = 3;
-	v42bis_params.p1 = 2048;
-	v42bis_params.p2 = 20;
-	/* Setup v42bis compression field */
-	v42bis_comp_field.p = 1;
-	v42bis_comp_field.entity = 3;
-	v42bis_comp_field.algo = V42BIS;
-	v42bis_comp_field.comp[V42BIS_DCOMP1] = 10;
-	v42bis_comp_field.comp_len = V42BIS_DCOMP_NUM;
-	v42bis_comp_field.v42bis_params = &v42bis_params;
-	/* Setup which NSAPIs shall make use of v44 */
-	v44_params.nsapi[0] = 5;
-	v44_params.nsapi_len = 1;
-	/* Setup v44 operating parameters */
-	v44_params.c0 = 0x80;
-	v44_params.p0 = 3;
-	v44_params.p1t = 300;
-	v44_params.p1r = 300;
-	v44_params.p3t = 600;
-	v44_params.p3r = 600;
-	/* Setup v44 compression field */
-	v44_comp_field.p = 1;
-	v44_comp_field.entity = 3;
-	v44_comp_field.algo = V44;
-	v44_comp_field.comp[V44_DCOMP1] = 10;
-	v44_comp_field.comp[V44_DCOMP2] = 11;
-	v44_comp_field.comp_len = V44_DCOMP_NUM;
-	v44_comp_field.v44_params = &v44_params;
-	/* Add compression field(s) to list */
-	llist_add(&v44_comp_field.list, &comp_fields);
-	llist_add(&v42bis_comp_field.list, &comp_fields);
-	llist_add(&rfc1144_comp_field.list, &comp_fields);
-	llist_add(&rfc2507_comp_field.list, &comp_fields);
-	llist_add(&rohc_comp_field.list, &comp_fields);
-	printf("Test input data:\n");
-	gprs_sndcp_dump_comp_fields(&comp_fields, DSNDCP);
-	/* Encode SNDCP-XID fields */
-	rc = gprs_sndcp_compile_xid(xid, xid_len, &comp_fields,
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc > 0);
-	printf("Encoded:  %s (%i bytes)\n", osmo_hexdump_nospc(xid, rc), rc);
-	/* Parse and show contained comp fields */
-	comp_fields_dec = gprs_sndcp_parse_xid(NULL, ctx, xid, rc, NULL);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(comp_fields_dec);
-	printf("Decoded:\n");
-	gprs_sndcp_dump_comp_fields(comp_fields_dec, DSNDCP);
-	/* Free comp fields */
-	talloc_free(comp_fields_dec);
-static struct log_info_cat gprs_categories[] = {
-	[DSNDCP] = {
-		    .name = "DSNDCP",
-		    .description =
-		    "GPRS Sub-Network Dependent Control Protocol (SNDCP)",
-		    .enabled = 1,.loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-		    }
-static struct log_info info = {
-	.cat = gprs_categories,
-	.num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(gprs_categories),
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	void *xid_ctx;
-	osmo_init_logging(&info);
-	xid_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "xid_ctx");
-	test_xid_decode_realworld(xid_ctx);
-	test_xid_encode_decode(xid_ctx);
-	printf("Done\n");
-	talloc_report_full(xid_ctx, stderr);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(talloc_total_blocks(xid_ctx) == 1);
-	return 0;
-/* stubs */
-struct osmo_prim_hdr;
-int bssgp_prim_cb(struct osmo_prim_hdr *oph, void *ctx)
-        abort();
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/sndcp_xid/sndcp_xid_test.ok b/openbsc/tests/sndcp_xid/sndcp_xid_test.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index f357282..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/sndcp_xid/sndcp_xid_test.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Testing SNDCP XID-Decoder/Encoder (real world data)
-Result length=54
-Encoded:  000100023182022789ffe0000f00a8000000010101000201020003010300040104000501050006000701070008010880000412004007
-Rencoded: 000100023182022789ffe0000f00a8000000010101000201020003010300040104000501050006000701070008010880000412004007
-Testing SNDCP XID-Encoder/Decoder
-Test input data:
-Encoded:  000100011a83010dab00208003012c012c02580258830007a000200308001402408000041200200781010c3456700040010005a80f000f82022789ffe0000f00a80000000101010002010200030103000401040005010500060007010700080108 (97 bytes)
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/ b/openbsc/tests/
index 280aeb2..25be4ac 100644
--- a/openbsc/tests/
+++ b/openbsc/tests/
@@ -47,12 +47,6 @@
 AT_CHECK([$abs_top_builddir/tests/mgcp/mgcp_transcoding_test], [], [expout], [ignore])
-cat $abs_srcdir/gprs/gprs_test.ok > expout
-AT_CHECK([$abs_top_builddir/tests/gprs/gprs_test], [], [expout], [ignore])
 AT_CHECK([test "$enable_nat_test" != no || exit 77])
@@ -92,74 +86,18 @@
 AT_CHECK([$abs_top_builddir/tests/bsc/bsc_test], [], [expout], [ignore])
-cat $abs_srcdir/gbproxy/gbproxy_test.ok > expout
-AT_CHECK([$abs_top_builddir/tests/gbproxy/gbproxy_test], [], [expout], [ignore])
 cat $abs_srcdir/trau/trau_test.ok > expout
 AT_CHECK([$abs_top_builddir/tests/trau/trau_test], [], [expout], [ignore])
-AT_CHECK([test "$enable_sgsn_test" != no || exit 77])
-cat $abs_srcdir/sgsn/sgsn_test.ok > expout
-AT_CHECK([$abs_top_builddir/tests/sgsn/sgsn_test], [], [expout], [ignore])
-AT_CHECK([test "$enable_oap_test" != no || exit 77])
-cat $abs_srcdir/oap/oap_client_test.ok > expout
-cat $abs_srcdir/oap/oap_client_test.err > experr
-AT_CHECK([$abs_top_builddir/tests/oap/oap_client_test], [], [expout], [experr])
-AT_CHECK([test "$enable_gtphub_test" != no || exit 77])
-cat $abs_srcdir/gtphub/gtphub_test.ok > expout
-AT_CHECK([$abs_top_builddir/tests/gtphub/gtphub_test], [], [expout], [ignore])
 cat $abs_srcdir/mm_auth/mm_auth_test.ok > expout
 AT_CHECK([$abs_top_builddir/tests/mm_auth/mm_auth_test], [], [expout], [ignore])
-AT_CHECK([test "$enable_sgsn_test" != no || exit 77])
-cat $abs_srcdir/xid/xid_test.ok > expout
-AT_CHECK([$abs_top_builddir/tests/xid/xid_test], [], [expout], [ignore])
-AT_CHECK([test "$enable_sgsn_test" != no || exit 77])
-cat $abs_srcdir/sndcp_xid/sndcp_xid_test.ok > expout
-AT_CHECK([$abs_top_builddir/tests/sndcp_xid/sndcp_xid_test], [], [expout], [ignore])
-AT_CHECK([test "$enable_sgsn_test" != no || exit 77])
-cat $abs_srcdir/slhc/slhc_test.ok > expout
-AT_CHECK([$abs_top_builddir/tests/slhc/slhc_test], [], [expout], [ignore])
-AT_CHECK([test "$enable_sgsn_test" != no || exit 77])
-cat $abs_srcdir/v42bis/v42bis_test.ok > expout
-AT_CHECK([$abs_top_builddir/tests/v42bis/v42bis_test], [], [expout], [ignore])
 cat $abs_srcdir/nanobts_omlattr/nanobts_omlattr_test.ok > expout
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/v42bis/ b/openbsc/tests/v42bis/
deleted file mode 100644
index a031e33..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/v42bis/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-AM_CPPFLAGS = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir)/include
-EXTRA_DIST = v42bis_test.ok
-noinst_PROGRAMS = v42bis_test
-v42bis_test_SOURCES = v42bis_test.c
-v42bis_test_LDADD = \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/v42bis.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libcommon/libcommon.a \
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/v42bis/v42bis_test.c b/openbsc/tests/v42bis/v42bis_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e90785..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/v42bis/v42bis_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-/* Test v42bis Compression/Decompression */
-/* (C) 2016 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <openbsc/v42bis.h>
-#include <openbsc/v42bis_private.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-/* V.42bis compression parameters */
-#define P0 3			/* Direction */
-#define P1 512			/* Max number of codewords */
-#define P2 20			/* Max string length */
-/* V.42bis compression buffer size
- * (Does not affect the compression/decompression result) */
-#define MAX_BLOCK_SIZE 1024
-/* Compressed sample packets, sniffed from real communication */
-char *compr_packets[] = {
-	/* K800i */
-	"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",
-	"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",
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-	"450001a0b41140004006b8e80a0901abc0a800021f904002d5b860b5bab240ae501900ed861d0000485454502f312e3020323030204f4b0d0a5365727665723a2053696d706c65485454502f302e3620507974686f6e2f322e372e360d0a446174653a205475652c2033302041756720323031362030393a34333a303720474d540d0a436f6e74656e742d747970653a20746578742f68746d6c3b20636861727365743d5554462d380d0a436f6e74656e742d4c656e6774683a203232320d0a0d0a3c21444f43545950452068746d6c205055424c494320222d2f2f5733432f2f4454442048544d4c20332e322046696e616c2f2f454e223e3c68746d6c3e0a3c7469746c653e4469726563746f7279206c697374696e6720666f72202f3c2f7469746c653e0a3c626f64793e0a3c68323e4469726563746f7279206c697374696e6720666f72202f3c2f68323e0a3c68723e0a3c756c3e0a3c6c693e3c6120687265663d2272656470686f6e652e706e67223e72656470686f6e652e706e673c2f613e0a3c2f756c3e0a3c68723e0a3c2f626f64793e0a3c2f68746d6c3e0a",
-	"450000e2971b40003706026c550d93d7c0a8000200504047217f5922c903759c8018007c4fb400000101080a1153ce39002cf6e8485454502f312e3120333034204e6f74204d6f6469666965640d0a446174653a205475652c2033302041756720323031362031363a33363a343020474d540d0a5365727665723a204170616368650d0a436f6e6e656374696f6e3a204b6565702d416c6976650d0a4b6565702d416c6976653a2074696d656f75743d322c206d61783d313030300d0a455461673a2022346338613134392d3436652d34323736386138656338656330220d0a0d0a",
-	"450000e224f1400037067496550d93d7c0a80002005040489387ebf0c904389f8018007cec5700000101080a1153cf01002cf8fc485454502f312e3120333034204e6f74204d6f6469666965640d0a446174653a205475652c2033302041756720323031362031363a33363a343020474d540d0a5365727665723a204170616368650d0a436f6e6e656374696f6e3a204b6565702d416c6976650d0a4b6565702d416c6976653a2074696d656f75743d322c206d61783d313030300d0a455461673a2022346338613338302d3861362d34323736383761323236383830220d0a0d0a",
-	"450000e2b66140003706e325550d93d7c0a8000200504049fbb679bcc9051ea48018007cebea00000101080a1153cfdc002cfdb4485454502f312e3120333034204e6f74204d6f6469666965640d0a446174653a205475652c2033302041756720323031362031363a33363a343120474d540d0a5365727665723a204170616368650d0a436f6e6e656374696f6e3a204b6565702d416c6976650d0a4b6565702d416c6976653a2074696d656f75743d322c206d61783d313030300d0a455461673a2022346338313336642d3138642d34353832306530393638303430220d0a0d0a",
-/* Calculate IP Header checksum */
-static uint16_t calc_ip_csum(uint8_t *data, int len)
-	int i;
-	uint32_t accumulator = 0;
-	uint16_t *pointer = (uint16_t *) data;
-	for (i = len; i > 1; i -= 2) {
-		accumulator += *pointer;
-		pointer++;
-	}
-	if (len % 2)
-		accumulator += *pointer;
-	accumulator = (accumulator & 0xffff) + ((accumulator >> 16) & 0xffff);
-	accumulator += (accumulator >> 16) & 0xffff;
-	return (~accumulator);
-/* Calculate TCP/IP checksum */
-static uint16_t calc_tcpip_csum(const void *ctx, uint8_t *packet, int len)
-	uint8_t *buf;
-	uint16_t csum;
-	buf = talloc_zero_size(ctx, len);
-	memset(buf, 0, len);
-	memcpy(buf, packet + 12, 8);
-	buf[9] = packet[9];
-	buf[11] = (len - 20) & 0xFF;
-	buf[10] = (len - 20) >> 8 & 0xFF;
-	memcpy(buf + 12, packet + 20, len - 20);
-	csum = calc_ip_csum(buf, len - 20 + 12);
-	talloc_free(buf);
-	return csum;
-/* A simple function to show the ascii content of a packet */
-void show_packet(uint8_t *packet, int len)
-	int i;
-	char c;
-	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-		c = packet[i];
-		if (c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7E)
-			printf("%c", c);
-		else
-			printf(".");
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-/* A struct to capture the output data of compressor and decompressor */
-struct v42bis_output_buffer {
-	uint8_t *buf;
-	uint8_t *buf_pointer;
-	int len;
-/* A simple testpattern generator */
-static void gen_test_pattern(uint8_t *data, int len)
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
-		data[i] = i & 0xF0;
-/* Handler to capture the output data from the compressor */
-void tx_v42bis_frame_handler(void *user_data, const uint8_t *pkt, int len)
-	struct v42bis_output_buffer *output_buffer =
-	    (struct v42bis_output_buffer *)user_data;
-	memcpy(output_buffer->buf_pointer, pkt, len);
-	output_buffer->buf_pointer += len;
-	output_buffer->len += len;
-	return;
-/* Handler to capture the output data from the decompressor */
-void tx_v42bis_data_handler(void *user_data, const uint8_t *buf, int len)
-	/* stub, never used */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(false);
-	return;
-/* Handler to capture the output data from the compressor */
-void rx_v42bis_frame_handler(void *user_data, const uint8_t *pkt, int len)
-	/* stub, never used */
-	OSMO_ASSERT(false);
-	return;
-/* Handler to capture the output data from the decompressor */
-void rx_v42bis_data_handler(void *user_data, const uint8_t *buf, int len)
-	struct v42bis_output_buffer *output_buffer =
-	    (struct v42bis_output_buffer *)user_data;
-	memcpy(output_buffer->buf_pointer, buf, len);
-	output_buffer->buf_pointer += len;
-	output_buffer->len += len;
-	return;
-/* Test V.42bis compression and decompression */
-static void v42bis(const void *ctx, int mode, uint8_t *testvec, int len)
-	v42bis_state_t *tx_state;
-	v42bis_state_t *rx_state;
-	uint8_t *uncompressed_original;
-	uint8_t *compressed;
-	uint8_t *uncompressed;
-	uncompressed_original = talloc_zero_size(ctx, len);
-	uncompressed = talloc_zero_size(ctx, len);
-	/* Note: We allocate double the size for the compressed buffer,
-	 * because in some cases the compression may increase the amount.
-	 * of data. */
-	compressed = talloc_zero_size(ctx, len * 2);
-	int rc;
-	int rc_sum = 0;
-	struct v42bis_output_buffer compressed_data;
-	struct v42bis_output_buffer uncompressed_data;
-	/* Initalize */
-	tx_state =
-	    v42bis_init(ctx, NULL, P0, P1, P2,
-			&tx_v42bis_frame_handler, NULL, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE,
-			&tx_v42bis_data_handler, NULL, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(tx_state);
-	rx_state =
-	    v42bis_init(ctx, NULL, P0, P1, P2,
-			&rx_v42bis_frame_handler, NULL, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE,
-			&rx_v42bis_data_handler, NULL, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rx_state);
-	v42bis_compression_control(tx_state, mode);
-	/* Setup input data */
-	memcpy(uncompressed_original, testvec, len);
-	/* Run compressor */
-	compressed_data.buf = compressed;
-	compressed_data.buf_pointer = compressed;
-	compressed_data.len = 0;
-	tx_state->compress.user_data = (&compressed_data);
-	rc = v42bis_compress(tx_state, uncompressed_original, len);
-	printf("v42bis_compress() rc=%d\n", rc);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc == 0);
-	rc = v42bis_compress_flush(tx_state);
-	printf("v42bis_compress_flush() rc=%d\n", rc);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc == 0);
-	/* Decompress again */
-	uncompressed_data.buf = uncompressed;
-	uncompressed_data.buf_pointer = uncompressed;
-	uncompressed_data.len = 0;
-	rx_state->decompress.user_data = (&uncompressed_data);
-	rc = v42bis_decompress(rx_state, compressed_data.buf,
-			       compressed_data.len);
-	printf("v42bis_decompress() rc=%d\n", rc);
-	rc = v42bis_decompress_flush(rx_state);
-	rc_sum += rc;
-	printf("v42bis_decompress_flush() rc=%d\n", rc);
-	rc_sum += rc;
-	/* Check results */
-	printf("Mode: %i\n", mode);
-	printf("uncompressed_original= %s ASCII:",
-	       osmo_hexdump_nospc(uncompressed_original, len));
-	show_packet(uncompressed_original, len);
-	printf("uncompressed=          %s ASCII:",
-	       osmo_hexdump_nospc(uncompressed_data.buf,
-				  uncompressed_data.len));
-	show_packet(uncompressed_data.buf, uncompressed_data.len);
-	printf("compressed=            %s ASCII:",
-	       osmo_hexdump_nospc(compressed_data.buf, compressed_data.len));
-	show_packet(compressed_data.buf, compressed_data.len);
-	rc = memcmp(uncompressed, uncompressed_original, len);
-	printf("memcmp() rc=%d\n", rc);
-	rc_sum += rc;
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc_sum == 0);
-	/* Free buffers and exit */
-	v42bis_free(tx_state);
-	v42bis_free(rx_state);
-	talloc_free(uncompressed_original);
-	talloc_free(compressed);
-	talloc_free(uncompressed);
-	printf("\n");
-/* Test V.42bis compression and decompression with generated data*/
-static void test_v42bis(const void *ctx)
-	printf("Testing compression/decompression with generated data:\n");
-	uint8_t testvec[1024];
-	int len = sizeof(testvec);
-	gen_test_pattern(testvec, len);
-	v42bis(ctx, V42BIS_COMPRESSION_MODE_DYNAMIC, testvec, len);
-	v42bis(ctx, V42BIS_COMPRESSION_MODE_ALWAYS, testvec, len);
-	v42bis(ctx, V42BIS_COMPRESSION_MODE_NEVER, testvec, len);
-/* Test V.42bis compression and decompression with some TCP/IP packets */
-static void test_v42bis_tcpip(const void *ctx, int packet_id)
-	uint8_t *testvec;
-	int len;
-	printf
-	    ("Testing compression/decompression with realistic TCP/IP packets:\n");
-	printf("Packet No.: %i\n", packet_id);
-	len = strlen(uncompr_packets[packet_id]);
-	testvec = talloc_zero_size(ctx, len);
-	len = osmo_hexparse(uncompr_packets[packet_id], testvec, len);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(len > 0);
-	v42bis(ctx, V42BIS_COMPRESSION_MODE_DYNAMIC, testvec, len);
-	v42bis(ctx, V42BIS_COMPRESSION_MODE_ALWAYS, testvec, len);
-	v42bis(ctx, V42BIS_COMPRESSION_MODE_NEVER, testvec, len);
-	talloc_free(testvec);
-/* Test V.42bis decompression with real, sniffed packets */
-static void test_v42bis_tcpip_decompress(const void *ctx, int packet_id)
-	uint8_t *compressed;
-	int compressed_len;
-	uint8_t *uncompressed;
-	v42bis_state_t *rx_state;
-	int rc;
-	int rc_sum = 0;
-	int len;
-	struct v42bis_output_buffer uncompressed_data;
-	printf
-	    ("Testing decompression with sniffed compressed TCP/IP packets:\n");
-	printf("Packet No.: %i\n", packet_id);
-	len = strlen(compr_packets[packet_id]);
-	uncompressed = talloc_zero_size(ctx, len);
-	compressed = talloc_zero_size(ctx, len);
-	/* Initalize */
-	rx_state =
-	    v42bis_init(ctx, NULL, P0, P1, P2,
-			&rx_v42bis_frame_handler, NULL, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE,
-			&rx_v42bis_data_handler, NULL, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rx_state);
-	/* Setup input data */
-	compressed_len =
-	    osmo_hexparse(compr_packets[packet_id], compressed, len);
-	/* Decompress */
-	uncompressed_data.buf = uncompressed;
-	uncompressed_data.buf_pointer = uncompressed;
-	uncompressed_data.len = 0;
-	rx_state->decompress.user_data = (&uncompressed_data);
-	rc = v42bis_decompress_flush(rx_state);
-	printf("v42bis_decompress_flush() rc=%d\n", rc);
-	rc_sum += rc;
-	rc = v42bis_decompress(rx_state, compressed, compressed_len);
-	printf("v42bis_decompress() rc=%d\n", rc);
-	rc_sum += rc;
-	rc = v42bis_decompress_flush(rx_state);
-	printf("v42bis_decompress_flush() rc=%d\n", rc);
-	rc_sum += rc;
-	/* Check results */
-	printf("compressed=   %s ASCII:",
-	       osmo_hexdump_nospc(compressed, compressed_len));
-	show_packet(compressed, compressed_len);
-	printf("uncompressed= %s ASCII:",
-	       osmo_hexdump_nospc(uncompressed_data.buf,
-				  uncompressed_data.len));
-	show_packet(uncompressed_data.buf, uncompressed_data.len);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(calc_ip_csum(uncompressed_data.buf, 20) == 0);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(calc_tcpip_csum(ctx, uncompressed_data.buf,
-				    uncompressed_data.len) == 0);
-	/* Free buffers and exit */
-	v42bis_free(rx_state);
-	talloc_free(uncompressed);
-	talloc_free(compressed);
-	printf("\n");
-static struct log_info_cat gprs_categories[] = {
-	[DV42BIS] = {
-		     .name = "DV42BIS",
-		     .description = "V.42bis data compression (SNDCP)",
-		     .enabled = 1,.loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-		     }
-static struct log_info info = {
-	.cat = gprs_categories,
-	.num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(gprs_categories),
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	void *v42bis_ctx;
-	int i;
-	osmo_init_logging(&info);
-	v42bis_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "v42bis_ctx");
-	test_v42bis(v42bis_ctx);
-	for (i = 0; i < UNCOMPR_PACKETS_LEN; i++)
-		test_v42bis_tcpip(v42bis_ctx, i);
-	for (i = 0; i < COMPR_PACKETS_LEN; i++)
-		test_v42bis_tcpip_decompress(v42bis_ctx, i);
-	printf("Done\n");
-	talloc_report_full(v42bis_ctx, stderr);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(talloc_total_blocks(v42bis_ctx) == 1);
-	return 0;
-/* stubs */
-struct osmo_prim_hdr;
-int bssgp_prim_cb(struct osmo_prim_hdr *oph, void *ctx)
-	abort();
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/v42bis/v42bis_test.ok b/openbsc/tests/v42bis/v42bis_test.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index 0707674..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/v42bis/v42bis_test.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,648 +0,0 @@
-Testing compression/decompression with generated data:
-v42bis_compress() rc=0
-v42bis_compress_flush() rc=0
-v42bis_decompress() rc=0
-v42bis_decompress_flush() rc=0
-Mode: 0
-uncompressed_original= 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 ASCII:................................                0000000000000000@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP````````````````pppppppppppppppp................................................................................................................................................................                0000000000000000@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP````````````````pppppppppppppppp................................................................................................................................................................                0000000000000000@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP````````````````pppppppppppppppp................................................................................................................................................................                0000000000000000@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP````````````````pppppppppppppppp................................................................................................................................
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-Testing compression/decompression with realistic TCP/IP packets:
-Packet No.: 4
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-Testing compression/decompression with realistic TCP/IP packets:
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-Testing compression/decompression with realistic TCP/IP packets:
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-Testing compression/decompression with realistic TCP/IP packets:
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-Testing compression/decompression with realistic TCP/IP packets:
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-Testing decompression with sniffed compressed TCP/IP packets:
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-Testing decompression with sniffed compressed TCP/IP packets:
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-Testing decompression with sniffed compressed TCP/IP packets:
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-Testing decompression with sniffed compressed TCP/IP packets:
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-Testing decompression with sniffed compressed TCP/IP packets:
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-Testing decompression with sniffed compressed TCP/IP packets:
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-Testing decompression with sniffed compressed TCP/IP packets:
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-Testing decompression with sniffed compressed TCP/IP packets:
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-Testing decompression with sniffed compressed TCP/IP packets:
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-v42bis_decompress_flush() rc=0
-v42bis_decompress() rc=0
-v42bis_decompress_flush() rc=0
-compressed=   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 ASCII:E......@.@..T..........@.CtB.zJ..P.......HTTP/1.0 200 OK..Server: SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/2.7.6..Date: Wed, 3.1 Aug 2016 09:27:55 GMT..Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8..Content-Length: 222....f.?H..b...)H.. html Pf.X.<abdD..2../W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"><html>.<title>Directory listing f.or /</titl..h..(#....kj.G...{......_.B.k.....|}.(UN}.S.~2.etL.......v...
-uncompressed= 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 ASCII:E.....@.@..T..........@.CtB.zJ..P.......HTTP/1.0 200 OK..Server: SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/2.7.6..Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2016 09:27:55 GMT..Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8..Content-Length: 222....<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"><html>.<title>Directory listing for /</title>.<body>.<h2>Directory listing for /</h2>.<hr>.<ul>.<li><a href="redphone.png">redphone.png</a>.</ul>.<hr>.</body>.</html>.
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/ b/openbsc/tests/
index accabae..8bec7c0 100644
--- a/openbsc/tests/
+++ b/openbsc/tests/
@@ -988,206 +988,6 @@
                 asserted = True
-class TestVTYGbproxy(TestVTYGenericBSC):
-    def vty_command(self):
-        return ["./src/gprs/osmo-gbproxy", "-c",
-                "doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.cfg"]
-    def vty_app(self):
-        return (4246, "./src/gprs/osmo-gbproxy", "OsmoGbProxy", "bsc")
-    def testVtyTree(self):
-        self.vty.enable()
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('configure terminal', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config')
-        self.checkForEndAndExit()
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('ns', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config-ns')
-        self.checkForEndAndExit()
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('exit', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config')
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('gbproxy', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config-gbproxy')
-        self.checkForEndAndExit()
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('exit', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config')
-    def testVtyShow(self):
-        res = self.vty.command("show ns")
-        self.assert_(res.find('Encapsulation NS-UDP-IP') >= 0)
-        res = self.vty.command("show gbproxy stats")
-        self.assert_(res.find('GBProxy Global Statistics') >= 0)
-    def testVtyDeletePeer(self):
-        self.vty.enable()
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('delete-gbproxy-peer 9999 bvci 7777', ['BVC not found']))
-        res = self.vty.command("delete-gbproxy-peer 9999 all dry-run")
-        self.assert_(res.find('Not Deleted 0 BVC') >= 0)
-        self.assert_(res.find('Not Deleted 0 NS-VC') >= 0)
-        res = self.vty.command("delete-gbproxy-peer 9999 only-bvc dry-run")
-        self.assert_(res.find('Not Deleted 0 BVC') >= 0)
-        self.assert_(res.find('Not Deleted 0 NS-VC') < 0)
-        res = self.vty.command("delete-gbproxy-peer 9999 only-nsvc dry-run")
-        self.assert_(res.find('Not Deleted 0 BVC') < 0)
-        self.assert_(res.find('Not Deleted 0 NS-VC') >= 0)
-        res = self.vty.command("delete-gbproxy-peer 9999 all")
-        self.assert_(res.find('Deleted 0 BVC') >= 0)
-        self.assert_(res.find('Deleted 0 NS-VC') >= 0)
-class TestVTYSGSN(TestVTYGenericBSC):
-    def vty_command(self):
-        return ["./src/gprs/osmo-sgsn", "-c",
-                "doc/examples/osmo-sgsn/osmo-sgsn.cfg"]
-    def vty_app(self):
-        return (4245, "./src/gprs/osmo-sgsn", "OsmoSGSN", "sgsn")
-    def testVtyTree(self):
-        self.vty.enable()
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('configure terminal', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config')
-        self.checkForEndAndExit()
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('ns', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config-ns')
-        self.checkForEndAndExit()
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('exit', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config')
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('sgsn', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config-sgsn')
-        self.checkForEndAndExit()
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('exit', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config')
-    def testVtyShow(self):
-        res = self.vty.command("show ns")
-        self.assert_(res.find('Encapsulation NS-UDP-IP') >= 0)
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('show bssgp', ['']))
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('show bssgp stats', ['']))
-        # TODO: uncomment when the command does not segfault anymore
-        # self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('show bssgp nsei 123', ['']))
-        # self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('show bssgp nsei 123 stats', ['']))
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('show sgsn', ['']))
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('show mm-context all', ['']))
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('show mm-context imsi 000001234567', ['No MM context for IMSI 000001234567']))
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('show pdp-context all', ['']))
-        res = self.vty.command("show sndcp")
-        self.assert_(res.find('State of SNDCP Entities') >= 0)
-        res = self.vty.command("show llc")
-        self.assert_(res.find('State of LLC Entities') >= 0)
-    def testVtyAuth(self):
-        self.vty.enable()
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('configure terminal', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config')
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('sgsn', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config-sgsn')
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('auth-policy accept-all', ['']))
-        res = self.vty.command("show running-config")
-        self.assert_(res.find('auth-policy accept-all') > 0)
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('auth-policy acl-only', ['']))
-        res = self.vty.command("show running-config")
-        self.assert_(res.find('auth-policy acl-only') > 0)
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('auth-policy closed', ['']))
-        res = self.vty.command("show running-config")
-        self.assert_(res.find('auth-policy closed') > 0)
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('gsup remote-ip', ['']))
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('gsup remote-port 2222', ['']))
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('auth-policy remote', ['']))
-        res = self.vty.command("show running-config")
-        self.assert_(res.find('auth-policy remote') > 0)
-    def testVtySubscriber(self):
-        self.vty.enable()
-        res = self.vty.command('show subscriber cache')
-        self.assert_(res.find('1234567890') < 0)
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('update-subscriber imsi 1234567890 create', ['']))
-        res = self.vty.command('show subscriber cache')
-        self.assert_(res.find('1234567890') >= 0)
-        self.assert_(res.find('Authorized: 0') >= 0)
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('update-subscriber imsi 1234567890 update-location-result ok', ['']))
-        res = self.vty.command('show subscriber cache')
-        self.assert_(res.find('1234567890') >= 0)
-        self.assert_(res.find('Authorized: 1') >= 0)
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('update-subscriber imsi 1234567890 cancel update-procedure', ['']))
-        res = self.vty.command('show subscriber cache')
-        self.assert_(res.find('1234567890') >= 0)
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('update-subscriber imsi 1234567890 destroy', ['']))
-        res = self.vty.command('show subscriber cache')
-        self.assert_(res.find('1234567890') < 0)
-    def testVtyGgsn(self):
-        self.vty.enable()
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('configure terminal', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config')
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('sgsn', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config-sgsn')
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('ggsn 0 remote-ip', ['']))
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('ggsn 0 gtp-version 1', ['']))
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('apn * ggsn 0', ['']))
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('apn apn1.test ggsn 0', ['']))
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('apn apn1.test ggsn 1', ['% a GGSN with id 1 has not been defined']))
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('apn apn1.test imsi-prefix 123456 ggsn 0', ['']))
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('apn apn2.test imsi-prefix 123456 ggsn 0', ['']))
-        res = self.vty.command("show running-config")
-        self.assert_(res.find('ggsn 0 remote-ip') >= 0)
-        self.assert_(res.find('ggsn 0 gtp-version 1') >= 0)
-        self.assert_(res.find('apn * ggsn 0') >= 0)
-        self.assert_(res.find('apn apn1.test ggsn 0') >= 0)
-        self.assert_(res.find('apn apn1.test imsi-prefix 123456 ggsn 0') >= 0)
-        self.assert_(res.find('apn apn2.test imsi-prefix 123456 ggsn 0') >= 0)
-    def testVtyEasyAPN(self):
-        self.vty.enable()
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('configure terminal', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config')
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('sgsn', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config-sgsn')
-        res = self.vty.command("show running-config")
-        self.assertEquals(res.find("apn internet"), -1)
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify("access-point-name internet.apn", ['']))
-        res = self.vty.command("show running-config")
-        self.assert_(res.find("apn internet.apn ggsn 0") >= 0)
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify("no access-point-name internet.apn", ['']))
-        res = self.vty.command("show running-config")
-        self.assertEquals(res.find("apn internet"), -1)
-    def testVtyCDR(self):
-        self.vty.enable()
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('configure terminal', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config')
-        self.assertTrue(self.vty.verify('sgsn', ['']))
-        self.assertEquals(self.vty.node(), 'config-sgsn')
-        res = self.vty.command("show running-config")
-        self.assert_(res.find("no cdr filename") > 0)
-        self.vty.command("cdr filename bla.cdr")
-        res = self.vty.command("show running-config")
-        self.assertEquals(res.find("no cdr filename"), -1)
-        self.assert_(res.find(" cdr filename bla.cdr") > 0)
-        self.vty.command("no cdr filename")
-        res = self.vty.command("show running-config")
-        self.assert_(res.find("no cdr filename") > 0)
-        self.assertEquals(res.find(" cdr filename bla.cdr"), -1)
-        res = self.vty.command("show running-config")
-        self.assert_(res.find(" cdr interval 600") > 0)
-        self.vty.command("cdr interval 900")
-        res = self.vty.command("show running-config")
-        self.assert_(res.find(" cdr interval 900") > 0)
-        self.assertEquals(res.find(" cdr interval 600"), -1)
 def add_nat_test(suite, workdir):
     if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(workdir, "src/osmo-bsc_nat/osmo-bsc_nat")):
         print("Skipping the NAT test")
@@ -1319,20 +1119,6 @@
     test = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestVTYBSC)
-def add_gbproxy_test(suite, workdir):
-    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(workdir, "src/gprs/osmo-gbproxy")):
-        print("Skipping the Gb-Proxy test")
-        return
-    test = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestVTYGbproxy)
-    suite.addTest(test)
-def add_sgsn_test(suite, workdir):
-    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(workdir, "src/gprs/osmo-sgsn")):
-        print("Skipping the SGSN test")
-        return
-    test = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestVTYSGSN)
-    suite.addTest(test)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     import argparse
     import sys
@@ -1367,8 +1153,6 @@
     add_bsc_test(suite, workdir)
     add_nat_test(suite, workdir)
-    add_gbproxy_test(suite, workdir)
-    add_sgsn_test(suite, workdir)
     if args.test_name:
         osmoutil.pick_tests(suite, *args.test_name)
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/xid/ b/openbsc/tests/xid/
deleted file mode 100644
index aaf17ed..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/xid/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-	$(all_includes) \
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/include \
-	$(NULL)
-	-Wall \
-	-ggdb3 \
-	$(NULL)
-	xid_test.ok \
-	$(NULL)
-noinst_PROGRAMS = \
-	xid_test \
-	$(NULL)
-xid_test_SOURCES = \
-	xid_test.c \
-	$(NULL)
-xid_test_LDADD = \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/gprs/gprs_llc_xid.o \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libcommon/libcommon.a \
-	-lrt \
-	-lm \
-	$(NULL)
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/xid/xid_test.c b/openbsc/tests/xid/xid_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b77a4ae..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/xid/xid_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-/* Test LLC-XID Encoding/Decoding */
-/* (C) 2016 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Philipp Maier
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <openbsc/gprs_llc_xid.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* Test XID encoding */
-static void test_xid_encode(const void *ctx)
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field xid_field_1;
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field xid_field_2;
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field xid_field_3;
-	struct gprs_llc_xid_field xid_field_4;
-	LLIST_HEAD(xid_fields);
-	uint8_t xid[255];
-	uint8_t xid_expected[] =
-	    { 0x10, 0x8c, 0x14, 0x43, 0x43, 0x43, 0x43, 0x43, 0x0b, 0x42, 0x42,
-	0x42, 0x05, 0x41 };
-	int rc;
-	printf("Testing LLC XID-Encoder\n");
-	/* Setup some simple XID data */
-	xid_field_1.type = 1;
-	xid_field_2.type = 2;
-	xid_field_3.type = 3;
-	xid_field_4.type = 4;
- = (uint8_t *) "A";
- = (uint8_t *) "BBB";
- = (uint8_t *) "CCCCC";
- = NULL;
-	xid_field_1.data_len = 1;
-	xid_field_2.data_len = 3;
-	xid_field_3.data_len = 5;
-	xid_field_4.data_len = 0;
-	llist_add(&xid_field_4.list, &xid_fields);
-	llist_add(&xid_field_3.list, &xid_fields);
-	llist_add(&xid_field_2.list, &xid_fields);
-	llist_add(&xid_field_1.list, &xid_fields);
-	printf("Data to encode:\n");
-	gprs_llc_dump_xid_fields(&xid_fields, DSNDCP);
-	/* Encode data */
-	rc = gprs_llc_compile_xid(xid, sizeof(xid), &xid_fields);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc == 14);
-	printf("Encoded:  %s (%i bytes)\n", osmo_hexdump_nospc(xid, rc), rc);
-	printf("Expected: %s (%i bytes)\n",
-	       osmo_hexdump_nospc(xid_expected, sizeof(xid_expected)),
-	       (int)sizeof(xid_expected));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(memcmp(xid_expected, xid, sizeof(xid_expected)) == 0);
-	printf("\n");
-/* Test XID decoding */
-static void test_xid_decode(const void *ctx)
-	struct llist_head *xid_fields;
-	int rc;
-	printf("Testing LLC XID-Decoder/Encoder\n");
-	/* Example of a real world LLC-XID message */
-	uint8_t xid[] =
-	    { 0x01, 0x00, 0x16, 0x05, 0xf0, 0x1a, 0x05, 0xf0, 0xac, 0xd8, 0x00,
-	0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x31, 0x82, 0x02, 0x27, 0x89, 0xff, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x0f,
-	0x00, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02,
-	0x00, 0x03, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x05, 0x01, 0x05,
-	0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x07, 0x01, 0x07, 0x00, 0x08, 0x01, 0x08, 0x80, 0x00,
-	0x04, 0x12, 0x00, 0x40, 0x07 };
-	uint8_t xid_r[512];
-	/* Decode and display XID fields */
-	xid_fields = gprs_llc_parse_xid(ctx, xid, sizeof(xid));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(xid_fields);
-	printf("Decoded:\n");
-	gprs_llc_dump_xid_fields(xid_fields, DSNDCP);
-	/* Encode xid-fields again */
-	rc = gprs_llc_compile_xid(xid_r, sizeof(xid_r), xid_fields);
-	printf("Result length=%i\n",rc);
-	printf("Encoded:  %s\n", osmo_hexdump_nospc(xid, sizeof(xid)));
-	printf("Rencoded: %s\n", osmo_hexdump_nospc(xid_r, rc));
-	OSMO_ASSERT(rc == 64);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(memcmp(xid, xid_r, sizeof(xid)) == 0);
-	/* Free xid fields */
-	talloc_free(xid_fields);
-	printf("\n");
-static struct log_info_cat gprs_categories[] = {
-	[DSNDCP] = {
-		    .name = "DSNDCP",
-		    .description =
-		    "GPRS Sub-Network Dependent Control Protocol (SNDCP)",
-		    .enabled = 1,.loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
-		    }
-static struct log_info info = {
-	.cat = gprs_categories,
-	.num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(gprs_categories),
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	void *xid_ctx;
-	osmo_init_logging(&info);
-	xid_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "xid_ctx");
-	test_xid_decode(xid_ctx);
-	test_xid_encode(xid_ctx);
-	printf("Done\n");
-	talloc_report_full(xid_ctx, stderr);
-	OSMO_ASSERT(talloc_total_blocks(xid_ctx) == 1);
-	return 0;
-/* stubs */
-struct osmo_prim_hdr;
-int bssgp_prim_cb(struct osmo_prim_hdr *oph, void *ctx)
-        abort();
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/xid/xid_test.ok b/openbsc/tests/xid/xid_test.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cf825c..0000000
--- a/openbsc/tests/xid/xid_test.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Testing LLC XID-Decoder/Encoder
-Result length=64
-Encoded:  01001605f01a05f0acd8000100023182022789ffe0000f00a8000000010101000201020003010300040104000501050006000701070008010880000412004007
-Rencoded: 01001605f01a05f0acd8000100023182022789ffe0000f00a8000000010101000201020003010300040104000501050006000701070008010880000412004007
-Testing LLC XID-Encoder
-Data to encode:
-Encoded:  108c1443434343430b4242420541 (14 bytes)
-Expected: 108c1443434343430b4242420541 (14 bytes)