OsmoMGCP and OsmoNAT manuals moved from osmo-gsm-manuals.git

Add both manuals to manuals/OsmoMGCP and manuals/OsmoNAT. Build them
just like the existing OsmoNITB manual:

$ cd manuals/OsmoMGCP
$ make

The commit history only consisted of the initial commit and was not

Related: OS#3385
Change-Id: Ibace91bc518079765e12529596a1763b6c5a04b5
8 files changed
tree: 3b1f8c49535a1554d70a0092d7b78e7444150c52
  1. contrib/
  2. debian/
  3. manuals/
  4. openbsc/
  5. .gitignore
  6. .gitreview
  7. .mailmap