improve test output for gsm0808_sc_cfg_from_gsm48_mr_cfg()

Improve the test output to make it easier to confirm that the fix in an
upcoming patch (I900fda192742fa8f6dd54e9131ef1704b14cc41a) is indeed

Spell out each S0-S15 mode along with the bitmask.
Rejigger the format of printing the mr_cfg flags, so that the AMR modes
line up vertically with the S0-S15 modes.

This clearly shows that the mr_cfg <-> s15_s0 conversion is wrong.
For example, in this test only 4k75 is enabled, yet we allow configs
featuring 6 other rates:

  cfg.smod=0 spare=0 icmi=0 nscb=0 ver=0
      m4_75=1 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
 Result (fr):
  S15-S0 = 0x5701 = 0b0101011100000001
  S0   4.75
  S8   4.75            5.90
  S9   4.75            5.90    6.70
  S10  4.75            5.90    6.70    7.40
  S12  4.75            5.90    6.70                    10.2
  S14  4.75            5.90                    7.95            12.2
 Result (hr):
  S15-S0 = 0x0701 = 0b0000011100000001
  S0   4.75
  S8   4.75            5.90
  S9   4.75            5.90    6.70
  S10  4.75            5.90    6.70    7.40

In this test, an s15_s0 featuring a configuration with 6k70 allowed does
not result in m6_70 == 1:

  S15-S0 = 0x0c12 = 0b0000110000010010
  S1   4.75            5.90            7.40                    12.2
  S4                                   7.40
  S10  4.75            5.90    6.70    7.40
  S11  4.75            5.90    6.70    7.40
  cfg.smod=0 spare=0 icmi=1 nscb=0 ver=1
      m4_75=1 ------- m5_90=1 ------- m7_40=1 ------- ------- m12_2=1

Almost every conversion contains errors like this.

Related: I900fda192742fa8f6dd54e9131ef1704b14cc41a
Change-Id: Iec7c491d9fadd37d9e43fbaac8e709c2029f8a8e
diff --git a/tests/gsm0808/gsm0808_test.c b/tests/gsm0808/gsm0808_test.c
index d7c278f..501b743 100644
--- a/tests/gsm0808/gsm0808_test.c
+++ b/tests/gsm0808/gsm0808_test.c
@@ -2026,29 +2026,81 @@
+static void print_s15_s0(uint16_t s15_s0, bool full_rate)
+	int i;
+	printf(" S15-S0 = 0x%04x = 0b" OSMO_BIN_SPEC OSMO_BIN_SPEC "\n", s15_s0,
+	       OSMO_BIN_PRINT(s15_s0 >> 8), OSMO_BIN_PRINT(s15_s0));
+	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+		uint8_t modes;
+		int m;
+		int space;
+		if (!(s15_s0 & (1 << i)))
+			continue;
+		space = 6;
+		if (i < 10)
+			space++;
+		printf(" S%d", i);
+		modes = gsm0808_amr_modes_from_cfg[full_rate ? 1 : 0][i];
+		if (!modes) {
+			printf(" (empty)\n");
+			continue;
+		}
+		for (m = 0; m < 8; m++) {
+			if (!(modes & (1 << m))) {
+				/* avoid whitespace at line ends -- accumulate whitespace width until there is
+				 * non-whitespace to actually be printed.*/
+				space += 8;
+				continue;
+			}
+			printf("%*s", space, gsm0808_amr_mode_name(m));
+			space = 8;
+		}
+		printf("\n");
+	}
+static void print_mr_cfg(const struct gsm48_multi_rate_conf *cfg)
+	printf(" cfg.smod=%u spare=%u icmi=%u nscb=%u ver=%u\n",
+	       cfg->smod, cfg->spare, cfg->icmi, cfg->nscb, cfg->ver);
+	printf("    ");
+#define PRINT_MODE_BIT(NAME) do { \
+		if (cfg->NAME) \
+			printf(" " #NAME "=1"); \
+		else \
+			printf(" -------"); \
+	} while (0)
+	PRINT_MODE_BIT(m4_75);
+	PRINT_MODE_BIT(m5_15);
+	PRINT_MODE_BIT(m5_90);
+	PRINT_MODE_BIT(m6_70);
+	PRINT_MODE_BIT(m7_40);
+	PRINT_MODE_BIT(m7_95);
+	PRINT_MODE_BIT(m10_2);
+	PRINT_MODE_BIT(m12_2);
+	printf("\n");
 static void test_gsm0808_sc_cfg_from_gsm48_mr_cfg_single(struct gsm48_multi_rate_conf *cfg)
 	uint16_t s15_s0;
-	printf(" m4_75= %u   smod=  %u\n", cfg->m4_75, cfg->smod);
-	printf(" m5_15= %u   spare= %u\n", cfg->m5_15, cfg->spare);
-	printf(" m5_90= %u   icmi=  %u\n", cfg->m5_90, cfg->icmi);
-	printf(" m6_70= %u   nscb=  %u\n", cfg->m6_70, cfg->nscb);
-	printf(" m7_40= %u   ver=   %u\n", cfg->m7_40, cfg->ver);
-	printf(" m7_95= %u\n", cfg->m7_95);
-	printf(" m10_2= %u\n", cfg->m10_2);
-	printf(" m12_2= %u\n", cfg->m12_2);
+	print_mr_cfg(cfg);
 	s15_s0 = gsm0808_sc_cfg_from_gsm48_mr_cfg(cfg, true);
 	printf("Result (fr):\n");
-	printf(" S15-S0 = %04x = 0b" OSMO_BIN_SPEC OSMO_BIN_SPEC "\n", s15_s0,
-	       OSMO_BIN_PRINT(s15_s0 >> 8), OSMO_BIN_PRINT(s15_s0));
+	print_s15_s0(s15_s0, true);
 	s15_s0 = gsm0808_sc_cfg_from_gsm48_mr_cfg(cfg, false);
 	printf("Result (hr):\n");
-	printf(" S15-S0 = %04x = 0b" OSMO_BIN_SPEC OSMO_BIN_SPEC "\n", s15_s0,
-	       OSMO_BIN_PRINT(s15_s0 >> 8), OSMO_BIN_PRINT(s15_s0));
+	print_s15_s0(s15_s0, false);
@@ -2249,20 +2301,12 @@
 	int rc;
-	printf(" S15-S0 = %04x = 0b" OSMO_BIN_SPEC OSMO_BIN_SPEC "\n", s15_s0,
-	       OSMO_BIN_PRINT(s15_s0 >> 8), OSMO_BIN_PRINT(s15_s0));
+	print_s15_s0(s15_s0, true);
 	rc = gsm48_mr_cfg_from_gsm0808_sc_cfg(&cfg, s15_s0);
-	printf(" m4_75= %u   smod=  %u\n", cfg.m4_75, cfg.smod);
-	printf(" m5_15= %u   spare= %u\n", cfg.m5_15, cfg.spare);
-	printf(" m5_90= %u   icmi=  %u\n", cfg.m5_90, cfg.icmi);
-	printf(" m6_70= %u   nscb=  %u\n", cfg.m6_70, cfg.nscb);
-	printf(" m7_40= %u   ver=   %u\n", cfg.m7_40, cfg.ver);
-	printf(" m7_95= %u\n", cfg.m7_95);
-	printf(" m10_2= %u\n", cfg.m10_2);
-	printf(" m12_2= %u\n", cfg.m12_2);
+	print_mr_cfg(&cfg);
 	if (rc != 0)
 		printf(" Result invalid!\n");