Fixup severe build performance issues

Make variable substitution calling bumpversion and other commands
introduce by has severely slowed down builds.

Inside the makefile we could use $(eval FOO:=$(shell...)) constructs
to have variable substitution only happen once the 'release' target
is executed. However, 'ifeq' and friends don't work with such late
constructs. Let's shift all release action into a helper shell script
that is called from the Makefile instead.

This way we get the best of both worlds: No performance impact during
normal builds, and the convenience of 'make release'.

Modified-by: Max <>

Related: OS#2524

Change-Id: I98b3b5fe3db39953cea969a9dfbb75889df2e1ea
diff --git a/ b/
index 40eb121..01285b1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,43 +2,8 @@
 	REL := patch
-BUMPVER := $(shell bumpversion)
-NEW_VER := $(shell bumpversion --list --current-version $(VERSION) $(REL) --allow-dirty | awk -F '=' '{ print $$2 }')
-LIBVERS := $(shell git grep -n LIBVERSION | grep  '=' | grep am | grep -v LDFLAGS)
-MAKEMOD := $(shell git diff -GLIBVERSION --stat | grep
-ISODATE := $(shell date -I)
-ifeq ($(BUMPVER),)
-	@$(error Unable to find 'bumpversion' command.)
-ifeq ($(NEW_VER),)
-	@$(error Please fix versioning to match spec (current is $(VERSION)) before proceeding.)
 ifeq ($(origin REL), file)
 	@echo "No REL value specified, defaulting to 'patch' release"
-	@echo "Releasing" $(VERSION) "->" $(NEW_VER)"..."
-ifeq ($(LIBVERS),)
-	@gbp dch --debian-tag='%(version)s' --auto --meta --git-author --multimaint-merge --ignore-branch
-	@echo "You should NOT be doing this unless you've read and understood following article:"
-	@echo ""
-	@grep -v '#' TODO-RELEASE | sed 's/\t\+/: /g' > TODO-RELEASE.entries
-	@grep '#' TODO-RELEASE > TODO-RELEASE.clean
-ifeq ($(MAKEMOD),)
-	@$(if $(shell git status -s -uno TODO-RELEASE),,$(error Before releasing, please modify some of the libversions: $(LIBVERS)))
-	@xargs -a TODO-RELEASE.entries -r -d'\n' -I entry dch -m -v $(NEW_VER) "entry"
-	@dch -r -m --distribution "unstable" ""
-	@git add -u
-	@bumpversion --current-version $(VERSION) $(REL) --tag --commit --tag-name $(NEW_VER) --allow-dirty
-	@git tag -s $(NEW_VER) -f -m "Release v$(NEW_VER) on $(ISODATE)."
-	@echo "Release" $(NEW_VER) "prepared, tagged and signed."