tests/fsm_test.c: Disable use color in logging output

This should avoid other problems in the future.

Change-Id: I81368578c0830477d381566a54671fdde6067b23
diff --git a/tests/fsm/fsm_test.err b/tests/fsm/fsm_test.err
index 13cbacd..4cc5ca4 100644
--- a/tests/fsm/fsm_test.err
+++ b/tests/fsm/fsm_test.err
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 Checking FSM allocation
-Test_FSM(my_id){NULL}: Allocated
-Test_FSM(my_id){NULL}: Received Event EV_B
-Test_FSM(my_id){NULL}: Event EV_B not permitted
-Test_FSM(my_id){NULL}: Received Event EV_A
-Test_FSM(my_id){NULL}: State change to ONE (no timeout)
-Test_FSM(my_id){ONE}: Received Event EV_B
-Test_FSM(my_id){ONE}: State change to TWO (T2342, 1s)
-Test_FSM(my_id){TWO}: Timeout of T2342
-Test_FSM(my_id){TWO}: Deallocated
+Test_FSM(my_id){NULL}: Allocated
+Test_FSM(my_id){NULL}: Received Event EV_B
+Test_FSM(my_id){NULL}: Event EV_B not permitted
+Test_FSM(my_id){NULL}: Received Event EV_A
+Test_FSM(my_id){NULL}: State change to ONE (no timeout)
+Test_FSM(my_id){ONE}: Received Event EV_B
+Test_FSM(my_id){ONE}: State change to TWO (T2342, 1s)
+Test_FSM(my_id){TWO}: Timeout of T2342
+Test_FSM(my_id){TWO}: Deallocated
 --- test_id_api()
 Test_FSM{NULL}: Allocated
-  osmo_fsm_inst_name() == "Test_FSM"
+  osmo_fsm_inst_name() == "Test_FSM"
   osmo_fsm_inst_find_by_name("Test_FSM") == fi
     rc == 0, ok
@@ -39,23 +39,23 @@
   osmo_fsm_inst_find_by_id("arbitrary_id") == fi
 Attempting to set illegal id for FSM instance of type 'Test_FSM': ""
-    rc == -22, ok
+    rc == -22, ok
   osmo_fsm_inst_name() == "Test_FSM(arbitrary_id)"
   osmo_fsm_inst_find_by_name("Test_FSM(arbitrary_id)") == fi
 Attempting to set illegal id for FSM instance of type 'Test_FSM': "invalid.id"
-    rc == -22, ok
+    rc == -22, ok
   osmo_fsm_inst_name() == "Test_FSM(arbitrary_id)"
   osmo_fsm_inst_find_by_name("Test_FSM(arbitrary_id)") == fi
 --- id format tests...
 osmo_fsm_inst_update_id_f("format%cid", '.')
 Attempting to set illegal id for FSM instance of type 'Test_FSM': "format.id"
-    rc == -22, ok
+    rc == -22, ok
   osmo_fsm_inst_name() == "Test_FSM(arbitrary_id)"
   osmo_fsm_inst_find_by_name("Test_FSM(arbitrary_id)") == fi
 osmo_fsm_inst_update_id_f("%s", "")
 Attempting to set illegal id for FSM instance of type 'Test_FSM': ""
-    rc == -22, ok
+    rc == -22, ok
   osmo_fsm_inst_name() == "Test_FSM(arbitrary_id)"
   osmo_fsm_inst_find_by_name("Test_FSM(arbitrary_id)") == fi
 osmo_fsm_inst_update_id_f("format%xid%d", 0x23, 42)
@@ -78,41 +78,41 @@
 --- test_id_api() done
 Test_FSM(arbitrary_id){NULL}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST)
-Test_FSM(arbitrary_id){NULL}: Freeing instance
-Test_FSM(arbitrary_id){NULL}: Deallocated
+Test_FSM(arbitrary_id){NULL}: Freeing instance
+Test_FSM(arbitrary_id){NULL}: Deallocated
 --- test_state_chg_keep_timer()
 Test_FSM{NULL}: Allocated
-Test_FSM{NULL}: State change to ONE (no timeout)
-Test_FSM{ONE}: State change to TWO (no timeout)
-Test_FSM{TWO}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST)
-Test_FSM{TWO}: Freeing instance
-Test_FSM{TWO}: Deallocated
-Total time passed: 0.000000 s
+Test_FSM{NULL}: State change to ONE (no timeout)
+Test_FSM{ONE}: State change to TWO (no timeout)
+Test_FSM{TWO}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST)
+Test_FSM{TWO}: Freeing instance
+Test_FSM{TWO}: Deallocated
+Total time passed: 0.000000 s
 Test_FSM{NULL}: Allocated
-Test_FSM{NULL}: State change to ONE (T10, 10s)
-Total time passed: 2.000342 s
+Test_FSM{NULL}: State change to ONE (T10, 10s)
+Total time passed: 2.000342 s
 Test_FSM{ONE}: State change to TWO (keeping T10, 7.999s remaining)
-Total time passed: 2.000342 s
+Total time passed: 2.000342 s
 Total time passed: 9.999999 s
 Total time passed: 10.000000 s
 Test_FSM{TWO}: Timeout of T10
-Test_FSM{TWO}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST)
-Test_FSM{TWO}: Freeing instance
-Test_FSM{TWO}: Deallocated
---- test_state_chg_keep_timer() done
+Test_FSM{TWO}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST)
+Test_FSM{TWO}: Freeing instance
+Test_FSM{TWO}: Deallocated
+--- test_state_chg_keep_timer() done
 --- test_state_chg_T()
 Test_FSM{NULL}: Allocated
-Test_FSM{NULL}: State change to ONE (T42, 23s)
-Test_FSM{ONE}: State change to TWO (no timeout)
-Test_FSM{TWO}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST)
-Test_FSM{TWO}: Freeing instance
-Test_FSM{TWO}: Deallocated
-Test_FSM{NULL}: Allocated
-Test_FSM{NULL}: State change to ONE (T42, 23s)
-Test_FSM{ONE}: State change to TWO (no timeout)
-Test_FSM{TWO}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST)
-Test_FSM{TWO}: Freeing instance
-Test_FSM{TWO}: Deallocated
---- test_state_chg_T() done
+Test_FSM{NULL}: State change to ONE (T42, 23s)
+Test_FSM{ONE}: State change to TWO (no timeout)
+Test_FSM{TWO}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST)
+Test_FSM{TWO}: Freeing instance
+Test_FSM{TWO}: Deallocated
+Test_FSM{NULL}: Allocated
+Test_FSM{NULL}: State change to ONE (T42, 23s)
+Test_FSM{ONE}: State change to TWO (no timeout)
+Test_FSM{TWO}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST)
+Test_FSM{TWO}: Freeing instance
+Test_FSM{TWO}: Deallocated
+--- test_state_chg_T() done