blob: 7625da167ccb9a212c7d360fba3cc48f29f4fa1b [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <osmocom/core/backtrace.h>
#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
#include <osmocom/core/panic.h>
#include <osmocom/core/defs.h>
/*! \defgroup utils General-purpose utility functions
* @{
* \file utils.h */
/*! Determine number of elements in an array of static size */
#ifndef ARRAY_SIZE
#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
/*! Return the maximum of two specified values */
#define OSMO_MAX(a, b) ((a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b))
/*! Return the minimum of two specified values */
#define OSMO_MIN(a, b) ((a) >= (b) ? (b) : (a))
/*! Return a typical cmp result for comparable entities a and b. */
#define OSMO_CMP(a, b) ((a) < (b)? -1 : ((a) > (b)? 1 : 0))
/*! Stringify the name of a macro x, e.g. an FSM event name.
* Note: if nested within another preprocessor macro, this will
* stringify the value of x instead of its name. */
#define OSMO_STRINGIFY(x) #x
/*! Stringify the value of a macro x, e.g. a port number. */
/*! Make a value_string entry from an enum value name */
#define OSMO_VALUE_STRING(x) { x, #x }
/*! Number of bytes necessary to store given BITS */
#define OSMO_BYTES_FOR_BITS(BITS) ((BITS + 8 - 1) / 8)
/*! Copy a C-string into a sized buffer using sizeof to detect buffer's size */
#define OSMO_STRLCPY_ARRAY(array, src) osmo_strlcpy(array, src, sizeof(array))
/*! Branch prediction optimizations */
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define OSMO_LIKELY(exp) __builtin_expect(!!(exp), 1)
#define OSMO_UNLIKELY(exp) __builtin_expect(!!(exp), 0)
#define OSMO_LIKELY(exp) exp
#define OSMO_UNLIKELY(exp) exp
/*! A mapping between human-readable string and numeric value */
struct value_string {
uint32_t value; /*!< numeric value */
const char *str; /*!< human-readable string */
const char *get_value_string(const struct value_string *vs, uint32_t val);
const char *get_value_string_or_null(const struct value_string *vs,
uint32_t val);
int get_string_value(const struct value_string *vs, const char *str);
char osmo_bcd2char(uint8_t bcd);
/* only works for numbers in ASCII */
uint8_t osmo_char2bcd(char c);
int osmo_bcd2str(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const uint8_t *bcd, int start_nibble, int end_nibble, bool allow_hex);
int osmo_str2bcd(uint8_t *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *digits, int start_nibble, int end_nibble, bool allow_hex);
int osmo_hexparse(const char *str, uint8_t *b, unsigned int max_len);
char *osmo_ubit_dump_buf(char *buf, size_t buf_len, const uint8_t *bits, unsigned int len);
char *osmo_ubit_dump(const uint8_t *bits, unsigned int len);
char *osmo_hexdump(const unsigned char *buf, int len);
char *osmo_hexdump_c(const void *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, int len);
char *osmo_hexdump_nospc(const unsigned char *buf, int len);
char *osmo_hexdump_nospc_c(const void *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, int len);
const char *osmo_hexdump_buf(char *out_buf, size_t out_buf_size, const unsigned char *buf, int len, const char *delim,
bool delim_after_last);
char *osmo_osmo_hexdump_nospc(const unsigned char *buf, int len) __attribute__((__deprecated__));
#define osmo_static_assert(exp, name) typedef int dummy##name [(exp) ? 1 : -1] __attribute__((__unused__));
void osmo_str2lower(char *out, const char *in)
OSMO_DEPRECATED("Use osmo_str_tolower() or osmo_str_tolower_buf() instead,"
" to properly check target memory bounds");
void osmo_str2upper(char *out, const char *in)
OSMO_DEPRECATED("Use osmo_str_toupper() or osmo_str_toupper_buf() instead,"
" to properly check target memory bounds");
size_t osmo_str_tolower_buf(char *dest, size_t dest_len, const char *src);
const char *osmo_str_tolower(const char *src);
char *osmo_str_tolower_c(const void *ctx, const char *src);
size_t osmo_str_toupper_buf(char *dest, size_t dest_len, const char *src);
const char *osmo_str_toupper(const char *src);
char *osmo_str_toupper_c(const void *ctx, const char *src);
#define OSMO_SNPRINTF_RET(ret, rem, offset, len) \
do { \
len += ret; \
if (ret > rem) \
ret = rem; \
offset += ret; \
rem -= ret; \
} while (0)
/*! Helper macro to terminate when an assertion fails
* \param[in] exp Predicate to verify
* This function will generate a backtrace and terminate the program if
* the predicate evaluates to false (0).
#define OSMO_ASSERT(exp) \
if (!(exp)) { \
osmo_panic("Assert failed %s %s:%d\n", #exp, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
/*! duplicate a string using talloc and release its prior content (if any)
* \param[in] ctx Talloc context to use for allocation
* \param[out] dst pointer to string, will be updated with ptr to new string
* \param[in] newstr String that will be copied to newly allocated string */
static inline void osmo_talloc_replace_string(void *ctx, char **dst, const char *newstr)
if (*dst)
*dst = talloc_strdup(ctx, newstr);
void osmo_talloc_replace_string_fmt(void *ctx, char **dst, const char *fmt, ...);
/*! Append to a string and re-/allocate if necessary.
* \param[in] ctx Talloc context to use for initial allocation.
* \param[in,out] dest char* to re-/allocate and append to.
* \param[in] fmt printf-like string format.
* \param[in] args Arguments for fmt.
* \a dest may be passed in NULL, or a string previously allocated by talloc.
* If an existing string is passed in, it will remain associated with whichever
* ctx it was allocated before, regardless whether it matches \a ctx or not.
#define osmo_talloc_asprintf(ctx, dest, fmt, args ...) \
do { \
if (!dest) \
dest = talloc_asprintf(ctx, fmt, ## args); \
else \
dest = talloc_asprintf_append((char*)dest, fmt, ## args); \
} while (0)
int osmo_constant_time_cmp(const uint8_t *exp, const uint8_t *rel, const int count);
uint64_t osmo_decode_big_endian(const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len);
uint8_t *osmo_encode_big_endian(uint64_t value, size_t data_len);
size_t osmo_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz);
const char *osmo_strnchr(const char *str, size_t str_size, char c);
bool osmo_is_hexstr(const char *str, int min_digits, int max_digits,
bool require_even);
bool osmo_identifier_valid(const char *str);
bool osmo_separated_identifiers_valid(const char *str, const char *sep_chars);
void osmo_identifier_sanitize_buf(char *str, const char *sep_chars, char replace_with);
size_t osmo_escape_cstr_buf(char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len);
char *osmo_escape_cstr_c(void *ctx, const char *str, int in_len);
size_t osmo_quote_cstr_buf(char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len);
char *osmo_quote_cstr_c(void *ctx, const char *str, int in_len);
const char *osmo_escape_str(const char *str, int len);
int osmo_escape_str_buf3(char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len);
char *osmo_escape_str_buf2(char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len);
const char *osmo_escape_str_buf(const char *str, int in_len, char *buf, size_t bufsize);
char *osmo_escape_str_c(const void *ctx, const char *str, int in_len);
const char *osmo_quote_str(const char *str, int in_len);
int osmo_quote_str_buf3(char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len);
char *osmo_quote_str_buf2(char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len);
const char *osmo_quote_str_buf(const char *str, int in_len, char *buf, size_t bufsize);
char *osmo_quote_str_c(const void *ctx, const char *str, int in_len);
int osmo_print_n(char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, size_t n);
uint32_t osmo_isqrt32(uint32_t x);
char osmo_luhn(const char* in, int in_len);
/*! State for OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND() and OSMO_STRBUF_PRINTF(). See there for examples. */
struct osmo_strbuf {
/*! Point to the start of a string buffer. */
char *buf;
/*! Total sizeof() the buffer buf points at. */
size_t len;
/*! Current writing position in buf (end of the string written so far). */
char *pos;
/*! After all OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND operations, reflects the total number of characters that would be written had
* buf been large enough. Like snprintf()'s return value, this does not include the terminating nul character.
* Hence, to allocate an adequately sized buffer, add 1 to this number. */
size_t chars_needed;
/*! Append a string to a buffer, as printed by an snprintf()-like function and with similar bounds checking.
* Make sure to never write past the end of the buffer, and collect the total size that would be needed.
* // an example function implementation to append: write N spaces.
* int print_spaces(char *dst, size_t dst_len, int n)
* {
* int i;
* if (n < 0)
* return -EINVAL;
* for (i = 0; i < n && i < dst_len; i++)
* dst[i] = ' ';
* if (dst_len)
* dst[OSMO_MIN(dst_len - 1, n)] = '\0';
* // return the n that we would have liked to write if space were available:
* return n;
* }
* // append above spaces as well as an snprintf()
* void strbuf_example()
* {
* char buf[23];
* struct osmo_strbuf sb = { .buf = buf, .len = sizeof(buf) };
* OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(sb, print_spaces, 5);
* OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(sb, snprintf, "The answer is %d but what is the question?", 42);
* OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(sb, print_spaces, 423423);
* printf("%s\n", buf);
* printf("would have needed %zu bytes\n", sb.chars_needed);
* }
* \param[inout] STRBUF A struct osmo_strbuf instance.
* \param[in] func A function with a signature of int func(char *dst, size_t dst_len [, args]) with semantics like
* snprintf().
* \param[in] args Arguments passed to func, if any.
#define OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(STRBUF, func, args...) do { \
if (!(STRBUF).pos) \
(STRBUF).pos = (STRBUF).buf; \
size_t _sb_remain = (STRBUF).buf ? (STRBUF).len - ((STRBUF).pos - (STRBUF).buf) : 0; \
int _sb_l = func((STRBUF).pos, _sb_remain, ##args); \
if (_sb_l < 0 || (size_t)_sb_l > _sb_remain) \
(STRBUF).pos = (STRBUF).buf + (STRBUF).len; \
else if ((STRBUF).pos) \
(STRBUF).pos += _sb_l; \
if (_sb_l > 0) \
(STRBUF).chars_needed += _sb_l; \
} while(0)
/*! Shortcut for OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND() invocation using snprintf().
* int strbuf_example2(char *buf, size_t buflen)
* {
* int i;
* struct osmo_strbuf sb = { .buf = buf, .len = buflen };
* OSMO_STRBUF_PRINTF(sb, "T minus");
* for (i = 10; i; i--)
* OSMO_STRBUF_PRINTF(sb, " %d", i);
* OSMO_STRBUF_PRINTF(sb, " ... Lift off!");
* return sb.chars_needed;
* }
* \param[inout] STRBUF A struct osmo_strbuf instance.
* \param[in] fmt Format string passed to snprintf.
* \param[in] args Additional arguments passed to snprintf, if any.
#define OSMO_STRBUF_PRINTF(STRBUF, fmt, args...) \
OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(STRBUF, snprintf, fmt, ##args)
/*! Like OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(), but for function signatures that return the char* buffer instead of a length.
* When using this function, the final STRBUF.chars_needed may not reflect the actual number of characters needed, since
* that number cannot be obtained from this kind of function signature.
* \param[inout] STRBUF A struct osmo_strbuf instance.
* \param[in] func A function with a signature of char *func(char *dst, size_t dst_len [, args]) where
* the returned string is always written to dst.
* \param[in] args Arguments passed to func, if any.
#define OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND_NOLEN(STRBUF, func, args...) do { \
if (!(STRBUF).pos) \
(STRBUF).pos = (STRBUF).buf; \
size_t _sb_remain = (STRBUF).buf ? (STRBUF).len - ((STRBUF).pos - (STRBUF).buf) : 0; \
if (_sb_remain) { \
func((STRBUF).pos, _sb_remain, ##args); \
} \
size_t _sb_l = (STRBUF).pos ? strnlen((STRBUF).pos, _sb_remain) : 0; \
if (_sb_l > _sb_remain) \
(STRBUF).pos = (STRBUF).buf + (STRBUF).len; \
else if ((STRBUF).pos) \
(STRBUF).pos += _sb_l; \
(STRBUF).chars_needed += _sb_l; \
} while(0)
bool osmo_str_startswith(const char *str, const char *startswith_str);
int osmo_float_str_to_int(int64_t *val, const char *str, unsigned int precision);
int osmo_int_to_float_str_buf(char *buf, size_t buflen, int64_t val, unsigned int precision);
char *osmo_int_to_float_str_c(void *ctx, int64_t val, unsigned int precision);
int osmo_str_to_int64(int64_t *result, const char *str, int base, int64_t min_val, int64_t max_val);
int osmo_str_to_int(int *result, const char *str, int base, int min_val, int max_val);
/*! Translate a buffer function to a talloc context function.
* This is the full function body of a char *foo_name_c(void *ctx, val...) function, implemented by an
* int foo_name_buf(buf, buflen, val...) function:
* char *foo_name_c(void *ctx, example_t arg)
* {
* OSMO_NAME_C_IMPL(ctx, 64, "ERROR", foo_name_buf, arg)
* }
* Return a talloc'd string containing the result of the given foo_name_buf() function, or ON_ERROR on error in the called
* foo_name_buf() function.
* If ON_ERROR is NULL, the function returns NULL on error rc from FUNC_BUF. Take care: returning NULL in printf() like
* formats (LOGP()) makes the program crash. If ON_ERROR is non-NULL, it must be a string constant, which is not
* returned directly, but written to an allocated string buffer first.
* \param[in] INITIAL_BUFSIZE Which size to first talloc from ctx -- a larger size makes a reallocation less likely, a
* smaller size allocates less unused bytes, zero allocates once but still runs the string composition twice.
* \param[in] ON_ERROR String constant to copy on error rc returned by FUNC_BUF, or NULL to return NULL.
* \param[in] FUNC_BUF Name of a function with signature int foo_buf(char *buf, size_t buflen, ...).
* The function must return the strlen() that it would write to a sufficiently large buffer or
* negative on error, like snprintf().
* \param[in] FUNC_BUF_ARGS Additional arguments to pass to FUNC_BUF after the buf and buflen.
size_t _len = INITIAL_BUFSIZE; \
int _needed; \
char *_str = NULL; \
if ((INITIAL_BUFSIZE) > 0) { \
_str = (char*)talloc_named_const(CTX, _len, __func__); \
OSMO_ASSERT(_str); \
} \
_needed = FUNC_BUF(_str, _len, ## FUNC_BUF_ARGS); \
if (_needed < 0) \
goto OSMO_NAME_C_on_error; \
if ((unsigned int) _needed < _len) \
return _str; \
_len = _needed + 1; \
if (_str) \
talloc_free(_str); \
_str = (char*)talloc_named_const(CTX, _len, __func__); \
OSMO_ASSERT(_str); \
_needed = FUNC_BUF(_str, _len, ## FUNC_BUF_ARGS); \
if (_needed < 0) \
goto OSMO_NAME_C_on_error; \
return _str; \
OSMO_NAME_C_on_error: \
/* Re-using and re-sizing above allocated buf ends up in very complex code. Just free and strdup. */ \
if (_str) \
talloc_free(_str); \
if (!(ON_ERROR)) \
return NULL; \
_str = talloc_strdup(CTX, ON_ERROR); \
OSMO_ASSERT(_str); \
talloc_set_name_const(_str, __func__); \
return _str;
/*! @} */