tests: timer: use stderr for non-repeatable output

This makes happy gnu-autotest for the timer test.

We may still may fail if we run the test on a very heavy loaded
system, but given the amount of timers that we using for the
automatic test (only 32), this seems very unlikely to me.
diff --git a/tests/timer/timer_test.ok b/tests/timer/timer_test.ok
index b1792f1..b4e0e11 100644
--- a/tests/timer/timer_test.ok
+++ b/tests/timer/timer_test.ok
@@ -1,19 +1,2 @@
-Running timer test for 16 steps, accepting imprecision of 0.010000 seconds
-added 1 timers in step 0 (expired=0)
-added 2 timers in step 1 (expired=0)
-added 4 timers in step 2 (expired=0)
-added 8 timers in step 3 (expired=0)
-added 16 timers in step 4 (expired=1)
-added 32 timers in step 5 (expired=4)
-added 64 timers in step 6 (expired=33)
-added 128 timers in step 7 (expired=87)
-added 256 timers in step 8 (expired=183)
-added 512 timers in step 9 (expired=466)
-added 1024 timers in step 10 (expired=970)
-added 2048 timers in step 11 (expired=1968)
-added 4096 timers in step 12 (expired=3994)
-added 8192 timers in step 13 (expired=8035)
-added 16384 timers in step 14 (expired=16324)
-added 32768 timers in step 15 (expired=32641)
-Main timer has finished, please, wait a bit for the final report.
-test over: added=65535 expired=65535 too_late=0 
+Running timer test for 5 steps, accepting imprecision of 0.010000 seconds
+test over: added=31 expired=31 too_late=0