Fix introducing osmocom speficic OML attributes

makes it more clear that this is an osmcoom specific attribute.

Also, we cannot simply overload 0x01 as an already defined OML
attribute.  The problem is quite simple: When we use abis_nm_att_tlvdef
during the TLV parse, 0x01 will match to NM_ATT_ABIS_CHANNEL,
which is defined as { TLV_TYPE_FIXED, 3 }.

So instead, we need to introduce a new abis_nm_osmo_att_tlvdef[],
which has to be patched into abis_nm_att_tlvdef[] by the means of
tlv_def_patch(), exactly how we do it for bs-11 and nanobts specific

I'm using 0xfe for the attribute, as 0xfe doesn't overlap with the IPA
specific attribues (and we might want to combine/merge the 12.21 plus
IPA plus osmocom spefici attributes)
3 files changed