Add code coverage support

The coverage report shows what code is covered by tests and what is not
and the ratio could be tracked over time. These reports will allow us
to identify code that is not being tested and improve the test suites.

To enable the reports configure with --enable-code-coverage and execute
"make check-code-coverage". The HTML report will be generated in a
subdirectory with name libosmocore-$(PACKAGE_VERSION)-coverage/index.html

The report is generated using gcov, lcov and lcov_cobertura tools and
the OSMO_AC_CODE_COVERAGE macro. The osmo_ax_code_coverage.m4 is a copy of
ax_code_coverage.m4 taken from autoconf-archive v2018.03.13. It was
copied to avoid the additional external dependency and renamed to avoid
overwriting it in case autoconf-archive is already installed as we are
going to install it in $(datadir)/aclocal in order to be reused in other
osmocom's projects.

Closes: OS#1987
Change-Id: I6f4ffb91bd7f3dd070aa09dd16d5ad1faf130a4c
diff --git a/m4/osmo_ax_code_coverage.m4 b/m4/osmo_ax_code_coverage.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23cebb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m4/osmo_ax_code_coverage.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+#  Renamed version of AX_CODE_COVERAGE macro from autoconf-archive v2018.03.13
+# ===========================================================================
+# ===========================================================================
+#   CODE_COVERAGE_CXXFLAGS and CODE_COVERAGE_LIBS which should be included
+#   in the CPPFLAGS, CFLAGS CXXFLAGS and LIBS/LIBADD variables of every
+#   build target (program or library) which should be built with code
+#   coverage support. Also defines CODE_COVERAGE_RULES which should be
+#   substituted in your Makefile; and $enable_code_coverage which can be
+#   used in subsequent configure output. CODE_COVERAGE_ENABLED is defined
+#   and substituted, and corresponds to the value of the
+#   --enable-code-coverage option, which defaults to being disabled.
+#   Test also for gcov program and create GCOV variable that could be
+#   substituted.
+#   Note that all optimization flags in CFLAGS must be disabled when code
+#   coverage is enabled.
+#   Usage example:
+#     my_program_LIBS = ... $(CODE_COVERAGE_LIBS) ...
+#     my_program_CPPFLAGS = ... $(CODE_COVERAGE_CPPFLAGS) ...
+#     my_program_CFLAGS = ... $(CODE_COVERAGE_CFLAGS) ...
+#     my_program_CXXFLAGS = ... $(CODE_COVERAGE_CXXFLAGS) ...
+#   This results in a "check-code-coverage" rule being added to any
+# which includes "@CODE_COVERAGE_RULES@" (assuming the module
+#   has been configured with --enable-code-coverage). Running `make
+#   check-code-coverage` in that directory will run the module's test suite
+#   (`make check`) and build a code coverage report detailing the code which
+#   was touched, then print the URI for the report.
+#   In earlier versions of this macro, CODE_COVERAGE_LDFLAGS was defined
+#   instead of CODE_COVERAGE_LIBS. They are both still defined, but use of
+#   CODE_COVERAGE_LIBS is preferred for clarity; CODE_COVERAGE_LDFLAGS is
+#   deprecated. They have the same value.
+#   This code was derived from Makefile.decl in GLib, originally licenced
+#   under LGPLv2.1+.
+#   Copyright (c) 2012, 2016 Philip Withnall
+#   Copyright (c) 2012 Xan Lopez
+#   Copyright (c) 2012 Christian Persch
+#   Copyright (c) 2012 Paolo Borelli
+#   Copyright (c) 2012 Dan Winship
+#   Copyright (c) 2015 Bastien ROUCARIES
+#   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
+#   your option) any later version.
+#   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#   General Public License for more details.
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+#   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#serial 25
+	dnl Check for --enable-code-coverage
+	# allow to override gcov location
+	AC_ARG_WITH([gcov],
+	  [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-gcov[=GCOV]], [use given GCOV for coverage (GCOV=gcov).])],
+	AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build with code coverage support])
+	AC_ARG_ENABLE([code-coverage],
+	  AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-code-coverage],
+	  [Whether to enable code coverage support]),,
+	  enable_code_coverage=no)
+	AM_CONDITIONAL([CODE_COVERAGE_ENABLED], [test x$enable_code_coverage = xyes])
+	AC_SUBST([CODE_COVERAGE_ENABLED], [$enable_code_coverage])
+	AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_code_coverage)
+	AS_IF([ test "$enable_code_coverage" = "yes" ], [
+		# check for gcov
+		  [:])
+		AS_IF([test "X$GCOV" = "X:"],
+		  [AC_MSG_ERROR([gcov is needed to do coverage])])
+		dnl Check if gcc is being used
+		AS_IF([ test "$GCC" = "no" ], [
+			AC_MSG_ERROR([not compiling with gcc, which is required for gcov code coverage])
+		])
+		AC_CHECK_PROG([LCOV], [lcov], [lcov])
+		AC_CHECK_PROG([GENHTML], [genhtml], [genhtml])
+		AS_IF([ test -z "$LCOV" ], [
+			AC_MSG_ERROR([To enable code coverage reporting you must have lcov installed])
+		])
+		AS_IF([ test -z "$GENHTML" ], [
+			AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find genhtml from the lcov package])
+		])
+		dnl Build the code coverage flags
+		dnl Define CODE_COVERAGE_LDFLAGS for backwards compatibility
+		CODE_COVERAGE_CFLAGS="-O0 -g -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage"
+		CODE_COVERAGE_CXXFLAGS="-O0 -g -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage"
+	-$(A''M_V_at)$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) -k check
+	$(A''M_V_at)$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) code-coverage-capture
+	$(code_coverage_v_lcov_cap)$(LCOV) $(code_coverage_quiet) $(addprefix --directory ,$(CODE_COVERAGE_DIRECTORY)) --capture --output-file "$(CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_FILE).tmp" --test-name "$(call code_coverage_sanitize,$(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION))" --no-checksum --compat-libtool $(CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_SHOPTS) $(CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_OPTIONS)
+	$(code_coverage_v_lcov_ign)$(LCOV) $(code_coverage_quiet) $(addprefix --directory ,$(CODE_COVERAGE_DIRECTORY)) --remove "$(CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_FILE).tmp" "/tmp/*" $(CODE_COVERAGE_IGNORE_PATTERN) --output-file "$(CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_FILE)" $(CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_SHOPTS) $(CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_RMOPTS)
+	$(code_coverage_v_genhtml)LANG=C $(GENHTML) $(code_coverage_quiet) $(addprefix --prefix ,$(CODE_COVERAGE_DIRECTORY)) --output-directory "$(CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)" --title "$(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION) Code Coverage" --legend --show-details "$(CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_FILE)" $(CODE_COVERAGE_GENHTML_OPTIONS)
+	@echo "file://$(abs_builddir)/$(CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)/index.html"
+clean: code-coverage-clean
+distclean: code-coverage-clean
+	-$(LCOV) --directory $(top_builddir) -z
+	-find . \( -name "*.gcda" -o -name "*.gcno" -o -name "*.gcov" \) -delete
+	], [
+	@echo "Need to reconfigure with --enable-code-coverage"
+	])
+# Code coverage
+# Optional:
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_DIRECTORY: Top-level directory for code coverage reporting.
+#    Multiple directories may be specified, separated by whitespace.
+#    (Default: $(top_builddir))
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_FILE: Filename and path for the .info file generated
+#    by lcov for code coverage. (Default:
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: Directory for generated code coverage
+#    reports to be created. (Default:
+#    $(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION)-coverage)
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_BRANCH_COVERAGE: Set to 1 to enforce branch coverage,
+#    set to 0 to disable it and leave empty to stay with the default.
+#    (Default: empty)
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_SHOPTS_DEFAULT: Extra options shared between both lcov
+#    instances. (Default: based on $CODE_COVERAGE_BRANCH_COVERAGE)
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_SHOPTS: Extra options to shared between both lcov
+#    instances. (Default: $CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_SHOPTS_DEFAULT)
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_OPTIONS_GCOVPATH: --gcov-tool pathtogcov
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_OPTIONS_DEFAULT: Extra options to pass to the
+#    collecting lcov instance. (Default: $CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_OPTIONS_GCOVPATH)
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_OPTIONS: Extra options to pass to the collecting lcov
+#    instance. (Default: $CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_OPTIONS_DEFAULT)
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_RMOPTS_DEFAULT: Extra options to pass to the filtering
+#    lcov instance. (Default: empty)
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_RMOPTS: Extra options to pass to the filtering lcov
+#    instance. (Default: $CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_RMOPTS_DEFAULT)
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_GENHTML_OPTIONS_DEFAULT: Extra options to pass to the
+#    genhtml instance. (Default: based on $CODE_COVERAGE_BRANCH_COVERAGE)
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_GENHTML_OPTIONS: Extra options to pass to the genhtml
+#  - CODE_COVERAGE_IGNORE_PATTERN: Extra glob pattern of files to ignore
+# The generated report will be titled using the $(PACKAGE_NAME) and
+# $(PACKAGE_VERSION). In order to add the current git hash to the title,
+# use the git-version-gen script, available online.
+# Optional variables
+CODE_COVERAGE_DIRECTORY ?= $(top_builddir)
+--rc lcov_branch_coverage=$(CODE_COVERAGE_BRANCH_COVERAGE))
+--rc genhtml_branch_coverage=$(CODE_COVERAGE_BRANCH_COVERAGE))
+code_coverage_v_lcov_cap = $(code_coverage_v_lcov_cap_$(V))
+code_coverage_v_lcov_cap_ = $(code_coverage_v_lcov_cap_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+code_coverage_v_lcov_cap_0 = @echo "  LCOV   --capture"\
+code_coverage_v_lcov_ign = $(code_coverage_v_lcov_ign_$(V))
+code_coverage_v_lcov_ign_ = $(code_coverage_v_lcov_ign_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+code_coverage_v_lcov_ign_0 = @echo "  LCOV   --remove /tmp/*"\
+code_coverage_v_genhtml = $(code_coverage_v_genhtml_$(V))
+code_coverage_v_genhtml_ = $(code_coverage_v_genhtml_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+code_coverage_v_genhtml_0 = @echo "  GEN   " $(CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY);
+code_coverage_quiet = $(code_coverage_quiet_$(V))
+code_coverage_quiet_ = $(code_coverage_quiet_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+code_coverage_quiet_0 = --quiet
+# sanitizes the test-name: replaces with underscores: dashes and dots
+code_coverage_sanitize = $(subst -,_,$(subst .,_,$(1)))
+# Use recursive makes in order to ignore errors during check
+# Capture code coverage data
+code-coverage-capture: code-coverage-capture-hook'"$CODE_COVERAGE_RULES_CAPTURE"'
+# Hook rule executed before code-coverage-capture, overridable by the user
+A''M_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --disable-code-coverage
+.PHONY: check-code-coverage code-coverage-capture code-coverage-capture-hook code-coverage-clean