Fix the parallel build with cmake 3.11

Copy UseSWIG.cmake from the gnuradio repository from commit

This macro is distributed in the Debian's gnuradio-dev package but it's
not available in Fedora/Centos gnuradio-devel package. The gnuradio's
version contains a fix for the parallel build 99a09af05fda6d0bab0cf3724a1c6bf453c71bc7
and some other improvements as well.
diff --git a/tests/dockerfiles/Fedora_26.Dockerfile b/tests/dockerfiles/Fedora_26.Dockerfile
index 745d89a..6beb83d 100644
--- a/tests/dockerfiles/Fedora_26.Dockerfile
+++ b/tests/dockerfiles/Fedora_26.Dockerfile
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
         # and .gnuradio directories do not exist
         mkdir $HOME/.grc_gnuradio/ $HOME/.gnuradio/ && \
         make && \
+        make -j $(nproc) && \
         make install && \
         ldconfig && \
         make test