Added timestamping of bursts in the gsm receiver
diff --git a/lib/receiver/time_spec.h b/lib/receiver/time_spec.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc7f104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/receiver/time_spec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+// Copyright 2010-2012 Ettus Research LLC
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+#include <boost/operators.hpp>
+#include <ctime>
+namespace gr {
+  namespace gsm {
+    /*!
+     * A time_spec_t holds a seconds and a fractional seconds time value.
+     * Depending upon usage, the time_spec_t can represent absolute times,
+     * relative times, or time differences (between absolute times).
+     *
+     * The time_spec_t provides clock-domain independent time storage,
+     * but can convert fractional seconds to/from clock-domain specific units.
+     *
+     * The fractional seconds are stored as double precision floating point.
+     * This gives the fractional seconds enough precision to unambiguously
+     * specify a clock-tick/sample-count up to rates of several petahertz.
+     */
+    class time_spec_t : boost::additive<time_spec_t>, boost::totally_ordered<time_spec_t>{
+    public:
+        /*!
+         * Get the system time in time_spec_t format.
+         * Uses the highest precision clock available.
+         * \return the system time as a time_spec_t
+         */
+        static time_spec_t get_system_time(void);
+        /*!
+         * Copy constructor
+         */
+        time_spec_t(const time_spec_t & spec);
+        /*!
+         * Create a time_spec_t from a real-valued seconds count.
+         * \param secs the real-valued seconds count (default = 0)
+         */
+        time_spec_t(double secs = 0);
+        /*!
+         * Create a time_spec_t from whole and fractional seconds.
+         * \param full_secs the whole/integer seconds count
+         * \param frac_secs the fractional seconds count (default = 0)
+         */
+        time_spec_t(time_t full_secs, double frac_secs = 0);
+        /*!
+         * Create a time_spec_t from whole seconds and fractional ticks.
+         * Translation from clock-domain specific units.
+         * \param full_secs the whole/integer seconds count
+         * \param tick_count the fractional seconds tick count
+         * \param tick_rate the number of ticks per second
+         */
+        time_spec_t(time_t full_secs, long tick_count, double tick_rate);
+        /*!
+         * Create a time_spec_t from a 64-bit tick count.
+         * Translation from clock-domain specific units.
+         * \param ticks an integer count of ticks
+         * \param tick_rate the number of ticks per second
+         */
+        static time_spec_t from_ticks(long long ticks, double tick_rate);
+        /*!
+         * Convert the fractional seconds to clock ticks.
+         * Translation into clock-domain specific units.
+         * \param tick_rate the number of ticks per second
+         * \return the fractional seconds tick count
+         */
+        long get_tick_count(double tick_rate) const;
+        /*!
+         * Convert the time spec into a 64-bit tick count.
+         * Translation into clock-domain specific units.
+         * \param tick_rate the number of ticks per second
+         * \return an integer number of ticks
+         */
+        long long to_ticks(const double tick_rate) const;
+        /*!
+         * Get the time as a real-valued seconds count.
+         * Note: If this time_spec_t represents an absolute time,
+         * the precision of the fractional seconds may be lost.
+         * \return the real-valued seconds
+         */
+        double get_real_secs(void) const;
+        /*!
+         * Get the whole/integer part of the time in seconds.
+         * \return the whole/integer seconds
+         */
+        time_t get_full_secs(void) const;
+        /*!
+         * Get the fractional part of the time in seconds.
+         * \return the fractional seconds
+         */
+        double get_frac_secs(void) const;
+        //! Implement addable interface
+        time_spec_t &operator+=(const time_spec_t &);
+        //! Implement subtractable interface
+        time_spec_t &operator-=(const time_spec_t &);
+    //private time storage details
+    private: time_t _full_secs; double _frac_secs;
+    };
+    //! Implement equality_comparable interface
+    bool operator==(const time_spec_t &, const time_spec_t &);
+    //! Implement less_than_comparable interface
+    bool operator<(const time_spec_t &, const time_spec_t &);
+    inline time_t time_spec_t::get_full_secs(void) const{
+        return this->_full_secs;
+    }
+    inline double time_spec_t::get_frac_secs(void) const{
+        return this->_frac_secs;
+    }
+  } //namespace transceiver
+} //namespace gr