initial import of SCTP handler for rewriting messages
diff --git a/src/sctp_handler.erl b/src/sctp_handler.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d897d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sctp_handler.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+% SCTP Handler for gateway between MSC and STP, transparently
+% rewriting addresses on the fly
+% (C) 2011 by Harald Welte <>
+% (C) 2011 OnWaves
+% All Rights Reserved
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+% along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+-author("Harald Welte <>").
+	{msc_sock, msc_local_ip, msc_remote_ip, msc_remote_port,
+	 msc_local_port, msc_assoc_id, 
+	 stp_sock, stp_remote_ip, stp_remote_port, stp_assoc_id
+	}).
+-define(COMMON_SOCKOPTS, [{active, once}, {reuseaddr, true}]).
+% initialize the sockets towards MSC (listening) and STP (connect)
+init(MscLocalIP, MscLocalPort, MscRemoteIP, StpRemoteIP, StpRemotePort) ->
+	{ok, MscSock} = gen_sctp:open([{ip, MscLocalIP},{port,MscLocalPort}]
+	io:format("Listening for MSC on ~w:~w. ~w~n",
+			[MscLocalIP, MscLocalPort, MscSock]),
+	ok = gen_sctp:listen(MscSock, true),
+	{ok, StpSock} = gen_sctp:open(?COMMON_SOCKOPTS),
+	L = #loop_data{msc_sock = MscSock, msc_local_ip = MscLocalIP, 
+			msc_remote_ip = MscRemoteIP,
+			stp_sock = StpSock, stp_remote_ip = StpRemoteIP,
+			stp_remote_port = StpRemotePort},
+	loop(L).
+% initiate a connection to STP as a client
+initiate_stp_connection(#loop_data{stp_sock = Sock, stp_remote_ip = IP, stp_remote_port = Port}, Opts) ->
+	io:format("Establishing SCTP conn to STP ~p Port ~p~n", [IP, Port]),
+	gen_sctp:connect(Sock, IP, Port, Opts ++ ?COMMON_SOCKOPTS).
+% main loop function
+loop(L = #loop_data{msc_sock=MscSock, msc_remote_ip=MscRemoteIp, msc_remote_port=MscRemotePort,
+		    stp_sock=StpSock, stp_remote_ip=StpRemoteIp, stp_remote_port=StpRemotePort}) ->
+	io:format("Entering receive loop ~p~n", [L]),
+	io:format("======================================================================~n"),
+	receive
+		% MSC connect or disconnect
+		{sctp, MscSock, MscRemoteIp, Port, {ANC, SAC}}
+					when is_record(SAC, sctp_assoc_change) ->
+			io:format("MSC sctp_assoc_change ~p ~p~n", [ANC, SAC]),
+			#sctp_assoc_change{state = SacState, outbound_streams = OutStreams,
+					   inbound_streams = InStreams, assoc_id = MscAssocId} = SAC,
+			case SacState of
+				comm_up ->
+					InitMsg = #sctp_initmsg{num_ostreams=InStreams,
+								max_instreams=OutStreams},
+					{ok, StpAssoc} = initiate_stp_connection(L, [{sctp_initmsg,InitMsg}]),
+					io:format("STP Assoc: ~p~n", [StpAssoc]),
+					NewL = L#loop_data{msc_remote_port = Port,
+						 msc_assoc_id = MscAssocId,
+						 stp_assoc_id = StpAssoc#sctp_assoc_change.assoc_id};
+				comm_lost ->
+					NewL = L,
+					% maybe we should simply die?
+					foo:bar();
+				addr_unreachable ->
+					NewL = L,
+					% maybe we should simply die?
+					foo:bar()
+			end,
+			inet:setopts(MscSock, [{active, once}]);
+		% STP connect or disconnect
+		{sctp, StpSock, StpRemoteIp, StpRemotePort, {_Anc, SAC}}
+					when is_record(SAC, sctp_assoc_change) ->
+			io:format("STP sctp_assoc_change ~p~n", [SAC]),
+			inet:setopts(StpSock, [{active, once}]),
+			NewL = L;
+		% MSC data
+		{sctp, MscSock, MscRemoteIp, MscRemotePort, {[Anc], Data}} ->
+			io:format("MSC rx data: ~p ~p~n", [Anc, Data]),
+			handle_rx_data(L, from_msc, Anc, Data),
+			inet:setopts(MscSock, [{active, once}]),
+			NewL = L;
+		% STP data
+		{sctp, StpSock, StpRemoteIp, StpRemotePort, {[Anc], Data}} ->
+			io:format("STP rx data: ~p ~p~n", [Anc, Data]),
+			handle_rx_data(L, from_stp, Anc, Data),
+			inet:setopts(StpSock, [{active, once}]),
+			NewL = L;
+		Other ->
+			io:format("OTHER ~p~n", [Other]),
+			NewL = L
+	end,
+	loop(NewL).
+% handle incoming data on one of the SCTP sockets
+handle_rx_data(L, From, SRInf = #sctp_sndrcvinfo{ppid = 2, 
+						 stream = Stream}, Data) when is_binary(Data) ->
+	DataOut = mangle_rx_data(L, From, Data),
+	% send mangled data to other peer
+	case From of
+		from_msc ->
+			Sock = L#loop_data.stp_sock,
+			AssocId = L#loop_data.stp_assoc_id;
+		from_stp ->
+			Sock = L#loop_data.msc_sock,
+			AssocId = L#loop_data.msc_assoc_id
+	end,
+	SndRcvInfo = #sctp_sndrcvinfo{ppid = 2, stream = Stream, assoc_id = AssocId},
+	io:format("Sending ~p to ~p ~p~n", [DataOut, Sock, SndRcvInfo]),
+	% if they are not equal, we will abort here
+	DataOut = Data,
+	io:format("Data is equal~n"),
+	ok = gen_sctp:send(Sock, SndRcvInfo, DataOut).
+% mangle the received data
+mangle_rx_data(L, From, Data) when is_binary(Data) ->
+	{ok, M2ua} = m2ua_codec:parse_m2ua_msg(Data),
+	io:format("M2UA Decode: ~p~n", [M2ua]),
+	case M2ua of
+		#m2ua_msg{msg_class = ?M2UA_MSGC_MAUP,
+			  msg_type = ?M2UA_MAUP_MSGT_DATA} ->
+			M2ua_out = mangle_rx_m2ua_maup(L, From, M2ua);
+		#m2ua_msg{} ->
+			% simply pass it along unmodified
+			M2ua_out = M2ua
+	end,
+	% re-encode the data
+	io:format("M2UA Encode: ~p~n", [M2ua_out]),
+	m2ua_codec:encode_m2ua_msg(M2ua_out).
+% mangle the received M2UA
+mangle_rx_m2ua_maup(L, From, M2ua = #m2ua_msg{parameters = Params}) ->
+	{_Len, M2uaPayload} = proplists:get_value(16#300, Params),
+	Mtp3 = mtp3_codec:parse_mtp3_msg(M2uaPayload),
+	io:format("MTP3 Decode: ~p~n", [Mtp3]),
+	Mtp3_out = mangle_rx_mtp3(L, From, Mtp3),
+	io:format("MTP3 Encode: ~p~n", [Mtp3_out]),
+	Mtp3OutBin = mtp3_codec:encode_mtp3_msg(Mtp3_out),
+	Params2 = proplists:delete(16#300, Params),
+	ParamsNew = Params2 ++ [{16#300, {byte_size(Mtp3OutBin), Mtp3OutBin}}],
+	% return mangled parsed m2ua msg
+	M2ua#m2ua_msg{parameters = ParamsNew}.
+% mangle the MTP3 payload
+mangle_rx_mtp3(L, From, Mtp3 = #mtp3_msg{service_ind = Service}) ->
+	mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(L, From, Service, Mtp3).
+% mangle the ISUP content
+mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(L, From, ?MTP3_SERV_ISUP, Mtp3 = #mtp3_msg{payload = Payload}) ->
+	io:format("ISUP~n"),
+	%Isup = parse_isup_msg(Payload),
+	Mtp3;
+% mangle the SCCP content
+mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(L, From, ?MTP3_SERV_SCCP, Mtp3 = #mtp3_msg{payload = Payload}) ->
+	Sccp = sccp_codec:parse_sccp_msg(Payload),
+	io:format("SCCP Decode: ~p~n", [Sccp]),
+	Mtp3;
+% default: do nothing
+mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(_L, _From, _, Mtp3) ->
+	Mtp3.