Add M3UA implementation to Osmo SS7

The current code is not tested yet, and it has no eunit tests.
diff --git a/src/m3ua_core.erl b/src/m3ua_core.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..380e1b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/m3ua_core.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+% M3UA in accordance with RFC4666 (
+% (C) 2011 by Harald Welte <>
+% All Rights Reserved
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+% along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+-author('Harald Welte <>').
+-export([init/1, handle_event/3]).
+% FSM states:
+-export([asp_down/2, asp_inactive/2, asp_active/2]).
+-define(T_ACK_TIMEOUT, 2*60*100).
+% Loop Data
+-record(m3ua_state, {
+	  role,		% asp | sgp
+	  asp_state,	% down, inactive, active
+	  t_ack,
+	  user_pid,
+	  sctp_remote_ip,
+	  sctp_remote_port,
+	  sctp_sock,
+	  sctp_assoc_id
+	}).
+start_link(InitOpts) ->
+	gen_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, InitOpts, [{debug, [trace]}]).
+reconnect_sctp(L = #m3ua_state{sctp_remote_ip = Ip, sctp_remote_port = Port, sctp_sock = Sock}) ->
+	io:format("SCTP Reconnect ~p:~p~n", [Ip, Port]),
+	InitMsg = #sctp_initmsg{num_ostreams = 1, max_instreams = 1},
+	case gen_sctp:connect(Sock, Ip, Port, [{active, once}, {reuseaddr, true},
+					       {sctp_initmsg, InitMsg}]) of
+		{ok, Assoc} ->
+			L#m3ua_state{sctp_assoc_id = Assoc#sctp_assoc_change.assoc_id};
+		{error, Error } ->
+			reconnect_sctp(L)
+	end.
+init(InitOpts) ->
+	{ok, SctpSock} = gen_sctp:open([{active, once}, {reuseaddr, true}]),
+	LoopDat = #m3ua_state{role = asp, sctp_sock = SctpSock,
+				user_pid = proplists:get_value(user_pid, InitOpts),
+				sctp_remote_ip = proplists:get_value(sctp_remote_ip, InitOpts),
+				sctp_remote_port = proplists:get_value(sctp_remote_port, InitOpts)},
+	LoopDat2 = reconnect_sctp(LoopDat),
+	{ok, asp_down, LoopDat2}.
+% Helper function to send data to the SCTP peer
+send_sctp_to_peer(LoopDat, PktData) when is_binary(PktData) ->
+	#m3ua_state{sctp_sock = Sock, sctp_assoc_id = Assoc} = LoopDat,
+	SndRcvInfo = #sctp_sndrcvinfo{assoc_id = Assoc, ppid = 3, stream = 0},
+	gen_sctp:send(Sock, SndRcvInfo, PktData);
+% same as above, but for un-encoded #m3ua_msg{}
+send_sctp_to_peer(LoopDat, M3uaMsg) when is_record(M3uaMsg, m3ua_msg) ->
+	MsgBin = m3ua_codec:encode_m3ua_msg(M3uaMsg),
+	send_sctp_to_peer(LoopDat, MsgBin).
+% helper to send one of the up/down/act/inact management messages + start timer
+send_msg_start_tack(LoopDat, State, MsgClass, MsgType, Params) ->
+	% generate and send the respective message
+	Msg = #m3ua_msg{version = 1, msg_class = MsgClass, msg_type = MsgType, payload = Params},
+	send_sctp_to_peer(LoopDat, Msg),
+	% start T(ack) timer and wait for ASP_UP_ACK
+	Tack = timer:apply_after(?T_ACK_TIMEOUT, gen_fsm, send_event,
+				 [self(), {timer_expired, t_ack, {MsgClass, MsgType, Params}}]),
+	{next_state, State, LoopDat#m3ua_state{t_ack = Tack}}.
+handle_event(Msg = #m3ua_msg{msg_class = ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM,
+			     msg_type = ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_BEAT}, State, LoopDat) ->
+	% Send BEAT_ACK using the same payload as the BEAT msg
+	send_sctp_to_peer(LoopDat, Msg#m3ua_msg{msg_type = ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_BEAT_ACK}),
+	{next_state, State, LoopDat};
+handle_event({sctp, Socket, _RemoteIp, _RemotePort, {ANC, SAC}},
+	     _State, LoopDat) when is_record(SAC, sctp_assoc_change) ->
+	io:format("SCTP Assoc Change ~p ~p~n", [ANC, SAC]),
+	#sctp_assoc_change{state = SacState, outbound_streams = OutStreams,
+			   inbound_streams = InStreams, assoc_id = AssocId} = SAC,
+	case SacState of 
+		comm_up ->
+			% FIXME: primmitive to the user
+			LoopDat2 = LoopDat;
+		comm_lost ->
+			LoopDat2 = reconnect_sctp(LoopDat);
+		addr_unreachable ->
+			LoopDat2 = reconnect_sctp(LoopDat)
+	end,
+	inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
+	{next_state, asp_down, LoopDat2};
+handle_event({sctp, Socket, _RemoteIp, _RemotePort, {[Anc], Data}}, State, LoopDat) ->
+	io:format("SCTP rx data: ~p ~p~n", [Anc, Data]),
+	% FIXME: process incoming SCTP data 
+	inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
+	{next_state, State, LoopDat};
+handle_event({sctp, Socket, RemoteIp, RemotePort, {_Anc, Data}}, _State, LoopDat)
+					when is_record(Data, sctp_shutdown_event) ->
+	io:format("SCTP remote ~p:~p shutdown~n", [RemoteIp, RemotePort]),
+	inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
+	{next_state, asp_down, LoopDat}.
+asp_down(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'ASP_UP',
+		    spec_name = request, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
+	send_msg_start_tack(LoopDat, asp_down, ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_ASPUP, Params);
+asp_down({timer_expired, t_ack, {?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_ASPUP, Params}}, LoopDat) ->
+	send_msg_start_tack(LoopDat, asp_down, ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_ASPUP, Params);
+asp_down(#m3ua_msg{msg_class = ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM,
+		   msg_type = ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_ASPUP_ACK}, LoopDat) ->
+	% transition into ASP_INACTIVE
+	{next_state, asp_inactive, LoopDat}.
+asp_inactive(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'ASP_ACTIVATE',
+			spec_name = request, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
+	send_msg_start_tack(LoopDat, asp_inactive, ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPTM_ASPAC, Params);
+asp_inactive({timer_expired, t_ack, {?M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPTM_ASPAC, Params}}, LoopDat) ->
+	send_msg_start_tack(LoopDat, asp_inactive, ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPTM_ASPAC, Params);
+asp_inactive(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'ASP_DOWN',
+		      spec_name = request, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
+	send_msg_start_tack(LoopDat, asp_inactive, ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_ASPDN, Params);
+asp_inactive({timer_expired, t_ack, {?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_ASPDN, Params}}, LoopDat) ->
+	send_msg_start_tack(LoopDat, asp_inactive, ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_ASPDN, Params);
+asp_inactive(#m3ua_msg{msg_class = ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM,
+		       msg_type = ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPTM_ASPAC_ACK}, LoopDat) ->
+	% transition into ASP_ACTIVE
+	% FIXME: signal this to the user
+	{next_state, asp_active, LoopDat};
+asp_inactive(#m3ua_msg{msg_class = ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM,
+		       msg_type = ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_ASPDN_ACK}, LoopDat) ->
+	% transition into ASP_DOWN
+	% FIXME: signal this to the user
+	{next_state, asp_down, LoopDat}.
+asp_active(#m3ua_msg{msg_class = ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM,
+		     msg_type = ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_ASPDN_ACK}, LoopDat) ->
+	% transition into ASP_DOWN
+	% FIXME: signal this to the user
+	{next_state, asp_down, LoopDat};
+asp_active(#m3ua_msg{msg_class = ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM,
+		     msg_type = ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPTM_ASPIA_ACK}, LoopDat) ->
+	% transition into ASP_INACTIVE
+	% FIXME: signal this to the user
+	{next_state, asp_inactive, LoopDat};
+asp_active(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'ASP_DOWN',
+		      spec_name = request, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
+	send_msg_start_tack(LoopDat, asp_active, ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_ASPDN, Params);
+asp_active({timer_expired, t_ack, {?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_ASPDN, Params}}, LoopDat) ->
+	send_msg_start_tack(LoopDat, asp_active, ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPSM_ASPDN, Params);
+asp_active(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'ASP_INACTIVE',
+		      spec_name = request, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
+	send_msg_start_tack(LoopDat, asp_active, ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPTM_ASPIA, Params);
+asp_active({timer_expired, t_ack, {?M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPTM_ASPIA, Params}}, LoopDat) ->
+	send_msg_start_tack(LoopDat, asp_active, ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM, ?M3UA_MSGT_ASPTM_ASPIA, Params);
+asp_active(#primitive{subsystem = 'MTP', gen_name = 'TRANSFER',
+		      spec_name = request, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
+	% Send message to remote peer
+	OptList = [{?M3UA_IEI_PROTOCOL_DATA, Params}],
+	Msg = #m3ua_msg{version = 1, msg_class = ?M3UA_MSGC_TRANSFER,
+			msg_type = ?M3UA_MSGT_XFR_DATA,
+			payload = OptList},
+	send_sctp_to_peer(LoopDat, Msg),
+	{next_state, asp_active, LoopDat};
+asp_active(#m3ua_msg{version = 1, msg_class = ?M3UA_MSGC_TRANSFER,
+		     msg_type = ?M3UA_MSGT_XFR_DATA, payload = Params}, LoopDat) ->
+	% FIXME: Send primitive to the user
+	{next_state, asp_active, LoopDat}.