Commit current state of working MTP3-in-M2PA

The current implementation can successfully establish M2PA with Cisco
diff --git a/src/sctp_core.erl b/src/sctp_core.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3a2bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sctp_core.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+% SCTP wrapper behavior, used by M2PA/M2UA/M3UA/SUA 
+% (C) 2011-2012 by Harald Welte <>
+% All Rights Reserved
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+% along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+-author('Harald Welte <>').
+-export([init/1, terminate/3, code_change/4, handle_event/3, handle_info/3]).
+% FSM states:
+-export([idle/2, associating/2, established/2]).
+behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
+	gen_fsm:behaviour_info(callbacks) ++ [{rx_sctp, 4}, {mtp_xfer, 2}, {state_change, 2}];
+behaviour_info(Other) ->
+	gen_fsm:behaviour_info(Other).
+% Loop Data
+-record(sctp_state, {
+	  role,		% passive | active
+	  state,	% idle | associating | established
+	  user_pid,
+	  sctp_remote_ip,
+	  sctp_remote_port,
+	  sctp_local_port,
+	  sctp_sock,
+	  sctp_assoc_id,
+	  module,	% callback module
+	  ext_state	% state of the callback module
+	}).
+start_link(InitOpts) ->
+	gen_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, InitOpts, [{debug, [trace]}]).
+reconnect_sctp(L = #sctp_state{sctp_remote_ip = Ip, sctp_remote_port = Port, sctp_sock = Sock}) ->
+	io:format("SCTP Reconnect ~p:~p~n", [Ip, Port]),
+	timer:sleep(1*1000),
+	InitMsg = #sctp_initmsg{num_ostreams = 2, max_instreams = 2},
+	case gen_sctp:connect_init(Sock, Ip, Port, [{active, once}, {reuseaddr, true},
+						    {sctp_initmsg, InitMsg}]) of
+		ok ->
+			ok;
+		{error, Error } ->
+			io:format("SCTP Error ~p, reconnecting~n", [Error]),
+			reconnect_sctp(L)
+	end.
+init(InitOpts) ->
+	OpenOptsBase = [{active, once}, {reuseaddr, true}],
+	Module = proplists:get_value(module, InitOpts),
+	ModuleArgs = proplists:get_value(module_args, InitOpts),
+	LocalPort = proplists:get_value(sctp_local_port, InitOpts),
+	Role = proplists:get_value(sctp_role, InitOpts),
+	case LocalPort of
+		undefined ->
+			OpenOpts = OpenOptsBase;
+		_ ->
+			OpenOpts = OpenOptsBase ++ [{port, LocalPort}]
+	end,
+	{ok, SctpSock} = gen_sctp:open(OpenOpts),
+	case Module:init(ModuleArgs) of
+		{ok, ExtState} ->
+			LoopDat = #sctp_state{role = Role, sctp_sock = SctpSock,
+					user_pid = proplists:get_value(user_pid, InitOpts),
+					ext_state = ExtState, module = Module,
+					sctp_remote_ip = proplists:get_value(sctp_remote_ip, InitOpts),
+					sctp_remote_port = proplists:get_value(sctp_remote_port, InitOpts),
+					sctp_local_port = LocalPort},
+			case Role of
+				active ->
+					gen_fsm:send_event(self(), osmo_util:make_prim('M','SCTP_ESTABLISH',request));
+				_ ->
+					ok
+			end,
+			{ok, idle, LoopDat};
+		Default ->
+			{error, {module_returned, Default}}
+	end.
+terminate(Reason, State, LoopDat) ->
+	io:format("Terminating ~p (Reason: ~p)~n", [?MODULE, Reason]),
+	Module = LoopDat#sctp_state.module,
+	gen_sctp:close(LoopDat#sctp_state.sctp_sock),
+	Module:terminate(Reason, State, LoopDat#sctp_state.ext_state).
+code_change(OldVsn, StateName, LoopDat, Extra) ->
+	Module = LoopDat#sctp_state.module,
+	case Module:code_change(OldVsn, StateName, LoopDat#sctp_state.ext_state, Extra) of
+		{ok, ExtState} ->
+			{ok, StateName, LoopDat#sctp_state{ext_state = ExtState}};
+		Other ->
+			Other
+	end.
+% Helper function to send data to the SCTP peer
+send_sctp_to_peer(LoopDat, PktData, StreamId, Ppid) when is_binary(PktData) ->
+	#sctp_state{sctp_sock = Sock, sctp_assoc_id = Assoc} = LoopDat,
+	SndRcvInfo = #sctp_sndrcvinfo{assoc_id = Assoc, ppid = Ppid, stream = StreamId},
+	gen_sctp:send(Sock, SndRcvInfo, PktData).
+send_prim_to_user(LoopDat, Prim) when is_record(LoopDat, sctp_state), is_record(Prim, primitive) ->
+	%#m3ua_state{user_fun = Fun, user_args = Args} = LoopDat,
+	%Fun(Prim, Args).
+	UserPid = LoopDat#sctp_state.user_pid,
+	UserPid ! Prim.
+handle_event(Event, State, LoopDat) ->
+	Module = LoopDat#sctp_state.module,
+	io:format("Unknown Event ~p in state ~p~n", [Event, State]),
+	case Module:handle_event(Event, State, LoopDat#sctp_state.ext_state) of
+		{next_state, State, ExtState} ->
+			{next_state, State, LoopDat#sctp_state{ext_state = ExtState}}
+	end.
+handle_info({sctp, Socket, _RemoteIp, _RemotePort, {ANC, SAC}},
+	     State, LoopDat) when is_record(SAC, sctp_assoc_change) ->
+	io:format("SCTP Assoc Change ~p ~p~n", [ANC, SAC]),
+	#sctp_assoc_change{state = SacState, outbound_streams = _OutStreams,
+			   inbound_streams = _InStreams, assoc_id = AssocId} = SAC,
+	if
+		SacState == comm_up;
+		SacState == restart ->
+			case State of
+				associating ->
+					NewState = established,
+					Spec = confirm;
+				_ ->
+					NewState = State,
+					Spec = indication
+			end,
+			% primitive to the user
+			send_prim_to_user(LoopDat, osmo_util:make_prim('M','SCTP_ESTABLISH',Spec));
+		SacState == comm_lost ->
+			case State of
+				releasing ->
+					Spec = confirm;
+				_ ->
+					Spec = indication
+			end,
+			send_prim_to_user(LoopDat, osmo_util:make_prim('M','SCTP_RELEASE',Spec)),
+			case LoopDat#sctp_state.role of
+				active ->
+					NewState = associating,
+					reconnect_sctp(LoopDat);
+				_ ->
+					NewState = idle
+			end;
+		SacState == addr_unreachable ->
+			case LoopDat#sctp_state.role of
+				active ->
+					NewState = associating,
+					reconnect_sctp(LoopDat);
+				_ ->
+					NewState = idle
+			end
+	end,
+	inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
+	next_state(State, NewState, LoopDat#sctp_state{sctp_assoc_id = AssocId});
+handle_info({sctp, Socket, RemoteIp, RemotePort, {[Anc], Data}}, State, LoopDat) ->
+	Module = LoopDat#sctp_state.module,
+	io:format("SCTP rx data: ~p ~p~n", [Anc, Data]),
+	% process incoming SCTP data
+	if Socket == LoopDat#sctp_state.sctp_sock,
+	   RemoteIp == LoopDat#sctp_state.sctp_remote_ip,
+	   RemotePort == LoopDat#sctp_state.sctp_remote_port ->
+		Ret = Module:rx_sctp(Anc, Data, State, LoopDat#sctp_state.ext_state),
+		case Ret of
+			{ok, Prim, ExtState} ->
+				send_prim_to_user(LoopDat, Prim);
+			{ignore, ExtState} ->
+				ok
+		end;
+	   true ->
+		io:format("unknown SCTP: ~p ~p~n", [Anc, Data]),
+		ExtState = LoopDat#sctp_state.ext_state
+	end,
+	inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
+	next_state(State, State, LoopDat#sctp_state{ext_state = ExtState});
+handle_info({sctp, Socket, RemoteIp, RemotePort, {_Anc, Data}}, State, LoopDat)
+					when is_record(Data, sctp_shutdown_event) ->
+	io:format("SCTP remote ~p:~p shutdown~n", [RemoteIp, RemotePort]),
+	% FIXME: send SCTP_RELEASE.ind ?
+	inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
+	case LoopDat#sctp_state.role of
+		active ->
+			reconnect_sctp(LoopDat);
+		_ ->
+			ok
+	end,
+	next_state(State, associating, LoopDat);
+handle_info(Info, State, LoopDat) ->
+	Module = LoopDat#sctp_state.module,
+	case Module:handle_info(Info, State, LoopDat#sctp_state.ext_state) of
+		{next_state, State, ExtState} ->
+			{next_state, State, LoopDat#sctp_state{ext_state = ExtState}}
+	end.
+idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'SCTP_ESTABLISH', spec_name = request}, LoopDat) ->
+	case LoopDat#sctp_state.role of
+		active ->
+			reconnect_sctp(LoopDat);
+		_ ->
+			ok
+	end,
+	next_state(idle, associating, LoopDat).
+associating(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'SCTP_RELEASE',
+			spec_name = request}, LoopDat) ->
+	% directly send RELEASE.conf ?!?
+	next_state(associating, idle, LoopDat).
+established(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'SCTP_RELEASE',
+			spec_name = request}, LoopDat) ->
+	next_state(established, releasing, LoopDat);
+established(#primitive{subsystem = 'MTP', gen_name = 'TRANSFER',
+		       spec_name = request, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
+	% MTP-TRANSFER.req from user app; Send message to remote peer
+	Module = LoopDat#sctp_state.module,
+	ExtState = Module:mtp_xfer(Params, LoopDat#sctp_state.ext_state),
+	next_state(established, established, LoopDat#sctp_state{ext_state = ExtState});
+established(#primitive{subsystem = 'SCTP', gen_name = 'TRANSFER',
+		spec_name = request, parameters = {Stream, Ppid, Data}}, LoopDat) ->
+	io:format("SCTP-TRANSFER.req~n",[]),
+	% somebody (typically callback module) requests us to send SCTP data
+	send_sctp_to_peer(LoopDat, Data, Stream, Ppid),
+	next_state(established, established, LoopDat).
+next_state(State, NewState, LoopDat) when is_record(LoopDat, sctp_state) ->
+	Module = LoopDat#sctp_state.module,
+	case NewState of
+		State ->
+			{next_state, NewState, LoopDat};
+		_ ->
+			ExtState = Module:state_change(State, NewState, LoopDat#sctp_state.ext_state),
+			{next_state, NewState, LoopDat#sctp_state{ext_state = ExtState}}
+	end.