add erlang MAP code (from OTP)
diff --git a/asn1/TC-Notation-Extensions.asn b/asn1/TC-Notation-Extensions.asn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89bfd10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asn1/TC-Notation-Extensions.asn
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+-- Module TC-Notation-Extensions (Q.775:06/1997)


+TC-Notation-Extensions {itu-t recommendation q 775 modules(2)

+  notation-extension(4) version1(1)} DEFINITIONS ::=




+  TCMessage{}

+    FROM TCAPMessages {itu-t recommendation q 773 modules(2) messages(1)

+      version3(3)}

+  Bind{}, Unbind{}

+    FROM Remote-Operations-Generic-ROS-PDUs {joint-iso-itu-t

+      remote-operations(4) generic-ROS-PDUs(6) version1(0)}

+  AllOperations{}, ConsumerPerforms{}, SupplierPerforms{}, combine{}

+    FROM Remote-Operations-Useful-Definitions {joint-iso-itu-t

+      remote-operations(4) useful-definitions(7) version1(0)}


+    FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {joint-iso-itu-t

+      remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)}

+  UniDialoguePDU, uniDialogue-as-id

+    FROM UnidialoguePDUs {itu-t recommendation q 773 modules(2)

+      unidialoguePDUs(3) version1(1)}

+  DialoguePDU, dialogue-as-id

+    FROM DialoguePDUs {itu-t recommendation q 773 modules(2) dialoguePDUs(2)

+      version1(1)};



+  &associationContract           CONTRACT,

+  &dialogueMode                  DialogueMode,

+  &termination                   Termination OPTIONAL,

+  &componentGrouping             BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,

+  &dialogueAndComponentGrouping  BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,

+  &AdditionalASEs                OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL,

+  &AbstractSyntaxes              ABSTRACT-SYNTAX,

+  &applicationContextName        OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE



+  CONTRACT &associationContract

+  DIALOGUE MODE &dialogueMode

+  [TERMINATION &termination]

+  [COMPONENT GROUPING ALLOWED &componentGrouping]

+  [DIALOGUE WITH COMPONENTS ALLOWED &dialogueAndComponentGrouping]

+  [ADDITIONAL ASES &AdditionalASEs]

+  ABSTRACT SYNTAXES &AbstractSyntaxes

+  APPLICATION CONTEXT NAME &applicationContextName



+DialogueMode ::= ENUMERATED {structured(1), unstructured(2)}


+Termination ::= ENUMERATED {basic(1), prearranged(2)}


+dialogue-abstract-syntax ABSTRACT-SYNTAX ::= {

+  DialoguePDU

+  IDENTIFIED BY  dialogue-as-id



+uniDialogue-abstract-syntax ABSTRACT-SYNTAX ::= {

+  UniDialoguePDU

+  IDENTIFIED BY  uniDialogue-as-id



+TCSingleAS{OPERATION-PACKAGE:package} ::=

+  TCMessage{{AllOperations  {package}}, {AllOperations  {package}}}


+TCConsumerAS{OPERATION-PACKAGE:package} ::=

+  TCMessage{{ConsumerPerforms  {package}}, {ConsumerPerforms  {package}}}


+TCSupplierAS{OPERATION-PACKAGE:package} ::=

+  TCMessage{{SupplierPerforms  {package}}, {SupplierPerforms  {package}}}



+  TCSingleAS

+    {combine{{ac.&associationContract.&OperationsOf |

+            ac.&associationContract.&InitiatorConsumerOf |

+            ac.&associationContract.&InitiatorSupplierOf},

+            {...}, --was illegaly empty, needs to be changed 

+            { -- Information Object of class OPERATION-PACKAGE to be defined --}}}



+  bind    Bind{ac.&associationContract.&connection.&bind},

+  unbind  Unbind{ac.&associationContract.&connection.&unbind}





+-- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D
