add erlang MAP code (from OTP)
diff --git a/asn1/MAP-Protocol.asn b/asn1/MAP-Protocol.asn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68dfb98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asn1/MAP-Protocol.asn
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+MAP-Protocol {

+   itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)

+   gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-Protocol (4) version9 (9)}










+FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {

+joint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)}


+	updateLocation,

+	cancelLocation,

+	purgeMS,

+	sendIdentification,

+	updateGprsLocation,

+	prepareHandover,

+	sendEndSignal,

+	processAccessSignalling,

+	forwardAccessSignalling,

+	prepareSubsequentHandover,

+	sendAuthenticationInfo,

+	authenticationFailureReport,

+	checkIMEI,

+	insertSubscriberData,

+	deleteSubscriberData,

+	reset,

+	forwardCheckSS-Indication,

+	restoreData,

+	provideSubscriberInfo,

+	anyTimeInterrogation,

+	anyTimeSubscriptionInterrogation,

+	anyTimeModification,

+	sendRoutingInfoForGprs,

+	failureReport,

+	noteMsPresentForGprs,

+	noteMM-Event,

+	noteSubscriberDataModified



+FROM MAP-MobileServiceOperations {

+   itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)

+   gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-MobileServiceOperations (5)

+   version9 (9)}


+	activateTraceMode,

+	deactivateTraceMode,

+	sendIMSI

+FROM MAP-OperationAndMaintenanceOperations {

+   itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)

+   gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-OperationAndMaintenanceOperations (6)

+   version9 (9)}


+	sendRoutingInfo,

+	provideRoamingNumber,

+	resumeCallHandling,

+	setReportingState,

+	statusReport,

+	remoteUserFree,

+	ist-Alert,

+	ist-Command

+FROM MAP-CallHandlingOperations {

+   itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)

+   gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-CallHandlingOperations (7)

+   version9 (9)}


+	registerSS,

+	eraseSS,

+	activateSS,

+	deactivateSS,

+	interrogateSS,

+	processUnstructuredSS-Request,

+	unstructuredSS-Request,

+	unstructuredSS-Notify,

+	registerPassword,

+	getPassword,

+	ss-InvocationNotification,

+	registerCC-Entry,

+	eraseCC-Entry

+FROM MAP-SupplementaryServiceOperations {

+   itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)

+   gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-SupplementaryServiceOperations (8)

+   version9 (9)}


+	sendRoutingInfoForSM,

+	mo-ForwardSM,

+	mt-ForwardSM,

+	reportSM-DeliveryStatus,

+	alertServiceCentre,

+	informServiceCentre,

+	readyForSM

+FROM MAP-ShortMessageServiceOperations {

+   itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)

+   gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-ShortMessageServiceOperations (9)

+   version9 (9)}


+	prepareGroupCall,

+	processGroupCallSignalling,

+	forwardGroupCallSignalling,

+	sendGroupCallEndSignal

+FROM MAP-Group-Call-Operations {

+   itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)

+   gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-Group-Call-Operations (22)

+   version9 (9)}


+	provideSubscriberLocation,

+	sendRoutingInfoForLCS,

+	subscriberLocationReport

+FROM MAP-LocationServiceOperations {

+   itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)

+   gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-LocationServiceOperations (24)

+   version9 (9)}







+FROM MAP-SecureTransportOperations {

+   itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)

+   gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-SecureTransportOperations (26)

+   version9 (9)}



+Supported-MAP-Operations OPERATION ::= {updateLocation | cancelLocation | purgeMS | 

+sendIdentification | updateGprsLocation | prepareHandover | sendEndSignal | 

+processAccessSignalling | forwardAccessSignalling | prepareSubsequentHandover | 

+sendAuthenticationInfo | authenticationFailureReport | checkIMEI | insertSubscriberData | 

+deleteSubscriberData | reset | forwardCheckSS-Indication | restoreData | provideSubscriberInfo | 

+anyTimeInterrogation | anyTimeSubscriptionInterrogation | anyTimeModification | 

+sendRoutingInfoForGprs | failureReport |noteMsPresentForGprs | noteMM-Event | 

+noteSubscriberDataModified | activateTraceMode | deactivateTraceMode | sendIMSI | 

+sendRoutingInfo | provideRoamingNumber | resumeCallHandling | setReportingState | statusReport | remoteUserFree | ist-Alert | 

+ist-Command | registerSS | eraseSS | activateSS | deactivateSS | interrogateSS | 

+processUnstructuredSS-Request | unstructuredSS-Request | unstructuredSS-Notify | 

+registerPassword | getPassword | ss-InvocationNotification | registerCC-Entry | eraseCC-Entry | 

+sendRoutingInfoForSM | mo-ForwardSM | mt-ForwardSM | reportSM-DeliveryStatus | 

+alertServiceCentre | informServiceCentre | readyForSM | prepareGroupCall | 

+processGroupCallSignalling | forwardGroupCallSignalling | sendGroupCallEndSignal |

+provideSubscriberLocation | sendRoutingInfoForLCS | subscriberLocationReport | 

+secureTransportClass1 |secureTransportClass2 | secureTransportClass3 | secureTransportClass4}




+-- The following operation codes are reserved for operations

+-- existing in previous versions of the protocol


+-- Operation Name	AC used	Oper. Code


+-- sendParameters	map-ac infoRetrieval (14) version1 (1)	local:9

+-- processUnstructuredSS-Data	map-ac networkFunctionalSs (18) version1 (1)	local:19

+-- performHandover	map-ac handoverControl (11) version1 (1)	local:28

+-- performSubsequentHandover	map-ac handoverControl (11) version1 (1)	local:30

+-- provideSIWFSNumber	map-ac sIWFSAllocation (12) version3 (3)	local:31

+-- siwfs-SignallingModify	map-ac sIWFSAllocation (12) version3 (3)	local:32

+-- noteInternalHandover	map-ac handoverControl (11) version1 (1)	local:35

+-- noteSubscriberPresent	map-ac mwdMngt (24) version1 (1)	local:48

+-- alertServiceCentreWithoutResult	map-ac shortMsgAlert (23) version1 (1)	local:49

+-- traceSubscriberActivity	map-ac handoverControl (11) version1 (1)	local:52

+-- beginSubscriberActivity	map-ac networkFunctionalSs (18) version1 (1)	local:54


+-- The following error codes are reserved for errors

+-- existing in previous versions of the protocol


+-- Error Name	AC used	Error Code


+-- unknownBaseStation	map-ac handoverControl (11) version1 (1)	local:2

+-- invalidTargetBaseStation	map-ac handoverControl (11) version1 (1)	local:23

+-- noRadioResourceAvailable	map-ac handoverControl (11) version1 (1)	local:24

