Initial revision

diff --git a/libasn1compiler/asn1c_save.c b/libasn1compiler/asn1c_save.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e5b0fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libasn1compiler/asn1c_save.c
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+#include "asn1c_internal.h"
+static int asn1c_dump_streams(arg_t *arg);
+static int asn1c_print_streams(arg_t *arg);
+static int asn1c_save_streams(arg_t *arg);
+static int asn1c_copy_over(arg_t *arg, char *path);
+asn1c_save_compiled_output(arg_t *arg, const char *datadir) {
+	(void)datadir;
+	TQ_FOR(arg->mod, &(arg->asn->modules), mod_next) {
+		TQ_FOR(arg->expr, &(arg->mod->members), next) {
+			if(asn1_lang_map[arg->expr->meta_type]
+				[arg->expr->expr_type].type_cb) {
+				if(asn1c_dump_streams(arg))
+					return -1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Dump out the Makefile template and the rest of the support code.
+	 */
+	if((arg->flags & A1C_PRINT_COMPILED) == 0
+	&& (arg->flags & A1C_OMIT_SUPPORT_CODE) == 0) {
+		glob_t pg;
+		FILE *mkf;
+		char *p;
+		int i;
+		i = strlen(datadir) + sizeof("/*.[ch]");
+		p = alloca(i);
+		snprintf(p, i, "%s/*.[ch]", datadir);
+		memset(&pg, 0, sizeof(pg));
+		if(glob(p, GLOB_ERR
+#ifdef	GLOB_TILDE
+#endif	/* GLOB_TILDE */
+		, NULL, &pg)) {
+			fprintf(stderr,
+				"Bad skeletons directory (-S) %s: %s\n",
+				datadir, strerror(errno));
+			return -1;
+		}
+		mkf = asn1c_open_file(arg, "", ".sample");
+		if(mkf == NULL) {
+			globfree(&pg);
+			perror("");
+			return -1;
+		}
+		fprintf(mkf, "ASN_SRCS=");
+		TQ_FOR(arg->mod, &(arg->asn->modules), mod_next) {
+			TQ_FOR(arg->expr, &(arg->mod->members), next) {
+				if(asn1_lang_map[arg->expr->meta_type]
+					[arg->expr->expr_type].type_cb) {
+					fprintf(mkf, "\t\\\n\t%s.c %s.h",
+					arg->expr->Identifier,
+					arg->expr->Identifier);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		for(i = 0; i < pg.gl_pathc; i++) {
+			if(asn1c_copy_over(arg, pg.gl_pathv[i])) {
+				fprintf(mkf, ">>>ABORTED<<<");
+				fclose(mkf);
+				globfree(&pg);
+				return -1;
+			} else {
+				fprintf(mkf, "\t\\\n\t%s",
+					basename(pg.gl_pathv[i]));
+			}
+		}
+		fprintf(mkf, "\n\n");
+		fprintf(mkf, "\n");
+		fprintf(mkf, "libsomething_la_SOURCES=${ASN_SRCS}\n");
+		fclose(mkf);
+		fprintf(stderr, "Generated\n");
+		globfree(&pg);
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * Dump the streams.
+ */
+static int
+asn1c_dump_streams(arg_t *arg)  {
+	if(arg->flags & A1C_PRINT_COMPILED) {
+		return asn1c_print_streams(arg);
+	} else {
+		return asn1c_save_streams(arg);
+	}
+static int
+asn1c_print_streams(arg_t *arg)  {
+	compiler_streams_t *cs = arg->expr->data;
+	asn1p_expr_t *expr = arg->expr;
+	int i;
+	for(i = 0; i < OT_MAX; i++) {
+		out_chunk_t *ot;
+		if(TQ_FIRST(&cs->targets[i]) == NULL)
+			continue;
+		printf("\n/*** <<< %s [%s] >>> ***/\n\n",
+			_compiler_stream2str[i],
+			expr->Identifier);
+		TQ_FOR(ot, &(cs->targets[i]), next) {
+			fwrite(ot->buf, ot->len, 1, stdout);
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int
+asn1c_save_streams(arg_t *arg)  {
+	asn1p_expr_t *expr = arg->expr;
+	compiler_streams_t *cs = expr->data;
+	out_chunk_t *ot;
+	FILE *fp_c, *fp_h;
+	char *header_id;
+	if(cs == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot compile %s at line %d\n",
+			expr->Identifier, expr->_lineno);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	fp_c = asn1c_open_file(arg, expr->Identifier, ".c");
+	fp_h = asn1c_open_file(arg, expr->Identifier, ".h");
+	if(fp_c == NULL || fp_h == NULL) {
+		if(fp_c) fclose(fp_c);	/* lacks unlink() */
+		if(fp_h) fclose(fp_h);	/* lacks unlink() */
+		return -1;
+	}
+	header_id = alloca(strlen(expr->Identifier) + 1);
+	if(1) {
+		char *src, *dst;
+		for(src = expr->Identifier, dst = header_id;
+				(*dst=*src); src++, dst++)
+			if(!isalnum(*src)) *dst = '_';
+		*dst = '\0';
+	}
+	fprintf(fp_h,
+		"#ifndef\t_%s_H_\n"
+		"#define\t_%s_H_\n"
+		"\n", header_id, header_id);
+	fprintf(fp_h, "#include <constr_TYPE.h>\n\n");
+	TQ_FOR(ot, &(cs->targets[OT_DEPS]), next)
+		fwrite(ot->buf, ot->len, 1, fp_h);
+	fprintf(fp_h, "\n");
+	TQ_FOR(ot, &(cs->targets[OT_TYPE_DECLS]), next)
+		fwrite(ot->buf, ot->len, 1, fp_h);
+	fprintf(fp_h, "\n");
+	TQ_FOR(ot, &(cs->targets[OT_FUNC_DECLS]), next)
+		fwrite(ot->buf, ot->len, 1, fp_h);
+	fprintf(fp_c, "#include <%s.h>\n\n", expr->Identifier);
+	TQ_FOR(ot, &(cs->targets[OT_STAT_DEFS]), next)
+		fwrite(ot->buf, ot->len, 1, fp_c);
+	TQ_FOR(ot, &(cs->targets[OT_CODE]), next)
+		fwrite(ot->buf, ot->len, 1, fp_c);
+	assert(OT_MAX == 5);
+	fprintf(fp_h, "\n#endif\t/* _%s_H_ */\n", header_id);
+	fclose(fp_c);
+	fclose(fp_h);
+	fprintf(stderr, "Compiled %s.c\n", expr->Identifier);
+	fprintf(stderr, "Compiled %s.h\n", expr->Identifier);
+	return 0;
+static int
+asn1c_copy_over(arg_t *arg, char *path) {
+	char *fname = basename(path);
+	if(symlink(path, fname)) {
+		if(errno == EEXIST) {
+			struct stat sb1, sb2;
+			if(stat(path, &sb1) == 0
+			&& stat(fname, &sb2) == 0
+			&& sb1.st_dev == sb2.st_dev
+			&& sb1.st_ino == sb2.st_ino) {
+				/*
+				 * Nothing to do.
+				 */
+				fprintf(stderr,
+					"File %s is already here as %s\n",
+					path, fname);
+				return 0;
+			} else {
+				fprintf(stderr,
+					"Retaining local %s (%s suggested)\n",
+					fname, path);
+				return 0;
+			}
+		} else {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Symlink %s -> %s failed: %s\n",
+				path, fname, strerror(errno));
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr, "Symlinked %s\t-> %s\n", path, fname);
+	return 0;