blob: 1ce2caf2bd94b7c3e6cc5bd6a5e15aa1c22840f4 [file] [log] [blame]
0.8.12: 2004-Jun-14
* RELATIVE-OID and OBJECT IDENTIFIER decoders are not bound
anymore to an integer type of specific size (unsigned long).
* SEQUENCE BER decoder fixed again for complex CHOICE case
(Test case 44).
0.8.11: 2004-Jun-05
* Enforsed stricter conformance with C standards.
* SEQUENCE BER decoder is now equipped with the sorted map
in case of complex CHOICE descendants. Test case 44 created.
0.8.10: 2004-Jun-02
* Added const qualifier where necessary.
* Changed position of outmost_tag fetcher within asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t
0.8.9: 2004-May-26
* Added *_{get|set}_arcs_*() functions for OBJECT IDENTIFIER
and RELATIVE-OID, together with test cases.
0.8.8: 2004-May-09
* Introduced subtype constraints support (incomplete!).
* Fixed compiler. If the last member of the SEQUENCE is OPTIONAL
and absent in the encoding, and the type is extensible (...) or
EXTENSIBILITY IMPLIED flag is set, then the structure could not
be correctly decoded. (Severity: high, Security impact: low).
* Compiler: fixed recursive ASN.1 types inclusion (Severity: low,
Security impact: none).
* Parser: IMPORTS/FROM fixes, now allowing multiple sections.
* Code compiled and checked on PowerPC (@MacOS X). No major portability
issues experienced.
0.8.7: 2004-Apr-11 T-version-0-8-7
* Fixed SEQUENCE BER decoder: if the last member of the SEQUENCE is
OPTIONAL and absent in the encoding, RC_FAIL was returned instead
of RC_OK (Severity: high, Security impact: low).
* Added test case to check the above problem.
* Added test case to check -fnative-integers mode.
0.8.6: 2004-Apr-03 T-version-0-8-6
* Fixed compiler output for embedded ASN.1 structures.
0.8.5: 2004-Mar-28 T-version-0-8-5
* Fixed ber_tlv_length() computation problem (Severity: blocker,
Security impact: none).
Reported by <>
0.8.4: 2004-Mar-22
* Removed RC_ITAG enumeration element from BER decoder.
This return code did not have much practical value.
0.8.3: 2004-Mar-14 T-version-0-8-3
* Fixed SET::BER decoder: restart after reaching a buffer boundary
weas broken (Severity: blocker, Security impact: low).
* Fixed OCTET STRING::BER decoder: restart after reaching a buffer
boundary was broken (Severity: blocker, Security impact: low).
Reported by <>
* Added test cases to check decoders restartability.
* Slightly more general INTEGER2long decoder.
* Allowed nested /* C-type */ comments, as per X.680:2002.
0.8.2: 2004-Mar-01 T-version-0-8-2
* Fixed SEQUENCE BER decoder: an OPTIONAL element was required, where
should not have been (Severity: major; Security impact: low).
* Fixed print_struct pointer inheritance.
* Added -fno-c99 and -funnamed-unions
0.8.1: 2004-Feb-22
* -R switch to asn1c: Omit support code, compile only the tables.
* Introduced NativeInteger pseudotype.
* Corrected the informal print_struct()'s output format.
0.8.0: 2004-Feb-03 T-version-0-8-0
* Some documentation is created (a .pdf and a short manual page).
* Last touches to the code.
0.7.9: 2004-Feb-01 T-version-0-7-9
* Human readable printing support.
* Support for implicit (standard) constraints.
0.7.8: 2004-Jan-31
* SET now rejects duplicate fields in the data stream.
0.7.7: 2004-Jan-25
* Added types: GeneralizedTime and UTCTime.
0.7.6: 2004-Jan-24 T-version-0-7-6
* DER encoding of a SET OF now involves dynamic sorting.
0.7.5: 2004-Jan-24 T-version-0-7-5
* DER encoding of a SET with untagged CHOICE
now involves dynamic sorting.
0.7.0: 2004-Jan-19 T-version-0-7-0
* A bunch of DER encoders is implemented.
0.6.6: 2004-Jan-11
* Implemented CHOICE decoder.
* Implemented destructors support.
0.6.5: 2004-Jan-03
* Implemented SET decoder.
* Implemented SET OF and SEQUENCE OF decoders.
0.6.4: 2003-Dec-31
* Implemented BOOLEAN, NULL, ENUMERATED decoders.
* Implemented OCTET STRING decoder.
* Implemented BIT STRING decoder.
0.6: 2003-Dec-30
* First decoding of a BER-encoded structure!
0.5: 2003-Dec-28
* Framework and most of the compiler backbone coding done.
0.1: 2003-Nov-28
* Programming started.