received RRC permit

git-svn-id: 59561ff5-6e30-0410-9f3c-9617f08c8826
diff --git a/examples/README b/examples/README
index 2e317f5..42910a8 100644
--- a/examples/README
+++ b/examples/README
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
    Before trying to compile, read the README file in that directory.
 6. The ./sample.source.RRC directory contains the 3GPP Radio Resource Control
-   decoder. Before trying to compile, read the README file in that directory.
+   decoder. Just type `make` in there to compile.
 The script can be used to extract ASN.1 data from LyX editor files.
diff --git a/examples/rrc.asn1 b/examples/rrc.asn1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20d1052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/rrc.asn1
@@ -0,0 +1,21291 @@
+ * Radio Resource Control Technical Specification ASN.1 module.
+ * 3GPP 25.331 (TS 125 331) (ETSI ref RTS/TSGR-0225331v710) [2006-06]
+ * Extracted and verified by Lev Walkin <>
+ *
+ * DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE. Obtain your own copy of 3GPP RRC specification
+ * if you need to create products based on this RRC ASN.1 module.
+ *
+ * The ETSI has granted me the right to reproduce this ASN.1 RRC
+ * (Radio Resource Control) module provided that I insert the following
+ * paragraph:
+ *
+ * 3GPP(tm) TSs and TRs are the property of ARIB, ATIS, ETSI, CCSA, TTA and TTC
+ * who jointly own the copyright in them. They are subject to further
+ * modifications and are therefore provided to you "as is" for information
+ * purposes only. Further use is strictly prohibited.
+ */
+	ActiveSetUpdate,
+	ActiveSetUpdateComplete,
+	ActiveSetUpdateFailure,	
+	AssistanceDataDelivery,
+	CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN,
+	CellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure,
+	CellUpdate,
+	CellUpdateConfirm-CCCH,
+	CellUpdateConfirm,
+	CounterCheck,
+	CounterCheckResponse,
+	DownlinkDirectTransfer,
+	HandoverToUTRANComplete,
+	InitialDirectTransfer,
+	HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu,
+	HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM,
+	HandoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000,
+	HandoverFromUTRANFailure,
+	MBMSAccessInformation,
+	MBMSCommonPTMRBInformation,
+	MBMSCurrentCellPTMRBInformation,
+	MBMSGeneralInformation,
+	MBMSModificationRequest,
+	MBMSModifiedServicesInformation,
+	MBMSNeighbouringCellPTMRBInformation,
+	MBMSSchedulingInformation,
+	MBMSUnmodifiedServicesInformation,
+	MeasurementControl,
+	MeasurementControlFailure,
+	MeasurementReport,
+	PagingType1,
+	PagingType2,
+	PhysicalChannelReconfiguration,
+	PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete,
+	PhysicalChannelReconfigurationFailure,
+	PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation,
+	PUSCHCapacityRequest,
+	RadioBearerReconfiguration,
+	RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete,
+	RadioBearerReconfigurationFailure,
+	RadioBearerRelease,
+	RadioBearerReleaseComplete,
+	RadioBearerReleaseFailure,
+	RadioBearerSetup,
+	RadioBearerSetupComplete,
+	RadioBearerSetupFailure,
+	RRCConnectionReject,
+	RRCConnectionRelease,
+	RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH,
+	RRCConnectionReleaseComplete,
+	RRCConnectionRequest,
+	RRCConnectionSetup,
+	RRCConnectionSetupComplete,
+	RRCStatus,
+	SecurityModeCommand,
+	SecurityModeComplete,
+	SecurityModeFailure,
+	SignallingConnectionRelease,
+	SignallingConnectionReleaseIndication,
+	SystemInformation-BCH,
+	SystemInformation-FACH,
+	SystemInformationChangeIndication,
+	TransportChannelReconfiguration,
+	TransportChannelReconfigurationComplete,
+	TransportChannelReconfigurationFailure,
+	TransportFormatCombinationControl,
+	TransportFormatCombinationControlFailure,
+	UECapabilityEnquiry,
+	UECapabilityInformation,
+	UECapabilityInformationConfirm,
+	UplinkDirectTransfer,
+	UplinkPhysicalChannelControl,
+	URAUpdate,
+	URAUpdateConfirm,
+	URAUpdateConfirm-CCCH,
+	UTRANMobilityInformation,
+	UTRANMobilityInformationConfirm,
+	UTRANMobilityInformationFailure
+FROM PDU-definitions
+-- User Equipment IEs :
+	IntegrityCheckInfo
+FROM InformationElements;
+-- Downlink DCCH messages
+DL-DCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE {
+	integrityCheckInfo		IntegrityCheckInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	message					DL-DCCH-MessageType
+DL-DCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE {
+	activeSetUpdate						ActiveSetUpdate,
+	assistanceDataDelivery				AssistanceDataDelivery,
+	cellChangeOrderFromUTRAN 			CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN,
+	cellUpdateConfirm					CellUpdateConfirm,
+	counterCheck						CounterCheck,
+	downlinkDirectTransfer				DownlinkDirectTransfer,
+	handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM		HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM,
+	handoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000	HandoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000,
+	measurementControl					MeasurementControl,
+	pagingType2							PagingType2,
+	physicalChannelReconfiguration		PhysicalChannelReconfiguration,
+	physicalSharedChannelAllocation		PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation,
+	radioBearerReconfiguration			RadioBearerReconfiguration,
+	radioBearerRelease					RadioBearerRelease,
+	radioBearerSetup					RadioBearerSetup,
+	rrcConnectionRelease				RRCConnectionRelease,
+	securityModeCommand					SecurityModeCommand,
+	signallingConnectionRelease			SignallingConnectionRelease,
+	transportChannelReconfiguration		TransportChannelReconfiguration,
+	transportFormatCombinationControl	TransportFormatCombinationControl,
+	ueCapabilityEnquiry					UECapabilityEnquiry,
+	ueCapabilityInformationConfirm		UECapabilityInformationConfirm,
+	uplinkPhysicalChannelControl		UplinkPhysicalChannelControl,
+	uraUpdateConfirm					URAUpdateConfirm,
+	utranMobilityInformation			UTRANMobilityInformation,
+	handoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu	HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu,
+	mbmsModifiedServicesInformation		MBMSModifiedServicesInformation,
+	spare5								NULL,
+	spare4								NULL,
+	spare3								NULL,
+	spare2								NULL,
+	spare1								NULL
+-- Uplink DCCH messages
+UL-DCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE {
+	integrityCheckInfo		IntegrityCheckInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	message					UL-DCCH-MessageType
+UL-DCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE {
+	activeSetUpdateComplete				ActiveSetUpdateComplete,
+	activeSetUpdateFailure				ActiveSetUpdateFailure,
+	cellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure 	CellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure,
+	counterCheckResponse				CounterCheckResponse,
+	handoverToUTRANComplete				HandoverToUTRANComplete,
+	initialDirectTransfer				InitialDirectTransfer,
+	handoverFromUTRANFailure			HandoverFromUTRANFailure,
+	measurementControlFailure			MeasurementControlFailure,
+	measurementReport					MeasurementReport,
+	physicalChannelReconfigurationComplete
+										PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete,
+	physicalChannelReconfigurationFailure
+										PhysicalChannelReconfigurationFailure,
+	radioBearerReconfigurationComplete	RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete,
+	radioBearerReconfigurationFailure	RadioBearerReconfigurationFailure,
+	radioBearerReleaseComplete			RadioBearerReleaseComplete,
+	radioBearerReleaseFailure			RadioBearerReleaseFailure,
+	radioBearerSetupComplete			RadioBearerSetupComplete,
+	radioBearerSetupFailure				RadioBearerSetupFailure,
+	rrcConnectionReleaseComplete		RRCConnectionReleaseComplete,
+	rrcConnectionSetupComplete			RRCConnectionSetupComplete,
+	rrcStatus							RRCStatus,
+	securityModeComplete				SecurityModeComplete,
+	securityModeFailure					SecurityModeFailure,
+	signallingConnectionReleaseIndication
+										SignallingConnectionReleaseIndication,
+	transportChannelReconfigurationComplete
+										TransportChannelReconfigurationComplete,
+	transportChannelReconfigurationFailure
+										TransportChannelReconfigurationFailure,
+	transportFormatCombinationControlFailure
+										TransportFormatCombinationControlFailure,
+	ueCapabilityInformation				UECapabilityInformation,
+	uplinkDirectTransfer				UplinkDirectTransfer,
+	utranMobilityInformationConfirm		UTRANMobilityInformationConfirm,
+	utranMobilityInformationFailure		UTRANMobilityInformationFailure,
+	mbmsModificationRequest				MBMSModificationRequest,
+	spare1								NULL
+-- Downlink CCCH messages
+DL-CCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE {
+	integrityCheckInfo		IntegrityCheckInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	message					DL-CCCH-MessageType
+DL-CCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE {	
+	cellUpdateConfirm					CellUpdateConfirm-CCCH,
+	rrcConnectionReject					RRCConnectionReject,
+	rrcConnectionRelease				RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH,
+	rrcConnectionSetup					RRCConnectionSetup,
+	uraUpdateConfirm					URAUpdateConfirm-CCCH,
+	spare3								NULL,
+	spare2								NULL,
+	spare1								NULL
+-- Uplink CCCH messages
+UL-CCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE {
+	integrityCheckInfo		IntegrityCheckInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	message					UL-CCCH-MessageType
+UL-CCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE {
+	cellUpdate							CellUpdate,
+	rrcConnectionRequest				RRCConnectionRequest,
+	uraUpdate							URAUpdate,
+	spare								NULL
+-- PCCH messages
+PCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE {
+	message				PCCH-MessageType
+PCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE {
+	pagingType1							PagingType1,
+	spare								NULL
+-- Downlink SHCCH messages
+DL-SHCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE {
+	message					DL-SHCCH-MessageType
+DL-SHCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE {
+	physicalSharedChannelAllocation		PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation,
+	spare								NULL
+-- Uplink SHCCH messages
+UL-SHCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE {
+	message					UL-SHCCH-MessageType
+UL-SHCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE {
+	puschCapacityRequest				PUSCHCapacityRequest,
+	spare								NULL
+-- BCCH messages sent on FACH
+	message				BCCH-FACH-MessageType
+BCCH-FACH-MessageType ::= CHOICE {
+	systemInformation					SystemInformation-FACH,
+	systemInformationChangeIndication	SystemInformationChangeIndication,
+	spare2								NULL,
+	spare1								NULL
+-- BCCH messages sent on BCH
+BCCH-BCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE {
+	message				SystemInformation-BCH
+-- MCCH messages
+MCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE {
+	message				MCCH-MessageType
+MCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE {
+	mbmsAccessInformation				MBMSAccessInformation,
+	mbmsCommonPTMRBInformation			MBMSCommonPTMRBInformation,
+	mbmsCurrentCellPTMRBInformation		MBMSCurrentCellPTMRBInformation,
+	mbmsGeneralInformation				MBMSGeneralInformation,
+	mbmsModifiedServicesInformation		MBMSModifiedServicesInformation,
+	mbmsNeighbouringCellPTMRBInformation
+										MBMSNeighbouringCellPTMRBInformation,
+	mbmsUnmodifiedServicesInformation	MBMSUnmodifiedServicesInformation,
+	spare9								NULL,
+	spare8								NULL,
+	spare7								NULL,
+	spare6								NULL,
+	spare5								NULL,
+	spare4								NULL,
+	spare3								NULL,
+	spare2								NULL,
+	spare1								NULL
+-- MSCH messages
+MSCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE {
+	message				MSCH-MessageType
+MSCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE {
+	mbmsSchedulingInformation			MBMSSchedulingInformation,
+	spare3								NULL,
+	spare2								NULL,
+	spare1								NULL
+-- TABULAR: The message type and integrity check info are not
+-- visible in this module as they are defined in the class module. 
+-- Also, all FDD/TDD specific choices have the FDD option first 
+-- and TDD second, just for consistency.
+-- IE parameter types from other modules
+-- Core Network IEs :
+	CN-DomainIdentity,
+	CN-InformationInfo,
+	CN-InformationInfo-r6,
+	CN-InformationInfoFull,
+	NAS-Message,
+	PagingRecordTypeID,
+	PLMN-Identity,
+-- UTRAN Mobility IEs :
+	CellIdentity,
+	CellIdentity-PerRL-List,
+	URA-Identity,
+-- User Equipment IEs :
+	UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp-r7,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList2,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList-ext,
+	AccessStratumReleaseIndicator,
+	ActivationTime,
+	CapabilityUpdateRequirement,
+	CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4,
+	CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext,
+	CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r5,
+	CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext,
+	CellUpdateCause,
+	CellUpdateCause-ext,
+	CipheringAlgorithm,
+	CipheringModeInfo,
+	DelayRestrictionFlag,
+	EstablishmentCause,
+	FailureCauseWithProtErr,
+	FailureCauseWithProtErrTrId,
+	GroupReleaseInformation,
+	UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle,
+	UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT,
+	InitialUE-Identity,
+	IntegrityProtActivationInfo,
+	IntegrityProtectionModeInfo,
+	N-308,
+	PagingCause,
+	PagingRecordList,
+	PagingRecord2List-r5,
+	ProtocolErrorIndicator,
+	ProtocolErrorIndicatorWithMoreInfo,
+	RadioFrequencyBandTDDList,
+	Rb-timer-indicator,
+	RedirectionInfo,
+	RedirectionInfo-r6,
+	RejectionCause,
+	ReleaseCause,
+	RF-CapabilityComp,
+	RRC-StateIndicator,
+	RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+	SecurityCapability,
+	START-Value,
+	STARTList,
+	SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq-v590ext,
+	U-RNTI-Short,
+	UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v680ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp-ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp2,
+	DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext,
+	UE-ConnTimersAndConstants,
+	UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext,
+	UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-r5,
+	UE-SecurityInformation,
+	UE-SecurityInformation2,
+	URA-UpdateCause,
+	UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient,
+	WaitTime,
+-- Radio Bearer IEs :
+	DefaultConfigIdentity,
+	DefaultConfigIdentity-r4,
+	DefaultConfigIdentity-r5,
+	DefaultConfigIdentity-r6,
+	DefaultConfigMode,
+	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo,
+	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5,
+	PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode,
+	PredefinedConfigIdentity,
+	PredefinedConfigStatusList,
+	PredefinedConfigStatusListComp,
+	PredefinedConfigSetWithDifferentValueTag,
+	RAB-Info,
+	RAB-Info-r6,
+	RAB-Info-Post,
+	RAB-InformationList,
+	RAB-InformationList-r6,
+	RAB-InformationReconfigList,
+	RAB-InformationSetupList,
+	RAB-InformationSetupList-r4,
+	RAB-InformationSetupList-r5,
+	RAB-InformationSetupList-r6-ext,
+	RAB-InformationSetupList-r6,
+	RB-ActivationTimeInfoList,
+	RB-COUNT-C-InformationList,
+	RB-COUNT-C-MSB-InformationList,
+	RB-IdentityList,
+	RB-InformationAffectedList,
+	RB-InformationAffectedList-r5,
+	RB-InformationAffectedList-r6,
+	RB-InformationChangedList-r6,
+	RB-InformationReconfigList,
+	RB-InformationReconfigList-r4,
+	RB-InformationReconfigList-r5,
+	RB-InformationReconfigList-r6,
+	RB-InformationReleaseList,
+	RB-PDCPContextRelocationList,
+	SRB-InformationSetupList,
+	SRB-InformationSetupList-r5,
+	SRB-InformationSetupList-r6,
+	SRB-InformationSetupList2,
+	SRB-InformationSetupList2-r6,
+	UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo,
+-- Transport Channel IEs:
+	DL-AddReconfTransChInfo2List,
+	DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList,
+	DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4,
+	DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5,
+	DL-CommonTransChInfo,
+	DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4,
+	DL-DeletedTransChInfoList,
+	DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5,
+	DRAC-StaticInformationList,
+	PowerOffsetInfoShort,
+	TFC-Subset,
+	TFCS-Identity,
+	UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList,
+	UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6,
+	UL-CommonTransChInfo,
+	UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4,
+	UL-DeletedTransChInfoList,
+	UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6,
+-- Physical Channel IEs :
+	Alpha,
+	CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo,
+	CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r4,
+	CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r5,
+	CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r7,
+	ConstantValue,
+	ConstantValueTdd,
+	CPCH-SetInfo,
+	DHS-Sync,
+	DL-CommonInformation,
+	DL-CommonInformation-r4,
+	DL-CommonInformation-r5,
+	DL-CommonInformation-r6,
+	DL-CommonInformation-r7,
+	DL-CommonInformationPost,
+	DL-HSPDSCH-Information,
+	DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6,
+	DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7,
+	DL-InformationPerRL-List,
+	DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4,
+	DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5,
+	DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5bis,
+	DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6,
+	DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7,
+	DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD,
+	DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD,
+	DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4,
+	DL-PDSCH-Information,
+	DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List,
+	DPC-Mode,
+	DPCH-CompressedModeStatusInfo,
+	DynamicPersistenceLevel,
+	E-DCH-ReconfigurationInfo,
+	EXT-UL-TimingAdvance,
+	FrequencyInfo,
+	FrequencyInfoFDD,
+	FrequencyInfoTDD,
+	HARQ-Preamble-Mode,
+	HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384,
+	HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD768,
+	MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power,
+	OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4,
+	PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo,
+	PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r4,
+	PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r7,
+	PDSCH-Identity,
+	PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+	PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power,
+	PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo,
+	PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r4,
+	PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r7,
+	PUSCH-Identity,
+	PUSCH-SysInfoList-HCR-r5,
+	PDSCH-SysInfoList-HCR-r5,
+	RL-AdditionInformationList,
+	RL-AdditionInformationList-r6,
+	RL-RemovalInformationList,
+	Serving-HSDSCH-CellInformation,
+	SpecialBurstScheduling,
+	SSDT-Information,
+	SSDT-Information-r4,
+	TFC-ControlDuration,
+	TimingMaintainedSynchInd,
+	TimeslotList,
+	TimeslotList-r4,
+	TX-DiversityMode,
+	UL-ChannelRequirement,
+	UL-ChannelRequirement-r4,
+	UL-ChannelRequirement-r5,
+	UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID,
+	UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID-r4,
+	UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID-r5,
+	UL-DPCH-Info,
+	UL-DPCH-Info-r4,
+	UL-DPCH-Info-r5,
+	UL-DPCH-Info-r6,
+	UL-DPCH-Info-r7,
+	UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD,
+	UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD,
+	UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD-LCR-r4,
+	UL-EDCH-Information-r6,
+	UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4,
+	UL-TimingAdvance,
+	UL-TimingAdvanceControl,
+	UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4,
+	UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r7,
+	UL-TimingAdvance-VHCR,
+-- Measurement IEs :
+	AdditionalMeasurementID-List,
+	DeltaRSCP,
+	Frequency-Band,
+	EventResults,
+	Inter-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext,
+	Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext,
+	IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5,
+	IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5,
+	IntraFreqCellID,
+	InterFreqEventResults-LCR-r4-ext,
+	InterRATCellInfoIndication,
+	InterRAT-TargetCellDescription,
+	MeasuredResults,
+	MeasuredResults-v390ext,
+	MeasuredResults-v590ext,
+	MeasuredResultsList,
+	MeasuredResultsList-LCR-r4-ext,
+	MeasuredResultsOnRACH,
+	MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq,
+	MeasurementCommand,
+	MeasurementCommand-r4,
+	MeasurementCommand-r6,
+	MeasurementIdentity,
+	MeasurementReportingMode,
+	PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP,
+	SFN-Offset-Validity,
+	TimeslotListWithISCP,
+	TrafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList,
+	UE-Positioning-GPS-AssistanceData,
+	UE-Positioning-Measurement-v390ext,
+	UE-Positioning-Measurement-v7xyext,
+	UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData,
+	UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4ext,
+	UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB,
+	VelocityEstimate,
+	UE-InternalMeasuredResults-r7,
+-- Other IEs :
+	BCCH-ModificationInfo,
+	CDMA2000-MessageList,
+	GSM-TargetCellInfoList,
+	GERANIu-MessageList,
+	GERAN-SystemInformation,
+	GSM-MessageList,
+	InterRAT-ChangeFailureCause,
+	InterRAT-HO-FailureCause,
+	InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList,
+	InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext,
+	InterRAT-UE-SecurityCapList,
+	IntraDomainNasNodeSelector,
+	ProtocolErrorMoreInformation,
+	Rplmn-Information,
+	Rplmn-Information-r4,
+	SegCount,
+	SegmentIndex,
+	SFN-Prime,
+	SIB-Data-fixed,
+	SIB-Data-variable,
+	SIB-Type,
+-- MBMS IEs:
+	MBMS-CellGroupIdentity-r6,
+	MBMS-CommonRBInformationList-r6,
+	MBMS-CurrentCell-SCCPCHList-r6,
+	MBMS-JoinedInformation-r6,
+	MBMS-MICHConfigurationInfo-r6,
+	MBMS-MICHConfigurationInfo-r7,
+	MBMS-ModifedServiceList-r6,
+	MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6,
+	MBMS-NeighbouringCellSCCPCHList-r6,
+	MBMS-NumberOfNeighbourCells-r6,
+	MBMS-PhyChInformationList-r6,
+	MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6,
+	MBMS-PreferredFreqRequest-r6,
+	MBMS-PreferredFrequencyList-r6,
+	MBMS-PTMActivationTime-r6,
+	MBMS-ServiceAccessInfoList-r6,
+	MBMS-ServiceIdentity-r6,
+	MBMS-ServiceSchedulingInfoList-r6,
+	MBMS-SIBType5-SCCPCHList-r6,
+	MBMS-TimersAndCounters-r6,
+	MBMS-TranspChInfoForEachCCTrCh-r6,
+	MBMS-TranspChInfoForEachTrCh-r6,
+	MBMS-UnmodifiedServiceList-r6
+FROM InformationElements
+	maxSIBperMsg,
+	maxURNTI-Group
+FROM Constant-definitions;
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+ActiveSetUpdate ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		activeSetUpdate-r3				ActiveSetUpdate-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			activeSetUpdate-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				activeSetUpdate-v4b0ext		ActiveSetUpdate-v4b0ext-IEs,
+				v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					activeSetUpdate-v590ext			ActiveSetUpdate-v590ext-IEs,
+					v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						activeSetUpdate-v690ext			ActiveSetUpdate-v690ext-IEs,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r6								SEQUENCE {
+				activeSetUpdate-r6				ActiveSetUpdate-r6-IEs,
+				activeSetUpdate-r6-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+		}
+	}
+ActiveSetUpdate-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should
+		-- not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy						IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		dummy2						CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		newU-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		-- dummy3 is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy3						DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		rl-AdditionInformationList		RL-AdditionInformationList			OPTIONAL,
+		rl-RemovalInformationList		RL-RemovalInformationList			OPTIONAL,
+		tx-DiversityMode				TX-DiversityMode					OPTIONAL,
+		-- dummy4 is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy4							SSDT-Information					OPTIONAL
+ActiveSetUpdate-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy								SSDT-UL								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as
+		-- in IE RL-AdditionInformationList included in this message
+		cell-id-PerRL-List					CellIdentity-PerRL-List				OPTIONAL
+ActiveSetUpdate-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		dpc-Mode							DPC-Mode,
+		dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List		DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List			OPTIONAL
+ActiveSetUpdate-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Core network IEs
+		primary-plmn-Identity				PLMN-Identity						OPTIONAL
+ActiveSetUpdate-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		activationTime						ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		newU-RNTI							U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newH-RNTI							H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI					E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI					E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo					CN-InformationInfo-r6				OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power				MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		rl-AdditionInformationList			RL-AdditionInformationList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		rl-RemovalInformationList			RL-RemovalInformationList			OPTIONAL,
+		tx-DiversityMode					TX-DiversityMode					OPTIONAL,
+		dpc-Mode							DPC-Mode							OPTIONAL,
+		serving-HSDSCH-CellInformation		Serving-HSDSCH-CellInformation		OPTIONAL,
+		e-dch-ReconfigurationInfo			E-DCH-ReconfigurationInfo			OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+ActiveSetUpdateComplete ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy						IntegrityProtActivationInfo			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		-- dummy2 and dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification, they should
+		-- not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy2						RB-ActivationTimeInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		dummy3						UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			activeSetUpdateComplete-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+ActiveSetUpdateFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			activeSetUpdateFailure-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- Assistance Data Delivery
+-- ***************************************************
+AssistanceDataDelivery ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		assistanceDataDelivery-r3		AssistanceDataDelivery-r3-IEs,
+		v3a0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			assistanceDataDelivery-v3a0ext	AssistanceDataDelivery-v3a0ext,
+			laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+				assistanceDataDelivery-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+				v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE { 
+					assistanceDataDelivery-v4b0ext
+													AssistanceDataDelivery-v4b0ext-IEs,
+					nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}						OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+AssistanceDataDelivery-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+	rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+	-- Measurement Information Elements
+	ue-positioning-GPS-AssistanceData			UE-Positioning-GPS-AssistanceData				OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB		UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB			OPTIONAL
+AssistanceDataDelivery-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	sfn-Offset-Validity					SFN-Offset-Validity		OPTIONAL
+AssistanceDataDelivery-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	ue-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4ext	UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4ext	OPTIONAL
+ -- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		cellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-IEs		CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			cellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v590NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+				cellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-v590ext	CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-v590ext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy							IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		-- the IE rab-InformationList is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. The IE may be used in a later
+		-- version of the protocol and hence it is not changed into a dummy
+		rab-InformationList				RAB-InformationList					OPTIONAL,
+		interRAT-TargetCellDescription	InterRAT-TargetCellDescription
+CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {		
+		geran-SystemInfoType				CHOICE	{		
+			sI									GERAN-SystemInformation,
+			pSI									GERAN-SystemInformation
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+CellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		cellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure-r3
+										CellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			cellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and it
+	-- should be ignored.
+	dummy							SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+CellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy							IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		interRAT-ChangeFailureCause		InterRAT-ChangeFailureCause
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+CellUpdate ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		u-RNTI							U-RNTI,
+		startList		STARTList,
+		am-RLC-ErrorIndicationRb2-3or4		BOOLEAN,
+		am-RLC-ErrorIndicationRb5orAbove	BOOLEAN,
+		cellUpdateCause					CellUpdateCause,
+		-- TABULAR: RRC transaction identifier is nested in FailureCauseWithProtErrTrId
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErrTrId			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-timer-indicator				Rb-timer-indicator,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		measuredResultsOnRACH			MeasuredResultsOnRACH				OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			cellUpdate-r3-add-ext			BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+			v590NonCriticalExtensions	SEQUENCE {
+				cellUpdate-v590ext	CellUpdate-v590ext, 
+				v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					cellUpdate-v690ext				CellUpdate-v690ext-IEs,
+					v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						cellUpdate-v7xyext				CellUpdate-v7xyext-IEs,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+					}		OPTIONAL
+				}		OPTIONAL
+CellUpdate-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	establishmentCause				EstablishmentCause	OPTIONAL
+CellUpdate-v690ext-IEs ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		cellUpdateCause-ext				CellUpdateCause-ext					OPTIONAL,
+		trafficVolumeIndicator			ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		measuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq	MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq		OPTIONAL,
+		reconfigurationStatusIndicator	ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL
+CellUpdate-v7xyext-IEs ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- Call Type IE
+		csCallType						ENUMERATED { speech, video, other, spare }	OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+CellUpdateConfirm ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		cellUpdateConfirm-r3			CellUpdateConfirm-r3-IEs,
+		v3a0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			cellUpdateConfirm-v3a0ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v3a0ext,
+			laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+				cellUpdateConfirm-r3-add-ext	BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+				v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					cellUpdateConfirm-v4b0ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v4b0ext-IEs,
+					v590NonCriticalExtenstions		SEQUENCE {
+						cellUpdateConfirm-v590ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v590ext-IEs,
+						v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions		SEQUENCE {
+							cellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs,
+							v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								cellUpdateConfirm-v690ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs,
+								nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL
+							}		OPTIONAL
+						}		OPTIONAL
+					}		OPTIONAL
+				}		OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r4								SEQUENCE {
+				cellUpdateConfirm-r4			CellUpdateConfirm-r4-IEs,
+				v4d0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5
+					cellUpdateConfirm-r4-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v590NonCriticalExtenstions		SEQUENCE {
+						cellUpdateConfirm-v590ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v590ext-IEs,
+						v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions		SEQUENCE {
+							cellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs,
+							v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								cellUpdateConfirm-v690ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs,
+								nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+							}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+				r5								SEQUENCE {
+					cellUpdateConfirm-r5			CellUpdateConfirm-r5-IEs,
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6
+					cellUpdateConfirm-r5-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions		SEQUENCE {
+						cellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs,
+						v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							cellUpdateConfirm-v690ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+				},
+				criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+					r6								SEQUENCE {
+						cellUpdateConfirm-r6			CellUpdateConfirm-r6-IEs,
+						-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7
+						cellUpdateConfirm-r6-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					},
+					criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+						r7								SEQUENCE {
+							cellUpdateConfirm-r7			CellUpdateConfirm-r7-IEs,
+							-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8
+							cellUpdateConfirm-r7-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						},
+						criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+CellUpdateConfirm-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+		rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb2-3or4		BOOLEAN,
+		rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb5orAbove		BOOLEAN,
+	-- CN information elements
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rb-InformationReleaseList		RB-InformationReleaseList			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificTransChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should
+				-- not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+				dummy							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement				OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List			OPTIONAL
+CellUpdateConfirm-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received the UE behaviour
+	-- is unspecified
+CellUpdateConfirm-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy								SSDT-UL								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as
+		-- in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message
+		cell-id-PerRL-List					CellIdentity-PerRL-List				OPTIONAL
+CellUpdateConfirm-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List	DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List		OPTIONAL
+CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	--Radio Bearer IEs
+		pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode			PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode				OPTIONAL
+CellUpdateConfirm-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received
+		-- the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+		rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb2-3or4		BOOLEAN,
+		rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb5orAbove	BOOLEAN,
+	-- CN information elements
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rb-InformationReleaseList		RB-InformationReleaseList			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList-r4		OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificTransChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should
+				-- not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+				dummy							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement-r4			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4			OPTIONAL
+CellUpdateConfirm-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received
+		-- the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+		rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb2-3or4		BOOLEAN,
+		rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb5orAbove	BOOLEAN,
+	-- CN information elements
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rb-InformationReleaseList		RB-InformationReleaseList			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificTransChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should
+				-- not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+				dummy							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement-r5			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r5				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5			OPTIONAL
+CellUpdateConfirm-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode,
+		-- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+		rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb2-3or4		BOOLEAN,
+		rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb5orAbove		BOOLEAN,
+	-- CN information elements
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo-r6				OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rb-InformationReleaseList		RB-InformationReleaseList			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+		pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode			PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode				OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r6						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	-- Core network IEs
+		primary-plmn-Identity			PLMN-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- The IE harq-Preamble-Mode should not be used in the r3 and r4 versions of the message
+		-- If included in the r3 or r4 version of the message, the UE should ignore the IE
+		harq-Preamble-Mode				HARQ-Preamble-Mode					OPTIONAL,
+		beaconPLEst						BEACON-PL-Est						OPTIONAL,
+		postVerificationPeriod			ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL,
+		dhs-sync						DHS-Sync							OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+CellUpdateConfirm-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode,
+		-- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+		rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb2-3or4		BOOLEAN,
+		rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb5orAbove		BOOLEAN,
+	-- CN information elements
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo-r6				OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rb-InformationReleaseList		RB-InformationReleaseList			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+		pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode			PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode				OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r7						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r7				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+CellUpdateConfirm-CCCH ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		-- User equipment IEs
+			u-RNTI						U-RNTI,
+		-- The rest of the message is identical to the one sent on DCCH.
+			cellUpdateConfirm-r3				CellUpdateConfirm-r3-IEs,
+			laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+				cellUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r3-add-ext			BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+				v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					cellUpdateConfirm-v4b0ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v4b0ext-IEs,
+					v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						cellUpdateConfirm-v590ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v590ext-IEs,
+						v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions		SEQUENCE {
+							cellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs,
+							v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								cellUpdateConfirm-v690ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs,
+								nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL
+							}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		u-RNTI							U-RNTI,
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r4								SEQUENCE {
+				-- The rest of the message is identical to the one sent on DCCH.
+				cellUpdateConfirm-r4			CellUpdateConfirm-r4-IEs,
+				v4d0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5
+					cellUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r4-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						cellUpdateConfirm-v590ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v590ext-IEs,
+						v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions		SEQUENCE {
+							cellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs,
+							v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								cellUpdateConfirm-v690ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs,
+								nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+							}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+				r5								SEQUENCE {
+					cellUpdateConfirm-r5			CellUpdateConfirm-r5-IEs,
+					cellUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r5-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions		SEQUENCE {
+						cellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs,
+						v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							cellUpdateConfirm-v690ext		CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+				},		
+				criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+					r6								SEQUENCE {
+						cellUpdateConfirm-r6			CellUpdateConfirm-r6-IEs,
+						cellUpdateConfirm-r6-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					},
+					criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+						r7								SEQUENCE {
+							cellUpdateConfirm-r7			CellUpdateConfirm-r7-IEs,
+							cellUpdateConfirm-r7-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						},
+						criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+CounterCheck ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		counterCheck-r3					CounterCheck-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			counterCheck-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+CounterCheck-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rb-COUNT-C-MSB-InformationList	RB-COUNT-C-MSB-InformationList
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+CounterCheckResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rb-COUNT-C-InformationList		RB-COUNT-C-InformationList			OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			counterCheckResponse-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+DownlinkDirectTransfer ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		downlinkDirectTransfer-r3		DownlinkDirectTransfer-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			downlinkDirectTransfer-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+DownlinkDirectTransfer-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-DomainIdentity				CN-DomainIdentity,
+		nas-Message						NAS-Message
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+HandoverToUTRANCommand ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		handoverToUTRANCommand-r3		HandoverToUTRANCommand-r3-IEs,
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL
+	},
+	criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+		r4								SEQUENCE {
+			handoverToUTRANCommand-r4		HandoverToUTRANCommand-r4-IEs,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r5								SEQUENCE {
+				handoverToUTRANCommand-r5		HandoverToUTRANCommand-r5-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+				r6								SEQUENCE {
+					handoverToUTRANCommand-r6		HandoverToUTRANCommand-r6-IEs,
+					nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+				},
+				criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+					r7								SEQUENCE {
+						handoverToUTRANCommand-r7		HandoverToUTRANCommand-r7-IEs,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					},
+					criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+HandoverToUTRANCommand-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI-Short,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy							ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringAlgorithm				CipheringAlgorithm					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+	-- Specification mode information
+		specificationMode				CHOICE {
+			complete						SEQUENCE {
+				srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList,
+				rab-InformationSetupList		RAB-InformationSetupList			OPTIONAL,
+				ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo,
+				ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList,
+				dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo,
+				dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList,
+				ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info,
+				modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+					fdd								SEQUENCE {
+						-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of specification,
+						-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+						dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL,
+						dummy2							CPCH-SetInfo		OPTIONAL
+					},
+					tdd								NULL
+				},
+				dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation,
+				dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List,
+				frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo
+			},
+			preconfiguration				SEQUENCE {
+-- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message,
+-- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one
+-- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient.
+				preConfigMode					CHOICE {
+					predefinedConfigIdentity		PredefinedConfigIdentity,
+					defaultConfig					SEQUENCE {
+						defaultConfigMode				DefaultConfigMode,
+						defaultConfigIdentity 			DefaultConfigIdentity
+					}
+				},
+				rab-Info						RAB-Info-Post		OPTIONAL,
+				modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+					fdd								SEQUENCE {
+						ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD,
+						dl-CommonInformationPost		DL-CommonInformationPost,
+						dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD,
+						frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoFDD
+					},
+					tdd									SEQUENCE {
+						ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD,
+						dl-CommonInformationPost		DL-CommonInformationPost,
+						dl-InformationPerRL				DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD,
+						frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoTDD,
+						primaryCCPCH-TX-Power			PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power
+HandoverToUTRANCommand-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI-Short,
+		cipheringAlgorithm				CipheringAlgorithm					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+	-- Specification mode information
+		specificationMode				CHOICE {
+			complete						SEQUENCE {
+				srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList,
+				rab-InformationSetupList		RAB-InformationSetupList-r4			OPTIONAL,
+				ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4,
+				ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList,
+				dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4,
+				dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4,
+				ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r4,
+				modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+					fdd								SEQUENCE {
+						-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of specification,
+						-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+						dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL,
+						dummy2							CPCH-SetInfo		OPTIONAL
+					},
+					tdd								NULL
+				},
+				dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r4,
+				dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4,
+				frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo
+			},
+			preconfiguration				SEQUENCE {
+-- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message,
+-- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one
+-- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient.
+				preConfigMode					CHOICE {
+					predefinedConfigIdentity		PredefinedConfigIdentity,
+					defaultConfig					SEQUENCE {
+						defaultConfigMode				DefaultConfigMode,
+						defaultConfigIdentity 			DefaultConfigIdentity-r4
+					}
+				},
+				rab-Info						RAB-Info-Post		OPTIONAL,
+				modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+					fdd								SEQUENCE {
+						ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD,
+						dl-CommonInformationPost		DL-CommonInformationPost,
+						dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD,
+						frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoFDD
+					},
+					tdd								CHOICE {
+						tdd384							SEQUENCE {
+							ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD,
+							dl-InformationPerRL				DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD,
+							frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoTDD,
+							primaryCCPCH-TX-Power			PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+						},
+						tdd128							SEQUENCE {
+							ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD-LCR-r4,
+							dl-InformationPerRL				DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4,
+							frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoTDD,
+							primaryCCPCH-TX-Power			PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power
+HandoverToUTRANCommand-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI-Short,
+		cipheringAlgorithm				CipheringAlgorithm					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+	-- Specification mode information
+		specificationMode				CHOICE {
+			complete						SEQUENCE {
+				srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList-r5,
+				rab-InformationSetupList		RAB-InformationSetupList-r5			OPTIONAL,
+				ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4,
+				ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList,
+				dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4,
+				dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5,
+				ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r5,
+				modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+					fdd								SEQUENCE {
+						-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of specification,
+						-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+						dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL,
+						dummy2							CPCH-SetInfo		OPTIONAL
+					},
+					tdd								NULL
+				},
+				dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r4,
+				dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5,
+				frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo
+			},
+			preconfiguration				SEQUENCE {
+-- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message,
+-- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one
+-- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient.
+				preConfigMode					CHOICE {
+					predefinedConfigIdentity		PredefinedConfigIdentity,
+					defaultConfig					SEQUENCE {
+						defaultConfigMode				DefaultConfigMode,
+						defaultConfigIdentity 			DefaultConfigIdentity-r5
+					}
+				},
+				rab-Info						RAB-Info-Post		OPTIONAL,
+				modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+					fdd								SEQUENCE {
+						ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD,
+						dl-CommonInformationPost		DL-CommonInformationPost,
+						dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD,
+						frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoFDD
+					},
+					tdd								CHOICE {
+						tdd384							SEQUENCE {
+							ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD,
+							dl-InformationPerRL				DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD,
+							frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoTDD,
+							primaryCCPCH-TX-Power			PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+						},
+						tdd128							SEQUENCE {
+							ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD-LCR-r4,
+							dl-InformationPerRL				DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4,
+							frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoTDD,
+							primaryCCPCH-TX-Power			PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power
+HandoverToUTRANCommand-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI-Short,
+		cipheringAlgorithm				CipheringAlgorithm					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+	-- Specification mode information
+		specificationMode				CHOICE {
+			complete						SEQUENCE {
+				srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList-r6,
+				rab-InformationSetupList		RAB-InformationSetupList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4,
+				ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6,
+				dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4,
+				dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5,
+				ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r6,
+				ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6			OPTIONAL,
+				dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r6,
+				dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6,
+				frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo
+			},
+			preconfiguration				SEQUENCE {
+				-- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message,
+				-- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one
+				-- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient.
+				preConfigMode					CHOICE {
+					predefinedConfigIdentity		PredefinedConfigIdentity,
+					defaultConfig					SEQUENCE {
+						defaultConfigMode				DefaultConfigMode,
+						defaultConfigIdentity 			DefaultConfigIdentity-r6
+					}
+				},
+				rab-Info						RAB-Info-Post		OPTIONAL,
+				modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+					fdd								SEQUENCE {
+						ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD,
+						dl-CommonInformationPost		DL-CommonInformationPost,
+						dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD,
+						frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoFDD
+					},
+					tdd								CHOICE {
+						tdd384							SEQUENCE {
+							ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD,
+							dl-InformationPerRL				DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD,
+							frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoTDD,
+							primaryCCPCH-TX-Power			PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+						},
+						tdd128							SEQUENCE {
+							ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD-LCR-r4,
+							dl-InformationPerRL				DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4,
+							frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoTDD,
+							primaryCCPCH-TX-Power			PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power
+HandoverToUTRANCommand-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI-Short,
+		cipheringAlgorithm				CipheringAlgorithm						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+	-- Specification mode information
+		specificationMode				CHOICE {
+			complete						SEQUENCE {
+				srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList-r6,
+				rab-InformationSetupList		RAB-InformationSetupList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4,
+				ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6,
+				dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4,
+				dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5,
+				ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r7,
+				dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r4,
+				dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7,
+				frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo
+			},
+			preconfiguration				SEQUENCE {
+				-- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message,
+				-- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one
+				-- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient.
+				preConfigMode					CHOICE {
+					predefinedConfigIdentity		PredefinedConfigIdentity,
+					defaultConfig					SEQUENCE {
+						defaultConfigMode				DefaultConfigMode,
+						defaultConfigIdentity 			DefaultConfigIdentity-r6
+					}
+				},
+				rab-Info						RAB-Info-Post		OPTIONAL,
+				modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+					fdd								SEQUENCE {
+						ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD,
+						dl-CommonInformationPost		DL-CommonInformationPost,
+						dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD,
+						frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoFDD
+					},
+					tdd								CHOICE {
+						tdd384							SEQUENCE {
+							ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD,
+							dl-InformationPerRL				DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD,
+							frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoTDD,
+							primaryCCPCH-TX-Power			PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+						},
+						tdd128							SEQUENCE {
+							ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r7,
+							dl-InformationPerRL				DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4,
+							frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoTDD,
+							primaryCCPCH-TX-Power			PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+						},
+						tdd768							SEQUENCE {
+							ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r7,
+							dl-InformationPerRL				DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7,
+							frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfoTDD,
+							primaryCCPCH-TX-Power			PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+HandoverToUTRANComplete ::= SEQUENCE {
+	--TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message.
+	-- User equipment IEs
+	-- TABULAR: startList is conditional on history.
+		startList						STARTList							OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		count-C-ActivationTime			ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			handoverToUTRANComplete-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+InitialDirectTransfer ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-DomainIdentity				CN-DomainIdentity,
+		intraDomainNasNodeSelector		IntraDomainNasNodeSelector,
+		nas-Message						NAS-Message,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		measuredResultsOnRACH			MeasuredResultsOnRACH				OPTIONAL,
+		v3a0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+		initialDirectTransfer-v3a0ext	InitialDirectTransfer-v3a0ext,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			initialDirectTransfer-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+				v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					initialDirectTransfer-v590ext	InitialDirectTransfer-v590ext,
+					v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						initialDirectTransfer-v690ext	InitialDirectTransfer-v690ext-IEs,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					}		OPTIONAL
+				}		OPTIONAL
+InitialDirectTransfer-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- start-value shall always be included in this version of the protocol
+	start-Value						START-Value							OPTIONAL
+InitialDirectTransfer-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	establishmentCause		EstablishmentCause	OPTIONAL
+InitialDirectTransfer-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Core network IEs
+		plmn-Identity					PLMN-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		measuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq	MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq		OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-JoinedInformation			MBMS-JoinedInformation-r6			OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r3
+										HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r3-IEs,
+		-- UTRAN should not include the IE laterNonCriticalExtensions when it sets the IE 
+		-- gsm-message included in handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r3 to single-GSM-Message. The UE
+		-- behaviour upon receiving a message with this combination of IE values is unspecified.
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+			-- UTRAN may apply the r3 version of the message to perform PS handover
+			-- for a single RAB only
+			v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-v690ext	HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-v690ext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r6								SEQUENCE {
+				handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r6		HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r6-IEs,
+				handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r6-add-ext		BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+		}
+	}
+HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		toHandoverRAB-Info				RAB-Info							OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		frequency-band					Frequency-Band,
+	-- Other IEs
+		gsm-message						CHOICE {
+			-- In the single-GSM-Message case the following rules apply:
+			-- 1> the GSM message directly follows the basic production; the final padding that
+			--    results when PER encoding the abstract syntax value is removed prior to appending 
+			--    the GSM message.
+			-- 2> the RRC message excluding the GSM part, does not contain a length determinant; 
+			--    there is no explicit parameter indicating the size of the included GSM message.
+			-- 3> depending on need, final padding (all Ò0Ós) is added to ensure the final result
+			--    comprises a full number of octets
+			single-GSM-Message				SEQUENCE {},
+			gsm-MessageList					SEQUENCE {
+				gsm-Messages					GSM-MessageList
+			}
+		}
+HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		toHandoverRAB-Info				RAB-InformationList-r6				OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		frequency-band					Frequency-Band,
+	-- Other IEs
+		gsm-message						CHOICE {
+			-- In the single-GSM-Message case the following rules apply:
+			-- 1> the GSM message directly follows the basic production; the final padding that
+			--    results when PER encoding the abstract syntax value is removed prior to appending 
+			--    the GSM message.
+			-- 2> the RRC message excluding the GSM part, does not contain a length determinant; 
+			--    there is no explicit parameter indicating the size of the included GSM message.
+			-- 3> depending on need, final padding (all Ò0Ós) is added to ensure the final result
+			--    comprises a full number of octets
+			single-GSM-Message				SEQUENCE {},
+			gsm-MessageList					SEQUENCE {
+				gsm-Messages					GSM-MessageList
+			}
+		},
+		geran-SystemInfoType				CHOICE	{		
+			sI									GERAN-SystemInformation,
+			pSI									GERAN-SystemInformation
+HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		geran-SystemInfoType				CHOICE	{		
+			sI									GERAN-SystemInformation,
+			pSI									GERAN-SystemInformation
+HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu ::= SEQUENCE {
+	rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+	handoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu	CHOICE {
+		r5									SEQUENCE {
+			handoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu-r5
+											HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu-r5-IEs,
+			-- UTRAN should not include the IE nonCriticalExtensions when it sets
+			-- the IE geranIu-message included in handoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu-r5 to 
+			-- single-GERANIu-Message
+			-- The UE behaviour upon receiving a message including this combination of IE values is
+			-- not specified
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+		},
+		later-than-r5					SEQUENCE {
+			criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+		}
+	}
+HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		frequency-Band					Frequency-Band,
+	-- Other IEs
+		geranIu-Message						CHOICE {
+			-- In the single-GERANIu-Message case the following rules apply:
+			-- 1> the GERAN Iu message directly follows the basic production; the final padding that
+			--    results when PER encoding the abstract syntax value is removed prior to appending 
+			--    the GERAN Iu message.
+			-- 2> the RRC message excluding the GERAN Iu part does not contain a length determinant; 
+--    there is no explicit parameter indicating the size of the included GERAN Iu
+--    message.
+			-- 3> depending on need, final padding (all Ò0Ós) is added to ensure the final result
+			--    comprises a full number of octets.
+			single-GERANIu-Message			SEQUENCE {},
+			geranIu-MessageList				SEQUENCE {
+				geranIu-Messages				GERANIu-MessageList
+			}
+		}
+HandoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000 ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		handoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000-r3
+										HandoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions 
+			handoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000-r3-add-ext		
+												BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+HandoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		toHandoverRAB-Info				RAB-Info							OPTIONAL,
+	-- Other IEs
+		cdma2000-MessageList			CDMA2000-MessageList
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+HandoverFromUTRANFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+	-- Other IEs
+		interRAT-HO-FailureCause		InterRAT-HO-FailureCause			OPTIONAL,
+		-- In case the interRATMessage to be transferred is for GERAN Iu mode, the
+		-- message should be placed in the HandoverFromUtranFailure-v590ext-IEs
+		-- non-critical extension container.
+		interRATMessage					CHOICE {
+			gsm								SEQUENCE {
+				gsm-MessageList						GSM-MessageList
+			},
+			cdma2000							SEQUENCE {
+				cdma2000-MessageList				CDMA2000-MessageList
+			}
+		}				OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			handoverFromUTRANFailure-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+			v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				handoverFromUTRANFailure-v590ext	HandoverFromUtranFailure-v590ext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+HandoverFromUtranFailure-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	geranIu-MessageList						GERANIu-MessageList			OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+InterRATHandoverInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- This structure is defined for historical reasons, backward compatibility with 44.018
+	predefinedConfigStatusList		CHOICE {
+		absent							NULL,
+		present							PredefinedConfigStatusList
+	},
+	uE-SecurityInformation			CHOICE {
+		absent							NULL,
+		present							UE-SecurityInformation
+	},
+	ue-CapabilityContainer			CHOICE {
+		absent							NULL,
+		-- present is an octet aligned string containing IE UE-RadioAccessCapabilityInfo
+		present							OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63))
+	},
+	-- Non critical extensions
+	v390NonCriticalExtensions		CHOICE {
+		absent							NULL,
+		present							SEQUENCE {
+			interRATHandoverInfo-v390ext	InterRATHandoverInfo-v390ext-IEs,
+			v3a0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE  {
+				interRATHandoverInfo-v3a0ext	InterRATHandoverInfo-v3a0ext-IEs,
+				laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					interRATHandoverInfo-v3d0ext 	InterRATHandoverInfo-v3d0ext-IEs,
+					-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+					interRATHandoverInfo-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING
+								(CONTAINING InterRATHandoverInfo-r3-add-ext-IEs)	OPTIONAL,
+					v3g0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+						interRATHandoverInfo-v3g0ext	InterRATHandoverInfo-v3g0ext-IEs,
+						v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							interRATHandoverInfo-v4b0ext	InterRATHandoverInfo-v4b0ext-IEs,
+							v4d0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								interRATHandoverInfo-v4d0ext	InterRATHandoverInfo-v4d0ext-IEs,
+								-- Reserved for future non critical extension
+								v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+									interRATHandoverInfo-v590ext
+																InterRATHandoverInfo-v590ext-IEs,
+									v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+										interRATHandoverInfo-v690ext
+																InterRATHandoverInfo-v690ext-IEs,
+										v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+											interRATHandoverInfo-v7xyext																							InterRATHandoverInfo-v7xyext-IEs,
+											nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+										}	OPTIONAL
+									}	OPTIONAL
+								}	OPTIONAL
+							}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+InterRATHandoverInfo-v390ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext		DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext
+InterRATHandoverInfo-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext		OPTIONAL
+InterRATHandoverInfo-v3d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		uESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT		UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT		OPTIONAL
+InterRATHandoverInfo-v3g0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext		OPTIONAL
+InterRATHandoverInfo-r3-add-ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		interRATHandoverInfo-v690ext1		InterRATHandoverInfo-v690ext1-IEs,
+		nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+InterRATHandoverInfo-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		accessStratumReleaseIndicator		AccessStratumReleaseIndicator
+InterRATHandoverInfo-v4d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+	tdd128-RF-Capability				RadioFrequencyBandTDDList		OPTIONAL
+InterRATHandoverInfo-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		predefinedConfigStatusListComp		PredefinedConfigStatusListComp			OPTIONAL,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapabilityComp		UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp			OPTIONAL
+InterRATHandoverInfo-v690ext1-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext	OPTIONAL
+InterRATHandoverInfo-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-SecurityInformation2				UE-SecurityInformation2					OPTIONAL,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapabilityComp		UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp-ext		OPTIONAL,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapabilityComp2		UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp2
+InterRATHandoverInfo-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext		OPTIONAL,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapabilityComp		UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp-r7			OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+MeasurementControl ::= CHOICE {
+	-- The Rel-4 functionality of UE Positioning OTDOA AssistanceData TDD is only available
+	-- in the later-than-r3 branch of this message (i.e. through the use of the IE
+	-- ue-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4)
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		measurementControl-r3			MeasurementControl-r3-IEs,
+		v390nonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			measurementControl-v390ext		MeasurementControl-v390ext,
+			v3a0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+				measurementControl-v3a0ext			MeasurementControl-v3a0ext,
+				laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+					measurementControl-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+					v4b0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE{
+						-- The content of the v4b0 non-critical extension has been removed. If sent 
+						-- to a UE of AS release 4, the UE behaviour is unspecified. A UE of AS 
+						-- release 5 onward shall comply with the v4b0 and later extensions in this 
+						-- branch of the message.
+						v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							measurementControl-v590ext		MeasurementControl-v590ext-IEs,
+							v5b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								measurementControl-v5b0ext		MeasurementControl-v5b0ext-IEs,
+								v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+									measurementControl-v7xyext		MeasurementControl-v7xyext-IEs,
+									nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+								}						OPTIONAL
+							}						OPTIONAL
+						}						OPTIONAL
+					}						OPTIONAL
+				}						OPTIONAL
+			}						OPTIONAL
+		}						OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r4								SEQUENCE {
+				measurementControl-r4			MeasurementControl-r4-IEs,
+				v4d0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5
+					measurementControl-r4-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE{
+						measurementControl-v590ext		MeasurementControl-v590ext-IEs,
+						v5b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							measurementControl-v5b0ext		MeasurementControl-v5b0ext-IEs,
+							v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								measurementControl-v7xyext		MeasurementControl-v7xyext-IEs,
+								nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+							}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			later-than-r4					SEQUENCE {
+				-- Most significant part of "RRC transaction identifier" (MSP),
+				-- "RRC transaction identifier" = rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP * 4 + 
+				-- rrc-TransactionIdentifier
+				rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+				criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+					r6								SEQUENCE {
+						measurementControl-r6			MeasurementControl-r6-IEs,
+						v6a0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							measurementControl-v6a0ext		MeasurementControl-v6a0ext-IEs,
+							v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								measurementControl-v7xyext		MeasurementControl-v7xyext-IEs,
+								nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+							}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					},
+					criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+MeasurementControl-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		measurementIdentity		MeasurementIdentity,
+		-- TABULAR: The measurement type is included in MeasurementCommand.
+		measurementCommand				MeasurementCommand,
+		measurementReportingMode		MeasurementReportingMode			OPTIONAL,
+		additionalMeasurementList		AdditionalMeasurementID-List		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		dpch-CompressedModeStatusInfo	DPCH-CompressedModeStatusInfo		OPTIONAL
+MeasurementControl-v390ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ue-Positioning-Measurement-v390ext		UE-Positioning-Measurement-v390ext	OPTIONAL
+MeasurementControl-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	sfn-Offset-Validity				SFN-Offset-Validity		OPTIONAL
+MeasurementControl-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		measurementIdentity		MeasurementIdentity,
+		-- TABULAR: The measurement type is included in measurementCommand.
+		measurementCommand				MeasurementCommand-r4,
+		measurementReportingMode		MeasurementReportingMode			OPTIONAL,
+		additionalMeasurementList		AdditionalMeasurementID-List		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		dpch-CompressedModeStatusInfo	DPCH-CompressedModeStatusInfo		OPTIONAL
+MeasurementControl-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	measurementCommand-v590ext 			CHOICE {
+		-- the choice Òintra-frequencyÓ shall be used for the case of intra-frequency measurement,
+		-- as well as when intra-frequency events are configured for inter-frequency measurement
+		intra-frequency						Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext,
+		inter-frequency						Inter-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext
+	intraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5		IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqEvent-1d-r5					IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5				OPTIONAL,
+	-- most significant part of "RRC transaction identifier" (MSP),
+	-- "RRC transaction identifier" = rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP-v590ext * 4 + 
+	-- rrc-TransactionIdentifier
+	rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP-v590ext	RRC-TransactionIdentifier
+MeasurementControl-v5b0ext-IEs ::= 	SEQUENCE {
+	interRATCellInfoIndication			InterRATCellInfoIndication			OPTIONAL
+MeasurementControl-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		measurementIdentity		MeasurementIdentity,
+		-- TABULAR: The measurement type is included in measurementCommand.
+		measurementCommand				MeasurementCommand-r6,
+		measurementReportingMode		MeasurementReportingMode			OPTIONAL,
+		additionalMeasurementList		AdditionalMeasurementID-List		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		dpch-CompressedModeStatusInfo	DPCH-CompressedModeStatusInfo		OPTIONAL
+MeasurementControl-v6a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5		IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5	OPTIONAL
+MeasurementControl-v7xyext-IEs ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-Positioning-Measurement-v7xyext		UE-Positioning-Measurement-v7xyext
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+MeasurementControlFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			measurementControlFailure-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				measurementControlFailure-v590ext		MeasurementControlFailure-v590ext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+MeasurementControlFailure-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- most significant part of "RRC transaction identifier" (MSP),
+	-- "RRC transaction identifier" = rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP-v590ext * 4 + 
+	-- rrc-TransactionIdentifier
+	-- If the rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP-v590ext was not received in the MEASUREMENT CONTROL 
+	-- message, then the rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP-v590ext shall be set to zero
+	rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP-v590ext	RRC-TransactionIdentifier
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+MeasurementReport ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		measurementIdentity		MeasurementIdentity,
+		measuredResults					MeasuredResults						OPTIONAL,
+		measuredResultsOnRACH			MeasuredResultsOnRACH				OPTIONAL,
+		additionalMeasuredResults		MeasuredResultsList					OPTIONAL,
+		eventResults					EventResults						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Non-critical extensions
+		v390nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			measurementReport-v390ext		MeasurementReport-v390ext,
+			laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+				measurementReport-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+				v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					measurementReport-v4b0ext		MeasurementReport-v4b0ext-IEs,
+					-- Extension mechanism for non-Rel4 information
+					v590NonCriticalExtensions	SEQUENCE {
+						measurementReport-v590ext		MeasurementReport-v590ext-IEs,
+						v5b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							measurementReport-v5b0ext		MeasurementReport-v5b0ext-IEs,
+							v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+								measurementReport-v690ext		MeasurementReport-v690ext-IEs,
+								v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+									measurementReport-v7xyext		MeasurementReport-v7xyext-IEs,
+									nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}				OPTIONAL
+								}		OPTIONAL
+							}		OPTIONAL
+						}		OPTIONAL
+					}		OPTIONAL
+				}		OPTIONAL
+MeasurementReport-v390ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+		measuredResults-v390ext			MeasuredResults-v390ext				OPTIONAL
+MeasurementReport-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqEventResults-LCR		InterFreqEventResults-LCR-r4-ext		OPTIONAL,
+	-- additionalMeasuredResults-LCR shall contain measurement results and additional measurement
+	-- results list.
+	additionalMeasuredResults-LCR	MeasuredResultsList-LCR-r4-ext			OPTIONAL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification. It should not be sent and
+	-- if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy							PrimaryCPICH-Info						OPTIONAL
+MeasurementReport-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	measuredResults-v590ext				MeasuredResults-v590ext				OPTIONAL
+MeasurementReport-v5b0ext-IEs ::= 	SEQUENCE {
+	interRATCellInfoIndication			InterRATCellInfoIndication			OPTIONAL
+MeasurementReport-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	measuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq		MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq		OPTIONAL
+MeasurementReport-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	velocityEstimate					VelocityEstimate					OPTIONAL,
+	ue-InternalMeasuredResults			UE-InternalMeasuredResults-r7		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+PagingType1 ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		pagingRecordList				PagingRecordList					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Other IEs
+		bcch-ModificationInfo			BCCH-ModificationInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			pagingType1-r3-add-ext			BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				pagingType1-v590ext				PagingType1-v590ext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+PagingType1-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		pagingRecord2List				PagingRecord2List-r5				OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+PagingType2 ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		pagingCause						PagingCause,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-DomainIdentity				CN-DomainIdentity,
+		pagingRecordTypeID				PagingRecordTypeID,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			pagingType2-r3-add-ext			BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+PhysicalChannelReconfiguration ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		physicalChannelReconfiguration-r3
+										PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r3-IEs,
+		v3a0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			physicalChannelReconfiguration-v3a0ext		PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v3a0ext,
+			laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+				physicalChannelReconfiguration-r3-add-ext			BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+				v4b0NonCriticalExtenstions			SEQUENCE {
+					physicalChannelReconfiguration-v4b0ext
+												PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v4b0ext-IEs,
+					v590NonCriticalExtenstions			SEQUENCE {
+						physicalChannelReconfiguration-v590ext
+													PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs,
+						v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							physicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext		
+														PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions					SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+			criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r4								SEQUENCE {
+				physicalChannelReconfiguration-r4
+												PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r4-IEs,
+				v4d0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5
+					physicalChannelReconfiguration-r4-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v590NonCriticalExtenstions			SEQUENCE {
+						physicalChannelReconfiguration-v590ext
+												PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs,
+						v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							physicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext		
+														PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+				r5								SEQUENCE {
+					physicalChannelReconfiguration-r5
+													PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r5-IEs,
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6
+					physicalChannelReconfiguration-r5-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						physicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext		
+														PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+				},
+				criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+					r6								SEQUENCE {
+						physicalChannelReconfiguration-r6
+														PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r6-IEs,
+						-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7
+						physicalChannelReconfiguration-r6-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					},
+					criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+						r7								SEQUENCE {
+							physicalChannelReconfiguration-r7
+														PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r7-IEs,
+							-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8
+							physicalChannelReconfiguration-r7-add-ext	BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+							nonCriticalExtensions						SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						},
+						criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		-- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not
+		-- changed to keep it aligned with R99.
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID		OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List			OPTIONAL
+PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received the UE behaviour
+	-- is unspecified
+PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy								SSDT-UL								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as
+		-- in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message
+		cell-id-PerRL-List					CellIdentity-PerRL-List				OPTIONAL
+PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List	DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List		OPTIONAL
+PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received
+		-- the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		-- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not
+		-- changed to keep it aligned with R99.
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID-r4	OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4			OPTIONAL
+PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received
+		-- the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		-- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not
+		-- changed to keep it aligned with R99.
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID-r5	OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r5				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5			OPTIONAL
+PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		delayRestrictionFlag			DelayRestrictionFlag				OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode,
+		-- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo-r6				OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r6						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User Equipment IEs
+		delayRestrictionFlag			DelayRestrictionFlag 				OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		primary-plmn-Identity			PLMN-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- The IE harq-Preamble-Mode should not be used in the r3 and r4 versions of the message
+		-- If included in the r3 or r4 version of the message, the UE should ignore the IE
+		harq-Preamble-Mode				HARQ-Preamble-Mode					OPTIONAL,
+		beaconPLEst						BEACON-PL-Est						OPTIONAL,
+		postVerificationPeriod			ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL,
+		dhs-sync						DHS-Sync							OPTIONAL,
+		timingMaintainedSynchInd		TimingMaintainedSynchInd			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		delayRestrictionFlag			DelayRestrictionFlag				OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode,
+		-- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo-r6				OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r7						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r7				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		ul-IntegProtActivationInfo		IntegrityProtActivationInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		-- TABULAR: UL-TimingAdvance is applicable for TDD mode only.
+		ul-TimingAdvance				UL-TimingAdvance					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		count-C-ActivationTime			ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and
+		-- it should be ignored by the receiver.
+		dummy							RB-ActivationTimeInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-CounterSynchronisationInfo	UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			physicalChannelReconfigurationComplete-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				physicalChannelReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext
+									PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext-IEs ::=	SEQUENCE {
+		ext-ul-TimingAdvance			EXT-UL-TimingAdvance				OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+PhysicalChannelReconfigurationFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier			OPTIONAL,
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			physicalChannelReconfigurationFailure-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		physicalSharedChannelAllocation-r3
+										PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			physicalSharedChannelAllocation-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		dsch-RNTI						DSCH-RNTI							OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r4								SEQUENCE {
+				physicalSharedChannelAllocation-r4
+												PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-r4-IEs,
+				v4d0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5
+					physicalSharedChannelAllocation-r4-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						physicalSharedChannelAllocation-v690ext
+														PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-v690ext-IEs,
+						v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							physicalSharedChannelAllocation-v7xyext
+														PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-v7xyext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						}		OPTIONAL
+					}		OPTIONAL
+				}		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+		}
+	}
+PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message.
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		dsch-RNTI						DSCH-RNTI							OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		ul-TimingAdvance				UL-TimingAdvanceControl				OPTIONAL,
+		pusch-CapacityAllocationInfo	PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+		pdsch-CapacityAllocationInfo	PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+		-- TABULAR: If confirmRequest is not present, the default value "No Confirm"
+		-- shall be used as specified in 10.2.25.		
+		confirmRequest					ENUMERATED {
+											confirmPDSCH, confirmPUSCH }	OPTIONAL,
+		trafficVolumeReportRequest		INTEGER (0..255)					OPTIONAL,	
+		iscpTimeslotList					TimeslotList						OPTIONAL,
+PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message.
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		ul-TimingAdvance				UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4			OPTIONAL,
+		pusch-CapacityAllocationInfo	PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r4		OPTIONAL,
+		pdsch-CapacityAllocationInfo	PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r4		OPTIONAL,
+		-- TABULAR: If confirmRequest is not present, the default value "No Confirm"
+		-- shall be used as specified in 10.2.25.		
+		confirmRequest					ENUMERATED {
+											confirmPDSCH, confirmPUSCH }	OPTIONAL,
+		trafficVolumeReportRequest		INTEGER (0..255)					OPTIONAL,
+		iscpTimeslotList				TimeslotList-r4						OPTIONAL,
+PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical Channel IEs
+		beaconPLEst						BEACON-PL-Est						OPTIONAL
+PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ul-TimingAdvance				UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r7			OPTIONAL,
+		pusch-CapacityAllocationInfo	PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r7		OPTIONAL,
+		pdsch-CapacityAllocationInfo	PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r7		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+PUSCHCapacityRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		dsch-RNTI						DSCH-RNTI							OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		trafficVolume					TrafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList	OPTIONAL,
+		timeslotListWithISCP			TimeslotListWithISCP				OPTIONAL,
+		primaryCCPCH-RSCP				PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP					OPTIONAL,
+		allocationConfirmation			CHOICE {
+			pdschConfirmation				PDSCH-Identity,
+			puschConfirmation				PUSCH-Identity
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		protocolErrorIndicator			ProtocolErrorIndicatorWithMoreInfo,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			puschCapacityRequest-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				puschCapacityRequest-v590ext	PUSCHCapacityRequest-v590ext,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+PUSCHCapacityRequest-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	primaryCCPCH-RSCP-delta				DeltaRSCP			OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RadioBearerReconfiguration ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		radioBearerReconfiguration-r3	RadioBearerReconfiguration-r3-IEs,
+		-- Prefix "v3ao" is used (in one instance) to keep alignment with R99
+		v3aoNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			radioBearerReconfiguration-v3a0ext	RadioBearerReconfiguration-v3a0ext,
+			laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+				radioBearerReconfiguration-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+				v4b0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					radioBearerReconfiguration-v4b0ext	
+													RadioBearerReconfiguration-v4b0ext-IEs,
+					v590NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+						radioBearerReconfiguration-v590ext	
+														RadioBearerReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs,
+						v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions			SEQUENCE {
+							radioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext
+															RadioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext-IEs,
+							v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								radioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext
+															RadioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs,
+								nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL
+							}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r4								SEQUENCE {
+				radioBearerReconfiguration-r4	RadioBearerReconfiguration-r4-IEs,
+				v4d0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5
+					radioBearerReconfiguration-r4-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v590NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+						radioBearerReconfiguration-v590ext	
+													RadioBearerReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs,
+						v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions			SEQUENCE {
+							radioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext
+															RadioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext-IEs,
+							v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								radioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext
+															RadioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs,
+								nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+							}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+				r5									SEQUENCE {
+					radioBearerReconfiguration-r5		RadioBearerReconfiguration-r5-IEs,
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6
+					radioBearerReconfiguration-r5-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions			SEQUENCE {
+						radioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext	RadioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext-IEs,
+						v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+							radioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext
+															RadioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+				},
+				criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+					r6									SEQUENCE {
+						radioBearerReconfiguration-r6		RadioBearerReconfiguration-r6-IEs,
+						-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7
+						radioBearerReconfiguration-r6-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+						nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					},
+					criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+						r7									SEQUENCE {
+							radioBearerReconfiguration-r7		RadioBearerReconfiguration-r7-IEs,
+							-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8 								radioBearerReconfiguration-r7-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+							nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						},
+						criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+RadioBearerReconfiguration-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rab-InformationReconfigList		RAB-InformationReconfigList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- NOTE: IE rb-InformationReconfigList should be optional in later versions
+		-- of this message
+		rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy							CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfo2List		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement				OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation				OPTIONAL,
+		-- NOTE: IE dl-InformationPerRL-List is optional in later versions
+		-- of this message
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List
+RadioBearerReconfiguration-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received the UE behaviour
+	-- is unspecified
+RadioBearerReconfiguration-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy								SSDT-UL								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as
+		-- in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message
+		cell-id-PerRL-List					CellIdentity-PerRL-List				OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List	DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List		OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	--Radio Bearer IEs
+		pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode			PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode				OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerReconfiguration-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received
+		-- the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rab-InformationReconfigList		RAB-InformationReconfigList			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList-r4		OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy							CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement-r4			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4 		OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerReconfiguration-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received 
+		-- the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Specification mode information
+		specificationMode				CHOICE {
+			complete						SEQUENCE {
+			-- Radio bearer IEs
+				rab-InformationReconfigList		RAB-InformationReconfigList			OPTIONAL,
+				rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+				rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+				rb-PDCPContextRelocationList	RB-PDCPContextRelocationList		OPTIONAL,
+			-- Transport channel IEs
+				ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+				ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+				-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the
+				-- specification, they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+				dummy							CHOICE {
+					fdd								SEQUENCE {
+						dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+						dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+					},
+					tdd								NULL
+				}																	OPTIONAL,
+				dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			preconfiguration				SEQUENCE {
+			-- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message,
+			-- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one
+			-- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient.
+				preConfigMode					CHOICE {
+					predefinedConfigIdentity		PredefinedConfigIdentity,
+					defaultConfig					SEQUENCE {
+						defaultConfigMode				DefaultConfigMode,
+						defaultConfigIdentity 			DefaultConfigIdentity-r5
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement-r5			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r5				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5 		OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerReconfiguration-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		delayRestrictionFlag			DelayRestrictionFlag				OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode,
+		-- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo-r6				OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Specification mode information
+		specificationMode				CHOICE {
+			complete						SEQUENCE {
+			-- Radio bearer IEs
+				rab-InformationReconfigList		RAB-InformationReconfigList			OPTIONAL,
+				rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				rb-PDCPContextRelocationList	RB-PDCPContextRelocationList		OPTIONAL,
+				pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode			PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode				OPTIONAL,
+			-- Transport channel IEs
+				ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			preconfiguration				SEQUENCE {
+			-- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message,
+			-- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one
+			-- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient.
+				preConfigMode					CHOICE {
+					predefinedConfigIdentity		PredefinedConfigIdentity,
+					defaultConfig					SEQUENCE {
+						defaultConfigMode				DefaultConfigMode,
+						defaultConfigIdentity 			DefaultConfigIdentity-r6
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r6						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User Equipment IEs
+		delayRestrictionFlag			DelayRestrictionFlag				OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		primary-plmn-Identity			PLMN-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- The IE harq-Preamble-Mode should not be used in the r3 and r4 versions of the message
+		-- If included in the r3 or r4 version of the message, the UE should ignore the IE
+		harq-Preamble-Mode				HARQ-Preamble-Mode					OPTIONAL,
+		beaconPLEst						BEACON-PL-Est						OPTIONAL,
+		postVerificationPeriod			ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL,
+		dhs-sync						DHS-Sync							OPTIONAL,
+		timingMaintainedSynchInd		TimingMaintainedSynchInd			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerReconfiguration-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		delayRestrictionFlag			DelayRestrictionFlag				OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode,
+		-- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo-r6				OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Specification mode information
+		specificationMode				CHOICE {
+			complete						SEQUENCE {
+			-- Radio bearer IEs
+				rab-InformationReconfigList		RAB-InformationReconfigList			OPTIONAL,
+				rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				rb-PDCPContextRelocationList	RB-PDCPContextRelocationList		OPTIONAL,
+				pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode			PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode				OPTIONAL,
+			-- Transport channel IEs
+				ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			preconfiguration				SEQUENCE {
+			-- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message,
+			-- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one
+			-- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient.
+				preConfigMode					CHOICE {
+					predefinedConfigIdentity		PredefinedConfigIdentity,
+					defaultConfig					SEQUENCE {
+						defaultConfigMode				DefaultConfigMode,
+						defaultConfigIdentity 			DefaultConfigIdentity-r6
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r7						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r7				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		ul-IntegProtActivationInfo		IntegrityProtActivationInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		-- TABULAR: UL-TimingAdvance is applicable for TDD mode only.
+		ul-TimingAdvance				UL-TimingAdvance					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		count-C-ActivationTime			ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and
+		-- it should be ignored by the receiver.
+		dummy							RB-ActivationTimeInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-CounterSynchronisationInfo	UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			radioBearerReconfigurationComplete-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				radioBearerReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext
+												RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ext-ul-TimingAdvance			EXT-UL-TimingAdvance				OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RadioBearerReconfigurationFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		potentiallySuccesfulBearerList	RB-IdentityList						OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			radioBearerReconfigurationFailure-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RadioBearerRelease ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		radioBearerRelease-r3			RadioBearerRelease-r3-IEs,
+		v3a0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			radioBearerRelease-v3a0ext		RadioBearerRelease-v3a0ext,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			radioBearerRelease-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+				v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					radioBearerRelease-v4b0ext		RadioBearerRelease-v4b0ext-IEs,
+					v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						radioBearerRelease-v590ext		RadioBearerRelease-v590ext-IEs,
+						v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							radioBearerRelease-v690ext		RadioBearerRelease-v690ext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL
+						}		OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r4								SEQUENCE {
+				radioBearerRelease-r4			RadioBearerRelease-r4-IEs,
+				v4d0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5
+					radioBearerRelease-r4-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						radioBearerRelease-v590ext		RadioBearerRelease-v590ext-IEs,
+						v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							radioBearerRelease-v690ext		RadioBearerRelease-v690ext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+				r5								SEQUENCE {
+					radioBearerRelease-r5			RadioBearerRelease-r5-IEs,
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6
+					radioBearerRelease-r5-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						radioBearerRelease-v690ext		RadioBearerRelease-v690ext-IEs,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+				},
+				criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+					r6								SEQUENCE {
+						radioBearerRelease-r6			RadioBearerRelease-r6-IEs,
+						-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7
+						radioBearerRelease-r6-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					},
+					criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+						r7								SEQUENCE {
+							radioBearerRelease-r7			RadioBearerRelease-r7-IEs,
+							-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8
+							radioBearerRelease-r7-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						},
+						criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+RadioBearerRelease-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		signallingConnectionRelIndication	CN-DomainIdentity		     	OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rab-InformationReconfigList		RAB-InformationReconfigList			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationReleaseList		RB-InformationReleaseList,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy							CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfo2List		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement				OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd							NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List			OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerRelease-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received the UE behaviour
+	-- is unspecified
+RadioBearerRelease-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy								SSDT-UL								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as
+		--  in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message
+		cell-id-PerRL-List					CellIdentity-PerRL-List				OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerRelease-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List	DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List		OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerRelease-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received
+		-- the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		signallingConnectionRelIndication	CN-DomainIdentity				OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rab-InformationReconfigList		RAB-InformationReconfigList			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationReleaseList		RB-InformationReleaseList,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy							CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement-r4			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd							NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4			OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerRelease-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode,
+		-- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		signallingConnectionRelIndication	CN-DomainIdentity		     	OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rab-InformationReconfigList		RAB-InformationReconfigList			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationReleaseList		RB-InformationReleaseList,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy							CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement-r5			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd							NULL
+		},
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r5				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5			OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerRelease-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Core network IEs
+		primary-plmn-Identity			PLMN-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- The IE harq-Preamble-Mode should not be used in the r3 and r4 versions of the message
+		-- If included in the r3 or r4 version of the message, the UE should ignore the IE
+		harq-Preamble-Mode				HARQ-Preamble-Mode					OPTIONAL,
+		beaconPLEst						BEACON-PL-Est						OPTIONAL,
+		postVerificationPeriod			ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL,
+		dhs-sync						DHS-Sync							OPTIONAL,
+		timingMaintainedSynchInd		TimingMaintainedSynchInd			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		mbms-RB-ListReleasedToChangeTransferMode
+										RB-InformationReleaseList			OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerRelease-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode,
+		-- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		signallingConnectionRelIndication	CN-DomainIdentity				OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rab-InformationReconfigList		RAB-InformationReconfigList			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationReleaseList		RB-InformationReleaseList,
+		rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r6						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		mbms-RB-ListReleasedToChangeTransferMode
+										RB-InformationReleaseList			OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerRelease-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode,
+		-- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		signallingConnectionRelIndication	CN-DomainIdentity				OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rab-InformationReconfigList		RAB-InformationReconfigList			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationReleaseList		RB-InformationReleaseList,
+		rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r7						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r7				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		mbms-RB-ListReleasedToChangeTransferMode
+										RB-InformationReleaseList			OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RadioBearerReleaseComplete ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		ul-IntegProtActivationInfo		IntegrityProtActivationInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		-- TABULAR: UL-TimingAdvance is applicable for TDD mode only.
+		ul-TimingAdvance				UL-TimingAdvance					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		count-C-ActivationTime			ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and
+		-- it should be ignored by the receiver.
+		dummy							RB-ActivationTimeInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-CounterSynchronisationInfo	UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			radioBearerReleaseComplete-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				radioBearerReleaseComplete-v7xyext
+												RadioBearerReleaseComplete-v7xyext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerReleaseComplete-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ext-ul-TimingAdvance			EXT-UL-TimingAdvance				OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RadioBearerReleaseFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		potentiallySuccesfulBearerList	RB-IdentityList						OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			radioBearerReleaseFailure-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RadioBearerSetup ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		radioBearerSetup-r3				RadioBearerSetup-r3-IEs,
+		v3a0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			radioBearerSetup-v3a0ext		RadioBearerSetup-v3a0ext,
+			laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+				radioBearerSetup-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+				v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					radioBearerSetup-v4b0ext		RadioBearerSetup-v4b0ext-IEs,
+					v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						radioBearerSetup-v590ext		RadioBearerSetup-v590ext-IEs,
+						v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions		SEQUENCE {
+							radioBearerSetup-v5d0ext		RadioBearerSetup-v5d0ext-IEs,
+							v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								radioBearerSetup-v690ext		RadioBearerSetup-v690ext-IEs,
+								nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL
+							}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r4								SEQUENCE {
+				radioBearerSetup-r4				RadioBearerSetup-r4-IEs,
+				v4d0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5
+					radioBearerSetup-r4-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						radioBearerSetup-v590ext		RadioBearerSetup-v590ext-IEs,
+						v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions		SEQUENCE {
+							radioBearerSetup-v5d0ext		RadioBearerSetup-v5d0ext-IEs,
+							v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								radioBearerSetup-v690ext		RadioBearerSetup-v690ext-IEs,
+								nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+							}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+				r5								SEQUENCE {
+					radioBearerSetup-r5				RadioBearerSetup-r5-IEs,
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6
+					radioBearerSetup-r5-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions		SEQUENCE {
+						radioBearerSetup-v5d0ext		RadioBearerSetup-v5d0ext-IEs,
+						v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							radioBearerSetup-v690ext		RadioBearerSetup-v690ext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+				},
+				criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+					r6								SEQUENCE {
+						radioBearerSetup-r6				RadioBearerSetup-r6-IEs,
+						-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7
+						radioBearerSetup-r6-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					},
+					criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+						r7								SEQUENCE {
+							radioBearerSetup-r7				RadioBearerSetup-r7-IEs,
+							-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8
+							radioBearerSetup-r7-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						},
+						criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+RadioBearerSetup-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList			OPTIONAL,
+		rab-InformationSetupList		RAB-InformationSetupList			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy							CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement				OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List			OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerSetup-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received the UE behaviour
+	-- is unspecified
+RadioBearerSetup-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy								SSDT-UL								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as
+		-- in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message
+		cell-id-PerRL-List					CellIdentity-PerRL-List				OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerSetup-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List	DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List		OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerSetup-v5d0ext-IEs ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	--Radio Bearer IEs
+		pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode			PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode				OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerSetup-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received
+		-- the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList			OPTIONAL,
+		rab-InformationSetupList		RAB-InformationSetupList-r4			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy							CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement-r4			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4			OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerSetup-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received
+		-- the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList-r5			OPTIONAL,
+		rab-InformationSetupList		RAB-InformationSetupList-r5			OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy							CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement-r5			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r5				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5			OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerSetup-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Core network IEs
+		primary-plmn-Identity			PLMN-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- The IE harq-Preamble-Mode should not be used in the r3 and r4 versions of the message
+		-- If included in the r3 or r4 version of the message, the UE should ignore the IE
+		harq-Preamble-Mode				HARQ-Preamble-Mode					OPTIONAL,
+		beaconPLEst						BEACON-PL-Est						OPTIONAL,
+		postVerificationPeriod			ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL,
+		dhs-sync						DHS-Sync							OPTIONAL,
+		timingMaintainedSynchInd		TimingMaintainedSynchInd			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rab-InformationSetupList		RAB-InformationSetupList-r6-ext		OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerSetup-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode,
+		-- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		specificationMode				CHOICE {
+			complete						SEQUENCE {
+			-- Radio bearer IEs
+				srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList-r6			OPTIONAL,
+				rab-InformationSetupList		RAB-InformationSetupList-r6			OPTIONAL,
+				rab-InformationReconfigList		RAB-InformationReconfigList			OPTIONAL,
+				rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+				pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode			PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode				OPTIONAL,
+			-- Transport channel IEs
+				ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			preconfiguration				SEQUENCE {
+				rab-Info						RAB-Info-r6,
+				defaultConfigMode				DefaultConfigMode,
+				defaultConfigIdentity 			DefaultConfigIdentity-r6,
+				rb-InformationChangedList		RB-InformationChangedList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				powerOffsetInfoShort			PowerOffsetInfoShort
+			}
+		},
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r6						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerSetup-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode,
+		-- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		specificationMode				CHOICE {
+			complete						SEQUENCE {
+			-- Radio bearer IEs
+				srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList-r6			OPTIONAL,
+				rab-InformationSetupList		RAB-InformationSetupList-r6			OPTIONAL,
+				rb-InformationReconfigList		RB-InformationReconfigList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				rb-InformationAffectedList		RB-InformationAffectedList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+				pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode			PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode				OPTIONAL,
+			-- Transport channel IEs
+				ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				ul-deletedTransChInfoList		UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				dl-DeletedTransChInfoList		DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			preconfiguration				SEQUENCE {
+				rab-Info						RAB-Info-r6,
+				defaultConfigMode				DefaultConfigMode,
+				defaultConfigIdentity 			DefaultConfigIdentity-r6,
+				rb-InformationChangedList		RB-InformationChangedList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				powerOffsetInfoShort			PowerOffsetInfoShort
+			}
+		},
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r7						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r7				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RadioBearerSetupComplete ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		ul-IntegProtActivationInfo		IntegrityProtActivationInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		-- TABULAR: UL-TimingAdvance is applicable for TDD mode only.
+		ul-TimingAdvance				UL-TimingAdvance					OPTIONAL,
+		start-Value				START-Value									OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		count-C-ActivationTime			ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and
+		-- it should be ignored by the receiver.
+		dummy							RB-ActivationTimeInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-CounterSynchronisationInfo	UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			radioBearerSetupComplete-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				radioBearerSetupComplete-v7xyext
+												RadioBearerSetupComplete-v7xyext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+RadioBearerSetupComplete-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ext-ul-TimingAdvance			EXT-UL-TimingAdvance				OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RadioBearerSetupFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		potentiallySuccesfulBearerList	RB-IdentityList						OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			radioBearerSetupFailure-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RRCConnectionReject ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		rrcConnectionReject-r3			RRCConnectionReject-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			rrcConnectionReject-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+				rrcConnectionReject-v690ext		RRCConnectionReject-v690ext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL 
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		initialUE-Identity				InitialUE-Identity,
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+RRCConnectionReject-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message.
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		initialUE-Identity				InitialUE-Identity,
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		rejectionCause					RejectionCause,
+		waitTime						WaitTime,
+		redirectionInfo					RedirectionInfo						OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionReject-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	redirectionInfo-v690ext				GSM-TargetCellInfoList			OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RRCConnectionRelease ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		rrcConnectionRelease-r3			RRCConnectionRelease-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			rrcConnectionRelease-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE { 
+				rrcConnectionRelease-v690ext	RRCConnectionRelease-v690ext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL 
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r4								SEQUENCE {
+				rrcConnectionRelease-r4			RRCConnectionRelease-r4-IEs,
+				v4d0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6
+					rrcConnectionRelease-r4-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+						rrcConnectionRelease-v690ext
+												RRCConnectionRelease-v690ext-IEs,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+		}
+	}
+RRCConnectionRelease-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		-- n-308 is conditional on the UE state
+		n-308							N-308								OPTIONAL,
+		releaseCause					ReleaseCause,
+		rplmn-information				Rplmn-Information					OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionRelease-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		-- n-308 is conditional on the UE state.
+		n-308							N-308								OPTIONAL,
+		releaseCause					ReleaseCause,
+		rplmn-information				Rplmn-Information-r4				OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionRelease-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	redirectionInfo-v690ext				RedirectionInfo-r6	OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		rrcConnectionRelease-CCCH-r3	RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			rrcConnectionRelease-CCCH-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE { 
+				rrcConnectionRelease-v690ext	RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-v690ext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		u-RNTI							U-RNTI,
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r4								SEQUENCE {
+				rrcConnectionRelease-CCCH-r4	RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r4-IEs,
+				v4d0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5
+					rrcConnectionRelease-CCCH-r4-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE { 
+						rrcConnectionRelease-v690ext	RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-v690ext-IEs,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+				}		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {
+				-- TABULAR: CHOICE IdentityType (U-RNTI, GroupIdentity) is replaced with the 
+				-- optional element groupIdentity, since the U-RNTI is mandatory in ASN.1.
+				-- In case CHOICE IdentityType is equal to GroupIdentity the value of the U-RNTI 
+				-- shall be ignored by a UE complying with this version of the message.
+				groupIdentity		SEQUENCE ( SIZE (1 .. maxURNTI-Group) ) OF
+											GroupReleaseInformation		OPTIONAL,
+				criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+					r5								SEQUENCE {
+						rrcConnectionRelease-CCCH-r5	RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r5-IEs,
+						-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6
+						rrcConnectionRelease-CCCH-r5-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+						v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE { 
+							rrcConnectionRelease-v690ext	RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-v690ext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					},
+					criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		u-RNTI							U-RNTI,
+	-- The rest of the message is identical to the one sent on DCCH.
+		rrcConnectionRelease			RRCConnectionRelease-r3-IEs
+RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- The rest of the message is identical to the one sent on DCCH.
+		rrcConnectionRelease			RRCConnectionRelease-r4-IEs
+-- The R5 and R4 sequence of IEs are identical in this message
+RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r5-IEs ::= RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r4-IEs
+-- The R6 non-critical extension is identical to the one sent on DCCH.
+RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-v690ext-IEs ::= RRCConnectionRelease-v690ext-IEs
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RRCConnectionReleaseComplete ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		errorIndication					FailureCauseWithProtErr				OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			rrcConnectionReleaseComplete-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RRCConnectionRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message.
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		initialUE-Identity				InitialUE-Identity,
+		establishmentCause				EstablishmentCause,
+		-- protocolErrorIndicator is MD, but for compactness reasons no default value
+		-- has been assigned to it.
+		protocolErrorIndicator			ProtocolErrorIndicator,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		measuredResultsOnRACH			MeasuredResultsOnRACH				OPTIONAL,
+	--	Non critical Extensions
+		v3d0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			rRCConnectionRequest-v3d0ext 	RRCConnectionRequest-v3d0ext-IEs,
+		-- Reserved for future non critical extension
+			v4b0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+				rrcConnectionRequest-v4b0ext		RRCConnectionRequest-v4b0ext-IEs,
+				v590NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					rrcConnectionRequest-v590ext		RRCConnectionRequest-v590ext-IEs,
+					v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+						rrcConnectionRequest-v690ext	RRCConnectionRequest-v690ext-IEs,
+						-- Reserved for future non critical extension
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionRequest-v3d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		uESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle		UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle		OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionRequest-v4b0ext-IEs ::= 	SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		accessStratumReleaseIndicator			AccessStratumReleaseIndicator
+RRCConnectionRequest-v590ext-IEs ::= 	SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		predefinedConfigStatusInfo			BOOLEAN
+RRCConnectionRequest-v690ext-IEs ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ueCapabilityIndication				ENUMERATED { hsdch, hsdch-edch }	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		measuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq		MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq			OPTIONAL,
+		domainIndicator 					CHOICE {
+			cs-domain							SEQUENCE {
+				csCallType							ENUMERATED {speech, video, other, spare }
+			},
+			ps-domain 							NULL
+		}
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RRCConnectionSetup ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		rrcConnectionSetup-r3			RRCConnectionSetup-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			rrcConnectionSetup-r3-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE { 
+				rrcConnectionSetup-v4b0ext		RRCConnectionSetup-v4b0ext-IEs,
+				v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE { 
+					rrcConnectionSetup-v590ext		RRCConnectionSetup-v590ext-IEs,
+					v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						rrcConnectionSetup-v690ext		RRCConnectionSetup-v690ext-IEs,
+						v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							rrcConnectionSetup-v7xyext		RRCConnectionSetup-v7xyext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		initialUE-Identity				InitialUE-Identity,
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r4								SEQUENCE {
+				rrcConnectionSetup-r4			RRCConnectionSetup-r4-IEs,
+				v4d0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5
+					rrcConnectionSetup-r4-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE { 
+						rrcConnectionSetup-v590ext		RRCConnectionSetup-v590ext-IEs,
+						v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							rrcConnectionSetup-v690ext		RRCConnectionSetup-v690ext-IEs,
+							v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								rrcConnectionSetup-v7xyext		RRCConnectionSetup-v7xyext-IEs,
+								nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+							}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions					CHOICE {
+				r5								SEQUENCE {
+					rrcConnectionSetup-r5			RRCConnectionSetup-r5-IEs,
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6
+					rrcConnectionSetup-r5-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						rrcConnectionSetup-v690ext		RRCConnectionSetup-v690ext-IEs,
+						v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							rrcConnectionSetup-v7xyext		RRCConnectionSetup-v7xyext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+				},
+				criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+					r6								SEQUENCE {
+						rrcConnectionSetup-r6			RRCConnectionSetup-r6-IEs,
+						-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7
+						rrcConnectionSetup-r6-add-ext	BIT STRING					OPTIONAL,
+						v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							rrcConnectionSetup-v7xyext		RRCConnectionSetup-v7xyext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}					OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					},
+					criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+						r7								SEQUENCE {
+							rrcConnectionSetup-r7			RRCConnectionSetup-r7-IEs,
+							-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8
+							rrcConnectionSetup-r7-add-ext	BIT STRING					OPTIONAL,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}					OPTIONAL
+						},
+						criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+RRCConnectionSetup-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message.
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		initialUE-Identity				InitialUE-Identity,
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI,
+		new-c-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient,
+		-- TABULAR: If capabilityUpdateRequirement is not present, the default value
+		-- defined in shall be used.
+		capabilityUpdateRequirement		CapabilityUpdateRequirement			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList2,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		-- NOTE: ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList should be optional in later versions of
+		-- this message
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		-- NOTE: dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList should be optional in later versions
+		-- of this message
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List			OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetup-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		capabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext	CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy								SSDT-UL								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as
+		-- in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message
+		cell-id-PerRL-List					CellIdentity-PerRL-List				OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetup-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		systemSpecificCapUpdateReq		SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq-v590ext		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List	DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List		OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetup-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message.
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI,
+		new-c-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient,
+		-- TABULAR: If capabilityUpdateRequirement is not present, the default value
+		-- defined in shall be used.
+		capabilityUpdateRequirement		CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList2,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement-r4			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4			OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetup-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message.
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI,
+		new-c-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient,
+		-- TABULAR: If capabilityUpdateRequirement is not present, the default value
+		-- defined in shall be used.
+		capabilityUpdateRequirement		CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Specification mode information
+		specificationMode				CHOICE {
+			complete						SEQUENCE {
+				-- Radio bearer IEs
+				srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList2,
+				-- Transport channel IEs
+				ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+				dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			preconfiguration				SEQUENCE {
+				-- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message,
+				-- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one
+				-- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient.
+				preConfigMode					CHOICE {
+					predefinedConfigIdentity		PredefinedConfigIdentity,
+					defaultConfig					SEQUENCE {
+						defaultConfigMode				DefaultConfigMode,
+						defaultConfigIdentity 			DefaultConfigIdentity-r5
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement-r4			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5bis		OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetup-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical Channel IEs
+		beaconPLEst						BEACON-PL-Est						OPTIONAL,
+		postVerificationPeriod			ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetup-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message.
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI,
+		new-c-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient,
+		-- TABULAR: If capabilityUpdateRequirement is not present, the default value
+		-- defined in shall be used.
+		capabilityUpdateRequirement		CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Specification mode information
+		specificationMode				CHOICE {
+			complete						SEQUENCE {
+				-- Radio bearer IEs
+				srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList2-r6,
+				-- Transport channel IEs
+				ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			preconfiguration				SEQUENCE {
+				-- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message,
+				-- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one
+				-- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient.
+				preConfigMode					CHOICE {
+					predefinedConfigIdentity		PredefinedConfigIdentity,
+					defaultConfig					SEQUENCE {
+						defaultConfigMode				DefaultConfigMode,
+						defaultConfigIdentity 			DefaultConfigIdentity-r6
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r6						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6			OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetup-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message.
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI,
+		new-c-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient,
+		-- TABULAR: If capabilityUpdateRequirement is not present, the default value
+		-- defined in shall be used.
+		capabilityUpdateRequirement		CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Specification mode information
+		specificationMode				CHOICE {
+			complete						SEQUENCE {
+				-- Radio bearer IEs
+				srb-InformationSetupList		SRB-InformationSetupList2-r6,
+				-- Transport channel IEs
+				ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+				dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+				dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			preconfiguration				SEQUENCE {
+				-- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message,
+				-- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one
+				-- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient.
+				preConfigMode					CHOICE {
+					predefinedConfigIdentity		PredefinedConfigIdentity,
+					defaultConfig					SEQUENCE {
+						defaultConfigMode				DefaultConfigMode,
+						defaultConfigIdentity 			DefaultConfigIdentity-r6
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r7						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r7				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7			OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetup-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		capabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext	CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RRCConnectionSetupComplete ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message.
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		startList						STARTList,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability		UE-RadioAccessCapability			OPTIONAL,
+	--	Other IEs
+		ue-RATSpecificCapability		InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Non critical extensions
+		v370NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v370ext	RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v370ext,
+			v380NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+				rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v380ext	RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v380ext-IEs,
+				-- Reserved for future non critical extension
+				v3a0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v3a0ext	RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v3a0ext-IEs,
+					laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+						-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+						rrcConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING
+								(CONTAINING RRCConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext-IEs)	OPTIONAL,
+						v3g0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+							rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v3g0ext	RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v3g0ext-IEs,
+							v4b0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+								rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v4b0ext
+																RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v4b0ext-IEs,
+								v590NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+									rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v590ext
+																RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v590ext-IEs,
+									v5c0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+										rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v5c0ext
+																RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v5c0ext-IEs,
+										v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+											rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v690ext
+																RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v690ext-IEs,
+											v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+												rrcConectionSetupComplete-v7xyext
+																RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v7xyext-IEs,
+												nonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+											}		OPTIONAL
+										}		OPTIONAL
+									}		OPTIONAL
+								}		OPTIONAL
+							}		OPTIONAL
+						}		OPTIONAL
+					}		OPTIONAL
+				}		OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v370ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext	OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v380ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext		DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext
+RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext	OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v3g0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext	OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v650ext		RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v650ext-IEs	OPTIONAL,
+		v680NonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {
+			rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v680ext		RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v680ext-IEs,
+			nonCriticalExtensions					SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext		OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Other IEs
+		ue-RATSpecificCapability-v590ext		InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext	OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v5c0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext		OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v650ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext
+RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v680ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v680ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v680ext
+RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ueCapabilityContainer				BIT STRING
+												(CONTAINING UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs)	OPTIONAL
+RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RRC-FailureInfo ::= CHOICE {
+	r3											SEQUENCE {
+		rRC-FailureInfo-r3							RRC-FailureInfo-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			rrc-FailureInfo-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions						SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	criticalExtensions							SEQUENCE {}
+RRC-FailureInfo-r3-IEs ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- Non-RRC IEs
+		failureCauseWithProtErr							FailureCauseWithProtErr
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+RRCStatus ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other IEs
+		-- TABULAR: Identification of received message is nested in
+		-- ProtocolErrorMoreInformation
+		protocolErrorInformation		ProtocolErrorMoreInformation,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			rrcStatus-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+SecurityModeCommand ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		securityModeCommand-r3			SecurityModeCommand-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			securityModeCommand-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+SecurityModeCommand-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+-- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall always be performed on this message.
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		securityCapability				SecurityCapability,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-DomainIdentity				CN-DomainIdentity,
+	-- Other IEs
+		ue-SystemSpecificSecurityCap	InterRAT-UE-SecurityCapList			OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+SecurityModeComplete ::= SEQUENCE {
+-- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall always be performed on this message.
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		ul-IntegProtActivationInfo		IntegrityProtActivationInfo			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rb-UL-CiphActivationTimeInfo	RB-ActivationTimeInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			securityModeComplete-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+SecurityModeFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			securityModeFailure-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+SignallingConnectionRelease ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		signallingConnectionRelease-r3	SignallingConnectionRelease-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			signallingConnectionRelease-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+SignallingConnectionRelease-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-DomainIdentity				CN-DomainIdentity
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+SignallingConnectionReleaseIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-DomainIdentity				CN-DomainIdentity,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			signallingConnectionReleaseIndication-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+SystemInformation-BCH ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other information elements
+		sfn-Prime						SFN-Prime,
+		payload 						CHOICE {
+			noSegment						NULL,
+			firstSegment					FirstSegment,
+			subsequentSegment				SubsequentSegment,
+			lastSegmentShort						LastSegmentShort,
+			lastAndFirst					SEQUENCE {
+				lastSegmentShort				LastSegmentShort,
+				firstSegment					FirstSegmentShort
+			},
+			lastAndComplete					SEQUENCE {
+				lastSegmentShort				LastSegmentShort,
+				completeSIB-List				CompleteSIB-List
+			},
+			lastAndCompleteAndFirst			SEQUENCE {
+				lastSegmentShort				LastSegmentShort,
+				completeSIB-List				CompleteSIB-List,
+				firstSegment					FirstSegmentShort
+			},
+			completeSIB-List				CompleteSIB-List,
+			completeAndFirst				SEQUENCE {
+				completeSIB-List				CompleteSIB-List,
+				firstSegment					FirstSegmentShort
+			},
+			completeSIB						CompleteSIB,
+			lastSegment						LastSegment,
+			spare5							NULL,
+			spare4							NULL,
+			spare3							NULL,
+			spare2							NULL,
+			spare1							NULL
+		}
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+SystemInformation-FACH ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other information elements
+		payload 						CHOICE {
+			noSegment						NULL,
+			firstSegment					FirstSegment,
+			subsequentSegment				SubsequentSegment,
+			lastSegmentShort				LastSegmentShort,
+			lastAndFirst					SEQUENCE {
+				lastSegmentShort				LastSegmentShort,
+				firstSegment					FirstSegmentShort
+			},
+			lastAndComplete					SEQUENCE {
+				lastSegmentShort				LastSegmentShort,
+				completeSIB-List				CompleteSIB-List
+			},
+			lastAndCompleteAndFirst			SEQUENCE {
+				lastSegmentShort				LastSegmentShort,
+				completeSIB-List				CompleteSIB-List,
+				firstSegment					FirstSegmentShort
+			},
+			completeSIB-List				CompleteSIB-List,
+			completeAndFirst				SEQUENCE {
+				completeSIB-List				CompleteSIB-List,
+				firstSegment					FirstSegmentShort
+			},
+			completeSIB						CompleteSIB,
+			lastSegment						LastSegment,
+			spare5							NULL,
+			spare4							NULL,
+			spare3							NULL,
+			spare2							NULL,
+			spare1							NULL
+		}
+-- ***************************************************
+-- First segment
+-- ***************************************************
+FirstSegment ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other information elements
+		sib-Type						SIB-Type,
+		seg-Count						SegCount,
+		sib-Data-fixed					SIB-Data-fixed
+-- ***************************************************
+-- First segment (short)
+-- ***************************************************
+FirstSegmentShort ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other information elements
+		sib-Type						SIB-Type,
+		seg-Count						SegCount,
+		sib-Data-variable				SIB-Data-variable
+-- ***************************************************
+-- Subsequent segment
+-- ***************************************************
+SubsequentSegment ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other information elements
+		sib-Type						SIB-Type,
+		segmentIndex					SegmentIndex,
+		sib-Data-fixed					SIB-Data-fixed
+-- ***************************************************
+-- Last segment
+-- ***************************************************
+LastSegment ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other information elements
+		sib-Type						SIB-Type,
+		segmentIndex					SegmentIndex,
+		-- For sib-Data-fixed, in case the SIB data is less than 222 bits, padding
+		-- shall be used. The same padding bits shall be used as defined in clause 12.1
+		sib-Data-fixed					SIB-Data-fixed
+LastSegmentShort ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other information elements
+		sib-Type						SIB-Type,
+		segmentIndex					SegmentIndex,
+		sib-Data-variable				SIB-Data-variable
+-- ***************************************************
+-- Complete SIB
+-- ***************************************************
+CompleteSIB-List ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIBperMsg)) OF
+										CompleteSIBshort
+CompleteSIB ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other information elements
+		sib-Type						SIB-Type,
+		-- For sib-Data-fixed, in case the SIB data is less than 226 bits, padding
+		-- shall be used. The same padding bits shall be used as defined in clause 12.1
+		sib-Data-fixed					BIT STRING (SIZE (226))
+CompleteSIBshort ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other information elements
+		sib-Type						SIB-Type,
+		sib-Data-variable				SIB-Data-variable
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+SystemInformationChangeIndication ::= 	SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other IEs
+		bcch-ModificationInfo				BCCH-ModificationInfo,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			systemInformationChangeIndication-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+TransportChannelReconfiguration ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		transportChannelReconfiguration-r3
+										TransportChannelReconfiguration-r3-IEs,
+		v3a0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			transportChannelReconfiguration-v3a0ext
+											TransportChannelReconfiguration-v3a0ext,
+			laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+				-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+				transportChannelReconfiguration-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+				v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					transportChannelReconfiguration-v4b0ext	
+													TransportChannelReconfiguration-v4b0ext-IEs,
+					v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						transportChannelReconfiguration-v590ext	
+														TransportChannelReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs,
+						v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							transportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext	
+														TransportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						}		OPTIONAL
+					}		OPTIONAL
+				}		OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r4								SEQUENCE {
+				transportChannelReconfiguration-r4
+												TransportChannelReconfiguration-r4-IEs,
+				v4d0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5
+					transportChannelReconfiguration-r4-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						transportChannelReconfiguration-v590ext	
+													TransportChannelReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs,
+						v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							transportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext	
+														TransportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+				r5								SEQUENCE {
+					transportChannelReconfiguration-r5
+													TransportChannelReconfiguration-r5-IEs,
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6
+					transportChannelReconfiguration-r5-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						transportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext	
+														TransportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+				},
+				criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+					r6								SEQUENCE {
+						transportChannelReconfiguration-r6
+														TransportChannelReconfiguration-r6-IEs,
+						-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7
+						transportChannelReconfiguration-r6-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					},
+					criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+						r7								SEQUENCE {
+							transportChannelReconfiguration-r7
+														TransportChannelReconfiguration-r7-IEs,
+							-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8
+							transportChannelReconfiguration-r7-add-ext		BIT STRING	OPTIONAL,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+						},
+						criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+TransportChannelReconfiguration-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy							CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement				OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd							NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List			OPTIONAL
+TransportChannelReconfiguration-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received
+	-- the UE behaviour is unspecified
+TransportChannelReconfiguration-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy								SSDT-UL								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as
+		-- in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message
+		cell-id-PerRL-List					CellIdentity-PerRL-List				OPTIONAL
+TransportChannelReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List	DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List		OPTIONAL
+TransportChannelReconfiguration-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received
+		-- the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy							CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement-r4			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd							NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4			OPTIONAL
+TransportChannelReconfiguration-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode, and if received
+		-- the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy							CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-ChannelRequirement			UL-ChannelRequirement-r5			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificPhysChInfo			CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							DL-PDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd							NULL
+		},
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r5				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5			OPTIONAL
+TransportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User Equipment IEs
+		delayRestrictionFlag			DelayRestrictionFlag				OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		primary-plmn-Identity			PLMN-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- The IE harq-Preamble-Mode should not be used in the r3 and r4 versions of the message
+		-- If included in the r3 or r4 version of the message, the UE should ignore the IE
+		harq-Preamble-Mode				HARQ-Preamble-Mode					OPTIONAL,
+		beaconPLEst						BEACON-PL-Est						OPTIONAL,
+		postVerificationPeriod			ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL,
+		dhs-sync						DHS-Sync							OPTIONAL,
+		timingMaintainedSynchInd		TimingMaintainedSynchInd			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+TransportChannelReconfiguration-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		delayRestrictionFlag			DelayRestrictionFlag				OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode,
+		-- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo-r6				OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r6						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+TransportChannelReconfiguration-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime					ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		delayRestrictionFlag			DelayRestrictionFlag				OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		-- The IE Ònew-DSCH-RNTIÓ should not be included in FDD mode,
+		-- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+		new-H-RNTI						H-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newPrimary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		newSecondary-E-RNTI				E-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo-r6				OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList		UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList		DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		frequencyInfo					FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+		maxAllowedUL-TX-Power			MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-DPCH-Info					UL-DPCH-Info-r7						OPTIONAL,
+		ul-EDCH-Information				UL-EDCH-Information-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-HSPDSCH-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7			OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonInformation			DL-CommonInformation-r7				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-InformationPerRL-List		DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7			OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo		MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+TransportChannelReconfigurationComplete ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		ul-IntegProtActivationInfo		IntegrityProtActivationInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		-- TABULAR: UL-TimingAdvance is applicable for TDD mode only.
+		ul-TimingAdvance				UL-TimingAdvance					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		count-C-ActivationTime			ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and
+		-- it should be ignored by the receiver.
+		dummy							RB-ActivationTimeInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-CounterSynchronisationInfo	UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			transportChannelReconfigurationComplete-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				transportChannelReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext
+										TransportChannelReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+TransportChannelReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ext-ul-TimingAdvance			EXT-UL-TimingAdvance				OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+TransportChannelReconfigurationFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			transportChannelReconfigurationFailure-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- *********************************************************
+-- *********************************************************
+TransportFormatCombinationControl ::= SEQUENCE {
+		-- rrc-TransactionIdentifier is always included in this version of the specification
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+			fdd									NULL,
+			tdd									SEQUENCE {
+				tfcs-ID								TFCS-Identity	OPTIONAL
+			}	
+		},
+		dpch-TFCS-InUplink					TFC-Subset,
+		activationTimeForTFCSubset			ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		tfc-ControlDuration					TFC-ControlDuration					OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			transportFormatCombinationControl-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+TransportFormatCombinationControlFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			transportFormatCombinationControlFailure-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+UECapabilityEnquiry ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		ueCapabilityEnquiry-r3			UECapabilityEnquiry-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			ueCapabilityEnquiry-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE { 
+				ueCapabilityEnquiry-v4b0ext		UECapabilityEnquiry-v4b0ext-IEs,
+				v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					ueCapabilityEnquiry-v590ext		UECapabilityEnquiry-v590ext-IEs,
+					v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						ueCapabilityEnquiry-v7xyext		UECapabilityEnquiry-v7xyext-IEs,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+UECapabilityEnquiry-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		capabilityUpdateRequirement		CapabilityUpdateRequirement
+UECapabilityEnquiry-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		capabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext	CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext
+UECapabilityEnquiry-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		systemSpecificCapUpdateReq		SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq-v590ext
+UECapabilityEnquiry-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		capabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext		CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+UECapabilityInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier			OPTIONAL,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability		UE-RadioAccessCapability			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Other IEs
+		ue-RATSpecificCapability		InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList		OPTIONAL,
+		v370NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			ueCapabilityInformation-v370ext	UECapabilityInformation-v370ext,
+			v380NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+				ueCapabilityInformation-v380ext		UECapabilityInformation-v380ext-IEs,
+				v3a0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					ueCapabilityInformation-v3a0ext		UECapabilityInformation-v3a0ext-IEs,
+					laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+						-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+						ueCapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING
+									(CONTAINING UECapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext-IEs)	OPTIONAL,
+						-- Reserved for future non critical extension
+						v4b0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+							ueCapabilityInformation-v4b0ext		UECapabilityInformation-v4b0ext,
+							v590NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+								ueCapabilityInformation-v590ext		UECapabilityInformation-v590ext,
+								v5c0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+									ueCapabilityInformation-v5c0ext
+																	UECapabilityInformation-v5c0ext,
+									v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+										ueCapabilityInformation-v690ext
+																UECapabilityInformation-v690ext-IEs,
+										v7xyNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+											ueCapabilityInformation-v7xyext
+																UECapabilityInformation-v7xyext-IEs,
+											nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+										}		OPTIONAL
+									}		OPTIONAL
+								}		OPTIONAL
+							}		OPTIONAL
+						}		OPTIONAL
+					}		OPTIONAL
+				}		OPTIONAL
+UECapabilityInformation-v370ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext		OPTIONAL
+UECapabilityInformation-v380ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext			DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext
+UECapabilityInformation-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext		OPTIONAL
+UECapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ueCapabilityInformation-v650ext		UECapabilityInformation-v650ext-IEs		OPTIONAL,
+		v680NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			ueCapabilityInformation-v680ext		UECapabilityInformation-v680ext-IEs,
+			nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+UECapabilityInformation-v4b0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext		OPTIONAL
+UECapabilityInformation-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext		OPTIONAL,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Other IEs
+		ue-RATSpecificCapability-v590ext	InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext	OPTIONAL
+UECapabilityInformation-v5c0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext		OPTIONAL
+UECapabilityInformation-v650ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext
+UECapabilityInformation-v680ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v680ext		UE-RadioAccessCapability-v680ext
+UECapabilityInformation-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ueCapabilityContainer				BIT STRING
+												(CONTAINING UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs)	OPTIONAL
+UECapabilityInformation-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+UECapabilityInformationConfirm ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		ueCapabilityInformationConfirm-r3
+										UECapabilityInformationConfirm-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			ueCapabilityInformationConfirm-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+UECapabilityInformationConfirm-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+UplinkDirectTransfer ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-DomainIdentity				CN-DomainIdentity,
+		nas-Message						NAS-Message,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		measuredResultsOnRACH			MeasuredResultsOnRACH				OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			uplinkDirectTransfer-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+				uplinkDirectTransfer-v690ext		UplinkDirectTransfer-v690ext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+UplinkDirectTransfer-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Measurement IEs
+	measuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq		MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq				OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+UplinkPhysicalChannelControl ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r3	UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				uplinkPysicalChannelControl-v4b0ext		UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v4b0ext-IEs,
+				-- Extension mechanism for non-release 4 information
+				noncriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}						OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r4								SEQUENCE {
+				uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r4	UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r4-IEs,
+				v4d0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5
+					uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r4-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v690ext	UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v690ext-IEs,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions			CHOICE {
+				r5								SEQUENCE {
+					uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r5	UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r5-IEs,
+					-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6
+					uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r5-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v690ext	UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v690ext-IEs,
+						v6a0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE{
+							uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v6a0ext
+																UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v6a0ext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+				},
+				criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+					r7								SEQUENCE {
+						uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r7	UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r7-IEs,
+						-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8
+						uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r7-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					},
+					criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier, 
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		ccTrCH-PowerControlInfo			CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		timingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvanceControl				OPTIONAL,
+		alpha							Alpha								OPTIONAL,
+		specialBurstScheduling			SpecialBurstScheduling				OPTIONAL,
+		prach-ConstantValue				ConstantValueTdd					OPTIONAL,
+		pusch-ConstantValue				ConstantValueTdd					OPTIONAL
+UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- In case of TDD, openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD is included instead of IE
+	-- up-IPDL-Parameters in up-OTDOA-AssistanceData
+	openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD	OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4	OPTIONAL
+UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		ccTrCH-PowerControlInfo			CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r4			OPTIONAL,
+		specialBurstScheduling			SpecialBurstScheduling				OPTIONAL,
+		tddOption						CHOICE {
+			tdd384							SEQUENCE {
+				timingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4	OPTIONAL,
+				alpha							Alpha						OPTIONAL,
+				prach-ConstantValue				ConstantValueTdd			OPTIONAL,
+				pusch-ConstantValue				ConstantValueTdd			OPTIONAL,
+				openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD	OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd128							SEQUENCE {
+				ul-SynchronisationParameters	UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4	OPTIONAL
+			}
+		}
+UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		ccTrCH-PowerControlInfo			CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r5			OPTIONAL,
+		specialBurstScheduling			SpecialBurstScheduling				OPTIONAL,
+		tddOption						CHOICE {
+			tdd384							SEQUENCE {
+				timingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4	OPTIONAL,
+				alpha							Alpha						OPTIONAL,
+				prach-ConstantValue				ConstantValueTdd			OPTIONAL,
+				pusch-ConstantValue				ConstantValueTdd			OPTIONAL,
+				openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD	OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4	OPTIONAL,
+				hs-SICH-PowerControl			HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd128							SEQUENCE {
+				ul-SynchronisationParameters	UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4	OPTIONAL
+			}
+		}
+UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical Channel IEs
+		beaconPLEst						BEACON-PL-Est						OPTIONAL
+UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v6a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical Channel IEs
+		desired-HS-SICH-PowerLevel		INTEGER (-120..-58)					OPTIONAL,
+		tpc-Step-Size					ENUMERATED { s1, s2, s3 , spare1 }	OPTIONAL
+UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		ccTrCH-PowerControlInfo			CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r7			OPTIONAL,
+		specialBurstScheduling			SpecialBurstScheduling				OPTIONAL,
+		tddOption						CHOICE {
+			tdd384							SEQUENCE {
+				timingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4	OPTIONAL,
+				alpha							Alpha						OPTIONAL,
+				prach-ConstantValue				ConstantValueTdd			OPTIONAL,
+				pusch-ConstantValue				ConstantValueTdd			OPTIONAL,
+				openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD	OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4	OPTIONAL,
+				hs-SICH-PowerControl			HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd768							SEQUENCE {
+				timingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r7	OPTIONAL,
+				alpha							Alpha						OPTIONAL,
+				prach-ConstantValue				ConstantValueTdd			OPTIONAL,
+				pusch-ConstantValue				ConstantValueTdd			OPTIONAL,
+				openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD	OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4	OPTIONAL,
+				hs-SICH-PowerControl			HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD768	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd128							SEQUENCE {
+				ul-SynchronisationParameters	UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4	OPTIONAL,
+				desired-HS-SICH-PowerLevel		INTEGER (-120..-58)				OPTIONAL,
+				tpc-Step-Size					ENUMERATED { s1, s2, s3 , spare1 }	OPTIONAL
+			}
+		}
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+URAUpdate ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		u-RNTI							U-RNTI,
+		ura-UpdateCause					URA-UpdateCause,
+		protocolErrorIndicator			ProtocolErrorIndicatorWithMoreInfo,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			uraUpdate-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+URAUpdateConfirm ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		uraUpdateConfirm-r3				URAUpdateConfirm-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			uraUpdateConfirm-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				uraUpdateConfirm-v690ext			URAUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r5								SEQUENCE {
+				uraUpdateConfirm-r5				URAUpdateConfirm-r5-IEs,
+				v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					uraUpdateConfirm-v690ext			URAUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs,
+					nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+		}
+	}
+URAUpdateConfirm-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier, 
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- CN information elements
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL
+URAUpdateConfirm-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-StateIndicator				RRC-StateIndicator,
+		utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff		UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient	OPTIONAL,
+	-- CN information elements
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL
+URAUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Core network IEs
+		primary-plmn-Identity				PLMN-Identity					OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+URAUpdateConfirm-CCCH ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		uraUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r3		URAUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r3-IEs,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			uraUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				uraUpdateConfirm-v690ext			URAUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		u-RNTI							U-RNTI,
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+URAUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		u-RNTI							U-RNTI,
+	-- The rest of the message is identical to the one sent on DCCH.
+		uraUpdateConfirm				URAUpdateConfirm-r3-IEs
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+UTRANMobilityInformation ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		utranMobilityInformation-r3		UTRANMobilityInformation-r3-IEs,
+		v3a0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			utranMobilityInformation-v3a0ext	UTRANMobilityInformation-v3a0ext-IEs,
+			laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+				-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+				utranMobilityInformation-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+				v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					utranMobilityInformation-v690ext	UtranMobilityInformation-v690ext-IEs,
+					nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+				}		OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r5								SEQUENCE {
+				utranMobilityInformation-r5		UTRANMobilityInformation-r5-IEs,
+				v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					utranMobilityInformation-v690ext	UtranMobilityInformation-v690ext-IEs,
+					nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+		}
+	}
+UTRANMobilityInformation-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier, 
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		ue-ConnTimersAndConstants		UE-ConnTimersAndConstants			OPTIONAL,
+	-- CN information elements
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfoFull				OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+UTRANMobilityInformation-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	ue-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext		UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext
+UTRANMobilityInformation-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		integrityProtectionModeInfo		IntegrityProtectionModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringModeInfo				CipheringModeInfo					OPTIONAL,
+		new-U-RNTI						U-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		new-C-RNTI						C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		ue-ConnTimersAndConstants		UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- CN information elements
+		cn-InformationInfo				CN-InformationInfoFull				OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo	DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5	OPTIONAL
+UtranMobilityInformation-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Core network IEs
+		primary-plmn-Identity				PLMN-Identity						OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+UTRANMobilityInformationConfirm ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier, 
+		ul-IntegProtActivationInfo		IntegrityProtActivationInfo			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		count-C-ActivationTime			ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and
+		-- it should be ignored by the receiver.
+		dummy							RB-ActivationTimeInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		ul-CounterSynchronisationInfo	UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			utranMobilityInformationConfirm-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+UTRANMobilityInformationFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- UE information elements
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier, 
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr,
+		laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+			utranMobilityInformationFailure-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+MBMSAccessInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Access Information IEs
+		mbms-ServiceAccessInfoList		MBMS-ServiceAccessInfoList-r6,
+	-- Non critical extensions
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+MBMSCommonPTMRBInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Common PTM RB Information IEs
+		mbms-CommonRBInformationList	MBMS-CommonRBInformationList-r6,
+		mbms-TranspChInfoForEachTrCh	MBMS-TranspChInfoForEachTrCh-r6,
+		mbms-TranspChInfoForEachCCTrCh	MBMS-TranspChInfoForEachCCTrCh-r6	OPTIONAL,
+		mbms-PhyChInformationList		MBMS-PhyChInformationList-r6,
+	-- Non critical extensions
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+MBMSCurrentCellPTMRBInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Current Cell PTM RB Information IEs
+		mbms-CurrentCell-SCCPCHList		MBMS-CurrentCell-SCCPCHList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		mbms-SIBType5-SCCPCHList		MBMS-SIBType5-SCCPCHList-r6			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Non critical extensions
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+MBMSGeneralInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- MBMS General Information IEs
+		mbms-PreferredFrequencyInfo		MBMS-PreferredFrequencyList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		mbms-TimersAndCounters			MBMS-TimersAndCounters-r6,
+		michConfigurationInfo			MBMS-MICHConfigurationInfo-r6,
+		cellGroupIdentity				MBMS-CellGroupIdentity-r6,
+		mschDefaultConfigurationInfo	MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Non critical extensions
+		v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			mbmsGenerAlInformation-v7xyext	MBMSGeneralInformation-v7xyext-IEs,
+			nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+		}
+MBMSGeneralInformation-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		mbmsMICHConfiguration-v7xyext	MBMS-MICHConfigurationInfo-r7		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+MBMSModificationRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- MBMS Modification Request IEs
+		mbms-PreferredFreqRequest		MBMS-ServiceIdentity-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		rb-InformationReleaseList		RB-InformationReleaseList			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Non critical extensions
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+MBMSModifiedServicesInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- MBMS Modified Services Information IEs
+		modifedServiceList				MBMS-ModifedServiceList-r6			OPTIONAL,
+		mbms-ReacquireMCCH				ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL,
+		mbms-DynamicPersistenceLevel	DynamicPersistenceLevel				OPTIONAL,
+		endOfModifiedMCCHInformation	INTEGER (1..16)						OPTIONAL,
+		mbmsNumberOfNeighbourCells		MBMS-NumberOfNeighbourCells-r6,
+		mbms-AllUnmodifiedPTMServices	ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL,
+		mbms-PTMActivationTime			MBMS-PTMActivationTime-r6			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Non critical extensions
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+MBMSNeighbouringCellPTMRBInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- MBMS Neighbouring Cell PTM RB Information IEs
+		neighbouringCellIdentity		IntraFreqCellID,
+		neighbouringCellSCCPCHList		MBMS-NeighbouringCellSCCPCHList-r6,
+	-- Non critical extensions
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+MBMSSchedulingInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- MBMS Scheduling Information IEs
+		serviceSchedulingInfoList		MBMS-ServiceSchedulingInfoList-r6,
+	-- Non critical extensions
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+MBMSUnmodifiedServicesInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- MBMS Unmodified Services Information IEs
+		unmodifiedServiceList			MBMS-UnmodifiedServiceList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Non critical extensions
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+	hiPDSCHidentities,
+	hiPUSCHidentities,
+	hiRM,
+	maxAC,
+	maxAdditionalMeas,
+	maxASC,
+	maxASCmap,
+	maxASCpersist,
+	maxCCTrCH,
+	maxCellMeas,
+	maxCellMeas-1,
+	maxCNdomains,
+	maxCPCHsets,
+	maxDPCH-DLchan,
+	maxDPDCH-UL,
+	maxDRACclasses,
+	maxE-DCHMACdFlow,
+	maxE-DCHMACdFlow-1,
+	maxFreq,
+	maxFreqBandsFDD,
+	maxFreqBandsFDD-ext,
+	maxFreqBandsTDD,
+	maxFreqBandsGSM,
+	maxGERAN-SI,
+	maxHProcesses,
+	maxHSDSCHTBIndex,
+	maxHSDSCHTBIndex-tdd384,
+	maxHSSCCHs,
+	maxInterSysMessages,
+	maxLoCHperRLC,
+	maxMAC-d-PDUsizes,
+	maxMBMS-CommonCCTrCh,
+	maxMBMS-CommonPhyCh,
+	maxMBMS-CommonRB,
+	maxMBMS-CommonTrCh,
+	maxMBMS-Freq,
+	maxMBMS-L1CP,
+	maxMBMSservCount,
+	maxMBMSservModif,
+	maxMBMSservSched,
+	maxMBMSservUnmodif,
+	maxMBMSTransmis,
+	maxMeasEvent,
+	maxMeasIntervals,
+	maxMeasParEvent,
+	maxNumCDMA2000Freqs,
+	maxNumFDDFreqs,
+	maxNumGSMFreqRanges,
+	maxGSMTargetCells,
+	maxNumTDDFreqs,
+	maxOtherRAT,
+	maxOtherRAT-16,
+	maxPage1,
+	maxPCPCH-APsig,
+	maxPCPCH-APsubCh,
+	maxPCPCH-CDsig,
+	maxPCPCH-CDsubCh,
+	maxPCPCH-SF,
+	maxPCPCHs,
+	maxPDCPAlgoType,
+	maxPDSCH,
+	maxPDSCH-TFCIgroups,
+	maxPRACH,
+	maxPredefConfig,
+	maxPUSCH,
+	maxQueueIDs,
+	maxRABsetup,
+	maxRAT,
+	maxRB,
+	maxRBallRABs,
+	maxRBperTrCh,
+	maxRBMuxOptions,
+	maxRBperRAB,
+	maxReportedGSMCells,
+	maxRLCPDUsizePerLogChan,
+	maxSRBsetup,
+	maxRL,
+	maxRL-1,
+	maxEDCHRL,
+	maxROHC-PacketSizes-r4,
+	maxROHC-Profile-r4,
+	maxSCCPCH,
+	maxSat,
+	maxSIB,
+	maxSIB-FACH,
+	maxSystemCapability,
+	maxTF,
+	maxTF-CPCH,
+	maxTFC,
+	maxTFCsub,
+	maxTFCI-2-Combs,
+	maxTGPS,
+	maxTrCH,
+	maxTrCHpreconf,
+	maxTS,
+	maxTS-1,
+	maxTS-2,
+	maxTS-LCR,
+	maxTS-LCR-1,
+	maxURA,
+	maxURNTI-Group
+FROM Constant-definitions;
+Ansi-41-IDNNS ::=							BIT STRING (SIZE (14))
+CN-DomainIdentity ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										cs-domain,
+										ps-domain }
+CN-DomainInformation ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	cn-DomainIdentity					CN-DomainIdentity,
+	cn-DomainSpecificNAS-Info			NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP
+CN-DomainInformationFull ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	cn-DomainIdentity					CN-DomainIdentity,
+	cn-DomainSpecificNAS-Info			NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP,
+	cn-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff				CN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient
+CN-DomainInformationList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF
+										CN-DomainInformation
+CN-DomainInformationListFull ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF
+										CN-DomainInformationFull
+CN-DomainSysInfo ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	cn-DomainIdentity					CN-DomainIdentity,
+	cn-Type								CHOICE {
+		gsm-MAP								NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP,
+		ansi-41								NAS-SystemInformationANSI-41
+	},
+	cn-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff				CN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient
+CN-DomainSysInfoList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF
+										CN-DomainSysInfo
+CN-InformationInfo ::= 				SEQUENCE {
+	plmn-Identity						PLMN-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo		NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP		OPTIONAL,
+	cn-DomainInformationList			CN-DomainInformationList			OPTIONAL
+CN-InformationInfo-r6 ::= 			SEQUENCE {
+	plmn-Identity						PLMN-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo		NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP		OPTIONAL,
+	cn-DomainInformationList			CN-DomainInformationList			OPTIONAL,
+	primary-plmn-Identity				PLMN-Identity						OPTIONAL
+CN-InformationInfoFull ::= 			SEQUENCE {
+	plmn-Identity						PLMN-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo		NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP		OPTIONAL,
+	cn-DomainInformationListFull		CN-DomainInformationListFull		OPTIONAL
+Digit ::=							INTEGER (0..9)
+Gsm-map-IDNNS ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	routingbasis									CHOICE {
+		localPTMSI										SEQUENCE {
+			routingparameter								RoutingParameter
+		},
+		tMSIofsamePLMN									SEQUENCE {
+			routingparameter								RoutingParameter
+		},
+		tMSIofdifferentPLMN								SEQUENCE {
+			routingparameter								RoutingParameter
+		},
+		iMSIresponsetopaging							SEQUENCE {
+			routingparameter								RoutingParameter
+		},
+		iMSIcauseUEinitiatedEvent						SEQUENCE {
+			routingparameter								RoutingParameter
+		},
+		iMEI											SEQUENCE {
+			routingparameter								RoutingParameter
+		},
+		spare2											SEQUENCE {
+			routingparameter								RoutingParameter
+		},
+		spare1											SEQUENCE {
+			routingparameter								RoutingParameter
+		}
+	},
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and
+	-- it should be ignored by the receiver.
+	dummy									BOOLEAN
+IMEI ::=							SEQUENCE (SIZE (15)) OF
+										IMEI-Digit
+IMEI-Digit ::=						INTEGER (0..15)
+IMSI-GSM-MAP ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (6..21)) OF
+										Digit
+IntraDomainNasNodeSelector ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	version											CHOICE {
+		release99										SEQUENCE {
+			cn-Type											CHOICE {
+				gsm-Map-IDNNS									Gsm-map-IDNNS,
+				ansi-41-IDNNS									Ansi-41-IDNNS
+			}
+		},
+		later											SEQUENCE {
+			futurecoding									BIT STRING (SIZE (15))
+		}
+	}
+LAI ::=								SEQUENCE {
+	plmn-Identity						PLMN-Identity,
+	lac									BIT STRING (SIZE (16))
+MCC ::=								SEQUENCE (SIZE (3)) OF
+										Digit
+MNC ::=								SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..3)) OF
+										Digit
+MultiplePLMN-List-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	mibPLMN-Identity					BOOLEAN,
+	multiplePLMNs						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..5)) OF
+											PLMN-IdentityWithOptionalMCC-r6
+NAS-Message ::=						OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..4095))
+NAS-Synchronisation-Indicator ::=	BIT STRING(SIZE(4))
+NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP ::= 	OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..8))
+PagingRecordTypeID ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										imsi-GSM-MAP,
+										tmsi-GSM-MAP-P-TMSI,
+										imsi-DS-41,
+										tmsi-DS-41 }
+PLMN-Identity ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	mcc									MCC,
+	mnc									MNC
+PLMN-IdentityWithOptionalMCC-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	mcc									MCC						OPTIONAL,
+	mnc									MNC
+PLMN-Type ::=						CHOICE {
+	gsm-MAP								SEQUENCE {
+		plmn-Identity						PLMN-Identity
+	},
+	ansi-41							SEQUENCE {
+		p-REV							P-REV,
+		min-P-REV						Min-P-REV,
+		sid								SID,
+		nid								NID
+	},
+	gsm-MAP-and-ANSI-41				SEQUENCE {
+		plmn-Identity					PLMN-Identity,
+		p-REV							P-REV,
+		min-P-REV						Min-P-REV,
+		sid								SID,
+		nid								NID
+	},
+	spare							NULL
+RAB-Identity ::=					CHOICE {
+	gsm-MAP-RAB-Identity				BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	ansi-41-RAB-Identity				BIT STRING (SIZE (8))
+RAI ::=								SEQUENCE {
+	lai									LAI,
+	rac									RoutingAreaCode
+RoutingAreaCode ::=					BIT STRING (SIZE (8))
+RoutingParameter ::=							BIT STRING (SIZE (10))
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+AccessClassBarred ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										barred, notBarred }
+AccessClassBarredList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (maxAC)) OF
+										AccessClassBarred
+AllowedIndicator ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										allowed, notAllowed }
+CellAccessRestriction ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	cellBarred							CellBarred,
+	cellReservedForOperatorUse			ReservedIndicator,
+	cellReservationExtension			ReservedIndicator,
+	-- NOTE: IE accessClassBarredList should not be included if the IE CellAccessRestriction
+	-- is included in the IE SysInfoType4
+	accessClassBarredList				AccessClassBarredList				OPTIONAL
+CellBarred ::=						CHOICE {
+	barred								SEQUENCE {
+		intraFreqCellReselectionInd			AllowedIndicator,
+		t-Barred							T-Barred
+	},
+	notBarred							NULL
+CellIdentity ::=					BIT STRING (SIZE (28))
+CellIdentity-PerRL-List ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF CellIdentity
+CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-3-4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	mappingInfo							MappingInfo							OPTIONAL,
+	cellSelectQualityMeasure			CHOICE {
+		cpich-Ec-N0							SEQUENCE {
+			-- Default value for q-HYST-2-S is q-HYST-1-S
+			q-HYST-2-S							Q-Hyst-S					OPTIONAL
+			-- Default value for q-HYST-2-S is q-HYST-1-S
+		},
+		cpich-RSCP							NULL
+	},
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			s-Intrasearch						S-SearchQual				OPTIONAL,
+			s-Intersearch						S-SearchQual				OPTIONAL,
+			s-SearchHCS							S-SearchRXLEV				OPTIONAL,
+			rat-List							RAT-FDD-InfoList			OPTIONAL,
+			q-QualMin							Q-QualMin,
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			s-Intrasearch						S-SearchRXLEV				OPTIONAL,
+			s-Intersearch						S-SearchRXLEV				OPTIONAL,
+			s-SearchHCS							S-SearchRXLEV				OPTIONAL,
+			rat-List							RAT-TDD-InfoList			OPTIONAL,
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin
+		}
+	},	
+	q-Hyst-l-S							Q-Hyst-S,
+	t-Reselection-S						T-Reselection-S,
+	hcs-ServingCellInformation			HCS-ServingCellInformation			OPTIONAL,
+	maxAllowedUL-TX-Power				MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power
+DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionForSharedNetwork-v670ext ::= CHOICE {
+		domainSpecificAccessRestictionList					DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionList-v670ext,
+		domainSpecificAccessRestictionParametersForAll		DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext
+DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionList-v670ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+		domainSpecificAccessRestrictionParametersForOperator1
+									DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext	OPTIONAL,
+		domainSpecificAccessRestrictionParametersForOperator2
+									DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext	OPTIONAL,
+		domainSpecificAccessRestrictionParametersForOperator3
+									DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext	OPTIONAL,
+		domainSpecificAccessRestrictionParametersForOperator4
+									DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext	OPTIONAL,
+		domainSpecificAccessRestrictionParametersForOperator5
+									DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext	OPTIONAL
+DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext ::= SEQUENCE {		
+		cSDomainSpecificAccessRestriction		DomainSpecificAccessRestriction-v670ext,
+		pSDomainSpecificAccessRestriction		DomainSpecificAccessRestriction-v670ext
+DomainSpecificAccessRestriction-v670ext ::= CHOICE {
+		noRestriction		NULL,
+		restriction			SEQUENCE {
+			domainSpecficAccessClassBarredList		AccessClassBarredList	OPTIONAL
+		}
+MapParameter ::=					INTEGER (0..99)
+Mapping ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	rat									RAT,
+	mappingFunctionParameterList		MappingFunctionParameterList
+Mapping-LCR-r4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	mappingFunctionParameterList		MappingFunctionParameterList
+MappingFunctionParameter ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	functionType						MappingFunctionType,
+	mapParameter1						MapParameter						OPTIONAL,
+	mapParameter2						MapParameter,
+	-- The presence of upperLimit is conditional on the number of repetition
+	upperLimit							UpperLimit							OPTIONAL
+MappingFunctionParameterList ::= 	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasIntervals)) OF
+										MappingFunctionParameter
+MappingFunctionType ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										linear,
+										functionType2,
+										functionType3,
+										functionType4 }
+-- In MappingInfo list, mapping for FDD and 3.84Mcps TDD is defined.
+-- For 1.28Mcps TDD, Mapping-LCR-r4 is used instead.
+MappingInfo ::=						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRAT)) OF
+										Mapping
+-- Actual value Q-Hyst-S = IE value * 2
+Q-Hyst-S ::=						INTEGER (0..20)
+Q-Hyst-S-Fine ::= INTEGER (0..40)
+RAT ::=								ENUMERATED {
+										utra-FDD,
+										utra-TDD,
+										gsm,
+										cdma2000 }
+RAT-FDD-Info ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	rat-Identifier						RAT-Identifier,
+	s-SearchRAT							S-SearchQual,
+	s-HCS-RAT							S-SearchRXLEV							OPTIONAL,
+	s-Limit-SearchRAT					S-SearchQual
+RAT-FDD-InfoList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxOtherRAT)) OF
+										RAT-FDD-Info
+RAT-Identifier ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										gsm, cdma2000 }
+RAT-TDD-Info ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	rat-Identifier						RAT-Identifier,
+	s-SearchRAT							S-SearchRXLEV,
+	s-HCS-RAT							S-SearchRXLEV						OPTIONAL,
+	s-Limit-SearchRAT					S-SearchRXLEV
+RAT-TDD-InfoList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxOtherRAT)) OF
+										RAT-TDD-Info
+ReservedIndicator ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										reserved,
+										notReserved }
+-- Actual value S-SearchQual = IE value * 2
+S-SearchQual ::=						INTEGER (-16..10)
+-- Actual value S-SearchRXLEV = (IE value * 2) + 1
+S-SearchRXLEV ::=						INTEGER (-53..45)
+-- Actual value ScalingFactor = IE value * 0.1
+SpeedDependentScalingFactor ::=		INTEGER (0..10)
+T-Barred ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										s10, s20, s40, s80,
+										s160, s320, s640, s1280 }
+T-Reselection-S ::=					INTEGER (0..31)
+-- Actual value T-Reselection-S-Fine = IE value * 0.2
+T-Reselection-S-Fine ::=			INTEGER (0..31)
+-- Actual value ScalingFactor = IE value * 0.25
+TreselectionScalingFactor ::=		INTEGER (4..19)
+-- For UpperLimit, the used range depends on the RAT used.
+UpperLimit ::=						INTEGER (1..91)
+URA-Identity ::=					BIT STRING (SIZE (16))
+URA-IdentityList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxURA)) OF
+										URA-Identity
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+AccessStratumReleaseIndicator ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										rel-4, rel-5, rel-6, rel-7,
+										spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8,
+										spare7,	spare6,	spare5, spare4, spare3,
+										spare2, spare1 }
+-- TABULAR : for ActivationTime, value 'now' always appear as default, and is encoded
+-- by absence of the field
+ActivationTime ::=					INTEGER (0..255)
+BackoffControlParams ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	n-AP-RetransMax						N-AP-RetransMax,
+	n-AccessFails						N-AccessFails,
+	nf-BO-NoAICH						NF-BO-NoAICH,
+	ns-BO-Busy							NS-BO-Busy,
+	nf-BO-AllBusy						NF-BO-AllBusy,
+	nf-BO-Mismatch						NF-BO-Mismatch,
+	t-CPCH								T-CPCH
+C-RNTI ::=							BIT STRING (SIZE (16))
+CapabilityUpdateRequirement ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	ue-RadioCapabilityFDDUpdateRequirement	BOOLEAN,
+	-- ue-RadioCapabilityTDDUpdateRequirement is for 3.84Mcps TDD update requirement
+	ue-RadioCapabilityTDDUpdateRequirement	BOOLEAN,
+	systemSpecificCapUpdateReqList		SystemSpecificCapUpdateReqList		OPTIONAL
+CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	ue-RadioCapabilityUpdateRequirement-TDD128	BOOLEAN
+CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-RadioCapabilityFDDUpdateRequirement-FDD	BOOLEAN,
+	ue-RadioCapabilityTDDUpdateRequirement-TDD384	BOOLEAN,
+	ue-RadioCapabilityTDDUpdateRequirement-TDD128	BOOLEAN,
+	systemSpecificCapUpdateReqList		SystemSpecificCapUpdateReqList		OPTIONAL
+CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	ue-RadioCapabilityUpdateRequirement-TDD768	BOOLEAN
+-- If the IE CellUpdateCause has the value 'cellUpdateCause-ext', the actual value is
+-- defined in the IE CellUpdateCause-ext.
+CellUpdateCause ::=					ENUMERATED { 
+										cellReselection,
+										periodicalCellUpdate,
+										uplinkDataTransmission,
+										utran-pagingResponse,
+										re-enteredServiceArea,
+										radiolinkFailure,
+										rlc-unrecoverableError,
+										cellUpdateCause-ext }
+-- The IE CellUpdateCause-ext shall be present, if the IE CellUpdateCause has the
+-- value 'cellUpdateCause-ext'.
+CellUpdateCause-ext ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										mbms-Reception,
+										mbms-PTP-RB-Request, spare2, spare1 }
+ChipRateCapability ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										mcps3-84, mcps1-28 }
+ChipRateCapability-r7 ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										mcps3-84, mcps7-68, mcps1-28 }
+CipheringAlgorithm ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										uea0, uea1 }
+CipheringModeCommand ::=			CHOICE {
+	startRestart						CipheringAlgorithm,
+	dummy						NULL
+CipheringModeInfo ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: The ciphering algorithm is included in the CipheringModeCommand.
+	cipheringModeCommand				CipheringModeCommand,
+	activationTimeForDPCH				ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+	rb-DL-CiphActivationTimeInfo		RB-ActivationTimeInfoList			OPTIONAL
+CN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient ::=	INTEGER (6..9)
+CN-PagedUE-Identity ::=				CHOICE {
+	imsi-GSM-MAP						IMSI-GSM-MAP,
+	tmsi-GSM-MAP						TMSI-GSM-MAP,
+	imsi-DS-41							IMSI-DS-41,
+	tmsi-DS-41							TMSI-DS-41,
+	spare3								NULL,
+	spare2								NULL,
+	spare1								NULL
+CompressedModeMeasCapability ::= 	SEQUENCE {
+	fdd-Measurements					BOOLEAN,
+	-- TABULAR: The IEs tdd-Measurements, gsm-Measurements and multiCarrierMeasurements
+	-- are made optional since they are conditional based on another information element.
+	-- Their absence corresponds to the case where the condition is not true.
+	tdd-Measurements					BOOLEAN								OPTIONAL,
+	gsm-Measurements					GSM-Measurements					OPTIONAL,
+	multiCarrierMeasurements			BOOLEAN								OPTIONAL
+CompressedModeMeasCapability-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	tdd128-Measurements						BOOLEAN							OPTIONAL
+CompressedModeMeasCapabFDDList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF
+										CompressedModeMeasCapabFDD
+CompressedModeMeasCapabFDDList2 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF
+										CompressedModeMeasCapabFDD2
+CompressedModeMeasCapabFDDList-ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF
+											CompressedModeMeasCapabFDD-ext
+CompressedModeMeasCapabFDD ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	radioFrequencyBandFDD				RadioFrequencyBandFDD	OPTIONAL,
+	dl-MeasurementsFDD					BOOLEAN,
+	ul-MeasurementsFDD					BOOLEAN
+CompressedModeMeasCapabFDD2 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- UE may omit both IEs if this IE indicates the compressed mode capability within the same
+	-- frequency band. Otherwise, the UE shall include either one of the following OPTIONAL IEs.
+	radioFrequencyBandFDD				RadioFrequencyBandFDD	OPTIONAL,
+	radioFrequencyBandFDD2				RadioFrequencyBandFDD2	OPTIONAL,
+	dl-MeasurementsFDD					BOOLEAN,
+	ul-MeasurementsFDD					BOOLEAN
+CompressedModeMeasCapabFDD-ext ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	radioFrequencyBandFDD2				RadioFrequencyBandFDD2,
+	dl-MeasurementsFDD					BOOLEAN,
+	ul-MeasurementsFDD					BOOLEAN
+CompressedModeMeasCapabTDDList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsTDD)) OF
+										CompressedModeMeasCapabTDD
+CompressedModeMeasCapabTDD ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	radioFrequencyBandTDD				RadioFrequencyBandTDD,
+	dl-MeasurementsTDD					BOOLEAN,
+	ul-MeasurementsTDD					BOOLEAN
+CompressedModeMeasCapabGSMList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsGSM)) OF
+										CompressedModeMeasCapabGSM
+CompressedModeMeasCapabGSM ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	radioFrequencyBandGSM				RadioFrequencyBandGSM,
+	dl-MeasurementsGSM					BOOLEAN,
+	ul-MeasurementsGSM					BOOLEAN
+CompressedModeMeasCapabMC ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	dl-MeasurementsMC					BOOLEAN,
+	ul-MeasurementsMC					BOOLEAN
+CPCH-Parameters ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	initialPriorityDelayList			InitialPriorityDelayList			OPTIONAL,
+	backoffControlParams				BackoffControlParams,
+	-- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm
+	powerControlAlgorithm				PowerControlAlgorithm,
+DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig ::=	ENUMERATED{kbps32, kbps64, kbps128, kbps384}
+DL-DPCCH-BER ::=					INTEGER (0..63)
+DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- The IE ÒmaxNoDPCH-PDSCH-CodesÓ only gives information on the maximum number of DPCH Codes.
+	maxNoDPCH-PDSCH-Codes				INTEGER (1..8),
+	maxNoPhysChBitsReceived				MaxNoPhysChBitsReceived,
+	supportForSF-512					BOOLEAN,
+	-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification
+	-- and if received they should be ignored.
+	dummy								BOOLEAN,
+	dummy2								SimultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-Reception
+DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy										SupportOfDedicatedPilotsForChEstimation		OPTIONAL
+SupportOfDedicatedPilotsForChEstimation ::=			ENUMERATED { true }
+DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	maxTS-PerFrame						MaxTS-PerFrame,
+	maxPhysChPerFrame					MaxPhysChPerFrame,
+	minimumSF							MinimumSF-DL,
+	supportOfPDSCH						BOOLEAN,
+	maxPhysChPerTS						MaxPhysChPerTS	
+DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	maxTS-PerSubFrame					MaxTS-PerSubFrame-r4,
+	maxPhysChPerFrame					MaxPhysChPerSubFrame-r4,
+	minimumSF							MinimumSF-DL,
+	supportOfPDSCH						BOOLEAN,
+	maxPhysChPerTS						MaxPhysChPerTS,
+	supportOf8PSK						BOOLEAN
+DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-768 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	maxTS-PerFrame						MaxTS-PerFrame,
+	maxPhysChPerFrame					MaxPhysChPerFrame-768,
+	minimumSF							MinimumSF-DL-768,
+	supportOfPDSCH						BOOLEAN,
+	maxPhysChPerTS						MaxPhysChPerTS-768
+DL-TransChCapability ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	maxNoBitsReceived					MaxNoBits,
+	maxConvCodeBitsReceived				MaxNoBits,
+	turboDecodingSupport				TurboSupport,
+	maxSimultaneousTransChs				MaxSimultaneousTransChsDL,
+	maxSimultaneousCCTrCH-Count			MaxSimultaneousCCTrCH-Count,
+	maxReceivedTransportBlocks			MaxTransportBlocksDL,
+	maxNumberOfTFC						MaxNumberOfTFC-DL,
+	maxNumberOfTF						MaxNumberOfTF
+DRAC-SysInfo ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	transmissionProbability				TransmissionProbability,
+	maximumBitRate						MaximumBitRate
+DRAC-SysInfoList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDRACclasses)) OF
+										DRAC-SysInfo
+DSCH-RNTI ::=						BIT STRING (SIZE (16))
+DelayRestrictionFlag ::=			ENUMERATED { true }
+E-RNTI ::=							BIT STRING (SIZE (16))
+ESN-DS-41 ::=						BIT STRING (SIZE (32))
+EstablishmentCause ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										originatingConversationalCall,
+										originatingStreamingCall, 
+										originatingInteractiveCall,
+										originatingBackgroundCall,
+										originatingSubscribedTrafficCall,
+										terminatingConversationalCall,
+										terminatingStreamingCall,
+										terminatingInteractiveCall,
+										terminatingBackgroundCall,
+										emergencyCall,
+										interRAT-CellReselection,
+										interRAT-CellChangeOrder,
+										registration,
+										detach,
+										originatingHighPrioritySignalling,
+										originatingLowPrioritySignalling,
+										callRe-establishment,
+										terminatingHighPrioritySignalling,
+										terminatingLowPrioritySignalling,
+										terminatingCauseUnknown,
+										mbms-Reception,
+										mbms-PTP-RB-Request,
+										spare10,
+										spare9,
+										spare8,
+										spare7,
+										spare6,
+										spare5,
+										spare4,
+										spare3,
+										spare2,
+										spare1 }
+FailureCauseWithProtErr ::=			CHOICE {
+	configurationUnsupported			NULL,
+	physicalChannelFailure				NULL,
+	incompatibleSimultaneousReconfiguration
+										NULL,
+	compressedModeRuntimeError			TGPSI,
+	protocolError						ProtocolErrorInformation,
+	cellUpdateOccurred					NULL,
+	invalidConfiguration				NULL,
+	configurationIncomplete				NULL,
+	unsupportedMeasurement				NULL,
+	mbmsSessionAlreadyReceivedCorrectly	NULL,
+	lowerPriorityMBMSService			NULL,
+	spare5								NULL,
+	spare4								NULL,
+	spare3								NULL,
+	spare2								NULL,
+	spare1								NULL
+FailureCauseWithProtErrTrId ::=		SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier, 
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr
+GroupIdentityWithReleaseInformation ::=		SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-ConnectionReleaseInformation		RRC-ConnectionReleaseInformation,
+		groupReleaseInformation					GroupReleaseInformation
+	}
+GroupReleaseInformation ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	uRNTI-Group							U-RNTI-Group
+GSM-Measurements ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	gsm900								BOOLEAN,
+	dcs1800								BOOLEAN,
+	gsm1900								BOOLEAN
+H-RNTI ::=							BIT STRING (SIZE (16))
+HSDSCH-physical-layer-category ::=		INTEGER (1..64)
+UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (4))
+UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (8))
+IMSI-and-ESN-DS-41 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	imsi-DS-41							IMSI-DS-41,
+	esn-DS-41							ESN-DS-41
+IMSI-DS-41 ::=						OCTET STRING (SIZE (5..7))
+InitialPriorityDelayList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASC)) OF
+										NS-IP
+InitialUE-Identity ::=				CHOICE {
+	imsi								IMSI-GSM-MAP,
+	tmsi-and-LAI						TMSI-and-LAI-GSM-MAP,
+	p-TMSI-and-RAI						P-TMSI-and-RAI-GSM-MAP,
+	imei								IMEI,
+	esn-DS-41							ESN-DS-41,
+	imsi-DS-41							IMSI-DS-41,
+	imsi-and-ESN-DS-41					IMSI-and-ESN-DS-41,
+	tmsi-DS-41							TMSI-DS-41
+IntegrityCheckInfo ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	messageAuthenticationCode			MessageAuthenticationCode,
+	rrc-MessageSequenceNumber			RRC-MessageSequenceNumber
+IntegrityProtActivationInfo ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	rrc-MessageSequenceNumberList		RRC-MessageSequenceNumberList
+IntegrityProtectionAlgorithm ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										uia1 }
+IntegrityProtectionModeCommand ::= 	CHOICE {
+	startIntegrityProtection			SEQUENCE {
+		integrityProtInitNumber				IntegrityProtInitNumber
+	},
+	modify								SEQUENCE {
+		dl-IntegrityProtActivationInfo		IntegrityProtActivationInfo
+	}
+IntegrityProtectionModeInfo ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: DL integrity protection activation info and Integrity
+	-- protection intialisation number have been nested inside 
+	-- IntegrityProtectionModeCommand.
+	integrityProtectionModeCommand		IntegrityProtectionModeCommand,
+	integrityProtectionAlgorithm		IntegrityProtectionAlgorithm		OPTIONAL	
+IntegrityProtInitNumber ::=			BIT STRING (SIZE (32))
+-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+MaxHcContextSpace ::=					ENUMERATED	{
+											dummy, by1024, by2048, by4096, 
+											by8192 }
+MaxHcContextSpace-r5-ext ::=			ENUMERATED	{
+											by16384, by32768, by65536, by131072 }
+MaxROHC-ContextSessions-r4 ::=		ENUMERATED	{
+											s2, s4, s8, s12, s16, s24, s32, s48,
+											s64, s128, s256, s512, s1024, s16384 }
+MaximumAM-EntityNumberRLC-Cap ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										dummy, am4, am5, am6, 
+										am8, am16, am30 }
+-- Actual value MaximumBitRate = IE value * 16
+MaximumBitRate ::=					INTEGER (0..32)
+MaximumRLC-WindowSize ::=			ENUMERATED { mws2047, mws4095 }
+MaxNoDPDCH-BitsTransmitted ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										b600, b1200, b2400, b4800, 
+										b9600, b19200, b28800, b38400,
+										b48000, b57600 }
+MaxNoBits ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										b640, b1280, b2560, b3840, b5120,
+										b6400, b7680, b8960, b10240,
+										b20480, b40960, b81920, b163840 }
+MaxNoPhysChBitsReceived ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										dummy, b1200, b2400, b3600, 
+										b4800, b7200, b9600, b14400, 
+										b19200, b28800, b38400, b48000, 
+										b57600, b67200, b76800 }
+										rl1 }
+MaxNumberOfTF ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										tf32, tf64, tf128, tf256,
+										tf512, tf1024 }
+MaxNumberOfTFC-DL ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										tfc16, tfc32, tfc48, tfc64, tfc96, 
+										tfc128, tfc256, tfc512, tfc1024 }
+MaxNumberOfTFC-UL ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										dummy1, dummy2, tfc16, tfc32, tfc48, tfc64, 
+										tfc96, tfc128, tfc256, tfc512, tfc1024 }
+-- the values 1 É4 for MaxPhysChPerFrame are not used in this version of the protocol 
+MaxPhysChPerFrame ::=				INTEGER (1..224)
+MaxPhysChPerFrame-768 ::=			INTEGER (1..448)
+MaxPhysChPerSubFrame-r4 ::=			INTEGER (1..96)
+MaxPhysChPerTimeslot ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										ts1, ts2 }
+-- the values 1 É4 for MaxPhysChPerTS are not used in this version of the protocol 
+MaxPhysChPerTS ::=					INTEGER (1..16)
+MaxPhysChPerTS-768 ::=				INTEGER (1..32)
+MaxSimultaneousCCTrCH-Count ::=		INTEGER (1..8)
+MaxSimultaneousTransChsDL ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										e4, e8, e16, e32 }
+MaxSimultaneousTransChsUL ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										dummy, e4, e8, e16, e32 }
+MaxTransportBlocksDL ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										tb4, tb8, tb16, tb32, tb48,
+										tb64, tb96, tb128, tb256, tb512 }
+MaxTransportBlocksUL ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										dummy, tb4, tb8, tb16, tb32, tb48,
+										tb64, tb96, tb128, tb256, tb512 }
+MaxTS-PerFrame ::=					INTEGER (1..14)
+MaxTS-PerSubFrame-r4 ::=			INTEGER (1..6)
+-- TABULAR: MeasurementCapability contains dependencies to UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability,
+-- the conditional fields have been left mandatory for now.
+MeasurementCapability ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	downlinkCompressedMode				CompressedModeMeasCapability,
+	uplinkCompressedMode				CompressedModeMeasCapability	
+MeasurementCapabilityExt ::= 		SEQUENCE{
+	compressedModeMeasCapabFDDList		CompressedModeMeasCapabFDDList,
+	compressedModeMeasCapabTDDList		CompressedModeMeasCapabTDDList	OPTIONAL,
+	compressedModeMeasCapabGSMList		CompressedModeMeasCapabGSMList	OPTIONAL,
+	compressedModeMeasCapabMC			CompressedModeMeasCapabMC		OPTIONAL
+MeasurementCapabilityExt2 ::= 		SEQUENCE{
+	compressedModeMeasCapabFDDList		CompressedModeMeasCapabFDDList2,
+	compressedModeMeasCapabTDDList		CompressedModeMeasCapabTDDList	OPTIONAL,
+	compressedModeMeasCapabGSMList		CompressedModeMeasCapabGSMList	OPTIONAL,
+	compressedModeMeasCapabMC			CompressedModeMeasCapabMC		OPTIONAL
+MeasurementCapability-r4-ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	downlinkCompressedMode-LCR			CompressedModeMeasCapability-LCR-r4,
+	uplinkCompressedMode-LCR			CompressedModeMeasCapability-LCR-r4
+MessageAuthenticationCode ::=		BIT STRING (SIZE (32))
+MinimumSF-DL ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										sf1, sf16 }
+MinimumSF-DL-768 ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										sf1, sf32 }
+MinimumSF-UL ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										sf1, sf2, sf4, sf8, dummy }
+MultiModeCapability ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										tdd, fdd, fdd-tdd }
+MultiRAT-Capability ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	supportOfGSM						BOOLEAN,
+	supportOfMulticarrier				BOOLEAN
+MultiModeRAT-Capability-v590ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+MultiModeRAT-Capability-v680ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	supportOfHandoverToGAN				ENUMERATED { doesSupportHandoverToGAN }		OPTIONAL
+N-300 ::=							INTEGER (0..7)
+N-301 ::=							INTEGER (0..7)
+N-302 ::=							INTEGER (0..7)
+N-304 ::=							INTEGER (0..7)
+N-308 ::=							INTEGER (1..8)
+N-310 ::=							INTEGER (0..7)
+N-312 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										s1, s50, s100, s200, s400,
+										s600, s800, s1000 }
+N-312ext ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										s2, s4, s10, s20 }
+N-312-r5 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										s1, s2, s4, s10, s20,
+										s50, s100, s200, s400,
+										s600, s800, s1000 }
+N-313 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										s1, s2, s4, s10, s20,
+										 s50, s100, s200 }
+N-315 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										s1, s50, s100, s200, s400,
+										s600, s800, s1000 }
+N-315ext ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										s2, s4, s10, s20 }
+N-315-r5 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										s1, s2, s4, s10, s20,
+										s50, s100, s200, s400,
+										s600, s800, s1000 }
+N-AccessFails ::=					INTEGER (1..64)
+N-AP-RetransMax ::=					INTEGER (1..64)
+NetworkAssistedGPS-Supported ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										networkBased, 
+										ue-Based,
+										bothNetworkAndUE-Based,
+										noNetworkAssistedGPS }
+NF-BO-AllBusy ::=					INTEGER (0..31)
+NF-BO-NoAICH ::=					INTEGER (0..31)
+NF-BO-Mismatch ::=					INTEGER (0..127)
+NS-BO-Busy ::=						INTEGER (0..63)
+NS-IP ::=							INTEGER (0..28)
+	p-TMSI								P-TMSI-GSM-MAP,
+	rai									RAI
+PagingCause ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										terminatingConversationalCall,
+										terminatingStreamingCall,
+										terminatingInteractiveCall,
+										terminatingBackgroundCall,
+										terminatingHighPrioritySignalling,
+										terminatingLowPrioritySignalling,
+										terminatingCauseUnknown,
+										spare
+ }
+PagingRecord ::=					CHOICE {
+	cn-Identity							SEQUENCE {
+		pagingCause							PagingCause,
+		cn-DomainIdentity					CN-DomainIdentity,
+		cn-pagedUE-Identity					CN-PagedUE-Identity
+	},
+	utran-Identity						SEQUENCE {
+		u-RNTI								U-RNTI,
+		cn-OriginatedPage-connectedMode-UE	SEQUENCE {
+			pagingCause							PagingCause,
+			cn-DomainIdentity					CN-DomainIdentity,
+			pagingRecordTypeID					PagingRecordTypeID
+		}																	OPTIONAL
+	}
+PagingRecord2-r5 ::=				CHOICE {
+	utran-SingleUE-Identity				SEQUENCE {
+		u-RNTI								U-RNTI,
+		cn-OriginatedPage-connectedMode-UE	SEQUENCE {
+			pagingCause							PagingCause,
+			cn-DomainIdentity					CN-DomainIdentity,
+			pagingRecordTypeID					PagingRecordTypeID
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		rrc-ConnectionReleaseInformation		RRC-ConnectionReleaseInformation
+	},
+	utran-GroupIdentity						SEQUENCE ( SIZE (1 .. maxURNTI-Group) ) OF
+												GroupIdentityWithReleaseInformation
+PagingRecordList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPage1)) OF
+										PagingRecord
+PagingRecord2List-r5 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPage1)) OF
+										PagingRecord2-r5
+PDCP-Capability ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	losslessSRNS-RelocationSupport		BOOLEAN,
+	-- If present, the "maxHcContextSpace" in the IE "PDCP-Capability-r5-ext" overrides the
+	-- "supported" value in this IE. The value in this IE may be used by a pre-REL-5 UTRAN.
+	supportForRfc2507					CHOICE {
+		notSupported						NULL,
+		supported							MaxHcContextSpace
+	}
+PDCP-Capability-r4-ext ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	supportForRfc3095				CHOICE {
+		notSupported						NULL,
+		supported							SEQUENCE {
+			maxROHC-ContextSessions				MaxROHC-ContextSessions-r4	DEFAULT s16,
+			reverseCompressionDepth				INTEGER (0..65535)			DEFAULT 0
+		}
+	}
+PDCP-Capability-r5-ext ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	supportForRfc3095ContextRelocation		BOOLEAN,
+	maxHcContextSpace						MaxHcContextSpace-r5-ext	OPTIONAL
+PDCP-Capability-r5-ext2 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	losslessDLRLC-PDUSizeChange			ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL
+PhysicalChannelCapability ::=		SEQUENCE {
+		fddPhysChCapability					SEQUENCE {
+			downlinkPhysChCapability			DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD,
+			uplinkPhysChCapability				UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD
+		}											OPTIONAL,
+		-- tddPhysChCapability describes the 3.84Mcps TDD physical channel capability
+		tddPhysChCapability					SEQUENCE {
+			downlinkPhysChCapability			DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD,
+			uplinkPhysChCapability				UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD
+		}											OPTIONAL
+PhysicalChannelCapability-r7 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+		fddPhysChCapability					SEQUENCE {
+			downlinkPhysChCapability			DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD,
+			uplinkPhysChCapability				UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD
+		}											OPTIONAL,
+		-- tddPhysChCapability describes the 3.84Mcps TDD physical channel capability
+		tddPhysChCapability					SEQUENCE {
+			downlinkPhysChCapability			DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD,
+			uplinkPhysChCapability				UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD
+		}											OPTIONAL,
+		-- tddPhysicalChaCapability-768 describes the 7.68 TDD physical channel capability
+		tddPhysChCapability-768				SEQUENCE {
+			downlinkPhysChCapability			DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-768,
+			uplinkPhysChCapability				UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD
+		}
+-- PhysicalChannelCapability-LCR-r4 describes the 1.28Mcps TDD physical channel capability
+PhysicalChannelCapability-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+		tdd128-PhysChCapability					SEQUENCE {
+			downlinkPhysChCapability			DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4,
+			uplinkPhysChCapability				UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4
+		}											OPTIONAL
+-- PhysicalChannelCapability-hspdsch-r5 describes the HS-PDSCH physical channel capability
+PhysicalChannelCapability-hspdsch-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	fdd-hspdsch										CHOICE {
+		supported										SEQUENCE {
+			hsdsch-physical-layer-category					HSDSCH-physical-layer-category,
+			-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification
+			-- and if received they should be ignored.
+			dummy											BOOLEAN,
+			dummy2											BOOLEAN
+		},
+		unsupported										NULL
+	},
+	tdd384-hspdsch									CHOICE {
+		supported										HSDSCH-physical-layer-category,
+		unsupported										NULL
+	},
+	tdd128-hspdsch									CHOICE {
+		supported										HSDSCH-physical-layer-category,
+		unsupported										NULL
+	}
+PNBSCH-Allocation-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+		numberOfRepetitionsPerSFNPeriod	ENUMERATED {
+											c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10,
+											c12, c14, c16, c18, c20, c24, c28, c32,
+											c36, c40, c48, c56, c64, c72, c80  }
+ProtocolErrorCause ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										asn1-ViolationOrEncodingError,
+										messageTypeNonexistent,
+										messageNotCompatibleWithReceiverState,
+										ie-ValueNotComprehended,
+										informationElementMissing,
+										messageExtensionNotComprehended,
+										spare2, spare1 }
+ProtocolErrorIndicator ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										noError, errorOccurred }
+ProtocolErrorIndicatorWithMoreInfo ::= 
+									CHOICE {
+	noError								NULL,
+	errorOccurred						SEQUENCE {		
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier			RRC-TransactionIdentifier, 
+		protocolErrorInformation			ProtocolErrorInformation
+	}
+ProtocolErrorMoreInformation ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	diagnosticsType						CHOICE {
+		type1								CHOICE {
+			asn1-ViolationOrEncodingError		NULL,
+			messageTypeNonexistent				NULL,
+			messageNotCompatibleWithReceiverState
+												IdentificationOfReceivedMessage,
+			ie-ValueNotComprehended				IdentificationOfReceivedMessage,
+			conditionalInformationElementError	IdentificationOfReceivedMessage,
+			messageExtensionNotComprehended		IdentificationOfReceivedMessage,
+			spare1								NULL, 
+			spare2								NULL 
+		},
+		spare								NULL
+	}
+RadioFrequencyBandFDD ::=			ENUMERATED {
+	-- fdd2100, fdd1900, fdd1800 correspond to Band I, Band II and Band III respectively
+										fdd2100,
+										fdd1900,
+										fdd1800, 
+										bandVI, 
+										bandIV,
+										bandV,
+										bandVII,
+										extension-indicator }
+RadioFrequencyBandFDD2 ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										bandVIII,
+										bandIX,
+										bandX,
+										bandXI,
+										bandXII,
+										bandXIII,
+										bandXIV,
+										bandXV,
+										bandXVI,
+										bandXVII, 
+										bandXVIII,
+										bandXIX,
+										bandXX,
+										bandXXI,
+										bandXXII,
+										extension-indicator }
+RadioFrequencyBandTDDList ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										a, b, c, ab, ac, bc, abc, spare }
+RadioFrequencyBandTDD ::=			ENUMERATED {a, b, c, spare}
+RadioFrequencyBandGSM ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										gsm450,
+										gsm480,
+										gsm850,
+										gsm900P,
+										gsm900E,
+										gsm1800,
+										gsm1900,
+										spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5,
+										spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}
+Rb-timer-indicator ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	t314-expired						BOOLEAN,
+	t315-expired						BOOLEAN }
+Re-EstablishmentTimer ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										useT314, useT315
+RedirectionInfo ::=					CHOICE {
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo,
+	interRATInfo						InterRATInfo
+RedirectionInfo-r6 ::=				CHOICE {
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo,
+	interRATInfo						InterRATInfo-r6
+RejectionCause ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										congestion,
+										unspecified }
+ReleaseCause ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										normalEvent,
+										unspecified,
+										pre-emptiveRelease,
+										congestion,
+										re-establishmentReject,
+										directedsignallingconnectionre-establishment,
+										userInactivity,
+										spare }
+RF-Capability ::=					SEQUENCE {
+		fddRF-Capability				SEQUENCE {
+			ue-PowerClass					UE-PowerClass,
+			txRxFrequencySeparation			TxRxFrequencySeparation
+		}									OPTIONAL,
+		tddRF-Capability							SEQUENCE {
+			ue-PowerClass				UE-PowerClass,
+			radioFrequencyTDDBandList	RadioFrequencyBandTDDList,
+			chipRateCapability			ChipRateCapability
+		}									OPTIONAL
+RF-Capability-r4-ext ::=				SEQUENCE {
+		tddRF-Capability							SEQUENCE {
+			ue-PowerClass				UE-PowerClass,
+			radioFrequencyBandTDDList	RadioFrequencyBandTDDList,
+			chipRateCapability			ChipRateCapability
+		}									OPTIONAL
+RF-Capability-r7 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+		fddRF-Capability				SEQUENCE {
+			ue-PowerClass					UE-PowerClass,
+			txRxFrequencySeparation			TxRxFrequencySeparation
+		}									OPTIONAL,
+		tddRF-Capability				SEQUENCE {
+			ue-PowerClass					UE-PowerClass,
+			radioFrequencyTDDBandList		RadioFrequencyBandTDDList,
+			chipRateCapability				ChipRateCapability-r7
+RLC-Capability ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- If present, the "totalRLC-AM-BufferSize" in the IE "RLC-Capability-r5-ext" overrides the
+	-- corresponding value in this IE. The value in this IE may be used by a pre-REL-5 UTRAN.
+	totalRLC-AM-BufferSize				TotalRLC-AM-BufferSize,
+	maximumRLC-WindowSize				MaximumRLC-WindowSize,
+	maximumAM-EntityNumber				MaximumAM-EntityNumberRLC-Cap
+RLC-Capability-r5-ext ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	totalRLC-AM-BufferSize				TotalRLC-AM-BufferSize-r5-ext		OPTIONAL
+RRC-ConnectionReleaseInformation ::=	CHOICE {
+	noRelease								NULL,
+	release									SEQUENCE {
+		releaseCause							ReleaseCause
+	}
+RRC-MessageSequenceNumber ::=		INTEGER (0..15)
+RRC-MessageSequenceNumberList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (4..5)) OF
+										RRC-MessageSequenceNumber
+RRC-StateIndicator ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										cell-DCH, cell-FACH, cell-PCH, ura-PCH }
+RRC-TransactionIdentifier ::=		INTEGER (0..3)
+S-RNTI ::=							BIT STRING (SIZE (20))
+S-RNTI-2 ::=						BIT STRING (SIZE (10))
+SecurityCapability ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	cipheringAlgorithmCap				BIT STRING {
+										-- For each bit value Ò0Ó means false/ not supported
+											spare15(0),
+											spare14(1),
+											spare13(2),
+											spare12(3),
+											spare11(4),
+											spare10(5),
+											spare9(6),
+											spare8(7),
+											spare7(8),
+											spare6(9),
+											spare5(10),
+											spare4(11),
+											spare3(12),
+											spare2(13),
+											uea1(14),
+											uea0(15)
+											}	(SIZE (16)),
+	integrityProtectionAlgorithmCap		BIT STRING {
+										-- For each bit value Ò0Ó means false/ not supported
+											spare15(0),
+											spare14(1),
+											spare13(2),
+											spare12(3),
+											spare11(4),
+											spare10(5),
+											spare9(6),
+											spare8(7),
+											spare7(8),
+											spare6(9),
+											spare5(10),
+											spare4(11),
+											spare3(12),
+											spare2(13),
+											uia1(14),
+											spare0(15)
+										 	} 	 (SIZE (16))
+Serving-HSDSCH-CellInformation ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	deltaACK						DeltaACK					OPTIONAL,
+	deltaNACK						DeltaNACK					OPTIONAL,
+	harq-Preamble-Mode				HARQ-Preamble-Mode,
+	primaryCPICH-Info				PrimaryCPICH-Info			OPTIONAL,
+	dl-hspdsch-Information			DL-HSPDSCH-Information		OPTIONAL,
+	harqInfo						HARQ-Info 					OPTIONAL,
+	mac-hsResetIndicator			ENUMERATED { true }			OPTIONAL 
+SimultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-Reception ::= CHOICE {
+	notSupported						NULL,
+	supported							SEQUENCE {
+		maxNoSCCPCH-RL						MaxNoSCCPCH-RL,
+		-- simultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-DPDCH-Reception is applicable only if 
+		-- the IE Support of PDSCH = TRUE
+		-- Note: the reference to DPDCH in the element name below is incorrect (see tabular). The 
+		-- name is not changed, to keep it aligned with R99.
+		simultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-DPDCH-Reception		BOOLEAN
+	}
+SRNC-Identity ::=					BIT STRING (SIZE (12))
+START-Value ::=						BIT STRING (SIZE (20))
+STARTList ::=						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF
+										STARTSingle
+STARTSingle ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	cn-DomainIdentity					CN-DomainIdentity,
+	start-Value							START-Value			
+CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r5 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-RadioCapabilityFDDUpdateRequirement-FDD	BOOLEAN,
+	ue-RadioCapabilityTDDUpdateRequirement-TDD384	BOOLEAN,
+	ue-RadioCapabilityTDDUpdateRequirement-TDD128	BOOLEAN,
+	systemSpecificCapUpdateReqList		SystemSpecificCapUpdateReqList-r5		OPTIONAL
+SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										gsm }
+SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq-v590ext ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										geranIu }
+SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq-r5 ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										gsm, geranIu }
+SystemSpecificCapUpdateReqList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSystemCapability)) OF 
+										SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq
+SystemSpecificCapUpdateReqList-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSystemCapability)) OF 
+										SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq-r5
+T-300 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										ms100, ms200, ms400, ms600, ms800,
+										ms1000, ms1200, ms1400, ms1600,
+										ms1800, ms2000, ms3000, ms4000,
+										ms6000, ms8000 }
+T-301 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										ms100, ms200, ms400, ms600, ms800,
+										ms1000, ms1200, ms1400, ms1600,
+										ms1800, ms2000, ms3000, ms4000,
+										ms6000, ms8000, spare }
+T-302 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										ms100, ms200, ms400, ms600, ms800,
+										ms1000, ms1200, ms1400, ms1600,
+										ms1800, ms2000, ms3000, ms4000,
+										ms6000, ms8000, spare }
+T-304 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										ms100, ms200, ms400, 
+										ms1000, ms2000, spare3, spare2, spare1 }
+T-305 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										noUpdate, m5, m10, m30,
+										m60, m120, m360, m720 }
+T-307 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										s5, s10, s15, s20,
+										s30, s40, s50, spare }
+T-308 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										ms40, ms80, ms160, ms320 }
+T-309 ::=							INTEGER (1..8)
+T-310 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										ms40, ms80, ms120, ms160,
+										ms200, ms240, ms280, ms320 }
+T-311 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										ms250, ms500, ms750, ms1000,
+										ms1250, ms1500, ms1750, ms2000 }
+-- The value 0 for T-312 is not used in this version of the specification
+T-312 ::=							INTEGER (0..15)
+T-313 ::=							INTEGER (0..15)
+T-314 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										s0, s2, s4, s6, s8,
+										s12, s16, s20 }
+T-315 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										s0, s10, s30, s60, s180,
+										s600, s1200, s1800 }
+T-316 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										s0, s10, s20, s30, s40,
+										s50, s-inf, spare }
+-- All the values are changed to "infinity" in Rel-5
+T-317 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										infinity0,  infinity1,  infinity2, infinity3, infinity4,
+										infinity5, infinity6, infinity7}
+T-318 ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										ms250, ms500, ms750, ms1000, ms1250, ms1500,
+										ms1750, ms2000, ms3000, ms4000, ms6000, ms8000,
+										ms10000, ms12000, ms16000 }
+T-CPCH ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										ct0, ct1 }
+	tmsi								TMSI-GSM-MAP,
+	lai									LAI
+TMSI-DS-41 ::=						OCTET STRING (SIZE (2..17))
+TotalRLC-AM-BufferSize ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										dummy, kb10, kb50, kb100,
+										kb150, kb500, kb1000, spare }
+TotalRLC-AM-BufferSize-r5-ext ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										kb200, kb300, kb400, kb750 }
+-- Actual value TransmissionProbability = IE value * 0.125
+TransmissionProbability ::=			INTEGER (1..8)
+TransportChannelCapability ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	dl-TransChCapability				DL-TransChCapability,
+	ul-TransChCapability				UL-TransChCapability	
+TurboSupport ::=					CHOICE {
+	notSupported						NULL,
+	supported							MaxNoBits
+-- Values defined as spare shall not be sent in this version of the protocol. If a spare value is
+-- received, it should be interpreted as 'default-RxTX-sparation'.
+TxRxFrequencySeparation ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										default-TxRx-separation, spare2, spare1 }
+U-RNTI ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	srnc-Identity						SRNC-Identity,
+	s-RNTI								S-RNTI
+U-RNTI-Group ::=					CHOICE {
+-- TABULAR: not following the tabular strictly, but this will most likely save bits
+	all									NULL,
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b1				BIT STRING (SIZE (31)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b2				BIT STRING (SIZE (30)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b3				BIT STRING (SIZE (29)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b4				BIT STRING (SIZE (28)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b5				BIT STRING (SIZE (27)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b6				BIT STRING (SIZE (26)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b7				BIT STRING (SIZE (25)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b8				BIT STRING (SIZE (24)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b9				BIT STRING (SIZE (23)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b10				BIT STRING (SIZE (22)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b11				BIT STRING (SIZE (21)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b12				BIT STRING (SIZE (20)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b13				BIT STRING (SIZE (19)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b14				BIT STRING (SIZE (18)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b15				BIT STRING (SIZE (17)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b16				BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b17				BIT STRING (SIZE (15)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b18				BIT STRING (SIZE (14)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b19				BIT STRING (SIZE (13)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b20				BIT STRING (SIZE (12)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b21				BIT STRING (SIZE (11)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b22				BIT STRING (SIZE (10)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b23				BIT STRING (SIZE (9)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b24				BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b25				BIT STRING (SIZE (7)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b26				BIT STRING (SIZE (6)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b27				BIT STRING (SIZE (5)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b28				BIT STRING (SIZE (4)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b29				BIT STRING (SIZE (3)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b30				BIT STRING (SIZE (2)),
+	u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b31				BIT STRING (SIZE (1))
+U-RNTI-Short ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	srnc-Identity						SRNC-Identity,
+	s-RNTI-2							S-RNTI-2
+UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs ::= 			SEQUENCE {
+-- Container for transparent transfer of capability information not related to
+-- features for which early implementation is desired
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext,
+		ue-RATSpecificCapability-v690ext	InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext	OPTIONAL,
+		nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+UE-ConnTimersAndConstants ::=		SEQUENCE {
+-- Optional is used also for parameters for which the default value is the last one read in SIB1
+-- t-301 and n-301 should not be used by the UE in this version of the specification
+	t-301								T-301								DEFAULT ms2000,
+	n-301								N-301								DEFAULT 2,
+	t-302								T-302								DEFAULT ms4000,
+	n-302								N-302								DEFAULT 3,
+	t-304								T-304								DEFAULT ms2000,
+	n-304								N-304								DEFAULT 2,
+	t-305								T-305								DEFAULT m30,
+	t-307								T-307								DEFAULT s30,
+	t-308								T-308								DEFAULT ms160,
+	t-309								T-309								DEFAULT 5,
+	t-310								T-310								DEFAULT ms160,
+	n-310								N-310								DEFAULT 4,
+	t-311								T-311								DEFAULT ms2000,
+	t-312								T-312								DEFAULT 1,
+	-- n-312 shall be ignored if n-312 in UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext is present, and the
+	-- value of that element shall be used instead.
+	n-312								N-312								DEFAULT s1,
+	t-313								T-313								DEFAULT 3,
+	n-313								N-313								DEFAULT s20,
+	t-314								T-314								DEFAULT s12,
+	t-315								T-315								DEFAULT s180,
+	-- n-315 shall be ignored if n-315 in UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext is present, and the
+	-- value of that element shall be used instead.
+	n-315								N-315								DEFAULT s1,
+	t-316								T-316								DEFAULT s30,
+	t-317								T-317								DEFAULT infinity4
+UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	n-312								N-312ext								OPTIONAL,
+	n-315								N-315ext								OPTIONAL
+UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+-- Optional is used also for parameters for which the default value is the last one read in SIB1
+-- t-301 and n-301 should not be used by the UE in this version of the specification
+	t-301								T-301								DEFAULT ms2000,
+	n-301								N-301								DEFAULT 2,
+	t-302								T-302								DEFAULT ms4000,
+	n-302								N-302								DEFAULT 3,
+	t-304								T-304								DEFAULT ms2000,
+	n-304								N-304								DEFAULT 2,
+	t-305								T-305								DEFAULT m30,
+	t-307								T-307								DEFAULT s30,
+	t-308								T-308								DEFAULT ms160,
+	t-309								T-309								DEFAULT 5,
+	t-310								T-310								DEFAULT ms160,
+	n-310								N-310								DEFAULT 4,
+	t-311								T-311								DEFAULT ms2000,
+	t-312								T-312								DEFAULT 1,
+	n-312								N-312-r5							DEFAULT s1,
+	t-313								T-313								DEFAULT 3,
+	n-313								N-313								DEFAULT s20,
+	t-314								T-314								DEFAULT s12,
+	t-315								T-315								DEFAULT s180,
+	n-315								N-315-r5							DEFAULT s1,
+	t-316								T-316								DEFAULT s30,
+	t-317								T-317								DEFAULT infinity4
+UE-IdleTimersAndConstants ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	t-300								T-300,
+	n-300								N-300,
+	t-312								T-312,
+	-- n-312 shall be ignored if n-312 in UE-IdleTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext is present, and the
+	-- value of that element shall be used instead.
+	n-312								N-312	
+UE-IdleTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	n-312								N-312ext								OPTIONAL
+UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	multiRAT-CapabilityList				MultiRAT-Capability,
+	multiModeCapability					MultiModeCapability
+UE-PowerClass ::=					INTEGER (1..4)
+UE-PowerClassExt ::=				ENUMERATED {class1, class2, class3, class4,
+										 spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 }
+UE-RadioAccessCapability ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- UE-RadioAccessCapability is compatible with R99, although accessStratumReleaseIndicator 
+	-- is removed from this IE, since its encoding did not does in bits. The 
+	-- accessStratumReleaseIndicator is provided in the relevant REL-4 extension IEs.
+	pdcp-Capability						PDCP-Capability,
+	rlc-Capability						RLC-Capability,
+	transportChannelCapability			TransportChannelCapability,
+	rf-Capability						RF-Capability,
+	physicalChannelCapability			PhysicalChannelCapability,
+	ue-MultiModeRAT-Capability			UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability,
+	securityCapability					SecurityCapability,
+	ue-positioning-Capability			UE-Positioning-Capability,
+	measurementCapability				MeasurementCapability		OPTIONAL
+UE-RadioAccessCapabilityInfo ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	ue-RadioAccessCapability			UE-RadioAccessCapability,
+	ue-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList		UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-PositioningCapabilityExt-v380		UE-PositioningCapabilityExt-v380
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-PositioningCapabilityExt-v3a0		UE-PositioningCapabilityExt-v3a0
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-PositioningCapabilityExt-v3g0		UE-PositioningCapabilityExt-v3g0
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList2		UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList2,
+	-- This IE shall be included if the UE also supports Band I-VII
+	ue-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList-ext	UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList-ext	OPTIONAL
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+		physicalchannelcapability-edch	PhysicalChannelCapability-edch-r6,
+		-- TABULAR: deviceType is MD in tabular description
+		-- Default value is 'doesBenefitFromBatteryConsumptionOptimisation'
+		deviceType		ENUMERATED { doesNotBenefitFromBatteryConsumptionOptimisation }	OPTIONAL
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	rf-Capability								RF-Capability-r7				OPTIONAL,
+	physicalChannelCapability-r7				PhysicalChannelCapability-r7	OPTIONAL
+UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList2 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF
+											UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDD2
+UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDD2 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	radioFrequencyBandFDD2				RadioFrequencyBandFDD2,
+	fddRF-Capability					SEQUENCE {
+		ue-PowerClass						UE-PowerClassExt,
+		txRxFrequencySeparation				TxRxFrequencySeparation
+	measurementCapability2				MeasurementCapabilityExt2
+UE-PositioningCapabilityExt-v380 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	rx-tx-TimeDifferenceType2Capable		BOOLEAN
+UE-PositioningCapabilityExt-v3a0 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	validity-CellPCH-UraPCH					ENUMERATED { true }
+UE-PositioningCapabilityExt-v3g0 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	sfn-sfnType2Capability				ENUMERATED { true }
+UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF
+											UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDD
+UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList-ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF 
+										UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDD-ext
+UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDD ::=	SEQUENCE{
+	radioFrequencyBandFDD				RadioFrequencyBandFDD,
+	fddRF-Capability					SEQUENCE {
+		ue-PowerClass						UE-PowerClassExt,
+		txRxFrequencySeparation				TxRxFrequencySeparation
+	}																OPTIONAL,
+	measurementCapability				MeasurementCapabilityExt
+UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDD-ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	radioFrequencyBandFDD				RadioFrequencyBandFDD,
+	compressedModeMeasCapabFDDList-ext	CompressedModeMeasCapabFDDList-ext
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	pdcp-Capability-r4-ext				PDCP-Capability-r4-ext,
+	tdd-CapabilityExt					SEQUENCE {
+		rf-Capability						RF-Capability-r4-ext,
+		physicalChannelCapability-LCR		PhysicalChannelCapability-LCR-r4,
+		measurementCapability-r4-ext		MeasurementCapability-r4-ext
+	}											OPTIONAL,
+	-- IE " AccessStratumReleaseIndicator" is not needed in RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE
+	accessStratumReleaseIndicator				AccessStratumReleaseIndicator 	OPTIONAL
+UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp ::= SEQUENCE {
+	totalAM-RLCMemoryExceeds10kB			BOOLEAN,
+	rf-CapabilityComp						RF-CapabilityComp
+UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp-ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	rf-CapabilityFDDComp				RF-CapabBandListFDDComp-ext
+UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp-r7 ::= SEQUENCE {
+	totalAM-RLCMemoryExceeds10kB			BOOLEAN,
+	rf-CapabilityComp						RF-CapabilityComp-r7
+UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp2 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	fddPhysicalChannelCapab-hspdsch-edch	SEQUENCE {
+		dl-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig
+												DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig	OPTIONAL,
+		physicalChannelCapabComp-hspdsch-r6		HSDSCH-physical-layer-category,
+		physicalChannelCapability-edch-r6		PhysicalChannelCapability-edch-r6
+RF-CapabilityComp ::= SEQUENCE {
+	fdd 					CHOICE {
+		notSupported					NULL,
+		supported						RF-CapabBandListFDDComp
+	},
+	tdd384-RF-Capability	CHOICE {
+		notSupported					NULL,
+		supported						RadioFrequencyBandTDDList
+	},
+	tdd128-RF-Capability	CHOICE {
+		notSupported					NULL,
+		supported						RadioFrequencyBandTDDList
+	}
+RF-CapabilityComp-r7 ::= SEQUENCE {
+	fdd 					CHOICE {
+		notSupported					NULL,
+		supported						RF-CapabBandListFDDComp
+	},
+	tdd384-RF-Capability	CHOICE {
+		notSupported					NULL,
+		supported						RadioFrequencyBandTDDList
+	},
+	tdd768-RF-Capability	CHOICE	{
+		notSupported					NULL,
+		supported						RadioFrequencyBandTDDList
+	},
+	tdd128-RF-Capability	CHOICE {
+		notSupported					NULL,
+		supported						RadioFrequencyBandTDDList
+	}
+-- NOTE: This IE defines the supported TX/RX frequency separation for the respective supported
+-- frequency band. Values defined as spare shall not be sent in this version of the protocol.
+-- If a spare value is received, it should be interpreted as 'default-RxTX-sparation'.
+RF-CapabBandFDDComp ::=				ENUMERATED { notSupported,
+										default-TxRx-separation, spare2, spare1 }
+RF-CapabBandListFDDComp ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF
+	-- The first entry corresponds with the first value of IE RadioFrequencyBandFDD,
+	-- fdd2100, and so on. No more than seven entries should be included in this IE. The
+	-- 8'th entry, if present, shall be ignored.
+	-- An extension of this IE may be provided using the IE 'RF-CapabBandListFDDComp-ext'.
+	RF-CapabBandFDDComp
+RF-CapabBandListFDDComp-ext ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD-ext)) OF
+	-- The first entry corresponds with the first value of IE RadioFrequencyBandFDD2,
+	-- bandVIII, and so on.
+	RF-CapabBandFDDComp
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	dl-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig	DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig	OPTIONAL,
+	pdcp-Capability-r5-ext				PDCP-Capability-r5-ext,
+	rlc-Capability-r5-ext				RLC-Capability-r5-ext,
+	physicalChannelCapability			PhysicalChannelCapability-hspdsch-r5,
+	multiModeRAT-Capability-v590ext		MultiModeRAT-Capability-v590ext
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	pdcp-Capability-r5-ext2				PDCP-Capability-r5-ext2
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-v680ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	multiModeRAT-Capability-v680ext		MultiModeRAT-Capability-v680ext
+UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	maxNoDPDCH-BitsTransmitted			MaxNoDPDCH-BitsTransmitted,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and
+	-- it should be ignored by the receiver.
+	dummy								BOOLEAN	
+UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	maxNoDPDCH-BitsTransmitted				MaxNoDPDCH-BitsTransmitted,
+	physicalchannelcapability-edch			PhysicalChannelCapability-edch-r6
+UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	maxTS-PerFrame						MaxTS-PerFrame,
+	maxPhysChPerTimeslot				MaxPhysChPerTimeslot,
+	minimumSF							MinimumSF-UL,
+	supportOfPUSCH						BOOLEAN	
+UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	maxTS-PerSubFrame					MaxTS-PerSubFrame-r4,
+	maxPhysChPerTimeslot				MaxPhysChPerTimeslot,
+	minimumSF							MinimumSF-UL,
+	supportOfPUSCH						BOOLEAN,
+	supportOf8PSK						BOOLEAN
+PhysicalChannelCapability-edch-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	fdd-edch								CHOICE {
+		supported								SEQUENCE {
+			edch-PhysicalLayerCategory				INTEGER (1..16)
+		},
+		unsupported								NULL
+	}
+UL-TransChCapability ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	maxNoBitsTransmitted				MaxNoBits,
+	maxConvCodeBitsTransmitted			MaxNoBits,
+	turboEncodingSupport				TurboSupport,
+	maxSimultaneousTransChs				MaxSimultaneousTransChsUL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									NULL,
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			maxSimultaneousCCTrCH-Count			MaxSimultaneousCCTrCH-Count
+		}
+	},
+	maxTransmittedBlocks				MaxTransportBlocksUL,
+	maxNumberOfTFC						MaxNumberOfTFC-UL,
+	maxNumberOfTF						MaxNumberOfTF
+UE-Positioning-Capability ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	standaloneLocMethodsSupported			BOOLEAN,
+	ue-BasedOTDOA-Supported					BOOLEAN,
+	networkAssistedGPS-Supported			NetworkAssistedGPS-Supported,
+	supportForUE-GPS-TimingOfCellFrames		BOOLEAN,
+	supportForIPDL							BOOLEAN
+UE-SecurityInformation ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	start-CS							START-Value
+UE-SecurityInformation2 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	start-PS							START-Value
+URA-UpdateCause ::=					ENUMERATED { 
+										changeOfURA, 
+										periodicURAUpdate, 
+										dummy,
+										spare1 }
+UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient ::= INTEGER (3..9)
+WaitTime ::=						INTEGER (0..15)
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+AlgorithmSpecificInfo ::=			CHOICE {
+	rfc2507-Info						RFC2507-Info
+AlgorithmSpecificInfo-r4 ::=		CHOICE {
+	rfc2507-Info						RFC2507-Info,
+	rfc3095-Info						RFC3095-Info-r4
+CID-InclusionInfo-r4 ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										pdcp-Header,
+										rfc3095-PacketFormat }
+-- Upper limit of COUNT-C is 2^32 - 1
+COUNT-C ::=							INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+-- Upper limit of COUNT-C-MSB is 2^25 - 1
+COUNT-C-MSB ::=						INTEGER (0..33554431)
+DefaultConfigIdentity ::=			INTEGER (0..10)
+DefaultConfigIdentity-r4 ::=		INTEGER (0..12)
+DefaultConfigIdentity-r5 ::=		INTEGER (0..13)
+-- DefaultConfigIdentity-r6 values 23..31 are spare and shall not be used in this version of 
+-- the protocol
+DefaultConfigIdentity-r6 ::=		INTEGER (0..31)
+DefaultConfigMode ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										fdd,
+										tdd }
+DDI ::=								INTEGER (0..62)
+DL-AM-RLC-Mode ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	inSequenceDelivery					BOOLEAN,
+	receivingWindowSize					ReceivingWindowSize,
+	dl-RLC-StatusInfo					DL-RLC-StatusInfo
+DL-AM-RLC-Mode-r5 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	dl-RLC-PDU-size						OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1,
+	inSequenceDelivery					BOOLEAN,
+	receivingWindowSize					ReceivingWindowSize,
+	dl-RLC-StatusInfo					DL-RLC-StatusInfo
+DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	rB-WithPDCP-InfoList					RB-WithPDCP-InfoList	OPTIONAL
+DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	rb-WithPDCP-InfoList					RB-WithPDCP-InfoList			OPTIONAL,
+	rb-PDCPContextRelocationList			RB-PDCPContextRelocationList	OPTIONAL
+DL-LogicalChannelMapping ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: DL-TransportChannelType contains TransportChannelIdentity as well.
+	dl-TransportChannelType				DL-TransportChannelType,
+	logicalChannelIdentity				LogicalChannelIdentity				OPTIONAL
+DL-LogicalChannelMapping-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: DL-TransportChannelType contains TransportChannelIdentity as well.
+	dl-TransportChannelType				DL-TransportChannelType-r5,
+	logicalChannelIdentity				LogicalChannelIdentity				OPTIONAL
+DL-LogicalChannelMappingList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLoCHperRLC)) OF
+										DL-LogicalChannelMapping
+DL-LogicalChannelMappingList-r5 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLoCHperRLC)) OF
+										DL-LogicalChannelMapping-r5
+DL-Reception-Window-Size-r6 ::=		ENUMERATED { size32, size48, size64, size80, size96, size112 }
+DL-RFC3095-r4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	cid-InclusionInfo					CID-InclusionInfo-r4,
+	max-CID								INTEGER (1..16383)					DEFAULT 15,
+	reverseDecompressionDepth			INTEGER (0..65535)					DEFAULT 0
+DL-RLC-Mode ::=						CHOICE {
+	dl-AM-RLC-Mode						DL-AM-RLC-Mode,
+	dl-UM-RLC-Mode						NULL,
+	dl-TM-RLC-Mode						DL-TM-RLC-Mode
+DL-RLC-Mode-r5 ::=					CHOICE {
+	dl-AM-RLC-Mode						DL-AM-RLC-Mode-r5,
+	dl-UM-RLC-Mode						DL-UM-RLC-Mode-r5,
+	dl-TM-RLC-Mode						DL-TM-RLC-Mode
+DL-RLC-Mode-r6 ::=					CHOICE {
+	dl-AM-RLC-Mode						DL-AM-RLC-Mode-r5,
+	dl-UM-RLC-Mode						DL-UM-RLC-Mode-r6,
+	dl-TM-RLC-Mode						DL-TM-RLC-Mode
+DL-RLC-StatusInfo ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	timerStatusProhibit					TimerStatusProhibit					OPTIONAL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should not be sent 
+	-- and if received they should be ignored.
+	dummy							TimerEPC							OPTIONAL,
+	missingPDU-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+	timerStatusPeriodic					TimerStatusPeriodic					OPTIONAL
+DL-TM-RLC-Mode ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	segmentationIndication					BOOLEAN
+DL-TransportChannelType ::=			CHOICE {
+	dch									TransportChannelIdentity,
+	fach								NULL,
+	-- The choice ÒdschÓ should not be used in FDD mode, and if received
+	-- the UE behaviour is unspecified.
+	dsch								TransportChannelIdentity,
+	-- The choice Òdch-and-dschÓ should not be used in FDD mode, and if received the UE
+	-- behaviour is unspecified
+	dch-and-dsch						TransportChannelIdentityDCHandDSCH
+DL-TransportChannelType-r5 ::=			CHOICE {
+	dch									TransportChannelIdentity,
+	fach								NULL,
+	-- The choice ÒdschÓ should not be used in FDD mode, and if received
+	-- the UE behaviour is unspecified.
+	dsch								TransportChannelIdentity,
+	-- The choice Òdch-and-dschÓ should not be used in FDD mode, and if received the UE 
+	-- behaviour is unspecified
+	dch-and-dsch						TransportChannelIdentityDCHandDSCH,
+	hsdsch								MAC-d-FlowIdentity,
+	dch-and-hsdsch						MAC-d-FlowIdentityDCHandHSDSCH
+DL-UM-RLC-LI-size ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										size7, size15 }
+DL-UM-RLC-Mode-r5 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	dl-UM-RLC-LI-size					DL-UM-RLC-LI-size
+DL-UM-RLC-Mode-r6 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	dl-UM-RLC-LI-size					DL-UM-RLC-LI-size,
+	dl-Reception-Window-Size			DL-Reception-Window-Size-r6			OPTIONAL
+ExpectReordering ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										reorderingNotExpected,
+										reorderingExpected }
+ExplicitDiscard ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	timerMRW							TimerMRW,
+	timerDiscard						TimerDiscard,
+	maxMRW								MaxMRW
+HeaderCompressionInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	algorithmSpecificInfo				AlgorithmSpecificInfo
+HeaderCompressionInfoList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDCPAlgoType)) OF
+										HeaderCompressionInfo
+HeaderCompressionInfo-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	algorithmSpecificInfo				AlgorithmSpecificInfo-r4
+HeaderCompressionInfoList-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDCPAlgoType)) OF
+										HeaderCompressionInfo-r4
+LogicalChannelIdentity ::=			INTEGER (1..15)
+LosslessSRNS-RelocSupport ::=		CHOICE {
+	supported							MaxPDCP-SN-WindowSize,
+	notSupported						NULL
+MAC-d-HFN-initial-value ::=			BIT STRING (SIZE (24))
+MAC-LogicalChannelPriority ::= 		INTEGER (1..8)
+MaxDAT ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										dat1, dat2, dat3, dat4, dat5, dat6,
+										dat7, dat8, dat9, dat10, dat15, dat20,
+										dat25, dat30, dat35, dat40 }
+MaxDAT-Retransmissions ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	maxDAT								MaxDAT,
+	timerMRW							TimerMRW,
+	maxMRW								MaxMRW
+MaxMRW ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										mm1, mm4, mm6, mm8, mm12, mm16,
+										mm24, mm32 }
+MaxPDCP-SN-WindowSize ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										sn255, sn65535 }
+MaxRST ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										rst1, rst4, rst6, rst8, rst12,
+										rst16, rst24, rst32 }
+NoExplicitDiscard ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										dt10, dt20, dt30, dt40, dt50,
+										dt60, dt70, dt80, dt90, dt100 }
+PDCP-Info ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	losslessSRNS-RelocSupport			LosslessSRNS-RelocSupport			OPTIONAL,
+	-- TABULAR: pdcp-PDU-Header is MD in the tabular format and it can be encoded
+	-- in one bit, so the OPTIONAL is removed for compactness.
+	pdcp-PDU-Header						PDCP-PDU-Header,
+	headerCompressionInfoList			HeaderCompressionInfoList			OPTIONAL
+PDCP-Info-r4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	losslessSRNS-RelocSupport			LosslessSRNS-RelocSupport			OPTIONAL,
+	-- TABULAR: pdcp-PDU-Header is MD in the tabular format and it can be encoded
+	-- in one bit, so the OPTIONAL is removed for compactness.
+	pdcp-PDU-Header						PDCP-PDU-Header,
+	headerCompressionInfoList			HeaderCompressionInfoList-r4		OPTIONAL
+PDCP-InfoReconfig ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	pdcp-Info							PDCP-Info,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and
+	-- it should be ignored.
+	dummy								INTEGER (0..65535)
+PDCP-InfoReconfig-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	pdcp-Info							PDCP-Info-r4
+PDCP-PDU-Header ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										present, absent }
+PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode ::=			ENUMERATED { o-Mode, r-Mode }
+PDCP-SN-Info ::=					INTEGER (0..65535)
+Poll-PDU ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										pdu1, pdu2, pdu4, pdu8, pdu16, 
+										pdu32, pdu64, pdu128 }
+Poll-SDU ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										sdu1, sdu4, sdu16, sdu64 }
+PollingInfo ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	timerPollProhibit					TimerPollProhibit					OPTIONAL,
+	timerPoll							TimerPoll							OPTIONAL,
+	poll-PDU							Poll-PDU							OPTIONAL,
+	poll-SDU							Poll-SDU							OPTIONAL,
+	lastTransmissionPDU-Poll			BOOLEAN,
+	lastRetransmissionPDU-Poll			BOOLEAN,
+	pollWindow							PollWindow							OPTIONAL,
+	timerPollPeriodic					TimerPollPeriodic					OPTIONAL
+PollWindow ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										pw50, pw60, pw70, pw80, pw85, 
+										pw90, pw95, pw99 }
+PredefinedConfigIdentity ::=		INTEGER (0..15)
+PredefinedConfigValueTag ::=		INTEGER (0..15)
+PredefinedRB-Configuration ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	re-EstablishmentTimer				Re-EstablishmentTimer,
+	srb-InformationList					SRB-InformationSetupList,
+	rb-InformationList					RB-InformationSetupList
+PreDefRadioConfiguration ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		predefinedRB-Configuration			PredefinedRB-Configuration,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		preDefTransChConfiguration			PreDefTransChConfiguration,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		preDefPhyChConfiguration			PreDefPhyChConfiguration
+PredefinedConfigStatusList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (maxPredefConfig)) OF
+											PredefinedConfigStatusInfo
+PredefinedConfigStatusInfo ::=		CHOICE {
+	storedWithValueTagSameAsPrevius		NULL,
+	other								CHOICE {
+		notStored							NULL,
+		storedWithDifferentValueTag			PredefinedConfigValueTag
+	}
+PredefinedConfigStatusListComp ::= SEQUENCE {
+	setsWithDifferentValueTag			PredefinedConfigSetsWithDifferentValueTag,
+	otherEntries						PredefinedConfigStatusListVarSz				OPTIONAL
+PredefinedConfigSetsWithDifferentValueTag ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF
+												PredefinedConfigSetWithDifferentValueTag
+PredefinedConfigSetWithDifferentValueTag ::= SEQUENCE {
+	startPosition								INTEGER (0..10)		DEFAULT 0,
+	-- numberOfEntries							INTEGER (6..16),
+	-- numberOfEntries is covered by the size of the list in IE PredefinedConfigValueTagList
+	valueTagList								PredefinedConfigValueTagList
+PredefinedConfigValueTagList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPredefConfig)) OF
+											PredefinedConfigValueTag
+PredefinedConfigStatusListVarSz ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPredefConfig)) OF
+											PredefinedConfigStatusInfo
+RAB-Info ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	rab-Identity						RAB-Identity,
+	cn-DomainIdentity					CN-DomainIdentity,
+	nas-Synchronisation-Indicator		NAS-Synchronisation-Indicator	OPTIONAL,
+	re-EstablishmentTimer				Re-EstablishmentTimer
+RAB-Info-r6-ext ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	mbms-SessionIdentity				MBMS-SessionIdentity				OPTIONAL
+RAB-Info-r6 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	rab-Identity						RAB-Identity,
+	mbms-SessionIdentity				MBMS-SessionIdentity				OPTIONAL,
+	cn-DomainIdentity					CN-DomainIdentity,
+	nas-Synchronisation-Indicator		NAS-Synchronisation-Indicator		OPTIONAL,
+	re-EstablishmentTimer				Re-EstablishmentTimer
+RAB-InformationList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF
+										RAB-Info
+RAB-InformationList-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF
+										RAB-Info-r6
+RAB-InformationReconfigList ::= 	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxRABsetup)) OF
+										RAB-InformationReconfig
+RAB-InformationReconfig ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rab-Identity						RAB-Identity,
+	cn-DomainIdentity					CN-DomainIdentity,
+	nas-Synchronisation-Indicator		NAS-Synchronisation-Indicator
+RAB-Info-Post ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	rab-Identity						RAB-Identity,
+	cn-DomainIdentity					CN-DomainIdentity,
+	nas-Synchronisation-Indicator		NAS-Synchronisation-Indicator	OPTIONAL
+RAB-InformationSetup ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rab-Info							RAB-Info,
+	rb-InformationSetupList				RB-InformationSetupList
+RAB-InformationSetup-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rab-Info							RAB-Info,
+	rb-InformationSetupList				RB-InformationSetupList-r4
+RAB-InformationSetup-r5 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rab-Info							RAB-Info,
+	rb-InformationSetupList				RB-InformationSetupList-r5
+RAB-InformationSetup-r6-ext ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	rab-Info-r6-ext						RAB-Info-r6-ext
+RAB-InformationSetup-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rab-Info							RAB-Info-r6,
+	rb-InformationSetupList				RB-InformationSetupList-r6
+RAB-InformationSetupList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF
+										RAB-InformationSetup
+RAB-InformationSetupList-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF
+										RAB-InformationSetup-r4
+RAB-InformationSetupList-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF
+										RAB-InformationSetup-r5
+RAB-InformationSetupList-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF
+										RAB-InformationSetup-r6
+-- The IE 'RAB-InformationSetupList-r6-ext' provides elements of extension information, which
+-- are added to the corresponding elements of the IE 'RAB-InformationSetupList/-r4/-r5'.
+RAB-InformationSetupList-r6-ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF
+										RAB-InformationSetup-r6-ext
+RB-ActivationTimeInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	rlc-SequenceNumber					RLC-SequenceNumber
+RB-ActivationTimeInfoList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+										RB-ActivationTimeInfo
+RB-COUNT-C-Information ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	count-C-UL							COUNT-C,
+	count-C-DL							COUNT-C
+RB-COUNT-C-InformationList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBallRABs)) OF
+										RB-COUNT-C-Information
+RB-COUNT-C-MSB-Information ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	count-C-MSB-UL						COUNT-C-MSB,
+	count-C-MSB-DL						COUNT-C-MSB
+RB-COUNT-C-MSB-InformationList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBallRABs)) OF
+										RB-COUNT-C-MSB-Information
+RB-Identity ::=						INTEGER (1..32)
+RB-IdentityList ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+										RB-Identity
+RB-InformationAffected ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo
+RB-InformationAffected-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo-r5
+RB-InformationAffected-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo-r6
+RB-InformationAffectedList ::= 		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+										RB-InformationAffected
+RB-InformationAffectedList-r5 ::= 	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+										RB-InformationAffected-r5
+RB-InformationAffectedList-r6 ::= 	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+										RB-InformationAffected-r6
+RB-InformationChanged-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	rb-Change							CHOICE {
+		release								NULL,
+		re-mapToDefaultRb					RB-Identity
+	}
+RB-InformationChangedList-r6 ::= 		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+											RB-InformationChanged-r6
+RB-InformationReconfig ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	pdcp-Info							PDCP-InfoReconfig					OPTIONAL,
+	pdcp-SN-Info						PDCP-SN-Info						OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-Info							RLC-Info							OPTIONAL,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	rb-StopContinue						RB-StopContinue						OPTIONAL
+RB-InformationReconfig-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	pdcp-Info							PDCP-InfoReconfig-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	pdcp-SN-Info						PDCP-SN-Info						OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-Info							RLC-Info							OPTIONAL,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	rb-StopContinue						RB-StopContinue						OPTIONAL
+RB-InformationReconfig-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	pdcp-Info							PDCP-InfoReconfig-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	pdcp-SN-Info						PDCP-SN-Info						OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-Info							RLC-Info-r5							OPTIONAL,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo-r5					OPTIONAL,
+	rb-StopContinue						RB-StopContinue						OPTIONAL
+RB-InformationReconfig-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	pdcp-Info							PDCP-InfoReconfig-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	pdcp-SN-Info						PDCP-SN-Info						OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-Info							RLC-Info-r6							OPTIONAL,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo-r6					OPTIONAL,
+	rb-StopContinue						RB-StopContinue						OPTIONAL
+RB-InformationReconfigList ::= 		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+										RB-InformationReconfig
+RB-InformationReconfigList-r4 ::= 	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+										RB-InformationReconfig-r4
+RB-InformationReconfigList-r5 ::= 	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+										RB-InformationReconfig-r5
+RB-InformationReconfigList-r6 ::= 	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+										RB-InformationReconfig-r6
+RB-InformationReleaseList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+										RB-Identity
+RB-InformationSetup ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	pdcp-Info							PDCP-Info							OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-InfoChoice						RLC-InfoChoice,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo
+RB-InformationSetup-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	pdcp-Info							PDCP-Info-r4						OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-InfoChoice						RLC-InfoChoice,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo
+RB-InformationSetup-r5 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	pdcp-Info							PDCP-Info-r4						OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-InfoChoice						RLC-InfoChoice-r5,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo-r5
+RB-InformationSetup-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	pdcp-Info							PDCP-Info-r4						OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-InfoChoice						RLC-InfoChoice-r6,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo-r6
+RB-InformationSetupList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBperRAB)) OF
+										RB-InformationSetup
+RB-InformationSetupList-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBperRAB)) OF
+										RB-InformationSetup-r4
+RB-InformationSetupList-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBperRAB)) OF
+										RB-InformationSetup-r5
+RB-InformationSetupList-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBperRAB)) OF
+										RB-InformationSetup-r6
+RB-MappingInfo ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBMuxOptions)) OF
+										RB-MappingOption
+RB-MappingInfo-r5 ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBMuxOptions)) OF
+										RB-MappingOption-r5
+RB-MappingInfo-r6 ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBMuxOptions)) OF
+										RB-MappingOption-r6
+RB-MappingOption ::= 				SEQUENCE {
+	ul-LogicalChannelMappings			UL-LogicalChannelMappings			OPTIONAL,
+	dl-LogicalChannelMappingList		DL-LogicalChannelMappingList		OPTIONAL
+RB-MappingOption-r5 ::= 				SEQUENCE {
+	ul-LogicalChannelMappings			UL-LogicalChannelMappings			OPTIONAL,
+	dl-LogicalChannelMappingList		DL-LogicalChannelMappingList-r5		OPTIONAL
+RB-MappingOption-r6 ::= 				SEQUENCE {
+	ul-LogicalChannelMappings			UL-LogicalChannelMappings-r6		OPTIONAL,
+	dl-LogicalChannelMappingList		DL-LogicalChannelMappingList-r5		OPTIONAL
+RB-PDCPContextRelocation ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity								RB-Identity,
+	dl-RFC3095-Context-Relocation			BOOLEAN,
+	ul-RFC3095-Context-Relocation			BOOLEAN
+RB-PDCPContextRelocationList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBallRABs)) OF
+											RB-PDCPContextRelocation
+RB-StopContinue ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										stopRB, continueRB }
+RB-WithPDCP-Info ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	pdcp-SN-Info						PDCP-SN-Info
+RB-WithPDCP-InfoList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBallRABs)) OF
+										RB-WithPDCP-Info
+ReceivingWindowSize ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										rw1, rw8, rw16, rw32, rw64, rw128, rw256,
+										rw512, rw768, rw1024, rw1536, rw2047, 
+										rw2560, rw3072, rw3584, rw4095 }
+RFC2507-Info ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	f-MAX-PERIOD						INTEGER (1..65535)					DEFAULT 256,
+	f-MAX-TIME							INTEGER (1..255)					DEFAULT 5,
+	max-HEADER							INTEGER (60..65535)					DEFAULT 168,
+	tcp-SPACE							INTEGER (3..255)					DEFAULT 15,
+	non-TCP-SPACE						INTEGER (3..65535)					DEFAULT 15,
+	-- TABULAR: expectReordering has only two possible values, so using Optional or Default
+	-- would be wasteful
+	expectReordering					ExpectReordering
+RFC3095-Info-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	rohcProfileList						ROHC-ProfileList-r4,
+	ul-RFC3095							UL-RFC3095-r4						OPTIONAL,
+	dl-RFC3095							DL-RFC3095-r4						OPTIONAL
+RLC-Info ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	ul-RLC-Mode							UL-RLC-Mode							OPTIONAL,
+	dl-RLC-Mode							DL-RLC-Mode							OPTIONAL
+RLC-Info-r5 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	ul-RLC-Mode							UL-RLC-Mode							OPTIONAL,
+	dl-RLC-Mode							DL-RLC-Mode-r5						OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-OneSidedReEst					BOOLEAN
+RLC-Info-r6 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	ul-RLC-Mode							UL-RLC-Mode							OPTIONAL,
+	dl-RLC-Mode							DL-RLC-Mode-r6						OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-OneSidedReEst					BOOLEAN,
+	altE-bitInterpretation				ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL
+RLC-Info-MCCH-r6 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	dl-UM-RLC-LI-size					DL-UM-RLC-LI-size,
+	dl-UM-RLC-OutOSeqDelivery-Info		UM-RLC-OutOSeqDelivery-Info-r6		OPTIONAL
+RLC-Info-MSCH-r6 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	dl-UM-RLC-LI-size					DL-UM-RLC-LI-size
+RLC-Info-MTCH-r6 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	dl-UM-RLC-LI-size					DL-UM-RLC-LI-size,
+	dl-UM-RLC-DuplAvoid-Reord-Info		UM-RLC-DuplAvoid-Reord-Info-r6		OPTIONAL
+RLC-InfoChoice ::=					CHOICE {
+	rlc-Info							RLC-Info,
+	same-as-RB							RB-Identity
+RLC-InfoChoice-r5 ::=				CHOICE {
+	rlc-Info							RLC-Info-r5,
+	same-as-RB							RB-Identity
+RLC-InfoChoice-r6 ::=				CHOICE {
+	rlc-Info							RLC-Info-r6,
+	same-as-RB							RB-Identity
+RLC-PDU-Size ::=					OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1
+RLC-PDU-SizeList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRLCPDUsizePerLogChan)) OF
+										RLC-PDU-Size
+RLC-SequenceNumber ::=				INTEGER (0..4095)
+RLC-SizeInfo ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	rlc-SizeIndex						INTEGER (1..maxTF)
+RLC-SizeExplicitList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE	(1..maxTF))	OF
+										RLC-SizeInfo
+ROHC-Profile-r4 ::=					INTEGER (1..3)
+ROHC-ProfileList-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE	(1..maxROHC-Profile-r4))	OF
+										ROHC-Profile-r4
+ROHC-PacketSize-r4 ::=				INTEGER (2..1500)
+ROHC-PacketSizeList-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE	(1..maxROHC-PacketSizes-r4))	OF
+										ROHC-PacketSize-r4
+SRB-InformationSetup ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- The default value for rb-Identity is the smallest value not used yet.
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity							OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-InfoChoice						RLC-InfoChoice,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo
+SRB-InformationSetup-r5 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- The default value for rb-Identity is the smallest value not used yet.
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity							OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-InfoChoice						RLC-InfoChoice-r5,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo-r5
+SRB-InformationSetup-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- The default value for rb-Identity is the smallest value not used yet.
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity							OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-InfoChoice						RLC-InfoChoice-r6,
+	rb-MappingInfo						RB-MappingInfo-r6
+SRB-InformationSetupList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSRBsetup)) OF
+										SRB-InformationSetup
+SRB-InformationSetupList-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSRBsetup)) OF
+										SRB-InformationSetup-r5
+SRB-InformationSetupList-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSRBsetup)) OF
+										SRB-InformationSetup-r6
+SRB-InformationSetupList2 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (3..4)) OF
+										SRB-InformationSetup
+SRB-InformationSetupList2-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (3..4)) OF
+										SRB-InformationSetup-r6
+TimerDAR-r6 ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										ms40, ms80, ms120, ms160, ms240, ms320, ms480, ms640,
+										ms960, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, ms3840, ms5120 }
+TimerDiscard ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										td0-1, td0-25, td0-5, td0-75,
+										td1, td1-25, td1-5, td1-75,
+										td2, td2-5, td3, td3-5, td4,
+										td4-5, td5, td7-5 }
+TimerEPC ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										te50, te60, te70, te80, te90,
+										te100, te120, te140, te160, te180,
+										te200, te300, te400, te500, te700,
+										te900 }
+TimerMRW ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										te50, te60, te70, te80, te90, te100, 
+										te120, te140, te160, te180, te200, 
+										te300, te400, te500, te700, te900 }
+TimerOSD-r6 ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										ms40, ms80, ms120, ms160, ms240, ms320, ms480, ms640,
+										ms960, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, ms3840, ms5120 }
+TimerPoll ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										tp10, tp20, tp30, tp40, tp50,
+										tp60, tp70, tp80, tp90, tp100,
+										tp110, tp120, tp130, tp140, tp150,
+										tp160, tp170, tp180, tp190, tp200,
+										tp210, tp220, tp230, tp240, tp250,
+										tp260, tp270, tp280, tp290, tp300,
+										tp310, tp320, tp330, tp340, tp350,
+										tp360, tp370, tp380, tp390, tp400,
+										tp410, tp420, tp430, tp440, tp450,
+										tp460, tp470, tp480, tp490, tp500,
+										tp510, tp520, tp530, tp540, tp550,
+										tp600, tp650, tp700, tp750, tp800,
+										tp850, tp900, tp950, tp1000 }
+TimerPollPeriodic ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										tper100, tper200, tper300, tper400,
+										tper500, tper750, tper1000, tper2000 }
+TimerPollProhibit ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										tpp10, tpp20, tpp30, tpp40, tpp50,
+										tpp60, tpp70, tpp80, tpp90, tpp100,
+										tpp110, tpp120, tpp130, tpp140, tpp150,
+										tpp160, tpp170, tpp180, tpp190, tpp200,
+										tpp210, tpp220, tpp230, tpp240, tpp250,
+										tpp260, tpp270, tpp280, tpp290, tpp300,
+										tpp310, tpp320, tpp330, tpp340, tpp350,
+										tpp360, tpp370, tpp380, tpp390, tpp400,
+										tpp410, tpp420, tpp430, tpp440, tpp450,
+										tpp460, tpp470, tpp480, tpp490, tpp500,
+										tpp510, tpp520, tpp530, tpp540, tpp550,
+										tpp600, tpp650, tpp700, tpp750, tpp800,
+										tpp850, tpp900, tpp950, tpp1000 }
+TimerRST ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										tr50, tr100, tr150, tr200, tr250, tr300, 
+										tr350, tr400, tr450, tr500, tr550,
+										tr600, tr700, tr800, tr900, tr1000 }
+TimerStatusPeriodic ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										tsp100, tsp200,	tsp300, tsp400, tsp500,
+										tsp750, tsp1000, tsp2000 }
+TimerStatusProhibit ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										tsp10,tsp20,tsp30,tsp40,tsp50,
+										tsp60,tsp70,tsp80,tsp90,tsp100,
+										tsp110,tsp120,tsp130,tsp140,tsp150,
+										tsp160,tsp170,tsp180,tsp190,tsp200,
+										tsp210,tsp220,tsp230,tsp240,tsp250,
+										tsp260,tsp270,tsp280,tsp290,tsp300,
+										tsp310,tsp320,tsp330,tsp340,tsp350,
+										tsp360,tsp370,tsp380,tsp390,tsp400,
+										tsp410,tsp420,tsp430,tsp440,tsp450,
+										tsp460,tsp470,tsp480,tsp490,tsp500,
+										tsp510,tsp520,tsp530,tsp540,tsp550,
+										tsp600,tsp650,tsp700,tsp750,tsp800,
+										tsp850,tsp900,tsp950,tsp1000 }
+TransmissionRLC-Discard ::=			CHOICE {
+	timerBasedExplicit					ExplicitDiscard,
+	timerBasedNoExplicit				NoExplicitDiscard,
+	maxDAT-Retransmissions				MaxDAT-Retransmissions,
+	noDiscard							MaxDAT
+TransmissionWindowSize ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										tw1, tw8, tw16, tw32, tw64, tw128, tw256,
+										tw512, tw768, tw1024, tw1536, tw2047, 
+										tw2560, tw3072, tw3584, tw4095 }
+UL-AM-RLC-Mode ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	transmissionRLC-Discard				TransmissionRLC-Discard,
+	transmissionWindowSize				TransmissionWindowSize,
+	timerRST							TimerRST,
+	max-RST								MaxRST,
+	pollingInfo							PollingInfo							OPTIONAL
+UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	rB-WithPDCP-InfoList					RB-WithPDCP-InfoList 	OPTIONAL,
+	startList								STARTList
+UL-LogicalChannelMapping ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: UL-TransportChannelType contains TransportChannelIdentity as well.
+	ul-TransportChannelType				UL-TransportChannelType,
+	logicalChannelIdentity				LogicalChannelIdentity				OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-SizeList						CHOICE {
+		allSizes							NULL,
+		configured							NULL,
+		explicitList						RLC-SizeExplicitList
+	},
+	mac-LogicalChannelPriority			MAC-LogicalChannelPriority
+UL-LogicalChannelMapping-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	ul-TrCH-Type						CHOICE {
+		dch-rach-usch						SEQUENCE {
+			-- TABULAR: UL-TransportChannelType contains TransportChannelIdentity as well.
+			ul-TransportChannelType				UL-TransportChannelType,
+			logicalChannelIdentity				LogicalChannelIdentity				OPTIONAL,
+			rlc-SizeList						CHOICE {
+				allSizes							NULL,
+				configured							NULL,
+				explicitList						RLC-SizeExplicitList
+			}
+		},
+		e-dch								SEQUENCE {
+			logicalChannelIdentity				LogicalChannelIdentity,
+			e-DCH-MAC-d-FlowIdentity			E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowIdentity,
+			ddi									DDI,
+			rlc-PDU-SizeList					RLC-PDU-SizeList,
+			includeInSchedulingInfo				BOOLEAN
+		}
+	},
+	mac-LogicalChannelPriority			MAC-LogicalChannelPriority
+UL-LogicalChannelMappingList ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	-- rlc-LogicalChannelMappingIndicator shall be set to TRUE in this version
+	-- of the specification
+	rlc-LogicalChannelMappingIndicator	BOOLEAN,
+	ul-LogicalChannelMapping			SEQUENCE (SIZE (maxLoCHperRLC)) OF
+										UL-LogicalChannelMapping
+UL-LogicalChannelMappingList-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	-- rlc-LogicalChannelMappingIndicator shall be set to TRUE in this version
+	-- of the specification
+	rlc-LogicalChannelMappingIndicator	BOOLEAN,
+	ul-LogicalChannelMapping			SEQUENCE (SIZE (maxLoCHperRLC)) OF
+											UL-LogicalChannelMapping-r6
+UL-LogicalChannelMappings ::=		CHOICE {
+	oneLogicalChannel					UL-LogicalChannelMapping,
+	twoLogicalChannels					UL-LogicalChannelMappingList
+UL-LogicalChannelMappings-r6 ::=	CHOICE {
+	oneLogicalChannel					UL-LogicalChannelMapping-r6,
+	twoLogicalChannels					UL-LogicalChannelMappingList-r6
+UL-RFC3095-r4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	cid-InclusionInfo					CID-InclusionInfo-r4,
+	max-CID								INTEGER (1..16383)					DEFAULT 15,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and
+	-- it should be ignored by the receiver.
+	dummy								ROHC-PacketSizeList-r4
+UL-RLC-Mode ::=						CHOICE {
+	ul-AM-RLC-Mode						UL-AM-RLC-Mode,
+	ul-UM-RLC-Mode						UL-UM-RLC-Mode,
+	ul-TM-RLC-Mode						UL-TM-RLC-Mode,
+	spare								NULL
+UL-TM-RLC-Mode ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	transmissionRLC-Discard				TransmissionRLC-Discard				OPTIONAL,
+	segmentationIndication				BOOLEAN
+UL-UM-RLC-Mode ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	transmissionRLC-Discard				TransmissionRLC-Discard				OPTIONAL
+UL-TransportChannelType ::=			CHOICE {
+	dch									TransportChannelIdentity,
+	rach								NULL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and
+	-- if received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+	dummy								NULL,
+	usch								TransportChannelIdentity
+UM-RLC-DuplAvoid-Reord-Info-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	timer-DAR							TimerDAR-r6,
+	widowSize-DAR						WindowSizeDAR-r6
+UM-RLC-OutOSeqDelivery-Info-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	timer-OSD							TimerOSD-r6							OPTIONAL,
+	windowSize-OSD						WindowSizeOSD-r6
+WindowSizeDAR-r6 ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										ws4, ws8, ws16, ws32, ws40, ws48,
+										ws56, ws64 }
+WindowSizeOSD-r6 ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										ws8, ws16, ws32, ws40, ws48,
+										ws56, ws64 }
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+AddOrReconfMAC-dFlow ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	mac-hs-AddReconfQueue-List					MAC-hs-AddReconfQueue-List	OPTIONAL,
+	mac-hs-DelQueue-List						MAC-hs-DelQueue-List	OPTIONAL
+AllowedTFC-List ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF
+										TFC-Value
+AllowedTFI-List ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF
+										INTEGER (0..31)
+BitModeRLC-SizeInfo ::=				CHOICE {
+	sizeType1							INTEGER (0..127),
+	-- Actual value sizeType2 = (part1 * 8) + 128 + part2
+	sizeType2							SEQUENCE {
+		part1								INTEGER (0..15),
+		part2								INTEGER (1..7)					OPTIONAL
+	},
+	-- Actual value sizeType3 = (part1 * 16) + 256 + part2
+	sizeType3							SEQUENCE {
+		part1								INTEGER (0..47),
+		part2								INTEGER (1..15)					OPTIONAL
+	},
+	-- Actual value sizeType4 = (part1 * 64) + 1024 + part2
+	sizeType4							SEQUENCE {
+		part1								INTEGER (0..62),
+		part2								INTEGER (1..63)					OPTIONAL
+	}
+-- Actual value BLER-QualityValue = IE value * 0.1
+BLER-QualityValue ::=				INTEGER (-63..0)
+ChannelCodingType ::=				CHOICE { 
+	-- noCoding is only used for TDD in this version of the specification,
+	-- otherwise it should be ignored
+	noCoding							NULL,
+	convolutional						CodingRate,
+	turbo								NULL 
+CodingRate ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										half,
+										third }
+CommonDynamicTF-Info ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rlc-Size							CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			octetModeRLC-SizeInfoType2			OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType2
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			commonTDD-Choice					CHOICE {
+				bitModeRLC-SizeInfo					BitModeRLC-SizeInfo,
+				octetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1			OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	numberOfTbSizeList				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF		
+											NumberOfTransportBlocks,
+	logicalChannelList				LogicalChannelList
+CommonDynamicTF-Info-DynamicTTI ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	commonTDD-Choice					CHOICE {
+		bitModeRLC-SizeInfo					BitModeRLC-SizeInfo,
+		octetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1			OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1
+	},
+	numberOfTbSizeAndTTIList			NumberOfTbSizeAndTTIList,
+	logicalChannelList					LogicalChannelList
+CommonDynamicTF-InfoList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF
+										CommonDynamicTF-Info
+CommonDynamicTF-InfoList-DynamicTTI ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF
+										CommonDynamicTF-Info-DynamicTTI
+CommonTransChTFS ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	tti									CHOICE {
+		tti10								CommonDynamicTF-InfoList,
+		tti20								CommonDynamicTF-InfoList,
+		tti40								CommonDynamicTF-InfoList,
+		tti80								CommonDynamicTF-InfoList,
+		dynamic								CommonDynamicTF-InfoList-DynamicTTI
+	},
+	semistaticTF-Information			SemistaticTF-Information
+CommonTransChTFS-LCR ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	tti									CHOICE {
+		tti5								CommonDynamicTF-InfoList,
+		tti10								CommonDynamicTF-InfoList,
+		tti20								CommonDynamicTF-InfoList,
+		tti40								CommonDynamicTF-InfoList,
+		tti80								CommonDynamicTF-InfoList,
+		dynamic								CommonDynamicTF-InfoList-DynamicTTI
+	},
+	semistaticTF-Information			SemistaticTF-Information
+CPCH-SetID ::=						INTEGER (1..maxCPCHsets)
+CRC-Size ::=						ENUMERATED { 
+										crc0, crc8, crc12, crc16, crc24 }
+DedicatedDynamicTF-Info ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rlc-Size							CHOICE {
+		bitMode								BitModeRLC-SizeInfo,
+		octetModeType1						OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1
+	},
+	numberOfTbSizeList				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF										NumberOfTransportBlocks,
+	logicalChannelList				LogicalChannelList 
+DedicatedDynamicTF-Info-DynamicTTI ::= SEQUENCE {
+	rlc-Size							CHOICE {
+		bitMode								BitModeRLC-SizeInfo,
+		octetModeType1						OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1
+	},
+	numberOfTbSizeAndTTIList			NumberOfTbSizeAndTTIList,
+	logicalChannelList				LogicalChannelList 
+DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF
+										DedicatedDynamicTF-Info
+DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList-DynamicTTI ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF
+										DedicatedDynamicTF-Info-DynamicTTI
+DedicatedTransChTFS ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	tti									CHOICE {
+		tti10								DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList,
+		tti20								DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList,
+		tti40								DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList,
+		tti80								DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList,
+		dynamic								DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList-DynamicTTI
+	},
+	semistaticTF-Information			SemistaticTF-Information
+-- The maximum allowed size of DL-AddReconfTransChInfo2List sequence is 16
+DL-AddReconfTransChInfo2List ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCHpreconf)) OF
+										DL-AddReconfTransChInformation2
+-- The maximum allowed size of DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList sequence is 16
+DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCHpreconf)) OF
+										DL-AddReconfTransChInformation
+-- The maximum allowed size of DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4 sequence is 16
+DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCHpreconf)) OF
+										DL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r4
+-- The maximum allowed size of DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 sequence is 16
+DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCHpreconf)) OF
+										DL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r5
+-- ASN.1 for IE "Added or Reconfigured DL TrCH information" 
+-- in case of messages other than: Radio Bearer Release message and 
+-- Radio Bearer Reconfiguration message
+DL-AddReconfTransChInformation ::= 	SEQUENCE {
+	dl-TransportChannelType				DL-TrCH-Type,
+	dl-transportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity,
+	tfs-SignallingMode					CHOICE {
+		explicit-config						TransportFormatSet,
+		sameAsULTrCH						UL-TransportChannelIdentity
+	},
+	dch-QualityTarget					QualityTarget						OPTIONAL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should 
+	-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy								TM-SignallingInfo					OPTIONAL
+DL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r4 ::= 	SEQUENCE {
+	dl-TransportChannelType				DL-TrCH-Type,
+	dl-transportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity,
+	tfs-SignallingMode					CHOICE {
+		explicit-config						TransportFormatSet,
+		sameAsULTrCH						UL-TransportChannelIdentity
+	},
+	dch-QualityTarget					QualityTarget						OPTIONAL
+DL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r5 ::= 	SEQUENCE {
+	dl-TransportChannelType				DL-TrCH-TypeId1-r5,
+	tfs-SignallingMode					CHOICE {
+		explicit-config						TransportFormatSet,
+		sameAsULTrCH						UL-TransportChannelIdentity,
+		hsdsch								HSDSCH-Info
+	},
+	dch-QualityTarget					QualityTarget						OPTIONAL
+-- ASN.1 for IE "Added or Reconfigured DL TrCH information" 
+-- in case of Radio Bearer Release message and 
+-- Radio Bearer Reconfiguration message
+DL-AddReconfTransChInformation2 ::= SEQUENCE {
+	dl-TransportChannelType				DL-TrCH-Type,
+	transportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity,
+	tfs-SignallingMode					CHOICE {
+		explicit-config						TransportFormatSet,
+		sameAsULTrCH						UL-TransportChannelIdentity
+	},
+	qualityTarget						QualityTarget						OPTIONAL
+DL-CommonTransChInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	sccpch-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL,
+	-- modeSpecificInfo should be optional. A new version of this IE should be defined 
+	-- to be used in later versions of messages using this IE
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			dl-Parameters						CHOICE {
+				dl-DCH-TFCS							TFCS,
+				sameAsUL							NULL
+			}																OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			individualDL-CCTrCH-InfoList		IndividualDL-CCTrCH-InfoList
+																			OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	sccpch-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			dl-Parameters						CHOICE {
+				dl-DCH-TFCS							SEQUENCE {
+					tfcs								TFCS				OPTIONAL
+				},
+				sameAsUL							NULL
+			}																OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			individualDL-CCTrCH-InfoList		IndividualDL-CCTrCH-InfoList
+																			OPTIONAL
+		}
+DL-DeletedTransChInfoList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										DL-TransportChannelIdentity
+DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										DL-TransportChannelIdentity-r5	
+DL-TransportChannelIdentity ::= 		SEQUENCE {
+	dl-TransportChannelType				DL-TrCH-Type,
+	dl-TransportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity
+DL-TransportChannelIdentity-r5 ::= 		SEQUENCE {
+	dl-TransportChannelType				DL-TrCH-TypeId2-r5
+-- The choice ÒdschÓ should not be used in FDD mode, and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified
+DL-TrCH-Type ::=					ENUMERATED {dch, dsch}
+DL-TrCH-TypeId1-r5 ::=				CHOICE {
+	dch									TransportChannelIdentity,
+	-- The choice ÒdschÓ should not be used in FDD mode, and if received
+	-- the UE behaviour is unspecified.
+	dsch								TransportChannelIdentity,
+	hsdsch								NULL
+DL-TrCH-TypeId2-r5 ::=				CHOICE {
+	dch									TransportChannelIdentity,
+	-- The choice ÒdschÓ should not be used in FDD mode, and if received
+	-- the UE behaviour is unspecified.
+	dsch								TransportChannelIdentity,
+	hsdsch								MAC-d-FlowIdentity
+DRAC-ClassIdentity ::=				INTEGER (1..maxDRACclasses)
+DRAC-StaticInformation ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	transmissionTimeValidity			TransmissionTimeValidity,
+	timeDurationBeforeRetry				TimeDurationBeforeRetry,
+	drac-ClassIdentity					DRAC-ClassIdentity
+DRAC-StaticInformationList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF 
+										DRAC-StaticInformation
+E-DCH-AddReconf-MAC-d-Flow ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	mac-d-FlowIdentity					E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowIdentity,
+	mac-d-FlowPowerOffset				E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowPowerOffset			OPTIONAL,
+	mac-d-FlowMaxRetrans				E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowMaxRetrans			OPTIONAL,
+	mac-d-FlowMultiplexingList			E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowMultiplexingList	OPTIONAL,
+	transmissionGrantType				CHOICE {
+		non-ScheduledTransGrantInfo			SEQUENCE {
+			maxMAC-e-PDUContents				INTEGER (1..19982),
+			ms2-NonSchedTransmGrantHARQAlloc	BIT STRING (SIZE (8))		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		scheduledTransmissionGrantInfo		NULL
+E-DCH-AddReconf-MAC-d-FlowList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxE-DCHMACdFlow)) OF
+							E-DCH-AddReconf-MAC-d-Flow
+E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowIdentity ::=		INTEGER (0..maxE-DCHMACdFlow-1)
+E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowMaxRetrans ::=		INTEGER (0..15)
+E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowMultiplexingList ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (maxE-DCHMACdFlow))
+E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowPowerOffset ::=		INTEGER (0..6)
+E-DCH-TTI ::=						ENUMERATED { tti2, tti10 }
+ExplicitTFCS-Configuration ::=		CHOICE {
+	complete							TFCS-ReconfAdd,
+	addition							TFCS-ReconfAdd,
+	removal								TFCS-RemovalList,
+	replacement							SEQUENCE {
+		tfcsRemoval							TFCS-RemovalList,
+		tfcsAdd								TFCS-ReconfAdd
+	}
+GainFactor ::=						INTEGER (0..15)
+GainFactorInformation ::=			CHOICE {
+	signalledGainFactors				SignalledGainFactors,
+	computedGainFactors					ReferenceTFC-ID
+HSDSCH-Info ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	harqInfo							HARQ-Info 				OPTIONAL,
+	addOrReconfMAC-dFlow				AddOrReconfMAC-dFlow	OPTIONAL
+HARQ-Info ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	numberOfProcesses					INTEGER (1..8),
+	memoryPartitioning					CHOICE {
+		implicit							NULL,
+		explicit							SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHProcesses)) OF
+												HARQMemorySize
+	}
+HARQMemorySize ::= 					ENUMERATED {
+										hms800, hms1600, hms2400, hms3200, hms4000,
+										hms4800, hms5600, hms6400, hms7200, hms8000,
+										hms8800, hms9600, hms10400, hms11200, hms12000,
+										hms12800, hms13600, hms14400, hms15200, hms16000,
+										hms17600, hms19200, hms20800, hms22400, hms24000,
+										hms25600, hms27200, hms28800, hms30400, hms32000,
+										hms36000, hms40000, hms44000, hms48000, hms52000,
+										hms56000, hms60000, hms64000, hms68000, hms72000,
+										hms76000, hms80000, hms88000, hms96000, hms104000,
+										hms112000, hms120000, hms128000, hms136000, hms144000,
+										hms152000, hms160000, hms176000, hms192000, hms208000,
+										hms224000, hms240000, hms256000, hms272000, hms288000,
+										hms304000 }
+IndividualDL-CCTrCH-Info ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	dl-TFCS-Identity					TFCS-Identity,
+	tfcs-SignallingMode					CHOICE {
+		explicit-config						TFCS,
+		sameAsUL							TFCS-Identity
+	}
+IndividualDL-CCTrCH-InfoList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+										IndividualDL-CCTrCH-Info
+IndividualUL-CCTrCH-Info ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	ul-TFCS-Identity					TFCS-Identity,
+	ul-TFCS								TFCS ,
+	tfc-Subset							TFC-Subset
+IndividualUL-CCTrCH-InfoList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+										IndividualUL-CCTrCH-Info
+LogicalChannelByRB ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,	
+	logChOfRb							INTEGER (0..1)						OPTIONAL
+LogicalChannelList ::=				CHOICE {
+		allSizes							NULL,
+		configured							NULL,
+		explicitList						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..15)) OF
+												LogicalChannelByRB				
+MAC-d-FlowIdentityDCHandHSDSCH ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	dch-transport-ch-id				TransportChannelIdentity,
+	hsdsch-mac-d-flow-id			MAC-d-FlowIdentity
+MAC-d-FlowIdentity ::=				INTEGER (0..7)
+MAC-d-PDU-SizeInfo-List ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxMAC-d-PDUsizes)) OF
+										MAC-d-PDUsizeInfo
+--MAC-d-Pdu sizes need to be defined
+MAC-d-PDUsizeInfo ::=				SEQUENCE{
+	mac-d-PDU-Size						INTEGER (1..5000),
+	mac-d-PDU-Index						INTEGER(0..7)
+MAC-hs-AddReconfQueue-List ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxQueueIDs)) OF
+										MAC-hs-AddReconfQueue
+MAC-hs-AddReconfQueue ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	mac-hsQueueId						INTEGER(0..7),
+	mac-dFlowId							MAC-d-FlowIdentity,
+	reorderingReleaseTimer				T1-ReleaseTimer,
+	mac-hsWindowSize					MAC-hs-WindowSize,
+	mac-d-PDU-SizeInfo-List				MAC-d-PDU-SizeInfo-List				OPTIONAL
+MAC-hs-DelQueue-List ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxQueueIDs)) OF
+										MAC-hs-DelQueue
+MAC-hs-DelQueue ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	mac-hsQueueId						INTEGER(0..7)
+MAC-hs-WindowSize ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										mws4, mws6, mws8, mws12, mws16, mws24, mws32 }
+NumberOfTbSizeAndTTIList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF SEQUENCE {
+		numberOfTransportBlocks				NumberOfTransportBlocks,
+		transmissionTimeInterval			TransmissionTimeInterval
+MessType ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										transportFormatCombinationControl }
+Non-allowedTFC-List ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF
+										TFC-Value
+NumberOfTransportBlocks ::=			CHOICE {
+	zero								NULL,
+	one									NULL,
+	small								INTEGER (2..17),
+	large								INTEGER (18..512)
+OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1 ::=		CHOICE {
+	-- Actual size = (8 * sizeType1) + 16
+	sizeType1							INTEGER (0..31),
+	sizeType2							SEQUENCE {
+		-- Actual size = (32 * part1) + 272 + (part2 * 8)
+		part1								INTEGER (0..23),
+		part2								INTEGER (1..3)					OPTIONAL
+	},
+	sizeType3							SEQUENCE {
+		-- Actual size = (64 * part1) + 1040 + (part2 * 8)
+		part1								INTEGER (0..61),
+		part2								INTEGER (1..7)					OPTIONAL
+	}
+OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType2 ::=		CHOICE {
+	-- Actual size = (sizeType1 * 8) + 48
+	sizeType1							INTEGER (0..31),
+	-- Actual size = (sizeType2 * 16) + 312
+	sizeType2							INTEGER (0..63),
+	-- Actual size = (sizeType3 *64) + 1384
+	sizeType3							INTEGER (0..56)
+PowerOffsetInfoShort ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	referenceTFC						TFC-Value,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			gainFactorBetaC						GainFactor
+		},
+		tdd									NULL
+	},
+	gainFactorBetaD						GainFactor
+PowerOffsetInformation ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	gainFactorInformation				GainFactorInformation,
+	-- PowerOffsetPp-m is always absent in TDD
+	powerOffsetPp-m						PowerOffsetPp-m						OPTIONAL
+PowerOffsetPp-m ::=					INTEGER (-5..10)
+PreDefTransChConfiguration ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	ul-CommonTransChInfo				UL-CommonTransChInfo,
+	ul-AddReconfTrChInfoList			UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList,
+	dl-CommonTransChInfo				DL-CommonTransChInfo,
+	dl-TrChInfoList						DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList
+QualityTarget ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	bler-QualityValue					BLER-QualityValue
+RateMatchingAttribute ::=			INTEGER (1..hiRM)
+ReferenceTFC-ID ::=					INTEGER (0..3)
+RestrictedTrChInfo ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	ul-TransportChannelType				UL-TrCH-Type,
+	restrictedTrChIdentity				TransportChannelIdentity,
+	allowedTFI-List						AllowedTFI-List						OPTIONAL
+RestrictedTrChInfoList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										RestrictedTrChInfo
+SemistaticTF-Information ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: Transmission time interval has been included in the IE CommonTransChTFS.
+	channelCodingType					ChannelCodingType,
+	rateMatchingAttribute				RateMatchingAttribute,
+	crc-Size							CRC-Size
+SignalledGainFactors ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			gainFactorBetaC						GainFactor
+		},
+		tdd									NULL
+	},
+	gainFactorBetaD						GainFactor,
+	referenceTFC-ID						ReferenceTFC-ID						OPTIONAL
+SplitTFCI-Signalling ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	splitType							SplitType						OPTIONAL,
+	tfci-Field2-Length					INTEGER (1..10)					OPTIONAL,
+	tfci-Field1-Information				ExplicitTFCS-Configuration		OPTIONAL,
+	tfci-Field2-Information				TFCI-Field2-Information			OPTIONAL
+SplitType ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										hardSplit, logicalSplit }
+T1-ReleaseTimer ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										rt10, rt20, rt30, rt40, rt50,
+										rt60, rt70, rt80, rt90, rt100,
+										rt120, rt140, rt160, rt200, rt300,
+										rt400 }
+TFC-Subset ::=						CHOICE {
+	minimumAllowedTFC-Number			TFC-Value,
+	allowedTFC-List						AllowedTFC-List,
+	non-allowedTFC-List					Non-allowedTFC-List,
+	restrictedTrChInfoList				RestrictedTrChInfoList,
+	fullTFCS							NULL
+TFC-SubsetList ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxTFCsub)) OF SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									NULL,
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			tfcs-ID								TFCS-Identity				OPTIONAL
+		}
+	},
+	tfc-Subset							TFC-Subset
+TFC-Value ::=						INTEGER (0..1023)
+TFCI-Field2-Information ::=			CHOICE {
+	tfci-Range							TFCI-RangeList,
+	explicit-config						ExplicitTFCS-Configuration
+TFCI-Range ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	maxTFCIField2Value					INTEGER (1..1023),
+	tfcs-InfoForDSCH					TFCS-InfoForDSCH
+TFCI-RangeList ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH-TFCIgroups)) OF
+										TFCI-Range
+TFCS ::=							CHOICE {
+	normalTFCI-Signalling				ExplicitTFCS-Configuration,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+	dummy								SplitTFCI-Signalling
+TFCS-Identity ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	sharedChannelIndicator				BOOLEAN
+TFCS-IdentityPlain ::=				INTEGER (1..8)
+TFCS-InfoForDSCH ::=				CHOICE {
+	ctfc2bit							INTEGER (0..3),
+	ctfc4bit							INTEGER (0..15),
+	ctfc6bit							INTEGER (0..63),
+	ctfc8bit							INTEGER (0..255),
+	ctfc12bit							INTEGER (0..4095),
+	ctfc16bit							INTEGER (0..65535),
+	ctfc24bit							INTEGER (0..16777215)
+TFCS-ReconfAdd ::=					SEQUENCE{
+	ctfcSize							CHOICE{
+		ctfc2Bit							SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE {
+			ctfc2								INTEGER (0..3),
+			powerOffsetInformation				PowerOffsetInformation			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		ctfc4Bit							SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE {
+			ctfc4 								INTEGER (0..15),
+			powerOffsetInformation				PowerOffsetInformation			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		ctfc6Bit							SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE {
+			ctfc6								INTEGER (0..63),
+			powerOffsetInformation				PowerOffsetInformation			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		ctfc8Bit							SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE {
+			ctfc8								INTEGER (0..255),
+			powerOffsetInformation				PowerOffsetInformation			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		ctfc12Bit							SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE {
+			ctfc12								INTEGER (0..4095),
+ 			powerOffsetInformation				PowerOffsetInformation			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		ctfc16Bit							SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE {
+			ctfc16								INTEGER(0..65535),
+			powerOffsetInformation				PowerOffsetInformation			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		ctfc24Bit							SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE {
+			ctfc24								INTEGER(0..16777215),
+			powerOffsetInformation				PowerOffsetInformation			OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+TFCS-Removal ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	tfci								INTEGER (0..1023)
+TFCS-RemovalList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF
+										TFCS-Removal
+TimeDurationBeforeRetry ::=			INTEGER (1..256)
+TM-SignallingInfo ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	messType							MessType,
+	tm-SignallingMode					CHOICE {
+		mode1								NULL,
+		mode2								SEQUENCE {
+			-- in ul-controlledTrChList, TrCH-Type is always DCH
+			ul-controlledTrChList				UL-ControlledTrChList
+		}
+	}
+TransmissionTimeInterval ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										tti10, tti20, tti40, tti80 }
+TransmissionTimeValidity ::=		INTEGER (1..256)
+TransportChannelIdentity ::=		INTEGER (1..32)
+TransportChannelIdentityDCHandDSCH ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	dch-transport-ch-id				TransportChannelIdentity,
+	dsch-transport-ch-id			TransportChannelIdentity
+TransportFormatSet ::=				CHOICE {
+	dedicatedTransChTFS					DedicatedTransChTFS,
+	commonTransChTFS					CommonTransChTFS
+TransportFormatSet-LCR ::=				CHOICE {
+	dedicatedTransChTFS					DedicatedTransChTFS,
+	commonTransChTFS-LCR				CommonTransChTFS-LCR
+-- The maximum allowed size of UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList sequence is 16
+UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCHpreconf)) OF
+										UL-AddReconfTransChInformation
+-- The maximum allowed size of UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6 sequence is 32
+UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										UL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r6
+UL-AddReconfTransChInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+	ul-TransportChannelType				UL-TrCH-Type,
+	transportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity,
+	transportFormatSet					TransportFormatSet
+UL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r6 ::= CHOICE {
+	dch-usch							SEQUENCE {
+		ul-TransportChannelType				UL-TrCH-Type,
+		transportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity,
+		transportFormatSet					TransportFormatSet
+	},
+	e-dch								SEQUENCE {
+		tti									E-DCH-TTI,
+		harq-Info							ENUMERATED { rv0, rvtable },
+		addReconf-MAC-d-FlowList			E-DCH-AddReconf-MAC-d-FlowList	OPTIONAL
+	}
+UL-CommonTransChInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: tfc-subset is applicable to FDD only, TDD specifies tfc-subset in individual 
+	-- CCTrCH Info.
+	tfc-Subset							TFC-Subset							OPTIONAL,
+	prach-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ul-TFCS							TFCS
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			individualUL-CCTrCH-InfoList		IndividualUL-CCTrCH-InfoList
+																			OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}																		OPTIONAL
+UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: tfc-subset is applicable to FDD only, TDD specifies tfc-subset in individual 
+	-- CCTrCH Info.
+	tfc-Subset							TFC-Subset							OPTIONAL,
+	prach-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ul-TFCS								TFCS
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			individualUL-CCTrCH-InfoList		IndividualUL-CCTrCH-InfoList		OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}																		OPTIONAL,
+	tfc-SubsetList						TFC-SubsetList						OPTIONAL
+-- In UL-ControlledTrChList, TrCH-Type is always DCH
+UL-ControlledTrChList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										TransportChannelIdentity
+UL-DeletedTransChInfoList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										UL-TransportChannelIdentity
+UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										UL-TransportChannelIdentity-r6
+UL-TransportChannelIdentity ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	ul-TransportChannelType				UL-TrCH-Type,
+	ul-TransportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity
+UL-TransportChannelIdentity-r6 ::=	CHOICE {
+	dch-usch							SEQUENCE {
+		ul-TransportChannelType				UL-TrCH-Type,
+		ul-TransportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity
+	},
+	e-dch								E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowIdentity
+UL-TrCH-Type ::=					ENUMERATED {dch, usch}
+USCH-TransportChannelsInfo ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										SEQUENCE {
+	usch-TransportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity,
+	usch-TFS								TransportFormatSet
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+ACK-NACK-repetitionFactor ::=		INTEGER(1..4)
+AC-To-ASC-Mapping ::=				INTEGER (0..7)
+AC-To-ASC-MappingTable ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (maxASCmap)) OF
+										AC-To-ASC-Mapping
+AccessServiceClass-FDD ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	availableSignatureStartIndex		INTEGER (0..15),
+	availableSignatureEndIndex			INTEGER (0..15),
+	assignedSubChannelNumber			BIT STRING {
+											b3(0),
+											b2(1),
+											b1(2),
+											b0(3)
+											}	 (SIZE(4))
+AccessServiceClass-TDD ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	channelisationCodeIndices			BIT STRING	{
+											chCodeIndex7(0),
+											chCodeIndex6(1),
+											chCodeIndex5(2),
+											chCodeIndex4(3),
+											chCodeIndex3(4),
+											chCodeIndex2(5),
+											chCodeIndex1(6),
+											chCodeIndex0(7)
+											} (SIZE(8))				OPTIONAL,
+	subchannelSize						CHOICE {
+		size1								NULL,
+		size2								SEQUENCE {
+			-- subch0 means bitstring '01' in the tabular, subch1 means bitsring '10'
+			subchannels							ENUMERATED	{ subch0, subch1 }	OPTIONAL
+		},
+		size4								SEQUENCE {
+			subchannels							BIT STRING	{
+													subCh3(0), 
+													subCh2(1), 
+													subCh1(2), 
+													subCh0(3) 
+													} (SIZE(4))		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		size8								SEQUENCE {
+			subchannels							BIT STRING	{
+													subCh7(0), 
+													subCh6(1), 
+													subCh5(2), 
+													subCh4(3), 
+													subCh3(4), 
+													subCh2(5), 
+													subCh1(6), 
+													subCh0(7) 
+													} (SIZE(8))		OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+AccessServiceClass-TDD-r7 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	channelisationCodeIndices			BIT STRING	{
+											chCodeIndex15(0),
+											chCodeIndex14(1),
+											chCodeIndex13(2),
+											chCodeIndex12(3),
+											chCodeIndex11(4),
+											chCodeIndex10(5),
+											chCodeIndex9(6),
+											chCodeIndex8(7),
+											chCodeIndex7(8),
+											chCodeIndex6(9),
+											chCodeIndex5(10),
+											chCodeIndex4(11),
+											chCodeIndex3(12),
+											chCodeIndex2(13),
+											chCodeIndex1(14),
+											chCodeIndex0(15)
+											} (SIZE(16))				OPTIONAL,
+	subchannelSize						CHOICE {
+		size1								NULL,
+		size2								SEQUENCE {
+			-- subch0 means bitstring '01' in the tabular, subch1 means bitsring '10'
+			subchannels							ENUMERATED	{ subch0, subch1 }	OPTIONAL
+		},
+		size4								SEQUENCE {
+			subchannels							BIT STRING	{
+													subCh3(0), 
+													subCh2(1), 
+													subCh1(2), 
+													subCh0(3) 
+													} (SIZE(4))		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		size8								SEQUENCE {
+			subchannels							BIT STRING	{
+													subCh7(0), 
+													subCh6(1), 
+													subCh5(2), 
+													subCh4(3), 
+													subCh3(4), 
+													subCh2(5), 
+													subCh1(6), 
+													subCh0(7) 
+													} (SIZE(8))		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		size16								SEQUENCE {
+			subchannels							BIT STRING	{
+													subCh15(0), 
+													subCh14(1), 
+													subCh13(2), 
+													subCh12(3), 
+													subCh11(4), 
+													subCh10(5), 
+													subCh9(6), 
+													subCh8(7),
+													subCh7(8),
+													subCh6(9),
+													subCh5(10),
+													subCh4(11),
+													subCh3(12),
+													subCh2(13),
+													subCh1(14),
+													subCh0(15) 
+													} (SIZE(16))		OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+AccessServiceClass-TDD-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	availableSYNC-UlCodesIndics		    BIT STRING {
+											sulCodeIndex7(0),
+											sulCodeIndex6(1),
+											sulCodeIndex5(2),
+											sulCodeIndex4(3),
+											sulCodeIndex3(4),
+											sulCodeIndex2(5),
+											sulCodeIndex1(6),
+											sulCodeIndex0(7)
+											} (SIZE(8))               OPTIONAL,
+	subchannelSize						CHOICE {
+		size1								NULL,
+		size2								SEQUENCE {
+			-- subch0 means bitstring '01' in the tabular, subch1 means bitsring '10'.
+			subchannels							ENUMERATED	{ subch0, subch1 }	OPTIONAL
+		},
+		size4								SEQUENCE {
+			subchannels							BIT STRING	{
+													subCh3(0), 
+													subCh2(1), 
+													subCh1(2), 
+													subCh0(3) 
+													} (SIZE(4))			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		size8								SEQUENCE {
+			subchannels							BIT STRING	{
+													subCh7(0), 
+													subCh6(1), 
+													subCh5(2), 
+													subCh4(3), 
+													subCh3(4), 
+													subCh2(5), 
+													subCh1(6), 
+													subCh0(7) 
+													} (SIZE(8))			OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+AdditionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	powerOffsetInformation				PowerOffsetInformation,
+	dynamicTFInformationCCCH			DynamicTFInformationCCCH
+AdditionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH ::=	SEQUENCE {
+-- The order is the same as in the PRACH-SystemInformationList
+AdditionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-List ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPRACH)) OF
+										AdditionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH
+AICH-Info ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	channelisationCode256				ChannelisationCode256,
+	sttd-Indicator						BOOLEAN,
+	aich-TransmissionTiming				AICH-TransmissionTiming
+AICH-PowerOffset ::=				INTEGER (-22..5)
+AICH-TransmissionTiming ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										e0, e1 }
+AllocationPeriodInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	allocationActivationTime			INTEGER (0..255),
+	allocationDuration					INTEGER (1..256)
+-- Actual value Alpha = IE value * 0.125
+Alpha ::=							INTEGER (0..8)
+AP-AICH-ChannelisationCode ::=		INTEGER (0..255)
+AP-PreambleScramblingCode ::=		INTEGER (0..79)
+AP-Signature ::=					INTEGER (0..15)
+AP-Signature-VCAM ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	ap-Signature						AP-Signature,
+	availableAP-SubchannelList			AvailableAP-SubchannelList OPTIONAL
+AP-Subchannel ::=					INTEGER (0..11)
+ASCSetting-FDD ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: accessServiceClass-FDD is MD in tabular description
+	-- Default value is previous ASC
+	-- If this is the first ASC, the default value is all available signature and sub-channels
+	accessServiceClass-FDD					AccessServiceClass-FDD	OPTIONAL
+ASCSetting-TDD ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: accessServiceClass-TDD is MD in tabular description
+	-- Default value is previous ASC
+	-- If this is the first ASC, the default value is all available channelisation codes and
+	-- all available sub-channels with subchannelSize=size1.
+	accessServiceClass-TDD					AccessServiceClass-TDD	OPTIONAL
+ASCSetting-TDD-r7 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: accessServiceClass-TDD is MD in tabular description
+	-- Default value is previous ASC
+	-- If this is the first ASC, the default value is all available channelisation codes and
+	-- all available sub-channels with subchannelSize=size1.
+	accessServiceClass-TDD						AccessServiceClass-TDD-r7	OPTIONAL
+ASCSetting-TDD-LCR-r4 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: accessServiceClass-TDD-LCR is MD in tabular description
+	-- Default value is previous ASC
+	-- If this is the first ASC, the default value is all available SYNC_UL codes and
+	-- all available sub-channels with subchannelSize=size1. 
+	accessServiceClass-TDD-LCR					AccessServiceClass-TDD-LCR-r4  	OPTIONAL
+AvailableAP-Signature-VCAMList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCH-APsig)) OF
+										AP-Signature-VCAM
+AvailableAP-SignatureList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCH-APsig)) OF
+										AP-Signature
+AvailableAP-SubchannelList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCH-APsubCh)) OF
+										AP-Subchannel
+AvailableMinimumSF-ListVCAM ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCH-SF)) OF
+										AvailableMinimumSF-VCAM
+AvailableMinimumSF-VCAM ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	minimumSpreadingFactor				MinimumSpreadingFactor,
+	nf-Max								NF-Max,
+	maxAvailablePCPCH-Number			MaxAvailablePCPCH-Number,
+	availableAP-Signature-VCAMList		AvailableAP-Signature-VCAMList
+AvailableSignatures ::=			BIT STRING {
+									signature15(0),
+									signature14(1),
+									signature13(2),
+									signature12(3),
+									signature11(4),
+									signature10(5),
+									signature9(6),
+									signature8(7),
+									signature7(8),
+									signature6(9),
+									signature5(10),
+									signature4(11),
+									signature3(12),
+									signature2(13),
+									signature1(14),
+									signature0(15)
+									}	 (SIZE(16))
+AvailableSubChannelNumbers ::=		BIT STRING {
+										subCh11(0),
+										subCh10(1),
+									 	subCh9(2),
+									 	subCh8(3),
+									 	subCh7(4),
+									 	subCh6(5),
+									 	subCh5(6),
+									 	subCh4(7),
+									 	subCh3(8),
+									 	subCh2(9),
+									 	subCh1(10),
+									 	subCh0(11)
+										} 	 (SIZE(12))
+BEACON-PL-Est ::=					ENUMERATED { true }
+BurstType ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										type1, type2 }
+-- Actual value Bler-Target = IE value * 0.05
+Bler-Target ::=						INTEGER (-63..0)
+CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-Identity						TFCS-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo
+CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-Identity						TFCS-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r4
+CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-Identity						TFCS-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r5
+CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r7 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-Identity						TFCS-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r7
+CD-AccessSlotSubchannel ::=			INTEGER (0..11)
+CD-AccessSlotSubchannelList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCH-CDsubCh)) OF
+										CD-AccessSlotSubchannel
+CD-CA-ICH-ChannelisationCode ::=	INTEGER (0..255)
+CD-PreambleScramblingCode ::=		INTEGER (0..79)
+CD-SignatureCode ::=				INTEGER (0..15)
+CD-SignatureCodeList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCH-CDsig)) OF
+										CD-SignatureCode
+CellAndChannelIdentity ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- burstType may be set to either value and should be ignored by the receiver for 1.28 Mcps TDD.
+	burstType							BurstType,
+	midambleShift						MidambleShiftLong,
+	timeslot							TimeslotNumber,
+	cellParametersID					CellParametersID
+	}
+CellParametersID ::=				INTEGER (0..127)
+Cfntargetsfnframeoffset ::=				INTEGER(0..255)
+ChannelAssignmentActive ::=			CHOICE {
+	notActive							NULL,
+	isActive							AvailableMinimumSF-ListVCAM
+ChannelisationCode256 ::=			INTEGER (0..255)
+ChannelReqParamsForUCSM ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	availableAP-SignatureList			AvailableAP-SignatureList,
+	availableAP-SubchannelList			AvailableAP-SubchannelList			OPTIONAL
+ClosedLoopTimingAdjMode ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										slot1, slot2 }
+CodeNumberDSCH ::=					INTEGER (0..255)
+CodeRange ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	pdsch-CodeMapList					PDSCH-CodeMapList
+CodeWordSet ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										longCWS,
+										mediumCWS,
+										shortCWS,
+										ssdtOff }
+CommonTimeslotInfo ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: secondInterleavingMode is MD, but since it can be encoded in a single
+	-- bit it is not defined as OPTIONAL.
+	secondInterleavingMode				SecondInterleavingMode,
+	tfci-Coding							TFCI-Coding							OPTIONAL,
+	puncturingLimit						PuncturingLimit,
+	repetitionPeriodAndLength			RepetitionPeriodAndLength			OPTIONAL
+CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: secondInterleavingMode is MD, but since it can be encoded in a single
+	-- bit it is not defined as OPTIONAL.
+	secondInterleavingMode				SecondInterleavingMode,
+	tfci-Coding							TFCI-Coding							OPTIONAL,
+	puncturingLimit						PuncturingLimit,
+	repetitionPeriodLengthAndOffset		RepetitionPeriodLengthAndOffset		OPTIONAL
+ConstantValue ::=					INTEGER (-35..-10)
+ConstantValueTdd ::=				INTEGER (-35..10)
+CPCH-PersistenceLevels ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	cpch-SetID							CPCH-SetID,
+	dynamicPersistenceLevelTF-List		DynamicPersistenceLevelTF-List	
+CPCH-PersistenceLevelsList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCPCHsets)) OF
+										CPCH-PersistenceLevels
+CPCH-SetInfo ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	cpch-SetID							CPCH-SetID,
+	transportFormatSet					TransportFormatSet,
+	tfcs								TFCS,
+	ap-PreambleScramblingCode			AP-PreambleScramblingCode,
+	ap-AICH-ChannelisationCode			AP-AICH-ChannelisationCode,
+	cd-PreambleScramblingCode			CD-PreambleScramblingCode,
+	cd-CA-ICH-ChannelisationCode		CD-CA-ICH-ChannelisationCode,
+	cd-AccessSlotSubchannelList			CD-AccessSlotSubchannelList			OPTIONAL,
+	cd-SignatureCodeList				CD-SignatureCodeList				OPTIONAL,
+	deltaPp-m							DeltaPp-m,
+	ul-DPCCH-SlotFormat					UL-DPCCH-SlotFormat,
+	n-StartMessage						N-StartMessage,
+	n-EOT								N-EOT,
+	-- TABULAR: VCAM info has been nested inside ChannelAssignmentActive,
+	-- which in turn is mandatory since it's only a binary choice.
+	channelAssignmentActive				ChannelAssignmentActive,
+	cpch-StatusIndicationMode			CPCH-StatusIndicationMode,
+	pcpch-ChannelInfoList				PCPCH-ChannelInfoList
+CPCH-SetInfoList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCPCHsets)) OF
+										CPCH-SetInfo
+CPCH-StatusIndicationMode ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										pa-mode,
+										pamsf-mode }
+CQI-RepetitionFactor ::=			INTEGER(1..4)
+CSICH-PowerOffset ::=				INTEGER (-10..5)
+-- DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD and DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD corresponds to 
+-- IE "Default DPCH Offset Value" depending on the mode.
+-- Actual value DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD = IE value * 512 
+DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD ::=		INTEGER (0..599)
+DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD ::=		INTEGER (0..7)
+DeltaPp-m ::=						INTEGER (-10..10)
+DeltaCQI ::=						INTEGER (0..8)
+DeltaNACK ::=						INTEGER (0..8)
+DeltaACK ::=						INTEGER (0..8)
+-- Actual value DeltaSIR = IE value * 0.1
+DeltaSIR ::=						INTEGER (0..30)
+DHS-Sync ::=						INTEGER (-20..10)
+DL-CCTrCh ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	timeInfo							TimeInfo,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			DownlinkTimeslotsCodes				OPTIONAL,
+	ul-CCTrChTPCList					UL-CCTrChTPCList					OPTIONAL	
+DL-CCTrCh-r4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	timeInfo							TimeInfo,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	tddOption							CHOICE {
+		tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+			dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			DownlinkTimeslotsCodes	OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+			dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL
+		}
+	},
+DL-CCTrCh-r7 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	timeInfo							TimeInfo,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	tddOption							CHOICE {
+		tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+			dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			DownlinkTimeslotsCodes	OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd768								SEQUENCE {
+			dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+			dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL
+		}
+	},
+DL-CCTrChList ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+										DL-CCTrCh
+DL-CCTrChList-r7 ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+										DL-CCTrCh-r7
+DL-CCTrChList-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+										DL-CCTrCh-r4
+DL-CCTrChListToRemove ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+										TFCS-IdentityPlain
+DL-CCTrChTPCList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+											TFCS-Identity
+DL-ChannelisationCode ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	secondaryScramblingCode				SecondaryScramblingCode				OPTIONAL,
+	sf-AndCodeNumber					SF512-AndCodeNumber,
+	scramblingCodeChange				ScramblingCodeChange				OPTIONAL
+DL-ChannelisationCodeList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDPCH-DLchan)) OF
+										DL-ChannelisationCode
+DL-CommonInformation ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	dl-DPCH-InfoCommon					DL-DPCH-InfoCommon			OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			defaultDPCH-OffsetValue				DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD	OPTIONAL,
+			dpch-CompressedModeInfo				DPCH-CompressedModeInfo		OPTIONAL,
+			tx-DiversityMode					TX-DiversityMode			OPTIONAL,
+			-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+			-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+			dummy								SSDT-Information			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			defaultDPCH-OffsetValue				DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD	OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+DL-CommonInformation-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	dl-DPCH-InfoCommon					DL-DPCH-InfoCommon-r4		OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			defaultDPCH-OffsetValue				DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD	OPTIONAL,
+			dpch-CompressedModeInfo				DPCH-CompressedModeInfo		OPTIONAL,
+			tx-DiversityMode					TX-DiversityMode			OPTIONAL,
+			-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+			-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+			dummy								SSDT-Information-r4			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			tddOption							CHOICE {
+				tdd384								NULL,
+				tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+					tstd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+				}
+			},
+			defaultDPCH-OffsetValue				DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD	OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+DL-CommonInformation-r5 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	dl-DPCH-InfoCommon					DL-DPCH-InfoCommon-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			defaultDPCH-OffsetValue				DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD	OPTIONAL,
+			dpch-CompressedModeInfo				DPCH-CompressedModeInfo		OPTIONAL,
+			tx-DiversityMode					TX-DiversityMode			OPTIONAL,
+			-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+			-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+			dummy								SSDT-Information-r4			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			tddOption							CHOICE {
+				tdd384								NULL,
+				tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+					tstd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+				}
+			},
+			defaultDPCH-OffsetValue				DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD	OPTIONAL
+		}
+	},
+	mac-hsResetIndicator				ENUMERATED { true }			OPTIONAL
+DL-CommonInformation-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	dl-dpchInfoCommon					CHOICE {
+		dl-DPCH-InfoCommon					DL-DPCH-InfoCommon-r6,
+		dl-FDPCH-InfoCommon					DL-FDPCH-InfoCommon-r6
+	}																		OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			defaultDPCH-OffsetValue				DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD	OPTIONAL,
+			dpch-CompressedModeInfo				DPCH-CompressedModeInfo		OPTIONAL,
+			tx-DiversityMode					TX-DiversityMode			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			tddOption							CHOICE {
+				tdd384								NULL,
+				tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+					tstd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+				}
+			},
+			defaultDPCH-OffsetValue				DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD	OPTIONAL
+		}
+	},
+	mac-hsResetIndicator				ENUMERATED { true }			OPTIONAL,
+	postVerificationPeriod				ENUMERATED { true }			OPTIONAL
+DL-CommonInformation-r7 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	dl-dpchInfoCommon					CHOICE {
+		dl-DPCH-InfoCommon					DL-DPCH-InfoCommon-r6,
+		dl-FDPCH-InfoCommon					DL-FDPCH-InfoCommon-r6
+	}																		OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			defaultDPCH-OffsetValue				DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD	OPTIONAL,
+			dpch-CompressedModeInfo				DPCH-CompressedModeInfo		OPTIONAL,
+			tx-DiversityMode					TX-DiversityMode			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			tddOption							CHOICE {
+				tdd384								NULL,
+				tdd768								NULL,
+				tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+					tstd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+				}
+			},
+			defaultDPCH-OffsetValue				DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD	OPTIONAL
+		}
+	},
+	mac-hsResetIndicator				ENUMERATED { true }			OPTIONAL,
+	postVerificationPeriod				ENUMERATED { true }			OPTIONAL
+DL-CommonInformationPost ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	dl-DPCH-InfoCommon					DL-DPCH-InfoCommonPost
+DL-CommonInformationPredef ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	dl-DPCH-InfoCommon					DL-DPCH-InfoCommonPredef	OPTIONAL
+DL-CompressedModeMethod ::=			ENUMERATED {
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+										dummy, sf-2,
+										higherLayerScheduling }
+DL-DPCH-InfoCommon ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	cfnHandling							CHOICE {
+		maintain							NULL,
+		initialise							SEQUENCE {
+			-- IE dummy is not used in this version of the specification
+			-- The IE should not be sent and if received it should be ignored
+			dummy								Cfntargetsfnframeoffset				OPTIONAL
+		}
+	},
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd 								SEQUENCE {
+			dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			OPTIONAL,
+			powerOffsetPilot-pdpdch				PowerOffsetPilot-pdpdch,
+			dl-rate-matching-restriction		Dl-rate-matching-restriction		OPTIONAL,
+			-- TABULAR: The number of pilot bits is nested inside the spreading factor.
+			spreadingFactorAndPilot				SF512-AndPilot,
+			positionFixedOrFlexible				PositionFixedOrFlexible,
+			tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+DL-DPCH-InfoCommon-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	cfnHandling							CHOICE {
+		maintain							NULL,
+		initialise							SEQUENCE {
+			-- IE dummy is not used in this version of the specification
+			-- The IE should not be sent and if received it should be ignored
+			dummy								Cfntargetsfnframeoffset				OPTIONAL
+		}
+	},
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd 								SEQUENCE {
+			dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			OPTIONAL,
+			powerOffsetPilot-pdpdch				PowerOffsetPilot-pdpdch,
+			dl-rate-matching-restriction		Dl-rate-matching-restriction		OPTIONAL,
+			-- TABULAR: The number of pilot bits is nested inside the spreading factor.
+			spreadingFactorAndPilot				SF512-AndPilot,
+			positionFixedOrFlexible				PositionFixedOrFlexible,
+			tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			OPTIONAL
+		}
+	},
+-- The IE mac-d-HFN-initial-value should be absent in the RRCConnectionSetup-r4-IEs or 
+-- RRCConnectionSetup-r5-IEs or HandoverToUTRANCommand-r4-IEs or HandoverToUTRANCommand-r5-IEs and
+-- if the IE is included, the general error handling for conditional IEs applies.
+	mac-d-HFN-initial-value				MAC-d-HFN-initial-value				OPTIONAL
+DL-DPCH-InfoCommon-r6 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	cfnHandling								CHOICE {
+		maintain								SEQUENCE {
+			timingmaintainedsynchind				TimingMaintainedSynchInd			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		initialise								NULL
+	},
+	modeSpecificInfo						CHOICE {
+		fdd 									SEQUENCE {
+			dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo				DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			OPTIONAL,
+			powerOffsetPilot-pdpdch					PowerOffsetPilot-pdpdch,
+			dl-rate-matching-restriction			Dl-rate-matching-restriction		OPTIONAL,
+			-- TABULAR: The number of pilot bits is nested inside the spreading factor.
+			spreadingFactorAndPilot					SF512-AndPilot,
+			positionFixedOrFlexible					PositionFixedOrFlexible,
+			tfci-Existence							BOOLEAN
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			OPTIONAL
+		}
+	},
+	-- The IE mac-d-HFN-initial-value should be absent in the RRCConnectionSetup and the
+	-- HandoverToUTRANCommand messages. If the IE is included, the general error handling
+	-- for conditional IEs applies.
+	mac-d-HFN-initial-value				MAC-d-HFN-initial-value				OPTIONAL
+DL-DPCH-InfoCommonPost ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo				OPTIONAL
+DL-DPCH-InfoCommonPredef ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			-- TABULAR: The number of pilot bits is nested inside the spreading factor.
+			spreadingFactorAndPilot				SF512-AndPilot,
+			positionFixedOrFlexible				PositionFixedOrFlexible,
+			tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo
+		}
+	}
+DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL ::=				CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst			PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst,
+		dpch-FrameOffset					DPCH-FrameOffset,
+		secondaryCPICH-Info					SecondaryCPICH-Info				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-ChannelisationCodeList			DL-ChannelisationCodeList,
+		tpc-CombinationIndex				TPC-CombinationIndex,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy								SSDT-CellIdentity				OPTIONAL,
+		closedLoopTimingAdjMode				ClosedLoopTimingAdjMode			OPTIONAL
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		dl-CCTrChListToEstablish			DL-CCTrChList					OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CCTrChListToRemove				DL-CCTrChListToRemove			OPTIONAL
+	}
+DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r4 ::=			CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst			PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst,
+		dpch-FrameOffset					DPCH-FrameOffset,
+		secondaryCPICH-Info					SecondaryCPICH-Info				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-ChannelisationCodeList			DL-ChannelisationCodeList,
+		tpc-CombinationIndex				TPC-CombinationIndex,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy								SSDT-CellIdentity				OPTIONAL,
+		closedLoopTimingAdjMode				ClosedLoopTimingAdjMode			OPTIONAL
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		dl-CCTrChListToEstablish			DL-CCTrChList-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CCTrChListToRemove				DL-CCTrChListToRemove			OPTIONAL
+	}
+DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r5 ::=			CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst			PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst,
+		dpch-FrameOffset					DPCH-FrameOffset,
+		secondaryCPICH-Info					SecondaryCPICH-Info				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-ChannelisationCodeList			DL-ChannelisationCodeList,
+		tpc-CombinationIndex				TPC-CombinationIndex,
+		powerOffsetTPC-pdpdch				PowerOffsetTPC-pdpdch			OPTIONAL,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy								SSDT-CellIdentity				OPTIONAL,
+		closedLoopTimingAdjMode				ClosedLoopTimingAdjMode			OPTIONAL
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		dl-CCTrChListToEstablish			DL-CCTrChList-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CCTrChListToRemove				DL-CCTrChListToRemove			OPTIONAL
+	}
+DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r6 ::=			CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst			PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst,
+		dpch-FrameOffset					DPCH-FrameOffset,
+		secondaryCPICH-Info					SecondaryCPICH-Info				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-ChannelisationCodeList			DL-ChannelisationCodeList,
+		tpc-CombinationIndex				TPC-CombinationIndex,
+		powerOffsetTPC-pdpdch				PowerOffsetTPC-pdpdch			OPTIONAL,
+		closedLoopTimingAdjMode				ClosedLoopTimingAdjMode			OPTIONAL
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		dl-CCTrChListToEstablish			DL-CCTrChList-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CCTrChListToRemove				DL-CCTrChListToRemove			OPTIONAL
+	}
+DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r7 ::=			CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst			PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst,
+		dpch-FrameOffset					DPCH-FrameOffset,
+		secondaryCPICH-Info					SecondaryCPICH-Info				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-ChannelisationCodeList			DL-ChannelisationCodeList,
+		tpc-CombinationIndex				TPC-CombinationIndex,
+		powerOffsetTPC-pdpdch				PowerOffsetTPC-pdpdch			OPTIONAL,
+		closedLoopTimingAdjMode				ClosedLoopTimingAdjMode			OPTIONAL
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		dl-CCTrChListToEstablish			DL-CCTrChList-r7				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CCTrChListToRemove				DL-CCTrChListToRemove			OPTIONAL
+	}
+DL-FDPCH-InfoPerRL-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst			PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst,
+	fdpch-FrameOffset					DPCH-FrameOffset,
+	secondaryCPICH-Info					SecondaryCPICH-Info				OPTIONAL,
+	secondaryScramblingCode				SecondaryScramblingCode			OPTIONAL,
+	dl-ChannelisationCode				INTEGER (0..255),
+	tpc-CombinationIndex				TPC-CombinationIndex
+DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-PostFDD ::=								SEQUENCE {
+		pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst				PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst,
+		dl-ChannelisationCode					DL-ChannelisationCode,
+		tpc-CombinationIndex					TPC-CombinationIndex
+DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-PostTDD ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	dl-DPCH-TimeslotsCodes						DownlinkTimeslotsCodes
+	dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes					DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4
+DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo						CHOICE {
+		fdd										SEQUENCE {
+			dpc-Mode								DPC-Mode
+		},
+		tdd										SEQUENCE {
+			tpc-StepSizeTDD							TPC-StepSizeTDD			OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+DL-FDPCH-InfoCommon-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	cfnHandling							CHOICE {
+		maintain							SEQUENCE {
+			timingmaintainedsynchind			TimingMaintainedSynchInd			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		initialise							NULL
+	},
+	dl-FDPCH-PowerControlInfo			DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			OPTIONAL,
+-- Actual value dl-FDPCH-TPCcommandErrorRate = IE value * 0.01
+-- dl-FDPCH-TPCcommandErrorRate values 11..16 are spare and shall not be used in this version of 
+-- the protocol
+	dl-FDPCH-TPCcommandErrorRate		INTEGER (1..16)		OPTIONAL
+DL-FrameType ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										dl-FrameTypeA, dl-FrameTypeB }
+DL-HSPDSCH-Information ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	hs-scch-Info					HS-SCCH-Info	OPTIONAL,
+	measurement-feedback-Info		Measurement-Feedback-Info	OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+	tdd								CHOICE{
+			tdd384							SEQUENCE {
+				dl-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration	DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration	  	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd128							SEQUENCE {
+				hs-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-tdd128
+						HS-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-TDD128				OPTIONAL
+			}
+		},
+		fdd							NULL
+	}
+DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	hs-scch-Info					HS-SCCH-Info-r6							OPTIONAL,
+	measurement-feedback-Info		Measurement-Feedback-Info				OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		tdd								CHOICE {
+			tdd384							SEQUENCE {
+				dl-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration		DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd128							SEQUENCE {
+				hs-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-tdd128
+						HS-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-TDD128				OPTIONAL
+			}
+		},
+		fdd							NULL
+	}
+DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	hs-scch-Info					HS-SCCH-Info-r7							OPTIONAL,
+	measurement-feedback-Info		Measurement-Feedback-Info				OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		tdd								CHOICE {
+			tdd384							SEQUENCE {
+				dl-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration		DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd768							SEQUENCE {
+				dl-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration		DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration-VHCR	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd128							SEQUENCE {
+				hs-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-tdd128
+						HS-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-TDD128						OPTIONAL
+			}
+		},
+		fdd							NULL
+	}
+-- The IE 'DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration' applies to tdd-384 REL-5 onward
+DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-1)) OF
+										SEQUENCE {
+	timeslot								TimeslotNumber,
+	midambleShiftAndBurstType				MidambleShiftAndBurstType-DL
+-- The IE 'DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration-VHCR' applies to tdd-768 REL-7 onward
+DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-1)) OF
+										SEQUENCE {
+	timeslot								TimeslotNumber,
+	midambleShiftAndBurstType				MidambleShiftAndBurstType-DL-VHCR
+DL-InformationPerRL ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+			-- dummy1 and dummy 2 are not used in this version of specification, they should
+			-- not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+			dummy1								PDSCH-SHO-DCH-Info			OPTIONAL,
+			dummy2								PDSCH-CodeMapping			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									PrimaryCCPCH-Info
+	},
+	dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL					OPTIONAL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy								SCCPCH-InfoForFACH					OPTIONAL
+DL-InformationPerRL-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+			-- dummy1 and dummy 2 are not used in this version of specification, they should
+			-- not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+			dummy1								PDSCH-SHO-DCH-Info			OPTIONAL,
+			dummy2								PDSCH-CodeMapping			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4
+	},
+	dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy								SCCPCH-InfoForFACH-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	cell-id								CellIdentity						OPTIONAL
+DL-InformationPerRL-r5 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+			-- dummy1 and dummy 2 are not used in this version of specification, they should
+			-- not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+			dummy1								PDSCH-SHO-DCH-Info			OPTIONAL,
+			dummy2								PDSCH-CodeMapping			OPTIONAL,
+			servingHSDSCH-RL-indicator			BOOLEAN
+		},
+		tdd									PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4
+	},
+	dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r5				OPTIONAL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy								SCCPCH-InfoForFACH-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	cell-id								CellIdentity						OPTIONAL
+DL-InformationPerRL-r5bis ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+			-- dummy1 and dummy 2 are not used in this version of specification, they should
+			-- not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+			dummy1								PDSCH-SHO-DCH-Info			OPTIONAL,
+			dummy2								PDSCH-CodeMapping			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4
+	},
+	dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r5				OPTIONAL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy								SCCPCH-InfoForFACH-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	cell-id								CellIdentity						OPTIONAL
+DL-InformationPerRL-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+			servingHSDSCH-RL-indicator			BOOLEAN,
+			servingEDCH-RL-indicator			BOOLEAN
+		},
+		tdd									PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4
+	},
+	dl-dpchInfo							CHOICE {
+		dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r6,
+		dl-FDPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-FDPCH-InfoPerRL-r6
+	}																		OPTIONAL,
+	e-AGCH-Information					E-AGCH-Information					OPTIONAL,
+	e-HICH-Info							CHOICE	{
+		e-HICH-Information					E-HICH-Information,
+		releaseIndicator					NULL
+	e-RGCH-Info							CHOICE	{
+		e-RGCH-Information					E-RGCH-Information,
+		releaseIndicator					NULL
+	cell-id								CellIdentity						OPTIONAL
+DL-InformationPerRL-r7 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+			servingHSDSCH-RL-indicator			BOOLEAN,
+			servingEDCH-RL-indicator			BOOLEAN
+		},
+		tdd									PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r7
+	},
+	dl-dpchInfo							CHOICE {
+		dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r7,
+		dl-FDPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-FDPCH-InfoPerRL-r6
+	}																		OPTIONAL,
+	e-AGCH-Information					E-AGCH-Information					OPTIONAL,
+	e-HICH-Info							CHOICE	{
+		e-HICH-Information					E-HICH-Information,
+		releaseIndicator					NULL
+	e-RGCH-Info							CHOICE	{
+		e-RGCH-Information					E-RGCH-Information,
+		releaseIndicator					NULL
+	cell-id								CellIdentity						OPTIONAL
+DL-InformationPerRL-List ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+										DL-InformationPerRL
+DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+										DL-InformationPerRL-r4
+DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+										DL-InformationPerRL-r5
+DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+										DL-InformationPerRL-r6
+DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5bis ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+											DL-InformationPerRL-r5bis
+DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+										DL-InformationPerRL-r7
+DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+										DL-InformationPerRL-PostFDD
+DL-InformationPerRL-PostFDD ::=		SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+	dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-PostFDD
+DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	primaryCCPCH-Info					PrimaryCCPCH-InfoPost,
+	dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-PostTDD
+DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	primaryCCPCH-Info					PrimaryCCPCH-InfoPostTDD-LCR-r4,
+	dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4
+DL-PDSCH-Information ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- dummy1 and dummy 2 are not used in this version of specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy1								PDSCH-SHO-DCH-Info					OPTIONAL,
+	dummy2								PDSCH-CodeMapping					OPTIONAL
+Dl-rate-matching-restriction ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	restrictedTrCH-InfoList				RestrictedTrCH-InfoList				OPTIONAL
+DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL ::=		SEQUENCE {
+		powerOffsetTPC-pdpdch				PowerOffsetTPC-pdpdch			OPTIONAL
+-- NOTE: The radio links in the following list have a one-to-one mapping with the 
+-- radio links in the message.
+DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+										DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL
+DL-TS-ChannelisationCode ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4,
+										cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8,
+										cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12,
+										cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 }
+DL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										cc32-1, cc32-2, cc32-3, cc32-4,
+										cc132-5, cc32-6, cc32-7, cc32-8,
+										cc32-9, cc32-10, cc32-11, cc32-12,
+										cc32-13, cc32-14, cc32-15, cc32-16,
+										cc32-17, cc32-18, cc32-19, cc32-20,
+										cc32-21, cc32-22, cc32-23, cc32-24,
+										cc32-25, cc32-26, cc32-27, cc32-28,
+										cc32-29, cc32-30, cc32-31, cc32-32 }
+DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	codesRepresentation					CHOICE {
+		consecutive							SEQUENCE {
+			firstChannelisationCode				DL-TS-ChannelisationCode,
+			lastChannelisationCode				DL-TS-ChannelisationCode
+		},
+		bitmap								BIT STRING {
+												chCode16-SF16(0),
+												chCode15-SF16(1),
+												chCode14-SF16(2),
+												chCode13-SF16(3),
+												chCode12-SF16(4),
+												chCode11-SF16(5),
+												chCode10-SF16(6),
+												chCode9-SF16(7),
+												chCode8-SF16(8),
+												chCode7-SF16(9),
+												chCode6-SF16(10),
+												chCode5-SF16(11),
+												chCode4-SF16(12),
+												chCode3-SF16(13),
+												chCode2-SF16(14),
+												chCode1-SF16(15)
+												} 	(SIZE (16))
+	}
+DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort-VHCR ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	codesRepresentation					CHOICE {
+		consecutive							SEQUENCE {
+			firstChannelisationCode				DL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR,
+			lastChannelisationCode				DL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR
+		},
+		bitmap								BIT STRING {
+												chCode32-SF32(0),
+												chCode31-SF32(1),
+												chCode30-SF32(2),
+												chCode29-SF32(3),
+												chCode28-SF32(4),
+												chCode27-SF32(5),
+												chCode26-SF32(6),
+												chCode25-SF32(7),
+												chCode24-SF32(8),
+												chCode23-SF32(9),
+												chCode22-SF32(10),
+												chCode21-SF32(11),
+												chCode20-SF32(12),
+												chCode19-SF32(13),
+												chCode18-SF32(14),
+												chCode17-SF32(15),
+												chCode16-SF32(16),
+												chCode15-SF32(17),
+												chCode14-SF32(18),
+												chCode13-SF32(19),
+												chCode12-SF32(20),
+												chCode11-SF32(21),
+												chCode10-SF32(22),
+												chCode9-SF32(23),
+												chCode8-SF32(24),
+												chCode7-SF32(25),
+												chCode6-SF32(26),
+												chCode5-SF32(27),
+												chCode4-SF32(28),
+												chCode3-SF32(29),
+												chCode2-SF32(30),
+												chCode1-SF32(31)
+												} 	(SIZE (32))
+	}
+DownlinkAdditionalTimeslots ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	parameters							CHOICE {
+		sameAsLast							SEQUENCE {
+			timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber
+		},
+		newParameters						SEQUENCE {
+			individualTimeslotInfo				IndividualTimeslotInfo,
+			dl-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort		DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort
+		}
+	}
+DownlinkAdditionalTimeslots-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE {
+	parameters							CHOICE {
+		sameAsLast							SEQUENCE {
+			timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber
+		},
+		newParameters						SEQUENCE {
+			individualTimeslotInfo				IndividualTimeslotInfo-VHCR,
+			dl-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort		DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort-VHCR
+		}
+	}
+DownlinkAdditionalTimeslots-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	parameters							CHOICE {
+		sameAsLast							SEQUENCE {
+			timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4
+		},
+		newParameters						SEQUENCE {
+			individualTimeslotInfo				IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4,
+			dl-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort		DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort
+		}
+	}
+DownlinkTimeslotsCodes ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	firstIndividualTimeslotInfo			IndividualTimeslotInfo,
+	dl-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort		DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort,
+	moreTimeslots						CHOICE {
+		noMore								NULL,
+		additionalTimeslots					CHOICE {
+			consecutive							INTEGER (1..maxTS-1),
+			timeslotList						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-1)) OF
+													DownlinkAdditionalTimeslots
+		}
+	}
+DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	firstIndividualTimeslotInfo			IndividualTimeslotInfo-VHCR,
+	dl-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort		DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort,
+	moreTimeslots						CHOICE {
+		noMore								NULL,
+		additionalTimeslots					CHOICE {
+			consecutive							INTEGER (1..maxTS-1),
+			timeslotList						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-1)) OF
+													DownlinkAdditionalTimeslots-VHCR
+		}
+	}
+DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	firstIndividualTimeslotInfo			IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4,
+	dl-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort		DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort,
+	moreTimeslots						CHOICE {
+		noMore								NULL,
+		additionalTimeslots					CHOICE {
+			consecutive							INTEGER (1..maxTS-LCR-1),
+			timeslotList						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-LCR-1)) OF
+													DownlinkAdditionalTimeslots-LCR-r4
+		}
+	}
+DPC-Mode ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										singleTPC,
+										tpcTripletInSoft }	
+-- Actual value DPCCH-PowerOffset = IE value * 2
+DPCCH-PowerOffset ::=				INTEGER (-82..-3)
+-- Actual value DPCCH-PowerOffset2 = 2 + (IE value * 4)
+DPCCH-PowerOffset2 ::=				INTEGER (-28..-13)
+DPCH-CompressedModeInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	tgp-SequenceList					TGP-SequenceList
+DPCH-CompressedModeStatusInfo ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	tgps-Reconfiguration-CFN			TGPS-Reconfiguration-CFN,
+	tgp-SequenceShortList					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTGPS)) OF
+											TGP-SequenceShort
+-- Actual value DPCH-FrameOffset = IE value * 256
+DPCH-FrameOffset::=					INTEGER (0..149)
+DSCH-Mapping ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	maxTFCI-Field2Value					MaxTFCI-Field2Value,
+	spreadingFactor						SF-PDSCH,
+	codeNumber							CodeNumberDSCH,
+	multiCodeInfo						MultiCodeInfo
+DSCH-MappingList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH-TFCIgroups)) OF
+										DSCH-Mapping
+DSCH-RadioLinkIdentifier ::=		INTEGER (0..511)
+DSCH-TransportChannelsInfo ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										SEQUENCE {
+	dsch-transport-channel-identity			TransportChannelIdentity,
+	dsch-TFS								TransportFormatSet
+DurationTimeInfo ::=				INTEGER (1..4096)
+DynamicPersistenceLevel ::=			INTEGER (1..8)
+DynamicPersistenceLevelList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPRACH)) OF
+										DynamicPersistenceLevel
+DynamicPersistenceLevelTF-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF-CPCH)) OF
+										DynamicPersistenceLevel
+DynamicTFInformationCCCH ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	octetModeRLC-SizeInfoType2			OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType2
+E-AGCH-ChannelisationCode ::=		INTEGER (0..255)
+E-AGCH-Information ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	e-AGCH-ChannelisationCode			E-AGCH-ChannelisationCode
+E-DCH-MinimumSet-E-TFCI ::=			INTEGER (0..127)
+E-DCH-ReconfigurationInfo ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	e-DCH-RL-InfoNewServingCell			E-DCH-RL-InfoNewServingCell				OPTIONAL,
+	e-DCH-RL-InfoOtherCellList			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxEDCHRL)) OF
+											E-DCH-RL-InfoOtherCell				OPTIONAL
+E-DCH-RL-InfoNewServingCell ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+	e-AGCH-Information					E-AGCH-Information,
+	servingGrant						SEQUENCE {
+		value								INTEGER (0..38)						OPTIONAL,
+		primary-Secondary-GrantSelector		ENUMERATED { primary, secondary }
+	e-DPCCH-DPCCH-PowerOffset			E-DPCCH-DPCCH-PowerOffset				OPTIONAL,
+	reference-E-TFCIs					E-DPDCH-Reference-E-TFCIList			OPTIONAL,
+	powerOffsetForSchedInfo				INTEGER (0..6)							OPTIONAL,
+	threeIndexStepThreshold				INTEGER (0..37)							OPTIONAL,
+	twoIndexStepThreshold				INTEGER (0..37)							OPTIONAL,
+	e-HICH-Information					E-HICH-Information		OPTIONAL,
+	e-RGCH-Info							CHOICE	{
+		e-RGCH-Information					E-RGCH-Information,
+		releaseIndicator					NULL
+E-DCH-RL-InfoOtherCell ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+	e-HICH-Info							CHOICE {
+		e-HICH-Information					E-HICH-Information,
+		releaseIndicator					NULL
+	e-RGCH-Info							CHOICE {
+		e-RGCH-Information					E-RGCH-Information,
+		releaseIndicator					NULL
+E-DPCCH-Info ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	e-DPCCH-DPCCH-PowerOffset			E-DPCCH-DPCCH-PowerOffset,
+	happyBit-DelayCondition				HappyBit-DelayCondition
+E-DPCCH-DPCCH-PowerOffset ::=		INTEGER (0..8)
+E-DPDCH-Info ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	e-TFCI-TableIndex					E-TFCI-TableIndex,
+	e-DCH-MinimumSet-E-TFCI				E-DCH-MinimumSet-E-TFCI				OPTIONAL,
+	reference-E-TFCIs					E-DPDCH-Reference-E-TFCIList,
+	maxChannelisationCodes				E-DPDCH-MaxChannelisationCodes,
+	pl-NonMax							E-DPDCH-PL-NonMax,
+	schedulingInfoConfiguration			E-DPDCH-SchedulingInfoConfiguration,
+	threeIndexStepThreshold				INTEGER (0..37)						OPTIONAL,
+	twoIndexStepThreshold				INTEGER (0..37)						OPTIONAL
+E-DPDCH-PeriodicyOfSchedInfo ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										everyEDCHTTI, ms4, ms10, ms20, ms50, ms100, ms200, ms500,
+										ms1000 }
+-- The actual value of E-DPDCH-PL-NonMax is: IE value * 0.04
+E-DPDCH-PL-NonMax ::=				INTEGER (11..25)
+E-DPDCH-Reference-E-TFCI ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	reference-E-TFCI					INTEGER (0..127),
+	reference-E-TFCI-PO					INTEGER (0..29)
+E-DPDCH-Reference-E-TFCIList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF E-DPDCH-Reference-E-TFCI
+E-DPDCH-SchedulingInfoConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE {
+	periodicityOfSchedInfo-NoGrant		E-DPDCH-PeriodicyOfSchedInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	periodicityOfSchedInfo-Grant		E-DPDCH-PeriodicyOfSchedInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	powerOffsetForSchedInfo				INTEGER (0..6)
+E-DPDCH-SchedulingTransmConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE {
+	ms2-SchedTransmGrantHARQAlloc		BIT STRING (SIZE (8))				OPTIONAL,
+	servingGrant						SEQUENCE {
+		value								INTEGER (0..38),
+		primary-Secondary-GrantSelector		ENUMERATED { primary, secondary }
+E-DPDCH-MaxChannelisationCodes ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										sf256, sf128, sf64, sf32, sf16, sf8, sf4, sf4x2, sf2x2, sf4x2-and-sf2x2 }
+E-HICH-ChannelisationCode ::=		INTEGER (0..127)
+E-HICH-Information ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	channelisationCode					E-HICH-ChannelisationCode,
+	signatureSequence					E-HICH-RGCH-SignatureSequence
+E-HICH-RGCH-SignatureSequence ::=	INTEGER (0..39)
+E-RGCH-CombinationIndex ::=			INTEGER (0..5)
+E-RGCH-Information ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	signatureSequence					E-HICH-RGCH-SignatureSequence,
+	rg-CombinationIndex					E-RGCH-CombinationIndex
+E-TFCI-TableIndex ::=				INTEGER (0..1)
+EXT-UL-TimingAdvance ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		tdd384							SEQUENCE {
+			ex-ul-TimingAdvance			INTEGER (0..255)
+		},
+		tdd768							SEQUENCE {
+			ex-ul-TimingAdvance			INTEGER (0..511)
+		}
+	}
+FACH-PCH-Information ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	transportFormatSet					TransportFormatSet,
+	transportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity,
+	ctch-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+FACH-PCH-InformationList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFACHPCH)) OF
+										FACH-PCH-Information
+Feedback-cycle ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										fc0, fc2, fc4, fc8, fc10, fc20, fc40, fc80, fc160}
+FPACH-Info-r4 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	timeslot							TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4,
+	channelisationCode					TDD-FPACH-CCode16-r4,
+	midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4,
+    wi                                  Wi-LCR
+FrequencyInfo ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									FrequencyInfoFDD,
+		tdd									FrequencyInfoTDD	}
+FrequencyInfoFDD ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	uarfcn-UL							UARFCN				OPTIONAL,
+	uarfcn-DL							UARFCN
+FrequencyInfoTDD ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	uarfcn-Nt							UARFCN
+HappyBit-DelayCondition ::=			ENUMERATED { 
+										ms2, ms10, ms20, ms50, ms100, ms200, ms500, ms1000 }
+HARQ-Preamble-Mode ::=				INTEGER (0..1)
+HS-ChannelisationCode-LCR ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4,
+										cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8,
+										cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12,
+										cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 }
+HS-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-TDD128 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE{
+		defaultMidamble						NULL,
+		commonMidamble						NULL,
+		ueSpecificMidamble					INTEGER (0..15)
+    },
+	-- Actual value midambleConfiguration = IE value * 2
+	midambleConfiguration				INTEGER (1..8)
+HS-SCCH-Info ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			hS-SCCHChannelisationCodeInfo		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF
+													HS-SCCH-Codes,
+			dl-ScramblingCode					SecondaryScramblingCode		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									CHOICE {
+			tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+                nack-ack-power-offset      		   INTEGER (-7..8), 
+                hs-SICH-PowerControl-Info  		   HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384,
+				hS-SCCH-SetConfiguration 		   SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF
+						HS-SCCH-TDD384
+				},
+			tdd128								SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF
+													HS-SCCH-TDD128
+		}
+	}
+HS-SCCH-Info-r6 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			hS-SCCHChannelisationCodeInfo		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF
+													HS-SCCH-Codes,
+			dl-ScramblingCode					SecondaryScramblingCode			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									CHOICE {
+			tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+				nack-ack-power-offset				INTEGER (-7..8), 
+				hs-SICH-PowerControl-Info			HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384,
+				dhs-sync							DHS-Sync					OPTIONAL,
+				bler-target							Bler-Target,
+				hS-SCCH-SetConfiguration			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF
+														HS-SCCH-TDD384-r6
+				},
+			tdd128								SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF
+													HS-SCCH-TDD128
+		}
+	}
+HS-SCCH-Info-r7 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			hS-SCCHChannelisationCodeInfo		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF
+													HS-SCCH-Codes,
+			dl-ScramblingCode					SecondaryScramblingCode			OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									CHOICE {
+			tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+				nack-ack-power-offset				INTEGER (-7..8), 
+				hs-SICH-PowerControl-Info			HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384,
+				dhs-sync							DHS-Sync					OPTIONAL,
+				hS-SCCH-SetConfiguration			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF
+														HS-SCCH-TDD384-r6
+				},
+			tdd768								SEQUENCE {
+				nack-ack-power-offset				INTEGER (-7..8), 
+				hs-SICH-PowerControl-Info			HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD768,
+				dhs-sync							DHS-Sync					OPTIONAL,
+				bler-target							Bler-Target,
+				hS-SCCH-SetConfiguration			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF
+														HS-SCCH-TDD768
+				},
+			tdd128								SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF
+													HS-SCCH-TDD128
+		}
+	}
+HS-SCCH-Codes ::=					INTEGER (0..127)
+	timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4,
+	firstChannelisationCode				HS-ChannelisationCode-LCR,
+	secondChannelisationCode			HS-ChannelisationCode-LCR,
+	midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+		defaultMidamble						NULL,
+		commonMidamble						NULL,
+		ueSpecificMidamble					INTEGER(0..15)
+	},
+	-- Actual value midambleConfiguration = IE value * 2
+	midambleConfiguration				INTEGER (1..8),
+	bler-target							Bler-Target,
+	hs-sich-configuration				HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD128
+HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD128 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4,
+	channelisationCode					HS-ChannelisationCode-LCR,
+	midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+		defaultMidamble						NULL,
+		ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+			midambleShift						MidambleShiftLong
+		}
+	},
+	-- Actual value midambleConfiguration = IE value * 2
+	midambleConfiguration				INTEGER (1..8),
+	nack-ack-power-offset				INTEGER (-7..8),
+	power-level-HSSICH					INTEGER (-120..-58),
+	tpc-step-size						ENUMERATED { s1, s2, s3 , spare1}
+	timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber,
+	channelisationCode					DL-TS-ChannelisationCode,
+	midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+		defaultMidamble						NULL,
+		commonMidamble						NULL,
+		ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+			midambleShift						MidambleShiftLong
+		}
+	},
+	midambleconfiguration				MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3,
+	bler-target							Bler-Target,
+	hs-sich-configuration				HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD384
+HS-SCCH-TDD384-r6 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber,
+	channelisationCode					DL-TS-ChannelisationCode,
+	midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+		defaultMidamble						NULL,
+		commonMidamble						NULL,
+		ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+			midambleShift						MidambleShiftLong
+		}
+	},
+	midambleconfiguration				MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3,
+	hs-sich-configuration				HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD384
+	timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber,
+	channelisationCode					DL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR,
+	midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+		defaultMidamble						NULL,
+		commonMidamble						NULL,
+		ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+			midambleShift						MidambleShiftLong
+		}
+	},
+	midambleconfiguration				MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3,
+	hs-sich-configuration				HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD768
+HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD384 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber,
+	channelisationCode					DL-TS-ChannelisationCode,
+	midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+		defaultMidamble						NULL,
+		ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+			midambleShift						MidambleShiftLong
+		}
+	},
+	midambleconfiguration				MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3
+HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD768 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber,
+	channelisationCode					DL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR,
+	midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+		defaultMidamble						NULL,
+		ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+			midambleShift						MidambleShiftLong
+		}
+	},
+	midambleconfiguration				MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3
+HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384 ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Actual value ul-target-SIR = IE value * 0.5
+	ul-target-SIR						INTEGER (-22..40),
+    hs-sich-ConstantValue			    ConstantValue
+HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD768 ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Actual value ul-target-SIR = IE value * 0.5
+	ul-target-SIR						INTEGER (-22..40),
+	hs-sich-ConstantValue				ConstantValue
+IndividualTimeslotInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber,
+	tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN,
+	midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType
+IndividualTimeslotInfo-VHCR ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber,
+	tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN,
+	midambleShiftAndBurstType-VHCR		MidambleShiftAndBurstType-VHCR
+IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4,
+	tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN,
+	midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4,
+	modulation							ENUMERATED { mod-QPSK, mod-8PSK },
+	ss-TPC-Symbols						ENUMERATED { zero, one, sixteenOverSF },
+	additionalSS-TPC-Symbols			INTEGER(1..15)		OPTIONAL
+IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4-ext ::=		SEQUENCE {
+-- timeslotNumber and tfci-Existence is taken from IndividualTimeslotInfo.
+-- midambleShiftAndBurstType in IndividualTimeslotInfo shall be ignored.
+	midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4,
+	modulation							ENUMERATED { mod-QPSK, mod-8PSK },
+	ss-TPC-Symbols						ENUMERATED { zero, one, sixteenOverSF }
+IndividualTS-Interference ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	timeslot							TimeslotNumber,
+	ul-TimeslotInterference				TDD-UL-Interference
+IndividualTS-InterferenceList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF
+										IndividualTS-Interference
+ITP ::=								ENUMERATED {
+										mode0, mode1 }
+NidentifyAbort ::=	INTEGER (1..128)
+MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power ::=			INTEGER (-50..33)
+MaxAvailablePCPCH-Number ::=		INTEGER (1..64)
+MaxPowerIncrease-r4 ::=				INTEGER (0..3)
+MaxTFCI-Field2Value ::=				INTEGER (1..1023)
+Measurement-Feedback-Info ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			measurementPowerOffset			MeasurementPowerOffset,
+			feedback-cycle					Feedback-cycle,
+			cqi-RepetitionFactor			CQI-RepetitionFactor,
+			deltaCQI						DeltaCQI
+		},
+		tdd								NULL
+	}
+MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3 ::= ENUMERATED {ms4, ms8, ms16}
+MidambleConfigurationBurstType2 ::=		ENUMERATED {ms3, ms6}
+MidambleConfigurationBurstType2-VHCR ::=		ENUMERATED {ms4, ms8}
+MidambleShiftAndBurstType ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	burstType							CHOICE {	
+		type1								SEQUENCE {
+			midambleConfigurationBurstType1and3	MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3,
+			midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+				defaultMidamble						NULL,
+				commonMidamble						NULL,
+				ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+					midambleShift						MidambleShiftLong
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		type2								SEQUENCE {
+			midambleConfigurationBurstType2		MidambleConfigurationBurstType2,
+			midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+				defaultMidamble						NULL,
+				commonMidamble						NULL,
+				ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+					midambleShift						MidambleShiftShort
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		type3								SEQUENCE {
+			midambleConfigurationBurstType1and3	MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3,
+			midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+				defaultMidamble						NULL,
+				ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+					midambleShift						MidambleShiftLong
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+MidambleShiftAndBurstType-VHCR ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	burstType							CHOICE {
+		type1								SEQUENCE {
+			midambleConfigurationBurstType1and3	MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3,
+			midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+				defaultMidamble						NULL,
+				commonMidamble						NULL,
+				ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+					midambleShift						MidambleShiftLong
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		type2								SEQUENCE {
+			midambleConfigurationBurstType2		MidambleConfigurationBurstType2-VHCR,
+			midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+				defaultMidamble						NULL,
+				commonMidamble						NULL,
+				ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+					midambleShift						MidambleShiftShort-VHCR
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		type3								SEQUENCE {
+			midambleConfigurationBurstType1and3	MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3,
+			midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+				defaultMidamble						NULL,
+				ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+					midambleShift						MidambleShiftLong
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+MidambleShiftAndBurstType-DL ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	burstType							CHOICE {	
+		type1								SEQUENCE {
+			midambleConfigurationBurstType1and3	MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3,
+			midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+				defaultMidamble						NULL,
+				commonMidamble						NULL,
+				ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+					midambleShift						MidambleShiftLong
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		type2								SEQUENCE {
+			midambleConfigurationBurstType2		MidambleConfigurationBurstType2,
+			midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+				defaultMidamble						NULL,
+				commonMidamble						NULL,
+				ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+					midambleShift						MidambleShiftShort
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+MidambleShiftAndBurstType-DL-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE {
+	burstType							CHOICE {	
+		type1								SEQUENCE {
+			midambleConfigurationBurstType1and3	MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3,
+			midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+				defaultMidamble						NULL,
+				commonMidamble						NULL,
+				ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+					midambleShift						MidambleShiftLong
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		type2								SEQUENCE {
+			midambleConfigurationBurstType2		MidambleConfigurationBurstType2-VHCR,
+			midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+				defaultMidamble						NULL,
+				commonMidamble						NULL,
+				ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+					midambleShift						MidambleShiftShort-VHCR
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	midambleAllocationMode				CHOICE {
+		defaultMidamble						NULL,
+		commonMidamble						NULL,
+		ueSpecificMidamble					SEQUENCE {
+			midambleShift						INTEGER (0..15)
+		}
+	},
+	-- Actual value midambleConfiguration = IE value * 2
+	midambleConfiguration				INTEGER (1..8)
+MidambleShiftLong ::=				INTEGER (0..15)
+MidambleShiftShort ::=				INTEGER (0..5)
+MidambleShiftShort-VHCR ::=			INTEGER (0..7)
+MinimumSpreadingFactor ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										sf4, sf8, sf16, sf32,
+										sf64, sf128, sf256 }
+MultiCodeInfo ::=					INTEGER (1..16)
+N-EOT ::=							INTEGER (0..7)
+N-GAP ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										f2, f4, f8 }
+N-PCH ::=							INTEGER (1..8)
+N-StartMessage ::=					INTEGER (1..8)
+NB01 ::=							INTEGER (0..50)
+NF-Max ::=							INTEGER (1..64)
+NumberOfDPDCH ::=					INTEGER (1..maxDPDCH-UL)
+NumberOfFBI-Bits ::=				INTEGER (1..2)
+OpenLoopPowerControl-TDD ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power,
+	-- alpha, prach-ConstantValue, dpch-ConstantValue and pusch-ConstantValue
+	-- shall be ignored in 1.28Mcps TDD mode.
+	alpha								Alpha						OPTIONAL,
+	prach-ConstantValue					ConstantValueTdd,
+	dpch-ConstantValue					ConstantValueTdd,
+	pusch-ConstantValue					ConstantValueTdd			OPTIONAL
+OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ipdl-alpha							Alpha,
+	maxPowerIncrease					MaxPowerIncrease-r4
+PagingIndicatorLength ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										pi4, pi8, pi16 }
+PC-Preamble ::=						INTEGER (0..7)
+PCP-Length ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										as0, as8 }
+PCPCH-ChannelInfo ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	pcpch-UL-ScramblingCode				INTEGER (0..79),
+	pcpch-DL-ChannelisationCode			INTEGER (0..511),
+	pcpch-DL-ScramblingCode				SecondaryScramblingCode				OPTIONAL,
+	pcp-Length							PCP-Length,
+	ucsm-Info							UCSM-Info							OPTIONAL
+PCPCH-ChannelInfoList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCHs)) OF
+										PCPCH-ChannelInfo
+PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										mayBeUsed,
+										shallNotBeUsed }
+PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	-- pdsch-PowerControlInfo is conditional on new-configuration branch below, if this
+	-- selected the IE is OPTIONAL otherwise it should not be sent
+	pdsch-PowerControlInfo				PDSCH-PowerControlInfo				OPTIONAL,
+	pdsch-AllocationPeriodInfo			AllocationPeriodInfo,
+	configuration						CHOICE {
+		old-Configuration					SEQUENCE {
+			tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+			pdsch-Identity						PDSCH-Identity
+		},
+		new-Configuration					SEQUENCE {
+			pdsch-Info							PDSCH-Info,
+			pdsch-Identity						PDSCH-Identity				OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	pdsch-AllocationPeriodInfo			AllocationPeriodInfo,
+	configuration						CHOICE {
+		old-Configuration					SEQUENCE {
+			tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+			pdsch-Identity						PDSCH-Identity
+		},
+		new-Configuration					SEQUENCE {
+			pdsch-Info							PDSCH-Info-r4,
+			pdsch-Identity						PDSCH-Identity				OPTIONAL,
+			pdsch-PowerControlInfo				PDSCH-PowerControlInfo		OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r7 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	pdsch-AllocationPeriodInfo			AllocationPeriodInfo,
+	configuration						CHOICE {
+		old-Configuration					SEQUENCE {
+			tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+			pdsch-Identity						PDSCH-Identity
+		},
+		new-Configuration					SEQUENCE {
+			pdsch-Info							PDSCH-Info-r7,
+			pdsch-Identity						PDSCH-Identity				OPTIONAL,
+			pdsch-PowerControlInfo				PDSCH-PowerControlInfo		OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+PDSCH-CodeInfo ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	spreadingFactor						SF-PDSCH,
+	codeNumber							CodeNumberDSCH,
+	multiCodeInfo						MultiCodeInfo
+PDSCH-CodeInfoList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFCI-2-Combs)) OF
+										PDSCH-CodeInfo
+PDSCH-CodeMap ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	spreadingFactor						SF-PDSCH,
+	multiCodeInfo						MultiCodeInfo,
+	codeNumberStart						CodeNumberDSCH,
+	codeNumberStop						CodeNumberDSCH
+PDSCH-CodeMapList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH-TFCIgroups)) OF
+										PDSCH-CodeMap
+PDSCH-CodeMapping ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	dl-ScramblingCode					SecondaryScramblingCode				OPTIONAL,
+	signallingMethod					CHOICE {
+		codeRange							CodeRange,
+		tfci-Range							DSCH-MappingList,
+		explicit-config						PDSCH-CodeInfoList,
+		replace								ReplacedPDSCH-CodeInfoList
+	}
+PDSCH-Identity ::=					INTEGER (1..hiPDSCHidentities)
+PDSCH-Info ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	pdsch-TimeslotsCodes				DownlinkTimeslotsCodes				OPTIONAL
+PDSCH-Info-r4 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	tddOption							CHOICE {
+		tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+			pdsch-TimeslotsCodes				DownlinkTimeslotsCodes		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+			pdsch-TimeslotsCodes				DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+PDSCH-Info-r7 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	tddOption							CHOICE {
+		tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+			pdsch-TimeslotsCodes				DownlinkTimeslotsCodes		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd768								SEQUENCE {
+			pdsch-TimeslotsCodes				DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+			pdsch-TimeslotsCodes				DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+PDSCH-Info-LCR-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	pdsch-TimeslotsCodes				DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4		OPTIONAL
+PDSCH-PowerControlInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	tpc-StepSizeTDD						TPC-StepSizeTDD						OPTIONAL,
+	ul-CCTrChTPCList					UL-CCTrChTPCList					OPTIONAL
+	dsch-RadioLinkIdentifier			DSCH-RadioLinkIdentifier,
+	rl-IdentifierList					RL-IdentifierList					OPTIONAL
+PDSCH-SysInfo ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	pdsch-Identity						PDSCH-Identity,
+	pdsch-Info							PDSCH-Info,
+	dsch-TFS							TransportFormatSet					OPTIONAL,
+	dsch-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL
+PDSCH-SysInfo-r7 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	pdsch-Identity						PDSCH-Identity,
+	pdsch-Info							PDSCH-Info-r7,
+	dsch-TransportChannelsInfo			DSCH-TransportChannelsInfo			OPTIONAL,
+	dsch-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL
+PDSCH-SysInfo-HCR-r5 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	pdsch-Identity						PDSCH-Identity,
+	pdsch-Info							PDSCH-Info,
+	dsch-TransportChannelsInfo			DSCH-TransportChannelsInfo			OPTIONAL,
+	dsch-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL
+PDSCH-SysInfo-LCR-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	pdsch-Identity						PDSCH-Identity,
+	pdsch-Info							PDSCH-Info-LCR-r4,
+	dsch-TFS							TransportFormatSet					OPTIONAL,
+	dsch-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL
+PDSCH-SysInfoList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF
+										PDSCH-SysInfo
+PDSCH-SysInfoList-r7 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF PDSCH-SysInfo-r7
+PDSCH-SysInfoList-HCR-r5 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF PDSCH-SysInfo-HCR-r5
+PDSCH-SysInfoList-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF
+										PDSCH-SysInfo-LCR-r4
+PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF
+										SEQUENCE {
+	pdsch-SysInfo							PDSCH-SysInfo,
+	sfn-TimeInfo							SFN-TimeInfo					OPTIONAL
+PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-HCR-r5 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF
+										SEQUENCE {
+	pdsch-SysInfo							PDSCH-SysInfo-HCR-r5,
+	sfn-TimeInfo							SFN-TimeInfo					OPTIONAL
+PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF
+										SEQUENCE {
+	pdsch-SysInfo							PDSCH-SysInfo-LCR-r4,
+	sfn-TimeInfo							SFN-TimeInfo					OPTIONAL
+PersistenceScalingFactor ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										psf0-9, psf0-8, psf0-7, psf0-6,
+										psf0-5, psf0-4, psf0-3, psf0-2 }
+PersistenceScalingFactorList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASCpersist)) OF
+										PersistenceScalingFactor
+PI-CountPerFrame ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										e18, e36, e72, e144 }
+PichChannelisationCodeList-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF
+											DL-TS-ChannelisationCode
+PICH-Info ::=						CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		channelisationCode256				ChannelisationCode256,
+		pi-CountPerFrame					PI-CountPerFrame,
+		sttd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		channelisationCode					TDD-PICH-CCode					OPTIONAL,
+		timeslot							TimeslotNumber					OPTIONAL,
+		midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType,
+		repetitionPeriodLengthOffset		RepPerLengthOffset-PICH			OPTIONAL,
+		pagingIndicatorLength				PagingIndicatorLength			DEFAULT pi4,
+		n-GAP								N-GAP							DEFAULT f4,
+		n-PCH								N-PCH							DEFAULT 2
+	}	
+PICH-Info-r7 ::=					CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		channelisationCode256				ChannelisationCode256,
+		pi-CountPerFrame					PI-CountPerFrame,
+		sttd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+	},
+	tdd384									SEQUENCE {
+		channelisationCode					TDD-PICH-CCode					OPTIONAL,
+		timeslot							TimeslotNumber					OPTIONAL,
+		midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType,
+		repetitionPeriodLengthOffset		RepPerLengthOffset-PICH			OPTIONAL,
+		pagingIndicatorLength				PagingIndicatorLength			DEFAULT pi4,
+		n-GAP								N-GAP							DEFAULT f4,
+		n-PCH								N-PCH							DEFAULT 2
+	},
+	tdd768									SEQUENCE {
+		channelisationCode					TDD768-PICH-CCode				OPTIONAL,
+		timeslot							TimeslotNumber					OPTIONAL,
+		midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType,
+		repetitionPeriodLengthOffset		RepPerLengthOffset-PICH			OPTIONAL,
+		pagingIndicatorLength				PagingIndicatorLength			DEFAULT pi4,
+		n-GAP								N-GAP							DEFAULT f4,
+		n-PCH								N-PCH							DEFAULT 2
+	}
+PICH-Info-LCR-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	timeslot							TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	pichChannelisationCodeList-LCR-r4	PichChannelisationCodeList-LCR-r4,
+	midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4,
+	repetitionPeriodLengthOffset		RepPerLengthOffset-PICH				OPTIONAL,
+	pagingIndicatorLength				PagingIndicatorLength			DEFAULT pi4,
+	n-GAP								N-GAP							DEFAULT f4,
+	n-PCH								N-PCH							DEFAULT 2
+PICH-PowerOffset ::=				INTEGER (-10..5)
+PilotBits128 ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										pb4, pb8 }
+PilotBits256 ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										pb2, pb4, pb8 }
+	-- Actual measurement power offset value = IE value * 0.5
+MeasurementPowerOffset ::=			INTEGER (-12..26)
+PLCCH-Info		::=					SEQUENCE {
+	plcchSequenceNumber				INTEGER(1..17),
+	timeslotNumber					TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4,
+	channelisationCode				DL-TS-ChannelisationCode,
+	tpcCommandTargetRate			TPC-CommandTargetRate
+PositionFixedOrFlexible ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										fixed,
+										flexible }
+PowerControlAlgorithm ::=			CHOICE {
+	algorithm1							TPC-StepSizeFDD,
+	algorithm2							NULL
+PowerOffsetPilot-pdpdch ::=			INTEGER (0..24)
+PowerOffsetTPC-pdpdch ::=			INTEGER (0..24)
+PowerRampStep ::=					INTEGER (1..8)
+PRACH-ChanCodes-LCR-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF
+										TDD-PRACH-CCode-LCR-r4
+PRACH-Definition-LCR-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	timeslot							TimeslotNumber-PRACH-LCR-r4,
+	prach-ChanCodes-LCR					PRACH-ChanCodes-LCR-r4,
+	midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4,
+	fpach-Info							FPACH-Info-r4
+PRACH-Midamble ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										direct,
+										direct-Inverted }
+PRACH-Partitioning ::=				CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASC)) OF
+	-- TABULAR: If only "NumASC+1" (with, NumASC+1 < maxASC) ASCSetting-FDD are listed, 
+	-- the remaining (NumASC+2 through maxASC) ASCs are unspecified.
+											ASCSetting-FDD,
+	tdd									SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASC)) OF
+	-- TABULAR: If only "NumASC+1" (with, NumASC+1 < maxASC) ASCSetting-TDD are listed, 
+	-- the remaining (NumASC+2 through maxASC) ASCs are unspecified.
+											ASCSetting-TDD
+PRACH-Partitioning-r7 ::=			CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASC)) OF
+	-- TABULAR: If only "NumASC+1" (with, NumASC+1 < maxASC) ASCSetting-FDD are listed,
+	-- the remaining (NumASC+2 through maxASC) ASCs are unspecified.
+											ASCSetting-FDD,
+	tdd									SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASC)) OF
+	-- TABULAR: If only "NumASC+1" (with, NumASC+1 < maxASC) ASCSetting-TDD are listed,
+	-- the remaining (NumASC+2 through maxASC) ASCs are unspecified.
+											ASCSetting-TDD-r7
+PRACH-Partitioning-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASC)) OF
+	-- TABULAR: If only "NumASC+1" (with, NumASC+1 < maxASC) ASCSetting-TDD-LCR-r4 are listed, 
+	-- the remaining (NumASC+2 through maxASC) ASCs are unspecified.
+											ASCSetting-TDD-LCR-r4
+PRACH-PowerOffset ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	powerRampStep						PowerRampStep,
+	preambleRetransMax					PreambleRetransMax
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			availableSignatures					AvailableSignatures,
+			availableSF							SF-PRACH,
+			preambleScramblingCodeWordNumber	PreambleScramblingCodeWordNumber,
+			puncturingLimit						PuncturingLimit,
+			availableSubChannelNumbers			AvailableSubChannelNumbers
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			timeslot							TimeslotNumber,
+			channelisationCodeList				TDD-PRACH-CCodeList,
+			prach-Midamble						PRACH-Midamble
+		}
+	}
+PRACH-RACH-Info-r7 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			availableSignatures					AvailableSignatures,
+			availableSF							SF-PRACH,
+			preambleScramblingCodeWordNumber	PreambleScramblingCodeWordNumber,
+			puncturingLimit						PuncturingLimit,
+			availableSubChannelNumbers			AvailableSubChannelNumbers
+		},
+		tdd384									SEQUENCE {
+			timeslot							TimeslotNumber,
+			channelisationCodeList				TDD-PRACH-CCodeList,
+			prach-Midamble						PRACH-Midamble
+		},
+		tdd768									SEQUENCE {
+			timeslot							TimeslotNumber,
+			channelisationCodeList				TDD768-PRACH-CCodeList,
+			prach-Midamble						PRACH-Midamble
+		}
+	}
+	sync-UL-Info						SYNC-UL-Info-r4,
+	prach-DefinitionList				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPRACH-FPACH)) OF
+											PRACH-Definition-LCR-r4
+PRACH-SystemInformation ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	prach-RACH-Info						PRACH-RACH-Info,
+	transportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity,
+	rach-TransportFormatSet				TransportFormatSet					OPTIONAL,
+	rach-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL,
+	prach-Partitioning					PRACH-Partitioning					OPTIONAL,
+	persistenceScalingFactorList		PersistenceScalingFactorList		OPTIONAL,
+	ac-To-ASC-MappingTable				AC-To-ASC-MappingTable				OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-TX-Power				PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			constantValue						ConstantValue				OPTIONAL,
+			prach-PowerOffset					PRACH-PowerOffset			OPTIONAL,
+			rach-TransmissionParameters			RACH-TransmissionParameters	OPTIONAL,
+			aich-Info							AICH-Info					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									NULL
+	}	
+PRACH-SystemInformation-r7 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	prach-RACH-Info						PRACH-RACH-Info-r7,
+	transportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity,
+	rach-TransportFormatSet				TransportFormatSet					OPTIONAL,
+	rach-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL,
+	prach-Partitioning					PRACH-Partitioning-r7				OPTIONAL,
+	persistenceScalingFactorList		PersistenceScalingFactorList		OPTIONAL,
+	ac-To-ASC-MappingTable				AC-To-ASC-MappingTable				OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-TX-Power				PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			constantValue						ConstantValue				OPTIONAL,
+			prach-PowerOffset					PRACH-PowerOffset			OPTIONAL,
+			rach-TransmissionParameters			RACH-TransmissionParameters	OPTIONAL,
+			aich-Info							AICH-Info					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									NULL
+	}
+PRACH-SystemInformation-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	prach-RACH-Info-LCR					PRACH-RACH-Info-LCR-r4,
+	rach-TransportFormatSet-LCR			TransportFormatSet-LCR			OPTIONAL,
+	prach-Partitioning-LCR				PRACH-Partitioning-LCR-r4		OPTIONAL
+PRACH-SystemInformationList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPRACH)) OF
+										PRACH-SystemInformation
+PRACH-SystemInformationList-r7 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPRACH)) OF
+										PRACH-SystemInformation-r7
+PRACH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPRACH)) OF
+											PRACH-SystemInformation-LCR-r4
+PreambleRetransMax ::=				INTEGER (1..64)
+PreambleScramblingCodeWordNumber ::=	INTEGER (0..15)
+PreDefPhyChConfiguration ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	ul-DPCH-InfoPredef					UL-DPCH-InfoPredef,
+	dl-CommonInformationPredef			DL-CommonInformationPredef	OPTIONAL
+PrimaryCCPCH-Info ::=				CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		tx-DiversityIndicator				BOOLEAN
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		-- syncCase should be ignored for 1.28Mcps TDD mode
+		syncCase 							CHOICE {
+			syncCase1							SEQUENCE {
+				timeslot							TimeslotNumber					
+			},
+			syncCase2							SEQUENCE {
+				timeslotSync2						TimeslotSync2
+			}
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		cellParametersID					CellParametersID				OPTIONAL,
+		sctd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+	}
+PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4 ::=			CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		tx-DiversityIndicator				BOOLEAN
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		tddOption							CHOICE {
+			tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+				syncCase 							CHOICE {
+					syncCase1							SEQUENCE {
+						timeslot							TimeslotNumber
+					},
+					syncCase2							SEQUENCE {
+						timeslotSync2						TimeslotSync2
+					}
+				}															OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+				tstd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+			}
+		},
+		cellParametersID					CellParametersID				OPTIONAL,
+		sctd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+	}
+PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r7 ::=			CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		tx-DiversityIndicator				BOOLEAN
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		tddOption							CHOICE {
+			tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+				syncCase 							CHOICE {
+					syncCase1							SEQUENCE {
+						timeslot							TimeslotNumber
+					},
+					syncCase2							SEQUENCE {
+						timeslotSync2						TimeslotSync2
+					}
+				}															OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd768 						SEQUENCE {
+				syncCase 						CHOICE {
+					syncCase1						SEQUENCE {
+						timeslot						TimeslotNumber
+					},
+					syncCase2							SEQUENCE {
+						timeslotSync2						TimeslotSync2
+					}
+				}															OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+				tstd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+			}
+		},
+		cellParametersID					CellParametersID				OPTIONAL,
+		sctd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+	}
+PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	tstd-Indicator						BOOLEAN,
+	cellParametersID					CellParametersID				OPTIONAL,
+	sctd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+-- For 1.28Mcps TDD, the following IE includes elements for the PCCPCH Info additional to those
+-- in PrimaryCCPCH-Info
+PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4-ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	tstd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+PrimaryCCPCH-InfoPost ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	syncCase 							CHOICE {
+		syncCase1							SEQUENCE {
+			timeslot							TimeslotNumber					
+		},
+		syncCase2							SEQUENCE {
+			timeslotSync2						TimeslotSync2
+		}
+	},
+	cellParametersID					CellParametersID,
+	sctd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+PrimaryCCPCH-InfoPostTDD-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	tstd-Indicator						BOOLEAN,
+	cellParametersID					CellParametersID,
+	sctd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power ::=			INTEGER (6..43)
+PrimaryCPICH-Info ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	primaryScramblingCode				PrimaryScramblingCode
+PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power ::=			INTEGER (-10..50)
+PrimaryScramblingCode ::=			INTEGER (0..511)
+PuncturingLimit ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										pl0-40, pl0-44, pl0-48, pl0-52, pl0-56,
+										pl0-60, pl0-64, pl0-68, pl0-72, pl0-76,
+										pl0-80, pl0-84, pl0-88, pl0-92, pl0-96, pl1 }
+PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-Allocation					CHOICE {
+		pusch-AllocationPending				NULL,
+		pusch-AllocationAssignment			SEQUENCE {
+			pusch-AllocationPeriodInfo			AllocationPeriodInfo,
+			pusch-PowerControlInfo				UL-TargetSIR				OPTIONAL,
+			configuration						CHOICE {
+				old-Configuration					SEQUENCE {
+					tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain			DEFAULT 1,
+					pusch-Identity						PUSCH-Identity
+				},
+				new-Configuration					SEQUENCE {
+					pusch-Info							PUSCH-Info,
+					pusch-Identity						PUSCH-Identity		OPTIONAL
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-Allocation					CHOICE {
+		pusch-AllocationPending				NULL,
+		pusch-AllocationAssignment			SEQUENCE {
+			pusch-AllocationPeriodInfo			AllocationPeriodInfo,
+			pusch-PowerControlInfo				PUSCH-PowerControlInfo-r4	OPTIONAL,
+			configuration						CHOICE {
+				old-Configuration					SEQUENCE {
+					tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain			DEFAULT 1,
+					pusch-Identity						PUSCH-Identity
+				},
+				new-Configuration					SEQUENCE {
+					pusch-Info							PUSCH-Info-r4,
+					pusch-Identity						PUSCH-Identity		OPTIONAL
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r7 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-Allocation					CHOICE {
+		pusch-AllocationPending				NULL,
+		pusch-AllocationAssignment			SEQUENCE {
+			pusch-AllocationPeriodInfo			AllocationPeriodInfo,
+			pusch-PowerControlInfo				PUSCH-PowerControlInfo-r7	OPTIONAL,
+			configuration						CHOICE {
+				old-Configuration					SEQUENCE {
+					tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain			DEFAULT 1,
+					pusch-Identity						PUSCH-Identity
+				},
+				new-Configuration					SEQUENCE {
+					pusch-Info							PUSCH-Info-VHCR,
+					pusch-Identity						PUSCH-Identity		OPTIONAL
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+PUSCH-Identity ::=					INTEGER (1..hiPUSCHidentities)
+PUSCH-Info ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	pusch-TimeslotsCodes				UplinkTimeslotsCodes				OPTIONAL
+PUSCH-Info-r4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	tddOption							CHOICE {
+		tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+			pusch-TimeslotsCodes				UplinkTimeslotsCodes		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+			pusch-TimeslotsCodes				UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	pusch-TimeslotsCodes-VHCR			UplinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR			OPTIONAL
+PUSCH-Info-LCR-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	pusch-TimeslotsCodes				UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4			OPTIONAL
+PUSCH-PowerControlInfo-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-PUSCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD
+	-- Actual value PRX-PUSCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" Ð 120)
+	ul-TargetSIR						UL-TargetSIR,
+	tddOption							CHOICE {
+		tdd384								NULL,
+		tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+			tpc-StepSize						TPC-StepSizeTDD				OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+PUSCH-PowerControlInfo-r7 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-PUSCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD
+	-- Actual value PRX-PUSCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" Ð 120)
+	ul-TargetSIR						UL-TargetSIR,
+	tddOption							CHOICE {
+		tdd384								NULL,
+		tdd768								NULL,
+		tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+			tpc-StepSize						TPC-StepSizeTDD				OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+PUSCH-SysInfo ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-Identity						PUSCH-Identity,
+	pusch-Info							PUSCH-Info,
+	usch-TFS							TransportFormatSet					OPTIONAL,
+	usch-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL
+PUSCH-SysInfo-VHCR ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-Identity						PUSCH-Identity,
+	pusch-Info-VHCR						PUSCH-Info-VHCR,
+	usch-TransportChannelsInfo			USCH-TransportChannelsInfo			OPTIONAL,
+	usch-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL
+PUSCH-SysInfo-HCR-r5 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-Identity						PUSCH-Identity,
+	pusch-Info							PUSCH-Info,
+	usch-TransportChannelsInfo			USCH-TransportChannelsInfo			OPTIONAL,
+	usch-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL
+PUSCH-SysInfo-LCR-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-Identity						PUSCH-Identity,
+	pusch-Info							PUSCH-Info-LCR-r4,
+	usch-TFS							TransportFormatSet					OPTIONAL,
+	usch-TFCS							TFCS								OPTIONAL
+PUSCH-SysInfoList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPUSCH)) OF
+										PUSCH-SysInfo
+PUSCH-SysInfoList-HCR-r5 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPUSCH)) OF PUSCH-SysInfo-HCR-r5
+PUSCH-SysInfoList-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPUSCH)) OF
+										PUSCH-SysInfo-LCR-r4
+PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPUSCH)) OF
+										SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-SysInfo							PUSCH-SysInfo,
+	sfn-TimeInfo							SFN-TimeInfo					OPTIONAL
+PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-HCR-r5 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPUSCH)) OF
+										SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-SysInfo							PUSCH-SysInfo-HCR-r5,
+	sfn-TimeInfo							SFN-TimeInfo					OPTIONAL
+PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPUSCH)) OF
+										SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-SysInfo							PUSCH-SysInfo-LCR-r4,
+	sfn-TimeInfo							SFN-TimeInfo					OPTIONAL
+										SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-SysInfo-VHCR						PUSCH-SysInfo-VHCR,
+	sfn-TimeInfo							SFN-TimeInfo					OPTIONAL
+RACH-TransmissionParameters ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	mmax								INTEGER (1..32),
+	nb01Min								NB01,
+	nb01Max								NB01
+ReducedScramblingCodeNumber ::=		INTEGER (0..8191)
+RepetitionPeriodAndLength ::=		CHOICE {
+	repetitionPeriod1					NULL,
+	-- repetitionPeriod2 could just as well be NULL also.
+	repetitionPeriod2					INTEGER (1..1),
+	repetitionPeriod4					INTEGER (1..3),
+	repetitionPeriod8					INTEGER (1..7),
+	repetitionPeriod16					INTEGER (1..15),
+	repetitionPeriod32					INTEGER (1..31),
+	repetitionPeriod64					INTEGER (1..63)
+RepetitionPeriodLengthAndOffset ::= CHOICE {
+	repetitionPeriod1					NULL,
+	repetitionPeriod2					SEQUENCE {
+		length								NULL,
+		offset								INTEGER (0..1)
+	},
+	repetitionPeriod4					SEQUENCE {
+		length								INTEGER (1..3),
+		offset								INTEGER (0..3)
+	},
+	repetitionPeriod8					SEQUENCE {
+		length								INTEGER (1..7),
+		offset								INTEGER (0..7)
+	},
+	repetitionPeriod16					SEQUENCE {
+		length								INTEGER (1..15),
+		offset								INTEGER (0..15)
+	},
+	repetitionPeriod32					SEQUENCE {
+		length								INTEGER (1..31),
+		offset								INTEGER (0..31)
+	},
+	repetitionPeriod64					SEQUENCE {
+		length								INTEGER (1..63),
+		offset								INTEGER (0..63)
+	}
+ReplacedPDSCH-CodeInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	tfci-Field2							MaxTFCI-Field2Value,
+	spreadingFactor						SF-PDSCH,
+	codeNumber							CodeNumberDSCH,
+	multiCodeInfo						MultiCodeInfo
+ReplacedPDSCH-CodeInfoList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFCI-2-Combs)) OF
+										ReplacedPDSCH-CodeInfo
+RepPerLengthOffset-PICH ::=			CHOICE {
+	rpp4-2								INTEGER (0..3), 
+	rpp8-2								INTEGER (0..7), 
+	rpp8-4								INTEGER (0..7),
+	rpp16-2								INTEGER (0..15), 
+	rpp16-4								INTEGER (0..15), 
+	rpp32-2								INTEGER (0..31), 
+	rpp32-4								INTEGER (0..31), 
+	rpp64-2								INTEGER (0..63), 
+	rpp64-4								INTEGER (0..63)
+RepPerLengthOffset-MICH ::=			CHOICE {
+	rpp4-2								INTEGER (0..3),
+	rpp8-2								INTEGER (0..7),
+	rpp8-4								INTEGER (0..7),
+	rpp16-2								INTEGER (0..15),
+	rpp16-4								INTEGER (0..15),
+	rpp32-2								INTEGER (0..31),
+	rpp32-4								INTEGER (0..31),
+	rpp64-2								INTEGER (0..63),
+	rpp64-4								INTEGER (0..63)
+RestrictedTrCH ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	dl-restrictedTrCh-Type				DL-TrCH-Type,
+	restrictedDL-TrCH-Identity			TransportChannelIdentity,
+	allowedTFIList						AllowedTFI-List
+RestrictedTrCH-InfoList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										RestrictedTrCH
+RL-AdditionInformation ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+	dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL,
+	-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of specification
+	-- and the IEs should be ignored.
+	dummy								BOOLEAN,
+	dummy2								SCCPCH-InfoForFACH					OPTIONAL
+RL-AdditionInformation-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+	cell-Id								CellIdentity						OPTIONAL,
+	dl-dpchInfo							CHOICE {
+		dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r5,
+		dl-FDPCH-InfoPerRL					DL-FDPCH-InfoPerRL-r6
+	},
+	e-HICH-Information					E-HICH-Information					OPTIONAL,
+	e-RGCH-Information					E-RGCH-Information					OPTIONAL
+RL-AdditionInformationList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL-1)) OF
+										RL-AdditionInformation
+RL-AdditionInformationList-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL-1)) OF
+										RL-AdditionInformation-r6
+RL-IdentifierList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+										PrimaryCPICH-Info
+RL-RemovalInformationList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+										PrimaryCPICH-Info
+RPP ::=								ENUMERATED {
+										mode0, mode1 }
+S-Field ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										e1bit, e2bits }
+SCCPCH-ChannelisationCode ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4,
+										cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8,
+										cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12,
+										cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 }
+SCCPCH-ChannelisationCode-VHCR ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										cc32-1, cc32-2, cc32-3, cc32-4,
+										cc32-5, cc32-6, cc32-7, cc32-8,
+										cc32-9, cc32-10, cc32-11, cc32-12,
+										cc32-13, cc32-14, cc32-15, cc32-16,
+										cc32-17, cc32-18, cc32-19, cc32-20,
+										cc32-21, cc32-22, cc32-23, cc32-24,
+										cc32-25, cc32-26, cc32-27, cc32-28,
+										cc32-29, cc32-30, cc32-31, cc32-32 }
+SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF
+										SCCPCH-ChannelisationCode
+SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF
+										SCCPCH-ChannelisationCode-VHCR
+	secondaryCCPCH-Info					SecondaryCCPCH-Info,
+	tfcs								TFCS,
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			fach-PCH-InformationList			FACH-PCH-InformationList,
+			sib-ReferenceListFACH				SIB-ReferenceListFACH
+		},
+		tdd								SEQUENCE {
+			fach-PCH-InformationList			FACH-PCH-InformationList
+		}
+	}
+SCCPCH-InfoForFACH-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	secondaryCCPCH-Info					SecondaryCCPCH-Info-r4,
+	tfcs								TFCS,
+	fach-PCH-InformationList			FACH-PCH-InformationList,
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			sib-ReferenceListFACH			SIB-ReferenceListFACH
+		},
+		tdd								NULL
+	}
+SCCPCH-SystemInformation ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	secondaryCCPCH-Info					SecondaryCCPCH-Info,
+	tfcs								TFCS								OPTIONAL,
+	fach-PCH-InformationList			FACH-PCH-InformationList			OPTIONAL,
+	pich-Info							PICH-Info							OPTIONAL
+SCCPCH-SystemInformation-LCR-r4-ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	secondaryCCPCH-LCR-Extensions	SecondaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4-ext,
+	-- pich-Info in the SCCPCH-SystemInformation IE shall be absent,
+	-- and instead the following used.
+	pich-Info						PICH-Info-LCR-r4						OPTIONAL
+SCCPCH-SystemInformation-r7 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	secondaryCCPCH-Info					SecondaryCCPCH-Info-r7,
+	tfcs								TFCS								OPTIONAL,
+	fach-PCH-InformationList			FACH-PCH-InformationList			OPTIONAL,
+	pich-Info							PICH-Info-r7						OPTIONAL
+SCCPCH-SystemInformationList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCCPCH)) OF
+										SCCPCH-SystemInformation
+SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-r7 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCCPCH)) OF
+										SCCPCH-SystemInformation-r7
+-- SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4-ext includes elements additional to those in
+-- SCCPCH-SystemInformationList for the 1.28Mcps TDD. The order of the IEs
+-- indicates which SCCPCH-SystemInformation-LCR-r4-ext IE extends which
+-- SCCPCH-SystemInformation IE.
+SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4-ext ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCCPCH)) OF
+												SCCPCH-SystemInformation-LCR-r4-ext
+-- The SCCPCH-SystemInformation-MBMS-r6 is used for an S-CCPCH dedicated for MBMS purposes.
+SCCPCH-SystemInformation-MBMS-r6 ::= SEQUENCE {
+	secondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS				SecondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS-r6,
+	transportFormatCombinationSet		TFCS,
+	fachCarryingMCCH					SEQUENCE {
+		mcch-transportFormatSet				TransportFormatSet,
+		mcch-ConfigurationInfo				MBMS-MCCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6
+	},
+	fachCarryingMTCH-List				MBMS-FACHCarryingMTCH-List			OPTIONAL,
+	-- If schedulingInformation is provided
+	fachCarryingMSCH					SEQUENCE {
+		msch-transportFormatSet				TransportFormatSet,
+		msch-ConfigurationInfo				MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6
+-- The SCCPCH-SystemInformation-MBMS-r7 is used for an S-CCPCH dedicated for MBMS purposes.
+SCCPCH-SystemInformation-MBMS-r7 ::= SEQUENCE {
+	secondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS				SecondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS-r7,
+	transportFormatCombinationSet		TFCS,
+	fachCarryingMCCH					SEQUENCE {
+		mcch-transportFormatSet				TransportFormatSet,
+		mcch-ConfigurationInfo				MBMS-MCCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6
+	},
+	fachCarryingMTCH-List				MBMS-FACHCarryingMTCH-List			OPTIONAL,
+	-- If schedulingInformation is provided
+	fachCarryingMSCH					SEQUENCE {
+		msch-transportFormatSet				TransportFormatSet,
+		msch-ConfigurationInfo				MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6
+ScramblingCodeChange ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										codeChange, noCodeChange }
+ScramblingCodeType ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										shortSC,
+										longSC }
+SecondaryCCPCH-Info ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			-- dummy1 is not used in this version of the specification and should be ignored.
+			dummy1							PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst,
+			-- dummy2 is not used in this version of the specification.  It should not
+			-- be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+			dummy2							SecondaryCPICH-Info				OPTIONAL,
+			secondaryScramblingCode			SecondaryScramblingCode			OPTIONAL,
+			sttd-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+			sf-AndCodeNumber				SF256-AndCodeNumber,
+			pilotSymbolExistence			BOOLEAN,
+			tfci-Existence					BOOLEAN,
+			positionFixedOrFlexible			PositionFixedOrFlexible,
+			timingOffset					TimingOffset					DEFAULT 0
+		},
+		tdd 							SEQUENCE {
+			-- TABULAR: the offset is included in CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH
+			commonTimeslotInfo				CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH,
+			individualTimeslotInfo			IndividualTimeslotInfo,
+			channelisationCode				SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList
+		}
+	}
+SecondaryCCPCH-Info-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			secondaryScramblingCode			SecondaryScramblingCode			OPTIONAL,
+			sttd-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+			sf-AndCodeNumber				SF256-AndCodeNumber,
+			pilotSymbolExistence			BOOLEAN,
+			tfci-Existence					BOOLEAN,
+			positionFixedOrFlexible			PositionFixedOrFlexible,
+			timingOffset					TimingOffset					DEFAULT 0
+		},
+		tdd 							SEQUENCE {
+			-- TABULAR: the offset is included in CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH
+			commonTimeslotInfo				CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH,
+			tddOption						CHOICE {
+				tdd384							SEQUENCE {
+					individualTimeslotInfo			IndividualTimeslotInfo
+				},
+				tdd128							SEQUENCE {
+					individualTimeslotInfo			IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4
+				}
+			},
+			channelisationCode				SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList
+		}
+	}
+SecondaryCCPCH-Info-r7 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			secondaryScramblingCode			SecondaryScramblingCode			OPTIONAL,
+			sttd-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+			sf-AndCodeNumber				SF256-AndCodeNumber,
+			pilotSymbolExistence			BOOLEAN,
+			tfci-Existence					BOOLEAN,
+			positionFixedOrFlexible			PositionFixedOrFlexible,
+			timingOffset					TimingOffset					DEFAULT 0
+		},
+		tdd 							SEQUENCE {
+			-- TABULAR: the offset is included in CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH
+			commonTimeslotInfo				CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH,
+			tddOption						CHOICE {
+				tdd384							SEQUENCE {
+					individualTimeslotInfo			IndividualTimeslotInfo,
+					channelisationCode				SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList
+				},
+				tdd768							SEQUENCE {
+					individualTimeslotInfo			IndividualTimeslotInfo-VHCR,
+					channelisationCode				SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList-VHCR
+				},
+				tdd128							SEQUENCE {
+					individualTimeslotInfo			IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4,
+					channelisationCode				SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+SecondaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4-ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	individualTimeslotLCR-Ext			IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4-ext
+SecondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			secondaryScramblingCode			SecondaryScramblingCode			OPTIONAL,
+			sttd-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+			sf-AndCodeNumber				SF256-AndCodeNumber,
+			timingOffset					TimingOffset					DEFAULT 0
+		},
+		tdd384							DownlinkTimeslotsCodes,
+		tdd128							DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4
+	}
+SecondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS-r7 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			secondaryScramblingCode			SecondaryScramblingCode			OPTIONAL,
+			sttd-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+			sf-AndCodeNumber				SF256-AndCodeNumber,
+			timingOffset					TimingOffset					DEFAULT 0
+		},
+		tdd384							DownlinkTimeslotsCodes,
+		tdd768							DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR,
+		tdd128							DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4
+	}
+SecondaryCPICH-Info ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	secondaryDL-ScramblingCode			SecondaryScramblingCode				OPTIONAL,
+	channelisationCode					ChannelisationCode256
+SecondaryScramblingCode ::=			INTEGER (1..15)
+SecondInterleavingMode ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										frameRelated, timeslotRelated }
+-- SF256-AndCodeNumber encodes both "Spreading factor" and "Code Number"
+SF256-AndCodeNumber ::=				CHOICE {
+	sf4									INTEGER (0..3),
+	sf8									INTEGER (0..7),
+	sf16								INTEGER (0..15),
+	sf32								INTEGER (0..31),
+	sf64								INTEGER (0..63),
+	sf128								INTEGER (0..127),
+	sf256								INTEGER (0..255)
+-- SF512-AndCodeNumber encodes both "Spreading factor" and "Code Number"
+SF512-AndCodeNumber ::=				CHOICE {
+	sf4									INTEGER (0..3),
+	sf8									INTEGER (0..7),
+	sf16								INTEGER (0..15),
+	sf32								INTEGER (0..31),
+	sf64								INTEGER (0..63),
+	sf128								INTEGER (0..127),
+	sf256								INTEGER (0..255),
+	sf512								INTEGER (0..511)
+-- SF512-AndPilot encodes both "Spreading factor" and "Number of bits for Pilot bits"
+SF512-AndPilot ::=					CHOICE {
+	sfd4								NULL, 
+	sfd8								NULL, 
+	sfd16								NULL, 
+	sfd32								NULL,
+	sfd64								NULL, 
+	sfd128								PilotBits128, 
+	sfd256								PilotBits256, 
+	sfd512								NULL
+										sfp4, sfp8, sfp16, sfp32,
+										sfp64, sfp128, sfp256 }
+										sfpr32, sfpr64, sfpr128, sfpr256 }
+SFN-TimeInfo ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	activationTimeSFN					INTEGER (0..4095),
+	physChDuration					DurationTimeInfo
+-- actual scheduling value = 2(signalled value +1) and is the periodicity of sending special burst frames
+SpecialBurstScheduling ::=				INTEGER (0..7)
+SpreadingFactor ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										sf4, sf8, sf16, sf32,
+										sf64, sf128, sf256 }
+SRB-delay ::=						INTEGER (0..7)
+SSDT-CellIdentity ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										ssdt-id-a, ssdt-id-b, ssdt-id-c,
+										ssdt-id-d, ssdt-id-e, ssdt-id-f,
+										ssdt-id-g, ssdt-id-h }
+SSDT-Information ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	s-Field								S-Field,
+	codeWordSet							CodeWordSet
+SSDT-Information-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	s-Field								S-Field,
+	codeWordSet							CodeWordSet,
+	ssdt-UL-r4							SSDT-UL									OPTIONAL
+										ul, ul-AndDL }
+SynchronisationParameters-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	sync-UL-CodesBitmap					BIT STRING {
+											code7(0),
+											code6(1),
+											code5(2),
+											code4(3),
+											code3(4),
+											code2(5),
+											code1(6),
+											code0(7)
+											} (SIZE (8)),
+	fpach-Info							FPACH-Info-r4,
+	-- Actual value prxUpPCHdes = IE value - 120
+	prxUpPCHdes							INTEGER (0..62),
+	sync-UL-Procedure					SYNC-UL-Procedure-r4					OPTIONAL
+SYNC-UL-Procedure-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	max-SYNC-UL-Transmissions			ENUMERATED { tr1, tr2, tr4, tr8 },
+	powerRampStep						INTEGER (0..3)
+SYNC-UL-Info-r4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	sync-UL-Codes-Bitmap				BIT STRING {
+											code7(0),
+											code6(1),
+											code5(2),
+											code4(3),
+											code3(4),
+											code2(5),
+											code1(6),
+											code0(7)
+											} ( SIZE (8)),
+	-- Actual value prxUpPCHdes = IE value - 120
+	prxUpPCHdes							INTEGER (0..62),
+	powerRampStep						INTEGER (0..3),
+	max-SYNC-UL-Transmissions			ENUMERATED { tr1, tr2, tr4, tr8 } ,
+    mmax                                INTEGER(1..32)
+TDD-FPACH-CCode16-r4 ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4,
+										cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8,
+										cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12,
+										cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 }
+TDD-UL-Interference ::=				INTEGER (-110..-52)
+										cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4,
+										cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8,
+										cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12,
+										cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 }
+TDD768-PICH-CCode ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										cc32-1, cc32-2, cc32-3, cc32-4,
+										cc32-5, cc32-6, cc32-7, cc32-8,
+										cc32-9, cc32-10, cc32-11, cc32-12,
+										cc32-13, cc32-14, cc32-15, cc32-16,
+										cc32-17, cc32-18, cc32-19, cc32-20,
+										cc32-21, cc32-22, cc32-23, cc32-24,
+										cc32-25, cc32-26, cc32-27, cc32-28,
+										cc32-29, cc32-30, cc32-31, cc32-32 }
+										cc8-1, cc8-2, cc8-3, cc8-4,
+										cc8-5, cc8-6, cc8-7, cc8-8 }
+										cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4,
+										cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8,
+										cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12,
+										cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 }
+										cc4-1, cc4-2, cc4-3, cc4-4,
+										cc8-1, cc8-2, cc8-3, cc8-4,
+										cc8-5, cc8-6, cc8-7, cc8-8,
+										cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4,
+										cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8,
+										cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12,
+										cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 }
+TDD-PRACH-CCodeList ::= 			CHOICE {
+	sf8									SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF 
+											TDD-PRACH-CCode8,
+-- Channelisation codes cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12, cc16-13, cc16-14,
+-- cc16-15 and cc16-16 shall not be used
+	sf16								SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF
+											TDD-PRACH-CCode16
+TDD768-PRACH-CCode8 ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										cc8-1, cc8-2, cc8-3, cc8-4,
+										cc8-5, cc8-6, cc8-7, cc8-8 }
+TDD768-PRACH-CCode16 ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4,
+										cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8,
+										cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12,
+										cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 }
+TDD768-PRACH-CCode32 ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										cc32-1, cc32-2, cc32-3, cc32-4,
+										cc32-5, cc32-6, cc32-7, cc32-8,
+										cc32-9, cc32-10, cc32-11, cc32-12,
+										cc32-13, cc32-14, cc32-15, cc32-16 }
+TDD768-PRACH-CCodeList ::= 			CHOICE {
+	sf32								SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF 
+											TDD768-PRACH-CCode32,
+-- Channelisation codes cc32-17, cc32-18, cc32-19, cc32-20, cc32-21, cc32-22,
+-- cc32-23, cc32-24, cc32-25, cc32-26, cc32-27, cc32-28, cc32-29, cc32-30, cc32-31
+-- and cc32-32 shall not be used
+	sf16								SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF
+											TDD768-PRACH-CCode16,
+	sf8									SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF
+											TDD768-PRACH-CCode8
+TFC-ControlDuration ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										tfc-cd1, tfc-cd2, tfc-cd4, tfc-cd8,
+										tfc-cd16, tfc-cd24, tfc-cd32,
+										tfc-cd48, tfc-cd64, tfc-cd128,
+										tfc-cd192, tfc-cd256, tfc-cd512 }
+TFCI-Coding ::=						ENUMERATED { 
+										tfci-bits-4, tfci-bits-8,
+										tfci-bits-16, tfci-bits-32 }
+TGCFN ::=							INTEGER (0..255)
+-- In TGD, value 270 represents "undefined" in the tabular description.
+TGD ::=								INTEGER (15..270)
+TGL ::=								INTEGER (1..14)
+TGMP ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										tdd-Measurement, fdd-Measurement,
+										gsm-CarrierRSSIMeasurement, 
+										gsm-initialBSICIdentification, gsmBSICReconfirmation,
+										multi-carrier }
+TGP-Sequence ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	tgpsi								TGPSI,
+	tgps-Status							CHOICE {
+		activate							SEQUENCE {
+			tgcfn								TGCFN
+		},
+		deactivate							NULL
+	},
+	tgps-ConfigurationParams			TGPS-ConfigurationParams			OPTIONAL
+TGPS-Reconfiguration-CFN ::=		INTEGER (0..255)
+TGP-SequenceList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTGPS)) OF
+										TGP-Sequence
+TGP-SequenceShort ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	tgpsi								TGPSI,
+	tgps-Status							CHOICE {
+		activate							SEQUENCE {
+			tgcfn								TGCFN
+		},
+		deactivate							NULL
+	}
+TGPL ::=							INTEGER (1..144)
+-- TABULAR: In TGPRC, value 0 represents "infinity" in the tabular description.
+TGPRC ::=							INTEGER (0..511)
+TGPS-ConfigurationParams ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	tgmp								TGMP,
+	tgprc								TGPRC,
+	tgsn								TGSN,
+	tgl1								TGL,
+	tgl2								TGL									OPTIONAL,
+	tgd									TGD,
+	tgpl1								TGPL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received it shall be ignored.
+	dummy							TGPL								OPTIONAL,
+	rpp									RPP,
+	itp									ITP,
+	-- TABULAR: Compressed mode method is nested inside UL-DL-Mode
+	ul-DL-Mode							UL-DL-Mode,
+	dl-FrameType						DL-FrameType,
+	deltaSIR1							DeltaSIR,
+	deltaSIRAfter1						DeltaSIR,
+	deltaSIR2							DeltaSIR							OPTIONAL,
+	deltaSIRAfter2						DeltaSIR							OPTIONAL,
+	nidentifyAbort						NidentifyAbort						OPTIONAL,
+	treconfirmAbort						TreconfirmAbort						OPTIONAL
+TGPSI ::=							INTEGER (1..maxTGPS)
+TGSN ::=							INTEGER (0..14)
+TimeInfo ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	activationTime						ActivationTime						OPTIONAL,
+	durationTimeInfo					DurationTimeInfo					OPTIONAL
+TimeslotList ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF
+										TimeslotNumber
+TimeslotList-r4 ::=					CHOICE {
+-- the choice for 7.68 Mcps TDD is as for 3.84 Mcps TDD  --
+	tdd384								SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF
+											TimeslotNumber,
+	tdd128								SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-LCR)) OF
+											TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4
+-- If TimeslotNumber is included for a 1.28Mcps TDD description, it shall take values from 0..6
+TimeslotNumber ::=						INTEGER (0..14)
+TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4 ::=				INTEGER (0..6)
+TimeslotNumber-PRACH-LCR-r4 ::=		INTEGER (1..6)
+TimeslotSync2 ::=				INTEGER (0..6)
+-- Actual value TimingOffset = IE value * 256
+TimingOffset ::=					INTEGER (0..149)
+TimingMaintainedSynchInd ::=		ENUMERATED { false }
+TPC-CombinationIndex ::=			INTEGER (0..5)
+TPC-CommandTargetRate ::=			INTEGER (0..10)
+-- Actual value TPC-StepSizeFDD = IE value + 1
+TPC-StepSizeFDD ::=					INTEGER (0..1)
+TPC-StepSizeTDD ::=					INTEGER (1..3)
+-- Actual value TreconfirmAbort = IE value * 0.5 seconds
+TreconfirmAbort ::=	INTEGER (1..20)
+TX-DiversityMode ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										noDiversity,
+										sttd,
+										closedLoopMode1,
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+										dummy }
+UARFCN ::=						INTEGER (0..16383)
+UCSM-Info ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	minimumSpreadingFactor				MinimumSpreadingFactor,
+	nf-Max								NF-Max,
+	channelReqParamsForUCSM				ChannelReqParamsForUCSM
+UL-CCTrCH ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	ul-TargetSIR						UL-TargetSIR,
+	timeInfo							TimeInfo,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			UplinkTimeslotsCodes				OPTIONAL
+UL-CCTrCH-r4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	-- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD
+	-- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" Ð 120)
+	ul-TargetSIR						UL-TargetSIR,
+	timeInfo							TimeInfo,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	tddOption							CHOICE {
+		tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+			ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			UplinkTimeslotsCodes		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+			ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+UL-CCTrCH-r7 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain					DEFAULT 1,
+	-- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD
+	-- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" Ð 120)
+	ul-TargetSIR						UL-TargetSIR,
+	timeInfo							TimeInfo,
+	commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	tddOption							CHOICE {
+		tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+			ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			UplinkTimeslotsCodes		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd768								SEQUENCE {
+			ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			UplinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR	OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+			ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r7	OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+UL-CCTrCHList ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+										UL-CCTrCH
+UL-CCTrCHList-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+										UL-CCTrCH-r4
+UL-CCTrCHList-r7 ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+										UL-CCTrCH-r7
+UL-CCTrCHListToRemove ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+										TFCS-IdentityPlain
+UL-CCTrChTPCList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+											TFCS-Identity
+UL-ChannelRequirement ::=			CHOICE {
+	ul-DPCH-Info						UL-DPCH-Info,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+	dummy								CPCH-SetInfo
+UL-ChannelRequirement-r4 ::=		CHOICE {
+	ul-DPCH-Info						UL-DPCH-Info-r4,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+	dummy								CPCH-SetInfo
+UL-ChannelRequirement-r5 ::=		CHOICE {
+	ul-DPCH-Info						UL-DPCH-Info-r5,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+	dummy								CPCH-SetInfo
+-- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not
+-- changed to keep it aligned with R99.
+UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID ::=	CHOICE {
+	ul-DPCH-Info						UL-DPCH-Info,
+	-- dummy1 and dummy 2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should
+	-- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+	dummy1								CPCH-SetInfo,
+	dummy2								CPCH-SetID
+-- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not
+-- changed to keep it aligned with R99.
+UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID-r4 ::=	CHOICE {
+	ul-DPCH-Info						UL-DPCH-Info-r4,
+	-- dummy1 and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they 
+	-- should not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+	dummy1								CPCH-SetInfo,
+	dummy2								CPCH-SetID
+-- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not
+-- changed to keep it aligned with R99.
+UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID-r5 ::=	CHOICE {
+	ul-DPCH-Info						UL-DPCH-Info-r5,
+	-- dummy1 and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should
+	-- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+	dummy1								CPCH-SetInfo,
+	dummy2								CPCH-SetID
+UL-CompressedModeMethod ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										sf-2, 
+										higherLayerScheduling }
+UL-DL-Mode ::=						CHOICE {
+	ul									UL-CompressedModeMethod,
+	dl									DL-CompressedModeMethod,
+	ul-and-dl								SEQUENCE {
+		ul									UL-CompressedModeMethod,
+		dl									DL-CompressedModeMethod
+	}}
+UL-DPCCH-SlotFormat ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										slf0, slf1, slf2 }
+UL-DPCH-Info ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			scramblingCodeType					ScramblingCodeType,
+			scramblingCode						UL-ScramblingCode,
+			numberOfDPDCH						NumberOfDPDCH				DEFAULT 1,
+			spreadingFactor						SpreadingFactor,
+			tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN,
+			-- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history
+			numberOfFBI-Bits					NumberOfFBI-Bits			OPTIONAL,
+			puncturingLimit						PuncturingLimit
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ul-TimingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvanceControl		OPTIONAL,
+			ul-CCTrCHList						UL-CCTrCHList				OPTIONAL,
+			ul-CCTrCHListToRemove				UL-CCTrCHListToRemove		OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+UL-DPCH-Info-r4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			scramblingCodeType					ScramblingCodeType,
+			scramblingCode						UL-ScramblingCode,
+			numberOfDPDCH						NumberOfDPDCH				DEFAULT 1,
+			spreadingFactor						SpreadingFactor,
+			tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN,
+			-- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history
+			numberOfFBI-Bits					NumberOfFBI-Bits			OPTIONAL,
+			puncturingLimit						PuncturingLimit
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ul-TimingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4	OPTIONAL,
+			ul-CCTrCHList						UL-CCTrCHList-r4			OPTIONAL,
+			ul-CCTrCHListToRemove				UL-CCTrCHListToRemove		OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+UL-DPCH-Info-r5 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r5			OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			scramblingCodeType					ScramblingCodeType,
+			scramblingCode						UL-ScramblingCode,
+			numberOfDPDCH						NumberOfDPDCH				DEFAULT 1,
+			spreadingFactor						SpreadingFactor,
+			tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN,
+			-- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history
+			numberOfFBI-Bits					NumberOfFBI-Bits			OPTIONAL,
+			puncturingLimit						PuncturingLimit
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ul-TimingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4	OPTIONAL,
+			ul-CCTrCHList						UL-CCTrCHList-r4			OPTIONAL,
+			ul-CCTrCHListToRemove				UL-CCTrCHListToRemove		OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+UL-DPCH-Info-r6 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r6			OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			scramblingCodeType					ScramblingCodeType,
+			scramblingCode						UL-ScramblingCode,
+			dpdchPresence						CHOICE {
+				present								SEQUENCE {
+					numberOfDPDCH						NumberOfDPDCH				DEFAULT 1,
+					spreadingFactor						SpreadingFactor,
+					tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN,
+					-- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history
+					numberOfFBI-Bits					NumberOfFBI-Bits			OPTIONAL,
+					puncturingLimit						PuncturingLimit
+				},
+				notPresent							SEQUENCE {
+					tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN,
+					-- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history
+					numberOfFBI-Bits					NumberOfFBI-Bits			OPTIONAL
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ul-TimingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4	OPTIONAL,
+			ul-CCTrCHList						UL-CCTrCHList-r4			OPTIONAL,
+			ul-CCTrCHListToRemove				UL-CCTrCHListToRemove		OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+UL-DPCH-Info-r7 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r6			OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			scramblingCodeType					ScramblingCodeType,
+			scramblingCode						UL-ScramblingCode,
+			dpdchPresence						CHOICE {
+				present								SEQUENCE {
+					numberOfDPDCH						NumberOfDPDCH				DEFAULT 1,
+					spreadingFactor						SpreadingFactor,
+					tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN,
+					-- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history
+					numberOfFBI-Bits					NumberOfFBI-Bits			OPTIONAL,
+					puncturingLimit						PuncturingLimit
+						},
+				notPresent							SEQUENCE {
+					tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN,
+					-- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history
+					numberOfFBI-Bits					NumberOfFBI-Bits			OPTIONAL
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ul-TimingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r7	OPTIONAL,
+			ul-CCTrCHList						UL-CCTrCHList-r7			OPTIONAL,
+			ul-CCTrCHListToRemove				UL-CCTrCHListToRemove		OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPostFDD,
+			scramblingCodeType					ScramblingCodeType,
+			reducedScramblingCodeNumber			ReducedScramblingCodeNumber,
+			spreadingFactor						SpreadingFactor
+UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPostTDD,
+	ul-TimingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvanceControl					OPTIONAL,
+	ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			UplinkTimeslotsCodes
+	ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPostTDD-LCR-r4,
+	ul-TimingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvanceControl-LCR-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes			UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4
+UL-DPCH-InfoPredef ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo			UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPredef,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			tfci-Existence						BOOLEAN,
+			puncturingLimit						PuncturingLimit
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			commonTimeslotInfo					CommonTimeslotInfo
+		}
+	}
+UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo ::=		CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		dpcch-PowerOffset					DPCCH-PowerOffset,
+		pc-Preamble							PC-Preamble,
+		sRB-delay							SRB-delay,
+		-- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm
+		powerControlAlgorithm				PowerControlAlgorithm
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		ul-TargetSIR						UL-TargetSIR				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-OL-PC-Signalling					CHOICE {
+			broadcast-UL-OL-PC-info				NULL,
+			individuallySignalled				SEQUENCE {
+				individualTS-InterferenceList		IndividualTS-InterferenceList,
+				dpch-ConstantValue					ConstantValueTdd,
+				primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power	
+			}	
+		}																OPTIONAL
+	}
+UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r4 ::=		CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		dpcch-PowerOffset					DPCCH-PowerOffset,
+		pc-Preamble							PC-Preamble,
+		sRB-delay							SRB-delay,
+		-- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm
+		powerControlAlgorithm				PowerControlAlgorithm
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		-- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD
+		-- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" Ð 120)
+		ul-TargetSIR						UL-TargetSIR				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-OL-PC-Signalling					CHOICE {
+			broadcast-UL-OL-PC-info				NULL,
+			individuallySignalled				SEQUENCE {
+				tddOption							CHOICE {
+					tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+						individualTS-InterferenceList		IndividualTS-InterferenceList,
+						dpch-ConstantValue					ConstantValue
+					},
+					tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+						tpc-StepSize						TPC-StepSizeTDD
+					}
+				},
+				primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+			}
+		}
+	}
+UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r5 ::=		CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		dpcch-PowerOffset					DPCCH-PowerOffset,
+		pc-Preamble							PC-Preamble,
+		sRB-delay							SRB-delay,
+		-- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm
+		powerControlAlgorithm				PowerControlAlgorithm,
+		deltaACK							DeltaACK	OPTIONAL,
+		deltaNACK							DeltaNACK	OPTIONAL,
+		ack-NACK-repetition-factor			ACK-NACK-repetitionFactor	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		-- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD
+		-- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" Ð 120)
+		ul-TargetSIR						UL-TargetSIR				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-OL-PC-Signalling					CHOICE {
+			broadcast-UL-OL-PC-info				NULL,
+			individuallySignalled				SEQUENCE {
+				tddOption							CHOICE {
+					tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+						individualTS-InterferenceList		IndividualTS-InterferenceList,
+						dpch-ConstantValue					ConstantValue
+					},
+					tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+						tpc-StepSize						TPC-StepSizeTDD
+					}
+				},
+				primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+			}
+		}
+	}
+UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r6 ::=		CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		dpcch-PowerOffset					DPCCH-PowerOffset,
+		pc-Preamble							PC-Preamble,
+		sRB-delay							SRB-delay,
+		-- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm
+		powerControlAlgorithm				PowerControlAlgorithm,
+		deltaACK							DeltaACK	OPTIONAL,
+		deltaNACK							DeltaNACK	OPTIONAL,
+		ack-NACK-repetition-factor			ACK-NACK-repetitionFactor	OPTIONAL,
+		harq-Preamble-Mode					HARQ-Preamble-Mode
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		-- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD
+		-- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" Ð 120)
+		ul-TargetSIR						UL-TargetSIR				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-OL-PC-Signalling					CHOICE {
+			broadcast-UL-OL-PC-info				NULL,
+			individuallySignalled				SEQUENCE {
+				tddOption							CHOICE {
+					tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+						individualTS-InterferenceList		IndividualTS-InterferenceList,
+						dpch-ConstantValue					ConstantValue
+					},
+					tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+						beaconPLEst							BEACON-PL-Est		OPTIONAL,
+						tpc-StepSize						TPC-StepSizeTDD
+					}
+				},
+				primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+			}
+		}
+	}
+UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r7 ::=		CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		dpcch-PowerOffset					DPCCH-PowerOffset,
+		pc-Preamble							PC-Preamble,
+		sRB-delay							SRB-delay,
+		-- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm
+		powerControlAlgorithm				PowerControlAlgorithm,
+		deltaACK							DeltaACK	OPTIONAL,
+		deltaNACK							DeltaNACK	OPTIONAL,
+		ack-NACK-repetition-factor			ACK-NACK-repetitionFactor	OPTIONAL,
+		harq-Preamble-Mode					HARQ-Preamble-Mode
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		-- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD
+		-- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" Ð 120)
+		ul-TargetSIR						UL-TargetSIR				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-OL-PC-Signalling					CHOICE {
+			broadcast-UL-OL-PC-info				NULL,
+			individuallySignalled				SEQUENCE {
+				tddOption							CHOICE {
+					tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+						individualTS-InterferenceList		IndividualTS-InterferenceList,
+						dpch-ConstantValue					ConstantValue
+					},
+					tdd768								SEQUENCE {
+						individualTS-InterferenceList		IndividualTS-InterferenceList,
+						dpch-ConstantValue					ConstantValue
+					},
+					tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+						beaconPLEst							BEACON-PL-Est		OPTIONAL,
+						tpc-StepSize						TPC-StepSizeTDD
+					}
+				},
+				primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power
+			}
+		}
+	}
+UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPostFDD ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	-- DPCCH-PowerOffset2 has a smaller range to save bits
+	dpcch-PowerOffset					DPCCH-PowerOffset2,
+	pc-Preamble							PC-Preamble,
+	sRB-delay							SRB-delay
+UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPostTDD ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ul-TargetSIR						UL-TargetSIR,
+	ul-TimeslotInterference				TDD-UL-Interference
+UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPostTDD-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	-- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD
+	-- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" Ð 120)
+	ul-TargetSIR						UL-TargetSIR
+UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPredef ::=		CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE {
+		-- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm
+		powerControlAlgorithm				PowerControlAlgorithm
+	},
+	tdd									SEQUENCE {
+		-- dpch-ConstantValue shall be ignored if in 1.28Mcps TDD mode.
+		dpch-ConstantValue					ConstantValueTdd
+	}
+UL-EDCH-Information-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	mac-es-e-resetIndicator				ENUMERATED { true }						OPTIONAL,
+	e-DPCCH-Info						E-DPCCH-Info							OPTIONAL,
+	e-DPDCH-Info						E-DPDCH-Info							OPTIONAL,
+	schedulingTransmConfiguration		E-DPDCH-SchedulingTransmConfiguration	OPTIONAL
+UL-Interference ::=					INTEGER (-110..-70)
+UL-ScramblingCode ::=				INTEGER (0..16777215)
+UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	stepSize							INTEGER (1..8),
+	frequency							INTEGER (1..8)
+-- Actual value UL-TargetSIR = (IE value * 0.5) - 11
+UL-TargetSIR ::=					INTEGER (0..62)
+UL-TimingAdvance ::=				INTEGER (0..63)
+UL-TimingAdvance-VHCR ::=			INTEGER (0..127)
+UL-TimingAdvanceControl ::=			CHOICE {
+	disabled							NULL,
+	enabled								SEQUENCE {
+		ul-TimingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvance				OPTIONAL,
+		activationTime						ActivationTime					OPTIONAL
+	}
+UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4 ::=		CHOICE {
+	disabled							NULL,
+	enabled								SEQUENCE {
+		tddOption							CHOICE {
+			tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+				ul-TimingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvance				OPTIONAL,
+				activationTime						ActivationTime					OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+				ul-SynchronisationParameters		UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4	OPTIONAL,
+				synchronisationParameters			SynchronisationParameters-r4	OPTIONAL
+			}
+		}
+	}
+UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r7 ::=		CHOICE {
+	disabled							NULL,
+	enabled								SEQUENCE {
+		tddOption							CHOICE {
+			tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+				ul-TimingAdvance					UL-TimingAdvance				OPTIONAL,
+				ext-ul-TimingAdvance				EXT-UL-TimingAdvance			OPTIONAL,
+				activationTime						ActivationTime					OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd768								SEQUENCE {
+				ext-ul-TimingAdvance				EXT-UL-TimingAdvance			OPTIONAL,
+				activationTime						ActivationTime					OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+				ul-SynchronisationParameters		UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4	OPTIONAL,
+				synchronisationParameters			SynchronisationParameters-r4	OPTIONAL
+			}
+		}
+	}
+UL-TimingAdvanceControl-LCR-r4 ::=	CHOICE {
+	disabled							NULL,
+	enabled								SEQUENCE {
+		ul-SynchronisationParameters		UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4	OPTIONAL,
+		synchronisationParameters			SynchronisationParameters-r4	OPTIONAL
+	}
+UL-TS-ChannelisationCode ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										cc1-1, cc2-1, cc2-2,
+										cc4-1, cc4-2, cc4-3, cc4-4,
+										cc8-1, cc8-2, cc8-3, cc8-4,
+										cc8-5, cc8-6, cc8-7, cc8-8,
+										cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4,
+										cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8,
+										cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12,
+										cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 }
+UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList ::= 	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF
+										UL-TS-ChannelisationCode
+UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList-r7 ::= 	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF
+											SEQUENCE {
+		ul-TS-Channelisation-Code				UL-TS-ChannelisationCode,
+		plcch-info								PLCCH-Info		OPTIONAL
+UL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										cc1-1, cc2-1, cc2-2,
+										cc4-1, cc4-2, cc4-3, cc4-4,
+										cc8-1, cc8-2, cc8-3, cc8-4,
+										cc8-5, cc8-6, cc8-7, cc8-8,
+										cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4,
+										cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8,
+										cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12,
+										cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16,
+										cc32-1, cc32-2, cc32-3, cc32-4,
+										cc32-5, cc32-6, cc32-7, cc32-8,
+										cc32-9, cc32-10, cc32-11, cc32-12,
+										cc32-13, cc32-14, cc32-15, cc32-16,
+										cc32-17, cc32-18, cc32-19, cc32-20,
+										cc32-21, cc32-22, cc32-23, cc32-24,
+										cc32-25, cc32-26, cc32-27, cc32-28,
+										cc32-29, cc32-30, cc32-31, cc32-32 }
+UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList-VHCR ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF
+											UL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR
+UplinkAdditionalTimeslots ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	parameters							CHOICE {
+		sameAsLast							SEQUENCE {
+			timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber
+		},
+		newParameters						SEQUENCE {
+			individualTimeslotInfo						IndividualTimeslotInfo,
+			ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList				UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList
+		}
+	}
+UplinkAdditionalTimeslots-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	parameters							CHOICE {
+		sameAsLast							SEQUENCE {
+			timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber
+		},
+		newParameters						SEQUENCE {
+			individualTimeslotInfo						IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4,
+			ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList				UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList
+		}
+	}
+UplinkAdditionalTimeslots-LCR-r7 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	parameters							CHOICE {
+		sameAsLast							SEQUENCE {
+			timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber
+			-- plcch-info assigned as previously defined slot
+		},
+		newParameters						SEQUENCE {
+			individualTimeslotInfo				IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4,
+			ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList		UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList-r7
+		}
+	}
+UplinkTimeslotsCodes ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	dynamicSFusage						BOOLEAN,
+	firstIndividualTimeslotInfo			IndividualTimeslotInfo,
+	ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList		UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList,
+	moreTimeslots						CHOICE {
+		noMore								NULL,
+		additionalTimeslots					CHOICE {
+			consecutive							SEQUENCE {
+				numAdditionalTimeslots				INTEGER (1..maxTS-1)
+			},
+			timeslotList						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-1)) OF
+													UplinkAdditionalTimeslots
+		}
+	}
+UplinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	dynamicSFusage						BOOLEAN,
+	firstIndividualTimeslotInfo			IndividualTimeslotInfo-VHCR,
+	ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList		UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList-VHCR,
+	moreTimeslots						CHOICE {
+		noMore								NULL,
+		additionalTimeslots					CHOICE {
+			consecutive							SEQUENCE {
+				numAdditionalTimeslots				INTEGER (1..maxTS-1)
+			},
+			timeslotList						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-1)) OF
+													UplinkAdditionalTimeslots
+		}
+	}
+UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	dynamicSFusage						BOOLEAN,
+	firstIndividualTimeslotInfo			IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4,
+	ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList		UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList,
+	moreTimeslots						CHOICE {
+		noMore								NULL,
+		additionalTimeslots					CHOICE {
+			consecutive							SEQUENCE {
+				numAdditionalTimeslots				INTEGER (1..maxTS-LCR-1)
+			},
+			timeslotList						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-LCR-1)) OF
+													UplinkAdditionalTimeslots-LCR-r4
+		}
+	}
+UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r7 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	dynamicSFusage						BOOLEAN,
+	firstIndividualTimeslotInfo			IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4,
+	ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList		UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList-r7,
+	moreTimeslots						CHOICE {
+		noMore								NULL,
+		additionalTimeslots					CHOICE {
+			consecutive							SEQUENCE {
+			-- the choice of 'consecutive' is not needed because there is only 1 option. 
+				numAdditionalTimeslots				INTEGER (1..maxTS-LCR-1)
+			},
+			timeslotList						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-LCR-1)) OF
+													UplinkAdditionalTimeslots-LCR-r7
+		}
+	}
+Wi-LCR ::=                                                               INTEGER(1..4)
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+AcquisitionSatInfo ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	satID								SatID,
+	-- Actual value dopplerOthOrder = IE value * 2.5
+	doppler0thOrder						INTEGER (-2048..2047),
+	extraDopplerInfo					ExtraDopplerInfo					OPTIONAL,
+	codePhase							INTEGER (0..1022),
+	integerCodePhase					INTEGER (0..19),
+	gps-BitNumber						INTEGER (0..3),
+	codePhaseSearchWindow				CodePhaseSearchWindow,
+	azimuthAndElevation					AzimuthAndElevation					OPTIONAL
+AcquisitionSatInfoList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF
+										AcquisitionSatInfo
+AdditionalMeasurementID-List ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxAdditionalMeas)) OF
+										MeasurementIdentity
+AlmanacSatInfo ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	dataID								INTEGER (0..3),
+	satID								SatID,
+	e									BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	t-oa								BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	deltaI								BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	omegaDot							BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	satHealth							BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	a-Sqrt								BIT STRING (SIZE (24)),
+	omega0								BIT STRING (SIZE (24)),
+	m0									BIT STRING (SIZE (24)),
+	omega								BIT STRING (SIZE (24)),
+	af0									BIT STRING (SIZE (11)),
+	af1									BIT STRING (SIZE (11))
+AlmanacSatInfoList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF
+										AlmanacSatInfo
+AverageRLC-BufferPayload ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										pla0, pla4, pla8, pla16, pla32,
+										pla64, pla128, pla256, pla512,
+										pla1024, pla2k, pla4k, pla8k, pla16k,
+										pla32k, pla64k, pla128k, pla256k,
+										pla512k, pla1024k, spare12, spare11,
+										spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6,
+										spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 }
+AzimuthAndElevation ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	-- Actual value azimuth = IE value * 11.25
+	azimuth								INTEGER (0..31),
+	-- Actual value elevation = IE value * 11.25
+	elevation							INTEGER (0..7)
+BadSatList ::=						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF
+										INTEGER (0..63)
+Frequency-Band ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										dcs1800BandUsed, pcs1900BandUsed }
+BCCH-ARFCN ::=						INTEGER (0..1023)
+BLER-MeasurementResults ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	transportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity,
+	dl-TransportChannelBLER				DL-TransportChannelBLER				OPTIONAL
+BLER-MeasurementResultsList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										BLER-MeasurementResults
+BLER-TransChIdList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										TransportChannelIdentity
+BSIC-VerificationRequired ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										required, notRequired }
+BSICReported ::=					CHOICE {
+	-- Value maxCellMeas is not allowed for verifiedBSIC
+	verifiedBSIC						INTEGER (0..maxCellMeas),
+	nonVerifiedBSIC						BCCH-ARFCN
+BurstModeParameters ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	burstStart							INTEGER (0..15),
+	burstLength							INTEGER (10..25),
+	burstFreq							INTEGER (1..16)
+CellDCH-ReportCriteria ::=			CHOICE {
+	intraFreqReportingCriteria			IntraFreqReportingCriteria,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalReportingCriteria
+CellDCH-ReportCriteria-LCR-r4 ::=	CHOICE {
+	intraFreqReportingCriteria			IntraFreqReportingCriteria-LCR-r4,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalReportingCriteria
+-- Actual value CellIndividualOffset = IE value * 0.5
+CellIndividualOffset ::=			INTEGER (-20..20)
+CellInfo ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	cellIndividualOffset				CellIndividualOffset			 	DEFAULT 0,
+	referenceTimeDifferenceToCell		ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell		OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info			OPTIONAL,
+			primaryCPICH-TX-Power				PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+			tx-DiversityIndicator				BOOLEAN		
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCCPCH-Info					PrimaryCCPCH-Info,
+			primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			timeslotInfoList					TimeslotInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+			readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN
+		}
+	}
+CellInfo-r4 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	cellIndividualOffset				CellIndividualOffset			 	DEFAULT 0,
+	referenceTimeDifferenceToCell		ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell		OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info			OPTIONAL,
+			primaryCPICH-TX-Power				PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+			tx-DiversityIndicator				BOOLEAN		
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCCPCH-Info					PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4,
+			primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			timeslotInfoList					TimeslotInfoList-r4			OPTIONAL,
+			readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN
+		}
+	}
+CellInfoSI-RSCP ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	cellIndividualOffset				CellIndividualOffset		 		DEFAULT 0,
+	referenceTimeDifferenceToCell		ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell		OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info			OPTIONAL,
+			primaryCPICH-TX-Power				PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+			tx-DiversityIndicator				BOOLEAN		
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCCPCH-Info					PrimaryCCPCH-Info,
+			primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			timeslotInfoList					TimeslotInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+			readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN
+		}
+	},
+	cellSelectionReselectionInfo		CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-RSCP		OPTIONAL
+CellInfoSI-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	cellIndividualOffset				CellIndividualOffset		 		DEFAULT 0,
+	referenceTimeDifferenceToCell		ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell		OPTIONAL,
+	primaryCCPCH-Info					PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4,
+	primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+	timeslotInfoList					TimeslotInfoList-LCR-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+	cellSelectionReselectionInfo		CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-RSCP		OPTIONAL
+CellInfoSI-ECN0 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	cellIndividualOffset				CellIndividualOffset		 		DEFAULT 0,
+	referenceTimeDifferenceToCell		ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell		OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info			OPTIONAL,
+			primaryCPICH-TX-Power				PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+			tx-DiversityIndicator				BOOLEAN		
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCCPCH-Info					PrimaryCCPCH-Info,
+			primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			timeslotInfoList					TimeslotInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+			readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN
+		}
+	},
+	cellSelectionReselectionInfo		CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-ECN0	OPTIONAL
+CellInfoSI-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	cellIndividualOffset				CellIndividualOffset		 		DEFAULT 0,
+	referenceTimeDifferenceToCell		ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell		OPTIONAL,
+	primaryCCPCH-Info					PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4,
+	primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+	timeslotInfoList					TimeslotInfoList-LCR-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+	cellSelectionReselectionInfo		CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-ECN0	OPTIONAL
+CellInfoSI-HCS-RSCP ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	cellIndividualOffset				CellIndividualOffset		 		DEFAULT 0,
+	referenceTimeDifferenceToCell		ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell		OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info			OPTIONAL,
+			primaryCPICH-TX-Power				PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+			tx-DiversityIndicator				BOOLEAN		
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCCPCH-Info					PrimaryCCPCH-Info,
+			primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			timeslotInfoList					TimeslotInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+			readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN
+		}
+	},
+	cellSelectionReselectionInfo		CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-HCS-RSCP	OPTIONAL
+	cellIndividualOffset				CellIndividualOffset		 		DEFAULT 0,
+	referenceTimeDifferenceToCell		ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell		OPTIONAL,
+	primaryCCPCH-Info					PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4,
+	primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+	timeslotInfoList					TimeslotInfoList-LCR-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+	cellSelectionReselectionInfo		CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-HCS-RSCP	OPTIONAL
+CellInfoSI-HCS-ECN0 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	cellIndividualOffset				CellIndividualOffset		 		DEFAULT 0,
+	referenceTimeDifferenceToCell		ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell		OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info			OPTIONAL,
+			primaryCPICH-TX-Power				PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+			tx-DiversityIndicator				BOOLEAN		
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCCPCH-Info					PrimaryCCPCH-Info,
+			primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power		OPTIONAL,
+			timeslotInfoList					TimeslotInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+			readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN
+		}
+	},
+	cellSelectionReselectionInfo		CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-HCS-ECN0	OPTIONAL
+CellInfoSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	cellIndividualOffset				CellIndividualOffset		 		DEFAULT 0,
+	referenceTimeDifferenceToCell		ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell		OPTIONAL,
+	primaryCCPCH-Info					PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4,
+	primaryCCPCH-TX-Power				PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+	timeslotInfoList					TimeslotInfoList-LCR-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	readSFN-Indicator					BOOLEAN,
+	cellSelectionReselectionInfo		CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-HCS-ECN0	OPTIONAL
+CellMeasuredResults ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	cellIdentity						CellIdentity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy			SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference			OPTIONAL,
+	cellSynchronisationInfo			CellSynchronisationInfo			OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+			cpich-Ec-N0							CPICH-Ec-N0					OPTIONAL,
+			cpich-RSCP							CPICH-RSCP					OPTIONAL,
+			pathloss							Pathloss					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			cellParametersID					CellParametersID,
+			proposedTGSN						TGSN						OPTIONAL,
+			primaryCCPCH-RSCP					PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP			OPTIONAL,
+			pathloss							Pathloss					OPTIONAL,
+			timeslotISCP-List					TimeslotISCP-List			OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+CellMeasurementEventResults ::=		CHOICE {
+	fdd									SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+	tdd									SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											PrimaryCCPCH-Info
+CellMeasurementEventResults-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4
+CellReportingQuantities ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification
+	-- and if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy					SFN-SFN-OTD-Type,
+	cellIdentity-reportingIndicator						BOOLEAN,
+	cellSynchronisationInfoReportingIndicator			BOOLEAN,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			cpich-Ec-N0-reportingIndicator							BOOLEAN,
+			cpich-RSCP-reportingIndicator							BOOLEAN,
+			pathloss-reportingIndicator							BOOLEAN
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			timeslotISCP-reportingIndicator						BOOLEAN,
+			proposedTGSN-ReportingRequired						BOOLEAN,
+			primaryCCPCH-RSCP-reportingIndicator					BOOLEAN,
+			pathloss-reportingIndicator							BOOLEAN
+		}
+	}
+CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	q-Offset1S-N						Q-OffsetS-N							DEFAULT 0,
+	q-Offset2S-N						Q-OffsetS-N							OPTIONAL,
+	maxAllowedUL-TX-Power				MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+	hcs-NeighbouringCellInformation-RSCP		HCS-NeighbouringCellInformation-RSCP		OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			q-QualMin							Q-QualMin					OPTIONAL,
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		gsm									SEQUENCE {
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-RSCP ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	q-OffsetS-N						Q-OffsetS-N						DEFAULT 0,
+	maxAllowedUL-TX-Power				MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			q-QualMin							Q-QualMin					OPTIONAL,
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		gsm									SEQUENCE {
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-ECN0 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	q-Offset1S-N						Q-OffsetS-N						DEFAULT 0,
+	q-Offset2S-N						Q-OffsetS-N						DEFAULT 0,
+	maxAllowedUL-TX-Power				MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			q-QualMin							Q-QualMin					OPTIONAL,
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		gsm									SEQUENCE {
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-HCS-RSCP ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	q-OffsetS-N						Q-OffsetS-N						DEFAULT 0,
+	maxAllowedUL-TX-Power				MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+	hcs-NeighbouringCellInformation-RSCP		HCS-NeighbouringCellInformation-RSCP		OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			q-QualMin							Q-QualMin					OPTIONAL,
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		gsm									SEQUENCE {
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-HCS-ECN0 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	q-Offset1S-N						Q-OffsetS-N						DEFAULT 0,
+	q-Offset2S-N						Q-OffsetS-N						DEFAULT 0,
+	maxAllowedUL-TX-Power				MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power				OPTIONAL,
+	hcs-NeighbouringCellInformation-ECN0		HCS-NeighbouringCellInformation-ECN0		OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			q-QualMin							Q-QualMin					OPTIONAL,
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		gsm									SEQUENCE {
+			q-RxlevMin							Q-RxlevMin					OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	deltaQrxlevmin					DeltaQrxlevmin					OPTIONAL,
+	deltaQhcs						DeltaRSCP						OPTIONAL
+CellSelectReselectInfoPCHFACH-v5b0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	q-Hyst-l-S-PCH				Q-Hyst-S-Fine						OPTIONAL,
+	q-Hyst-l-S-FACH				Q-Hyst-S-Fine						OPTIONAL,
+	q-Hyst-2-S-PCH				Q-Hyst-S-Fine						OPTIONAL,
+	q-Hyst-2-S-FACH				Q-Hyst-S-Fine						OPTIONAL,
+	t-Reselection-S-PCH			T-Reselection-S						OPTIONAL,
+	t-Reselection-S-FACH		T-Reselection-S-Fine				OPTIONAL
+CellSelectReselectInfoTreselectionScaling-v5c0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- For speed detection, the same HCS parameters are utilised
+	non-HCS-t-CR-Max							T-CRMax									OPTIONAL,
+	speedDependentScalingFactor					SpeedDependentScalingFactor				OPTIONAL,
+	interFrequencyTreselectionScalingFactor		TreselectionScalingFactor				OPTIONAL,
+	interRATTreselectionScalingFactor			TreselectionScalingFactor				OPTIONAL
+CellsForInterFreqMeasList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE  (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										InterFreqCellID
+CellsForInterRATMeasList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE  (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										InterRATCellID
+CellsForIntraFreqMeasList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE  (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										IntraFreqCellID
+CellSynchronisationInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			countC-SFN-Frame-difference			CountC-SFN-Frame-difference		OPTIONAL,
+			tm									INTEGER(0..38399)	
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			countC-SFN-Frame-difference			CountC-SFN-Frame-difference		OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}							
+CellToReport ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	bsicReported						BSICReported
+CellToReportList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										CellToReport
+CodePhaseSearchWindow ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										w1023, w1, w2, w3, w4, w6, w8,
+										w12, w16, w24, w32, w48, w64,
+										w96, w128, w192 }
+CountC-SFN-Frame-difference ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Actual value countC-SFN-High = IE value * 256
+	countC-SFN-High					INTEGER(0..15),
+	off								INTEGER(0..255)
+-- SPARE: CPICH-Ec-No, Max = 49
+-- Values above Max are spare
+CPICH-Ec-N0 ::=						INTEGER (0..63)
+-- SPARE: CPICH- RSCP, Max = 91
+-- Values above Max are spare
+CPICH-RSCP ::=						INTEGER (0..127)
+DeltaPRC ::=						INTEGER (-127..127)
+--Actual value DeltaQrxlevmin = IE value * 2
+DeltaQrxlevmin ::= INTEGER (-2..-1)
+DeltaRSCP ::= INTEGER (-5..-1)
+DeltaRSCPPerCell ::= SEQUENCE {
+	deltaRSCP						DeltaRSCP	OPTIONAL
+-- Actual value DeltaRRC = IE value * 0.032
+DeltaRRC ::=						INTEGER (-7..7)
+DGPS-CorrectionSatInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	satID								SatID,
+	iode								IODE,
+	udre								UDRE,
+	prc									PRC,
+	rrc									RRC,
+-- dummy1 and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification and should be ignored.
+	dummy1							DeltaPRC,
+	dummy2							DeltaRRC,
+	-- dummy3 and dummy4 are not used in this version of the specification. They should not
+	-- be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+	dummy3							DeltaPRC			OPTIONAL,
+	dummy4							DeltaRRC			OPTIONAL
+DGPS-CorrectionSatInfoList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF
+										DGPS-CorrectionSatInfo
+DiffCorrectionStatus ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										udre-1-0, udre-0-75, udre-0-5, udre-0-3,
+										udre-0-2, udre-0-1, noData, invalidData }
+DL-TransportChannelBLER ::=			INTEGER (0..63)
+DopplerUncertainty ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										hz12-5, hz25, hz50, hz100, hz200,
+										spare3, spare2, spare1 }
+EllipsoidPoint ::=					SEQUENCE {	
+	latitudeSign		ENUMERATED { north, south },
+	latitude			INTEGER (0..8388607),
+	longitude			INTEGER (-8388608..8388607)
+EllipsoidPointAltitude ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	latitudeSign		ENUMERATED { north, south },
+	latitude			INTEGER (0..8388607),
+	longitude			INTEGER (-8388608..8388607),
+	altitudeDirection	ENUMERATED {height, depth},
+	altitude			INTEGER (0..32767)
+EllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	latitudeSign			ENUMERATED { north, south },
+	latitude				INTEGER (0..8388607),
+	longitude				INTEGER (-8388608..8388607),
+	altitudeDirection		ENUMERATED {height, depth},
+	altitude				INTEGER (0..32767),
+	uncertaintySemiMajor	INTEGER (0..127),
+	uncertaintySemiMinor	INTEGER (0..127),
+	-- Actual value orientationMajorAxis = IE value * 2
+	orientationMajorAxis	INTEGER (0..89),
+	uncertaintyAltitude		INTEGER (0..127),
+	confidence				INTEGER (0..100)
+EllipsoidPointUncertCircle ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	latitudeSign			ENUMERATED { north, south },
+	latitude				INTEGER (0..8388607),
+	longitude				INTEGER (-8388608..8388607),
+	uncertaintyCode			INTEGER (0..127)
+EllipsoidPointUncertEllipse ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	latitudeSign			ENUMERATED { north, south },
+	latitude				INTEGER (0..8388607),
+	longitude				INTEGER (-8388608..8388607),
+	uncertaintySemiMajor	INTEGER (0..127),
+	uncertaintySemiMinor	INTEGER (0..127),
+	-- Actual value orientationMajorAxis = IE value * 2
+	orientationMajorAxis	INTEGER (0..89),
+	confidence				INTEGER (0..100)
+EnvironmentCharacterisation ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										possibleHeavyMultipathNLOS,
+										lightMultipathLOS,
+										notDefined,
+										spare }
+Event1a ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	triggeringCondition					TriggeringCondition2,
+	reportingRange						ReportingRange,
+	forbiddenAffectCellList				ForbiddenAffectCellList				OPTIONAL,
+	w									W,
+	reportDeactivationThreshold			ReportDeactivationThreshold,
+	reportingAmount						ReportingAmount,
+	reportingInterval					ReportingInterval
+Event1a-r4 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	triggeringCondition					TriggeringCondition2,
+	reportingRange						ReportingRange,
+	forbiddenAffectCellList				ForbiddenAffectCellList-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	w									W,
+	reportDeactivationThreshold			ReportDeactivationThreshold,
+	reportingAmount						ReportingAmount,
+	reportingInterval					ReportingInterval
+Event1a-LCR-r4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	triggeringCondition					TriggeringCondition2,
+	reportingRange						ReportingRange,
+	forbiddenAffectCellList				ForbiddenAffectCellList-LCR-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	w									W,
+	reportDeactivationThreshold			ReportDeactivationThreshold,
+	reportingAmount						ReportingAmount,
+	reportingInterval					ReportingInterval
+Event1b ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	triggeringCondition					TriggeringCondition1,
+	reportingRange						ReportingRange,
+	forbiddenAffectCellList				ForbiddenAffectCellList				OPTIONAL,
+	w									W
+Event1b-r4 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	triggeringCondition					TriggeringCondition1,
+	reportingRange						ReportingRange,
+	forbiddenAffectCellList				ForbiddenAffectCellList-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	w									W
+Event1b-LCR-r4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	triggeringCondition					TriggeringCondition1,
+	reportingRange						ReportingRange,
+	forbiddenAffectCellList				ForbiddenAffectCellList-LCR-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	w									W
+Event1c ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	replacementActivationThreshold		ReplacementActivationThreshold,
+	reportingAmount						ReportingAmount,
+	reportingInterval					ReportingInterval
+Event1d ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	triggeringCondition					TriggeringCondition2	OPTIONAL,
+	useCIO								BOOLEAN					OPTIONAL
+Event1e ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	triggeringCondition					TriggeringCondition2,
+	thresholdUsedFrequency				ThresholdUsedFrequency
+Event1e-r6 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	triggeringCondition					TriggeringCondition2,
+	thresholdUsedFrequency				ThresholdUsedFrequency-r6
+Event1f ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	triggeringCondition					TriggeringCondition1,
+	thresholdUsedFrequency				ThresholdUsedFrequency
+Event1f-r6 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	triggeringCondition					TriggeringCondition1,
+	thresholdUsedFrequency				ThresholdUsedFrequency-r6
+Event1j-r6 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	replacementActivationThreshold		ReplacementActivationThreshold,
+	reportingAmount						ReportingAmount,
+	reportingInterval					ReportingInterval
+Event2a ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and should be ignored
+	dummy								Threshold,
+	usedFreqW							W,
+	hysteresis							HysteresisInterFreq,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL,
+	nonUsedFreqParameterList			NonUsedFreqParameterList			OPTIONAL
+Event2a-r6 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	usedFreqW							W,
+	hysteresis							HysteresisInterFreq,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL,
+	nonUsedFreqParameterList			NonUsedFreqWList-r6					OPTIONAL
+Event2b ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	usedFreqThreshold					Threshold,
+	usedFreqW							W,
+	hysteresis							HysteresisInterFreq,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL,
+	nonUsedFreqParameterList			NonUsedFreqParameterList			OPTIONAL
+Event2b-r6 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	usedFreqThreshold					Threshold-r6,
+	usedFreqW							W,
+	hysteresis							HysteresisInterFreq,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL,
+	nonUsedFreqParameterList			NonUsedFreqParameterList-r6			OPTIONAL
+Event2c ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	hysteresis							HysteresisInterFreq,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL,
+	nonUsedFreqParameterList			NonUsedFreqParameterList			OPTIONAL
+Event2c-r6 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	hysteresis							HysteresisInterFreq,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL,
+	nonUsedFreqParameterList			NonUsedFreqParameterList-r6			OPTIONAL
+Event2d ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	usedFreqThreshold					Threshold,
+	usedFreqW							W,
+	hysteresis							HysteresisInterFreq,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+Event2d-r6 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	usedFreqThreshold					Threshold-r6,
+	usedFreqW							W,
+	hysteresis							HysteresisInterFreq,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+Event2e ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	hysteresis							HysteresisInterFreq,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL,
+	nonUsedFreqParameterList			NonUsedFreqParameterList			OPTIONAL
+Event2e-r6 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	hysteresis							HysteresisInterFreq,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL,
+	nonUsedFreqParameterList			NonUsedFreqParameterList-r6			OPTIONAL
+Event2f ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	usedFreqThreshold					Threshold,
+	usedFreqW							W,
+	hysteresis							HysteresisInterFreq,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+Event2f-r6 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	usedFreqThreshold					Threshold-r6,
+	usedFreqW							W,
+	hysteresis							HysteresisInterFreq,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+Event3a ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	thresholdOwnSystem					Threshold,
+	w									W,
+	thresholdOtherSystem				Threshold,
+	hysteresis							Hysteresis,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+Event3b ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	thresholdOtherSystem				Threshold,
+	hysteresis							Hysteresis,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+Event3c ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	thresholdOtherSystem				Threshold,
+	hysteresis							Hysteresis,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+Event3d ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	hysteresis							Hysteresis,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+EventIDInterFreq ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										e2a, e2b, e2c, e2d, e2e, e2f, spare2, spare1 }
+EventIDInterRAT ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										e3a, e3b, e3c, e3d }
+EventIDIntraFreq ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										e1a, e1b, e1c, e1d, e1e,
+										e1f, e1g, e1h, e1i, e1j,
+										spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2,
+										spare1 }
+EventResults ::=					CHOICE {
+	intraFreqEventResults				IntraFreqEventResults,
+	interFreqEventResults				InterFreqEventResults,
+	interRATEventResults				InterRATEventResults,
+	trafficVolumeEventResults			TrafficVolumeEventResults,
+	qualityEventResults					QualityEventResults,
+	ue-InternalEventResults				UE-InternalEventResults,
+	ue-positioning-MeasurementEventResults			UE-Positioning-MeasurementEventResults,
+	spare								NULL
+ExtraDopplerInfo ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	-- Actual value doppler1stOrder = IE value * 0.023
+	doppler1stOrder						INTEGER (-42..21),
+	dopplerUncertainty					DopplerUncertainty
+FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	fACH-meas-occasion-coeff			INTEGER (1..12)						OPTIONAL,
+	inter-freq-FDD-meas-ind				BOOLEAN,
+	-- inter-freq-TDD-meas-ind is for 3.84Mcps TDD and 7.68 Mcps TDD. For 1.28Mcps TDD, the IE in
+	-- FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo-LCR-r4-ext is used.
+	inter-freq-TDD-meas-ind				BOOLEAN,
+	inter-RAT-meas-ind					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxOtherRAT)) OF
+											RAT-Type						OPTIONAL
+FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo-LCR-r4-ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	inter-freq-TDD128-meas-ind					BOOLEAN
+FilterCoefficient ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										fc0, fc1, fc2, fc3, fc4, fc5, 
+										fc6, fc7, fc8, fc9, fc11, fc13, 
+										fc15, fc17, fc19, spare1 }
+-- Actual value FineSFN-SFN = IE value * 0.0625
+FineSFN-SFN ::=						INTEGER (0..15)
+ForbiddenAffectCell ::=				CHOICE {
+	fdd									PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+	tdd									PrimaryCCPCH-Info
+ForbiddenAffectCell-r4 ::=			CHOICE {
+	fdd									PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+	tdd									PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4
+ForbiddenAffectCell-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	tdd									PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4
+ForbiddenAffectCellList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										ForbiddenAffectCell
+ForbiddenAffectCellList-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										ForbiddenAffectCell-r4
+ForbiddenAffectCellList-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										ForbiddenAffectCell-LCR-r4
+FreqQualityEstimateQuantity-FDD ::= ENUMERATED {
+										cpich-Ec-N0,
+										cpich-RSCP }
+FreqQualityEstimateQuantity-TDD ::= ENUMERATED {
+										primaryCCPCH-RSCP }
+GPS-MeasurementParam ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	satelliteID							INTEGER (0..63),
+	c-N0								INTEGER (0..63),
+	doppler								INTEGER (-32768..32768),
+	wholeGPS-Chips						INTEGER (0..1022),
+	fractionalGPS-Chips					INTEGER (0..1023),
+	multipathIndicator					MultipathIndicator,
+	pseudorangeRMS-Error				INTEGER (0..63)
+GPS-MeasurementParamList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF
+										GPS-MeasurementParam
+GSM-CarrierRSSI ::=					BIT STRING (SIZE (6))
+GSM-MeasuredResults ::= 			SEQUENCE {
+	gsm-CarrierRSSI						GSM-CarrierRSSI						OPTIONAL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy								INTEGER (46..173)					OPTIONAL,
+	bsicReported						BSICReported,
+	-- dummy2 is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy2								ObservedTimeDifferenceToGSM			OPTIONAL
+GSM-MeasuredResultsList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxReportedGSMCells)) OF
+										GSM-MeasuredResults	
+GPS-TOW-1msec ::=					INTEGER (0..604799999)
+GPS-TOW-Assist ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	satID								SatID,
+	tlm-Message							BIT STRING (SIZE (14)),
+	tlm-Reserved						BIT STRING (SIZE (2)),
+	alert								BOOLEAN,
+	antiSpoof							BOOLEAN
+GPS-TOW-AssistList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF
+										GPS-TOW-Assist
+HCS-CellReselectInformation-RSCP ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: The default value for penaltyTime is "notUsed"
+	-- Temporary offset is nested inside PenaltyTime-RSCP
+	penaltyTime									PenaltyTime-RSCP
+HCS-CellReselectInformation-ECN0 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: The default value for penaltyTime is "notUsed"
+	-- Temporary offset is nested inside PenaltyTime-ECN0
+	penaltyTime							PenaltyTime-ECN0
+HCS-NeighbouringCellInformation-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE {
+	hcs-PRIO							HCS-PRIO							DEFAULT 0,
+	q-HCS								Q-HCS								DEFAULT 0,
+	hcs-CellReselectInformation			HCS-CellReselectInformation-RSCP
+HCS-NeighbouringCellInformation-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE {
+	hcs-PRIO							HCS-PRIO							DEFAULT 0,
+	q-HCS								Q-HCS								DEFAULT 0,
+	hcs-CellReselectInformation			HCS-CellReselectInformation-ECN0
+HCS-PRIO ::=						INTEGER (0..7)
+HCS-ServingCellInformation ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	hcs-PRIO							HCS-PRIO							DEFAULT 0,
+	q-HCS								Q-HCS								DEFAULT 0,
+	t-CR-Max							T-CRMax								OPTIONAL
+HorizontalVelocity ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	bearing								INTEGER (0..359),
+	horizontalSpeed						INTEGER (0..2047)
+	}
+HorizontalWithVerticalVelocity ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	verticalSpeedDirection				ENUMERATED { upward, downward },
+	bearing								INTEGER (0..359),
+	horizontalSpeed						INTEGER (0..2047),
+	verticalSpeed						INTEGER (0..255)
+HorizontalVelocityWithUncertainty ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	bearing								INTEGER (0..359),
+	horizontalSpeed						INTEGER (0..2047),
+	horizontalSpeedUncertainty			INTEGER (0..255)
+HorizontalWithVerticalVelocityAndUncertainty ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	verticalSpeedDirection				ENUMERATED { upward, downward },
+	bearing								INTEGER (0..359),
+	horizontalSpeed						INTEGER (0..2047),
+	verticalSpeed						INTEGER (0..255),
+	horizontalSpeedUncertainty			INTEGER (0..255)
+-- Actual value Hysteresis = IE value * 0.5
+Hysteresis ::=						INTEGER (0..15)
+-- Actual value HysteresisInterFreq = IE value * 0.5
+HysteresisInterFreq ::=				INTEGER (0..29)
+InterFreqCell ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo,
+	nonFreqRelatedEventResults			CellMeasurementEventResults
+InterFreqCell-LCR-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo,
+	nonFreqRelatedEventResults			CellMeasurementEventResults-LCR-r4
+InterFreqCellID ::=					INTEGER (0..maxCellMeas-1)
+InterFreqCellInfoList ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterFreqCellList			RemovedInterFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newInterFreqCellList				NewInterFreqCellList				OPTIONAL,
+	cellsForInterFreqMeasList			CellsForInterFreqMeasList			OPTIONAL
+InterFreqCellInfoList-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterFreqCellList			RemovedInterFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newInterFreqCellList				NewInterFreqCellList-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	cellsForInterFreqMeasList			CellsForInterFreqMeasList			OPTIONAL
+InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterFreqCellList			RemovedInterFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newInterFreqCellList				NewInterFreqCellSI-List-RSCP		OPTIONAL
+InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterFreqCellList			RemovedInterFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newInterFreqCellList				NewInterFreqCellSI-List-ECN0		OPTIONAL
+InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterFreqCellList			RemovedInterFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newInterFreqCellList				NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP	OPTIONAL
+InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterFreqCellList			RemovedInterFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newInterFreqCellList				NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0	OPTIONAL
+InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP-LCR ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterFreqCellList			RemovedInterFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newInterFreqCellList				NewInterFreqCellSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4		OPTIONAL
+InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0-LCR ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterFreqCellList			RemovedInterFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newInterFreqCellList				NewInterFreqCellSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4		OPTIONAL
+InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterFreqCellList			RemovedInterFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newInterFreqCellList				NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL
+InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterFreqCellList			RemovedInterFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newInterFreqCellList				NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL
+InterFreqCellList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF
+										InterFreqCell
+InterFreqCellList-LCR-r4-ext ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF
+										InterFreqCell-LCR-r4
+InterFreqCellMeasuredResultsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										CellMeasuredResults
+InterFreqEvent ::=					CHOICE {
+	event2a								Event2a,
+	event2b								Event2b,
+	event2c								Event2c,
+	event2d								Event2d,
+	event2e								Event2e,
+	event2f								Event2f
+InterFreqEvent-r6 ::=				CHOICE {
+	event2a								Event2a-r6,
+	event2b								Event2b-r6,
+	event2c								Event2c-r6,
+	event2d								Event2d-r6,
+	event2e								Event2e-r6,
+	event2f								Event2f-r6
+InterFreqEventList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF
+										InterFreqEvent
+InterFreqEventList-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF
+										InterFreqEvent-r6
+--Following IE shall be used regardless of CPICH RSCP(FDD) or Primary CCPCH RSCP(TDD)
+--The order of the list corresponds to the order of the cells in InterFrequencyMeasuredResultsList
+--The IE is only used for measured results and not for additional measured results.
+InterFrequencyMeasuredResultsList-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+												DeltaRSCPPerCell
+Inter-FreqEventCriteria-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	threholdUsedFrequency-delta				DeltaRSCP,
+	threholdNonUsedFrequency-deltaList		ThreholdNonUsedFrequency-deltaList  	OPTIONAL
+--The order of the list corresponds to the order of the events in Inter-FreqEventList
+Inter-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF
+											Inter-FreqEventCriteria-v590ext
+--The order of the list corresponds to the order of relevant events in Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList
+--i.e. the first element of the list corresponds to the first occurance of event 1e, 1f, 1h, 1i,
+--the second element of the list corresponds to the second occurance of event 1e, 1f, 1h, 1i 
+Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF
+											DeltaRSCP
+--Following IE shall be used regardless of CPICH RSCP(FDD) or Primary CCPCH RSCP(TDD)
+--The order of the list corresponds to the order of the cells in IntraFrequencyMeasuredResultsList
+--The IE is only used for measured results and not for additional measured results.
+IntraFrequencyMeasuredResultsList-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+												DeltaRSCPPerCell
+IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5 ::= SEQUENCE {
+	periodicReportingInfo-1b			PeriodicReportingInfo-1b
+PeriodicReportingInfo-1b ::= SEQUENCE {
+	reportingAmount						ReportingAmount,
+	reportingInterval					ReportingInterval
+InterFreqEventResults ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	eventID								EventIDInterFreq,
+	interFreqCellList					InterFreqCellList					OPTIONAL
+InterFreqEventResults-LCR-r4-ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	eventID								EventIDInterFreq,
+	interFreqCellList					InterFreqCellList-LCR-r4-ext		OPTIONAL
+InterFreqMeasQuantity ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	reportingCriteria					CHOICE {
+		intraFreqReportingCriteria			SEQUENCE {
+			intraFreqMeasQuantity				IntraFreqMeasQuantity
+		},
+		interFreqReportingCriteria			SEQUENCE {
+			filterCoefficient					FilterCoefficient			DEFAULT fc0,
+			modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+				fdd									SEQUENCE {
+					freqQualityEstimateQuantity-FDD		FreqQualityEstimateQuantity-FDD
+				},
+				tdd									SEQUENCE {
+					freqQualityEstimateQuantity-TDD		FreqQualityEstimateQuantity-TDD
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+InterFreqMeasuredResults ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	utra-CarrierRSSI					UTRA-CarrierRSSI					OPTIONAL,
+	interFreqCellMeasuredResultsList	InterFreqCellMeasuredResultsList	OPTIONAL
+InterFreqMeasuredResultsList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF
+										InterFreqMeasuredResults
+InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellInfoSI-List				InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP		OPTIONAL
+InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellInfoSI-List			InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0		OPTIONAL
+InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellInfoSI-List			InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP	OPTIONAL
+InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellInfoSI-List			InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0	OPTIONAL
+InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellInfoSI-List				InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP-LCR		OPTIONAL
+InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellInfoSI-List			InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0-LCR		OPTIONAL
+InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellInfoSI-List			InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR	OPTIONAL
+InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellInfoSI-List			InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR	OPTIONAL
+InterFreqRACHRepCellsList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF
+InterFreqRACHReportingInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			interFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD		InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			interFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList	InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList
+		},
+	interFreqRACHReportingThreshold		Threshold,
+	maxReportedCellsOnRACHinterFreq		MaxReportedCellsOnRACHinterFreq
+	}
+InterFreqReportCriteria ::=			CHOICE {
+	intraFreqReportingCriteria			IntraFreqReportingCriteria,
+	interFreqReportingCriteria			InterFreqReportingCriteria,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus,
+	noReporting							ReportingCellStatusOpt
+InterFreqReportCriteria-r4 ::=		CHOICE {
+	intraFreqReportingCriteria			IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r4,
+	interFreqReportingCriteria			InterFreqReportingCriteria,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus,
+	noReporting							ReportingCellStatusOpt
+InterFreqReportCriteria-r6 ::=		CHOICE {
+	intraFreqReportingCriteria			IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r6,
+	interFreqReportingCriteria			InterFreqReportingCriteria-r6,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus,
+	noReporting							ReportingCellStatusOpt
+InterFreqReportingCriteria ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqEventList					InterFreqEventList					OPTIONAL
+InterFreqReportingCriteria-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqEventList					InterFreqEventList-r6				OPTIONAL
+InterFreqReportingQuantity ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	utra-Carrier-RSSI					BOOLEAN,
+	frequencyQualityEstimate			BOOLEAN,
+	nonFreqRelatedQuantities			CellReportingQuantities
+InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										cpich-EcN0, cpich-RSCP }
+InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDD ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										timeslotISCP,
+										primaryCCPCH-RSCP }
+InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF
+										InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDD
+InterFrequencyMeasurement ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellInfoList				InterFreqCellInfoList,
+	interFreqMeasQuantity				InterFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	interFreqReportingQuantity			InterFreqReportingQuantity			OPTIONAL,
+	measurementValidity					MeasurementValidity					OPTIONAL,
+	interFreqSetUpdate					UE-AutonomousUpdateMode				OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria						InterFreqReportCriteria
+InterFrequencyMeasurement-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellInfoList				InterFreqCellInfoList-r4,
+	interFreqMeasQuantity				InterFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	interFreqReportingQuantity			InterFreqReportingQuantity			OPTIONAL,
+	measurementValidity					MeasurementValidity					OPTIONAL,
+	interFreqSetUpdate					UE-AutonomousUpdateMode				OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria						InterFreqReportCriteria-r4
+InterFrequencyMeasurement-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellInfoList				InterFreqCellInfoList-r4,
+	interFreqMeasQuantity				InterFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	interFreqReportingQuantity			InterFreqReportingQuantity			OPTIONAL,
+	measurementValidity					MeasurementValidity					OPTIONAL,
+	interFreqSetUpdate					UE-AutonomousUpdateMode				OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria						InterFreqReportCriteria-r6
+InterRAT-TargetCellDescription ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	technologySpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		gsm									SEQUENCE {
+			bsic								BSIC,
+			frequency-band						Frequency-Band,
+			bcch-ARFCN							BCCH-ARFCN,
+			ncMode								NC-Mode				OPTIONAL
+		},
+		is-2000								NULL,
+		spare2								NULL,
+		spare1								NULL
+	}
+InterRATCellID ::=				INTEGER (0..maxCellMeas-1)
+InterRATCellInfoIndication ::=		INTEGER (0..3)
+InterRATCellInfoList ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterRATCellList			RemovedInterRATCellList,
+	-- NOTE: Future revisions of dedicated messages including IE newInterRATCellList
+	-- should use a corrected version of this IE
+	newInterRATCellList				NewInterRATCellList,
+	cellsForInterRATMeasList			CellsForInterRATMeasList			OPTIONAL
+InterRATCellInfoList-B ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterRATCellList			RemovedInterRATCellList,
+	-- NOTE: IE newInterRATCellList should be optional.  However, system information
+	-- does not support message versions.  Hence, this can not be corrected
+	newInterRATCellList				NewInterRATCellList-B
+InterRATCellInfoList-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterRATCellList					RemovedInterRATCellList,
+	newInterRATCellList						NewInterRATCellList					OPTIONAL,
+	cellsForInterRATMeasList				CellsForInterRATMeasList			OPTIONAL
+InterRATCellInfoList-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	removedInterRATCellList					RemovedInterRATCellList,
+	newInterRATCellList						NewInterRATCellList					OPTIONAL,
+	cellsForInterRATMeasList				CellsForInterRATMeasList			OPTIONAL,
+	interRATCellInfoIndication-r6			InterRATCellInfoIndication			OPTIONAL
+InterRATCellIndividualOffset ::=			INTEGER (-50..50)
+InterRATEvent ::=				CHOICE {
+	event3a								Event3a,
+	event3b								Event3b,
+	event3c								Event3c,
+	event3d								Event3d
+InterRATEventList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF
+										InterRATEvent
+InterRATEventResults ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	eventID								EventIDInterRAT,
+	cellToReportList					CellToReportList
+InterRATInfo ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										gsm }
+InterRATInfo-r6 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	rat									InterRATInfo,
+	gsm-TargetCellInfoList				GSM-TargetCellInfoList			OPTIONAL
+InterRATMeasQuantity ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	measQuantityUTRAN-QualityEstimate		IntraFreqMeasQuantity			OPTIONAL,
+	ratSpecificInfo						CHOICE {
+		gsm										SEQUENCE {
+			measurementQuantity						MeasurementQuantityGSM,
+			filterCoefficient						FilterCoefficient		DEFAULT fc0,
+			bsic-VerificationRequired				BSIC-VerificationRequired
+		},
+		is-2000									SEQUENCE {
+			tadd-EcIo								INTEGER (0..63),
+			tcomp-EcIo								INTEGER (0..15),
+			softSlope								INTEGER (0..63)			OPTIONAL,
+			addIntercept							INTEGER (0..63)			OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}	
+InterRATMeasuredResults ::=		CHOICE {
+	gsm									GSM-MeasuredResultsList,
+	spare								NULL
+InterRATMeasuredResultsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxOtherRAT-16)) OF
+										InterRATMeasuredResults
+InterRATMeasurement ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	interRATCellInfoList				InterRATCellInfoList				OPTIONAL,
+	interRATMeasQuantity				InterRATMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	interRATReportingQuantity			InterRATReportingQuantity		OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria						InterRATReportCriteria
+InterRATMeasurement-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	interRATCellInfoList				InterRATCellInfoList-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	interRATMeasQuantity				InterRATMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	interRATReportingQuantity			InterRATReportingQuantity		OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria						InterRATReportCriteria
+InterRATMeasurement-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	interRATCellInfoList				InterRATCellInfoList-r6				OPTIONAL,
+	interRATMeasQuantity				InterRATMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	interRATReportingQuantity			InterRATReportingQuantity		OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria						InterRATReportCriteria
+InterRATMeasurementSysInfo ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	interRATCellInfoList				InterRATCellInfoList				OPTIONAL
+InterRATMeasurementSysInfo-B ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	interRATCellInfoList				InterRATCellInfoList-B			OPTIONAL
+InterRATReportCriteria ::=		CHOICE {
+	interRATReportingCriteria			InterRATReportingCriteria,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus,
+	noReporting							ReportingCellStatusOpt
+InterRATReportingCriteria ::= 	SEQUENCE {
+	interRATEventList				InterRATEventList				OPTIONAL
+InterRATReportingQuantity ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	utran-EstimatedQuality				BOOLEAN,
+	ratSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		gsm									SEQUENCE {
+			-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification
+			-- and when received they should be ignored.
+			dummy								BOOLEAN,
+			dummy2								BOOLEAN,
+			gsm-Carrier-RSSI					BOOLEAN
+		}
+	}
+IntraFreqCellID ::=					INTEGER (0..maxCellMeas-1)
+IntraFreqCellInfoList ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	removedIntraFreqCellList			RemovedIntraFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newIntraFreqCellList				NewIntraFreqCellList				OPTIONAL,
+	cellsForIntraFreqMeasList			CellsForIntraFreqMeasList			OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqCellInfoList-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedIntraFreqCellList			RemovedIntraFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newIntraFreqCellList				NewIntraFreqCellList-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	cellsForIntraFreqMeasList			CellsForIntraFreqMeasList			OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	removedIntraFreqCellList			RemovedIntraFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newIntraFreqCellList				NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-RSCP
+IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedIntraFreqCellList			RemovedIntraFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newIntraFreqCellList				NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-ECN0
+IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedIntraFreqCellList			RemovedIntraFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newIntraFreqCellList				NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP
+IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedIntraFreqCellList			RemovedIntraFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newIntraFreqCellList				NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0
+IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	removedIntraFreqCellList			RemovedIntraFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newIntraFreqCellList				NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4
+IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedIntraFreqCellList			RemovedIntraFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newIntraFreqCellList				NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4
+IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedIntraFreqCellList			RemovedIntraFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newIntraFreqCellList				NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4
+IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	removedIntraFreqCellList			RemovedIntraFreqCellList			OPTIONAL,
+	newIntraFreqCellList				NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4
+IntraFreqEvent ::=					CHOICE {
+	e1a									Event1a,
+	e1b									Event1b,
+	e1c									Event1c,
+	e1d									NULL,
+	e1e									Event1e,
+	e1f									Event1f,
+	e1g									NULL,
+	e1h									ThresholdUsedFrequency,
+	e1i									ThresholdUsedFrequency
+IntraFreqEvent-r4 ::=				CHOICE {
+	e1a									Event1a-r4,
+	e1b									Event1b-r4,
+	e1c									Event1c,
+	e1d									NULL,
+	e1e									Event1e,
+	e1f									Event1f,
+	e1g									NULL,
+	e1h									ThresholdUsedFrequency,
+	e1i									ThresholdUsedFrequency
+IntraFreqEvent-LCR-r4 ::=			CHOICE {
+	e1a									Event1a-LCR-r4,
+	e1b									Event1b-LCR-r4,
+	e1c									Event1c,
+	e1d									NULL,
+	e1e									Event1e,
+	e1f									Event1f,
+	e1g									NULL,
+	e1h									ThresholdUsedFrequency,
+	e1i									ThresholdUsedFrequency
+IntraFreqEvent-r6 ::=				CHOICE {
+	e1a									Event1a-r4,
+	e1b									Event1b-r4,
+	e1c									Event1c,
+	e1d									Event1d,
+	e1e									Event1e-r6,
+	e1f									Event1f-r6,
+	e1g									NULL,
+	e1h									ThresholdUsedFrequency-r6,
+	e1i									ThresholdUsedFrequency-r6,
+	e1j									Event1j-r6
+IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	triggeringCondition					TriggeringCondition2	OPTIONAL,
+	useCIO								BOOLEAN					OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqEventCriteria ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	event								IntraFreqEvent,
+	hysteresis							Hysteresis,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqEventCriteria-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	event								IntraFreqEvent-r4,
+	hysteresis							Hysteresis,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqEventCriteria-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	event								IntraFreqEvent-LCR-r4,
+	hysteresis							Hysteresis,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqEventCriteria-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	event								IntraFreqEvent-r6,
+	hysteresis							Hysteresis,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqEventCriteriaList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF
+										IntraFreqEventCriteria
+IntraFreqEventCriteriaList-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF
+										IntraFreqEventCriteria-r4
+IntraFreqEventCriteriaList-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF
+										IntraFreqEventCriteria-LCR-r4
+IntraFreqEventCriteriaList-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF
+										IntraFreqEventCriteria-r6
+IntraFreqEventResults ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	eventID								EventIDIntraFreq,
+	cellMeasurementEventResults			CellMeasurementEventResults
+IntraFreqMeasQuantity ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	filterCoefficient					FilterCoefficient					DEFAULT fc0,
+	modeSpecificInfo 					CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			intraFreqMeasQuantity-FDD		IntraFreqMeasQuantity-FDD
+		},
+		tdd								SEQUENCE {
+			intraFreqMeasQuantity-TDDList	IntraFreqMeasQuantity-TDDList
+		}
+	}
+-- If IntraFreqMeasQuantity-FDD is used in InterRATMeasQuantity, then only 
+-- cpich-Ec-N0 and cpich-RSCP are allowed.
+-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+-- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+IntraFreqMeasQuantity-FDD ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										cpich-Ec-N0,
+										cpich-RSCP,
+										pathloss,
+										dummy }
+-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+-- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+IntraFreqMeasQuantity-TDD ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										primaryCCPCH-RSCP,
+										pathloss,
+										timeslotISCP,
+										dummy }
+IntraFreqMeasQuantity-TDDList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF
+										IntraFreqMeasQuantity-TDD
+IntraFreqMeasuredResultsList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										CellMeasuredResults
+IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqMeasurementID				MeasurementIdentity			DEFAULT 1,
+	intraFreqCellInfoSI-List			IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP		OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqMeasQuantity				IntraFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	OPTIONAL,
+	maxReportedCellsOnRACH				MaxReportedCellsOnRACH				OPTIONAL,
+	reportingInfoForCellDCH				ReportingInfoForCellDCH				OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqMeasurementID				MeasurementIdentity			DEFAULT 1,
+	intraFreqCellInfoSI-List			IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0		OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqMeasQuantity				IntraFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	OPTIONAL,
+	maxReportedCellsOnRACH				MaxReportedCellsOnRACH				OPTIONAL,
+	reportingInfoForCellDCH				ReportingInfoForCellDCH				OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqMeasurementID				MeasurementIdentity			DEFAULT 1,
+	intraFreqCellInfoSI-List			IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP	OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqMeasQuantity				IntraFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	OPTIONAL,
+	maxReportedCellsOnRACH				MaxReportedCellsOnRACH				OPTIONAL,
+	reportingInfoForCellDCH				ReportingInfoForCellDCH				OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqMeasurementID				MeasurementIdentity			DEFAULT 1,
+	intraFreqCellInfoSI-List			IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0	OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqMeasQuantity				IntraFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	OPTIONAL,
+	maxReportedCellsOnRACH				MaxReportedCellsOnRACH				OPTIONAL,
+	reportingInfoForCellDCH				ReportingInfoForCellDCH				OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqMeasurementID				MeasurementIdentity			DEFAULT 1,
+	intraFreqCellInfoSI-List			IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqMeasQuantity				IntraFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	OPTIONAL,
+	maxReportedCellsOnRACH				MaxReportedCellsOnRACH				OPTIONAL,
+	reportingInfoForCellDCH				ReportingInfoForCellDCH-LCR-r4		OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqMeasurementID				MeasurementIdentity			DEFAULT 1,
+	intraFreqCellInfoSI-List			IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqMeasQuantity				IntraFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	OPTIONAL,
+	maxReportedCellsOnRACH				MaxReportedCellsOnRACH				OPTIONAL,
+	reportingInfoForCellDCH				ReportingInfoForCellDCH-LCR-r4		OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqMeasurementID				MeasurementIdentity			DEFAULT 1,
+	intraFreqCellInfoSI-List			IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqMeasQuantity				IntraFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	OPTIONAL,
+	maxReportedCellsOnRACH				MaxReportedCellsOnRACH				OPTIONAL,
+	reportingInfoForCellDCH				ReportingInfoForCellDCH-LCR-r4		OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqMeasurementID				MeasurementIdentity			DEFAULT 1,
+	intraFreqCellInfoSI-List			IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqMeasQuantity				IntraFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH	OPTIONAL,
+	maxReportedCellsOnRACH				MaxReportedCellsOnRACH				OPTIONAL,
+	reportingInfoForCellDCH				ReportingInfoForCellDCH-LCR-r4		OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqReportCriteria ::=			CHOICE {
+	intraFreqReportingCriteria			IntraFreqReportingCriteria,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus,
+	noReporting							ReportingCellStatusOpt
+IntraFreqReportCriteria-r4 ::=		CHOICE {
+	intraFreqReportingCriteria			IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r4,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus,
+	noReporting							ReportingCellStatusOpt
+IntraFreqReportCriteria-r6 ::=		CHOICE {
+	intraFreqReportingCriteria			IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r6,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus,
+	noReporting							ReportingCellStatusOpt
+IntraFreqReportingCriteria ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	eventCriteriaList					IntraFreqEventCriteriaList		OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	eventCriteriaList					IntraFreqEventCriteriaList-r4	OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqReportingCriteria-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	eventCriteriaList					IntraFreqEventCriteriaList-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r6 ::= SEQUENCE {
+	eventCriteriaList					IntraFreqEventCriteriaList-r6	OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqReportingQuantity ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	activeSetReportingQuantities		CellReportingQuantities,
+	monitoredSetReportingQuantities		CellReportingQuantities,
+	detectedSetReportingQuantities		CellReportingQuantities				OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH ::= SEQUENCE {
+	sfn-SFN-OTD-Type					SFN-SFN-OTD-Type,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			intraFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD		IntraFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			intraFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList	IntraFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList
+		}
+	}
+IntraFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										cpich-EcN0, cpich-RSCP, 
+										pathloss, noReport }
+IntraFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDD ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										timeslotISCP,
+										primaryCCPCH-RSCP,
+										noReport }
+IntraFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF
+										IntraFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDD
+IntraFrequencyMeasurement ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqCellInfoList				IntraFreqCellInfoList				OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqMeasQuantity				IntraFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqReportingQuantity			IntraFreqReportingQuantity			OPTIONAL,
+	measurementValidity					MeasurementValidity					OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria						IntraFreqReportCriteria				OPTIONAL
+IntraFrequencyMeasurement-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqCellInfoList				IntraFreqCellInfoList-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqMeasQuantity				IntraFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqReportingQuantity			IntraFreqReportingQuantity			OPTIONAL,
+	measurementValidity					MeasurementValidity					OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria						IntraFreqReportCriteria-r4			OPTIONAL
+IntraFrequencyMeasurement-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqCellInfoList				IntraFreqCellInfoList-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqMeasQuantity				IntraFreqMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqReportingQuantity			IntraFreqReportingQuantity			OPTIONAL,
+	measurementValidity					MeasurementValidity					OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria						IntraFreqReportCriteria-r6
+IODE ::=							INTEGER (0..255)
+IP-Length ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										ipl5, ipl10 }
+IP-Spacing ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										e5, e7, e10, e15, e20,
+										e30, e40, e50 }
+IP-Spacing-TDD ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										e30, e40, e50, e70, e100}
+IS-2000SpecificMeasInfo ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										frequency, timeslot, colourcode,
+										outputpower, pn-Offset }
+MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1 ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6}
+MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType2 ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12}
+MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType3 ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										viactCellsPlus1,
+										viactCellsPlus2,
+										viactCellsPlus3,
+										viactCellsPlus4,
+										viactCellsPlus5,
+										viactCellsPlus6 }
+MaxReportedCellsOnRACH ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										noReport,
+										currentCell,
+										currentAnd-1-BestNeighbour,
+										currentAnd-2-BestNeighbour,
+										currentAnd-3-BestNeighbour,
+										currentAnd-4-BestNeighbour,
+										currentAnd-5-BestNeighbour,
+										currentAnd-6-BestNeighbour }
+MaxReportedCellsOnRACHinterFreq ::=		INTEGER (1..8)
+MeasuredResults ::=					CHOICE {
+	intraFreqMeasuredResultsList		IntraFreqMeasuredResultsList,
+	interFreqMeasuredResultsList		InterFreqMeasuredResultsList,
+	interRATMeasuredResultsList		InterRATMeasuredResultsList,
+	trafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList	TrafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList,
+	qualityMeasuredResults				QualityMeasuredResults,
+	ue-InternalMeasuredResults			UE-InternalMeasuredResults,
+	ue-positioning-MeasuredResults		UE-Positioning-MeasuredResults,
+	spare								NULL
+MeasuredResults-v390ext ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	ue-positioning-MeasuredResults-v390ext					UE-Positioning-MeasuredResults-v390ext
+MeasuredResults-v590ext ::= CHOICE {
+	intraFrequencyMeasuredResultsList		IntraFrequencyMeasuredResultsList-v590ext,
+	interFrequencyMeasuredResultsList		InterFrequencyMeasuredResultsList-v590ext
+MeasuredResults-v7xyext ::= CHOICE {
+	ueInternalMeasuredResults		UE-InternalMeasuredResults-r7
+MeasuredResults-LCR-r4 ::=			CHOICE {
+	intraFreqMeasuredResultsList		IntraFreqMeasuredResultsList,
+	interFreqMeasuredResultsList		InterFreqMeasuredResultsList,
+	interRATMeasuredResultsList		InterRATMeasuredResultsList,
+	trafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList	TrafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList,
+	qualityMeasuredResults				QualityMeasuredResults,
+	ue-InternalMeasuredResults			UE-InternalMeasuredResults-LCR-r4,
+	ue-positioniing-MeasuredResults		UE-Positioning-MeasuredResults,
+	spare								NULL
+MeasuredResultsList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxAdditionalMeas)) OF
+										MeasuredResults
+MeasuredResultsList-LCR-r4-ext ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxAdditionalMeas)) OF
+										MeasuredResults-LCR-r4
+MeasuredResultsOnRACH ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	currentCell 						SEQUENCE {
+		modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+			fdd									SEQUENCE {
+				measurementQuantity					CHOICE {
+					cpich-Ec-N0							CPICH-Ec-N0,
+					cpich-RSCP							CPICH-RSCP,
+					pathloss							Pathloss,
+					spare								NULL 
+				}
+			},
+			tdd									SEQUENCE {
+				-- For 3.84 Mcps and 7.68 Mcps TDD   --
+				timeslotISCP						TimeslotISCP-List		OPTIONAL,
+				primaryCCPCH-RSCP					PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP		OPTIONAL
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	monitoredCells						MonitoredCellRACH-List				OPTIONAL
+MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellIndication-SIB11			INTEGER (0..1),
+	interFreqCellIndication-SIB12			INTEGER (0..1),
+	interFreqRACHRepCellsList				InterFreqRACHRepCellsList
+MeasurementCommand ::=				CHOICE {
+	setup								MeasurementType,
+	modify								SEQUENCE {
+		measurementType						MeasurementType					OPTIONAL
+	},
+	release								NULL
+MeasurementCommand-r4 ::=			CHOICE {
+	setup								MeasurementType-r4,
+	modify								SEQUENCE {
+		measurementType						MeasurementType-r4				OPTIONAL
+	},
+	release								NULL
+MeasurementCommand-r6 ::=			CHOICE {
+	setup								MeasurementType-r6,
+	modify								SEQUENCE {
+		measurementType						MeasurementType-r6				OPTIONAL
+	},
+	release								NULL
+MeasurementControlSysInfo ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- CHOICE cellSelectQualityMeasure represents PCCPCH-RSCP in TDD mode.
+	use-of-HCS							CHOICE	{
+		hcs-not-used 					SEQUENCE	{
+			cellSelectQualityMeasure	CHOICE	{
+				cpich-RSCP				SEQUENCE	{
+					intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo			IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP	OPTIONAL,
+					interFreqMeasurementSysInfo			InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP	OPTIONAL
+				},
+				cpich-Ec-N0				SEQUENCE	{
+					intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo			IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0		OPTIONAL,
+					interFreqMeasurementSysInfo			InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0	OPTIONAL
+				}
+			},
+			interRATMeasurementSysInfo		InterRATMeasurementSysInfo-B		OPTIONAL
+		},
+		hcs-used						SEQUENCE	{
+			cellSelectQualityMeasure	CHOICE	{
+				cpich-RSCP				SEQUENCE	{
+					intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo			IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP			OPTIONAL,
+					interFreqMeasurementSysInfo			InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP			OPTIONAL
+				},
+				cpich-Ec-N0				SEQUENCE	{
+					intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo			IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0			OPTIONAL,
+					interFreqMeasurementSysInfo			InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0			OPTIONAL				}
+			},
+			interRATMeasurementSysInfo		InterRATMeasurementSysInfo		OPTIONAL
+		}
+	},
+	trafficVolumeMeasSysInfo			TrafficVolumeMeasSysInfo			OPTIONAL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of specification and it shall be ignored by the UE.
+	dummy		UE-InternalMeasurementSysInfo		OPTIONAL
+MeasurementControlSysInfo-LCR-r4-ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	-- CHOICE use-of-HCS shall have the same value as the use-of-HCS
+	-- in MeasurementControlSysInfo
+	-- CHOICE cellSelectQualityMeasure represents PCCPCH-RSCP in TDD mode.
+	use-of-HCS							CHOICE	{
+		hcs-not-used 					SEQUENCE	{
+			-- CHOICE cellSelectQualityMeasure shall have the same value as the
+			-- cellSelectQualityMeasure in MeasurementControlSysInfo
+			cellSelectQualityMeasure	CHOICE	{
+				cpich-RSCP				SEQUENCE	{
+					intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo	IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL,
+					interFreqMeasurementSysInfo	InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL
+				},
+				cpich-Ec-N0				SEQUENCE	{
+					intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo	IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL,
+					interFreqMeasurementSysInfo	InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		hcs-used						SEQUENCE	{
+			-- CHOICE cellSelectQualityMeasure shall have the same value as the
+			-- cellSelectQualityMeasure in MeasurementControlSysInfo
+			cellSelectQualityMeasure	CHOICE	{
+				cpich-RSCP				SEQUENCE	{
+					intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo	IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL,
+					interFreqMeasurementSysInfo	InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL
+				},
+				cpich-Ec-N0				SEQUENCE	{
+					intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo	IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL,
+					interFreqMeasurementSysInfo	InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+MeasurementIdentity ::=		INTEGER (1..16)
+MeasurementQuantityGSM ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										gsm-CarrierRSSI,
+										dummy }
+MeasurementReportingMode ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	measurementReportTransferMode		TransferMode,
+	periodicalOrEventTrigger			PeriodicalOrEventTrigger
+MeasurementType ::=					CHOICE {
+	intraFrequencyMeasurement			IntraFrequencyMeasurement,
+	interFrequencyMeasurement			InterFrequencyMeasurement,
+	interRATMeasurement					InterRATMeasurement,
+	ue-positioning-Measurement			UE-Positioning-Measurement,
+	trafficVolumeMeasurement			TrafficVolumeMeasurement,
+	qualityMeasurement					QualityMeasurement,
+	ue-InternalMeasurement				UE-InternalMeasurement
+MeasurementType-r4 ::=				CHOICE {
+	intraFrequencyMeasurement			IntraFrequencyMeasurement-r4,
+	interFrequencyMeasurement			InterFrequencyMeasurement-r4,
+	interRATMeasurement					InterRATMeasurement-r4,
+	up-Measurement						UE-Positioning-Measurement-r4,
+	trafficVolumeMeasurement			TrafficVolumeMeasurement,
+	qualityMeasurement					QualityMeasurement,
+	ue-InternalMeasurement				UE-InternalMeasurement-r4
+MeasurementType-r6 ::=				CHOICE {
+	intraFrequencyMeasurement			IntraFrequencyMeasurement-r6,
+	interFrequencyMeasurement			InterFrequencyMeasurement-r6,
+	interRATMeasurement					InterRATMeasurement-r6,
+	up-Measurement						UE-Positioning-Measurement-r4,
+	trafficVolumeMeasurement			TrafficVolumeMeasurement,
+	qualityMeasurement					QualityMeasurement,
+	ue-InternalMeasurement				UE-InternalMeasurement-r4
+MeasurementValidity ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	ue-State							ENUMERATED {
+											cell-DCH, all-But-Cell-DCH, all-States }
+MonitoredCellRACH-List ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF
+										MonitoredCellRACH-Result
+MonitoredCellRACH-Result ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	sfn-SFN-ObsTimeDifference			SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference			OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+			measurementQuantity					CHOICE {
+				cpich-Ec-N0							CPICH-Ec-N0,
+				cpich-RSCP							CPICH-RSCP,
+				pathloss							Pathloss,
+				spare								NULL
+			}																OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			cellParametersID					CellParametersID,
+			primaryCCPCH-RSCP					PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP
+		}
+	}
+MultipathIndicator ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										nm,
+										low,
+										medium,
+										high }
+N-CR-T-CRMaxHyst ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	n-CR								INTEGER (1..16)						DEFAULT 8,
+	t-CRMaxHyst							T-CRMaxHyst
+NavigationModelSatInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	satID								SatID,
+	satelliteStatus						SatelliteStatus,
+	ephemerisParameter					EphemerisParameter		OPTIONAL
+NavigationModelSatInfoList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF
+										NavigationModelSatInfo
+EphemerisParameter ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	codeOnL2							BIT STRING (SIZE (2)),
+	uraIndex							BIT STRING (SIZE (4)),
+	satHealth							BIT STRING (SIZE (6)),
+	iodc								BIT STRING (SIZE (10)),
+	l2Pflag								BIT STRING (SIZE (1)),
+	sf1Revd								SubFrame1Reserved,
+	t-GD								BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	t-oc								BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	af2									BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	af1									BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	af0									BIT STRING (SIZE (22)),
+	c-rs								BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	delta-n								BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	m0									BIT STRING (SIZE (32)),
+	c-uc								BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	e									BIT STRING (SIZE (32)),
+	c-us								BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	a-Sqrt								BIT STRING (SIZE (32)),
+	t-oe								BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	fitInterval							BIT STRING (SIZE (1)),
+	aodo								BIT STRING (SIZE (5)),
+	c-ic								BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	omega0								BIT STRING (SIZE (32)),
+	c-is								BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	i0									BIT STRING (SIZE (32)),
+	c-rc								BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),
+	omega								BIT STRING (SIZE (32)),
+	omegaDot							BIT STRING (SIZE (24)),
+	iDot								BIT STRING (SIZE (14))
+NC-Mode ::=							BIT STRING (SIZE (3))
+Neighbour ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			neighbourIdentity					PrimaryCPICH-Info					OPTIONAL,
+			uE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2Info	UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2Info	OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd								SEQUENCE {
+			neighbourAndChannelIdentity		CellAndChannelIdentity					OPTIONAL
+		}
+	},	
+	neighbourQuality					NeighbourQuality,
+	sfn-SFN-ObsTimeDifference2			SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference2}
+Neighbour-v390ext ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo
+		},
+		tdd								NULL
+	}
+NeighbourList ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										Neighbour
+-- The order of the cells in IE NeighbourList-v390ext shall be the
+-- same as the order in IE NeighbourList
+NeighbourList-v390ext ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										Neighbour-v390ext
+NeighbourQuality ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	ue-Positioning-OTDOA-Quality		UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Quality
+NewInterFreqCell ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellID						InterFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfo
+NewInterFreqCell-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellID						InterFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfo-r4
+NewInterFreqCellList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewInterFreqCell
+NewInterFreqCellList-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewInterFreqCell-r4
+NewInterFreqCellSI-RSCP ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellID						InterFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-RSCP
+NewInterFreqCellSI-ECN0 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellID						InterFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-ECN0
+NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellID						InterFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-HCS-RSCP
+NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellID						InterFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-HCS-ECN0
+NewInterFreqCellSI-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellID						InterFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-RSCP-LCR-r4
+NewInterFreqCellSI-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellID						InterFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-ECN0-LCR-r4
+NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellID						InterFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4
+NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	interFreqCellID						InterFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4
+NewInterFreqCellSI-List-ECN0 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewInterFreqCellSI-ECN0
+NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP
+NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0
+NewInterFreqCellSI-List-RSCP ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewInterFreqCellSI-RSCP
+NewInterFreqCellSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewInterFreqCellSI-ECN0-LCR-r4
+NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4
+NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4
+NewInterFreqCellSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewInterFreqCellSI-RSCP-LCR-r4
+NewInterRATCell ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	interRATCellID						InterRATCellID			OPTIONAL,
+	technologySpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		gsm									SEQUENCE {
+			cellSelectionReselectionInfo		CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12		OPTIONAL,
+			interRATCellIndividualOffset 		InterRATCellIndividualOffset,
+			bsic								BSIC,
+			frequency-band						Frequency-Band,
+			bcch-ARFCN							BCCH-ARFCN,
+			-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+			-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+			dummy								NULL				OPTIONAL
+		},
+		is-2000								SEQUENCE {
+			is-2000SpecificMeasInfo				IS-2000SpecificMeasInfo
+		},
+		-- ASN.1 inconsistency: NewInterRATCellList should be optional within
+		-- InterRATCellInfoList. The UE shall consider IE NewInterRATCell with
+		-- technologySpecificInfo set to "absent" as valid and handle the
+		-- message as if the IE NewInterRATCell was absent
+		absent								NULL,
+		spare1								NULL
+	}
+NewInterRATCell-B ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	interRATCellID						InterRATCellID				OPTIONAL,
+	technologySpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		gsm									SEQUENCE {
+			cellSelectionReselectionInfo		CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12		OPTIONAL,
+			interRATCellIndividualOffset 		InterRATCellIndividualOffset,
+			bsic								BSIC,
+			frequency-band						Frequency-Band,
+			bcch-ARFCN							BCCH-ARFCN,
+			-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+			-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+			dummy								NULL				OPTIONAL
+		},
+		is-2000								SEQUENCE {
+			is-2000SpecificMeasInfo				IS-2000SpecificMeasInfo
+		},
+		-- ASN.1 inconsistency: NewInterRATCellList-B should be optional within
+		-- InterRATCellInfoList-B. The UE shall consider IE NewInterRATCell-B with
+		-- technologySpecificInfo set to "absent" as valid and handle the
+		-- message as if the IE NewInterRATCell-B was absent
+		absent								NULL,
+		spare1								NULL
+	}
+NewInterRATCellList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewInterRATCell
+NewInterRATCellList-B ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewInterRATCell-B
+NewIntraFreqCell ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqCellID						IntraFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfo
+NewIntraFreqCell-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqCellID						IntraFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfo-r4
+NewIntraFreqCellList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewIntraFreqCell
+NewIntraFreqCellList-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewIntraFreqCell-r4
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-RSCP ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqCellID						IntraFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-RSCP
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-ECN0 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqCellID						IntraFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-ECN0
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqCellID						IntraFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-HCS-RSCP
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqCellID						IntraFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-HCS-ECN0
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqCellID						IntraFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-RSCP-LCR-r4
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqCellID						IntraFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-ECN0-LCR-r4
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqCellID						IntraFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqCellID						IntraFreqCellID						OPTIONAL,
+	cellInfo							CellInfoSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-RSCP ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											NewIntraFreqCellSI-RSCP
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-ECN0 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewIntraFreqCellSI-ECN0
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											NewIntraFreqCellSI-RSCP-LCR-r4
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewIntraFreqCellSI-ECN0-LCR-r4
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4
+NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+										NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4
+	-- IE "nonUsedFreqThreshold" is not needed in case of event 2a
+	-- In case of event 2a UTRAN should include value 0 within IE "nonUsedFreqThreshold"
+	-- In case of event 2a, the UE shall be ignore IE "nonUsedFreqThreshold"
+	-- In later versions of the message including this IE, a special version of
+	-- IE "NonUsedFreqParameterList" may be defined for event 2a, namely a
+	-- version not including IE "nonUsedFreqThreshold"
+NonUsedFreqParameter ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	nonUsedFreqThreshold				Threshold,
+	nonUsedFreqW						W
+NonUsedFreqParameter-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	nonUsedFreqThreshold				Threshold-r6,
+	nonUsedFreqW						W
+NonUsedFreqParameterList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF
+										NonUsedFreqParameter
+NonUsedFreqParameterList-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF
+										NonUsedFreqParameter-r6
+NonUsedFreqWList-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF W
+ObservedTimeDifferenceToGSM ::=		INTEGER (0..4095)
+OTDOA-SearchWindowSize ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										c20, c40, c80, c160, c320,
+										c640, c1280, moreThan1280 }
+-- SPARE: Pathloss, Max = 158
+-- Values above Max are spare
+Pathloss ::=						INTEGER (46..173)
+PenaltyTime-RSCP ::=				CHOICE {
+	notUsed								NULL,
+	pt10								TemporaryOffset1,
+	pt20								TemporaryOffset1,
+	pt30								TemporaryOffset1,
+	pt40								TemporaryOffset1,
+	pt50								TemporaryOffset1,
+	pt60								TemporaryOffset1
+PenaltyTime-ECN0 ::=				CHOICE {
+	notUsed								NULL,
+	pt10								TemporaryOffsetList,
+	pt20								TemporaryOffsetList,
+	pt30								TemporaryOffsetList,
+	pt40								TemporaryOffsetList,
+	pt50								TemporaryOffsetList,
+	pt60								TemporaryOffsetList
+PendingTimeAfterTrigger ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										ptat0-25, ptat0-5, ptat1,
+										ptat2, ptat4, ptat8, ptat16 }
+PeriodicalOrEventTrigger ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										periodical,
+										eventTrigger }
+PeriodicalReportingCriteria ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	reportingAmount						ReportingAmount					DEFAULT ra-Infinity,
+	reportingInterval					ReportingIntervalLong
+PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus ::= SEQUENCE {
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalReportingCriteria,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+PLMNIdentitiesOfNeighbourCells ::=	SEQUENCE {
+		plmnsOfIntraFreqCellsList		PLMNsOfIntraFreqCellsList			OPTIONAL,
+		plmnsOfInterFreqCellsList		PLMNsOfInterFreqCellsList			OPTIONAL,
+		plmnsOfInterRATCellsList		PLMNsOfInterRATCellsList			OPTIONAL
+PLMNsOfInterFreqCellsList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											SEQUENCE {
+	plmn-Identity								PLMN-Identity				OPTIONAL
+PLMNsOfIntraFreqCellsList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											SEQUENCE {
+	plmn-Identity								PLMN-Identity				OPTIONAL
+PLMNsOfInterRATCellsList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											SEQUENCE {
+	plmn-Identity								PLMN-Identity				OPTIONAL
+PositionEstimate ::=				CHOICE {
+	ellipsoidPoint						EllipsoidPoint,
+	ellipsoidPointUncertCircle			EllipsoidPointUncertCircle,
+	ellipsoidPointUncertEllipse			EllipsoidPointUncertEllipse,
+	ellipsoidPointAltitude				EllipsoidPointAltitude,
+	ellipsoidPointAltitudeEllipse		EllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide
+PositioningMethod ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										otdoa,
+										gps,
+										otdoaOrGPS, cellID }
+-- Actual value PRC = IE value * 0.32
+PRC ::=								INTEGER (-2047..2047)
+-- SPARE: PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP, Max = 91
+-- Values above Max are spare
+PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP ::=				INTEGER (0..127)
+Q-HCS ::=							INTEGER (0..99)
+Q-OffsetS-N ::=						INTEGER (-50..50)
+Q-QualMin ::=						INTEGER (-24..0)
+-- Actual value Q-RxlevMin = (IE value * 2) + 1
+Q-RxlevMin ::=						INTEGER (-58..-13)
+QualityEventResults ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										TransportChannelIdentity
+QualityMeasuredResults ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	blerMeasurementResultsList			BLER-MeasurementResultsList			OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									NULL,
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			sir-MeasurementResults				SIR-MeasurementList			OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+QualityMeasurement ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	qualityReportingQuantity			QualityReportingQuantity			OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria						QualityReportCriteria
+QualityReportCriteria ::=			CHOICE {
+	qualityReportingCriteria			QualityReportingCriteria,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalReportingCriteria,
+	noReporting							NULL
+QualityReportingCriteria ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										QualityReportingCriteriaSingle
+QualityReportingCriteriaSingle ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	transportChannelIdentity			TransportChannelIdentity,
+	totalCRC							INTEGER (1..512),
+	badCRC								INTEGER (1..512),
+	pendingAfterTrigger					INTEGER (1..512)
+QualityReportingQuantity ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	dl-TransChBLER						BOOLEAN,
+	bler-dl-TransChIdList				BLER-TransChIdList					OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									NULL,
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			sir-TFCS-List						SIR-TFCS-List				OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+RAT-Type ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										gsm, is2000 }
+ReferenceCellPosition ::=			CHOICE {
+	ellipsoidPoint						EllipsoidPoint,
+	ellipsoidPointWithAltitude			EllipsoidPointAltitude
+-- ReferenceLocation, as defined in 23.032
+ReferenceLocation ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	ellipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide		EllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide
+ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell ::= 	CHOICE {
+	-- Actual value accuracy40 = IE value * 40
+	accuracy40							INTEGER (0..960),
+	-- Actual value accuracy256 = IE value * 256
+	accuracy256							INTEGER (0..150),
+	-- Actual value accuracy2560 = IE value * 2560
+	accuracy2560						INTEGER (0..15)
+RemovedInterFreqCellList ::=		CHOICE {
+	removeAllInterFreqCells				NULL,
+	removeSomeInterFreqCells			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											InterFreqCellID,
+	removeNoInterFreqCells				NULL
+RemovedInterRATCellList ::=		CHOICE {
+	removeAllInterRATCells			NULL,
+	removeSomeInterRATCells			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											InterRATCellID,
+	removeNoInterRATCells			NULL
+RemovedIntraFreqCellList ::=		CHOICE {
+	removeAllIntraFreqCells				NULL,
+	removeSomeIntraFreqCells			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											IntraFreqCellID,
+	removeNoIntraFreqCells				NULL
+ReplacementActivationThreshold ::= 	ENUMERATED {
+										notApplicable, t1, t2,
+										t3, t4, t5, t6, t7 }
+ReportDeactivationThreshold ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										notApplicable, t1, t2,
+										t3, t4, t5, t6, t7 }
+ReportingAmount ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										ra1, ra2, ra4, ra8, ra16, ra32,
+										ra64, ra-Infinity }
+ReportingCellStatus ::=				CHOICE{
+	withinActiveSet						MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1,
+	withinMonitoredSetUsedFreq			MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1,
+	withinActiveAndOrMonitoredUsedFreq	MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1,
+	withinDetectedSetUsedFreq			MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1,
+	withinMonitoredAndOrDetectedUsedFreq
+										MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1,
+	allActiveplusMonitoredSet			MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType3,
+	allActivePlusDetectedSet			MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType3,
+	allActivePlusMonitoredAndOrDetectedSet
+										MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType3,
+	withinVirtualActSet				MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1,
+	withinMonitoredSetNonUsedFreq		MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1,
+	withinMonitoredAndOrVirtualActiveSetNonUsedFreq
+										MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1,
+	allVirtualActSetplusMonitoredSetNonUsedFreq	
+										MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType3,
+	withinActSetOrVirtualActSet-InterRATcells
+										MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType2,
+	withinActSetAndOrMonitoredUsedFreqOrVirtualActSetAndOrMonitoredNonUsedFreq	
+										MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType2
+ReportingCellStatusOpt ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+ReportingInfoForCellDCH ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqReportingQuantity			IntraFreqReportingQuantity,
+	measurementReportingMode			MeasurementReportingMode,
+	reportCriteria						CellDCH-ReportCriteria
+ReportingInfoForCellDCH-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	intraFreqReportingQuantity			IntraFreqReportingQuantity,
+	measurementReportingMode			MeasurementReportingMode,
+	reportCriteria						CellDCH-ReportCriteria-LCR-r4
+ReportingInterval ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										noPeriodicalreporting, ri0-25, 
+										ri0-5, ri1, ri2, ri4, ri8, ri16 }
+ReportingIntervalLong ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										ril0, ril0-25, ril0-5, ril1,
+										ril2, ril3, ril4, ril6, ril8,
+										ril12, ril16, ril20, ril24,
+										ril28, ril32, ril64 }
+									-- When the value Òril0Ó is used, the UE behaviour is not
+									-- defined.
+-- Actual value ReportingRange = IE value * 0.5
+ReportingRange ::=					INTEGER (0..29)
+RL-AdditionInfoList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+										PrimaryCPICH-Info
+RL-InformationLists ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	rl-AdditionInfoList					RL-AdditionInfoList					OPTIONAL,
+	rL-RemovalInformationList			RL-RemovalInformationList			OPTIONAL
+RLC-BuffersPayload ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										pl0, pl4, pl8, pl16, pl32,
+										pl64, pl128, pl256, pl512, pl1024,
+										pl2k, pl4k, pl8k, pl16k, pl32k,
+										pl64k, pl128k, pl256k, pl512k, pl1024k,
+										spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8,
+										spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3,
+										spare2, spare1 }
+-- Actual value RRC = IE value * 0.032
+RRC ::=								INTEGER (-127..127)
+SatData ::=							SEQUENCE{
+	satID								SatID,
+	iode								IODE
+SatDataList ::=						SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxSat)) OF
+										SatData
+SatelliteStatus ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										ns-NN-U,
+										es-SN,
+										es-NN-U,
+										rev2,
+										rev }
+-- Identifies the satellite and is equal to (SV ID No - 1) where SV ID No is defined in [12].
+SatID ::=							INTEGER (0..63)
+SFN-Offset-Validity ::=			ENUMERATED { false }
+SFN-SFN-Drift ::= 					ENUMERATED {
+										sfnsfndrift0, sfnsfndrift1, sfnsfndrift2,
+										sfnsfndrift3, sfnsfndrift4, sfnsfndrift5,
+										sfnsfndrift8, sfnsfndrift10, sfnsfndrift15,
+										sfnsfndrift25, sfnsfndrift35, sfnsfndrift50,
+										sfnsfndrift65, sfnsfndrift80, sfnsfndrift100,
+										sfnsfndrift-1, sfnsfndrift-2, sfnsfndrift-3,
+										sfnsfndrift-4, sfnsfndrift-5, sfnsfndrift-8,
+										sfnsfndrift-10, sfnsfndrift-15, sfnsfndrift-25,
+										sfnsfndrift-35, sfnsfndrift-50, sfnsfndrift-65,
+										sfnsfndrift-80, sfnsfndrift-100}
+SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference ::=		CHOICE {
+	type1								SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference1,
+	type2								SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference2
+-- SPARE: SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference1, Max = 9830399
+-- For 1.28Mcps TDD, Max value of SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference1 is 3276799.
+-- Values above Max are spare
+SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference1 ::=		INTEGER (0..16777215)
+-- SPARE: SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference2, Max = 40961
+-- For 1.28Mcps TDD, Max value of SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference2 is 27649.
+-- Values above Max are spare
+SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference2 ::=		INTEGER (0..65535)
+										noReport,
+										type1,
+										type2 }
+SFN-SFN-RelTimeDifference1 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	sfn-Offset							INTEGER (0 .. 4095),
+	sfn-sfn-Reltimedifference			INTEGER (0.. 38399)
+SFN-TOW-Uncertainty ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										lessThan10,
+										moreThan10 }
+SIR ::=								INTEGER (0..63)
+SIR-MeasurementList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+										SIR-MeasurementResults
+SIR-MeasurementResults ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	tfcs-ID								TFCS-IdentityPlain,
+	sir-TimeslotList					SIR-TimeslotList
+SIR-TFCS ::=						TFCS-IdentityPlain
+SIR-TFCS-List ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF
+										SIR-TFCS
+SIR-TimeslotList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF
+										SIR
+-- SubFrame1Reserved, reserved bits in subframe 1 of the GPS navigation message
+SubFrame1Reserved ::= 				SEQUENCE {
+ 	reserved1							BIT STRING (SIZE (23)),
+	reserved2							BIT STRING (SIZE (24)),
+	reserved3							BIT STRING (SIZE (24)),
+	reserved4							BIT STRING (SIZE (16))
+T-ADVinfo ::=						SEQUENCE {
+				t-ADV					INTEGER(0..2047),
+				sfn						INTEGER(0..4095)
+T-CRMax ::=							CHOICE {
+	notUsed								NULL,
+	t30									N-CR-T-CRMaxHyst,
+	t60									N-CR-T-CRMaxHyst,
+	t120								N-CR-T-CRMaxHyst,
+	t180								N-CR-T-CRMaxHyst,
+	t240								N-CR-T-CRMaxHyst
+T-CRMaxHyst ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										notUsed, t10, t20, t30,
+										t40, t50, t60, t70 }
+TemporaryOffset1 ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										to3, to6, to9, to12, to15,
+										to18, to21, infinite }
+TemporaryOffset2 ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										to2, to3, to4, to6, to8,
+										to10, to12, infinite }
+TemporaryOffsetList ::=				SEQUENCE 	{
+		temporaryOffset1 				TemporaryOffset1,
+		temporaryOffset2 				TemporaryOffset2
+Threshold ::=						INTEGER (-115..0)
+Threshold-r6 ::=							INTEGER (-120..0)
+-- The order of the list corresponds to the order of frequency defined in Inter-FreqEventCriteria
+ThreholdNonUsedFrequency-deltaList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF
+											DeltaRSCPPerCell
+ThresholdPositionChange ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										pc10, pc20, pc30, pc40, pc50,
+										pc100, pc200, pc300, pc500,
+										pc1000, pc2000, pc5000, pc10000,
+										pc20000, pc50000, pc100000 }
+ThresholdSFN-GPS-TOW ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										ms1, ms2, ms3, ms5, ms10,
+										ms20, ms50, ms100 }
+ThresholdSFN-SFN-Change ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										c0-25, c0-5, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5,
+										c10, c20, c50, c100, c200, c500,
+										c1000, c2000, c5000 }
+ThresholdUsedFrequency ::=			INTEGER (-115..165)
+ThresholdUsedFrequency-r6 ::=		INTEGER (-120..165)
+-- Actual value TimeInterval = IE value * 20.
+TimeInterval ::=					INTEGER (1..13)
+TimeslotInfo ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber,
+	burstType							BurstType
+TimeslotInfo-LCR-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	timeslotNumber						TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4
+TimeslotInfoList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF
+										TimeslotInfo
+TimeslotInfoList-LCR-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-LCR)) OF
+										TimeslotInfo-LCR-r4
+TimeslotInfoList-r4 ::=				CHOICE {
+	-- the choice for 7.68 Mcps TDD is the same as for 3.84 Mcps TDD --
+	tdd384								SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF
+											TimeslotInfo,
+	tdd128								SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-LCR)) OF
+											TimeslotInfo-LCR-r4
+-- SPARE: TimeslotISCP, Max = 91
+-- Values above Max are spare
+TimeslotISCP ::=					INTEGER (0..127)
+-- TimeslotISCP-List shall not include more than 6 elements in 1.28Mcps TDD mode.
+TimeslotISCP-List ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF
+										TimeslotISCP
+TimeslotListWithISCP ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF
+										TimeslotWithISCP
+TimeslotWithISCP ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	timeslot							TimeslotNumber,
+	timeslotISCP						TimeslotISCP
+TimeToTrigger ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										ttt0, ttt10, ttt20, ttt40, ttt60,
+										ttt80, ttt100, ttt120, ttt160,
+										ttt200, ttt240, tt320, ttt640,
+										ttt1280, ttt2560, ttt5000 }
+TrafficVolumeEventParam ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	eventID								TrafficVolumeEventType,
+	reportingThreshold					TrafficVolumeThreshold,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger						OPTIONAL,
+	pendingTimeAfterTrigger				PendingTimeAfterTrigger				OPTIONAL,
+	tx-InterruptionAfterTrigger			TX-InterruptionAfterTrigger			OPTIONAL
+TrafficVolumeEventResults ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	ul-transportChannelCausingEvent		UL-TrCH-Identity,
+	trafficVolumeEventIdentity			TrafficVolumeEventType
+TrafficVolumeEventType ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										e4a,
+										e4b }
+TrafficVolumeMeasQuantity ::=		CHOICE {
+	rlc-BufferPayload					NULL,
+	averageRLC-BufferPayload			TimeInterval,
+	varianceOfRLC-BufferPayload			TimeInterval
+TrafficVolumeMeasSysInfo ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	trafficVolumeMeasurementID			MeasurementIdentity			DEFAULT 4,
+	trafficVolumeMeasurementObjectList	TrafficVolumeMeasurementObjectList	OPTIONAL,
+	trafficVolumeMeasQuantity			TrafficVolumeMeasQuantity			OPTIONAL,
+	trafficVolumeReportingQuantity		TrafficVolumeReportingQuantity		OPTIONAL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy								TrafficVolumeReportingCriteria		OPTIONAL,
+	measurementValidity					MeasurementValidity					OPTIONAL,
+	measurementReportingMode			MeasurementReportingMode,
+	reportCriteriaSysInf				TrafficVolumeReportCriteriaSysInfo
+TrafficVolumeMeasuredResults ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	rlc-BuffersPayload					RLC-BuffersPayload					OPTIONAL,
+	averageRLC-BufferPayload			AverageRLC-BufferPayload			OPTIONAL,
+	varianceOfRLC-BufferPayload			VarianceOfRLC-BufferPayload			OPTIONAL
+TrafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+										TrafficVolumeMeasuredResults
+TrafficVolumeMeasurement ::= 		SEQUENCE {
+	trafficVolumeMeasurementObjectList	TrafficVolumeMeasurementObjectList	OPTIONAL,
+	trafficVolumeMeasQuantity			TrafficVolumeMeasQuantity			OPTIONAL,
+	trafficVolumeReportingQuantity		TrafficVolumeReportingQuantity		OPTIONAL,
+	measurementValidity					MeasurementValidity					OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria						TrafficVolumeReportCriteria
+TrafficVolumeMeasurementObjectList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+											UL-TrCH-Identity
+TrafficVolumeReportCriteria ::=		CHOICE {
+	trafficVolumeReportingCriteria		TrafficVolumeReportingCriteria,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalReportingCriteria,
+	noReporting							NULL
+TrafficVolumeReportCriteriaSysInfo ::=	CHOICE {
+	trafficVolumeReportingCriteria		TrafficVolumeReportingCriteria,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalReportingCriteria
+TrafficVolumeReportingCriteria ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- NOTE: transChCriteriaList should be mandatory in later versions of this message
+	transChCriteriaList					TransChCriteriaList					OPTIONAL
+TrafficVolumeReportingQuantity ::= SEQUENCE {
+	rlc-RB-BufferPayload				BOOLEAN,
+	rlc-RB-BufferPayloadAverage			BOOLEAN,
+	rlc-RB-BufferPayloadVariance		BOOLEAN
+TrafficVolumeThreshold ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										th8, th16, th32, th64, th128,
+										th256, th512, th1024, th2k, th3k, 
+										th4k, th6k, th8k, th12k, th16k, 
+										th24k, th32k, th48k, th64k, th96k, 
+										th128k, th192k, th256k, th384k, 
+										th512k, th768k }
+TransChCriteria ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	ul-transportChannelID				UL-TrCH-Identity					OPTIONAL,
+	eventSpecificParameters				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasParEvent)) OF 
+											TrafficVolumeEventParam			OPTIONAL
+TransChCriteriaList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF
+										TransChCriteria
+TransferMode ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										acknowledgedModeRLC,
+										unacknowledgedModeRLC }
+TransmittedPowerThreshold ::=		INTEGER (-50..33)
+TriggeringCondition1 ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										activeSetCellsOnly,
+										monitoredSetCellsOnly,
+										activeSetAndMonitoredSetCells }
+TriggeringCondition2 ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										activeSetCellsOnly,
+										monitoredSetCellsOnly,
+										activeSetAndMonitoredSetCells,
+										detectedSetCellsOnly,
+										detectedSetAndMonitoredSetCells }
+TX-InterruptionAfterTrigger ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										txiat0-25, txiat0-5, txiat1,
+										txiat2, txiat4, txiat8, txiat16 }
+UDRE ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										lessThan1,
+										between1-and-4,
+										between4-and-8,
+										over8 }
+UE-6AB-Event ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	transmittedPowerThreshold			TransmittedPowerThreshold
+UE-6FG-Event ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	-- in 1.28 Mcps TDD ue-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceThreshold corresponds to TADV Threshold
+	ue-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceThreshold	UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceThreshold
+-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should
+-- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+UE-AutonomousUpdateMode ::=			CHOICE {
+	dummy								NULL,
+	onWithNoReporting					NULL,
+	dummy2								RL-InformationLists 
+UE-InternalEventParam ::=			CHOICE {
+	event6a								UE-6AB-Event,
+	event6b								UE-6AB-Event,
+	event6c								TimeToTrigger,
+	event6d								TimeToTrigger,
+	event6e								TimeToTrigger,
+	event6f								UE-6FG-Event,
+	event6g								UE-6FG-Event
+UE-InternalEventParamList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF
+										UE-InternalEventParam
+UE-InternalEventResults ::=			CHOICE {
+	event6a								NULL,
+	event6b								NULL,
+	event6c								NULL,
+	event6d								NULL,
+	event6e								NULL,
+	event6f								PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+	event6g								PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+	spare								NULL
+UE-InternalMeasQuantity ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	measurementQuantity					UE-MeasurementQuantity,
+	filterCoefficient					FilterCoefficient					DEFAULT fc0
+UE-InternalMeasuredResults ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ue-TransmittedPowerFDD				UE-TransmittedPower			OPTIONAL,
+			ue-RX-TX-ReportEntryList			UE-RX-TX-ReportEntryList	OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ue-TransmittedPowerTDD-List			UE-TransmittedPowerTDD-List	OPTIONAL,
+			appliedTA							UL-TimingAdvance			OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+UE-InternalMeasuredResults-r7 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ue-TransmittedPowerFDD				UE-TransmittedPower			OPTIONAL,
+			ue-RX-TX-ReportEntryList			UE-RX-TX-ReportEntryList	OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ue-TransmittedPowerTDD-List			UE-TransmittedPowerTDD-List	OPTIONAL,
+			appliedTA							UL-TimingAdvance-VHCR		OPTIONAL
+		}
+	}
+UE-InternalMeasuredResults-LCR-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+		ue-TransmittedPowerTDD-List			UE-TransmittedPowerTDD-List		OPTIONAL,
+		t-ADVinfo							T-ADVinfo						OPTIONAL
+UE-InternalMeasurement ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	ue-InternalMeasQuantity				UE-InternalMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	ue-InternalReportingQuantity		UE-InternalReportingQuantity		OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria						UE-InternalReportCriteria
+UE-InternalMeasurement-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	ue-InternalMeasQuantity				UE-InternalMeasQuantity				OPTIONAL,
+	ue-InternalReportingQuantity		UE-InternalReportingQuantity-r4		OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria						UE-InternalReportCriteria
+UE-InternalMeasurementSysInfo ::= 	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-InternalMeasurementID			MeasurementIdentity			DEFAULT 5,
+	ue-InternalMeasQuantity				UE-InternalMeasQuantity
+UE-InternalReportCriteria ::=		CHOICE {
+	ue-InternalReportingCriteria		UE-InternalReportingCriteria,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalReportingCriteria,
+	noReporting							NULL
+UE-InternalReportingCriteria ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-InternalEventParamList			UE-InternalEventParamList			OPTIONAL
+UE-InternalReportingQuantity ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-TransmittedPower					BOOLEAN,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ue-RX-TX-TimeDifference				BOOLEAN
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			appliedTA							BOOLEAN
+		}
+	}
+UE-InternalReportingQuantity-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-TransmittedPower					BOOLEAN,
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ue-RX-TX-TimeDifference				BOOLEAN
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			tddOption							CHOICE {
+			-- appliedTA applies to both 3.84 Mcps TDD and to 7.68 Mcps TDD.
+			-- Therefore, no additional choice of TDD mode is necessary
+				tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+					appliedTA							BOOLEAN
+				},
+				tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+					t-ADVinfo							BOOLEAN
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+-- TABULAR: UE-MeasurementQuantity, for 3.84 Mcps TDD only the first two values
+-- ue-TransmittedPower and utra-Carrier-RSSI are used.
+-- For 1.28 Mcps TDD ue-RX-TX-TimeDifference corresponds to T-ADV in the tabular
+UE-MeasurementQuantity ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										ue-TransmittedPower,
+										utra-Carrier-RSSI,
+										ue-RX-TX-TimeDifference }
+UE-RX-TX-ReportEntry ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+	ue-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType1		UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType1
+UE-RX-TX-ReportEntryList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+										UE-RX-TX-ReportEntry
+-- SPARE: UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType1, Max = 1280
+-- Values above Max are spare
+UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType1 ::=			INTEGER (768..1791)
+UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2 ::=	INTEGER (0..8191)
+UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2Info ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2			UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2,
+	neighbourQuality						NeighbourQuality
+-- In 1.28 Mcps TDD, actual value for
+-- T-ADV Threshold = (UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceThreshold - 768) * 0.125
+UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceThreshold ::= INTEGER (768..1280)
+UE-TransmittedPower ::=				INTEGER (0..104)
+UE-TransmittedPowerTDD-List ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF
+										UE-TransmittedPower
+UL-TrCH-Identity ::=					CHOICE{
+	dch									TransportChannelIdentity,
+	-- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not changed
+	-- to keep it aligned with R99.
+	rachorcpch							NULL,
+	usch								TransportChannelIdentity
+UE-Positioning-Accuracy ::=					BIT STRING (SIZE (7))
+UE-Positioning-CipherParameters ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	cipheringKeyFlag					BIT STRING (SIZE (1)),
+	cipheringSerialNumber				INTEGER (0..65535)
+UE-Positioning-Error ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	errorReason							UE-Positioning-ErrorCause,
+	ue-positioning-GPS-additionalAssistanceDataRequest			UE-Positioning-GPS-AdditionalAssistanceDataRequest	OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-ErrorCause ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										notEnoughOTDOA-Cells,
+										notEnoughGPS-Satellites,
+										assistanceDataMissing,
+										notAccomplishedGPS-TimingOfCellFrames,
+										undefinedError,
+										requestDeniedByUser,
+										notProcessedAndTimeout,
+										referenceCellNotServingCell }
+UE-Positioning-EventParam ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	reportingAmount						ReportingAmount,
+	reportFirstFix						BOOLEAN,
+	measurementInterval					UE-Positioning-MeasurementInterval,
+	eventSpecificInfo					UE-Positioning-EventSpecificInfo
+UE-Positioning-EventParamList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF
+										UE-Positioning-EventParam
+UE-Positioning-EventSpecificInfo ::=			CHOICE {
+	e7a									ThresholdPositionChange,
+	e7b									ThresholdSFN-SFN-Change,
+	e7c									ThresholdSFN-GPS-TOW
+UE-Positioning-GPS-AcquisitionAssistance ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	gps-ReferenceTime					INTEGER (0..604799999),
+	utran-GPSReferenceTime				UTRAN-GPSReferenceTime			OPTIONAL,
+	satelliteInformationList			AcquisitionSatInfoList
+UE-Positioning-GPS-AdditionalAssistanceDataRequest ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	almanacRequest						BOOLEAN,
+	utcModelRequest						BOOLEAN,
+	ionosphericModelRequest				BOOLEAN,
+	navigationModelRequest				BOOLEAN,
+	dgpsCorrectionsRequest				BOOLEAN,
+	referenceLocationRequest			BOOLEAN,
+	referenceTimeRequest				BOOLEAN,
+	aquisitionAssistanceRequest			BOOLEAN,
+	realTimeIntegrityRequest			BOOLEAN,
+	navModelAddDataRequest				UE-Positioning-GPS-NavModelAddDataReq		OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-GPS-Almanac ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	wn-a								BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	almanacSatInfoList					AlmanacSatInfoList,
+	sv-GlobalHealth						BIT STRING (SIZE (364))				OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-GPS-AssistanceData ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	ue-positioning-GPS-ReferenceTime				UE-Positioning-GPS-ReferenceTime				OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-GPS-ReferenceLocation			ReferenceLocation				OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-GPS-DGPS-Corrections				UE-Positioning-GPS-DGPS-Corrections				OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-GPS-NavigationModel				UE-Positioning-GPS-NavigationModel				OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-GPS-IonosphericModel				UE-Positioning-GPS-IonosphericModel				OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-GPS-UTC-Model					UE-Positioning-GPS-UTC-Model					OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-GPS-Almanac						UE-Positioning-GPS-Almanac						OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-GPS-AcquisitionAssistance		UE-Positioning-GPS-AcquisitionAssistance		OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-GPS-Real-timeIntegrity			BadSatList							OPTIONAL,
+	-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+	-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+	dummy			UE-Positioning-GPS-ReferenceCellInfo		OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-GPS-DGPS-Corrections ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	gps-TOW								INTEGER (0..604799),
+	statusHealth						DiffCorrectionStatus,
+	dgps-CorrectionSatInfoList			DGPS-CorrectionSatInfoList
+UE-Positioning-GPS-IonosphericModel ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	alfa0								BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	alfa1								BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	alfa2								BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	alfa3								BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	beta0								BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	beta1								BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	beta2								BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	beta3								BIT STRING (SIZE (8))
+UE-Positioning-GPS-MeasurementResults ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	referenceTime						CHOICE {
+		utran-GPSReferenceTimeResult		UTRAN-GPSReferenceTimeResult,
+		gps-ReferenceTimeOnly				INTEGER (0..604799999)
+	},
+	gps-MeasurementParamList			GPS-MeasurementParamList
+UE-Positioning-GPS-NavigationModel ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	navigationModelSatInfoList			NavigationModelSatInfoList
+UE-Positioning-GPS-NavModelAddDataReq ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	gps-Week							INTEGER (0..1023),
+	-- SPARE: gps-Toe, Max = 167
+	-- Values above Max are spare
+	gps-Toe								INTEGER (0..255),
+	-- SPARE: tToeLimit, Max = 10
+	-- Values above Max are spare
+	tToeLimit							INTEGER (0..15),
+	satDataList							SatDataList
+UE-Positioning-GPS-ReferenceCellInfo ::=		SEQUENCE{
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			referenceIdentity				PrimaryCPICH-Info
+		},
+		tdd								SEQUENCE {
+			referenceIdentity				CellParametersID
+		}
+	}
+UE-Positioning-GPS-ReferenceTime ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	gps-Week							INTEGER (0..1023),
+	gps-tow-1msec						GPS-TOW-1msec,	utran-GPSReferenceTime				UTRAN-GPSReferenceTime				OPTIONAL,
+	sfn-tow-Uncertainty					SFN-TOW-Uncertainty					OPTIONAL,
+	utran-GPS-DriftRate					UTRAN-GPS-DriftRate					OPTIONAL,
+	gps-TOW-AssistList					GPS-TOW-AssistList					OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-GPS-UTC-Model ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	a1									BIT STRING (SIZE (24)),
+	a0									BIT STRING (SIZE (32)),
+	t-ot								BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	wn-t								BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	delta-t-LS							BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	wn-lsf								BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	dn									BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	delta-t-LSF							BIT STRING (SIZE (8))
+UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	ip-Spacing							IP-Spacing,
+	ip-Length							IP-Length,
+	ip-Offset							INTEGER (0..9),
+	seed								INTEGER (0..63),
+	burstModeParameters					BurstModeParameters 		OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo					CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ip-Spacing							IP-Spacing,
+			ip-Length							IP-Length,
+			ip-Offset							INTEGER (0..9),
+			seed								INTEGER (0..63)
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			ip-Spacing-TDD						IP-Spacing-TDD,
+			ip-slot								INTEGER (0..14),
+			ip-Start							INTEGER (0..4095),
+		}
+	},
+	burstModeParameters					BurstModeParameters				OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDD-r4-ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ip-Spacing							IP-Spacing-TDD,
+	ip-slot								INTEGER (0..14),
+	ip-Start							INTEGER (0..4095),
+	ip-PCCPCG							IP-PCCPCH-r4					OPTIONAL,
+	burstModeParameters					BurstModeParameters
+UE-Positioning-MeasuredResults ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	ue-positioning-OTDOA-Measurement				UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Measurement				OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-PositionEstimateInfo				UE-Positioning-PositionEstimateInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-GPS-Measurement					UE-Positioning-GPS-MeasurementResults					OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-Error							UE-Positioning-Error							OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-MeasuredResults-v390ext ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	ue-Positioning-OTDOA-Measurement-v390ext		UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Measurement-v390ext
+UE-Positioning-Measurement ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	ue-positioning-ReportingQuantity				UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity,
+	reportCriteria						UE-Positioning-ReportCriteria,
+	ue-positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData			UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData			OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-GPS-AssistanceData				UE-Positioning-GPS-AssistanceData				OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-Measurement-v390ext ::=	 		SEQUENCE {
+	ue-positioning-ReportingQuantity-v390ext		UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity-v390ext			OPTIONAL,
+	measurementValidity					MeasurementValidity					OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB			UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB		
+UE-Positioning-Measurement-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	ue-positioning-ReportingQuantity				UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity-r4,
+	measurementValidity								MeasurementValidity						OPTIONAL,
+	reportCriteria									UE-Positioning-ReportCriteria,
+	ue-positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData				UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-GPS-AssistanceData				UE-Positioning-GPS-AssistanceData				OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-Measurement-v7xyext ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	ue-positioning-ReportingQuantity				UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity-v7xyext
+UE-Positioning-MeasurementEventResults ::=		CHOICE {
+	event7a								UE-Positioning-PositionEstimateInfo,
+	event7b								UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Measurement,
+	event7c								UE-Positioning-GPS-MeasurementResults,
+	spare								NULL	
+UE-Positioning-MeasurementInterval ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										e5, e15, e60, e300,
+										e900, e1800, e3600, e7200 }
+UE-Positioning-MethodType ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										ue-Assisted,
+										ue-Based,
+										ue-BasedPreferred,
+										ue-AssistedPreferred }
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	ue-positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo			UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo				OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList				UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList				OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ue-positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo			UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList			UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-r4				OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- In case of TDD these IPDL parameters shall be used for the reference cell instead of
+	-- IPDL Parameters in IE UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo
+	ue-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDD-r4-ext		UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDD-r4-ext	OPTIONAL,
+	-- These IPDL parameters shall be used for the neighbour cells in case of TDD instead of
+	-- IPDL Parameters in IE UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfoList. The cells shall be 
+	-- listed in the same order as in IE UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfoList
+	ue-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDDList-r4-ext	UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDDList-r4-ext		OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	ue-positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo-UEB			UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo-UEB				OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-UEB				UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-UEB				OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDDList-r4-ext ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDD-r4-ext
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Measurement ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	sfn									INTEGER (0..4095),
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			referenceCellIDentity				PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+			ue-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2Info	UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2Info
+		},
+		tdd									SEQUENCE {
+			referenceCellIdentity			CellParametersID
+		}
+	},
+	neighbourList						NeighbourList						OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Measurement-v390ext ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	neighbourList-v390ext						NeighbourList-v390ext
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo	CHOICE	{
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info
+		},
+		tdd								SEQUENCE{
+			cellAndChannelIdentity				CellAndChannelIdentity
+		}
+	},
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-IPDL-Paremeters					UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters					OPTIONAL,
+	sfn-SFN-RelTimeDifference			SFN-SFN-RelTimeDifference1,
+	sfn-SFN-Drift						SFN-SFN-Drift 						OPTIONAL,
+	searchWindowSize					OTDOA-SearchWindowSize,
+	positioningMode 	CHOICE{
+		ueBased									SEQUENCE {},
+		ueAssisted								SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo-r4 ::= SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo	CHOICE	{
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info
+		},
+		tdd								SEQUENCE{
+			cellAndChannelIdentity				CellAndChannelIdentity
+		}
+	},
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-IPDL-Paremeters		UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-r4	OPTIONAL,
+	sfn-SFN-RelTimeDifference			SFN-SFN-RelTimeDifference1,
+	sfn-Offset-Validity					SFN-Offset-Validity					OPTIONAL,
+	sfn-SFN-Drift						SFN-SFN-Drift						OPTIONAL,
+	searchWindowSize					OTDOA-SearchWindowSize,
+	positioningMode 	CHOICE {
+		ueBased									SEQUENCE {
+			relativeNorth						INTEGER (-20000..20000)				OPTIONAL,
+			relativeEast						INTEGER (-20000..20000)				OPTIONAL,
+			relativeAltitude					INTEGER (-4000..4000)				OPTIONAL,
+			fineSFN-SFN							FineSFN-SFN							OPTIONAL,
+			-- actual value roundTripTime = (IE value * 0.0625) + 876
+			roundTripTime						INTEGER (0.. 32766)					OPTIONAL
+		},
+		ueAssisted								SEQUENCE {}
+	}
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo-UEB ::= SEQUENCE {
+	modeSpecificInfo	CHOICE	{
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info
+		},
+		tdd								SEQUENCE{
+			cellAndChannelIdentity				CellAndChannelIdentity
+		}
+	},
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-IPDL-Paremeters		UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters		OPTIONAL,
+	sfn-SFN-RelTimeDifference			SFN-SFN-RelTimeDifference1,
+	sfn-SFN-Drift						SFN-SFN-Drift						OPTIONAL,
+	searchWindowSize					OTDOA-SearchWindowSize,
+	relativeNorth						INTEGER (-20000..20000)				OPTIONAL,
+	relativeEast						INTEGER (-20000..20000)				OPTIONAL,
+	relativeAltitude					INTEGER (-4000..4000)				OPTIONAL,
+	fineSFN-SFN							FineSFN-SFN,
+	-- actual value roundTripTime = (IE value * 0.0625) + 876
+	roundTripTime						INTEGER (0..32766)					OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+												UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo-r4
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-UEB ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+											UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo-UEB
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Quality ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	stdResolution						BIT STRING (SIZE (2)),
+	numberOfOTDOA-Measurements			BIT STRING (SIZE (3)),
+	stdOfOTDOA-Measurements				BIT STRING (SIZE (5))
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	sfn									INTEGER (0..4095)									OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo CHOICE {
+		fdd										SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info
+		},
+		tdd										SEQUENCE{
+			cellAndChannelIdentity				CellAndChannelIdentity
+		}
+	},
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	positioningMode CHOICE {
+		ueBased									SEQUENCE {},
+		ueAssisted								SEQUENCE {}
+	},
+	ue-positioning-IPDL-Paremeters				UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters	OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	sfn									INTEGER (0..4095)									OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo CHOICE {
+		fdd										SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info
+		},
+		tdd										SEQUENCE{
+			cellAndChannelIdentity				CellAndChannelIdentity
+		}
+	},
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	positioningMode CHOICE {
+		ueBased									SEQUENCE {
+			cellPosition								ReferenceCellPosition	OPTIONAL,
+			-- actual value roundTripTime = (IE value * 0.0625) + 876
+			roundTripTime						INTEGER (0..32766)				OPTIONAL
+		},
+		ueAssisted								SEQUENCE {}
+	},
+	ue-positioning-IPDL-Paremeters				UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-r4	OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo-UEB ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	sfn									INTEGER (0..4095)					OPTIONAL,
+	modeSpecificInfo CHOICE {
+		fdd										SEQUENCE {
+			primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info
+		},
+		tdd										SEQUENCE{
+			cellAndChannelIdentity				CellAndChannelIdentity
+		}
+	},
+	frequencyInfo						FrequencyInfo						OPTIONAL,
+	cellPosition						ReferenceCellPosition				OPTIONAL,
+	-- actual value roundTripTime = (IE value * 0.0625) + 876
+	roundTripTime						INTEGER (0..32766)					OPTIONAL,
+	ue-positioning-IPDL-Paremeters		UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters		OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-PositionEstimateInfo ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	referenceTime					CHOICE {
+		utran-GPSReferenceTimeResult		UTRAN-GPSReferenceTimeResult,
+		gps-ReferenceTimeOnly				INTEGER (0..604799999),
+		cell-Timing							SEQUENCE {
+			sfn											INTEGER (0..4095),
+			modeSpecificInfo 				CHOICE {
+				fdd									SEQUENCE {
+					primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info
+				},
+				tdd									SEQUENCE{
+					cellAndChannelIdentity				CellAndChannelIdentity
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	positionEstimate					PositionEstimate
+UE-Positioning-ReportCriteria ::=				CHOICE {
+	ue-positioning-ReportingCriteria				UE-Positioning-EventParamList,
+	periodicalReportingCriteria			PeriodicalReportingCriteria,
+	noReporting							NULL
+UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	methodType							UE-Positioning-MethodType,
+	positioningMethod					PositioningMethod,
+	-- dummy1 is not used in this version of specification and it should
+	-- be ignored.
+	dummy1								UE-Positioning-ResponseTime,
+	horizontal-Accuracy					UE-Positioning-Accuracy				OPTIONAL,
+	gps-TimingOfCellWanted				BOOLEAN,
+	-- dummy2 is not used in this version of specification and it should
+	-- be ignored.
+	dummy2								BOOLEAN,
+	additionalAssistanceDataRequest		BOOLEAN,
+	environmentCharacterisation			EnvironmentCharacterisation			OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity-v390ext ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	vertical-Accuracy							UE-Positioning-Accuracy
+UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	methodType							UE-Positioning-MethodType,
+	positioningMethod					PositioningMethod,
+	horizontalAccuracy					UE-Positioning-Accuracy				OPTIONAL,
+	verticalAccuracy					UE-Positioning-Accuracy				OPTIONAL,
+	gps-TimingOfCellWanted				BOOLEAN,
+	additionalAssistanceDataReq			BOOLEAN,
+	environmentCharacterisation			EnvironmentCharacterisation			OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity-v7xyext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	velocityRequested					ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-ResponseTime ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										s1, s2, s4, s8, s16,
+										s32, s64, s128 }
+-- SPARE: UTRA-CarrierRSSI, Max = 76
+-- Values above Max are spare
+UTRA-CarrierRSSI ::=				INTEGER (0..127)
+UTRAN-GPS-DriftRate ::=				ENUMERATED {
+									utran-GPSDrift0, utran-GPSDrift1, utran-GPSDrift2,
+									utran-GPSDrift5, utran-GPSDrift10, utran-GPSDrift15,
+									utran-GPSDrift25, utran-GPSDrift50, utran-GPSDrift-1,
+									utran-GPSDrift-2, utran-GPSDrift-5, utran-GPSDrift-10,
+									utran-GPSDrift-15, utran-GPSDrift-25, utran-GPSDrift-50}
+UTRAN-GPSReferenceTime ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	-- For utran-GPSTimingOfCell values above 2322431999999 are not 
+	-- used in this version of the specification
+	-- Actual value utran-GPSTimingOfCell = (ms-part * 4294967296) + ls-part
+	utran-GPSTimingOfCell			SEQUENCE {
+		ms-part 						INTEGER (0..1023),
+		ls-part							INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+	},
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			referenceIdentity				PrimaryCPICH-Info
+		},
+		tdd								SEQUENCE {
+			referenceIdentity				CellParametersID
+		}
+	} 				OPTIONAL,
+	sfn									INTEGER (0..4095)
+UTRAN-GPSReferenceTimeResult ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	-- For ue-GPSTimingOfCell values above 37158911999999 are not 
+	-- used in this version of the specification
+	-- Actual value ue-GPSTimingOfCell = (ms-part * 4294967296) + ls-part
+	ue-GPSTimingOfCell			SEQUENCE {
+		ms-part 						INTEGER (0.. 16383),
+		ls-part							INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+	},
+	modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+		fdd								SEQUENCE {
+			referenceIdentity				PrimaryCPICH-Info
+		},
+		tdd								SEQUENCE {
+			referenceIdentity				CellParametersID
+		}
+	},
+	sfn									INTEGER (0..4095)
+VarianceOfRLC-BufferPayload ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										plv0, plv4, plv8, plv16, plv32, plv64, 
+										plv128, plv256, plv512, plv1024, 
+										plv2k, plv4k, plv8k, plv16k, spare2, spare1 }
+VelocityEstimate	::=				CHOICE {
+	horizontalVelocity								HorizontalVelocity,
+	horizontalWithVerticalVelocity					HorizontalWithVerticalVelocity,
+	horizontalVelocityWithUncertainty				HorizontalVelocityWithUncertainty,
+	horizontalWithVerticalVelocityAndUncertainty	HorizontalWithVerticalVelocityAndUncertainty
+-- Actual value W = IE value * 0.1
+W ::=								INTEGER (0..20)
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+BCC ::=								INTEGER (0..7)
+BCCH-ModificationInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	mib-ValueTag						MIB-ValueTag,
+	bcch-ModificationTime				BCCH-ModificationTime				OPTIONAL
+-- Actual value BCCH-ModificationTime = IE value * 8
+BCCH-ModificationTime ::=			INTEGER (0..511)
+BSIC ::=							SEQUENCE {
+	ncc									NCC,
+	bcc									BCC
+CBS-DRX-Level1Information ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	ctch-AllocationPeriod				INTEGER (1..256),
+	cbs-FrameOffset						INTEGER (0..255)
+CBS-DRX-Level1Information-extension-r6 ::=	ENUMERATED {p8, p16, p32, p64, p128, p256}
+CDMA2000-Message ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	msg-Type							BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),
+	payload								BIT STRING (SIZE (1..512))
+CDMA2000-MessageList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxInterSysMessages)) OF
+											CDMA2000-Message
+CDMA2000-UMTS-Frequency-List ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNumCDMA2000Freqs)) OF
+											FrequencyInfoCDMA2000
+CellValueTag ::=						INTEGER (1..4)
+--Actual value = 2^(IE value) 
+ExpirationTimeFactor ::=				INTEGER (1..8)
+FDD-UMTS-Frequency-List ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNumFDDFreqs)) OF
+											FrequencyInfoFDD
+FrequencyInfoCDMA2000 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+											band-Class		BIT STRING (SIZE (5)),
+											cdma-Freq		BIT STRING (SIZE(11))
+GERAN-SystemInfoBlock ::=				OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..23))
+GERAN-SystemInformation ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxGERAN-SI)) OF GERAN-SystemInfoBlock
+GSM-BA-Range ::= 						SEQUENCE {
+											gsmLowRangeUARFCN		UARFCN,
+											gsmUpRangeUARFCN		UARFCN
+GSM-BA-Range-List ::= 					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNumGSMFreqRanges)) OF
+											GSM-BA-Range
+-- This IE is formatted as 'TLV' and is coded in the same way as the Mobile Station Classmark 2 
+-- information element in [5]. The first octet is the Mobile station classmark 2 IEI and its value
+-- shall be set to 33H. The second octet is the Length of mobile station classmark 2 and its value 
+-- shall be set to 3. The octet 3 contains the first octet of the value part of the Mobile Station 
+-- Classmark 2 information element, the octet 4 contains the second octet of the value part of the 
+-- Mobile Station Classmark 2 information element and so on. For each of these octets, the first/
+-- leftmost/ most significant bit of the octet contains b8 of the corresponding octet of the Mobile
+-- Station Classmark 2.
+GSM-Classmark2 ::=					OCTET STRING (SIZE (5))
+-- This IE is formatted as 'V' and is coded in the same way as the value part in the Mobile station
+-- classmark 3 information element in [5]
+-- The value part is specified by means of CSN.1, which encoding results in a bit string, to which
+-- final padding may be appended upto the next octet boundary [5]. The first/ leftmost bit of the
+-- CSN.1 bit string is placed in the first/ leftmost/ most significant bit of the first
+-- octet. This continues until the last bit of the CSN.1 bit string, which is placed in the last/
+-- rightmost/ least significant bit of the last octet.
+GSM-Classmark3 ::=					OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..32))
+GSM-MessageList ::=					SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxInterSysMessages)) OF
+										BIT STRING (SIZE (1..512))
+GSM-MS-RadioAccessCapability ::=	OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64))
+GsmSecurityCapability ::=			BIT STRING {
+										-- For each bit value Ò0Ó means false/ not supported
+										a5-7(0),
+										a5-6(1),
+									 	a5-5(2),
+									 	a5-4(3),
+									 	a5-3(4),
+									 	a5-2(5),
+									 	a5-1(6)
+										}	(SIZE (7))
+GSM-TargetCellInfoList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxGSMTargetCells)) OF
+											GSM-TargetCellInfo
+GSM-TargetCellInfo ::= 				SEQUENCE {
+	bcch-ARFCN							BCCH-ARFCN,
+	frequency-band						Frequency-Band,
+	bsic								BSIC			OPTIONAL
+IdentificationOfReceivedMessage ::=	SEQUENCE {
+		rrc-TransactionIdentifier		RRC-TransactionIdentifier,
+		receivedMessageType				ReceivedMessageType
+InterRAT-ChangeFailureCause ::=		CHOICE {
+	configurationUnacceptable			NULL,
+	physicalChannelFailure				NULL,
+	protocolError						ProtocolErrorInformation,
+	unspecified							NULL,
+	spare4								NULL,
+	spare3								NULL,
+	spare2								NULL,
+	spare1								NULL
+GERANIu-MessageList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxInterSysMessages)) OF
+										BIT STRING (SIZE (1..32768))
+GERANIu-RadioAccessCapability ::=	BIT STRING (SIZE (1..170))
+InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability ::= CHOICE {
+	gsm									SEQUENCE {
+		gsm-Classmark2						GSM-Classmark2,
+		gsm-Classmark3						GSM-Classmark3
+	},
+	cdma2000							SEQUENCE {
+		cdma2000-MessageList				CDMA2000-MessageList
+	}
+InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList ::= 	SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxInterSysMessages)) OF
+											InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability
+InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	geranIu-RadioAccessCapability		GERANIu-RadioAccessCapability
+InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	supportOfInter-RAT-PS-Handover		ENUMERATED { doesSupporInter-RAT-PS-Handover }	OPTIONAL,
+	gsm-MS-RadioAccessCapability		GSM-MS-RadioAccessCapability
+InterRAT-UE-SecurityCapability ::= CHOICE {
+	gsm									SEQUENCE {
+		gsmSecurityCapability			GsmSecurityCapability
+	}
+InterRAT-UE-SecurityCapList ::= 	SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxInterSysMessages)) OF
+										InterRAT-UE-SecurityCapability
+InterRAT-HO-FailureCause ::=		CHOICE {
+	configurationUnacceptable			NULL,
+	physicalChannelFailure				NULL,
+	protocolError						ProtocolErrorInformation,
+	interRAT-ProtocolError				NULL,
+	unspecified							NULL,
+	spare11								NULL,
+	spare10								NULL,
+	spare9								NULL,
+	spare8								NULL,
+	spare7								NULL,
+	spare6								NULL,
+	spare5								NULL,
+	spare4								NULL,
+	spare3								NULL,
+	spare2								NULL,
+	spare1								NULL
+MasterInformationBlock ::=			SEQUENCE {
+		mib-ValueTag					MIB-ValueTag,
+		-- TABULAR: The PLMN identity and ANSI-41 core network information
+		-- are included in PLMN-Type.
+		plmn-Type						PLMN-Type,
+		sibSb-ReferenceList				SIBSb-ReferenceList,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			masterInformationBlock-v690ext		MasterInformationBlock-v690ext,
+			nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+MasterInformationBlock-v690ext ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	multiplePLMN-List					MultiplePLMN-List-r6			OPTIONAL
+MIB-ValueTag ::=					INTEGER (1..8)
+NCC ::=								INTEGER (0..7)
+PLMN-ValueTag ::=					INTEGER (1..256)
+PredefinedConfigIdentityAndValueTag ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	predefinedConfigIdentity				PredefinedConfigIdentity,
+	predefinedConfigValueTag				PredefinedConfigValueTag
+ProtocolErrorInformation ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	diagnosticsType						CHOICE {
+		type1								SEQUENCE {
+			protocolErrorCause					ProtocolErrorCause
+		},
+		spare								NULL
+	}
+ReceivedMessageType ::=				ENUMERATED {
+										activeSetUpdate,
+										cellChangeOrderFromUTRAN,
+										cellUpdateConfirm,
+										counterCheck,
+										downlinkDirectTransfer,
+										interRATHandoverCommand,
+										measurementControl,
+										pagingType2,
+										physicalChannelReconfiguration,
+										physicalSharedChannelAllocation,
+										radioBearerReconfiguration,
+										radioBearerRelease,
+										radioBearerSetup,
+										rrcConnectionRelease,
+										rrcConnectionReject,
+										rrcConnectionSetup,
+										securityModeCommand,
+										signallingConnectionRelease,
+										transportChannelReconfiguration,
+										transportFormatCombinationControl,
+										ueCapabilityEnquiry,
+										ueCapabilityInformationConfirm,
+										uplinkPhysicalChannelControl,
+										uraUpdateConfirm,
+										utranMobilityInformation,
+										assistanceDataDelivery,
+										spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2,
+										spare1
+Rplmn-Information ::=					SEQUENCE {
+											gsm-BA-Range-List		GSM-BA-Range-List	OPTIONAL,
+											fdd-UMTS-Frequency-List	FDD-UMTS-Frequency-List	OPTIONAL,
+											tdd-UMTS-Frequency-List	TDD-UMTS-Frequency-List	OPTIONAL,
+											cdma2000-UMTS-Frequency-List	CDMA2000-UMTS-Frequency-List	OPTIONAL
+Rplmn-Information-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	gsm-BA-Range-List				GSM-BA-Range-List						OPTIONAL,
+	fdd-UMTS-Frequency-List			FDD-UMTS-Frequency-List					OPTIONAL,
+	-- the option is the same for 7.68 Mcps TDD as for 3.84 Mcps TDD
+	-- i.e. TDD-UMTS-Frequency-List applies
+	tdd384-UMTS-Frequency-List		TDD-UMTS-Frequency-List					OPTIONAL,
+	tdd128-UMTS-Frequency-List		TDD-UMTS-Frequency-List					OPTIONAL,
+	cdma2000-UMTS-Frequency-List	CDMA2000-UMTS-Frequency-List			OPTIONAL
+SchedulingInformation ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	scheduling							SEQUENCE {
+		segCount							SegCount				 		 DEFAULT 1,
+		sib-Pos								CHOICE {
+			-- The element name indicates the repetition period and the value
+			-- (multiplied by two) indicates the position of the first segment.
+			rep4								INTEGER (0..1),
+			rep8								INTEGER (0..3),
+			rep16								INTEGER (0..7),
+			rep32								INTEGER (0..15),
+			rep64								INTEGER (0..31),
+			rep128								INTEGER (0..63),
+			rep256								INTEGER (0..127),
+			rep512								INTEGER (0..255),
+			rep1024								INTEGER (0..511),
+			rep2048								INTEGER (0..1023),
+			rep4096								INTEGER (0..2047)
+		},
+		sib-PosOffsetInfo					SibOFF-List						OPTIONAL
+	}
+SchedulingInformationSIB ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	sib-Type							SIB-TypeAndTag,
+	scheduling							SchedulingInformation
+SchedulingInformationSIBSb ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	sibSb-Type							SIBSb-TypeAndTag,
+	scheduling							SchedulingInformation
+SegCount ::=						INTEGER (1..16)
+SegmentIndex ::=					INTEGER (1..15)
+-- Actual value SFN-Prime = 2 * IE value
+SFN-Prime ::=						INTEGER (0..2047)
+SIB-Data-fixed ::=					BIT STRING (SIZE (222))
+SIB-Data-variable ::=				BIT STRING (SIZE (1..214))
+SIBOccurIdentity ::=			INTEGER (0..15)
+SIBOccurrenceIdentityAndValueTag ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	sibOccurIdentity				SIBOccurIdentity,
+	sibOccurValueTag				SIBOccurValueTag
+SIBOccurValueTag ::=			INTEGER (0..15)
+SIB-ReferenceList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB)) OF
+										SchedulingInformationSIB
+SIBSb-ReferenceList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB)) OF
+										SchedulingInformationSIBSb
+SIB-ReferenceListFACH ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB-FACH)) OF 
+										SchedulingInformationSIB
+SIB-Type ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										masterInformationBlock,
+										systemInformationBlockType1,
+										systemInformationBlockType2,
+										systemInformationBlockType3,
+										systemInformationBlockType4,
+										systemInformationBlockType5,
+										systemInformationBlockType6,
+										systemInformationBlockType7,
+		-- dummy, dummy2 and dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent. If they are received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+										dummy,
+										dummy2,
+										dummy3,
+										systemInformationBlockType11,
+										systemInformationBlockType12,
+										systemInformationBlockType13,
+										systemInformationBlockType13-1,
+										systemInformationBlockType13-2,
+										systemInformationBlockType13-3,
+										systemInformationBlockType13-4,
+										systemInformationBlockType14,
+										systemInformationBlockType15,
+										systemInformationBlockType15-1,
+										systemInformationBlockType15-2,
+										systemInformationBlockType15-3,
+										systemInformationBlockType16,
+										systemInformationBlockType17,
+										systemInformationBlockType15-4,
+										systemInformationBlockType18,
+										schedulingBlock1,
+										schedulingBlock2,
+										systemInformationBlockType15-5,
+										systemInformationBlockType5bis, 
+										spare1 }
+SIB-TypeAndTag ::=					CHOICE {
+	sysInfoType1						PLMN-ValueTag,
+	sysInfoType2						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType3						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType4						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType5						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType6						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType7						NULL,
+	-- dummy, dummy2 and dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification,
+	-- they should not be sent. If they are received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+	dummy								CellValueTag,
+	dummy2								NULL,
+	dummy3								NULL,
+	sysInfoType11						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType12 						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType13						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType13-1						CellValueTag, 
+	sysInfoType13-2						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType13-3						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType13-4						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType14						NULL,
+	sysInfoType15						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType16						PredefinedConfigIdentityAndValueTag,
+	sysInfoType17						NULL,
+	sysInfoType15-1						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType15-2						SIBOccurrenceIdentityAndValueTag,
+	sysInfoType15-3						SIBOccurrenceIdentityAndValueTag,
+	sysInfoType15-4						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType18						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType15-5						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType5bis						CellValueTag,
+	spare4								NULL,
+	spare3								NULL,
+	spare2								NULL,
+	spare1								NULL
+SIBSb-TypeAndTag ::=					CHOICE {
+	sysInfoType1						PLMN-ValueTag,
+	sysInfoType2						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType3						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType4						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType5						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType6						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType7						NULL,
+	-- dummy, dummy2 and dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification,
+	-- they should not be sent. If they are received the UE behaviour is not specified.
+	dummy								CellValueTag,
+	dummy2								NULL,
+	dummy3								NULL,
+	sysInfoType11						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType12 						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType13						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType13-1						CellValueTag, 
+	sysInfoType13-2						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType13-3						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType13-4						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType14						NULL,
+	sysInfoType15						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType16						PredefinedConfigIdentityAndValueTag,
+	sysInfoType17						NULL,
+	sysInfoTypeSB1						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoTypeSB2						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType15-1						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType15-2						SIBOccurrenceIdentityAndValueTag,
+	sysInfoType15-3						SIBOccurrenceIdentityAndValueTag,
+	sysInfoType15-4						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType18						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType15-5						CellValueTag,
+	sysInfoType5bis						CellValueTag,
+	spare2								NULL,
+	spare1								NULL
+SibOFF ::=							ENUMERATED {
+										so2, so4, so6, so8, so10,
+										so12, so14, so16, so18,
+										so20, so22, so24, so26,
+										so28, so30, so32 }
+SibOFF-List ::=						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..15)) OF
+										SibOFF
+SysInfoType1 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo	NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP,	
+		cn-DomainSysInfoList			CN-DomainSysInfoList,
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-ConnTimersAndConstants		UE-ConnTimersAndConstants			OPTIONAL,
+		ue-IdleTimersAndConstants		UE-IdleTimersAndConstants			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		v3a0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			sysInfoType1-v3a0ext		SysInfoType1-v3a0ext-IEs,
+			nonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL
+		}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType1-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	ue-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext		UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext,
+	ue-IdleTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext		UE-IdleTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext
+SysInfoType2 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-IdentityList				URA-IdentityList,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType3 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+		sib4indicator					BOOLEAN,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		cellIdentity					CellIdentity,
+		cellSelectReselectInfo			CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-3-4,
+		cellAccessRestriction			CellAccessRestriction,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE { 
+			sysInfoType3-v4b0ext			SysInfoType3-v4b0ext-IEs,
+			v590NonCriticalExtension		SEQUENCE {
+				sysInfoType3-v590ext			SysInfoType3-v590ext,
+				v5c0NoncriticalExtension		SEQUENCE {
+					sysInfoType3-v5c0ext			SysInfoType3-v5c0ext-IEs,
+					v670NonCriticalExtension			SEQUENCE {
+						sysInfoType3-v670ext				SysInfoType3-v670ext,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}						OPTIONAL
+					}							OPTIONAL
+				}							OPTIONAL
+			} 							OPTIONAL
+		}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType3-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	mapping-LCR						Mapping-LCR-r4							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType3-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	cellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext		CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext 		OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType3-v5c0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	cellSelectReselectInfoTreselectionScaling-v5c0ext
+										CellSelectReselectInfoTreselectionScaling-v5c0ext	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType3-v670ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	 	domainSpecificAccessRestrictionParametersForPLMNOfMIB
+									DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext	OPTIONAL,
+		domainSpecificAccessRestictionForSharedNetwork
+									DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionForSharedNetwork-v670ext	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		cellIdentity					CellIdentity,
+		cellSelectReselectInfo			CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-3-4,
+		cellAccessRestriction			CellAccessRestriction,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE { 
+			sysInfoType4-v4b0ext			SysInfoType4-v4b0ext-IEs,
+			v590NonCriticalExtension		SEQUENCE {
+				sysInfoType4-v590ext			SysInfoType4-v590ext,
+				v5b0NonCriticalExtension		SEQUENCE {
+					sysInfoType4-v5b0ext			SysInfoType4-v5b0ext-IEs,
+					v5c0NonCriticalExtension			SEQUENCE {
+						sysInfoType4-v5c0ext				SysInfoType4-v5c0ext-IEs,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}						OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType4-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	mapping-LCR						Mapping-LCR-r4							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType4-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	cellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext		CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext 		OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType4-v5b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	cellSelectReselectInfoPCHFACH-v5b0ext	CellSelectReselectInfoPCHFACH-v5b0ext 		OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType4-v5c0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	cellSelectReselectInfoTreselectionScaling-v5c0ext
+										CellSelectReselectInfoTreselectionScaling-v5c0ext	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType5 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+		sib6indicator					BOOLEAN,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		pich-PowerOffset				PICH-PowerOffset,
+		modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				aich-PowerOffset				AICH-PowerOffset
+			},
+			tdd								SEQUENCE {
+	-- If PDSCH/PUSCH is configured for 1.28Mcps TDD, the following IEs should be absent
+	--   and the info included in the tdd128SpecificInfo instead.
+	-- If PDSCH/PUSCH is configured for 3.84Mcps TDD in R5, HCR-r5-SpecificInfo should also be 
+	-- included. 
+				pusch-SysInfoList-SFN			PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN		OPTIONAL,
+				pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN			PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN		OPTIONAL,
+				openLoopPowerControl-TDD		OpenLoopPowerControl-TDD
+			}
+		},
+		primaryCCPCH-Info				PrimaryCCPCH-Info					OPTIONAL,
+		prach-SystemInformationList		PRACH-SystemInformationList,
+		sCCPCH-SystemInformationList	SCCPCH-SystemInformationList,
+		-- cbs-DRX-Level1Information is conditional on any of the CTCH indicator IEs in
+		-- sCCPCH-SystemInformationList
+		cbs-DRX-Level1Information		CBS-DRX-Level1Information			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			sysInfoType5-v4b0ext			SysInfoType5-v4b0ext-IEs		OPTIONAL,
+		-- Extension mechanism for non- rel-4 information
+			v590NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				sysInfoType5-v590ext			SysInfoType5-v590ext-IEs		OPTIONAL,
+				v650NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					sysInfoType5-v650ext			SysInfoType5-v650ext-IEs		OPTIONAL,
+					v680NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						sysInfoType5-v680ext			SysInfoType5-v680ext-IEs		OPTIONAL,
+						v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							sysInfoType5-v690ext			SysInfoType5-v690ext-IEs,
+							v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+								sysInfoType5-v7xyext			SysInfoType5-v7xyext-IEs,
+								nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}				OPTIONAL
+							}		OPTIONAL
+						}		OPTIONAL
+					}		OPTIONAL
+				}		OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType5-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	--The following IE PNBSCH-Allocation-r4 shall be used for 3.84Mcps TDD only.
+	pNBSCH-Allocation-r4 			PNBSCH-Allocation-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	-- In case of TDD, the following IE is included instead of the
+	-- IE up-IPDL-Parameter in up-OTDOA-AssistanceData.
+	openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD	OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4	OPTIONAL,
+-- If SysInfoType5 is sent to describe a 1.28Mcps TDD cell, the IE PRACH-RACH-Info included in
+-- PRACH-SystemInformationList shall be ignored, the IE PRACH-Partitioning and the 
+-- IE rach-TransportFormatSet shall be absent and the corresponding IE in the following 
+-- PRACH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4 shall be used
+	prach-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4	PRACH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL, 
+	tdd128SpecificInfo				SEQUENCE {
+		pusch-SysInfoList-SFN			PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL,
+		pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN			PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL,
+		pCCPCH-LCR-Extensions			PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4-ext	OPTIONAL,
+		sCCPCH-LCR-ExtensionsList		SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4-ext
+	}																OPTIONAL,
+	frequencyBandIndicator			RadioFrequencyBandFDD			OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType5-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	hcr-r5-SpecificInfo				SEQUENCE {
+		pusch-SysInfoList-SFN			PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-HCR-r5	OPTIONAL,
+		pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN			PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-HCR-r5	OPTIONAL
+	}																	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType5-v650ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	frequencyBandIndicator2			RadioFrequencyBandFDD2
+SysInfoType5-v680ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: HSDPA Cell Indicator is MD in tabular description
+	-- Default value is ÕHSDPA Capability not indicatedÕ
+	hsdpa-CellIndicator		ENUMERATED { hsdpa-CapableCell }			OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType5-v690ext-IEs ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- TABULAR: E-DCH Cell Indicator is MD in tabular description
+	-- Default value is ÕE-DCH Capability not indicatedÕ
+	edch-CellIndicator					ENUMERATED { edch-CapableCell }		OPTIONAL,
+	sccpch-SystemInformation-MBMS		CHOICE {
+		mcchOnSCCPCHusedForNonMBMS			MBMS-MCCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6,
+		mcchOnSCCPCHusedOnlyForMBMS			SCCPCH-SystemInformation-MBMS-r6
+	additionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-List	AdditionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-List	OPTIONAL,
+	cBS-DRX-Level1Information-extension		CBS-DRX-Level1Information-extension-r6	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType5-v7xyext-IEs ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-SysInfoList-SFN-VHCR			PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-VHCR		OPTIONAL,
+	prach-SystemInformationList-r7		PRACH-SystemInformationList-r7	OPTIONAL,
+	pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN-r7			PDSCH-SysInfoList-r7			OPTIONAL,
+	sccpch-SystemInformation-MBMS		CHOICE {
+		mcchOnSCCPCHusedForNonMBMS			MBMS-MCCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6,
+		mcchOnSCCPCHusedOnlyForMBMS			SCCPCH-SystemInformation-MBMS-r7
+	sCCPCH-SystemInformationList-r7		SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-r7	OPTIONAL
+-- SysInfoType5bis uses the same structure as SysInfoType5
+SysInfoType5bis ::= SysInfoType5
+SysInfoType6 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		pich-PowerOffset				PICH-PowerOffset,
+		modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				aich-PowerOffset				AICH-PowerOffset,
+				-- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should
+				-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+				dummy							CSICH-PowerOffset			OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- If PDSCH/PUSCH is configured for 1.28Mcps TDD, pusch-SysInfoList-SFN,
+				-- pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN and openLoopPowerControl-TDD should be absent
+				-- and the info included in the tdd128SpecificInfo instead.
+				-- If PDSCH/PUSCH is configured for 3.84Mcps TDD in R5, HCR-r5-SpecificInfo should 
+				-- also be included.
+				pusch-SysInfoList-SFN			PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN		OPTIONAL,
+				pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN			PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN		OPTIONAL,
+				openLoopPowerControl-TDD		OpenLoopPowerControl-TDD
+			}
+		},
+		primaryCCPCH-Info				PrimaryCCPCH-Info					OPTIONAL,
+		prach-SystemInformationList		PRACH-SystemInformationList			OPTIONAL,
+		sCCPCH-SystemInformationList	SCCPCH-SystemInformationList		OPTIONAL,
+		cbs-DRX-Level1Information		CBS-DRX-Level1Information			OPTIONAL,
+		-- Conditional on any of the CTCH indicator IEs in
+		-- sCCPCH-SystemInformationList
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			sysInfoType6-v4b0ext			SysInfoType6-v4b0ext-IEs		OPTIONAL,
+		-- Extension mechanism for non- rel-4 information
+			v590NonCriticalExtensions	SEQUENCE {
+				sysInfoType6-v590ext			SysInfoType6-v590ext-IEs		OPTIONAL,
+				v650nonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					sysInfoType6-v650ext			SysInfoType6-v650ext-IEs		OPTIONAL,
+					v690nonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						sysInfoType6-v690ext			SysInfoType6-v690ext-IEs,
+						v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+							sysInfoType6-v7xyext			SysInfoType6-v7xyext-IEs,
+							nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}					OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}							OPTIONAL
+				}							OPTIONAL
+			}							OPTIONAL
+		}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType6-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD is present only if IPDLs are applied for TDD
+	openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD	OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4	OPTIONAL,
+	-- If SysInfoType6 is sent to describe a 1.28Mcps TDD cell, the IE PRACH-RACH-Info included
+	-- in PRACH-SystemInformationList shall be ignored, the IE PRACH-Partitioning and the 
+	-- IE rach-TransportFormatSet shall be absent and the corresponding IEs in the following 
+	-- PRACH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4 shall be used
+	prach-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4	PRACH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL, 
+	tdd128SpecificInfo				SEQUENCE {
+		pusch-SysInfoList-SFN			PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL,
+		pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN			PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-LCR-r4	OPTIONAL,
+		pCCPCH-LCR-Extensions			PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4-ext	OPTIONAL,
+		sCCPCH-LCR-ExtensionsList		SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4-ext	OPTIONAL
+	}																OPTIONAL,
+	frequencyBandIndicator			RadioFrequencyBandFDD			OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType6-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	hcr-r5-SpecificInfo				SEQUENCE {
+		pusch-SysInfoList-SFN			PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-HCR-r5	OPTIONAL,
+		pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN			PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-HCR-r5	OPTIONAL
+	}																	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType6-v650ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	frequencyBandIndicator2			RadioFrequencyBandFDD2
+SysInfoType6-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	additionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-List	AdditionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-List	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType6-v7xyext-IEs ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-SysInfoList-SFN-VHCR			PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-VHCR		OPTIONAL,
+	pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN-r7			PDSCH-SysInfoList-r7			OPTIONAL,
+	prach-SystemInformationList-r7		PRACH-SystemInformationList-r7	OPTIONAL,
+	sCCPCH-SystemInformationList-r7		SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-r7	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType7 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				ul-Interference					UL-Interference
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		prach-Information-SIB5-List		DynamicPersistenceLevelList,
+		prach-Information-SIB6-List		DynamicPersistenceLevelList			OPTIONAL,
+		expirationTimeFactor			ExpirationTimeFactor				OPTIONAL,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+-- This IE is not used in this version of the specification.
+-- It was kept only for backwards compatibility reasons
+SysInfoType8 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		-- dummy1, dummy2, dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification and
+		-- they should be ignored by the receiver.
+		dummy1							CPCH-Parameters,
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		dummy2							CPCH-SetInfoList,
+		dummy3							CSICH-PowerOffset,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+-- This IE is not used in this version of the specification.
+-- It was kept only for backwards compatibility reasons
+SysInfoType9 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and
+		-- it should be ignored by the receiver.
+		dummy							CPCH-PersistenceLevelsList,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+-- This IE is not used in this version of the specification.
+-- It was kept only for backwards compatibility reasons
+SysInfoType10 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+		-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+		dummy							DRAC-SysInfoList,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType11 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+		sib12indicator					BOOLEAN,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		fach-MeasurementOccasionInfo	FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo		OPTIONAL,
+		measurementControlSysInfo		MeasurementControlSysInfo,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			sysInfoType11-v4b0ext			SysInfoType11-v4b0ext-IEs		OPTIONAL,
+			v590NonCriticalExtension		SEQUENCE {
+				sysInfoType11-v590ext			SysInfoType11-v590ext-IEs,
+				v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					sysInfoType11-v690ext			SysInfoType11-v690ext-IEs,
+					nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}						OPTIONAL
+				}							OPTIONAL
+			}							OPTIONAL
+		}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType11-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	fach-MeasurementOccasionInfo-LCR-Ext	FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo-LCR-r4-ext	OPTIONAL,
+	measurementControlSysInfo-LCR			MeasurementControlSysInfo-LCR-r4-ext
+SysInfoType11-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	--The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newIntraFrequencyCellInfoList
+	newIntraFrequencyCellInfoList-v590ext	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+												CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext	OPTIONAL,
+	--The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newInterFrequencyCellInfoList
+	newInterFrequencyCellInfoList-v590ext	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+												CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext	OPTIONAL,
+	--The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newInterRATCellInfoList
+	newInterRATCellInfoList-v590ext			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+												CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext	OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext		Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext		OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5		IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqEvent-1d-r5					IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5				OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType11-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Measurement IEs
+	interFreqRACHReportingInfo			InterFreqRACHReportingInfo			OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType12 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		fach-MeasurementOccasionInfo	FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo		OPTIONAL,
+		measurementControlSysInfo		MeasurementControlSysInfo,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			sysInfoType12-v4b0ext			SysInfoType12-v4b0ext-IEs		OPTIONAL,
+			v590NonCriticalExtension		SEQUENCE {
+				sysInfoType12-v590ext			SysInfoType12-v590ext-IEs,
+				v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					sysInfoType12-v690ext			SysInfoType12-v690ext-IEs,
+					nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}						OPTIONAL
+				}							OPTIONAL
+			}							OPTIONAL
+		}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType12-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	fach-MeasurementOccasionInfo-LCR-Ext	FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo-LCR-r4-ext	OPTIONAL,
+	measurementControlSysInfo-LCR			MeasurementControlSysInfo-LCR-r4-ext
+SysInfoType12-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	--The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newIntraFrequencyCellInfoList
+	newIntraFrequencyCellInfoList-v590ext	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+												CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext	OPTIONAL,
+	--The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newInterFrequencyCellInfoList
+	newInterFrequencyCellInfoList-v590ext	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+												CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext	OPTIONAL,
+	--The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newInterRATCellInfoList
+	newInterRATCellInfoList-v590ext			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF
+												CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext	OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext		Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext		OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5		IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqEvent-1d-r5					IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5				OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType12-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Measurement IEs
+	interFreqRACHReportingInfo			InterFreqRACHReportingInfo			OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType13 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-DomainSysInfoList			CN-DomainSysInfoList,
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		ue-IdleTimersAndConstants		UE-IdleTimersAndConstants			OPTIONAL,
+		capabilityUpdateRequirement		CapabilityUpdateRequirement			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		v3a0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE { 
+			sysInfoType13-v3a0ext			SysInfoType13-v3a0ext-IEs,
+			v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				sysInfoType13-v4b0ext			SysInfoType13-v4b0ext-IEs,
+			-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+				v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					sysInfoType13-v7xyext			SysInfoType13-v7xyext-IEs,
+					nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}						OPTIONAL
+				}							OPTIONAL
+			}							OPTIONAL
+		}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType13-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	ue-IdleTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext		UE-IdleTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext
+SysInfoType13-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	capabilityUpdateRequirement-r4Ext	CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType13-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	capabilityUpdateRequirement-r7Ext	CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType13-1 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- ANSI-41 IEs
+		ansi-41-RAND-Information		ANSI-41-RAND-Information,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType13-2 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- ANSI-41 IEs
+		ansi-41-UserZoneID-Information	ANSI-41-UserZoneID-Information,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType13-3 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- ANSI-41 IEs
+		ansi-41-PrivateNeighbourListInfo ANSI-41-PrivateNeighbourListInfo,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType13-4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- ANSI-41 IEs
+		ansi-41-GlobalServiceRedirectInfo
+										ANSI-41-GlobalServiceRedirectInfo,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType14 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		individualTS-InterferenceList	IndividualTS-InterferenceList,
+		expirationTimeFactor			ExpirationTimeFactor				OPTIONAL,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType15 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		ue-positioning-GPS-CipherParameters		UE-Positioning-CipherParameters		OPTIONAL,
+		ue-positioning-GPS-ReferenceLocation	ReferenceLocation,
+		ue-positioning-GPS-ReferenceTime		UE-Positioning-GPS-ReferenceTime,
+		ue-positioning-GPS-Real-timeIntegrity		BadSatList							OPTIONAL,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		v4b0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE { 
+			sysInfoType15-v4b0ext				SysInfoType15-v4b0ext-IEs,
+		-- Extension mechanism for non- release4 information
+			nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}				OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType15-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	up-Ipdl-Parameters-TDD			UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDD-r4-ext	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType15-1 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- DGPS corrections
+		ue-positioning-GPS-DGPS-Corrections			UE-Positioning-GPS-DGPS-Corrections,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}				OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType15-2 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Ephemeris and clock corrections
+		transmissionTOW					INTEGER (0..604799),
+		satID							SatID,
+		ephemerisParameter				EphemerisParameter,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}			OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType15-3 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Almanac and other data
+		transmissionTOW					INTEGER (0.. 604799),
+		ue-positioning-GPS-Almanac					UE-Positioning-GPS-Almanac				OPTIONAL,
+		ue-positioning-GPS-IonosphericModel			UE-Positioning-GPS-IonosphericModel		OPTIONAL,
+		ue-positioning-GPS-UTC-Model				UE-Positioning-GPS-UTC-Model			OPTIONAL,
+		satMask							BIT STRING (SIZE (1..32))	OPTIONAL,
+		lsbTOW							BIT STRING (SIZE (8))		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}					OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType15-4 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		ue-positioning-OTDOA-CipherParameters	UE-Positioning-CipherParameters			OPTIONAL,
+		ue-positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData		UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData,
+		v3a0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			sysInfoType15-4-v3a0ext				SysInfoType15-4-v3a0ext,
+		-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+			v4b0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+				sysInfoType15-4-v4b0ext				SysInfoType15-4-v4b0ext,
+				nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType15-4-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	sfn-Offset-Validity				SFN-Offset-Validity		OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType15-4-v4b0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	ue-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4ext	UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4ext	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType15-5 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		ue-positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB		UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB,
+		v3a0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			sysInfoType15-5-v3a0ext				SysInfoType15-5-v3a0ext,
+		-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+			nonCriticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType15-5-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	sfn-Offset-Validity			SFN-Offset-Validity		OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType16 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		preDefinedRadioConfiguration	PreDefRadioConfiguration,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType17 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Physical channel IEs
+		-- If PDSCH/PUSCH is configured for 1.28Mcps TDD, pusch-SysInfoList and
+		-- pdsch-SysInfoList should be absent and the info included in the
+		-- tdd128SpecificInfo instead.
+		-- If PDSCH/PUSCH is configured for 3.84Mcps TDD in R5, HCR-r5-SpecificInfo should also be 
+		-- included.
+		pusch-SysInfoList				PUSCH-SysInfoList				OPTIONAL,
+		pdsch-SysInfoList				PDSCH-SysInfoList				OPTIONAL,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		v4b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			sysInfoType17-v4b0ext			SysInfoType17-v4b0ext-IEs,
+			v590NonCriticalExtensions	SEQUENCE {
+				sysInfoType17-v590ext			SysInfoType17-v590ext-IEs		OPTIONAL,
+				v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					sysInfoType17-v7xyext			SysInfoType17-v7xyext-IEs,
+					nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}				OPTIONAL
+				}							OPTIONAL
+			}							OPTIONAL
+		}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType17-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	tdd128SpecificInfo				SEQUENCE {
+		pusch-SysInfoList				PUSCH-SysInfoList-LCR-r4		OPTIONAL,
+		pdsch-SysInfoList				PDSCH-SysInfoList-LCR-r4		OPTIONAL
+	}																	OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType17-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	hcr-r5-SpecificInfo				SEQUENCE {
+		pusch-SysInfoList			PUSCH-SysInfoList-HCR-r5	OPTIONAL,
+		pdsch-SysInfoList			PDSCH-SysInfoList-HCR-r5	OPTIONAL
+	}															OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType17-v7xyext-IEs ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	pusch-SysInfoList-SFN-VHCR			PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-VHCR		OPTIONAL,
+	pdsch-SysInfoList-r7				PDSCH-SysInfoList-r7			OPTIONAL
+SysInfoType18 ::=						SEQUENCE {
+		idleModePLMNIdentities			PLMNIdentitiesOfNeighbourCells		OPTIONAL,
+		connectedModePLMNIdentities	PLMNIdentitiesOfNeighbourCells		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+SysInfoTypeSB1 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other IEs
+		sib-ReferenceList				SIB-ReferenceList,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+SysInfoTypeSB2 ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other IEs
+		sib-ReferenceList				SIB-ReferenceList,
+	-- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}							OPTIONAL
+TDD-UMTS-Frequency-List ::= 			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNumTDDFreqs)) OF
+											FrequencyInfoTDD
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+ANSI-41-GlobalServiceRedirectInfo ::= 	ANSI-41-NAS-Parameter
+ANSI-41-PrivateNeighbourListInfo ::= 	ANSI-41-NAS-Parameter
+ANSI-41-RAND-Information ::=			ANSI-41-NAS-Parameter
+ANSI-41-UserZoneID-Information ::= 		ANSI-41-NAS-Parameter
+ANSI-41-NAS-Parameter ::=				BIT STRING (SIZE (1..2048))
+Min-P-REV ::=							BIT STRING (SIZE (8))
+NAS-SystemInformationANSI-41 ::=		ANSI-41-NAS-Parameter
+NID ::=									BIT STRING (SIZE (16))
+P-REV ::=								BIT STRING (SIZE (8))
+SID ::=									BIT STRING (SIZE (15))
+-- ***************************************************
+-- ***************************************************
+MBMS-AccessProbabilityFactor ::=	ENUMERATED {
+										apf0, apf32, apf64, apf96, apf128, apf160, apf192,
+										apf224, apf256, apf288, apf320, apf352, apf384, apf416,
+										apf448, apf480, apf512, apf544, apf576, apf608, apf640,
+										apf672, apf704, apf736, apf768, apf800, apf832, apf864,
+										apf896, apf928, apf960, apf1000 }
+MBMS-CellGroupIdentity-r6 ::=		BIT STRING (SIZE (12))
+MBMS-CommonCCTrChIdentity ::=		INTEGER (1..32)
+MBMS-CommonPhyChIdentity ::=		INTEGER (1..32)
+MBMS-CommonRBIdentity ::=			INTEGER (1..32)
+MBMS-CommonRBInformation-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	commonRBIdentity					MBMS-CommonRBIdentity,
+	pdcp-Info							PDCP-Info-r4,
+	rlc-Info							RLC-Info-MTCH-r6
+MBMS-CommonRBInformationList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-CommonRB)) OF
+										MBMS-CommonRBInformation-r6
+MBMS-CommonTrChIdentity ::=			INTEGER (1..32)
+MBMS-ConnectedModeCountingScope ::= SEQUENCE {
+	countingForUraPCH								BOOLEAN,
+	countingForCellPCH								BOOLEAN,
+	countingForCellFACH								BOOLEAN
+MBMS-CurrentCell-SCCPCH-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	sccpchIdentity						MBMS-SCCPCHIdentity					OPTIONAL,
+	secondaryCCPCH-Info					MBMS-CommonPhyChIdentity,
+	softComb-TimingOffset				MBMS-SoftComb-TimingOffset			OPTIONAL,
+	-- If the IE transpCh-InfoCommonForAllTrCh is absent, the default TFCS as specified
+	-- in 14.10.1 applies
+	transpCh-InfoCommonForAllTrCh		MBMS-CommonCCTrChIdentity			OPTIONAL,
+	transpCHInformation					MBMS-TrCHInformation-CurrList
+MBMS-CurrentCell-SCCPCHList-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCCPCH)) OF
+										MBMS-CurrentCell-SCCPCH-r6
+											TransportFormatSet
+MBMS-JoinedInformation-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-32 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- Actual L1 combining schedule values (offset, start, duration) = IE value * 4
+	cycleOffset							INTEGER (0..7)						OPTIONAL,
+	mtch-L1CombiningPeriodList			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-L1CP)) OF SEQUENCE {
+		periodStart							INTEGER (0..7),
+		periodDuration						INTEGER (1..8)
+	}
+MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-64 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- Actual L1 combining schedule values (offset, start, duration) = IE value * 4
+	cycleOffset							INTEGER (0..15)						OPTIONAL,
+	mtch-L1CombiningPeriodList			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-L1CP)) OF SEQUENCE {
+		periodStart							INTEGER (0..15),
+		periodDuration						INTEGER (1..16)
+	}
+MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-128 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	-- Actual L1 combining schedule values (offset, start, duration) = IE value * 4
+	cycleOffset							INTEGER (0..31)						OPTIONAL,
+	mtch-L1CombiningPeriodList			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-L1CP)) OF SEQUENCE {
+		periodStart							INTEGER (0..31),
+		periodDuration						INTEGER (1..32)
+	}
+MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-256 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	-- Actual L1 combining schedule values (offset, start, duration) = IE value * 4
+	cycleOffset							INTEGER (0..63)						OPTIONAL,
+	mtch-L1CombiningPeriodList			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-L1CP)) OF SEQUENCE {
+		periodStart							INTEGER (0..63),
+		periodDuration						INTEGER (1..64)
+	}
+MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-512 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	-- Actual L1 combining schedule values (offset, start, duration) = IE value * 4
+	cycleOffset							INTEGER (0..127)						OPTIONAL,
+	mtch-L1CombiningPeriodList			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-L1CP)) OF SEQUENCE {
+		periodStart							INTEGER (0..127),
+		periodDuration						INTEGER (1..128)
+	}
+MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-1024 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	-- Actual L1 combining schedule values (offset, start, duration) = IE value * 4
+	cycleOffset							INTEGER (0..255)						OPTIONAL,
+	mtch-L1CombiningPeriodList			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-L1CP)) OF SEQUENCE {
+		periodStart							INTEGER (0..255),
+		periodDuration						INTEGER (1..256)
+	}
+MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule ::=		CHOICE {
+	cycleLength-32						MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-32,
+	cycleLength-64						MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-64,
+	cycleLength-128						MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-128,
+	cycleLength-256						MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-256,
+	cycleLength-512						MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-512,
+	cycleLength-1024					MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-1024
+MBMS-L1CombiningTransmTimeDiff ::=	INTEGER (0..3)
+MBMS-L23Configuration ::=			CHOICE {
+	sameAsCurrent						SEQUENCE {
+		currentCell-SCCPCH					MBMS-SCCPCHIdentity,
+		msch-ConfigurationInfo				MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+	},
+	different							SEQUENCE {
+		-- If the IE transpCh-InfoCommonForAllTrCh is absent, the default TFCS as specified
+		-- in 14.10.1 applies
+		transpCh-InfoCommonForAllTrCh		MBMS-CommonCCTrChIdentity			OPTIONAL,
+		transpCHInformation					MBMS-TrCHInformation-NeighbList
+	}
+MBMS-LogicalChIdentity ::=			INTEGER (1..15)
+MBMS-MCCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	accessInfoPeriodCoefficient			INTEGER (0..3),
+	repetitionPeriodCoefficient			INTEGER (0..3),
+	modificationPeriodCoefficient		INTEGER (7..10),
+	rlc-Info							RLC-Info-MCCH-r6,
+	tctf-Presence						MBMS-TCTF-Presence					OPTIONAL
+MBMS-MICHConfigurationInfo-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	michPowerOffset						MBMS-MICHPowerOffset,
+	mode								CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			channelisationCode256				ChannelisationCode256,
+			ni-CountPerFrame					MBMS-NI-CountPerFrame,
+			sttd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+		},
+		tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+			timeslot							TimeslotNumber,
+			midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType,
+			channelisationCode					DL-TS-ChannelisationCode,
+			repetitionPeriodLengthOffset		RepPerLengthOffset-MICH		OPTIONAL,
+			mbmsNotificationIndLength			MBMS-MICHNotificationIndLength	DEFAULT mn4
+		},
+		tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+			timeslot							TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4,
+			midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4,
+			channelisationCodeList				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF
+													DL-TS-ChannelisationCode,
+			repetitionPeriodLengthOffset		RepPerLengthOffset-MICH		OPTIONAL,
+			mbmsNotificationIndLength			MBMS-MICHNotificationIndLength	DEFAULT mn4
+		}
+	}
+MBMS-MICHConfigurationInfo-r7 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	michPowerOffset						MBMS-MICHPowerOffset,
+	mode								CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			channelisationCode256				ChannelisationCode256,
+			ni-CountPerFrame					MBMS-NI-CountPerFrame,
+			sttd-Indicator						BOOLEAN
+		},
+		tdd384								SEQUENCE {
+			timeslot							TimeslotNumber,
+			midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType,
+			channelisationCode					DL-TS-ChannelisationCode,
+			repetitionPeriodLengthOffset		RepPerLengthOffset-MICH		OPTIONAL,
+			mbmsNotificationIndLength			MBMS-MICHNotificationIndLength	DEFAULT mn4
+		},
+		tdd768								SEQUENCE {
+			timeslot							TimeslotNumber,
+			midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType-VHCR,
+			channelisationCode					DL-TS-ChannelisationCode,
+			repetitionPeriodLengthOffset		RepPerLengthOffset-MICH		OPTIONAL,
+			mbmsNotificationIndLength			MBMS-MICHNotificationIndLength	DEFAULT mn4
+		},
+		tdd128								SEQUENCE {
+			timeslot							TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4,
+			midambleShiftAndBurstType			MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4,
+			channelisationCodeList				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF
+													DL-TS-ChannelisationCode,
+			repetitionPeriodLengthOffset		RepPerLengthOffset-MICH		OPTIONAL,
+			mbmsNotificationIndLength			MBMS-MICHNotificationIndLength	DEFAULT mn4
+		}
+	}
+MBMS-MICHNotificationIndLength ::=	ENUMERATED { mn4, mn8, mn16 }
+MBMS-MICHPowerOffset ::=			INTEGER (-10..5)
+MBMS-ModifedService-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	mbms-TransmissionIdentity			MBMS-TransmissionIdentity,
+	mbms-RequiredUEAction				MBMS-RequiredUEAction-Mod,
+	mbms-PreferredFrequency				CHOICE {
+		mcch								MBMS-PFLIndex,
+		dcch								MBMS-PFLInfo
+	mbms-DispersionIndicator			ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL,
+	continueMCCHReading					BOOLEAN
+MBMS-ModifedServiceList-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSservModif)) OF
+										MBMS-ModifedService-r6
+MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	mschShedulingInfo					MBMS-MSCHSchedulingInfo				OPTIONAL,
+	rlc-Info							RLC-Info-MSCH-r6					OPTIONAL,
+	tctf-Presence						MBMS-TCTF-Presence					OPTIONAL
+MBMS-MSCHSchedulingInfo ::=			CHOICE {
+	schedulingPeriod-32-Offset			INTEGER (0..31),
+	schedulingPeriod-64-Offset			INTEGER (0..63),
+	schedulingPeriod-128-Offset			INTEGER (0..127),
+	schedulingPeriod-256-Offset			INTEGER (0..255),
+	schedulingPeriod-512-Offset			INTEGER (0..511),
+	schedulingPeriod-1024-Offset		INTEGER (0..1023)
+MBMS-NeighbouringCellSCCPCH-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	secondaryCCPCH-Info					MBMS-CommonPhyChIdentity,
+	secondaryCCPCHPwrOffsetDiff			MBMS-SCCPCHPwrOffsetDiff			OPTIONAL,
+	layer1Combining						CHOICE {
+		fdd									SEQUENCE {
+			softComb-TimingOffset				MBMS-SoftComb-TimingOffset,
+			mbms-L1CombiningTransmTimeDiff		MBMS-L1CombiningTransmTimeDiff,
+			mbms-L1CombiningSchedule			MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule	OPTIONAL
+		},
+		tdd									NULL
+	mbms-L23Configuration				MBMS-L23Configuration
+MBMS-NeighbouringCellSCCPCHList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCCPCH)) OF
+										MBMS-NeighbouringCellSCCPCH-r6
+MBMS-NI-CountPerFrame ::=			ENUMERATED { ni18, ni36, ni72, ni144 }
+MBMS-NumberOfNeighbourCells-r6 ::=		INTEGER (0..32)
+MBMS-PFLIndex ::=					INTEGER (1..maxMBMS-Freq)
+MBMS-PFLInfo ::=					FrequencyInfo
+MBMS-PhyChInformation-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	mbms-CommonPhyChIdentity			MBMS-CommonPhyChIdentity,
+	secondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS				SecondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS-r6
+MBMS-PhyChInformationList-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-CommonPhyCh)) OF
+										MBMS-PhyChInformation-r6
+MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 ::=	ENUMERATED { true }
+MBMS-PreferredFreqRequest-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	preferredFreqRequest				FrequencyInfo
+MBMS-PreferredFrequencyInfo-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	mbmsPreferredFrequency				INTEGER (1..maxMBMS-Freq)			OPTIONAL,
+	layerConvergenceInformation			CHOICE {
+		mbms-Qoffset						MBMS-Qoffset,
+		mbms-HCSoffset						INTEGER (0..7)
+	},
+	mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo			MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+MBMS-PreferredFrequencyList-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-Freq)) OF
+										MBMS-PreferredFrequencyInfo-r6
+MBMS-PTMActivationTime-r6 ::=		INTEGER (0..2047)
+MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-C ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	rbInformation						MBMS-CommonRBIdentity,
+	shortTransmissionID					MBMS-ShortTransmissionID,
+	logicalChIdentity					MBMS-LogicalChIdentity
+MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-CList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBperTrCh)) OF
+										MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-C
+MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-N ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	shortTransmissionID					MBMS-ShortTransmissionID,
+	logicalChIdentity					MBMS-LogicalChIdentity,
+	layer1-CombiningStatus				BOOLEAN}
+MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-NList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBperTrCh)) OF
+										MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-N
+MBMS-Qoffset ::=					ENUMERATED { q4, q8, q12, q16, q20, q30, q40, qInfinity }
+MBMS-RequiredUEAction-Mod ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										none,
+										acquireCountingInfo,
+										acquireCountingInfoPTM-RBsUnmodified,
+										acquirePTM-RBInfo,
+										requestPTPRB,
+										releasePTM-RB }
+MBMS-RequiredUEAction-UMod ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										none,
+										acquirePTM-RBInfo,
+										requestPTPRB }
+MBMS-SCCPCHIdentity ::=				INTEGER (1..maxSCCPCH)
+MBMS-SCCPCHPwrOffsetDiff ::=		ENUMERATED { mcpo-minus6, mcpo-minus3, mcpo-plus3, mcpo-plus6 }
+MBMS-ServiceAccessInfo-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	shortTransmissionID					MBMS-ShortTransmissionID,
+	accessprobabilityFactor-Idle		MBMS-AccessProbabilityFactor,
+	accessprobabilityFactor-UraPCH		MBMS-AccessProbabilityFactor		OPTIONAL,
+	mbms-ConnectedModeCountingScope		MBMS-ConnectedModeCountingScope
+MBMS-ServiceAccessInfoList-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSservCount)) OF
+										MBMS-ServiceAccessInfo-r6
+MBMS-ServiceIdentity-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	serviceIdentity						OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)),
+	plmn-Identity						CHOICE {
+		-- The 'sameAsMIB-PLMN-Id' choice refers to the 'PLMN Identity' (R99) in MIB.
+		sameAsMIB-PLMN-Id					NULL,
+		other								CHOICE {
+			-- The 'sameAsMIB-MultiPLMN-Id' choice refers to one of the (1..5) PLMN Identities
+			-- provided in the 'Multiple PLMN List' (REL-6) in MIB.
+			sameAsMIB-MultiPLMN-Id				INTEGER (1..5),
+			explicitPLMN-Id						PLMN-Identity
+		}
+	}
+MBMS-ServiceSchedulingInfo-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	mbms-TransmissionIdentity			MBMS-TransmissionIdentity,
+	mbms-ServiceTransmInfoList			MBMS-ServiceTransmInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+	nextSchedulingperiod				INTEGER (0..31)
+MBMS-ServiceSchedulingInfoList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSservSched)) OF
+										MBMS-ServiceSchedulingInfo-r6
+MBMS-ServiceTransmInfo ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- Actual values (start, duration) = IE values * 4
+	start								INTEGER (0..255),
+	duration							INTEGER (1..256)
+MBMS-ServiceTransmInfoList ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSTransmis)) OF
+										MBMS-ServiceTransmInfo
+MBMS-SessionIdentity ::=			OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))
+MBMS-ShortTransmissionID ::=		INTEGER (1..maxMBMSservUnmodif)
+	sccpchIdentity						MBMS-SCCPCHIdentity,
+	transpCHInformation					MBMS-TrCHInformation-SIB5List
+										MBMS-SIBType5-SCCPCH-r6
+MBMS-SoftComb-TimingOffset ::=		ENUMERATED { ms0, ms10, ms20, ms40 }
+MBMS-TCTF-Presence ::=				ENUMERATED { false }
+MBMS-TimersAndCounters-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	t-318								T-318								DEFAULT ms1000
+MBMS-TransmissionIdentity ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	mbms-ServiceIdentity				MBMS-ServiceIdentity-r6,
+	mbms-SessionIdentity				MBMS-SessionIdentity				OPTIONAL
+MBMS-TranspChInfoForCCTrCh-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	commonCCTrChIdentity				MBMS-CommonCCTrChIdentity,
+	transportFormatCombinationSet		TFCS
+MBMS-TranspChInfoForEachCCTrCh-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-CommonCCTrCh)) OF
+										MBMS-TranspChInfoForCCTrCh-r6
+MBMS-TranspChInfoForEachTrCh-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-CommonTrCh)) OF
+										MBMS-TranspChInfoForTrCh-r6
+MBMS-TranspChInfoForTrCh-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	commonTrChIdentity					MBMS-CommonTrChIdentity,
+	transportFormatSet					TransportFormatSet
+MBMS-TrCHInformation-Curr ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	transpCh-Info						MBMS-CommonTrChIdentity,
+	rbInformation						MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-CList		OPTIONAL,
+	msch-ConfigurationInfo				MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+MBMS-TrCHInformation-CurrList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFACHPCH)) OF
+										MBMS-TrCHInformation-Curr
+MBMS-TrCHInformation-Neighb ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	transpCh-Info						MBMS-CommonTrChIdentity,
+	transpCh-CombiningStatus			BOOLEAN,
+	rbInformation						MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-NList		OPTIONAL,
+	msch-ConfigurationInfo				MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+MBMS-TrCHInformation-NeighbList ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFACHPCH)) OF
+										MBMS-TrCHInformation-Neighb
+MBMS-TrCHInformation-SIB5 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	transpCh-Identity					INTEGER (1..maxFACHPCH),
+	rbInformation						MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-CList		OPTIONAL,
+	msch-ConfigurationInfo				MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6		OPTIONAL
+MBMS-TrCHInformation-SIB5List ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFACHPCH)) OF
+										MBMS-TrCHInformation-SIB5
+MBMS-UnmodifiedService-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	mbms-TransmissionIdentity			MBMS-TransmissionIdentity,
+	mbms-RequiredUEAction				MBMS-RequiredUEAction-UMod,
+	mbms-PreferredFrequency				MBMS-PFLIndex						OPTIONAL
+MBMS-UnmodifiedServiceList-r6 ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSservUnmodif)) OF
+										MBMS-UnmodifiedService-r6
+Constant-definitions DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::=
+hiPDSCHidentities			INTEGER ::= 64
+hiPUSCHidentities			INTEGER ::= 64
+hiRM						INTEGER ::= 256
+maxAC						INTEGER ::= 16
+maxAdditionalMeas 			INTEGER ::= 4
+maxASC						INTEGER ::= 8
+maxASCmap					INTEGER ::= 7
+maxASCpersist				INTEGER ::= 6
+maxCCTrCH					INTEGER ::= 8
+maxCellMeas 				INTEGER ::= 32
+maxCellMeas-1				INTEGER ::= 31
+maxCNdomains				INTEGER ::= 4
+maxCPCHsets					INTEGER ::= 16
+maxDPCH-DLchan				INTEGER ::= 8
+maxDPDCH-UL					INTEGER ::= 6
+maxDRACclasses				INTEGER ::= 8
+maxE-DCHMACdFlow			INTEGER ::= 8
+maxE-DCHMACdFlow-1			INTEGER ::= 7
+maxEDCHRL					INTEGER ::= 4
+maxFACHPCH					INTEGER ::= 8
+maxFreq						INTEGER ::= 8
+maxFreqBandsFDD				INTEGER ::= 8
+maxFreqBandsFDD-ext			INTEGER ::= 15	-- maxFreqBandsFDD-ext ::= 22 Ð (maxFreqBandsFDD Ð 1)
+maxFreqBandsTDD				INTEGER ::= 4
+maxFreqBandsGSM				INTEGER ::= 16
+maxGERAN-SI					INTEGER ::= 8
+maxGSMTargetCells			INTEGER ::= 32
+maxHProcesses 				INTEGER ::= 8
+maxHSDSCHTBIndex			INTEGER ::= 64
+maxHSDSCHTBIndex-tdd384		INTEGER ::= 512
+maxHSSCCHs					INTEGER ::= 4
+maxInterSysMessages 		INTEGER ::= 4
+maxLoCHperRLC				INTEGER ::= 2
+maxMAC-d-PDUsizes			INTEGER ::= 8
+maxMBMS-CommonCCTrCh		INTEGER ::= 32
+maxMBMS-CommonPhyCh			INTEGER ::= 32
+maxMBMS-CommonRB			INTEGER ::= 32
+maxMBMS-CommonTrCh			INTEGER ::= 32
+maxMBMS-Freq				INTEGER ::= 4
+maxMBMS-L1CP				INTEGER ::= 4
+maxMBMSservCount			INTEGER ::= 8
+maxMBMSservModif			INTEGER ::= 32
+maxMBMSservSched			INTEGER ::= 16
+maxMBMSservUnmodif			INTEGER ::= 64
+maxMBMSTransmis				INTEGER ::= 4
+maxMeasEvent				INTEGER ::= 8
+maxMeasIntervals			INTEGER ::= 3
+maxMeasParEvent				INTEGER ::= 2
+maxNumCDMA2000Freqs			INTEGER ::=  8
+maxNumGSMFreqRanges			INTEGER ::= 32
+maxNumFDDFreqs				INTEGER ::=  8
+maxNumTDDFreqs				INTEGER ::=  8
+maxNoOfMeas					INTEGER ::= 16
+maxOtherRAT					INTEGER ::= 15
+maxOtherRAT-16				INTEGER ::= 16
+maxPage1					INTEGER ::= 8
+maxPCPCH-APsig				INTEGER ::= 16
+maxPCPCH-APsubCh			INTEGER ::= 12
+maxPCPCH-CDsig				INTEGER ::= 16
+maxPCPCH-CDsubCh			INTEGER ::= 12
+maxPCPCH-SF					INTEGER ::= 7
+maxPCPCHs					INTEGER ::= 64
+maxPDCPAlgoType				INTEGER ::= 8
+maxPDSCH					INTEGER ::= 8
+maxPDSCH-TFCIgroups	 		INTEGER ::= 256
+maxPRACH					INTEGER ::= 16
+maxPredefConfig				INTEGER ::= 16
+maxPUSCH					INTEGER ::= 8
+maxQueueIDs					INTEGER ::= 8
+maxRABsetup					INTEGER ::= 16
+maxRAT						INTEGER ::= 16
+maxRB						INTEGER ::= 32
+maxRBallRABs				INTEGER ::= 27
+maxRBMuxOptions				INTEGER ::= 8
+maxRBperRAB					INTEGER ::= 8
+maxRBperTrCh				INTEGER ::= 16
+maxReportedGSMCells			INTEGER ::= 8
+maxRL						INTEGER ::= 8
+maxRL-1						INTEGER ::= 7
+maxRLCPDUsizePerLogChan		INTEGER ::= 32
+maxRFC3095-CID				INTEGER ::= 16384
+maxROHC-PacketSizes-r4		INTEGER ::= 16
+maxROHC-Profile-r4			INTEGER ::= 8
+maxSat						INTEGER ::= 16
+maxSCCPCH					INTEGER ::= 16
+maxSIB						INTEGER ::= 32
+maxSIB-FACH					INTEGER ::= 8
+maxSIBperMsg				INTEGER ::= 16
+maxSRBsetup					INTEGER ::= 8
+maxSystemCapability			INTEGER ::= 16
+maxTF						INTEGER ::= 32
+maxTF-CPCH					INTEGER ::= 16
+maxTFC						INTEGER ::= 1024
+maxTFCsub					INTEGER ::= 1024
+maxTFCI-2-Combs	 			INTEGER ::= 512
+maxTGPS						INTEGER ::= 6
+maxTrCH						INTEGER ::= 32
+-- maxTrCHpreconf should be 16 but has been set to 32 for compatibility
+maxTrCHpreconf				INTEGER ::= 32
+maxTS						INTEGER ::= 14
+maxTS-1						INTEGER ::= 13 
+maxTS-2						INTEGER ::= 12
+maxTS-LCR					INTEGER ::= 6
+maxTS-LCR-1					INTEGER ::= 5 
+maxURA						INTEGER ::= 8
+maxURNTI-Group				INTEGER ::= 8
+Internode-definitions DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::=
+	HandoverToUTRANCommand,
+	MeasurementReport,
+	PhysicalChannelReconfiguration,
+	RadioBearerReconfiguration,
+	RadioBearerRelease,
+	RadioBearerSetup,
+	RRCConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext-IEs,
+	RRC-FailureInfo,
+	TransportChannelReconfiguration,
+	UECapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext-IEs
+FROM PDU-definitions
+-- Core Network IEs :
+	CN-DomainIdentity,
+	CN-DomainInformationList,
+	CN-DomainInformationListFull,
+	CN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient,
+	NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP,
+-- UTRAN Mobility IEs :
+	CellIdentity,
+	URA-Identity,
+-- User Equipment IEs :
+	AccessStratumReleaseIndicator,
+	ChipRateCapability,
+	DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig,
+	DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext,
+	DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD,
+	DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4,
+	GSM-Measurements,
+	HSDSCH-physical-layer-category,
+	FailureCauseWithProtErr,
+	MaxHcContextSpace,
+	MaximumAM-EntityNumberRLC-Cap,
+	MaximumRLC-WindowSize,
+	MaxNoPhysChBitsReceived,
+	MaxNoDPDCH-BitsTransmitted,
+	MaxPhysChPerFrame,
+	MaxPhysChPerSubFrame-r4,
+	MaxPhysChPerTS,
+	MaxROHC-ContextSessions-r4,
+	MaxTS-PerFrame,
+	MaxTS-PerSubFrame-r4,
+	MinimumSF-DL,
+	MultiModeCapability,
+	MultiRAT-Capability,
+	NetworkAssistedGPS-Supported,
+	PhysicalChannelCapability-edch-r6,
+	PhysicalChannelCapability-r7,
+	RadioFrequencyBandTDDList,
+	RF-Capability-r7,
+	RLC-Capability,
+	RRC-MessageSequenceNumber,
+	SecurityCapability,
+	SimultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-Reception,
+	STARTList,
+	STARTSingle,
+	START-Value,
+	SupportOfDedicatedPilotsForChEstimation,
+	TransportChannelCapability,
+	TxRxFrequencySeparation,
+	UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs,
+	UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability,
+	UE-PowerClassExt,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList2,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList-ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext,
+	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext,
+	UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD,
+	UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-r6,
+	UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD,
+	UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4,
+-- Radio Bearer IEs :
+	PredefinedConfigStatusList,
+	PredefinedConfigValueTag,
+	RAB-InformationSetupList,
+	RAB-InformationSetupList-r4,
+	RAB-InformationSetupList-r5,
+	RAB-InformationSetupList-r6-ext,
+	RAB-InformationSetupList-r6,
+	RB-Identity,
+	SRB-InformationSetupList,
+	SRB-InformationSetupList-r5,
+	SRB-InformationSetupList-r6,
+-- Transport Channel IEs :
+	DL-CommonTransChInfo,
+	DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4,
+	DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList,
+	DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4,
+	DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5,
+	DRAC-StaticInformationList,
+	UL-CommonTransChInfo,
+	UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4,
+	UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList,
+	UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6,
+-- Physical Channel IEs :
+	PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+	TPC-CombinationIndex,
+	ScramblingCodeChange,
+	TGPS-ConfigurationParams,
+-- Measurement IEs :
+	Event1j-r6,
+	Hysteresis,
+	Inter-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext,
+	Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext,
+	IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5,
+	IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5,
+	InterRATCellInfoIndication,
+	MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq,
+	MeasurementIdentity,
+	MeasurementReportingMode,
+	MeasurementType,
+	MeasurementType-r4,
+	MeasurementType-r6,
+	AdditionalMeasurementID-List,
+	PositionEstimate,
+	ReportingCellStatus,
+	TimeToTrigger,
+-- MBMS IEs :
+	MBMS-JoinedInformation-r6,
+-- Other IEs :
+	GERANIu-RadioAccessCapability,
+	GSM-MS-RadioAccessCapability,
+	InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList,
+	InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext,
+	InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext,
+	UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle,
+	UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT
+FROM InformationElements
+	maxCNdomains,
+	maxNoOfMeas,
+	maxRB,
+	maxRBallRABs,
+	maxRFC3095-CID,
+	maxSRBsetup,
+	maxRL,
+	maxTGPS
+FROM Constant-definitions
+-- Part 1: Class definitions similar to what has been defined in 11.1 for RRC messages
+-- Information that is tranferred in the same direction and across the same path is grouped
+-- ***************************************************
+-- RRC information, to target RNC
+-- ***************************************************
+-- RRC Information to target RNC sent either from source RNC or from another RAT
+ToTargetRNC-Container ::= CHOICE {
+	interRATHandoverInfo				InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-r3,
+	srncRelocation						SRNC-RelocationInfo-r3,
+	rfc3095-ContextInfo					RFC3095-ContextInfo-r5,
+	extension							NULL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- RRC information, target RNC to source RNC
+-- ***************************************************
+TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-Container ::= CHOICE {
+	radioBearerSetup					RadioBearerSetup,
+	radioBearerReconfiguration			RadioBearerReconfiguration,
+	radioBearerRelease					RadioBearerRelease,
+	transportChannelReconfiguration		TransportChannelReconfiguration,
+	physicalChannelReconfiguration		PhysicalChannelReconfiguration,
+	rrc-FailureInfo						RRC-FailureInfo,
+	-- IE dl-DCCHmessage consists of an octet string that includes the IE DL-DCCH-Message
+	dL-DCCHmessage						OCTET STRING,
+	extension							NULL
+-- Part 2: Container definitions, similar to the PDU definitions in 11.2 for RRC messages
+-- In alphabetical order
+-- ***************************************************
+-- Handover to UTRAN information
+-- ***************************************************
+InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-r3 ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		-- IE InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-r3-IEs also 
+		-- includes non critical extensions
+		interRATHandoverInfo-r3			InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-r3-IEs,
+		v390NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+			interRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-v390ext
+										InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-v390ext-IEs,
+			-- Reserved for future non critical extension
+			v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				interRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-v690ext
+										InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-v690ext-IEs,
+				nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-r3-IEs ::=		SEQUENCE {
+		-- The order of the IEs may not reflect the tabular format
+		--  but has been chosen to simplify the handling of the information in the BSC
+	--	Other IEs
+		ue-RATSpecificCapability		InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList	OPTIONAL,
+		-- interRATHandoverInfo, Octet string is used to obtain 8 bit length field prior to 
+		-- actual information.  This makes it possible for BSS to transparently handle information
+		-- received via GSM air interface even when it includes non critical extensions.
+		-- The octet string shall include the InterRATHandoverInfo information
+		-- The BSS can re-use the 44.018 length field received from the MS
+		interRATHandoverInfo			OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
+InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-v390ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		failureCauseWithProtErr				FailureCauseWithProtErr					OPTIONAL
+InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Other IEs
+		ue-RATSpecificCapability-v690ext	InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext	OPTIONAL
+-- ***************************************************
+-- RFC3095 context, source RNC to target RNC
+-- ***************************************************
+RFC3095-ContextInfo-r5 ::= CHOICE {
+	r5								SEQUENCE {
+		rFC3095-ContextInfoList-r5		RFC3095-ContextInfoList-r5,
+		-- Reserved for future non critical extension
+		nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+	},
+	criticalExtensions				SEQUENCE {}
+RFC3095-ContextInfoList-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBallRABs)) OF
+										RFC3095-ContextInfo
+-- ***************************************************
+-- SRNC Relocation information
+-- ***************************************************
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-r3 ::= CHOICE {
+	r3								SEQUENCE {
+		sRNC-RelocationInfo-r3			SRNC-RelocationInfo-r3-IEs,
+		v380NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+			sRNC-RelocationInfo-v380ext	SRNC-RelocationInfo-v380ext-IEs,
+			-- Reserved for future non critical extension
+			v390NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+				sRNC-RelocationInfo-v390ext			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v390ext-IEs,
+				v3a0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					sRNC-RelocationInfo-v3a0ext			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3a0ext-IEs,
+					v3b0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+						sRNC-RelocationInfo-v3b0ext			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3b0ext-IEs,
+						v3c0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+							sRNC-RelocationInfo-v3c0ext			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3c0ext-IEs,
+							laterNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+								sRNC-RelocationInfo-v3d0ext			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3d0ext-IEs,
+								-- Container for additional R99 extensions
+								sRNC-RelocationInfo-r3-add-ext		BIT STRING
+												(CONTAINING	SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3h0ext-IEs)		OPTIONAL,
+								v3g0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+									sRNC-RelocationInfo-v3g0ext			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3g0ext-IEs,
+									v4b0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+										sRNC-RelocationInfo-v4b0ext			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v4b0ext-IEs,
+										v590NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+											sRNC-RelocationInfo-v590ext
+																			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v590ext-IEs,
+											v5a0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+												sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext
+																			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext-IEs,
+												v5b0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+													sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext
+																			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext-IEs,
+													v5c0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+														sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext
+																			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext-IEs,
+														v690NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+															sRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext
+																			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext-IEs,
+															v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {
+																sRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext
+																			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext-IEs,
+																-- Reserved for future non critical extension
+																nonCriticalExtensions	SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+															}		OPTIONAL
+														}		OPTIONAL
+													}		OPTIONAL
+												}		OPTIONAL
+											}		OPTIONAL
+										}		OPTIONAL
+									}		OPTIONAL
+								}		OPTIONAL
+							}		OPTIONAL
+						}		OPTIONAL
+					}		OPTIONAL
+				}		OPTIONAL
+	},
+	later-than-r3					CHOICE {
+		r4								SEQUENCE {
+			sRNC-RelocationInfo-r4			SRNC-RelocationInfo-r4-IEs,
+			v4d0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+				sRNC-RelocationInfo-v4d0ext		SRNC-RelocationInfo-v4d0ext-IEs,
+				-- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5
+				sRNC-RelocationInfo-r4-add-ext		BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+				v590NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+					sRNC-RelocationInfo-v590ext			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v590ext-IEs,
+					v5a0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+						sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext-IEs,
+						v5b0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+							sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext-IEs,
+							v5c0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+								sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext-IEs,
+								v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+									sRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext		SRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext-IEs,
+									v7xyNonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+										sRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext
+																	SRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext-IEs,
+											nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}	OPTIONAL
+									}	OPTIONAL
+								}	OPTIONAL
+							}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+		},
+		criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+			r5								SEQUENCE {
+				sRNC-RelocationInfo-r5			SRNC-RelocationInfo-r5-IEs,
+				sRNC-RelocationInfo-r5-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+				v5a0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+					sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext		SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext-IEs,
+					v5b0NonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext		SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext-IEs,
+						v5c0NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+							sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext-IEs,
+							v690NonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {
+								sRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext			SRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext-IEs,
+									v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+										sRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext
+																	SRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext-IEs,
+										nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+								}	OPTIONAL
+							}	OPTIONAL
+						}	OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			criticalExtensions				CHOICE {
+				r6								SEQUENCE {
+					sRNC-RelocationInfo-r6			SRNC-RelocationInfo-r6-IEs,
+					sRNC-RelocationInfo-r6-add-ext	BIT STRING		OPTIONAL,
+					v7xyNonCriticalExtensions		SEQUENCE {
+						sRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext		SRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext-IEs,
+						nonCriticalExtensions			SEQUENCE {}		OPTIONAL
+					}	OPTIONAL
+				},
+				criticalExtensions					SEQUENCE {}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-r3-IEs ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- Non-RRC IEs
+		stateOfRRC						StateOfRRC,
+		stateOfRRC-Procedure			StateOfRRC-Procedure,
+	-- Ciphering related information IEs
+	-- If the extension v380 is included use the extension for the ciphering status per CN domain
+		cipheringStatus					CipheringStatus,
+		-- If ciphering status is started and the IE latestConfiguredCN-Domain should be included,
+		-- the IE cn-DomainIdentity (in SRNC-RelocationInfo-v380ext-IEs) shall be used instead.
+		calculationTimeForCiphering		CalculationTimeForCiphering			OPTIONAL,
+		-- The order of occurrence in the IE cipheringInfoPerRB-List is the
+		-- same as the RBs in SRB-InformationSetupList in RAB-InformationSetupList.
+		-- The signalling RBs are supposed to be listed
+		-- first. Only UM and AM RBs that are ciphered are listed here
+		cipheringInfoPerRB-List			CipheringInfoPerRB-List				OPTIONAL,
+		count-C-List					COUNT-C-List						OPTIONAL,
+		integrityProtectionStatus		IntegrityProtectionStatus,
+		-- In the IE srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo, the first information listed corresponds to
+      -- signalling radio bearer RB0 and after the order of occurrence is the same as the SRBs in
+	 -- SRB-InformationSetupList
+		-- The target RNC may ignore the IE srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo if the
+		-- IE integrityProtectionStatus has the value "not started".
+		srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo	SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfoList,
+		implementationSpecificParams	ImplementationSpecificParams		OPTIONAL,
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		u-RNTI							U-RNTI,
+		c-RNTI							C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability		UE-RadioAccessCapability,
+		ue-Positioning-LastKnownPos		UE-Positioning-LastKnownPos			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Other IEs
+		ue-RATSpecificCapability		InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList	OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo	NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP,
+		cn-DomainInformationList		CN-DomainInformationList			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		ongoingMeasRepList				OngoingMeasRepList					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		predefinedConfigStatusList		PredefinedConfigStatusList,
+		srb-InformationList				SRB-InformationSetupList,
+		rab-InformationList				RAB-InformationSetupList			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-TransChInfoList				UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		modeSpecificInfo				CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should
+				-- not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+				dummy							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		},
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-TransChInfoList				DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement report
+		measurementReport				MeasurementReport					OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v380ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- Ciphering related information IEs
+		-- In the SRNC-RelocationInfo-r3-IEs, the IE 'cn-DomainIdentity' is used to represent the 
+		-- IE 'Latest configured CN domain' in the tabular.
+		cn-DomainIdentity					CN-DomainIdentity,
+		cipheringStatusList					CipheringStatusList
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v390ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		cn-DomainInformationList-v390ext	CN-DomainInformationList-v390ext		OPTIONAL,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext		OPTIONAL,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext		DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext,
+		failureCauseWithProtErr				FailureCauseWithProtErr					OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		cipheringInfoForSRB1-v3a0ext		CipheringInfoPerRB-List-v3a0ext,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext		OPTIONAL,
+		-- cn-domain identity for IE startValueForCiphering-v3a0ext is specified
+		-- in subsequent extension (SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3b0ext-IEs)
+		startValueForCiphering-v3a0ext		START-Value
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		-- cn-domain identity for IE startValueForCiphering-v3a0ext included in previous extension
+		cn-DomainIdentity				CN-DomainIdentity,
+		-- the IE startValueForCiphering-v3b0ext contains the start values for each CN Domain. The 
+		-- value of start indicated by the IE startValueForCiphering-v3a0ext should be set to the
+		-- same value as the start-Value for the corresponding cn-DomainIdentity in the IE 
+		-- startValueForCiphering-v3b0ext
+		startValueForCiphering-v3b0ext		STARTList2								OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3c0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		-- IE rb-IdentityForHOMessage includes the identity of the RB used by the source SRNC
+		-- to send the message contained in the IE ÒTargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-ContainerÓ.
+		-- Only included if type is ÒUE involvedÓ
+		rb-IdentityForHOMessage				RB-Identity  		OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		uESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle		UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle		OPTIONAL,
+		uESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT		UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT		OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3g0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext		OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3h0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		tpc-CombinationInfoList			TPC-CombinationInfoList		OPTIONAL,
+		nonCriticalExtension				SEQUENCE {}				OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v4d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		tpc-CombinationInfoList		TPC-CombinationInfoList		OPTIONAL
+TPC-CombinationInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+		TPC-Combination-Info
+STARTList2 ::=						SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..maxCNdomains)) OF
+										STARTSingle
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext		OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext		OPTIONAL,
+		ue-RATSpecificCapability-v590ext	InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext	OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		storedCompressedModeInfo		StoredCompressedModeInfo	OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+	interRATCellInfoIndication			InterRATCellInfoIndication			OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext		OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext	UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext		OPTIONAL
+CipheringInfoPerRB-List-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+		dl-UM-SN						BIT STRING (SIZE (7))
+CipheringStatusList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF
+										CipheringStatusCNdomain
+CipheringStatusCNdomain ::=				SEQUENCE {
+		cn-DomainIdentity				CN-DomainIdentity,
+		cipheringStatus					CipheringStatus
+CodeChangeStatusList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF
+		CodeChangeStatus
+CodeChangeStatus ::= SEQUENCE {
+		primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+		scramblingCodeChange				ScramblingCodeChange
+StoredCompressedModeInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
+		storedTGP-SequenceList		StoredTGP-SequenceList,
+		codeChangeStatusList		CodeChangeStatusList	OPTIONAL
+StoredTGP-SequenceList ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTGPS)) OF
+										StoredTGP-Sequence
+StoredTGP-Sequence ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	tgpsi								TGPSI,
+	current-tgps-Status					CHOICE {
+		active								SEQUENCE {
+			tgcfn								TGCFN
+		},
+		inactive							NULL
+	},
+	tgps-ConfigurationParams			TGPS-ConfigurationParams			OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-r4-IEs ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- Non-RRC IEs
+		-- IE rb-IdentityForHOMessage includes the identity of the RB used by the source SRNC
+		-- to send the message contained in the IE ÒTargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-ContainerÓ.
+		-- Only included if type is ÒUE involvedÓ
+		rb-IdentityForHOMessage			RB-Identity							OPTIONAL,
+		stateOfRRC						StateOfRRC,
+		stateOfRRC-Procedure			StateOfRRC-Procedure,
+	-- Ciphering related information IEs
+		cipheringStatusList				CipheringStatusList-r4,
+		latestConfiguredCN-Domain		CN-DomainIdentity,
+		calculationTimeForCiphering		CalculationTimeForCiphering			OPTIONAL,
+		count-C-List					COUNT-C-List						OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringInfoPerRB-List			CipheringInfoPerRB-List-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Integrity protection related information IEs
+		integrityProtectionStatus		IntegrityProtectionStatus,
+		-- The target RNC may ignore the IE srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo if the
+		-- IE integrityProtectionStatus has the value "not started".
+		srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo	SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfoList,
+		implementationSpecificParams	ImplementationSpecificParams		OPTIONAL,
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		u-RNTI							U-RNTI,
+		c-RNTI							C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability		UE-RadioAccessCapability-r4,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-ext	UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList		OPTIONAL,
+		ue-Positioning-LastKnownPos		UE-Positioning-LastKnownPos			OPTIONAL,
+		uESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle		UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle		OPTIONAL,
+		uESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT		UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Other IEs
+		ue-RATSpecificCapability		InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList	OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo	NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP,
+		cn-DomainInformationList		CN-DomainInformationListFull		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		ongoingMeasRepList				OngoingMeasRepList-r4				OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		predefinedConfigStatusList		PredefinedConfigStatusList,
+		srb-InformationList				SRB-InformationSetupList,
+		rab-InformationList				RAB-InformationSetupList-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-TransChInfoList				UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy							CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-TransChInfoList				DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement report
+		measurementReport				MeasurementReport					OPTIONAL,
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr				OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-r5-IEs ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- Non-RRC IEs
+		-- IE rb-IdentityForHOMessage includes the identity of the RB used by the source SRNC
+		-- to send the message contained in the IE ÒTargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-ContainerÓ.
+		-- Only included if type is "UE involved"
+		rb-IdentityForHOMessage			RB-Identity							OPTIONAL,
+		stateOfRRC						StateOfRRC,
+		stateOfRRC-Procedure			StateOfRRC-Procedure,
+	-- Ciphering related information IEs
+		cipheringStatusList				CipheringStatusList-r4,
+		latestConfiguredCN-Domain		CN-DomainIdentity,
+		calculationTimeForCiphering		CalculationTimeForCiphering			OPTIONAL,
+		count-C-List					COUNT-C-List						OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringInfoPerRB-List			CipheringInfoPerRB-List-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Integrity protection related information IEs
+		integrityProtectionStatus		IntegrityProtectionStatus,
+		srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo	SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfoList	OPTIONAL,
+		implementationSpecificParams	ImplementationSpecificParams		OPTIONAL,
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		u-RNTI							U-RNTI,
+		c-RNTI							C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability		UE-RadioAccessCapability-r5,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-ext	UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList		OPTIONAL,
+		ue-Positioning-LastKnownPos		UE-Positioning-LastKnownPos			OPTIONAL,
+		uESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle
+										UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle		OPTIONAL,
+		uESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT
+										UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Other IEs
+		ue-RATSpecificCapability		InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo	NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP,
+		cn-DomainInformationList		CN-DomainInformationListFull		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		ongoingMeasRepList				OngoingMeasRepList-r5				OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		predefinedConfigStatusList		PredefinedConfigStatusList,
+		srb-InformationList				SRB-InformationSetupList-r5,
+		rab-InformationList				RAB-InformationSetupList-r5			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-TransChInfoList				UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList			OPTIONAL,
+		-- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification,
+		-- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored.
+		dummy							CHOICE {
+			fdd								SEQUENCE {
+				dummy1							CPCH-SetID					OPTIONAL,
+				dummy2							DRAC-StaticInformationList	OPTIONAL
+			},
+			tdd								NULL
+		}																	OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-TransChInfoList				DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- PhyCH IEs
+		tpc-CombinationInfoList			TPC-CombinationInfoList				OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement report
+		measurementReport				MeasurementReport					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Other IEs
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr				OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext-IEs ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		-- IE ueCapabilityContainer is used for the transparent transfer of capability information
+		-- received from the UE
+		ueCapabilityContainer			BIT STRING
+											(CONTAINING UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs)	OPTIONAL,
+		-- IE ueCapabilityContainer-RSC and IE ueCapabilityContainer-UCI are used for the 
+		-- transparent transfer of capability information received from the UE that was introduced 
+		-- in a release independent manner, i.e., transferred within a VLEC. These UE capabilities 
+		-- messages. Only the VLEC of one message needs to be included i.e. the one from these
+		-- messages that was last received.
+		-- Case 1: If the last received message was a RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE (RSC)
+		ueCapabilityContainer-RSC		BIT STRING
+							(CONTAINING RRCConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext-IEs)	OPTIONAL,
+		-- Case 2: If the last received message was a UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION (UCI)
+		ueCapabilityContainer-UCI		BIT STRING
+							(CONTAINING UECapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext-IEs)		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		rab-InformationSetupList		RAB-InformationSetupList-r6-ext		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement report
+		measuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq	MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq		OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-JoinedInformation			MBMS-JoinedInformation-r6			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		intraFreqReportingCriteria		IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r6-ext		OPTIONAL
+SRNC-RelocationInfo-r6-IEs ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	-- Non-RRC IEs
+		-- IE rb-IdentityForHOMessage includes the identity of the RB used by the source SRNC
+		-- to send the message contained in the IE ÒTargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-ContainerÓ.
+		-- Only included if type is "UE involved"
+		rb-IdentityForHOMessage			RB-Identity							OPTIONAL,
+		stateOfRRC						StateOfRRC,
+		stateOfRRC-Procedure			StateOfRRC-Procedure,
+	-- Ciphering related information IEs
+		cipheringStatusList				CipheringStatusList-r4,
+		latestConfiguredCN-Domain		CN-DomainIdentity,
+		calculationTimeForCiphering		CalculationTimeForCiphering			OPTIONAL,
+		count-C-List					COUNT-C-List						OPTIONAL,
+		cipheringInfoPerRB-List			CipheringInfoPerRB-List-r4			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Integrity protection related information IEs
+		integrityProtectionStatus		IntegrityProtectionStatus,
+		srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo	SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfoList	OPTIONAL,
+		implementationSpecificParams	ImplementationSpecificParams		OPTIONAL,
+	-- User equipment IEs
+		u-RNTI							U-RNTI,
+		c-RNTI							C-RNTI								OPTIONAL,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability		UE-RadioAccessCapability-r6,
+		ue-RadioAccessCapability-ext	UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList		OPTIONAL,
+		ue-Positioning-LastKnownPos		UE-Positioning-LastKnownPos			OPTIONAL,
+		uESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle
+										UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle		OPTIONAL,
+		uESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT
+										UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT		OPTIONAL,
+		-- IE ueCapabilityContainer is used for the transparent transfer of capability information
+		-- received from the UE
+		ueCapabilityContainer			BIT STRING
+											(CONTAINING UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs)	OPTIONAL,
+		-- IE ueCapabilityContainer-RSC and IE ueCapabilityContainer-UCI are used for the 
+		-- transparent transfer of capability information received from the UE that was introduced 
+		-- in a release independent manner, i.e., transferred within a VLEC. These UE capabilities 
+		-- messages. Only the VLEC of one message needs to be included i.e. the one from these
+		-- messages that was last received.
+		-- Case 1: If the last received message was a RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE (RSC)
+		ueCapabilityContainer-RSC		BIT STRING
+							(CONTAINING RRCConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext-IEs)	OPTIONAL,
+		-- Case 2: If the last received message was a UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION (UCI)
+		ueCapabilityContainer-UCI		BIT STRING
+							(CONTAINING UECapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext-IEs)		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Other IEs
+		ue-RATSpecificCapability		InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	-- UTRAN mobility IEs
+		ura-Identity					URA-Identity						OPTIONAL,
+	-- Core network IEs
+		cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo	NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP,
+		cn-DomainInformationList		CN-DomainInformationListFull		OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement IEs
+		ongoingMeasRepList				OngoingMeasRepList-r6				OPTIONAL,
+		interRATCellInfoIndication		InterRATCellInfoIndication			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Radio bearer IEs
+		predefinedConfigStatusList		PredefinedConfigStatusList,
+		srb-InformationList				SRB-InformationSetupList-r6,
+		rab-InformationList				RAB-InformationSetupList-r6			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Transport channel IEs
+		ul-CommonTransChInfo			UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		ul-TransChInfoList				UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6		OPTIONAL,
+		dl-CommonTransChInfo			DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4				OPTIONAL,
+		dl-TransChInfoList				DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5		OPTIONAL,
+	-- PhyCH IEs
+		tpc-CombinationInfoList			TPC-CombinationInfoList				OPTIONAL,
+		storedCompressedModeInfo		StoredCompressedModeInfo			OPTIONAL,
+	-- Measurement report
+		measurementReport				BIT STRING
+							(CONTAINING MeasurementReport)					OPTIONAL,
+	-- Other IEs
+		failureCause					FailureCauseWithProtErr				OPTIONAL,
+	-- MBMS IEs
+		mbms-JoinedInformation			MBMS-JoinedInformation-r6			OPTIONAL
+-- IE definitions
+CalculationTimeForCiphering ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	cell-Id								CellIdentity,
+	sfn									INTEGER (0..4095)
+CipheringInfoPerRB ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	dl-HFN								BIT STRING (SIZE (20..25)),
+	ul-HFN								BIT STRING (SIZE (20..25))
+CipheringInfoPerRB-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	dl-HFN								BIT STRING (SIZE (20..25)),
+	dl-UM-SN							BIT STRING (SIZE (7)) 				OPTIONAL,
+	ul-HFN								BIT STRING (SIZE (20..25))
+-- TABULAR: CipheringInfoPerRB-List, multiplicity value numberOfRadioBearers 
+-- has been replaced with maxRB.
+CipheringInfoPerRB-List ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+										CipheringInfoPerRB
+CipheringInfoPerRB-List-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF
+										CipheringInfoPerRB-r4
+CipheringStatus ::=					ENUMERATED {
+										started, notStarted }
+CipheringStatusList-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF
+										CipheringStatusCNdomain-r4
+CipheringStatusCNdomain-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+		cn-DomainIdentity				CN-DomainIdentity,
+		cipheringStatus					CipheringStatus,
+		start-Value						START-Value
+CN-DomainInformation-v390ext ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	cn-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff				CN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient
+CN-DomainInformationList-v390ext ::=	SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF
+										CN-DomainInformation-v390ext
+CompressedModeMeasCapability-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	fdd-Measurements					BOOLEAN,
+	-- TABULAR: The IEs tdd-Measurements, gsm-Measurements and multiCarrierMeasurements
+	-- are made optional since they are conditional based on another information element.
+	-- Their absence corresponds to the case where the condition is not true.
+	tdd384-Measurements					BOOLEAN								OPTIONAL,
+	tdd128-Measurements					BOOLEAN								OPTIONAL,
+	gsm-Measurements					GSM-Measurements					OPTIONAL,
+	multiCarrierMeasurements			BOOLEAN								OPTIONAL
+COUNT-C-List ::=						SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF
+										COUNT-CSingle
+COUNT-CSingle ::=						SEQUENCE {
+	cn-DomainIdentity					CN-DomainIdentity,
+	count-C								BIT STRING (SIZE (32))			
+DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- The IE ÒmaxNoDPCH-PDSCH-CodesÓ only gives information on the maximum number of DPCH Codes.
+	maxNoDPCH-PDSCH-Codes				INTEGER (1..8),
+	maxNoPhysChBitsReceived				MaxNoPhysChBitsReceived,
+	supportForSF-512					BOOLEAN,
+	-- dummy, dummy2 and dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification
+	-- and if received they should be ignored.
+	dummy								BOOLEAN,
+	dummy2								SimultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-Reception,
+	dummy3								SupportOfDedicatedPilotsForChEstimation		OPTIONAL
+DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	-- The IE ÒmaxNoDPCH-PDSCH-CodesÓ only gives information on the maximum number of DPCH Codes.
+	maxNoDPCH-PDSCH-Codes				INTEGER (1..8),
+	maxNoPhysChBitsReceived				MaxNoPhysChBitsReceived,
+	supportForSF-512					BOOLEAN,
+	-- dummy, dumy2 and dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification
+	-- and if received they should be ignored.
+	dummy								BOOLEAN,
+	dummy2								SimultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-Reception,
+	dummy3								SupportOfDedicatedPilotsForChEstimation		OPTIONAL,
+	fdd-hspdsch							CHOICE {
+		supported							SEQUENCE {
+			hsdsch-physical-layer-category		HSDSCH-physical-layer-category,
+			-- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification
+			-- and if received they should be ignored.
+			dummy								BOOLEAN,
+			dummy2								BOOLEAN
+		},
+		unsupported							NULL
+	}
+DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	maxTS-PerFrame						MaxTS-PerFrame,
+	maxPhysChPerFrame					MaxPhysChPerFrame,
+	minimumSF							MinimumSF-DL,
+	supportOfPDSCH						BOOLEAN,
+	maxPhysChPerTS						MaxPhysChPerTS,
+	tdd384-hspdsch						CHOICE {
+		supported							HSDSCH-physical-layer-category,
+		unsupported							NULL
+	}
+DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r5 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	maxTS-PerSubFrame					MaxTS-PerSubFrame-r4,
+	maxPhysChPerFrame					MaxPhysChPerSubFrame-r4,
+	minimumSF							MinimumSF-DL,
+	supportOfPDSCH						BOOLEAN,
+	maxPhysChPerTS						MaxPhysChPerTS,
+	supportOf8PSK						BOOLEAN,
+	tdd128-hspdsch						CHOICE {
+		supported							HSDSCH-physical-layer-category,
+		unsupported							NULL
+	}
+DL-RFC3095-Context ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	rfc3095-Context-Identity			INTEGER (0..16383),
+	dl-mode								ENUMERATED {u, o, r},
+	dl-ref-ir							OCTET STRING ( SIZE (1..3000)),
+	dl-ref-time							INTEGER (0..4294967295)		OPTIONAL,
+	dl-curr-time						INTEGER (0..4294967295)		OPTIONAL,
+	dl-syn-offset-id					INTEGER (0..65535)			OPTIONAL,
+	dl-syn-slope-ts						INTEGER (0..4294967295)		OPTIONAL,
+	dl-dyn-changed						BOOLEAN
+ImplementationSpecificParams ::=	BIT STRING (SIZE (1..512))
+IntegrityProtectionStatus ::=		ENUMERATED {
+										started, notStarted }
+InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList-r5 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	interRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability	InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList,
+	geranIu-RadioAccessCapability		GERANIu-RadioAccessCapability				OPTIONAL
+IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r6-ext ::= SEQUENCE {
+	-- The content of the v690 non-critical extension should be
+	-- considered as an extension of IE IntraFreqEventCriteriaList
+	event								Event1j-r6,
+	hysteresis							Hysteresis,
+	timeToTrigger						TimeToTrigger,
+	reportingCellStatus					ReportingCellStatus					OPTIONAL
+-- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should
+-- not be sent and if received it should be ignored.
+MaxHcContextSpace-r5 ::=				ENUMERATED { 
+											dummy, by1024, by2048, by4096, by8192, 
+											by16384, by32768, by65536, by131072 }
+MeasurementCapability-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	downlinkCompressedMode				CompressedModeMeasCapability-r4,
+	uplinkCompressedMode				CompressedModeMeasCapability-r4	
+MeasurementCommandWithType ::=		CHOICE {
+	setup								MeasurementType,
+	modify								NULL,
+	release								NULL
+MeasurementCommandWithType-r4 ::=	CHOICE {
+	setup								MeasurementType-r4,
+	modify								NULL,
+	release								NULL
+MeasurementCommandWithType-r6 ::=	CHOICE {
+	setup								MeasurementType-r6,
+	modify								NULL,
+	release								NULL
+OngoingMeasRep ::=					SEQUENCE {
+	measurementIdentity					MeasurementIdentity,
+	-- TABULAR: The CHOICE Measurement in the tabular description is included
+	-- in MeasurementCommandWithType
+	measurementCommandWithType			MeasurementCommandWithType,
+	measurementReportingMode			MeasurementReportingMode			OPTIONAL,
+	additionalMeasurementID-List		AdditionalMeasurementID-List		OPTIONAL
+OngoingMeasRep-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	measurementIdentity					MeasurementIdentity,
+	-- TABULAR: The CHOICE Measurement in the tabular description is included
+	-- in MeasurementCommandWithType-r4.
+	measurementCommandWithType			MeasurementCommandWithType-r4,
+	measurementReportingMode			MeasurementReportingMode			OPTIONAL,
+	additionalMeasurementID-List		AdditionalMeasurementID-List		OPTIONAL
+OngoingMeasRep-r5 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	measurementIdentity					MeasurementIdentity,
+	-- TABULAR: The CHOICE Measurement in the tabular description is included
+	-- in MeasurementCommandWithType-r4.
+	measurementCommandWithType			MeasurementCommandWithType-r4,
+	measurementReportingMode			MeasurementReportingMode			OPTIONAL,
+	additionalMeasurementID-List		AdditionalMeasurementID-List		OPTIONAL,
+	measurementCommand-v590ext			CHOICE {
+		-- the choice "intra-frequency" shall be used for the case of intra-frequency measurement,
+		-- as well as when intra-frequency events are configured for inter-frequency measurement
+		intra-frequency						Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext,
+		inter-frequency						Inter-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext
+	intraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5		IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5	OPTIONAL,
+	intraFreqEvent-1d-r5					IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5				OPTIONAL
+OngoingMeasRep-r6 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	measurementIdentity					MeasurementIdentity,
+	measurementCommandWithType			MeasurementCommandWithType-r6,
+	measurementReportingMode			MeasurementReportingMode			OPTIONAL,
+	additionalMeasurementID-List		AdditionalMeasurementID-List		OPTIONAL
+OngoingMeasRepList ::=				SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNoOfMeas)) OF
+										OngoingMeasRep
+OngoingMeasRepList-r4 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNoOfMeas)) OF
+										OngoingMeasRep-r4
+OngoingMeasRepList-r5 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNoOfMeas)) OF
+										OngoingMeasRep-r5
+OngoingMeasRepList-r6 ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNoOfMeas)) OF
+										OngoingMeasRep-r6
+PDCP-Capability-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	losslessSRNS-RelocationSupport		BOOLEAN,
+	supportForRfc2507					CHOICE {
+		notSupported						NULL,
+		supported							MaxHcContextSpace
+	},
+	supportForRfc3095					CHOICE {
+		notSupported						NULL,
+		supported							SEQUENCE {
+			maxROHC-ContextSessions				MaxROHC-ContextSessions-r4	DEFAULT s16,
+			reverseCompressionDepth				INTEGER (0..65535)			DEFAULT 0
+		}
+	}
+PDCP-Capability-r5 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	losslessSRNS-RelocationSupport		BOOLEAN,
+	supportForRfc2507					CHOICE {
+		notSupported						NULL,
+		supported							MaxHcContextSpace-r5
+	},
+	supportForRfc3095					CHOICE {
+		notSupported						NULL,
+		supported							SEQUENCE {
+			maxROHC-ContextSessions				MaxROHC-ContextSessions-r4	DEFAULT s16,
+			reverseCompressionDepth				INTEGER (0..65535)			DEFAULT 0,
+			supportForRfc3095ContextRelocation	BOOLEAN
+		}
+	}
+PDCP-Capability-r6 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	losslessSRNS-RelocationSupport		BOOLEAN,
+	losslessDLRLC-PDUSizeChange			ENUMERATED { true }					OPTIONAL,
+	supportForRfc2507					CHOICE {
+		notSupported						NULL,
+		supported							MaxHcContextSpace-r5
+	},
+	supportForRfc3095					CHOICE {
+		notSupported						NULL,
+		supported							SEQUENCE {
+			maxROHC-ContextSessions				MaxROHC-ContextSessions-r4	DEFAULT s16,
+			reverseCompressionDepth				INTEGER (0..65535)			DEFAULT 0,
+			supportForRfc3095ContextRelocation	BOOLEAN
+		}
+	}
+PhysicalChannelCapability-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+		fddPhysChCapability					SEQUENCE {
+			downlinkPhysChCapability			DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-r4,
+			uplinkPhysChCapability				UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD
+		}											OPTIONAL,
+		tdd384-PhysChCapability				SEQUENCE {
+			downlinkPhysChCapability			DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD,
+			uplinkPhysChCapability				UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD
+		}											OPTIONAL,
+		tdd128-PhysChCapability				SEQUENCE {
+			downlinkPhysChCapability			DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4,
+			uplinkPhysChCapability				UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4
+		}											OPTIONAL
+PhysicalChannelCapability-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+		fddPhysChCapability					SEQUENCE {
+			downlinkPhysChCapability			DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-r5,
+			uplinkPhysChCapability				UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD
+		}											OPTIONAL,
+		tdd384-PhysChCapability				SEQUENCE {
+			downlinkPhysChCapability			DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-r5,
+			uplinkPhysChCapability				UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD
+		}											OPTIONAL,
+		tdd128-PhysChCapability				SEQUENCE {
+			downlinkPhysChCapability			DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r5,
+			uplinkPhysChCapability				UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4
+		}											OPTIONAL
+RF-Capability-r4 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+		fddRF-Capability				SEQUENCE {
+			ue-PowerClass					UE-PowerClassExt,
+			txRxFrequencySeparation			TxRxFrequencySeparation
+		}																OPTIONAL,
+		tdd384-RF-Capability			SEQUENCE {
+			ue-PowerClass					UE-PowerClassExt,
+			radioFrequencyBandTDDList		RadioFrequencyBandTDDList,
+			chipRateCapability				ChipRateCapability
+		}																OPTIONAL,
+		tdd128-RF-Capability			SEQUENCE {
+			ue-PowerClass					UE-PowerClassExt,
+			radioFrequencyBandTDDList		RadioFrequencyBandTDDList,
+			chipRateCapability				ChipRateCapability
+		}																OPTIONAL
+RFC3095-ContextInfo ::= 			SEQUENCE {
+	rb-Identity							RB-Identity,
+	rfc3095-Context-List				RFC3095-Context-List
+RFC3095-Context-List ::=			SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRFC3095-CID)) OF SEQUENCE {
+	dl-RFC3095-Context					DL-RFC3095-Context		OPTIONAL,
+	ul-RFC3095-Context					UL-RFC3095-Context		OPTIONAL
+RLC-Capability-r5 ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	totalRLC-AM-BufferSize				TotalRLC-AM-BufferSize-r5,
+	maximumRLC-WindowSize				MaximumRLC-WindowSize,
+	maximumAM-EntityNumber				MaximumAM-EntityNumberRLC-Cap
+SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	ul-RRC-HFN							BIT STRING (SIZE (28)),
+	dl-RRC-HFN							BIT STRING (SIZE (28)),
+	ul-RRC-SequenceNumber				RRC-MessageSequenceNumber,
+	dl-RRC-SequenceNumber				RRC-MessageSequenceNumber
+SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (4..maxSRBsetup)) OF
+										SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo
+StateOfRRC ::=						ENUMERATED {
+										cell-DCH, cell-FACH,
+										cell-PCH, ura-PCH }
+StateOfRRC-Procedure ::=			ENUMERATED {
+										awaitNoRRC-Message,
+										awaitRB-ReleaseComplete,
+										awaitRB-SetupComplete,
+										awaitRB-ReconfigurationComplete,
+										awaitTransportCH-ReconfigurationComplete,
+										awaitPhysicalCH-ReconfigurationComplete,
+										awaitActiveSetUpdateComplete,
+										awaitHandoverComplete,
+										sendCellUpdateConfirm,
+										sendUraUpdateConfirm,
+										-- dummy is not used in this version of specification
+										-- It should not be sent
+										dummy,
+										otherStates 
+TotalRLC-AM-BufferSize-r5 ::=		ENUMERATED { 
+										kb10, kb50, kb100, kb150, kb200, 
+										kb300, kb400, kb500, kb750, kb1000 }
+TPC-Combination-Info ::= SEQUENCE {
+		primaryCPICH-Info					PrimaryCPICH-Info,
+		tpc-CombinationIndex				TPC-CombinationIndex
+UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability-r5 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	multiRAT-CapabilityList				MultiRAT-Capability,
+	multiModeCapability					MultiModeCapability,
+UE-Positioning-Capability-r4 ::=	SEQUENCE {
+	standaloneLocMethodsSupported			BOOLEAN,
+	ue-BasedOTDOA-Supported					BOOLEAN,
+	networkAssistedGPS-Supported			NetworkAssistedGPS-Supported,
+	supportForUE-GPS-TimingOfCellFrames		BOOLEAN,
+	supportForIPDL							BOOLEAN,
+	rx-tx-TimeDifferenceType2Capable 		BOOLEAN,
+	validity-CellPCH-UraPCH 				ENUMERATED { true }		OPTIONAL,
+	sfn-sfnType2Capability					ENUMERATED { true }			OPTIONAL
+UE-Positioning-LastKnownPos ::=		SEQUENCE { 
+		sfn								INTEGER (0..4095),
+		cell-id							CellIdentity,
+		positionEstimate				PositionEstimate
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-r4 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	accessStratumReleaseIndicator		AccessStratumReleaseIndicator,
+	pdcp-Capability						PDCP-Capability-r4,
+	rlc-Capability						RLC-Capability,
+	transportChannelCapability			TransportChannelCapability,
+	rf-Capability						RF-Capability-r4,
+	physicalChannelCapability			PhysicalChannelCapability-r4,
+	ue-MultiModeRAT-Capability			UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability,
+	securityCapability					SecurityCapability,
+	ue-positioning-Capability			UE-Positioning-Capability-r4,
+	measurementCapability				MeasurementCapability-r4		OPTIONAL
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-r5 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	accessStratumReleaseIndicator		AccessStratumReleaseIndicator,
+	dl-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig
+										DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig	OPTIONAL,
+	pdcp-Capability						PDCP-Capability-r5,
+	rlc-Capability						RLC-Capability-r5,
+	transportChannelCapability			TransportChannelCapability,
+	rf-Capability						RF-Capability-r4,
+	physicalChannelCapability			PhysicalChannelCapability-r5,
+	ue-MultiModeRAT-Capability			UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability-r5,
+	securityCapability					SecurityCapability,
+	ue-positioning-Capability			UE-Positioning-Capability-r4,
+	measurementCapability				MeasurementCapability-r4		OPTIONAL
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-r6 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	accessStratumReleaseIndicator		AccessStratumReleaseIndicator,
+	dl-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig
+										DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig	OPTIONAL,
+	pdcp-Capability						PDCP-Capability-r6,
+	rlc-Capability						RLC-Capability-r5,
+	transportChannelCapability			TransportChannelCapability,
+	rf-Capability						RF-Capability-r4,
+	physicalChannelCapability			PhysicalChannelCapability-r5,
+	ue-MultiModeRAT-Capability			UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability-r5,
+	securityCapability					SecurityCapability,
+	ue-positioning-Capability			UE-Positioning-Capability-r4,
+	measurementCapability				MeasurementCapability-r4		OPTIONAL
+UE-RadioAccessCapability-r7 ::=		SEQUENCE {
+	accessStratumReleaseIndicator		AccessStratumReleaseIndicator,
+	dl-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig
+										DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig	OPTIONAL,
+	pdcp-Capability						PDCP-Capability-r6,
+	rlc-Capability						RLC-Capability-r5,
+	transportChannelCapability			TransportChannelCapability,
+	rf-Capability						RF-Capability-r7,
+	physicalChannelCapability			PhysicalChannelCapability-r7,
+	ue-MultiModeRAT-Capability			UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability-r5,
+	securityCapability					SecurityCapability,
+	ue-positioning-Capability			UE-Positioning-Capability-r4,
+	measurementCapability				MeasurementCapability-r4		OPTIONAL
+UL-RFC3095-Context ::=				SEQUENCE {
+	rfc3095-Context-Identity			INTEGER (0..16383),
+	ul-mode								ENUMERATED {u, o, r},
+	ul-ref-ir							OCTET STRING ( SIZE (1..3000)),
+	ul-ref-time							INTEGER (0..4294967295)		OPTIONAL,
+	ul-curr-time						INTEGER (0..4294967295)		OPTIONAL,
+	ul-syn-offset-id					INTEGER (0..65535)			OPTIONAL,
+	ul-syn-slope-ts						INTEGER (0..4294967295)		OPTIONAL,
+	ul-ref-sn-1							INTEGER (0..65535)			OPTIONAL
diff --git a/examples/sample.source.RRC/README b/examples/sample.source.RRC/README
index 5639c58..fc7e6b9 100644
--- a/examples/sample.source.RRC/README
+++ b/examples/sample.source.RRC/README
@@ -2,34 +2,22 @@
-The 3GPP TS 25.331 RRC (Radio Resource Control) PER decoder.
+The 3GPP TS 25.331 version 7.1.0 RRC (Radio Resource Control) PER decoder.
 Invoking `make` will compile the ASN.1 specifications from the
 ../rrc.asn1 file.
-Due to licensing restrictions, asn1c can not include the RRC ASN.1 module
-in its distribution.
-To obtain the RRC ASN.1 specification, you should go to
+To obtain a different version of RRC ASN.1 specification, you should go to
-and download any version of RRC specification (preferably 7.1.0, 2006-06).
+and download any version of RRC specification you like.
 A .ZIP file with a Microsoft Word .DOC files will download shortly.
-You should extract the ASN.1 modules from the chapter 11 of that .DOC file,
-and save it as the ../rrc.asn1 file. The ../rrc.asn1 file should start with
-the following line
-	"Class-definitions DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::="
-and end with the "END" token.
+You should extract the ASN.1 modules from the chapter 11 of that .DOC file.
 Be careful not to copy any preambles, chapter titles and other non-ASN.1 text.
-After obtaining the rrc.asn1, type `make` in the directory containing
-this README file.
 rrc-dump USAGE