Merge PR99 and its fixes to support parsing Information Object and Information Object Set

This is a collection of works :

1. Based on @zhanglei002's pull request 99.

2. A fix by @AuthenticEshkinKot and merged by @mouse07410 at
   commit 2c8d366bbe1fc4e4c041e9b0eb9779f8a42d754b of
   to support parsing of Information Object and Information Object Set

3. A fix by @Uri Blumenthal in asn1fix_derefv.c at :
   commit ec0ade4f87c807e763e3f35fc5466adb6dda3473 of
   to solve crash on asn1p_value_free().

4. My pull request 18 to @mouse07410's to solve
   problems found during parsing ASN.1 modules of S1AP, RANAP and J2735-201603.

5. My pull request 22 to @mouse07410's to solve issue 147
   and to solve the problem during parsing ASN.1 module of NBAP.

6. My pull request 23 to @mouse07410's to fix memory leakage
   introduced in aforementioned commits.
   Most code changes are the same as pull request 153 to this repository.

7. A fix of my bug in item 6 which result asn1c crash, fixed by @mouse07410.
diff --git a/libasn1parser/asn1p_l.c b/libasn1parser/asn1p_l.c
index cc4a6dd..ec28370 100644
--- a/libasn1parser/asn1p_l.c
+++ b/libasn1parser/asn1p_l.c
@@ -2707,7 +2707,7 @@
 #line 210 "asn1p_l.l"
 		/* " \t\r\n" weren't allowed in ASN.1:1990. */
-		asn1p_lval.tv_str = asn1p_text;
+		asn1p_lval.tv_str = strdup(asn1p_text);
 		return TOK_hstring;