moved out common bit manipulation code
diff --git a/skeletons/file-dependencies b/skeletons/file-dependencies
index 10022f5..1a2c79b 100644
--- a/skeletons/file-dependencies
+++ b/skeletons/file-dependencies
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 asn_system.h			# Platform-dependent types
 asn_codecs.h			# Return types of encoders and decoders
 asn_internal.h			# Internal stuff
+asn_bit_data.h asn_bit_data.c         # Bit streaming support
 OCTET_STRING.h OCTET_STRING.c	# This one is used too widely
 BIT_STRING.h BIT_STRING.c	# This one is necessary for the above one
 asn_codecs_prim.c asn_codecs_prim.h	# enc/decoders for primitive types