XER support

git-svn-id: https://asn1c.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/asn1c/trunk@365 59561ff5-6e30-0410-9f3c-9617f08c8826
diff --git a/skeletons/xer_encoder.h b/skeletons/xer_encoder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43c192d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skeletons/xer_encoder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 Lev Walkin <vlm@lionet.info>. All rights reserved.
+ * Redistribution and modifications are permitted subject to BSD license.
+ */
+#ifndef	_XER_ENCODER_H_
+#define	_XER_ENCODER_H_
+#include <constr_TYPE.h>
+struct asn1_TYPE_descriptor_s;	/* Forward declaration */
+/* Flags used by the xer_encode() and (*xer_type_encoder_f), defined below */
+enum xer_encoder_flags_e {
+	/* Mode of encoding */
+	XER_F_BASIC	= 0x01,	/* BASIC-XER (pretty-printing) */
+	XER_F_CANONICAL	= 0x02,	/* Canonical XER (strict rules, unreadable) */
+ * The XER encoder of any type. May be invoked by the application.
+ */
+asn_enc_rval_t xer_encode(struct asn1_TYPE_descriptor_s *type_descriptor,
+		void *struct_ptr,	/* Structure to be encoded */
+		enum xer_encoder_flags_e xer_flags,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *consume_bytes_cb,
+		void *app_key		/* Arbitrary callback argument */
+	);
+ * The variant of the above function which dumps the BASIC-XER (XER_F_BASIC)
+ * output into the chosen file pointer.
+ * 	 0: The structure is printed.
+ * 	-1: Problem printing the structure.
+ * WARNING: No sensible errno value is returned.
+ */
+int xer_fprint(FILE *stream, struct asn1_TYPE_descriptor_s *td, void *sptr);
+ * Type of the generic XER encoder.
+ */
+typedef asn_enc_rval_t (xer_type_encoder_f)(
+		struct asn1_TYPE_descriptor_s *type_descriptor,
+		void *struct_ptr,	/* Structure to be encoded */
+		int ilevel,		/* Level of indentation */
+		enum xer_encoder_flags_e xer_flags,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *consume_bytes_cb,	/* Callback */
+		void *app_key		/* Arbitrary callback argument */
+	);
+#endif	/* _XER_ENCODER_H_ */