added rfc3280

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+Network Working Group                                         R. Housley
+Request for Comments: 3280                              RSA Laboratories
+Obsoletes: 2459                                                  W. Polk
+Category: Standards Track                                           NIST
+                                                                 W. Ford
+                                                                VeriSign
+                                                                 D. Solo
+                                                               Citigroup
+                                                              April 2002
+                Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
+       Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile
+Status of this Memo
+   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
+   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
+   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
+   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
+   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+Copyright Notice
+   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002).  All Rights Reserved.
+   This memo profiles the X.509 v3 certificate and X.509 v2 Certificate
+   Revocation List (CRL) for use in the Internet.  An overview of this
+   approach and model are provided as an introduction.  The X.509 v3
+   certificate format is described in detail, with additional
+   information regarding the format and semantics of Internet name
+   forms.  Standard certificate extensions are described and two
+   Internet-specific extensions are defined.  A set of required
+   certificate extensions is specified.  The X.509 v2 CRL format is
+   described in detail, and required extensions are defined.  An
+   algorithm for X.509 certification path validation is described.  An
+   ASN.1 module and examples are provided in the appendices.
+Table of Contents
+   1  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
+   2  Requirements and Assumptions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
+   2.1  Communication and Topology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
+   2.2  Acceptability Criteria  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
+   2.3  User Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
+   2.4  Administrator Expectations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
+   3  Overview of Approach  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                     [Page 1]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   3.1  X.509 Version 3 Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
+   3.2  Certification Paths and Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
+   3.3  Revocation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
+   3.4  Operational Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
+   3.5  Management Protocols  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
+   4  Certificate and Certificate Extensions Profile  . . . . .  14
+   4.1  Basic Certificate Fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
+   4.1.1  Certificate Fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
+  tbsCertificate  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
+  signatureAlgorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
+  signatureValue  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
+   4.1.2  TBSCertificate  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
+  Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
+  Serial number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
+  Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
+  Issuer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
+  Validity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
+  UTCTime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
+  GeneralizedTime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
+  Subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
+  Subject Public Key Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
+  Unique Identifiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
+ Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
+   4.2  Certificate Extensions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
+   4.2.1  Standard Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
+  Authority Key Identifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
+  Subject Key Identifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
+  Key Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
+  Private Key Usage Period  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
+  Certificate Policies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
+  Policy Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
+  Subject Alternative Name  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
+  Issuer Alternative Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
+  Subject Directory Attributes  . . . . . . . . . . .  36
+  Basic Constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
+  Name Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
+  Policy Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
+  Extended Key Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
+  CRL Distribution Points  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
+  Inhibit Any-Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
+  Freshest CRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
+   4.2.2  Internet Certificate Extensions . . . . . . . . . . .  45
+  Authority Information Access  . . . . . . . . . . .  45
+  Subject Information Access  . . . . . . . . . . . .  46
+   5  CRL and CRL Extensions Profile  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
+   5.1  CRL Fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49
+   5.1.1  CertificateList Fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50
+  tbsCertList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                     [Page 2]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+  signatureAlgorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50
+  signatureValue  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  51
+   5.1.2  Certificate List "To Be Signed" . . . . . . . . . . .  51
+  Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
+  Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
+  Issuer Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
+  This Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
+  Next Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  53
+  Revoked Certificates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  53
+  Extensions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  53
+   5.2  CRL Extensions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  53
+   5.2.1  Authority Key Identifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54
+   5.2.2  Issuer Alternative Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54
+   5.2.3  CRL Number  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  55
+   5.2.4  Delta CRL Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  55
+   5.2.5  Issuing Distribution Point  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  58
+   5.2.6  Freshest CRL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  59
+   5.3  CRL Entry Extensions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  60
+   5.3.1  Reason Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  60
+   5.3.2  Hold Instruction Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  61
+   5.3.3  Invalidity Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
+   5.3.4  Certificate Issuer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
+   6  Certificate Path Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
+   6.1  Basic Path Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63
+   6.1.1  Inputs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  66
+   6.1.2  Initialization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  67
+   6.1.3  Basic Certificate Processing  . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
+   6.1.4  Preparation for Certificate i+1 . . . . . . . . . . .  75
+   6.1.5  Wrap-up procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  78
+   6.1.6  Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  80
+   6.2  Extending Path Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  80
+   6.3  CRL Validation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  81
+   6.3.1  Revocation Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  82
+   6.3.2  Initialization and Revocation State Variables . . . .  82
+   6.3.3  CRL Processing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  83
+   7  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  86
+   8  Intellectual Property Rights  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  88
+   9  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  89
+   Appendix A.  ASN.1 Structures and OIDs . . . . . . . . . . .  92
+   A.1 Explicitly Tagged Module, 1988 Syntax  . . . . . . . . .  92
+   A.2 Implicitly Tagged Module, 1988 Syntax  . . . . . . . . . 105
+   Appendix B.  ASN.1 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
+   Appendix C.  Examples  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
+   C.1  DSA Self-Signed Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
+   C.2  End Entity Certificate Using DSA  . . . . . . . . . . . 119
+   C.3  End Entity Certificate Using RSA  . . . . . . . . . . . 122
+   C.4  Certificate Revocation List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
+   Author Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                     [Page 3]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
+1  Introduction
+   This specification is one part of a family of standards for the X.509
+   Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for the Internet.
+   This specification profiles the format and semantics of certificates
+   and certificate revocation lists (CRLs) for the Internet PKI.
+   Procedures are described for processing of certification paths in the
+   Internet environment.  Finally, ASN.1 modules are provided in the
+   appendices for all data structures defined or referenced.
+   Section 2 describes Internet PKI requirements, and the assumptions
+   which affect the scope of this document.  Section 3 presents an
+   architectural model and describes its relationship to previous IETF
+   and ISO/IEC/ITU-T standards.  In particular, this document's
+   relationship with the IETF PEM specifications and the ISO/IEC/ITU-T
+   X.509 documents are described.
+   Section 4 profiles the X.509 version 3 certificate, and section 5
+   profiles the X.509 version 2 CRL.  The profiles include the
+   identification of ISO/IEC/ITU-T and ANSI extensions which may be
+   useful in the Internet PKI.  The profiles are presented in the 1988
+   Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) rather than the 1997 ASN.1
+   syntax used in the most recent ISO/IEC/ITU-T standards.
+   Section 6 includes certification path validation procedures.  These
+   procedures are based upon the ISO/IEC/ITU-T definition.
+   Implementations are REQUIRED to derive the same results but are not
+   required to use the specified procedures.
+   Procedures for identification and encoding of public key materials
+   and digital signatures are defined in [PKIXALGS].  Implementations of
+   this specification are not required to use any particular
+   cryptographic algorithms.  However, conforming implementations which
+   use the algorithms identified in [PKIXALGS] MUST identify and encode
+   the public key materials and digital signatures as described in that
+   specification.
+   Finally, three appendices are provided to aid implementers.  Appendix
+   A contains all ASN.1 structures defined or referenced within this
+   specification.  As above, the material is presented in the 1988
+   ASN.1.  Appendix B contains notes on less familiar features of the
+   ASN.1 notation used within this specification.  Appendix C contains
+   examples of a conforming certificate and a conforming CRL.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                     [Page 4]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   This specification obsoletes RFC 2459.  This specification differs
+   from RFC 2459 in five basic areas:
+      * To promote interoperable implementations, a detailed algorithm
+      for certification path validation is included in section 6.1 of
+      this specification; RFC 2459 provided only a high-level
+      description of path validation.
+      * An algorithm for determining the status of a certificate using
+      CRLs is provided in section 6.3 of this specification.  This
+      material was not present in RFC 2459.
+      * To accommodate new usage models, detailed information describing
+      the use of delta CRLs is provided in Section 5 of this
+      specification.
+      * Identification and encoding of public key materials and digital
+      signatures are not included in this specification, but are now
+      described in a companion specification [PKIXALGS].
+      * Four additional extensions are specified: three certificate
+      extensions and one CRL extension.  The certificate extensions are
+      subject info access, inhibit any-policy, and freshest CRL.  The
+      freshest CRL extension is also defined as a CRL extension.
+      * Throughout the specification, clarifications have been
+      introduced to enhance consistency with the ITU-T X.509
+      specification.  X.509 defines the certificate and CRL format as
+      well as many of the extensions that appear in this specification.
+      These changes were introduced to improve the likelihood of
+      interoperability between implementations based on this
+      specification with implementations based on the ITU-T
+      specification.
+   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
+   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
+2  Requirements and Assumptions
+   The goal of this specification is to develop a profile to facilitate
+   the use of X.509 certificates within Internet applications for those
+   communities wishing to make use of X.509 technology.  Such
+   applications may include WWW, electronic mail, user authentication,
+   and IPsec.  In order to relieve some of the obstacles to using X.509
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                     [Page 5]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   certificates, this document defines a profile to promote the
+   development of certificate management systems; development of
+   application tools; and interoperability determined by policy.
+   Some communities will need to supplement, or possibly replace, this
+   profile in order to meet the requirements of specialized application
+   domains or environments with additional authorization, assurance, or
+   operational requirements.  However, for basic applications, common
+   representations of frequently used attributes are defined so that
+   application developers can obtain necessary information without
+   regard to the issuer of a particular certificate or certificate
+   revocation list (CRL).
+   A certificate user should review the certificate policy generated by
+   the certification authority (CA) before relying on the authentication
+   or non-repudiation services associated with the public key in a
+   particular certificate.  To this end, this standard does not
+   prescribe legally binding rules or duties.
+   As supplemental authorization and attribute management tools emerge,
+   such as attribute certificates, it may be appropriate to limit the
+   authenticated attributes that are included in a certificate.  These
+   other management tools may provide more appropriate methods of
+   conveying many authenticated attributes.
+2.1  Communication and Topology
+   The users of certificates will operate in a wide range of
+   environments with respect to their communication topology, especially
+   users of secure electronic mail.  This profile supports users without
+   high bandwidth, real-time IP connectivity, or high connection
+   availability.  In addition, the profile allows for the presence of
+   firewall or other filtered communication.
+   This profile does not assume the deployment of an X.500 Directory
+   system or a LDAP directory system.  The profile does not prohibit the
+   use of an X.500 Directory or a LDAP directory; however, any means of
+   distributing certificates and certificate revocation lists (CRLs) may
+   be used.
+2.2  Acceptability Criteria
+   The goal of the Internet Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is to meet
+   the needs of deterministic, automated identification, authentication,
+   access control, and authorization functions.  Support for these
+   services determines the attributes contained in the certificate as
+   well as the ancillary control information in the certificate such as
+   policy data and certification path constraints.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                     [Page 6]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+2.3  User Expectations
+   Users of the Internet PKI are people and processes who use client
+   software and are the subjects named in certificates.  These uses
+   include readers and writers of electronic mail, the clients for WWW
+   browsers, WWW servers, and the key manager for IPsec within a router.
+   This profile recognizes the limitations of the platforms these users
+   employ and the limitations in sophistication and attentiveness of the
+   users themselves.  This manifests itself in minimal user
+   configuration responsibility (e.g., trusted CA keys, rules), explicit
+   platform usage constraints within the certificate, certification path
+   constraints which shield the user from many malicious actions, and
+   applications which sensibly automate validation functions.
+2.4  Administrator Expectations
+   As with user expectations, the Internet PKI profile is structured to
+   support the individuals who generally operate CAs.  Providing
+   administrators with unbounded choices increases the chances that a
+   subtle CA administrator mistake will result in broad compromise.
+   Also, unbounded choices greatly complicate the software that process
+   and validate the certificates created by the CA.
+3  Overview of Approach
+   Following is a simplified view of the architectural model assumed by
+   the PKIX specifications.
+   The components in this model are:
+   end entity: user of PKI certificates and/or end user system that is
+               the subject of a certificate;
+   CA:         certification authority;
+   RA:         registration authority, i.e., an optional system to which
+               a CA delegates certain management functions;
+   CRL issuer: an optional system to which a CA delegates the
+               publication of certificate revocation lists;
+   repository: a system or collection of distributed systems that stores
+               certificates and CRLs and serves as a means of
+               distributing these certificates and CRLs to end entities.
+   Note that an Attribute Authority (AA) might also choose to delegate
+   the publication of CRLs to a CRL issuer.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                     [Page 7]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   +---+
+   | C |                       +------------+
+   | e | <-------------------->| End entity |
+   | r |       Operational     +------------+
+   | t |       transactions          ^
+   | i |      and management         |  Management
+   | f |       transactions          |  transactions        PKI
+   | i |                             |                     users
+   | c |                             v
+   | a | =======================  +--+------------+  ==============
+   | t |                          ^               ^
+   | e |                          |               |         PKI
+   |   |                          v               |      management
+   | & |                       +------+           |       entities
+   |   | <---------------------|  RA  |<----+     |
+   | C |  Publish certificate  +------+     |     |
+   | R |                                    |     |
+   | L |                                    |     |
+   |   |                                    v     v
+   | R |                                +------------+
+   | e | <------------------------------|     CA     |
+   | p |   Publish certificate          +------------+
+   | o |   Publish CRL                     ^      ^
+   | s |                                   |      |  Management
+   | i |                +------------+     |      |  transactions
+   | t | <--------------| CRL Issuer |<----+      |
+   | o |   Publish CRL  +------------+            v
+   | r |                                      +------+
+   | y |                                      |  CA  |
+   +---+                                      +------+
+                      Figure 1 - PKI Entities
+3.1  X.509 Version 3 Certificate
+   Users of a public key require confidence that the associated private
+   key is owned by the correct remote subject (person or system) with
+   which an encryption or digital signature mechanism will be used.
+   This confidence is obtained through the use of public key
+   certificates, which are data structures that bind public key values
+   to subjects.  The binding is asserted by having a trusted CA
+   digitally sign each certificate.  The CA may base this assertion upon
+   technical means (a.k.a., proof of possession through a challenge-
+   response protocol), presentation of the private key, or on an
+   assertion by the subject.  A certificate has a limited valid lifetime
+   which is indicated in its signed contents.  Because a certificate's
+   signature and timeliness can be independently checked by a
+   certificate-using client, certificates can be distributed via
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                     [Page 8]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   untrusted communications and server systems, and can be cached in
+   unsecured storage in certificate-using systems.
+   ITU-T X.509 (formerly CCITT X.509) or ISO/IEC 9594-8, which was first
+   published in 1988 as part of the X.500 Directory recommendations,
+   defines a standard certificate format [X.509].  The certificate
+   format in the 1988 standard is called the version 1 (v1) format.
+   When X.500 was revised in 1993, two more fields were added, resulting
+   in the version 2 (v2) format.
+   The Internet Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) RFCs, published in 1993,
+   include specifications for a public key infrastructure based on X.509
+   v1 certificates [RFC 1422].  The experience gained in attempts to
+   deploy RFC 1422 made it clear that the v1 and v2 certificate formats
+   are deficient in several respects.  Most importantly, more fields
+   were needed to carry information which PEM design and implementation
+   experience had proven necessary.  In response to these new
+   requirements, ISO/IEC, ITU-T and ANSI X9 developed the X.509 version
+   3 (v3) certificate format.  The v3 format extends the v2 format by
+   adding provision for additional extension fields.  Particular
+   extension field types may be specified in standards or may be defined
+   and registered by any organization or community.  In June 1996,
+   standardization of the basic v3 format was completed [X.509].
+   ISO/IEC, ITU-T, and ANSI X9 have also developed standard extensions
+   for use in the v3 extensions field [X.509][X9.55].  These extensions
+   can convey such data as additional subject identification
+   information, key attribute information, policy information, and
+   certification path constraints.
+   However, the ISO/IEC, ITU-T, and ANSI X9 standard extensions are very
+   broad in their applicability.  In order to develop interoperable
+   implementations of X.509 v3 systems for Internet use, it is necessary
+   to specify a profile for use of the X.509 v3 extensions tailored for
+   the Internet.  It is one goal of this document to specify a profile
+   for Internet WWW, electronic mail, and IPsec applications.
+   Environments with additional requirements may build on this profile
+   or may replace it.
+3.2  Certification Paths and Trust
+   A user of a security service requiring knowledge of a public key
+   generally needs to obtain and validate a certificate containing the
+   required public key.  If the public key user does not already hold an
+   assured copy of the public key of the CA that signed the certificate,
+   the CA's name, and related information (such as the validity period
+   or name constraints), then it might need an additional certificate to
+   obtain that public key.  In general, a chain of multiple certificates
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   may be needed, comprising a certificate of the public key owner (the
+   end entity) signed by one CA, and zero or more additional
+   certificates of CAs signed by other CAs.  Such chains, called
+   certification paths, are required because a public key user is only
+   initialized with a limited number of assured CA public keys.
+   There are different ways in which CAs might be configured in order
+   for public key users to be able to find certification paths.  For
+   PEM, RFC 1422 defined a rigid hierarchical structure of CAs.  There
+   are three types of PEM certification authority:
+      (a)  Internet Policy Registration Authority (IPRA):  This
+      authority, operated under the auspices of the Internet Society,
+      acts as the root of the PEM certification hierarchy at level 1.
+      It issues certificates only for the next level of authorities,
+      PCAs.  All certification paths start with the IPRA.
+      (b)  Policy Certification Authorities (PCAs):  PCAs are at level 2
+      of the hierarchy, each PCA being certified by the IPRA.  A PCA
+      shall establish and publish a statement of its policy with respect
+      to certifying users or subordinate certification authorities.
+      Distinct PCAs aim to satisfy different user needs.  For example,
+      one PCA (an organizational PCA) might support the general
+      electronic mail needs of commercial organizations, and another PCA
+      (a high-assurance PCA) might have a more stringent policy designed
+      for satisfying legally binding digital signature requirements.
+      (c)  Certification Authorities (CAs):  CAs are at level 3 of the
+      hierarchy and can also be at lower levels.  Those at level 3 are
+      certified by PCAs.  CAs represent, for example, particular
+      organizations, particular organizational units (e.g., departments,
+      groups, sections), or particular geographical areas.
+   RFC 1422 furthermore has a name subordination rule which requires
+   that a CA can only issue certificates for entities whose names are
+   subordinate (in the X.500 naming tree) to the name of the CA itself.
+   The trust associated with a PEM certification path is implied by the
+   PCA name.  The name subordination rule ensures that CAs below the PCA
+   are sensibly constrained as to the set of subordinate entities they
+   can certify (e.g., a CA for an organization can only certify entities
+   in that organization's name tree).  Certificate user systems are able
+   to mechanically check that the name subordination rule has been
+   followed.
+   The RFC 1422 uses the X.509 v1 certificate formats.  The limitations
+   of X.509 v1 required imposition of several structural restrictions to
+   clearly associate policy information or restrict the utility of
+   certificates.  These restrictions included:
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      (a)  a pure top-down hierarchy, with all certification paths
+      starting from IPRA;
+      (b)  a naming subordination rule restricting the names of a CA's
+      subjects; and
+      (c)  use of the PCA concept, which requires knowledge of
+      individual PCAs to be built into certificate chain verification
+      logic.  Knowledge of individual PCAs was required to determine if
+      a chain could be accepted.
+   With X.509 v3, most of the requirements addressed by RFC 1422 can be
+   addressed using certificate extensions, without a need to restrict
+   the CA structures used.  In particular, the certificate extensions
+   relating to certificate policies obviate the need for PCAs and the
+   constraint extensions obviate the need for the name subordination
+   rule.  As a result, this document supports a more flexible
+   architecture, including:
+      (a)  Certification paths start with a public key of a CA in a
+      user's own domain, or with the public key of the top of a
+      hierarchy.  Starting with the public key of a CA in a user's own
+      domain has certain advantages.  In some environments, the local
+      domain is the most trusted.
+      (b)  Name constraints may be imposed through explicit inclusion of
+      a name constraints extension in a certificate, but are not
+      required.
+      (c)  Policy extensions and policy mappings replace the PCA
+      concept, which permits a greater degree of automation.  The
+      application can determine if the certification path is acceptable
+      based on the contents of the certificates instead of a priori
+      knowledge of PCAs.  This permits automation of certification path
+      processing.
+3.3  Revocation
+   When a certificate is issued, it is expected to be in use for its
+   entire validity period.  However, various circumstances may cause a
+   certificate to become invalid prior to the expiration of the validity
+   period.  Such circumstances include change of name, change of
+   association between subject and CA (e.g., an employee terminates
+   employment with an organization), and compromise or suspected
+   compromise of the corresponding private key.  Under such
+   circumstances, the CA needs to revoke the certificate.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   X.509 defines one method of certificate revocation.  This method
+   involves each CA periodically issuing a signed data structure called
+   a certificate revocation list (CRL).  A CRL is a time stamped list
+   identifying revoked certificates which is signed by a CA or CRL
+   issuer and made freely available in a public repository.  Each
+   revoked certificate is identified in a CRL by its certificate serial
+   number.  When a certificate-using system uses a certificate (e.g.,
+   for verifying a remote user's digital signature), that system not
+   only checks the certificate signature and validity but also acquires
+   a suitably-recent CRL and checks that the certificate serial number
+   is not on that CRL.  The meaning of "suitably-recent" may vary with
+   local policy, but it usually means the most recently-issued CRL.  A
+   new CRL is issued on a regular periodic basis (e.g., hourly, daily,
+   or weekly).  An entry is added to the CRL as part of the next update
+   following notification of revocation.  An entry MUST NOT be removed
+   from the CRL until it appears on one regularly scheduled CRL issued
+   beyond the revoked certificate's validity period.
+   An advantage of this revocation method is that CRLs may be
+   distributed by exactly the same means as certificates themselves,
+   namely, via untrusted servers and untrusted communications.
+   One limitation of the CRL revocation method, using untrusted
+   communications and servers, is that the time granularity of
+   revocation is limited to the CRL issue period.  For example, if a
+   revocation is reported now, that revocation will not be reliably
+   notified to certificate-using systems until all currently issued CRLs
+   are updated -- this may be up to one hour, one day, or one week
+   depending on the frequency that CRLs are issued.
+   As with the X.509 v3 certificate format, in order to facilitate
+   interoperable implementations from multiple vendors, the X.509 v2 CRL
+   format needs to be profiled for Internet use.  It is one goal of this
+   document to specify that profile.  However, this profile does not
+   require the issuance of CRLs.  Message formats and protocols
+   supporting on-line revocation notification are defined in other PKIX
+   specifications.  On-line methods of revocation notification may be
+   applicable in some environments as an alternative to the X.509 CRL.
+   On-line revocation checking may significantly reduce the latency
+   between a revocation report and the distribution of the information
+   to relying parties.  Once the CA accepts a revocation report as
+   authentic and valid, any query to the on-line service will correctly
+   reflect the certificate validation impacts of the revocation.
+   However, these methods impose new security requirements: the
+   certificate validator needs to trust the on-line validation service
+   while the repository does not need to be trusted.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+3.4  Operational Protocols
+   Operational protocols are required to deliver certificates and CRLs
+   (or status information) to certificate using client systems.
+   Provisions are needed for a variety of different means of certificate
+   and CRL delivery, including distribution procedures based on LDAP,
+   HTTP, FTP, and X.500.  Operational protocols supporting these
+   functions are defined in other PKIX specifications.  These
+   specifications may include definitions of message formats and
+   procedures for supporting all of the above operational environments,
+   including definitions of or references to appropriate MIME content
+   types.
+3.5  Management Protocols
+   Management protocols are required to support on-line interactions
+   between PKI user and management entities.  For example, a management
+   protocol might be used between a CA and a client system with which a
+   key pair is associated, or between two CAs which cross-certify each
+   other.  The set of functions which potentially need to be supported
+   by management protocols include:
+      (a)  registration:  This is the process whereby a user first makes
+      itself known to a CA (directly, or through an RA), prior to that
+      CA issuing  a certificate or certificates for that user.
+      (b)  initialization:  Before a client system can operate securely
+      it is necessary to install key materials which have the
+      appropriate relationship with keys stored elsewhere in the
+      infrastructure.  For example, the client needs to be securely
+      initialized with the public key and other assured information of
+      the trusted CA(s), to be used in validating certificate paths.
+      Furthermore, a client typically needs to be initialized with its
+      own key pair(s).
+      (c)  certification:  This is the process in which a CA issues a
+      certificate for a user's public key, and returns that certificate
+      to the user's client system and/or posts that certificate in a
+      repository.
+      (d)  key pair recovery:  As an option, user client key materials
+      (e.g., a user's private key used for encryption purposes) may be
+      backed up by a CA or a key backup system.  If a user needs to
+      recover these backed up key materials (e.g., as a result of a
+      forgotten password or a lost key chain file), an on-line protocol
+      exchange may be needed to support such recovery.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      (e)  key pair update:  All key pairs need to be updated regularly,
+      i.e., replaced with a new key pair, and new certificates issued.
+      (f)  revocation request:  An authorized person advises a CA of an
+      abnormal situation requiring certificate revocation.
+      (g)  cross-certification:  Two CAs exchange information used in
+      establishing a cross-certificate.  A cross-certificate is a
+      certificate issued by one CA to another CA which contains a CA
+      signature key used for issuing certificates.
+   Note that on-line protocols are not the only way of implementing the
+   above functions.  For all functions there are off-line methods of
+   achieving the same result, and this specification does not mandate
+   use of on-line protocols.  For example, when hardware tokens are
+   used, many of the functions may be achieved as part of the physical
+   token delivery.  Furthermore, some of the above functions may be
+   combined into one protocol exchange.  In particular, two or more of
+   the registration, initialization, and certification functions can be
+   combined into one protocol exchange.
+   The PKIX series of specifications defines a set of standard message
+   formats supporting the above functions.  The protocols for conveying
+   these messages in different environments (e.g., e-mail, file
+   transfer, and WWW) are described in those specifications.
+4  Certificate and Certificate Extensions Profile
+   This section presents a profile for public key certificates that will
+   foster interoperability and a reusable PKI.  This section is based
+   upon the X.509 v3 certificate format and the standard certificate
+   extensions defined in [X.509].  The ISO/IEC and ITU-T documents use
+   the 1997 version of ASN.1; while this document uses the 1988 ASN.1
+   syntax, the encoded certificate and standard extensions are
+   equivalent.  This section also defines private extensions required to
+   support a PKI for the Internet community.
+   Certificates may be used in a wide range of applications and
+   environments covering a broad spectrum of interoperability goals and
+   a broader spectrum of operational and assurance requirements.  The
+   goal of this document is to establish a common baseline for generic
+   applications requiring broad interoperability and limited special
+   purpose requirements.  In particular, the emphasis will be on
+   supporting the use of X.509 v3 certificates for informal Internet
+   electronic mail, IPsec, and WWW applications.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+4.1  Basic Certificate Fields
+   The X.509 v3 certificate basic syntax is as follows.  For signature
+   calculation, the data that is to be signed is encoded using the ASN.1
+   distinguished encoding rules (DER) [X.690].  ASN.1 DER encoding is a
+   tag, length, value encoding system for each element.
+   Certificate  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+        tbsCertificate       TBSCertificate,
+        signatureAlgorithm   AlgorithmIdentifier,
+        signatureValue       BIT STRING  }
+   TBSCertificate  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+        version         [0]  EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1,
+        serialNumber         CertificateSerialNumber,
+        signature            AlgorithmIdentifier,
+        issuer               Name,
+        validity             Validity,
+        subject              Name,
+        subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
+        issuerUniqueID  [1]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
+                             -- If present, version MUST be v2 or v3
+        subjectUniqueID [2]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
+                             -- If present, version MUST be v2 or v3
+        extensions      [3]  EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL
+                             -- If present, version MUST be v3
+        }
+   Version  ::=  INTEGER  {  v1(0), v2(1), v3(2)  }
+   CertificateSerialNumber  ::=  INTEGER
+   Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
+        notBefore      Time,
+        notAfter       Time }
+   Time ::= CHOICE {
+        utcTime        UTCTime,
+        generalTime    GeneralizedTime }
+   UniqueIdentifier  ::=  BIT STRING
+   SubjectPublicKeyInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+        algorithm            AlgorithmIdentifier,
+        subjectPublicKey     BIT STRING  }
+   Extensions  ::=  SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF Extension
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   Extension  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+        extnID      OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+        critical    BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
+        extnValue   OCTET STRING  }
+   The following items describe the X.509 v3 certificate for use in the
+   Internet.
+4.1.1  Certificate Fields
+   The Certificate is a SEQUENCE of three required fields.  The fields
+   are described in detail in the following subsections.
+  tbsCertificate
+   The field contains the names of the subject and issuer, a public key
+   associated with the subject, a validity period, and other associated
+   information.  The fields are described in detail in section 4.1.2;
+   the tbsCertificate usually includes extensions which are described in
+   section 4.2.
+  signatureAlgorithm
+   The signatureAlgorithm field contains the identifier for the
+   cryptographic algorithm used by the CA to sign this certificate.
+   [PKIXALGS] lists supported signature algorithms, but other signature
+   algorithms MAY also be supported.
+   An algorithm identifier is defined by the following ASN.1 structure:
+   AlgorithmIdentifier  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+        algorithm               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+        parameters              ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL  }
+   The algorithm identifier is used to identify a cryptographic
+   algorithm.  The OBJECT IDENTIFIER component identifies the algorithm
+   (such as DSA with SHA-1).  The contents of the optional parameters
+   field will vary according to the algorithm identified.
+   This field MUST contain the same algorithm identifier as the
+   signature field in the sequence tbsCertificate (section
+  signatureValue
+   The signatureValue field contains a digital signature computed upon
+   the ASN.1 DER encoded tbsCertificate.  The ASN.1 DER encoded
+   tbsCertificate is used as the input to the signature function.  This
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   signature value is encoded as a BIT STRING and included in the
+   signature field.  The details of this process are specified for each
+   of algorithms listed in [PKIXALGS].
+   By generating this signature, a CA certifies the validity of the
+   information in the tbsCertificate field.  In particular, the CA
+   certifies the binding between the public key material and the subject
+   of the certificate.
+4.1.2  TBSCertificate
+   The sequence TBSCertificate contains information associated with the
+   subject of the certificate and the CA who issued it.  Every
+   TBSCertificate contains the names of the subject and issuer, a public
+   key associated with the subject, a validity period, a version number,
+   and a serial number; some MAY contain optional unique identifier
+   fields.  The remainder of this section describes the syntax and
+   semantics of these fields.  A TBSCertificate usually includes
+   extensions.  Extensions for the Internet PKI are described in Section
+   4.2.
+  Version
+   This field describes the version of the encoded certificate.  When
+   extensions are used, as expected in this profile, version MUST be 3
+   (value is 2).  If no extensions are present, but a UniqueIdentifier
+   is present, the version SHOULD be 2 (value is 1); however version MAY
+   be 3.  If only basic fields are present, the version SHOULD be 1 (the
+   value is omitted from the certificate as the default value); however
+   the version MAY be 2 or 3.
+   Implementations SHOULD be prepared to accept any version certificate.
+   At a minimum, conforming implementations MUST recognize version 3
+   certificates.
+   Generation of version 2 certificates is not expected by
+   implementations based on this profile.
+  Serial number
+   The serial number MUST be a positive integer assigned by the CA to
+   each certificate.  It MUST be unique for each certificate issued by a
+   given CA (i.e., the issuer name and serial number identify a unique
+   certificate).  CAs MUST force the serialNumber to be a non-negative
+   integer.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   Given the uniqueness requirements above, serial numbers can be
+   expected to contain long integers.  Certificate users MUST be able to
+   handle serialNumber values up to 20 octets.  Conformant CAs MUST NOT
+   use serialNumber values longer than 20 octets.
+   Note: Non-conforming CAs may issue certificates with serial numbers
+   that are negative, or zero.  Certificate users SHOULD be prepared to
+   gracefully handle such certificates.
+  Signature
+   This field contains the algorithm identifier for the algorithm used
+   by the CA to sign the certificate.
+   This field MUST contain the same algorithm identifier as the
+   signatureAlgorithm field in the sequence Certificate (section
+  The contents of the optional parameters field will vary
+   according to the algorithm identified.  [PKIXALGS] lists the
+   supported signature algorithms, but other signature algorithms MAY
+   also be supported.
+  Issuer
+   The issuer field identifies the entity who has signed and issued the
+   certificate.  The issuer field MUST contain a non-empty distinguished
+   name (DN).  The issuer field is defined as the X.501 type Name
+   [X.501].  Name is defined by the following ASN.1 structures:
+   Name ::= CHOICE {
+     RDNSequence }
+   RDNSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName
+   RelativeDistinguishedName ::=
+     SET OF AttributeTypeAndValue
+   AttributeTypeAndValue ::= SEQUENCE {
+     type     AttributeType,
+     value    AttributeValue }
+   AttributeType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+   AttributeValue ::= ANY DEFINED BY AttributeType
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   DirectoryString ::= CHOICE {
+         teletexString           TeletexString (SIZE (1..MAX)),
+         printableString         PrintableString (SIZE (1..MAX)),
+         universalString         UniversalString (SIZE (1..MAX)),
+         utf8String              UTF8String (SIZE (1..MAX)),
+         bmpString               BMPString (SIZE (1..MAX)) }
+   The Name describes a hierarchical name composed of attributes, such
+   as country name, and corresponding values, such as US.  The type of
+   the component AttributeValue is determined by the AttributeType; in
+   general it will be a DirectoryString.
+   The DirectoryString type is defined as a choice of PrintableString,
+   TeletexString, BMPString, UTF8String, and UniversalString.  The
+   UTF8String encoding [RFC 2279] is the preferred encoding, and all
+   certificates issued after December 31, 2003 MUST use the UTF8String
+   encoding of DirectoryString (except as noted below).  Until that
+   date, conforming CAs MUST choose from the following options when
+   creating a distinguished name, including their own:
+      (a)  if the character set is sufficient, the string MAY be
+      represented as a PrintableString;
+      (b)  failing (a), if the BMPString character set is sufficient the
+      string MAY be represented as a BMPString; and
+      (c)  failing (a) and (b), the string MUST be represented as a
+      UTF8String.  If (a) or (b) is satisfied, the CA MAY still choose
+      to represent the string as a UTF8String.
+   Exceptions to the December 31, 2003 UTF8 encoding requirements are as
+   follows:
+      (a)  CAs MAY issue "name rollover" certificates to support an
+      orderly migration to UTF8String encoding.  Such certificates would
+      include the CA's UTF8String encoded name as issuer and and the old
+      name encoding as subject, or vice-versa.
+      (b)  As stated in section, the subject field MUST be
+      populated with a non-empty distinguished name matching the
+      contents of the issuer field in all certificates issued by the
+      subject CA regardless of encoding.
+   The TeletexString and UniversalString are included for backward
+   compatibility, and SHOULD NOT be used for certificates for new
+   subjects.  However, these types MAY be used in certificates where the
+   name was previously established.  Certificate users SHOULD be
+   prepared to receive certificates with these types.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   In addition, many legacy implementations support names encoded in the
+   ISO 8859-1 character set (Latin1String) [ISO 8859-1] but tag them as
+   TeletexString.  TeletexString encodes a larger character set than ISO
+   8859-1, but it encodes some characters differently.  Implementations
+   SHOULD be prepared to handle both encodings.
+   As noted above, distinguished names are composed of attributes.  This
+   specification does not restrict the set of attribute types that may
+   appear in names.  However, conforming implementations MUST be
+   prepared to receive certificates with issuer names containing the set
+   of attribute types defined below.  This specification RECOMMENDS
+   support for additional attribute types.
+   Standard sets of attributes have been defined in the X.500 series of
+   specifications [X.520].  Implementations of this specification MUST
+   be prepared to receive the following standard attribute types in
+   issuer and subject (section names:
+      * country,
+      * organization,
+      * organizational-unit,
+      * distinguished name qualifier,
+      * state or province name,
+      * common name (e.g., "Susan Housley"), and
+      * serial number.
+   In addition, implementations of this specification SHOULD be prepared
+   to receive the following standard attribute types in issuer and
+   subject names:
+      * locality,
+      * title,
+      * surname,
+      * given name,
+      * initials,
+      * pseudonym, and
+      * generation qualifier (e.g., "Jr.", "3rd", or "IV").
+   The syntax and associated object identifiers (OIDs) for these
+   attribute types are provided in the ASN.1 modules in Appendix A.
+   In addition, implementations of this specification MUST be prepared
+   to receive the domainComponent attribute, as defined in [RFC 2247].
+   The Domain Name System (DNS) provides a hierarchical resource
+   labeling system.  This attribute provides a convenient mechanism for
+   organizations that wish to use DNs that parallel their DNS names.
+   This is not a replacement for the dNSName component of the
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   alternative name field.  Implementations are not required to convert
+   such names into DNS names.  The syntax and associated OID for this
+   attribute type is provided in the ASN.1 modules in Appendix A.
+   Certificate users MUST be prepared to process the issuer
+   distinguished name and subject distinguished name (section
+   fields to perform name chaining for certification path validation
+   (section 6).  Name chaining is performed by matching the issuer
+   distinguished name in one certificate with the subject name in a CA
+   certificate.
+   This specification requires only a subset of the name comparison
+   functionality specified in the X.500 series of specifications.
+   Conforming implementations are REQUIRED to implement the following
+   name comparison rules:
+      (a)  attribute values encoded in different types (e.g.,
+      PrintableString and BMPString) MAY be assumed to represent
+      different strings;
+      (b) attribute values in types other than PrintableString are case
+      sensitive (this permits matching of attribute values as binary
+      objects);
+      (c)  attribute values in PrintableString are not case sensitive
+      (e.g., "Marianne Swanson" is the same as "MARIANNE SWANSON"); and
+      (d)  attribute values in PrintableString are compared after
+      removing leading and trailing white space and converting internal
+      substrings of one or more consecutive white space characters to a
+      single space.
+   These name comparison rules permit a certificate user to validate
+   certificates issued using languages or encodings unfamiliar to the
+   certificate user.
+   In addition, implementations of this specification MAY use these
+   comparison rules to process unfamiliar attribute types for name
+   chaining.  This allows implementations to process certificates with
+   unfamiliar attributes in the issuer name.
+   Note that the comparison rules defined in the X.500 series of
+   specifications indicate that the character sets used to encode data
+   in distinguished names are irrelevant.  The characters themselves are
+   compared without regard to encoding.  Implementations of this profile
+   are permitted to use the comparison algorithm defined in the X.500
+   series.  Such an implementation will recognize a superset of name
+   matches recognized by the algorithm specified above.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+  Validity
+   The certificate validity period is the time interval during which the
+   CA warrants that it will maintain information about the status of the
+   certificate.  The field is represented as a SEQUENCE of two dates:
+   the date on which the certificate validity period begins (notBefore)
+   and the date on which the certificate validity period ends
+   (notAfter).  Both notBefore and notAfter may be encoded as UTCTime or
+   GeneralizedTime.
+   CAs conforming to this profile MUST always encode certificate
+   validity dates through the year 2049 as UTCTime; certificate validity
+   dates in 2050 or later MUST be encoded as GeneralizedTime.
+   The validity period for a certificate is the period of time from
+   notBefore through notAfter, inclusive.
+  UTCTime
+   The universal time type, UTCTime, is a standard ASN.1 type intended
+   for representation of dates and time.  UTCTime specifies the year
+   through the two low order digits and time is specified to the
+   precision of one minute or one second.  UTCTime includes either Z
+   (for Zulu, or Greenwich Mean Time) or a time differential.
+   For the purposes of this profile, UTCTime values MUST be expressed
+   Greenwich Mean Time (Zulu) and MUST include seconds (i.e., times are
+   YYMMDDHHMMSSZ), even where the number of seconds is zero.  Conforming
+   systems MUST interpret the year field (YY) as follows:
+      Where YY is greater than or equal to 50, the year SHALL be
+      interpreted as 19YY; and
+      Where YY is less than 50, the year SHALL be interpreted as 20YY.
+  GeneralizedTime
+   The generalized time type, GeneralizedTime, is a standard ASN.1 type
+   for variable precision representation of time.  Optionally, the
+   GeneralizedTime field can include a representation of the time
+   differential between local and Greenwich Mean Time.
+   For the purposes of this profile, GeneralizedTime values MUST be
+   expressed Greenwich Mean Time (Zulu) and MUST include seconds (i.e.,
+   times are YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ), even where the number of seconds is zero.
+   GeneralizedTime values MUST NOT include fractional seconds.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+  Subject
+   The subject field identifies the entity associated with the public
+   key stored in the subject public key field.  The subject name MAY be
+   carried in the subject field and/or the subjectAltName extension.  If
+   the subject is a CA (e.g., the basic constraints extension, as
+   discussed in, is present and the value of cA is TRUE), then
+   the subject field MUST be populated with a non-empty distinguished
+   name matching the contents of the issuer field (section in
+   all certificates issued by the subject CA.  If the subject is a CRL
+   issuer (e.g., the key usage extension, as discussed in, is
+   present and the value of cRLSign is TRUE) then the subject field MUST
+   be populated with a non-empty distinguished name matching the
+   contents of the issuer field (section in all CRLs issued by
+   the subject CRL issuer.  If subject naming information is present
+   only in the subjectAltName extension (e.g., a key bound only to an
+   email address or URI), then the subject name MUST be an empty
+   sequence and the subjectAltName extension MUST be critical.
+   Where it is non-empty, the subject field MUST contain an X.500
+   distinguished name (DN).  The DN MUST be unique for each subject
+   entity certified by the one CA as defined by the issuer name field.
+   A CA MAY issue more than one certificate with the same DN to the same
+   subject entity.
+   The subject name field is defined as the X.501 type Name.
+   Implementation requirements for this field are those defined for the
+   issuer field (section  When encoding attribute values of
+   type DirectoryString, the encoding rules for the issuer field MUST be
+   implemented.  Implementations of this specification MUST be prepared
+   to receive subject names containing the attribute types required for
+   the issuer field.  Implementations of this specification SHOULD be
+   prepared to receive subject names containing the recommended
+   attribute types for the issuer field.  The syntax and associated
+   object identifiers (OIDs) for these attribute types are provided in
+   the ASN.1 modules in Appendix A.  Implementations of this
+   specification MAY use these comparison rules to process unfamiliar
+   attribute types (i.e., for name chaining).  This allows
+   implementations to process certificates with unfamiliar attributes in
+   the subject name.
+   In addition, legacy implementations exist where an RFC 822 name is
+   embedded in the subject distinguished name as an EmailAddress
+   attribute.  The attribute value for EmailAddress is of type IA5String
+   to permit inclusion of the character '@', which is not part of the
+   PrintableString character set.  EmailAddress attribute values are not
+   case sensitive (e.g., "" is the same as
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   Conforming implementations generating new certificates with
+   electronic mail addresses MUST use the rfc822Name in the subject
+   alternative name field (section to describe such identities.
+   Simultaneous inclusion of the EmailAddress attribute in the subject
+   distinguished name to support legacy implementations is deprecated
+   but permitted.
+  Subject Public Key Info
+   This field is used to carry the public key and identify the algorithm
+   with which the key is used (e.g., RSA, DSA, or Diffie-Hellman).  The
+   algorithm is identified using the AlgorithmIdentifier structure
+   specified in section  The object identifiers for the
+   supported algorithms and the methods for encoding the public key
+   materials (public key and parameters) are specified in [PKIXALGS].
+  Unique Identifiers
+   These fields MUST only appear if the version is 2 or 3 (section
+  These fields MUST NOT appear if the version is 1.  The
+   subject and issuer unique identifiers are present in the certificate
+   to handle the possibility of reuse of subject and/or issuer names
+   over time.  This profile RECOMMENDS that names not be reused for
+   different entities and that Internet certificates not make use of
+   unique identifiers.  CAs conforming to this profile SHOULD NOT
+   generate certificates with unique identifiers.  Applications
+   conforming to this profile SHOULD be capable of parsing unique
+   identifiers.
+  Extensions
+   This field MUST only appear if the version is 3 (section
+   If present, this field is a SEQUENCE of one or more certificate
+   extensions.  The format and content of certificate extensions in the
+   Internet PKI is defined in section 4.2.
+4.2  Certificate Extensions
+   The extensions defined for X.509 v3 certificates provide methods for
+   associating additional attributes with users or public keys and for
+   managing a certification hierarchy.  The X.509 v3 certificate format
+   also allows communities to define private extensions to carry
+   information unique to those communities.  Each extension in a
+   certificate is designated as either critical or non-critical.  A
+   certificate using system MUST reject the certificate if it encounters
+   a critical extension it does not recognize; however, a non-critical
+   extension MAY be ignored if it is not recognized.  The following
+   sections present recommended extensions used within Internet
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   certificates and standard locations for information.  Communities may
+   elect to use additional extensions; however, caution ought to be
+   exercised in adopting any critical extensions in certificates which
+   might prevent use in a general context.
+   Each extension includes an OID and an ASN.1 structure.  When an
+   extension appears in a certificate, the OID appears as the field
+   extnID and the corresponding ASN.1 encoded structure is the value of
+   the octet string extnValue.  A certificate MUST NOT include more than
+   one instance of a particular extension.  For example, a certificate
+   may contain only one authority key identifier extension (section
+  An extension includes the boolean critical, with a default
+   value of FALSE.  The text for each extension specifies the acceptable
+   values for the critical field.
+   Conforming CAs MUST support key identifiers (sections and
+, basic constraints (section, key usage (section
+, and certificate policies (section extensions.  If
+   the CA issues certificates with an empty sequence for the subject
+   field, the CA MUST support the subject alternative name extension
+   (section  Support for the remaining extensions is OPTIONAL.
+   Conforming CAs MAY support extensions that are not identified within
+   this specification; certificate issuers are cautioned that marking
+   such extensions as critical may inhibit interoperability.
+   At a minimum, applications conforming to this profile MUST recognize
+   the following extensions: key usage (section, certificate
+   policies (section, the subject alternative name (section
+, basic constraints (section, name constraints
+   (section, policy constraints (section, extended
+   key usage (section, and inhibit any-policy (section
+   In addition, applications conforming to this profile SHOULD recognize
+   the authority and subject key identifier (sections and
+, and policy mapping (section extensions.
+4.2.1  Standard Extensions
+   This section identifies standard certificate extensions defined in
+   [X.509] for use in the Internet PKI.  Each extension is associated
+   with an OID defined in [X.509].  These OIDs are members of the id-ce
+   arc, which is defined by the following:
+   id-ce   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { joint-iso-ccitt(2) ds(5) 29 }
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+  Authority Key Identifier
+   The authority key identifier extension provides a means of
+   identifying the public key corresponding to the private key used to
+   sign a certificate.  This extension is used where an issuer has
+   multiple signing keys (either due to multiple concurrent key pairs or
+   due to changeover).  The identification MAY be based on either the
+   key identifier (the subject key identifier in the issuer's
+   certificate) or on the issuer name and serial number.
+   The keyIdentifier field of the authorityKeyIdentifier extension MUST
+   be included in all certificates generated by conforming CAs to
+   facilitate certification path construction.  There is one exception;
+   where a CA distributes its public key in the form of a "self-signed"
+   certificate, the authority key identifier MAY be omitted.  The
+   signature on a self-signed certificate is generated with the private
+   key associated with the certificate's subject public key.  (This
+   proves that the issuer possesses both the public and private keys.)
+   In this case, the subject and authority key identifiers would be
+   identical, but only the subject key identifier is needed for
+   certification path building.
+   The value of the keyIdentifier field SHOULD be derived from the
+   public key used to verify the certificate's signature or a method
+   that generates unique values.  Two common methods for generating key
+   identifiers from the public key, and one common method for generating
+   unique values, are described in section  Where a key
+   identifier has not been previously established, this specification
+   RECOMMENDS use of one of these methods for generating keyIdentifiers.
+   Where a key identifier has been previously established, the CA SHOULD
+   use the previously established identifier.
+   This profile RECOMMENDS support for the key identifier method by all
+   certificate users.
+   This extension MUST NOT be marked critical.
+   id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 35 }
+   AuthorityKeyIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
+      keyIdentifier             [0] KeyIdentifier           OPTIONAL,
+      authorityCertIssuer       [1] GeneralNames            OPTIONAL,
+      authorityCertSerialNumber [2] CertificateSerialNumber OPTIONAL  }
+   KeyIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+  Subject Key Identifier
+   The subject key identifier extension provides a means of identifying
+   certificates that contain a particular public key.
+   To facilitate certification path construction, this extension MUST
+   appear in all conforming CA certificates, that is, all certificates
+   including the basic constraints extension (section where
+   the value of cA is TRUE.  The value of the subject key identifier
+   MUST be the value placed in the key identifier field of the Authority
+   Key Identifier extension (section of certificates issued by
+   the subject of this certificate.
+   For CA certificates, subject key identifiers SHOULD be derived from
+   the public key or a method that generates unique values.  Two common
+   methods for generating key identifiers from the public key are:
+      (1) The keyIdentifier is composed of the 160-bit SHA-1 hash of the
+      value of the BIT STRING subjectPublicKey (excluding the tag,
+      length, and number of unused bits).
+      (2) The keyIdentifier is composed of a four bit type field with
+      the value 0100 followed by the least significant 60 bits of the
+      SHA-1 hash of the value of the BIT STRING subjectPublicKey
+      (excluding the tag, length, and number of unused bit string bits).
+   One common method for generating unique values is a monotonically
+   increasing sequence of integers.
+   For end entity certificates, the subject key identifier extension
+   provides a means for identifying certificates containing the
+   particular public key used in an application.  Where an end entity
+   has obtained multiple certificates, especially from multiple CAs, the
+   subject key identifier provides a means to quickly identify the set
+   of certificates containing a particular public key.  To assist
+   applications in identifying the appropriate end entity certificate,
+   this extension SHOULD be included in all end entity certificates.
+   For end entity certificates, subject key identifiers SHOULD be
+   derived from the public key.  Two common methods for generating key
+   identifiers from the public key are identified above.
+   Where a key identifier has not been previously established, this
+   specification RECOMMENDS use of one of these methods for generating
+   keyIdentifiers.  Where a key identifier has been previously
+   established, the CA SHOULD use the previously established identifier.
+   This extension MUST NOT be marked critical.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 14 }
+   SubjectKeyIdentifier ::= KeyIdentifier
+  Key Usage
+   The key usage extension defines the purpose (e.g., encipherment,
+   signature, certificate signing) of the key contained in the
+   certificate.  The usage restriction might be employed when a key that
+   could be used for more than one operation is to be restricted.  For
+   example, when an RSA key should be used only to verify signatures on
+   objects other than public key certificates and CRLs, the
+   digitalSignature and/or nonRepudiation bits would be asserted.
+   Likewise, when an RSA key should be used only for key management, the
+   keyEncipherment bit would be asserted.
+   This extension MUST appear in certificates that contain public keys
+   that are used to validate digital signatures on other public key
+   certificates or CRLs.  When this extension appears, it SHOULD be
+   marked critical.
+      id-ce-keyUsage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 15 }
+      KeyUsage ::= BIT STRING {
+           digitalSignature        (0),
+           nonRepudiation          (1),
+           keyEncipherment         (2),
+           dataEncipherment        (3),
+           keyAgreement            (4),
+           keyCertSign             (5),
+           cRLSign                 (6),
+           encipherOnly            (7),
+           decipherOnly            (8) }
+   Bits in the KeyUsage type are used as follows:
+      The digitalSignature bit is asserted when the subject public key
+      is used with a digital signature mechanism to support security
+      services other than certificate signing (bit 5), or CRL signing
+      (bit 6).  Digital signature mechanisms are often used for entity
+      authentication and data origin authentication with integrity.
+      The nonRepudiation bit is asserted when the subject public key is
+      used to verify digital signatures used to provide a non-
+      repudiation service which protects against the signing entity
+      falsely denying some action, excluding certificate or CRL signing.
+      In the case of later conflict, a reliable third party may
+      determine the authenticity of the signed data.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      Further distinctions between the digitalSignature and
+      nonRepudiation bits may be provided in specific certificate
+      policies.
+      The keyEncipherment bit is asserted when the subject public key is
+      used for key transport.  For example, when an RSA key is to be
+      used for key management, then this bit is set.
+      The dataEncipherment bit is asserted when the subject public key
+      is used for enciphering user data, other than cryptographic keys.
+      The keyAgreement bit is asserted when the subject public key is
+      used for key agreement.  For example, when a Diffie-Hellman key is
+      to be used for key management, then this bit is set.
+      The keyCertSign bit is asserted when the subject public key is
+      used for verifying a signature on public key certificates.  If the
+      keyCertSign bit is asserted, then the cA bit in the basic
+      constraints extension (section MUST also be asserted.
+      The cRLSign bit is asserted when the subject public key is used
+      for verifying a signature on certificate revocation list (e.g., a
+      CRL, delta CRL, or an ARL).  This bit MUST be asserted in
+      certificates that are used to verify signatures on CRLs.
+      The meaning of the encipherOnly bit is undefined in the absence of
+      the keyAgreement bit.  When the encipherOnly bit is asserted and
+      the keyAgreement bit is also set, the subject public key may be
+      used only for enciphering data while performing key agreement.
+      The meaning of the decipherOnly bit is undefined in the absence of
+      the keyAgreement bit.  When the decipherOnly bit is asserted and
+      the keyAgreement bit is also set, the subject public key may be
+      used only for deciphering data while performing key agreement.
+   This profile does not restrict the combinations of bits that may be
+   set in an instantiation of the keyUsage extension.  However,
+   appropriate values for keyUsage extensions for particular algorithms
+   are specified in [PKIXALGS].
+  Private Key Usage Period
+   This extension SHOULD NOT be used within the Internet PKI.  CAs
+   conforming to this profile MUST NOT generate certificates that
+   include a critical private key usage period extension.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   The private key usage period extension allows the certificate issuer
+   to specify a different validity period for the private key than the
+   certificate.  This extension is intended for use with digital
+   signature keys.  This extension consists of two optional components,
+   notBefore and notAfter.  The private key associated with the
+   certificate SHOULD NOT be used to sign objects before or after the
+   times specified by the two components, respectively.  CAs conforming
+   to this profile MUST NOT generate certificates with private key usage
+   period extensions unless at least one of the two components is
+   present and the extension is non-critical.
+   Where used, notBefore and notAfter are represented as GeneralizedTime
+   and MUST be specified and interpreted as defined in section
+   id-ce-privateKeyUsagePeriod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 16 }
+   PrivateKeyUsagePeriod ::= SEQUENCE {
+        notBefore       [0]     GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
+        notAfter        [1]     GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL }
+  Certificate Policies
+   The certificate policies extension contains a sequence of one or more
+   policy information terms, each of which consists of an object
+   identifier (OID) and optional qualifiers.  Optional qualifiers, which
+   MAY be present, are not expected to change the definition of the
+   policy.
+   In an end entity certificate, these policy information terms indicate
+   the policy under which the certificate has been issued and the
+   purposes for which the certificate may be used.  In a CA certificate,
+   these policy information terms limit the set of policies for
+   certification paths which include this certificate.  When a CA does
+   not wish to limit the set of policies for certification paths which
+   include this certificate, it MAY assert the special policy anyPolicy,
+   with a value of { 2 5 29 32 0 }.
+   Applications with specific policy requirements are expected to have a
+   list of those policies which they will accept and to compare the
+   policy OIDs in the certificate to that list.  If this extension is
+   critical, the path validation software MUST be able to interpret this
+   extension (including the optional qualifier), or MUST reject the
+   certificate.
+   To promote interoperability, this profile RECOMMENDS that policy
+   information terms consist of only an OID.  Where an OID alone is
+   insufficient, this profile strongly recommends that use of qualifiers
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   be limited to those identified in this section.  When qualifiers are
+   used with the special policy anyPolicy, they MUST be limited to the
+   qualifiers identified in this section.
+   This specification defines two policy qualifier types for use by
+   certificate policy writers and certificate issuers.  The qualifier
+   types are the CPS Pointer and User Notice qualifiers.
+   The CPS Pointer qualifier contains a pointer to a Certification
+   Practice Statement (CPS) published by the CA.  The pointer is in the
+   form of a URI.  Processing requirements for this qualifier are a
+   local matter.  No action is mandated by this specification regardless
+   of the criticality value asserted for the extension.
+   User notice is intended for display to a relying party when a
+   certificate is used.  The application software SHOULD display all
+   user notices in all certificates of the certification path used,
+   except that if a notice is duplicated only one copy need be
+   displayed.  To prevent such duplication, this qualifier SHOULD only
+   be present in end entity certificates and CA certificates issued to
+   other organizations.
+   The user notice has two optional fields: the noticeRef field and the
+   explicitText field.
+      The noticeRef field, if used, names an organization and
+      identifies, by number, a particular textual statement prepared by
+      that organization.  For example, it might identify the
+      organization "CertsRUs" and notice number 1.  In a typical
+      implementation, the application software will have a notice file
+      containing the current set of notices for CertsRUs; the
+      application will extract the notice text from the file and display
+      it.  Messages MAY be multilingual, allowing the software to select
+      the particular language message for its own environment.
+      An explicitText field includes the textual statement directly in
+      the certificate.  The explicitText field is a string with a
+      maximum size of 200 characters.
+   If both the noticeRef and explicitText options are included in the
+   one qualifier and if the application software can locate the notice
+   text indicated by the noticeRef option, then that text SHOULD be
+   displayed; otherwise, the explicitText string SHOULD be displayed.
+   Note: While the explicitText has a maximum size of 200 characters,
+   some non-conforming CAs exceed this limit.  Therefore, certificate
+   users SHOULD gracefully handle explicitText with more than 200
+   characters.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   id-ce-certificatePolicies OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 32 }
+   anyPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce-certificate-policies 0 }
+   certificatePolicies ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF PolicyInformation
+   PolicyInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+        policyIdentifier   CertPolicyId,
+        policyQualifiers   SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF
+                                PolicyQualifierInfo OPTIONAL }
+   CertPolicyId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+   PolicyQualifierInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
+        policyQualifierId  PolicyQualifierId,
+        qualifier          ANY DEFINED BY policyQualifierId }
+   -- policyQualifierIds for Internet policy qualifiers
+   id-qt          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-pkix 2 }
+   id-qt-cps      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-qt 1 }
+   id-qt-unotice  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-qt 2 }
+   PolicyQualifierId ::=
+        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ( id-qt-cps | id-qt-unotice )
+   Qualifier ::= CHOICE {
+        cPSuri           CPSuri,
+        userNotice       UserNotice }
+   CPSuri ::= IA5String
+   UserNotice ::= SEQUENCE {
+        noticeRef        NoticeReference OPTIONAL,
+        explicitText     DisplayText OPTIONAL}
+   NoticeReference ::= SEQUENCE {
+        organization     DisplayText,
+        noticeNumbers    SEQUENCE OF INTEGER }
+   DisplayText ::= CHOICE {
+        ia5String        IA5String      (SIZE (1..200)),
+        visibleString    VisibleString  (SIZE (1..200)),
+        bmpString        BMPString      (SIZE (1..200)),
+        utf8String       UTF8String     (SIZE (1..200)) }
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+  Policy Mappings
+   This extension is used in CA certificates.  It lists one or more
+   pairs of OIDs; each pair includes an issuerDomainPolicy and a
+   subjectDomainPolicy.  The pairing indicates the issuing CA considers
+   its issuerDomainPolicy equivalent to the subject CA's
+   subjectDomainPolicy.
+   The issuing CA's users might accept an issuerDomainPolicy for certain
+   applications.  The policy mapping defines the list of policies
+   associated with the subject CA that may be accepted as comparable to
+   the issuerDomainPolicy.
+   Each issuerDomainPolicy named in the policy mapping extension SHOULD
+   also be asserted in a certificate policies extension in the same
+   certificate.  Policies SHOULD NOT be mapped either to or from the
+   special value anyPolicy (section
+   This extension MAY be supported by CAs and/or applications, and it
+   MUST be non-critical.
+   id-ce-policyMappings OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 33 }
+   PolicyMappings ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF SEQUENCE {
+        issuerDomainPolicy      CertPolicyId,
+        subjectDomainPolicy     CertPolicyId }
+  Subject Alternative Name
+   The subject alternative names extension allows additional identities
+   to be bound to the subject of the certificate.  Defined options
+   include an Internet electronic mail address, a DNS name, an IP
+   address, and a uniform resource identifier (URI).  Other options
+   exist, including completely local definitions.  Multiple name forms,
+   and multiple instances of each name form, MAY be included.  Whenever
+   such identities are to be bound into a certificate, the subject
+   alternative name (or issuer alternative name) extension MUST be used;
+   however, a DNS name MAY be represented in the subject field using the
+   domainComponent attribute as described in section
+   Because the subject alternative name is considered to be definitively
+   bound to the public key, all parts of the subject alternative name
+   MUST be verified by the CA.
+   Further, if the only subject identity included in the certificate is
+   an alternative name form (e.g., an electronic mail address), then the
+   subject distinguished name MUST be empty (an empty sequence), and the
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   subjectAltName extension MUST be present.  If the subject field
+   contains an empty sequence, the subjectAltName extension MUST be
+   marked critical.
+   When the subjectAltName extension contains an Internet mail address,
+   the address MUST be included as an rfc822Name.  The format of an
+   rfc822Name is an "addr-spec" as defined in RFC 822 [RFC 822].  An
+   addr-spec has the form "local-part@domain".  Note that an addr-spec
+   has no phrase (such as a common name) before it, has no comment (text
+   surrounded in parentheses) after it, and is not surrounded by "<" and
+   ">".  Note that while upper and lower case letters are allowed in an
+   RFC 822 addr-spec, no significance is attached to the case.
+   When the subjectAltName extension contains a iPAddress, the address
+   MUST be stored in the octet string in "network byte order," as
+   specified in RFC 791 [RFC 791].  The least significant bit (LSB) of
+   each octet is the LSB of the corresponding byte in the network
+   address.  For IP Version 4, as specified in RFC 791, the octet string
+   MUST contain exactly four octets.  For IP Version 6, as specified in
+   RFC 1883, the octet string MUST contain exactly sixteen octets [RFC
+   1883].
+   When the subjectAltName extension contains a domain name system
+   label, the domain name MUST be stored in the dNSName (an IA5String).
+   The name MUST be in the "preferred name syntax," as specified by RFC
+   1034 [RFC 1034].  Note that while upper and lower case letters are
+   allowed in domain names, no signifigance is attached to the case.  In
+   addition, while the string " " is a legal domain name, subjectAltName
+   extensions with a dNSName of " " MUST NOT be used.  Finally, the use
+   of the DNS representation for Internet mail addresses (
+   instead of MUST NOT be used; such identities are to
+   be encoded as rfc822Name.
+   Note: work is currently underway to specify domain names in
+   international character sets.  Such names will likely not be
+   accommodated by IA5String.  Once this work is complete, this profile
+   will be revisited and the appropriate functionality will be added.
+   When the subjectAltName extension contains a URI, the name MUST be
+   stored in the uniformResourceIdentifier (an IA5String).  The name
+   MUST NOT be a relative URL, and it MUST follow the URL syntax and
+   encoding rules specified in [RFC 1738].  The name MUST include both a
+   scheme (e.g., "http" or "ftp") and a scheme-specific-part.  The
+   scheme-specific-part MUST include a fully qualified domain name or IP
+   address as the host.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   As specified in [RFC 1738], the scheme name is not case-sensitive
+   (e.g., "http" is equivalent to "HTTP").  The host part is also not
+   case-sensitive, but other components of the scheme-specific-part may
+   be case-sensitive.  When comparing URIs, conforming implementations
+   MUST compare the scheme and host without regard to case, but assume
+   the remainder of the scheme-specific-part is case sensitive.
+   When the subjectAltName extension contains a DN in the directoryName,
+   the DN MUST be unique for each subject entity certified by the one CA
+   as defined by the issuer name field.  A CA MAY issue more than one
+   certificate with the same DN to the same subject entity.
+   The subjectAltName MAY carry additional name types through the use of
+   the otherName field.  The format and semantics of the name are
+   indicated through the OBJECT IDENTIFIER in the type-id field.  The
+   name itself is conveyed as value field in otherName.  For example,
+   Kerberos [RFC 1510] format names can be encoded into the otherName,
+   using using a Kerberos 5 principal name OID and a SEQUENCE of the
+   Realm and the PrincipalName.
+   Subject alternative names MAY be constrained in the same manner as
+   subject distinguished names using the name constraints extension as
+   described in section
+   If the subjectAltName extension is present, the sequence MUST contain
+   at least one entry.  Unlike the subject field, conforming CAs MUST
+   NOT issue certificates with subjectAltNames containing empty
+   GeneralName fields.  For example, an rfc822Name is represented as an
+   IA5String.  While an empty string is a valid IA5String, such an
+   rfc822Name is not permitted by this profile.  The behavior of clients
+   that encounter such a certificate when processing a certificication
+   path is not defined by this profile.
+   Finally, the semantics of subject alternative names that include
+   wildcard characters (e.g., as a placeholder for a set of names) are
+   not addressed by this specification.  Applications with specific
+   requirements MAY use such names, but they must define the semantics.
+   id-ce-subjectAltName OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 17 }
+   SubjectAltName ::= GeneralNames
+   GeneralNames ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF GeneralName
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   GeneralName ::= CHOICE {
+        otherName                       [0]     OtherName,
+        rfc822Name                      [1]     IA5String,
+        dNSName                         [2]     IA5String,
+        x400Address                     [3]     ORAddress,
+        directoryName                   [4]     Name,
+        ediPartyName                    [5]     EDIPartyName,
+        uniformResourceIdentifier       [6]     IA5String,
+        iPAddress                       [7]     OCTET STRING,
+        registeredID                    [8]     OBJECT IDENTIFIER }
+   OtherName ::= SEQUENCE {
+        type-id    OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+        value      [0] EXPLICIT ANY DEFINED BY type-id }
+   EDIPartyName ::= SEQUENCE {
+        nameAssigner            [0]     DirectoryString OPTIONAL,
+        partyName               [1]     DirectoryString }
+  Issuer Alternative Names
+   As with, this extension is used to associate Internet style
+   identities with the certificate issuer.  Issuer alternative names
+   MUST be encoded as in
+   Where present, this extension SHOULD NOT be marked critical.
+   id-ce-issuerAltName OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 18 }
+   IssuerAltName ::= GeneralNames
+  Subject Directory Attributes
+   The subject directory attributes extension is used to convey
+   identification attributes (e.g., nationality) of the subject.  The
+   extension is defined as a sequence of one or more attributes.  This
+   extension MUST be non-critical.
+   id-ce-subjectDirectoryAttributes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 9 }
+   SubjectDirectoryAttributes ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF Attribute
+  Basic Constraints
+   The basic constraints extension identifies whether the subject of the
+   certificate is a CA and the maximum depth of valid certification
+   paths that include this certificate.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   The cA boolean indicates whether the certified public key belongs to
+   a CA.  If the cA boolean is not asserted, then the keyCertSign bit in
+   the key usage extension MUST NOT be asserted.
+   The pathLenConstraint field is meaningful only if the cA boolean is
+   asserted and the key usage extension asserts the keyCertSign bit
+   (section  In this case, it gives the maximum number of non-
+   self-issued intermediate certificates that may follow this
+   certificate in a valid certification path.  A certificate is self-
+   issued if the DNs that appear in the subject and issuer fields are
+   identical and are not empty.  (Note: The last certificate in the
+   certification path is not an intermediate certificate, and is not
+   included in this limit.  Usually, the last certificate is an end
+   entity certificate, but it can be a CA certificate.)  A
+   pathLenConstraint of zero indicates that only one more certificate
+   may follow in a valid certification path.  Where it appears, the
+   pathLenConstraint field MUST be greater than or equal to zero.  Where
+   pathLenConstraint does not appear, no limit is imposed.
+   This extension MUST appear as a critical extension in all CA
+   certificates that contain public keys used to validate digital
+   signatures on certificates.  This extension MAY appear as a critical
+   or non-critical extension in CA certificates that contain public keys
+   used exclusively for purposes other than validating digital
+   signatures on certificates.  Such CA certificates include ones that
+   contain public keys used exclusively for validating digital
+   signatures on CRLs and ones that contain key management public keys
+   used with certificate enrollment protocols.  This extension MAY
+   appear as a critical or non-critical extension in end entity
+   certificates.
+   CAs MUST NOT include the pathLenConstraint field unless the cA
+   boolean is asserted and the key usage extension asserts the
+   keyCertSign bit.
+   id-ce-basicConstraints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 19 }
+   BasicConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {
+        cA                      BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
+        pathLenConstraint       INTEGER (0..MAX) OPTIONAL }
+  Name Constraints
+   The name constraints extension, which MUST be used only in a CA
+   certificate, indicates a name space within which all subject names in
+   subsequent certificates in a certification path MUST be located.
+   Restrictions apply to the subject distinguished name and apply to
+   subject alternative names.  Restrictions apply only when the
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   specified name form is present.  If no name of the type is in the
+   certificate, the certificate is acceptable.
+   Name constraints are not applied to certificates whose issuer and
+   subject are identical (unless the certificate is the final
+   certificate in the path).  (This could prevent CAs that use name
+   constraints from employing self-issued certificates to implement key
+   rollover.)
+   Restrictions are defined in terms of permitted or excluded name
+   subtrees.  Any name matching a restriction in the excludedSubtrees
+   field is invalid regardless of information appearing in the
+   permittedSubtrees.  This extension MUST be critical.
+   Within this profile, the minimum and maximum fields are not used with
+   any name forms, thus minimum MUST be zero, and maximum MUST be
+   absent.
+   For URIs, the constraint applies to the host part of the name.  The
+   constraint MAY specify a host or a domain.  Examples would be
+   "";  and "".  When the the constraint begins with
+   a period, it MAY be expanded with one or more subdomains.  That is,
+   the constraint "" is satisfied by both and
+  However, the constraint "" is not satisfied
+   by "".  When the constraint does not begin with a period, it
+   specifies a host.
+   A name constraint for Internet mail addresses MAY specify a
+   particular mailbox, all addresses at a particular host, or all
+   mailboxes in a domain.  To indicate a particular mailbox, the
+   constraint is the complete mail address.  For example, ""
+   indicates the root mailbox on the host "".  To indicate all
+   Internet mail addresses on a particular host, the constraint is
+   specified as the host name.  For example, the constraint "" is
+   satisfied by any mail address at the host "".  To specify any
+   address within a domain, the constraint is specified with a leading
+   period (as with URIs).  For example, "" indicates all the
+   Internet mail addresses in the domain "", but not Internet
+   mail addresses on the host "".
+   DNS name restrictions are expressed as  Any DNS name
+   that can be constructed by simply adding to the left hand side of the
+   name satisfies the name constraint.  For example,
+   would satisfy the constraint but would not.
+   Legacy implementations exist where an RFC 822 name is embedded in the
+   subject distinguished name in an attribute of type EmailAddress
+   (section  When rfc822 names are constrained, but the
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   certificate does not include a subject alternative name, the rfc822
+   name constraint MUST be applied to the attribute of type EmailAddress
+   in the subject distinguished name.  The ASN.1 syntax for EmailAddress
+   and the corresponding OID are supplied in Appendix A.
+   Restrictions of the form directoryName MUST be applied to the subject
+   field in the certificate and to the subjectAltName extensions of type
+   directoryName.  Restrictions of the form x400Address MUST be applied
+   to subjectAltName extensions of type x400Address.
+   When applying restrictions of the form directoryName, an
+   implementation MUST compare DN attributes.  At a minimum,
+   implementations MUST perform the DN comparison rules specified in
+   Section  CAs issuing certificates with a restriction of the
+   form directoryName SHOULD NOT rely on implementation of the full ISO
+   DN name comparison algorithm.  This implies name restrictions MUST be
+   stated identically to the encoding used in the subject field or
+   subjectAltName extension.
+   The syntax of iPAddress MUST be as described in section with
+   the following additions specifically for Name Constraints.  For IPv4
+   addresses, the ipAddress field of generalName MUST contain eight (8)
+   octets, encoded in the style of RFC 1519 (CIDR) to represent an
+   address range [RFC 1519].  For IPv6 addresses, the ipAddress field
+   MUST contain 32 octets similarly encoded.  For example, a name
+   constraint for "class C" subnet is represented as the octets
+   0A 09 08 00 FF FF FF 00, representing the CIDR notation
+   The syntax and semantics for name constraints for otherName,
+   ediPartyName, and registeredID are not defined by this specification.
+      id-ce-nameConstraints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 30 }
+      NameConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {
+           permittedSubtrees       [0]     GeneralSubtrees OPTIONAL,
+           excludedSubtrees        [1]     GeneralSubtrees OPTIONAL }
+      GeneralSubtrees ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF GeneralSubtree
+      GeneralSubtree ::= SEQUENCE {
+           base                    GeneralName,
+           minimum         [0]     BaseDistance DEFAULT 0,
+           maximum         [1]     BaseDistance OPTIONAL }
+      BaseDistance ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+  Policy Constraints
+   The policy constraints extension can be used in certificates issued
+   to CAs.  The policy constraints extension constrains path validation
+   in two ways.  It can be used to prohibit policy mapping or require
+   that each certificate in a path contain an acceptable policy
+   identifier.
+   If the inhibitPolicyMapping field is present, the value indicates the
+   number of additional certificates that may appear in the path before
+   policy mapping is no longer permitted.  For example, a value of one
+   indicates that policy mapping may be processed in certificates issued
+   by the subject of this certificate, but not in additional
+   certificates in the path.
+   If the requireExplicitPolicy field is present, the value of
+   requireExplicitPolicy indicates the number of additional certificates
+   that may appear in the path before an explicit policy is required for
+   the entire path.  When an explicit policy is required, it is
+   necessary for all certificates in the path to contain an acceptable
+   policy identifier in the certificate policies extension.  An
+   acceptable policy identifier is the identifier of a policy required
+   by the user of the certification path or the identifier of a policy
+   which has been declared equivalent through policy mapping.
+   Conforming CAs MUST NOT issue certificates where policy constraints
+   is a empty sequence.  That is, at least one of the
+   inhibitPolicyMapping field or the requireExplicitPolicy field MUST be
+   present.  The behavior of clients that encounter a empty policy
+   constraints field is not addressed in this profile.
+   This extension MAY be critical or non-critical.
+   id-ce-policyConstraints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 36 }
+   PolicyConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {
+        requireExplicitPolicy           [0] SkipCerts OPTIONAL,
+        inhibitPolicyMapping            [1] SkipCerts OPTIONAL }
+   SkipCerts ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)
+  Extended Key Usage
+   This extension indicates one or more purposes for which the certified
+   public key may be used, in addition to or in place of the basic
+   purposes indicated in the key usage extension.  In general, this
+   extension will appear only in end entity certificates.  This
+   extension is defined as follows:
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   id-ce-extKeyUsage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 37 }
+   ExtKeyUsageSyntax ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF KeyPurposeId
+   KeyPurposeId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+   Key purposes may be defined by any organization with a need.  Object
+   identifiers used to identify key purposes MUST be assigned in
+   accordance with IANA or ITU-T Recommendation X.660 [X.660].
+   This extension MAY, at the option of the certificate issuer, be
+   either critical or non-critical.
+   If the extension is present, then the certificate MUST only be used
+   for one of the purposes indicated.  If multiple purposes are
+   indicated the application need not recognize all purposes indicated,
+   as long as the intended purpose is present.  Certificate using
+   applications MAY require that a particular purpose be indicated in
+   order for the certificate to be acceptable to that application.
+   If a CA includes extended key usages to satisfy such applications,
+   but does not wish to restrict usages of the key, the CA can include
+   the special keyPurposeID anyExtendedKeyUsage.  If the
+   anyExtendedKeyUsage keyPurposeID is present, the extension SHOULD NOT
+   be critical.
+   If a certificate contains both a key usage extension and an extended
+   key usage extension, then both extensions MUST be processed
+   independently and the certificate MUST only be used for a purpose
+   consistent with both extensions.  If there is no purpose consistent
+   with both extensions, then the certificate MUST NOT be used for any
+   purpose.
+   The following key usage purposes are defined:
+   anyExtendedKeyUsage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce-extKeyUsage 0 }
+   id-kp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 3 }
+   id-kp-serverAuth             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 1 }
+   -- TLS WWW server authentication
+   -- Key usage bits that may be consistent: digitalSignature,
+   -- keyEncipherment or keyAgreement
+   id-kp-clientAuth             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 2 }
+   -- TLS WWW client authentication
+   -- Key usage bits that may be consistent: digitalSignature
+   -- and/or keyAgreement
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   id-kp-codeSigning             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 3 }
+   -- Signing of downloadable executable code
+   -- Key usage bits that may be consistent: digitalSignature
+   id-kp-emailProtection         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 4 }
+   -- E-mail protection
+   -- Key usage bits that may be consistent: digitalSignature,
+   -- nonRepudiation, and/or (keyEncipherment or keyAgreement)
+   id-kp-timeStamping            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 8 }
+   -- Binding the hash of an object to a time
+   -- Key usage bits that may be consistent: digitalSignature
+   -- and/or nonRepudiation
+   id-kp-OCSPSigning            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 9 }
+   -- Signing OCSP responses
+   -- Key usage bits that may be consistent: digitalSignature
+   -- and/or nonRepudiation
+  CRL Distribution Points
+   The CRL distribution points extension identifies how CRL information
+   is obtained.  The extension SHOULD be non-critical, but this profile
+   RECOMMENDS support for this extension by CAs and applications.
+   Further discussion of CRL management is contained in section 5.
+   The cRLDistributionPoints extension is a SEQUENCE of
+   DistributionPoint.  A DistributionPoint consists of three fields,
+   each of which is optional: distributionPoint, reasons, and cRLIssuer.
+   While each of these fields is optional, a DistributionPoint MUST NOT
+   consist of only the reasons field; either distributionPoint or
+   cRLIssuer MUST be present.  If the certificate issuer is not the CRL
+   issuer, then the cRLIssuer field MUST be present and contain the Name
+   of the CRL issuer.  If the certificate issuer is also the CRL issuer,
+   then the cRLIssuer field MUST be omitted and the distributionPoint
+   field MUST be present.  If the distributionPoint field is omitted,
+   cRLIssuer MUST be present and include a Name corresponding to an
+   X.500 or LDAP directory entry where the CRL is located.
+   When the distributionPoint field is present, it contains either a
+   SEQUENCE of general names or a single value, nameRelativeToCRLIssuer.
+   If the cRLDistributionPoints extension contains a general name of
+   type URI, the following semantics MUST be assumed: the URI is a
+   pointer to the current CRL for the associated reasons and will be
+   issued by the associated cRLIssuer.  The expected values for the URI
+   are those defined in  Processing rules for other values are
+   not defined by this specification.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   If the DistributionPointName contains multiple values, each name
+   describes a different mechanism to obtain the same CRL.  For example,
+   the same CRL could be available for retrieval through both LDAP and
+   HTTP.
+   If the DistributionPointName contains the single value
+   nameRelativeToCRLIssuer, the value provides a distinguished name
+   fragment.  The fragment is appended to the X.500 distinguished name
+   of the CRL issuer to obtain the distribution point name.  If the
+   cRLIssuer field in the DistributionPoint is present, then the name
+   fragment is appended to the distinguished name that it contains;
+   otherwise, the name fragment is appended to the certificate issuer
+   distinguished name.  The DistributionPointName MUST NOT use the
+   nameRealtiveToCRLIssuer alternative when cRLIssuer contains more than
+   one distinguished name.
+   If the DistributionPoint omits the reasons field, the CRL MUST
+   include revocation information for all reasons.
+   The cRLIssuer identifies the entity who signs and issues the CRL.  If
+   present, the cRLIssuer MUST contain at least one an X.500
+   distinguished name (DN), and MAY also contain other name forms.
+   Since the cRLIssuer is compared to the CRL issuer name, the X.501
+   type Name MUST follow the encoding rules for the issuer name field in
+   the certificate (section
+   id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 31 }
+   CRLDistributionPoints ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF DistributionPoint
+   DistributionPoint ::= SEQUENCE {
+        distributionPoint       [0]     DistributionPointName OPTIONAL,
+        reasons                 [1]     ReasonFlags OPTIONAL,
+        cRLIssuer               [2]     GeneralNames OPTIONAL }
+   DistributionPointName ::= CHOICE {
+        fullName                [0]     GeneralNames,
+        nameRelativeToCRLIssuer [1]     RelativeDistinguishedName }
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   ReasonFlags ::= BIT STRING {
+        unused                  (0),
+        keyCompromise           (1),
+        cACompromise            (2),
+        affiliationChanged      (3),
+        superseded              (4),
+        cessationOfOperation    (5),
+        certificateHold         (6),
+        privilegeWithdrawn      (7),
+        aACompromise            (8) }
+  Inhibit Any-Policy
+   The inhibit any-policy extension can be used in certificates issued
+   to CAs.  The inhibit any-policy indicates that the special anyPolicy
+   OID, with the value { 2 5 29 32 0 }, is not considered an explicit
+   match for other certificate policies.  The value indicates the number
+   of additional certificates that may appear in the path before
+   anyPolicy is no longer permitted.  For example, a value of one
+   indicates that anyPolicy may be processed in certificates issued by
+   the subject of this certificate, but not in additional certificates
+   in the path.
+   This extension MUST be critical.
+   id-ce-inhibitAnyPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 54 }
+   InhibitAnyPolicy ::= SkipCerts
+   SkipCerts ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)
+  Freshest CRL (a.k.a. Delta CRL Distribution Point)
+   The freshest CRL extension identifies how delta CRL information is
+   obtained.  The extension MUST be non-critical.  Further discussion of
+   CRL management is contained in section 5.
+   The same syntax is used for this extension and the
+   cRLDistributionPoints extension, and is described in section
+  The same conventions apply to both extensions.
+   id-ce-freshestCRL OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 46 }
+   FreshestCRL ::= CRLDistributionPoints
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+4.2.2  Private Internet Extensions
+   This section defines two extensions for use in the Internet Public
+   Key Infrastructure.  These extensions may be used to direct
+   applications to on-line information about the issuing CA or the
+   subject.  As the information may be available in multiple forms, each
+   extension is a sequence of IA5String values, each of which represents
+   a URI.  The URI implicitly specifies the location and format of the
+   information and the method for obtaining the information.
+   An object identifier is defined for the private extension.  The
+   object identifier associated with the private extension is defined
+   under the arc id-pe within the arc id-pkix.  Any future extensions
+   defined for the Internet PKI are also expected to be defined under
+   the arc id-pe.
+      id-pkix  OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=
+               { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1)
+                       security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) }
+      id-pe  OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=  { id-pkix 1 }
+  Authority Information Access
+   The authority information access extension indicates how to access CA
+   information and services for the issuer of the certificate in which
+   the extension appears.  Information and services may include on-line
+   validation services and CA policy data.  (The location of CRLs is not
+   specified in this extension; that information is provided by the
+   cRLDistributionPoints extension.)  This extension may be included in
+   end entity or CA certificates, and it MUST be non-critical.
+   id-pe-authorityInfoAccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pe 1 }
+   AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax  ::=
+           SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF AccessDescription
+   AccessDescription  ::=  SEQUENCE {
+           accessMethod          OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+           accessLocation        GeneralName  }
+   id-ad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 48 }
+   id-ad-caIssuers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ad 2 }
+   id-ad-ocsp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ad 1 }
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   Each entry in the sequence AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax describes the
+   format and location of additional information provided by the CA that
+   issued the certificate in which this extension appears.  The type and
+   format of the information is specified by the accessMethod field; the
+   accessLocation field specifies the location of the information.  The
+   retrieval mechanism may be implied by the accessMethod or specified
+   by accessLocation.
+   This profile defines two accessMethod OIDs: id-ad-caIssuers and
+   id-ad-ocsp.
+   The id-ad-caIssuers OID is used when the additional information lists
+   CAs that have issued certificates superior to the CA that issued the
+   certificate containing this extension.  The referenced CA issuers
+   description is intended to aid certificate users in the selection of
+   a certification path that terminates at a point trusted by the
+   certificate user.
+   When id-ad-caIssuers appears as accessMethod, the accessLocation
+   field describes the referenced description server and the access
+   protocol to obtain the referenced description.  The accessLocation
+   field is defined as a GeneralName, which can take several forms.
+   Where the information is available via http, ftp, or ldap,
+   accessLocation MUST be a uniformResourceIdentifier.  Where the
+   information is available via the Directory Access Protocol (DAP),
+   accessLocation MUST be a directoryName.  The entry for that
+   directoryName contains CA certificates in the crossCertificatePair
+   attribute.  When the information is available via electronic mail,
+   accessLocation MUST be an rfc822Name.  The semantics of other
+   id-ad-caIssuers accessLocation name forms are not defined.
+   The id-ad-ocsp OID is used when revocation information for the
+   certificate containing this extension is available using the Online
+   Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) [RFC 2560].
+   When id-ad-ocsp appears as accessMethod, the accessLocation field is
+   the location of the OCSP responder, using the conventions defined in
+   [RFC 2560].
+   Additional access descriptors may be defined in other PKIX
+   specifications.
+  Subject Information Access
+   The subject information access extension indicates how to access
+   information and services for the subject of the certificate in which
+   the extension appears.  When the subject is a CA, information and
+   services may include certificate validation services and CA policy
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   data.  When the subject is an end entity, the information describes
+   the type of services offered and how to access them.  In this case,
+   the contents of this extension are defined in the protocol
+   specifications for the suported services.  This extension may be
+   included in subject or CA certificates, and it MUST be non-critical.
+   id-pe-subjectInfoAccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pe 11 }
+   SubjectInfoAccessSyntax  ::=
+           SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF AccessDescription
+   AccessDescription  ::=  SEQUENCE {
+           accessMethod          OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+           accessLocation        GeneralName  }
+   Each entry in the sequence SubjectInfoAccessSyntax describes the
+   format and location of additional information provided by the subject
+   of the certificate in which this extension appears.  The type and
+   format of the information is specified by the accessMethod field; the
+   accessLocation field specifies the location of the information.  The
+   retrieval mechanism may be implied by the accessMethod or specified
+   by accessLocation.
+   This profile defines one access method to be used when the subject is
+   a CA, and one access method to be used when the subject is an end
+   entity.  Additional access methods may be defined in the future in
+   the protocol specifications for other services.
+   The id-ad-caRepository OID is used when the subject is a CA, and
+   publishes its certificates and CRLs (if issued) in a repository.  The
+   accessLocation field is defined as a GeneralName, which can take
+   several forms.  Where the information is available via http, ftp, or
+   ldap, accessLocation MUST be a uniformResourceIdentifier.  Where the
+   information is available via the directory access protocol (dap),
+   accessLocation MUST be a directoryName.  When the information is
+   available via electronic mail, accessLocation MUST be an rfc822Name.
+   The semantics of other name forms of of accessLocation (when
+   accessMethod is id-ad-caRepository) are not defined by this
+   specification.
+   The id-ad-timeStamping OID is used when the subject offers
+   timestamping services using the Time Stamp Protocol defined in
+   [PKIXTSA].  Where the timestamping services are available via http or
+   ftp, accessLocation MUST be a uniformResourceIdentifier.  Where the
+   timestamping services are available via electronic mail,
+   accessLocation MUST be an rfc822Name.  Where timestamping services
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   are available using TCP/IP, the dNSName or ipAddress name forms may
+   be used.  The semantics of other name forms of accessLocation (when
+   accessMethod is id-ad-timeStamping) are not defined by this
+   specification.
+   Additional access descriptors may be defined in other PKIX
+   specifications.
+   id-ad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 48 }
+   id-ad-caRepository OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ad 5 }
+   id-ad-timeStamping OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ad 3 }
+5  CRL and CRL Extensions Profile
+   As discussed above, one goal of this X.509 v2 CRL profile is to
+   foster the creation of an interoperable and reusable Internet PKI.
+   To achieve this goal, guidelines for the use of extensions are
+   specified, and some assumptions are made about the nature of
+   information included in the CRL.
+   CRLs may be used in a wide range of applications and environments
+   covering a broad spectrum of interoperability goals and an even
+   broader spectrum of operational and assurance requirements.  This
+   profile establishes a common baseline for generic applications
+   requiring broad interoperability.  The profile defines a set of
+   information that can be expected in every CRL.  Also, the profile
+   defines common locations within the CRL for frequently used
+   attributes as well as common representations for these attributes.
+   CRL issuers issue CRLs.  In general, the CRL issuer is the CA.  CAs
+   publish CRLs to provide status information about the certificates
+   they issued.  However, a CA may delegate this responsibility to
+   another trusted authority.  Whenever the CRL issuer is not the CA
+   that issued the certificates, the CRL is referred to as an indirect
+   CRL.
+   Each CRL has a particular scope.  The CRL scope is the set of
+   certificates that could appear on a given CRL.  For example, the
+   scope could be "all certificates issued by CA X", "all CA
+   certificates issued by CA X", "all certificates issued by CA X that
+   have been revoked for reasons of key compromise and CA compromise",
+   or could be a set of certificates based on arbitrary local
+   information, such as "all certificates issued to the NIST employees
+   located in Boulder".
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   A complete CRL lists all unexpired certificates, within its scope,
+   that have been revoked for one of the revocation reasons covered by
+   the CRL scope.  The CRL issuer MAY also generate delta CRLs.  A delta
+   CRL only lists those certificates, within its scope, whose revocation
+   status has changed since the issuance of a referenced complete CRL.
+   The referenced complete CRL is referred to as a base CRL.  The scope
+   of a delta CRL MUST be the same as the base CRL that it references.
+   This profile does not define any private Internet CRL extensions or
+   CRL entry extensions.
+   Environments with additional or special purpose requirements may
+   build on this profile or may replace it.
+   Conforming CAs are not required to issue CRLs if other revocation or
+   certificate status mechanisms are provided.  When CRLs are issued,
+   the CRLs MUST be version 2 CRLs, include the date by which the next
+   CRL will be issued in the nextUpdate field (section, include
+   the CRL number extension (section 5.2.3), and include the authority
+   key identifier extension (section 5.2.1).  Conforming applications
+   that support CRLs are REQUIRED to process both version 1 and version
+   2 complete CRLs that provide revocation information for all
+   certificates issued by one CA.  Conforming applications are NOT
+   REQUIRED to support processing of delta CRLs, indirect CRLs, or CRLs
+   with a scope other than all certificates issued by one CA.
+5.1  CRL Fields
+   The X.509 v2 CRL syntax is as follows.  For signature calculation,
+   the data that is to be signed is ASN.1 DER encoded.  ASN.1 DER
+   encoding is a tag, length, value encoding system for each element.
+   CertificateList  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+        tbsCertList          TBSCertList,
+        signatureAlgorithm   AlgorithmIdentifier,
+        signatureValue       BIT STRING  }
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+   TBSCertList  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+        version                 Version OPTIONAL,
+                                     -- if present, MUST be v2
+        signature               AlgorithmIdentifier,
+        issuer                  Name,
+        thisUpdate              Time,
+        nextUpdate              Time OPTIONAL,
+        revokedCertificates     SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE  {
+             userCertificate         CertificateSerialNumber,
+             revocationDate          Time,
+             crlEntryExtensions      Extensions OPTIONAL
+                                           -- if present, MUST be v2
+                                  }  OPTIONAL,
+        crlExtensions           [0]  EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL
+                                           -- if present, MUST be v2
+                                  }
+   -- Version, Time, CertificateSerialNumber, and Extensions
+   -- are all defined in the ASN.1 in section 4.1
+   -- AlgorithmIdentifier is defined in section
+   The following items describe the use of the X.509 v2 CRL in the
+   Internet PKI.
+5.1.1  CertificateList Fields
+   The CertificateList is a SEQUENCE of three required fields.  The
+   fields are described in detail in the following subsections.
+  tbsCertList
+   The first field in the sequence is the tbsCertList.  This field is
+   itself a sequence containing the name of the issuer, issue date,
+   issue date of the next list, the optional list of revoked
+   certificates, and optional CRL extensions.  When there are no revoked
+   certificates, the revoked certificates list is absent.  When one or
+   more certificates are revoked, each entry on the revoked certificate
+   list is defined by a sequence of user certificate serial number,
+   revocation date, and optional CRL entry extensions.
+  signatureAlgorithm
+   The signatureAlgorithm field contains the algorithm identifier for
+   the algorithm used by the CRL issuer to sign the CertificateList.
+   The field is of type AlgorithmIdentifier, which is defined in section
+  [PKIXALGS] lists the supported algorithms for this
+   specification, but other signature algorithms MAY also be supported.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   This field MUST contain the same algorithm identifier as the
+   signature field in the sequence tbsCertList (section
+  signatureValue
+   The signatureValue field contains a digital signature computed upon
+   the ASN.1 DER encoded tbsCertList.  The ASN.1 DER encoded tbsCertList
+   is used as the input to the signature function.  This signature value
+   is encoded as a BIT STRING and included in the CRL signatureValue
+   field.  The details of this process are specified for each of the
+   supported algorithms in [PKIXALGS].
+   CAs that are also CRL issuers MAY use one private key to digitally
+   sign certificates and CRLs, or MAY use separate private keys to
+   digitally sign certificates and CRLs.  When separate private keys are
+   employed, each of the public keys associated with these private keys
+   is placed in a separate certificate, one with the keyCertSign bit set
+   in the key usage extension, and one with the cRLSign bit set in the
+   key usage extension (section  When separate private keys
+   are employed, certificates issued by the CA contain one authority key
+   identifier, and the corresponding CRLs contain a different authority
+   key identifier.  The use of separate CA certificates for validation
+   of certificate signatures and CRL signatures can offer improved
+   security characteristics; however, it imposes a burden on
+   applications, and it might limit interoperability.  Many applications
+   construct a certification path, and then validate the certification
+   path (section 6).  CRL checking in turn requires a separate
+   certification path to be constructed and validated for the CA's CRL
+   signature validation certificate.  Applications that perform CRL
+   checking MUST support certification path validation when certificates
+   and CRLs are digitally signed with the same CA private key.  These
+   applications SHOULD support certification path validation when
+   certificates and CRLs are digitally signed with different CA private
+   keys.
+5.1.2  Certificate List "To Be Signed"
+   The certificate list to be signed, or TBSCertList, is a sequence of
+   required and optional fields.  The required fields identify the CRL
+   issuer, the algorithm used to sign the CRL, the date and time the CRL
+   was issued, and the date and time by which the CRL issuer will issue
+   the next CRL.
+   Optional fields include lists of revoked certificates and CRL
+   extensions.  The revoked certificate list is optional to support the
+   case where a CA has not revoked any unexpired certificates that it
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   has issued.  The profile requires conforming CRL issuers to use the
+   CRL number and authority key identifier CRL extensions in all CRLs
+   issued.
+  Version
+   This optional field describes the version of the encoded CRL.  When
+   extensions are used, as required by this profile, this field MUST be
+   present and MUST specify version 2 (the integer value is 1).
+  Signature
+   This field contains the algorithm identifier for the algorithm used
+   to sign the CRL.  [PKIXALGS] lists OIDs for the most popular
+   signature algorithms used in the Internet PKI.
+   This field MUST contain the same algorithm identifier as the
+   signatureAlgorithm field in the sequence CertificateList (section
+  Issuer Name
+   The issuer name identifies the entity who has signed and issued the
+   CRL.  The issuer identity is carried in the issuer name field.
+   Alternative name forms may also appear in the issuerAltName extension
+   (section 5.2.2).  The issuer name field MUST contain an X.500
+   distinguished name (DN).  The issuer name field is defined as the
+   X.501 type Name, and MUST follow the encoding rules for the issuer
+   name field in the certificate (section
+  This Update
+   This field indicates the issue date of this CRL.  ThisUpdate may be
+   encoded as UTCTime or GeneralizedTime.
+   CRL issuers conforming to this profile MUST encode thisUpdate as
+   UTCTime for dates through the year 2049.  CRL issuers conforming to
+   this profile MUST encode thisUpdate as GeneralizedTime for dates in
+   the year 2050 or later.
+   Where encoded as UTCTime, thisUpdate MUST be specified and
+   interpreted as defined in section  Where encoded as
+   GeneralizedTime, thisUpdate MUST be specified and interpreted as
+   defined in section
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+  Next Update
+   This field indicates the date by which the next CRL will be issued.
+   The next CRL could be issued before the indicated date, but it will
+   not be issued any later than the indicated date.  CRL issuers SHOULD
+   issue CRLs with a nextUpdate time equal to or later than all previous
+   CRLs.  nextUpdate may be encoded as UTCTime or GeneralizedTime.
+   This profile requires inclusion of nextUpdate in all CRLs issued by
+   conforming CRL issuers.  Note that the ASN.1 syntax of TBSCertList
+   describes this field as OPTIONAL, which is consistent with the ASN.1
+   structure defined in [X.509].  The behavior of clients processing
+   CRLs which omit nextUpdate is not specified by this profile.
+   CRL issuers conforming to this profile MUST encode nextUpdate as
+   UTCTime for dates through the year 2049.  CRL issuers conforming to
+   this profile MUST encode nextUpdate as GeneralizedTime for dates in
+   the year 2050 or later.
+   Where encoded as UTCTime, nextUpdate MUST be specified and
+   interpreted as defined in section  Where encoded as
+   GeneralizedTime, nextUpdate MUST be specified and interpreted as
+   defined in section
+  Revoked Certificates
+   When there are no revoked certificates, the revoked certificates list
+   MUST be absent.  Otherwise, revoked certificates are listed by their
+   serial numbers.  Certificates revoked by the CA are uniquely
+   identified by the certificate serial number.  The date on which the
+   revocation occurred is specified.  The time for revocationDate MUST
+   be expressed as described in section Additional information
+   may be supplied in CRL entry extensions; CRL entry extensions are
+   discussed in section 5.3.
+  Extensions
+   This field may only appear if the version is 2 (section  If
+   present, this field is a sequence of one or more CRL extensions.  CRL
+   extensions are discussed in section 5.2.
+5.2  CRL Extensions
+   The extensions defined by ANSI X9, ISO/IEC, and ITU-T for X.509 v2
+   CRLs [X.509] [X9.55] provide methods for associating additional
+   attributes with CRLs.  The X.509 v2 CRL format also allows
+   communities to define private extensions to carry information unique
+   to those communities.  Each extension in a CRL may be designated as
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   critical or non-critical.  A CRL validation MUST fail if it
+   encounters a critical extension which it does not know how to
+   process.  However, an unrecognized non-critical extension may be
+   ignored.  The following subsections present those extensions used
+   within Internet CRLs.  Communities may elect to include extensions in
+   CRLs which are not defined in this specification.  However, caution
+   should be exercised in adopting any critical extensions in CRLs which
+   might be used in a general context.
+   Conforming CRL issuers are REQUIRED to include the authority key
+   identifier (section 5.2.1) and the CRL number (section 5.2.3)
+   extensions in all CRLs issued.
+5.2.1  Authority Key Identifier
+   The authority key identifier extension provides a means of
+   identifying the public key corresponding to the private key used to
+   sign a CRL.  The identification can be based on either the key
+   identifier (the subject key identifier in the CRL signer's
+   certificate) or on the issuer name and serial number.  This extension
+   is especially useful where an issuer has more than one signing key,
+   either due to multiple concurrent key pairs or due to changeover.
+   Conforming CRL issuers MUST use the key identifier method, and MUST
+   include this extension in all CRLs issued.
+   The syntax for this CRL extension is defined in section
+5.2.2  Issuer Alternative Name
+   The issuer alternative names extension allows additional identities
+   to be associated with the issuer of the CRL.  Defined options include
+   an rfc822 name (electronic mail address), a DNS name, an IP address,
+   and a URI.  Multiple instances of a name and multiple name forms may
+   be included.  Whenever such identities are used, the issuer
+   alternative name extension MUST be used; however, a DNS name MAY be
+   represented in the issuer field using the domainComponent attribute
+   as described in section
+   The issuerAltName extension SHOULD NOT be marked critical.
+   The OID and syntax for this CRL extension are defined in section
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+5.2.3  CRL Number
+   The CRL number is a non-critical CRL extension which conveys a
+   monotonically increasing sequence number for a given CRL scope and
+   CRL issuer.  This extension allows users to easily determine when a
+   particular CRL supersedes another CRL.  CRL numbers also support the
+   identification of complementary complete CRLs and delta CRLs.  CRL
+   issuers conforming to this profile MUST include this extension in all
+   CRLs.
+   If a CRL issuer generates delta CRLs in addition to complete CRLs for
+   a given scope, the complete CRLs and delta CRLs MUST share one
+   numbering sequence.  If a delta CRL and a complete CRL that cover the
+   same scope are issued at the same time, they MUST have the same CRL
+   number and provide the same revocation information.  That is, the
+   combination of the delta CRL and an acceptable complete CRL MUST
+   provide the same revocation information as the simultaneously issued
+   complete CRL.
+   If a CRL issuer generates two CRLs (two complete CRLs, two delta
+   CRLs, or a complete CRL and a delta CRL) for the same scope at
+   different times, the two CRLs MUST NOT have the same CRL number.
+   That is, if the this update field (section in the two CRLs
+   are not identical, the CRL numbers MUST be different.
+   Given the requirements above, CRL numbers can be expected to contain
+   long integers.  CRL verifiers MUST be able to handle CRLNumber values
+   up to 20 octets.  Conformant CRL issuers MUST NOT use CRLNumber
+   values longer than 20 octets.
+   id-ce-cRLNumber OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 20 }
+   CRLNumber ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)
+5.2.4  Delta CRL Indicator
+   The delta CRL indicator is a critical CRL extension that identifies a
+   CRL as being a delta CRL.  Delta CRLs contain updates to revocation
+   information previously distributed, rather than all the information
+   that would appear in a complete CRL.  The use of delta CRLs can
+   significantly reduce network load and processing time in some
+   environments.  Delta CRLs are generally smaller than the CRLs they
+   update, so applications that obtain delta CRLs consume less network
+   bandwidth than applications that obtain the corresponding complete
+   CRLs.  Applications which store revocation information in a format
+   other than the CRL structure can add new revocation information to
+   the local database without reprocessing information.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   The delta CRL indicator extension contains the single value of type
+   BaseCRLNumber.  The CRL number identifies the CRL, complete for a
+   given scope, that was used as the starting point in the generation of
+   this delta CRL.  A conforming CRL issuer MUST publish the referenced
+   base CRL as a complete CRL.  The delta CRL contains all updates to
+   the revocation status for that same scope.  The combination of a
+   delta CRL plus the referenced base CRL is equivalent to a complete
+   CRL, for the applicable scope, at the time of publication of the
+   delta CRL.
+   When a conforming CRL issuer generates a delta CRL, the delta CRL
+   MUST include a critical delta CRL indicator extension.
+   When a delta CRL is issued, it MUST cover the same set of reasons and
+   the same set of certificates that were covered by the base CRL it
+   references.  That is, the scope of the delta CRL MUST be the same as
+   the scope of the complete CRL referenced as the base.  The referenced
+   base CRL and the delta CRL MUST omit the issuing distribution point
+   extension or contain identical issuing distribution point extensions.
+   Further, the CRL issuer MUST use the same private key to sign the
+   delta CRL and any complete CRL that it can be used to update.
+   An application that supports delta CRLs can construct a CRL that is
+   complete for a given scope by combining a delta CRL for that scope
+   with either an issued CRL that is complete for that scope or a
+   locally constructed CRL that is complete for that scope.
+   When a delta CRL is combined with a complete CRL or a locally
+   constructed CRL, the resulting locally constructed CRL has the CRL
+   number specified in the CRL number extension found in the delta CRL
+   used in its construction.  In addition, the resulting locally
+   constructed CRL has the thisUpdate and nextUpdate times specified in
+   the corresponding fields of the delta CRL used in its construction.
+   In addition, the locally constructed CRL inherits the issuing
+   distribution point from the delta CRL.
+   A complete CRL and a delta CRL MAY be combined if the following four
+   conditions are satisfied:
+      (a)  The complete CRL and delta CRL have the same issuer.
+      (b)  The complete CRL and delta CRL have the same scope.  The two
+      CRLs have the same scope if either of the following conditions are
+      met:
+         (1)  The issuingDistributionPoint extension is omitted from
+         both the complete CRL and the delta CRL.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+         (2)  The issuingDistributionPoint extension is present in both
+         the complete CRL and the delta CRL, and the values for each of
+         the fields in the extensions are the same in both CRLs.
+      (c)  The CRL number of the complete CRL is equal to or greater
+      than the BaseCRLNumber specified in the delta CRL.  That is, the
+      complete CRL contains (at a minimum) all the revocation
+      information held by the referenced base CRL.
+      (d)  The CRL number of the complete CRL is less than the CRL
+      number of the delta CRL.  That is, the delta CRL follows the
+      complete CRL in the numbering sequence.
+   CRL issuers MUST ensure that the combination of a delta CRL and any
+   appropriate complete CRL accurately reflects the current revocation
+   status.  The CRL issuer MUST include an entry in the delta CRL for
+   each certificate within the scope of the delta CRL whose status has
+   changed since the generation of the referenced base CRL:
+      (a)  If the certificate is revoked for a reason included in the
+      scope of the CRL, list the certificate as revoked.
+      (b)  If the certificate is valid and was listed on the referenced
+      base CRL or any subsequent CRL with reason code certificateHold,
+      and the reason code certificateHold is included in the scope of
+      the CRL, list the certificate with the reason code removeFromCRL.
+      (c)  If the certificate is revoked for a reason outside the scope
+      of the CRL, but the certificate was listed on the referenced base
+      CRL or any subsequent CRL with a reason code included in the scope
+      of this CRL, list the certificate as revoked but omit the reason
+      code.
+      (d)  If the certificate is revoked for a reason outside the scope
+      of the CRL and the certificate was neither listed on the
+      referenced base CRL nor any subsequent CRL with a reason code
+      included in the scope of this CRL, do not list the certificate on
+      this CRL.
+   The status of a certificate is considered to have changed if it is
+   revoked, placed on hold, released from hold, or if its revocation
+   reason changes.
+   It is appropriate to list a certificate with reason code
+   removeFromCRL on a delta CRL even if the certificate was not on hold
+   in the referenced base CRL.  If the certificate was placed on hold in
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   any CRL issued after the base but before this delta CRL and then
+   released from hold, it MUST be listed on the delta CRL with
+   revocation reason removeFromCRL.
+   A CRL issuer MAY optionally list a certificate on a delta CRL with
+   reason code removeFromCRL if the notAfter time specified in the
+   certificate precedes the thisUpdate time specified in the delta CRL
+   and the certificate was listed on the referenced base CRL or in any
+   CRL issued after the base but before this delta CRL.
+   If a certificate revocation notice first appears on a delta CRL, then
+   it is possible for the certificate validity period to expire before
+   the next complete CRL for the same scope is issued.  In this case,
+   the revocation notice MUST be included in all subsequent delta CRLs
+   until the revocation notice is included on at least one explicitly
+   issued complete CRL for this scope.
+   An application that supports delta CRLs MUST be able to construct a
+   current complete CRL by combining a previously issued complete CRL
+   and the most current delta CRL.  An application that supports delta
+   CRLs MAY also be able to construct a current complete CRL by
+   combining a previously locally constructed complete CRL and the
+   current delta CRL.  A delta CRL is considered to be the current one
+   if the current time is between the times contained in the thisUpdate
+   and nextUpdate fields.  Under some circumstances, the CRL issuer may
+   publish one or more delta CRLs before indicated by the nextUpdate
+   field.  If more than one current delta CRL for a given scope is
+   encountered, the application SHOULD consider the one with the latest
+   value in thisUpdate to be the most current one.
+   id-ce-deltaCRLIndicator OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 27 }
+   BaseCRLNumber ::= CRLNumber
+5.2.5  Issuing Distribution Point
+   The issuing distribution point is a critical CRL extension that
+   identifies the CRL distribution point and scope for a particular CRL,
+   and it indicates whether the CRL covers revocation for end entity
+   certificates only, CA certificates only, attribute certificates only,
+   or a limited set of reason codes.  Although the extension is
+   critical, conforming implementations are not required to support this
+   extension.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   The CRL is signed using the CRL issuer's private key.  CRL
+   Distribution Points do not have their own key pairs.  If the CRL is
+   stored in the X.500 Directory, it is stored in the Directory entry
+   corresponding to the CRL distribution point, which may be different
+   than the Directory entry of the CRL issuer.
+   The reason codes associated with a distribution point MUST be
+   specified in onlySomeReasons.  If onlySomeReasons does not appear,
+   the distribution point MUST contain revocations for all reason codes.
+   CAs may use CRL distribution points to partition the CRL on the basis
+   of compromise and routine revocation.  In this case, the revocations
+   with reason code keyCompromise (1), cACompromise (2), and
+   aACompromise (8) appear in one distribution point, and the
+   revocations with other reason codes appear in another distribution
+   point.
+   If the distributionPoint field is present and contains a URI, the
+   following semantics MUST be assumed: the object is a pointer to the
+   most current CRL issued by this CRL issuer.  The URI schemes ftp,
+   http, mailto [RFC1738] and ldap [RFC1778] are defined for this
+   purpose.  The URI MUST be an absolute pathname, not a relative
+   pathname, and MUST specify the host.
+   If the distributionPoint field is absent, the CRL MUST contain
+   entries for all revoked unexpired certificates issued by the CRL
+   issuer, if any, within the scope of the CRL.
+   The CRL issuer MUST assert the indirectCRL boolean, if the scope of
+   the CRL includes certificates issued by authorities other than the
+   CRL issuer.  The authority responsible for each entry is indicated by
+   the certificate issuer CRL entry extension (section 5.3.4).
+   id-ce-issuingDistributionPoint OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 28 }
+   issuingDistributionPoint ::= SEQUENCE {
+        distributionPoint          [0] DistributionPointName OPTIONAL,
+        onlyContainsUserCerts      [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
+        onlyContainsCACerts        [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
+        onlySomeReasons            [3] ReasonFlags OPTIONAL,
+        indirectCRL                [4] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
+        onlyContainsAttributeCerts [5] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE }
+5.2.6  Freshest CRL (a.k.a. Delta CRL Distribution Point)
+   The freshest CRL extension identifies how delta CRL information for
+   this complete CRL is obtained.  The extension MUST be non-critical.
+   This extension MUST NOT appear in delta CRLs.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   The same syntax is used for this extension as the
+   cRLDistributionPoints certificate extension, and is described in
+   section  However, only the distribution point field is
+   meaningful in this context.  The reasons and CRLIssuer fields MUST be
+   omitted from this CRL extension.
+   Each distribution point name provides the location at which a delta
+   CRL for this complete CRL can be found.  The scope of these delta
+   CRLs MUST be the same as the scope of this complete CRL.  The
+   contents of this CRL extension are only used to locate delta CRLs;
+   the contents are not used to validate the CRL or the referenced delta
+   CRLs.  The encoding conventions defined for distribution points in
+   section apply to this extension.
+   id-ce-freshestCRL OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 46 }
+   FreshestCRL ::= CRLDistributionPoints
+5.3  CRL Entry Extensions
+   The CRL entry extensions defined by ISO/IEC, ITU-T, and ANSI X9 for
+   X.509 v2 CRLs provide methods for associating additional attributes
+   with CRL entries [X.509] [X9.55].  The X.509 v2 CRL format also
+   allows communities to define private CRL entry extensions to carry
+   information unique to those communities.  Each extension in a CRL
+   entry may be designated as critical or non-critical.  A CRL
+   validation MUST fail if it encounters a critical CRL entry extension
+   which it does not know how to process.  However, an unrecognized non-
+   critical CRL entry extension may be ignored.  The following
+   subsections present recommended extensions used within Internet CRL
+   entries and standard locations for information.  Communities may
+   elect to use additional CRL entry extensions; however, caution should
+   be exercised in adopting any critical extensions in CRL entries which
+   might be used in a general context.
+   All CRL entry extensions used in this specification are non-critical.
+   Support for these extensions is optional for conforming CRL issuers
+   and applications.  However, CRL issuers SHOULD include reason codes
+   (section 5.3.1) and invalidity dates (section 5.3.3) whenever this
+   information is available.
+5.3.1  Reason Code
+   The reasonCode is a non-critical CRL entry extension that identifies
+   the reason for the certificate revocation.  CRL issuers are strongly
+   encouraged to include meaningful reason codes in CRL entries;
+   however, the reason code CRL entry extension SHOULD be absent instead
+   of using the unspecified (0) reasonCode value.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   id-ce-cRLReason OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 21 }
+   -- reasonCode ::= { CRLReason }
+   CRLReason ::= ENUMERATED {
+        unspecified             (0),
+        keyCompromise           (1),
+        cACompromise            (2),
+        affiliationChanged      (3),
+        superseded              (4),
+        cessationOfOperation    (5),
+        certificateHold         (6),
+        removeFromCRL           (8),
+        privilegeWithdrawn      (9),
+        aACompromise           (10) }
+5.3.2  Hold Instruction Code
+   The hold instruction code is a non-critical CRL entry extension that
+   provides a registered instruction identifier which indicates the
+   action to be taken after encountering a certificate that has been
+   placed on hold.
+   id-ce-holdInstructionCode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 23 }
+   holdInstructionCode ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+   The following instruction codes have been defined.  Conforming
+   applications that process this extension MUST recognize the following
+   instruction codes.
+   holdInstruction    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+                    { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) x9-57(10040) 2 }
+   id-holdinstruction-none   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {holdInstruction 1}
+   id-holdinstruction-callissuer
+                             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {holdInstruction 2}
+   id-holdinstruction-reject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {holdInstruction 3}
+   Conforming applications which encounter an id-holdinstruction-
+   callissuer MUST call the certificate issuer or reject the
+   certificate.  Conforming applications which encounter an id-
+   holdinstruction-reject MUST reject the certificate.  The hold
+   instruction id-holdinstruction-none is semantically equivalent to the
+   absence of a holdInstructionCode, and its use is strongly deprecated
+   for the Internet PKI.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 61]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+5.3.3  Invalidity Date
+   The invalidity date is a non-critical CRL entry extension that
+   provides the date on which it is known or suspected that the private
+   key was compromised or that the certificate otherwise became invalid.
+   This date may be earlier than the revocation date in the CRL entry,
+   which is the date at which the CA processed the revocation.  When a
+   revocation is first posted by a CRL issuer in a CRL, the invalidity
+   date may precede the date of issue of earlier CRLs, but the
+   revocation date SHOULD NOT precede the date of issue of earlier CRLs.
+   Whenever this information is available, CRL issuers are strongly
+   encouraged to share it with CRL users.
+   The GeneralizedTime values included in this field MUST be expressed
+   in Greenwich Mean Time (Zulu), and MUST be specified and interpreted
+   as defined in section
+   id-ce-invalidityDate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 24 }
+   invalidityDate ::=  GeneralizedTime
+5.3.4  Certificate Issuer
+   This CRL entry extension identifies the certificate issuer associated
+   with an entry in an indirect CRL, that is, a CRL that has the
+   indirectCRL indicator set in its issuing distribution point
+   extension.  If this extension is not present on the first entry in an
+   indirect CRL, the certificate issuer defaults to the CRL issuer.  On
+   subsequent entries in an indirect CRL, if this extension is not
+   present, the certificate issuer for the entry is the same as that for
+   the preceding entry.  This field is defined as follows:
+   id-ce-certificateIssuer   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 29 }
+   certificateIssuer ::=     GeneralNames
+   If used by conforming CRL issuers, this extension MUST always be
+   critical.  If an implementation ignored this extension it could not
+   correctly attribute CRL entries to certificates.  This specification
+   RECOMMENDS that implementations recognize this extension.
+6  Certification Path Validation
+   Certification path validation procedures for the Internet PKI are
+   based on the algorithm supplied in [X.509].  Certification path
+   processing verifies the binding between the subject distinguished
+   name and/or subject alternative name and subject public key.  The
+   binding is limited by constraints which are specified in the
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 62]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   certificates which comprise the path and inputs which are specified
+   by the relying party.  The basic constraints and policy constraints
+   extensions allow the certification path processing logic to automate
+   the decision making process.
+   This section describes an algorithm for validating certification
+   paths.  Conforming implementations of this specification are not
+   required to implement this algorithm, but MUST provide functionality
+   equivalent to the external behavior resulting from this procedure.
+   Any algorithm may be used by a particular implementation so long as
+   it derives the correct result.
+   In section 6.1, the text describes basic path validation.  Valid
+   paths begin with certificates issued by a trust anchor.  The
+   algorithm requires the public key of the CA, the CA's name, and any
+   constraints upon the set of paths which may be validated using this
+   key.
+   The selection of a trust anchor is a matter of policy: it could be
+   the top CA in a hierarchical PKI; the CA that issued the verifier's
+   own certificate(s); or any other CA in a network PKI.  The path
+   validation procedure is the same regardless of the choice of trust
+   anchor.  In addition, different applications may rely on different
+   trust anchor, or may accept paths that begin with any of a set of
+   trust anchor.
+   Section 6.2 describes methods for using the path validation algorithm
+   in specific implementations.  Two specific cases are discussed: the
+   case where paths may begin with one of several trusted CAs; and where
+   compatibility with the PEM architecture is required.
+   Section 6.3 describes the steps necessary to determine if a
+   certificate is revoked or on hold status when CRLs are the revocation
+   mechanism used by the certificate issuer.
+6.1  Basic Path Validation
+   This text describes an algorithm for X.509 path processing.  A
+   conformant implementation MUST include an X.509 path processing
+   procedure that is functionally equivalent to the external behavior of
+   this algorithm.  However, support for some of the certificate
+   extensions processed in this algorithm are OPTIONAL for compliant
+   implementations.  Clients that do not support these extensions MAY
+   omit the corresponding steps in the path validation algorithm.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 63]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   For example, clients are NOT REQUIRED to support the policy mapping
+   extension.  Clients that do not support this extension MAY omit the
+   path validation steps where policy mappings are processed.  Note that
+   clients MUST reject the certificate if it contains an unsupported
+   critical extension.
+   The algorithm presented in this section validates the certificate
+   with respect to the current date and time.  A conformant
+   implementation MAY also support validation with respect to some point
+   in the past.  Note that mechanisms are not available for validating a
+   certificate with respect to a time outside the certificate validity
+   period.
+   The trust anchor is an input to the algorithm.  There is no
+   requirement that the same trust anchor be used to validate all
+   certification paths.  Different trust anchors MAY be used to validate
+   different paths, as discussed further in Section 6.2.
+   The primary goal of path validation is to verify the binding between
+   a subject distinguished name or a subject alternative name and
+   subject public key, as represented in the end entity certificate,
+   based on the public key of the trust anchor.  This requires obtaining
+   a sequence of certificates that support that binding.  The procedure
+   performed to obtain this sequence of certificates is outside the
+   scope of this specification.
+   To meet this goal, the path validation process verifies, among other
+   things, that a prospective certification path (a sequence of n
+   certificates) satisfies the following conditions:
+      (a)  for all x in {1, ..., n-1}, the subject of certificate x is
+      the issuer of certificate x+1;
+      (b)  certificate 1 is issued by the trust anchor;
+      (c)  certificate n is the certificate to be validated; and
+      (d)  for all x in {1, ..., n}, the certificate was valid at the
+      time in question.
+   When the trust anchor is provided in the form of a self-signed
+   certificate, this self-signed certificate is not included as part of
+   the prospective certification path.  Information about trust anchors
+   are provided as inputs to the certification path validation algorithm
+   (section 6.1.1).
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 64]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   A particular certification path may not, however, be appropriate for
+   all applications.  Therefore, an application MAY augment this
+   algorithm to further limit the set of valid paths.  The path
+   validation process also determines the set of certificate policies
+   that are valid for this path, based on the certificate policies
+   extension, policy mapping extension, policy constraints extension,
+   and inhibit any-policy extension.  To achieve this, the path
+   validation algorithm constructs a valid policy tree.  If the set of
+   certificate policies that are valid for this path is not empty, then
+   the result will be a valid policy tree of depth n, otherwise the
+   result will be a null valid policy tree.
+   A certificate is self-issued if the DNs that appear in the subject
+   and issuer fields are identical and are not empty.  In general, the
+   issuer and subject of the certificates that make up a path are
+   different for each certificate.  However, a CA may issue a
+   certificate to itself to support key rollover or changes in
+   certificate policies.  These self-issued certificates are not counted
+   when evaluating path length or name constraints.
+   This section presents the algorithm in four basic steps: (1)
+   initialization, (2) basic certificate processing, (3) preparation for
+   the next certificate, and (4) wrap-up.  Steps (1) and (4) are
+   performed exactly once.  Step (2) is performed for all certificates
+   in the path.  Step (3) is performed for all certificates in the path
+   except the final certificate.  Figure 2 provides a high-level
+   flowchart of this algorithm.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+                           +-------+
+                           | START |
+                           +-------+
+                               |
+                               V
+                       +----------------+
+                       | Initialization |
+                       +----------------+
+                               |
+                               +<--------------------+
+                               |                     |
+                               V                     |
+                       +----------------+            |
+                       |  Process Cert  |            |
+                       +----------------+            |
+                               |                     |
+                               V                     |
+                       +================+            |
+                       |  IF Last Cert  |            |
+                       |    in Path     |            |
+                       +================+            |
+                         |            |              |
+                    THEN |            | ELSE         |
+                         V            V              |
+              +----------------+ +----------------+  |
+              |    Wrap up     | |  Prepare for   |  |
+              +----------------+ |   Next Cert    |  |
+                      |          +----------------+  |
+                      V               |              |
+                  +-------+           +--------------+
+                  | STOP  |
+                  +-------+
+         Figure 2.  Certification Path Processing Flowchart
+6.1.1  Inputs
+   This algorithm assumes the following seven inputs are provided to the
+   path processing logic:
+      (a)  a prospective certification path of length n.
+      (b)  the current date/time.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      (c)  user-initial-policy-set:  A set of certificate policy
+      identifiers naming the policies that are acceptable to the
+      certificate user.  The user-initial-policy-set contains the
+      special value any-policy if the user is not concerned about
+      certificate policy.
+      (d)  trust anchor information, describing a CA that serves as a
+      trust anchor for the certification path.  The trust anchor
+      information includes:
+         (1)  the trusted issuer name,
+         (2)  the trusted public key algorithm,
+         (3)  the trusted public key, and
+         (4)  optionally, the trusted public key parameters associated
+         with the public key.
+      The trust anchor information may be provided to the path
+      processing procedure in the form of a self-signed certificate.
+      The trusted anchor information is trusted because it was delivered
+      to the path processing procedure by some trustworthy out-of-band
+      procedure.  If the trusted public key algorithm requires
+      parameters, then the parameters are provided along with the
+      trusted public key.
+      (e) initial-policy-mapping-inhibit, which indicates if policy
+      mapping is allowed in the certification path.
+      (f) initial-explicit-policy, which indicates if the path must be
+      valid for at least one of the certificate policies in the user-
+      initial-policy-set.
+      (g) initial-any-policy-inhibit, which indicates whether the
+      anyPolicy OID should be processed if it is included in a
+      certificate.
+6.1.2  Initialization
+   This initialization phase establishes eleven state variables based
+   upon the seven inputs:
+      (a)  valid_policy_tree:  A tree of certificate policies with their
+      optional qualifiers; each of the leaves of the tree represents a
+      valid policy at this stage in the certification path validation.
+      If valid policies exist at this stage in the certification path
+      validation, the depth of the tree is equal to the number of
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      certificates in the chain that have been processed.  If valid
+      policies do not exist at this stage in the certification path
+      validation, the tree is set to NULL.  Once the tree is set to
+      NULL, policy processing ceases.
+      Each node in the valid_policy_tree includes four data objects: the
+      valid policy, a set of associated policy qualifiers, a set of one
+      or more expected policy values, and a criticality indicator.  If
+      the node is at depth x, the components of the node have the
+      following semantics:
+         (1)  The valid_policy is a single policy OID representing a
+         valid policy for the path of length x.
+         (2)  The qualifier_set is a set of policy qualifiers associated
+         with the valid policy in certificate x.
+         (3)  The criticality_indicator indicates whether the
+         certificate policy extension in certificate x was marked as
+         critical.
+         (4)  The expected_policy_set contains one or more policy OIDs
+         that would satisfy this policy in the certificate x+1.
+      The initial value of the valid_policy_tree is a single node with
+      valid_policy anyPolicy, an empty qualifier_set, an
+      expected_policy_set with the single value anyPolicy, and a
+      criticality_indicator of FALSE.  This node is considered to be at
+      depth zero.
+      Figure 3 is a graphic representation of the initial state of the
+      valid_policy_tree.  Additional figures will use this format to
+      describe changes in the valid_policy_tree during path processing.
+              +----------------+
+              |   anyPolicy    |   <---- valid_policy
+              +----------------+
+              |       {}       |   <---- qualifier_set
+              +----------------+
+              |     FALSE      |   <---- criticality_indicator
+              +----------------+
+              |  {anyPolicy}   |   <---- expected_policy_set
+              +----------------+
+      Figure 3.  Initial value of the valid_policy_tree state variable
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 68]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      (b) permitted_subtrees:  A set of root names for each name type
+      (e.g., X.500 distinguished names, email addresses, or ip
+      addresses) defining a set of subtrees within which all subject
+      names in subsequent certificates in the certification path MUST
+      fall.  This variable includes a set for each name type: the
+      initial value for the set for Distinguished Names is the set of
+      all Distinguished names; the initial value for the set of RFC822
+      names is the set of all RFC822 names, etc.
+      (c) excluded_subtrees:  A set of root names for each name type
+      (e.g., X.500 distinguished names, email addresses, or ip
+      addresses) defining a set of subtrees within which no subject name
+      in subsequent certificates in the certification path may fall.
+      This variable includes a set for each name type, and the initial
+      value for each set is empty.
+      (d) explicit_policy: an integer which indicates if a non-NULL
+      valid_policy_tree is required. The integer indicates the number of
+      non-self-issued certificates to be processed before this
+      requirement is imposed.  Once set, this variable may be decreased,
+      but may not be increased. That is, if a certificate in the path
+      requires a non-NULL valid_policy_tree, a later certificate can not
+      remove this requirement. If initial-explicit-policy is set, then
+      the initial value is 0, otherwise the initial value is n+1.
+      (e) inhibit_any-policy: an integer which indicates whether the
+      anyPolicy policy identifier is considered a match. The integer
+      indicates the number of non-self-issued certificates to be
+      processed before the anyPolicy OID, if asserted in a certificate,
+      is ignored. Once set, this variable may be decreased, but may not
+      be increased. That is, if a certificate in the path inhibits
+      processing of anyPolicy, a later certificate can not permit it.
+      If initial-any-policy-inhibit is set, then the initial value is 0,
+      otherwise the initial value is n+1.
+      (f) policy_mapping: an integer which indicates if policy mapping
+      is permitted.  The integer indicates the number of non-self-issued
+      certificates to be processed before policy mapping is inhibited.
+      Once set, this variable may be decreased, but may not be
+      increased. That is, if a certificate in the path specifies policy
+      mapping is not permitted, it can not be overridden by a later
+      certificate. If initial-policy-mapping-inhibit is set, then the
+      initial value is 0, otherwise the initial value is n+1.
+      (g) working_public_key_algorithm: the digital signature algorithm
+      used to verify the signature of a certificate.  The
+      working_public_key_algorithm is initialized from the trusted
+      public key algorithm provided in the trust anchor information.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      (h) working_public_key: the public key used to verify the
+      signature of a certificate.  The working_public_key is initialized
+      from the trusted public key provided in the trust anchor
+      information.
+      (i) working_public_key_parameters:  parameters associated with the
+      current public key, that may be required to verify a signature
+      (depending upon the algorithm).  The working_public_key_parameters
+      variable is initialized from the trusted public key parameters
+      provided in the trust anchor information.
+      (j) working_issuer_name:  the issuer distinguished name expected
+      in the next certificate in the chain.  The working_issuer_name is
+      initialized to the trusted issuer provided in the trust anchor
+      information.
+      (k) max_path_length:  this integer is initialized to n, is
+      decremented for each non-self-issued certificate in the path, and
+      may be reduced to the value in the path length constraint field
+      within the basic constraints extension of a CA certificate.
+   Upon completion of the initialization steps, perform the basic
+   certificate processing steps specified in 6.1.3.
+6.1.3  Basic Certificate Processing
+   The basic path processing actions to be performed for certificate i
+   (for all i in [1..n]) are listed below.
+      (a)  Verify the basic certificate information.  The certificate
+      MUST satisfy each of the following:
+         (1)  The certificate was signed with the
+         working_public_key_algorithm using the working_public_key and
+         the working_public_key_parameters.
+         (2)  The certificate validity period includes the current time.
+         (3)  At the current time, the certificate is not revoked and is
+         not on hold status.  This may be determined by obtaining the
+         appropriate CRL (section 6.3), status information, or by out-
+         of-band mechanisms.
+         (4)  The certificate issuer name is the working_issuer_name.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 70]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      (b)  If certificate i is self-issued and it is not the final
+      certificate in the path, skip this step for certificate i.
+      Otherwise, verify that the subject name is within one of the
+      permitted_subtrees for X.500 distinguished names, and verify that
+      each of the alternative names in the subjectAltName extension
+      (critical or non-critical) is within one of the permitted_subtrees
+      for that name type.
+      (c)  If certificate i is self-issued and it is not the final
+      certificate in the path, skip this step for certificate i.
+      Otherwise, verify that the subject name is not within one of the
+      excluded_subtrees for X.500 distinguished names, and verify that
+      each of the alternative names in the subjectAltName extension
+      (critical or non-critical) is not within one of the
+      excluded_subtrees for that name type.
+      (d)  If the certificate policies extension is present in the
+      certificate and the valid_policy_tree is not NULL, process the
+      policy information by performing the following steps in order:
+         (1)  For each policy P not equal to anyPolicy in the
+         certificate policies extension, let P-OID denote the OID in
+         policy P and P-Q denote the qualifier set for policy P.
+         Perform the following steps in order:
+            (i)  If the valid_policy_tree includes a node of depth i-1
+            where P-OID is in the expected_policy_set, create a child
+            node as follows: set the valid_policy to OID-P; set the
+            qualifier_set to P-Q, and set the expected_policy_set to
+            {P-OID}.
+            For example, consider a valid_policy_tree with a node of
+            depth i-1 where the expected_policy_set is {Gold, White}.
+            Assume the certificate policies Gold and Silver appear in
+            the certificate policies extension of certificate i.  The
+            Gold policy is matched but the Silver policy is not.  This
+            rule will generate a child node of depth i for the Gold
+            policy. The result is shown as Figure 4.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 71]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+                             +-----------------+
+                             |       Red       |
+                             +-----------------+
+                             |       {}        |
+                             +-----------------+   node of depth i-1
+                             |      FALSE      |
+                             +-----------------+
+                             |  {Gold, White}  |
+                             +-----------------+
+                                      |
+                                      |
+                                      |
+                                      V
+                             +-----------------+
+                             |      Gold       |
+                             +-----------------+
+                             |       {}        |
+                             +-----------------+ node of depth i
+                             |  uninitialized  |
+                             +-----------------+
+                             |     {Gold}      |
+                             +-----------------+
+                    Figure 4.  Processing an exact match
+            (ii)  If there was no match in step (i) and the
+            valid_policy_tree includes a node of depth i-1 with the
+            valid policy anyPolicy, generate a child node with the
+            following values: set the valid_policy to P-OID; set the
+            qualifier_set to P-Q, and set the expected_policy_set to
+            {P-OID}.
+            For example, consider a valid_policy_tree with a node of
+            depth i-1 where the valid_policy is anyPolicy.  Assume the
+            certificate policies Gold and Silver appear in the
+            certificate policies extension of certificate i.  The Gold
+            policy does not have a qualifier, but the Silver policy has
+            the qualifier Q-Silver.  If Gold and Silver were not matched
+            in (i) above, this rule will generate two child nodes of
+            depth i, one for each policy.  The result is shown as Figure
+            5.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 72]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+                             +-----------------+
+                             |    anyPolicy    |
+                             +-----------------+
+                             |       {}        |
+                             +-----------------+ node of depth i-1
+                             |      FALSE      |
+                             +-----------------+
+                             |   {anyPolicy}   |
+                             +-----------------+
+                                /           \
+                               /             \
+                              /               \
+                             /                 \
+               +-----------------+          +-----------------+
+               |      Gold       |          |     Silver      |
+               +-----------------+          +-----------------+
+               |       {}        |          |   {Q-Silver}    |
+               +-----------------+ nodes of +-----------------+
+               | uninitialized   | depth i  | uninitialized   |
+               +-----------------+          +-----------------+
+               |     {Gold}      |          |    {Silver}     |
+               +-----------------+          +-----------------+
+               Figure 5.  Processing unmatched policies when a leaf node
+               specifies anyPolicy
+         (2)  If the certificate policies extension includes the policy
+         anyPolicy with the qualifier set AP-Q and either (a)
+         inhibit_any-policy is greater than 0 or (b) i<n and the
+         certificate is self-issued, then:
+         For each node in the valid_policy_tree of depth i-1, for each
+         value in the expected_policy_set (including anyPolicy) that
+         does not appear in a child node, create a child node with the
+         following values: set the valid_policy to the value from the
+         expected_policy_set in the parent node; set the qualifier_set
+         to AP-Q, and set the expected_policy_set to the value in the
+         valid_policy from this node.
+         For example, consider a valid_policy_tree with a node of depth
+         i-1 where the expected_policy_set is {Gold, Silver}.  Assume
+         anyPolicy appears in the certificate policies extension of
+         certificate i, but Gold and Silver do not.  This rule will
+         generate two child nodes of depth i, one for each policy.  The
+         result is shown below as Figure 6.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 73]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+                          +-----------------+
+                          |      Red        |
+                          +-----------------+
+                          |       {}        |
+                          +-----------------+ node of depth i-1
+                          |      FALSE      |
+                          +-----------------+
+                          |  {Gold, Silver} |
+                          +-----------------+
+                             /           \
+                            /             \
+                           /               \
+                          /                 \
+            +-----------------+          +-----------------+
+            |      Gold       |          |     Silver      |
+            +-----------------+          +-----------------+
+            |       {}        |          |       {}        |
+            +-----------------+ nodes of +-----------------+
+            |  uninitialized  | depth i  |  uninitialized  |
+            +-----------------+          +-----------------+
+            |     {Gold}      |          |    {Silver}     |
+            +-----------------+          +-----------------+
+         Figure 6.  Processing unmatched policies when the certificate
+         policies extension specifies anyPolicy
+         (3)  If there is a node in the valid_policy_tree of depth i-1
+         or less without any child nodes, delete that node.  Repeat this
+         step until there are no nodes of depth i-1 or less without
+         children.
+         For example, consider the valid_policy_tree shown in Figure 7
+         below.  The two nodes at depth i-1 that are marked with an 'X'
+         have no children, and are deleted.  Applying this rule to the
+         resulting tree will cause the node at depth i-2 that is marked
+         with an 'Y' to be deleted.  The following application of the
+         rule does not cause any nodes to be deleted, and this step is
+         complete.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 74]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+                              +-----------+
+                              |           | node of depth i-3
+                              +-----------+
+                              /     |     \
+                             /      |      \
+                            /       |       \
+                +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+
+                |           | |           | |     Y     | nodes of
+                +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ depth i-2
+                /   \               |             |
+               /     \              |             |
+              /       \             |             |
+   +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ nodes of
+   |           | |     X     | |           | |    X      |  depth
+   +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+   i-1
+         |                      /    |    \
+         |                     /     |     \
+         |                    /      |      \
+   +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ nodes of
+   |           | |           | |           | |           |  depth
+   +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+   i
+          Figure 7.  Pruning the valid_policy_tree
+         (4)  If the certificate policies extension was marked as
+         critical, set the criticality_indicator in all nodes of depth i
+         to TRUE.  If the certificate policies extension was not marked
+         critical, set the criticality_indicator in all nodes of depth i
+         to FALSE.
+      (e)  If the certificate policies extension is not present, set the
+      valid_policy_tree to NULL.
+      (f)  Verify that either explicit_policy is greater than 0 or the
+      valid_policy_tree is not equal to NULL;
+   If any of steps (a), (b), (c), or (f) fails, the procedure
+   terminates, returning a failure indication and an appropriate reason.
+   If i is not equal to n, continue by performing the preparatory steps
+   listed in 6.1.4.  If i is equal to n, perform the wrap-up steps
+   listed in 6.1.5.
+6.1.4  Preparation for Certificate i+1
+   To prepare for processing of certificate i+1, perform the following
+   steps for certificate i:
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 75]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      (a)  If a policy mapping extension is present, verify that the
+      special value anyPolicy does not appear as an issuerDomainPolicy
+      or a subjectDomainPolicy.
+      (b)  If a policy mapping extension is present, then for each
+      issuerDomainPolicy ID-P in the policy mapping extension:
+         (1)  If the policy_mapping variable is greater than 0, for each
+         node in the valid_policy_tree of depth i where ID-P is the
+         valid_policy, set expected_policy_set to the set of
+         subjectDomainPolicy values that are specified as equivalent to
+         ID-P by the policy mapping extension.
+         If no node of depth i in the valid_policy_tree has a
+         valid_policy of ID-P but there is a node of depth i with a
+         valid_policy of anyPolicy, then generate a child node of the
+         node of depth i-1 that has a valid_policy of anyPolicy as
+         follows:
+            (i)  set the valid_policy to ID-P;
+            (ii)  set the qualifier_set to the qualifier set of the
+            policy anyPolicy in the certificate policies extension of
+            certificate i;
+            (iii)  set the criticality_indicator to the criticality of
+            the certificate policies extension of certificate i;
+            (iv)  and set the expected_policy_set to the set of
+            subjectDomainPolicy values that are specified as equivalent
+            to ID-P by the policy mappings extension.
+         (2)  If the policy_mapping variable is equal to 0:
+            (i)  delete each node of depth i in the valid_policy_tree
+            where ID-P is the valid_policy.
+            (ii)  If there is a node in the valid_policy_tree of depth
+            i-1 or less without any child nodes, delete that node.
+            Repeat this step until there are no nodes of depth i-1 or
+            less without children.
+      (c)  Assign the certificate subject name to working_issuer_name.
+      (d)  Assign the certificate subjectPublicKey to
+      working_public_key.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 76]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      (e)  If the subjectPublicKeyInfo field of the certificate contains
+      an algorithm field with non-null parameters, assign the parameters
+      to the working_public_key_parameters variable.
+      If the subjectPublicKeyInfo field of the certificate contains an
+      algorithm field with null parameters or parameters are omitted,
+      compare the certificate subjectPublicKey algorithm to the
+      working_public_key_algorithm.  If the certificate subjectPublicKey
+      algorithm and the working_public_key_algorithm are different, set
+      the working_public_key_parameters to null.
+      (f)  Assign the certificate subjectPublicKey algorithm to the
+      working_public_key_algorithm variable.
+      (g)  If a name constraints extension is included in the
+      certificate, modify the permitted_subtrees and excluded_subtrees
+      state variables as follows:
+         (1)  If permittedSubtrees is present in the certificate, set
+         the permitted_subtrees state variable to the intersection of
+         its previous value and the value indicated in the extension
+         field.  If permittedSubtrees does not include a particular name
+         type, the permitted_subtrees state variable is unchanged for
+         that name type.  For example, the intersection of and
+ is  And, the intersection of
+ and is the empty set.
+         (2)  If excludedSubtrees is present in the certificate, set the
+         excluded_subtrees state variable to the union of its previous
+         value and the value indicated in the extension field.  If
+         excludedSubtrees does not include a particular name type, the
+         excluded_subtrees state variable is unchanged for that name
+         type.  For example, the union of the name spaces and
+ is  And, the union of and
+ is both name spaces.
+      (h)  If the issuer and subject names are not identical:
+         (1)  If explicit_policy is not 0, decrement explicit_policy by
+         1.
+         (2)  If policy_mapping is not 0, decrement policy_mapping by 1.
+         (3)  If inhibit_any-policy is not 0, decrement inhibit_any-
+         policy by 1.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 77]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      (i)  If a policy constraints extension is included in the
+      certificate, modify the explicit_policy and policy_mapping state
+      variables as follows:
+         (1)  If requireExplicitPolicy is present and is less than
+         explicit_policy, set explicit_policy to the value of
+         requireExplicitPolicy.
+         (2)  If inhibitPolicyMapping is present and is less than
+         policy_mapping, set policy_mapping to the value of
+         inhibitPolicyMapping.
+      (j)  If the inhibitAnyPolicy extension is included in the
+      certificate and is less than inhibit_any-policy, set inhibit_any-
+      policy to the value of inhibitAnyPolicy.
+      (k)  Verify that the certificate is a CA certificate (as specified
+      in a basicConstraints extension or as verified out-of-band).
+      (l)  If the certificate was not self-issued, verify that
+      max_path_length is greater than zero and decrement max_path_length
+      by 1.
+      (m)  If pathLengthConstraint is present in the certificate and is
+      less than max_path_length, set max_path_length to the value of
+      pathLengthConstraint.
+      (n)  If a key usage extension is present, verify that the
+      keyCertSign bit is set.
+      (o)  Recognize and process any other critical extension present in
+      the certificate.  Process any other recognized non-critical
+      extension present in the certificate.
+   If check (a), (k), (l), (n) or (o) fails, the procedure terminates,
+   returning a failure indication and an appropriate reason.
+   If (a), (k), (l), (n) and (o) have completed successfully, increment
+   i and perform the basic certificate processing specified in 6.1.3.
+6.1.5  Wrap-up procedure
+   To complete the processing of the end entity certificate, perform the
+   following steps for certificate n:
+      (a)  If certificate n was not self-issued and explicit_policy is
+      not 0, decrement explicit_policy by 1.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      (b)  If a policy constraints extension is included in the
+      certificate and requireExplicitPolicy is present and has a value
+      of 0, set the explicit_policy state variable to 0.
+      (c)  Assign the certificate subjectPublicKey to
+      working_public_key.
+      (d)  If the subjectPublicKeyInfo field of the certificate contains
+      an algorithm field with non-null parameters, assign the parameters
+      to the working_public_key_parameters variable.
+      If the subjectPublicKeyInfo field of the certificate contains an
+      algorithm field with null parameters or parameters are omitted,
+      compare the certificate subjectPublicKey algorithm to the
+      working_public_key_algorithm.  If the certificate subjectPublicKey
+      algorithm and the working_public_key_algorithm are different, set
+      the working_public_key_parameters to null.
+      (e)  Assign the certificate subjectPublicKey algorithm to the
+      working_public_key_algorithm variable.
+      (f)  Recognize and process any other critical extension present in
+      the certificate n.  Process any other recognized non-critical
+      extension present in certificate n.
+      (g)  Calculate the intersection of the valid_policy_tree and the
+      user-initial-policy-set, as follows:
+         (i)  If the valid_policy_tree is NULL, the intersection is
+         NULL.
+         (ii)  If the valid_policy_tree is not NULL and the user-
+         initial-policy-set is any-policy, the intersection is the
+         entire valid_policy_tree.
+         (iii)  If the valid_policy_tree is not NULL and the user-
+         initial-policy-set is not any-policy, calculate the
+         intersection of the valid_policy_tree and the user-initial-
+         policy-set as follows:
+            1.  Determine the set of policy nodes whose parent nodes
+            have a valid_policy of anyPolicy.  This is the
+            valid_policy_node_set.
+            2.  If the valid_policy of any node in the
+            valid_policy_node_set is not in the user-initial-policy-set
+            and is not anyPolicy, delete this node and all its children.
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+            3.  If the valid_policy_tree includes a node of depth n with
+            the valid_policy anyPolicy and the user-initial-policy-set
+            is not any-policy perform the following steps:
+               a. Set P-Q to the qualifier_set in the node of depth n
+               with valid_policy anyPolicy.
+               b. For each P-OID in the user-initial-policy-set that is
+               not the valid_policy of a node in the
+               valid_policy_node_set, create a child node whose parent
+               is the node of depth n-1 with the valid_policy anyPolicy.
+               Set the values in the child node as follows: set the
+               valid_policy to P-OID; set the qualifier_set to P-Q; copy
+               the criticality_indicator from the node of depth n with
+               the valid_policy anyPolicy; and set the
+               expected_policy_set to {P-OID}.
+               c.  Delete the node of depth n with the valid_policy
+               anyPolicy.
+            4.  If there is a node in the valid_policy_tree of depth n-1
+            or less without any child nodes, delete that node.  Repeat
+            this step until there are no nodes of depth n-1 or less
+            without children.
+   If either (1) the value of explicit_policy variable is greater than
+   zero, or (2) the valid_policy_tree is not NULL, then path processing
+   has succeeded.
+6.1.6  Outputs
+   If path processing succeeds, the procedure terminates, returning a
+   success indication together with final value of the
+   valid_policy_tree, the working_public_key, the
+   working_public_key_algorithm, and the working_public_key_parameters.
+6.2  Using the Path Validation Algorithm
+   The path validation algorithm describes the process of validating a
+   single certification path.  While each certification path begins with
+   a specific trust anchor, there is no requirement that all
+   certification paths validated by a particular system share a single
+   trust anchor.  An implementation that supports multiple trust anchors
+   MAY augment the algorithm presented in section 6.1 to further limit
+   the set of valid certification paths which begin with a particular
+   trust anchor.  For example, an implementation MAY modify the
+   algorithm to apply name constraints to a specific trust anchor during
+   the initialization phase, or the application MAY require the presence
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 80]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   of a particular alternative name form in the end entity certificate,
+   or the application MAY impose requirements on application-specific
+   extensions.  Thus, the path validation algorithm presented in section
+   6.1 defines the minimum conditions for a path to be considered valid.
+   The selection of one or more trusted CAs is a local decision.  A
+   system may provide any one of its trusted CAs as the trust anchor for
+   a particular path.  The inputs to the path validation algorithm may
+   be different for each path.  The inputs used to process a path may
+   reflect application-specific requirements or limitations in the trust
+   accorded a particular trust anchor.  For example, a trusted CA may
+   only be trusted for a particular certificate policy.  This
+   restriction can be expressed through the inputs to the path
+   validation procedure.
+   It is also possible to specify an extended version of the above
+   certification path processing procedure which results in default
+   behavior identical to the rules of PEM [RFC 1422].  In this extended
+   version, additional inputs to the procedure are a list of one or more
+   Policy Certification Authority (PCA) names and an indicator of the
+   position in the certification path where the PCA is expected.  At the
+   nominated PCA position, the CA name is compared against this list.
+   If a recognized PCA name is found, then a constraint of
+   SubordinateToCA is implicitly assumed for the remainder of the
+   certification path and processing continues.  If no valid PCA name is
+   found, and if the certification path cannot be validated on the basis
+   of identified policies, then the certification path is considered
+   invalid.
+6.3  CRL Validation
+   This section describes the steps necessary to determine if a
+   certificate is revoked or on hold status when CRLs are the revocation
+   mechanism used by the certificate issuer.  Conforming implementations
+   that support CRLs are not required to implement this algorithm, but
+   they MUST be functionally equivalent to the external behavior
+   resulting from this procedure.  Any algorithm may be used by a
+   particular implementation so long as it derives the correct result.
+   This algorithm assumes that all of the needed CRLs are available in a
+   local cache.  Further, if the next update time of a CRL has passed,
+   the algorithm assumes a mechanism to fetch a current CRL and place it
+   in the local CRL cache.
+   This algorithm defines a set of inputs, a set of state variables, and
+   processing steps that are performed for each certificate in the path.
+   The algorithm output is the revocation status of the certificate.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 81]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+6.3.1  Revocation Inputs
+   To support revocation processing, the algorithm requires two inputs:
+      (a)  certificate:  The algorithm requires the certificate serial
+      number and issuer name to determine whether a certificate is on a
+      particular CRL.  The basicConstraints extension is used to
+      determine whether the supplied certificate is associated with a CA
+      or an end entity.  If present, the algorithm uses the
+      cRLDistributionsPoint and freshestCRL extensions to determine
+      revocation status.
+      (b)  use-deltas:  This boolean input determines whether delta CRLs
+      are applied to CRLs.
+      Note that implementations supporting legacy PKIs, such as RFC 1422
+      and X.509 version 1, will need an additional input indicating
+      whether the supplied certificate is associated with a CA or an end
+      entity.
+6.3.2  Initialization and Revocation State Variables
+   To support CRL processing, the algorithm requires the following state
+   variables:
+      (a)  reasons_mask:  This variable contains the set of revocation
+      reasons supported by the CRLs and delta CRLs processed so far.
+      The legal members of the set are the possible revocation reason
+      values: unspecified, keyCompromise, caCompromise,
+      affiliationChanged, superseded, cessationOfOperation,
+      certificateHold, privilegeWithdrawn, and aACompromise.  The
+      special value all-reasons is used to denote the set of all legal
+      members.  This variable is initialized to the empty set.
+      (b)  cert_status:  This variable contains the status of the
+      certificate.  This variable may be assigned one of the following
+      values: unspecified, keyCompromise, caCompromise,
+      affiliationChanged, superseded, cessationOfOperation,
+      certificateHold, removeFromCRL, privilegeWithdrawn, aACompromise,
+      the special value UNREVOKED, or the special value UNDETERMINED.
+      This variable is initialized to the special value UNREVOKED.
+      (c)  interim_reasons_mask:  This contains the set of revocation
+      reasons supported by the CRL or delta CRL currently being
+      processed.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 82]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   Note: In some environments, it is not necessary to check all reason
+   codes.  For example, some environments are only concerned with
+   caCompromise and keyCompromise for CA certificates.  This algorithm
+   checks all reason codes.  Additional processing and state variables
+   may be necessary to limit the checking to a subset of the reason
+   codes.
+6.3.3  CRL Processing
+   This algorithm begins by assuming the certificate is not revoked.
+   The algorithm checks one or more CRLs until either the certificate
+   status is determined to be revoked or sufficient CRLs have been
+   checked to cover all reason codes.
+   For each distribution point (DP) in the certificate CRL distribution
+   points extension, for each corresponding CRL in the local CRL cache,
+   while ((reasons_mask is not all-reasons) and (cert_status is
+   UNREVOKED)) perform the following:
+      (a)  Update the local CRL cache by obtaining a complete CRL, a
+      delta CRL, or both, as required:
+         (1)  If the current time is after the value of the CRL next
+         update field, then do one of the following:
+            (i)  If use-deltas is set and either the certificate or the
+            CRL contains the freshest CRL extension, obtain a delta CRL
+            with the a next update value that is after the current time
+            and can be used to update the locally cached CRL as
+            specified in section 5.2.4.
+            (ii)  Update the local CRL cache with a current complete
+            CRL, verify that the current time is before the next update
+            value in the new CRL, and continue processing with the new
+            CRL.  If use-deltas is set, then obtain the current delta
+            CRL that can be used to update the new locally cached
+            complete CRL as specified in section 5.2.4.
+         (2)  If the current time is before the value of the next update
+         field and use-deltas is set, then obtain the current delta CRL
+         that can be used to update the locally cached complete CRL as
+         specified in section 5.2.4.
+      (b)  Verify the issuer and scope of the complete CRL as follows:
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 83]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+         (1)  If the DP includes cRLIssuer, then verify that the issuer
+         field in the complete CRL matches cRLIssuer in the DP and that
+         the complete CRL contains an issuing distribution point
+         extension with the indrectCRL boolean asserted.  Otherwise,
+         verify that the CRL issuer matches the certificate issuer.
+         (2)  If the complete CRL includes an issuing distribution point
+         (IDP) CRL extension check the following:
+            (i)  If the distribution point name is present in the IDP
+            CRL extension and the distribution field is present in the
+            DP, then verify that one of the names in the IDP matches one
+            of the names in the DP.  If the distribution point name is
+            present in the IDP CRL extension and the distribution field
+            is omitted from the DP, then verify that one of the names in
+            the IDP matches one of the names in the cRLIssuer field of
+            the DP.
+            (ii)  If the onlyContainsUserCerts boolean is asserted in
+            the IDP CRL extension, verify that the certificate does not
+            include the basic constraints extension with the cA boolean
+            asserted.
+            (iii)  If the onlyContainsCACerts boolean is asserted in the
+            IDP CRL extension, verify that the certificate includes the
+            basic constraints extension with the cA boolean asserted.
+            (iv)  Verify that the onlyContainsAttributeCerts boolean is
+            not asserted.
+      (c)  If use-deltas is set, verify the issuer and scope of the
+      delta CRL as follows:
+         (1)  Verify that the delta CRL issuer matches complete CRL
+         issuer.
+         (2)  If the complete CRL includes an issuing distribution point
+         (IDP) CRL extension, verify that the delta CRL contains a
+         matching IDP CRL extension.  If the complete CRL omits an IDP
+         CRL extension, verify that the delta CRL also omits an IDP CRL
+         extension.
+         (3)  Verify that the delta CRL authority key identifier
+         extension matches complete CRL authority key identifier
+         extension.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 84]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   (d)  Compute the interim_reasons_mask for this CRL as follows:
+         (1)  If the issuing distribution point (IDP) CRL extension is
+         present and includes onlySomeReasons and the DP includes
+         reasons, then set interim_reasons_mask to the intersection of
+         reasons in the DP and onlySomeReasons in IDP CRL extension.
+         (2)  If the IDP CRL extension includes onlySomeReasons but the
+         DP omits reasons, then set interim_reasons_mask to the value of
+         onlySomeReasons in IDP CRL extension.
+         (3)  If the IDP CRL extension is not present or omits
+         onlySomeReasons but the DP includes reasons, then set
+         interim_reasons_mask to the value of DP reasons.
+         (4)  If the IDP CRL extension is not present or omits
+         onlySomeReasons and the DP omits reasons, then set
+         interim_reasons_mask to the special value all-reasons.
+   (e)  Verify that interim_reasons_mask includes one or more reasons
+   that is not included in the reasons_mask.
+   (f)  Obtain and validate the certification path for the complete CRL
+   issuer.  If a key usage extension is present in the CRL issuer's
+   certificate, verify that the cRLSign bit is set.
+   (g)  Validate the signature on the complete CRL using the public key
+   validated in step (f).
+   (h)  If use-deltas is set, then validate the signature on the delta
+   CRL using the public key validated in step (f).
+   (i)  If use-deltas is set, then search for the certificate on the
+   delta CRL.  If an entry is found that matches the certificate issuer
+   and serial number as described in section 5.3.4, then set the
+   cert_status variable to the indicated reason as follows:
+         (1)  If the reason code CRL entry extension is present, set the
+         cert_status variable to the value of the reason code CRL entry
+         extension.
+         (2)  If the reason code CRL entry extension is not present, set
+         the cert_status variable to the value unspecified.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 85]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      (j)  If (cert_status is UNREVOKED), then search for the
+      certificate on the complete CRL.  If an entry is found that
+      matches the certificate issuer and serial number as described in
+      section 5.3.4, then set the cert_status variable to the indicated
+      reason as described in step (i).
+      (k)  If (cert_status is removeFromCRL), then set cert_status to
+   If ((reasons_mask is all-reasons) OR (cert_status is not UNREVOKED)),
+   then the revocation status has been determined, so return
+   cert_status.
+   If the revocation status has not been determined, repeat the process
+   above with any available CRLs not specified in a distribution point
+   but issued by the certificate issuer.  For the processing of such a
+   CRL, assume a DP with both the reasons and the cRLIssuer fields
+   omitted and a distribution point name of the certificate issuer.
+   That is, the sequence of names in fullName is generated from the
+   certificate issuer field as well as the certificate issuerAltName
+   extension.  If the revocation status remains undetermined, then
+   return the cert_status UNDETERMINED.
+7  References
+   [ISO 10646] ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993.  International Standard --
+               Information technology -- Universal Multiple-Octet Coded
+               Character Set (UCS) -- Part 1: Architecture and Basic
+               Multilingual Plane.
+   [RFC 791]   Postel, J.,  "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC 791,
+               September 1981.
+   [RFC 822]   Crocker, D., "Standard for the format of ARPA Internet
+               text messages", STD 11, RFC 822, August 1982.
+   [RFC 1034]  Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and
+               Facilities", STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.
+   [RFC 1422]  Kent, S., "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic
+               Mail: Part II: Certificate-Based Key Management," RFC
+               1422, February 1993.
+   [RFC 1423]  Balenson, D., "Privacy Enhancement for Internet
+               Electronic Mail: Part III: Algorithms, Modes, and
+               Identifiers," RFC 1423, February 1993.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 86]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   [RFC 1510]  Kohl, J. and C. Neuman, "The Kerberos Network
+               Authentication Service (V5)," RFC 1510, September 1993.
+   [RFC 1519]  Fuller, V., T. Li, J. Yu and K. Varadhan, "Classless
+               Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR): An Address Assignment and
+               Aggregation Strategy", RFC 1519, September 1993.
+   [RFC 1738]  Berners-Lee, T., L. Masinter and M. McCahill, "Uniform
+               Resource Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, December 1994.
+   [RFC 1778]  Howes, T., S. Kille, W. Yeong and C. Robbins, "The String
+               Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes," RFC 1778,
+               March 1995.
+   [RFC 1883]  Deering, S. and R. Hinden.  "Internet Protocol, Version 6
+               (IPv6) Specification", RFC 1883, December 1995.
+   [RFC 2044]  F. Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of
+               Unicode and ISO 10646", RFC 2044, October 1996.
+   [RFC 2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
+               Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
+   [RFC 2247]  Kille, S., M. Wahl, A. Grimstad, R. Huber and S.
+               Sataluri, "Using Domains in LDAP/X.500 Distinguished
+               Names", RFC 2247, January 1998.
+   [RFC 2252]  Wahl, M., A. Coulbeck, T. Howes and S. Kille,
+               "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3):  Attribute
+               Syntax Definitions", RFC 2252, December 1997.
+   [RFC 2277]  Alvestrand, H., "IETF Policy on Character Sets and
+               Languages", BCP 18, RFC 2277, January 1998.
+   [RFC 2279]  Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO
+               10646", RFC 2279, January 1998.
+   [RFC 2459]  Housley, R., W. Ford, W. Polk and D. Solo, "Internet
+               X.509 Public Key Infrastructure: Certificate and CRL
+               Profile", RFC 2459, January 1999.
+   [RFC 2560]  Myers, M., R. Ankney, A. Malpani, S. Galperin and C.
+               Adams, "Online Certificate Status Protocal - OCSP", June
+               1999.
+   [SDN.701]   SDN.701, "Message Security Protocol 4.0", Revision A,
+               1997-02-06.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 87]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   [X.501]     ITU-T Recommendation X.501: Information Technology - Open
+               Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Models, 1993.
+   [X.509]     ITU-T Recommendation X.509 (1997 E): Information
+               Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The
+               Directory: Authentication Framework, June 1997.
+   [X.520]     ITU-T Recommendation X.520: Information Technology - Open
+               Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Selected
+               Attribute Types, 1993.
+   [X.660]     ITU-T Recommendation X.660 Information Technology - ASN.1
+               encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules
+               (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished
+               Encoding Rules (DER), 1997.
+   [X.690]     ITU-T Recommendation X.690 Information Technology - Open
+               Systems Interconnection - Procedures for the operation of
+               OSI Registration Authorities: General procedures, 1992.
+   [X9.55]     ANSI X9.55-1995, Public Key Cryptography For The
+               Financial Services Industry: Extensions To Public Key
+               Certificates And Certificate Revocation Lists, 8
+               December, 1995.
+   [PKIXALGS]  Bassham, L., Polk, W. and R. Housley, "Algorithms and
+               Identifiers for the Internet X.509 Public Key
+               Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation
+               Lists (CRL) Profile", RFC 3279, April 2002.
+   [PKIXTSA]   Adams, C., Cain, P., Pinkas, D. and R. Zuccherato,
+               "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp
+               Protocol (TSP)", RFC 3161, August 2001.
+8  Intellectual Property Rights
+   The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in
+   regard to some or all of the specification contained in this
+   document.  For more information consult the online list of claimed
+   rights (see
+   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
+   intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to
+   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
+   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
+   might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it
+   has made any effort to identify any such rights.  Information on the
+   IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 88]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   standards-related documentation can be found in BCP 11.  Copies of
+   claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of
+   licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to
+   obtain a general license or permission for the use of such
+   proprietary rights by implementors or users of this specification can
+   be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.
+9  Security Considerations
+   The majority of this specification is devoted to the format and
+   content of certificates and CRLs.  Since certificates and CRLs are
+   digitally signed, no additional integrity service is necessary.
+   Neither certificates nor CRLs need be kept secret, and unrestricted
+   and anonymous access to certificates and CRLs has no security
+   implications.
+   However, security factors outside the scope of this specification
+   will affect the assurance provided to certificate users.  This
+   section highlights critical issues to be considered by implementers,
+   administrators, and users.
+   The procedures performed by CAs and RAs to validate the binding of
+   the subject's identity to their public key greatly affect the
+   assurance that ought to be placed in the certificate.  Relying
+   parties might wish to review the CA's certificate practice statement.
+   This is particularly important when issuing certificates to other
+   CAs.
+   The use of a single key pair for both signature and other purposes is
+   strongly discouraged.  Use of separate key pairs for signature and
+   key management provides several benefits to the users.  The
+   ramifications associated with loss or disclosure of a signature key
+   are different from loss or disclosure of a key management key.  Using
+   separate key pairs permits a balanced and flexible response.
+   Similarly, different validity periods or key lengths for each key
+   pair may be appropriate in some application environments.
+   Unfortunately, some legacy applications (e.g., SSL) use a single key
+   pair for signature and key management.
+   The protection afforded private keys is a critical security factor.
+   On a small scale, failure of users to protect their private keys will
+   permit an attacker to masquerade as them, or decrypt their personal
+   information.  On a larger scale, compromise of a CA's private signing
+   key may have a catastrophic effect.  If an attacker obtains the
+   private key unnoticed, the attacker may issue bogus certificates and
+   CRLs.  Existence of bogus certificates and CRLs will undermine
+   confidence in the system.  If such a compromise is detected, all
+   certificates issued to the compromised CA MUST be revoked, preventing
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 89]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   services between its users and users of other CAs.  Rebuilding after
+   such a compromise will be problematic, so CAs are advised to
+   implement a combination of strong technical measures (e.g., tamper-
+   resistant cryptographic modules) and appropriate management
+   procedures (e.g., separation of duties) to avoid such an incident.
+   Loss of a CA's private signing key may also be problematic.  The CA
+   would not be able to produce CRLs or perform normal key rollover.
+   CAs SHOULD maintain secure backup for signing keys.  The security of
+   the key backup procedures is a critical factor in avoiding key
+   compromise.
+   The availability and freshness of revocation information affects the
+   degree of assurance that ought to be placed in a certificate.  While
+   certificates expire naturally, events may occur during its natural
+   lifetime which negate the binding between the subject and public key.
+   If revocation information is untimely or unavailable, the assurance
+   associated with the binding is clearly reduced.  Relying parties
+   might not be able to process every critical extension that can appear
+   in a CRL.  CAs SHOULD take extra care when making revocation
+   information available only through CRLs that contain critical
+   extensions, particularly if support for those extensions is not
+   mandated by this profile.  For example, if revocation information is
+   supplied using a combination of delta CRLs and full CRLs, and the
+   delta CRLs are issued more frequently than the full CRLs, then
+   relying parties that cannot handle the critical extensions related to
+   delta CRL processing will not be able to obtain the most recent
+   revocation information.  Alternatively, if a full CRL is issued
+   whenever a delta CRL is issued, then timely revocation information
+   will be available to all relying parties.  Similarly, implementations
+   of the certification path validation mechanism described in section 6
+   that omit revocation checking provide less assurance than those that
+   support it.
+   The certification path validation algorithm depends on the certain
+   knowledge of the public keys (and other information) about one or
+   more trusted CAs.  The decision to trust a CA is an important
+   decision as it ultimately determines the trust afforded a
+   certificate.  The authenticated distribution of trusted CA public
+   keys (usually in the form of a "self-signed" certificate) is a
+   security critical out-of-band process that is beyond the scope of
+   this specification.
+   In addition, where a key compromise or CA failure occurs for a
+   trusted CA, the user will need to modify the information provided to
+   the path validation routine.  Selection of too many trusted CAs makes
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 90]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   the trusted CA information difficult to maintain.  On the other hand,
+   selection of only one trusted CA could limit users to a closed
+   community of users.
+   The quality of implementations that process certificates also affects
+   the degree of assurance provided.  The path validation algorithm
+   described in section 6 relies upon the integrity of the trusted CA
+   information, and especially the integrity of the public keys
+   associated with the trusted CAs.  By substituting public keys for
+   which an attacker has the private key, an attacker could trick the
+   user into accepting false certificates.
+   The binding between a key and certificate subject cannot be stronger
+   than the cryptographic module implementation and algorithms used to
+   generate the signature.  Short key lengths or weak hash algorithms
+   will limit the utility of a certificate.  CAs are encouraged to note
+   advances in cryptology so they can employ strong cryptographic
+   techniques.  In addition, CAs SHOULD decline to issue certificates to
+   CAs or end entities that generate weak signatures.
+   Inconsistent application of name comparison rules can result in
+   acceptance of invalid X.509 certification paths, or rejection of
+   valid ones.  The X.500 series of specifications defines rules for
+   comparing distinguished names that require comparison of strings
+   without regard to case, character set, multi-character white space
+   substring, or leading and trailing white space.  This specification
+   relaxes these requirements, requiring support for binary comparison
+   at a minimum.
+   CAs MUST encode the distinguished name in the subject field of a CA
+   certificate identically to the distinguished name in the issuer field
+   in certificates issued by that CA.  If CAs use different encodings,
+   implementations might fail to recognize name chains for paths that
+   include this certificate.  As a consequence, valid paths could be
+   rejected.
+   In addition, name constraints for distinguished names MUST be stated
+   identically to the encoding used in the subject field or
+   subjectAltName extension.  If not, then name constraints stated as
+   excludedSubTrees will not match and invalid paths will be accepted
+   and name constraints expressed as permittedSubtrees will not match
+   and valid paths will be rejected.  To avoid acceptance of invalid
+   paths, CAs SHOULD state name constraints for distinguished names as
+   permittedSubtrees wherever possible.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 91]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+Appendix A.  Psuedo-ASN.1 Structures and OIDs
+   This section describes data objects used by conforming PKI components
+   in an "ASN.1-like" syntax.  This syntax is a hybrid of the 1988 and
+   1993 ASN.1 syntaxes.  The 1988 ASN.1 syntax is augmented with 1993
+   UNIVERSAL Types UniversalString, BMPString and UTF8String.
+   The ASN.1 syntax does not permit the inclusion of type statements in
+   the ASN.1 module, and the 1993 ASN.1 standard does not permit use of
+   the new UNIVERSAL types in modules using the 1988 syntax.  As a
+   result, this module does not conform to either version of the ASN.1
+   standard.
+   This appendix may be converted into 1988 ASN.1 by replacing the
+   definitions for the UNIVERSAL Types with the 1988 catch-all "ANY".
+A.1 Explicitly Tagged Module, 1988 Syntax
+PKIX1Explicit88 { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1)
+  security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-pkix1-explicit(18) }
+-- UNIVERSAL Types defined in 1993 and 1998 ASN.1
+-- and required by this specification
+        -- UniversalString is defined in ASN.1:1993
+      -- BMPString is the subtype of UniversalString and models
+      -- the Basic Multilingual Plane of ISO/IEC/ITU 10646-1
+      -- The content of this type conforms to RFC 2279.
+-- PKIX specific OIDs
+id-pkix  OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=
+         { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1)
+                    security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 92]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+-- PKIX arcs
+id-pe OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=  { id-pkix 1 }
+        -- arc for private certificate extensions
+id-qt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 2 }
+        -- arc for policy qualifier types
+id-kp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 3 }
+        -- arc for extended key purpose OIDS
+id-ad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 48 }
+        -- arc for access descriptors
+-- policyQualifierIds for Internet policy qualifiers
+id-qt-cps      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-qt 1 }
+      -- OID for CPS qualifier
+id-qt-unotice  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-qt 2 }
+      -- OID for user notice qualifier
+-- access descriptor definitions
+id-ad-ocsp         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ad 1 }
+id-ad-caIssuers    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ad 2 }
+id-ad-timeStamping OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ad 3 }
+id-ad-caRepository OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ad 5 }
+-- attribute data types
+Attribute       ::=     SEQUENCE {
+      type              AttributeType,
+      values    SET OF AttributeValue }
+            -- at least one value is required
+AttributeType           ::=  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+AttributeValue          ::=  ANY
+AttributeTypeAndValue           ::=     SEQUENCE {
+        type    AttributeType,
+        value   AttributeValue }
+-- suggested naming attributes: Definition of the following
+--   information object set may be augmented to meet local
+--   requirements.  Note that deleting members of the set may
+--   prevent interoperability with conforming implementations.
+-- presented in pairs: the AttributeType followed by the
+--   type definition for the corresponding AttributeValue
+--Arc for standard naming attributes
+id-at OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { joint-iso-ccitt(2) ds(5) 4 }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 93]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+-- Naming attributes of type X520name
+id-at-name              AttributeType ::= { id-at 41 }
+id-at-surname           AttributeType ::= { id-at 4 }
+id-at-givenName         AttributeType ::= { id-at 42 }
+id-at-initials          AttributeType ::= { id-at 43 }
+id-at-generationQualifier AttributeType ::= { id-at 44 }
+X520name ::= CHOICE {
+      teletexString     TeletexString   (SIZE (1..ub-name)),
+      printableString   PrintableString (SIZE (1..ub-name)),
+      universalString   UniversalString (SIZE (1..ub-name)),
+      utf8String        UTF8String      (SIZE (1..ub-name)),
+      bmpString         BMPString       (SIZE (1..ub-name)) }
+-- Naming attributes of type X520CommonName
+id-at-commonName        AttributeType ::= { id-at 3 }
+X520CommonName ::= CHOICE {
+      teletexString     TeletexString   (SIZE (1..ub-common-name)),
+      printableString   PrintableString (SIZE (1..ub-common-name)),
+      universalString   UniversalString (SIZE (1..ub-common-name)),
+      utf8String        UTF8String      (SIZE (1..ub-common-name)),
+      bmpString         BMPString       (SIZE (1..ub-common-name)) }
+-- Naming attributes of type X520LocalityName
+id-at-localityName      AttributeType ::= { id-at 7 }
+X520LocalityName ::= CHOICE {
+      teletexString     TeletexString   (SIZE (1..ub-locality-name)),
+      printableString   PrintableString (SIZE (1..ub-locality-name)),
+      universalString   UniversalString (SIZE (1..ub-locality-name)),
+      utf8String        UTF8String      (SIZE (1..ub-locality-name)),
+      bmpString         BMPString       (SIZE (1..ub-locality-name)) }
+-- Naming attributes of type X520StateOrProvinceName
+id-at-stateOrProvinceName AttributeType ::= { id-at 8 }
+X520StateOrProvinceName ::= CHOICE {
+      teletexString     TeletexString   (SIZE (1..ub-state-name)),
+      printableString   PrintableString (SIZE (1..ub-state-name)),
+      universalString   UniversalString (SIZE (1..ub-state-name)),
+      utf8String        UTF8String      (SIZE (1..ub-state-name)),
+      bmpString         BMPString       (SIZE(1..ub-state-name)) }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 94]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+-- Naming attributes of type X520OrganizationName
+id-at-organizationName  AttributeType ::= { id-at 10 }
+X520OrganizationName ::= CHOICE {
+      teletexString     TeletexString
+                          (SIZE (1..ub-organization-name)),
+      printableString   PrintableString
+                          (SIZE (1..ub-organization-name)),
+      universalString   UniversalString
+                          (SIZE (1..ub-organization-name)),
+      utf8String        UTF8String
+                          (SIZE (1..ub-organization-name)),
+      bmpString         BMPString
+                          (SIZE (1..ub-organization-name))  }
+-- Naming attributes of type X520OrganizationalUnitName
+id-at-organizationalUnitName AttributeType ::= { id-at 11 }
+X520OrganizationalUnitName ::= CHOICE {
+      teletexString     TeletexString
+                          (SIZE (1..ub-organizational-unit-name)),
+      printableString   PrintableString
+                          (SIZE (1..ub-organizational-unit-name)),
+      universalString   UniversalString
+                          (SIZE (1..ub-organizational-unit-name)),
+      utf8String        UTF8String
+                          (SIZE (1..ub-organizational-unit-name)),
+      bmpString         BMPString
+                          (SIZE (1..ub-organizational-unit-name)) }
+-- Naming attributes of type X520Title
+id-at-title             AttributeType ::= { id-at 12 }
+X520Title ::= CHOICE {
+      teletexString     TeletexString   (SIZE (1..ub-title)),
+      printableString   PrintableString (SIZE (1..ub-title)),
+      universalString   UniversalString (SIZE (1..ub-title)),
+      utf8String        UTF8String      (SIZE (1..ub-title)),
+      bmpString         BMPString       (SIZE (1..ub-title)) }
+-- Naming attributes of type X520dnQualifier
+id-at-dnQualifier       AttributeType ::= { id-at 46 }
+X520dnQualifier ::=     PrintableString
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+-- Naming attributes of type X520countryName (digraph from IS 3166)
+id-at-countryName       AttributeType ::= { id-at 6 }
+X520countryName ::=     PrintableString (SIZE (2))
+-- Naming attributes of type X520SerialNumber
+id-at-serialNumber      AttributeType ::= { id-at 5 }
+X520SerialNumber ::=    PrintableString (SIZE (1..ub-serial-number))
+-- Naming attributes of type X520Pseudonym
+id-at-pseudonym         AttributeType ::= { id-at 65 }
+X520Pseudonym ::= CHOICE {
+   teletexString     TeletexString   (SIZE (1..ub-pseudonym)),
+   printableString   PrintableString (SIZE (1..ub-pseudonym)),
+   universalString   UniversalString (SIZE (1..ub-pseudonym)),
+   utf8String        UTF8String      (SIZE (1..ub-pseudonym)),
+   bmpString         BMPString       (SIZE (1..ub-pseudonym)) }
+-- Naming attributes of type DomainComponent (from RFC 2247)
+id-domainComponent      AttributeType ::=
+                          { 0 9 2342 19200300 100 1 25 }
+DomainComponent ::=     IA5String
+-- Legacy attributes
+       { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) 9 }
+id-emailAddress          AttributeType ::= { pkcs-9 1 }
+EmailAddress ::=         IA5String (SIZE (1..ub-emailaddress-length))
+-- naming data types --
+Name ::= CHOICE { -- only one possibility for now --
+      rdnSequence  RDNSequence }
+RDNSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName
+DistinguishedName ::=   RDNSequence
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 96]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+RelativeDistinguishedName  ::=
+                    SET SIZE (1 .. MAX) OF AttributeTypeAndValue
+-- Directory string type --
+DirectoryString ::= CHOICE {
+      teletexString             TeletexString   (SIZE (1..MAX)),
+      printableString           PrintableString (SIZE (1..MAX)),
+      universalString           UniversalString (SIZE (1..MAX)),
+      utf8String              UTF8String      (SIZE (1..MAX)),
+      bmpString               BMPString       (SIZE (1..MAX)) }
+-- certificate and CRL specific structures begin here
+Certificate  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+     tbsCertificate       TBSCertificate,
+     signatureAlgorithm   AlgorithmIdentifier,
+     signature            BIT STRING  }
+TBSCertificate  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+     version         [0]  Version DEFAULT v1,
+     serialNumber         CertificateSerialNumber,
+     signature            AlgorithmIdentifier,
+     issuer               Name,
+     validity             Validity,
+     subject              Name,
+     subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
+     issuerUniqueID  [1]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
+                          -- If present, version MUST be v2 or v3
+     subjectUniqueID [2]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
+                          -- If present, version MUST be v2 or v3
+     extensions      [3]  Extensions OPTIONAL
+                          -- If present, version MUST be v3 --  }
+Version  ::=  INTEGER  {  v1(0), v2(1), v3(2)  }
+CertificateSerialNumber  ::=  INTEGER
+Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
+     notBefore      Time,
+     notAfter       Time  }
+Time ::= CHOICE {
+     utcTime        UTCTime,
+     generalTime    GeneralizedTime }
+UniqueIdentifier  ::=  BIT STRING
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+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+SubjectPublicKeyInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+     algorithm            AlgorithmIdentifier,
+     subjectPublicKey     BIT STRING  }
+Extensions  ::=  SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF Extension
+Extension  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+     extnID      OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+     critical    BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
+     extnValue   OCTET STRING  }
+-- CRL structures
+CertificateList  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+     tbsCertList          TBSCertList,
+     signatureAlgorithm   AlgorithmIdentifier,
+     signature            BIT STRING  }
+TBSCertList  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+     version                 Version OPTIONAL,
+                                  -- if present, MUST be v2
+     signature               AlgorithmIdentifier,
+     issuer                  Name,
+     thisUpdate              Time,
+     nextUpdate              Time OPTIONAL,
+     revokedCertificates     SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE  {
+          userCertificate         CertificateSerialNumber,
+          revocationDate          Time,
+          crlEntryExtensions      Extensions OPTIONAL
+                                         -- if present, MUST be v2
+                               }  OPTIONAL,
+     crlExtensions           [0] Extensions OPTIONAL }
+                                         -- if present, MUST be v2
+-- Version, Time, CertificateSerialNumber, and Extensions were
+-- defined earlier for use in the certificate structure
+AlgorithmIdentifier  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+     algorithm               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+     parameters              ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL  }
+                                -- contains a value of the type
+                                -- registered for use with the
+                                -- algorithm object identifier value
+-- X.400 address syntax starts here
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 98]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+ORAddress ::= SEQUENCE {
+   built-in-standard-attributes BuiltInStandardAttributes,
+   built-in-domain-defined-attributes
+                   BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes OPTIONAL,
+   -- see also teletex-domain-defined-attributes
+   extension-attributes ExtensionAttributes OPTIONAL }
+-- Built-in Standard Attributes
+BuiltInStandardAttributes ::= SEQUENCE {
+   country-name                  CountryName OPTIONAL,
+   administration-domain-name    AdministrationDomainName OPTIONAL,
+   network-address           [0] IMPLICIT NetworkAddress OPTIONAL,
+     -- see also extended-network-address
+   terminal-identifier       [1] IMPLICIT TerminalIdentifier OPTIONAL,
+   private-domain-name       [2] PrivateDomainName OPTIONAL,
+   organization-name         [3] IMPLICIT OrganizationName OPTIONAL,
+     -- see also teletex-organization-name
+   numeric-user-identifier   [4] IMPLICIT NumericUserIdentifier
+                                 OPTIONAL,
+   personal-name             [5] IMPLICIT PersonalName OPTIONAL,
+     -- see also teletex-personal-name
+   organizational-unit-names [6] IMPLICIT OrganizationalUnitNames
+                                 OPTIONAL }
+     -- see also teletex-organizational-unit-names
+CountryName ::= [APPLICATION 1] CHOICE {
+   x121-dcc-code         NumericString
+                           (SIZE (ub-country-name-numeric-length)),
+   iso-3166-alpha2-code  PrintableString
+                           (SIZE (ub-country-name-alpha-length)) }
+AdministrationDomainName ::= [APPLICATION 2] CHOICE {
+   numeric   NumericString   (SIZE (0..ub-domain-name-length)),
+   printable PrintableString (SIZE (0..ub-domain-name-length)) }
+NetworkAddress ::= X121Address  -- see also extended-network-address
+X121Address ::= NumericString (SIZE (1..ub-x121-address-length))
+TerminalIdentifier ::= PrintableString (SIZE
+PrivateDomainName ::= CHOICE {
+   numeric   NumericString   (SIZE (1..ub-domain-name-length)),
+   printable PrintableString (SIZE (1..ub-domain-name-length)) }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                    [Page 99]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+OrganizationName ::= PrintableString
+                            (SIZE (1..ub-organization-name-length))
+  -- see also teletex-organization-name
+NumericUserIdentifier ::= NumericString
+                            (SIZE (1..ub-numeric-user-id-length))
+PersonalName ::= SET {
+   surname     [0] IMPLICIT PrintableString
+                    (SIZE (1..ub-surname-length)),
+   given-name  [1] IMPLICIT PrintableString
+                    (SIZE (1..ub-given-name-length)) OPTIONAL,
+   initials    [2] IMPLICIT PrintableString
+                    (SIZE (1..ub-initials-length)) OPTIONAL,
+   generation-qualifier [3] IMPLICIT PrintableString
+                    (SIZE (1..ub-generation-qualifier-length))
+                    OPTIONAL }
+  -- see also teletex-personal-name
+OrganizationalUnitNames ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-organizational-units)
+                             OF OrganizationalUnitName
+  -- see also teletex-organizational-unit-names
+OrganizationalUnitName ::= PrintableString (SIZE
+                    (1..ub-organizational-unit-name-length))
+-- Built-in Domain-defined Attributes
+BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes ::= SEQUENCE SIZE
+                    (1..ub-domain-defined-attributes) OF
+                    BuiltInDomainDefinedAttribute
+BuiltInDomainDefinedAttribute ::= SEQUENCE {
+   type PrintableString (SIZE
+                   (1..ub-domain-defined-attribute-type-length)),
+   value PrintableString (SIZE
+                   (1..ub-domain-defined-attribute-value-length)) }
+-- Extension Attributes
+ExtensionAttributes ::= SET SIZE (1..ub-extension-attributes) OF
+               ExtensionAttribute
+ExtensionAttribute ::=  SEQUENCE {
+   extension-attribute-type [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER
+                   (0..ub-extension-attributes),
+   extension-attribute-value [1]
+                   ANY DEFINED BY extension-attribute-type }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 100]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+-- Extension types and attribute values
+common-name INTEGER ::= 1
+CommonName ::= PrintableString (SIZE (1..ub-common-name-length))
+teletex-common-name INTEGER ::= 2
+TeletexCommonName ::= TeletexString (SIZE (1..ub-common-name-length))
+teletex-organization-name INTEGER ::= 3
+TeletexOrganizationName ::=
+                TeletexString (SIZE (1..ub-organization-name-length))
+teletex-personal-name INTEGER ::= 4
+TeletexPersonalName ::= SET {
+   surname     [0] IMPLICIT TeletexString
+                    (SIZE (1..ub-surname-length)),
+   given-name  [1] IMPLICIT TeletexString
+                    (SIZE (1..ub-given-name-length)) OPTIONAL,
+   initials    [2] IMPLICIT TeletexString
+                    (SIZE (1..ub-initials-length)) OPTIONAL,
+   generation-qualifier [3] IMPLICIT TeletexString
+                    (SIZE (1..ub-generation-qualifier-length))
+                    OPTIONAL }
+teletex-organizational-unit-names INTEGER ::= 5
+TeletexOrganizationalUnitNames ::= SEQUENCE SIZE
+      (1..ub-organizational-units) OF TeletexOrganizationalUnitName
+TeletexOrganizationalUnitName ::= TeletexString
+                  (SIZE (1..ub-organizational-unit-name-length))
+pds-name INTEGER ::= 7
+PDSName ::= PrintableString (SIZE (1..ub-pds-name-length))
+physical-delivery-country-name INTEGER ::= 8
+PhysicalDeliveryCountryName ::= CHOICE {
+   x121-dcc-code NumericString (SIZE
+   iso-3166-alpha2-code PrintableString
+                  (SIZE (ub-country-name-alpha-length)) }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 101]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+postal-code INTEGER ::= 9
+PostalCode ::= CHOICE {
+   numeric-code NumericString (SIZE (1..ub-postal-code-length)),
+   printable-code PrintableString (SIZE (1..ub-postal-code-length)) }
+physical-delivery-office-name INTEGER ::= 10
+PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName ::= PDSParameter
+physical-delivery-office-number INTEGER ::= 11
+PhysicalDeliveryOfficeNumber ::= PDSParameter
+extension-OR-address-components INTEGER ::= 12
+ExtensionORAddressComponents ::= PDSParameter
+physical-delivery-personal-name INTEGER ::= 13
+PhysicalDeliveryPersonalName ::= PDSParameter
+physical-delivery-organization-name INTEGER ::= 14
+PhysicalDeliveryOrganizationName ::= PDSParameter
+extension-physical-delivery-address-components INTEGER ::= 15
+ExtensionPhysicalDeliveryAddressComponents ::= PDSParameter
+unformatted-postal-address INTEGER ::= 16
+UnformattedPostalAddress ::= SET {
+   printable-address SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-pds-physical-address-lines)
+         OF PrintableString (SIZE (1..ub-pds-parameter-length))
+         OPTIONAL,
+   teletex-string TeletexString
+         (SIZE (1..ub-unformatted-address-length)) OPTIONAL }
+street-address INTEGER ::= 17
+StreetAddress ::= PDSParameter
+post-office-box-address INTEGER ::= 18
+PostOfficeBoxAddress ::= PDSParameter
+poste-restante-address INTEGER ::= 19
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 102]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+PosteRestanteAddress ::= PDSParameter
+unique-postal-name INTEGER ::= 20
+UniquePostalName ::= PDSParameter
+local-postal-attributes INTEGER ::= 21
+LocalPostalAttributes ::= PDSParameter
+PDSParameter ::= SET {
+   printable-string PrintableString
+                (SIZE(1..ub-pds-parameter-length)) OPTIONAL,
+   teletex-string TeletexString
+                (SIZE(1..ub-pds-parameter-length)) OPTIONAL }
+extended-network-address INTEGER ::= 22
+ExtendedNetworkAddress ::= CHOICE {
+   e163-4-address SEQUENCE {
+      number      [0] IMPLICIT NumericString
+                       (SIZE (1..ub-e163-4-number-length)),
+      sub-address [1] IMPLICIT NumericString
+                       (SIZE (1..ub-e163-4-sub-address-length))
+                       OPTIONAL },
+   psap-address [0] IMPLICIT PresentationAddress }
+PresentationAddress ::= SEQUENCE {
+    nAddresses    [3] EXPLICIT SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF OCTET STRING }
+terminal-type  INTEGER ::= 23
+TerminalType ::= INTEGER {
+   telex (3),
+   teletex (4),
+   g3-facsimile (5),
+   g4-facsimile (6),
+   ia5-terminal (7),
+   videotex (8) } (0..ub-integer-options)
+-- Extension Domain-defined Attributes
+teletex-domain-defined-attributes INTEGER ::= 6
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 103]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+TeletexDomainDefinedAttributes ::= SEQUENCE SIZE
+   (1..ub-domain-defined-attributes) OF TeletexDomainDefinedAttribute
+TeletexDomainDefinedAttribute ::= SEQUENCE {
+        type TeletexString
+               (SIZE (1..ub-domain-defined-attribute-type-length)),
+        value TeletexString
+               (SIZE (1..ub-domain-defined-attribute-value-length)) }
+--  specifications of Upper Bounds MUST be regarded as mandatory
+--  from Annex B of ITU-T X.411 Reference Definition of MTS Parameter
+--  Upper Bounds
+-- Upper Bounds
+ub-name INTEGER ::= 32768
+ub-common-name INTEGER ::= 64
+ub-locality-name INTEGER ::= 128
+ub-state-name INTEGER ::= 128
+ub-organization-name INTEGER ::= 64
+ub-organizational-unit-name INTEGER ::= 64
+ub-title INTEGER ::= 64
+ub-serial-number INTEGER ::= 64
+ub-match INTEGER ::= 128
+ub-emailaddress-length INTEGER ::= 128
+ub-common-name-length INTEGER ::= 64
+ub-country-name-alpha-length INTEGER ::= 2
+ub-country-name-numeric-length INTEGER ::= 3
+ub-domain-defined-attributes INTEGER ::= 4
+ub-domain-defined-attribute-type-length INTEGER ::= 8
+ub-domain-defined-attribute-value-length INTEGER ::= 128
+ub-domain-name-length INTEGER ::= 16
+ub-extension-attributes INTEGER ::= 256
+ub-e163-4-number-length INTEGER ::= 15
+ub-e163-4-sub-address-length INTEGER ::= 40
+ub-generation-qualifier-length INTEGER ::= 3
+ub-given-name-length INTEGER ::= 16
+ub-initials-length INTEGER ::= 5
+ub-integer-options INTEGER ::= 256
+ub-numeric-user-id-length INTEGER ::= 32
+ub-organization-name-length INTEGER ::= 64
+ub-organizational-unit-name-length INTEGER ::= 32
+ub-organizational-units INTEGER ::= 4
+ub-pds-name-length INTEGER ::= 16
+ub-pds-parameter-length INTEGER ::= 30
+ub-pds-physical-address-lines INTEGER ::= 6
+ub-postal-code-length INTEGER ::= 16
+ub-pseudonym INTEGER ::= 128
+ub-surname-length INTEGER ::= 40
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 104]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+ub-terminal-id-length INTEGER ::= 24
+ub-unformatted-address-length INTEGER ::= 180
+ub-x121-address-length INTEGER ::= 16
+-- Note - upper bounds on string types, such as TeletexString, are
+-- measured in characters.  Excepting PrintableString or IA5String, a
+-- significantly greater number of octets will be required to hold
+-- such a value.  As a minimum, 16 octets, or twice the specified
+-- upper bound, whichever is the larger, should be allowed for
+-- TeletexString.  For UTF8String or UniversalString at least four
+-- times the upper bound should be allowed.
+A.2 Implicitly Tagged Module, 1988 Syntax
+PKIX1Implicit88 { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1)
+  security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-pkix1-implicit(19) }
+      id-pe, id-kp, id-qt-unotice, id-qt-cps,
+      -- delete following line if "new" types are supported --
+      BMPString, UTF8String,  -- end "new" types --
+      ORAddress, Name, RelativeDistinguishedName,
+      CertificateSerialNumber, Attribute, DirectoryString
+      FROM PKIX1Explicit88 { iso(1) identified-organization(3)
+            dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7)
+            id-mod(0) id-pkix1-explicit(18) };
+-- ISO arc for standard certificate and CRL extensions
+id-ce OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=  {joint-iso-ccitt(2) ds(5) 29}
+-- authority key identifier OID and syntax
+id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 35 }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 105]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+AuthorityKeyIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
+    keyIdentifier             [0] KeyIdentifier            OPTIONAL,
+    authorityCertIssuer       [1] GeneralNames             OPTIONAL,
+    authorityCertSerialNumber [2] CertificateSerialNumber  OPTIONAL }
+    -- authorityCertIssuer and authorityCertSerialNumber MUST both
+    -- be present or both be absent
+KeyIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING
+-- subject key identifier OID and syntax
+id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 14 }
+SubjectKeyIdentifier ::= KeyIdentifier
+-- key usage extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-keyUsage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 15 }
+KeyUsage ::= BIT STRING {
+     digitalSignature        (0),
+     nonRepudiation          (1),
+     keyEncipherment         (2),
+     dataEncipherment        (3),
+     keyAgreement            (4),
+     keyCertSign             (5),
+     cRLSign                 (6),
+     encipherOnly            (7),
+     decipherOnly            (8) }
+-- private key usage period extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-privateKeyUsagePeriod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 16 }
+PrivateKeyUsagePeriod ::= SEQUENCE {
+     notBefore       [0]     GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
+     notAfter        [1]     GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL }
+     -- either notBefore or notAfter MUST be present
+-- certificate policies extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-certificatePolicies OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 32 }
+anyPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce-certificatePolicies 0 }
+CertificatePolicies ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF PolicyInformation
+PolicyInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 106]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+     policyIdentifier   CertPolicyId,
+     policyQualifiers   SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF
+             PolicyQualifierInfo OPTIONAL }
+PolicyQualifierInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
+       policyQualifierId  PolicyQualifierId,
+       qualifier        ANY DEFINED BY policyQualifierId }
+-- Implementations that recognize additional policy qualifiers MUST
+-- augment the following definition for PolicyQualifierId
+PolicyQualifierId ::=
+    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ( id-qt-cps | id-qt-unotice )
+-- CPS pointer qualifier
+CPSuri ::= IA5String
+-- user notice qualifier
+UserNotice ::= SEQUENCE {
+     noticeRef        NoticeReference OPTIONAL,
+     explicitText     DisplayText OPTIONAL}
+NoticeReference ::= SEQUENCE {
+     organization     DisplayText,
+     noticeNumbers    SEQUENCE OF INTEGER }
+DisplayText ::= CHOICE {
+     ia5String        IA5String      (SIZE (1..200)),
+     visibleString    VisibleString  (SIZE (1..200)),
+     bmpString        BMPString      (SIZE (1..200)),
+     utf8String       UTF8String     (SIZE (1..200)) }
+-- policy mapping extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-policyMappings OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 33 }
+PolicyMappings ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF SEQUENCE {
+     issuerDomainPolicy      CertPolicyId,
+     subjectDomainPolicy     CertPolicyId }
+-- subject alternative name extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-subjectAltName OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 17 }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 107]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+SubjectAltName ::= GeneralNames
+GeneralNames ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF GeneralName
+GeneralName ::= CHOICE {
+     otherName                       [0]     AnotherName,
+     rfc822Name                      [1]     IA5String,
+     dNSName                         [2]     IA5String,
+     x400Address                     [3]     ORAddress,
+     directoryName                   [4]     Name,
+     ediPartyName                    [5]     EDIPartyName,
+     uniformResourceIdentifier       [6]     IA5String,
+     iPAddress                       [7]     OCTET STRING,
+     registeredID                    [8]     OBJECT IDENTIFIER }
+-- AnotherName replaces OTHER-NAME ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER, as
+-- TYPE-IDENTIFIER is not supported in the '88 ASN.1 syntax
+AnotherName ::= SEQUENCE {
+     type-id    OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+     value      [0] EXPLICIT ANY DEFINED BY type-id }
+EDIPartyName ::= SEQUENCE {
+     nameAssigner            [0]     DirectoryString OPTIONAL,
+     partyName               [1]     DirectoryString }
+-- issuer alternative name extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-issuerAltName OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 18 }
+IssuerAltName ::= GeneralNames
+id-ce-subjectDirectoryAttributes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 9 }
+SubjectDirectoryAttributes ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF Attribute
+-- basic constraints extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-basicConstraints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 19 }
+BasicConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {
+     cA                      BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
+     pathLenConstraint       INTEGER (0..MAX) OPTIONAL }
+-- name constraints extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-nameConstraints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 30 }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 108]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+NameConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {
+     permittedSubtrees       [0]     GeneralSubtrees OPTIONAL,
+     excludedSubtrees        [1]     GeneralSubtrees OPTIONAL }
+GeneralSubtrees ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF GeneralSubtree
+GeneralSubtree ::= SEQUENCE {
+     base                    GeneralName,
+     minimum         [0]     BaseDistance DEFAULT 0,
+     maximum         [1]     BaseDistance OPTIONAL }
+BaseDistance ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)
+-- policy constraints extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-policyConstraints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 36 }
+PolicyConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {
+     requireExplicitPolicy           [0] SkipCerts OPTIONAL,
+     inhibitPolicyMapping            [1] SkipCerts OPTIONAL }
+SkipCerts ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)
+-- CRL distribution points extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints     OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=  {id-ce 31}
+CRLDistributionPoints ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF DistributionPoint
+DistributionPoint ::= SEQUENCE {
+     distributionPoint       [0]     DistributionPointName OPTIONAL,
+     reasons                 [1]     ReasonFlags OPTIONAL,
+     cRLIssuer               [2]     GeneralNames OPTIONAL }
+DistributionPointName ::= CHOICE {
+     fullName                [0]     GeneralNames,
+     nameRelativeToCRLIssuer [1]     RelativeDistinguishedName }
+ReasonFlags ::= BIT STRING {
+     unused                  (0),
+     keyCompromise           (1),
+     cACompromise            (2),
+     affiliationChanged      (3),
+     superseded              (4),
+     cessationOfOperation    (5),
+     certificateHold         (6),
+     privilegeWithdrawn      (7),
+     aACompromise            (8) }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 109]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+-- extended key usage extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-extKeyUsage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 37}
+ExtKeyUsageSyntax ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF KeyPurposeId
+-- permit unspecified key uses
+anyExtendedKeyUsage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce-extKeyUsage 0 }
+-- extended key purpose OIDs
+id-kp-serverAuth             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 1 }
+id-kp-clientAuth             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 2 }
+id-kp-codeSigning            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 3 }
+id-kp-emailProtection        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 4 }
+id-kp-timeStamping           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 8 }
+id-kp-OCSPSigning            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 9 }
+-- inhibit any policy OID and syntax
+id-ce-inhibitAnyPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 54 }
+InhibitAnyPolicy ::= SkipCerts
+-- freshest (delta)CRL extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-freshestCRL OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 46 }
+FreshestCRL ::= CRLDistributionPoints
+-- authority info access
+id-pe-authorityInfoAccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pe 1 }
+AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax  ::=
+        SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF AccessDescription
+AccessDescription  ::=  SEQUENCE {
+        accessMethod          OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+        accessLocation        GeneralName  }
+-- subject info access
+id-pe-subjectInfoAccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pe 11 }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 110]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+SubjectInfoAccessSyntax  ::=
+        SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF AccessDescription
+-- CRL number extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-cRLNumber OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 20 }
+CRLNumber ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)
+-- issuing distribution point extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-issuingDistributionPoint OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 28 }
+IssuingDistributionPoint ::= SEQUENCE {
+     distributionPoint          [0] DistributionPointName OPTIONAL,
+     onlyContainsUserCerts      [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
+     onlyContainsCACerts        [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
+     onlySomeReasons            [3] ReasonFlags OPTIONAL,
+     indirectCRL                [4] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
+     onlyContainsAttributeCerts [5] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE }
+id-ce-deltaCRLIndicator OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 27 }
+BaseCRLNumber ::= CRLNumber
+-- CRL reasons extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-cRLReasons OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 21 }
+     unspecified             (0),
+     keyCompromise           (1),
+     cACompromise            (2),
+     affiliationChanged      (3),
+     superseded              (4),
+     cessationOfOperation    (5),
+     certificateHold         (6),
+     removeFromCRL           (8),
+     privilegeWithdrawn      (9),
+     aACompromise           (10) }
+-- certificate issuer CRL entry extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-certificateIssuer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 29 }
+CertificateIssuer ::= GeneralNames
+-- hold instruction extension OID and syntax
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 111]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+id-ce-holdInstructionCode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 23 }
+HoldInstructionCode ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+-- ANSI x9 holdinstructions
+-- ANSI x9 arc holdinstruction arc
+holdInstruction OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+          {joint-iso-itu-t(2) member-body(2) us(840) x9cm(10040) 2}
+-- ANSI X9 holdinstructions referenced by this standard
+id-holdinstruction-none OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=
+                {holdInstruction 1} -- deprecated
+id-holdinstruction-callissuer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+                {holdInstruction 2}
+id-holdinstruction-reject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
+                {holdInstruction 3}
+-- invalidity date CRL entry extension OID and syntax
+id-ce-invalidityDate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 24 }
+InvalidityDate ::=  GeneralizedTime
+Appendix B.  ASN.1 Notes
+   CAs MUST force the serialNumber to be a non-negative integer, that
+   is, the sign bit in the DER encoding of the INTEGER value MUST be
+   zero - this can be done by adding a leading (leftmost) `00'H octet if
+   necessary.  This removes a potential ambiguity in mapping between a
+   string of octets and an integer value.
+   As noted in section, serial numbers can be expected to
+   contain long integers.  Certificate users MUST be able to handle
+   serialNumber values up to 20 octets in length.  Conformant CAs MUST
+   NOT use serialNumber values longer than 20 octets.
+   As noted in section 5.2.3, CRL numbers can be expected to contain
+   long integers.  CRL validators MUST be able to handle cRLNumber
+   values up to 20 octets in length.  Conformant CRL issuers MUST NOT
+   use cRLNumber values longer than 20 octets.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 112]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   The construct "SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF" appears in several ASN.1
+   constructs.  A valid ASN.1 sequence will have zero or more entries.
+   The SIZE (1..MAX) construct constrains the sequence to have at least
+   one entry.  MAX indicates the upper bound is unspecified.
+   Implementations are free to choose an upper bound that suits their
+   environment.
+   The construct "positiveInt ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)" defines positiveInt
+   as a subtype of INTEGER containing integers greater than or equal to
+   zero.  The upper bound is unspecified.  Implementations are free to
+   select an upper bound that suits their environment.
+   The character string type PrintableString supports a very basic Latin
+   character set: the lower case letters 'a' through 'z', upper case
+   letters 'A' through 'Z', the digits '0' through '9', eleven special
+   characters ' = ( ) + , - . / : ? and space.
+   Implementers should note that the at sign ('@') and underscore ('_')
+   characters are not supported by the ASN.1 type PrintableString.
+   These characters often appear in internet addresses.  Such addresses
+   MUST be encoded using an ASN.1 type that supports them.  They are
+   usually encoded as IA5String in either the emailAddress attribute
+   within a distinguished name or the rfc822Name field of GeneralName.
+   Conforming implementations MUST NOT encode strings which include
+   either the at sign or underscore character as PrintableString.
+   The character string type TeletexString is a superset of
+   PrintableString.  TeletexString supports a fairly standard (ASCII-
+   like) Latin character set, Latin characters with non-spacing accents
+   and Japanese characters.
+   Named bit lists are BIT STRINGs where the values have been assigned
+   names.  This specification makes use of named bit lists in the
+   definitions for the key usage, CRL distribution points and freshest
+   CRL certificate extensions, as well as the freshest CRL and issuing
+   distribution point CRL extensions.  When DER encoding a named bit
+   list, trailing zeroes MUST be omitted.  That is, the encoded value
+   ends with the last named bit that is set to one.
+   The character string type UniversalString supports any of the
+   characters allowed by ISO 10646-1 [ISO 10646].  ISO 10646-1 is the
+   Universal multiple-octet coded Character Set (UCS).  ISO 10646-1
+   specifies the architecture and the "basic multilingual plane" -- a
+   large standard character set which includes all major world character
+   standards.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 113]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   The character string type UTF8String was introduced in the 1997
+   version of ASN.1, and UTF8String was added to the list of choices for
+   DirectoryString in the 2001 version of X.520 [X.520].  UTF8String is
+   a universal type and has been assigned tag number 12.  The content of
+   UTF8String was defined by RFC 2044 [RFC 2044] and updated in RFC 2279
+   [RFC 2279].
+   In anticipation of these changes, and in conformance with IETF Best
+   Practices codified in RFC 2277 [RFC 2277], IETF Policy on Character
+   Sets and Languages, this document includes UTF8String as a choice in
+   DirectoryString and the CPS qualifier extensions.
+   Implementers should note that the DER encoding of the SET OF values
+   requires ordering of the encodings of the values.  In particular,
+   this issue arises with respect to distinguished names.
+   Implementers should note that the DER encoding of SET or SEQUENCE
+   components whose value is the DEFAULT omit the component from the
+   encoded certificate or CRL.  For example, a BasicConstraints
+   extension whose cA value is FALSE would omit the cA boolean from the
+   encoded certificate.
+   Object Identifiers (OIDs) are used throughout this specification to
+   identify certificate policies, public key and signature algorithms,
+   certificate extensions, etc.  There is no maximum size for OIDs.
+   This specification mandates support for OIDs which have arc elements
+   with values that are less than 2^28, that is, they MUST be between 0
+   and 268,435,455, inclusive.  This allows each arc element to be
+   represented within a single 32 bit word.  Implementations MUST also
+   support OIDs where the length of the dotted decimal (see [RFC 2252],
+   section 4.1) string representation can be up to 100 bytes
+   (inclusive).  Implementations MUST be able to handle OIDs with up to
+   20 elements (inclusive).  CAs SHOULD NOT issue certificates which
+   contain OIDs that exceed these requirements.  Likewise, CRL issuers
+   SHOULD NOT issue CRLs which contain OIDs that exceed these
+   requirements.
+   Implementors are warned that the X.500 standards community has
+   developed a series of extensibility rules.  These rules determine
+   when an ASN.1 definition can be changed without assigning a new
+   object identifier (OID).  For example, at least two extension
+   definitions included in RFC 2459 [RFC 2459], the predecessor to this
+   profile document, have different ASN.1 definitions in this
+   specification, but the same OID is used.  If unknown elements appear
+   within an extension, and the extension is not marked critical, those
+   unknown elements ought to be ignored, as follows:
+      (a)  ignore all unknown bit name assignments within a bit string;
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 114]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+      (b)  ignore all unknown named numbers in an ENUMERATED type or
+      INTEGER type that is being used in the enumerated style, provided
+      the number occurs as an optional element of a SET or SEQUENCE; and
+      (c)  ignore all unknown elements in SETs, at the end of SEQUENCEs,
+      or in CHOICEs where the CHOICE is itself an optional element of a
+      SET or SEQUENCE.
+   If an extension containing unexpected values is marked critical, the
+   implementation MUST reject the certificate or CRL containing the
+   unrecognized extension.
+Appendix C.  Examples
+   This section contains four examples: three certificates and a CRL.
+   The first two certificates and the CRL comprise a minimal
+   certification path.
+   Section C.1 contains an annotated hex dump of a "self-signed"
+   certificate issued by a CA whose distinguished name is
+   cn=us,o=gov,ou=nist.  The certificate contains a DSA public key with
+   parameters, and is signed by the corresponding DSA private key.
+   Section C.2 contains an annotated hex dump of an end entity
+   certificate.  The end entity certificate contains a DSA public key,
+   and is signed by the private key corresponding to the "self-signed"
+   certificate in section C.1.
+   Section C.3 contains a dump of an end entity certificate which
+   contains an RSA public key and is signed with RSA and MD5.  This
+   certificate is not part of the minimal certification path.
+   Section C.4 contains an annotated hex dump of a CRL.  The CRL is
+   issued by the CA whose distinguished name is cn=us,o=gov,ou=nist and
+   the list of revoked certificates includes the end entity certificate
+   presented in C.2.
+   The certificates were processed using Peter Gutman's dumpasn1 utility
+   to generate the output.  The source for the dumpasn1 utility is
+   available at <>.  The
+   binaries for the certificates and CRLs are available at
+   <>.
+C.1  Certificate
+   This section contains an annotated hex dump of a 699 byte version 3
+   certificate.  The certificate contains the following information:
+   (a)  the serial number is 23 (17 hex);
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 115]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   (b)  the certificate is signed with DSA and the SHA-1 hash algorithm;
+   (c)  the issuer's distinguished name is OU=NIST; O=gov; C=US
+   (d)  and the subject's distinguished name is OU=NIST; O=gov; C=US
+   (e)  the certificate was issued on June 30, 1997 and will expire on
+   December 31, 1997;
+   (f)  the certificate contains a 1024 bit DSA public key with
+   parameters;
+   (g)  the certificate contains a subject key identifier extension
+   generated using method (1) of section; and
+   (h)  the certificate is a CA certificate (as indicated through the
+   basic constraints extension.)
+  0 30  699: SEQUENCE {
+  4 30  635:   SEQUENCE {
+  8 A0    3:     [0] {
+ 10 02    1:       INTEGER 2
+          :       }
+ 13 02    1:     INTEGER 17
+ 16 30    9:     SEQUENCE {
+ 18 06    7:       OBJECT IDENTIFIER dsaWithSha1 (1 2 840 10040 4 3)
+          :       }
+ 27 30   42:     SEQUENCE {
+ 29 31   11:       SET {
+ 31 30    9:         SEQUENCE {
+ 33 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
+ 38 13    2:           PrintableString 'US'
+          :           }
+          :         }
+ 42 31   12:       SET {
+ 44 30   10:         SEQUENCE {
+ 46 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
+ 51 13    3:           PrintableString 'gov'
+          :           }
+          :         }
+ 56 31   13:       SET {
+ 58 30   11:         SEQUENCE {
+ 60 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+          :             organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
+ 65 13    4:           PrintableString 'NIST'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+           :       }
+ 71 30   30:     SEQUENCE {
+ 73 17   13:       UTCTime '970630000000Z'
+ 88 17   13:       UTCTime '971231000000Z'
+           :       }
+103 30   42:     SEQUENCE {
+105 31   11:       SET {
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 116]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+107 30    9:         SEQUENCE {
+109 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
+114 13    2:           PrintableString 'US'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+118 31   12:       SET {
+120 30   10:         SEQUENCE {
+122 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
+127 13    3:           PrintableString 'gov'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+132 31   13:       SET {
+134 30   11:         SEQUENCE {
+136 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+           :             organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
+141 13    4:           PrintableString 'NIST'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+           :       }
+147 30  440:     SEQUENCE {
+151 30  300:       SEQUENCE {
+155 06    7:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER dsa (1 2 840 10040 4 1)
+164 30  287:         SEQUENCE {
+168 02  129:           INTEGER
+           :             00 B6 8B 0F 94 2B 9A CE A5 25 C6 F2 ED FC
+           :             FB 95 32 AC 01 12 33 B9 E0 1C AD 90 9B BC
+           :             48 54 9E F3 94 77 3C 2C 71 35 55 E6 FE 4F
+           :             22 CB D5 D8 3E 89 93 33 4D FC BD 4F 41 64
+           :             3E A2 98 70 EC 31 B4 50 DE EB F1 98 28 0A
+           :             C9 3E 44 B3 FD 22 97 96 83 D0 18 A3 E3 BD
+           :             35 5B FF EE A3 21 72 6A 7B 96 DA B9 3F 1E
+           :             5A 90 AF 24 D6 20 F0 0D 21 A7 D4 02 B9 1A
+           :             FC AC 21 FB 9E 94 9E 4B 42 45 9E 6A B2 48
+           :             63 FE 43
+300 02   21:           INTEGER
+           :             00 B2 0D B0 B1 01 DF 0C 66 24 FC 13 92 BA
+           :             55 F7 7D 57 74 81 E5
+323 02  129:           INTEGER
+           :             00 9A BF 46 B1 F5 3F 44 3D C9 A5 65 FB 91
+           :             C0 8E 47 F1 0A C3 01 47 C2 44 42 36 A9 92
+           :             81 DE 57 C5 E0 68 86 58 00 7B 1F F9 9B 77
+           :             A1 C5 10 A5 80 91 78 51 51 3C F6 FC FC CC
+           :             46 C6 81 78 92 84 3D F4 93 3D 0C 38 7E 1A
+           :             5B 99 4E AB 14 64 F6 0C 21 22 4E 28 08 9C
+           :             92 B9 66 9F 40 E8 95 F6 D5 31 2A EF 39 A2
+           :             62 C7 B2 6D 9E 58 C4 3A A8 11 81 84 6D AF
+           :             F8 B4 19 B4 C2 11 AE D0 22 3B AA 20 7F EE
+           :             1E 57 18
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 117]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+           :           }
+           :         }
+455 03  133:       BIT STRING 0 unused bits, encapsulates {
+459 02  129:           INTEGER
+           :             00 B5 9E 1F 49 04 47 D1 DB F5 3A DD CA 04
+           :             75 E8 DD 75 F6 9B 8A B1 97 D6 59 69 82 D3
+           :             03 4D FD 3B 36 5F 4A F2 D1 4E C1 07 F5 D1
+           :             2A D3 78 77 63 56 EA 96 61 4D 42 0B 7A 1D
+           :             FB AB 91 A4 CE DE EF 77 C8 E5 EF 20 AE A6
+           :             28 48 AF BE 69 C3 6A A5 30 F2 C2 B9 D9 82
+           :             2B 7D D9 C4 84 1F DE 0D E8 54 D7 1B 99 2E
+           :             B3 D0 88 F6 D6 63 9B A7 E2 0E 82 D4 3B 8A
+           :             68 1B 06 56 31 59 0B 49 EB 99 A5 D5 81 41
+           :             7B C9 55
+           :           }
+           :       }
+591 A3   50:     [3] {
+593 30   48:       SEQUENCE {
+595 30   29:         SEQUENCE {
+597 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+           :             subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14)
+602 04   22:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
+604 04   20:               OCTET STRING
+           :                 86 CA A5 22 81 62 EF AD 0A 89 BC AD 72 41
+           :                 2C 29 49 F4 86 56
+           :               }
+           :           }
+626 30   15:         SEQUENCE {
+628 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19)
+633 01    1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
+636 04    5:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
+638 30    3:               SEQUENCE {
+640 01    1:                 BOOLEAN TRUE
+           :                 }
+           :               }
+           :           }
+           :         }
+           :       }
+           :     }
+643 30    9:   SEQUENCE {
+645 06    7:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER dsaWithSha1 (1 2 840 10040 4 3)
+           :     }
+654 03   47:   BIT STRING 0 unused bits, encapsulates {
+657 30   44:       SEQUENCE {
+659 02   20:         INTEGER
+           :           43 1B CF 29 25 45 C0 4E 52 E7 7D D6 FC B1
+           :           66 4C 83 CF 2D 77
+681 02   20:         INTEGER
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 118]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+           :           0B 5B 9A 24 11 98 E8 F3 86 90 04 F6 08 A9
+           :           E1 8D A5 CC 3A D4
+           :         }
+           :       }
+           :   }
+C.2  Certificate
+   This section contains an annotated hex dump of a 730 byte version 3
+   certificate.  The certificate contains the following information:
+   (a)  the serial number is 18 (12 hex);
+   (b)  the certificate is signed with DSA and the SHA-1 hash algorithm;
+   (c)  the issuer's distinguished name is OU=nist; O=gov; C=US
+   (d)  and the subject's distinguished name is CN=Tim Polk; OU=nist;
+   O=gov; C=US
+   (e)  the certificate was valid from July 30, 1997 through December 1,
+   1997;
+   (f)  the certificate contains a 1024 bit DSA public key;
+   (g)  the certificate is an end entity certificate, as the basic
+   constraints extension is not present;
+   (h)  the certificate contains an authority key identifier extension
+   matching the subject key identifier of the certificate in Appendix
+   C.1; and
+   (i)  the certificate includes one alternative name - an RFC 822
+   address of "".
+     0 30  730: SEQUENCE {
+     4 30  665:   SEQUENCE {
+     8 A0    3:     [0] {
+    10 02    1:       INTEGER 2
+              :       }
+    13 02    1:     INTEGER 18
+    16 30    9:     SEQUENCE {
+    18 06    7:       OBJECT IDENTIFIER dsaWithSha1 (1 2 840 10040 4 3)
+              :       }
+    27 30   42:     SEQUENCE {
+    29 31   11:       SET {
+    31 30    9:         SEQUENCE {
+    33 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
+    38 13    2:           PrintableString 'US'
+              :           }
+              :         }
+    42 31   12:       SET {
+    44 30   10:         SEQUENCE {
+    46 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
+    51 13    3:           PrintableString 'gov'
+              :           }
+              :         }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 119]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+    56 31   13:       SET {
+    58 30   11:         SEQUENCE {
+    60 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+              :             organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
+    65 13    4:           PrintableString 'NIST'
+              :           }
+              :         }
+              :       }
+    71 30   30:     SEQUENCE {
+    73 17   13:       UTCTime '970730000000Z'
+    88 17   13:       UTCTime '971201000000Z'
+              :       }
+   103 30   61:     SEQUENCE {
+   105 31   11:       SET {
+   107 30    9:         SEQUENCE {
+   109 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
+   114 13    2:           PrintableString 'US'
+              :           }
+              :         }
+   118 31   12:       SET {
+   120 30   10:         SEQUENCE {
+   122 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
+   127 13    3:           PrintableString 'gov'
+              :           }
+              :         }
+   132 31   13:       SET {
+   134 30   11:         SEQUENCE {
+   136 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+              :             organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
+   141 13    4:           PrintableString 'NIST'
+              :           }
+              :         }
+   147 31   17:       SET {
+   149 30   15:         SEQUENCE {
+   151 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
+   156 13    8:           PrintableString 'Tim Polk'
+              :           }
+              :         }
+              :       }
+   166 30  439:     SEQUENCE {
+   170 30  300:       SEQUENCE {
+   174 06    7:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER dsa (1 2 840 10040 4 1)
+   183 30  287:         SEQUENCE {
+   187 02  129:           INTEGER
+              :             00 B6 8B 0F 94 2B 9A CE A5 25 C6 F2 ED FC
+              :             FB 95 32 AC 01 12 33 B9 E0 1C AD 90 9B BC
+              :             48 54 9E F3 94 77 3C 2C 71 35 55 E6 FE 4F
+              :             22 CB D5 D8 3E 89 93 33 4D FC BD 4F 41 64
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 120]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+              :             3E A2 98 70 EC 31 B4 50 DE EB F1 98 28 0A
+              :             C9 3E 44 B3 FD 22 97 96 83 D0 18 A3 E3 BD
+              :             35 5B FF EE A3 21 72 6A 7B 96 DA B9 3F 1E
+              :             5A 90 AF 24 D6 20 F0 0D 21 A7 D4 02 B9 1A
+              :             FC AC 21 FB 9E 94 9E 4B 42 45 9E 6A B2 48
+              :             63 FE 43
+   319 02   21:           INTEGER
+              :             00 B2 0D B0 B1 01 DF 0C 66 24 FC 13 92 BA
+              :             55 F7 7D 57 74 81 E5
+   342 02  129:           INTEGER
+              :             00 9A BF 46 B1 F5 3F 44 3D C9 A5 65 FB 91
+              :             C0 8E 47 F1 0A C3 01 47 C2 44 42 36 A9 92
+              :             81 DE 57 C5 E0 68 86 58 00 7B 1F F9 9B 77
+              :             A1 C5 10 A5 80 91 78 51 51 3C F6 FC FC CC
+              :             46 C6 81 78 92 84 3D F4 93 3D 0C 38 7E 1A
+              :             5B 99 4E AB 14 64 F6 0C 21 22 4E 28 08 9C
+              :             92 B9 66 9F 40 E8 95 F6 D5 31 2A EF 39 A2
+              :             62 C7 B2 6D 9E 58 C4 3A A8 11 81 84 6D AF
+              :             F8 B4 19 B4 C2 11 AE D0 22 3B AA 20 7F EE
+              :             1E 57 18
+              :           }
+              :         }
+   474 03  132:       BIT STRING 0 unused bits, encapsulates {
+   478 02  128:           INTEGER
+              :             30 B6 75 F7 7C 20 31 AE 38 BB 7E 0D 2B AB
+              :             A0 9C 4B DF 20 D5 24 13 3C CD 98 E5 5F 6C
+              :             B7 C1 BA 4A BA A9 95 80 53 F0 0D 72 DC 33
+              :             37 F4 01 0B F5 04 1F 9D 2E 1F 62 D8 84 3A
+              :             9B 25 09 5A 2D C8 46 8E 2B D4 F5 0D 3B C7
+              :             2D C6 6C B9 98 C1 25 3A 44 4E 8E CA 95 61
+              :             35 7C CE 15 31 5C 23 13 1E A2 05 D1 7A 24
+              :             1C CB D3 72 09 90 FF 9B 9D 28 C0 A1 0A EC
+              :             46 9F 0D B8 D0 DC D0 18 A6 2B 5E F9 8F B5
+              :             95 BE
+              :           }
+              :       }
+   609 A3   62:     [3] {
+   611 30   60:       SEQUENCE {
+   613 30   25:         SEQUENCE {
+   615 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectAltName (2 5 29 17)
+   620 04   18:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
+   622 30   16:               SEQUENCE {
+   624 81   14:                 [1] ''
+              :                 }
+              :               }
+              :           }
+   640 30   31:         SEQUENCE {
+   642 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 121]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+              :             authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35)
+   647 04   24:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
+   649 30   22:               SEQUENCE {
+   651 80   20:                 [0]
+              :                   86 CA A5 22 81 62 EF AD 0A 89 BC AD 72
+              :                   41 2C 29 49 F4 86 56
+              :                 }
+              :               }
+              :           }
+              :         }
+              :       }
+              :     }
+   673 30    9:   SEQUENCE {
+   675 06    7:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER dsaWithSha1 (1 2 840 10040 4 3)
+              :     }
+   684 03   48:   BIT STRING 0 unused bits, encapsulates {
+   687 30   45:       SEQUENCE {
+   689 02   20:         INTEGER
+              :           36 97 CB E3 B4 2C E1 BB 61 A9 D3 CC 24 CC
+              :           22 92 9F F4 F5 87
+   711 02   21:         INTEGER
+              :           00 AB C9 79 AF D2 16 1C A9 E3 68 A9 14 10
+              :           B4 A0 2E FF 22 5A 73
+              :         }
+              :       }
+              :   }
+C.3  End Entity Certificate Using RSA
+   This section contains an annotated hex dump of a 654 byte version 3
+   certificate.  The certificate contains the following information:
+   (a)  the serial number is 256;
+   (b)  the certificate is signed with RSA and the SHA-1 hash algorithm;
+   (c)  the issuer's distinguished name is OU=NIST; O=gov; C=US
+   (d)  and the subject's distinguished name is CN=Tim Polk; OU=NIST;
+   O=gov; C=US
+   (e)  the certificate was issued on May 21, 1996 at 09:58:26 and
+   expired on May 21, 1997 at 09:58:26;
+   (f)  the certificate contains a 1024 bit RSA public key;
+   (g)  the certificate is an end entity certificate (not a CA
+   certificate);
+   (h)  the certificate includes an alternative subject name of
+   "<>" and an
+   alternative issuer name of "<>" - both are URLs;
+   (i)  the certificate include an authority key identifier extension
+   and a certificate policies extension specifying the policy OID
+   2.16.840.; and
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 122]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+   (j)  the certificate includes a critical key usage extension
+   specifying that the public key is intended for verification of
+   digital signatures.
+  0 30  654: SEQUENCE {
+  4 30  503:   SEQUENCE {
+  8 A0    3:     [0] {
+ 10 02    1:       INTEGER 2
+           :       }
+ 13 02    2:     INTEGER 256
+ 17 30   13:     SEQUENCE {
+ 19 06    9:       OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+           :         sha1withRSAEncryption (1 2 840 113549 1 1 5)
+ 30 05    0:       NULL
+           :       }
+ 32 30   42:     SEQUENCE {
+ 34 31   11:       SET {
+ 36 30    9:         SEQUENCE {
+ 38 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
+ 43 13    2:           PrintableString 'US'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+ 47 31   12:       SET {
+ 49 30   10:         SEQUENCE {
+ 51 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
+ 56 13    3:           PrintableString 'gov'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+ 61 31   13:       SET {
+ 63 30   11:         SEQUENCE {
+ 65 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+           :             organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
+ 70 13    4:           PrintableString 'NIST'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+           :       }
+ 76 30   30:     SEQUENCE {
+ 78 17   13:       UTCTime '960521095826Z'
+ 93 17   13:       UTCTime '970521095826Z'
+           :       }
+108 30   61:     SEQUENCE {
+110 31   11:       SET {
+112 30    9:         SEQUENCE {
+114 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
+119 13    2:           PrintableString 'US'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+123 31   12:       SET {
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 123]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+125 30   10:         SEQUENCE {
+127 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
+132 13    3:           PrintableString 'gov'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+137 31   13:       SET {
+139 30   11:         SEQUENCE {
+141 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+           :             organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
+146 13    4:           PrintableString 'NIST'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+152 31   17:       SET {
+154 30   15:         SEQUENCE {
+156 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
+161 13    8:           PrintableString 'Tim Polk'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+           :       }
+171 30  159:     SEQUENCE {
+174 30   13:       SEQUENCE {
+176 06    9:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+           :           rsaEncryption (1 2 840 113549 1 1 1)
+187 05    0:         NULL
+           :         }
+189 03  141:       BIT STRING 0 unused bits, encapsulates {
+193 30  137:           SEQUENCE {
+196 02  129:             INTEGER
+           :               00 E1 6A E4 03 30 97 02 3C F4 10 F3 B5 1E
+           :               4D 7F 14 7B F6 F5 D0 78 E9 A4 8A F0 A3 75
+           :               EC ED B6 56 96 7F 88 99 85 9A F2 3E 68 77
+           :               87 EB 9E D1 9F C0 B4 17 DC AB 89 23 A4 1D
+           :               7E 16 23 4C 4F A8 4D F5 31 B8 7C AA E3 1A
+           :               49 09 F4 4B 26 DB 27 67 30 82 12 01 4A E9
+           :               1A B6 C1 0C 53 8B 6C FC 2F 7A 43 EC 33 36
+           :               7E 32 B2 7B D5 AA CF 01 14 C6 12 EC 13 F2
+           :               2D 14 7A 8B 21 58 14 13 4C 46 A3 9A F2 16
+           :               95 FF 23
+328 02    3:             INTEGER 65537
+           :             }
+           :           }
+           :       }
+333 A3  175:     [3] {
+336 30  172:       SEQUENCE {
+339 30   63:         SEQUENCE {
+341 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectAltName (2 5 29 17)
+346 04   56:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
+348 30   54:               SEQUENCE {
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 124]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+350 86   52:                 [6]
+           :                   ''
+           :                   'polk/index.html'
+           :                 }
+           :               }
+           :           }
+404 30   31:         SEQUENCE {
+406 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER issuerAltName (2 5 29 18)
+411 04   24:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
+413 30   22:               SEQUENCE {
+415 86   20:                 [6] ''
+           :                 }
+           :               }
+           :           }
+437 30   31:         SEQUENCE {
+439 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+           :             authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35)
+444 04   24:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
+446 30   22:               SEQUENCE {
+448 80   20:                 [0]
+           :                   08 68 AF 85 33 C8 39 4A 7A F8 82 93 8E
+           :                   70 6A 4A 20 84 2C 32
+           :                 }
+           :               }
+           :           }
+470 30   23:         SEQUENCE {
+472 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+           :             certificatePolicies (2 5 29 32)
+477 04   16:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
+479 30   14:               SEQUENCE {
+481 30   12:                 SEQUENCE {
+483 06   10:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+           :                            '2 16 840 1 101 3 2 1 48 9'
+           :                   }
+           :                 }
+           :               }
+           :           }
+495 30   14:         SEQUENCE {
+497 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15)
+502 01    1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
+505 04    4:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
+507 03    2:               BIT STRING 7 unused bits
+           :                 '1'B (bit 0)
+           :               }
+           :           }
+           :         }
+           :       }
+           :     }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 125]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+511 30   13:   SEQUENCE {
+513 06    9:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+           :       sha1withRSAEncryption (1 2 840 113549 1 1 5)
+524 05    0:     NULL
+           :     }
+526 03  129:   BIT STRING 0 unused bits
+           :     1E 07 77 6E 66 B5 B6 B8 57 F0 03 DC 6F 77
+           :     6D AF 55 1D 74 E5 CE 36 81 FC 4B C5 F4 47
+           :     82 C4 0A 25 AA 8D D6 7D 3A 89 AB 44 34 39
+           :     F6 BD 61 1A 78 85 7A B8 1E 92 A2 22 2F CE
+           :     07 1A 08 8E F1 46 03 59 36 4A CB 60 E6 03
+           :     40 01 5B 2A 44 D6 E4 7F EB 43 5E 74 0A E6
+           :     E4 F9 3E E1 44 BE 1F E7 5F 5B 2C 41 8D 08
+           :     BD 26 FE 6A A6 C3 2F B2 3B 41 12 6B C1 06
+           :     8A B8 4C 91 59 EB 2F 38 20 2A 67 74 20 0B
+           :     77 F3
+           :   }
+C.4  Certificate Revocation List
+   This section contains an annotated hex dump of a version 2 CRL with
+   one extension (cRLNumber).  The CRL was issued by OU=NIST; O=gov;
+   C=US on August 7, 1997; the next scheduled issuance was September 7,
+   1997.  The CRL includes one revoked certificates: serial number 18
+   (12 hex), which was revoked on July 31, 1997 due to keyCompromise.
+   The CRL itself is number 18, and it was signed with DSA and SHA-1.
+  0 30  203: SEQUENCE {
+  3 30  140:   SEQUENCE {
+  6 02    1:     INTEGER 1
+  9 30    9:     SEQUENCE {
+ 11 06    7:       OBJECT IDENTIFIER dsaWithSha1 (1 2 840 10040 4 3)
+           :       }
+ 20 30   42:     SEQUENCE {
+ 22 31   11:       SET {
+ 24 30    9:         SEQUENCE {
+ 26 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
+ 31 13    2:           PrintableString 'US'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+ 35 31   12:       SET {
+ 37 30   10:         SEQUENCE {
+ 39 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
+ 44 13    3:           PrintableString 'gov'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+ 49 31   13:       SET {
+ 51 30   11:         SEQUENCE {
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 126]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+ 53 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+           :             organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
+ 58 13    4:           PrintableString 'NIST'
+           :           }
+           :         }
+           :       }
+ 64 17   13:     UTCTime '970807000000Z'
+ 79 17   13:     UTCTime '970907000000Z'
+ 94 30   34:     SEQUENCE {
+ 96 30   32:       SEQUENCE {
+ 98 02    1:         INTEGER 18
+101 17   13:         UTCTime '970731000000Z'
+116 30   12:         SEQUENCE {
+118 30   10:           SEQUENCE {
+120 06    3:             OBJECT IDENTIFIER cRLReason (2 5 29 21)
+125 04    3:             OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
+127 0A    1:                 ENUMERATED 1
+           :                 }
+           :             }
+           :           }
+           :         }
+           :       }
+130 A0   14:     [0] {
+132 30   12:       SEQUENCE {
+134 30   10:         SEQUENCE {
+136 06    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER cRLNumber (2 5 29 20)
+141 04    3:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
+143 02    1:               INTEGER 12
+           :               }
+           :           }
+           :         }
+           :       }
+           :     }
+146 30    9:   SEQUENCE {
+148 06    7:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER dsaWithSha1 (1 2 840 10040 4 3)
+           :     }
+157 03   47:   BIT STRING 0 unused bits, encapsulates {
+160 30   44:       SEQUENCE {
+162 02   20:         INTEGER
+           :           22 4E 9F 43 BA 95 06 34 F2 BB 5E 65 DB A6
+           :           80 05 C0 3A 29 47
+184 02   20:         INTEGER
+           :           59 1A 57 C9 82 D7 02 21 14 C3 D4 0B 32 1B
+           :           96 16 B1 1F 46 5A
+           :         }
+           :       }
+           :   }
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 127]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+Author Addresses
+   Russell Housley
+   RSA Laboratories
+   918 Spring Knoll Drive
+   Herndon, VA 20170
+   USA
+   EMail:
+   Warwick Ford
+   VeriSign, Inc.
+   401 Edgewater Place
+   Wakefield, MA 01880
+   USA
+   EMail:
+   Tim Polk
+   NIST
+   Building 820, Room 426
+   Gaithersburg, MD 20899
+   USA
+   EMail:
+   David Solo
+   Citigroup
+   909 Third Ave, 16th Floor
+   New York, NY 10043
+   USA
+   EMail:
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 128]
+RFC 3280        Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure      April 2002
+Full Copyright Statement
+   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002).  All Rights Reserved.
+   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
+   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
+   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
+   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
+   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
+   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
+   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
+   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
+   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
+   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
+   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
+   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
+   English.
+   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
+   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
+   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
+   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
+   Internet Society.
+Housley, et. al.            Standards Track                   [Page 129]