more debug

diff --git a/examples/sample.makefile.regen b/examples/sample.makefile.regen
index 57a0dae..daac595 100755
--- a/examples/sample.makefile.regen
+++ b/examples/sample.makefile.regen
@@ -59,61 +59,43 @@
 	echo 'check: ${TARGET}'
 	echo "	@if test -f sample-${ASN1PDU}-1.[db]er ; then \\"
 	echo "	for f in sample-${ASN1PDU}-*.[db]er; do \\"
-	echo '	echo "Recoding $$f into XER and back..."; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -iber -oxer -b 1 $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -iber -oxer -b 17 $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -iber -oxer -b 33 $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -iber -oxer -b 980 $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -iber -oxer $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -ixer -oxer ./.tmp.1.$$$$ > ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
+	echo '	for b in 1 17 33 980 8192; do \'
+	echo '	echo "Recoding $$f into XER and back ($$b)..."; \'
+	echo '	./${TARGET} -b $$b -iber -oxer $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
+	echo '	./${TARGET} -b $$b -ixer -oxer ./.tmp.1.$$$$ > ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
 	echo '	diff ./.tmp.1.$$$$ ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
 	echo '	rm -f ./.tmp.[12].$$$$; \'
-	echo '	done; fi'
+	echo '	done; done; fi'
 	echo "	@if test -f sample-${ASN1PDU}-1.xer ; then \\"
 	echo "	for f in sample-${ASN1PDU}-*.xer; do \\"
-	echo '	echo "Recoding $$f into DER and back..."; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -ixer -oder -b 1 $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -ixer -oder -b 17 $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -ixer -oder -b 33 $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -ixer -oder -b 980 $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -ixer -oder $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -iber -oxer ./.tmp.1.$$$$ > ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
+	echo '	for b in 1 17 33 980 8192; do \'
+	echo '	echo "Recoding $$f into DER and back ($$b)..."; \'
+	echo '	./${TARGET} -b $$b -ixer -oder $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
+	echo '	./${TARGET} -b $$b -iber -oxer ./.tmp.1.$$$$ > ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
 	echo '	diff $$f ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
 	echo '	rm -f ./.tmp.[12].$$$$; \'
-	echo '	done; fi'
+	echo '	done; done; fi'
 	echo "	@if test -f sample-${ASN1PDU}-1.per ; then \\"
 	echo "	for f in sample-${ASN1PDU}-[1-9].per; do \\"
-	echo '	echo "Recoding $$f into DER into XER and back..."; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -iper -oxer -b 1 $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -iper -oxer -b 17 $$f > ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -iper -oxer -b 33 $$f > ./.tmp.3.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -iper -oxer -b 980 $$f > ./.tmp.4.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	diff ./.tmp.1.$$$$ ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	diff ./.tmp.2.$$$$ ./.tmp.3.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	diff ./.tmp.3.$$$$ ./.tmp.4.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -iper -oder $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -iber -oxer ./.tmp.1.$$$$ > ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -ixer -oder ./.tmp.2.$$$$ > ./.tmp.3.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
+	echo '	for b in 1 17 33 980 8192; do \'
+	echo '	echo "Recoding $$f into DER into XER and back ($$b)..."; \'
+	echo '	./${TARGET} -b $$b -iper -oder $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
+	echo '	./${TARGET} -b $$b -iber -oxer ./.tmp.1.$$$$ > ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
+	echo '	./${TARGET} -b $$b -ixer -oder ./.tmp.2.$$$$ > ./.tmp.3.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
 	echo '	diff ./.tmp.1.$$$$ ./.tmp.3.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	rm -f ./.tmp.[1234].$$$$; \'
-	echo '	done; fi'
+	echo '	rm -f ./.tmp.[123].$$$$; \'
+	echo '	done; done; fi'
 	echo "	@if test -f sample-${ASN1PDU}-1-padded.per ; then \\"
 	echo "	for f in sample-*-[1-9]-padded.per; do \\"
 	echo '	pdu=`echo $$f | sed -E -e "s/sample-([A-Za-z-]+)-[0-9].*/\1/"`; \'
-	echo '	echo "Recoding byte-padded $$f into DER into XER and back..."; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -per-padded -p $$pdu -iper -oxer -b 1 $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -per-padded -p $$pdu -iper -oxer -b 17 $$f > ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -per-padded -p $$pdu -iper -oxer -b 33 $$f > ./.tmp.3.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -per-padded -p $$pdu -iper -oxer -b 980 $$f > ./.tmp.4.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	diff ./.tmp.1.$$$$ ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	diff ./.tmp.2.$$$$ ./.tmp.3.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	diff ./.tmp.3.$$$$ ./.tmp.4.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -per-padded -p $$pdu -iper -oder $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -p $$pdu -iber -oxer ./.tmp.1.$$$$ > ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	./${TARGET} -p $$pdu -ixer -oper ./.tmp.2.$$$$ > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
+	echo '	for b in 1 17 33 980 8192; do \'
+	echo '	echo "Recoding byte-padded $$f into DER into XER and back ($$b)..."; \'
+	echo '	./${TARGET} -b $$b -per-padded -p $$pdu -iper -oder $$f > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
+	echo '	./${TARGET} -b $$b -p $$pdu -iber -oxer ./.tmp.1.$$$$ > ./.tmp.2.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
+	echo '	./${TARGET} -b $$b -p $$pdu -ixer -oper ./.tmp.2.$$$$ > ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
 	echo '	diff $$f ./.tmp.1.$$$$ || exit 2; \'
-	echo '	rm -f ./.tmp.[1234].$$$$; \'
-	echo '	done; fi'
+	echo '	rm -f ./.tmp.[12].$$$$; \'
+	echo '	done; done; fi'
 	echo '	@echo ================'
 	echo '	@echo All tests passed'
 	echo '	@echo ================'