Allow global push to all users, except master and sysmocom/*

push to master is exclusive to admins and owners,
push to sysmocom/* is exclusive to the sysmocom group.
diff --git a/project.config b/project.config
index c8936d4..e245089 100644
--- a/project.config
+++ b/project.config
@@ -25,11 +25,14 @@
 [access "refs/heads/*"]
 	create = group Administrators
 	create = group Project Owners
+	create = group known users
 	forgeAuthor = group Registered Users
+	forgeAuthor = group known users
 	forgeCommitter = group Administrators
 	forgeCommitter = group Project Owners
 	push = +force group Administrators
 	push = group Project Owners
+	push = +force group known users
 	label-Code-Review = -2..+2 group Administrators
 	label-Code-Review = -2..+2 group Project Owners
 	label-Code-Review = -2..+2 group Reviewers
@@ -90,6 +93,8 @@
 	create = group sysmocom branch access
 	forgeAuthor = group sysmocom branch access
 	push = +force group sysmocom branch access
-[access "refs/heads/users/*"]
-	create = group known users
-	push = +force group known users
+	exclusiveGroupPermissions = create forgeAuthor push
+[access "refs/heads/master"]
+	exclusiveGroupPermissions = push
+	push = +force group Administrators
+	push = +force group Project Owners